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Natural Health and Wellness Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 sherokeeilse@yahoo.com Third Wed., 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista www.scovwellness.com

Poets Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 520-331-1092 srafieyan@comcast.net Mon., 10 AM-Noon, WC1

Elegies are frequent themes in poetry. Club member Harvey Gardner dedicated this passionate lament to his father, Charles D. Goldberg, Bugler 1st Class, U.S. Army, WWII: Reveille

“His eau de cigar still haunting/its mouthpiece, Dad’s bugle sits mute, more a tarnished antique candlestick/than a fearsome battle horn.

Its looping, brassy u-turns will/never light a flame, stir a heart, sound a cry, lead a charge, as/would one stiff-lipped, red-faced blast, no matter how mangled or flat.

So wake up you old brass/bugle, howl and shriek…and bring my daddy back.”

This poem is particularly poignant, focusing on the son’s loss and even anger at the missing parent. Sometimes sadness can be lessened by expressing it. But December should be a time for gladness and happy family gatherings.

Members of the Poets Corner have happily resumed meeting in person. Join us.

SCOV Technology Club Pres. Leo Belardinelli 520-989-9314 Technology Club help desk 520-989-9314 scovtech@gmail.com www.scovcomputer.com

The first thing that many December returning residents often do is grab the Tipster to see all the activities taking place. However, historically, the Technology Club has not offered much during December because of previous commitments.

The AARP has once again requested the use of the Technology Lab for their two, week-long, annual AARP tax preparation training. In the spirit of cooperating with other clubs and organizations, we have granted this request in years past, and our board will continue to do so if requested. Because the doors to the Technology Lab will be locked during this period, all calls to the Help Desk will be scheduled at a different location. Don’t hesitate to call, just be aware of the situational change.

Visit our website for all of our interesting January classes (both old and new). Examples of classes are Networking, Android Devices, iPhone WiFi, Streaming TV and Beginning Genealogy Class.

SCOV Charity Works Pres. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 1969kal@comcast.net VP Joyce Shaw 425-765-1415 jwshaw29@gmail.com Finance Kathie Fogle 360-710-8927 kauaikath@yahoo.com Sec. Debbie Francis 402-216-4227 dejfrancis71@gmail.com Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477 jkhrdy2@outlook.com Sep.-Apr., Second Tue., 9 AM, WC3

Our club benefits Emerge of Tucson and IMPACT of Southern Arizona Food Bank. Emerge provides support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. Their mission also includes educating the community by providing presentations on domestic abuse, as well as counseling to child survivors on handling conflict, trauma and abuse.

Donations for Emerge and for IMPACT Food Bank are taken at our monthly meetings. You may go to the Emerge website www.emergecenter.org for information regarding donations.

Shoppers at the Boutique

Our Fall Accessories Boutique was a huge success thanks to all the volunteers, shoppers and folks who donated. Shoppers could enjoy a lunch of sandwiches, cookies and pumpkin pie. Net proceeds from this event benefitted Emerge.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, December 13, 10:30 AM, where we will have a salad luncheon.

See Democratic Club Richard Kopp 520-342-6633 richardkopp@mac.com No meeting in Dec.

Members of the Democratic Club continue to work for a more perfect government of the people, by the people and for the people. This month we are seeking new officers for 2023. Importantly, the club can not continue without a chair. This is according to the rules of our SCOV community, and it is a good and necessary rule: “no chair, no club.”

Our members are also seeking volunteers to serve as vice chair, secretary and treasurer. Members of the board atlarge are also important. Two of our current board members will continue next year.

You may speak with any of us on this year’s board to find out more about how you might be interested in serving our club. You’ll find congenial partners in the important work to be done.

Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Pres. Mary Murck 612-205-0084 Membership Marion Olson 520-839-2273 Club email: scovff@gmail.com www.scovff.weebly.com Next meeting Thu., Jan. 19, 1 PM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

We want to welcome back current and returning club members and look forward to meeting new members and their dogs. Contact us at the phone numbers or email above if you would like to join, so that you have access to the dog park.

Garden Club Co-Pres. Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425 bwisbey90@msn.com Co-Pres. Peggy Knapp 520-825-0664 pegnap@gmail.com VP Charlotte Herbert 541-580-6289 charlotte.h12@gmail.com https://sites.google.com/view/scov-garden-club/home

Desert garden

The December meeting with be our annual holiday party. Please join us Saturday, December 10, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista. The gift exchange is back by popular demand. Please bring a wrapped gift to exchange at the party. There will be refreshments and entertainment. See you there.

Havurah David/Marilyn Smoler 520-818-7880 www.havurahscov.org

Happy Hanukkah, everyone! The Jewish Festival of Lights begins at sundown, Sunday, December 18, and will end the evening of December 25. In celebration of this joyous holiday, Havurah will have a party on Monday, December 19, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista. Traditional potato latkes will be served along with other treats. The klezmer band Yehudi and the Gefilte Fish will entertain, and a great time will be had by all. This event is free for members and $5 for nonmembers. Come join us. Bocce continues every Sunday from 10 AM-Noon. Our December book club pick is In Love, by Amy Bloom. Visit our website havurahscov.org for further information on all events.

Mindfulness Meditation Club Sec. Sue Harrington sueellenharrington@gmail.com Pres. Linda Bold lindabold6@gmail.com Tues., 3 PM, Catalina Vista

Mindfulness Meditation Club continues to meet in person weekly at 3 PM, Catalina Vista patio. The format is 15 minutes discussion of a mindful reading, 25 minutes silent sitting meditation, 10 minutes silent walking meditation and 25 minutes sitting meditation. We encourage everyone to come regardless of their experience or schedule. It is completely acceptable to come or leave quietly at any time. We welcome all to come and steep themselves in the insights that come from the stillness of silent meditation. Other mindfulness practices are offered by the group occasionally including qi gong, poetry sharing, book study and more. For more information email Sue or Linda.

Prepare & Share - Dining Pres. Dorothy Leonard 781-929-5067 dleonard@hbs.edu VP Charlene Meyers 808-937-2178 macrolady.arizona@gmail.com www.scovprepareandshare.weebly.com

This club provides an enjoyable social evening getting to know some of your SCOV neighbors who enjoy cooking and eating interesting food. From December through March, themed dinners take place in members’ homes. Since everyone brings part of the meal, it is not a huge effort for the hosts. The monthly themes were voted on by the membership and announced at the recent catered “Barbecue Bonanza” kickoff dinner. We also have several other catered and/or potluck events during the year. Please visit our website for photos of some of our events and dinners. Contact a club officer for more information, or if you would like to join the club. Republican Club Pres. Marilyn Rego 520-575-4022 mmrego@centurylink.net Second Mon., 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball (no Jul. or Aug. meeting) scovrepublicanclub@gmail.com

The Republican Club meets Monday, December 12, 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball Room. The speaker will be announced in “This Week in SCOV” email the week before the meeting. Please plan on attending and bring a friend.

Scandinavian Heritage Club Sigrid Flatness 425-213-6689 sigridkf@gmail.com

Save the date. The Scandinavian dinner will be held Saturday, February 25, 5:30 PM, Activity Center/Navajo Room. Ticket information and further updates to come.

Singles Clubs

Active Solos Club

Club leader Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258 leslieafisher@yahoo.com www.scovsolos.com

Are you an unpartnered single? Celebrate the holidays and mingle with fellow Active Solos Club members Wednesday, December 14, 3:30-5 PM, Desert Oasis/Ocotillo. Details will be emailed to members, so contact Leslie if you want to become a member. Don’t forget to join us for the monthly happy hour, Tuesday, December 27, 4 PM, The Views Restaurant.

Sun City Singles

Pres. Anthony Delprete 520-989-0120 Ticket Sales Gail Brandt 520-825-7480 Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM

We welcome guests. First-time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities. Thursday, December 8, Catalina International Caterers will provide dinner at Desert Oasis. We will enjoy a spectacular roast beef dinner, scalloped potatoes and Caesar salad, or grilled breast of chicken with orange zest, ginger and honey glaze. Dessert will be a holiday yule log. Social hour is 5:30 PM, followed by dinner at 6 PM. Bring your own favorite beverage. Entertainment will be provided by David Prouty, pianist and vocalist.

Friday, December 30, we will celebrate happy hour at Desert Oasis. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour is 5:30 PM, followed by a light dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by Chuck Moses. For further information, contact Eleanor Mishur at 520-818-3374.

Ticket sales Fri., Dec. 2, 10-11 AM, Desert Oasis. Dinner tickets are $20 pp and happy hour tickets are $10 pp. Checks only please, payable to Sun City Singles Spanish Cultural Club (SCC) Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-241-1215 gclerch@comcast.net Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista

Our next meeting is Monday, January 23, 7 PM, Catalina Vista. Stuart Scott, who worked with John Bezy and Oralia Lopez will present information past and present about Mata Ortiz pottery. Saturday and Sunday, January 28 and 29, is our annual Mata Ortiz Pottery and Zapotec Rug Show and Sale. Location to be determined: Desert Oasis or new Native American rooms. Please share information with your friends.

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