Emerald Milieujaarverslag 2013 (EN)

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Emerald Kalama Chemical Site Rotterdam

2013 Safety & Environmental Report

‘Always looking for win-win situations’ On the first day of his new position as Site Director, Jan Eland

win-win situations. Reduced emissions and less waste is good

already had a special meeting in his agenda. In the presence

for the environment, but also for the company: one does not earn

of a large group of school children, he signed a letter of intent

anything from emissions and waste. We are therefore aiming for

with the Klankbordgroep Rozenburg: Inhibitants interest

equal or even reduced emissions for our increased production.’

group Rozenburg, in which he declared his current and ongoing attention for safety and sustainability. ‘All the children

“So we are working hard on stabilizing or even reducing

surrounding you give you an even more intense sense of

emissions while achieving increased production. Emerald has

responsibility as a chemical company. We have always exercised

even been awarded a trophy for its efforts; “The Toluene Molar

great care in this regard, and will continue to do so!’

Yield Trophy”. The trophy, which is shown in the picture on the front page, is awarded each year to an Emerald site that has

Jan Eland has been the new Site Director of Emerald Kalama

produced in the most efficient manner. So, as much product

Chemical, which was recently sold to American Securities by

as possible but with the lowest levels of raw materials, energy

parent company Sun Capital, since 1 June 2014. Eland is entering

consumption and emissions. It is clear to see that Emerald really

a company which is undergoing tumultuous growth. ‘We have

does value sustainable operations.”

specific plans to construct a new factory, and to triple production capacity in three to four years. This will enable us to meet the

Eland has already worked in the chemical industry, which

enormous growing demand for our products. The growth is

is known as an potential environmentally harmful sector of

naturally associated with various questions: we must modify our

industry, for 28 years. ‘On the other hand, it is also a sector

permit as well as recruit and train new people, and we need more

in which we can take major steps. Something like the steam

steam and must expand the water purification process. In short,

pipe project has the potential to reduce the emission of CO2 by

we have a challenging future.’

thousands of tonnes. This is something entirely different than

The Site Director realizes that growth and sustainability are

merely using energy-saving lamps! It is exceptionally challenging

often interconnected. Increased production can, after all, lead to

to take on such initiatives. The ‘quick wins’ have already been

increased emissions and more waste. ‘On the other hand, growth

implemented, and it now boils down to innovation, guts and

also provides the opportunity to integrate processes in a smarter

perseverance. At Emerald we will continue to make enthusiastic

way. And this is exactly our approach. We are always looking for

progress in this respect, in the years to come!’

Processes and products Emerald Kalama Chemical BV, part of Emerald Performance

The plasticizers in the new product line are loaded into tanker

Materials, is the largest producer of benzoic acid in the world.

trucks in liquid form and sold under the trade name of K-Flex®.

As the product is of exceptionally high quality, Emerald supplies many customers in the food industry as well as the international


pharmaceutical industry. The production site makes a wide range

Benzaldehyde is used as a fragrance and flavor ingredient in

of raw materials and additives for the food and pharmaceutical

macaroons, pudding (almond flavor), soft drinks and various types

industry, the soft drinks industry and for manufacturers of

of perfume (lily of the valley, rose and jasmine). It is also used as

cosmetics, resins and adhesives. Emerald Kalama Chemical

a raw material in the manufacture of dye for packaging materials

employs approximately 150 permanent staff (20 of whom work in

(malachite), cough syrup (ephedrine) and in the production of

Geleen) and approximately 40 permanent contractor employees.

medicines. Emerald Kalama Chemical is the largest producer of benzaldehyde in the world.

Production process The production process is based on toluene oxidation where

Benzoic acid: Purox B®

toluene and compressed ambient air are brought into contact with

Benzoic acid is used as a preservative in food and cosmetics

each other. The resulting reaction produces benzaldehyde, benzyl

(E210) and as an additive to alkyd paints to make the product

alcohol and benzoic acid. Next, these products are separated from

easier to apply, stronger and improve gloss. It is also used as a

each other and refined via various purification steps to meet the

raw material for plasticizers.

required final specifications. Benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol are liquids and loaded into tanker

Sodium benzoate: Purox S®

trucks. Benzoic acid is sold as a liquid or - after crystallization -

Sodium benzoate is used as a preservative (E211) in ‘diet’

as benzoic acid flakes. Sodium benzoate is produced by allowing

products such as soft drinks and sauces. It is found naturally

benzoic acid to react with sodium hydroxide. All of these products

in blueberries.

are used in a wide range of products for industry and consumers. Benzyl alcohol We use the most modern technology available and supply benzoic

This product is used in the paint industry as a solvent and in the

acid to the highest quality standards. This product is now sold

chemical industry as a component for odor additives and flavorings

under the brand name of Purox B . Sodium benzoate is sold under

and for pharmaceutical chemicals and agrochemicals.


the brand name of Purox S®. Plasticizer: K-Flex® In 2012, we put our new Multi Purpose Plasticizer Plant (MP3)

K-Flex® is a plasticizer that keeps products (particularly plastics

into operation. The new plant produces plasticizers. These are

such as PVC) flexible.

used to keep products soft or supple (particularly plastics such as PVC). We use purified benzoic acid as the base raw material for this production process. The benzoic acid-based plasticizers are ‘green’ and a good alternative for plasticizers that are based on phthalic acid. It is believed that plasticizers based on phthalic acid may be harmful to health.

Emerald Kalama Chemical | 2013 Safety & Environmental Report 03

Environmental projects In 2013, Emerald Kalama Chemical implemented a variety of large and smaller projects with the objective of improving the companies environmental and safety performance. Below the most important

Environmental and occupational health and safety system

projects in 2013: Emerald Kalama Chemical has already operated an integrated • • • • •

Installation of a steam pipe in order to import steam from an

management system for many years. This management system is

external waste processing plant.

certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards

Completion of a study into further reduction of diffuse benzene

and, since 2013, also in accordance with OHSAS 18001, a standard


for working conditions and safety. We conduct many internal audits

Soil remediation in area 10A. This project will continue for

for the purpose of interim verification of the work processes in order

several years yet.

to continue to meet the requirements of all of these standards. This

Various live tests of the stationary fire extinguisher systems

procedure determines whether the work processes comply with the

were performed.

aforementioned standards and we take action to ensure continuous

A five-year sewer and drains inspection was carried out in order

improvement of our work processes. In 2013, a notified body recer-

to detect and repair potential leaks (to prevent possible soil

tified the environmental management system. The outcome of this


audit was positive, leading to recertification for a further three years.

Various areas of the site were asphalted.

Portacabins were installed to provide office accommodation for loading staff and a space for socializing next to the Shaping building.

Discharge permits were updated to reflect the many projects implemented in recent years.

Organization of the biannual safety days, which involve all staff and permanent contract employees in a day devoted to discussing safety.

The current management system was certified in respect of working conditions and (external) safety in accordance with the OHSAS 18001 standard. This is an internationally recognized standard for working conditions and safety.

2014 Action Plan for occupational health and safety and the environment activities that may potentially lead to soil contamination to a negligible Emerald Kalama Chemical always strives to improve its performance

risk. At the end of 2010, all activities associated with a soil contami-

in the area of occupational health and safety and environmental care.

nation risk were checked based on the Dutch Soil Protection Guide-

The main projects in the area of occupational health and safety and

line (NRB) and this check will be performed again in 2014.

environmental care are summarised below: Preparation for the 2015 Safety Day RIO project

A safety day will again be organized for all employees in 2015. This

We started the third phase of the RIO project in 2013. This project

event will address the subject of safety in an interactive manner.

involves creating a connection to the municipal sewer system, which gives us the option of discharging part of our waste water into the

EPO measurements

municipal sewer system in order to reduce excessive loading on our

Each year, we perform personal exposure measurements (EPO measu-

own water purification plant.

rements) which require employees to wear a meter during a working day. This allows us to monitor whether or not employees are exposed

Performance improvement in the area of waste water purification

to an excessively high dose of hazardous chemicals.

(ANZI / BAZI) In collaboration with an external consultant, we are implementing a

Standard H&S plan

number of sub-projects in order to improve and expand the capacity

In view of the large number of projects that are implemented, we draw

of our water purification plant.

up a standard health and safety plan that can be used as a basis by the contractor when drawing up the health and safety plan for the

Cooling water

execution phase. This is intended to ensure that contractors are bet-

In 2013, we initiated a study designed to optimize the way in which

ter informed of the rules that apply within Emerald Kalama Chemical.

we condition our cooling water. We use cooling water as a direct cooling medium for a number of process coolers and pump that

HSE training courses

water out of the Botlek via a ‘once through’ system. The water is

In addition to the many standard HSE training courses, we also

conditioned in order to prevent the growth of algae and mussels in

arrange extra theme-based training courses for employees in the pro-

the cooling water system.

duction department and workshop and for permanent contractors. These training courses focus on work permits and provide detailed


instruction on issues which employees encounter during their daily

A number of extra conditions were added to our environmental permit

work. Examples of these detailed training courses include handling

at the end of 2013. These conditions have been imposed following

hazardous chemicals and how to perform a Task Risk Analysis.

a national audit by the competent authority investigating compliance with regulations for above-ground storage tanks (PGS 29). We will

Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

have to implement a number of extra projects in 2014 in order to

It has been our practice to carry out Job Safety Analyses (JSA) for

satisfy these conditions.

many years. The JSA is designed to assess the risks associated with the job that is to be performed and the preventive measures that have

Dutch Soil Protection Guideline update (Nederlandse Richtlijn

been implemented. A multidisciplinary team assesses whether the


work can be carried out in a responsible manner and whether additio-

The Dutch Soil Protection Guideline (NRB) provides guidelines for

nal preventive measures are required. Additional preventive measures

determining whether Emerald has taken adequate action to reduce

are implemented if the level of risk is found to be unacceptable. Emerald Kalama Chemical | 2013 Safety & Environmental Report 05

‘Two steps forward, one step back’


‘Waste is the energy of the future’, reports the website of

Most of the emissions to the atmosphere are directly related

AVR. The company is the Netherlands’ largest processor of

to our production volume. However, the steam import project

non-reusable waste, and at the same time, also one of the

has substantially reduced the emissions of carbon dioxide and

most sustainable energy producers. ‘All our actions are aimed

nitrogen oxides. One of the steam boilers was taken out of

at converting waste into as much energy and raw materials

operation in May 2013 because AVR started delivering steam to

as possible’, explains Michiel Timmerije, Director Energy &

EKC via the newly installed steam pipe. Steam production from

Residues. ‘The steam network that we have achieved together

the other steam boiler has been reduced. This has reduced our

with Emerald and Stedin is a fine example of this – perhaps

consumption of fossil fuels. A further reduction in benzene and

the best example of them all.’

toluene emissions has also been achieved. We continue to focus strongly on these environmentally hazardous chemicals. A special

Generating electricity by means of waste incineration is nothing

measurement and management programme for reducing diffuse

new. The disadvantage, however, is that a considerable volume of

emissions further has been developed in collaboration with an

cooling water is needed in order to convert steam into electricity.

external consultant. Regrettably, the level of diffuse emissions

Timmerije: ‘When steam released from incineration can be used

has increased as two leaks were detected at the end of 2012.

immediately, in a process, it implies a substantial improvement

These were repaired in 2013.

in efficiency. And this is exactly what we are doing with the

Diffuse emissions (in tonnes/year)

steam pipe project. The steam goes from the network to Emerald, which uses the steam for its own production process, which in turn reduces Emerald’s need for fossil fuels.’ Director Energy & Residues says that AVR’s power plant in Rozenburg had an efficiency of 30 % in 2012, for the generation

25 20 15 10 5 0 2008

of energy from waste. ‘In 2015 this must come close to 60 %. And yes, this is absolutely feasible.’ The steam pipe network plays

operational in 2013. This pride was certainly also due to the fact that a considerable amount of obstacles had to be overcome during the project. ‘It was often a question of two steps forward,





Carbon dioxide (in tonnes/tonne of product per year)

an important role in the realization of this ambitious objective. Timmerije was therefore quite proud when the network was


1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 2005

one step back. That the project was a success, nevertheless, can









be attributed to the fact that the three parties trusted each other, Nitrogen oxides (in kg/ tonne of product per year)

and due to the transparent working method and the absolute will to conclude the project successfully. The best thing about this intensive collaboration is that we are also encountering other synergy advantages. We are currently investigating whether a residual stream from the Emerald production process, in turn, can be used as fuel for our plant. Yet another win-win situation!’

0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 2005









Benzene (in grammes/tonne of product per year)

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 2005









‘Dramatically decreasing the volume of waste’

Toluene (in grammes/tonne of product per year)

250 200 150 100 50 0










Project manager and technologist Hans Batenburg was involved in various projects in 2013, all of which involved sustainability. Some of these had a twofold effect. ‘The use of new techniques allowed us to work in a more environmentally-friendly man-


ner, while also saving on costs. The steam pipe project is a good

During the past year, various projects have been implemented

Hans Batenburg started on the steam pipe project four years ago.

in order to optimize water purification further and reduce

He explains that the challenge was not just present in the techni-

the load on our purification plant. Implementation of the RIO

cal realization, but also on an organizational level, in particular.

project referred to above is a good example. A number of other

‘Four companies were involved in the project and the pipe crosses

improvement projects are planned in 2014 in order to achieve

the property of seven companies. Many discussions were there­

further optimization of our water purification.

fore needed before we could actually get going!’ He is thrilled that

example, there are much more sustainability improvements.’

the project – of which the first plans stemmed from 2001 – has The increase in chemical oxygen demand and suspended solids

now been accomplished. ‘If you consider the fact that the efficiency

can be explained by the higher loading on the water purification

for the conversion of steam into electricity is 30 to 40 %, and that

system. The projects that have already been implemented

the efficiency is now at roughly 97 % because of the direct use,

have increased the purification plant’s waste water processing

then I really don’t have to explain how sustainable this is!’

capacity and reduced the amount of waste water that has to be

Another interesting project with an extremely sustainable ele-

processed externally.

ment is the Aqua Power Project. Batenburg explains: ‘We intend to build a new factory with which we can drastically decrease the volume of waste per tonne. We will then be able to recover roughly 70 % of the oxidation waste (tar), to sell as benzoic acid

COD (in grammes/tonne of product per year)

and benzyl alcohol. This implies that the need to incinerate waste will be much lower, and that substantially less CO2 will be produced.’ The new factory, equipped with new technology, is expected to be operational at the start of 2016. Another excellent project, for which Batenburg was responsible,










is the MP3 project, the new factory for K-Flex®. ‘K-Flex® is a plasticizer which is not detrimental to health and which is better

Suspended solids (in grammes/tonne of product per year)

for the environment. It is an alternative for plasticizers that are based on phthalic acid. Some plasticizers are suspected of being


toxic. By producing this type of new raw material, we at Emerald

100 80

can contribute to a more sustainable society.’

60 40 20 0 2005









Emerald Kalama Chemical | 2013 Safety & Environmental Report 07

‘Still room for improvement’ ‘It is a wonderful challenge to continue the search for ways


in which to work more sparingly with raw materials’, says technologist Jason van Rossen. ‘Moreover, the fascinating


thing about a company like Emerald is that minor adjustments

A minor benzoic acid leak led to soil contamination during the

have the potential to lead to major improvements. We have

past year. The leak was stopped immediately and action taken

taken a considerable amount of steps in the past, in terms of

to remediate the contaminated soil. The contamination was

sustainability, but we will never really be finished. The playing

reported to the competent authority in accordance with the

field changes, new techniques are introduced: which means that

prescribed procedure.

there is always room for improvement.’ Soil remediation in Area 10A Expansion of the benzoic acid capacity is one of the examples

The historical soil contamination in area 10A is being remediated

mentioned by Van Rossen in connection with increased

in situ using PuriSoil technology according to the remediation

sustainability. Becoming more sustainable through growth? It

plan. The remediation work started at the end of 2011 and will

seems like an illogical thought, but it really isn’t. ‘By increasing

continue for approximately 5 years. Groundwater samples are

capacity, we are able to work more efficiently. Increasing

taken at regular intervals in order to assess remediation progress.

production by 10 %, for example, only requires slightly more

The analyses indicate that a stable, remediated situation exists at

than 4 % in extra energy.’ Expansion of the benzoic acid capacity

a depth of 10 metres under ground level. The benzene content is

is needed in order to meet the growing demand. There is

(much) lower than the target value at which remediation becomes


major demand for the K-Flex plasticizer and the feed additive

necessary. A reduction of more than 70% in the benzene

VevoVitall , for example. Benzoic acid is an important raw

content has been achieved at shallow groundwater level,

material for both products.

however the concentration is still too high. The results indicate

‘We achieve this capacity expansion by way of optimization of the

that the retention zone is still badly contaminated, however, in

production process, on the one hand, and through improvement

accordance with our objective, the spread of contamination to

of the weakest links, on the other hand. In addition, we will be

the lower levels has almost stopped. The remediation work will

making a second oxidation street operational this year, which

continue in accordance with the remediation plan.


will allow us to produce more benzoic acid. It is standard for us to look at options with which to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. We have thus improved the distillation process, which means that we use less energy and also produce less waste.’ Van Rossen says that Emerald is examining whether other products, apart from the current ones, can also be produced on location. This could, after all, also increase the company’s efficiency. ‘And in the context of the Meerjarenplan Energie Efficiency [Multiannual Energy Efficiency Plan], plans are also in the works for the supply of residual heat to third parties. We could potentially supply in the heating needs of anywhere between two to ten thousand households. The plans are still at an early stage, but we certainly see opportunities.’

Sustainability objectives At Emerald Performance Materials, sustainability means simultaneously striving to achieve economic progress, improve environmental quality and accept our social responsibility. Emerald gives maximum priority to health, safety, the environment and quality. Consequently, we see reducing our impact on the environment, as part of the community in which we reside, work and live, as a major responsibility. Objectives for energy efficiency and CO2 emissions were set for Emerald Kalama Chemical in 2012 in order to contribute sustainably in this area. In 2020, the amount of energy consumed per tonne

‘Smart chain management and sustainability go hand in hand’

of product must have reduced by 10% and the direct CO2 emissions per tonne of product by 30%. These reduction targets

‘Optimization of the logistical process and sustainability often

relative to the reference year of 2010 are shared goals for the

go hand in hand. This is lovely. Sustainability may certainly

Rotterdam production site and the production site in Kalama

be associated with a price tag, but when sustainable solutions

(Washington, USA).

actually result in savings, they become that much more attractive. And in actual practice, the two objectives seem to go together

The reason for our focus on energy consumption and CO2

just fine’ as per Roger Peerbooms, Supply Chain Manager. He

emissions is the desire to use fossil fuels responsibly. These are

explains which steps are being taken by Emerald, to optimize the

finite resources and the planet’s reserves are nearing depletion.

logistical process.

Burning fossil fuels produces approximately 21 billion tonnes of CO2 per year and estimates indicate that only half of this amount

The steps toward smart and sustainable chain management

can be reabsorbed by the environment. Global warming and

range from logical and obvious measures to innovative and

climate change are pressing arguments that support sustainable

sometimes complicated solutions. A great example of an obvious


step is Emerald’s decision to use logistical service providers in the immediate vicinity. Peerbooms: ‘We work with a filling

As a participant in the Long-term Energy Efficiency Covenant

company, for example, that is situated no more than a kilometer

(Meerjarenafspraak Energie Efficiency/MEE), Emerald Kalama

away. This is good for the environment, in other words, sustai-

Chemical has committed to contributing to achieving the

nable, while at the same time we also save on transport costs.’

national CO2 objectives. The 2013 - 2016 Energy Efficiency Plan

Aiming for full trucks is also such an apparently simple, yet

describes various initiatives in the area of energy efficiency within

absolutely effective measure. ‘Clients sometimes order 20 tonnes

the process and the value chain. Implementing projects, such

of product, as a standard order. Such a round number simply

as the optimization of a distillation tower and importing steam

sounds good. But if the transport of 24 tonnes is more economi-

have all led to an energy efficiency improvement of 12% and a

cal for all parties, then why not go for that number instead?’

reduction in CO2 emissions of more than 27% relative to 2010.

Other solutions were not as simple to implement. This applies for the application of intermodal transport, for example. The

Energy consumption per tonne of product

CO2 emissions per tonne of product


0,80 0,75 0,70 0,65 0,60 0,55 0,50 0,45 0,40 0,35 0,30

13,00 12,50 12,00 11,50 11,00 10,50 10,00 9,50 9,00



■■■ Rotterdam




■■■ Kalama

■■■ Total EKC

utilization of various types of transport, such as truck and train, requires a sophisticated planning and proper mutual communication. ‘And sometimes innovative products make the difference’, says Peerbooms. ‘We recently started to use so-called flexi-bags. These are large plastic bags in which liquids can be transported, which fit perfectly into a box container. In the past, the transport of liquids overseas always involved drums or tank containers



■■■ Goal




which always returned empty. Flexi-bags are therefore a sustainable and financially attractive alternative. We follow these types of developments closely and use the latest products and techniques, where possible.’ Emerald Kalama Chemical | 2013 Safety & Environmental Report 09

‘Steam as an alternative to shale gas’


‘The one company has excess steam, while the other company

We have implemented an active waste flow policy at the site

needs steam. What is more logical than to bring the parties

for many years. In addition, the waste prevention plan that was

together? But until recently, the company offering the steam

drawn up to further reduce the amount of waste generated at

always said “come and get the steam”, while the requesting party

the site was approved by DCMR in 2011. All of these efforts

felt that the steam had to be delivered. Together with Stedin we

have resulted in a reduction of the standard amount of landfill

tackled the problem and took the lead in the development of a

waste and material for incineration. In 2013, the quantity of waste

steam network’, says Wim Roelofs, Manager New Business.

reduced strongly relative to 2012. This can mainly be attributed to improved performance of the water purification plant which

As grid operator, Stedin is responsible for the transport of

led to a reduction in the quantity of waste water that had to be

gas and electricity to nearly two million private, business and

processed externally. In addition, less contaminated soil was

government clients in the Randstad and in the Rotterdam

disposed of externally.

harbour area. ‘This energy landscape is going through major changes’, says Roelofs. ‘On the one hand society is becoming more and more dependent on energy, and on the other hand fossil fuels are becoming scarcer. We must therefore search for

Accidents and incidents

different, more sustainable alternatives. The steam network which we accomplished for AVR and Emerald is such an


alternative. It is an extremely interesting alternative as well,

An incident or accident is an event that we wish to prevent.

because these initiatives, in particular, allow us to compete

When an event of this nature does however occur, we want it to

with shale gas.’

be reported as we can only learn from incidents and accidents

The steam network which was made operational by Stedin in

that are reported. The same applies for near-misses (incidents

2013 has a capacity of 200 tonnes of steam per hour. Emerald

and accidents that were narrowly avoided).

utilizes 30 to 40 tonnes of steam per hour, and the steam network therefore experiences substantial overcapacity. This

A single accident (OSHA) that led to medical treatment occurred

was a conscious decision, says Roelofs. ‘We really believe in

in 2013. A fall from a stairway resulted in a sprained ankle. Action

this project, and want to connect more companies to the steam

was taken based on the incident.

network in due time. We can eventually ensure a reduction in CO2

The number of accidents requiring First Aid treatment increased

amounting to an incredible 400,000 tonnes per year. The steam

in comparison to 2012. Employees reported minor burns on

network thus makes an important contribution to the Rotterdam

a number of occasions as a result of brief contact with a hot

climate objective: fifty per cent reduction in CO2 by the year 2025,

surface or a hot liquid. In addition, various people required

compared to 1990.’

treatment for foreign objects in the eye. The graph below shows

Roelofs looks back on the collaboration with the various parties,

the accident trend.

with satisfaction. He saw that negotiations were heavy, but that the involved parties always wanted to find a solution together. ‘We all saw how promising the project was, and wanted to make work of it in order to actually accomplish the project.’

First Aid and OSHA accidents

First Aid











Health In 2013, the number of near-misses recorded in the incident registra-

Illness absenteeism

tion system (Classbase) increased. Almost 770 safety management

The average illness absenteeism at the end of 2013 was

audits were performed.

2.3%; a good performance. The occupational physician was available on call in the doctor’s surgery and referred


a number of employees to specialists for treatment.

In 2013, 3 incidents had to be reported to the competent authority. This is a reduction relative to the previous year. The graph below

Periodical Medical Examination

shows the environmental incident trend.

In 2013, our operators were given the opportunity of undergoing a Periodical Medical Examination. 50 employees from Rotterdam and 15 from Geleen used of this

Reports to the competent authority

opportunity. 12 10


8 6

We have investigated exposure to hazardous chemicals


since 2006 and take all necessary action to prevent

2 0 2005









this. We started biomonitoring in 2013 (urine testing). Biomonitoring allows us to assess whether the measures implemented with regard to potential exposure have

The causes of the above accidents and incidents are always

achieved the desired effect.

thoroughly analysed by EKC. The following are the most important lessons learned based on analysis of the accidents and incidents:

Health improvement programme • Thursday is employee vitality day in our company


cafeteria. Fruit is provided free of charge and no fried

1. Circumstantial factors

foods are offered.

2. Communication

• Employees are offered a financial allowance of up to €30 a month for exercising, swimming and jogging in

Incidents: 1. Design 2. Materials and equipment

group classes. • The occupational physician can prescribe medication to help employees stop smoking.

We draw up an action plan based on the findings in order to implement measures designed to prevent accidents and incidents.

Emerald Kalama Chemical | 2013 Safety & Environmental Report 011

Emerald Kalama Chemical Montrealweg 15 Havennummer 4322 3197 KH Rotterdam-Botlek, The Netherlands PO Box 1021 3180 AA Rozenburg, The Netherlands

Colophon This public report contains a summary of our official environmental report.

Edition Emerald Performance Materials

Design SD Communicatie, Rotterdam

Photography Wim van der Spiegel

Interviews Anita Schregardus

Printed by De Swart

Copyright Š 2014 All rights reserved. Interested parties can request the official report at John Mol, His email address is john.mol@emeraldmaterials.com, telephonenumber +31 (0)181 249 386.

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