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WeCARE™ Care and Prayer Helpline
Circumstances beyond our control can be difficult to manage on our own. Change can cause stress that takes a toll on our physical, emotional and spiritual health. Every so often we need a trusted source to empower us in the constantly changing world in which we live. As a TriVita Premier Member, you have access to WeCARE, a care and support helpline, which focuses on Christianbased guidance, support and prayer. WeCARE is a Premier Member benefit and a complimentary, confidential service, created for you to speak with a licensed minister when it matters most. WeCARE can be used for numerous reasons. You may be in a difficult situation and don’t know what to do. You need someone to listen to and support you. Once the WeCARE Minister gets all the necessary details, clarifying questions can be asked. These are designed to help the member understand their best options. After the options have been defined, efforts to empower the member with faith, hope, prayer and clear action for meaningful change are agreed upon. The diversity and significance of the difficulties will be discussed until the member concludes that their WeCARE experience was successful. Our goal is for every member to be inspired to do their best and are confident to move in a positive direction with their life.
3. You are connected with a TriVita minister to talk about whatever is troubling you.
WeCARE Ministers are providing support for TriVita Premier Members with a variety of life circumstances. Transitioning seems to be an area where many of our members need assistance. These transitions may be in a wide variety of needs, including but not limited to, a loss of a loved one, a sickness, moving, change of a job, divorce and world events. While we all experience transition throughout our lives, these changes often reveal our true character. James 1:3-4 says, “For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.” While change is not always easy, it is common, and God has given us the strength and resources to overcome it in every stage of life.

The only thing more difficult than going through a difficult situation is feeling alone in it. Too often we do not recognize that we can get out of the house and connect with the community. The power of free will to choose is God’s greatest gift given to humanity. What we think about, expands. If we have negative thoughts, we will get negative outcomes. WeCARE Ministers are trained to actively listen and help members to identify what is happening and make the best choices. By doing this, the members recognize the power of their own free will to choose something better. Sometimes we all just need someone to talk to, listen to what we have to say and allow another person to comfort us. We get overwhelmed by the circumstances we are facing. We may even feel that God let us down. The good news is that WeCARE is just a phone call away. A WeCARE Minister may ask a member, “What is a relationship without trust?” While many people let us down, God promises to never let us down, but we must nurture a relationship with God through trust. John 14:13-14 says, “You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” During times of difficulty, it is all too easy to lose trust in God. While we believe in our faith to live eternally with God in Heaven as a benefit of receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, many do not recognize the other benefits of salvation in our everyday lives. A WeCARE minister is there to help members recognize the promises of God and restore trust in God to perform them.
Care and Support Start Here
Welcome Premier Member to WeCARE A Care and Prayer Helpline for Emotional and Spiritual Support
From time to time, we all need someone we can talk to who will listen, pray, and provide Christian-based guidance and support to help ease our pain or concerns. WeCARE is a complimentary and confidential helpline purposed to help you get through difficult times. All calls are with a registered minister.

Our aim is to provide you with the love, peace, and comfort that promotes the process of healing and recovery of the things that may cause you distress. As a Premier Member, this complimentary service is here for you because we truly care!
Schedule your online appointment with a minister today and tomorrow begin experiencing peace and healing.
John 14:13-14, “You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!”