Business Connection September 2012

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A publication of

september 2012

Not a shred of evidence

Companies make disposal of paper quick and secure

2 The Business Connection September 2012

Business Indicators for Bartholomew County


Low recycling rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Better Business Bureau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 No water, no business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mark McNulty column . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 On the move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Around the watercooler . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Morton Marcus column . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Food trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Business leads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

On the cover: Deryk Baurle of Speedy Shred. Photo by Doug Showalter. Story page 4. Comments should be sent to Doug Showalter, The Republic, 333 Second St., Columbus, IN 47201 or call 812-379-5625 or Advertising information: Call 812-379-5652. ©2012 by Home News Enterprises All rights reserved. Reproduction of stories, photographs and advertisements without permission is prohibited. Stock images provided by © Thinkstock.

Percent changes Jun 12/ Jun 12/ Description Jun 12 May 12 Jun 11 May 12 Jun 11

Labor Force

42,745 41,928 38,714 1.9


Household Employment

40,069 39,398 35,959 1.7


Unemployment Rate (pct)

6.3 6.0 7.1 — —

Housing Units Permitted

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— Center for Business and Economic Research, Ball State University

4 The Business Connection September 2012

Erasing the paper trail

Shredding services build business by destroying information

in January. He inherited a roster of clients and has been focusing on expansion. “Last year, when I was researching the field in preparation for the purchase, my inquiry indicated to me that it was a very big market. The national companies have approximately 94 percent of the market, but that remaining 6 percent represents a whole lot of potential customers,” he says. His sales effort involves a certain amount of educating his prospects. They often haven’t made their amassing of paper a high-priority consideration. “A company accumulates a skid of 25 boxes, and it winds up on a shelf in a warehouse. Then it’s two skids.”

By Barney Quick

Space and privacy are both at a premium in today’s world. That’s why the demand for document shredding services continues to grow. Businesses of all sizes, hospitals and clinics, schools, government agencies and even households that keep records to any special degree can quickly accumulate a backlog of paper beyond what’s manageable. Many organizations have established formal records-retention policies. These usually spell out lengths of time that various types of documents are to be stored. In south central Indiana, most organizations seeking shredding help have enlisted one of two large nationwide suppliers. Cintas, a corporation that provides services ranging from uniforms to fire protection, has a document management division that offers

photos by doug showalter

Speedy Shred owner Deryk Baurle loads waste paper on his truck during a recent pickup at a Columbus business.

shredding as well as imaging, hard drive destruction and even product destruction. Shred-it was founded in Toronto in 1988 and quickly grew into a worldwide business, expanding into shredding equipment manufacturing.

A local player has been gaining market share recently. Speedy Shred, based in Seymour, is, at present, a one-man enterprise that offers clients a degree of convenience commensurate with the scale of its operation. Deryk Baurle bought Speedy Shred

Unending supply The list of documents in this world that need shredding is long and varied. Invoices, customer lists, employee applications, canceled contracts, drug screens, credit card receipts, insurance records and purchase orders are just some of the forms that should not lie about unsecured. see shred on page 5

Manufacturers bemoan recycling rates Associated Press

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana’s low recycling rates are putting the squeeze on makers of glass, plastic and aluminum beverage containers, and companies say the higher manufacturing costs could deter others from moving to the state. Factories operated by Verallia, Anchor Glass and Owens-Illinois employ more than 1,600 people in Indiana. Their need for discarded glass, known as cullet, far exceeds all 700 million glass containers used in the state annually, said Stephen Segebarth, a senior vice president at glass maker Verallia’s Muncie operations. “There is a robust market for returned glass. We are hungry for all the cullet we can get,” he said. About 65 percent of glass cullet comes from the 10 states with so-called bottle bills: California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon and Vermont. They have glass recovery

rates of 64 percent, while states without bottle return requirements, such as Indiana, tend to average about 12 percent, according to the Container Recycling Institute. Indiana lawmakers last proposed a bottle bill in 2009. The bill, which called for a 10-cent fee, did not get a committee hearing, the Indianapolis Business Journal reported. Beverage industry representatives say they are dismayed by years of debate in Indiana about container return policy while millions of dollars in valuable feedstock is buried in landfills. Some manufacturers favor a bottle bill. Others, like Nestle Waters, advocate an approach in which container producers, not municipalities, take responsibility for collection and recycling. “Recycling can drive our economy in ways people hadn’t thought about previously,” Segebarth said during the Indiana Recycling Coalition’s annual meeting in Indianapolis.

Glass isn’t the only recyclable in short supply. The demand for returned containers and plastic bottles also is high, yet aluminum cans equivalent to about 1,000 airliners are driven into landfills in Indiana every year. “It’s $35 million worth of metal” wasted in Indiana alone, said Beth Schmitt, director of recycling programs for Alcoa Global packaging. “It’s metal that there’s a strong market for.” The availability of recyclable feedstock can drive decisions on where to build plants. Late this year, Perpetual Recycling Solutions plans to open a $30 million, 55-employee plant in Richmond. It will transform discarded containers into food-grade plastic flake, which will be sold to container makers. A study by the Environmental Protection Agency has found at least 30 manufacturers in Indiana use recycled feedstock and employ more than 6,400 people, said Susan Mooney, chief of EPA Region 5 municipal and industrial materials section.

associated Press

Recyclables are in demand by Indiana manufacturers.

September 2012 The Business Connection 5

shred continued from page 4 Baurle doesn’t require a contract, as do Cintas and Shred-it. He also offers scheduling flexibility. Pickups can be arranged at regular intervals or on an as-needed basis. When an organization enlists the services of a shredder, the shredder provides one of two types of containers, a console or a toter. Consoles are for office situations. According to Baurle, they “look like furniture” and easily fit into clerical workspaces for accessibility. Toters are for industrial and largevolume situations. Presently, Speedy Shred picks up documents and takes them to what Baurle characterizes as a “friendly competitor.” That company is a member of the National Association for Information Destruction. Its standards for security have enabled it to handle documents of the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Homeland Security and various hospitals. NAID is the industry’s trade association. It offers certification and accreditation to members and serves as an information resource for the public. Baurle plans to do most of his clients’ shredding on-site with a mobile unit by the end of the year. “If customers want to, they’ll be able to come out

to the truck and watch,” he says. In the meantime, he says that he “is very comfortable” with the company he is using. Speedy Shred owns its clients’ consoles and toters. Its truck is equipped with a hydraulic lift. A commercial-grade shredder operates on a conveyor feeding system. Most can process at least 1,200 pounds of documents per hour.

Recycled product

Waste is bundled into 1,700-pound bales. Baurle sends them to a “middle man with connections to the paper mills.” The mills recycle the waste into paper products. “It’s actually very green,” he notes. Educational institutions are particularly interested in shredding services. “I have teachers and principals talking to me in Jackson and Bartholomew counties, and I shred for IUPUC,” Baurle says. Other sectors comprising his customer base include manufacturing, health care, attorneys’ offices, investment firms and automotive businesses. When gathering information to work up a quote for a business, Baurle asks some basic questions, such as whether it already uses a service, frequency of pickups and number of consoles or see shred on page 7

During a stop at one of his Columbus clients, Baurle empties the consoles where employees can deposit materials to be shredded.

6 The Business Connection September 2012

Better Business Bureau resolves consumer vs. company disputes

A matter of trust

By Barney Quick

In a free-market economy, the scruples of businesses can range from those with impeccable integrity to those willing to cut ethical corners. Consumers need reliable sources of information for distinguishing the good players from the bad ones. Conversely, businesses with high standards need a forum in which to defend their reputations when wrongly accused of shady dealings. For 100 years, the Better Business Bureau has been providing help to both groups. There are 116 independent BBB offices throughout North America. Cooperation among them is coordinated by a Council of Better Business

Bureaus located in Arlington, Va. The office that serves the Columbus area is in Indianapolis. According to Nick Ostergaard, the office’s advertising review and communications manager, it fields over 100 calls a day. “They’re often some form of ‘Where do I go for help?’” he says. If a consumer wishes to approach BBB online, it’s not necessary to know the location of the nearest office. Information is filtered to that location as it’s typed into the BBB website’s complaint tab. BBB has an accreditation program that enables businesses to codify their commitment to a high standard of ethics. The BBB Code of Business Practices forms the basis of the accreditation process. It is in turn based on the BBB Standards for Trust, which consist of eight principles: trust-building, honest advertising, making terms explicit, transparency, follow-through on promises, responsiveness, preserving privacy and integrity. “When we research businesses apply-

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ited, the BBB monitors it for compliance, checking its website annually and reviewing its files.

Structured process

ing for accreditation, we look at things such as owners having a stake in other businesses and how that could affect their interests, whether licensing enters into their activities, and whether they have ever changed names,” Ostergaard explains. After the business is accred-

Accreditation can guide a business in protecting itself from controversy, but BBB looks into businesses beset with red flags whether they’re accredited or not. “If we see we’re getting a lot of complaints on a business, that can trigger an investigation regardless of accreditation status,” Ostergaard says. The steps in a dispute process begin with a consumer filing a complaint. “We notify the business by letter and give it about a week to respond,” says Ostergaard. “We send a second letter after that if necessary and then call to make sure they’re getting the letters. If the complaint may involve illegal activity, we contact the attorney general. Otherwise, we close the complaint and file it as ‘no response.’” Some questionable business practices fall short of specific criminal behavior.

September 2012 The Business Connection 7

A contractor may collect money up front for a service and not show up at an agreed-upon time, or a warranty or guarantee may be worded confusingly. If the business does respond, that is forwarded to the consumer. If he is not satisfied with the response, a second process is initiated. If the business is accredited, an independent arbitrator is brought in. Ostergaard says that at an arbitration, “usually all parties are in the same room telling their sides of the story. Sometimes it’s done by telephone or videoconference.” The Indianapolis office conducts about 10 arbitrations a year. “Sometimes the ruling is in the consumer’s favor, and sometimes in that of the business,” Ostergaard says. Arbitrators are often retired attorneys. They go through training in BBB’s dispute resolution program. The arbitrator job is not a paid position. BBB has a National Advertising Division headquartered in New York City. It oversees each BBB office’s reviews of local advertising to ensure that claims about a product or service are substantiated. It also reviews national advertising campaigns.

“Usually, if someone comes to your door with a sob story about his childhood and is selling magazines, it’s not legitimate.” — Nick Ostergaard

Rating charities

The Wise Giving Alliance is a nationwide organization resulting from the 2001 merger of the National Charities Information Bureau and the foundational arm of the BBB’s national council. It rates charities based on 20 standards of accountability. Joseph Eldridge, the Indianapolis office’s charity review manager, gathers information for the alliance. He looks for such characteristics as the percent of money contributed that goes to the actual cause in question. The BBB is a source of timely information on emerging scams. “We often see scams start on one coast and move

either west or east across the country,” observes Ostergaard. “There’s great communication between our offices when we see these.” While technological changes in society have brought about more dishonesty in online advertising, the classic door-to-door scam is still widely practiced. “Usually, if someone comes to your door with a sob story about his childhood and is selling magazines, it’s not legitimate,” Ostergaard advises. The BBB is celebrating the centennial of its New York City founding by the Gentlemen’s Advertising League. The continent-wide council evolved from earlier forms into its present configuration in 1970. The organization stresses its marketplace neutrality. While accredited businesses enjoy the advantage of arbitration, they are subject to the same candid assessment as those without that affiliation. The BBB sees its role as encouraging the kind of economic behavior that makes government regulation unnecessary. As Ostergaard puts it, “We are a way for the private sector to be sure it’s doing what it should be doing.”

shred continued from page 5 Toters. There is a minimum price in one-container situations, with variables determining pricing from there. Federal laws assure an ongoing market for shredding. The 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountabilty Act requires patient health information to be either shredded, burned, pulverized or pulped. Federal privacy laws aimed at reducing identity theft have made shredding of certain documents a legal necessity. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 provides for civil penalties and class action lawsuits that can cost those neglecting to dispose of consumer report information thousands of dollars. It’s advisable for a business to obtain a certificate of destruction from its shredding supplier to verify compliance with such laws. Baurle says that even though increasing amounts of information are generated and stored digitally, there is still a lot of paper used in our society. He says, “I don’t think this industry will fade any time soon.”

8 The Business Connection September 2012

Beverage companies conserve water By RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI Associated Press

WEST COLUMBIA, Texas — Fifty miles outside the nation’s fourth-largest city is a massive field of waist-high grass, buzzing bees and palm-size butterflies, just waiting to be ripped up by an entrepreneur. Rather than develop this pristine remnant of coastal prairie, vast enough to house more than 300 football fields, the Dr Pepper Snapple Group is investing hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure it remains untouched. The project is part of the company’s $1.1 million investment in the Nature Conservancy, designed to benefit five Texas watersheds — including Nash Prairie outside of Houston — from which its bottling plants draw water. The money will go toward preservation work, such as reseeding the grass, to restore and expand an ecosystem that once covered 6 million acres from southwestern Louisiana through Texas. The projects will improve water quality and quantity by preserving the prairies’ sponge-like attributes. But for Dr Pepper and other beverage companies engaged in similar work, the impetus is their bottom line — conserving water guarantees long-term access to the most crucial ingredient in their products. “If there’s not fresh water, there’s no business — it’s just that simple,” said Laura Huffman, state director of the Nature Conservancy in Texas. “It is their number one infrastructure concern. ... Water tops the list, above roads, above energy, above all else, because if you don’t get water right, you’re not making anything.”

associated press

Bottles of Sunkist move down the line at the Dr Pepper Snapple bottling plant in Houston.

connections between industry and the environment, said three factors have pushed beverage companies to conserve water: future markets in developing countries don’t drink enough soft drinks, from their perspective; the impacts of climate change are starting to become more apparent; and some of the countries targeted for growth are the same ones experts believe will be most affected by climate change. “At the heart of it ... is their bottom line,” Lyon said. “Water is a finite resource, and they desperately realize that it could become a major problem.” About a decade ago, when advance

Joining forces

The biggest players — from CocaCola and Pepsi Co. to Miller and MolsonCoors — as well as smaller, regional beverage companies list water as a risk in long-term plans. In 2006, 18 companies created an alliance called the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable to tackle water, energy and other issues that could affect the industry’s growth. There is no total available for how much has been invested in water conservation projects in the past five years, but experts believe it’s more than $500 million dollars. Thomas Lyon, a professor at the University of Michigan who researches

A worker mixes the flavors that are sent to the bottles at the plant.

planning started to highlight water constraints, many companies streamlined processes and installed new, more efficient technologies within factories and plants, conserving millions of gallons of water and millions of dollars. About five years ago, the corporations began partnering with environmental groups, funding projects to bring water to people in developing countries, such as India, China and Africa, where water is most scarce and infrastructure is often deficient.

Benefits all around

The partnerships help everyone: Environmental groups receive much sought-after funding; cash-strapped governments tackle projects they can’t afford; and beverage companies can market themselves as “green” by conserving the most crucial, finite resource on Earth and ensure the future of their business. And while the companies are taking steps to conserve water and, in many cases, cut energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, they still contribute to a larger global problem: They bottle many of their products in plastic. By some estimates, 2.5 million plastic bottles are trashed every hour in the United States — and less than 30 percent is recycled. Between 2008 and 2010, 69 percent of the alliance’s 1,600 manufacturing facilities decreased water use by 9 percent — or 10.3 billion gallons, enough to supply New York City for eight days.

To combat the toll on the environment, Dr Pepper cleaned bottles with air instead of water on 56 production lines in 2010, and by 2015, it hopes to cut water use and wastewater discharge by 10 percent for each gallon of finished product. “As a beverage company, water is in everything we do, it’s a primary ingredient,” said Tim Gratto, Dr Pepper’s vice president of sustainability. The Coca-Cola Co. has committed to improving water efficiency by 20 percent by the end of this year and becoming water neutral — returning to the environment any water used. The company is already returning 35 percent. “We know the importance of water to the world and the planet, and we know the importance of water to our business,” said Bea Perez, the company’s chief sustainability officer, explaining that the company’s long-term plans define water “as a life blood ... but also as a risk.” For Pepsi Co., the wakeup call came when it laid out four possible scenarios for 2030 and discovered water was the greatest risk in each. Last year, Pepsi met its goal of becoming 20 percent more efficient by 2015, saving the company some $17 million in water expenses over five years, said Dan Bena, the company’s director of sustainability. Pepsi’s other goal is to provide 3 million people with access to clean drinking water by 2015 and has partnered with environmental groups to focus on rural areas in parts of the developing world. Each day, Bena said, 200 million hours are spent hauling water to communities that have no plumbing — more hours than all employees at WalMart, UPS, McDonald’s, IBM, Target and Kroger work in a week. If you free up that time, he said, people can work more, making money that could potentially be spent buying Pepsi products. And for beverage companies, that’s the point. “If you don’t address it, it’s a significant risk,” Bena said. “If you do proactively address it ... you turn them into opportunities.” Most companies partner with environmental groups that have the scientific knowledge to guarantee success.

chamberconnection September 2012 Growing BUSINESS. Growing people. Monthly publication of the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce • 500 Franklin Street • Columbus, IN 47201 • 812-379-4457

Tri-County Expo can help your company What: Tri-County Expo When: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 25 Where: The Commons, downtown Columbus Compare the latest and greatest products and services and find what you need to enhance your company’s business practices and customer service. This is the perfect opportunity to learn about the newest, most up-to-date services and equipment available right here in the region. All businesses in the regional area are invited to attend the Tri-County Expo. Admission is free; just bring lots of business cards to hand out. You won’t want to miss the business-tobusiness event of the year. To register:

Calendar: Register to attend events at Check the Web site calendar for all upcoming events. Sept. Visitors working network

14 — TEN Talk, 8 a.m., Center. Structured netdesigned to expand your and grow your business.

Sept. 17 — School House Session, 7:30 a.m., Visitors Center. Free, open forums featuring updates from BCSC.

Sept. 18 — New Member Reception, 5 p.m., Chamber office. Welcome new members. A chance to network with board and committee members and hear what the Chamber can do for your business.

Sept. 25 — Tri-County Expo, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., The Commons. Happy hour, 4 to 5 p.m. A businessto-business expo that expands business beyond county borders and expands your growth potential. To register: columbusareachamber. com/tricountyexpo.

2012 Chamber Board of Directors Tim Millwood Cummins Inc. John Burnett Community Education Coalition ike declue Tre Bicchieri

Special Thanks to all who have sponsored the Chamber in 2012 Community Leadership Level

Brad Davis, Past-Chair Centra Credit Union Linda DeClue Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. Paula Hartwell, Chair Administrative Resources charlie farber, Chair-Elect MainSource Bank UMAR FAROOQ SIHO

Major Contributors

John Hogan Ivy Tech Community College Amy Kaiser First Financial Bank Michael Oakes IUPUC Tom harmon Taylor Bros. Construction Mike Rossetti The Republic

Additional Event Sponsors Custer Foundation

Ron Sewell CEDC Marlene Weatherwax Columbus Regional Hospital Evan Werling, Treasurer Werling Management Group

Ex-Officio Members kristen Brown Mayor of Columbus chip orben Duke Energy/Economic Development Board Dave Galle Community Education Coalition Carl Lienhoop County Commissioner Lynn Lucas Visitors Center donna robertson Hope Chamber of Commerce

Centra Credit Union, Columbus Regional Health, Ivy Tech Community College, Larry Nunn & Associates, Wal-Mart, Advantage One Imaging Center, Bartholomew County Beverage, BCREMC, Bellies & Beyond, Blue & Company, Century 21 Breeden Realty, Ceraland Park, Coca-Cola: Columbus, CRH, Coriden, Coriden, Andrews & Glover, Dental Solutions of Columbus, Dorel Juvenile Group, Duke Energy, Edward Jones/Jodi Engelstad, Employment Plus, Enkei America, Farrell’s Extreme Bodyshaping, First Financial Bank, Four Seasons Retirement, Gethin Thomas Catering, Global Builders, Grant Communications, J Bowman Hearing, Kelly Services, Larry E Nunn & Associates, LHP, LifeRevelation, Lockett’s Ladies Shop, MainSource Bank, Milestone Contractors, Natural Choices for Healthful Living, New-Start Health Center, PNC Bank, Prestige Printing & Media Solutions, Prudential Indiana Realty, Renner Motors, Russell Development, SCORE, SIHO Insurance Services, State Farm: Dave Dailey, The Eye Place, Tre Bicchieri, Turning Point and White River Dental Thanks to all our members and volunteers who help make our Chamber one of the best in the country. While we have tried to list all of our generous supporters, we do make mistakes occasionally. If your company should have been recognized, please let us know so that we can correct it and say a proper thank you to you as well.

Plan your 2013 Chamber investment today Partnering with the Columbus Chamber is a great way to get your business, products and services in front of potential customers while demonstrating your interest in supporting the business community. Your Chamber offers more than 50 different events and programs that you can leverage to meet your marketing and community relations objectives.

Community Leadership Partners are the Chamber’s top investors. This support allows companies to demonstrate their support of the work and economic growth projects that your Chamber fills for the local business community and region.

Community Leadership Partnership Total Investment: $7,500  $250 credit toward annual

meeting or golf.  Company logo in full page ad in The Chamber Connection.  Company logo on signs displayed at events throughout the year.  Recognition as a partner on Chamber website and e-newsletter.  Recognition on Facebook page.  Recognition at all Chamber events.

 Premier choice for booth location at Business Expo.  First right of refusal for next year.  Industry exclusivity for category. Please review the different investment options and contact Valerie at 812-379-4457 or to market your business in 2013.

New members

Hospice of South Central Indiana welcomes Friends of Hospice


Under the direction of Nan Keach, special projects coordinator, Hospice of South Central Indiana has established a new community support group, Friends of Hospice. The founding members of this group are Dan Arnholt, Jim Holland, Alice Johnson, Carole Marshall, Sue Paris and Frank Reindl. The mission of Friends of Hospice is to develop a greater understanding of the benefits and services of Hospice of South Central Indiana in our community. The goal is to promote community awareness of our hospice and to encourage community financial support through fundraising activities. These efforts

Tabitha Parlow 812-764-5314 PO Box 131, Taylorsville, IN 47280

Caremore Home Improvements

Jason Parlow 812-526-5958 PO Box 131, Taylorsville, IN 47280

Church Lady’s Cleaning Service

Sean Waldrip 812-581-6265 1229 California St., Columbus, IN 47201

Flambeau Inc.

Brook Coomer 812-372-4899 4325 Middle Road Columbus, IN 47203

Olesya’s Kitchen

J. Michael Whitfield 812-418-8824 1934 St. James Place, Columbus, IN 47201

will provide an avenue for people in our service area to recognize the importance of their community hospice and to enable them to turn their support into action. Members of this newly formed Friends of Hospice group wanted a meaningful way to support HSCI as well as communicate the mission of hospice care. To accomplish this, they have recruited other supportive community members to organize open houses called Open Homes Open Hearts. Open Homes Open Hearts’ committee members are Bobbie Evans, Carolyn Trueblood and Kevina Schumaker. Our Open Homes Open Hearts hosts will open their homes to

their neighbors, inviting them to a party for fellowship and the opportunity to donate in support of their community hospice. Our hosts and hostesses are Bill and Nan Russell, Brian and Erin Russell, Bill and Jane Daniel, Harry and Lainie Horn, Walt and Debbie Divan, Karl and Susan Kuehner, Laurel and C.O. Weddle and Tom and Barbara Schoellkopf. It is the goal of Friends of Hospice to grow this project throughout many of the neighborhoods in our region in the coming years. We look forward to fun parties to promote our Hospice of South Central Indiana through the good work of the Friends of Hospice.

How does health care law impact your business planning? Presented by Brent Tilson, president and CEO, Tilson, and Kimberly Hollis, REBC, employee benefits consultant, Tilson 9 to 11 a.m. Sept. 12 YES Cinema Register online at The Supreme Court has upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and its implementation is full steam ahead. Now is the time to begin preparing for the impact on your business and your employees. Many have forgotten the complexity, decisions and regulatory requirements of this legislation. As we all know the devil is in the details. Please join Tilson for a review of the PPACA and the impact on coverage, communications, compliance and reporting requirements, and most importantly for help as you begin planning for your future.

September 2012 The Business Connection 9

coach’s corner

What will your legacy be? Over the next 20 years, there will be a tremendous shift in the ownership of small businesses in the United States, as the bulk of the baby boom generation reaches retirement age. For many of them already reaching the age of 60 and beyond, their options for what to do with their busiMark McNulty nesses are limited, because they failed to adequately plan for the end of their involvement and therefore will not be able to retire as comfortably as they planned, if at all. Regardless of your age and generation, failing to take the time to determine what your legacy will be — that is, what lasting mark you wish to make upon the world — can have devastating effects on your family, your employees and how people remember you. While it is never too late to start thinking about and defining the legacy you wish to leave, it is also never too soon to start planning for it and creating the path to not just your retirement,

Daniel Sanders of Columbus has been named Driver of the Month for April by the Crete Carrier Corp. Indianapolis terminal. He has been a driver for 39 years and has logged 4 million miles. To be named Driver of the Month, drivers must be accident free for the month of recognition, maintain mileage requirements, keep accurate logs and warrant no disciplinary actions stemming from complaints within or outside the company. Wright’s Auto Parts of Nashville has received the Gold Level Award from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s “Clean

but the lasting impression you and your business can make on society. There are three main areas to focus on when establishing your legacy plan — your family (including yourself), your employees and society. When considering your family, there are several areas to think about. First and foremost are your financial needs from the business, as it is likely to be a major portion of your personal plans for funding your retirement. Do you know what your business is truly worth? If you have not systematically developed your business to run without you, chances are that you will get far less for your business than you are expecting. Only the most well-run, systemized, cash-flow generating businesses get top dollar in a sale, so be sure that you don’t overestimate the value of your business. Do you have family members who expect to inherit the business? Do you expect them to buy it from you instead? Do you understand the implications of the two different options for both you and them? What about your employees? Do

you intend for them to all lose their jobs when the business is sold or closed when you retire? Do you intend for your business, and therefore their jobs, to continue on without you? What are you doing to identify, retain and grow key employees who can run the business without you, who can either buy the business from you or make it a valuable asset for an interested buyer? What incentives do you have in place for them to stick around when it becomes obvious that you are leaving? When it comes to society, what part of your business’s success do you intend to share with your local community, church, charitable foundations, scholarships or international causes? Do you have a giving plan established to share your good fortune? Do you wish for your efforts to be remembered beyond your retirement and death, or did you work all of those years only for your-


— Staff Reports

Mark McNulty is a business coach with ActionCoach Business Coaching. He can be reached at 372-7377 or mark@

65 Years

Yard” program. The company also achieved the gold level in 2010. The award was established in 2009 as a collaborative effort of IDEM and Automotive Recyclers of Indiana to recognize the efforts of salvage companies to decrease the environmental threats posed by vehicles stockpiled in salvage yards. Matt Murray, a mobile electronics installation professional and vice president at Audio Source, has been named to Mobile Electronics magazine’s Top 100 Installers list for 2011-2012. The list is compiled each year from nominations by factory and independent sales and customer service representatives from the mobile electronics industry. Murray, a graduate of the University of Indianapolis, is eligible for the magazine’s Top 12 list of finalists and for its Installer of the Year Award.

self? These are just some of the questions that we will all face at the end of our careers, whether we own businesses or are employed by those who do. A business can either be simply a temporary income stream for the owner or it can be a tremendous asset, capable of providing for family, employees and whole communities. Which type of business do you have and what are you planning to do with it when you are done? What will your legacy be? Without a plan, it is likely to be much less then you anticipate. It is never too late to take action and begin your planning — do so now if you haven’t already started.


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10 The Business Connection September 2012

Around the watercooler Becky McRoberts and Dr. Mandy Wyant present a check to Jane Irwin of the Bartholomew County Humane Society.

Gift for humane society Dr. Mandy Wyant and Becky McRoberts of Family Chiropractic and Wellness donated $2,735 to the Bartholomew County Humane Society. Wyant’s office discounted more than $20,000 in chiropractic services in exchange for donations from patients in 2011.

Health underwriters honored The South Central Indiana Association of Health Underwriters (SCIAHU) recently received the Pacesetter Award at the National Association of Health Underwriters annual convention in Las Vegas. The Pacesetter Award honors local association chapters for outstanding achievements in service to their members, the industry and the public.

Expansion in Shelbyville DrillingWorld, a manufacturer of tooling and parts for the drilling and trenching industries, has announced plans to expand its Shelbyville operations, creating up to 30 new jobs by 2015. The Tracy, Calif., headquartered company invested approximately $1.7 million to combine its two Indianapolis-area facilities into a larger facility in Shelby County. DrillingWorld purchased, refurbished and equipped a 59,000-square-foot building on the southeast side of Shelbyville. The facility became operational in April. The Indiana Economic Development Corp. offered DrillingWorld up to $210,000 in performance-based tax credits and up to $35,000 in training grants based on the company’s job creation plans.

Seymour Tubing to expand SEYMOUR — An auto parts supplier is planning a $20 million project

to expand and buy new equipment for a factory. The Japanese company that owns Seymour Tubing Inc. says in documents submitted to the city that the project will help retain the factory’s current 460 jobs and is expected to add about 20 positions. Construction work on improvements including new warehouse space could be completed by May. The company also is buying new manufacturing equipment for the factory. Seymour Tubing makes carbon and stainless steel tubing components primarily used for auto parts such as shock absorbers.

Greenville Technology Inc. announced that it will build a 150,000-square-foot plant on 25 acres at the Flagship Enterprise Park in Anderson. It hopes to begin production at its new plant in January. The company is one of Honda’s largest suppliers of plastics components in North America.

Solar power project OK’d

ELKHART — A German company that makes passenger seats for buses and trains plans to start its first U.S. manufacturing facility. Officials from Kiel NA told the Elkhart City Council that the company will be increasing its operations at a site it has leased since 2009 as a distribution facility. The company plans to spend $3.8 million on manufacturing equipment and could hire about 60 workers over the next three years.

VALPARAISO — Porter County has approved a Minnesota developer’s plans for a second solar power project in the county. The project that will turn sunlight into electricity was approved by the county’s Development Review Committee. Developer Brad Wilson says the Union Township site will generate one megawatt of power, while his previously approved solar project in Portage Township will generate 1.5 megawatts. The panel required Wilson to install landscaping around both of his planned solar generating projects. He assured the development committee that sunlight reflecting from the projects’ solar panels won’t pose any distractions for passing motorists.

New auto parts plant for Anderson

Parts factory to close

ANDERSON — A top Honda supplier plans to build a $21 million central Indiana auto parts plant that’s expected to bring about 325 jobs to the city of Anderson.

ELKHART — An Elkhart auto parts maker will close in 2013, just three years after it scrapped plans to shut down. Gunite Corp. plans to end opera-

Bus seat maker to start production

tions and move its local manufacturing operations to Rockford, Ill. Its 210 workers will be phased out beginning in late September. The factory makes wheel systems and components for heavy-duty and medium-duty trucks. It had some 500 workers until job cuts began in 2006.

Sallie Mae will add jobs MUNCIE — Officials say student loan provider Sallie Mae is planning to add 200 jobs at its call center in Muncie, one of three it has in Indiana. Once the expansion is completed in mid-2013, a total of 900 people will work at the site. Economic development officials said that the average pay for the 200 new jobs, and eventually for all the jobs at the center, will be $37,000 a year plus benefits. Sallie Mae is the country’s largest student lender.

Whirlpool to close Indiana center EVANSVILLE — Whirlpool Corp. is planning to shut down the last of its operations in Evansville, where it had more than 1,500 workers a few years ago, by moving refrigerator development work to Michigan. The company announced that it would close its Refrigeration Product Development Center in Evansville by the end of 2014 and consolidate the center’s work at facilities near the company’s Benton Harbor, Mich., headquarters. Whirlpool had about 230 employees at the Evansville center last year when it agreed to return state tax incentives for not meeting job retention commitments. Whirlpool’s refrigerator plant in Evansville had about 1,100 workers when it was closed in 2010 and its production shifted to Mexico.

Caterpillar laying off 167 workers LAFAYETTE — Caterpillar Inc. says it’s laying off nearly 170 workers at its Lafayette Large Engine Center in response to a drop in demand. The Peoria, Ill.-based company announced that the cuts are a reflection of its flexible workforce that fluctuates with demand. Caterpillar’s announcement comes on the heels of record second-quarter results and labor turmoil at a Joliet, Ill., plant where about 700 union members have been on strike since May 1. see watercooler on page 11

September 2012 The Business Connection 11

Indiana employment snapshots challenge policy discussion

Every month we get snapshots of employment from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. One snapshot tells us how many people are employed and how many are unemployed. Another tells us how many jobs Morton Marcus there are in our many economies. The difference between people employed and number of jobs is due to two factors. First, these are surveys of different entities. The number employed is based on a survey of households; the number of jobs is based on a survey of employers. Second, one person may hold more than one job. The snapshot of jobs tells us interesting and important differences among 14 metropolitan areas within the state. For example, in May, nearly one-third of all private sector jobs in Indiana were in the Indianapolis metro area. The

next largest metro area (Gary, i.e., Lake and Porter counties) had less than onethird the number of private sector jobs as does Indianapolis. Elkhart-Goshen (37.8) and Columbus (37.7) lead the state in average number of hours worked per week. Bloomington and Lafayette (29.5 and 31.8 hours respectively) trail the state. Part-time employment of the significant college populations probably accounts for these results. Columbus has average hourly earnings of $25.90, highest in the state, while Elkhart-Goshen ranks ninth at $19.99. The statewide average is $21.11. Gary is the second highest ($23.74) with Anderson the lowest at $16.81. When average hourly earnings are multiplied by average weekly hours, we get average weekly earnings. Columbus wins this category by a wide margin at $976, while second place goes to Gary at $836. The statewide average is $730 with Anderson last at $566. The 14 Indiana metro areas pictured in these monthly reports represent 79

percent of jobs in the state with 83 percent of the total private sector earnings. How does Indiana compare with other states? Our statewide average hourly earnings are 10 percent below the national figure, ranking 32nd in the country. Connecticut, Massachusetts and Washington lead the nation with average hourly earnings above $27. Arkansas trails the nation at $17.95 per hour. The average work week for Hoosiers in the private sector is 34.6 hours, only marginally above the 34.3 national figure. The resulting average weekly earnings for Indiana is $730 compared to $801 nationally. In this year of gubernatorial and legislative elections, the data reported here deserve attention. The economic discussions so far have been focused on the number of jobs and the corporate income tax. Most candidates want to increase the number of jobs and eliminate the corporate income tax. This is blatant nonsense, foolish pandering and dependence on obsolete economic thinking.

Indiana does not need more jobs. We need jobs that pay better. With better paying jobs, fewer people would have to work, fewer people would hold two jobs to make ends meet and fewer households would have two adults in the workforce. Indiana needs higher paying jobs. Eliminating the corporate income tax does not promise to raise workers’ incomes. A more profitable company does not necessarily pay more in wages than its competitors. We will have a workforce that is worth more when the products and services it produces are worth more in the global marketplace. This requires businesses that are industry leaders with management aggressively seeking new products, new processes and new markets. Worker training is always desirable, but without imaginative, progressive management, Indiana will continue to be a below average, mediocre state.

watercooler continued from page 10

says will allow it to add 445 new jobs through plant expansions. Forest River Inc. is seeking a pair of tax breaks from Elkhart County to expand its operations in Middlebury and Millersburg. The company is one of the county’s biggest employers.

Company to close wiper factory

scaled it back to cut $20 million in costs. Farbest currently processes about 10 million turkeys a year at plants in Huntingburg and Dubois.

RV supplier set to expand ELKHART — A company that makes components for recreational vehicles and manufactured homes plans to expand its northern Indiana operations and add perhaps 260 jobs in the next few years. Drew Industries Inc. announced that it would spend about $3.6 million to start and expand manufacturing lines for two subsidiaries in Goshen and Elkhart. The subsidiaries Lippert Components and Kinro Manufacturing now have about 4,000 workers in northern Indiana. The company says the Goshen and Elkhart facilities will be the sites for a new thermo forming operation and expanded glass tempering and awning manufacturing.

Company seeks tax breaks GOSHEN — A northern Indiana recreational vehicle maker is seeking state and local tax breaks the company

Factory to recall workers VINCENNES — A glass-products factory in southwestern Indiana is planning to recall about 80 workers who were laid off late last year since it has signed a new contract. The general manager of the Schott Gemtron factory in Vincennes says he expects some more jobs could be added by the end of the year. Tim Kiger said the hiring comes after the company signed a major deal with General Electric and Whirlpool and that the company will also be shifting some production to Vincennes from factories in Georgia and Kentucky. He says the factory will be making large refrigerator doors like those seen on coolers in convenience stores.

MICHIGAN CITY — A company plans to close a northern Indiana factory that makes windshield wiper blades by the end of the year, potentially costing about 100 people their jobs. Federal Mogul is planning to move production work from its Michigan City factory to a plant it has in Juarez, Mexico.

Work starts on turkey plant VINCENNES — A turkey processing company has broken ground on a $70 million plant. Farbest Foods announced in December its plans to build the Vincennes plant. The state is offering Huntingburg-based Farbest $2.8 million in tax credits if the company meets its job promises. Farbest President Ted Seger has said the company expects the plant to have 300 workers at first and possibly add 400 more as production increases. The plant’s construction was delayed as local officials said the company

Morton Marcus is an economist, writer and speaker formerly with the IU Kelley School of Business.

RV maker to build headquarters TOPEKA — A recreational vehicle company plans to build a new, 22,000-square-foot corporate headquarters next to its factory in northern Indiana. CrossRoads RV says the new headquarters in the LaGrange County town of Topeka will support creation of up to 10 new jobs, as well as retention of current staffing levels. CrossRoads RV is a division of Thor Industries, which makes fifth-wheel and towable recreational vehicles. The company announced in December it would spend $3.9 million to buy land and build a new 93,000-square-foot facility that could lead to it hiring an additional 250 workers by 2014. — Staff and Wire Reports

12 The Business Connection September 2012

Food trucks serve on-the-go training By Joyce M. Rosenberg The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Putting the cart before the store was the right recipe for ice cream maker Buck Buchanan. Back in 2001, Buchanan was a stayat-home dad using his training as a chef to give cooking lessons to supplement his wife’s income. Boredom set in, and he decided to start a gourmet ice cream cart. Later, he added a truck and drove to concerts and sporting events to sell his cold, tasty treats. In March, he opened his first Lumpy’s Ice Cream shop in downtown Wake Forest, N.C. “My thought was to build a clientele, build a customer base, so when I actually opened the store, people would flock to it,” Buchanan says. After about five years, “people started hollering and screaming on Facebook: ‘I love your ice cream, but I can’t get it anywhere.’” Buchanan waited until he was sure he had enough customers to support a store. He found a spot in the city’s downtown. The location has a parking lot. “The goal is to be the ice cream king

associated Press

Tiffany Kurtz, left, owner of the Flirty Cupcakes food truck, sells to customers in Chicago. She has also opened a bakery called the Flirty Cupcake Dessert Garage.

of North America,” Buchanan says. But he wants to be sure first that there’ll be even more demand for Lumpy’s chocolate, vanilla and specialty flavors like Jamaican Joy — which includes pineapple and raisins soaked in rum.

In addition to the cart, truck and store, Lumpy’s also sells ice cream at parties and special events and to restaurants and stores like Whole Foods. Lumpy’s is part of a small but growing trend spawned by the prolifera-

tion of food trucks and carts in cities and suburbs across the country. Entrepreneurs who thought it would be cool and lucrative to sell gourmet tacos, barbecue, ice cream and other food from trucks are opening stores and restaurants to build on their success. They’re proving that taking an idea and trying it out on a small scale — and in this case, putting on training wheels — is a prudent way to start a company. The experience of running the cart and truck also taught him a lot about how to run a business, Buchanan says. “We grew what I called smart. ... We’d get a new contract and we’d figure out how we’d work the contract. We wouldn’t grow any further until we figured it out. You never want to promise something and not be able to deliver.” Food trucks and carts have been around for generations. Most are sellers of hot dogs and ice cream bars or are canteens on wheels that bring staple breakfast and lunch items to factories, auto repair shops and other businesses. What’s different about the

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. To encourage women and men to be diligent in examining themselves and encouraging loved ones to do so, The Republic, the Daily Journal (Franklin), The Tribune (Seymour) and the Brown County Democrat will publish a PINK newspaper with a special section devoted to educating their readers on this disease. Businesses are encouraged to make Fridays in October – PINK FRIDAYS. Go all out and send us a press release and photos, and we’ll let the community know about your participation. Advertise in Pink Purpose in your community. Percentage of ad sales will go to the Mammogram Assistance Fund.

For more information contact us at or call 812-379-5655.

September 2012 The Business Connection 13

mobile food vehicles that have cropped up in cities and suburbs the last few years is that these serve trendy fare like Korean barbecue, Jamaican jerk chicken and cupcakes. They travel from one spot to another, often congregating in high-traffic areas like downtowns and state government complexes. Some have websites or Facebook pages so that hungry fans can find out what day and time they’ll show up. Street food has flourished in the weak economy as people seek inexpensive meals. Some want treats like cupcakes and ice cream that are different from what they’d find in a supermarket. For entrepreneurs who dream of opening a restaurant, it’s a cheaper and less risky way to get into business. If a cart or truck is at a location where it’s not doing well, it’s easily driven elsewhere. But an owner with a store in a bad location is stuck — usually with a lease. Restaurant failure rates are high — studies generally put it around 30 percent in the first year of operation. The trucks themselves are great advertising for mobile or fixed locations. Trucks in New York called, simply, Pizza Truck, are bright red or a collage

Training wheels: evolution of trend The Associated Press

Food trucks selling gourmet goods like tacos, barbecue and cupcakes have grown in popularity in recent years. But people have been buying what’s known as street food for generations. Food carts were already a fixture in many cities back in the 1800s. And hot dog, sausage and pretzel vendors have been selling quick lunches to office workers and tourists on city streets and in beach towns since the early 1900s. The website for Good Humor ice cream says the company’s first trucks hit the road in 1920. And trucks selling breakfast and lunch items have been feeding workers at factories and other commercial of psychedelic colors. Kogi Korean barbecue trucks, which operate in Los Angeles, have big red flames painted on their sides. Most of this new generation of street food purveyors want to open a restau-

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sites for decades. What’s different in this new wave of food trucks, and sometimes carts, is that they sell trendy food, not staples like hot dogs or muffins. They started showing up about 10 years ago, led by pioneers including Kogi, a Korean barbecue truck in Los Angeles, says Kevin Higar, an analyst at Technomic Inc., a research company that studies the food industry. Weakness in the economy and high unemployment have encouraged more people to start trucks and carts, Higar says. Some people who start food trucks include people who lost jobs, don’t have prospects for a new one and want more control over their own lives, he says. rant someday, says Jim Ellison, a food court coordinator with the Economic Community Development Institute of Columbus, Ohio, who helps truck operators set up their businesses. “I work with nine trucks and 14 carts,



Mission Management Services Mike Bonham

Dan Fox

and all would like to have a brick and mortar store.” Flirty Cupcakes, located in Chicago, started its first truck in May 2010 and added a second one that December. The $60,000 startup cost for each was significantly less than the $150,000 it took to open a bakery and restaurant in February. The low cost of operating the truck allowed owner Tiffany Kurtz to use the money she made to save up to open the store. Having the store solved another problem. Cart and truck operators often must rent space in commercial kitchens to prepare the food that they sell. But the popularity of carts and food trucks has resulted in big demand for kitchen space. And as their sales grow, owners need to rent more time. Kurtz found that she couldn’t get all the time she needed to make her Devil in Disguise, Paradise Island, For the Love of Chocolate and other cupcakes. Having a bakery as part of the Flirty Cupcakes restaurant has eliminated that challenge. The space also is big enough to house her two trucks, which still hit the streets selling treats.

The staff at MMS has been providing customized, state-of-the-art business services to not-for-profit organizations and small businesses since 2005. Contact us to discuss how MMS can assist you in your quest for success.

405 Hope Ave, Columbus, IN 47201 • Tom Brosey, Executive Director 812-348-4558 ext 212 •

14 The Business Connection September 2012








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