LOCAL VALUE • SDPB is South Dakota’s only statewide, multi-platform media organization owned in-state. • The state’s prime source for tournaments and events featuring high school student athletes and achievers. Each year, SDPB covers nearly 50 South Dakota State High School Activities events, including live broadcasts and profiles across all platforms. • South Dakotans’ most accessible and extensive resource for the South Dakota State Legislature, including live feeds, daily reports and broadcasts direct from the Capitol.
“If you reflect back on how you gain your information, how it affected you, there is a direct transfer there, a good solid product, and consequently you want to support that. We need to support the things that are important.” - Ed McLaughlin, Rapid City 1
• Our state’s primary provider of local, in-depth documentaries and history programs on communities across South Dakota. • Statewide source for all-ages programming on the living culture, history and issues from nine Indian Reservations in South Dakota. • Only provider of over-the-air TV for many of South Dakota’s most remote and rural areas. • The statewide EAS information provider, which alerts South Dakotans in the event of natural or man-made disasters. • South Dakota’s only statewide source for over-the-air, commercial free educational programming for children PreK and up.