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necessary. To secure a place in the class, three things are necessary: 1) a completed application; we will have these available on January 4, 2) a $10 check payable to Sunliners for membership, and 3) a $20 check for the Introduction classes payable to Deanna M. Berthiaume. If you would like to observe a line dancing session before registering, come to AFC Studio 1 & 2 Saturdays, 9-11:30 AM. A session will be in progress, but there are benches along the back where you can sit and observe. Send questions to SunlinersIntro@ gmail.com or call Judy and leave a message.
For current members, December dance sessions are in AFC 1 & 2 as follows (no hard sole shoes): Wednesday Classes 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Intermediate 12:45 PM-1:45 PM Beginner Saturday Practices 9-10 AM Intermediate 10:15 AM-11:15 AM Beginner 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Basic Sunday Practice 4-5 PM Improver
Future events: Holiday social and potluck, Saturday, December 10, 5:30-8:30 PM, Catalina Vista. Members and guests are welcome.
Board meeting: Wednesday, December 7, 2:30 PM, via Zoom. All members are welcome.
Rock ‘N Roll Pres. Renee Steinmetz scovrandrclub@gmail.com Membership Chair Jon Russell scovrandrclub@gmail.com
It’s the holiday season, and we hope you’re enjoying the festivities. We regret that we won’t be able to hold a New Year’s Eve dance this year. On the flip side, however, the new year will bring the much-anticipated reopening of the renovated Activity Center, and we look forward to being able to dance indoors again starting with our membership meeting and dance the last Sunday in February. For information on upcoming dances, check out our website www.scovrrc.org.
Halloween dance costume contest winners
Our Halloween Monster Mash dance was another success with great music, lots of fun and many creative costumes. We’re grateful to our band, The Rave, for judging our costume contest. Congratulations again to our winners.
Western - Kactus Kickers Co-Pres. Bob and Sue Newman 989-859-8408 cell/text bobnsigrid@icloud.com Membership Marci Gutierrez 520-204-7039 cell/text marci.gutierrez57@gmail.com Dance Classes: Nancy Klucking 360-961-6963 cell/text Nancy.Klucking@gmail.com Information KKscov@gmail.com
Based upon the preference of club members, we will have a “Down Home Country Dance” Friday, December 16, Catalina Vista. There won’t be a band, we will play our music CD’s, so we can decide what songs to play. Club members, watch your email for updates.
Our annual dance classes begin in January. Class registration is Tuesdays, December 6 and 13, and Thursday, January 5. Registration is 10-11:30 AM, Catalina Vista.
Ticket sales are Thursday, January 5, for the Friday, January 13, dance. The band will be Wild Ride.
One of our favorite bands, Clear Country, plays every Tuesday night at the Outlaw Saloon, 6-10 PM. It’s a good chance to practice your two-step dancing. Also, they are booking Country Western bands at Whiskey Roads on Sundays, 5-8:30 PM, another chance to get out and dance.
For Kactus Kickers members, continue to check your email for information about upcoming dances and the winter/spring dance schedule. Look for updates and send any questions to KKSCOV@gmail.com.
Aqua Tone Irmel Wheeler 520-334-0957 irmel5596@gmail.com Marcia Polley 520-818-9073 Tue., Thu., Sat., 10 AM, AFC/Pool
Aqua Tone is a toning water workout that incorporates a variety of rhythmic body movements. This aquatic exercise class enhances cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance.
We meet at the AFC pool. There is no fee to join the club or the class. The teachers are club member volunteers. Participants should be able to do a basic swim stroke. Items used in the class are buoys, boards, noodles, balls and a fitness band. Most items are available at the pool. We assign an experienced member to a newcomer to help learn the various movements. We enjoy a great workout in a fun class.
Arthritis Water Pres. Jane Krabbeler jkrabbeler@gmail.com VP Norma Waters normawaters1@hotmail.com Mon., Wed., Fri., 1 PM, AFC/Pool
Our group meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the AFC pool, 1 PM, when the air temperature is 77 degrees or higher. Our club performs gentle water exercises approved by the Arthritis Foundation to help with range of motion. It’s great for those with arthritis, fibromyalgia, replaced joints, etc. Our bodies need to keep moving, and this is a safe, fun way to stay fit.
If you are a paid member and unable to join us, you may contact the club officers for modified copies of our exercises you may perform safely at home. Our members are fun, accepting, and will welcome you. We hear, “I came for the exercise and love all the friends I’ve found.”
We are in desperate need of instructors. We are all volunteers, and happy to train anyone in this fun and easy position.
Consider joining us; our annual dues are $5. Your first class is free. Believe us when we say your body will thank you. You will be glad you did.
Doris Resident
SCOV Name Tags
Name tags with our logo are $10 each.The order form is available at scovaz.com. Log in first then >Member Services >This & That >Name Tag Order Form.