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Poets Corner Sharyn Rafieyan 520-331-1092 srafieyan@comcast.net Mon., 10 AM-Noon, WC1, Zoom meetings first Mon. of the month

Although Alfred Lord Tennyson published this seasonal poem in 1850, much of it is relevant still today. His poetry inspires even as it chides with lessons we can surely take to heart.

Selected excerpts from “Ring Out, Wild Bells”:

“Ring out the old, ring in the new, / Ring, happy bells, across the snow: / The year is going, let him go; / Ring out the false, ring in the true…

Ring out the grief that saps the mind / For those that here we see no more; / Ring out the feud of rich and poor, / Ring in redress to all mankind.

Ring out a slowly dying cause, / And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, / With sweeter manners, purer laws…

Ring out false pride in place and blood, / The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, / Ring in the common love of good…”

Join us.

SCOV Technology Club Pres. Paul Sherwood 520-329-7661 paulgsherwood@gmail.com Technology Club help desk 520-329-7661, email scovtech@gmail.com www.scovcomputer.com

SCOV Charity Works Pres. Kathy Patterson 616-350-6443 1969kal@comcast.net VP Joyce Shaw 425-765-1415 jwshaw29@gmail.com Finance Kathie Fogle 360-710-8927 kauaikath@yahoo.com Sec. Lynn Parker 936-293-0304 Lynnquilts@outlook.com Donations Kathy Hrdy 520-262-5477 jkhrd2@aol.com Meetings second Tue., 9-10:30 AM, WC3

SCOV Charity Works would like to thank everyone who shopped at the Accessories Boutique, donated items and volunteered their time on October 30. It was very successful because of all of you. The proceeds will benefit Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse in Tucson, providing support and transitional housing to women and children in crisis. They help educate the community by providing presentations on domestic abuse, as well as counseling to child survivors.

Emerge! remains in need of items. View wish list on their website. www.emergecenter.org. $20 gift cards are helpful, e.g., Visa/Mastercard, Walmart, Target, Fry’s.

We also support IMPACT of Southern Arizona by collecting food at each meeting.

In December, we will participate in the Emerge Holiday House.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, December 14, 10:30 AM, WC3. Note change of time. There will be a potluck salad luncheon after the meeting.

Join our Facebook group Sun City Oro Valley

Democratic Club Richard Kopp 520-342-6633 richardkopp@mac.com Next meeting, Sat., Nov. 13, 1 PM, Zoom

May peace and well-being prevail among us all. Shutterstock photo.

Our Democratic Club will not meet this month. Still, we wish everyone healthy and happy holidays in December with family and friends.

Save the date: Sunday, January 9, 1 PM. We invite you to join us at Catalina Vista for our in-person Gala Social Gathering to begin the New Year. Ready or not.

At this January meeting, we will have nomination and election of officers for 2022. Several officers this year have agreed to continue next year in one capacity or another, but there’s room for more on our dedicated team.

More information will be forthcoming in January. At anytime, you can contact Richard. Dining - Prepare & Share Pres. Debbie Kotlarek 262-899-5810 dlkotlarek@gmail.com VP Charlene Meyers 808-937-2178 macrolady.arizona@gmail.com www.scovprepareandshare.weebly.com

This club provides an enjoyable social evening getting to know some of your SCOV neighbors who enjoy cooking and eating interesting food. Our monthly (December-March) themed dinners in individual members’ homes provide relaxing fun as we explore various cuisines (e.g., French) or get creative with more ambiguous themes (e.g., food in songs). Since everyone brings part of the meal, it’s not a huge effort for the hosts. We also have several catered/restaurant events each year. Our “Giving Thanks” kickoff dinner on November 5 featured scrumptious food catered by The Views Restaurant (see photo). Please visit our website to see photos and details. And, contact a club officer for more information if you’d like to join the club. Note: Proof of Covid vaccination is required to attend club activities.

November 5 Prepare & Share “Giving Thanks” catered dinner

Dog Club - Fido’s Friends Membership Chairs: Peggy Perkins 650-279-0347 peggyandpups@comcast.net or Carol Tombre 208-961-1133 mctombre@yahoo.com Next meeting Thu., Jan. 20, 1-3 PM, Desert Oasis/Saguaro www.scovff.weebly.com

Happy holidays. Holidays can be a joyful and stressful time for not only us, but for your pets. If you travel to visit friends and family, be sure to make proper accomodations for your pet, whether it be having a pet sitter while you are gone or making proper arrangments when traveling with your dog. If you are hosting family and friends, the additional company and change of routines could create anxiety for pets. Try to stay as close to your regular schedule as possible. Provide your pet with extra playtime or walks to help burn off some energy before guests arrive.

Garden Club Co-Pres. Joyce Wisbey 520-825-5425 bwisbey90@msn.com Co-Pres. Peggy Knapp 520-825-0664 pegnap@gmail.com VP Charlotte Herbert 541-580-6289 charlotte.h12@gmail.com https://sites.google.com/view/scov-garden-club/home

December will be fun-packed for the Garden Club. Wear your holiday attire and be prepared to be entertained by the SCOV Kactus Krooners. Our meeting this month is the first Saturday, so mark your calendars for Saturday, December 4, 2-4 PM, Catalina Vista. Bring a wrapped gift to exchange, garden related items such as cuttings, tools, handmade objects, not to exceed $10. Be creative. The Pima County Extension Office has the following recommendations for all you who have poinsettias. Keep poinsettias healthy by locating them away from drafts and direct sunlight. They prefer bright, indirect light during the day and a cool location at night. Keep the soil evenly moist, as over- or under-watering will cause the leaves to yellow and drop off. Fertilize monthly with a water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. After all danger of frost is over, poinsettias can be planted outside in a shady location.

Havurah Pres. Barbara Hamm 928-210-4735 www.havurahscov.org

Havurah continues to wish the SCOV community a Happy Hanukah, which ends the evening of December 6. Hope you had an opportunity to see our holiday exhibit in the Catalina Vista lobby. Peaceful and joyful times to all, whatever special days you celebrate.

Our December book group meeting will take place on Zoom, Tuesday, December 14, 3:30 PM, where we will be discussing The Tunnel, by AB Yehoshua. At our general meeting on December 20, 7 PM, Catalina Vista, UArizona graduate student Kayla Telicki will talk about her heritage trip to Poland several years ago. Our Mizvah Magic campaign, coordinated through the Jewish Federation, was a huge success. We were able to donate gift cards to a needy family for Hanukah and will also contribute at Passover and next fall. Thanks to our membership for their generosity. See our website for details on all events. Come join us. 20

Mindfulness Meditation Club Pres. Linda Bold 201-783-7650 lindabold6@gmail.com Sec. Sue Harrington 218-226-8441 sueellenharrington@gmail.com Tues., 3 PM, Catalina Vista

Mindfulness Meditation Club continues to meet in person Tuesdays, 3 PM, Catalina Vista/Art Studio/patio (weather permitting). The regular format is 20 minutes of discussion of a reading followed by 25 minutes silent sitting meditation, 10 minutes silent walking meditation and 25 minutes silent sitting meditation. We encourage everyone to come regardless of their experience or schedule. It is completely acceptable to come or leave quietly at anytime. We welcome all to come and steep themselves in the insights that come from the stillness of silent meditation. For more information, you may arrive a few minutes early to ask those who regularly attend or contact Sue or Linda.

Qi Gong is offered at 2:30 PM for those who can come early.

Republican Club Pres. Marilyn Rego 520-575-4022 mmrego@centurylink.net Second Mon., 3 PM, Catalina Vista Scovrepublicanclub@gmail.com

We appreciated every one who attended in November. Our numbers are growing.

LD11 Representative Mark Finchem will be displaying the future appearance of the Arizona ballot and explaining how it works to prevent fraud. Mark is a candidate for Arizona Secretary of State. Another guest speaker will be Shiry Sapir, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction www. electshirysapir.com. Her goal is to bring common sense and putting our kids first.

Every one is welcome. Invite a friend. St. Philip’s Social Club Abby Marier 520-825-4878 absma@comcast.net

Scandinavian Heritage Club Sigrid Flatness 425 213-6689 sigridkf@gmail.com

The New Year is just around the corner and that means our Scandinavian Dinner is too. We’re getting ready to celebrate our heritage on Sunday, January 30, 1-4 PM, Catalina Vista. We’ll start having ticket sales and food signups in early January at Catalina Vista. Dates and times will be in the January Tipster and “This Week In SCOV” announcements. It’s always fun to have meatballs, potatoes, lefse and krumkake at least once a year, right? Be sure to round up any friends and neighbors who have a smidgen of Scandinavian genes in them. Come join in the fun and laughter at the Ole and Lena jokes. What could be better? Singles Clubs

Active Solos Club

Leslie Fisher 520-955-4258 leslieafisher@yahoo.com or Jane Fairchild 520-909-5069, janemail11@yahoo.com www.scovsolos.com

Make new friends during this holiday season. If you are an un-partnered single, we’re here for you. We’re at The Views Happy Hour on Monday, December 6, and the Golf Course Hole #12, Saturday, December 18, 5:30 PM, to drink, socialize and enjoy the outside holiday decor. See www.scovsolos.com for details and contact Leslie or Jane to for membership information.

Solos Club members tour Life Under the Oaks Lavender Farm in Oracle, Arizona.

Sun City Singles

Pres. Anthony Delprete 520-989-0120 Ticket Sales Gail Brandt 520-825-7480 Dinner meeting second Thu., 5:30 PM; happy hour last Fri., 5:30 PM

We welcome guests. First-time visitors may purchase a ticket to one of our activities. Thursday, December 9, Catalina International Caterers will provide dinner for us at Desert Oasis. We will be served romaine Caesar salad, hand-carved Angus roast beef, scalloped potatoes, fresh baked rolls and butter followed by Yule logs for dessert. Upon request, breast of chicken with apricot and honey sauce instead of beef. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour will be at 5:30 PM, followed by dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by Rene Taylor. On Thursday, December 30, we will celebrate happy hour at Desert Oasis. Bring your own favorite beverage. Social hour will be at 5:30 PM followed by a light dinner at 6 PM. Entertainment will be provided by Cheaper Than Therapy, a female quartet. For further information, contact Eleanor Mishur 520-818-3374. Ticket sales Fri., Dec. 3, 10-11:30 AM, Desert Oasis. Dinner tickets, $20 pp; happy hour tickets, $10 pp. Checks only, payable to Sun City Singles. Spanish Cultural Club (SCC) Gary/Carolyn Lerch 520-818-3319 gclerch@comcast.net Oct., Nov., Jan.-Mar., Apr. (Cinco de Mayo Fiesta) Fourth Mon., 7 PM, Catalina Vista

Our next in-person meeting will be Monday, January 24. Then on Saturday, January 29, 9 AM-6 PM and Sunday January 30, 9 AM-4 PM, there will be a Zapotec Rug and Mata Ortiz pottery sale in Desert Oasis. Come to see the artistry of these two wonderful groups. States

Minnesota Club

Deb Mayworm 720-771-0216 themayworms@cs.com

It has been two years, but we plan to be together again for the Minnesota party this spring. Please mark your calendars for Sunday, March 20, 1 PM, and join us at Catalina Vista for the party. Great food, good friends and live comedy in store for you. We hope to see you there. Please contact us if you want to help plan the fun.

New England Club

Pres. Walt Swap 520-623-3847 wswap@tufts.edu Claude Janus ahj0523@aol.com; Allie Angeloni alrogangeloni@hotmail.com Marjorie Gerdes gerdesm14@gmail.com

Do you have a geographic or sentimental attachment to one or more of the six New England states? Congratulations, you qualify as a proud member of the SCOV New England Club. Mark your calendars for April 8 when we will be holding our annual pizza party, 5-7 PM, Desert Oasis.

New Jersey/Pennsylvania Club

Co-pres. Peggy Smith 520-344-0991 and Mary Lee Fitzgerald 973-202-4276

The annual meeting and potluck dinner will be held Friday, January 21, 5-8 PM, Desert Oasis. We welcome all residents with previous homes in either New Jersey or Pennsylvania to come and meet the few of us who are here from the east coast. Suggested contribution to the buffet table: a local favorite from back home. Because of the room’s limited capacity, we need RSVPs if you plan to attend. Please contact Mary Lee Fitzgerald fitzgerald.marylee@gmail.com.

Wisconsin Club

Anne Rusch 920-202-0008 annerusch@yahoo.com

Mark your calendars for the Wisconsin Club’s annual party on Sunday, April 3, Catalina Vista. Please note that this will be an afternoon party with exact times TBD. We are looking for new committee members who have fun ideas to contribute. Please contact Anne for meeting times.

Unit Party Unit 7

The Unit 7 party will happen this year. Due to the renovation of the Activity Center, the party will be held at Catalina Vista. We will be using all three of the rooms but, since the space is smaller, we chose a date which will allow us to use the outdoor patios. Plus we are changing the party format from potluck dinner to potluck appetizers. So mark your calendars now for Saturday, April 16, 4:30-6:30 PM. More information will be available next month. Have a question? Email us at SCOVunit7party@gmail.com.

Sun City Variety Theatre Membership contact: Christie Faust 231-347-7502 Sep.-Apr., Third Thu., 10 AM, Catalina Vista/Pusch Ridge

Lovely costumes worn by Joan Morris, Peg Rocklin and Christie Faust at our Pioneer Tribute

Our new board was elected unanimously by those members present at our October meeting and will begin their two-year term in January. Congratulations to: Pres., Nancy Gilbertson; VP, Marsha Scoles; Treas./Membership, Karen Alexander and Sec., Peg Rocklin, along with elected members-at-large, Dave Henderson, Stephanie Consalvo and Fred Giammona. Thank you for supporting our club.

The tribute to Theatre Club Pioneers was held November 7. We were so happy to be able to honor those who started our club and kept it going. A memorial presentation also hon-

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