SDPB Magazine October 2023

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BADGE r cl A rk: Po E t AM o NG th E PINES OCTOBER 2023

Happy October, readers!

Fall is here, which means new programming and content for the new season. This month’s issue is jam-packed with new shows, specials, and events. Our feature article highlights South Dakota’s first poet laureate, Badger Clark. SDPB will feature a documentary about his life, Badger Clark: Poet Among The Pines, on October 5th. Along with the documentary, SDPB is partnering with Custer State Park on October 14th for Badger Clark Day. These are events you won’t want to miss.

Tatanka: A Way of Life is SDPB’s newest documentary series, focusing on how South Dakota tribes have begun to raise their own herds of buffalo with hopes of bringing the animal back to their natural habitat. Mark your calendars for October 13th and 14th for the two-part premiere of Ken Burns’ The American Buffalo, which documents the startling swiftness of the species’ near extinction in the late 19th century. Find information for these exciting new programs on pages 6 & 7.

Lastly, high school sports are entering championship season. SDPB covers SDHSAA events throughout October across multiple channels. Find specific dates and info on pages 8 & 9.

These are just a few of the many things we have planned for the month. We hope you take advantage of as many of our events and programs as possible, and as always, we hope you enjoy this issue!



BrAND & MArkEtING MANAGEr Kara Brodsky

EDItor Kylin McKean

DESIGN & lAyout Hannah Wold

INtErN Bennett Clary


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– South Dakota Public Broadcasting is a division of the South Dakota Bureau of Information and Telecommunications. – Friends of SDPB is a 501(c)3 organization. – SDPB Magazine is printed by Anderson Brothers Printing, Sioux City, IA. Approximately 12,500 copies of the document were printed at an approximate cost of $.42 per copy. SDPB Magazine (ISSN 1529-1596) is published and mailed monthly for $10 per year for Friends of SDPB, 601 N. Phillips Avenue, Suite #100, Sioux Falls, SD 57104. Periodical postage paid at Sioux Falls, SD and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Friends of SDPB, Box 5000, Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5000. USPS 0764-400 © Friends of SDPB Online enhanced and large print versions of SDPB Magazine available on request




Oh Lord , I've never lived where churches grow. I love creation better as it stood That day You finished it so long ago And looked upon Your work and called it good. I know that others find You in the light That's sifted down through tinted window panes, And yet I seem to feel You near tonight In this dim, quiet starlight on the plains.

I thank You, Lord, that I am placed so well, That You have made my freedom so complete; That I'm no slave of whistle, clock or bell, Nor weak-eyed prisoner of wall and street. Just let me live my life as I've begun And give me work that's open to the sky; Make me a pardner of the wind and sun, And I won't ask a life that's soft or high.

Let me be easy on the man that's down; Let me be square and generous with all. I'm careless sometimes, Lord, when I'm in town, But never let 'em say I'm mean or small! Make me as big and open as the plains, As honest as the hawse between my knees, Clean as the wind that blows behind the rains, Free as the hawk that circles down the breeze!

Forgive me, Lord, if sometimes I forget. You know about the reasons that are hid. You understand the things that gall and fret; You know me better than my mother did. Just keep an eye on all that's done and said And right me, sometimes, when I turn aside, And guide me on the long, dim, trail ahead That stretches upward toward the Great Divide.

A Cowboy's Prayer; you might have heard it at the rodeo, a wedding, or perhaps even a funeral. For ages, cowboys and those of similar lifestyles have found comfort and familiarity in the words of this poem. Maybe even more significant than the poem itself is the man behind it, Badger Clark. Born Charles Badger Clark Junior on January 1st, 1883, this writer of nature started his profession while simply working as a ranch hand. His time in solitude was spent in observation and consideration, and what began as a poem to his stepmother became one of the best-known cowboy poems in history.

Throughout his lifetime, Badger wrote books of poetry and inspired others with his way of living. A man of simple means paved the way for arts in our state and nation. This October, we will air an hour-long documentary that tells the story of his life. To introduce the feature, we talked with Brad Dumke, producer of Badger Clark: Poet Among The Pines. Brad owns 1856 Media, a production company based in Sioux Falls specializing in films and video for businesses.

"When you have a compelling character like Badger Clark," says Brad, "it was easy for me to dive into it because he was so interesting. There were two different sides of him. There was the one who wanted to be left alone and live alone, and then there was another side who just absolutely adored the public, especially kids. I think the folks who met him found him really dynamic and just wanted to be around him. In a world of distractions that we live in right now, it's important that you do take time out of your day to put away the phone and just connect with what your true self is. That's what he did. He was able to control any distractions around him and think about what was important to him, write it down, and share it with the public. That's probably the most important lesson with him, is to be able to find your true authentic self by being alone with your thoughts."

Badger is South Dakota's first poet laureate and was the genesis of this genre. While some may not have thought cowboy literature so profound, Badger's writings united a state of familiar feeling with his words and character. Brad expands on this.

"One of the best ways for people to connect with Badger Clark is to visit his cabin at Custer State Park. It's available during the spring, summer, and fall. His home has been preserved perfectly, as he had left it when he passed away in the fifties. The best way to learn about Badger is to just be where he was, follow his footsteps, and think about what's most important to you. Even sitting on his porch and maybe closing your eyes to connect with nature."

For an inside look at the life of Badger Clark, watch Badger Clark: Poet Among The Pines on Thursday, October 5th at 8pm Central (7 MT). Additionally, SDPB is partnering with Custer State Park to host a Badger Clark Day on October 14th. Mark your calendars for activities and artifacts at the Visitor Center and Badger Hole. We hope you take advantage of the opportunity to learn how a single man paved the way for art and literature in our state.

"He invented the genre. He invented cowboy poetry. Now, were there cowboy poets ahead of him before him? I'm sure there were, but none could write like him, and none of them put their thoughts to paper like he did and got published. The folks that go to these poet conventions, especially cowboy poetry conventions, have been influenced by Badger Clark. They model their poetry after him. That's the most prominent influence he had in the state."

After diving into the life of Badger, Brad shares how those who want to learn more about him can get a personal insight into the man he was.

Tatanka: A Way of Life is SDPB’s newest documentary series. Focusing on how South Dakota tribes have begun to raise their own herds of buffalo and bringing the animal back to their natural habitat, Tatanka shines a light on the history, story, and future of the buffalo in South Dakota. All tribes within South Dakota have a buffalo program that is reintroducing this animal in a way that not only serves their tribal members but also helps when food is in limited supply. Not only are South Dakota tribes and tribes within the region reintroducing buffalo, but they are also reintroducing the purebred animal. Tatanka chronicles South Dakota’s tribal effort to reintroduce the buffalo as a way of life, culture, and use before contact with European settlers. This is a direct testament to tribes exercising their treaty rights and fulfilling their Tribal Sovereignty as their members see fit. The first episode of the three-part series features a buffalo harvest on the Pine Ridge reservation and the story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Buffalo had been the primary food source for many tribes throughout the United States. Native Americans utilized every part of this animal for tools, shelter, clothing, and more. The Legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman tells the importance of the culture and how the morals and values, such as the seven virtues of the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota, should shape how a person lives with dignity and respect for themselves, and how someone should be treated and treat others. Respect for not only oneself but respect for elders is a key virtue that one must have to walk this path.

Maȟpíya Lúta (Red Cloud Indian School) has been harvesting and processing buffalo to teach their students, the next generation, the traditions and culture of all that entails regarding that way of life. Students of all ages participate in processing the buffalo. Traditionally, the men of the tribe did the hunting, and the women of all ages processed the buffalo for food, tools, shelter, and clothing. Children were raised as a collective and taught these values, mainly at the hands of the elders. Maȟpíya Lúta is not only reintroducing these customs and way of life, but they are allowing the next generation to learn the ways their ancestors existed and provide a potential opportunity to maintain food sovereignty and sustainability but also to capture and teach their future generations the way of their people - the way we respected and

“As we began to discuss some ideas for local programs to produce in conjunction with Ken Burns’ American Buffalo, we wanted to tell a story that was not being told by most media in the state of South Dakota—the story of the relationship between indigenous people of South Dakota and the buffalo. To do this successfully, we needed to hear the voices of the people who lived and continue to live the story of tatanka. Because of our relationship with Maȟpíya Lúta (Red Cloud Indian School) and their willingness to allow us to attend the buffalo harvest and record their students reciting the White Buffalo Calf Woman Story in Lakota and English and Richards Two Bulls’, the producer of the documentary series, personnel connection with the American Bison as a Lakota, SDPB was able to better tell the story from the perspective of indigenous people. Richard's insight and drive have been the primary force in telling the story of Tatanka. Without our friends and partners in the Native community, this documentary would not be possible.

Tatanka: Way of Life is an ongoing series with the second episode to air in May 2024 and will focus on the Wolakota Buffalo project near Mission, South Dakota. The series will evolve as we go forward, and SDPB will rely on the indigenous people of South Dakota to shape, form, and dictate the stories told in this series, and SDPB will be here to share it with our audience. Richard coined the title Tatanka: A Way of Life. I hope that Tatanka is only the beginning of SDPB sharing the story of South Dakota’s Native people and their way of life.”

Episode 1 of Tatanka: A Way of Life premieres on SDPB on Thursday, October 19 at 8pm (7 MT)

The American Buffalo documents the startling swiftness of the species’ near extinction in the late 19th century. Numbering an estimated 30 million in the early 1800s, the herds began declining for a variety of reasons, including the lucrative buffalo robe trade, the steady westward settlement of an expanding United States, diseases introduced by domestic cattle and drought. But the arrival of the railroads in the early 1870s and a new demand for buffalo hides to be used in the belts driving industrial machines back East brought thousands of hide hunters to the Great Plains. In just over a decade the number of bison collapsed from 12-15 million to fewer than a thousand, representing one of the most dramatic examples of our ability to destroy the natural world. By 1900, the American buffalo teetered on the brink of disappearing forever, and the Native people of the Plains entered one of the most traumatic moments of their existence.

But the other, lesser-known part of this story, told in the film’s second episode, is about the people who set out to save the species from extermination and how they did it. Their actions provide compelling proof that we are equally capable of pulling back from the brink of environmental catastrophe if we set our minds to it.

“It is a quintessentially American story,” Ken Burns said, “filled with unforgettable stories and people. But it is also a morality tale encompassing two historically significant lessons that resonate today: how humans can damage the natural world and also how we can work together to make choices to preserve the environment around us. The story of the American buffalo is also the story of Native nations who lived with and relied on the buffalo to survive, developing a sacred relationship that evolved over more than 10,000 years but which was almost completely severed in fewer than 100.”

The series was written by Dayton Duncan, who is also the author of the companion book, Blood Memory: The Tragic Decline and Improbable Resurrection of the American Buffalo. It was produced by Burns’s longtime colleague Julie Dunfey. Julianna Brannum, a member of the Quahada band of the Comanche Nation of Oklahoma, served as consulting producer. W. Richard West, Jr., a Cheyenne and founding director and director emeritus of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian, was the senior advisor.

Part one of The American Buffalo airs on SDPB on Monday, October 16 at 7pm (6 MT), repeated the same night at 9pm (8 MT).

Part two of The American Buffalo airs on SDPB on Tuesday, October 17 at 7pm (6 MT), repeated the same night at 9pm (8 MT).

This one-hour conversation with the filmmaker, Ken Burns, is moderated by Judy Woodruff, and features experts Jason Baldes, Rosalyn LaPier, and Dan Flores. They explore lessons from the film, the early history and special relationship between native American people and the buffalo, its relation to the larger grassland and prairie ecosystems, and Tribal contributions to restoration of the buffalo today.

SDPB1: Friday, October 13, 9pm (8 MT)

The American Buffalo: A Story of Resilience Coming soon...
Julianna Brannum, Dayton Duncan, Julie Dunfey and Ken Burns Courtesy of Steve Holmes Photography Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve Conata Ranches Courtesy of Harvey Payne Courtesy of Craig Mellish


Cultivating Creativity

Working in conjunction with the South Dakota Art Museum in Brookings and with support provided by Art Bridges, SDPB presents Cultivating Creativity Keith BraveHeart. The art of Keith BraveHeart (Oglala Lakota) honors the past and combines the ironies of the modern world with traditional Lakota life. “A lot of the time what I want to do is to tell a story,”says BraveHeart. “Sharing a story that either comes from my culture, comes from the world at large, or from myself. Usually I’m relying on something that’s relevant to today.”

SDPB1: Thursday, October 12, 8:30pm (7:30 MT)

Child Care Town Hall

Join SDPB’s Jackie Hendry as she hosts the South Dakota Focus Child Care Crisis Town Hall live from SDPB's Black Hills and Sioux Falls studios on October 3rd at 7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain. The event is free, but seating is limited –visit to reserve a seat. SDPB is streaming the discussion live on, and on the SDPB Facebook and YouTube pages.

SDHSAA Oct. Schedule

Boys Golf, October 2-3

Girls Tennis, Class A October 2-3, Class AA October 5-6

Boys and Girls Soccer, October 14, Live on SDPB2

Journalism, October 16

SDHSAA state championships and all-state events are starting for the 2023-24 season! SDPB is your place for South Dakota High School Sports & Activities.

For more information, go to For photos, go to

Cheer & Dance, October 20-21, Live on SDPB2

Cross Country, October 21

Chorus & Orchestra, October 28, Live on SDPB1

Emmy® Nominations

SDPB has been nominated for seven regional Emmy® awards by the Upper Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.


Victory Songs: The Lakota Music Project

South Dakota Public Broadcasting

• Kevin Patten, Producer

• Rex Kinnear, Director


SD Focus: City Responses to Homelessness

South Dakota Public Broadcasting

• Jacqueline Hendry, Producer

• Krystal Schoenbauer, Videographer/Editor


Surviving the ’72 Flood

South Dakota Public Broadcasting

• Seth Tupper, Producer

• Josh Haiar, Videographer/Editor

The Pride of the Dakotas

1856 Productions

• Brad Dumke, Producer/Director


The Ups and Downs of Herb and Jan Conn

South Dakota Public Broadcasting

• Justin Koehler, Producer

• Michael Zimmy, Producer

• Maxwell Tushla, Videographer

The awards ceremony takes place Saturday, October 14.

Dakota Life: Greetings from Mission

South Dakota Public Broadcasting

• Larry Rohrer, Segment Producer

• Jonathan Rouse, Videographer/Editor

• Greg Beesley, Segment Producer

• Brian Gevik, Segment Producer

• Kate Lundahl, Videographer/Editor

• Richard Two Bulls, Segment Producer


Dakota Life Detours: The Silver Screens of the Prairie South Dakota Public Broadcasting

• Greg Beesley, Producer

• Kate Lundahl, Videographer/Editor

• Jonathan Rouse, Videographer/Editor

• Kyle Mork, Videographer/Editor

• Larry Rohrer, Narrator

oNIDA Join us in person for a free screening of SDPB’s Dakota Life Greetings from Onida. Wednesday, October 4, 7pm at the Phoenix Center Episode premieres
Oct. 12th at 8pm (7 MT) on SDPB1 or view it online at


PM (6:00 MT) In the Moment

8 PM (7:00 MT) Jazz Nightly 11 PM (10:00 MT) World Café

1 AM (Midnight MT) BBC World News

*Fridays: 1 PM (Noon MT) Science Friday

WEEKDAYS SOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC BROADCASTING 5 AM (5:00 MT) BBC World News 6 AM (5:00 MT) Planet Money/How I Built This 7 AM (6:00 MT) Weekend Edition 9 AM (8:00 MT) A Way with Words 10 AM (9:00 MT) Travel with Rick Steves 11 AM (10:00 MT) Milk Street Radio NOON (11:00 MT) The Moth Radio Hour 1 PM (Noon MT) Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me! 2 PM (1:00 MT) This American Life 3 PM (2:00 MT) Radiolab 4 PM (3:00 MT) All Things Considered 5 PM (4:00 MT) Fresh Air Weekend 6 PM (5:00 MT) On Record with Matt Weesner 8 PM (7:00 MT) Jazz Nightly Extra 9 PM (8:00 MT) Big Band Spotlight 10 PM (9:00 MT) BBC Arts Hour 11 PM (10:00 MT) BBC World News 5 AM (4:00 MT) Morning Edition 9 AM (8:00 MT) 1A 11 AM (10:00 MT) On Point NOON (11:00 MT) In the Moment 1 PM (Noon MT) Here & Now* 2 PM (1:00 MT) Fresh Air* 3 PM (2:00 MT) All Things Considered 6:30 PM (5:30 MT) Marketplace 7
5 AM (5:00 MT) BBC World News 6 AM (5:00 MT) The People’s Pharmacy 7 AM (6:00 MT) Weekend Edition 10 AM (9:00 MT) Wait, Wait... Don’t Tell Me! 11 AM (10:00 MT) This American Life NOON (11:00 MT) Radiolab
PM (Noon MT) Hidden Brain
PM (1:00 MT) Planet Money/How I Built This 3 PM (2:00 MT) Code Switch/Life Kit 4 PM (3:00 MT) All Things Considered 5 PM (4:00 MT) Bullseye with Jesse Thorn 6 PM (5:00 MT) Latino USA 7 PM (6:00 MT) Conversations from World Café 8 PM (7:00 MT) American Routes 10 PM (9:00 MT) On Record with Matt Weesner
(11:00 MT) BBC World News

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Noon (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast

12:30 (11:30 MT) Native Report

1:00 (Noon MT) South Dakota Focus

Prenatal/Maternal Healthcare Access

1:30 (12:30 MT) Images of the Past

The South Dakota State Fair 1912

2:00 (1:00 MT) Castles:

Secrets, Mysteries and Legends

3:00 (2:00 MT) Native America

4:00 (3:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

4:30 (3:30 MT) 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

5:00 (4:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow

Vintage Louisville I

6:00 (5:00 MT) Midsomer Murders

7:00 (6:00 MT) Professor T

8:00 (7:00 MT) Masterpiece Unforgotten

9:00 (8:00 MT) Masterpiece Van Der Valk

10:00 (9:00 MT) Masterpiece Tom Jones

11:00 (10:00 MT) Secrets of Britain

Midnight (11:00 MT) Firing Line

SDPB 2 Noon (11:00 MT) This American Land

12:30 (11:30 MT) Start Up

1:00 (Noon MT) To the Contrary

1:30 (12:30 MT) Firing Line

2:00 (1:00 MT) Open Mind

2:30 (1:30 MT) ICT Newscast

3:00 (2:00 MT) DW Global US4

3:30 (2:30 MT) On Story

4:00 (3:00 MT) America ReFramed

La Manplesa: An Uprising Remembered

5:00 (4:00 MT) PBS News Weekend

5:30 (4:30 MT) Dakota Life

Greetings from Hill City

6:00 (5:00 MT) With

7:00 (6:00 MT) America Outdoors

8:00 (7:00 MT) Finding Your Roots

Rising from the Ashes

9:00 (8:00 MT) 36th Hispanic Heritage Awards

10:00 (9:00 MT) Voces on PBS

11:00 (10:00 MT) America Outdoors

Midnight (11:00 MT) Finding Your Roots

Rising from the Ashes


6:00 (5:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe

8:00 (7:00 MT) For Your Home

8:30 (7:30 MT) For Your Home

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’

Art of the Renaissance

10:00 (9:00 MT) Yan Can Cook: Spice Kingdom 10:30 (9:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

11:00 (10:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow

Vintage Hartford 2023 I

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Deadwood Fire

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) NOVA

Operation Lighthouse Rescue

7:00 (6:00 MT) Evolution Earth

8:00 (7:00 MT) Power Trip: The Story of Energy

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) NOVA

Operation Lighthouse Rescue

Midnight (11:00 MT) Evolution Earth


6:00 (5:00 MT) Wine First

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cookin’ Louisiana

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) This Old House

8:30 (7:30 MT) This Old House

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Travelscope

10:00 (9:00 MT) Daytripper

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Wine First



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) America Outdoors

8:00 (7:00 MT) NOVA

Ancient Earth: Birth of the Sky

9:00 (8:00 MT) Evolution Earth

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Winter Games

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) POV Murders That Matter


7:30 (6:30 MT) Frontline The Astros Edge: Triumph and Scandal in Major League Baseball

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) POV Murders That Matter


6:00 (5:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

8:00 (7:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow Vintage Las Vegas 2021 I 9:00 (8:00 MT) POV Murders that Matter 10:30 (9:30 MT) Amanpour and Company 11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) POV Shorts 6:30 (5:30 MT) Los Hermanos/The Brothers 8:00 (7:00 MT) Our Time 8:30 (7:30 MT) Stories from the Stage 9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day 10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News 11:00 (10:00 MT) POV Shorts Midnight (11:00 MT) Los Hermanos/ The Brothers SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) People of the North 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) This Old House 8:30 (7:30 MT) This Old House 9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe 9:30 (8:30 MT) Ireland with Michael 10:00 (9:00 MT) In the Americas 10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) People of the North TUESDAY – OCTOBER 3
(5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour
(6:00 MT) Finding Your Roots
Lost and Found 8:00 (7:00 MT) Becoming Frida Kahlo 9:00 (8:00 MT) Frontline The Astros Edge: Triumph and Scandal in Major League Baseball
(9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company 11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News
1 6:00

7:00 (6:00 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Legacy List

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Family Travel

10:00 (9:00 MT) Wild Travels

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) On Call with the Prairie Doc®

Practical Guide to Obesity Medicine

8:00 (7:00 MT) Badger Clark:

Poet Among the Pines

9:00 (8:00 MT) Doc Martin

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life

History and Tradition

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) Singing Our Way to Freedom

7:00 (6:00 MT) America ReFramed

We Like It Like That

8:30 (7:30 MT) POV Shorts

You Are My Sunshine

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) America ReFramed

We Like It Like That


6:00 (5:00 MT) Tastemakers

6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Legacy List

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Weekends with Yankee

10:00 (9:00 MT) Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Tastemakers



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour



Noon (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast

12:30 (11:30 MT) Native Report

1:00 (Noon MT) Badger Clark: Poet Among the Pines

2:00 (1:00 MT) Castles: Secrets, Mysteries and Legends

3:00 (2:00 MT) Native America

4:00 (3:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

4:30 (3:30 MT) 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

5:00 (4:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow Vintage Hartford I

6:00 (5:00 MT) Midsomer Murders

7:00 (6:00 MT) Professor T

8:00 (7:00 MT) Masterpiece Unforgotten

9:00 (8:00 MT) Masterpiece Van Der Valk

10:00 (9:00 MT) Lucy Worsley’s Royal Photo Album

11:00 (10:00 MT) Marriage

Midnight (11:00 MT) Firing Line


Noon (11:00 MT) This American Land

12:30 (11:30 MT) Start Up

1:00 (Noon MT) To the Contrary

1:30 (12:30 MT) Great Performances at the MET Don Giovanni

5:00 (4:00 MT) PBS News Weekend

5:30 (4:30 MT) POV Shorts You Are My Sunshine

6:00 (5:00 MT) Last Mambo

7:00 (6:00 MT) America Outdoors

8:00 (7:00 MT) Finding Your Roots

Family: Lost and Found

9:00 (8:00 MT) American Masters

Max Roach: The Drum Also Waltzes

10:30 (9:30 MT) The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations

11:00 (10:00 MT) America Outdoors

Midnight (11:00 MT) Finding Your Roots

Family: Lost and Found


6:00 (5:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe

8:00 (7:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

8:30 (7:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

9:00 (8:00 MT) Afro-Latino Travels

9:30 (8:30 MT) Afro-Latino Travels

10:00 (9:00 MT) Yan Can Cook: Spice Kingdom

10:30 (9:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

11:00 (10:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow

Vintage Hartford II

8:00 (7:00 MT) Rising Voices / Hótȟaŋiŋpi

9:00 (8:00 MT) Independent Lens El Equipo

10:30 (9:30 MT) Amanpour and Company

(6:30 MT)
8:00 (7:00 MT)
Waltzes 9:30 (8:30 MT) The Devil’s Instrument 10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company 11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News 11:30 (10:30 MT) Overheard Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) Becoming Frida Kahlo 7:00 (6:00 MT) Becoming Frida Kahlo 8:00 (7:00 MT) Becoming Frida Kahlo 9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day 10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News 11:00 (10:00 MT) Becoming Frida Kahlo Midnight (11:00 MT) Becoming Frida Kahlo SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook's Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 8:30 (7:30 MT) Lidia's Kitchen 9:00 (8:00 MT) Storyteller in the Kitchen 9:30 (8:30 MT) Christina Cooks: Back to the Cutting Board 10:00 (9:00 MT) Cook’s Country 10:30 (9:30 MT) Jazzy Vegetarian 11:00 (10:00 MT) Ciao Italia 11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) Lidia's Kitchen
– OCTOBER 7 SDPB 1 6:00 (5:00 MT) Keeping Up Appearances 6:30 (5:30 MT) Mr. Bean 7:00 (6:00 MT) Frankie Drake Mysteries 8:00 (7:00 MT) Doc Martin 9:00 (8:00 MT) Father Brown 10:00 (9:00 MT) Death in Paradise 11:00 (10:00 MT) Austin City Limits Midnight (11:00 MT) Caverns Sessions SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) Birthright 7:00 (6:00 MT) Building the American Dream 8:00 (7:00 MT) American Masters Orozco: Man of Fire 9:00 (8:00 MT) America ReFramed We Like It Like That 10:30 (9:30 MT) POV Shorts You Are My Sunshine 11:00 (10:00 MT) Building the American Dream Midnight (11:00 MT) American Masters Orozco: Man of Fire
3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen 6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table 7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe 8:00 (7:00 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 8:30 (7:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 9:00 (8:00 MT) Afro-Latino Travels 9:30 (8:30 MT) Afro-Latino Travels 10:00 (9:00 MT) Baking with Julia 10:30 (9:30 MT) Welcome to My Farm 11:00 (10:00 MT) George Hirsch Lifestyle 11:30 (10:30 MT) Cook’s Country Midnight (11:00 MT) Modern Pioneering
7:00 (6:00 MT) Washington Week 7:30
Market to Market
American Masters Max Roach: The Drum Also

11:30 (10:30 MT) BBC News

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) Our Time

6:30 (5:30 MT) Independent Lens Missing in Brooks County

8:00 (7:00 MT) Our Time

8:30 (7:30 MT) Stories from the Stage

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) Our Time

Midnight (11:00 MT) Independent Lens Missing in Brooks County


6:00 (5:00 MT) People of the North

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Nick Stellino: Storyteller in the Kitchen

8:30 (7:30 MT) Christina Cooks: Back to the Cutting Board

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Ireland with Michael

10:00 (9:00 MT) In the Americas

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) People of the North



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Finding Your Roots Chosen

8:00 (7:00 MT) Frontline

Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover

9:00 (8:00 MT) TBA

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life

Artists of All Kinds

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) NOVA

Ancient Earth: Birth of the Sky

7:00 (6:00 MT) Evolution Earth

8:00 (7:00 MT) Power Trip: The Story of Energy

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) NOVA

Ancient Earth: Birth of the Sky

Midnight (11:00 MT) Evolution Earth


6:00 (5:00 MT) Wine First

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cookin’ Louisiana

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Cook's Country

8:30 (7:30 MT) Jazzy Vegetarian

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Travelscope

10:00 (9:00 MT) Daytripper

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Wine First



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) America Outdoors

8:00 (7:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Frozen

9:00 (8:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead

The Sunken Basilica

10:00 (9:00

8:00 (7:00 MT) Code Name: Ayalon

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) America ReFramed Busy Inside

Midnight (11:00 MT) Code Name: Ayalon


6:00 (5:00 MT) Tastemakers

6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

8:30 (7:30 MT) Nick Stellino: Storyteller in the Kitchen

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Weekends with Yankee

10:00 (9:00 MT) Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Tastemakers



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Washington Week

7:30 (6:30 MT) Market to Market

8:00 (7:00 MT) Next at the Kennedy Center Robert Glasper’s Black Radio

9:00 (8:00 MT) The American Buffalo: A Story of Resilience

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Overheard

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) Free to Speak

7:00 (6:00 MT) Free to Speak

8:00 (7:00 MT) Free to Speak

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) Free to Speak

Midnight (11:00 MT) Free to Speak


6:00 (5:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish (marathon)



6:00 (5:00 MT) Keeping Up Appearances

6:30 (5:30 MT) Mr. Bean

7:00 (6:00 MT) Frankie Drake Mysteries

8:00 (7:00 MT) Doc Martin

9:00 (8:00 MT) Father Brown

10:00 (9:00 MT) Death in Paradise

MT) Amanpour and Company 11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News 11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Young People Exploring Their Dreams’ Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) Independent Lens El Equipo 7:30 (6:30 MT) Frontline Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover 9:30 (8:30 MT) PBS NewsHour 10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News 11:00 (10:00 MT) Independent Lens El Equipo SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen 7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) Ciao Italia 8:30 (7:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe 9:30 (8:30 MT) Family Travel 10:00 (9:00 MT) Wild Travels 10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 11:30 (10:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire THURSDAY – OCTOBER 12 SDPB 1 6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 7:00 (6:00 MT) On Call with the Prairie Doc® Arteries, Veins and Capillaries, Oh My 8:00 (7:00 MT) Dakota Life Greetings from Onida 8:30 (7:30 MT) Cultivating Creativity Keith BraveHeart 9:00 (8:00 MT) Doc Martin 10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company 11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News 11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Cowboy Up! Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) Definition of Insanity 7:00 (6:00 MT) America ReFramed Busy Inside

11:00 (10:00 MT) Austin City Limits

Midnight (11:00 MT) Caverns Sessions


11:00 am (10:00 MT) SDHSAA Girls Soccer Championships Class A

1:00 (noon MT) SDHSAA Boys Soccer Championships Class A

5:00 (4:00 MT) SDHSAA Girls Soccer Championships Class AA

7:00 (6:00 MT) SDHSAA Boys Soccer Championships ClassAA

9:00 (8:00 MT) America ReFramed Busy Inside

10:00 (9:00 MT) Code Name: Ayalon

11:00 (10:00 MT) POV Landfall


6:00 (5:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table

7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe

8:00 (7:00 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

8:30 (7:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

9:00 (8:00 MT) Afro-Latino Travels

9:30 (8:30 MT) Afro-Latino Travels

10:00 (9:00 MT) Baking with Julia

10:30 (9:30 MT) Welcome to My Farm

11:00 (10:00 MT) George Hirsch Lifestyle

11:30 (10:30 MT) Cook’s Country

Midnight (11:00 MT) Modern Pioneering


SDPB 1 Noon (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast

12:30 (11:30 MT) Native Report

1:00 (Noon MT) Dakota Life

Greetings from Onida

1:30 (12:30 MT) Cultivating Creativity

Keith BraveHeart

2:00 (1:00 MT) Castles: Secrets, Mysteries and Legends

3:00 (2:00 MT) Native America

4:00 (3:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

4:30 (3:30 MT) 100 Days, Drinks, Dishes and Destinations

5:00 (4:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow

Vintage Hartford II

6:00 (5:00 MT) Midsomer Murders

7:00 (6:00 MT) Hotel Portofino

8:00 (7:00 MT) Masterpiece World on Fire

9:00 (8:00 MT) Masterpiece Annika

10:00 (9:00 MT) Little Bird

11:00 (10:00 MT) Marriage

Midnight (11:00 MT) Firing Line


Noon (11:00 MT) This American Land

12:30 (11:30 MT) Start Up

1:00 (Noon MT) To the Contrary

1:30 (12:30 MT) Firing Line

2:00 (1:00 MT) Open Mind

2:30 (1:30 MT) ICT Newscast

3:00 (2:00 MT) DW Global US

3:30 (2:30 MT) On Story

4:00 (3:00 MT) America ReFramed Busy Inside

5:00 (4:00 MT) PBS News Weekend

5:30 (4:30 MT) Tales from Last Season

6:00 (5:00 MT) Flamenco:

The Land is Still Fertile

6:30 (5:30 MT) Flamenco:

The Land is Still Fertile

America Outdoors

Finding Your Roots Chosen

The Spectrum of Divine 11:00 (10:00 MT) America Outdoors

Midnight (11:00 MT) Finding Your Roots



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) The American Buffalo

9:00 (8:00 MT) The American Buffalo

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life

Sustainable Trends

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Frozen

7:00 (6:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead

The Sunken Basilica

8:00 (7:00 MT) Good Road

8:30 (7:30 MT) Good Road

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Frozen Midnight (11:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead

The Sunken Basilica


6:00 (5:00 MT) Wine First

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cookin’ Louisiana

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen


7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

8:30 (7:30 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Travelscope

10:00 (9:00 MT) Daytripper

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Nature The Platypus Guardian

8:00 (7:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Life Rising

9:00 (8:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead

Jurassic Fortunes

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC World News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life

Museums, Relics and Heritage

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast with Aliyah Chavez


6:00 (5:00 MT) POV Shorts Le Frere

6:30 (5:30 MT) POV My Way to Olympia

7:30 (6:30 MT) POV I Didn’t See You There

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) POV Shorts Le Frere

11:30 (10:30 MT) POV My Way to Olympia

9:00 (8:00 MT)
10:30 (9:30 MT) POV
7:00 (6:00 MT)
POV La Casa de Mama Icha
3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Moveable Feast with
6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe 8:00 (7:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish 8:30 (7:30 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish 9:00 (8:00 MT) Afro-Latino Travels 9:30 (8:30 MT) Afro-Latino Travels 10:00 (9:00 MT) Yan Can Cook: Spice Kingdom 10:30 (9:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen 11:00 (10:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen 11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen
– OCTOBER 16 SDPB 1 6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 7:00 (6:00 MT) The American Buffalo 9:00 (8:00 MT) The American Buffalo 11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News 11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Greetings from Onida Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) Poet of the Piano Fuzjko Hemming 7:00 (6:00 MT) Behind the Strings 8:00 (7:00 MT) Our Time 8:30 (7:30 MT) Stories from the Stage 9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 10:30 (9:30 MT) Amanpour and Company 11:30 (10:30 MT) BBC World News Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast with Aliyah Chavez SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) People of the North 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish 8:30 (7:30 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish 9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe 9:30 (8:30 MT) Ireland with Michael 10:00 (9:00 MT) In the Americas 10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky
Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) People of the North


6:00 (5:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

8:30 (7:30 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Family Travel

10:00 (9:00 MT) Wild Travels

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) On Call with the Prairie Doc®

Menses to Menopause

8:00 (7:00 MT) Tatanka: A Way of Life

8:30 (7:30 MT) Where the Buffalo Roam

9:00 (8:00 MT) Doc Martin

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Water Ways

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) Reel South

7:00 (6:00 MT) America ReFramed

Little Miss Westie

8:30 (7:30 MT) Penny: Champion of the Marginalized

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) America ReFramed

Little Miss Westie


6:00 (5:00 MT) Tastemakers

6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

8:30 (7:30 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Weekends with Yankee

10:00 (9:00 MT) Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Tastemakers



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Washington Week

7:30 (6:30 MT) Market to Market

8:00 (7:00 MT) Next at the Kennedy Center Embracing Duality: Modern Indigenous Culture

9:00 (8:00 MT) Little BIrd: Wanna Icipus Kupi (Coming Home)

10:30 (9:30 MT) Without a Whisper: Konnon:Kwe

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Overheard Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


5:00 (4:00 MT) SDHSAA Cheer & Dance Championships Class A

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour



11:00 (10:00 MT) George Hirsch Lifestyle

11:30 (10:30 MT) Cook’s Country

Midnight (11:00 MT) Modern Pioneering



Noon (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast

12:30 (11:30 MT) Native Report

1:00 (Noon MT) Tatanka: A Way of Life

1:30 (12:30 MT) Prehistoric Truth: Inside the Archeodome

2:00 (1:00 MT) Castles: Secrets, Mysteries and Legends

3:00 (2:00 MT) Native America

4:00 (3:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

4:30 (3:30 MT) Curious Traveler

5:00 (4:00 MT) Curse of the Spencers

6:00 (5:00 MT) Midsomer Murders

7:00 (6:00 MT) Hotel Portofino

8:00 (7:00 MT) Masterpiece World on Fire

9:00 (8:00 MT) Masterpiece Annika

10:00 (9:00 MT) Little Bird

11:00 (10:00 MT) Marriage

Midnight (11:00 MT) Firing Line


Noon (11:00 MT) This American Land

12:30 911:30 MT) Start Up

1:00 (Noon MT) To the Contrary

1:30 (12:30 MT) Firing Line

2:00 (1:00 MT) Open Mind

2:30 (1:30 MT) ICT Newscast

3:00 (2:00 MT) DW Global

3:30 (2:30 MT) On Story

4:00 (3:00 MT) Dakota Life

Greetings from Onida

4:30 (3:30 MT) Cultivating Creativity

Keith BraveHeart

5:00 (4:00 MT) PBS News Weekend

5:30 (4:30 MT) Penny:

Champion of the Marginalized

6:00 (5:00 MT) Flamenco:

The Land is Still Fertile

6:30 (5:30 MT) Flamenco:

The Land is Still Fertile

7:00 (6:00 MT) Nature The Platypus Guardian

8:00 (7:00 MT) Out of Exile –

The Photography of Fred Stein

9:00 (8:00 MT) American Experience American Oz

11:30 (10:30 MT) Nature The Platypus Guardian

Midnight (11:00 MT) Out of Exile –

The Photography of Fred Stein


6:00 (5:00 MT) Moveable with Relish

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe

8:00 (7:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals

8:30 (7:30 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals

9:00 (8:00 MT) Adventures with Purpose

10:00 (9:00 MT) Yan Can Cook: Spice Kingdom

10:30 (9:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen

11:00 (10:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

(9:00 MT) DW the Day 10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News 11:00 (10:00 MT) Buffalo Soldiers: Fighting on Two Fronts: A Local, USA Special Midnight (11:00 MT) The American Buffalo SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) Sara's Weeknight Meals (marathon)
– OCTOBER 21 SDPB 1 6:00 (5:00 MT) Keeping Up Appearances 6:30 (5:30 MT) Mr. Bean 7:00 (6:00 MT) Frankie Drake Mysteries 8:00 (7:00 MT) Doc Martin 9:00 (8:00 MT) Curse of the Spencers 10:00 (9:00 MT) Death in Paradise 11:00 (10:00 MT) Austin City Limits Lil Yachty/Sudan Archives Midnight (11:00 MT) Caverns Sessions SDPB 2 11:00 am (10:00 MT) SDHSAA Cheer & Dance Championships Class AA 5:00 (4:00 MT) PBS NewsHour Weekend 6:00 (5:00 MT) Independent Lens More Than a Month 7:00 (6:00 MT) College Behind Bars 8:00 (7:00 MT) College Behind Bars 9:00 (8:00 MT) America ReFramed Little Miss Westie 10:30 (9:30 MT) Penny: Champion of the Marginalized 11:00 (10:00 MT) College Behind Bars
College Behind Bars
Midnight (11:00 MT)
3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen 6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table 7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe 8:00 (7:00 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 8:30 (7:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 9:00 (8:00 MT) Richard Bangs’ Adventures with Purpose Geneva and the Matterhorn: Quest for the Water Castle
(9:00 MT) Baking with Julia 10:30 (9:30 MT) Welcome to My Farm



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow

Vintage Chattanooga I

8:00 (7:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow

Vintage Wichita

9:00 (8:00 MT) POV Aurora's Sunrise

10:30 (9:30 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:30 (10:30 MT) BBC News

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) Journey Through Breast Cancer

7:00 (6:00 MT) Oceans of Pink

8:00 (7:00 MT) Our Time

8:30 (7:30 MT) Stories from the Stage

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) Journey Through Breast Cancer

Midnight (11:00 MT) Oceans of Pink


6:00 (5:00 MT) People of the North

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen:

Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals

8:30 (7:30 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Ireland with Michael

10:00 (9:00 MT) In the Americas

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) People of the North




6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Finding Your Roots And Still I Rise

8:00 (7:00 MT) Native America

9:00 (8:00 MT) Bring Her Home

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Women’s History

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Life Rising

7:00 (6:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead

Jurassic Fortunes

8:00 (7:00 MT) Good Road

8:30 (7:30 MT) Good Road



8:30 (7:30 MT) Wagon Master: Hansen’s Hand-Crafted History

9:00 (8:00 MT) Doc Martin

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Spokes People: Two Wheel Transportation

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) Women and the Vote

7:00 (6:00 MT) America ReFramed No Time to Fail

8:00 (7:00 MT) Rosemary

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) America ReFramed No Time to Fail


6:00 (5:00 MT) Tastemakers

6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals

8:30 (7:30 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Weekends with Yankee

10:00 (9:00 MT) Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Tastemakers



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Washington Week

7:30 (6:30 MT) Market to Market

8:00 (7:00 MT) Great Performances New York City Ballet in Madrid

9:30 (8:30 MT) Tales of Madness

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Overheard

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) Native America

7:00 (6:00 MT) The American Buffalo

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) Native America

Midnight (11:00 MT) The American Buffalo


6:00 (5:00 MT) Sara's Weeknight Meals

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country

7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen (marathon)

10:00 (9:00
10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News 11:00 (10:00 MT)
Rising Midnight (11:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead Jurassic Fortunes
3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Wine First 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cookin’ Louisiana 7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen
(6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals 8:30 (7:30 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals 9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe 9:30 (8:30 MT) Travelscope 10:00 (9:00 MT) Daytripper 10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) Wine First
9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour
MT) DW the Day
NOVA Ancient Earth: Life
SDPB 1 6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 7:00 (6:00 MT) Spy in the Ocean, A Nature Miniseries 8:00 (7:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Inferno 9:00 (8:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead Eiffel’s Race to the Top 10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company 11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News 11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life Food & Fun in South Dakota Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life 7:30 (6:30 MT) POV Aurora’s Sunrise 9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day 10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News 11:00 (10:00 MT) Repairing the World: Stories from the Tree of Life SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen 7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals 8:30 (7:30 MT) Sara’s Weeknight Meals 9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe 9:30 (8:30 MT) Family Travel 10:00 (9:00 MT) Outside: Beyond the Lens 10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting 11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 11:30 (10:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) Steven Raichlen’s Project Fire THURSDAY – OCTOBER 26 SDPB 1 6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 7:00 (6:00 MT) On Call with the Prairie Doc® Keeping You Connected with Your
MT) South Dakota Focus Child Care
Surrogate 8:00 (7:00



6:00 (5:00 MT) Keeping Up Appearances

6:30 (5:30 MT) Mr. Bean

7:00 (6:00 MT) Frankie Drake Mysteries

8:00 (7:00 MT) SDHSAA All-State Chorus & Orchestra

9:30 (8:30 MT) Dakota Life

Greetings from Onida

10:00 (9:00 MT) Death in Paradise

11:00 (10:00 MT) Austin City Limits

Midnight (11:00 MT) Caverns Sessions


6:00 (5:00 MT) Addict’s Wake

7:00 (6:00 MT) College Behind Bars

8:00 (7:00 MT) College Behind Bars

9:00 (8:00 MT) America ReFramed

No Time to Fail

10:30 (9:30 MT) Rosemary

11:00 (10:00 MT) College Behind Bars

Midnight (11:00 MT) College Behind Bars


6:00 (5:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

6:30 (5:30 MT) Pati’s Mexican Table

7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe

8:00 (7:00 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

8:30 (7:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

9:00 (8:00 MT) Adventures with Purpose

10:00 (9:00 MT) Baking with Julia

10:30 (9:30 MT) Welcome to My Farm

11:00 (10:00 MT) George Hirsch Lifestyle

11:30 (10:30 MT) Cook’s Country

Midnight (11:00 MT) Modern Pioneering


SDPB 1 Noon (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast

12:30 (11:30 MT) Native Report

Cultural Storytellers

1:00 (Noon MT) South Dakota Focus


1:30 (12:30 MT) Wagon Master:

Hansen’s Hand-Crafted History

2:00 (1:00 MT) Secrets of Royal Travel

3:00 (2:00 MT) Native America

4:00 (3:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

4:30 (3:30 MT) Curious Traveler

5:00 (4:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow

6:00 (5:00 MT) Midsomer Murders

7:00 (6:00 MT) Hotel Portofino

8:00 (7:00 MT) Masterpiece World on Fire

9:00 (8:00 MT) Masterpiece Annika

10:00 (9:00 MT) Little Bird

11:00 (10:00 MT) Marriage

Midnight (11:00 MT) Firing Line


Noon (11:00 MT) This American Land

12:30 (11:30 MT) Start Up

1:00 (Noon MT) To the Contrary

1:30 (12:30 MT) Firing Line

2:00 (1:00 MT) Open Mind

2:30 (1:30 MT) ICT Newscast

3:00 (2:00 MT) DW Global

3:30 (2:30 MT) On Story

4:00 (3:00 MT) Tatanka: A Way of Life

4:30 (3:30 MT) Where the Buffalo Roam

5:00 (4:00 MT) PBS News Weekend

5:30 (4:30 MT) Rosemary 6:00 (5:00 MT) Spy in the Wild, a Nature Miniseries

7:00 (6:00 MT) Spy in the Wild, a Nature Miniseries

8:00 (7:00 MT) Finding Your Roots And Still I Rise

9:00 (8:00 MT) American Experience

Zora Neale Hurston: Claiming a Space

11:00 (10:00 MT) Spy in the Wild, a


10:00 (9:00 MT) In the Americas

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Family Ingredients



6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

7:00 (6:00 MT) Finding Your Roots Anchormen

8:00 (7:00 MT) Native America

9:00 (8:00 MT) Frontline Episode

10:00 (9:00 MT) Amanpour and Company

11:00 (10:00 MT) BBC News

11:30 (10:30 MT) Dakota Life

Glassblowing, Road Signs, & Trolley Trips

Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast


6:00 (5:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Inferno

7:00 (6:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead Eiffel’s Race to the Top

8:00 (7:00 MT) Good Road

8:30 (7:30 MT) Good Road

9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour

10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day

10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News

11:00 (10:00 MT) NOVA Ancient Earth: Inferno

Midnight (11:00 MT) Secrets of the Dead Eiffel’s Race to the Top


6:00 (5:00 MT) Wine First

6:30 (5:30 MT) Cookin’ Louisiana

7:00 (6:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

8:00 (7:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

8:30 (7:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen

9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe

9:30 (8:30 MT) Travelscope

10:00 (9:00 MT) Daytripper

10:30 (9:30 MT) Best of the Joy of Painting

11:00 (10:00 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy

11:30 (10:30 MT) Milk Street Kitchen

Midnight (11:00 MT) Wine First

All programs on SDPB are Closed Captioned

See for full listings, program details and schedule changes.

Nature Miniseries Midnight (11:00 MT) Finding Your Roots And Still I Rise SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Moveable Feast with Relish 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) The Great American Recipe 8:00 (7:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 8:30 (7:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 9:00 (8:00 MT) Adventures with Purpose 10:00 (9:00 MT) Yan Can Cook: Spice Kingdom 10:30 (9:30 MT) Lidia’s Kitchen 11:00 (10:00 MT) Milk Street Kitchen 11:30 (10:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen Midnight (11:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen
SDPB 1 6:00 (5:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 7:00 (6:00 MT) Antiques Roadshow Thrills & Chills 8:00 (7:00 MT) American Experience The War on Disco 9:00 (8:00 MT) POV Fire Through Dry Grass 10:30 (9:30 MT) Amanpour and Company 11:30 (10:30 MT) BBC News Midnight (11:00 MT) ICT Newscast SDPB 2 6:00 (5:00 MT) Independent Lens Matter of Mind: My ALS 7:00 (6:00 MT) POV He’s My Brother 8:00 (7:00 MT) Our Time 8:30 (7:30 MT) Stories from the Stage 9:00 (8:00 MT) PBS NewsHour 10:00 (9:00 MT) DW the Day 10:30 (9:30 MT) BBC News 11:00 (10:00 MT) Independent Lens Matter of Mind: My ALS Midnight (11:00 MT) POV He’s My Brother SDPB 3 6:00 (5:00 MT) Family Ingredients 6:30 (5:30 MT) Cook’s Country 7:00 (6:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 7:30 (6:30 MT) Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy 8:00 (7:00 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 8:30 (7:30 MT) America’s Test Kitchen 9:00 (8:00 MT) Rick Steves’ Europe 9:30 (8:30 MT) Ireland with Michael

A thy & k EI th SP r IN k E l


In the hustle and bustle of every day, it is hard to find time to plan your future more than a few days out, much less years into the future. Have you ever thought about the impact you can have on the world once you've left it? This month, we're highlighting our members who not only think about SDPB in the present, but far into the future. Aberdeen residents Keith and Kathy Sprinkel, are two of SDPB's Legacy Society members who thoughtfully included SDPB in their estate plans. The couple sat with us to share why South Dakota Public Broadcasting is worth supporting.

"I love how SDPB touches every segment of the population from young to old," says Kathy. There's programming for everybody, and we always learn something, even if it's something silly like Sesame Street. I think our favorite thing is the local production, the South Dakota-based productions. We love learning about our state, who is out there, and what they're doing."

SDPB wants our members to feel like more than just a number. A praise that Keith and Kathy shared was the ability to work directly with a member of Friends of SDPB, Theresa Schake, who helped them every step of the way with their estate plans.

"Our visits with Theresa played a big part in it," says Kathy. "We had talked about [estate giving] in the past and knew public broadcasting was something we would always support but didn't really think about giving after we went on. Theresa helped us with that. It was very eye-opening to talk to her about what needs there are and how we can support those needs moving forward. They made that really easy. It wasn't complicated."

Keith shares that they believe their own story is an inspiration for others who might become long-term supporters as well.

"I find it satisfying to be a part of something like Kathy's and my long relationship with public broadcasting. It was a highlight when Theresa started calling us; that was so brilliant on SDPB's part to reach out to their supporters. I would also tell people how easy it is to be a supporter. You give $5 a month out of your checking account or whatever you can afford. It's easy and painless, and it's also very important to help support."

Together, Keith and Kathy have been members for most of their lives, more than 40 years. We will be forever grateful for our dedicated members who pour into us and allow us the power of continued programming and content.

"We've been supporters for most of our lives together. We're true believers."
- Keith sprinKel

y our co MPAN y or or GANIZA t I o N c AN SP o NS or SDPB.

Let's work together.

Thursday, November 2, 5:30pm

The Underground

431 N. Phillips Avenue

Sioux Falls, SD Go to for tickets and information!

Welcome, Molly!

Molly Broin joins the Friends of SDPB staff as a mid-level giving and on-air fundraising manager. She will be working with donors across the state and leading on-air drives. Molly has been in Sioux Falls since 2018 and has worked in the nonprofit sector at Augustana University and Call to Freedom. We are excited to have her join the team!

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Season 2 of Native America is a groundbreaking portrait of contemporary Indian Country. Building on the success of the first season, this four-part Native directed series reveals the beauty and power of today’s Indigenous world. Smashing stereotypes, it follows the brilliant engineers, bold politicians, and cutting-edge artists who draw upon Native tradition to build a better 21st century. Each hour reveals a core tenet of Native heritage: the power of Indigenous design, how language and artistry fuel the soul, the diverse ways that Native women lead, and the resilience of the warrior spirit. Brought to life with dynamic stories of the here and now, these thematic episodes launch an active dialogue between past and present. They reveal the foundational beliefs and traditions that Native Americans carry forward to this day, even as they live fully modern lives.

Season 2 of Native America premieres on October 24 at 8pm (7 MT)

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