Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory 2013.pdf

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Leadership Bartholomew County

Graduate Directory 2013 2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


President’s message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Mission statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 LBC Board of Directors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 How to use the directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2012-2013 programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Community partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Preparing for Class of 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Class of 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Areas of interest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 LBC alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 In memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Cover photo by Andrew Laker

Leadership Bartholomew County 500 Franklin St. Columbus, IN 47201

Comments should be sent to Doug Showalter, The Republic, 333 Second St., Columbus, IN 47201 or call 812-379-5625 or dshowalter@therepublic.com. Advertising information: Call 812-379-5652. ©2013 by Home News Enterprises All rights reserved. Reproduction of stories, photographs and advertisements without permission is prohibited.

phone: 812-379-4457 www.leadershipbc.org

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8 hat 2 you t k the l l e t y to han happ ays, we t om the m a I Fr lw , finish ram. As a possible. ations to a o : t c g ss ds omes y the ide lo s pro ucce Frien lass c his year’ e their s ho prov d to enjo c Dear C 3 LB om t ped mak o those w continue t 2-201 duated fr s 1 el 0 2 e m ha a sions ve h As th have gr who ha t our ses ur progra oma le o rs ave c rce h peop supporte resented kful that o p n esou ni wh many eers who e are tha alum em as a r direc0 0 t w 6 this ze th han volun e classes, port. ore t ou to utili cluded in lpful tool p th m u t f s s o s n o ’ y I he h p unity grou ncourage itiatives. pe it is a m a m n i o n o e o c nity i We h d we ates j radu gram, an r commu ticipants. g s ’ r proyou par pro rts. yea g the out n This the LBC tions and his year’s your effo i n a t r d plan re ab plete r organiz erests for eaders fo ng on ning mo ies, we i k r l u t o o n lear for y a list of i cruit new e dy w abilit e alrea erested in dership tted onlin is r s i y u r o d o a i r t y t e a n l s m i o a r b ou you BC B u are be su for y the L ear. If yo veloping ions can , s e s e t in d plica 014 y ar clo with is ye e 2013-2 sues and ipate. Ap h t sely s o s l . A g h c i t i c 1 t r r y e t fo pa ni Youn un ork to w olumbus ding gram t commu apply to ginning J s e e n to ntinu nd C to fin curre rage you pbc.org b C co M EO) a mmitted ys in our i B u h L s o r A a de enc that in co t on ful w on (C w.lea l you rganizati ions rema meaning can coun l e t at ww we izat ore y to ic O happ ulti-Ethn ree organ ople in m we know o s l , a M th ts pe I am bus Area P). Our mber of hese effor Y u t m n C s u ( l r ocu Co ate als ped e to f a gre ssion o hel s! h w Profe o engage e continu support. e t thos w d duate ways unity. As continue all of new gra o t n e s i ’ aga all th comm mmunity k you ations to n o c a h e t th ard, ratul he bo and cong t f o f ehal class On b is year’s h t rs, with recto i D f er do ty McIv Boar Coun Mike ent of the olomew d th Presi rship Bar e Lead


2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

LBC Mission Statement Leadership Bartholomew County will champion a diverse leadership throughout Bartholomew County by facilitating dialogue and empowering leaders for community enrichment and civic engagement. The LBC program is designed to provide participants with: l An introduction to the community and its issues, dynamics and leaders. l An opportunity to meet new people and network. l An understanding of the value of collaboration and cooperation among people and organizations. l Opportunities to explore the leadership qualities, philosophies and approaches demonstrated by the session presenters.

Register for the 2013-2014 Class Applications for the 2013-2014 class will be available beginning June 1. The deadline to submit an application is July 26, 2013. Send an email to contact@leadershipbc. org or call 812-379-4457 to request an application. Individuals interested in the class can also apply online at www.leadershipbc.org. Class size is limited.

Alumni Has your contact information changed? Send updated information to contact@leadershipbc.org so we can keep our database current.

LBC Board of Directors 2012-2013

Michael McIver – President Lynette Farless – Program Committee Chair Kevin McCracken – Secretary Kim Bennett – Treasurer Barbara Stamper – Recruitment Committee Chair Danielle Brandon Laurie Elmes Matthew Miller Gil Palmer Mike Rossetti Adam Scheidt Thomas Sobat Ashley Taylor

Congratulations to

Michelle Jones Congratulations to

of SIHO Insurance Services Michelle Jones and all of the of SIHO Insurance Services 2013 andgraduates all of the of

Leadership Leadership Bartholomew Bartholomew County. County.

2013 graduates of

www.siho.org Michael Winters and Jaime Vermillion brainstorm ideas about the uniqueness of the Columbus community.

www.siho.org 812.378.7000 812.378.7000

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


How to use

the LBC graduate directory


ver the past 30 years, Leadership Bartholomew County’s graduates have made significant contributions to this community. Many of them are engaged in public service and are working to improve the quality of life in Bartholomew County. This year, 27 new graduates, who now possess enhanced leadership skills and a more comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing this community, are looking for new opportunities to serve. Each of the graduates leaves the program with a renewed sense of mission and a desire to put their new knowledge to work in ways that serve the community. These new graduates, along with our previous alumni, are eager to make Bartholomew County a better place to live, work and play. If you belong to an organization that is looking for someone to serve in a leadership position, you may find that individual within this directory. If you have a leadership need, notify the LBC office by contacting us at (812) 379-4457. We have developed a database outlining the skills and interests of our graduates, and we will identify candidates from the pool of LBC graduates who have made a commitment to our community.

Annushka Chin Fong, Luann Welmer, SaraBeth Drybread, Shannon Castetter and John Bushouse collaborate on a group project.


2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

In gratitude The LBC Board wants to thank Dr. Fredricka Joyner for another outstanding year serving as our program facilitator. Fredricka has been involved with LBC over the last decade, and she has had a direct impact on nearly half our alumni. As we finish this class, Fredricka is preparing to move on to new challenges and opportunities in her work. We thank her for her many years of valuable service to LBC and wish her the best as she moves forward!

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


Looking back at this year’s programs


eadership Bartholomew County provided another year of meaningful class sessions for the members of the Class of 2013. We thank all the presenters for the time and effort they have given to discuss their areas of expertise and for the interactive nature of their presentations. Class members played an important part in the discussions of the many issues related to the areas presented, and they learned not only from the positive, passionate community leaders who presented but also from each other. Dr. Fredricka F. Joyner, LBC class facilitator, guided participants in designing a personal leadership model and facilitated team building activities and interactive dialogue during each class session. Class members learned different leadership philosophies from session and keynote speakers. Excellent, enthusiastic community speakers were provided for each session. They are listed below. We are also very appreciative to have been able to use the locations listed. It was a great year.


Focus: Program overview and expectations, leadership skills, team building, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, learn about each other, learn about oneself Presenters: Beth Morris, director of community health partnerships, Columbus Regional Hospital Dr. Fredricka Joyner, consultant, UPstream Consulting, and associate professor of business administration and organization behavior, School of Business and Economics, Indiana University East Jack B. Hess, president, Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce Location: Columbus Visitors Center


Focus: Taking a “community plunge” into the varied experiences that exist within our community, the assets and resources of Bartholomew County Presenters: Priscilla Scalf, director, Eastside Community Center Randy Allman, executive director, Lincoln-Central Family Neighborhood Center Elizabeth Kestler, executive director, Love Chapel Sheryl Adams, executive director, Sans Souci Keith Weedman, manager, Volunteers in Medicine Location: Eastside Community Center, LincolnCentral Neighborhood Family Center, Love Chapel, Sans Souci, Volunteers in Medicine and the United Way Center


Focus: The “value proposition” that makes Columbus special Presenters: G. Karen Shrode, executive director, Columbus Area Arts Council Kelly Wilson, director, Indiana University Center for Art and Design Location: Mill Race Center

Focus: Approaches to influencing public policy in formal and informal systems Presenters: Rich Stenner, executive director, MultiCounty Health Network and co-chairman of the Healthy Communities Council, director of employee relations at Columbus Regional Hospital, BCSC Board of Trustees, BCSF Board of Trustees Tom Vujovich, past president of the Columbus Redevelopment Commission, Columbus Architectural Archives, the Heritage Fund, past chairman of the IUPUC Advisory Board Location: Bartholomew County Governmental Offices Building, Council Chambers




Focus: The changing demographics and widening socio-economic gap of Bartholomew County Presenters: Francis Jordan, deputy director, Human Rights Commission


Heidi Ahrmann, Joy Beem and Rebecca Stenner, Four Seasons Retirement Center Robin Klakamp, manager, Developmental Services Inc. Herschel Willey, special education coordinator, BCSC Tom Harmon, Columbus African American Association; Shama Padalkar, Indian Association of Columbus; and Hanna Omar, Middle Eastern Association, CAMEO Daniel Noel and Dana Harrison, Pride Alliance of Columbus Location: Columbus City Hall

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Focus: Social enterprise strategies to address business solutions and social issues Presenters: Kevin McCracken, director, Center for Business and Economic Development at IUPUC

Tom Brosey, executive director, Mission Management Services Cathy O’Brian Christoff, director of employment services and adult and child services, Centerstone of Indiana, founding board member of Red Oak Industries Carla Burge, operations manager, Red Oak Industries Diane Doup, community outreach director, Lincoln-Central Neighborhood Family Center Bob Pitman, executive director, Mill Race Center Inc. Location: Foundation for Youth


Focus: Awareness of local issues, approaches and opportunities in education Presenters: Bob Abrams, board of directors, Community Education Coalition Kathy Oren, executive director, Community

Education Coalition Nicole Otte, teacher, and students from Columbus Signature Academy New Tech High School Project Lead the Way Location: CRH Center for Innovation


Focus: Laying a foundation for next steps with a leadership philosophy, model and story Presenters: Dr. Fredricka Joyner, consultant, UPstream Consulting and associate professor of business administration and organization behavior, School of Business and Economics, Indiana University East Kristen Brown, mayor, Columbus Graduation keynote speaker: Dr. Robert J. Williams, chief policy and strategy officer, Centerstone of America Location: Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. administration building

Photo by Laurie Elmes

Bob Pitman, Mill Race Center Inc. executive director, discusses the organization during the February session. 2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


LBC’s community partners


eadership Bartholomew County enjoys strong community partnerships and is very appreciative of this support. By working together, we have been able to offer the community an excellent program. We extend our appreciation to the following organizations that have helped us in offering the successful LBC class program this year.


The Chamber of Commerce was one of the original founding organizations of LBC and has been a vital partner ever since. The LBC office is housed in the chamber, and the chamber also provides meeting space, serves as a collection point for information, and provides equipment, storage and telephone support.

HERITAGE FUND – the Community Foundation of Bartholomew County

The Leadership Bartholomew County Fund, established by Tom and Lynn Bigley in 1993, helps provide partial scholarships for participants. A gift to the endowment fund would be a wonderful way to honor a recent LBC graduate or recognize a birthday or anniversary. If you enjoyed the LBC experience, why not help make it possible for those who can’t afford the tuition fee to attend. Pay it forward. Alumni, and others, interested in contributing are asked to contact Michael McIver, LBC president, by calling (812) 372-1553.


For more than 20 years, Youth Leadership Bartholomew County (formerly known as Youth Salute) has been a program designed to recognize and reward the positive accomplishments of our community’s youths. Through photographic displays and media coverage, our community hears about these positive accomplishments. During this program year, LBC partnered with the Columbus Service League to offer the top four YLBC scholars leadership training. Students attended one session of LBC each school semester to learn from current Bartholomew County community leaders and dialogue with LBC class participants and alumni. This year’s top YLBC scholars were Lindsay Britt from North and Allison Newell, Katie Schmidt and Sarah Weaver from East.

2012-2013 LBC HOSTS

An important part in keeping LBC’s costs down is finding cooperative hosts for each month’s session. Here are this year’s “classroom collaborators”: l Bartholomew Consolidated School Corp. administration building l Bartholomew County Governmental Offices Building, council chambers l City Hall l Columbus Regional Hospital Center for Innovation l Columbus Visitors Center l Eastside Community Center l Foundation for Youth l Lincoln-Central Neighborhood Family Center l Love Chapel l Mill Race Center l Sans Souci l United Way Center l Volunteers in Medicine


2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

LBC prepares for Class of 2013-2014


reparation for Leadership Bartholomew County class sessions for 2013-2014 is already under way. The program will run from September through April, with a class session each month. The sessions will continue to be streamlined in order for class members to participate and still be able to meet the demands of their jobs. The first and last sessions begin at 8 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. The other six classes will begin at 8 a.m. and end at noon. The September class includes lunch, and the April session will include a luncheon and graduation program. The goal is to have a diverse class. Class size is limited to no more than 30 participants. Session themes will include leadership skills, networking, team building, diversity, emerging community issues, the arts, education, youth, public policy through both formal and informal systems, and collaboration. A new topic that will be introduced during the 2013-2014 class session will focus on the impact of agriculture and food systems in Bartholomew County. A community plunge day where class participants meet with nonprofit agency clients to learn firsthand from the client

perspective will also be part of the program. An important goal of the LBC Board is to continue to offer an affordable class. The tuition for the 20132014 class will remain $495. Applications for the 2013-2014 class will be available beginning June 1. The deadline to submit an application is July 26. Send an email to contact@leadershipbc.org or call (812) 379-4457 with questions or to request an application. Individuals interested in the class can also apply online at www.leadershipbc.org. Leadership Bartholomew County’s policy is that class members who miss two or more sessions will not be able to graduate that same year. LBC has selected the focus of each session in an attempt to cover the most prominent issues in the community. Because class members learn about those issues by participating in discussions with each other at the sessions, frequent absences diminish the quality of the program and cannot be accepted. A class member who misses two or more sessions will be allowed to graduate the following year by attending those sessions that most closely correspond to the sessions they missed.

Class members participate in a group discussion. 2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


Class of 2013

Chris Berry

Tim Bond

Abbie Bush

John Bushouse

Jennifer Chandler

Annushka Chin Fong

SaraBeth Drybread

Alan Hayes

Manpower Inc.

Shannon Castetter Centerstone/Red Oak Industries


Meet the members of the Leadership Bartholomew County Class of 2013. See page 14 for their areas of interest. Please feel free to contact the graduates through contact@leadershipbc.org if you have an interest in inviting them to volunteer with your organization.


2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Pregnancy Care Center

Cummins Inc.

Cummins Inc.

Columbus Food Co-op

Larry E. Nunn & Associates

Columbus Police Department

Anita Hole

Michelle Jones

Nichole Kinman

Ron Latta

Jennifer Meredith

Vince Moore

Matthew Ortman

Steve Pinkston

Blake Reed

Angela Shafer

Kay Shanks

Joshua Shelley

Kathy Trotta

Stephanie Truly

Jaime Vermillion

Frank Wadsworth

Nikki Walke

Luann Welmer

Michael Winters

Bartholomew County recorder

Allstate Insurance

Volunteer Services


SIHO Insurance Services

First Financial Bank

MainSource Bank

Columbus Regional Hospital

Bartholomew County

Cummins Inc.

Cummins Inc.

City of Columbus

Columbus Regional Hospital

Voelz Law, LLC

Columbus Regional Hospital

Harrison College

Harrison College

The Republic

Larry E. Nunn & Associates

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


Class of 2013 areas of interest Chris Berry

government, public policy, social and employment issues

Tim Bond

community infrastructure, leadership development

Abbie Bush

education, community development

John Bushouse

arts, culture, community development

Shannon Castetter diversity Jennifer Chandler

education, arts, entertainment, architecture, leadership, networking

Annushka Chin Fong

CAMEO, diversity, youth

SaraBeth Drybread

education, healthy lifestyles, human rights, community and leadership development

Alan Hayes

elder issues

Anita Hole

public policy, government and volunteering

Michelle Jones

community involvement and development, education

Nichole Kinman

all areas

Ron Latta

health care, leadership

Jennifer Meredith

education and local economy

Vince Moore education


Matthew Ortman

education, low-income housing, community development

Steve Pinkston

planning, zoning and finance

Blake Reed

all areas

Angela Shafer

community engagement and events

Kay Shanks

volunteering, service areas, fun, community and church involvement

Joshua Shelley

arts, community involvement, religion

Kathy Trotta

arts council, human rights, literacy

Stephanie Truly

volunteering, diversity

Jaime Vermillion

at risk youth

Frank Wadsworth

education, economic development

Nikki Walke

community-based boards

Luann Welmer

low-income housing, healthier lifestyles

Michael Winters

arts, leadership development and volunteering

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Fredricka Joyner and Mike McIver photo by Andrew Laker

Michael Winters and Ron Latta present a model for effective leadership.

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


LBC alumni


Joan Able ’85

Sheryl Adams ’10

Randy Allman ’86

Chrissy Alspaugh ’10

Mary Ellen Anable ’01

Lisa Anderson ’06

Terry Anderson ’96

Scott C. Andrews ’06

Renae Arcoraci ’01

Shirley Arney ’94

Karen Arnold ’96

Rob Aspy ’00

Julie Aton ’12

Sam Aulick ’08

Bryan Bailey ’97

Carrie-Ann Baker ’98

Kelly Baker ’11

Steve Baker ’06

Stephen J. Banet ’95

Mark Barr ’00

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Vickie Bateman ’94

Dan Bates ’09

Dan Baughman ’91

John Baughn ’89

David Beatty ’90

Rhonda Becker ’02

Kyra Behrman ’94

Linda Behrman ’90

Cathy Belding ’95

Kim Bennett ’06

Teree Bergman ’84

Ricky Berkey ’06

Karen Berman ’88

Erica Berte ’09

Betty Jean Beshear ’85

James Bickel ’94

Greg Bickers ’97

Kim Bieker ’98

Nolan Bingham ’87

Nicohl Birdwell Goodin ’97

Cinda Birkner ’97

Sara Bishop ’00

Susie Blizard ’92

Mary Boggs ’95

Chuck Boll ’99

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


Roger Brinkman ’92

Adam Brinksneader ’12

Heather Brock ’01

Christopher Brooks ’02

Jay Brown ’07

Jeffrey Brown ’88

Lydia Brown ’12

Marty Brown ’00

Penny Brown ’00

Sue Ellen Brown ’86

Ellen Brunner ’01

Erin Brunette ’12

Patrick Bryant ’96

Beverly BryantUlrey ’12

Don Bucknam ’86

Gary Burriss ’93

Roxena Burton ’10

Debbie Bush ’99

Graziella Bush ’86

Phil Bush ’01

Sandra Cain ’01

Wendy Cain ’09

Rick Caldwell ’00

Julie Calfee ’98

Diana Boyer ’94


2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Linda Callahan ’91

Sandy Carmichael ’86

Corey Carr ’99

Kerry Carr ’92

Michael Carson ’91

Trena Carter ’02

Cindy Casey ’88

Eric Cave ’11

Joan Chelton ’89

Nan Chizmar ’97

Sam Chizmar ’98

Valerie Chowning ’06

Elizabeth Clark ’92

Linda Clark ’08

Michelle Clark ’11

Jim Clouse ’08

Perry D. Cloyd ’06

Sheri Cole ’00

Donita Compton ’00

Mike Compton ’00

Kaye Ellen Conner ’93

Janet Cooper ’02

Magda Corpus ’09

David Corya ’12

John Counceller ’87

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Larry Critzer ’95

Stuart Cundiff ’93

Jeff Crouse ’10

Mary Custer ’95

Joann Daily ’83

Sally Darnell ’90

Jane Davee ’83

Jim Davidson ’09

Andrea Souza Davis ’06

Barry Davis ’00

Brad Davis ’98

Claude Davis ’89

Bronwyn Deaver Brown ’01

Stephanie DeCamp ’02

Julie Deckard ’94

Kim DeClue ’06

Linda DeClue ’86

John Delap ’96

Julie Del Genio ’06

Tom Dell ’86

Jacque Denny ’96

Darla Derks ’96

Ann DeVore ’85

Surekha DiOrio ’07

Glen Dodge ’84

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Sharon Dollens ’98

Tom Dowd ’01

Karen Dugan ’00

Patrick Duncan ’01

David Dwyer ’07

Holger Ekanger ’98

Laurie Elmes ’07

Jodi Engelstad ’06

Larry Ewert ’95

Lynette Farless ’08

Gary Felsten ’00

Karen Ferguson ’89

Cristina Fernandez ’09

Jeff Fetterer ’00

Paul Finke ’09

Amber Fischvogt ’06

Barb Flaherty ’97

Bud Flaherty ’90

Greg Flood ’97

Mark Flora ’08

Nancy Foley ’07

Paula Foley ’00

David Force ’83

Tom Forster ’96

Clark Forster ’96

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Barbara Fox ’94

Jacquie Franz ’93

Stephen Franz ’08

Nathan Frasier ’11

Ken Free ’84

Joe Fuehne ’06

Cindy Funkey ’93

Karen Galbraith ’08

Tony Gambaiani ’06

Rick Gardner ’99

Vicki Gardner ’99

Tracy Grider ’00

Frank Griffin ’07

Tim Grogg ’83

Dr. Anthony Gaudin ’01

Teresa Geib ’02

Vicky Gelfius ’11

Jennifer Gilley ’12

Timothy Gladden ’02

Ann Glass ’01

Denise Glesing ’99

Susie GleyzeThomas ’95

Julie Glick ’02

Dominic Glover ’00

Steve Gochenour ’01

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Vicky Gochenour ’01

Jennifer Goddard ’08

Brad Gonsalves ’84

Jose Gonzalez ’98

Mark Gorbett ’02

Renee Gorbett ’00

David Gray ’92

E.R. Gray ’92

Kevin Grider ’98

Patti Grider ’98

Bob Gustin ’01

Gene Hack ’09

Barbara Hackman ’11

Myron Hackman ’99

Bill Hader ’90

Andrea Hall ’11

K.C. Hall ’01

Erica Hamilton ’10

Geri Handley ’02

Shirley Handley ’84

Laura Hanna ’01

Judith Hanson ’11

Ana Hantke ’07

Paige Harden ’08

John Harmon ’89

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Millie Harmon ’96

Dave Harpenau ’86

Kimberly Harper ’09

Jan Harris ’08

Carman Harrison ’98

John Hart ’99

Mike Hatten ’88

John Hatter ’00

Katia Hatter ’11

Angie Hatton ’06

Jason Hatton ’08

Craig Hawes ’93

Debra Haza ’02

Ryan Hazen ’92

Regina Heagle ’07

JoEtta Heck ’08

Cynthia Hendershot ’12

Gary Henderson ’96

Marie Henning ’97

Paula Herlitz ’93

Jack Hess ’97

Gregory Hicks ’90

Robin Hilber ’83

John Hilderbrand ’01

Ben Hill ’12

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

DeWayne Hines ’90

Tami Hines ’12

Sue Hires ’01

Deborah Holman ’11

Arthur Hopkins ’09

Diana EstridgeHostetler ’06

Jason Hostetler ’11

Matt Hotek ’10

Jonas Howell ’10

Martha Hoylman ’99

Todd Hublar ’00

Tracie Hudson ’10

Cheryl Hunt ’93

Lisa Hutchinson ’08

Bob Hyatt ’87

Lynne Hyatt ’97

Diana Ifeachor ’11

Cheryl Jackson ’97

Helen Jackson ’00

Judy Jackson ’97

Sara Jacobi ’06

Sally Jamerson ’93

Vince James ’02

Tom Janke ’07

Brian Jasper ’95

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Judy Jasper ’09

Matt John ’10

Susan Johnson ’97

Ann Jones ’85

Beth Jones ’10

Bill Jones ’87

David A. Jones ’12

Elisabeth Jones ’07

Mark Jones ’08

B Watt Jorck ’11

Vern Jorck ’85

Frances Jordan ’12

Amy Kaiser ’06

Valerie Kappes ’89

Seth Keele ’02

Ilknur Kelceoglu ’10

Susan Kell ’94

Craig Kessler ’00

Elaine Ketner ’98

Thomas Kieffer ’87

Mickey Kim ’87

Gary Kimberlin ’07

Becky Kime ’01

Brad Kime ’88

Ric King ’95

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Debbie Kirkpatrick ’88

Rob Kirkpatrick ’90

Barbara Kirr ’84

Stephen Kirts ’83

Rob Kittle ’91

Steve Knott ’92

Richard Kramer ’09

Jim Kreutzjans ’10

Jim Lahr ’91

Sue Lamborn ’96

Steve LaRue ’11

Brad Latimer ’98

Dean Layman ’09

Tom Lego ’99

Eloise Lewis ’07

Mindy Lewis ’85

Craig Lichtenberger ’08

Carolyn Lickerman ’95

James Lienhoop ’90

Mark Lindenlaub ’98

Dan Londeree ’95

Grace Long ’99

Brenda Loutner ’91

Janet Lowery ’91

Lynn Lucas ’90

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Rodney L. Lucas ’06

Phil Luzius ’01

Ellen Macy ’97

Tamara Maddix ’09

Robin Maiani ’08

Sharon Mangas ’88

David Mann ’89

Michael Marciano ’07

John Martoccia ’11

Kimberly Martoccia ’12

Mike Martoccia ’96

Amy Matheny ’02

Matt Matson ’94

Judy Maupin ’93

Tony McClendon ’07

Sandra McCoomer ’06

Matt McCord ’01

Kevin McCracken ’10

Mary Ann McCray ’91

Naomi McFall ’01

Angie McGaha ’99

John McGovern ’85

Betty Lu McGuire ’98

Lisa McHone ’88

Mike McIver ’08

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Chris McKinney ’97

Dave McKinney ’97

Karen McMichael ’00

David McNeill ’11

Mark McNulty ’08

Larry Meade ’09

Cindy MerrisSmith ’96

Kathy Merter ’09

Dugan Mershon ’97

Mike Meyer ’97

Diane Michael ’07

Donald Michael ’87

Warner Michener ’93

Sandra Miles ’12

Erich Miller ’08

Irida Miller ’92

Matt Miller ’11

Barbara Millis ’94

Pam Moffitt ’06

Chris Monroe ’84

Christin Montgomery ’95

Janice Montgomery ’12

Susan Montgomery ’98

Anne Moore ’99

Karen Moore ’96

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Larry Moore ’09

Lynda Morgan ’02

Elizabeth Morris ’88

Jay Morris ’99

Nancy Morris ’86

Laura Moses ’93

Dave Mote ’09

Kristin Munn ’12

J.K. Murphy ’91

Gary Myers ’10

Jay Myers ’95

Martha Myers ’90

Pegi Nall ’94

Stacia Neal ’97

Joe Nicholson ’90

Timothy Nierman ’83

Jane Noblitt ’97

Todd Noblitt ’08

Cindy Noland ’92

Norma Nuby ’96

Mary Ann Nunn ’83

Michael Oakes ’11

Janelle Olds ’10

Rudy Olivo ’96

Chip Orben ’98

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Julie Orben ’00

Robert Orben ’87

Penny Owens ’09

Jean Ozols ’92

Shama Padalkar ’12

Gil Palmer ’95

Richard Parker ’02

Michelle Pendleton ’11

Carol Pennington ’10

Jerry Pennington ’11

Joe Perkins ’97

Karon Perkins ’86

Greg Phillips ’86

Susan Pickens ’98

Lisa Piercefield ’99

Jim Pifer ’93

Carolyn Pitt ’86

Bob Pitman ’85

Danielle PitzerBrandon ’08

Johannah Pollert ’06

Stacey D. Poynter ’06

Aaron Pratt ’07

Marilyn Price ’07

Jim Pridgen ’89

Randy Proffitt ’99

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Linda Pruitt ’86

Chrystal Pushor ’84

John Quick ’00

Rachel Quisenberry ’07

Chris Raaf ’12

Ruthanne Rape ’92

Thomas Rebber ’02

Mikhael Reed ’08

Rebecca Rehbein ’95

Melanie Remillard ’07

Lou Renshaw ’93

Ed Reuter ’11

John Revell ’87

Lois Revell ’89

Jeffrey Rhoades ’84

Bruce Riddle ’97

Bill Riley ’83

Scott Riley ’12

Martha Risk ’93

Buck Ritz ’84

Dick Roberts ’97

John Roberts ’12

Judith Roberts ’99

Paulette Roberts ’96

Conrad Robertson ’94

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Pam Robertson ’00

Rocio Rodriguez ’12

Em Rodway ’92

Doug Rookstool ’99

Mike Rossetti ’11

Al Roszczyk ’88

Randy Royer ’12

Greg Ruminski ’98

Teresa Russell ’09

Charlene Rust ’09

Mike Ryan ’88

Shekhar Sabapathy ’11

Martha Saenz ’07

Shirley Sanders ’91

Adrienne Savage ’83

Anne Scalese ’95

Priscilla Scalf ’00

Rick Scalf ’07

Adam Scheidt ’10

Hannah Schertz ’00

Kylie Schneider ’11

Jason Schroer ’11

Michael Schulman ’08

Bob Schwartzkopf ’90

Jeff Sciutto ’01

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Bonita Seaborne ’92

Alice Sechrest ’90

Carolyn Seltzer ’85

Ron Sewell ’94

Tammy Shatto ’09

Cathy Shehan ’10

Paula Shelton ’12

David Shinkle ’09

Georgia Shipley ’86

Charles Sims ’96

Ben Sklar ’96

Pam Sklar ’94

Milo Smith ’83

Sue G. Smith ’06

T.A. Smith ’07

Barb Smitherman ’89

Tina Snider ’91

Thomas Sobat ’12

Brent Sohn ’00

Matt Souza ’85

Tracy Souza ’88

Judy Spector ’88

Jamie Sprague ’95

Patricia Stam ’02

Barbara Stamper ’10

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Sherry Stark ’84

Ginger Stawicki ’07

Julie Steinmetz ’12

Rebecca Stenner ’12

Rich Stenner ’91

Tim Stephens ’95

Barb Stevens ’97

Elizabeth Stoner ’96

Steve Stringer ’09

Beth Stroh ’88

Mary E. Stroh ’12

Brenda Sullivan ’06

Ed Sullivan ’90

Lynne Sullivan ’90

Judy Summerville ’97

Steven Swails ’07

Shobha Swamy ’02

Terry Sweasy ’88

Mylinda Sweeney ’99

Ashley Taylor ’12

Noel Taylor ’01

Marcia Teltoe ’98

Pam Tempest ’10

Anna Tennis ’07

Jacqueline Thackery ’90

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory



Ruth Thomas ’98

Nancy Titus ’93

Shirley Todd ’02

Shirley Trapp ’85

Nancy Treesh ’92

Alan Trisler ’94

Randy Tucker ’83

Deana Tuell ’98

Donna Turner ’97

Jim Turner ’98

Audrey Tyree ’97

Tanner Tyree ’10

Cheryl Thomas ’01

Richard UnderdahlPeirce ’01

Patty Unrue ’11

Krishna Vaddi ’10

Marsha VanNahmen ’09

Adele Vincent ’84

Brenda Vogel ’08

Tim Vrana ’87

Kelly Waggoner ’11

Ben Wagner ’00

Janet Walsh ’01

Peggy Wampler ’10

Janet Ward ’98

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Warren Ward ’07

Jeff Washburn ’89

Shawn Wasson ’01

Rosanne Watson ’91

Tom Watts ’85

Dr. Melissa Webb ’06

Mark Webber ’90

Cindy Wei ’10

Kylie Weichman ’08

Colorado Weliever ’09

Pam Wells-Lego ’94

David Westenberger ’98

Emily Westhafer ’11

Larry Whaley ’90

Kenny Whipker ’88

Dennis White ’89

Marie Whitehead ’98

Connie Whitley ’91

Pat Whittington ’94

Gwen Wiggins ’92

Bob Williams ’92

Jeff Williams ’92

Jerry Williams ’95

Larry Williams ’87

Lew Wilson ’08

2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory


Margie Wilson ’92

Cynthia Wirth ’99

Cindy Witwer ’07

Frank Witzmann ’93

Kim Wolfe ’00

Lou Ann Woodall ’09

Susie Woodard ’08

Cathy Yeley ’08

Paulette Young ’93

David Yount ’93

Stacy Zearing ’11

Barbara Zeigler ’92

Rob Zinkan ’07

Photographs were not available for these graduates Ellen Baker ’83 Jean Bandos ’88 Annette Barnes ’86 Jim Battin ’88 Mark Burton ’87 Jamini Vincent Davies ’87 Kathryn S. Ferguson ’87 Marianna Grossman ’87

Paula Gustafson ’88 Betty Hagedorn ’84 Dody Harvey ’91 Jane Hegstrom ’87 Curtis Hunt ’91 Sharon Hunt ’87 Blayde Kennedy ’88 Lori Memering ’90

Meri Meredith ’87 Rich Newton ’87 Kapila Patel ’89 Lori Phillips ’86 Leonard (Sonny) Pogue Jr. ’87 Richard Polen ’87 Ann Rodenbeck ’87 David Roll ’88

John Rubino ’89 Marie Schroeder ’98 Ronald Shea ’84 Robert Siegmann ’84 Margaret Storrow ’87 Michael Totten ’90 Kevin Vickery ’97 Gene Wever ’87

In Memoriam — Leadership Bartholomew County Alumni Keith Amos ’97 Mark Bair ’83 Lynn Bigley ’83 Michael Brock ’92

Alice Curry ’87 Beverly Hilycord ’84 Judy James ’94 Betty Johnson ’89

David Johnson-Bey ’96 Paul Jones ’94 Mike McCormick ’92 Nancy McKinney ’09

If you are aware of other LBC graduates who have passed away, please contact us at (812) 379-4457 to let us know.


2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

Ted Ogle ’86 Susie Saunders ’84 Brooke Tuttle ’85 Stan Watts ’85

The Republic proudly endorses

Leadership Bartholomew County

Jaime Vermillion 2013 LBC GRADUATE

"Leadership Bartholomew County has given me the opportunity to learn so much more about our community, how to become an effective leader, and how to utilize my gifts to benefit those in need! I truly enjoyed this program and look forward to staying in touch with the people I met through LBC."

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2013 Leadership Bartholomew County Graduate Directory

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