6 minute read
It’s More Than Living... It’s A Lifestyle!
Who You Gonna Call?
by Robin Coulter
Do you remember the Ghostbusters film with Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver? They are called to rid New York City of paranormal phenomena at everyone’s whim–for a price. And who could forget the catchy tune by Ray Parker Jr., “Who You Gonna Call?... Ghostbusters!”
We have our very own version of that here in SCOV. Not for paranormal phenomena, but for the special or sometimes urgent needs that pop up. Grandkids are coming to visit and you need a car seat. Who you gonna call? The Loan Room. Tweaked your knee and need a rolling scooter. Who you gonna call? The Loan Room.
SCOV has dedicated space for the Loan Room with items available to residents who need equipment after surgery, items for visitors, items to assist with big events and more. This is unique to SCOV and not available anywhere in Southwest planned communities.
The Loan Room is operated by the Community Assistance Committee and is a free service to SCOV residents. The Loan Room provides medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, toilet risers and shower seats. The knowledgeable volunteers can assist residents with their recovery needs after almost any type of surgery or medical emergency. They also loan rollaway beds, mattresses, tables and chairs, car seats, highchairs and some fun and creative children’s toys for visiting family or grandchildren. All of these items are loaned out free to residents. Medical items can be checked out for a two-month period and other items for two weeks.
Check-in and check-out procedures are computerized. Requests for reservations can be made on the SCOV web page under Members > Member Services > Loan Room. Your SCOV card can be used to complete the check-out. Reservations can be made up to two months in advance at the Loan Room. The inventory is constantly evaluated and necessary items are replaced or retired to ensure the inventory is up-to-date. The committee watches expiration dates on car seats or recalls and updates the item accordingly.
The Loan Room is staffed by volunteers, and the room is open two hours each week in the winter to pick up reserved items (one hour weekly in the summer). For emergencies, like a tweaked knee, the committee chair has been willing to take phone calls and meet people at the Loan Room after hours. Last year the chair made an additional 49 trips and received 108 phone calls (and that’s just for the chair). Talk about customer service!
It is a free service, but funding for all these items must come from somewhere. The committee is entirely financially supported by the aluminum can collection and private donations. In the over twenty-five-year history of the Loan Room, the Association has never been asked for funds. With Covid and the Activity Center renovation, can collection stopped, so funding stopped. Add to that the need to replace computers and some equipment and it’s time to replenish their funds. Now that the Activity Center is operational, the aluminum can collection is back in full force, so start saving those cans. Recently someone dropped off cans they’d been saving during the entire closure of the Activity Center remodel. Now let’s all save and contribute those cans; it provides a great funding source.
Finally, and most importantly, you can make a donation. Make a donation when you borrow from the Loan Room, and make a donation now to get them back on their feet, so they can get you back on your feet (or in a rollaway bed or a car seat). And remember, the next time you need something… who you gonna call? The Loan Room!
Distinguished Service Award honors residents
make remarkable contributions to our community”
by Ronna Heinig
If I had only one word to describe this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, Larry Webster, it would be the word “passionate!” Passionate about his service to both our country and our community. Larry’s outgoing and positive personality makes working with residents and their contractors run more smoothly. He recently volunteered to put his talents to use serving on the Properties Committee. Larry is probably best known for his work on the SCOV Lead Inspection Team for our renovated Activity Center. Spending countless hours reviewing the construction progress daily, his passion for perfection served us well from the Activity Center’s foundation to its roof.
Larry found his calling early in life when he took a high school class in building trades and seized the opportunity to learn all about home construction by actually helping to build homes. Joining the U.S. Navy at the age of 18 as a Submarine Torpedoman’s Mate, Larry advanced to the rank of Chief and retired after 21 years of service.
Volunteering is not normally encouraged in the military, but Larry took advantage of opportunities that came his way, which led to him to Brazil to assist their Navy in modernizing their Submarine Combat Systems. He developed training and safety procedures. He became an expert in Trident and Seawolf Class rcoulter@suncityorovalley.com
I Know You
(But I Can’t Remember Your Name) Community. It’s a powerful thing. We belong to something bigger than ourselves. We are not alone. Community is something that SCOV does well. We play, learn and care for one another here in SCOV, but sometimes we can’t quite place the name with the face. And it’s no wonder: Our population has changed by 70% since 2014, so there are a lot of new faces around. But don’t let that stop you from introducing yourself and asking their name. Do you know what street that unnamed person lives on? The community directory lists our residents by street, so you could peruse that section of the directory to help locate the name. Do you know what state they’re from? The directory is also broken down by state, so that’s another option to help us stay connected. Or, if you want one of the handy, dandy SCOV name tags, you can order one for yourself ($12.50) at www.scovaz.com > Member Services > This & That > Name Tag Order Form, and you’ll always be greeted by your name. And there’s always the powerful smile and wave. Each of you make this a positive and welcoming community, so say, “Hi, Robin” and join in on the community feeling of SCOV. By the way, did you know that our motto is, “It’s more than living...It’s a lifestyle!”? You make this community a great place to live and play and learn. You make it a lifestyle.
Submarines and was a Master Training Specialist.
After retiring from the Navy, he worked as a civilian serving as a valuable resource for our submarine fleet west of the Mississippi.
Larry met and married his wife of 37 years, Kathy Cowsert, while serving in Hawaii. Although Larry is one of the few who has actually visited all seven continents, they resided the longest in Bremerton, Washington.
A friend from Michigan introduced Larry and Kathy to southwest living, and from there they researched many 55+ communities in which to put down their retirement roots. They ended up taking Ambassador tours at SCOV with Al Johnson on two separate visits and purchased their home in 2018, becoming fulltime residents in 2020.
When the Covid shutdown started loosening up in late 2020, Larry and Kathy joined the Posse. Larry serves as an Ambassador, and many of you know him from his work on the Architectural Review Committee. In Larry’s “spare” time, he is active in the Astronomy Club and is the treasurer of the Veteran’s Club.
Thank you, Larry, for your countless hours of service to our community. We are so happy that you, Kathy and your two Siamese cats, Rose and Crawford, chose SCOV as your home!
Lifestyle Coordinator - Brenda Puzzele-Stoltz
There are two fun activities for April. The first is the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) on Tuesday, April 4, 8 AM, Phoenix. This day trip includes a round-trip bus ticket, admission and a one-hour tour designed to give an overview of the galleries. You will be given a port and headset to enjoy the exhibits featuring musical heritage, cultures and instruments from more than 200 countries. Tickets are $66 and available on the website under Member Services > Tickets. Please don’t wait to reserve your seat; space is limited.
The second event is “December ’63,” Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Tribute Band on Monday, April 17, 6 PM, Auditorium. This one-of-a-kind concert will have you reaching for the high notes as the group takes you on a musical journey with stops at every phase of the careers of Frankie and the boys. Tickets are $35 and available on the website under Member Services > Tickets.
Community Services - Katy Mosier
Architectural Coordinator, Katy Mosier scoroval@ciramail.com
SCOV Name Tags
Name tags with our logo are $12.50 each. The order form is available at scovaz.com. Log in first then >Member Services > This & That >Name Tag Order Form