7 minute read
1.1 Dissemination and communication aim and objectives
This Plan will detail an Audience / Message matrix, identifying to whom the partnership will address a communication and which message or information will be sent. In addition, it will identify the relevant communication channels to be used in each case (website, newsletter, emailing, events, social networks, etc.) and set realistic indicators to be achieved.
It is highly important for the overall success of the project that the internal and external communication strategies are in place. With regard to the external one, for example, there will be a specific emphasis given on how to utilize effective communication avenues to reach out to key target groups and promote their engagement in the project. This is of special importance in terms of engaging vulnerable girls who until today limited participation in sport activities and their families. The plan will define the strategy to be used in each territory to best approach the target groups and engage them in the programme, building upon the local needs assessment results. In this regard, a specific awareness campaign will be addressed to the girls in risk of exclusion and their families.
1.2 Targets and channels
A preliminary list of communication and disse- mination target groups follows:
All staff / members from the 2 project multisport clubs:
• Coaches
• Managers and directors
• Athletes
• Families & relatives from athletes
• Other European clubs & federations & sporting organisations
• Research community working in the field of ethical behavior in sport (universities, research Centres, individual experts, etc.)
• Other EU projects tackling injury prevention topic
• EU Policy makers (EU, national & local level)
• The EU sporting community, in general terms
For communicating and disseminating of the project flow and results the Partners will use two types of channels (online and offline).
• Permanent on-line information through the project and PPs’ websites, including all public Deliverables produced during the project, available for downloading (e.g. the Pilot Programme, SportBoard digital platform)
• Dissemination through the project social media: Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook
• Presentation of information on the activities and project progress in the form of e-newsletters (5 in total).
• Three awareness raising webinars on the project topics.
• Two Conferences on the project results (Interim and Final) and webinars on the project topics,
• Participation at other EU funded project events related to promotion of cancer-preventive PA (at least 3).
• Promotion of the project in external events in local, regional, national, EU and international scope.
The Methodology proposed is a coherent and realistic combination of activities (Tasks) to fulfil a set of project objectives agreed by the project partners for achieving the project results. The project activities have been classified under 4 different WPs, each coordinated by a particular project partner in charge of supervising the correct implementation and good quality of the Deliverables.
A set of preparatory activities (WP2) will be organised during the first fourteen months of the project. This preparatory work and knowledge will lead to design of the core Deliverables: SportBoard Pilot Programme and Digital Platform. The Pilot Programme will be implemented within WP3. Crosscutting WP1 and WP4 will provide efficient project management procedures and dissemination activities. Intercorrelation between the WPs are presented in the Pert Chart.
Target Groups
• Coaches
• Athletes
• Families & relatives from athletes
Website, Social media, Events
Website, Social media, Events
Website, Social media, Press, Events
• Other European clubs & federations & sporting organisations
• Research community working in the field of ethical behavior in sport (universities, research Centres, individual experts, etc.)
• Other EU projects tackling injury prevention topic
Website, Social media, E-newsletters, Press, Events
Website, E-newsletters, Press, Online magazines/journals, Erasmus+ results platform, Events
Website, E-newsletters, Press, Online magazines/journals, Erasmus+ results platform
• The EU sporting community, in general terms
Website, E-newsletters, Press, Events, Social media
1.3 Dissemination and communication channels and tools
Transversally to all dissemination outputs and activities, the Project Coordinator will create the project identity. The project identity will be a visual representation of the project’s values and messages. The overall aim is to ensure common graphic/visual contents that are easily identifiable and in line with Erasmus Plus
Communication provisions, to share information and engage target stakeholders. It is meant for the project to be recognizable, to audiences and partners alike.
The project identity will be described in Project Image Guidebook and consist of:
• A project logo, including shapes, colors, etc.,
• A PPT, Word and Excel templates,
• Roll-up design
The project partners are aware of the rules for EU project funding and committed to meeting all the requirements necessary to benefit from the funds and ensure the visibility of Erasmus+ funding if selected.
As the project is funded by the European Union, the PPs commit to mention the origin of the funds and to make them visible on any support related to the project. Any communication or publication related to the Project, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc.) must indicate that the project has received funding from the Union and must display the European Union emblem. When displayed in association with another logo, the European Union emblem must have appropriate prominence: (Include the EU logos and/or the link where to access the logos).
The Disclaimers should include the following sentence:
“Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
+Info: https://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/logos_downloadcenter/
1.3.1 Project Logo
The SportBoard logo expresses its institutional nature, also embodying the strategic goal of reaching multiple levels of stakeholders: athletes, clubs, sports federations, public administrations, national governments and the European Union.
The colors present in the arcs of the pictogram therefore identify the three macro levels: proximity, local, international.
The acronym The pictogram
Font Arabic Font 2013
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1234567890 !”$&/ ()=?
Arabic Font 2013 is the primary font chosen for the SportBoard logo. It is used for the official logo only.
Font Avenir
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1234567890 !”$%&/ ()=?
Avenir Book is the font of choice for all SportBoard written documents. Avenir Black is the font chosen for the titles of all written documents of the SportBoard Project.
1.3.2 Project Website
SportBoard Website will be running from the M6-M8 of the project, serving as a primary source of the project overall aim and objectives, activities and achieved results. According to the progress of the project, the content of the website will be continuously extended and updated.
1.3.3 Social networking communication tools
The SportBoard project will actively use various social networks and online communication channels to increase the impact and generate straight communication channels to allow interactions with the audience thought different tools depending on the communicative objective. Social networks are a powerful tool to achieve a multiplier promotional effect on communication activities, that is why the Project profiles will be constantly updated to show SportBoard as an active and interesting project.
The official accounts of the project:
LINKEDIN - EU SportBoard
TWITTER - EU-SportBoard
The presence of the project on social media is fundamental to accomplish the objectives, it will be used as a relevant tool to reach third parties, the research community and to interact with the general public. The availability of new project results will be communicated informing about its progress and its effect on robotics industry, disseminating the project outcomes and creating a scientific hub interested in collaborating with the project. It will be crucial to reach a high level of followers to have a real impact. The content will be generated by Anderlini with the collaboration of other consortium members. The consortium members will also publish the relevant information in their social networks. This communication channel is expected to be rather efficient in communicating project evolvements and stabilizing strong presence.
1.3.4 Project Leaflet
To facilitate and explain key target stakeholders the key objectives and benefits of the SportBoard Project, Anderlini is designing the 1st project leaflet. This dissemination material will be distributed in different events and each partner will have their hard-copy leaflets. In addition, project leaflets are also available on the electronic version (e.g. PDF file) and can be downloaded from the project website. The main purpose of the leaflet was to create an attractive and informative tool introducing the project to the target groups in different countries and regions.
The 2 nd project leaflet will aim mainly at disseminating project results and will invite relevant stakeholders for a more active participation in the remaining project activities. 2 nd leaflet is expected to be prepared during the 2nd year of the project implementation.
1.3.5 e- Newsletters
e-Newsletter will be a short but visually appealing electronic informative material prepared twice a year. It will be available in the project website as well as it is expected to be published in all consortium partners’ official websites. In addition, all partners must actively distribute the material to all relevant (direct and indirect) stakeholders. Newsletter can contain information about the project activities and outputs, announcements, edited versions of press releases, conferences and meetings reports, information about upcoming events, etc. Regular newsletters will be sent approximately every six months to all stakeholders and target group members from the contact list.
In total 5 Newsletters will be published.
1.3.6 Project Rollup
Project roll-up banner is expected to enhance project visibility and establish a visual branding of the project. The content of the roll-up is clear and easily understandable by the target end users. This tool was designed and distributed to all consortium partners, so they can print as a co-financing expense and use it at different events, meetings, conferences and as a background image for interviews to promote the SportBoard Project to its fullest potential.
1.3.7 Standardized templates
For meetings and different events, as well as for reports or other project deliverables a set of standardized templates have been created. Throughout the project duration, SportBoard consortium will used Power Point, Word and ‘list of participants’ and badges templates designed at the beginning of the project. This ensures consistency in the visibility Scout receives and makes sure that key information on the project and its partners are shared (logos, who we are, etc.).
1.3.8 Publications
At least one publication in top specialized journals and scientific dissemination articles in general media, to share the project outputs and conclusions.
1.3.9 Pictures
Photographs are crucial for the project’s communication, as it allows to communicate and explains its achievements through imagery.
Each partner is in charge of:
• Photograph each session
• Store a selection of photos