tunbridge wells
stayingin Y HAPPT FIRS AY! D BIRTHayGo to St zine! o.uk Maga aygo.c t www.s
on safari – in Kent! At Port Lympne's Livingstone Lodge, you can experience all the fun of a safari, luxury camping and a wonderful welcome! Find out more on page 7 of Going Out.
august 2011
elcome to Staying In & Going Out magazine. This is our 1st Birthday issue and to celebrate we've got some great features and competitions just for you! We'd also like to say thanks to all our readers, contributors and advertisers for their support, which has helped to make our magazine a great little success story!
hairdressing for men Traditional barbers and modern men's hairdressing in a brand-new salon in Camden Road, opening mid-August. Come and see your local barber...
staying in
Delicious recipes for cooling
drinks, and suggestions for summer sounds to go with them! Our regular competitions, plus the chance to WIN £150 worth of beauty products by Olivella
going out
Exclusive interview with Louise
Jameson, local resident and celebrated actress, on her career and current projects around town Top travel tips for last-minute getaways. Grab them quick! Plus, WIN a family ticket to Scotney Castle's Cinema Under the Stars event in September. Turn straight to page 9 to enter!
For Staying In ideas read on from here. For Going Out, see you on the flip side...
for more see page 4 on... n informatio hairdressing
for men
Lisa Miles
editor@staygo.co.uk 020 7348 9868
tunbridge wells southborough brenchley and matfield Pembury rusthall