experience wellness ®
JULY 2015
TURBOCHARGE YOUR BRAIN Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D. Pg. 6
OMEGA3 PRIME™ —purity,
potency & quality Pg. 12
16 years of wellness care… and counting This month we are celebrating TriVita’s 16th anniversary! Michael R. Ellison Founder of TriVita
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his has truly been an amazing 16 years. We have connected in some way with over 2.5 million people to encourage them to pursue and experience greater wellness. We continually strive to help people improve their quality of life and gain insights and understanding into how wellness is the best defense against illness. Whether in mid-life or the golden years of life, disease should not be what determines the quality of life. We all must remind ourselves that wellness is the key. While we recognize the necessity of healthcare, I am very thrilled to say there is growing understanding among healthcare insurance providers and government leaders that the key to quality of life is the wellness program pathway. We applaud this growing trend and paradigm shift in the mindset of health and wellness seekers! And that is the trend TriVita is following today. But it is more than a trend, it has been our mission for 16 years! Wellness care is the focus of TriVita and the TriVita Wellness Center. I believe we will see more product and program innovation at TriVita in the next five years than in all our previous 16 years. An example of our innovation at the TriVita Wellness Center is the Annual Pulse which is the magnification and optimization of the annual physical. The Annual Pulse will help identify emerging conditions in the patient; with the help of other technologies, the Wellness Center professionals can help develop individualized wellness program guidelines for the patient. I would like to invite you to make plans for a trip to sunny Scottsdale so you can experience the Annual Pulse! I am grateful for all who serve in TriVita’s mission: First, our Members as they are what make TriVita possible; the Executive Team and their vision for the company; the leaders who implement the vision; the staff on the front lines with our Members; and our publishing department who share the wellness information they consistently and passionately provide. I would also like to recognize our outstanding professional service providers: TriVita’s legal team of Grant Woods, the former Arizona Attorney General; Mike Moore, former Mississippi Attorney General; Len Gordon, specializing in FTC regulatory function; and Todd Harrison, specializing in FDA Standards. Our Medical Advisory Board, chaired by Samuel N. Grief, M.D., CCFP. And a special note of thanks to Donna Kafer, the Arizona State Legislature Chaplain who also serves as TriVita’s Chaplain. These special people are committed to help TriVita fulfill its vision of helping people experience greater wellness in the years to come. May all of you experience health and well-being!
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- Wellness FEATURES
Diplomate American Boards of Family Medicine & Integrative and Holistic Medicine. Chief Medical Officer, TriVita, Inc.; President, TriVita Wellness Centers
William (Bill) Wheeler, Ph.D.
EVEN SECRETS TO TURBOCHARGE S YOUR BRAIN Tips from a noted expert: Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D.
0 REASONS TO MAKE TRIVITA YOUR 1 WELLNESS PARTNER A multitude of ways to stay healthy.
With a Ph.D. in Nutrition, “Dr. Bill” Wheeler and his team have 30 years of experience formulating nutritional products. He serves as Senior Vice President of TriVita’s Formula/ Manufacturing Services.
MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD TriVita created a Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to assist our efforts in staying abreast of current scientific developments and to provide input on the latest, most effective testing methods.
Yes; here’s how to manage it: Eric Grief, M.D.
AND QUALITY Featuring 1,000 mg of premium omega-3 fish oil.
18 ARE YOU IN A B-12 DANGER ZONE? If you’re old enough to vote, you may be.
URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS What you should know: Brittany Stam, M.D.
A DIFFERENCE James Robison launches his new website, The Stream (Stream.org).
Samuel N. Grief, M.D., CCFP, FCFP Named one of “Chicago’s Top Doctors” in 2012. Dr. Grief is medical director at the University of Illinois. He is also chairman of TriVita’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board. He received his medical degree from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. Jarir G. Nakouzi, M.D. An international consultant, Dr. Nakouzi completed his residency in the Yale University Program of Internal Medicine. His private practice takes an integrative approach to chronic diseases. Tammy Pon, M.D. A functional medicine physician, Dr. Pon received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in healthy aging. Daniela Radulescu, M.D. Dr. Daniela Radulescu is a registered medical practitioner in New South Wales, Australia. She holds an advanced degree in molecular genetics, and has been involved in clinical research for more than 10 years.
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J U LY 2 0 15 | 3
- Thoughts from THE EDITOR
Taking wellness seriously for 16 years!
T 10 ESSENTIALS FOR HEALTH AND WELLNESS Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness: the 10 Essentials of physical, emotional and spiritual health. PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply 2. Drink Water 3. Sleep Peacefully 4. Eat Nutritiously 5. Enjoy Activity EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love 7. Be Forgiving 8. Practice Gratitude 9. Develop Acceptance SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God
he fact that TriVita is celebrating 16 years of helping people experience wellness really blows me away. As someone who was there when TriVita was only a dream in the heart of our CEO, Michael Ellison, I feel so fortunate to have been able to witness a movement that has changed the way people think about their health, including my own. In a recent “Town Hall” meeting that was held for all TriVita employees, our CEO recognized the employees of our sister company, TriVita Logistics Distribution (TLD). For those who don’t know, TLD plays a key role in getting the products you order to your doorstep. I couldn’t believe how many of them had been there for 10+ years and were truly experts in their fields. You may think that a distribution center is just assembly lines of people putting product in boxes, shrink-wrapping and getting them on their way, but that’s not the case with this group. They take great pride in making sure that our quality products are shipped to you in the most efficient way. In fact, our Human Resources Department reports that longevity at the TriVita companies is very common; I learned that 37% of all employees have been here 5-10 years and more than 22% have been here over 10 years! This year, I will be celebrating 19 years working with Michael Ellison. I couldn’t put a price on what I have personally learned about my own wellness. I feel so blessed to work with people who really care about making a difference in the lives of others. Have you noticed that the topic of health and wellness comes up so easily? I recently went to pick up a package from the front desk in the building we live in, and I commented on how beautiful the woman’s skin was and asked if she took omega-3s. She went on to say how she needed to start supplementing as her doctor told her she was severely deficient in both B-12 and Vitamin D. Of course, I couldn’t help myself and I wound up sharing the knowledge I have on those two essential nutrients. I even brought her a sleeve of Slow Dissolve B-12 tablets the next day along with a TriVita catalog. If you’re not already a part of TriVita’s Premier Member program, it’s easy and doesn’t cost anything. Just ask a CARE Consultant when you call in about how you can start earning VitaPoints on all your purchases. If you’re like me and you like sharing wellness with others, then you’ll want to also start referring and earning even more VitaPoints when someone new starts purchasing—not just now, but forever! It’s an easy way to offset the cost of your own products. Here’s to another 16 years!
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Pam Molenda, Editor Pam@TriVita.com Tr i V i t a . c o m
July marks TriVita’s 16th anniversary, and you’re invited to a savings party all month long! There are so many great reasons to partner with us in wellness—see page 8 for the top 10. But first, see how you’ll save on all your favorite TriVita products this month, or perhaps try something new.
Anniversary savings up to $40* Order more, save more!
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CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-344-8797 OR VISIT TRIVITA.COM TO RECEIVE THIS SPECIAL OFFER. *A nniversary savings may not be combined with any other promotional offer. Savings offer applies to products only, does not apply to GST or shipping fees. Offer expires 7-31-15 at 10 p.m. EST.
Seven secrets to turbocharge your brain By Sandra Bond Chapman, Ph.D.
The brain is the most powerful, most staggeringly complex electro-biochemical machine ever created. Above and behind our eyes are 100 billion neurons in a small calcium shell, laced with organic pumps, channels and switches.
U Dr. Chapman is founder/ chief director of the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas. An acclaimed cognitive neuroscientist, she is the author of Make Your Brain Smarter. 6 | V I T A J O U R N A L
ntil recently, this complicated organ was thought to be static and unchangeable. Far from it. The latest cognitive neuroscience research reveals key ways to improve brain health in people of all ages and stages. These discoveries are incredibly timely—now, more than ever. I recently had the honor of presenting some of my latest research at a TEDx event. TED is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization devoted to spreading big ideas—from science to business to global
issues—that deepen our understanding of the world around us. Look inward to the “final frontier” In my talk, I encourage people to turn their focus inward. Truly, some of the most fascinating scientific discoveries today have to do with the world within us: our brains. With all due respect to “Star Trek,” outer space is not the only “final frontier.” Understanding and maximizing the potential of the human brain is also an important, and still largely uncharted, frontier of discovery. Tr i V i t a . c o m
I’ve developed seven scientificallyvalidated secrets anyone can implement to improve brain performance. They’re based on my 30+ year career in brain science and work at the Center for BrainHealth, which I founded at the University of Texas/Dallas. You might be surprised at how much of the “7 Secrets” advice is counter to how people live and work. They are secrets because they challenge conventional wisdom and today’s societal pressures. In truth, the frenetic, distracted way we live in the 21st century is not conducive to good brain health or performance. While the descriptions here are tailored to working-age adults, “7-Secret Thinking” is also highly beneficial to others. Teens growing up in poverty, healthy older adults and those experiencing cognitive decline, and those who have sustained a traumatic brain injury are all benefiting by engaging in 7-Secret Thinking. Secret 1: Start single-tasking. For those who proudly call themselves multi-taskers, understand that your brain is not built to perform two tasks at the same time—instead, it must switch quickly from task to unrelated task. Multi-tasking tires the brain and activates stress hormones. Giving your full attention to the project at hand will increase accuracy, innovation and speed. Secret 2: Limit information. Thanks to our technology-driven and super-connected world, the sheer volume of information we are exposed to every day is nearly 200 times more than we were exposed to 20 years ago! Research shows this information overload comes at a price. Highperforming minds are more efficient at knowing what to block out and what to keenly pay attention to. Limit what you take in to enhance your brain’s natural ability to block out what does not matter. References:
Secret 3: Detox distractions. On average, individuals work for three minutes at a time before being interrupted. Complicating matters, technology is actually rewiring our brains to be addicted to interruption, as we anxiously wait for the next ping signaling a new email, text or social media post. By silencing your phone and computer and closing your office door, you can actually accelerate your brain’s ability to complete tasks. Secret 4: Think big. Designed to shift between details and the big picture, the brain is overwhelmed by too much focus on details and minutiae. Taking the time to think about a problem or idea from the 10,000-foot view will shift your perspective and strengthen brain systems to generate high-level ideas and transformative solutions. Our research has shown that doing so strengthens brain systems at multiple levels of health.
1- 800 -344 - 8797 http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnsys.2014.00069/abstract • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUL5o-1Yawo
Secret 5: Calibrate mental effort. Mental energy, like physical energy, can be depleted. Prioritize your day by focusing effort on the most important tasks while your brain is at peak operating power, usually at the beginning of the day. Secret 6: Innovate. Stepping outside your routine is important to brain health and performance. Our brains seek novelty and innovation, so challenge yourself to expand your knowledge and learn new skills. Secret 7: Motivate. While it is important to learn new skills, the brain is happiest when exploring areas you are passionate about. Focusing on what motivates and matters to you actually increases your rate of learning. Here’s one thing I know without a doubt: The majority of people have the chance to achieve better brain health. Put your brain health up front and center focus. Without brain health, we do not have health at all. J U L Y 2purposes 0 1 5 only. | 7 This article is intended for educational
10 reasons to make TriVita your wellness partner WELLNESS SOLUTIONS
From Nopalea to Dr. Libby’s Slow Dissolve B-12, TriVita has what you need to help meet your health goals. ™
The latest technology and expertise in a fully licensed medical facility. Visit TriVitaWellnessCenter.com.
TriVita’s pledge of quality has been rock solid for 16 years (page 30).
Reward points, referral points, exclusive offers, priority customer service and more. All at no cost to you (page 31).
When you call TriVita, you connect with a CARE Center Consultant who can really help.
The monthly VitaJournal is packed with exclusive content for healthy living.
For health and product information, videos and more, visit TriVita.com.
Special offers let you save on your favorite products.
Period. There’s a 60-day money-back guarantee on every TriVita product.
Simple, yet profound: the “10 Essentials for Health and Wellness” (page 4). 8 | V I T A J O U R N A L
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Nopalea™ #30710
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Can anxiety erode vitality? By Eric Grief, M.D.
The short answer is a resounding “Yes,” but there’s much more involved with anxiety (or worry), health and vitality. I’ve worked extensively in counselling for anxiety and other mental health disorders—in fact, my latest book project is about managing anxiety. So let me share a couple of case studies: Rachel, a 47-year-old mother of triplets, stays up worrying when her husband will arrive home. Instead of his usual arrival time of 6 p.m., he saunters in around 10. This trend has continued for the past year. Rachel now has insomnia.
Gabriel, 40, lost his job and can’t find a new one. He frets about his relationship with his wife, who cares for their autistic child. Gabriel has back aches and high blood pressure. Eric Michael Grief, M.D., is a 20-year family physician based in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. His book, “Get Diagnosed Fast!,” is available at Publish-America.com. 10 | V I T A J O U R N A L
What do Rachel and Gabriel have in common? First, an accumulation of worry. Second, focusing on other people’s behaviors. Rachel sees her husband’s tardiness as a sign that he is drinking to excess. Gabriel fears that his wife may leave him for a more financially stable man. Third, Rachel and Gabriel’s health problems may be rooted in their anxieties. Tr i V i t a . c o m
Anxiety: normal until it interferes Anxiety that floods your brain can Anxiety is normal in many life prevent daily joy. As well, it can circumstances. For example, lead to a kind of spiritual despair: seeing a doctor to hear the results “What’s the point of it all?” of a diagnostic test can generate When you combine the physical worry for most. The problem symptoms of anxiety with the occurs when that normal anxiety emotional ones, plus the spiritual over some unknown possible emptiness, the result is often future outcome interferes with apathy: “I just don’t care.” This is normal functioning. If you can’t a common attitude among people sleep the night who suffer from before that doctor’s chronic anxiety. appointment, you You can turn Unexpressed anxiety is may then forget to this around ask questions of a common problem in Have you ever the doctor. our fast-paced way of drifted in a boat Unexpressed life. It can show up as on a placid lake? anxiety is a Try to imagine physical, emotional and common problem that scene... in our fast-paced even spiritual problems. calm waters, way of life. These blue skies, a unexpressed fears gentle breeze, the and concerns can sounds of nature surrounding you. show up as physical, emotional When you imagine this tranquil and even spiritual problems. In the setting, it calms your mind and physical realm, there can be teeth body. When anxiety intrudes, grinding, mumbling to yourself, remind yourself that you have the ringing in the ears, body aches, ability to calm yourself by imagining insomnia, high blood pressure, loss the lake scene or some other of appetite for food or sex or loss of serene setting. ambition. In my work helping people manage Emotionally, an accumulation anxiety, I’ve found that labeling your of anxiety can produce a emotions in any given situation numb feeling, “spacing-out” is a good start. For example, you (dissociation), denial of reality, notice a tension headache when fluctuating moods, irritability or you speak with a particular person depression. When one worry on the phone. Could it be that merges into another, these anxietyyou’re unhappy with the lack of provoking situations can add up acknowledgement for what you to an explosion of rage or a total say to this person? Start by stating draining of your energy. out loud that you feel tense, then
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move on to the unhappy feeling. This might sound like, “I have a tension headache now and this makes me feel unhappy. I wonder if this has something to do with our conversation.” What would have happened if you kept these feelings buried? Most likely, you would get off the phone and ruminate (rewind and replay the conversation over and over in your mind). Then your sleep might be disturbed and you would feel down for a day or longer. This could continue until you identified the feelings generated from the conversation, or the lack of acknowledgement, and what that means for you. I’m not suggesting that there’s a “quick fix” for anxiety. I do advise, however, that you improve selfawareness by checking in with yourself daily. Ask yourself, literally, “How am I feeling?” Is there something inside that needs to be released or expressed? There are many ways to check in with yourself: keep a journal, do some deep breathing or pray. When you notice the same anxiety symptoms coming up over and over, get your worry out in the open: talk with the person involved, or ask your doctor about getting help. This article is intended for educational purposes only.
References: Niles, AN, et al. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2015; 68:27. Aldoa, A. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 2010; 49:974.
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Omega3 Prime: Pure and Potent By Esmeralda Garcia
The medical community agrees that having the right balance of polyunsaturated fatty acids is beneficial to your health.1 Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are important in the normal functioning of the body—from building healthy cells to supporting brain and eye structures.2 Omega-3s either cannot be made by the human body or are not made in sufficient amounts... your only choices are foods and/or supplementation.
Esmeralda Garcia is TriVita’s Director of Research & Development, charged with ensuring that only the highest quality ingredients go into TriVita’s products. She holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Biosciences from the University of Arizona, and has over six years’ experience in research and development and quality control for over-thecounter products and nutraceuticals. 12 | V I T A J O U R N A L
ou can find a variety of omega-3 supplements at your local store, but can you be confident of their quality? TriVita’s Omega3 Prime™ has set a standard of quality much higher than many competitive products, giving you everything you want in a supplement. So why settle for anything less? Sustainable seafood The fish oil in Omega3 Prime is sourced from one of the world’s best ecosystems: the oceans of Peru. Suppliers have Friend of the Sea (FOS) certification and are compliant with specific sustainability requirements and fishing methods.
During processing, the fish oil undergoes stringent quality control to remove environmental pollutants. In fact this fish oil’s production process ensures an ultrapure ingredient that exceeds accepted industry standards for quality. Molecular distillation assures a high omega-3 concentrate. Plus, enzymatic processing technology and a specific storage system minimize exposure to oxygen, which helps deliver a clean and highly stable fish oil. Tr i V i t a . c o m
Strict standards Omega3 Prime adheres to the rigorous manufacturing regulations of Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). Plus, I’ve personally toured our soft gel manufacturing facility, which is also cGMP certified. You can trust the quality control that goes into the manufacture of each bottle of Omega3 Prime. You’ll be equally impressed by the nutrition packed into this product. One daily serving of two easy-to-swallow soft gels provides an ultra-potent 1,000 mg (milligrams) of omega-3 PUFA. Omega3 Prime is filled with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA generally supports the body’s production of compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties.3,4 DHA is the predominant omega-3 PUFA in the brain and it plays a role in brain structure and function.5,6 Omega3 Prime also contains alphalinolenic acid (ALA), an essential omega-3 that the body cannot produce. The ultimate result: a clean-tasting supplement that gives your body an impressive 1,000 mg of omega-3 per serving. References: 1Simonpoulos AP. The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmac other 2002;56(8):365-79. 2Swanson D, Block R, Mousa SA. Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA: Health benefits throughout life. Adv Nutr 2012;3(1):1-7. 3Bradberry JC, Hilleman DE. Overview of omega-3 fatty acid therapies. PT 2013;38(11):681-91. 4Deckelbaum RJ, Torrejon C. The omega-3 fatty acid nutritional landscape: Health benefits and sources. J Nutr 2012;142(3):587S-591S. 5Cederholm T, Salem NJ, Palmblad J. Omega-3 fatty acids in the prevention of cognitive decline in humans. Adv Nutr 2013;4(6);672-676. 6Yurko-Mauro K, Alexander DD, Van Elswyk ME. Docosahexaenoic acid and adult memory: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2015;10(3):e0120391.
PREMIUM FISH OIL CONCENTRATE O M E G A 3 P R I M E™ Ultra-potent 1,000 mg of omega-3 per serving! You need a proper balance of essential fatty acids for a variety of functions, from building healthy cells to maintaining brain and nerve function.1,2 Numerous studies have also indicated that omega-3 fatty acids are essential to your health.3 Our easy-to-swallow, lemonflavored soft gels are sourced from eco-friendly suppliers and free of mercury and contaminants.4 So, give your body the omega-3s it needs—1,000 mg!
Member $34.99 CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-344-8797 OR ORDER ONLINE AT TRIVITA.COM References:
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1 http://www.pcrm.org/health/health-topics/essential-fatty-acids 2 http://www.webmd.com/diet/healthy-kitchen-11/omega-fatty-acids?page=2 3 https://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/omega6-fatty-acids J U L Y 2 0 1 5 | 13 4 http://www.epax.com/pages/sustainable?open&qnfl=EcoVision
Harvest summer’s healthful bounty
By Christa Orecchio
While we can enjoy many fruits and vegetables any time of year, produce tastes so much better and is more nourishing when in season.
E Christa Orecchio is a Clinical and Holistic Nutritionist. Creator of The Whole Journey Healthy Product Review site, she is a TEDx speaker and makes regular TV appearances as a nutrition expert. 14 | V I T A J O U R N A L
ating in season connects us to our environment and provides us with the nutrients our bodies crave at various times of the year. This summer, as you shop the produce aisles and browse local farmers’ markets, consider my seven favorite summer fruits and veggies—and help yourself to some shopping, cooking and serving tips. Arugula Often found in Italian restaurants in salad and pasta dishes, arugula is an excellent
source of folate and Vitamin C as well as a good source of calcium. Larger-leaf varieties can have a peppery, almost hot taste compared to the smaller, softerleaf variety, so choose according to your taste buds. Serving tip: Arugula is so flavorful paired with lemon juice and sea salt or vinaigrettes. It’s also a wonderful green to wilt with hot brown rice pasta, garlic, lemon, olive oil and Parmesan cheese for an alfresco Italian twist. Tr i V i t a . c o m
Garlic While it’s unconventional to list garlic as summer produce, I’m including it here because summer is really the season for eating this health-booster fresh. This dietary wonder can strengthen your immune system, challenge viruses and bacteria, and help you maintain a healthy blood pressure, all while fighting inflammation, too. Serving tip: I love slicing off the top of a full head of garlic and roasting it in the oven. It’s then a great addition to salads and cold summer soups like gazpacho.
Swiss chard Swiss chard is a great choice for leafy greens that often gets overlooked. A prime source of Vitamins C and K, it can be found in a variety of colors, including red, orange, white and yellow, perfect for artistic summer salads. You’ll find Swiss chard at many farmers’ markets and coops because it grows so abundantly in the summer. Cooking tip: To preserve its nutrients and vibrant color, add a pinch of sea salt and maintain minimal heat while cooking. Or better yet, don’t cook it at all, but use it as a burrito shell, or cut it julienne-style for salads.
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Blueberries There’s so much to love about this fruit. Low in calories and high in antioxidants, blueberries help protect against damage from free radicals (harmful molecules). They peak in the summer months, so eat up. Blueberries are loaded with Vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber. There is so much you can do with these wellness powerhouses. Serving tip: Of course they’re delicious alone, but try enjoying them in these tasty ways: added to breakfast smoothies and morning yogurt, sprinkled on a salad or served as a dessert with melted coconut butter and sea salt. Summer squash Summer squashes grow in many places, so finding locallygrown fresh squash is easy. A wonderful source of vitamins, fiber, potassium and riboflavin (Vitamin B-2), squash (or zucchini) is a rich source of antioxidants. Eating more squash and less starch is the fast track to a healthy heart, plus in the summer, they are even sweeter. Serving tip: I love shredding summer squash and zucchini to make them into noodles and then steaming them.
Watermelon Who doesn’t think of watermelon and summer hand-in-hand? A cold slice of watermelon on a hot summer’s day not only quenches thirst but also provides amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Watermelon is the perfect summer sweet treat all by itself. Serving tip: Chunk cubes into a salad with feta and mint, or blend with papaya and lime for a refreshing fruit elixir.
Cucumbers During summer’s heat, cucumbers act like an internal cooling system. And their high water content makes them a wonderful choice for any summer menu. Cucumbers are also a good source of Vitamin C and silica, which is important for connective tissue and the skin. The cucumber skin is a great source of fiber, potassium and magnesium. Serving tip: Try cucumber lemon water: To one quart of purified water, add slices of peeled cucumber to taste. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the water; for color, add the other half of the lemon.
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Common medications linked to dementia Can your everyday medications increase your risk of dementia? A disturbing new study found that long-term use of many common drugs—both prescription and over-the-counter varieties—can do just that. Researchers at the University of Washington School of Pharmacy tracked over 3,400 participants for more than seven years and found that using anticholinergic drugs for three years or more increased the risk of dementia by 54% compared to three months of use. This held true even when people had stopped using the medications years earlier.1-3 Anticholinergic drugs block the action of an important nervous system messenger, and include some sleep aids, antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, bladder control medications and drugs to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.3 The top medications used by study participants included: • Amitriptyline • Meclizine • Atropine • Nortriptyline • Chlorpheniramine • Olanzapine • Desipramine • Oxybutynin • Dicyclomine • Paroxetine • Diphenhydramine • Prochlorperazine • Doxepin • Promethazine • Hydroxyzine • Pseudoephedrine HCl/ Triprolidine HCl • Hyoscyamine • Scopolamine • Imipramine • Tolterodine4 16 | V I T A J O U R N A L
What does this mean to you? “Older adults should be aware that many medications— including some available without a prescription, such as over-the-counter sleep aids—have strong anticholinergic effects,” said Shelly Gray, PharmD, MS, lead author of the study. “But of course, no one should stop taking any therapy without consulting their healthcare provider.”1 Dr. Gray said substitutes are available for tricyclic antidepressants and antihistamines, and recommends non-drug therapy for sleep problems. She said alternative medications for bladder control are more difficult to find, but some behavioral changes may help.1 “If providers need to prescribe a medication with anticholinergic effects because it is the best therapy for their patient,” said Dr. Gray, “they should use the lowest effective dose, monitor the therapy regularly to ensure it’s working, and then stop the therapy if it’s ineffective.”1 If you have questions about your medications, take all your prescription and over-the-counter medications to your next appointment with your healthcare provider. References: 1 http://sop.washington.edu/higher-dementia-risk-linked-use-common-drugs/ 2 Gray S. et al. JAMA Intern. Med., 2015; 175: 401 3 http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/common-anticholinergic-drugs-likebenadryl-linked-increased-dementia-risk-201501287667 4 http://blog.aarp.org/2015/01/29/common-sleep-and-allergy-medications-linked-todementia-alzheimers/print/ Tr i V i t a . c o m
Summer fitness do’s and don’ts By Jolene Goring
Summertime brings outdoor fun—and some special tips for staying fit and safe in the heat.
DO Hydrate! This is something that you should be doing year round, but is especially important in the summertime when the temperatures soar. Aim to drink half your weight in ounces of water every day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water daily. Plan your fitness around the coolest part of the day. Aim to exercise in the morning or evening, when the air is coolest. Being active at the same time each day means establishing a regular workout schedule; this will be easier to stick to in the long term. Listen to your body. If you start to feel faint, dizzy, confused or overheated, stop exercising and get to a cool place. Sit down, cool down and drink some water. Jolene Goring, Fitness Director at the TriVita Wellness Center, is a best-selling author and expert in health and fitness. An 18-year veteran of the health/ fitness industry, she is a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist. 1- 800 -344 - 8797
Try new activities. Summer is the perfect time to try something new! Consider swimming, kayaking, hiking, paddleboarding, bike riding... the possibilities are endless. Make this your year to try a fun new activity.
DON’T Keep your water bottle in the car. Plastic water bottles can leach harmful chemicals into your water if they are left in the car on a hot day. Use either a glass or stainless steel water bottle, or make sure not to leave your plastic bottle in the car. Skip a workout because it’s too hot. Hit the gym, the pool, even the mall to get active if it’s too hot for fitness outside. If you can’t find time for fitness outside of the peak heat hours, find other options. Push yourself too hard in the heat. Heatstroke is no joke—hot days are not the time to try to beat your fastest workout times, or to push yourself to the limit. Use hot days to focus on lower intensity activities that will keep you safe, yet still active. Go solo with something new. Lots of summer activities are more fun (and safer) with a companion. Find a buddy to join you on your first adventure with a new activity, or enroll in a group or class. This will keep you safe while still enjoying the activity. References: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/ FitnessBasics/Top-5-Tips-to-Staying-Cool-During-Your-Summer-Workout_UCM_428764_Article.jsp http://www.breastcancer.org/risk/factors/plastic J U L Y 2 0 1 5 | 17
Are you in a B-12 danger zone? Who’s at risk If you’re old enough to vote, you may be suffering from a deficiency of a critical vitamin: B-12. And even if you eat a healthy diet, you may not be absorbing enough B-12 from your food.1 While it used to be thought that only elderly people were in danger of a B-12 deficiency, science now knows that people as young as age 26 could be affected. This was the result of a Tufts University study, that examined 3,000 adults ages 26-83. Almost 40% of participants were deficient in B-12. Said Katherine Tucker, Ph.D., the Boston-based lead researcher, “We saw a high prevalence of low B-12 even among the youngest group.”1 Since Vitamin B-12 plays a major role in keeping nerve and blood cells healthy and is involved in DNA creation, a deficiency can seriously—sometimes permanently— damage your health (see box)2. Diet alone doesn’t seem to be the key: The researchers found no link between B-12 levels and consumption of meat, poultry and fish— even though these foods supply the bulk of dietary B-12. “The vitamin isn’t getting absorbed,” said Dr. Tucker.1
Vitamin B-12 deficiency may cause:2 • Fatigue
• Depression
• Weakness
• Confusion
• Constipation
• Dementia
• Loss of appetite
• Poor memory
• Weight loss
• Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet
• Megaloblastic anemia •B alance problems 18 | V I T A J O U R N A L
Moved out of the “danger zone” by supplements While 20% of participants had gravely low levels of B-12, taking supplements moved more than half the group out of the “danger zone.” The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.1 According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, these factors can increase your risk of Vitamin B-12 deficiency:2 • Veganism •C eliac or Crohn’s disease • Vegetarianism • Gastrointestinal surgery • Pernicious anemia Certain medications can reduce the body’s ability to absorb B-12. These include: proton pump inhibitors, used for acid reflux and peptic ulcer disease; histamine H2 receptor antagonists, used for peptic ulcer disease; chloramphenicol, an antibiotic; and metformin, a diabetes drug.2 If you’re concerned about getting enough B-12, consult with your healthcare provider about getting a blood test. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can be so easily overlooked that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a course for doctors called “Why Vitamin B-12 deficiency should be on your radar screen.”3 References: 1 http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2000/000802.htm 2 http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-QuickFacts/ 3 http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/vitamin-b12-deficiency-can-be-sneakyharmful-201301105780 Tr i V i t a . c o m
HELP PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST B-12 DEFICIENCY Essential for overall wellness and healthy aging, B vitamins help support your: Brain • Heart • Nerves • Bones • Cells • Sleep health Cardiovascular system • Emotional/mental health
Dr. Libby’s Slow Dissolve B-12 Tablets #35140 Member $19.99
How does it work? Simply place a tablet under your tongue and allow it to dissolve completely. Dr. Libby’s controlled slow dissolve process enhances the absorption of these critical nutrients right into the bloodstream—and throughout the body where they are needed most.
Challenging for many women: Urinary Tract Infections By Brittany Stam, M.D.
I’d like to address a health issue that may not be glamorous, but it’s a real concern for women: urinary tract infections (UTIs).
I Dr. Brittany Stam is an obstetrician/gynecologist at MomDoc in Chandler, AZ. She completed her residency at Staten Island (NY) University Hospital. Dr. Stam practices both obstetrics and gynecology. 20 | V I T A J O U R N A L
f you haven’t had this bacterial inflammation in the urinary tract, you’re lucky: UTIs bring women to their doctors twice as often as men. The issue? Biology: The tube that drains urine from the bladder, the urethra, is shorter in women than in men, making it easy for bacteria to spread. In fact, UTIs are the most common bacterial infection, accounting for one million emergency hospital visits each year in the U.S. alone. Certain women are especially prone to UTIs. These include those who are
postmenopausal, incontinent (lack control over urination), pregnant, or have a history of any illness that causes the bladder to fail to empty completely, such as prolapse (when the bladder drops). Also at risk are those with a history of diabetes, sicklecell anemia, stroke or kidney stones, and those who are newly sexually active or have a new sexual partner. While UTIs can lead to serious health problems (see next page), there are several ways to help keep your urinary tract working well. Tr i V i t a . c o m
Attention, older women If left untreated, UTIs can cause permanent damage to the bladder and kidneys. Some UTIs have symptoms; some have no symptoms at all. It is important to know the difference—especially for older women. UTIs without symptoms. Called “asymptomatic bacteriuria,” these occur more frequently as we age. Women over 70 have a five times greater risk of developing asymptomatic bacteriuria than the general population. The good news is that asymptomatic bacteriuria is benign. UTIs with symptoms. Called “symptomatic bacteriuria,” these UTIs can cause a severe infection that can spread into the bloodstream, and a kidney infection that can be serious— even life-threatening. A UTI may bring pain/discomfort (burning) when you urinate; pain in the lower pelvis, stomach, lower back or side; chills; fever; frequent need to urinate; a feeling of urgency during urination; and incontinence. Urinary incontinence and uterine and bladder prolapse often create an increased risk of UTIs in older
women. A prolapse may cause incomplete bladder emptying, allowing bacterial growth. Techniques such as frequent emptying of the bladder and Kegel exercises can aid in preventing incontinence and prolapse from worsening. Here’s how Kegels work: The next time you have to urinate, start to go and then stop. Feel the muscles in your vagina, bladder or anus get tight and move up. These are the pelvic floor muscles. If you feel them tighten, you’ve done the exercise right. Practicing these at least 10 times per day (not while urinating) should be part of your routine. Treating UTIs with symptoms Once a UTI is diagnosed based on laboratory findings of “significant” bacteria in a urine sample, antibiotics are prescribed. For uncomplicated cases, a three-day course of oral antibiotics is the current standard therapy. Although UTI can be a serious problem, several randomized controlled trials found that 25-50% of women with UTI symptoms recovered in one week without using antibiotics. If, however, you’ve had more than two documented UTIs in six months, your healthcare provider may recommend a
longer course of antibiotics or even hospital admission. Recent evidence suggests that topical (applied on the skin) estrogen may reduce the number of recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women. After menopause, estrogen loss results in thinning of the vaginal tissue and decreased amounts of glycogen (a stored form of blood sugar). These changes create a more hostile environment for the normal, healthy bacteria that protect against infections. In addition, two other small studies suggest that vaginal estrogen may have a similar effect. Talk with your healthcare provider to see if this type of treatment might be appropriate for you. This article is intended for educational purposes only.
References: http://aafp.org/afp/2010/0915/ p638.html#afp20100915p638-b26 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC419886/ http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/condition/urinary-tract-infection-in-women http://sogc.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/gui250CPG1011E_001.pdf Christiaens, TC, Br J Gen Pract, 2002; 52:719. Epp, A., JOGC, 2010; 250:1082. Foxman, B., Dis Mon, 2003; 49:53. Guay, DR, Drugs, 2009;69:775. Mody, L., JAMA, 2014; 311: 844. Monane, M, Gurwitz, JH, J Am Geriatr Soc., 1995;43:618.
7 STEPS TO “GO WITH THE FLOW” ➊ Drink plenty of water and other non-caffeinated drinks. ➋ Go easy on the salt, which makes you retain water. ➌ Consume cranberries or cranberry supplements (they’ve been shown to help keep bacteria at bay). ➍ Use good hygiene when you use the toilet. ➎ Urinate soon after sexual intercourse. ➏ Empty your bladder completely when you urinate. ➐ Wear all-cotton underwear. 1- 800 -344 - 8797
J U L Y 2 0 1 5 | 21
Spotlight on Vitamin D
Scientists continue to uncover ways that Vitamin D—or lack of it—impacts our health. Below, how a D deficiency can affect heart health, its possible link to pancreatic cancer and an intriguing finding about colorectal cancer. Sunshine (vitamin) and pancreatic cancer People who live close to the equator and get more sunlight have just one-sixth the rate of pancreatic cancer of those who live farther from it, said researchers from the University of California San Diego School of Medicine in a recent study. After analyzing data from 107 countries, they found that even after other risk factors for pancreatic cancer were accounted for, the association between lack of sunlight and pancreatic cancer persisted. Study authors said this suggests, but doesn’t prove, that Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to pancreatic cancer.1 Low D, higher risk of heart disease Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for heart disease, according to a study from Eastern Piedmont University in Novara, Italy. Over 1,400 people who were undergoing coronary angiography—a test that determines how blood flows through arteries—had their Vitamin D levels evaluated. Those with the lowest levels of Vitamin D were 32% more likely to have coronary artery disease than those with the highest levels. And, the lower the levels of D, the more severe the heart problems. “Present results suggest Vitamin D deficiency to be the cause rather than the consequence of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries),” said lead investigator Monica Verdoia, M.D. Her research team is planning trials to evaluate the treatment of Vitamin D deficiency.2 22 | V I T A J O U R N A L
Vitamin D and colorectal cancer Vitamin D may protect some people with colorectal cancer by boosting the immune system’s defenses against cancer, concluded investigators at the DanaFarber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. “People with high levels of Vitamin D in their bloodstream have a lower overall risk of developing colorectal cancer,” said senior author Shuji Ogino, M.D., Ph.D., M.S. “Laboratory research suggests that Vitamin D boosts immune system function by activating T cells that recognize and attack cancer cells. In this study, we wanted to determine if these two phenomena are related: Does Vitamin D’s role in the immune system account for the lower rates of colorectal cancer in people with high circulating levels of the vitamin?” Using patient data from two large, long-term studies (the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Followup Study), they found that Vitamin D can indeed affect anti-cancer immune function in cancer patients. “In the future,” said Ogino, “we may be able to predict how increasing an individual’s Vitamin D intake and immune function can reduce his or her risk of colorectal cancer.”3 References: 1 http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/pressrelease/ pancreatic_cancer_risk_linked_to_weak_sunlight 2 http://www.acc.org/about-acc/ press-releases/2014/03/27/15/57/verdoia-vitamin-d 3 http://www.dana-farber.org/Newsroom/News-Releases/Vitamin-D-protects-against-colorectal-cancer-by-boosting-the-immune-system.aspx Tr i V i t a . c o m
Don’t just take Vitamin D— absorb it with Essential D™
Vitamin D has recently made headlines as an overall health enhancer. The problem? Many of us don’t get enough.1 That’s where Essential D can help. Designed for easy absorption, Essential D helps protect against Vitamin D deficiency. • 1,000 International Units (IU) per serving • Contains D3, the same form of Vitamin D made by your body • Easy-to-swallow soft gels • Convenient once-a-day formula
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CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-344-8797 OR ORDER ONLINE AT TRIVITA.COM Reference: 1 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068797/
What will you regret in your final hours? By Mamiko Odegard, Ph.D.
Did that headline bring you up short? I hope it makes you think today about how you might live without regrets, right up until the end.
he topic may seem morbid at first, but it can actually be very inspiring. I recently came across a book titled The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, and thought it well worth sharing. The author is a nurse, Bronnie Ware, who tended to the terminally ill. She found that people approaching death had five regrets in common. We can all learn from these, and I’d like to offer my advice alongside: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” When you live to please others, you are forever seeking approval and love from them rather than from yourself; you always wonder whether you have done “enough.” To live your own dreams is truly enough.
Dr. Mamiko Odegard has over 30 years’ experience as a psychologist/college instructor. Best-selling author of “Daily Affirmations for Love,” the specialist in love and relationships is based in Scottsdale, AZ. 24 | V I T A J O U R N A L
“I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.” When you reflect on your life, will you think of your accomplishments or feel blessed with the personal relationships you’ve created? Most regret putting so much emphasis on career and money.
“I wish I had expressed my feelings.” Keeping emotions trapped inside affects both your emotional and physical health. When you feel free to communicate your thoughts, needs and desires, you stand a much better chance of enjoying well-being and happiness. “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.” Friends and family typically gather around when someone is dying. However, years of being connected with those you care for are quite different from the last days or weeks. The time you have to make a difference in your life is now. “I wish that I had let myself be happier.” Too often the dying regret being in a rut, going along day by day in jobs, relationships or routines that were unfulfilling. They missed the spontaneity and the magic of each day to discover, laugh and have fun. All those who were dying realized too late that they didn’t exercise choices that would have allowed them to be happier. Don’t let this happen to you! Having regrets is a choice; the ability to accept yourself is to live an authentic, fulfilled life. Tr i V i t a . c o m
Let go, let God By Chaplain Donna Kafer
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and he will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
Donna Kafer, TriVita’s chaplain, has served as chaplain to the Arizona State Legislature for 16 years. In addition, Donna is a motivational speaker and author. She has written two books, and now has a third book in progress. 1- 800 -344 - 8797
nowing when to give up and let go of something or someone is difficult for most of us. We hold tenaciously to those things that may or may not be good for us, not willing to release them or turn them over to God. Often we resist to the point that we make ourselves ill with anxiety and even anger over the thing that has captured our senses. How do we come to a place of surrender to a life dream, a love of our life or a certain imagined reality that is mostly in our minds? Grace and God’s goodness are the only ways I know of to help loosen our grasp on those things that perhaps were not meant to be, or perhaps shouldn’t be ours. Submitting to the Lord’s authority allows Him to lead us out of the murky darkness and into the light of a Godly perspective. By being willing to be obedient, we’ll find not only His strength and power, but His merciful peace, which guides us to safe shores again.
To find peace, trust and release Taking matters into our own hands never works, so when we try to manipulate things or people, the outcome is usually disastrous. The only way we can truly find peace in troubled times is by trusting and releasing everything to our Father in heaven. By deciding to place everything in His capable hands, we will be living out our faith in a vital way. What we will learn in letting go is this: We will find we must continue submitting ourselves to Him for the rest of our lives. Then and only then will we find grateful living and true unhindered joy! By becoming His, we will be set free. By becoming submissive to His loving authority, we will be liberated and cease our destructive ways. By surrendering to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, we will find assurance that we can rise above the tide of chaos and despair. By surrendering to the Lord, we will find such abundance we’ll never want to do things our own way again. By letting go and letting God, we will at long last find ourselves. J U L Y 2 0 1 5 | 25
Empowering others to make a difference The founder of LIFE Outreach International, James Robison truly leads a life of purpose. We spoke with him recently about the launch of his new website, The Stream (Stream.org).
James Robison
26 | V I T A J O U R N A L
Over the past 50-plus years of ministry, you’ve reached more than 1 billion viewers worldwide through your daily television program, LIFE Today. You feed 400,000 children each week in African villages, and by the end of 2015, you will have drilled nearly 5,000 water wells in 40 nations. You’ve met interesting people from all walks of life, including Pope Francis. Why would you want to launch a major website, Stream.org, at this point in your journey? It has been my experience that major media sources tend to be slanted in their views, often stirring controversy. I believe a clear line of open, honest
communication, seeking the best possible outcome for everyone, is imperative. Although the Internet has been misused, it has also been a tremendous benefit in so many ways. We want to use this incredible means of communication to help empower people to see world events through a biblical perspective. What are you hoping to achieve as a result of The Stream? Americans face many serious challenges, and we must find common ground to address common concerns. Those who understand the importance of faith, Tr i V i t a . c o m
family, and freedom, must work together or we face the possibility of a bleak future. Our ultimate goal is to help correct our nation’s perilous course by giving people understanding of the times. Our religious and political freedoms are eroding before our eyes, and our government seems unable to live within the proper bounds established by our forefathers. The Bible warned of a people being “destroyed for lack of knowledge.” The Stream is dedicated to the proposition that this doesn’t need to be our future.
The Stream (Stream.org) is dedicated to the proposition that freedom sprang from this cultural soil for a reason, and is unsustainable apart from that soil.
➊ Every human being has equal value and dignity. ➋ We are inherently and specifically social. ➌ Marriage and the family are the fundamental social institutions.
➍ We can know God and moral truth. ➎ Judeo-Christian religious faith guards our freedom. ➏ We’re all sinners. ➐ We need a state strong enough to protect and maintain the rule of law but limited enough not to violate it.
In what ways do you envision The Stream making a difference in our nation and world? We envision leaders and representatives meeting at the table of reason to effectively address our serious challenges. We are seeking to build bridges. That’s one of the reasons as an Evangelical Protestant I met with Pope Francis (photo above). He made it clear that he would like for us to find common ground so we can work to address common concerns. We have been doing this faithfully for more than 25 years in very difficult places around the world. The Stream provides breaking news, inspiration and answers to life’s serious challenges 24 hours a day, and I believe it is a God-given vision for our times. Through this amazing outlet, I pray we will help wake up America, because we cannot remain complacent. 1- 800 -344 - 8797
➑ We are meant to be free and responsible. ➒ When we’re free, we can create wealth and value. ➓ Culture comes before politics. Why do you believe it’s important for people to look at the world’s events through a biblical perspective? I think we have to see things from a biblical worldview in order to build on an unshakable foundation. Jesus said if you build your house on a solid rock, it will stand the storms and tests in life that are sure to come. I believe our nation was born as a result of the seeds sown even by the New Testament Christians and the early church. Those faith-filled believers turned an upside-down world right side-up because of their influence. It didn’t happen overnight, but because of their commitment to God and His purpose, they were able to make a positive impact on the world.
Psalm 46:4 is our theme verse: “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God.” I believe The Stream can release transforming truth. Many readers will come to our site to be informed, inspired and empowered to make a difference in our world. If you believe that virtue and economic freedom stand or fall together, we invite you to visit Stream.org daily for a dose of news, inspiration and entertainment from an insightful source with a biblical filter. How are you living out your purpose in day-to-day life? Share your story with us at Story@TriVita.com. J U L Y 2 0 1 5 | 27
- The Magnificent HUMAN BODY
The endocrine system You may not think about your endocrine system very often—maybe never at all. But this system, comprised of the body’s hormones (chemical messengers) and the glands that produce them, plays a role in metabolism, growth and development, mood, sexual function, reproduction and more.1 Open sesame The word endocrine comes from the Greek “endo,” meaning within, and “krine” meaning secrete. Endocrine glands secrete their hormones directly into the bloodstream, but your cells and tissues are “password protected,” so to speak: a hormone will influence only the cells that have receptor sites for that particular hormone.2 Celebrity status The major glands of the endocrine system include the pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries and testes. The pituitary gland holds a special position in the endocrine world (it’s called the “master gland”) because some of the hormones it produces stimulate other endocrine glands (the thyroid, adrenals and reproductive glands) to release their respective hormones.3 A life-saving discovery It wasn’t until 1921 that insulin (a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and is secreted by the pancreas) was isolated and “discovered.” Before insulin was commercially available, a diagnosis of diabetes was often a death sentence. Insulin’s discovery is considered one of the biggest breakthroughs in the history of medicine. 28 | V I T A J O U R N A L
For many years, cow and pig insulin was used to treat humans, sometimes leading to allergic reactions; today, genetically engineered “human insulin” is available in various forms, including quick- and long-acting formulas.4 The hormone bandwagon Some organs and tissues that are not part of the endocrine system want in on the hormone action, so they produce and secrete hormones of their own. These include the skin, kidneys, stomach and the heart.2 Pass the leptin, please Leptin, also called the “satiety hormone,” signals your body that you’ve had enough to eat (though many of us choose to ignore these signals!). Produced by the body’s fat cells, this hormone was only recently discovered (1994). Researchers are still determining all the ways this hormone works in the body but are especially intrigued by its apparent anti-diabetic effect.5 References: 1 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/hormones.html#summary 2 http://training.seer.cancer.gov/anatomy/endocrine/ 3 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/anatomyvideos/000099.htm 4 http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/insulin/discovery-insulin.html 5 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4019022/
Tr i V i t a . c o m
Prosperous retirement in 10 steps Do you know how to get the most from Canada’s retirement income system? How can you avoid bad investment advice? These 10 steps from Service Canada may help you ease into retirement.
elay Old Age Security (OAS) pension D benefits. Try to wait as long as you can. If you defer your OAS pension benefits for five years after the date of your eligibility you may increase your benefits by as much as 36%. Keep your job. If you work while receiving your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) retirement pension, you may increase your retirement income with a lifetime benefit. This is called the PostRetirement Benefit (PRB). Don’t underestimate your lifespan. More than half of North Americans do, and don’t end up saving enough. You can avoid this situation by investigating such long-term options as a Canada savings bond or mutual funds, indexlinked deposits or stocks. Talk to an investment professional to find out if this type of product is right for you. Add in healthcare costs. Although public healthcare covers many expenses for retirees, you will still need additional funds for routine expenses. You might need as much as $90,000 to cover your retirement healthcare needs. H ave extra funds for major expenses. You may need to dig deep into savings to help a child pay for college or a dream wedding. Buying a second home can also drain your finances.
1- 800 -344 - 8797
C onsider long-term care. A stay in a long-term care facility could cost you tens of thousands of dollars, and the same applies to in-home care. eware of scams. Older people are often 7 B victimized by con artists. Mature adults also have less time to recoup their losses. Monitor credit reports for suspicious activity and be wary of any phone solicitations. implify your financials. Consolidate your 8 S multiple retirement accounts if you have too many of them. Otherwise it is hard to determine your asset allocation and if holdings overlap. eep track of pensions. The Canada Revenue 9 K Agency or Revenu Quebec maintain details on your earnings and the contributions you have made. Periodically check your statement of contributions for accuracy. now when to take your Canadian Pension 10 K Plan. The standard age to begin receiving the pension is 65. However, you can take a reduced CPP retirement pension as early as age 60.
Reference: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/home.shtml J U L Y 2 0 1 5 | 29
TRIVITAS 10 FOUNDATIONAL VALUES Providing you with the health products you need to achieve greater wellness is a tremendous responsibility—it’s one we take very seriously. That’s why we developed, and rigorously follow, a strict adherence to a code of quality, integrity and innovation. It’s called our 10 Foundational Values and it means you’re assured of getting the best product experience in 10 indispensable ways:
Director of Publications Pam Molenda
Creative Director Craig Hedges
Production Manager Roger Barger
Senior Designer Christine Ray
Designer James Dempsey
1. Scientifically Validated Formulas Our medical board uses their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to review proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members.
Editorial Assistant Ginny Schoonaert
Feature Writers Heather Giedt
2. Unique Delivery Systems Unlike other supplements that can be difficult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for better absorption and effect.
3. Controlled Laboratory Studies Signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited university medical centers and laboratories to ensure their effectiveness. 4. Pure Ingredients TriVita uses high-quality essential nutrients available to create effective, body-friendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals. 5. Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) Compliant We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Current Good Manufacturing Practices and all of our supplements are manufactured in the US. 6. Third-Party Testing and Certification In addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards. 7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing. Each product is inspected multiple times and we use two safety seals per package on ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency. 8. Dedicated to Product Innovation TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. We put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members. 9. Medical & Scientific Advisory Board TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods. 10. Complete Customer Satisfaction Guarantee We promise to provide the best customer experience possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products. 30 | V I T A J O U R N A L
Cheryl Romano Steve Solomon Contributing Writers Michael Ellison, Founder of TriVita
Sandra Chapman, Ph.D. Donna Kafer, Chaplain Esmeralda Garcia Jolene Goring, Wellness Center Director of Fitness Eric Grief, M.D. Mamiko Odegard, Ph.D. Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist Brittany Stam, M.D The VitaJournal is published by TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, Printed in the USA, ©2015 TriVita, Inc. All rights reserved. The VitaJournal welcomes Member questions, photographs and testimonials. All submitted materials become the property of TriVita, Inc. and may be edited for publication. Submissions should be directed to: Story@TriVita.com. Subscription to the monthly VitaJournal is FREE to active TriVita Members. The VitaJournal is distributed for information purposes only and does not constitute professional or medical advice. Prices in this publication are current as of the date of printing and do not include local tax, shipping and handling charges. Best Price Club pricing featured in red is only available to those who have one or more products on Auto-Delivery. Opinions expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the publisher. The VitaJournal may be reproduced only by TriVita Members. Other reproductions, in whole or in part, are prohibited without the express permission of the publisher. The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. Experience Wellness is a registered trademark of TriVita Inc. Children, women who are pregnant or nursing, and all individuals allergic to any foods or ingredients should consult their healthcare provider before using any product. To report a serious adverse event or obtain product information, contact 1-800-344-8797.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Our Wellness Consultants are here Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., EST, and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m., EST. The CARE Center is closed on Sunday. Order online 7 days a week at TriVita.com.
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#412-44550 South Sumas Rd. Chilliwack, BC V2R 5M3 Canada
- Celebration -
Anniversary savings up to $40* Order more, save more!
SAVE $20
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SAVE $30
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SAVE $40
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*Anniversary savings may not be combined with any other promotional offer. Savings offer applies to products only, does not apply to GST or shipping fees. Offer expires 7-31-15 at 10 p.m. EST.