3 minute read
Continuing Education
Woodworking Pres. Gary Casner 303-880-4120 gcasner1@comcast.net VP Karen Curry 708-822-3057 kindheart77@att.net Next meeting Thu., Dec. 6, 9 AM, Wood Shop www.scovwoodworkingclub.com
Astronomy Pres. Allan Mashburn 435-219-0042 scovastronomy@gmail.com Third Wed., 7 PM, Catalina Vista, Oct.-Apr. www.scovastronomy.weebly.com
The Astronomy Club’s next meeting is Wednesday, December 21, 7-9 PM, Catalina Vista. Mark your calendar as it is a not-to-be-missed presentation.
In this image, compare and contrast the Pillars of Creation as seen by Hubble (on the left) and James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam (on the right). NASA photo
The very special guest speaker will be Marcia Rieke, Professor of Astronomy at UArizona. She is also the principal investigator for the near-infrared camera (NIRCam) for NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. As principal investigator, Professor Rieke was responsible for insuring that the instrument was built and delivered on time and on budget with engineers from Lockheed Martin.
Our future meetings are the third Wednesday of the month, 7 PM, Catalina Vista. Guests and member sign-ups are welcome at every meeting.
Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Study
Jerry Anderson 520-638-6586 Oct.-May, Tue., 7:15 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
Guests are welcome at our Tuesday morning meetings. Many of the group meet for breakfast and fellowship immediately following at The Views Restaurant.
Women’s Bible Study
Pres. Elaine Farmer 253-318-0018 elaineruth@gmail.com Sec. Faith Heitmann 208-750-5886 quincie51@gmail.com Oct.-May, Wed., 8:50 AM, WC3
Merry Christmas everyone. Our study of women of the Judges is wrapping up in a few weeks, and we will begin a new study in midJanuary. Blessings to all through the end of this year and into 2023. Luke 2:2-20 and Philippians 4:4-7. Genealogy Pres. Holly Gibson 303-548-1299 ghgibson@live.com General meetings Oct.-May, Third Mon., 1 PM, Catalina Vista www.scvgs.org
The Genealogy Club meets Monday, December 19, 1 PM, Catalina Vista. Mary Barr and Kathy Mashburn will share information about holiday traditions from different cultures around the world. Members are encouraged to join the conversation with interesting holiday celebrations they have uncovered from their research. Guests are welcome.
Members who have old family photos to add to the ancestry tree in the Genealogy Club computer room are invited to submit photocopies of 5 x 7 photos with the name(s) of the person(s) in the photo, the relation to the person submitting the photo and the location where and when (year or timeframe) the photo was taken.
If you are interested in learning about genealogy, look for more information in “This Week in SCOV” about a beginning genealogy class in January.
Great Books Pres. Barbara Gates 302-354-6615 VP Maryfaith Fox 612-414-7789 maryfaith.fox@gmail.com Oct.-Apr., First and Third Wed., 2 PM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Lemmon
Our club provides an opportunity for discussions of challenging ideas. We read selections of essays, short stories, poetry or excerpts from longer works, from the anthologies published by the Great Books Foundation. The topics vary, but the conversation is always thoughtful and stimulating.
We meet twice a month. This year, we are reading the selections in Great Conversations 3. In December, we will explore works by Tolstoy and Kipling.
Newcomers are welcome. Contact Barbara or Maryfaith for more information.
ILR - Institute of Learning in Retirement Pres. Mary Lee Fitzgerald fitzgerald.marylee@gmail.com www.suncityilr.com
The fall ILR term ends in December with a huge thanks to both instructors and participants. We had registration numbers not seen for several years. All courses have returned to in person. The SCOV ILR, unlike other adult learning programs in the Tucson area, does not pay its instructors. All volunteer their time and immense experience to provide first-rate courses for a minimum fee, right here in SCOV. Many of our instructors are retired These books serve as inspiration for spring classes college professors, some with published books and articles. Patrick Hearden, who is teaching “America in Vietnam” in February, taught diplomatic history at Purdue for 30 years; his book, The Tragedy of Vietnam, is in its fifth edition and in use at West Point.
All winter term courses are posted on the ILR website and registration is open until Saturday, December 31. Join us Thursday, December 15, Catalina Vista, for the winter preview of courses. Come and meet the instructors and register in person on-site. Learn more about our club on page 4.