21 minute read
Above is a summary of the Revenues and Expenses and the Results of Operations for the first eight months of the 2022-2023 fiscal year. A copy of the report in greater detail can be found on our website www.suncityorovalley.com. Log in after hovering over the Members tab and selecting Financials. At this page you will find the monthly Financial Statements as well as the Annual Budget for the current Fiscal Year and a copy of the Annual Budget for the coming year.
If you are interested in more information regarding the community’s finances, we encourage you to attend the Finance-Budget Committee meeting which will be held Monday, April 24, 1 PM, in Conference Room WC3 in the Welcome Center and via Zoom.
If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 520917-8060, or email me at rtrenary@suncityorovalley.com.
Randy Trenary, Controller
On The Cover
Honey bee gathering pollen
SCOV Library - Michelle Mooney
Online catalog: https://evolveopac.infovisionsoftware.com/suncityorovalley mmooney@suncityorovalley.com
The Library has many series by authors that have become SCOV favorites. In March, we added Lee Jackson’s new book in the After Dunkirk series, Riding the Tempest, and J.A. Jance’s book, Collateral Damage, from her Ali Reynolds series. In April we will be adding Anne Hillerman’s new book, The Way of the Bear, and Shannon Baker’s next book in the Kate Fox series, titled Double Back. Don’t forget, you can always see the newest books being added to our collection by visiting the Library webpage > Link to Online Catalog/Account > Browse New Items. We have two author events this month: Raymond Barnett and Chris Impey. Information for both are under Coming Events. As always, our wonderful library volunteers are here to help you find that next great book.
Hours of Operation
Recreation and Fitness - Lonnie Davis
Why Stretching is Important
Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains and muscle damage.
For example, sitting in a chair all day results in tight hamstrings in the back of the thigh. That can make it harder to extend your leg or straighten your knee all the way, which inhibits walking. Likewise, when tight muscles are suddenly called on for a strenuous activity that stretches them, such as playing tennis, they may become damaged from suddenly being stretched. Injured muscles may not be strong enough to support the joints, which can lead to joint injury.
Regular stretching keeps muscles long, lean and flexible, and this means that exertion won’t put too much force on the muscle itself. Healthy muscles also help a person with balance problems to avoid falls.
Special Note From the Aquatic and Fitness Center (AFC)
Contact Lonnie Davis, AFC Coordinator, to discuss questions or concerns with the AFC. Hours of operation for the AFC and Desert Oasis are on page 2.
Tuesday, April 11, the AFC pool and spa will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Wednesday, April 12, the Desert Oasis pool will be closed for cleaning and shock treatment and will reopen the following morning at the regular time.
Tuesday, April 25, the AFC spa will be closed for cleaning until 1 PM.
Association Committees
Active Health
Chair Rita Menet 920-659-1428 rita.menet@gmail.com
Next meeting Mon., Apr. 10, 3 PM, WC1
For the final presentation of this season, our guest speaker is Kimberly Berberich. She has years of experience helping clients and their families with negotiating palliative care and hospice and many other difficult and emotional end-of-life decisions. She will also address the confusion around advanced directives and information regarding seasonal residents. Please join us Friday, April 14, 1 PM, Catalina Vista.
Aquatic and Fitness Center Advisory
Muriel DeLaVergne-Brown 541-999-4018 muriel@phaspirations.com
First Wed., 11 AM, WC1
The Aquatic and Fitness Center Advisory Committee is happy to report that the pool will have additional heaters added, which should solve the temperature issue. In addition, based on your concerns, anti-slip tape will be added to the locker rooms to prevent slipping where there is water tracked from the pool and showers.
In this next year, the committee will address the asset reserve list and look at replacement needs in the fitness center. It’s a busy committee and we welcome your comments and ideas.
Architectural Inspection Group
Conveyance Coordinator, Jack Mooney, 520-917-8087, scoroval@ciramail.com
Thinking about selling your home? Don’t forget about the SCOV-required inspection.
There are three types of inspections available; you may choose the one that fits your needs. All SCOV inspections look at only the exterior of the home and property for any violations of our governing covenants. To request any of our inspections, go to the SCOV website > Members > Member Services > Sell Your Home and complete and submit the short form.
The listing inspection is requested by either the realtor or the seller at or near the time of listing, and is good for 90 days. Once completed, a report of violations is sent to the realtor/seller. You may still have time to correct violations before entering escrow. When an offer is accepted, the violations are forwarded to the title company in a mandatory inspection compliance report. Remember that you must have either a listing or escrow inspection completed before the close of escrow. For further details, please contact the Conveyance Coordinator at the Welcome Center 520-917-8087.
Architectural Review
Jim Cherry 612-805-5637 ARC@suncityorovalley.com
Zoom meetings Second and Fourth Tue., 2 PM
Many homeowners have added patio covers in their backyards. The most popular styles involve slatted patio covers (not pergolas), as they are a great way to deflect sunlight while still allowing heat dissipation. These structures have a wood appearance, but are made of powder coat aluminum square tubing across the top with matching posts.
If you are interested in this upgrade, the first step is to initiate the Concept Application process in advance of securing a contractor. This first step will allow the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) to meet and discuss your idea and determine where the posts would be placed in conjunction with setbacks, and if there are any neighbor visibility impacts. Once this initial review has taken place, an approval to proceed may be given, and you may move forward with securing bids and obtaining drawings for your Final Submittal. This is another opportunity to leverage knowledge from the ARC.
Community Directory
Chair Blythe Campbell 907-717-7546 scov.community.directory@gmail.com www.scovaz.com/members/services/directory
Consumer Referral - Vendor List
Susanna Moran scovconsumerservices@gmail.com
The Vendor List is on the SCOV website. After logging in, go to Members > Member Services > Consumer Referral Vendor List.
The Vendor List is currently available for viewing at the monitor’s desk at Catalina Vista. Check the Vendor List often, as changes are made frequently.
Vendors should email Susanna Moran to inquire about applying to be on the Vendor List.
Due to the late date of the Board meeting, please find the results for the election of the Board of Directors for 20232024 in the email sent to the community on Tuesday, March 28. It will also be posted on Association doors that day.
Chair Meade Davis meadedavis11@gmail.com
Quarterly Zoom meetings on Mondays. Check SCOV calendar for dates and times.
The Finance and Budget Committee meetings are typically held quarterly. You may attend in person or via Zoom. The SCOV website provides the Zoom link at Members > Committees > Finance-Budget. Additional meeting times are posted on the SCOV website as needed.
Food and Beverage
Chair Bob Landis landisrc@gmail.com
Next meeting Thu., Apr. 6, 4 PM, WC1
The next meeting of the Food and Beverage Committee is Thursday, April 6. The committee will discuss future plans. Congratulations to the new baristas at The Bistro Wine and Coffee Bar for getting things off to a great start.
Friends of the Library
Co-Pres. Kari Dufur karidufur@gmail.com
Co-Pres. Carol Tombre mctombre@yahoo.com
Treas. and Membership Claire Wendt claire.wendt@gmail.com
It being spring, we’re finding things blooming not only outside but within. The excitement of new faces within the Friends of the Library (FOL) board brings new ideas. Look for new and fun fundraisers to help support our SCOV Library.
We want to give a huge thank you to Andrea Houston, who after many years is stepping down from her dual position as treasurer and membership chair. She can’t completely step away, however, as she and BJ Kass will again be bringing Great Reads to FOL members later in the year. Claire Wendt will be taking on the task of filling Andrea’s shoes.
Join us for our monthly fun, Book Bingo, Wednesday, April 19. It’s open to non-FOL members. See Coming Events for more details.
Gift Shop
Co-Chairs Melanie Stinson 971-506-8655, Maxine Yunker 970-691-7990
Gift Shop 520-917-8051
Shop Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 AM-4 PM, Sat. 10 AM-1 PM www.suncityorovalley.com/gift-shop
Featured artists are Rochelle Van Ryn and Don Jovag.
Rochelle is from Colorado. Her favorite media are pen, ink and watercolor. For several years, she has enjoyed making art using Scriptures. She creates originals in watercolor journals that will go to her seven grandkids. The prints and cards we carry are from those journals. She taught art as a volunteer at her kid’s public school for eight years, then three years at an inner-city Denver public school, using art to teach English. She used those lessons in the U.S., Mexico, Italy, Peru, Rwanda, Jordan and Australia.
Don is known for his food-safe wooden bowls and platters that feature intricate designs created with different colors and varieties of wood. When you feel one of these bowls, you get an appreciation for the quality of his work and his meticulous attention to detail. Don also makes beautiful and durable wooden bracelets, hoop earrings and urns.
Government Affairs
Chair Earl Vittitoe scovga@gmail.com
Second Wed., 1 PM, WC1 www.suncityorovalley.com/committees/government-affairs/
Mark your calendars for the forum with Oro Valley Police Chief, Kara Riley, Tuesday, April 4, Noon, Activity Center/ Auditorium. The Government Affairs Committee thanks the community for their input to aid in our planning for informational forums this year.
Holiday Lights
Chair Linda Bretz 603-459-4219 lindaebretz1@gmail.com www.SCOVLites.com
Thanks to a grant from the Sun City Vistoso Foundation, this committee is moving forward with making more flowers for this year’s display.
Loan Room - Community Assistance
Chair Gay Russell
Third Thu., 3 PM, WC1 (currently not meeting) Loan Room hours: Tue., Thu., 8-9 AM www.suncityorovalley.com/members/services/loan-room/
Getting started
The Loan Room is a free service provided to all SCOV residents and run by volunteers in our community. It is supported by revenue from the aluminum can collection program (those blue recycling bins) and by donations from you. During March, we asked for your help with donations, so we can keep the equipment we loan in good condition and up-todate for the needs of our community. We want to thank you for your generosity and support of the Loan Room program. Learn more on page 4, visit our website to view the types of equipment we have to loan or come see us at the Loan Room at the end of the Cart Barn, Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-9 AM. We will be glad to give you a tour.
Long Range Planning
Chair Sharon Kennedy kennesk@comcast.net
Second and Fourth Wed., 10 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Room and Zoom
The purpose of our committee is to develop and recommend to the Board a rolling 5- to 10-year plan to maintain and further enhance the quality of life for current residents, while ensuring SCOV remains competitive in attracting additional active, involved people to our community. We are currently reviewing results from the recent Resident Community-Wide Survey, and will be updating our recommendations. Committee documents are on the SCOV website. Our meetings are open to all residents.
Neighborhood Pride
Co-Chair Sharon Masterjohn sharonmasterjohn@yahoo.com
Co-Chair Bertha Medina bmedina 70@verizon.net
First Wed., 9 AM, Catalina Vista www.suncityorovalley.com/members/committees/neighborhood-pride Spring has arrived, and it’s time to make sure those empty pots in front yards are filled with living plants, cactus or flowers. With all the rain we had early this year, weeds are popping up everywhere. When weeds are small, they are easy to remove. Wildflowers are allowed in our community until after they bloom, at which time they need to be removed. Trim any trees that block stop signs, or shrubs which overhang the sidewalk or street. Remember, no artifacts of any kind are allowed in front yards. Winter residents should be sure they have someone maintaining their yards during the summer months, so the home looks cared for while you are away. Be sure to notify Administration of your summer address in case they need to reach you while you are gone. Please continue to take pride in your property even when you are not on site, so it will look just as nice upon your return as when you left.
Chair Linda Simōn 520-789-7169 posse@5LP.com
First Tue., 3 PM, Desert Oasis www.scovaz.com/members/committees/posse
Larry Lee joined the Posse upon moving to our community and immediately became a Posse board member. He has served as the Squad C leader for the past 18 years, but has decided it’s time to step down. Barb McNeill has joined the Posse board and taken over as Squad C leader. Both individuals continue to serve our community. While we will miss seeing Larry at Posse board meetings, we’re sure to see him riding his bike and giving his all to Wheels for Kids. Barb is an original resident and has spent 31 years giving to our community in a wide variety of ways, including as an Ambassador and on the Tipster Editorial Committee. Thank you both for recognizing the value of the Posse and giving us your time and expertise. The Posse is always looking for new volunteers. Please join us. Apply online suncityorovalley.com > Members> Committees > Volunteer Application.
Chair Rich Oaks richoaks114@gmail.com
Third Thu., 9 AM, WC1 and via Zoom
Semiannual inspections of SCOV facilities are one of the Property Committee’s primary functions. The purpose of the inspections is to identify the condition and maintenance needs of SCOV facilities and grounds. Committee members, together with HOA maintenance staff, will conduct an inspection during April. The Properties Committee works on a variety of tasks like this during the year. We meet monthly in person and via Zoom. Please see the calendar on the SCOV website for scheduled meeting dates, times and meeting format.
Tipster Editorial
Co-chair Karla Erdahl 480-205-1931 karrd.9@gmail.com
Co-chair Karen Koopmans 520-818-6337 skkoops@gmail.com
Do you enjoy the Photo Scrapbook pages in some issues of the Tipster? Many of the pictures are photos that were submitted for the Community Directory photo contest: great photos that weren’t selected for the directory cover. If you have a good quality photo that you think represents life in SCOV, consider submitting it for the contest.
Golfing experience that provides professional and friendly service, mountain views and excellent conditions.
Golf - Rick Price
Last month we had our annual Cure for Cancer event, and again it was a huge success. Thank you to all who participated and donated to the cause. We raised well over $40,000 for the University of Arizona Cancer Center.
In April, we have the Women’s 18-Hole Club Championship April 4, 7 and 11. The Men’s 18-Hole Member Invitational is scheduled for April 14-15. All leagues are wrapping up their main tournament events this month.
Our Chip & Putt event on Thursdays continues through this month, starting at 4 PM on April 6 and 20. You can play up to six people per group. The entry fee is $15 pp for golf, prizes and dinner on The Views terrace. Sign up online through the reservation system or call the Pro Shop 520-825-3110.
This month’s Yappy Hour is Thursday, April 13, 4-5 PM, on the driving range tee. There will be drink specials and treats for the dogs. Social dogs with up-to-date shots are welcome, and leashes are required. The driving range will be closed at 3:30 PM for a clean pick of all the range balls in the wash and desert areas. Any volunteers are appreciated in helping us collect the balls.
Next month we will announce our new rates and membership plans for our fiscal year starting July 1, 2023.
Spring is finally here, and as the weather warms up the Bermuda grass is starting to grow. We look forward to enjoying the golf course conditions this spring and thank everyone for their support in playing golf.
Director of Golf Maintenance
- Michael Kropf
April is the time of year the golf course begins the transition from the overseeded winter ryegrass to the underlying Bermuda grass. The goal is to slowly remove the ryegrass and promote the growth of the Bermuda grass, while still providing good golf course conditions in May and early summer.
This process involves many steps that actually start in September and last until the Bermuda grass is healed in July. Seed rates have been greatly reduced over the years to provide less competition between grasses. Overseed preparation is significantly reduced to prevent injury to Bermuda grass before seeding even occurs.
Irrigation is monitored very closely to prevent injury to the Bermuda grass in late spring as the temperatures start to rise. If the ryegrass is watered too heavily, the underlying Bermuda grass gets weaker and declines. If the ryegrass is not watered enough, the salts build up in the soil, also leading to Bermuda grass decline.
A mix of chemicals is applied starting in March to weaken the ryegrass. This reduces competition and allows the Bermuda grass to come out of dormancy more easily. A different chemical is used in May to completely remove the ryegrass and Poa annua to allow the Bermuda grass a chance for full recovery.
Fortunately, this transition program has led to better and better conditions each summer. The transition program combined with not overseeding fairways last year should lead to even better conditions in late May and June. Hopefully, the fairway conditions will require few repairs and heal quickly.
Golf Advisory
Chair Kevin Devaney 708-732-2943
Sep.-May, first Wed., 2 PM, WC3
The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club
Pres. John Olson 206-550-5557 jwo1949@gmail.com
Membership Cliff Rogge 720-323-5911 drcliffrogge@aol.com
Play Wed. AM
We want to thank all those who played, organized and supported the Cure for Cancer Tournament on March 12. What a great way to raise money for the University of Arizona Cancer Research Center.
Also in March, Dean Silverlock shot a three-day total of 242 from the blue tees to win the 2023 Club Championship.
Congratulations to Dean and the winners of the other flights: Blue/Silver, Curt Rausch; Silver, Gary McCarrell; Silver/ White, Don Andersen and White, Will Skeen.
The Views 18-Hole Men’s Golf Club currently has 126 members. We always welcome new members of all ability levels to join us for fun and friendly competition. Our events feature a variety of formats that provide an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
There is still time to sign up for The Views Invitational, which will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 14-15. Twoperson teams will play a scramble one day and a best ball format the other day. Lunch and beverages will be provided both days, and there will be closest to the pin prizes and payouts for low gross and low net finishers across several flights. Sign up with a friend or guest, or as a single and we’ll pair you up.
Events in April
April 5 - Two Better Balls
April 12 - Better Nine
April 14 and 15 - Views Invitational
April 19 - Oh Crap Scramble
April 26 - Four Man Scramble and BASH
Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Club
Pres. Tod Milton 520-256-0962 theodore.r.milton@gmail.com
Play Thu. morning
The Views 18-Hole Women’s Golf Club
Pres. Rob Ranson phyllisranson@yahoo.com
VP/Membership Pattie Horning phorning13@gmail.com
League play Tue. mornings
At this writing, the President’s Cup has two more matches to play. Darlene Lamb will play Barbara Armes for third and fourth place. Judy Oliver will play Bonnie Svarstad for the President’s Cup Champion.
After three rounds of the State Medallion, Debbie Huffman is the low gross leader, and low net leader is Cindy Whittich. March 21 was the last State Medallion play day.
New officers for the 20232024 season will be: Pres., Pattie Horning; VP, Claudia Svarstad; Secretaries, Susan Olson and Dee Ruelas; Treas., Teri Hansen; Handicap Chair, Tana Wyrick; Tournament Chair, Barbara Hall and Rules Chair, Marty Blakely.
Thank you to the nominating committee: Beckie Harkey, Deb Huffman and Marty Blakely.
The Club Championship begins April 4. This is a 54-hole, total low gross event held over three days. Best wishes to all participants.
The Views 9-Hole Women’s Golf Club
Pres. Marilyn Tyreman thunderlaw70@yahoo.com
Membership Carol Johnson johncjj@frontier.com
Play Thu. mornings
Food & Beverage Management Team
Janet Blackwell, Restaurant Manager jblackwell@suncityorovalley.com
Skeeter Reynolds, Kitchen Manager sreynolds@suncityorovalley.com
Happy Easter from The Views. We will have specials on Easter Sunday, both breakfast and dinner, in addition to our normal menu. We will not take reservations; it will be Sunday business as usual. We have added three new musical acts to our entertainment schedule. All appear to have been well received. We will continue to add more new talent as the year progresses.
The Bistro Coffee & Wine Bar is doing great. We have had quite a few comments and suggestions. The Bistro will continue to grow and evolve during the course of the year.
On behalf of the staff and management, we want to wish you a most blessed Easter. Stay happy, healthy and safe.
Community Foundation
Pres. Carol Johnson
425-343-7138 FoundationSCOV@gmail.com
Fourth Thu., 1 PM, Desert Oasis www.foundationscov.org
Many of us expected our tax preparations to become less complicated when we retired. How wrong we were. While our personal finances may have simplified, the tax code continues to become more complex.
March luncheon
The Lady Niners celebrated St. Patrick’s Day at our March luncheon and meeting. At that time, Candis Cook did a brief presentation on rules, so we’d be ready for upcoming tournaments, including the Cancer Tournament, our Club Championship and the tournaments of local women’s golf groups in which we are participating. We also held our invitational tournament in March, The Ladies Masters, with enthusiastic participation by the Niners and many local ladies’ golf clubs.
There is plenty of golf left this spring and summer on our beautiful course. With 98 members, we are getting very close to our goal of 100, so don’t hesitate to join us.
Bee Management
Riding the white horse to the rescue, the Sun City Oro Valley AARP tax program has trained a volunteer group of certified counselors from our community to assist residents in completing their tax forms. Since 1990, nearly 300 residents have benefited from this free service.
This year, when the IRS did not provide enough copies of needed documents to SCOV’s AARP tax program, they requested and received a grant from your Foundation to fund the copying costs. With tax season now in full swing, AARP tax program volunteers are busy helping those residents needing assistance. The Foundation thanks all volunteers who provide this very worthwhile service.
It is our practice when a swarm of bees lights on the golf course to identify the swarm by a hazard marker (white circle). They move on after a day or two. Follow The Views Golf on Instagram: @theviewsgolf
Coming Events
Items included in this section must be open to all residents and be either sponsored by the Association or be an annual club event of interest to the entire community. Check the website and “This Week in SCOV” for current information.
Every Day, 3-6 PM
The Views Restaurant Happy Hour
Join us for happy hour food and drink specials.
Every Wednesday, 8 AM-Noon
Open Air Market
Don’t forget to drop by the market behind the Welcome Center between 8 AM and Noon. There may be new vendors each week. Shop in the convenience of our own community. Let’s keep this market going with your purchases.
Saturday, April 1, 8-10 AM
Annual Shredding Day
The Sun City Vistoso Community Foundation sponsors the annual shredding day at Vistoso Community Church parking lot, 1200 E. Rancho Vistoso Blvd. Have your membership card available to show. Personal papers only. Drive-in only; no walk-ups. No business records, magazines, newspapers or junk mail will be accepted.
Sunday, April 2, 3 PM Free Concert
The Tucson Klezmerados will perform its Second Annual Community Concert in the Activity Center/Native American Rooms. Don’t miss the lively, fun and danceable tunes of klezmer, performed by SCOV residents.
Tuesday, April 4, 8 AM
Bus Trip to Musical Instrument Museum
The Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix has a collection of more than 8,000 instruments from more than 200 world countries. This day trip to the museum a round-trip bus ticket, admission and a one-hour tour designed to give an overview of the galleries. Tickets are $66 and available on the website under Member Services > Tickets. Please don’t wait to reserve your seat; space is limited.
Monday, April 10, 10 AM-Noon
SCOV Gift Shop Monday Madness Sale
Mark your calendars for bargains galore at our April Monday Madness sale, including jewelry, wood, fused glass, pottery, fabrics, cards and much more. We set up in front of the Gift Shop. This is an easy and convenient way to shop while supporting your resident artists and local charities. While there, check out all of the new items in the Gift Shop. Thank you for shopping with us.
Monday, April 17, 6 PM
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons Tribute Band
“December ’63” is a tribute to Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. This concert in the Auditorium will take you on a musical journey with stops at every phase of the careers of Frankie and the boys. Tickets are $35 and available on the website under Member Services > Tickets.
Thursday, April 13, 12:30 PM
Library Author Event–Raymond Barnett
Barnett will talk about the process of creating a book, from inception to publication. He will bring many of his books to the presentation. This event will be held at Catalina Vista. Free tickets will be available in the Library.
Wednesday, April 19, 3 PM
Book Bingo
Join the Friends of the Library (FOL) in WC3 for our monthly Book B-I-N-G-O. This is regular bingo with books as prizes and is open to the entire community. No literary knowledge needed. Your cash donation of $5 pp at the door supports the SCOV Library. Bring a beverage and snacks. Use SignUpGenius on the FOL or Library page to reserve your spot, or call Sherry Small 520-308-5735.
Wednesday, April 19, 6:30 PM
Library Author Event–Chris Impey
The Library, in conjunction with the Astronomy Club, presents author Chris Impey, a distinguished professor from the University of Arizona to talk about his new book, Worlds Without End: Exoplanets and the Search for Life in the Universe. Book signing will occur at 6:30 PM, followed by a presentation at 7 PM at Catalina Vista. Free tickets will be available in the Library.
Thursday, April 20, 7:30 AM-12:30 PM
Blood Drive
The American Red Cross will be in the Activity Center/ Native American Rooms to collect blood and Power Red. Appointments can be made by calling 800-RED-CROSS or searching www.redcrossblood.org.
Friday, April 21, 6:30-7 PM
Ballroom Dance Demonstration
Professional, award-winning dancers will demonstrate ballroom dances in the Activity Center/Auditorium. Admission is free. See Starlight Ballroom Dance Club article on page 22 for information about the club dance, featuring Joe Bourne, which follows at 7 PM.
Tuesday, April 25, 10 AM
Tucson Museum of Art Talk
The final Art Talk until the fall is presented by Martin Randall. “The Pre-Raphaelites: A Revolution in Three Parts, with Prelude,” shows how a group of artists changed the course of Western art forever and set the stage for 20th century modern art. Free and open to all. Activity Center/Navajo and Hohokam Rooms. Contact Helen or Bob Jennette jennette.05@comcast.net 520-818-6332.
Thursday, April 27, 12:30-3 PM
Charity Works Collection of Items for Accessories Boutique
Charity Works will be collecting gently loved, clean ladies’ sweaters, designer tops, jackets, scarves, hats, purses, shoes and jewelry on Thursday, April 27, 12:30-3 PM, at Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon Room. These items will be for sale at our Fall Boutique on October 28 with proceeds benefiting Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse. Contact Kathy Patterson, 616-350-6443 or Kathy Hrdy, 520-2625477 with questions.
Friday, April 28, 9:15 AM
Tipster Collation
Join the fun and get a little bit of exercise at the Activity Center/Kiva while collating the inserts that go in the Tipster To sign up, email carolynlerchtipster@gmail.com.
Sunday, May 14, 2 PM
Mother’s Day Concert
The Tucson Concert Band returns with a Mother’s Day Concert in the Activity Center/Auditorium. Tickets, $10 pp, go on sale the day of the concert or in advance. Watch for ticket sales times and dates in “This Week in SCOV” and the May Tipster. Contact Chuck Jarrett, assistant director, at 913-620-4139 or bandmancj@gmail.com with questions.
Workshops and Classes
Association-Sponsored Fitness
Online advance registration is required for all classes at www. suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities. Check www. suncityorovalley.com for current information.
There is a $2 fee per class. Currently, punch passes must be purchased online: $20 for 10 classes or an annual pass for $300. You can register for classes and purchase passes at www.suncityorovalley.com/amenities-facilities/fitness.
Class descriptions may be found at www.suncityorovalley. com/amenities-facilities. Questions, call Lonnie 520-917-8073.
Aqua Zumba®: Tue., 1-2 PM, AFC Pool
Balance Class: Mon.,10:30-11:30 AM, AFC
Chair Balance Class: Fri., 10:30-11:30, AC/Kiva
Cardio Chair Aerobics: Tue., Thu., 10:30-11:30 AM, Sat., 9-10 AM, CV
Cardio Core Fusion: Tue., Thu., 5:30-6:30 PM, AFC
Core Conditioning: Wed., 3 PM, AFC
Slow Flow Yoga: Tue., Thu., 6:45-7:45 PM, AFC
Sweat Stretch: Tue., Thu., 7:30-9 AM, AFC
Water Aerobics: Mon., Wed., Fri., 9-10 AM, AFC Pool
Zumba® : Tue., 9:15-10:10 AM, Thu., 4-5 PM, AFC
Personal trainer one-on-one training. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 for an appointment.
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) Classes
Learn to use this life-saving machine at a class offered Wednesday, April 26, 1:30 PM, WC1. Contact Lonnie Davis to make a reservation for this class 520-917-8073 ldavis@suncityorovalley.com.
iPhone Classes
SCOV Technology Club will present classes for iPhone users in April. SCOV residents may attend without a fee. Please register individually. Class size is limited to 20-25. Sign up on SCOV Technology Club website www.scovcomputer.com or with Peg Bushong 8365pbush@gmail.com. Classes are held in the Welcome Center/Technology Lab.
Wed., Apr. 12, 1-3 PM iPhone: Use your wallet; digital financial tools. Tap enabled cards and mobile payments. Questions answered. Thu., Apr. 27, 1-3 PM iPhone: Are you a prehistoric techie? Explore apps that make your phone useful in the digital age: Flashlight, Magnifier, Find My Phone and more.
Parkinson’s Exercise Club
Classes are Mondays and Thursdays, 4-5:30 PM. Call Ray Jerkins 520-907-2338 to make an appointment. Classes are held in the Welcome Center, WC3.