1 minute read


1. Look for originality and creavity: images that we are going to upload will be related to the NGO, its sector, its geographical environment, its workers, its partners, etc. We have to look for the creave point of view of the photos. Use design and creavity.

2. Show the human side of the NGO: the daily rounes of the organisaon, its offices, its workers and volunteers. All these reasons might be interesng to upload a photo content. It will help the public to perceive the brand as more human and will increase loyalty. Another good thing to do is uploading pictures with or from your partners. They will like being promoted into your account.


3. Share: to create your community, follow other users, comment on pictures from other accounts, like pictures, etc. You can also tag users and it will help you to reach out your audiences. In the end, set up a dialogue with your community.

4. Upload, upload, upload: it’s not necessary to upload one image every day, but it’s very important to upload a couple of creave pictures every week. We need to be acve and constant.

5. Don’t spam! promong your own acvies is good, but only talking about your acvies and/ or products it’s resome. Upload pictures that helps the user idenfy your organizaon with the values you want to promote: solidarity, human rights, diversity, etc...

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