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Continuing Education
out the year. The only thing you need is imagination and a willingness to learn. Beginner fused glass classes, stained glass classes and safety classes continue to be scheduled.
Stop by Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, when you will find a monitor is on duty, or any time a member is working on a project. The monitor on duty will be happy to give you a tour of the studio and help you sign up for a class, or sign-up online. Check our window display outside the studio. It changes monthly.
Wood Carving Bob Ash 520-282-3688 SCOVCarvers@gmail.com Sat., 9-Noon, Artisan Center/Lapidary
Lenora Brown with her songbird
Come by the Artisan Center Lapidary Room Saturday morning, meet some wood carvers and see their projects. Maybe start on a song bird like the one pictured with Lenora Brown. If you think you might be interested in wood carving, we can help you get started with basswood, tools, a project plan and basic instruction. If you are already a wood carver, bring your tools, a project and join the conversation.
Woodworking Pres. Gary Casner 303-880-4120 gcasner1@comcast.net VP Karen Curry 708-822-3057 kindheart77@att.net Sec. David Goff 360-901-8386 judndav@comcast.net Treas. John McCoy 503-559-8932 johndmccoy1@gmail.com Next meeting Thu., Jan. 27, time and place TBA www.scovwoodworkingclub.com
A special opportunity is scheduled for any SCOV resident wishing to use the Woodworking Club facilities. At a hands- on class using the various wood working machines, you will make a hardwood cutting board to take home and use. All materials are provided with class registration. See For Your Information on page 13 for more information and how to sign up.
A new member orientation is held at the Wood Shop the first Wednesday of each month, 4 PM; call Bill Norton 480980-5493 for further instructions. For questions or more information, please visit the website or call an officer.
Astronomy Pres. Allan Mashburn 435-219-0042 scovastronomy@gmail.com Oct.-May, Catalina Vista, date and time varied due to Activity Center remodel, check website www.scovastronomy.weebly.com
The Astronomy Club’s next meeting is Thursday, January 13, 1-3 PM, Catalina Vista. Please mark your calendar. While you have your calendar open, add these meetings, Saturday, February 5, 7-9 PM, and Wednesday, March 9, 1-3 PM.
Star party host Chuck Dugan
The next club star party will be Tuesday, January 25, 6:30 PM, on the golf cart parking lot at The Views Golf Club. The club’s outreach program provides a telescope to every fifth grade student at Coronado Middle School and has been ongoing for the last 12 years. To date, we have funded the purchase of more than 1,000 telescopes. This program is funded by our contributions through Public School Tax Credit, a dollarfor-dollar reduction in your Arizona State income tax. Any SCOV resident can donate. To get a donation form, email scovastronomy@gmail.com.
Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Study
Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586 Oct.-May, Tue., 7:15 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
Precept Women’s Bible Study
Pres. Elaine Farmer 253-318-0018 elaineruth@gmail.com Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886 quincie51@gmail.com Oct.-May, Wed., 8:50 AM, WC3
Happy New Year, 2022. We finished up a wonderful study in the book of Philippians in December. Now we are beginning a new study in the two books of Timothy on January 5. We will be completing this series by the end of March. If you are new to SCOV or have questions, please call Elaine Farmer; leave a message if no answer. Hope you can join us.
Genealogy Pres. Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 ghgibson@live.com General meetings Oct.-May, Mon., 1 PM www.scvgs.org
The program for the SCOV Genealogy Society Monday, January 17, 1 PM, Catalina Vista, will be “German Genealogy,” presented by Laurie Castillo. Laurie will be making her presentation via Zoom; you are welcome to join us either in-person or virtually. And remember, just because you don’t currently have any German ancestors in your family tree, this program may help you with future ancestral lines.
The Genealogy Society is pleased to announce that the genealogy lab was open for 22 time slots during the month of November, with a total of 50 individual visits. Please note that club dues of $20 for individual, or $30 for family, are due to our treasurer by January 17. You may bring your dues to