11 minute read
Cultural & Social
Natural Health and Wellness Sherokee Ilse 520-818-3279 sherokeeilse@yahoo.com Third Wed., Oct.-May, 3-4:30 PM, Catalina Vista. That may change during Activity Center renovation. www.scovwellness.com
Even when we are not meeting, we want to keep you upto-date. Check out our website which is full of healthy wellness tips, websites, resources, local practitioners and more.
Poets Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 520-331-1092 srafieyan@comcast.net Mon., 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, WC1
Sadly, the rain in Louisiana doesn’t douse the flames that rage in California. Weather doesn’t come where we will it or ever, it seems, in moderation anywhere. But Iranian poet Majid Naficy is not roused by nature in this excerpt from his poem, “To a Soldier’s Wife.”
“I see you looking at him
In a sad mortuary in your town
Where the chimneys have darkened the sky
And poverty passes whistling
In its dirty suit.
“There, I became a drop of tear
Falling from your beautiful eyes
Onto his sutured mouth
And his torn body
And I became a mournful cry
From your tightened throat
As his casket was carried away
And placed into the shameless ground.”
Copyright Majid Naficy, iroon.com.
With so many reasons to weep these days, sometimes it helps to funnel emotions into words. Join us as we share what we write via Zoom.
SCOV Technology Club Pres. Paul Sherwood 520-329-7661 paulgsherwood@gmail.com Computer club help desk 520-329-7661, email scovtech@gmail.com www.scovcomputer.com
Democratic Club Richard Kopp 520-342-6633 richardkopp@mac.com Next meeting, Sat., Oct. 9, 1 PM, Zoom
The successes of our representative government depend so much on the hurly-burly of Arizona’s generally hardworking legislators. We are inviting members of the Arizona House of Representatives to help us understand not just how a bill becomes a law, but to tell us what real opportunities and obstacles our legislators grapple with. We will share which Arizona issues we want our legislators to work on next.
Dining - Prepare & Share Pres. Debbie Kotlarek 262-899-5810 dlkotlarek@gmail.com VP Charlene Meyers www.scovprepareandshare.weebly.com
Join us for our 2021-2022 season kick-off, Friday, November 5, 5 PM, Catalina Vista. Our buffet dinner will be catered by The Views. The cost is $20 pp. Please bring the beverage of your choice. If you’re not already a member of the club but wish to attend, contact Debbie Kotlarek. Members will be contacted via email with more details. The club holds monthly themed dinners in member homes, usually 6-8 people per home, December through March. Members each prepare a portion of the meal and bring it to the hosting house. New members are always welcome.
Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Membership Chairs: Peggy Perkins 650-279-0347 peggyandpups@comcast.net or Carol Tombre 208-961-1133 mctombre@yahoo.com Membership meetings and lectures will resume in the fall www.scovff.weebly.com
Slowly but surely we are making improvements to the K-9 Korral. There is a new rules sign posted on the fence along the walkway. There is also a new park bench on the upper end of the large dog park. This bench was donated by Paul Jensen and his dog Hazel. In October we will install a plaque on this bench honoring their donation. We are still working on options for shade structures for both the large and small dog sections. Due to the Arizona climate and the annual monsoon season, we need a structure that can withstand Arizona weather. This will require approval from the SCOV Board, the ARC, and the Oro Valley Building Department. We are working with SCOV on constructing a new entrance sign to the park, and lastly, we are working on an official logo for the Fido’s Friends Dog Club. We will update the membership on all of our initiatives when we restart our meetings in November.
Garden Club Co-Pres. Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425 bwisbey90@msn.com Co-Pres. Peggy Knapp 520-825-0664 pegnap@gmail.com VP Charlotte Herbert 541-580-6289 charlotte.h12@gmail.com https://sites.google.com/view/scov-garden-club/home
April Hoffman in her garden. Sheryl Hester photo
Our first general meeting is Saturday, October 9, 2 PM, Catalina Vista. This is our membership sign up day, so bring your checkbook. Membership is $10 pp or $15/cpl and runs for the calendar year January-December 2022. Our first speaker this year is April Hoffman, SCOV resident and avid gardener. Her program is: “Why Natives?” Bees, responsible for 90% of the world’s food, are now an endangered species. Without them we will perish. April’s power
point features the most successful, useful and colorful native plants in her garden. Her credentials are curiosity about plants and concern for the biome. Acknowledgements go to those who helped with this presentation: Kathy and Tom Marks, Judee Wickersham, Sheryl Hester and John Hoffman. Our first field trip is Wednesday, October 13, to Desert Survivors Garden Center. Sign up at the meeting. Come join us as we start our new Garden Club year.
Havurah Pres. Barbara Hamm 928-210-4735 www.havurahscov.org
Havurah welcomes fall and the return of community to programs and fun. Our September 16 Break the Fast dinner on The Views Terrace was enjoyed by all. Tuesday, October 12, on Zoom, our Book Club resumes its season of reading and discussion. The first novel is Washing the Dead, by Michelle Brafman. Contact Renee grillsrenee@yahoo.com for more information. Monday, October 18, 6:30 PM, Catalina Vista, is our first annual general meeting, a meet and greet that gives attendees the chance to interact with members new and old. This will also be the perfect opportunity for those interested in learning more about Havurah to meet us in a relaxed and friendly setting. Please come.
Mindfulness Meditation Club Bonnie Grant Baird, bjgrantb77@gmail.com Tues., 3 PM, Catalina Vista
Mindfulness Meditation meets weekly on Tuesdays, 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio or patio (weather permitting). The regular format is a 15-minute discussion of a reading, followed by 25 minutes of silent sitting meditation, 10 minutes silent walking meditation, and 25 minutes silent sitting meditation. We encourage everyone to come regardless of experience or schedule. It is completely acceptable to come or leave quietly at any time, especially during the walking meditation as there is little to no interruption to the group. We welcome all to come and steep themselves in the insights that come from the stillness of meditation. For more information, you may arrive a few minutes early to ask those who regularly attend or contact Bonnie.
Republican Club Pres. Marilyn Rego 520-575-4022 mmrego@centurylink.net Second Mon., 3 PM, Catalina Vista Scovrepublicanclub@gmail.com
Our meeting will be on Monday, October 11, 3 PM, Catalina Vista. All are welcome.
Raf Polo, SCOV resident, will speak about his immigration to the USA from Cuba when he was 11 years old. He has authored two books about his admirable story.
Also speaking is Blake Masters, candidate for U.S. Senator. Blake is a local resident. Please attend our meeting and invite a friend.
St. Philip’s Social Club Abby Marier 520-825-4878 absma@comcast.net
Scandinavian Heritage Club Sigrid Flatness 425 213-6689 sigridkf@gmail.com
Mark your calendars. Due to the renovation of the Activity Center, our annual dinner will be held Sunday, January 30, 1-4 PM, Catalina Vista. We’ll use of all three meeting rooms and the patio. Singles Clubs
Active Solos Club
Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258 leslieafisher@yahoo.com or Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069, janemail11@yahoo.com www.scovsolos.com
If you are an active, nonpartnered single and would like to make new friends, the Active Solos Club welcomes you. In addition to monthly happy hours, we have some fun events scheduled for the Active Solos enjoy happy hour at The Views Restaurant coming year. To find out more, contact Leslie or Jane to become a member and stay informed.
Sun City Singles
Pres. Anthony Delprete 520-989-0120 Ticket Sales Gail Brandt 520-825-7480 Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM
We welcome guests. Thursday, October 14, The Views will cater dinner for us at Desert Oasis. We will be served a spinach artichoke chicken breast, mashed potatoes, vegetable and sweet dessert. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour will be 5:30 PM, followed by dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by Chuck Moses.
On Friday, October 29, we will celebrate happy hour at the Desert Oasis. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour will be at 5:30 PM, followed by a light dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by David Prouty. First-time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities. For further information, please contact Eleanor Mishur 520-818-3374 or Ruth Hochstein 520-825-0070. Ticket sales, Fri., Oct. 1, 10-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis Dinner tickets, $20 pp; happy hour appetizers, $10 pp. Checks only, payable to Sun City Singles. Spanish Cultural Club (SCC) Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-818-3319 gclerch@comcast.net Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista
Our Monday, October 25, 7 PM, meeting will be at Catalina Vista. The presentation and discussion will feature Pat Brown from Casa Alitas, Diane Everhart and another board member from The Inn. We will all be masked. Want to have some chat time? Come at 6:30 PM. Bring your own drinks and munchies. Dues are $10 pp. We will also celebrate Dia de los Muertos. Dr. Michael Brescia will be speaking to us in November.
New England Club
Pres: Walt Swap, 520-623-3847, wswap@tufts.edu Claude Janus, ahj0523@aol.com, Allie Angeloni, alrogangeloni@hotmail.com Marjorie Gerdes, gerdesm14@gmail.com
Do you have a geographic or sentimental attachment to one or more of the six New England states? Congratulations, you automatically qualify as a proud member of the SCOV New England Club. And we have a fall event to bring you together with fellow New Englanders. On Wednesday, October 6, 4 PM, we are holding a free social at the home of Marjorie Gerdes, 14722 N. Alamo Canyon Dr. Wine, beer and water will be provided, any other drinks, BYO, please. Fruit and appetizers will also be on hand. Attendance will be capped at 25, so RSVP by calling Marjorie Gerdes 520-8255750 or emailing Walt Swap wswap@tufts.edu.
Mark your calendars for April 8 when we will be holding our annual pizza party, 5-7 PM, Desert Oasis.
Anne Rusch 920-202-0008
Wisconsin Club
Save the date: Sunday, April 3, Catalina Vista, for the Wisconsin Club annual party. Note that this will be an afternoon event with exact times to be determined. Hope to see you there.
Sun City Variety Theatre Summer membership contact: Ada Shopa 260-349-5468 Sep.-Apr., Third Thu., 10 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge
Our September meeting had nominations for board candidates. We will vote for the new board at our October 28 meeting. This is a change of date for this meeting only. Please note the change of meeting location above. We will hold a “Tribute to Pioneers of SCOV Theatre” on Sunday, November 7, Catalina Vista. Space is limited. We will send out the contact in a separate email. Please see “This Week in SCOV” for information. Hors d’oeuvres and a sparkling beverage will be served. Bring your own drinks, other than coffee and water. Our planned production of Big Guns will take place Sunday, March 27, at the Gaslight Music Hall. Rehearsals begin in January. Consider joining us to work backstage, props, sound, costumes or perform. We have a lot of fun.
Veterans Club of SCOV Pres. Mike LaBarbera 812-431-7427 mclabarb@aol.com First Mon., 1 PM, Catalina Vista www.vbscov.weebly.com
The next club meeting will be Monday, October 4, 1 PM, Catalina Vista. At our meetings we have guest speakers who cover a range of topics to inform club members of veteran organizations, VA compensation and entitlements. We cover relevant issues by email and during monthly meetings. Our current membership is over 230 veterans. Please come to a meeting or contact me any time.
Start gathering gently used men’s and women’s clothing, personal hygiene items, shoes, belts, gloves, hats, etc., for donation to homeless Tucson veterans. Use the yellow Vietnam Veteran bags to donate items locally. Collection begins Monday, October 25. Deliver to 2145 E. Bighorn Mountain Dr., and leave items by the front door.
If you have an unserviceable U.S. flag, leave it at the address above, wrapped inconspicuously.
Purchase your Legacy Brick and support SCOV, your favorite SCOV club and local veterans. Order form deadline is November 15. Over 180 bricks have been sold supporting over 40 SCOV clubs. Email Mike LaBarbera for an order form.
Women’s Action Group of Oro Valley (WAG OV) Facilitator Anne Munoz 253-905-7747 queenanne9@yahoo.com Communications Kris Sigford 612-747-0487 raykris@aribo.com First Fri., 11 AM, Catalina Vista/Mt. Kimball
WAG OV’s mission is to promote positive, progressive political change on issues affecting women and families.
SCOV Women’s Auxiliary Pres. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 1969kal@comcast.net VP Joyce Shaw 425-765-1415 jwshaw29@gmail.com Finance Kathie Fogle 360-710-8927 kauaikath@yahoo.com Sec. Lynn Parker 936-293-0304 Lynnquilts@outlook.com Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477 jkhrd2@aol.com Meetings second Tue., 9-10:30 AM, WC3
Our Auxiliary benefits Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse and IMPACT of Southern Arizona Food Bank. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 12, specifics above.
The Auxiliary plans to host our Accessories Boutique on Saturday, October 30, 10 AM-2 PM, Catalina Vista. Instead of a luncheon, finger snacks, sweets and wine will be available.
Accessories donations of gently used items can placed in collection boxes at Desert Oasis, AFC and Catalina Vista or contact these members: jewelry, Elaine Deeter 209-9856663 or Vicki Gushwa 701-367-3298; purses, Linda Wilkes 520-395-2370; shoes, Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477 or Winnie Doerfer 520-275-9441; hats, Chris Curtis 585-203-7824; jackets, Debbie Francis 402-216-4227; and sweaters, Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443.
Ballroom - SC Starlight Beth Allen 248-763-6266 scovstarlightdance@gmail.com www.scstarlightdanceclub.wixsite.com/scstarlightdance
As fall cools, dancing heats up, and we welcome back our traveling members.
New to ballroom dancing or need some review? Introductory/beginner classes start on Wednesdays, October 6, 13, and 20, 5-5:50 PM, AFC/Studios 1&2, with rumba and foxtrot. Following on Wednesdays, October 27, November 3 and 10, is a second class offering of waltz and cha cha. Either three-class series is offered for $45/couple and is instructed by our resident professional, Christine Hoskins.
Plan to attend our annual membership meeting on Friday, October 15, 5:30-6 PM, Catalina Vista. Dues for the 20212022 year remain $10/cpl and $20/nonresident couple and may be paid beginning at the meeting. After catching up on club plans and greeting friends, join us at our Sweetest Day Dance, from 6-9 PM. Call Bill Bable 248-231-2829 right away if you don’t already have your tickets, as space is limited.