SU Adventure Magazine July 2022

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’ve had a month where I have met person after person talking about Scripture Union camps. Whether it’s been the excitement of the girl fresh out of the E3 Wilderness Experience I talked to, or the man who was reflecting on the formative part camps played in his faith journey, or the early stories of Pv] as we celebrate 90 years of camping there, it’s been good to listen. It has made me reflect on how rich and diverse the Scripture Union camping experience is. People are excited about so many different things.


And yet every story I was told had commonality—the fact that all these people had grown and matured from the


time they spent on camp. I could hear it reflected in the way they talked about their faith and that made me glad. After all, Scripture Union’s mission is centred around helping children and young people discover and follow Jesus. This issue of Adventure takes a look at our camping ministry and, in particular, we look at what underlies our camps— our kaupapa. As you read this issue of Adventure, take note of the words of the children and young people who have attended our camps and give thanks to God with us. And take a look at Light for the Path on page 24. This has been written by Liam Haughey who first became involved in SUNZ when he attended a snow camp on Ruapehu, led on our camps and is now part of Beyond Experience. May God continue to work through our camps and in the lives of the young people who attend. Ngā mihi nui,

Hilary Hague

National Director Scripture Union New Zealand















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ast year, I had the experience of flying over the Canterbury Plains. It was a fine day and as I looked out the plane window, I was struck with the beauty of the braided river stretching below me. What a wonderfully creative God we have! Braided river systems are intricate and dynamic. Their channels repeatedly separate and reconnect, inter-twining to create patterns of low islands and shallow bars. They provide habitats for many rare birds, fish and plants. Globally, braided rivers are unusual, but here in New Zealand we are privileged to have more than 150 braided rivers. The entire Canterbury plain was formed by gravel carried from the Southern Alps by braided rivers. Southland and the West Coast and Otago regions also feature spectacular braided rivers, and there are some in the North Island too.


Some of our camps take place alongside braided rivers. On these camps the river is an integral part of the experience—camps like E3 Canterbury on which participants raft down Waiau Toa or Clarence River. The young people work together to follow their guide down the main channel and stay in the current. If they miss the current they can end up getting stuck in the shallows and having to carry their raft for part of the journey. Here in SUNZ, we run a particular style of camp and, like those braided rivers, our camps have different channels running through them—each channel contributing to faith formation for our young people. THE CHANNEL OF GROWTH SUNZ camps are adventure-based and every camp offers a different set of challenges. Whether these challenges are physical or

...OUR CAMPS HAVE DIFFERENT CHANNELS RUNNING THROUGH THEM—EACH CHANNEL CONTRIBUTING TO FAITH FORMATION FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE around topical issues such as ecological awareness, or conversations around the way we live, the young people on our camps are encouraged and supported into new experiences. The stretching that happens when young people move out of their comfort zone to try new activities, or learn new skills, or are extended in the way they think, brings opportunity for growth. Our camps have a strong leadership development focus which is a part of this ongoing growth, and our prayer is that young people will take all they learn from Scripture Union camps into their future. THE CHANNEL OF RELATIONSHIP SUNZ camps run on relationships. Together, each camp works to build safe and authentic communities for all involved. Leaders are very aware of this and the programme is planned

to give opportunities for developing quality relationships with the campers. THE CHANNEL OF FAITH This is incredibly important to us. After all, helping young people discover and follow Jesus is our calling and our mission. Within our camps this channel is expressed by the leaders’ desire to love and serve God, and an understanding of the importance of the Bible and prayer to the discipleship journey. Discussions about God, Bible engagement, activities that aid experiential learning, and conversations both formal and informal are woven throughout each day to illustrate that faith is a whole-of-life experience, rather than isolated to special times or places. We want the young people who come on our camps to meet with the God who loves them. JULY 2022 5

These channels do not work separately but weave in and out of each other, flowing together, meeting and informing each other. It is the synergy between the channels that enable young people to grow and develop so well. Sometimes a young person will be more interested in one area than another; sometimes they will come for one reason and discover the joy of the others. Whoever they are and however they come, our role is to help and encourage them into the fullness of life God has for them. A beautiful fact about braided rivers that has only been more recently understood is that water flowing into the plains around the river becomes a vital part of the eco-system. Springs and wetlands are periodically renewed and recreated in these surrounding areas.



Just as the Holy Spirit flows in and around all we do in bringing life and growth to the young people in our camping ministry, these ecosystems are a reminder that our young people will go back to their everyday lives carrying the things they have learnt with them. We pray their experiences on camp will flow out of them to refresh and renew the people and places in which they find themselves. As I sat in the plane and looked down on those braided rivers, I realised what a gift they are and what a responsibility we have to care for them, especially given how few of the world’s rivers are braided and how endangered many of them are. What a gift and a responsibility we have—as with our braided rivers—to care for and journey alongside our young people here in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

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Fun in the snow, skiing or snowboarding MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE Mt Ruapehu, Y11 - Y13

Fun in the snow, skiing or snowboarding

Register Now

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NATALIE DUCHESNE | SUNZ North Island Camps Facilitator

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ignificant words from the Board, and new words for Scripture Union New Zealand—a call to stewardship of creation that has been present in our ministries organically for a while, but which has now been formalised. Kaitiaki is a te reo Māori word, rich with meaning. It describes a person or group which acts as a carer, guardian, protector or a conserver. With that one word— kaitiaki—we see a parallel with the beginning of Genesis when the cosmos and everything in it is brought to life, and humankind is given a specific role to play.

This call is not just present in Genesis, however; it is throughout the narrative of Scripture and, as we arrive at the gospels, we observe Jesus himself engaging with creation in powerful ways. Jesus used the natural world as a place of retreat, a place to gather, and a means to connect people with a larger meaning or significance. He not only related to people in flourishing and perfect ways, but he also related with the wider natural world. This is this model we use on SUNZ camps as our camping ministry uses outdoor spaces and activities as a vehicle to connect young people with God. It’s not just limited to a

metaphor either, as we take up the example of Christ and encounter God in these places in very humbling ways. One programme that exemplifies this is Wild WR]v —a weekend camp for girls—where we adopt the role of pilgrims rather than tourists as we make our way up a mountain being attentive to God in our natural surroundings. We stop at multiple pilgrimage stations along the way and engage in silence and solitude or have group kōrero unpacking the richness of our passage of Scripture in creation.

JESUS USED THE NATURAL WORLD AS A PLACE OF RETREAT, A PLACE TO GATHER, AND A MEANS TO CONNECT PEOPLE WITH A LARGER MEANING OR SIGNIFICANCE. Our E3 expeditions are another example. These 11-day expeditions explore how the themes of leadership development, faith formation and creation care weave together, often seamlessly. The expedition is a journey and takes place in the back-country of Aotearoa where you’re left to become good friends with the elements, as there’s no choice but to embrace the somewhat

JULY 2022 9


extreme experience of being outdoors for 11 days. Our teenagers and instructors can’t help but encounter God in the richness of the surrounding landscape. Just as faith formation in the outdoors is front and centre, so too is environmental sustainability as we look firstly to uptake the mandate given to humanity in Genesis, and secondly the directives given to us by the SUNZ Board.

There’s also a third element at play here: the young people we engage with are just as passionate about creation care as we are, and this has become an issue of faith for teenagers. We can often try to separate these concerns from the heart of Scripture, but I’m convinced they are all intertwined, and it’s interesting to see the youth of today uphold that mandate as well. As you can imagine, all our camps engage with creation care in different and yet significant ways. For example, on a 2021 snow camp at our iconic SU Adventure Lodge at Ruapehu, 10

we celebrated how much waste we offset as we practiced recycling and composting. We only had one bag of rubbish for 30 people over six days! It was a fitting end to our week of exploring different expressions of God’s love and practical ways we can respond to it. As an organisation we are seeking to apply our Board mandate across the full breadth of what we do. In many ways this is a formalising of the already present conversation—and a prompt to be even more ambitious in this area—as much as it is a celebration of what we already do. This acts as a “stretching goal” that allows for constant growth and sits naturally alongside the other intentions we have in place for our ministries. This is an exciting time for us and we’re looking forward to sharing with you all the ways this continues to play out.


Marguerite (Margo) Johansson is a committed SUNZ camper. Have a read and find out what she thought about Summer Supreme this year.


ummer Supreme 2022 camp was an unforgettable experience! We were a team of 12 campers aged 13 -19, staying at SU Lodge on Mt Ruapehu. During the five-day camp we were fortunate to take part in adventure sports like mountain biking, kayaking and tramping.

We were also intentional about developing our faith, focusing on the topic of ‘Worldview’. Each day a leader told us how their worldview had been shaped and, in small group time, we discussed how our upbringing, culture and experiences have shaped our different perspectives. Our first full day was spent mountain biking on the Old Coach Road on Mt Ruapehu. This was my first mountain biking experience and I was slightly nervous I would crash. Thankfully, before we set out on the cobbled track, two leaders gave us helpful tips on mountain biking, such as braking ‘little and often,’ which helped us enjoy the experience and stay safe on the mountain. The next day was spent kayaking on Lake Taupo. It was a beautiful sunny day and we had a leisurely paddle to a little bay where Salmon, a leader, shared his inspiring


testimony and challenged me to think about how I am acting on my faith. On Day 4 – our final full day – we tramped 13 km from The Chateau base to the Mangawhero campsite through stunning alpine terrain stirred to life by summer; a patchwork of shrubbery and forest. We power-walked as we had to meet a deadline. Team members were getting tired and morale was beginning to deflate when our leader, Natalie, reminded us to support one another with words of encouragement. I was amazed at how we connected as a team by lifting each other up with encouraging words. A key learning for me was the power of words. At the Mangawhero campsite we swam, had a BBQ dinner and enjoyed wairua (spirit) time, essentially free time to marvel at our surroundings, talk to God, or play games together. Going to Summer Supreme camp was an immense privilege. I made friends, broadened my perspective on worldview, learnt the value of teamwork and kotahitanga, and improved my adventure sport skills. After going to camp I am much more eager to step outside my comfort zone, meet new people and explore God’s creation. As William Shakespeare wrote, ‘The Earth has music for those who listen.’

JULY 2022 11

GOD AT was a wonderful camp! I Thanks so much for too not s wa e that Charlott pleasantly surprised t ea gr a d ha e back. Sh tired when she got s ha e Sh s. son les d e goo time and learnt som has frame of mind and d goo a in ck ba e com anks Th d! kin d siderate an been helpful and con such er eth tog g llin rk in pu for all your hard wo kids! a great camp for the

Wo`˙RPo˙v}P`Rv`P (l}ru(}uv}(uX When parents describe seeing in their children v`]}v(}]vPRB]oU v}oRvP]v«U]}'v RRU}Po(r}v.v}v}( `}RURv`lv}`G}Rv`}lJ * H}u˘uo}(v[(l (}uRS}RovSUPAl]CuXXX Young Robbie asked to share about camp at church on Sunday morning , with no prompting from anyone. He was so excited about having learnt how to look up verses in the Bible all by hi mself. I was nearly in tear s when he w as sharing.

ellent camp! Thanks so much for the exc the other leaders. one of Please pass on our thanks to Aroha mentioned to came home and y time centl Kara had an amazing her camp leaders re God and with per dee e gon having (obviously) at church that she’d has been She ! faith her in ged ve ha oura been enc learnt she could notes and e Bibl with delighting daily in the Discover her own relationship e. mor r we'd be keen to get Jesus, that wasn’t he Jed arriv ! ng citi Ex ed ’. nts pare camp wit home from h a rein vigorated desire to read his Hi, I just wanted to let you know that David had He just about ha Bible. a great time on camp—he’s generally hard to sn’t put down, an it d e get info out of, but he had quite a lot to say the hair ven took it to dresser about camp and always how much he enjoyed to read while he w it… He wishes he could go next year and has hair cut. as getting his had me looking at what camps Year 7's can do!

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Kia ora tatou! Ko Anna toku ingoa. I work as the South Island Camps Facilitator based in Ōtautahi, Christchurch. THIS IS AN AMAZING ROLE TO BE IN and it looks different throughout the year according to my work with various camps. There’s managing camp logistics behind the scenes and team-leading on some camps. There is training and equipping leaders and supporting them as they grow in their own skills, instructing leaders in various activities, and being a part of the conversations around faith with campers themselves. These many and varied roles are all a part of what I do. I am passionate about youth work, outdoor adventure and God—and this job has a beautiful and unique blend of all three!


Kia ora e te whānau, ko Natalie toku ingoa. I TRULY LOVE THE BREADTH OF WHAT I DO—from leadership development, dreaming of and implementing new ideas, walking with teenagers in their faith and in the outdoors, thoughtfully stewarding our resources and more. This role is a diverse and fun one. I feel an immense privilege to be a part of this expression of ministry as it’s a wonderful intersection of all my passions. I spend a lot of time considering what flourishing community can look like, ways to connect in and with creation, and enjoy engaging in the creative expression of these things, especially on camp.

Hi, my name is Donna Beech. I'm married to Andrew and we have two kids. I am the National Camps Administrator here at Scripture Union. That means I look after the registrations, payments, and leader processing for all our camps. One of my spiritual gifts is administration, and I JUST LOVE THAT I CAN USE MY GOD-GIVEN GIFTS FOR HIS WORK. I have been in the role since October 2021, and I just love the work and the people I am working with. 14





Welcome! Check out our ideas! Pull it out! & pass it around

PEAK EXPERIENCES I love going on camps. Always have. There’s something about getting away from your usual routines and environment. I look back on the camps I went on as a teenager, the friends I made and the significant times with God that were had both corporately and individually. They were formative faith times for me. These days, I must admit I also appreciate not having to think about meals or family schedules. It’s so great to just turn up to the dining hall and eat whatever’s on offer. Having directed so many camps in the past I’m also very happy for others to organise everything, and for me to just join in. Camps are peak experiences—times that you look back on as being significant. They are a highlight experience that give you the opportunity to encounter God in deep and life-changing ways. Camps are also one of the strategies for quality faith formation in our Thrive programme. In this edition of the WAY2GO magazine, we’ll look at the benefits of peak experiences when it comes to faith formation for our children and families, and how we can incorporate them into our planning.

___ Liz Eichler Children and Families Team Leader, SUNZ

JULY 2022 15

Pepaekriences Ex

A place where God meets you, stretches and inspires you ...and transformation happens.

A peak experience is a vital addition to the regular activities of our faith communities. In these situations, faith is deepened through a mixture of spending more time with people from your church, getting to know new people, the challenge of being in a different environment and the fun of being involved in a bigger or special event. A peak experience can be a planned event that becomes a wonderful and positive encounter with God. It can also be unplanned, a place where God shows up and something happens that grows and challenges you in your faith journey. They are often seen as a positive experience, but sometimes peak experiences also come out of challenges and even tragedy. Examples of Peak Experiences: weekend camps/retreats day camps/outings special events during the year e.g. Shrove Tuesday, Passover (Maundy Thursday), Matariki, Advent, Christmas, Epiphany special interest groups, e.g. tramping, surfing, go-karting, crafting...

onder... to p

What peak experiences can you take advantage of in your church or in your family?


Anticipating, honouring and celebrating our 'rites of passage'. Acknowledging changes in our children’s lives can be significant and peak experiences in themselves. Many cultures are rich in significant events that acknowledge the rites of passage of a person within their community. We need to be more strategic and intentional for our children and young people and create spaces and anchors to help them as they grow and develop, and this is true for all ages and stages. What might this look like in our faith communities?

‘Celebration’ is the word, and here are some examples of events to celebrate: infant dedication/baptism starting pre-school/primary school/intermediate/high school moving from Children’s Church to Youth Group finishing high school and going on to... leaving home—to study, travel, go flatting… academic/sporting successes It’s important to find something to celebrate for every child.

onder... to p What faith-related rites of passage

could you offer your children and young people? What spaces and rituals could you put around these?

JULY 2022 17


We are delighted to let you know that we have a new Wellington-based Children and Families Consultant. Welcome to Andrea Lukin! Andrea comes to us with a wealth of church-based ministry and experience in children’s ministry. We are very excited to have Andrea joining the team. She will start late July.

Resource Our WAY2GO Children’s Ministry Training Conferences have headed to the regions this year and are receiving very positive responses from all. Check out our website for more info on more events coming soon.

IT'S YOUR MOVE - MOU TE KAWE – YOUR GUIDE TO MOVING TO HIGH SCHOOL There are so many things to think of when moving to high school. I [Y}M} is a friendly guide to help young people make this transition. This booklet contains lots of helpful advice, together with stories about real people who have made the move.


Available via our shop website

Looking for more resources and inspiration? Check out our website and blog |

Scripture Union wants to work with your church to create opportunities for children and young people to discover and follow Jesus, grow as leaders, and influence the world. Contact us and let us know how we can help you.



PO Box 760, Wellington 6140 0508 423 836


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have shifted has been JACK IS A Camps CHRISTINA SUNZ my perspective of a huge part presence and life and LEADER God’s HAS BEEN ofhasmydefinitely have influenced my ON A faith hugely. I have A CAMPER been a core of to understand I am still a SUNZ come ON A SUNZ why God’s presence as Christian. Some CAMP something that can CAMP of the things

also be communal—to share our faith together between leaders, campers and camp parents. It’s an inter-generational faith—and this way of fellowship was completely new to me! The Bible studies are great—worldviews was the last one. Understanding more of the Christian faith, and hearing the diversity of camper’s experiences has widened my lens of what it means to be a Christian. I was challenged to grow in the understanding of different people’s relationships with God, and that they are as diverse as the people who follow him! Camps provide a very supportive environment to explore those questions together. Physically being in creation is a more immersive way of experiencing God and His character and shows a more realistic picture of who He is. I treasure my time in the outdoors, and camps have given me a taste for seeking that time with God outside of camp. It’s also an encouraging environment for me to practically grow in my skills! I like the way I’m able to apply the theories I’m learning from my courses, take on new leadership challenges and have good constructive feedback.

I appreciate about camps include meeting godly leaders who encourage me; living in community; building deeper relationships in smaller camps; learning about SUNZ camps history; leaders’ stories of their experiences as campers; loving and not being judgmental; morning prayers and the focus on God first thing in the day; evening prayers that pull everyone back together for a similar goal; and singing and worshipping God together. All these things serve to unite everyone in a really special way. I found our studies on prayer at the last camp quite practical. We were shown different types of prayer that you can apply to all parts of your day. I found it really helpful and have taken it on. Being out in creation, often in remote areas, makes you admire God. Most of my outdoor experience has been on SU camps and it’s such a cool opportunity to learn from experienced people. It has given me some direction in where I want to work—with camps, outdoors, with people and with God!

JULY 2022 19



| SUNZ National Youth Team Leader


esus-centred leadership is a phrase that is often thrown around in church and Christian circles, but what exactly is it? And is it even attainable?

Well, here at SUNZ, this concept is embedded in our leadership training with youth leaders, camp leaders and our Beyond Experience and E˘}P]u participants. So let's take a quick look at the key parts of Jesus-centred leadership. Different models have different approaches and, here at SUNZ, we have a diagram that shows the intersection point between Character Formation, Biblical Understanding and Context-Specific Knowledge as being Jesus-Centred Leadership. Let me expand on what those three areas look like in the everyday life of a Christian leader. Jesus had a heart that sacrificed everything for the benefit of others, and so a Jesus-centred leader should be constantly asking the question, ‘How do I live out this sacrificial servant heart daily with those I lead?’


We should also be asking, ‘Am I more worried about going where I want to go, or in meeting the needs of those I am leading?’

journey. Let’s ask ourselves, ‘Do those I am leading feel they have a say in where we are going and how we are getting there?’

Jesus' role with his disciples was to help them grow to the potential God planned for them and then to spread the message when the time came. Therefore, as a Christian leader we should be daily asking ourselves, ‘Am I leading people in a way that allows them to grow to their full potential and become the person God designed them to be?’

Jesus modelled the way he expected his followers to live with one another. He himself lived a life of truth and humility and expected the same from them. Let’s ask ourselves ‘Am I being a good model of truth and humility, and is this encouraging others to live the same way?’

It's all about communication. Jesus was the master of communication, which meant that not only was he good at getting his message across, but he was also good at making others feel they’d been heard, and that what they had to say was important. SUNZ Jesus-Centred Leadership Diagram

Jesus was always challenging the status quo and systems supposedly for the benefit of those they were serving, to ensure they were not just for the benefit of those in power. We need to ask the question, ‘Are we doing this the best way? Or just because it’s the way we have always done things?’ Knowing God’s heart was key to who Jesus was as a leader. He knew God’s heart because spending time with God was a vital part of his day. Jesus modelled this through prayer and his knowledge of scripture. Let’s ask ourselves the question, ‘Am I connecting with God daily in ways that enable me to truly know his heart?’ Jesus made people feel loved through his words and actions. Let’s ask ‘Does the way I speak and act with those around me enable them to feel loved and respected by me, and by God?’

So, daily we should be asking ourselves, ‘Am I truly listening? Do people truly feel they are heard? And am I speaking in a way that others understand what I am truly saying?’ The people who literally followed Jesus around daily were made to feel they weren’t just by-standers but participants in the

Finally, let’s ask truthfully every day, ‘Is the way I am living and leading for the benefit of those I serve and lead, or to keep me in a position of power and control?’ If we ask ourselves these questions daily—and strive to answer them with positively—then we will truly be Jesus-centred leaders!

JULY 2022 21

s I H t h C T A W



sPACE PAUL HUMPHREYS | SUNZ National Leadership Facilitator

eadership’ is one of those words that conjure up a whole continuum of responses—apt quotations may be offered or examples of effective and ineffective leaders come to mind, and more. Two years ago, SUNZ developed a model for effective leadership framed around the most effective leader—Jesus. You can read about it on page 20. We have used this model in our Beyond Experience (BE) leadership development programme and recently we asked several of our Beyond Experience leaders how BE has shaped their leadership roles, with specific reference to this Christ-centred model. Here’s what they said...

If someone had told me I would be a Team Leader on a SUNZ Camp this past summer I would have laughed! But I felt honoured with the responsibility. It was the invitation to lead in a safe space that was most prominent for me. When it was framed around the three parts of ‘Effective JesusCentred Leadership’ it gave me a complete invitation. This enabled me to learn about how I operate and put me out of my comfort zone, but in a safe way. The three-part model gave me a more rounded view of leadership. Specifically, the ‘Biblical Understanding’ aspect helped me with my relationship with God, and to realise I can't rely on myself. As I continue on this journey with BE and SUNZ, I am excited to learn and grow. It has awakened a big desire in me to dive into sustainability."



The leadership opportunities SUNZ has given me are numerous. In the ‘Effective Jesus-Centred Leadership model there is a close relationship between ‘Context Specific Knowledge’ and ‘Biblical Understanding.’ I gained ability in learning how to unpack Bible studies and to always consider the context. I found it particularly challenging to move from leading on SUPAkidz children’s camps to leading on youth camps, however applying this leadership focus made it more achievable. The ‘Jesus-Centred Leadership’ model intersected with my life and my job and built a lot on what I already do. Yet it balanced well with a future-focused model of leadership. This model also built my confidence in leading studies."

These two young women are obviously on a long-term leadership journey. They came to SUNZ with an awareness of leadership and it's easy to see how the practicalities of this model have super-charged their leadership skills. This is balanced with the invitation to step outside their comfort zone and yet feel supported along the way. It's exciting to think that around 60 young adults have been involved in Beyond Experience in the last year. Fast forward a few decades and the possibilities of seeing this Christ-centred leadership influencing New Zealand society are thrilling. In other words— watch this space!

—PENNNY FREEBORN Pvv˙o}G}vR]vov }(Ru}oUR}`]v}P]P] R]vl]vPUv˙RRRvv}`[}( ].}}v]}oX

JULY 2022 23


for the path LIAM HAUGHEY | SUNZ Camp Leader


am stunned by the truth of the Scripture in Ephesians 1:3-11, where Paul writes of God’s love for us and His ultimate plan for the world. We read that:

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Let that sink in for a moment! Despite all the trouble humankind creates, God actually desires for each of us to be part of his pure and holy family! It’s not just because he has the power to do this, but because he wants us to share in his perfection. I’ve been reflecting on why—despite this truth—we do not have to search far to see a world disheartened by a lack of fulfilment. Always striving for perfection, it is part of human nature to want more from our lives; a better job, more money, to feel more appreciated—the list goes on. Yet through hundreds of generations of trying, we seem to have made no progress. Recently, I had a sense that I would soon be able to pursue an exciting new chapter of my life. Finishing university, I was expecting to move cities, find a strong Christian community, progress 24

quickly in my career, and forge some new relationships—in short, an opportunity to 'progress' and 'improve' my life. Ultimately, very little of this happened as I had hoped and inevitable disappointment kicked in. Reflecting on this, perhaps we are unsatisfied because we have each been created to love the infinite. Infinite beauty, infinite purity, infinite holiness, infinite peace, infinite truth, infinite love, infinite life. Through my disappointment, I have been reminded that there is only one way to achieve complete fulfilment—to enter entirely into God’s family through the infinite love of Jesus Christ. However, we must be patient in waiting for perfect fulfilment, because this will only happen when we leave behind the burdens of our earthly lives. Paul puts this into context, writing that, ‘at the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth. Because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.’ I encourage you to hold this truth close and wait on God’s timing with joyful hope for the perfect fulfilment that is to come. Be patient, delight in the grace that we receive every day, and share the Good News with others!


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JULY 2022 25


Tāmaki Makaurau


There have been more WAY2GO events run in South/East Auckland and also in Massey. Both events went well. And the Fishing Adventure camp on Pōnui Island was a success with twenty boys, nine leaders and a whole lot of fish. Andy Banks who led it said “It is an environment for the boys (some for the first time) to spend the first part of each day in reflection and to open the Bible to read a verse or passage that was followed by a few questions and related to the Reel story that day...It was such a joy to see the boys engage with the stories told, dive into the Bible and to openly and honestly ask questions.”

Te Papa-i-Oea


Liz Eichler and the team ran WAY2GO in Palmerston North. It was a wonderful time and very worthwhile.

Te Whanganui-a-Tara


WAY2GO Upper Hutt was held in June with a great attendance. It was lovely to see so many people. WAY2GO was held in Waikanae too. From these events SUNZ is now launching small networks, with the aim of bringing people together to support and encourage one another in children’s ministry. It is exciting to see these networks taking shape. The Board met in Wellington too for a weekend together. We had Jason Kelsey join as part of his second year Beyond Experience programme.



WAY2GO was held here too and was a good day with lots of interaction. It was good to be able to be together and encourage each other. 26

Please check out the News and Stories section on our website for more information. We’ve developed this section especially to keep you up to date with what’s happening at SUNZ.


COMING UP Save the date for our AGM coming up at 7pm on Thursday 15 September. This will be held via Zoom and we will send you more details closer to the time.


WAY2GO has been here too and went well. Wild Wāhine took place in July. This is a slightly different format than other camps and it’s part of a plan to diversify our camps. We hope these new Wild Wāhine camps will reach new audiences, bringing in young women who haven’t previously been involved in SUNZ camps. North Island SUNZ Leader Training (NILT) weekend was held in Pirongia with a quality group of young leaders. We are so glad for the time and commitment these leaders show for our camps and the young people who attend them.


Andrew Ramsbottom and Annette Osborne from the Auckland Children and Families Team headed north to run a WAY2GO event in Whangārei. They looked at what we need to focus on in order to help our children connect with God well. Participants were grateful to the team for travelling up to Whangārei, and a good time was had.



We have just held our Beyond Experience leadership development weekend in Christchurch in July. It was a special time of learning about leadership, opening the Bible and enjoying being together.



Liz Eichler and Nigel Winder and an able team of volunteers led WAY2GO here. The Regional Committee in Dunedin do a wonderful job and we are very glad for their input and help. JULY 2022 27


Price $28.00

Holiday Programme for 5-11 year olds, based on the award-winning Diary of a Disciple: Luke’s Story, this introduces children to Jesus and invites them to consider his question: ‘Who do you say I am?’ Each day unpacks a little of Jesus’ story from Luke’s Gospel, beginning with the traditional Christmas narrative, moving on to explore some of Jesus’ teachings and miracles, leading up to and concluding with the Easter story.


Price $2.00 $2.00 Day book + Jotter books for the Holiday Programme and a Journal to encourage kids into Bible reading.

Jesus is the Light? is a poetic exploration of Jesus’ identity as the Light of the World aimed to engage children who may not be from a church background and is brought to life with beautiful illustrations & colouring pages.

10 Pack for $8.50 Who is the Light? is a 20page booklet for children aged 5-8, presenting Jesus as the Light of the World and how those who follow him are called to be like light too.

Order Online or phone 04 385 0485

SUNZ Camps Change Lives!



The Bible studies e w did re-connected me with the Bible and with God. When I go home, I a w nt to take a step further and get to know God in a much more intimate a w y."

You can help this transformation!

Your donation could be the difference between a young person who is disengaged with the Bible and struggling in their faith and a young person who has reconnected with the Bible, bringing their faith alive and helping them with their doubts and questions.


The Bible doesn’t help—it’s too old and doesn’t apply to my life."



Could you join us as a monthly donor? Regular giving helps us to plan and ensure the sustainability of our ministries, meaning more young lives are impacted by the hope of the gospel. Set up a monthly donation online at or by using the form near the back of this magazine.

Did you know 80% of our overall funding and 100% of our ministry staff’s funding comes from donations? Please consider giving a gift today – you can change the lives of children and young people as they discover Jesus and grow in faith.

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You can also donate a one-off gift through your bank by direct deposit to account number 02-0560-0036204-00 quoting ‘ADVmag’, plus your supporter number (if known) or surname and postcode in the reference. If this is your first gift to SUNZ please email with the details of your donation – this enables us to thank you and send you a tax receipt. Or donate online at or by calling 0508 423 836 Please post your completed form to Scripture Union New Zealand, PO Box 760, Wellington 6140

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2022 & 2023

Mega Makers Southland

Wo n d e r Zone Wellington

Wo n d e r Zone Auckland

October 2022 3-6

January 2023 9-13

January 2023 16-20

M o re I n f o : S U PA K I D Z C A M P S .O R G . N Z


PO BOX 760, Wellington 6140 | 0508 423 836 | He rama ta-u kupu ki o-ku waewae | Your word is a lamp to my feet. Psalm 119:105 SUNZ is a member of the Scripture Union International Family

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