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“People Without a Voice Vol.Vol. 5957 No. No. 4135 | | Thursday, ThursdayOctober August 31, 10,2017 2019
Blacks Show
Small but Passionate
Support for Warren at Town Hall
Serving Serving San Diego SanCounty’s Diego County’s African & African AfricanAmerican & African Communities American57Communities Years 59 Years
See page 16
Cannot be Heard”
See page 10
See page 8
See page 9
Black Lives Matter Rolls Out
Nationwide Voter Turnout Initiative By Jeffrey L. Boney NNPA Newswire Contributor
Every vote counts and Elections have consequences! The 2020 presidential elections will definitely have consequences and it will be important that every vote is counted and accounted for. Everyone and everything in this country is impacted by someone in a position of political leadership who shapes public policy and who makes decisions regarding the very legislation that we must all adhere to, in one way or another. This includes city councilmembers, mayors, governors, judges, county, state and federal representatives, and even our President. Knowing how important it is to vote is one thing but getting engaged in the process is an entirely different thing altogether. One group See LIVES page 2
Photos and article by Shea McGee Contributing Writer
On Thursday, Oct 3, with mere months left before both Republicans and Democrats have to choose their frontrunner for the Presidential race, San Diego received an appearance from Elizabeth Warren at her Town Hall held at Waterfront Park. The presidential candidate is in the lead in California where once Senator Kamala Harris had taken hold. This was Warren’s first showing in San Diego as a Presidential candidate, and she has made sure her major focus hasn’t shifted: her message. She’s made it abundantly clear where she stands on the key points of tax, climate change concerns, and education—namely, free college tuition. Even with the feeling in the air of excitement and hopefulness, there were a few outliers that were expected. Trump supporters made their presence known with signs of opposition to Warren’s visit as well as anyone that attended the event. Even so, the feeling of optimism was heavy in the air. 8,500 people were in attendance by the total count of the crowd at the end of the event. Unfortunately, not many faces were those of African-Americans. The immediate turn out for African-Americans in the crowd was sparse, and could be viewed as apprehension on the community’s part, and rightfully so. If a candidate shows plans or support for the African-American community, it is met with accusations of pandering. This isn’t unfounded, as many Democratic nominees See WARREN page 2
Photo: Ben Baker—REDUX
The founders of Black Lives Matter. l to r: Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi
Eric Garner’s Mother
By Stacy M. Brown
Gives Emotional Testimony “BLUEPRINT” FOR BLACK STUDENT at Judiciary Hearing NNPA Newswire Correspondent
By Tanu Henry California Black Media
A group of Black educators are headed to San Diego this week from around the state, and across the country, to meet with each other. Their goal is to leave their conference with strategies that school districts and policymakers can adapt to close the achievement gap for Black students in public schools. Photo: PBS NEWS HOUR/YOUTUBE
“Violent police have no place in this society,” said Gwen Carr, Garner’s mother, who urged lawmakers to pass a bill that would prevent police from using chokeholds. The Rev. Al Sharpton and other civil rights and community advocates appeared before the committee.
Gwen Carr provided an emotional opening statement during the House Judiciary Committee’s oversight hearing on policing practices. Carr, the mother of Eric Garner who died in New York from a police chokehold in 2014, recounted how police officers had approached her son outside of a grocery store on Staten Island. Inexplicably, Officer Daniel Pantaleo wrestled
Garner to the ground and used an illegal chokehold that eventually led to Garner’s death. “Five years ago, my beloved son Eric was murdered by people who were supposed to serve and protect,” Carr told the bipartisan group of lawmakers. “Eric cried out 11 times, ‘I can’t breathe.’ But See GARNER page 2
From Thursday, Oct. 10 through Saturday, Oct. 12, the group will convene in San Diego at the 2019 conference of the California Association of Black School Educators (CABSE). They plan to share research findings, best practices and actionable information that organizers say will “usher in a golden age of education policy.” The theme of this year’s CABSE’s meeting is “Transforming the Playing Field.” From common core and trauma-informed practices to multi-tiered systems of support and project-based learning, CABSE’s See BLUEPRINT page 2
Thursday, October 10, 2019 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
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that has made a major impact in this country and that has done a great job of engaging and energizing people of color relative to getting involved in social issues and politics has been the Black Lives Matter (BLM) Global Network.
have been guilty of doing this, and continue to do so even during the current race to become the pick for Democratic presidential nominee.
Founded in 2013 by Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman, what started as a hashtag, has now grown into a global chapterbased, member-led organization in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. The organization’s mission has been to mobilize determined activists who are committed to fighting anti-Black racism and discriminatory reforms worldwide. In an exclusive interview, Cullors tells the NNPA Newswire that BLM was invited to attend the third installment of the Democratic Presidential Debate, which was hosted in Houston, Texas, at Texas Southern University (TSU), an HBCU located in the heart of Houston’s historic Third Ward—a place known for its rich Black history and culture. The debate marked the first presidential campaign debate at an HBCU since 2007. While in Houston for the debate, Cullors announced that BLM was rolling out a new nationwide initiative to help increase voter registration and turnout. Cullors, along with cofounder of the Los Angeles chapter of BLM Melina Abdullah and Managing Director Kailee Scales, introduced the new nationwide initiative entitled— ‘What Matters 2020—Issues That Impact Minority Communities’, with a dedicated focus on getting the vote out for the 2020 presidential election. Cullors states that BLM’s goal is to hit all major cities where Black folks live and engage Generation Z to increase voter registration, turnout and overall engagement. “Black voters have traditionally been the Democratic Party’s most loyal constituency and younger voters represent the future of the party,” said
BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors (standing) announcing new ‘What Matters 2020’ initiative while in Houston for the Democratic Party debate
Cullors. “We thought it was important that we use this platform to ensure that our constituency has the resources to be informed when tuned into the debate and that the candidates know just how impactful our vote will be to this election.” Working in conjunction with a cross-section of partners from all sectors, BLM leaders are seeking to directly impact the 2020 election cycle by ensuring candidates are held accountable for the issues that systematically and disproportionately impact minority communities across the nation. Issues this initiative will mobilize around include: • Racial Injustice • Police Brutality • Criminal Justice Reform • Black Immigration Environmental Conditions • Voting Rights & Suppression • Economic Injustice • Healthcare • Education • Commonsense Gun Laws • LGBTQAI • Human Rights In addition to introducing this initiative, BLM plans to directly interact with candidates and students, and will be launching technology applications aimed at increasing voter registration and turnout in 2020. “We will engage and empower all
Black folks, our allies, and underserved communities to use their collective voices and votes to achieve the outcomes we want, need and deserve in 2020,” Cullors tells the NNPA Newswire. “We will educate BLM constituents about candidates and the issues that impact Black voters most, and promote voter registration and voter turnout among the Black community, our allies, and Generation Z. This initiative will inspire and motivate people to ask themselves and their candidates are you really addressing ‘What Matters in 2020?’” In measuring the success of the initiative, Cullors states that they will be monitoring the results based off of the outcomes that come prior to the 2020 election. “We will know that we are successful when each candidate has an acceptable and tangible comprehensive plan that specifically addresses racial injustice, criminal justice reform, police brutality and reparations, among other issues that impact the Black community,” Cullors states. Since the organization’s inception in 2013, BLM has been on the frontline of many issues impacting minority communities including police brutality, criminal justice reform, education, Black immigration, public policy and more. To find out more about this effort and initiative, visit blacklivesmatter. com/what-matters-2020.
“Yet, why have we not seen much change? These interventions seem to each address a singular distinct problem at the heart of educational disparity without looking at how they interlink and overlap,” says Ali. What CABSE does differently—and plans to do at this year’s conference— is bring together educators from varying backgrounds and all levels of education, some who have been traditionally opposed to each other like charter school operators and traditional school district officials.
Nationwide, there is a 28-percentagepoint test score gap between 17-yearold Black students and their White counterparts, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
Ali says his goal is to cross “sector lines” to advance a singular mission: “expanding pre-k through community college opportunities for under-represented and underserved Black students and students of color.” At the end of the conference, CABSE will unveil its new “Educational Equity Blueprint.” According to CASBE, the document is expected to include guidelines that “emphasize a holistic “cradle-to-career” learning approach; embrace technology as an equity equalizer; challenge inherent biases; and promote positive education climates.”
The CABSE conference is happening at a time when Black high school graduates seem to be facing steeper climbs to get accepted into California’s public universities. California State University, for example, is proposing requiring an additional year of math for all high school students in the state as a requirement for admission.
“We are about empowering our children—teaching students that they can achieve anything that they set their mind to given they put in the hard work,” Ali added.
In 2015, only about 30 percent of African-American high school graduates in California were admitted to the California State University system. If another year of math is required, that number
Further discussion showed that the support of Warren was rooted in her messaging and what she stands for; how she has never wavered from her stance on her policies.
our communities. This is something often mulled over, but never truly exercised. Yet, Mercer believes that with Warren as President, that change would most assuredly come.
“She’s not like the other candidates who should be carrying SAG cards,” quipped another Warren supporter, an African American female in her mid forties, when speaking of the other Democratic Presidential candidates in the running. “She really knows what she’s talking about, and says what she means. I believe she’ll make the changes that need to happen, happen.”
As the evening went on, the crowd swelled in size with people from all walks of life: young, old, white, black, and every in-between. However, you could not ignore that the majority of the crowd were women, and when it came to African-Americans, it was black women amongst the crowd, but the number was miniscule. It begs the question whether the black community didn’t show up in droves to this rally due to the lack of excitement about the primaries or the candidates running, or if they just aren’t supportive of Elizabeth Warren? Even so, a choice must be made in this next election, and we must stay informed, even if Warren isn’t the candidate African Americans ultimately choose.
Michel Mercer, 63, also believes that, as a community, African-Americans should be wary of candidates. He also thinks African Americans should be self-reliant, suggesting that the community adopt “micro-banking”, a phrase having to do with investing in and having our dollars circulate in
Garner: continued from page 1
those officers on the scene that day didn’t seem to care,” she said. “How come no one was held accountable?”
the line every day to keep us all safe, and we are grateful for their enormous service and sacrifice,” he said.
Carr said Garner’s devastated her family.
However, over the past two decades, there has been a growing, and disturbing trend of mostly unarmed black and brown young men who have been the victims of discriminatory police practices and these encounters with law enforcement have led to their untimely deaths, Sharpton told the committee.
It also led to the fatal heart attack suffered by Garner’s sister, Erica, who died of a heart attack in 2017, Carr said. “She died of a broken heart,” Carr said. House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), told Carr that the criminal justice system failed her and her family.
The chairman also asked that his colleagues in Congress look for measures that would prevent police officers from escaping punishment.
In California, there is more than a 40 percentage-point gap between African-American public school students’ standardized test scores and that of their White counterparts. In math, the disparity is more than 50 percentage points. “Seven years ago, we invested $47.3 billion in our schools,” Gov. Newsom said in his 2019 State of the State speech in January. “But it’s not enough. We’re still 41st in the nation in per-pupil funding. Something needs to change. We need to have an honest conversation about how we fund our schools at a state and local level. But at the same time, let’s remember that the measure of a school system’s excellence is more than the sum of its budgets.”
A Warren Supporter
“Shockingly, the officer responsible for placing Mr. Garner in a departmentally-banned chokehold remained on the force for five years before finally being fired this past August,” Nadler said.
continued from page 1
president Micah Ali says, there has been no shortage of strategies created to improve education outcomes for African-American students.
However, the sentiment is different when it comes to Warren. “[Warren] is a dynamic individual,” said one African American female who came to the rally with a few friends. “She’s smart and articulate, as well as forceful and interesting.”
“There needs to be better information on the use of force and better proposals to end racial profiling and to restore trust between law enforcement and the community,” Nadler said. CABSE’s president Micah Ali
will drop to 21 percent, according to a study conducted by RTI International. Speakers at the CABSE conference will include Bryant T. Marks, Sr., founder of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity; Tyrone C. Howard, director of the UCLA Black Male Institute; and Dr. Kenneth Wesson, an education consultant and neuroscience expert. Ali says solving inequities in public education will require looking at the roots of social and racial injustice that lie beneath the problems. “It is imperative that we unlock our student’s locked potential—this can only be done by fixing the inequitable systemic disparities in education, not through one-off interventions,” he said. “Instead, we must bring our best thinking forward around how these interventions can work together most effectively”
The hearing focused on the role of the federal government in addressing concerns about illegal practices, enhancing accountability, and in developing 21st-century policing practices. During the session, the Rev. Al Sharpton joined Carr and others to call on Congress to pass legislation to set a federal standard for excessive use of force. It included testimony from former professional tennis player James Blake; former federal law enforcement official Ron Davis; National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Chief Vera Bumpers; and Dr. Phillip Atiba of the Center for Policing Equity. “I should say from the onset that (the National Action Network—or NAN) has never been anti-police. We are, however, anti-police brutality,” Sharpton said. “We know that most police officers are hardworking and law-abiding citizens who take the oath to serve and protect quite seriously. They put their lives on
These statistics should cause all great alarm, he said. “There are too many victims to name. But we all know their stories. We’ve read about them in the newspaper and have seen them on the nightly news: Eric Garner, Michael Brown, LaQuan McDonald, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Freddie Gray, Stephon Clark, and countless others,” Sharpton said. “I’ve spent days and nights with grieving parents and family members who wanted nothing more but justice for their loved one who was senselessly shot or choked to death by an officer. I’ve preached the funerals. You can feel the pain and heartache. And even in the despair, I made a promise to the victims’ families that I would push Congress to enact federal legislation to address fatal misconduct,” he said. Sharpton added that the time to address the issue is now. He said there’s a deep-seated mistrust of the police in many communities of color and solutions must be identified to find ways to rebuild trust. “Quite simply, there is a need for greater oversight on the patterns and practices of law enforcement across the country,” Sharpton said. “Without these checks and balances, we will continue to experience discrimination and egregious injustices at every stage of the criminal justice system, beginning with an individual’s first encounter with law enforcement officials, as we witnessed first-hand in New York with the death of Eric Garner five years ago,” he said. “There is a need for police officers to undergo racial profiling and microaggression training so that they are better equipped to police in an increasingly diverse America.”
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, October 10, 2019
It’s Not Patriotism, America is My Home It’s Nationalism–“White Nationalism” By Angela Sailor
Vice President of The Heritage Foundation
By Oscar H. Blayton Former Marine Corps Combat Pilot and Human Rights Activist who practices law in Virginia.
For people of color, the past three and onehalf years of slogging through Donald Trump’s America have brought many new realizations about some age-old problems. Racism and bigotry have existed since the first Africans set foot in English speaking North America 400 years ago. During our long, agonizing trek through the pages of U.S. history, we have suffered enslavement, lynching, Jim Crow laws, red lining, school segregation and employment discrimination, just to name a few of the ways in which our humanity has been violated. Through the centuries, very few African Americans did not suffer from the poisonous vapors arising from the culture of white supremacy. So, the assaults by Donald Trump are nothing new to those of us Americans with a darker hue. His ignorant vitriol only chalks up another day under the star-spangled banner. But while we see Trump as another edition of a 400-year-old daily rerun, his America has taught many of us something we had not learned before—something so deeply embedded in the marrow of white America’s bones that it took the socio-political CT scan of a Trump presidency to reveal it. We have known all along that the Confederate flag-waving bigots were acting out their hatred for people of color, despite their protestations that they were only honoring their cultural heritage. We were never fooled into thinking that the racial covenants imposed by state and
federal governments had nothing to do with property values and everything to do with building white economic wealth from a foundation of Black economic deprivation. When Black soldiers went off to sacrifice their bodies and lives to fight foreign wars for Uncle Sam, knowing full well they would return to a homeland that cursed them, there was seldom any recognition of their selflessness. In fact, they were despised even more for their heroism. Yet, time and time again, through the butchery of Black bodies, the countless murders of unarmed Black men and women by police and the rape of Black freedoms by the American judicial system, so many white Americans have justified their crimes as acts of patriotism. Holding the treasonous flag of the Confederacy in one hand, and the American flag in the other, white supremacists have the unmitigated gall to self-aggrandize themselves as patriots. If patriotism is the love of one’s homeland and its citizens, white supremacists cannot lay claim to that quality. It is impossible to love your country while hating a multitude of its citizens. A country is not merely geographical boundaries and topographical registers. A country is a community of people—all the people. And this is a truth that white supremacists have never embraced. They would rather sing of “purple mountain majesties” and “amber waves of grain” than honor the First Nations who were stewards of this lands for millennia before Europeans arrived, or the sons and daughters of
Africa upon whose bloodied backs the wealth of America was built. White supremacists have cloaked the venom of their race hatred in the red, white and blue in order to hide its true nature, because in the minds of white supremacists, America is only for whites. When we consider the words of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence [sic], promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”—we have to ask ourselves, justice and domestic tranquility for whom when unarmed people of color are gunned down and murdered by police officers. We must ask ourselves, whose general welfare is being promoted when we have federal and state legislatures bent on disenfranchising people of color. Have the blessings of liberty been secured for people of color who have been lynched, oppressed, left defenseless by state and federal governments when attacked by racists mobs and denied any modicum of dignity and equality by flag waving racists who call themselves patriots? It is time to name this evil for what it is. It is not American patriotism when flag waving bigots demand respect for the symbolic images of this country. It is white nationalism fueled by the racial bigotry of those who believe that it is only they who deserve any benefits that America has to offer.
Do you consider America to be your home or just the place you happen to live? September 22 has long been a meaningful date for me and my family. That’s the day, in 1862, when Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. This year, as that date approached, I was listening to one of my all-time favorites, Luther Vandross’ “A House Is Not A Home,” when the question popped into my head: Do I consider America to be my home, or just my house? I know many in our community feel marginalized-as though America is not the loving, accepting, nurturing place we often dream of. But, in real life, no homes are idyllic all the time. There are tensions, stresses, arguments and divisions, even in loving families. So, looking at America with realistic eyes, is it truly my home? If I posed that question to billionaire entrepreneur David Steward, entertainment giant Tyler Perry, or my boss-Kay Coles James, the president of The Heritage Foundation-I’d wager they’d all have the same answer. Rooted in humble beginnings, with the odds at their faces, each stepped beyond the limits of their circumstances to conquer the unknown. America, for them, is not just a house but a home. Empowered by emancipation, they have undertaken the all-American pursuit of happiness and left a lasting mark on the American identity and our nation’s culture. Today, they stand as beacons of light.
As a community, we must be courageous enough to deal with the tragedies and past failures we have suffered as a people - to learn from them, to forgive, and to encourage each other to move on boldly to pursue happiness and make the most of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. As for how I answer the house/home question… Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, and Booker T. Washington all had their different roles and approaches to liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness as did Crispus Attucks, the first American to die in the Revolutionary War, Benjamin Banneker, the architectural genesis who designed our nation’s capital, and Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, the first person to successfully perform open-heart surgery. I’m convinced that inalienable rights are the pathway to being better than just good, but good for something. My grandmother believed God anointed us with the power to overcome trials, tribulations, obstacles, disparities, and hopelessness by emancipating ourselves in the walk toward freedom and opportunity. George Washington viewed freedom much like Grandma did-as a fundamentally internal or spiritual power rather than as a physical or political state. With Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, America became a home for my family-one that gives us the freedom to use our God-given abilities for our own benefit and the freedom to pursue happiness according to our own lights. The next generation has those freedoms, so let’s invest our time teaching them how to make America their home.
Fannie Lou Hamer Died of Untreated Breast Cancer By Julianne Malveaux NNPA Newswire Contributor
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the proliferation of pink ribbons is about to start. Predatory capitalists will make breast cancer their cause, producing pink t-shirts, pocketbooks, everything. It’s a mixed blessing, this awareness, because too many will make this both a marketing and a profit-making opportunity, while others will wonder how they can use their health insurance to afford a mammogram. Health equity is a major issue, and there is a gap in health care and health access. It is especially sharp when we address the issue of breast cancer. While Black women get breast cancer at a lower rate than white women, we are 42 percent more likely to die from it. And young Black women, those under 35, are twice as likely as white women to get breast cancer, and three times as likely to die from it. Black women are also three times as likely as white women to get triple-negative breast
cancer, an especially aggressive form of breast cancer. I am privileged to know Ricki Fairley, a triple-negative breast cancer survivor, and marketing maven who now holds a leadership role at the nation’s oldest and largest black women’s breast cancer network group. Sister’s Network, describes itself as a “survivorship organization” that provides support for Black women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. Ricki only recently joined the organization as its Vice President for Strategic Partnerships and National Programs, and she is on a mission to raise awareness about breast cancer in the African American community. Propelled by her own survivorship story, but also by the many women she has provided support for, she is passionate about the reasons that African American women must be informed and engaged around breast cancer issues. Our civil rights icon, Fannie Lou Hamer, died of untreated breast cancer.
She was just 59 when she made her transition, and one can only speculate about why this fearless leader had an untreated disease. Her untreated breast cancer was not the first collision she experienced with our racist health care system. At 44, she had surgery to remove a tumor, and the hospital also gave her a hysterectomy without her consent. These unconsented sterilizations happened to lots of Black women in southern states. It eroded the trust that many Black women had in our health care system. Had Fannie Lou Hamer noticed a lump, would she be inclined to return to the health care system that had already oppressed her? Probably not.
might have died giving birth to her daughter, Alexandra. Because Williams was gracious enough to share her story, we are reminded that Black women are all too often ignored or dismissed by health care providers. Racial bias in the medical field is not only real, but also life-threatening. Reference Fannie Lou Hamer. Ask Serena Williams. Consider the thousands of Black women that are being sidelined by a health care system that does not hear our voices.
“Hamer” from page 1
What must we do to ensure that Black women don’t carry the heavy burden of health disparities? We must be mindful and aware of the risks of breast cancer. We must talk about breast care with our sisters and our young ‘uns. We must engage in a policy conversation about the ways health insurance can support our breast health. Too often, health insurance covers some, but not all, of the cost of screening. We must engage our civic organizations in breast health education.
system treats Black women. Serena
We must remember Fannie Lou Hamer,
Fannie Lou Hamer was poor and vocally Black in the South. Serena Williams is wealthy, Black and an international superstar. Despite her privilege, Williams also experienced the differential way the health care
who said she was “sick and tired of being sick and tired.” That means as tired as we are of being tired, we must also be committed to taking care of ourselves. Too many studies say that Black women ignore self-care for the care of others. Fannie Lou Hamer was a leader and an icon. She was also a Black woman who gave voice to her tiredness and the way it impacted her. In saying that she was “sick and tired of being sick and tired”, she challenged us all to be less sick, less tired, and more selfaware. If we celebrate her, we must hear her. The health care system is biased against Black women, and we must take our health care in our own hands. Neither sick, nor tired, just empowered. And in October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month, be supportive of organizations like the Sister’s Network, an organization that provides opportunities and services for the Black women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. We must do this in the name of Fannie Lou Hamer.
, 10, 2019 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
Rev. Dr. Eugenio D. Raphael
St. Paul United Methodist Church
The Church of Yeshua Ha Mashiach Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah”
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church of San Diego
3094 L Street San Diego, CA 92102
1819 Englewood Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 91945
3085 K Street San Diego, CA 92102
619.724.6226 • www.coyhm.org
619.232.0510 • www.bethelamesd.com
Sunday School 9 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship 10 : 00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 10 : 00 a.m. & 6: 30 p.m. Thursday Food Pantry 1: 30 pm to 3 : 30 pm.
Sunday In the Know Bible Study 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 9 : 00 a.m. Saturday Shabbat Service 1: 00-2 : 30 p.m.
Pastor Dennis Hodges First Lady Deborah Hodges
Rev. Harvey L. Vaughn, III
“Come Worship With Us”
Rev. Dr. Obie Tentman, Jr.
Lively Stones Missionary Baptist Church
Pilgrim Progressive Baptist Church
Bethel Baptist Church
605 S. 45th Street San Diego, CA 92113-1905
4995 A Street San Diego, CA 92102
1962 N. Euclid Ave. San Diego, CA 92105
619.263.3097 • t.obie95@yahoo.com
Sunday School 9 : 00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10 : 30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer 11: 00 a.m. - 12 : 00 noon Wednesday Bible Study 7: 00 p.m.
Sunday School 9 : 00 a.m. Morning Service 10 : 45 a.m. New Membership Orientation BTU 6 : 00 p.m. Wednesday Eve Prayer Service 6 : 00 p.m.
619.266.2411 • www.bethelbc.com bethel@bethelbc.com
Rev. Dr. Joseph Foxworth Sr. First Lady Catherine Foxworth
Dr. John W. Ringgold, Sr. Pastor
“To Serve this present age” Matt: 28:19-20
Pastor Dr. Darrow Perkins Jr., Th.D.
Sunday School 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 9 : 30 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 12 : 00 noon Thursday Bible Study 6 : 30 p.m. 2nd Saturday Men’s Bible Study 3rd Saturday Women’s Saturday Bible Study
Sunday Morning Prayer 6 : 00 & Worship 7: 30 a.m. Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Morning Worship Youth & Children’s Church 11: 00 a.m. Community Prayer (Hemera) Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat . 7: 30 a.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7: 30 p.m. Mid Week Prayer Wednesday 12 : 00 noon and 7: 00 p.m.
Mesa View Baptist Church
Phillips Temple CME Church
Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church
13230 Pomerado Road Poway, CA 92064
5333 Geneva Ave. San Diego, CA 92114
1728 S. 39th Street San Diego, CA 92113
858.485.6110 • www.mesaview.org mvbcadmin@mesaview.org
619.262.6004 • Fax 619.262.6014 www.embcsd.com
Sunday Worship 10 : 00 a.m. Sunday School 8 : 45 a.m. Bible Study Wed. 7: 00 p.m.
Pastor Jerry Webb
Sunday School 8 : 30 a.m. Morning Worship 9 : 45 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study 10 : 00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6: 00 p.m.
Pastor Jared B. Moten
Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11: 00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 6: 00 p.m.
“A Life Changing Ministry” Romans 12:2
Pastor Milton Chambers, Sr. & First Lady Alice Chambers
New Hope Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Total Deliverance Worship Center
Linda Vista Second Baptist Church
2205 Harrison Avenue San Diego, CA 92113
2774 Sweetwater Springs Blvd. Spring Valley, CA 91977
2706 Korink Ave. San Diego, CA 92111
619-234-5506 • Fax 619 234-8732 Email: Newhopeadm@gmail.com
619.670.6208 • www.totaldeliverance.org Fax: 619.660.7394 • Mail : P.O. 1698, Spring Valley, CA 91979
858.277.4008 • www.lvsbc.com second-baptist@sbcglobal.net
Early Sunday Morning Worship 7: 45 am Sunday School 9 : 30 am Sunday Morning Worship 11: 00 am Children and Youth Bible Study Tuesdays 6 : 30 pm Bible Study Tuesdays 6 : 30 pm Mid-day Bible Study Wednesdays 12 : 00 pm
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD! ” Psalms 122:1
Pastor Dr. John E. Warren
Suffragan Bishop Dr. William A. Benson, Pastor & Dr. Rachelle Y. Benson, First Lady
Sunday Early Morning Worship Service 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Christian Education (Sunday School) 9 : 30 a.m. Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study 12 : 00 p.m. Wednesday W.O.W. • Worship on Wednesday (Bible Study) 7: 00 p.m.
Dr. David C. Greene
Sunday School: 8 : 45 a.m. – 9 : 45 a.m. Sunday Service: 10 : 00 a.m.
“Welcome to Praise City”
“It Takes Team Work to Make the Dream Work”
Eagles Nest
Christian Center
Mount Olive Baptist Church
New Assurance Church Ministries
3619 College Ave. San Diego, CA 92115
36 South 35th Street San Diego, Ca 92113
7024 Amherst Street San Diego, CA 92115
619.266.2293 • jwarren@sdvoice.info www.facebook.com/EaglesNestCenter
619.239.0689 • www.mountolivebcsandiego.org
Sunday First Worship 9 : 30 a.m. Second Worship 11: 00 a.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer 7: 00 p.m. Cox Cable Channel 23 / 24
Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Sunday Worship 8 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11: 00 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study 9 : 00 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:15 a.m. Wednesday Corporate Prayer 6: 00–7: 00 p.m.
Pastor Brian D. Clater, m. Div.
“Loving God, Serving Others, Living by Faith”
“A new Hope, A new Life, A new Way through Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17 A change is coming”
Search: Pastor John E. Warren San Diego We are a non-denominational full fellowship of believers dedicated to reach our community with the gospel and providing a place for believers to workship, learn, fellowship, serve and grow into the fullness of Christ Jesus. This ministry is to build people of Purpose, Prayer, Power, Praise and Prosperity. This mandate is being fulfilled by reaching the reality of the gospel in a simplistic fashion, and a result, learning how to apply it in everyday life.
Minister Donald R. Warner Sr.
Church of Christ
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
580 69th Street, San Diego, CA 92114
625 Quail Street San Diego, CA 92102
619.264.1454 • warnerdt1@aol.com
Sunday Bible Study 8 : 45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 10 : 00 a.m. Sunday Bible Class 5: 00 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6: 00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7: 00 p.m. Friday Video Bible Class 7: 00 p.m.
Sunday School 9 : 30 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11: 00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service 6: 00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6: 00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6: 30 p.m. Wednesday Youth Bible Study 6: 30 p.m.
Pastor Rev. Julius R. Bennett
“We are waiting for You”
Calvary Baptist Church Eagles Nest
719 Cesar E. Chavez Pkwy San Diego, CA 92113
Christian Center
3619 College Ave. San Diego, CA 92115
619.233.6487 • www.calvarybcsd.org calvarybaptist1889@gmail.com Dr. Emanuel Whipple, Sr. Th.D.
Sundays Bible Discovery Hour 9 : 30 a.m. Mid Morning Worship 11: 00 a.m. Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study 12 : 00 noon Wednesday Discipleship Training 7: 00 p.m.
“A Church Where Family, Faith & Fellowship Matters”
$ 99
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, OCtober 10, 2019
Maxine Jones
Beatrice Dawson SUNRISE
BEATRICE DAWSON was the twelfth of fourteen children born to the union of Ben and Fannie Mae Dawson on October 25, 1919. Throughout her life, Beatrice was lovingly called “Bea”. Both her parents and all thirteen siblings preceded her in death. Bea grew up in Lisbon, Louisiana, and it was there where she received her formal education. Bea met and married, Jackson Clay Jones (J.C.), in Lisbon, Louisiana on January 9, 1938. To this union, ten children were born. In January of 1946, J.C. and Bea moved their growing family to San Diego, California. Not long after moving to San Diego, Bea became a member of Bethel Baptist Church. She received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost on January 29, 1960, and later became a member of the Greater Jackson Memorial C.O.G.I.C.. Bea was a faithful and loyal member of the church. She was a member of the choir, a Deaconess, a member of the Mother’s Board and worked in the kitchen. She displayed her faithfulness by continually supporting her pastor, and the family of the Fountain of Life C.O.G.I.C., with her prayers, tithes, and offerings, until the day of her death. Bea was a loving mother and a true friend. She enjoyed the company of her friends, family and grandchildren, whom she loved with all of her heart. She loved to sing and was often heard singing, or humming, her favorite hymns. Nurses at the hospital shared with the family how they often heard her humming the Lord’s song when they went in to attend to her. She always had a kind word to say and never rushed to judgment. She loved people and enjoyed each interaction with them. She always ended every conversation with, ‘God Bless You.’ On September 23, 2019, at 6:30 A.M., Bea went home to be with the Lord. She was preceded in death by her husband, J.C.; two daughters, Marie Jones and Margie Mack, and one son, Andrew Jones, all of San Diego. She leaves to celebrate her life and her homegoing four daughters: Iris Harris, Marva Roberts and Brenda Jones of San Diego, Doris (Robert) Williams of St. Louis; three sons: Otis Jones and Kenneth (Sandra) Jones of San Diego and Alphonso (Margarette) Jones of Moreno Valley; twenty-one grandchildren, thirty great-grandchildren, and three greatgreat-grandchildren, sister-inlaw, Morrine Smith of Lisbon, Louisiana and a host of nieces, nephews, and friends.
MAXINE E. SNEED was born August 30, 1926 in Prague, Oklahoma. She was the third child of five children born to Calvin and Beatrice Sneed. She attended Fredrick Douglas High School, where she was voted High School Beauty Queen and later met the love of her life, Harvey Jones. Harvey drove the school bus for his classmates and somehow Maxine found her way to the seat behind this handsome bus driver and the rest became history. At the ages of 17 and 19 on a cold rainy day, May 20, 1944, Maxine Sneed became Maxine Jones. In 1945, her new young husband accepted the calling from God to become a Pastor. He was sent to Fresno, CA. Then the family, with three little ones, later moved to San Diego, CA and made this their final home. Eight children were born to this union. Maxine accepted Christ at a young age. Although she wasn’t too keen about being a Pastor’s wife, she accepted the duty and served diligently under the leadership of her husband, then later under the leadership of her son, Harvey Jones, Jr. until she was called home on September 21, 2019 at the age of 93. She was a Phenomenal and God Fearing first lady for over 40 years. She served wherever she was needed. She worked with the prison ministry, was a part of the women’s department, fed the young men and women serving in the military, fed and boarded many families in town for church conventions, was president of the retirees and an advocate for the young men and women she came to know; all while raising eight children and helping to guide some of her grandchildren. Maxine was preceded in death by her parents, Calvin and Beatrice Sneed; stepfather, Dave Frazier; one brother; Clarence Sneed; three sisters: Rubie Witt, Jean Fortune and Marcella Hunt; one daughter; Alma Jeanice Agnew; one grandson, Haven Jones; three great grandsons: Quinton Agnew, Dontae Hampton and Haven Jones Jr. She leaves to cherish her memory her devoted husband of 75 years, Harvey Jones, Sr. of San Diego; three daughters: Helia P. Jones-McFalls (Bob), Merry A. Jones (Don Axt) and Gaye J. Jordan (Derryll); four sons: Harvey R. Jones, Jr. (Doreen), Harvis R. Jones (Emmy), Harvus R. Jones (Arnesa) and Hurvey R. Jones, Sr. (Veronica); 27 grandchildren, 52 great-grandchildren, 27 great-great grandchildren, a host of nieces and nephews and so many that loved her enough to call her “Mother” and “Auntie”.
IN MEMORIAM: Groundbreaking Actress Diahann Carroll Dies at 84 accurate images of ourselves and we’re all overconcerned and overreacting,” Carroll said in a 1968 interview with TV Guide. “The needs of the White writer go to the superhuman being. At the moment, we are presenting the White Negro. And he has very little Negro-ness,” Carroll stated.
“Diahann Carroll you taught us so much,” tweeted actress, dancer and director Debbie Allen. “We are stronger, more beautiful and risk takers because of you. We will forever sing your praises and speak your name,” Allen wrote.
Famed film director Ava DuVernay wrote that Carroll Prior to “Julia,” Carroll starred in the Broadway musical, “walked this earth for 84 years and broke ground with every “No Strings,” for which she earned a Tony Award for best footstep.” actress in 1962. In perhaps her most memorable role, Carroll earned an Oscar nomination for best actress in the James DuVernay noted that Carroll was an icon. Earl Jones-led motion picture, “Claudine.” “One of the all-time greats. She blazed trails through dense She later starred in the hit nighttime soap opera, “Dynasty,” forests and elegantly left diamonds along the path for the rest and made recurring appearances on “Grey’s Anatomy,” and of us to follow. Extraordinary life. Thank you, Ms. Carroll,” “A Different World.”In 2011, Carroll was inducted into the DuVernay wrote. Television Academy Hall of Fame.“The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) salutes the living legacy According to NBC News, Carroll is survived by her daughter, of Diahann Carroll, may she rest in peace,” said NNPA Kay, and grandchildren, August and Sydney. President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr.
Stacy M. Brown NNPA
Diahann Carroll, the trailblazing actress and first Black woman to star in a non-servant role in a television series has died. She was 84. Carroll starred as nurse Julia Baker in “Julia,” the hit NBC show that aired from 1968 to 1971. The show represented the first time a Black person – man or woman – was cast as in the title role of a show, portraying a character that wasn’t a maid or other type of domestic worker. “For a hundred years we have been prevented from seeing
The NNPA is a trade association representing the broad expanse of African American-owned newspapers and media companies that make up the Black Press of America.“Diahann Carroll was a courageous trailblazer, freedom-fighting sister leader in film, on stage, the TV screen, and in the African American community,” Chavis stated. “God bless and long live the irrepressible spirit of Diahann Carroll.”Several prominent celebrities also saluted Carroll on social media.
ANDERSON-RAGSDALE MORTUARY 5050 Federal Boulevard San Diego, California 92102 (619) 263-3141 www.andersonragsdalemortuary.com
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Thursday, OCtober 10, 2019 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info
MTS Asks Public to Create Vision for Transit in San Diego
Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
Online tool allows public to transit for a year. prioritize projects that will enhance The Vision Builder Challenge the transit network is part of Elevate SD 2020 – the The San Diego Metropolitan Transit agency’s public engagement effort System (MTS) is calling on the for a potential transit-only revenue public to access its online tool, the measure for voters to consider on the Vision Builder Challenge, to submit November 2020 ballot. Ultimately a vision for the future of transit in the MTS Board of Directors will San Diego. Through November 30, decide whether to move forward participants who submit a transit with a measure in early 2020. plan get the chance to win free
“Over the past 18 months MTS has been studying the current transportation landscape, developing planning scenarios and implementing a broad community engagement effort,” said Paul Jablonski, MTS chief executive officer. “We’ve learned a lot from residents about their transportation challenges and the need for immediate solutions. We have some innovative ideas forming about how we can do all this. The Vision Builder is the next step of public engagement and will help us formulate a package of transit improvements for our Board to consider early next year.” Similar to the online shopping experience, the tool is designed to give participants the power to create their own vision for the future of transit in San Diego. Here’s how it works: -There is a total budget of 1,000 coins
-Estimated coin values have been assigned to 17 different project concepts (see below) -Each project has a description page with pros and cons, and intensity scores for carbon emissions reductions and ridership estimates -Desired projects can be selected and added to a virtual shopping cart - When satisfied with a project list, participants can submit their vision for transit’s future
Some of the projects the public can choose from include (but not limited to): -Trolley to the Airport -Purple Line Trolley (a new line between the border and Kearny Mesa) -24-hour service -New Freeway Transit Connections -Improve Security -Balboa Ave. to the Beach -On Demand Transit
-More Rapid Bus Service -Security -And more!
Guiding principles being used for the project concepts include: Provide better access to jobs/ education for disadvantaged neighborhoods Improve access for seniors and people with disabilities Utilize existing infrastructure to make immediate improvements Be time-competitive with the auto Provide fast and dependable service for “choice” and “dependent” riders Longer-term with high-investment infrastructure Further reduce carbon emissions In FY 2018, MTS served more than 86 million riders. For more information on how you can use public transportation and save money, go to www.sdmts.com.
SDUSD Opens 2020-21 School Choice Application Window Walk-in support and personal assistance available for families to discuss Pre-K - 12 enrollment options Staff Writer
If you’ve had your eye on enrolling your child in a magnet school or a school outside your neighborhood boundaries, your window of opportunity has arrived. San Diego Unified School District has officially opened its 2020-21 School Choice application window. The priority application deadline is Nov. 13. After that date, any applications received are processed in time/date order of receipt.
Parent Welcome Center to discuss their child’s preschool through high school enrollment options. The center is located at the SDUSD headquarters, Eugene Brucker Education Center, Family Welcome and Enrollment Center, Annex 12, 4100 Normal St., San Diego, CA 92103.
The center offers district families, including active-military parents, free personalized one-on-one Parents can apply online or in enrollment options assistance and person at the San Diego Unified year-round, and especially during
the choice enrollment window and enrollment seats still available in the your neighborhood school by is open to families by appointment district’s Pre-K for all and Headstart visiting www.sandiegounified. or on a walk-in basis. programs. o r g /s c h o o l f i n d e r< ht t p : // w w w. sandiegounified.org/schoolfinder>. The choice program and Pre-K/ Choice applications must be Headstart program are both open submitted online at https://www. Families will receive an email to all existing San Diego Unified sandiegounified.org/school-choice- notification of acceptance (or if students, as well as out-of-district application. If you are unable to they are waitlisted) in late February. students, and students attending access the online application, contact Enrollment is determined through schools in other settings such as the Neighborhood Schools and a computerized lottery system, private or charter schools. Center staff Enrollment Options Office at 619- with weight given to factors such is available to provide information 260-2410, Monday through Friday, as sibling enrollment and magnet about quality neighborhood schools 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, send an email to program continuity. No priority is and schools with special programs eoptions@sandi.net, or contact any given based on when the application is received, so long as it is received such as International Baccalaureate, school for assistance. by the Nov. 13 deadline. STEM/STEAM, foreign language studies, and visual and performing If you haven’t already, you’ll arts. San Diego Unified also has free receive enrollment catalogs in More than 10,000 area students and fee-based, full- and half -day the mail this month.You can find are expected to apply so get your
By Yvette Urrea Moe
County of San Diego
Fire season is year-round in San Diego County, but CAL FIRE and San Diego County Fire officials said there is an increased risk in the fall months when most of the brush and grasses are dried out and strong Santa Ana winds are blowing.
avoid an accidental fire. Below are some things you can do instead to try to reduce the fire risk.
Download the SD Emergency app from the Google Play store or the Apple App store. In a regional emergency, such as a wildfire, updates and other information will be posted at sdcountyemergency. com and then sent out on the app. The app also includes disaster planning templates and interactive checklists.
Remove debris, including dried leaves around the house, on the roof and in gutters, firewood stacks, or Here are some dos and don’ts to trash from around the home. prevent a wildfire. Some of these recommendations may seem Trim away any tree branches that obvious but they continue to be overhang on your home and cut low Complete a family disaster plan branches on trees. common causes of fires. template from the SD Emergency app or from ReadySanDiego.org Do not attempt to use power tools to Dried out bushes or plants should to help your family plan for an clear away brush during periods of also be pruned or removed. emergency. Check with your child’s high fire danger. It could spark on a school or daycare to ask about their All tree or shrub clippings need to School Protection and Evacuation rock and start a fire. be cleaned up and disposed of in a Plan to help you plan. Never pull your vehicle over in bin. grass or brush because it can start a Build or replenish a disaster supplies fire. Pull over on paved roads when Emergency officials recommend kit for your home, work and vehicle. that all residents register for This should include water, nonnecessary. AlertSanDiego at readysandiego. perishable food, a first aid kit and Never discard smoking materials org, the County’s cell phone other essentials if you have to out a window or toss a lit cigarette notification service. You’ll receive survive on your own for a minimum emergency messages that apply to of three days. butt into an area of vegetation. your neighborhood on your phone Use spark arrestors on portable in a local disaster. Stay alert for local news and official gasoline powered equipment to updates from emergency officials.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, OCtober 10, 2019
Monterey Jazz Fest 62’
- A Dream Weekend
Chrishtone Keithfish Ingran
By Barbara Smith Photos By ESE
2 of the classiest of jazzmen, Joe Lovano on saxophone and John Clayton on bass, Krall’s own artistry shone with the heart-stopping Tom Waits’ tune, “I’ll Take It With Me.” Her whispery voice caressed several Nat King Cole ballads as the group’s textured tones transformed the massive Jimmy Lyons Arena into a warm and intimate space.
For Michael Mayo, 24-year-old vocalist extraordinaire, who performed at this year’s Monterey Jazz Festival opening night tribute to pianist/composer Mary Lou Williams, it was “a dream gig with a dream group.” For the thousands of fans who attended the 62nd MJF, it was a dream weekend. Some say big things come in big packages, and such was the case with Christone “Kingfish” With a new mission statement to build a Ingram, who lit up Saturday’s Garden Stage. new audience for jazz, the iconic Festival, An oversize dude with a delivery to match, held Sept. 27 – 30, extended its musical this hard-driving blues guitar and vocal embrace, showcasing not only jazz legends sensation came to Monterey straight outa like Kenny Barron, John Clayton, and Mississippi. True to his roots, the 20-year Christian McBride, all of whom were featured old Ingram played deep southern blues with prominently throughout the weekend, but extended guitar riffs. Fans crowded shoulder also highlighting an eclectic mix of rising to shoulder filling the grounds, many stars. Bassist Derrick Hodge and drummer shedding inhibitions, shaking booties and Allison Miller, this year’s artists-in-residence, other body parts. Expressing appreciation to combined forces at Friday’s opener to create the exuberant crowd, Kingfish offered, with “Soul on Soul,” an uplifting homage to an aw-shucks shrug, “This is my first time Williams, the pioneering African American at Monterey. Thanks for making a brother pianist/composer/arranger who broke racial feel welcome,” which was greeted with cries barriers during the 1940’s and 50’s. of “Yessuh,” Well, well, well,” and “Come on, big daddy.” Piano legend Kenny Barron and bass icon Dave Holland took the stage next, making Saturday continued with a lovely afternoon musical magic, channeling Thelonious Monk oasis of jazz with vocalist Pamela Rose on one of their most exquisite pieces. Diana and guitarist Terrence Brewer in Dizzy’s Krall closed Friday night with a strikingly Den. They are an orchestra of two, both mellow and personal performance. Backed by storytellers, she a master through song and
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spoken word and he, a guitarist of unusual In this lively interaction in the Pacific Jazz grace and versatility. “Willow Weep for Me,” Café, Davis’ historic and artistic sensibilities along with Gordon’s storytelling facility made lush in its arrangement, was a standout. for a fascinating conversation about jazz, civil Dizzy’s Den is always a hotspot for eclectic rights, culture, the arts, and politics. The talk talent. The Derrick Hodge band continued was followed by a jam session with Marcus that legacy with a riveting demonstration of Shelby, whose Quartet threw down a selection unique composition and artistic virtuosity of sax legend Gordon’s quintessential work, from each of his players, in particular punctuated with Maxine Gordon’s colorful 19-year-old piano prodigy Jahari Stampley, anecdotes and reminiscences. who dazzled with his pristine key mastery. Their closing number, created and improvised on the spot, showcased the group’s edgy and For Downey High students, Matthew Chavez adventurous musicianship. and Robert Flores, performing with their high Sunday’s highlight: the conversation between school Jazz Band on Sunday fulfills a dream. Dr. Angela Davis and Maxine Gordon, “Getting to hear so many musicians live and wife of late tenor sax giant Dexter Gordon, then perform is an awesome opportunity,” and author of “Sophisticated Giant,” about said Chavez, who plays tenor sax. Added Gordon’s life in the jazz world. Besides his Flores, whose instrument is the trumpet, extraordinary talent as a musician, Gordon attending the Festival offers an appreciation “Even though you are was a composer, writer and actor, winning beyond music. an academy award nomination for his role expressing yourself individually through your in the 1986 film “‘Round Midnight.” Davis, instrument, you are part of a group. Everyone a professor emerita at UC Santa Cruz, is also is always connected.” And so the mission and a jazz aficionado and longtime MJF attendee. musical embrace of the MJF continues to grow.
Dr. Angela Davis
, 10, 2019 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
1619 Black Women Exhibit at the San Diego Women’s Museum National Celebration of
Photos by Steve Peterson
By Contributing Writer Voice & Viewpoint
“Throughout the centuries, human beings have used art to tell the story, to be the archivist for the journey, to share life messages of hope, fear, pain and inspiration,” said Leah Goodwin, guest curator of the “1619 National Celebration of Black Women Exhibit” now on display at the Women’s Museum of California. On October 3, the museum provided a glimpse into that shared experience with a VIP reception held in the museum’s main gallery at Liberty Station. The exhibit runs through December 2019. Joined in partnership with the local 1619 Committee, the 1619 Exhibit is dedicated to educating and uplifting Black women and girls about their ancestors while encouraging them to walk in their power. It features original artwork, historical artifacts and local San Diego stories of African American artists, including Dorothy Annette, Manuelita Brown, Albert Fennell, Brenda De Flanders, Calvin Manson, and Mary Fredericks, and artifacts from the collection of Dr. Willie Morrow.
The exhibit takes visitors on a visual journey and provides a glimpse of the nationwide 1619 celebration. 2019 marks the 400th year commemoration since the first slave ship filled with African captives arrived at the shore of Jamestown, Virginia in the year 1619. On board were men, women, and children, some as young as eight and nine years old. Africans could be held in servitude for life, though white Christian indentured servants could only be held for a limited term.
In 1641, Massachusetts legalized slavery, specifying that a child inherited its status from the mother, rather than the father, reversing English common law. This was the start of the exploitation of Black women’s bodies for the growth and sustainability of America. For centuries thereafter, black women have been marginalized, misrepresented, mistreated, and denied their just due.
odds and came out victorious.
1619 National Celebration of BLACK WOMEN was born out of a necessity to recognize the women in history that emerged from slavery, defied the
San Diego was the pioneering city for this event and recognizes that the daily actions and contributions by individuals, organizations,
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“It is my hope that this exhibition opens doors and gets people talking about our collective past, our shared legacy, our families and our communities. I know we will find commonalities and learn about our differences, and maybe, just maybe, heal some ancestral wounds,” Goodwin said.
and institutions across the country are part of a larger movement. The goal of 1619 National Celebration of Black Women is to educate and empower communities and show Black women and girls that a new day is on the horizon, and the continued path of greatness paved by their ancestors is boundless. For more information on “Black Women & American History,” take a journey from the slave block to the White House at: https://www.1619nationalcelebrationofblackwomen.com/historical-timeline.
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The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
bethel baptist Photos by Voice & Viewpoint
• , 10, 2019
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Thursday, October 10, 2019 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info
Valencia Park’s 12-Under HORNETS Swarm the DIABLOS in 26-6 Win Photos and article by Darrel Wheeler
The busy Hornets finally got their first victory of the 2019 season. Quarterback Daylon Lambert-Dunn used his nimble feet strong arm and quick thinking to cool off South Bay’s Diablos. With Hornets Tawqir Trott (#30), Anthony Morales (#81), King David Dunn (#36), David Floyd Jr (#50), Jesiah Claiborne (#21), and Aniyus Murphy (#12) the future could get brighter for the mean, green Hornets. VP’s new and improved offense exploited South Bay’s lackluster defense, finding holes and out running the Diablos to the end zone. Their stingy defense allowed only one touchdown and overwhelmed South Bay’s out of sync offense with speed and a serious sense of purpose. “They looked good today. It was a job well done by the players and the coaches,” Winston Sharp, VP’s Coaches rep said. “We are still rebuilding, so it’s very important that the kids keep learning, progressing and keep working hard. I think we will be ok and I feel we are moving in the right direction.” The aggressive 12-under Hornets are looking for a few more wins.
Jaden Johnson Helps RAIDERS to a Very Important Win Over AZTECS Photos and article by Darrel Wheeler
Balboa’s Jaden Johnson (#20) added two crucial touchdowns in the 4th quarter leading Balboa over Chula Vista’s tough Aztecs in last Saturday afternoon showdown. “This was an important game for us. It could make the difference with us going to the playoffs, so we knew we had to play hard today,” Jaden shared. Raiders Deshaun Halle (#1), Jeremy Robinson (#9), Hezekiah Manuel (#8), Arion Hicks (#6), Jerryon Weaver (#7) joined speedster Jaden in Balboa’s touchdown parade totaling 40 pts. Balboa’s 10-under Raiders were able to overcome their turnovers and penalties. They played “good-enough” defense, holding Chula Vista’s frisky Aztecs to 19 points. The Aztecs played some good ball, however, they had no answer for Balboa’s Mr. Excitement Jaden Johnson. Jayden shined on offence and defense, helping to keep the 5-1 Raiders’ playoff ambitions alive. “We have to keep practicing hard and listen to our coaches and we can keep getting better,” Jayden shared.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, October 10, 2019
A year-long investigation into sexual harassment by professors at the University of Lagos and the University of Ghana has produced evidence of a tolerated practice of “sex for grades” at the two top schools. Shocking tapes of university profs brazenly propositioning young women who had come seeking admission to classes or financial aid showed their open defiance of the schools’ stated policy of zero-tolerance towards unwanted behavior of a sexual nature. “Fine girls like you are always vulnerable,” a Univ. of Lagos prof was heard on tape, snickering at an undercover reporter. In “Sex for grades”, journalists caught on tape the common practice of senior lecturers harassing, propositioning, and finally threatening with blackmail any non-compliant young woman. Part of a BBC series called Africa Eye, the concept was developed by Kiki Mordi, a Nigerian radio
program presenter and Merit Award winner for radio who admitted she herself had once been a victim. “This thing has been going on for years,” one student is seen recounting angrily. “And every single year, every single department, every single student, it’s always the same story.” “Nobody wants to listen, nobody wants to believe victims… and nobody is trying to do anything,” cries another exasperated young student. Reporter Mordi reveals what happens behind closed doors at some of the region’s most prestigious universities. The camera pans to Prof. Boniface Igbeneghu as he tells a young student hoping to enroll: “I’m in my 50s and this will shock you. Even at my age, if I want a girl of your age, 17 years, all I have to do is sweet talk her and put some money in her hand. I’ll get her.”
“Switch off this light and lock the door,” he orders the undercover reporter. “I’ll kiss you for a minute,” as he squirms excitedly on the office sofa. A second meeting was arranged “for prayer.” “This prayer did not seem normal”, observed Mordi, as the teacher’s legs twitched rapidly. The professor then quizzed the young woman on her sex life, asking at what age did she start “knowing men.” Later, he told her about the “cold room” – a secret place on campus where lecturers invite female students. There, he said, teachers “smooch them, touch their breast, touch up their body.” “I can call you any day,” he warned her. “And if you don’t come, I’ll call and tell your mum that you are disobedient to me.” At the University of Ghana, lecturers are forbidden from having sexual relations with
students. But Dr Paul Kwame Butakor was so at ease on the student’s second visit that he asked if he could be her “side guy” (second boyfriend). “I’m married,” he told her. “But my wife is not in the country.” He offered her a National Service work placement in his department even though the deadline for application had passed. “Seriously,” he repeated. “Let me be your side man. I’ll not give you trouble.” All the cited professors have denied the serious allegations against them. The University of Lagos has suspended Dr. Igbeneghu, barred him from the school and shut down the staff club’s “Cold Room.”
If you think you’re hearing more Swahili, Yoruba, Amharic or Twi coming from your neighbor’s home, you’re right! Newly released data from the U.S. Census Bureau finds African languages are among the top ten fastest growing languages spoken at home in the U.S. The Census list features three groups of African languages: Swahili and other Central/Eastern/Southern African languages; Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, and other Western African languages; and Amharic/Somali. Although African immigrants make up a small share of the nation’s immigrant population, their overall numbers have doubled every decade since 1970, according to the Pew Research Center.
Africans now make up 39% of the total foreign-born black population, up from 24% in 2000. Despite President Trump’s unkind comments about African countries, African migrants continue to seek refuge in the U.S. In June 2019, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officials recorded an unprecedented rise in African migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, arriving at a rate of 30 to 40 people a day. A majority of these asylum seekers are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola. This is not a trend that is expected to change drastically anytime soon. North America is a top destination for the continent’s mushrooming under-30 population, particularly those between the ages of 18 and 25 who want to leave. This desire
to migrate is highest in West and Central Africa. Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania, Senegal and Kenya are among the principal countries of origin for sub-Saharan African migrants to Europe and the United States, which explains why Swahili, Yoruba and Igbo are leading the African cohort on the Census Bureau’s list of fastest-growing languages. Swahili is the major African language spoken in the U.S. And for the first time, the country will, in the upcoming 2020 census, print guides in three additional African languages—Igbo, Yoruba, and Twi. The previous census in 2010 had guides printed in five African languages all of which were from East and South Africa.
For the first time in 150 years, Ethiopia’s Oromo people celebrated “Thanksgiving” in “Finfinee”—also known as Addis Ababa. The country’s largest ethnic group turned up in the hundreds of thousands to mark “Ireecha”—a public outdoors event. People gathered around water bodies, holding tufts of grass to thank Waqqaa (God) and ask for Nagaa (Peace), Finnaa (the development of mind and body), Walooma (togetherness or harmony), and Araaraa (Reconciliation). They also paid respect to the previous generations of Oromos who endured the odds and helped sustain this colorful celebration from generation
to generation. Ireecha usually happens in late September—a time when the main rainy season ends and fields are filled with crops and flowers. The fete is considered the most important cultural event in the Oromo calendar, who make up over 34% of Ethiopia’s 100-million population. Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is from Oromia and has overseen some radical reforms since coming to power last year. Before April 2018, the Oromo people, along with the Amhara felt shortchanged by the government—a
feeling that snowballed only to erupt in non-stop anti-government demonstrations over three years that helped usher in an era of reform. There are thought to be at least 40 million Oromos in Ethiopia. Colorful beadwork, known as chelie, worn on women’s foreheads, are a common sight amongst all Oromos. In an interview in the Addis Standard, anthropologist Alemayehu Diro gave this background: “For over a century, the Oromo were denied the rights and opportunities to be part and parcel of mainstream socio-cultural and political economy of Ethiopia… They were
even denied the right to be called Oromo and were given a derogatory name (Galla).” “At present, at least in theory, the Oromo have repossessed their land
and natural resources. Irreecha is just one of the major cultural rituals the Oromo were able to preserve. It constitutes one of the vivid cultural renaissances the Oromo have been experiencing over the last few years.”
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Thursday, October 10, 2019 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info
Seven Tips to Help Choose Your Health Plan During Open Enrollment By Rob Falkenberg CEO, UnitedHealthcare of California
Open enrollment season is here, a time when more than 18.3 million people in California and millions of Americans across the country will have the opportunity to select or switch their health insurance plan for 2020. To help guide you during this important time, here are some tips that may help lead you to better health and cost savings. TIP 1: KNOW YOUR OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES • For the more than 178 million Americans with employerprovided coverage, many employers set aside a two-week period between September and December when employees can select health benefits for the following year. • For the more than 64 million people enrolled in Medicare, Medicare Annual Enrollment runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 each year. For most people, changes made during this time will take effect Jan. 1, 2020. TIP 2: UNDERSTAND YOUR OPTIONS When it comes to selecting a plan, one size does not fit all. Take the time to understand your options so you can find what will work best for you. A good first step is to make sure you understand health insurance lingo, such as premium, deductible, coinsurance and outof-pocket maximum. If you need a refresher, check out UnitedHealth Group’s Just Plain Clear Glossary at justplainclear.com to learn and understand health care terms. And if you’re eligible for Medicare, make sure you’re familiar with the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage as you weigh your options.
TIP 3: ANTICIPATE NEXT YEAR’S HEALTH EXPENSES When reviewing your options, plan ahead. Maybe you are expecting a significant health event next year, such as a surgery or having a baby. If so, then it’s even more important to compare the “total cost” of your plan, not just your monthly premium. Plan designs vary, so also compare deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums. TIP 4: CHECK TO MAKE SURE YOUR MEDICATIONS ARE COVERED Even if you don’t expect to change plans, it’s important to make sure your prescription drugs will still be covered next year. Costs can change from year to year, and how much you pay for generics vs. brands may differ among health plans. TIP 5: ASK ABOUT WELL-BEING PROGRAMS Many health plans now offer financial incentives that reward you for taking healthier actions, such as completing a health survey, walking, going to the gym or not using nicotine. Also, many Medicare Advantage plans offer gym memberships and wellness programs for members at no additional costs. TIP 6: DON’T FORGET ABOUT SPECIALTY BENEFITS Additional benefits, such as dental, vision, hearing, disability or critical illness insurance, are often cost-effective coverage options that can help protect you and your family from head to toe. For Medicare beneficiaries, some may be surprised that Original Medicare doesn’t cover prescription drugs and most dental, vision and hearing services, but many Medicare Advantage plans do.
TIP 7: TRY THE CONVENIENCE OF VIRTUAL VISITS If you are busy juggling kids’ schedules or work travel, or simply prefer to connect with a doctor from the comfort of your own home, consider choosing a plan that includes 24/7 virtual visits. It may be a convenient, lower-cost way to talk to a doctor about minor health issues, and all you need is a smartphone, tablet or computer. Often, telehealth is available to members of employer-sponsored, individual and Medicare Advantage plans.
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The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
ECONOMIC POWER—Black people spend more money than any other ethnic group, with an annual purchasing power of $1.3 trillion. Of all these funds, less than 2 percent is spent within the Black community. Entrepreneurship is nothing new in the Black community. Black people have historically worked hard to establish, maintain and grow their own businesses to cultivate an economic base in providing goods, products and services to consumers. Despite obstacles including lack of access to capital, resources, connections and at times inconsistent support from the public, the entrepreneurial spirit continues to be alive and well in Black America. That spirit coupled with the ongoing push by Black business advocates encouraging Black folks and others to patronize and support these businesses, can influence a Black business “boom” and be a catalyst for change and transformation in and for the conditions of Black people through jobs and community development.
“We can never solve our economic problems of the Black community while spending most of our money with the people that live outside of it. We can never control our community as long as others own most of the businesses in it,” said Minister Taharka
Shakur during an August press conference in Chicago that kicked off National Black Business Month, established in 2004 by historian John Templeton and engineer Frederick Jordan. Local entrepreneurs and activists spoke on the importance of Blacks doing business with and promoting Black businesses all year around. “Once we have these businesses in our communities that will resolve our crime and give youth some identity of what they can do,” said Revin Fellows, co-founder of National Black Agenda Consortium, who encourages people to ‘Buy Black”. The Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey through his Universal Negro Improvement Association and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, patriarch of the Nation of Islam, taught economics is a key component of Black survival and prosperity in America. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan reintroduced Muhammad’s Economic Blueprint calling on not only Muslims, but all Black wage earners—the poor, the middle class, and the wealthy—to make affordable contributions, on a regular basis, into a single “national treasury.” According to Census Bureau data, there are approximately 2.6 million Black-owned businesses in the United
States. Black women have lead the charge, with Black female-owned firms climbing 66.9 percent, from 900,000 in 2007 to 1.5 million in 2012, accounting for 58.9 percent of the nation’s Black or African American-owned businesses. It is important to bridge the gap between Black businesses and consumers, said advocates. There are several avenues promoting Black businesses folks can find via apps, online and print directories and of course, word of mouth. “As consumers, we have to do a better job spreading the word, not just the bad experiences but the good experiences too and doing a better job of spreading the good gospel that way more of us can support these businesses,” said J. Averi Frost, executive director of the Central Ohio African-American Chamber of Commerce. Stop asking God to bless us with a prayer he has already answered, said Mark Allen, chairman of National Black Wall Street Chicago. “We’ve got the economic power to turn our communities around. It’s up to us. Everybody can be a leader in their own right. If you’re concerned about the violence, how do you spend your money?” Starla Muhammad is Managing Editor, The Final Call
• Thursday, October 10, 2019
Dr. Constance Carroll to Receive Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award By Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
The Central San Diego Black Chamber of Commerce (CSDBCC) will present its Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Constance Carroll, Chancellor of the San Diego Community College Districts at it’s 9th Annual Fundraiser and Awards Gala, on Saturday, November 16, 2019, at The US Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. Carroll, who has served as SDCCD chancellor since 2004, will be recognized for her years of vision, dedication, and leadership. Widely respected throughout San Diego county, she has received numerous honors, was nominated by President Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve a sixyear term on the National Council on the Humanities, serves on several local boards, including the San Diego Foundation, and holds a master’s and doctorate degree in classics from the
University of Pittsburgh. The CSDBCC’s stated mission is to strengthen inclusive economic development in the black community. Themed, ‘Celebrating the Power of Women’, this year’s event will honor industry leaders in San Diego’s Black community. In addition, the organization of the year will be given to the San Diego Community College District as an employer who exhibits true Diversity and Inclusion. Jackie Reed will receive the Award for Excellence in Business, and Dr. Shirley Weber and Councilmember Dr. Akilah Weber will be presented the Public Service Change Agents of the Year. Scholarships will be awarded to several deserving African American Community College transfer students and high-school students
who exemplify the talent, ambition, and leadership traits of our distinguished honorees. The evening begins with a VIP and general reception followed by the Gala program and dinner with entertainment and dancing to cap off the evening.
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County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on Advertisement for Bids October 02, 2019 This fictitious business name Notice is hereby given that the San Diego Unified School District, acting by and through will expire on its governing board, will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, October 02, 2024 transportation, equipment, and services for: KEARNY HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 REMEDIATIONS -----------------------------------A mandatory site visit is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on, OCTOBER 17, 2019 in front of the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS main office of Kearny High School, 1954 Komet Way, San Diego, CA 92111. PLEASE SEE NAME STATEMENT BID FOR DETAILS (No. CZ20-0466-52). 2019-9023806 GENERAL CONTRACTORS ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO INVITE Fictitious business name(s): SUBCONTRACTORS TO SITE VISITS. GRACE UNITY BAPTIST All bids must be received at or before 1:00 p.m. on OCTOBER 30, 2019, at the Strategic CHURCH Sourcing and Contracts Department, 2351 Cardinal Lane, Bldg. M, San Diego, CA 92123, at Located at: which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. 6328 Brooklyn Ave Under Public Contract Code 3400, the District has made a finding that the following particular San Diego, CA 92114 materials, products, things, or services are designated by specific brand or trade name in order County of San Diego to match other products in use on the particular public improvement either completed or in the The business is conducted by: course of completion: An Unincorporated • Specification Section 32 84 00 Planting Irrigation Association - Other than a The project estimate is between $720,000 and $820,000. This is not a PSA project and does Partnership not require prequalification. The District requires that Bidders possess any of the following The first day of business was classification(s) of California State Contractors License(s), valid and in good standing, at the 09/01/14 time of bid opening and contract award: B or other appropriate license, subject to District This business is hereby approval. All late bids shall be deemed non-responsive and not opened. Each bid shall be registered by the following: in accordance with all terms, conditions, plans, specifications and any other documents that Unity Missionary Baptist comprise the bid package. The Bid and Contract Documents are available in three formats, Church hard copy, CD, or online from PlanWell. Hard copy bid documents are available at Crisp 6328 Brooklyn Ave Imaging, 8375 Camino Santa Fe, Unit B, San Diego, CA 92121, phone number 858-535San Diego, CA 92114 0607, for a refundable payment of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per set; CD’s are available for County of San Diego a non-refundable charge of $50. Payments shall be made by check payable to SAN DIEGO This statement was filed with UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. If the payment for Bid and Contract Documents is refundable, the Recorder/County Clerk of refunds will be processed by the District only if the Bid and Contract Documents, including San Diego County on all addendums, are returned intact and in good order to Crisp Imaging within ten (10) days of September 27, 2019 the issuance of the Final Bid Tabulation. Online documents are available for download on This fictitious business name PlanWell through Crisp Imaging. Go to www.crispimg.com, click on PlanWell, Public will expire on Planroom, search SDUSD (Questions? 949-285-3171). All bids shall be submitted on bid September 27, 2024 forms furnished by the District in the bid package beginning October 8, 2019. Bid packages 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 will not be faxed. SENATE BILL (SB) 854 REQUIREMENTS: Effective July 1, 2014, no -----------------------------------contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal, or awarded a contract for a public FICTITIOUS BUSINESS works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of NAME STATEMENT Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code §1725.5 [with limited exceptions from 2019-9024035 this requirement for bid purposes only under Labor Code §1771.1(a)]. This project is subject Fictitious business name(s): to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. Prime contractors must add the DIR JUNK IT 23 Registration Number for each of their listed subcontractors to the Subcontractors List AND Located at: submit a certificate of registration for their own firm and those of their listed subcontractors 540 62nd St. upon request by the District. Failure of the bidding prime contractor to list their subcontractors San Diego, CA 92114 DIR Registration Number on the Subcontractors List at time of bid may result in rejection County of San Diego of their bid as non-responsive. Refer to the following DIR Website for further information: The business is conducted by: www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorks.html PREVAILING WAGES: Prevailing An Individual wage requirements apply to all public works projects and must be followed per Article 17 of The first day of business was the General Conditions of this bid. DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE 06/12/19 PARTICIPATION PROGRAM: Pursuant to Resolution In Support of Service Disabled This business is hereby Veterans Owned Businesses (SDVOB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) registered by the following: approved on May 10, 2011 by the Board of Education, the Bidder is required to satisfy a Yazmin Guadalupe Haros minimum DVBE participation percentage of at least three percent (3%) for this project. In Amador compliance with this Program, the Bidder shall satisfy all requirements enumerated in the bid 540 62nd St. package. Each bid must be submitted on the Bid Form provided in the bid package and shall San Diego, CA 92114 be accompanied by a satisfactory bid security in the form of either a bid bond executed by the County of San Diego bidder and Surety Company, or a certified or cashier's check in favor of the San Diego Unified This statement was filed with School District, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of their bid value. Said bid security the Recorder/County Clerk of shall be given to guarantee that the Bidder will execute the contract as specified, within five (5) San Diego County on working days of notification by the District. The District reserves the right to reject any and all October 01, 2019 bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bids or in the bidding process. No This fictitious business name bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 120 days after the date set for the opening of bids. will expire on For information regarding bidding, please call 858-522-5840. October 01, 2024 SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CZ20-0466-52 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 Andrea O’Hara, M.A. -----------------------------------Strategic Sourcing and Contracts Officer FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Strategic Sourcing and Contracts Department NAME STATEMENT 2019-9024175 Fictitious business name(s): Fictitious business name(s): FICTITIOUS BUSINESS STEEL THE BAND EMPLOYMENT NOBEL PRIVATE NAME STATEMENT Located at: SECURITY 2019-9023720 7272 Sarnac St Located at: Fictitious business name(s): San Diego, CA 91941 5003 Imperial Ave. Superior Concepts in PRINCIPAL County of San Diego Ste. 114-A Early Literacy MANAGEMENT The business is conducted by: San Diego, CA 92113 --INTERNAL AUDITOR A Married Couple County of San Diego Dance into Literacy The first day of business was The business is conducted by: Located at: Coordinate and perform 08/30/19 A Corporation 312 Falconfire Way internal audit activities. This business is hereby The first day of business was San Diego, CA 92114 Call (619) 699-1900 or visit registered by the following: 08/23/19 County of San Diego sandag.org/jobs. Open Until Troy Peets This business is hereby The business is conducted by: Filled. EOE. --registered by the following: An Individual Rose Thomas Nobel Private Security Registrant Has Not Yet Begun FICTITIOUS 7272 Sarnac St 5003 Imperial Ave. To Transact Business Under San Diego, CA 91941 Ste. 114-A The Name(s) Above BUSINESS NAME County of San Diego San Diego, CA 92113 This business is hereby This statement was filed with FICTITIOUS BUSINESS County of San Diego registered by the following: the Recorder/County Clerk of NAME STATEMENT This statement was filed with Martha Yvonne San Diego County on 2019-9022292 the Recorder/County Clerk of Gooden-Lewis October 02, 2019 Fictitious business name(s): San Diego County on 312 Falconfire Way This fictitious business name KERTAIN SMOOTH October 07, 2019 San Diego, CA 92114 will expire on SALON This fictitious business name County of San Diego October 02, 2024 Located at: will expire on This statement was filed with 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 3007 Clairemont Dr. #21 October 07, 2024 the Recorder/County Clerk of -----------------------------------San Diego, CA 92117 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 San Diego County on FICTITIOUS BUSINESS County of San Diego -----------------------------------September 26, 2019 NAME STATEMENT --FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This fictitious business name 2019-9023354 1055 S. Mollison Ave. #49 NAME STATEMENT will expire on Fictitious business name(s): El Cajon, CA 92020 2019-9022430 September 26, 2024 The Venue on Third County of San Diego Fictitious business name(s): 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 --The business is conducted by: KAKE EMPIRE -----------------------------------The Venue Chula Vista An Individual Located at: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS --Registrant Has Not Yet Begun 1540 Green Bay St. #201 NAME STATEMENT The Venue Clairmont To Transact Business Under San Diego, CA 92154 2019-9024151 --The Name(s) Above County of San Diego Fictitious business name(s): The venue Coronado This business is hereby The business is conducted by: HANDYMANMWC --registered by the following: An Individual Located at: The venue Del Mar Mia Maria Kelley The first day of business was 4767 59th Street --1055 S. Mollison Ave. #49 09/13/19 San Diego, CA 92115 The Venue El Cajon El Cajon, CA 92020 This business is hereby County of San Diego --County of San Diego registered by the following: --The Venue Escondido This statement was filed with Tarik Sahah Harrison P.O. Box 15118 --the Recorder/County Clerk of 2124 San Padre Ave. San Diego, CA 92175 The Venue Imperial Beach San Diego County on Hemet, CA 92545 County of San Diego --September 12, 2019 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: The Venue La Jolla This fictitious business name This statement was filed with An Individual --will expire on the Recorder/County Clerk of The first day of business was The Venue La Mesa September 12, 2024 San Diego County on 10/01/19 --10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 September 13, 2019 This business is hereby The Venue Menu ------------------------------------ This fictitious business name registered by the following: --FICTITIOUS BUSINESS will expire on Michael William Crow The Venue National City NAME STATEMENT September 13, 2024 4767 59th Street --2019-9024495 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 San Diego, CA 92115
The Venue San Diego --The Venue Event Services --The Venue Party Rentals --The Venue Catering --The Venue Event Catering --Venue Event Catering --The Venue Hospitality Group Located at: 871 Showroom Place Suite 104 Chula Vista, CA 91914 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: The Venue at Eastlake L.L.C. 871 Showroom Place Suite 104 Chula Vista, CA 91914 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 23, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 23, 2024 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023354 Fictitious business name(s): The Search Bar --The Search Bar and Grill --The Search Bar and Lounge --The Search Bar Cafe --The Search Bar Bistro --The Search Bar and Dinner --The Search Bar and Cantina --The Search Bar San Diego --The Search Bar El Cajon --The Search Bar Del Mar --The Search Bar Clairmont --The Search Bar La Mesa --The Search Bar Downtown --The Search Bar Chula Vista --The Search Bar Eastlake --The Search Bar Escondido --The Search Bar Mira Mesa Located at: 881 Showroom Place Suite 100 Chula Vista, CA 91914 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 09/19/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: Joseph Paul Padilla 1525 Hunters Glen Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91913 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 23, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 23, 2024 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023707 Fictitious business name(s): VIENNA'S DAY CARE Located at: 303 47th St Space L-11 San Diego, CA 92102 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Maria Rosario Rosales 303 47th St Space L-11
San Diego, CA 92102 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 26, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 26, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023727 Fictitious business name(s): BOHEMIAN HAVEN Located at: 3725 30th St San Diego, CA 92104 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 06/04/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: Danielle Obiageli Odocha 3725 30th St San Diego, CA 92104 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 26, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 26, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023811 Fictitious business name(s): BEGIN ANEW Located at: 135 Kenyatta Dr San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: A General Partnership Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Daphne Peters 135 Kenyatta Dr San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego --Brandon Sanders 3201 E Fort Lowell Rd #1039 Tucson, AZ 85716 County of Pima This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 27, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 27, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023144 Fictitious business name(s): G-YOUTH SPORTS MAGAZINE Located at: 10793 Jamacha Blvd Spring Valley, CA 91978 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Travis Deon Stocking 10793 Jamacha Blvd Spring Valley, CA 91978 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 20, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 20, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9022787 Fictitious business name(s): CUTIE-CLE NAILS & SPA Located at: 8790 Cuyamaca St. #J Santee, CA 92071 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was 06/26/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: Eagle Canyon Properties LLC 17341 Eagle Canyon Way San Diego, CA 92127 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 18, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on
September 18, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023688 Fictitious business name(s): THE PHOENIX INITIATIVE LLC Located at: 3515 Grove St. #210 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was 08/20/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: The Phoenix Initiative LLC 3515 Grove St. #210 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 26, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 26, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023481 Fictitious business name(s): INTENTIONAL MOVEMENT SAN DIEGO Located at: 5556 Brunswick Avenue San Diego, CA 92120 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 09/18/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: Karen Ann O'Lone 5556 Brunswick Avenue San Diego, CA 92120 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 25, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 25, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9023468 Fictitious business name(s): DEL CERRO NAIL LOUNGE Located at: 6374 Del Cerro Bl San Diego, CA 92120 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Lan Tuyet Tran 5117 Auburn Dr San Diego, CA 92105 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 25, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 25, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9022482 Fictitious business name(s): WILLIE L MOREHEAD TRUCKING Located at: 8134 Lemon Grove Way Apt. 4 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Willie Lee Morehead 8134 Lemon Grove Way Apt. 4 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 16, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 16, 2024 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9022796 Fictitious business name(s): MAJESTIC MEMORIES
FLOWERS AND GIFTS Located at: 1471 Rudy Road Spring Valley, CA 91977 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Kevin Curtis Alvin 1471 Rudy Road Spring Valley, CA 91977 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 18, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 18, 2024 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9022931 Fictitious business name(s): Full Table Events --Full Table Events and Organizing Located at: 6381 Rancho Mission Rd. #1 San Diego, CA 92108 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 09/19/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: Alexandra Guzman Sanches 6381 Rancho Mission Rd. #1 San Diego, CA 92108 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 19, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 19, 2024 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9021832 Fictitious business name(s): ADRIANS BOSSY SALON SUITES Located at: 6244 El Cajon Blvd. Suites 9 and 21 San Diego, CA 92115 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 07/25/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: Millard R. Gay 335 San Alberto Wy San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 06, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 06, 2024 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9022830 Fictitious business name(s): BOWLEGGED BBQ Located at: 4255 Market St. San Diego, CA 92102 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 11/04/18 This business is hereby registered by the following: Carlos Artile Stance 4255 Market St. San Diego, CA 92102 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 18, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 18, 2024 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9022831 Fictitious business name(s): LITTLE STEPPERS FAMILY DAYCARE Located at: 1604 Presioca St. Unit 30 Spring Vallry, CA 91977 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 01/30/18 This business is hereby
CALIFORNIA registered by the following: 1396 Carneros Valley St LOUNGE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Belinda Monique Rahim Chula Vista, CA 91913 Located at: 1100 Union Street 1604 Presioca St. Unit 30 County of San Diego 6374 Del Cerro Bl San Diego, CA 92101 Spring Vallry, CA 91977 This statement was filed with San Diego, CA 92120 37-2019-00048049County of San Diego the Recorder/County Clerk of County of San Diego CU-PT-CTL This statement was filed with San Diego County on The Fictitious Business Name Petitioner or Attorney: the Recorder/County Clerk of September 06, 2019 referred to above was filed Thu-Van Thi Nguyen San Diego County on This fictitious business name in San Diego County on: September 18, 2019 will expire on 08/05/19 To All Interested Persons: This fictitious business name September 06, 2024 and assigned File no. Thu-Van Thi Nguyen will expire on 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 2018-9019089 filed a petition with the court September 18, 2024 -----------------------------------Fictitious Business Name is for a decree changing name as 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS being abandoned by: follows: -----------------------------------NAME STATEMENT Lan Tuyet Tran FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 2019-9021106 5117 Auburn Dr PRESENT NAME: NAME STATEMENT Fictitious business name(s): San Diego, CA 92105 Thu-Van Thi Nguyen 2019-9022982 LASHED BY VY County of San Diego Fictitious business name(s): Located at: This business is conducted by: PROPOSED NAME: EYEMAZING BEAUTY 6625 Flanders Dr. An Individual Serena Nguyen BAR San Diego, CA 92121 This statement was filed with Located at: County of San Diego the Recorder/County Clerk of THE COURT ORDERS that 6602 El Cajon Blvd. #A103 --San Diego County on all persons interested in this San Diego, CA 92115 10980 Jeffrey Ct. September 25, 2019 matter shall appear before this County of San Diego San Diego, CA 92126 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 court at the hearing indicated The business is conducted by: County of San Diego ----------------------------------to show cause, if any, why the An Individual The business is conducted by: STATEMENT OF petition for change of name Registrant Has Not Yet Begun An Individual ABANDONMENT OF should not be granted. To Transact Business Under The first day of business was USE OF FICTITIOUS NOTICE OF HEARING Date: The Name(s) Above 01/01/19 BUSINESS NAME December 05, 2019 This business is hereby This business is hereby 2019-9023467 Time: 9:00 A.M. registered by the following: registered by the following: Fictitious business name(s) to Dept. 903 Kyrra Lashay Key Vy Tuong Bui be abandoned: The address of the court is: 3628 Florence Street 10980 Jeffrey Ct. DEL CERRO NAIL 1100 Union Street San Diego, CA 92113 San Diego, CA 92126 LOUNGE San Diego, CA 92101. County of San Diego County of San Diego Located at: A copy of this Order to Show This statement was filed with This statement was filed with 6374 Del Cerro Bl Cause shall be published at the Recorder/County Clerk of the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego, CA 92120 least once each week for four San Diego County on San Diego County on County of San Diego September 19, 2019 August 28, 2019 The Fictitious Business Name successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the This fictitious business name This fictitious business name referred to above was filed petition in the following will expire on will expire on in San Diego County on: newspaper of general September 19, 2024 August 28, 2024 09/04/19 circulation, printed in this 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 and assigned File no. count: Voice & Viewpoint ------------------------------------ -----------------------------------2019-9021639 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Fictitious Business Name is ----------------------------------NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT being abandoned by: CALIFORNIA 2019-9021879 2019-9021762 Del Cerro Nail Lounge Inc COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Fictitious business name(s): Fictitious business name(s): 5117 Auburn Dr 330 W. Broadway INSPIRATIONAL TOUCH ELIANA STRINGS San Diego, CA 92105 San Diego, CA 92101 Located at: Located at: County of San Diego 37-2019-000444716638 Radio Dr. 12524 Cavallo St. This business is conducted by: CU-PT-CTL San Diego, CA 92114 San DIego, CA 92130 A Corporation Petitioner or Attorney: County of San Diego County of San Diego This statement was filed with Dawit Gebretsadik The business is conducted by: The business is conducted by: the Recorder/County Clerk of on behalf of minor children An Individual An Individual San Diego County on Registrant Has Not Yet Begun Registrant Has Not Yet Begun September 25, 2019 To Transact Business Under To Transact Business Under 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 To All Interested Persons: The Name(s) Above The Name(s) Above Dawit Gebretsadik This business is hereby This business is hereby on behalf of NAME CHANGE registered by the following: registered by the following: a) Joshua Gebretsadik, Toni A. Evans Maya L. Ginsberg a minor 6638 Radio Dr. 12524 Cavallo St. CALIFORNIA --San Diego, CA 92114 San DIego, CA 92130 COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO b) Sophie Elisabeth County of San Diego County of San Diego 330 W. Broadway Gebretsadik, a minor This statement was filed with This statement was filed with San Diego, CA 92101 filed a petition with the court the Recorder/County Clerk of the Recorder/County Clerk of 37-2019-00045270for a decree changing name as San Diego County on San Diego County on CU-PT-CTL follows: September 06, 2019 September 05, 2019 Petitioner or Attorney: This fictitious business name This fictitious business name Maria Dolores Canaris a) PRESENT NAME: will expire on will expire on Joshua Gebretsadik September 06, 2024 To All Interested Persons: September 05, 2024 9/26, 10/3, 10/10, 10/17 Maria Dolores Canaris 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 PROPOSED NAME: ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ filed a petition with the court Joshua Janvier FICTITIOUS BUSINESS for a decree changing name as FICTITIOUS BUSINESS --NAME STATEMENT follows: NAME STATEMENT b) PRESENT NAME: 2019-9022154 2019-9022198 PRESENT NAME: Sophie Elisabeth Fictitious business name(s): Fictitious business name(s): Maria Dolores Canaris Gebretsadik My Ble$$-N-Bizne$$ --My The Ble$$-N-Bootyque
Located at: 6025 Camino San Fermin #206 San Diego, CA 92130 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was 09/10/19 This business is hereby registered by the following: Diamond TLM Young 6025 Camino San Fermin #206 San Diego, CA 92130 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 10, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 10, 2024 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 -----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9022036 Fictitious business name(s): MANUEL'S PET SITTING Located at: 10686 Marbury Avenue San Diego, CA 92126 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Manuel Charles Sitay 3rd 10686 Marbury Avenue San Diego, CA 92126 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 10, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 10, 2024 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9021847 Fictitious business name(s): COMFORT EXCELLENCE Located at: 1396 Carneros Valley St Chula Vista, CA 91913 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: A Married Couple Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Priscilla Denise Rayson --Garfield Andrew Rayson
SAV E D --Save A Vet Each Day
Located at: 514 65th St. San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego The business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Samuel Cummings 1104 Larwood Rd. San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 11, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 11, 2024 9/19, 9/26/, 10/3, 10/10 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2019-9021764 Fictitious business name(s): KRUMBZ Located at: 27072 Back Bay Dr. Romoland, CA 92585 County of Riverside The business is conducted by: A General Partnership Registrant Has Not Yet Begun To Transact Business Under The Name(s) Above This business is hereby registered by the following: Maximiliano Madrigal 27072 Back Bay Dr. Romoland, CA 92585 County of Riverside --Jessyca Madrigal 27072 Back Bay Dr. Romoland, CA 92585 County of Riverside --Luis Martinez 4473 35th St. #B San Diego, CA 92116 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on September 05, 2019 This fictitious business name will expire on September 05, 2024 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10
PROPOSED NAME: Maria Dolores Mayagoitia Villalobos Villalobos
PROPOSED NAME: Sophie Elisabeth Janvier
THE COURT ORDERS that THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated court at the hearing indicated to show cause, if any, why the to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name petition for change of name should not be granted.NOTICE should not be granted. OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING Date: Date: November 7, 2019 November 21, 2019 Time: 9:00 A.M. Time: 9:00 A.M. Dept. 903 Dept. 903 The address of the court is: The address of the court is: 1100 Union Street 1100 Union Street San Diego, CA 92101 San Diego, CA 92101. A copy of this Order to Show A copy of this Cause shall be published Order to Show Cause shall be at least once each week for published at least once each four successive weeks prior week for four to the date set for hearing on successive weeks prior to the the petition in the following date set for hearing on the newspaper of general petition in the following newscirculation, printed in this paper of general count: Voice & Viewpoint circulation, printed in this 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 count: Voice & Viewpoint. -----------------------------------9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 CALIFORNIA ----------------------------------COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 330 W. Broadway COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO San Diego, CA 92101 330 W. Broadway 37-2019-00047469San Diego, CA 92101 CU-PT-CTL 37-2019-00040560Petitioner or Attorney: CU-PT-CTL Cherise Mcgee Petitioner or Attorney: and Robert Taylor Demerath Dcarlo Davis on behalf of To All Interested Persons: Dcarlo Ray Davis, Robert Taylor Demerath a minor child filed a petition with the court To All Interested Persons: Cherise Mcgee for a decree changing name as and follows: Dcarlo Davis PRESENT NAME: on behalf of Robert Taylor Demerath Dcarlo Ray Davis, a minor, filed a petition with the court PROPOSED NAME: for a decree changing name as Robert Lavell Taylor follows: PRESENT NAME: THE COURT ORDERS that D'carlo Ray Davis all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this PROPOSED NAME: court at the hearing indicated Rey D'Carlo Smith Davis to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name THE COURT ORDERS that should not be granted. all persons interested in this NOTICE OF HEARING Date: matter shall appear before this October 31, 2019 court at the hearing indicated Time: 9:00 A.M. to show cause, if any, why Dept. 903 the petition for change of The address of the court is: name should not be granted. 1100 Union Street NOTICE OF HEARING Date: San Diego, CA 92101. November 21, 2019 Abandonment of A copy of this Time: 9:00 A.M Dept. 903 Fictitious Business Name Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each The address of the court is: week for four 1100 Union Street STATEMENT OF successive weeks prior to the San Diego, CA 92101 ABANDONMENT OF date set for hearing on the A copy of this Order to Show USE OF FICTITIOUS petition in the following newsCause shall be published BUSINESS NAME paper of general at least once each week for 2019-9023466 circulation, printed in this four successive weeks prior Fictitious business name(s) to count: Voice & Viewpoint. to the date set for hearing on be abandoned: 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 the petition in the following DEL CERRO NAIL ----------------------------------newspaper of general
circulation, printed in this count: Voice & Viewpoint 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 ----------------------------------CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 330 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 37-2019-00047482CU-PT-CTL Petitioner or Attorney: Teresa OBean
You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. To All Interested Persons: A Request for Special Teresa OBean Notice form is available from filed a petition with the court the court clerk. for a decree changing name as Attorney for petitioner: follows: Kimberley V. Deede Kirby & McGuinn, A P.C. PRESENT NAME: 707 Broadway, Suite 1750 Teresa OBean San Diego CA 92101 (619) 398-3365 PROPOSED NAME: 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 Teresa Williams
• Thursday, OCtober 10, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES
costs that the court waived for you or the other party. The name and address of the court are: Superior Court of California 500 Third Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: Shanetha Buchanan 791 South Fox Run Place Chula Vista, CA 91914 619-548-2637 Filed July 08, 2019 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 -----------------------------------
THE COURT ORDERS that BIDDERS all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this NOTICE TO BIDDERS court at the hearing indicated NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to show cause, if any, why the that the City of San Diego petition for change of name (City) is seeking to receive should not be granted. Electronic Bids for the below NOTICE OF HEARING Date: named Public Works project. November 21, 2019 The solicitation, including Time: 9:00 A.M. plans and specifications, may Dept. 903 be obtained from the City’s The address of the court is: website at: https://www. 1100 Union Street sandiego.gov/cip/bidopps San Diego, CA 92101. Contractors intending A copy of this Order to Show to submit a Bid must be Cause shall be published prequalified. Please refer to the at least once each week for solicitation for instructions. four successive weeks prior Project Name: 1837 Market Stto the date set for hearing on 47th to Euclid Complete St the petition in the following Project Number: K-20-1837newspaper of general DBB-3 Estimated Value: circulation, printed in this $6,900,000.00 count: Voice & Viewpoint. Bid Open Date: 9/19, 9/26, 10/3, 10/10 11/19/2019 , at 2:00 P.M. License Requirement: A (Additional License PROBATE Requrements: C-27) It is the policy of the City of San NOTICE OF PETITION TO Diego to encourage equal ADMINISTER ESTATE OF opportunity in its Construction Steven M. Thompson and Consultant contracts. Case Number: Bids or proposals from local 37-2019-00048841-PR-LA-CTL firms, small, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned, and To all heirs, beneficiaries, women-owned businesses creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may are strongly encouraged. otherwise be interested in Contractors are encouraged the will or estate or both, of to subcontract with and/or Steven M. Thompson participate in joint ventures with these firms. The City is A Petition for Probate committed to equal has been filed by opportunity and will not Hilda-Meza Thompson, discriminate with regard to guardian of race, religion, color, ancestry, Frances Thompson, age, gender, disability, Petitioner, in the Superior medical condition or place of Court of California, County of birth; and will not do business San Diego. with any firm that discriminates on any basis. The Petition for Probate Bids shall be received no later requests that than the date and time noted Hilda-Meza Thompson, above at: City of San Diego’s guardian of Electronic Biding Site Frances Thompson, PlanetBids at: https://www. be appointed as personal planetbids.com/portal/portal. representative to administer the cfm?CompanyID=17950 estate of the decedent. James Nagelvoort, Director Department of Public The Petition Works October 8, 2019 requests authority to 10/10/19 administer the estate under the CNS-3301703# Independent Administration of VOICE&VIEWPOINT Estates Act. NEWS (This authority will allow the personal representative to take SUMMONS many actions without obtaining court approval. Superior Court of California Before taking certain very County of San Diego important actions, however, the South County Region personal representative will be Family Law required to give notice to inter500 Third Avenue ested persons Chula Vista, CA 91910 unless they havewaived notice or consented to the proposed Case Number: 19FL009038S action.) The independent administration authority will Notice to Respondent: be granted unless an interested Mertan Clarke person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause You have been sued by why the court should not grant Petitioner: the authority. Shanetha Buchanan A Hearing You have 30 calendar days on the petition will be held at after this Summons and the following court Petition are served on you to on October 23, 2019 file a Response (form FLat 1:30 p.m. 120) at the court and have a in Department 502 copy served on the petitioner. located at the A letter, phone call, or court Superior Court of appearance will not protect California you. 1100 Union St. San Diego, CA 92101 If you do not file your Response on time, the court If You Object may make orders affecting to the granting of the petition, your marriage or domestic you should appear at the partnership, your property, and hearing and state your custody of your children. You objections or file written may be ordered to pay support objections with the court and attorney fees and costs. before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person For legal advice, contact a or by your attorney. lawyer immediately. Get help finding a lawyer at the If you are a creditor or a California Courts Online contingent creditor of the Self-Help Center (www. decedent, courts.ca.gov/selfhelp), at you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the the California Legal Services website (www.lawhelpca.org), personal representative or by contacting your local appointed by the court within county bar association. the later of either (1)four months from the date of first NOTICE - Restraining issuance of letters to a genOrders are effective against eral personal representative, both spouses or domestic as defined in section 58(b) of partners until the petition the California Probate Code, is dismissed, a judgment or (2)60 days from the date of is entered, or the court mailing or personal delivery to makes further orders. They you of a notice under are enforceable anywhere section 9052 of the California in California by any law Probate Code. enforcement officer who has received or seen a copy of Other California statutes and them. legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filiing fee, ask the clerk consult with an attorney for a fee waiver form. The knowledgeable in court may order you to pay California law. back all or part of the fees and
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16 Thursday, OCtober 10, 2019
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info
A San Diego Conversation with Dr. Maulana Karenga of the presentation was “ Taking a Place at the Table: Life, Food, The Earth and Justice for Everyone.”
On Saturday, September 28th, Dr Karenga and his wife, Tiamoyo Karenga, came to San Diego to give inspiration and share wisdom with an audience convened by Project New Village. This gathering took place at the Emeka’s Wellness Center in Lemon Grove. The title
Dr. Karenga’s message stressed the importance of placemaking as a strategy for gaining agency and control over decision making processes that impact the quality of our lives. He lifted the work of Project New Village’s Good Food District as an example, of culturally rooted placemaking. Placemaking he asserted, means to actively engage in making sure that we get our rightful due in a societal context that is hostile to our very existence. It means gaining the capacity to create and maintain rightful conditions which encourage and support our well-being and growth.
Moreover, Dr. Karenga asserted our community’s right and need for healthy, affordable, accessible, culturally-appropriate access to food. He also pointed out that we, Black people, had to demand our position at the “table” to receive our “rightful due” , whereby we must demand, “respect, equality of treatment, equity in diversity, and effective participation”.
Staff Writer Photos by Voice & Viewpoint
We have an opportunity to purchase the land where we currently operated a community garden. The Conservation Fund, a national nonprofit, has given us a letter of commitment for a loan to buy property this fall. Having control of the land puts us in a stronger position to build For more than a decade, Project New Village a Good Food District hub. has cultivated a team of professionals and residents working together to address the We are looking for people of good will root causes of food insecurity in SESD to help us to raise capital to acquire the neighborhoods; this effort has evolved into an land, which is the first step in realizing the equitable food oriented economic development impact of our Good Food District concept. model which we call the Good Food District.
No One Was Left Behind At The NLOB Veterans Fair Hood (Transition Service Officer) were in the for benefits. They sent me through so many building answering all questions related to hoops and hurdles. It was so exhausting. However, with the help and support of Larry benefits, health, and financial. and NLOB, I got everything I had coming to “This is a very important event for the me,” Vietnam Veteran Thomas Norman said. veterans. Knowledge is so powerful. The Bible says, “My people perish because of the lack of knowledge,” Pastor Jim Reynolds of St. Timothy’s Church shared.
Photos and article by Darrel Wheeler
“Anytime we can bring information to this area it’s very beneficial. There’s so many in It was Information Day for San Diego’s veterans our community that don’t know the benefits seeking knowledge about their rights at the they’ve got coming, but that’s why NLOB is here.” Care Community Center in National City. The day was hosted by the good folks of the Never Leave One Behind non profit organization. Special guest speakers Lakemba Hinton (Psychology Technician) and John
NLOB with their many outreach programs has been serving the community for 25 years. “I hate to say it but it appears that the workers at the VA are trained to say “NO” when you file
So you want to start a business? Publish your Fictitious Business Name with us $25 for 4 weeks EMAIL US ads@sdvoice.info or call (619) 266-2233