Australia Special Edition 2014
The gifts of wellness all around us Michael Ellison, Founder pgs. 4–5
Olivia’s journey to joy pgs. 6–7 Introducing ™ Zamu Gold— our “Amazon treasure” pgs. 10–11 Nopalea:™ quality-crafted by experts pgs. 14–15
TriVita in Australia continues to grow, share the wellness message
riVita in Australia continues to grow—both our product line and in the excitement over wellness. I am pleased to announce the launch of Zamu Gold™ in Australia. This delicious daily herbal blend contains powerful nutrients from the Amazon Rainforest, and is a collaboration between TriVita and Olivia Newton-John and her husband, “Amazon John” Easterling. You can learn more about this fabulous new product on pages 10–11. We are extremely excited about joining forces with Olivia, as she possesses a commitment to wellness as strong as our own—not to mention that she’s a native Australian! She shares her personal and touching wellness story on pages 6–7. You will not want to miss it. We are so privileged to work with Olivia in promoting wellness everywhere.
10 Essentials
for Health and Wellness. Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness®: the 10 Essentials of physical, emotional and spiritual health.
As we often say at TriVita, wellness comes through nutrients and nurturing, and we work diligently to ensure you get the highest quality nutrients possible. On pages 14–15, learn about the exacting and stringent quality control that goes into each and every bottle of Nopalea™, our best-selling wellness drink.
Nopalea’s benefits were recently confirmed by a university study conducted at Bridgeport, CT, USA. This double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (considered the “gold standard” in research) showed that Nopalea reduced C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammation. Medical doctors often use CRP to determine inflammation levels in the body. See page 12 to learn more.
1. Breathe Deeply
Also in this issue of the VitaJournal:
2. Drink Water
• Discover the link between C-reactive protein and heart health. • Find out how stress can adversely affect your health—and what
3. Sleep Peacefully 4. Eat Nutritiously 5. Enjoy Activity Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love 7. Be Forgiving 8. Practice Gratitude
you can do about it. • You may be at risk for a Vitamin B-12 deficiency; how to protect yourself. • And much more! Finally, learn how you can spread the message of wellness—and earn money at the same time—with our lucrative Independent TriVita Business Owner (ITBO) program. Now more than ever, we have the tools we need to reach people all across the country with the message of wellness. See page 31 for more information about this unique opportunity. I wish you all the wellness we have to offer!
9. Develop Acceptance Spiritual 10. Develop a Relationship with God
Anthony Fitzgerald TriVita General Manager, Australia & New Zealand
2 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
Wellness Bounty of the 4 The World to You, from TriVita TriVita Founder Michael Ellison discusses the gifts of wellness all around us.
Cancer to Courage 6 From and Gratitude Olivia Newton-John’s journey to joy.
mmune Intelligence 8 ISamuel Grief, M.D., on creating vitality and harmony.
p. 6
Zamu Gold™ 10 Introducing An exclusive look at this treasure from the Amazon Rainforest. niversity Study Shows Nopalea™ 12 ULowers Inflammation Marker Major research yields impressive results.
ehind the Label 14 BNopalea is quality-crafted by experts.
p. 8
Terrible Trio” Damages Wellness 16 “Lacramioara Burlacu, M.D., on stress, obesity and inflammation. -Reactive Protein and Heart Disease 20 CLester Adler, M.D.: Why ask your doctor for a CRP test. enes & Inflammation 26 G Daniela Radulesscu, M.D.: Are your ancestors to blame? p. 16
Follow us on: 1800-257-538
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 3
Seeking wellness everywhere, TriVita brings you our Creator’s botanical blessings By Michael R. Ellison
elping others experience wellness is our mission—first, last and foremost—and we never stop searching the world for the nutrients that can help everyone truly feel and be their best. In fact, in this very publication, a Special Edition of our VitaJournal, Michael R. Ellison you can discover the great Founder of TriVita news about one of our newest products, Zamu Gold™. This new immune boosting food is full of nutrients from the natural riches of the Amazon Rainforest. With its Shiitake mushrooms, super antioxidants and Amazon botanicals, Zamu Gold may help you enjoy the benefits of a stronger immune system: feeling stronger, enjoying more vitality and better able to withstand the stresses and toxins of our modern world (see pages 10–12). At TriVita, we literally travel the globe in pursuit of wellness: from the lush Amazon Rainforest for Zamu Gold, to the frozen reaches of Siberia for the hardy plants that go into Adaptuit for easing everyday tension (page 19), and to the Sonoran Desert of North America and Mexico for our wonderful wellness drink, Nopalea™, (pages 12–13). It was in the Sonoran Desert that we found the Nopal cactus, a key to reducing and balancing inflammation. Now, a major university study has demonstrated the power of Nopalea in reducing C-reactive protein, a leading marker used by doctors to indicate the level of inflammation in the body (page 12). Yes, the world is filled with wellness botanicals!
4 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
I believe that God has given us these wonderful wellness botanicals from all over the world so that we may truly enjoy the blessings of wellness. We feel blessed to also bring you in this issue some exclusive interviews with two special people: Olivia Newton-John and her husband, “Amazon John” Easterling. Olivia’s own wellness challenges brought her to the Amazon, where she met John, and we’re grateful to count them both among our friends in seeking wellness (pages 6–7 and 10–11). Wellness isn’t about only physical health: Most of us recognise that the spiritual component of our lives is important to our well-being. So allow me to reference the Scriptures as a spiritual source to support your belief in the experience of wellness. In the book of Psalms 103:2-3, it says, “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases.” Isaiah 58:8 says, “Then shall your light break forth as in the morning and your health shall spring forth speedily.” I would like to encourage you to use prayer in your quest for wellness. A 2002 study in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that an estimated one-third of adults in the United States use prayer in addition to conventional medical care and complementary and alternative therapies to address health concerns. A special project at Duke University in the U.S. showed that heart patients who received prayers had 50-100 percent fewer side effects than those not prayed for. You can benefit from prayer and meditation and so can those for whom you pray. These examples for wellness are not the only ones where we can see the desire and design of our Creator—the source of life—to give us wellness. Everywhere we look in the biodiversity of planet Earth, we find the plant life to support wellness and yes, medicinal plants to aid in overcoming illness. It
is simply amazing to learn of the plants specific to regions where the environment may create health challenges addressed by those very plants. For example, fever is very common in the Amazon, but so are the herbs for reducing fever. I do not believe this is by accident, but by the design of our Creator in the desire for our wellness. I am committed to doing everything we can at TriVita to bring to you the wonderful gifts of wellness our Creator has provided. I would encourage you to be a seeker of wellness, because wellness support is all around you! To seek and find wellness is one of the most rewarding experiences in life. Another choice you can make for your wellness is in what foods you put in your body. The more your diet includes roots, fruits, nuts, vegetables and lean protein, the closer you get to the wellness provisions of our Creator for our health and wellness. We cannot simply accept being victims of today’s environment or accept as normal the deterioration and debilitation of health that seems to come with aging. The choices are before us: We must step away from the processed foods that break down our health and not just rely on drugs to manage our diseases. There is a better plan with better choices that come from our Creator’s desire, design and provision for wellness. Thrive in a world of wellness with TriVita!
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 5
From cancer to courage and gratitude
Olivia Newton-John’s
journey to joy For 4-time Grammy-winning singer and acclaimed actress Olivia Newton-John, wellness now takes a starring role in her life. Diagnosed with breast cancer in 1992, she recovered to become an advocate for wellness—and a spokeswoman for Zamu Gold ™ (see page 11), TriVita’s new immune-boosting food. Here, her perspective on health, love and the joy of seeing the glass “half full.” VJ: Since you’ve always had a healthy lifestyle, was it a shock when you were diagnosed with breast cancer? Olivia: Actually, no; I had had lumps before that were benign, but this time it didn’t feel right. I had biopsy and mammogram results that were negative for cancer, but my intuition was telling me that something was wrong. I went into the hospital to be checked more thoroughly, and that’s when the cancer showed up. VJ: Did you ever have a feeling of ‘Why me?’ around the time of your diagnosis? Olivia: : It was more like “Why not me?” really. After I went through my treatment, I came back to my farm in Australia. Most of my feelings come out in music, and songs just started coming to me about the emotions of my experience. In one of them, the lyric is “Don’t say ‘why me?’, ‘why me?’… (say) ‘Why not me?’”
6 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
VJ: Looking back, how do you feel about your diagnosis today, compared to years ago? Olivia: Although the first five years after the diagnosis were scary, 20 years later I know that it was a gift to me. Without going through surgery and chemotherapy, I wouldn’t be able to be as understanding or compassionate as I feel now. That experience really spawned my idea for the cancer centre—the Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre at Austin Hospital in my hometown of Melbourne. The Centre opened its doors in June 2012. My experience taught me how important it is for women and men to have a place to go to when they’re dealing with cancer. Ultimately, for me, having cancer became a positive force in my life. VJ: What has your experience with cancer taught you? Olivia: Cancer makes you grow up and face your fears of death. I’m so much more grateful for every day of this wonderful life. I don’t sweat the small stuff quite as much. VJ: What’s the best thing that came out of that experience? Olivia: There were really three things: it set me on a wellness
journey, I met my wonderful husband John (“Amazon John” Easterling), and I established the Wellness Centre. My wellness journey took me to the Amazon Rainforest, where I met John. He introduced me to the healing botanicals of the Rainforest, and they had an impact early on, helping my immune system. We fell in love and were married there a year later (see page 10 for more on John’s discoveries in the Amazon Rainforest). Ultimately, those remarkable plants led to the creation of Zamu Gold and our alliance with TriVita Founder Michael Ellison. VJ: What is it like to be working with TriVita? Olivia: We share a clear vision and purpose—John and I, and Michael and Susan Ellison. Not only are 1800-257-538
we helping to bring the healing plants of the Amazon to others, but we’re also helping the Amazon through ACEER (Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research.) Every purchase of Zamu Gold helps support ACEER to aid the native communities and protect and sustain the Rainforest. VJ: What do you tell other women who’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer? Olivia: Sadly, more and more often I get a call from someone who has breast cancer. I tell these callers that there’s good news: the recovery rate is really high. If the cancer is caught early, your chances are really good that it’s not going to recur. As women, we tend to put everyone else before us, especially when it comes to practicing “self-health.” But we need to be responsible for our own wellness. It’s like the speech that flight attendants give before
a plane takes off: you put your oxygen mask on first, so that you can help others. We need to take care of ourselves. VJ: Is there a final message about wellness you’d like to send? Olivia: Wellness is not just what you’re eating or how many miles you walk: it’s about how you think, and your attitude. Your thoughts create your world, and you have to create positive thoughts to have a positive life. Ultimately, it’s much healthier to see the cup half full. This brings me back to music, of course. A few years ago I recorded an album called “Grace and Gratitude,” and it really sums up my attitude toward life. You have to try to accept every situation with grace, and be grateful for life; it’s very fragile. Every day is a blessing.
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 7
Immune Intelligence Creating vitality and harmony in a dangerous world By Samuel Grief, M.D.
very day we are bombarded with potential threats to our health: internal and external forces that are constantly pulling us out of balance. Our immune system is designed to push us back into harmony. And this it will do if it is working smarter, not harder.
Samuel Grief, M.D., CCFP, FCFP, was named one of “Chicago’s Top Doctors” in 2012. Dr. Grief is Medical Director at the University of Illinois, USA. He is also a member of TriVita’s Medical Advisory Board. Dr. Grief received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Smart defense Our immune system is like a defense force mobilizing for a battle. The first task of our immune militia is to distinguish “self” from “non-self”; that is, what things belong inside our system and what things do not. Our immune system is also a peacekeeping force. New discoveries about its functions indicate that it creates harmony between our mind and body. It also creates harmony between us and the people around us, deciding who makes us stronger and who compromises our health. We cannot survive without an intact —and intelligent—immune system. It must be capable of eliminating any invader, supporting recovery, defending our health and promoting internal and external harmony.
8 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
The players The most common cells in our immune system are white blood cells. Two important types of these “soldiers” in our immune army are phagocytes and lymphocytes. Phagocytes circulate in your bloodstream. During infection or contamination they follow the chemical signals of distress triggered by inflammation and then engulf all foreign (non-self) matter and even cells that have been damaged beyond repair. Phagocytes leave behind a kind of “antibiotic” dressing. These fight any infection present as well as prevent new infections. Intelligent immune cells such as phagocytes have a protein on their surface that may even help harmonize relationships; it is called the MHC protein. MHC harmonises the relationship between a mother and the fetus growing inside her. As we learn to listen to our immune system, MHC may even determine which friends we will call or visit depending on who makes us stronger. Yes, your immune system is the peacekeeper. A smarter, more intelligent immune system governs smarter, healthier human relationships.
A small army of lymphocytes (defensive cells, in blue) attack the enemy: a cancer cell.
When it is time for war Lymphocytes are like the Special Forces of the immune system army. There are two principal kinds of lymphocytes: Helper T-cells and Killer T-cells. The fight to protect us is engineered by Helper T-cells. These cells produce antibodies— substances that identify the “enemy,”—and Killer T-cells are the assassins that isolate and eliminate the enemy invaders. This engagement is well organised according to a brilliant, yet flexible, battle plan. Some enemies try to change the battle plan of our immune system. These substances are called mutagens because they mutate the DNA instructions for our immune system into something chaotic and disruptive. Viruses, bacteria and parasites may all be 1800-257-538
mutagenic. So are the abundance of foreign chemicals in our air, water and food. Killer and Helper cells keep toxins from re-writing the DNA “battle plan” of our immune system; they cause our immune system to work smart. A smart immune system will accurately discern when it is time for defense, when it is time for battle and when to create harmony—the ultimate goal of immune system intelligence. Immune system harmony Illness is really a disharmony in the body. In order to prevent disease and achieve wellness, we must restore harmony between our mind, body and environment. Our immune system is the great harmoniser.
Have you ever heard an orchestra play a symphony? Every instrument has a unique sound. Each plays a unique part in the masterpiece. Even the acoustics of the environment enhance the performance. Our immune system is like an orchestra playing the most complex, yet elegant and beautiful symphony you can possibly imagine! Our DNA serves as the sheet music for a lifetime of harmony. Various immune cells floating in our bloodstream and embedded within our tissues are like individual instruments, each with a single purpose: to harmonise the outside world with our inside world.
This article is intended for educational purposes only.
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 9
Treasure from the Amazon Rainforest:
“Amazon John” on Zamu Gold
TriVita is excited to bring Australia a new immune-boosting food, Zamu Gold. This daily defense for the immune system draws on the natural botanicals of the Amazon Rainforest, and grew from the work of “Amazon John” Easterling. The VitaJournal is privileged to offer this exclusive interview with John.
The local people started sharing their healing plants with me, and after a few days, I started feeling better—a lot better. I had a sense of being grounded… mental sharpness… an energy flow I had never felt before.
VJ: What first drew you to the Amazon Rainforest?
John: Over the years, I brought medical professionals with me to study the region, and they were astounded by what we found. The farther up the Amazon River we travelled, the lower the incidence of degenerative health problems suffered by the local people. Cancer, arthritis, diabetes… these things just aren’t the issues they are in Western countries.
John: I went down as a treasure hunter in the ‘70s, looking for lost cities of gold. I didn’t find gold, but I did find treasure in gemstones and tribal artifacts in Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina and Peru. That’s what brought me to the Rainforest: I was a treasure hunter looking for artifacts. But I soon became interested in the herbs and plants of the Rainforest. VJ: Why did you become a botanical hunter? John: I had been gravely ill with hepatitis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in my native North Carolina, before exploring South America. It left me with periods of fatigue and low-grade fevers, and I was suffering through one when I was in the Rainforest.
VJ: What surprised you about the health of the native peoples?
The difference is diet: over a lifetime, Rainforest people have available 3,000 different food items. Western diets, on the other hand, are limited to maybe 1,200 food items. VJ: Was there one “Aha!” moment around the creation of Zamu Gold, the daily immune-boosting food? John: My “Aha!” came when I realized that while formulating Zamu Gold for specific immunestrengthening benefits, we had
10 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
included botanical representations of each part of the Rainforest ecosystem. (For more on Zamu Gold, see page 11.) There’s so much harmonic balance and value in this formula to help our immune systems deal with our threatening environments. There are root herbs like Maca and Suma that grow in the soil. There are Shiitake mushrooms that grow on the forest floor. There are stems and barks which transport nutrients. There are super antioxidants like Camu Camu, a fruit that lives in the tree canopy, and so much more. VJ: What do you wish more people knew about the region? John: Two things: 1. The real global value of the Rainforest, and 2. The personal value we can receive from the region. Here’s the global value: the Amazon Rainforest is the world’s largest climate stabilizer; in addition it provides 20% of the planet’s oxygen. The personal value? This region holds the world’s highest concentration of life energy, a new inventory of raw materials now available through its herbs and plants. When we integrate this into our bodies, it has the ability to
feed our organs, our glands, our systems, such that each of them can go to a new level of wellness and life experience.
VJ: How does working with TriVita help you share the secrets of the Amazon? John: Working with TriVita offers an enormous platform to reach millions of people with a new wellness message. We can share the product message of Zamu Gold and the Rainforest message about how vital this region is to all of our futures. Thanks to those who buy Zamu Gold, as it allows us to help support ACEER (Amazon Center of Environmental Education and Research) in its conservation work. This helps complete a circle of healing back to the Rainforest.
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Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 11
ould Nopalea, the anti-inflammatory wellness drink, reduce one of the main inflammation markers (indicators) in the body? That was the objective of a recent university study conducted by the University of Bridgeport, CT, USA, and the results were impressive. “ Participants who drank a daily serving of Nopalea over an eight-week period showed a substantial reduction in CRP (C-reactive protein),” said Mark Mattie, M.D., Ph.D., the study’s principal investigator. CRP is a protein that becomes elevated in response to inflammation. Medical specialists use CRP as a leading marker to test for the presence of inflammation. nder the direction of Dr. Mattie, Director of Clinical Research at the University of U Bridgeport, over 300 men and women (40 percent men, 60 percent women) took part in the double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Participants were those in the general population, ages 35–75, who responded to (were familiar with) mass market advertising. The study accepted only people who were not diagnosed with an inflammatory illness, and not taking an anti-inflammatory medication. he study format, known as a “Phase 2”, is the gold standard method used in research. T During the eight-week trial period, half the participants drank daily servings of Nopalea, the wellness drink sourced from the fruit of the Nopal cactus, and half drank a placebo (imitation). Neither the researchers nor the participants knew which group was taking which drink. “ We deliberately chose the most credible research method to make sure that results were due to Nopalea, and not some other factor,” noted Jim Dudleston, TriVita Senior Vice President, Clinical Trials & Wellness Research. He added that study participants reported no negative side effects from Nopalea. r. Mattie, the lead researcher at the University of Bridgeport, is also a professor of D biomedical and clinical sciences there. He earned his doctorate degrees at Georgetown University School of Medicine. SUMMARY: The study provides evidence that Nopalea can lower CRP, a marker for inflammation.
12 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
NOPALEA™: INFLAMMATION FIGHTER A recent university study in the USA showed that Nopalea can lower C-reactive protein, a marker used to measure inflammation levels in the body.
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Take the challenge and thrive! Reduce your inflammation. Improve your health. Countless people have already taken the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and changed their lives for the better. Take the Challenge and experience the difference. For more information, go to 1800-257-538
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 13
Nopalea:™ Quality-crafted by experts Not just a manufacturing process… it’s the utmost in quality control
By William “Dr. Bill” Wheeler, Ph.D. Senior Vice President, Manufacturing Services What’s the story behind TriVita’s quality and safety standards for all its products? This new series answers the question, starting with William “Dr. Bill” Wheeler, a noted expert in manufacturing quality for over 25 years. Here, Dr. Bill discusses TriVita’s Foundational Value #7—Quality-controlled Packaging and Production, and how it applies to our most popular product, Nopalea™.
opalea customers enjoy so many aspects of this unique wellness drink… the taste, color and certainly its health benefits. But what many don’t know is the extraordinary lengths we go to, to ensure absolute product quality in each bottle. It’s a fascinating, painstaking process to bring you the utmost in quality control for the utmost in value.
and sprayed on the inside with a sterile solution in an enclosed chamber to ensure that they are totally clean. Once they are dried, the bottles immediately move down a belt to a filling line—they’re untouched by human hands during the entire process.
After the bottles are filled with Nopalea, they are immediately secured with a seal and a cap. It takes less than 30 seconds for the entire bottling and sealing After each Nopal cactus fruit is harvested (by process. Nopalea freshness is assured by maintaining hand, not by machine) it is puréed into a liquid and a quick 48-hour process from harvest to bottling. At transported in a refrigerated ship to our bottling every point in the movement of Nopalea from point A plant in Australia. The aseptic (sterile) manufacturing to point B the product is repeatedly tested for quality. process begins It’s also refrigerated the moment the from harvest through “Producing Nopalea is a science and product enters the bottling, and once front door. What it arrives at our a craft that takes time and money. No that means is that warehouse. short cuts are allowed and no expense everything in the Ultimate is spared to ensure quality.” manufacturing craftsmanship facility is Nopalea is a qualitycompletely sterile: lab coats and hair nets are worn crafted product. That’s why it’s so good and effective. by staff and no jewelry or extraneous personal items We own all the ingredients that go into each bottle are allowed. The workers never touch the liquid. Plant of Nopalea. security is also rigorously enforced. The puréed liquid Producing Nopalea is a science and a craft that takes quickly undergoes herbal identification testing upon delivery to make sure that it hasn’t been contaminated time and money. No short cuts are allowed and no expense is spared to ensure quality. During my own with fillers or any other impurities. lengthy career in the nutraceutical industry, I’ve never Sterile bottling seen any other supplement manufactured with such The bottling process is handled with surgical skill. painstaking care. Before Nopalea is bottled, the bottles are inverted 14 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
TriVita's 10 Foundational Values Providing you with the health products you need to achieve greater wellness is a tremendous responsibility—it’s one we take very seriously. That’s why we developed, and rigorously follow, a strict adherence to a code of quality, integrity and innovation. It’s called our 10 Foundational Values and it means you’re assured of getting the best product experience in 10 indispensable ways:
1. Scientifically Validated Formulas
Our medical board uses their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to review proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members.
2. Unique Delivery Systems
Unlike other supplements that can be difficult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for maximum absorption and effect.
Nopalea is bottled at a TGA facility in Australia.
3. Controlled Laboratory Studies
Signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited universities and medical centers to ensure their effectiveness.
4. Purest Natural Ingredients William Wheeler, Ph.D.
TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients available to create effective, bodyfriendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals.
5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality
We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
6. Third-Party Testing and Certification
In addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards.
7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production
TriVita uses only trusted vendors throughout the entire manufacturing process, from harvest to distribution to you, our valued Members. That same standard of quality applies to all TriVita products, because we only utilise facilities with pharmaceutical licenses, which requires them to have the highest manufacturing standards. So, the next time you take a sip of Nopalea, I hope you will have a newfound appreciation for the care and control that goes into each and every bottle of our superfruit wellness drink. Savor the taste, the color and the wellness benefits. Rest assured that Nopalea is the finest possible product, made to the most exacting standards. It’s crafted with care by a company that cares.
Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing; we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two safety seals per package on all ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency.
8. Dedicated to Product Innovation
TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. We put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members.
9. Medical Advisory Board
TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods.
10. Complete Customer
Satisfaction Guarantee
We promise to provide the best customer experience possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products.
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 15
The “terrible trio” that attacks wellness: Obesity, stress and inflammation By Lacramioara Burlacu, M.D.
t is said that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out right away to escape the danger. BUT, if you put a frog in a pot filled with water that is cool and pleasant, and then you gradually heat the pot until it starts boiling, the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late. The frog’s survival instincts are asleep and cannot detect slow changes. Lacramioara “Lily” Burlacu, M.D., is a general practitioner at Merredin Medical Center in Merredin, WA. She holds Master’s degrees in both exercise physiology and pharmacology; in addition she researches obesity and hormone disorders.
Obesity is like that heated water: it comes slowly and silently. When the body receives more calories than it burns, over time the result is excess weight. A little indulgence today, an extra helping of a favourite food tomorrow, a get-together with friends over the weekend... bit by bit, it all adds up. In the same gradual way, sleep deprivation settles in: there’s extra work to do late in the evening—once, we think; those emails from friends and family just have to be answered, just tonight, we tell ourselves. This is how we build habits. By repeatedly responding to a situation the same way, we instill a habit of eating nutritious food, or not; a habit of getting enough sleep, or not. And exercise? Who has time?
16 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
Slowly, bad habits bring us down Eventually, our hurry-up, sedentary lives, our overeating and sleep deprivation bring our energy level down so far that we can’t imagine ourselves being fit and physically active. And why does my knee hurt? Why is my hip sore? Inflammation has worked its way into our lives and put restrictions on what we can do. What has happened is that obesity, stress and inflammation have silently attacked our wellness. They are so common and gradual that many people aren’t even aware of them—until the boiling water has made it too late. Let’s look at the basic facts at work here. Cortisol is the natural chemical messenger (hormone) produced by the adrenal glands situated on top of each kidney; it increases in the morning by 50 percent and produces the awakening response in the body. Cortisol is also called “the stress hormone”: It prepares the body for a new day of work. This natural hormone increases the sugar in the bloodstream and prepares the brain to use glucose.
Cortisol also acts as an antiinflammatory. When an injury happens, the whole cascade of the inflammation response is enhanced; after a while the natural mechanisms will balance and counteract against inflammation to stop it. Otherwise, the body will fight against itself. Any process in the body has its own balance and auto-regulation. Once a process starts, the body has already prepared to counteract to stop it after the mission is accomplished. Ways to measure inflammation In acute or chronic inflammation, we have ways to see if the “mission accomplished” signal hasn’t been received, resulting in a sustained level of inflammation. One is to find the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), which measures the rate at which red blood cells separate from the plasma and fall to the bottom of a test tube. The other is to measure the blood level of C-reactive protein (CRP), the
non-specific marker that says your level of inflammation is up. If the inflammation response gets stuck in the “on” position, the body is burned out. In time, cortisol triggers less antiinflammatory response. At the same time, body fat slowly and silently releases inflammatory substances that will damage blood vessel walls, opening the door to heart conditions. Recent studies have found that chronic psychological stress is associated with losing the ability to regulate the inflammation response. Exposure to chronic stress is considered the most toxic because it is most likely to make us more susceptible to disease. What’s more, experimental studies on the effects of extreme sleep loss in humans have shown that lack of sleep reduces our ability to manage inflammation.
It is a vicious cycle, damaging our health: stress/sleep deprivation, obesity and inflammation. But there are ways to break the grip of these threats to wellness; in fact, the “solution” is fairly simple: 1. Get a full night’s sleep to help you manage your stress. 2. Eat a balanced diet of nutritious foods. 3. Take part in physical activities. 4. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, which keep your mind clear and improve your ability to stick to your goals. This article is intended for educational purposes only.
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 17
How stressed are you? Select the best answer to each statement and find your total score interpretation on page 19. Keep in mind that this is a general assessment of your stress levels; consult your healthcare provider for a more in-depth assessment.
6. I have trouble sleeping.
1. I handle changes with ease.
n Most of the time – 1
n Most of the time – 1
n Some of the time – 5
n Some of the time – 5
n Rarely – 10
n Rarely – 10
8. I’m a perfectionist.
2. I take time for myself.
n Most of the time – 10
n Most of the time – 1
n Some of the time – 5
n Some of the time – 5
n Rarely – 1
n Rarely – 10
9. I tend to look on the bright side of life.
3. I have stress–related symptoms.
n Most of the time – 10 n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 1 7. I feel good about myself.
n Most of the time – 1
12. I limit my intake of fat, cholesterol and junk food. n Most of the time – 1 n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 10 13. I smoke. n Yes – 10 n No – 1 14. I engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate or rigorous exercise. n A t least four times per week – 1 n Three times per week – 5 n L ess than three times per week – 10 15. I have conflicts with others.
n Most of the time – 10
n Some of the time – 5
n Some of the time – 5
n Rarely – 10
n Rarely – 1 4. My family is very supportive.
10. I’m able to talk about my feelings.
n Most of the time – 1
n Most of the time – 1
n Some of the time – 5
n Some of the time – 5
n Rarely – 10
n Rarely – 10
n M ore than three times per year –10
5. My work is satisfying.
11. I get impatient and irritable with other drivers.
n B etween two and three times per year – 5
n Most of the time – 10
n Less than twice a year – 1
n Most of the time – 1 n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 10
n Most of the time – 10 n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 1 16. I get sick, especially with colds.
n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 1
18 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
17. I’m happy with my social life.
20. I’m a forgiving person.
n Most of the time – 1
n Most of the time – 1
n Some of the time – 5
n Some of the time – 5
n Rarely – 10
n Rarely – 10
18. I’m happy with where I live.
21. I drink caffeinated coffee and/or tea.
n Most of the time – 1 n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 10 19. I’m happy with my partner (or with the fact that I don’t have a partner). n Most of the time – 1 n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 10
23. I feel overwhelmed by all that I have to do. n Most of the time – 10 n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 1 24. I feel calm and relaxed.
n Several times a day – 10
n Most of the time – 1
n Once a day – 5
n Some of the time – 5
n Rarely or never – 1
n Rarely – 10
22. I have a drink of alcohol.
25. I have several good friends I can count on.
n F ive or more times per day – 10
n Most of the time – 1
n T hree to four times per day – 5
n Some of the time – 5 n Rarely – 10
n T wo times per day or less, rarely, or never – 1
Total points ________
You are doing an excellent job managing your stress.
You are doing a very good job of managing your stress. There are a few areas where you may wish to improve.
You are doing a very good job of managing your stress. You could benefit from some stress reduction interventions.
101–150 You need to make some changes to reduce the amount of stress in your life. 151–200 Your score indicates a high level of stress. You need to take immediate action to reduce your stress. 201–250 A score in this range is an indication of excessive and very unhealthy levels of stress. Seek immediate help.
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Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 19
The connection between C-reactive protein (CRP), inflammation and heart disease Why ask your doctor for a CRP test Inflammation leads to growth of plaque in the arteries.
By Lester Adler, M.D., M.D.H.
F Lester Adler, M.D., M.D.H., is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and is also a licensed Homeopathic Physician. He currently maintains a practice of Integrative Medicine in Sedona, AZ, USA
or all the ways bodies are harmed, by viruses, bacteria or trauma, the immune system has but one defense: inflammation. Just a hard pinch will initiate swelling, redness, heat and pain. Specialised cells rush to the call ready to engulf invaders, while others break down compromised tissue so yet others can rebuild, leaving it good as new. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Yet many diseases result from the immune system in overdrive. Take heart disease—what was once blamed on dietary fat is now understood to be also about inflammation. Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) starts with a streaky deposit of cholesterol in an artery. The immune cells infiltrate the area to get rid of it, but instead attract more cholesterol, adding to the growth
of the plaque. Eventually, complete closure or catastrophic loosening of the clot into the blood stream could cause a heart attack or stroke. Since this all unfolds below the surface, doctors use diagnostic markers to reveal this disease before it’s too late. Heart disease risk C-reactive protein is one of hundreds of molecules used in the immune process. Produced by the liver in response to infection or inflammation, and also secreted by fat cells, CRP usually spikes within 48 hours of an acute insult after which it dissipates. But in chronic inflammation, it remains elevated. For instance, people with gum disease have unresolved infection, inflammation, higher CRP levels and higher risk for heart disease. Heart disease was rare just 100 years ago. Therefore this is an elective
Above center: C-reactive protein under high magnification. 20 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
disease caused by our own lifestyles. Decreasing CRP could be one of the best ways to keep your immune system from turning against you. Essential CRP testing Knowledge is power. This is all the more true when it comes to our health. Since many diseases result from our own lifestyle choices, proper information can motivate us to make a major directional turn. One of the miracles of modern science is the serum blood test. Hundreds of molecules travel through our bloodstream, each one telling a story about our health. When you get your annual blood test, your doctor looks for important indicators that, if out of range, guide in treatment. C-reactive protein (CRP) is not typically among them. Don’t let that stop you.
C-reactive protein is an established marker for inflammation, the defense and repair process of the body. It is designed for acute situations. When the irritant, and therefore, the inflammation doesn’t resolve, it hurts cell membranes, such as in arteries and veins. Elevated CRP is linked to a threefold increase in heart attacks. But, heart disease is just one reason to have your CRP tested. Cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes and nephritis are also attributed to chronic inflammation. Even depression is now recognised as an inflammatory process. These diseases are usually long in the works. Inflammation silently irritates or “burns” tissue on a microscopic level. At some point symptoms break through. One day a person has a hard time walking. One day they realise that their cough isn’t going away. Or, one day
they have a major event like a heart attack or stroke. The good news is that inflammation and CRP can be brought down. Proper diet, exercise, stress reduction and supplementation can ease the fire allowing tissues to recover… the sooner, the better. If you would like your doctor to order you a CRP test, ask for one. Say that you have learned that chronic inflammation is a silent condition and you would like to know if you have it. If your insurance will not cover it, then find out what the cash fee is and pay in advance. I suggest requesting an hs-CRP (high sensitive) test from your doctor. Remember, the CRP test is well worth the investment in your future health.
This article is intended for educational purposes only.
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 21
RESEARCH DESK Thinking about stressful events can increase inflammation Athens, OH, USA Dwelling on stressful events can increase inflammation levels in the body, concluded researchers at Ohio University. When people were asked to think about a stressful event, their levels of C-reactive protein (CRP—a marker of inflammation) increased. In their study, scientists asked 34 healthy women to give a job candidacy speech to two interviewers in white coats, who remained expressionless throughout. Then half the women were asked to think about their speech performance while the other half were asked to think about neutral things. Blood tests afterward showed that the women who thought about their speech had significantly higher levels of CRP than those who thought of neutral things—and their CRP levels continued to rise for an hour after the speech while levels from the other group returned to normal. ....................................................................................
Volunteering may help you live longer Exeter, UK Volunteering can improve mental health and help you live longer, say researchers from University of Exeter Medical School. Analysing data from 25 studies, the scientists found that compared to nonvolunteers, volunteers showed a 20 percent reduction in mortality, lower levels of depression, increased life satisfaction and enhanced well-being. “Our systematic review shows that volunteering is associated with improvements in mental health, but more work is needed to establish whether volunteering is actually the cause. It is still unclear whether biological and cultural factors and social resources that are often associated with better health and survival are also associated with a willingness to volunteer in the first place. The challenge now is to encourage people from more diverse backgrounds to take up volunteering, and then to measure whether improvements arise for them,” said lead researcher Dr. Suzanne Richards. ....................................................................................
Women’s immune systems stay younger, longer Tokyo, Japan Women’s immune systems age more slowly than men’s, which may be a contributing factor in women living longer than men, say researchers from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University Open Laboratory. Scientists recruited 162 healthy male volunteers and 194 healthy female volunteers ranging in age from 20 to 90 years old and tested their blood. Their findings, which appeared in the journal Immunity & Ageing, showed that although white blood cells (immune cells) decreased with age for both sexes, certain other immune cells decreased in men and increased in women. They also found that the rate of decline of certain cells was slower for women than men. Some immune cells increased in both sexes, with the rate of increase higher in women than men.
22 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
“ Discovering Nopalea has been one of the best decisions of my life.”
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“ I was going through a very difficult time when I started drinking Adaptuit each day. Within a short time I started feeling a dramatic difference. I felt much more capable, calmer and more in control. I slept more soundly and therefore woke up much more refreshed. I also noticed that I was able to function more easily in difficult situations rather than just getting too emotionally overwhelmed whilst taking Adaptuit every day.”
Discovering Nopalea has been one of the best decisions of my life, It has done wonders for me, and I can really tell my body is thanking me for it!” Scott B., ITBO*—Orange, NSW, AUS
“ I have been happier, calmer and less stressed since I started taking Zamu Gold.” “ Ever since I started taking Zamu Gold I have not missed one day of work during the winter due to illness. I am a schoolteacher who is surrounded by 50 different young children daily, and many of them get sick and are contagious. I normally get sick and miss work, but this year I have felt incredible. Not only ‘not sick,’ but I have been happier, calmer and less stressed since I started taking Zamu Gold.” Shelly B, ITBO*—Hillsboro, OR, USA
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“ …we have more energy, fewer mood swings and an overall feeling of well-being.” “ My husband and I have been taking TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 every day for about two years. The results are great—we have more energy, fewer mood swings and an overall feeling of well-being. It seems like for the first time in years we can lead a normal life. The results have been amazing…. Sublingual B-12 is a life changer and we recommend that you try it.” Lea & Eric G., ITBO*—Mermaid Waters, QLD, AUS
* Independent TriVita Business Owners (ITBO) receive commission on the sale of TriVita products. General disclosure: Members whose testimonials appear in print or online receive $25 in TriVita product credits.
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 23
Q: Who is at risk for a B-12 deficiency? By Scott Conard, M.D.
Scott Conard, M.D., DABFM, FAAFP, has more than 20 years of successful clinical practice, research and leadership experience. Through his Texasbased practice and books he’s authored, he empowers people to take control of their health.
The short answer: everyone over 40. As I have written before, the aging process can take a toll on your body’s ability to absorb Vitamin B-12 from the foods you eat. In a Tufts University (Boston, USA) study, scientists found that many people may have “low normal” B-12 levels. What surprised the researchers was that people with these low normal levels were getting plenty of B-12 in their diets; it just wasn’t being sufficiently absorbed. But please don’t let the “normal” fool you: some people may show symptoms of a Vitamin B-12 deficiency even in this harmlesssounding range. Other factors that can increase your risk of Vitamin B-12 deficiency include:
• Veganism • Vegetarianism • Pernicious anaemia • Celiac or Crohn’s disease • Gastrointestinal surgery Certain medications can interfere with B-12 absorption as well. These include: proton pump inhibitors, used for acid reflux and peptic ulcer disease; histamine H2 receptor antagonists used for peptic ulcer disease; chloramphenicol, an antibiotic; and metformin, a diabetes drug.
24 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
What are the risks of deficiency? Because Vitamin B-12 plays an integral role in keeping nerve and blood cells healthy, and is involved in DNA creation, a deficiency can seriously— sometimes permanently—damage your health. According to the National Institutes of Health, Vitamin B-12 deficiency may cause: Fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss, megaloblastic anaemia, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, balance problems, depression, confusion, dementia, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue. Researchers are continuing to discover how even mild deficiency can adversely affect health. That’s why it’s so critical to get enough of this vital nutrient—and to make sure that it is properly absorbed by your body. I recommend adding a high-quality, sublingual Vitamin B-12 supplement to a healthy, balanced diet. This underthe-tongue delivery method helps get Vitamin B-12 to your bloodstream quickly, bypassing the digestive system, which can derail B-12 absorption.
This article is intended for educational purposes only.
Food as medicine:
Eating to beat stress By Christa Orecchio
tress is a part of daily life and something we all must accept on some level. But how much stress is necessary? Since it’s connected to over 90 percent of illnesses, we’d be wise to learn how to use food as medicine to help beat stress. We can use foods to boost hormonal balance, which lowers the stress hormone cortisol. This also soothes the excitatory neurotransmitters (brain chemicals that communicate information throughout the body), which become elevated under too much prolonged stress. With that in mind, here are my three best tips and food ideas to help you use food as medicine to keep a lid on stress. The new comfort food! Get a new idea of comfort food going when you want to eat something to calm yourself down. Raw nuts and seeds help to balance brain chemistry and provide enough fat to satisfy the brain and soothe the emotions. Good fats are essential when it comes to stress management. My favourite thing of late is to make healthy mashed “potatoes” using a vegetable called Jerusalem artichoke that you can find in the produce aisle of health food stores. It is exceptionally high in calcium, which calms the nerves. They are small so you will have to boil at least 6-8 and then mash them with almond milk and grass-fed butter or ghee and sea salt. Organic Oatmeal
Perhaps try having a bowl of organic oatmeal with melted coconut oil, cinnamon and sea salt; it can help boost the feel-good, calming brain chemical called serotonin. Slow carbs at every meal When stress hits, most of us reach for something sweet or high in carbohydrates. To avoid those sweet cravings and to keep blood sugar balanced, make sure to eat a complex carbohydrate with every meal. That includes things like half of a sweet potato or yam, ½ cup black or garbanzo beans, quinoa, brown rice or butternut squash. Get your C Vitamin C is an essential vitamin to help us manage stress because not only does it boost immune function, it also inhibits the release of too much stress hormone. My personal favourite way to get it is through a super food called the Camu Camu berry. This is a super berry hailing from the Amazon and just one serving gives you the Vitamin C of 30 oranges. It is available in the supplement or super food section of the health food store, or online. Add it to your morning or afternoon smoothie.
Christa Orecchio is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Holistic Health Counselor. She is also the founder and owner of The Whole Journey, a clinical nutrition and health practice located in Encinitas, CA, USA.
Jerusalem Artichoke
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 25
Genes and inflammation: Are your ancestors to blame? By Daniela Radulescu, M.D.
nflammation is in the news now, mostly because it’s being unmasked as the cause of a host of ailments and diseases. It’s important, though, to know which type of inflammation is under scrutiny: acute (short-term) inflammation, or chronic (ongoing) inflammation.
Daniela Radulescu, M.D., is a clinical research scientist in Sydney, Australia. She holds an advanced degree in molecular genetics, and has been involved in clinical research for investigational medicines for more than seven years.
As you may know, acute inflammation is how our bodies respond to trauma or infection: we get the swelling, burning or redness that are part of the healing response. When an insect bites you, for example, the site may be red and swollen for two reasons: because the tissue suffered an injury, and because the body is working hard to get things back to normal. But the other type of inflammation— chronic, ongoing inflammation—is a different thing entirely. This is what happens when the symptoms become constant and all the natural, healthy reactions are twisted, causing even more problems. Ironically, the body’s aim is still the same: it is still trying to restore things back to normal. However, with chronic inflammation the body is fighting hard against itself. There might still be triggers involved, like smoking cigarettes or high blood pressure. Or the body may be fighting solely against itself, as we see in auto-
26 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and Type 1 diabetes. Today, we know that chronic inflammation is at the core of nearly all our modern diseases—from cancer and obesity to dementia and depression—even if we can’t easily see the symptoms. Have you inherited greater risk? When it comes to genes and inflammation, what people want to know is, can the danger be passed on in families? The answer is “Yes, but….” Yes, you can inherit a greater risk of developing some of the diseases linked to chronic inflammation. But, you can take steps to lessen the impact of this inheritance. In the last decade, medical science has focused more than ever on researching inflammation and how it occurs. Researchers have found that cells called “cytokines” release the inflammation signals. What’s more, research reveals that these cytokines can be important in both acute and chronic inflammation. Variations in genes responsible for cytokines can create higher levels of these cells in the body. So, people who inherit these genes can have a greater risk of developing the modern diseases that take such a toll.
What you can do about it Of course, we can’t do anything about the “bad” genes we may have inherited. But we can definitely do something to reduce the impact these genes might have on our bodies. You can start with one of the most efficient steps to prevent inflammation, regardless of your genetic inheritance: physical exercise. Medical researchers are in unanimous agreement that exercise plays an important role in reducing inflammation, increasing the positive hormones of the brain like endorphins and serotonin, and not the least, burning calories. If you’re new to exercise, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any program. A balanced diet, too, is key. As much as possible, include such anti-inflammatory foods as fish (especially salmon), cruciferous (crunchy) vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli and spices such as turmeric. If you are not eating oily fish at least twice a week, take supplemental omega-3. It’s probably the most studied supplement found to dramatically reduce inflammation, including the effects on the cardiovascular system linked to hardening of the arteries. Another anti-inflammatory extract used for centuries by the Pima Indians of the Sonoran Desert in North America comes from the fruit of the Nopal cactus. Scientifically, we know that this fruit is very rich in Bioflavonoids, which are plant-based compounds with antioxidant properties. So if you’re suffering the results of chronic inflammation, don’t waste time blaming your ancestors. Get going with the activity, diet and nutrients that will help you thrive. This article is intended for educational purposes only.
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 27
How to keep your fitness goals By Jolene Goring TriVita Wellness Center Director of Fitness The VitaJournal is proud to offer this fitness column by Jolene Goring, Fitness Director at the TriVita Wellness Center. Jolene holds professional certifications in personal training, wellness coaching and integrative nutrition, in addition to being a best-selling author. During her 18 years in the health/fitness industry, Jolene has travelled the world to help people fulfill their life purpose through fitness. Jolene Goring is a leading health and fitness expert based in Scottsdale, AZ, USA, and the TriVita Wellness Center Director of Fitness. Recently named one of “America’s Premier Fitness Experts,” Jolene has appeared in newspaper, television and fitness videos. She is also co-author of the best-selling fitness book, “Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger.”
VJ: Why do you focus on being “Fit for Wellness,” as opposed to simply being fit? Jolene: The number one complaint that most of my clients have is low energy. Being “fit” means more than just looking good, it means feeling good, too! Fit for Wellness is an integrative approach that focuses on mental, emotional and spiritual wellness in addition to being physically fit. Once I can help someone get their vitality back, the rest usually just falls into place. It sounds simple and with the right guidance and a positive attitude, it actually is quite simple.
28 l VITAJOURNAL Australia Special Edition I 2014
VJ: As long as someone feels okay, why should they spend time and energy on exercise? Jolene: Do you want to feel “okay,” or do you want to feel “fantastic”? Do you want to live your life in black and white, or in vibrant colour? By making small changes, you can maximise your life and have more energy. Plus, you’ll give yourself the vitality and strength to do the things you want to do, the things that will help you fulfill your life purpose. Imagine having the energy every day to do the things that you truly value! Whatever fitness level you are at, it’s never too late to make some positive changes. VJ: Lots of people set goals to exercise and be healthier, and then abandon them. What’s the best approach to help them keep going? Jolene: A great way to make wellness an ongoing part of your life is to think of wellness as a lifestyle, as opposed to a short-term goal. Why do you want to make these changes? How will your life be different when you achieve your
Marching in place is a great way to burn off those extra calories. You can hold on to a sturdy chair or counter for stability if needed. Once your fitness level increases you can really swing your arms and get those legs marching high: you want to get your knees about hip height. This is a perfect move to do around the home, during television commercials, while brushing your teeth, cooking a meal… every bit of activity counts, so get moving!
wellness goals? What are the consequences if you don’t achieve them? It’s about changing your attitude from “I have to go to the gym for an hour every day to be fit,” to “I can do simple things at home.”
Lack the energy you once had? Have trouble focusing or find yourself feeling blue?
VJ: What are the pitfalls to sticking with an activity plan? Are there things we do to set ourselves up for quitting? If so, how can we set ourselves up to keep at it?
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Jolene: Lots of people get discouraged if they don’t stick perfectly to their plan. I highly advise talking with a fitness professional to make sure that your plan and goals are realistic. This will help to set you up for success. Don’t set an impossible “all-ornothing” standard: Be kind to yourself. If you can do only five minutes of stretching while you are making dinner for the family, pat yourself on the back for consciously adding activity to your day.
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Remember, when it comes to physical activity, anything is better than nothing. By shifting your mindset to a positive intention, you will associate activity with good feelings. And in the end, we all want to feel good, look good and do good!
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Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 29
TriVita’s Healthcare Professionals
Director of Publications Pam Molenda Creative Director Craig Hedges
arolyn C. Gilles, M.D., H FAAFP, is a board-certified family physician and medical supervisor for TriVita’s Weight Management Program. Dr. Gilles also specialises in aesthetics and age management medicine with expertise in bioidentical hormone therapy. Scott Conard, M.D. founded TienaHealth, an organisation of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention.
Production Manager Roger Barger Senior Designer Karin Burklein Graphic Designers James Metcalf, Cheryl Earl Editorial Assistant Ginny Schoonaert Feature Writers Cheryl Romano; Heather Giedt; Steve Solomon Contributing Writers Michael Ellison, Founder of TriVita William “Dr. Bill” Wheeler, Ph.D. Samuel Grief, M.D. Lacramioara Burlacu, M.D. Lester Adler, M.D.
Medical Advisory Board
Scott Conard, M.D.
TriVita created a Medical Advisory Board to assist our efforts in staying abreast of current scientific developments and to provide input on the latest, most effective testing methods. Samuel N. Grief, M.D., FCFP Named one of “Chicago’s Top Doctors” in 2012, Dr. Grief is medical director at the University of Illinois. He received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. Jarir G. Nakouzi, M.D. An international consultant, Dr. Nakouzi completed his residency in the Yale University Program of Internal Medicine. His private practice takes an integrative approach to chronic diseases. Tammy Pon, M.D. A functional medicine physician, Dr. Pon received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in healthy aging. Daniela Radulescu, M.D. Dr. Radulescu is a clinical research scientist in Sydney, Australia. She holds an advanced degree in molecular genetics, and has been involved in clinical research for investigational medicines.
Daniela Radulescu, M.D. Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist Jolene Goring, Wellness Center Director of Fitness The VitaJournal is published by TriVita, Inc. • 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950 • Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260 • Printed in Australia • ©2014 TriVita, Inc. All rights reserved. The VitaJournal welcomes Member questions, photographs and testimonials. All submitted materials become the property of TriVita, Inc. and may be edited for publication. Testimonials should be directed to: The VitaJournal is provided for educational purposes only. It does not constitute professional or medical advice. We want to inspire and educate our Members to help make positive changes in their health and wellness. Opinions expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the publisher. For questions: 1800-257-538
Prices listed in this VitaJournal are current as of the date of printing. The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. Experience Wellness is a registered trademark of TriVita Inc. Children, women who are pregnant or nursing, and all individuals allergic to any foods or ingredients should consult their healthcare provider before using any product. To report a serious adverse event or obtain product information, contact 1800-257-538. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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riVita wants to help people everywhere experience greater wellness, but the opportunity doesn’t end there. Just as you feel the benefits of remarkable products like Nopalea™, Adaptuit™, Zamu Gold™ and Sublingual B-12, you can help others pursue wellness while you pursue income opportunities. Share products, generate income TriVita premium nutritional and dietary products are the perfect base on which to build income. Whether you’re interested in part-time or full-time rewards, you can use your own wellness experience to help others, and to help yourself financially.
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Whether you earn income from your dining table or dedicated THE RIGHT office, you also get the benefit of INFORMATION your own virtual “Back Office.” & CULTURE This is a password-protected area for Independent TriVita Business Owners only. It helps you see all your customers’ buying activity, download materials for creating print and online advertising, and What’s your goal? To get some help paying the bills? keep current on all the TriVita advances developed for To build a new business for you and your family? your benefit. Either way, as an Independent TriVita Business Owner, Start your new future now you can be part of a unique sales and compensation TriVita wants to help you create wellness and wealth structure that doesn’t simply help you sell products: it to fulfill your life purpose, to do the things you want to allows you to help others achieve greater wellness. do… the things you were meant to do, with the energy Built-in support for success and vitality that come from greater wellness. As an Independent TriVita Business Owner, you’re part All it takes is a phone call or a few mouse clicks to of an established and extensive support system that start your new wellness career as a TriVita business makes it easier for you to grow your business—without owner. To find out how you can begin, just call sacrificing your lifestyle. 1800-257-538 or visit You get your own FREE, personalised website, ongoing Because everyone deserves the chance to experience education and motivation, exclusive promotional and wellness, and you deserve the chance to create the educational materials, and so much more. In fact, wealth and wellness to fulfill your life purpose. the VitaJournal you’re reading right now is one of the 1800-257-538
Australia Special Edition I 2014 l 31
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