Page 3—Holiday Greetings Page 5—Jesus Christ—The Center of Christmas Drs. Stennis reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. Page 7—Someone You Should Know A salute to Dr. Dorothy Bounds
Advertisements Page 4—Victory Sunday Page 6—Get Connected With SDMI Page 10—Oral Roberts University Worship Team Page 12—Breakthrough 2007
Page 8—Due Diligence From Start To Finish Guest Columnist Elder Robert Caruth gives biblical insight on diligence and provides epigrams of perseverance. Page 9—Our Offering of First Fruits Our act of worship and giving of t h a n k s f o r Go d ’ s g r a c eg i v e nt ou s f o r another year. Page 11—Calendar of Events
Cover and Content Page Photo Credit: Page 2—The Set Times
THE SET TIMES Drs. Curtis and Linda Stennis Executive Editors
Gwendolyn Brown Layout, Art Work and General Photography
Article Transcription Jully Reynolds
Guest Columnist Elder Robert Caruth Peoria, Illinois
Cover Art Work Gwendolyn Brown
Holiday Greetings: Members, Partners and Friends We are grateful and give thanks for you who support our work with your finances, prayers, and love. This has been an awesome year a n d G o d ’ s g r a c e h a s enabled us to accomplish much for His Kingdom. We have witnessed lives changed, hearts renewed, families restored, the sick healed, and so many other wonderful miracles performed by our Lord Jesus Christ. As we prepare to enjoy the holiday season, we pause to honor the birth of our Savior with this special edition of The Set Times. Supplemental Images
Published by EHP Creations Hillside, Illinois 708-547-5182
The Set Times is a quarterly publication of Salvation and Deliverance Ministries International, Chicago, Illinois, PO Box 51550, 1540 N. Spaulding Avenue 60651. Email: General Email Address: Website: w w w . p r o m i s e 7 . o r g . © 2 0 0 6 , G o d A l w a y s K e e p s His Promises Media Ministries. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. The Set Times has no subscription rate and is supported by our Promise Partners and Members. All donations are tax deductible. This publication is unable to accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Page 3—The Set Times
One of the most joyous and beautiful holidays of the calendar year is the celebration of Christmas. No other holiday or season brightens the hearts and minds of people like Christmas. It is one of the holidays widely observed by Christians and non-Christians all around the world. The word Christmas comes from the term “ C h r i s t e m a e s s e ” and is another way of saying festival or celebration. Of course, Christmas is the day people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christ is the center of the o b s e r v a n c e a n da s i s o f t e ns a i d“ h e i s t h e R e a s o n f o r t h e S e a s o n . ” Though we do not find the word Christmas in the Bible, early Christians developed their own
c o m m e m o r a t i o nk n o w na s “ The Feast o f t h eN a t i v i t y , ”or “ C h r i s t ’ sM a s s , ” and eventually called it Christmas. Most historians and theologians believe Christ was not born on December 25. They believe the th December 25 celebration is a result of the third century church that christened the date. Most Christians are grateful for the day that has been set aside. It gives us an opportunity to recognize the most important birth of the entire wo r ld . We u nd er s t a nd t he celebration is not about a tree, a man named Santa or other related traditions. The main thing is to keep the main thing, “ t h em a i nt h i n g ”– Jesus Christ, the Center of any celebration.
Page 5—The Set Times
Our Promise Partners are an integral part of the ministry and your seed faith offering help us accomplish the following:
Send out local missions teams to minister weekly in Prison Boot camps, nursing homes, feed the homeless and participate in other outreach opportunities.
Enable Drs. Curt and Linda and their team to preach the Gospel in other cities and countries. This includes healing rallies, training local Pastors, hosting workshops to equip believers in their region, and build and feed orphans.
C o n t i n u et op u b l i s ha n ds e n d“ T h e S e tT i m e s ”m a g a z i n e ,b o o k sa n d media products across the globe.
As the Lord of the Harvest adds more partners to help us we are able to win more souls and encourage more believers.
Become a Promise Partner Today. Call 7733-227-2500 or visit our website at Page 6—The Set Times
The family, friends and Board of Directors of Dorolyn Academy of Music gathered on Monday, October 23rd at the Carlisle in Lombard to celebrate 24 years of community service. Founder Dr. Dorothy L. Bounds was also celebrating her 70th birthday. The Dorolyn Academy, located at 411 South Boulevard in Oak Park, Illinois, is a one of a kind music institution with professional musicians that cultivate and nurture the gifts of children, youth and anyone who chooses to explore the world of music. Weekly instructional classes include saxophone, piano, organ, voice, guitar, drums, theory and composition, choral conducting and so much more. The academy continues to share its gifts with thousands from around the Chicago metropolitan area. Dr. Bounds and her dedicated staff have given 24 years of service and are still standing strong and making a difference in the lives of people. If you would like additional information you may call 708-383-7878 or visit their website at
Pictured above: Drs. Curt and Linda Stennis, Mr. Robert and Dr. Dorothy Bounds, K r i s t i nS t e n n i s ( B r o a d w a y D i s n e y ’ s L i o nK i n g ) and John-Paul Stennis (Dancer/Choreographer). Page 6—The Set Times
And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient Due diligence from start to finish retains a for you, who have begun before, not only to do, plan but also to be forward a year ago. Now The Apostle Paul was admonishing the believers therefore perform the doing of it; that as there to be diligent concerning spiritual was a readiness to will, so growth. The believers began Epigrams on Perseverance there may be a performance reverting to traditional Judaism. also out of that which ye have. There aren't any hard-and-fast rules They needed diligence (Greek 2 Corinthians 8:10-11 (KJV) for getting ahead in the world, just w o r d “ p o u d e ” , me a n i n g t o And we desire that every one hard ones. accomplish, promoting) and to of you do shew the same continue to strive. The plan of You don't have to lie awake nights diligence to the full assurance God was for the believers to put to succeed. Just stay awake days. of hope unto the end: That ye aside all the encumbrances. Your Healthways be not slothful, but followers of God given plan gives you them who through faith and direction and guidance to By perseverance the snail reached patience inherit the promises. ultimately fulfill your purpose. the Ark. - Spurgeon Hebrews 6:11-12 (KJV) Your purpose and plan to fulfill T r i u m p h i s j u s t “ u m p h ” a d d e d t o Due diligence from start to due diligence from start to finish try. C. Swindoll finish requires a purpose is of utmost importance to your life in God. T h et e r m“ r e a d i n e s s ” f r o mt h e G r e e kw o r d“ p r o t h y m i a ” i m p l i e s a ne a g e r n e s s o r Elder Robert A. Caruth Jr., from Peoria, Illinois, is a member of The a willing mind to perform. The Apostle Paul was Church of Living God CWFF Temple encouraging the Corinthians to have a readiness where Bishop LeRoy Smith Jr. is to help. Their purpose was to become a buttress Directing Pastor. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biblical for the Macedonia Churches financially, and Studies from The Moody Bible P a u l ’ s e n c o u r a g e m e n t k e p t t h e mf o c u s e do nt h e Institute and is presently attending goal of the advancement of the Kingdom. During Moody Graduate School for his Master in Ministry. Elder Caruth has the process of purpose the enemy will try to managed WVEL-AM 1140 for eighteen distract you. You must remember the main years. For broadcast opportunities purpose in order to accomplish the task ahead. call 309-676-5000..
Dear Partners and Friends,
We begin every New Year by honoring God first and setting aside a First Fruit Offering. It is our act of w o r s h i pa n dg i v i n go f t h a n k sf o r G o d ’ sg r a c eg i v e n to us for another year. The New Year represents a new horizon, a new beginning, and another opportunity to serve God and make a difference in our world. The principle of putting God first runs throughout the Bible. Proverbs 3:9-10 says “ H o n o r t h eL o r d with thy substance and the first fruit of all thine increase: so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, a n d t h y p r e s s e s s h a l l b u r s t o u t w i t h n e ww i n e . ”Our New Year First Fruit Offering is one of the ways in which we reverence God. We set aside the first, the best for the Best! In Exodus 23:14-19 God required the children of Israel to come to Jerusalem three times a year. They were instructed to worship, bring an offering and come into the house of the Lord. None were to appear before Him empty-handed. Everyone was to bring a first fruit offering. Because they were obedient to keep this covenant, God sent an angel before them to keep them and lead them. God also promised to bless their daily provision, take sickness away from them and drive out their enemies. We encourage you to sow a First Fruit Offering with us in the first month (January) of 2007. Together, we will see the Glory of the Lord among us.
Honoring Him, Drs. Curtis and Linda Stennis Page 9—The Set Times
Page 10—The Set Times
Holiday 2006 and Quarter 1 Events, 2007 Holiday Season, 2006 Youth Department Christmas Presentation “ B e y o n dT h e s eWa l l s ” Wr i t t e n b y J o h nP a u l S t e n n i s December 17, 2006, 3:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Celebration December 24, 2006 9:00 a.m.—Bi-Lingual Community Service 11:00 a.m.—Christmas Eve Celebration (English)
International Missions Quarter 1, 2007
2007 At A Glance, Continued January Breakthrough Sunday, January 21, 2007 Guest Speaker Prophet Kervin Smith Kervin J. Smith Ministries, Eden Prairie, MN Extraordinary Worship Concert Special Guest: Oral Roberts University Worship Team Guest Speaker: Pastor Edgar Gonzalez, Puerto Rico Thursday, February 1, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Christ Glorious Ministries Annual Conference Sebei College Grounds, Kapchorwa, Uganda January 2—7, 2007 Host Pastor: Tom Godwin
February Breakthrough Sunday, February 18, 2007 Guest Speaker: Dr. Mildred Harris God First Ministries, Chicago, IL
2007 At A Glance Victory Sunday Sunday, January 7, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. Speakers: Drs. Curt and Linda Stennis
March Breakthrough Sunday, March 18, 2007 Guest Speaker: To Be Announced
For these and other events, including information on our speakers, visit our website at Event times and dates are subject to change. Outside Events: Please call or visit the website of the sponsoring ministry for more information.
Drs. Curtis and Linda Stennis, Senior Pastors P.O. Box 51550 1540 N. Spaulding Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60651-2459 773-227-2500 or 888-227-4711