Vol. 62 No. 22
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Thursday, June 2, 2022
Serving San Diego County’s African & African American Communities 62 Years
Covid-19 Updates
Election 2022
SEE PG. 12
Covid-19 cases in southeast
Morse Coach McNair’s 100th Win
SEE PAGE 10 & 11
National NAACP Lynches Its Own and individuals throughout the country. Recently, the second president of the City of San Diego NAACP Branch was suspended for a threeyear period. The reason given, “She didn’t put the Nationally appointed Administrator of the Branch on the bank accounts”, even though no reason was actually given in writing for the receivership, as required by the National organization’s Constitution and Bylaws. Where there was the filing of a complaint, there was supposed to be a statement of the allegations and the opportunity to respond. This was not done. Members protested, just as they have done in other states, but to no avail.
SOURCE: County of San Diego a/o 5/26/22
Bill Allowing CA Parents to Sue Social Media Companies Moves Forward
By Edward Henderson California Black Media
By Dr. John E. Warren Publisher A “lynching” has been defined as the illegal killing of a person or persons without due process of law. While most of the lynchings in America have been racial terrorism in nature, with Whites killing Black men, women, and children by this method, it appears that the National NAACP (National Ass o ciation For the Advancement of Colored People}, has moved from fighting such illegal actions to committing them against their own members. According to the Justice Coalition, a coalition of NAACP members seeking redress of the issues of the National Organization illegally taking over branches and state organizations, the National Organization has taken action against no less than 52 branches, chapters,
It appears that the motivating force is to get hands on whatever dollars have been raised, regardless of the volunteers and tireless hours contributed by local members in support of the organization as a whole. During this whole period of allegations, the San Diego Branch and members of the community repeatedly asked the national office for a list of charges and the opportunity to respond, upon learning of the appointment of the Administrator. There was mention of a special election when no formal complaints were filed within the Constitutional requirements of time, following the last election. See NAACP page 8
Last week, the State Assembly voted 51-0 to pass a bill that, if the State Senate approves, would open the door for parents whose children are addicted to social media to sue companies like Tik Tok and Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. Assemblymembers Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo County) and Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) coauthored the legislation, Assembly Bill (AB) 2408.
Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham, R-San Luis Obispo, listens to the debate over a bill at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., Monday, March 7, 2022. Cunningham is co-author to AB 2408. Photo: AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli
The bill’s language defines ‘addiction’ as children under 18 who are “both harmed – either physically, mentally, emotionally, developmentally or materially – and who want to stop or reduce how much time they spend on social media but can’t because they are preoccupied or obsessed with it.” Cunningham says evidence of social media addiction affecting children is well documented and it’s time to hold social media companies accountable.
“According to whistleblowers, certain social media companies have been designing their products to get children addicted. The results have been calamitous for our youth: anxiety, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, depression, and loneliness,” he said. “It’s time we treat the dangers of youth social media addiction with the level of seriousness it warrants,” Cunningham continued. See PARENTS page 8
By Aldon Thomas Stiles California Black Media
Make Usage a “Family Project”
African American water experts are joining state officials calling on Californians to conserve as much water as possible in preparation for an abnormally dry summer ahead.
of the state.
California is in year three of a drought that scientists have called the driest in the history
Last week, the State Water Resources Control Board voted to ban the watering
“Look at your usage. Make it a family project,” said Dale Hunter, respected African American water expert in Sacramento.
of “non-functional” turf to combat California’s drought as state officials estimate that water supplies may decrease by 20% due to rising heat. This statewide ban will apply to the commercial, industrial and institutional sectors. See DROUGHT page 8
Photo: Courtesy of CBM
Charlie Sifford Broke Golf’s Color Lines His Son Fondly Recalls the Challenges and Triumphs During Centennial Celebration By Stacy M. Brown . NNPA Sr. National Correspondent Charlie Sifford didn’t hesitate to explain why his late father, Dr. Charlie Sifford Jr., remains his hero.
Photo: Courtesy of NNPA
Sitting inside an office at PGA TOUR headquarters in Ponte Verde, Florida and
remembering what would have been his father’s 100th birthday on June 2, Sifford recounted how much his dad loved golf. He also remembered his father’s challenges trying to break into the sport during seg-
regation and the Jim Crow era. “In pursuing the game he loved so much, he endured enormous challenges as an African American golfer,” Sifford Jr. recalled. Born in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1922, Dr. Sifford, the first Black
golfer on the PGA TOUR, began caddying at a nearby country club to earn money.
top caddie at the course, and many good players asked for him.”
“Back then, in the 1920s and 1930s, there were very few places where young kids could go to make some money,” Sifford Jr. related. “He caddied until he was 17, but by the time he was 13, he was considered the
See GOLF page 8
Thursday, June 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
GUEST COMMENTARY By Francine Maxwell Chairwoman, Black Men and Woman United Dear Chair and Members of the San Diego Housing Authority:
By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint For those of us living in the City of San Diego, there are four City Council seats up for election this year. Those are Districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 because the terms are staggered. Who you vote for is, and should be, your own personal choice. It should reflect some time and thought to those persons, regardless of how nice they seem or how well they dress or who your friends are supporting. Each Council seat is important to all Council Districts because it is only through a majority vote that laws affecting all our lives are enacted. Our endorsements as a newspaper reflect “Our” opinion of these persons at all levels of government based on their political agendas versus our needs. Our endorsements for State and National offices appear again in this issue along with voting sites and drop boxes by zip code, with the Primary Election next Tuesday, June 7, 2022. For San Diego City Council District 2: we recommend Lori Saldana. She has a proven track record of service. District 4: we recommend Monica Montgomery Steppe for a second term. She is President Pro Temp and should now have the clout to get more done. District 6: We recommend
Tommy Hough, who has established environmental concerns, and wants more much needed public transit and housing. District 8: Antonio Martinez. We think he will be more compassionate and people-concerned than his opponent in this race. We have no recommendation for the 80th Assembly District race. Residents should look beyond Alvarez and Gomez. Neither should represent the District based on how they have dealt with people and interests that were not their own. Please read your ballot and vote early. If you didn’t get a ballot, go to the Registrar of Voters Offices, register and vote a “Provisional Ballot”, which will allow you to be counted after verification of your registration.
What California Is Learning from Expanding Voters Rights By Joe W. Bowers Jr. California Black Media June 7, 2022, is Primary Election Day in California. On the ballot are candidates for U.S. Senate, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Attorney General, Insurance Commissioner, State Board of Equalization, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, U.S. House of Representatives, State Senate and State Assembly, as well as candidates for local elected positions. There are two contests for U.S. Senate on the ballot. One is for a full six-year term ending Jan. 3, 2029. The other is for the remainder of the term that Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) has been serving in place of V.P. Kamala Harris that ends Jan. 3, 2023. Mail-in ballot voting has been underway since the second week in May. Assembly Bill 37, signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2021, requires the state to send vote-by-mail (VBM) ballots to every registered voter in the state. The law applies to all elections held after Jan. 1, 2022. Ballots were sent 29 days before the election, which was May 9 for the primary. For the November General Election, voters will start receiving ballots Oct. 10.
A majority of California voters live in counties that have adopted the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) system. In 2016, Senate Bill 450 created the VCA, an election model that expands voters’ options for how, when and where they can cast their ballots in an attempt to provide more accessible voting options. VBM ballots are provided with a postage paid return envelope. For a ballot to count in the upcoming primary election, it must be postmarked on or before election day and received by June 14, 2022. It can also be dropped off in-person to a secure ballot drop box, a voting location or county elections office by 8:00 p.m. on June 7, 2022. The VCA is an optional law. Counties elect if they want to adopt it. In 2018, five counties adopted the new law: Madera, Napa, Nevada, Sacramento and San Mateo. In 2020, nine additional counties changed their election models to the VCA: Amador, Butte, Calaveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Los Angeles, Mariposa, Orange, Santa Clara, and Tuolumne. In 2022, the number of counties that transitioned to the VCA grew to 28 with the addition of Alameda, Kings, Marin, Merced, Riverside, San Benito, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Ventura, and Yolo counties. In VCA counties, early in-person
I am writing to bring to your attention an issue that is only whispered about or retained in the Black community…the racism Latinos practice against Blacks in this country. This is something most find ironic, since during the 1960’s and 1970’s Blacks and Latinos often worked together for improvements that benefited all. In San Diego, this subtle racism has become evident with the “housing shortage.” The communities of Encanto and Southeastern San Diego have become the main area developers choose to build very low and low-income housing. Ninety percent of the affordable housing built since the 2015 Community Plan updates for the aforementioned communities has been financed (In whole or in part) with California Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (Federal and State) and/or the San Diego Housing Commission. Why is this important? 1) The target population must have an annual income between 30-50% and in some cases 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). To receive Tax Credit funding, the development team must include a non-profit partner, usually the managing partner responsible for leasing and managing the property. Unfortunately, the experience for many non-Latinos has been that if it is a Latino managed property the predominant renters selected will be Latino. A very recent example is the Valencia Pointe 105-unit apartment complex located at Valencia Parkway and Division Street. This out of character development in the single-family neighborhood of Alta Vista is a tax credit project with the MAAC Project as the nonprofit partner. There were Black applicants who suspected what was going to happen is exactly what happened. By the time the public had heard about the acceptance of applicants they were taking a waiting list. Many Blacks who applied
voting began as early as May 28. Voters can vote at any county vote center instead of being assigned to a neighborhood polling place. The vote centers are open four to ten days prior to the election, including weekends. They serve as one-stop shops with accessible voting machines – venues where voters can drop off their VBM ballot, receive a replacement ballot, register to vote, and get help with voting material in multiple languages. Unregistered voters who miss the close of registration on May 23 will be able to conditionally register to vote at any vote center and cast a provisional ballot through the end of Election Day. Recently, California Secretary of State (SOS) Shirley Weber released a report on the implementation of VCA during the 2020 Primary and General Elections.
Key findings of the report include: VCA counties had higher voter registration rates in the state. The 15 VCA counties accounted for about half of the state’s registered
were waitlisted. Let’s look at what happens: 1) Friends and Family of the nonprofit are alerted before the public. 2) Applicants are not required to show citizenship nor is there preference for residents who currently reside or work in the community around the new housing development. 3) Vacancies are treated the same way. Advantage is given to Latinos. 4) It has even come to our attention that Non-Latino outreach workers who started enthusiastically with the MAAC Project have complained about their treatment and subsequently quite the organization. This in turn may have further reduced their ability to fairly process applications. As you are aware, the Fair Housing Act (FHA) was signed into law in 1968, four years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The specific purpose of the legislation is to prohibit discrimination against certain protected categories: race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, and disability. The FHA is one of the most important landlord-tenant laws. Despite its being a law for over 50 years, the Department of Housing and Urban received 7,575 complaints in 2020. What many didn’t see coming is the discrimination against Blacks by Latinos. The MAAC project has similar projects on the horizon, yet they have not been checked on their
voters in both elections. Many VCA counties experienced a higher voter turnout compared to their non-VCA counterparts. Turnout in the 2020 General Election across racial groups showed White voters had a higher overall turnout than their non-White counterparts. The voter turnout gap for Black voters was 5.2 points, and AAPI voters had a turnout gap of 4.3 points. Black and AAPI voters turned out at similar rates as the VCA counties’ average, and Latino voters used in-person voting most among all races and ethnicities. Use of vote-by-mail ballots was the primary choice of voting in the 2020 elections. More voters chose to return their ballot by drop box than by mail. Use of drop boxes decreased after the age of 45 in the Primary Election and age 35 in the General Election. Voters in VCA counties cast a ballot in-person at a higher rate than voters in non-VCA counties in the General Election (55.1%). For the Primary Election, that number was 46.6%.
Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the views of The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@sdvoice.info
performance for Valencia Pointe and others. What can and should be done? The MAAC Project must supply the census for all the apartments they own or manage. The MAAC Project should be required to provide the outreach plan which explains the marketing for all the properties under their purview. Any tenant who feels they have been discriminated against should file a complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development against the MAAC Project. A request should be filed with the California State Treasurer asking for a review of all the tax credit projects built in San Diego beginning in 2015 reviewing the race of tenants for each development. and the nonprofit partner’s performance We must stop discrimination has become the norm in housing rentals and can be seen in employment as well. I don’t know what happened to change Latinos and Blacks working together particularly after it was the efforts of Blacks to get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. A law which has opened the doors for all segments of society. We ask that you as policy makers hold the MAAC project accountable. Sincerely, Francine Maxwell Chairwoman, Black Men and Woman United
In the General Election, voters aged 46-55 voted in person most compared to all other age groups. In both the Primary and General Elections, voters aged 66+ voted in-person least. VBM ballot rejection rates in VCA counties were similar to VBM ballot rejections statewide. Voters aged 18-25 had the highest ballot rejection rate. Ballot rejection rates decreased as voter age increased in VCA counties. VBM ballots were rejected (69.3%) mainly due to not being received on time during the Primary Election. But General Election VBM ballots were mainly rejected due to non-matching signatures (56.09%). Provisional ballot use decreased significantly between the Primary and General Elections. There were no confirmed instances of voter fraud in both the Primary and General elections in 2020. “We have taken away every excuse a person can possibly have as to why they won’t vote,” SOS Weber said recently. “People realize this is going to be easy and it’s comfortable.”
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, June 2, 2022
LOCAL/COMMUNITY Morse High’s Football Coach Tracy McNair
Hits 100 Wins
By Darrel Wheeler Contributing Writer
As the conclusion to the school year nears, one of many names at Morse High School deserves special recognition. High fives and congratulations are in order for Morse Tiger football coach, Tracy McNair, who has achieved the coaching milestone of 100 wins after a victory over Coronado High School last November. Coach Tracy summed up the winning philosophy that helped him to attain this momentous milestone: “As a coach, athletic director, and teacher at Morse, my goal when I took this job was to put Morse athletics back on the positive-map, to be competitive and consistent in a good way. As a teacher, some of the things I want to do is help guide students into successful careers, and help them become productive members of society and to be leaders not followers and also know how to give back to their community.”
“Going to Morse was a decision I will never regret. I enjoyed my experience there and Coach Mac had a lot to do with that,” shared Former Morse graduate and current assistant Coach Tyler Butler, who was a student athlete from the neighborhood that decided to pursue sports and education at 6905 Skyline Drive. “With Coach, what you see is what you get. He is about that truth; he will tell you the truth whether you want to hear it or not. If you can’t handle the truth you might not want to ask the question. He also helped me get into college and gave me an opportunity to Coach here. He has been there for me through thick and thin and I will always appreciate him and his family.”
Before Coach McNair secured his 100th prep victory, he was an assistant Coach at Southwestern
JC and other schools. After that experience, he felt he was ready to be the boss. He auditioned for and was selected as the Head Coach for Crawford High School’s Colts. Coach McNair and his staff took a perennial losing football program in 1995 and turned them into legitimate playoff contenders, including an undefeated regular season in 2003. Photos: Darrel Wheeler
After eight years as the Colt’s fearless leader, Coach McNair accepted the head coaching responsibilities at his alma mater, Samuel FB Morse. That position came loaded with challenges, many unique to the inner-city high school experience, including, but not limited to one-sided busing and propaganda from opposing schools trying to recruit Morse players. However in large part due to his passion for his community, Coach McNair willingly accepted those challenges and took them head on. “He is a good listener and an excellent organizer and he knows how to make necessary adjustments according to the situation. He wants the best for his players and wants them to succeed in athletics, academics, and life. He can be a little tough on his students sometimes but that’s only because he genuinely cares about them,” said Coach Charlie Brown about Coach McNair’s winning ways.
As a result of Morse’s new-push for excellence they won the 2018 Div-3 football Championship.
In addition to McNair’s Head Tiger-in-charge responsibilities, he is also currently involved with youth football as a head coach and is a board member for Skyline’s Youth Football Association.
Assistant Coach Charlie Brown had this to say about his longtime friend’s 100 game accomplishment: “He would have more than 100 wins, and probably more Championships, if most of the kids from the area came to Morse for their athletics and academics.”
“There is no way I could reach 100 victories by myself ! Coaching ain’t easy…I’ve been very fortunate to have great coaches, players, administrators and family. They know who they are, thanks!!” shared Coach McNair. Now, the countdown to 200 wins begins. PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT
Dr. Weber doesn’t BACK DOWN. In a time of unprecedented attacks on our democracy, Californians need a fair and fearless chief elections officer. As California’s first Black Secretary of State, Dr. Shirley N. Weber’s record of defending civil and voting rights makes her the right choice for the job. ENDORSED BY: Govenor Gavin Newsom
...and many more.
VOTE TO RE-ELECT SECRETARY OF STATE DR. SHIRLEY WEBER ON OR BEFORE JUNE 7TH Learn more at www.drshirleyweber.com Paid for by Shirley Weber for Secretary of State 2022. FPPC # 1435477
Thursday, June 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
COMMUNITY MUD ROW Digs Deep in History and Legacy
Marti Gobel, Ra
By Barbara Smith Contributing Writer
Geography, generations, and gentrification: these all-powerful themes converge in Mud Row, now in its West Coast premiere at the Cygnet Theatre. Written by playwright Dominique Morisseau, a MacArthur Fellows “Genius” grant awardee, the play takes the audience on a journey spanning 3 generations from the turbulent 60’s to present day, fusing themes of race, legacy, family, and sisterhood. The work is an ambitious theatrical undertaking, jumping forward and back in time, and is constructed and executed masterfully by playwright Morisseau, and San Diego’s own directing gem, Delicia Turner Sonnenberg, along with an ensemble of gifted actors. The play takes its name from the historically Black neighborhood of West Chester, Pennsylvania,
chel Cognato
Photos by Karli Cadel Photography
Marti Gobel
nne Jones, Cognata, Joy Yvoo Leo Ebanks, Rachel Gobel, Rondrell McCormick rti Andrea Agosto, Ma
known as Mud Row and centers around a house being passed on from grandmother Elsie (Andréa Agosto), who aspired to be part of the “talented tenth” in social strata, to granddaughter Regine (Marti Gobel), accomplished but fragile, determinedly striving to overcome childhood trauma. For actor and Kennedy Centertrained teaching artist Marti Gobel, performing in Mud Row has been rich and fulfilling. Significantly, Gobel notes that in her two decades as a theater professional, this is only her second time having a Black director and working in an all-Black cast. “I hope this play creates a hunger and a demand for this kind of story
in San Diego,” offered Gobel in a recent conversation after the play’s opening. Plays like Mud Row with stories particular to the African American experience need to be seen. “One every other season is not enough. With Mud Row, you’re getting an appetizer. We need more.” What drew Gobel to this role? “I love Dominique Morisseau,” she says, having previously directed and performed in two of her works. “I like specific stories about my people that offer a universal way to look at the African American experience,” all key in Morisseau’s work. Legacy and sisterhood figure prominently in the play.
Rondrell McC
Rachel Cognata, Leo Ebanks
“Strengths are brought up as well as resilience, but also bitterness and loss,” Gobel offers. “This is a family, yes, a Black family, but a family, and I think most of the patrons will see echoes of their own family played out onstage…Today there’s a lot of talk about the complexity of our roots as a people and being in the mud and what it means to get dirty within the context of African American behavior.” With that in mind, for Gobel, a particularly powerful and endearing aspect of the show is its portrayal of two African American men, partners to the two sisters (Rondrell McCormick as Darin and Leo Ebanks as Tyriek) who come from different experiences but are entirely dedicated to their partners. “I love seeing that on stage, she says: “supportive, loving Black men with the women they’ve chosen to be with.”
ormick, Mart
i Gobel
Joy Yvonne Jones, Andréa Agosto
With director Sonnenberg at the helm, the play is in the hands of an expert. Currently Resident Artist at the Old Globe Theatre, Sonnenberg directed Morisseau’s earlier tour de force Skeleton Crew, at the Old Globe in 2017. “The plays I am most attracted to as a director are the ones where there is an intimate human story told against a broad backdrop. In the case of Mud Row, it is an intimate story about sisterhood and family told against the broad backdrop of American history - racial and social change in both the 1960’s and now. I’m drawn to this play because it is smart, funny, sexy, moving, and ultimately cathartic,” said Sonnenberg. Mud Row runs through June 19. For tickets, visit cygnettheatre.com.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, june 2, 2022
How to Vote By Mail
in the 2022 Primary Election By Tracy DeFore County of San Diego
Voting by mail is:
s ballots start showing up in mailboxes around San Diego County, the Registrar of Voters office is encouraging voters to vote early.
A ballot, instructions and an “I Voted” sticker are included in your official ballot packet.
“You don’t need to wait until Election Day to vote,” said Registrar of Voters Cynthia Paes. “And the sooner we get your ballot back, the sooner we can start processing it. Your ballot can be in the first release of election night results.”
Make voting decisions and mark your ballot comfortably at home.
Sign and date your envelope, seal your completed ballot inside and return it postage free to a trusted source: • Return your ballot through the
mail. For a location near you, visit the U.S. Postal Service off-ice or collection box website at https:// tools.usps.com/find-location.htm. • Return it to one of 132 official mail ballot drop-off locations around the county, see page 11 for a list of locations or use the Registrar’s online locator tool at https://bit.ly/3sK67wv. • Return it to the Registrar’s office at Registrar of Voters, 5600 Overland Avenue, San Diego, CA, 92123, where early voting is already underway. Hours run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
and resilience, and telehealth.
Action Taken To Help Cities Tackle Homelessness, Reduce Youth Homelessness
On this site https://engage.sandiegocounty. gov/broadband you will find information on progress, updates, and opportunities to engage with the project as an individual and as a community. If you have questions, contact the project team at engage@sdcounty.ca.gov.
In a separate vote, they also approved using Homeless, Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) funds to house homeless youth, and open harm reduction shelters. The $10 million in one-time funding grants can be used to transform properties in cities into new shelters, safe parking, safe camping, and tiny homes.
Public Input Sought on County Broadband Plan For Unincorporated Areas The County of San Diego is working to develop a comprehensive broadband plan to increase internet connectivity throughout its unincorporated areas. The County plans to collaborate with public and private entities to create equitable access across its communities in order to set the foundations for a highly connected future that advances economic opportunity, environmental sustainability, educational attainment, public safety
Voters who return their mail ballot through the Postal Service can track it by signing up for “Where’s My Ballot?” You can also choose to vote in person at any vote center. Starting Saturday, May 28, select vote centers will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. including Memorial Day on Monday, May 30.
Starting Saturday, June 4, over 200 vote centers will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. All vote center locations will be open on Election Day, June 7, when voting hours change to 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Learn more at sdvote.com.
Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
The San Diego County Board of Supervisors passed two actions that will expand the County’s commitment to addressing the homelessness crisis. In a follow-up to Chair Fletcher’s announcement in February about making $10 million in one-time grants available for cities, on May 24, the Board approved it.
Photo: County of San Diego
City Heights Swim Center Reopens in Time for Summer On Friday, May 20, Mayor Todd Gloria and City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera joined community members in a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially reopen the City Heights Swim Center. The pool, which has been closed for more than four years, opened its doors ahead of the summer with a celebration.
The Residential “No-Fault” Eviction Moratorium went into effect on Sunday (May 22nd), and will be in effect until September 30th, and now protects qualifying renters from eviction. This means your landlord will not be able to evict you from your home to renovate the property (unless there is a public health or safety hazard) if you pay your rent on time, follow the terms of your lease, and are tenants in good standing.
Landlords will also be required to provide 3 months of notice if they or their relatives plan on moving into your home, and 6 months of notice to sell the building or leave the rental market.
San Diego County Administration Building. Photo: Via WikiMedia Commons
If you are facing an eviction, and not sure what to do, reach out to the Legal Aid Society of San Diego, who operates our Eviction Prevention Program, at www.lassd.org. They can provide you with guidance or resources to make sure that you have housing stability.
The project included major renovations to both the main pool and the children's pool, as well as the installation of a new water play structure, slide, deck area and drainage system. The Parks and Recreation Department is now hiring pool guards, recreation leaders and other positions. To preview available jobs and to apply online, visit sandiego.gov/ parksjobs. For more information, including operating hours and programming, visit sandiego. gov/pools/city-heights-swim-center. The City offers year-round programs across San Diego. To register for classes, visit sandiego. gov/pools.
Update on the No Fault Eviction Moratorium
County Expands Free Menstrual Product Program By Katie Cadiao County of San Diego
there is a critical need for free menstrual hygiene products,” said Kelly Motadel, M.D., M.P.H., County Child Health Officer. “No one who needs these products should have to go without them or risk infection because they are using the products longer than recommended.”
The County of San Diego is expanding its free menstrual product program due to high demand for free tampons and pads. Since the Free 4 Menstrual Equity, or Free4ME, program launched last May, the County has provided more than 141,000 A person’s inability to access or tampons and pads via the menpay for menstrual products – strual product dispensers that referred to as period poverty were installed in 24 County– disproportionately affects owned facilities across the San A menstrual product dispenser at school-aged people. One recent the County Administration Center. Diego region. study showed that one in four Photo: County of San Diego students in the US have strugFollowing the completion of the gled to afford period products. year-long pilot program, the County is now preparing to install dispensers at additional The Free4ME initiative was sparked by local County sites. Food stamps and WIC do not community leaders including Youth Will and cover the purchase of menstrual products, Planned Parenthood. Both organizations proforcing many people to ration sanitary prodvided critical input into the development and ucts by using them for extended amounts of implementation of the program. time, or using unsanitary items to manage their periods. Using menstrual products The County’s vendor for the menstrual prodbeyond the recommended amount of time uct dispensers, Aunt Flow, is a leader in the is dangerous and can cause toxic shock synmenstrual equity movement. The company drome, a type of bacterial infection. stocks its dispensers with 100% organic cotton products, which contributes to the “The Free4ME pilot program showed that County’s commitment to sustainability.
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Thursday, june 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
Global Information Network
llicit payments, multiple counts of bribery and market manipulation were among the many misdeeds of Glencore International and Glencore Ltd, a Swiss-based commodity trading and mining company according to numerous reports in the press. Over a 10 year period, bribes worth millions were lavished on government officials of West Africa and Latin America in return for preferential access to oil, according to US court filings. Seven cases of profit-driven bribery and corruption were linked to Glencore Energy UK for payments to officials in Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea and South Sudan. Bribes worth over $25 million won preferential access to oil and reaped profits more than triple that. In the case of Nigeria, Glencore and its subsidiaries paid more than $52 million to bribe Nigerian officials in return for profits of $124 million, the US court filing shows. The former Petroleum Minister, Diezani Alison Madueke, reportedly a recipient of Glencore monies, is said to be living in Dominica where she is seeking immunity as a political appointee. In Cameroon, $21 million in bribes generated $67 million in profits. In the Ivory Coast, a $4 million investment led to $30 million in profits, according to Bloomberg News. In the DRC, Glencore admitted that
Global Information Network
AG M. Garland at podium. Photo: Courtesy of GIN
it conspired to corruptly offer and pay approximately $27.5 million to third parties, while intending for a portion of the payments to be used as bribes to DRC officials, in order to secure improper business advantages. This week, Glencore entered guilty pleas to multiple counts of bribery and market manipulation and agreed to a settlement of more than $1 billion with the final total expected to be near $1.5 billion - the highest civil monetary penalty in any similar case. “The scope of this criminal bribery scheme is staggering,” said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams. “Glencore paid bribes to secure oil contracts. Glencore paid bribes to avoid government audits. Glencore bribed judges to make lawsuits disappear. Glencore paid bribes to make money - hundreds of millions of dollars. And it did so with the approval and even encouragement of its top executives.”
“The rule of law requires that there not be one rule for the powerful and another for the powerless; one rule for the rich and another for the poor,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. While Attorney General Garland has prioritized holding individuals responsible for corporate fraud, no executives have been charged in the announcement settlements. Meanwhile, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued a warning: “Without question, manipulating oil markets can drive up the cost Americans pay at the pump or to heat their homes. And today my message to the markets is clear: we will continue to pursue even the slightest hint of manipulative, corrupt, or fraudulent behavior.” Gary Nagle, Glencore’s new chief executive, said the company has adopted new compliance rules to eliminate illicit conduct, adding: “It’s a different business model to what we used five to 10 years ago.”
Global Information Network A Nigerian lawyer who took up the cause for delta communities harmed by a subsidiary of the oil conglomerate Royal Dutch Shell will be recognized this year with a “Nobel Prize for grassroots advocacy to protect the environment,” formally known as the Goldman Environmental Prize for 2022. Chima Williams, executive director of Friends of the Earth Nigeria (Environmental Rights Action), was recognized for his role in helping the Goi and Oruma communities of the oil-rich Niger Delta region get justice. The victory came after 13 years of litigation when a Dutch court awarded damages to the communities for oil spills which happened bet= ween 2004 and 2007 due to exploration by a subsidiary of the oil giant. It was the first time a parent company was held liable for actions of
C. Williams, center. Photo: Courtesy of GIN
its subsidiary in the delta. Oil and gas are vital to the Nigerian economy and account for almost half of the country’s GDP. But that wealth was never shared with the delta community. On the contrary, the delta was soon so damaged by frequent oil spills and flares that it was designated one of the most polluted places on earth by Amnesty International. Life expectancy in the region is
estimated to be 49 years, 10 years lower than the rest of the country. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Williams described the halcyon days before Shell first found oil in 1956. “Before the advent of oil in commercial quantity,” he recalled, “the Niger Delta used to be known as the most peaceful, the most hospitable, and the most luscious part of the country.
As Americans grapple with the proliferation of guns used against minorities, elders, children, immigrants and victims chosen randomly, Nigerian Professor Wole Soyinka has launched a similar campaign against the rising rate of intentional homicides that the Nigerian government has failed to reverse. The Nobel Laureate announced this week W. Soyinka. Photo: Courtesy of GIN the cancellation of by a total community shutdown — an engagement with or other equivalence — of its own a school in Anambra State over accord, until that rung is fully the murder of a pregnant woman, reclaimed. her four children, and six other persons in Isulo, Orumba North Local “The Anambra infanticidal orgy is Government Area of the state. one such. The mob immolation of Deborah Samuel over allegations of Soyinka made his decision known blasphemy, was another. Response in a statement entitled “Drawing to such abominations transcends the Red Line on Infanticide.” He the mandatory functions of secubegan, saying: ‘We must begin rity agencies. somewhere, “draw a line” – however individual and limited’. “The act constitutes a breach in community ramparts and should The victims this time were a Mrs. be answered by collective action. Harira Jubril, her four children and Again, I insist that it is long past six others - gunned down on Suntime to move beyond pious denunday, May 22. It caused a wave of ciations – essential, yes, but insufoutcry. ficient. Nigeria witnessed its deadliest week “We simply must devise ways of in 2022 (April 10 to 16) as armed making our revulsion so stark, unnon-state actors killed at least 215 ambiguous, and inclusive. Only people in various attacks. Before then will such pollutants of civic the latest tally, the highest figure consciousness be brought to rethis year was recorded in the first think, come to understand that it three weeks of 2022 when at least is not just the immediate family, 486 people were killed. friends and colleagues whose humThe “horror that was recently afanity is thus violated, but the totalflicted on the people of Anambra ity of cohabitants. and the rest of us was redoubled for “This time, I believe the decision me personally because the news is right, the moment compelling. reached me outside the country In empathy with those innocents while I was participating in an whose scholastic careers have been event of youth empowerment — a so brutally annulled, I serve notice college graduation ceremony,” he of cancellation of that engagement began. with the Anambra school, sched“At the Abuja event, exactly a week uled for August. ago, I proposed the need to develop “The deaths of those innocents the collective sense of a Lowest cannot be reversed, but we must Common Denominator in the seibegin, even yesterday, the process zure of our humanity. of reversing the mental trajectory “Any act that attempts to drag us that makes death from innocence below, or remove that rung of the the current norm of national exishuman ladder should be answered tence.” “Port Harcourt, seen as Nigeria’s oil capital, was christened ‘the garden city,’ he reminisced. “Landscapes in the Niger Delta were a beauty to behold. The people were fishing folks and farmers, supplying the needs of households and families in the Niger Delta and across Nigeria. “All those cherished memories of the Niger Delta people have been consigned to the dustbin,” he said bitterly, “because the fishes they catch now are poisonous.” In his acceptance speech, Williams, who lives in Benin City, Edo State, gave thanks to all those who supported the litigation. He called on the global audience to join the cam-
paign for environmental justice. “After all, the environment is our life - a healthy environment breeds healthy people and only healthy people can make a healthy world.” The top environment prize is annually awarded to six grassroots activists – one from each of the world’s continents except Antarctica. In addition to a physical award, each winner receives an undisclosed cash prize. The organization does not make recommendations on how the funds should be used. The award ceremony can be seen online with winners from the U.S., the Netherlands, Ecuador, Thailand and Australia.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, june 2, 2022
Tweak Your Tech Settings To
Protect Your Privacy By Liz Weston NerdWallet
o much of our sensitive personal data is being tracked and sold that trying to protect our privacy can seem like a pointless exercise. All this surveillance allows advertisers to manipulate us into spending more. As individuals, we have limited ability to stop the prying. Meaningful action typically must come from regulators and lawmakers. But we can take a few steps to reclaim small but significant chunks of privacy and send a signal to companies that we don't like what they're up to.
SET LIMITS ON LOCATION TRACKING You may think it's your own business how often you visit different locations. But many companies are in the business of gleaning and using such data for marketing and other purposes. You can stop this by changing settings on your devices. On iPhones and iPads, go to “Settings,” then “Privacy” to find “Location Services.” With Android devices, go to “Settings,” then “Location” to find “App location permissions.” Don't worry that you'll “break” an app, says Thomas Germain, a technology and privacy writer at Consumer Reports. If you want to do something with the app that requires your location, the app will make it easy to turn that back on, Germain says.
Photo: Andrea Piacquadio
Safe Driving Tips Photo: Roberto Hund
SHUT DOWN OTHER DATA COLLECTING If you use any Google app or service, your location history could be stored and used even after you've shut off tracking. Your searches and other activity are being stored as well, so consider shutting off Google's ability to keep that data, Germain says. To do that, open Google.com in a browser, log into your account and click on your icon in the upper right corner. Select “Manage your Google account,” then “Privacy & personalization.” Under “Your data & privacy options,” choose “Things you've done and places you've been.” You'll see options to review the information Google is storing about
you, as well as ways to turn off data storage and delete stored histories. Some of Google's apps may not work as well without this data, but you can always turn these functions back on, Germain says. Another setting on this page you can toggle off: ad personalization. With iPhones and iPads, switch off “allow apps to request to track” in the “Tracking” portion of privacy settings. With Android devices, click “delete advertising ID” under “Ads” in the “Advanced” portion of privacy settings. Shutting down ad personalization won't entirely prevent advertisers from stalking you, but it should cut down on the number of companies that have your data, Germain says.
Lessons Learned From College in a Pandemic BY ELINA LINGAPPA Cal Matters Computer Science major, Math and French minor (The pandemic) taught me that it’s possible to survive, like, no matter what the situation is. First of all, I’m abroad. This is not my home (Ghana). And so being in that situation, I feel like a lot could have gone wrong. I could have been really stranded or very lonely or very depressed, but it worked out. So I guess it just showed me that it’s possible to survive or thrive, even in dire circumstances. My second semester sophomore
"Especially when unseen circumstances happen, like the pandemic, your friendships are the things that you lean on to help you to keep going." —- Omar Zintan Mwinila-Yuori Pomona College year, when the pandemic happened and they kicked us off campus, I didn’t have anywhere to go. So my roommate actually took me to his house in Arizona. I lived with him and his family for the rest of the semester.
A lot of things happened during that time for international students. Since school was gonna be online, the government was trying to figure out how visas would work. And so there was this whole scare like, ‘Oh, they’re gonna kick all the international students out of the U.S.?’ I was a bit calm about it. Part of the reason why I was not very worried was because of my faith. My faith was something I was able to rely on for just, like, stability in a time of instability. One thing I’ve learned through college is that friendships are a valuable thing to have. Especially when unseen circumstances happen, like the pandemic, your friendships are the things that you lean on to help
Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
Check the tires
Motorists are being encouraged to brush up on their driving knowledge to help save some cash. Even experienced drivers can sometimes fall into bad habits such as lane hogging or failing to understand the rules around bus and taxi lanes.
The tread depth and inflation level of your tires are not just important for the safety of your car but can also have a huge impact on fuel economy. The legal minimum requirement for tire tread depth is 1.6mm and tire inflation should correspond to the manufacturers’ guide.
But by investing a little time to improve their road knowledge the experts believe any driver can become smarter at handling the roads. Here are the tips from StressFreeCarRental.com for becoming a smarter driver.
Be aware of bus lanes In recent years, the expansion of public transport routes throughout urbanised areas has meant the number of bus lanes has increased. Because of this, bus lanes are now heavily monitored and they can incur heavy fines if you drive through them. To avoid this, if you live in a city location or know you’re going to be driving through one, do some research beforehand and check the best route to avoid landing yourself in hot water.
Lane hogging Occupying one lane for an extended period of time on the motorway is not only a safety hazard but is also a punishable offense too. Drivers should try their best to ensure they stick to lane guidelines as best as possible and be courteous to other drivers and also ensure they avoid any possible fines.
Cautious with premium fuels Although premium fuel can have its benefits, it’s unlikely drivers will see any major improvements in their fuel economy, unless driving a high-performance vehicle. Standard fuel is the most cost-effective method of filling up and to ensure things are running smoothly, drivers can use a fuel system cleaner every 1,500- 3000 miles, to ensure the system remains healthy.
Advanced driving course Initially, when passing a driving test for the first time there is an option to improve your ability on the roads with an advanced driving course. Not only will this course help with spotting potential hazards when driving but it can also help to bring down monthly premiums when it comes to insurance policies.
Keep up with checks Ensuring your vehicle is healthy and running well is crucial to avoid any unwanted costs in the long run. Ignoring any warning signs or broken parts for too long can cause serious long term damage to the car as well as decrease its performance on the road.
you to keep going. The pandemic made me value my friendships more. I’m going to move to the Bay Area to start working, like late August. I’m going to be working as a software engineer at Google. I’m not really scared about moving to the Bay, even though I’ve never been there before. I’m not worrying about it because we’ve been through this already, like, I’ve been through a similar situation or worse situation.
The pandemic taught Omar Zintan Mwinila-Yuori, a senior at Pomona College in Claremont, the value of friendships. He is shown on May 12, 2022. Photo by Stella Favaro, courtesy of CalMatters
Franklin Elementary School Kicks Off Campus Modernization Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
The new classroom facility will include collaborative workspaces, a staff lounge and a student food services kitchen, which is part of an expanded student dining area that will be complete with a shade canopy. Outdoor improvements include renovated kindergarten and upper-grade playgrounds with shaded play structures, a learning garden with a shade canopy, and a bioretention basin with landscaping.
A Kensington landmark is getting a major renovation. On Thursday, May 26, Franklin Elementary STEAM Magnet School students, alumni, community members, and San Diego Unified School District representatives grabbed shovels to pose in front of a makeshift dirt mound, as part of the district’s traditional groundbreaking celebration. The event marked the start of the school’s highly anticipated Whole Site Modernization project, which will bring a stateof-the-art two-story classroom building, renovations and modernizations to all classrooms, and campuswide enhancements to the nearly century old site. “Franklin has served generations of students in the Kensington and City Heights communities for 93 years and counting,” said Dr. Lamont Jackson, Superintendent of San Diego Unified. “We’re excited to bring Franklin students new facilities and technology that will enhance their educational
experience, while creating new memories that will carry onto the next generation.”
Campuswide safety will be improved with a student services suite and a monitored single point of entry, modern public address/intercom system, security cameras, intrusion and fire alarm systems, and secure perimeter fencing. Construction is anticipated to complete in late 2024. The district is working with the school and community to integrate historical elements into the modernization.
“You walk onto our campus and you can see and feel the history,” said Melissa Roy-Wood, Franklin Principal. “But you also see aging buildings and a need for expanded play areas. So we are beyond ecstatic about this makeover.”
Funding is made available through Propositions S & Z, and Measure YY, which are local school bond measures approved by San Diego voters to improve San Diego Unified schools. Read more about the project at http://fpcprojects.sandi.net.
Students at the groundbreaking event for Franklin Elementary School. Photo: SDUSD.
Thursday, June 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
The now former Branch President and Executive Committee members met with the Administrator. They provided answers to all questions raised. No National response, nor response to months-long requests for a hearing until the Grievance Committee, just a few weeks ago, called President Maxwell to a hastily arranged hearing. That hearing excluded local member observation for more than an hour before being told their presence would serve no useful purpose. Mrs. Maxwell was subsequently notified that she has been suspended for three years because she did not put the Administrator’s name on the Branch checking account. It is interesting that while Mrs. Maxwell’s pleas for Due Process went unanswered;
parents: Continued from cover
Wicks says as the mother of two daughters, the bill is particularly relevant for her. “For every parent like me who is anxiously watching their children grow older in the digital world, there are millions of others whose teens (and often, even younger kids) are already experiencing the mental health impacts of a system
the actions against the North Carolina NAACP Chapter resulted in a Parliamentary Opinion dated December 18, 2021, concerning the North Carolina state election of Officers on October 23, 2021. Please read the following excerpt from that opinion: “Although the pandemic of COVID-19 initially led many to make exceptions to rules – we must also keep in mind that democracy, dignity, and freedom must be upheld. Using the principles of the democratic processes to educate and take all lawful action to further these objectives include appeal, reconsideration, and repeal of rulings against democratic principles. Those actions must be explained when the organization” seems to counter its ideals.”
Diego issue was supposedly already before the National Organization. Letters and newspaper articles concerning the San Diego Branch were sent to the homes of all the National Board Members as well as Mr. Derrick Johnson, as National President.
Clearly, the San Diego Branch was not afforded the Due Process being given to the North Carolina Br anch , w he n t he S an
It is especially interesting that Mr. Johnson would ignore such concerns as those raised by San Diego and other California Branches
that has a moral responsibility to protect them,” she said. “Our number one job as legislators is to protect the health and safety of Californians -- especially our kids and teens -- and I’m proud to jointly author this bill that takes that responsibility as seriously as it deserves.”
meant to be addictive to children, they could face an additional $250,000 civil penalty.
The bill permits parents to sue for up to $25,000 per violation. If proven that a company intentionally created products that were
Those affected by recent national NAACP actions. Photo: NAACP Justice Coalition
Only social media companies that have had at least $100 million in gross revenue would be liable under the proposal. It would not apply to streaming companies like Netflix and Disney Plus. If passed, AB 2408 will also allow guardians and the California Attorney General to sue social media
when one considers that he was brought under scrutiny in 2013 by the Mississippi Secretary of State for the mingling of funds from his One Voice non-profit organization with that of the Mississippi State NAACP while he was State President. That state audit revealed, according to documents made available at the time by then NAACP member Kathryn Perry, that Mr. Johnson’s 2012
Form 990 for his One Voice charity, paid him $120,000 as Executive Director. The audit also revealed that Johnson received $1.78 million in revenue but had an operating loss of $122,581. That same year, the organization spent $164,500 on travel; $548,684 on salaries; and $539,733 on consultants. While reimbursements were supposedly made to clear things up, one must ask how Mr. Johnson went
through this personal ordeal in Mississippi, yet he was not concerned about issues affecting his branch members as National President of the NAACP.
and the service providers themselves.”
Then, social media companies would have until April 1 to remove features deemed addictive to children to not be held liable.
The bill has drawn opposition from several business groups including the California Chamber of Commerce and TechNet, a network of tech CEOs and executives. They argue that the bill would impose an “unimaginable civil liability” on social media platforms and “interferes with the expressive rights of both the minors who will be banned from social media services
Following state official calls for water use reduction last year, Californians’ water use increased by about 19% this year, according to the governor’s office.
The State Water Resources Control Board’s vote to restrict water usage includes requirements for local agencies to implement their own conservation measures.
“Californians made significant changes since the last drought, but we’ve seen an uptick in water use. We have to make every drop count,” Newsom said.
Hunter says conservation is urgent.
Some experts believe that one of the reasons for the increase in water usage was the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hunter said because some communities have different water needs than others, they may be affected by the drought differently. According to him people living in mostly Black neighborhoods should be aware of what their local conservation plans are -- as well as what the ramifications are for not following them.
“This is the state saying, ‘folks this is serious. We are encouraging all locals to come up with a conservation plan,’” he added.
“We were in a pandemic where most people stayed home so naturally water use went up during that period,” Hunter explained.
“Stay informed because water conservation, in order to be effective, is a local issue,” he said. “Local agencies all have different ways to
Collection and Sifford Centennial Cigars.
Continued from cover
Further, the Presidents Cup organizers announced the creation of the Charlie Sifford Centennial Cup, a one-day team match-play event featuring top golf teams from historically Black colleges and universities. The Centennial Cup takes place on August 29 at Quail Hollow in Charlotte, this year’s Presidents Cup site.
A Philadelphia native, Sifford Jr. said his father began playing golf professionally in 1948, two years after his friend, Jackie Robinson, broke Major League Baseball’s color line.
Continued from cover
“California is facing a drought crisis and every local water agency and Californian needs to step up on conservation efforts,” Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement. “I am hopeful the measures enacted by the State Water Board will lead to a reduction of water use across the state.”
According to Sifford Jr., a byproduct of his father’s outstanding ability to caddie earned him more money than other kids. “He developed a love for the game. He learned by watching,” Sifford Jr. remarked. Because African Americans weren’t allowed to play at country clubs, Sifford Jr. said his father would sneak in a few holes when he wasn’t caddying. “He said he had a short backswing because he had to play in a hurry and get as many holes in as possible,” Sifford remarked. “He had one nine-to-five job his whole life, when he worked at Nabisco in Philadelphia when he was 17. He worked there for three years but decided that he wanted to be outside playing golf, and he was determined to succeed.” In addition to marking what would have been Dr. Sifford’s 100th birthday, The PGA TOUR also will host The Sifford Centennial 2022. The Sifford Centennial project features several highlight events throughout the year and special merchandise available to the public, including the Just Let Me Play Centennial
All will participate in the top four HBCU Division 1 program, the top HBCU Division II program, and the host school, Johnson C. Smith University of Charlotte. The six schools will send their top four players, broken into two separate teams of 12, with the college teammates staying together in pods. The Golfstat ranking will determine the programs at the end of this 2022 season. Sifford Jr. declared that all tributes and events would have meant a lot to his father. “What he had to go through early in his career, being rejected for certain tournaments, and being treated unfairly because of the color of his skin and now to be recognized from coast-to-coast, by white people, Black people, Asians, and everyone else would make him feel like the job he did turned out positive,” Sifford Jr. asserted. “He’d be very proud of this.”
“One year after Jackie Robinson, my father told Jackie that he would do the same in golf,” Sifford Jr. noted. “Before he went on tour, he talked to Jackie, who asked him was he a quitter and if he was, he shouldn’t worry about trying to go on tour because they’re going to make you wish you weren’t out there,” Sifford Jr. continued. “It would be harder for him because he’d be out there by himself. Jackie had a team and an owner who supported him. My father would be out there alone. But my father had stubbornness, grit, and he was determined that he was going to play golf and nothing or no one was going to stop him.” The first time Dr. Sifford attempted to join the PGA TOUR, racism prevailed. He played with an allBlack group led by boxing champion Joe Louis. However, when the group reached the first hole, they found excrement there, attempting to discourage them from playing. Sifford Jr. learned about some of his father’s struggles by reading Dr. Sifford’s book, “Just Let Me Play: The Story of Charlie Sifford, the
TechNet alleges that the bill is unfair and extra-legal. “There is no social media company, let alone any business that could tolerate that legal risk, especially considering how much this bill puts the thumb on the scales of justice for plaintiffs,” TechNet wrote in opposition. If the bill becomes law, it will take effect on Jan. 1, 2023.
cut back. You can reduce watering your grass, you can reduce the washing machine and dish washing.” “What they do in Riverside they may not do in San Jose,” Hunter added. In San Jose, for example, the Santa Clara Valley Water District will implement water use fines that can go as high as $10,000 for people who go over their water use limit. “Some may not do that,” Hunter said. “Some agencies may keep encouraging people before they go down the more drastic route, which would include fines.” Hunter believes that individual First Black PGA Golfer.” “Some things surprised me in the book. He didn’t bring a lot of [the incidents] home,” Sifford Jr. recalled. “I asked him about it when the book came out, and he said all of that really happened. In North Carolina, the first time he went back to the South to play, he stayed with friends that lived close to the golf course because no hotel would let him stay. “The first day, he was leading the tournament, and then he received a call at his friend’s house, and someone made death threats. So they told him if he should up, something would happen. “Being stubborn, he said, ‘you gonna do what you gonna do, and I will do what I have to do, and I will be there for my tee time.’” Although he didn’t fare well on the second day, Dr. Sifford finished in the top five and earned a berth into the next tournament. “It showed me that he had a determination,” Sifford Jr. said. “People threatened his life, but it showed the kind of person he was. He helped me to understand many things, including not judging a person by their origins but how they treat you and if they respect your wishes and treat you fairly.”
It appears that now might be a good time for the national NAACP to take a close look at its leadership as well as its Board of Directors. Today’s need for the NAACP at all levels of the organization is too great during these difficult times.
Also, companies that conduct regular audits of their practices and features to identify products or offerings that could be addictive to children would be immune from lawsuits. AB 2408 is now headed to the State Senate for review.
solutions for water use reduction will become clearer in the coming weeks. “I believe that we’re going to see the local agencies, over the next couple of weeks, really ramp up their promotion and advertising about what individual homeowners can do.” Hunter compared the current drought to the dry conditions the state has been experiencing over the last two years. “The drought the last couple of years wasn’t even, meaning some parts of our state were dryer than others. I think this round it’s dry up and down the state,” Hunter said. In addition to breaking golf ’s color line, Dr. Sifford won six Negro National Open titles, earned honors as one of the top 100 people in the First Century of Golf, and earned more than $1.2 million on the PGA TOUR and the Senior Tour. In 2004, Dr. Sifford became the first Black golfer inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame. In 2006, the University of St. Andrews awarded Dr. Sifford an honorary degree, and in 2014, President Barack Obama bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Dr. Sifford. “It was really exciting because my dad never thought he’d see a Black President, and frankly, I never thought I’d see one,” Sifford Jr. said. “It was ironic, the first Black PGA member and the first Black President. The two hit it off. President Obama and Vice President Biden were golfers, and during the ceremony, Obama asked my father for golf tips. My father told Biden that he could probably help him but turned to Obama and said, ‘I don’t know what I can do for you because you hit from the wrong side.’” Obama is left-handed. “It was a fun-filled time,” Sifford Jr. stated.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, June 2, 2022
“Keepers of the Culture” Celebration By Darrel Wheeler Contributing Writer
Last Friday, May 27, the San Diego African American Museum of Fine Art (SDAAMFA) honored its 2022 Keepers of the Culture recipients. The newest award winners worth special recognition were Calvin Manson, Playwright, Producer, Director, and visual artist; Alyce Smith Cooper, Ancestral Storyteller; Andre Rushing, Visual Artist and founder of the Andre Rushing Academy of Fine Arts; and Nathan East, Bassist, Vocalist, and a founding member of the contemporary jazz group, Fourplay. Ms. Jade Hindmon, co-host of KBPS Midday Edition, served as this year’s mistress of ceremonies.
SDAAMFA board member Sinai Benson shared, “This is our fourth year doing this ceremony. We do this to honor those in the community that keep our culture alive here in San Diego. It’s absolutely imperative that we recognize them. There [are] a lot of well known artists all over San Diego, but you don’t always hear of the Black artists that have made significant contributions to the community. This is our way of saying to them, ‘Thank you’, and making sure that we honor those whose shoulders we stand on.” The Quartyard on Market Street in Downtown was the place to meet and greet some of the best non -fiction storytellers and artists in town.
SD Native Serves at DoD’s Premier Communication Institution
By Alvin Plexico . Navy Office of Community Outreach
Seaman Rashan Jefferson, a native of San Diego, California, is serving at Defense Information School (DINFOS), the premier communication learning institution, vital to the success of public affairs professionals across the Department of Defense, the United States government, and international partners.
skills and values similar to those learned in San Diego.
Jefferson attended Lincoln High School and graduated in 2008. Today, Jefferson uses
Serving in the Navy means Jefferson is part of a team that is taking on new importance in America’s focus on rebuilding militar y readiness, strengthening alliances and reforming business practices in support of the National Defense Strategy.
“I grew up running track, so I learned the importance of hard work,” said Jefferson. This lesson continues to help Jefferson while serving in the military.
“The Navy helps keep the seas safe,” said Jefferson. “I’m proud of serving as a section leader inside our Navy detachment. I serve as a mediator between the students and the staff.” As Jefferson and other sailors continue to train and perform the missions they are tasked with, they take pride in serving their country in the United States Navy. “Serving in the Navy means a lot because my brother, my father and grandfathers were all in the Navy,” added Jefferson. “I’m the only female that joined, so that’s an accomplishment I’m proud of. Just to be a part of this lineage of service is an honor.” Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Amber Weingart. Photo: Courtesy of the Navy Office of Community Outreach
Photos: Darrel Wheeler
Thursday, June 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7
SAN DIEGO - 92113 5081 Logan Ave Epiphany Women In Focus Mountain View Comm Ctr-Back Meeting Rm 641 S Boundary St New Hope Baptist Church Hall 2205 Harrison Ave Southcrest Rec Ctr-Meeting Rm 1 4149 Newton Ave, Use S 40Th St
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 May 28 to June 7
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 May 28 to June 7 June 4 to June 7
SAN DIEGO - 92114 Audubon School-Auditorium 8111 San Vicente St Bayview Baptist Church-Auditorium 6134 Pastor Timothy J Winters St Encanto Recreation Ctr-Meeting Rm 6508 Wunderlin Ave Fulton Elementary School-Auditorium 7055 Skyline Dr Martin Luther King Jr Rec Ctr-Meeting Rm 6401 Skyline Dr
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 May 28 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7
All Vote Centers meet usable accessibility requirements.
CHULA VISTA - 91910 Bonita Vista Middle School-Cafeteria 650 Otay Lakes Rd Chula Vista City Hall 276 4th Ave Clear View Elementary School-Auditorium 455 Windrose Way Hilltop High School-Cafeteria 555 Claire Ave Bay View Baptist Church Fred H Rohr Elem School-Cafeteria MAAC Community Center Shadow Mtn Comm Chr-Fireside Rm
CHULA VISTA - 91911 210 Jamul Ave 1540 Malta Ave 1387 3rd Ave 960 5th Ave
LA MESA - 91942 5400 Maryland Ave Maryland Avenue Elem School-Auditorium Parkway Middle School-MPR 9009 Park Plaza Dr United Church Of Christ Of La Mesa-Hall 5940 Kelton Ave
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7
LEMON GROVE - 91945 2590 Main St Lemon Grove Masonic Lodge #736-Hall
May 28 to June 7
NATIONAL CITY - 91950 Camacho Recreation Center - Gym 1810 E 22nd St El Toyon Recreation Ctr-Classrm 2005 E 4th St Martin Luther King Jr Comm Ctr-Main Hall 140 E 12th St
May 28 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 May 28 to June 7
SAN DIEGO - 92101 Downtown Works - 2nd Flr Rm 202 & 203 550 W B St San Diego City College - P Bldg Flex Rm 1480 Park Blvd Washington Elem School-Auditorium 1789 State St Golden Hill Recreation Ctr-Gym Horton Elem School-Auditorium
SAN DIEGO - 92102 2600 Golf Course D 5050 Guymon St
SAN DIEGO - 92105 Columbus Club Of SD-Assembly Hall 4425 Home Ave Mid City Community-Gymnasium 4302 Landis St Oak Park Elem School-Auditorium 2606 54th St, Use Maple St Wilson Middle School-Meeting Rm 129 3838 Orange Ave
SAN DIEGO - 92111 6905 Kramer St Carson Elem School-Auditorium Clairemont Covenant Chr-Fellowship Hall 5255 Mt Ararat Dr Islamic Center Of San Diego - MPR 7050 Eckstrom Ave Kearny Mesa Rec Ctr-Meeting Room 3170 Armstrong St Linda Vista Presbyterian Church - Hall 2130 Ulric St
You can vote at any vote center in the county. Select locations open throughout San Diego County from May 28 - June 6, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Election Day, June 7, 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
May 28 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7
SAN DIEGO - 92115 5600 Spartan Dr June 4 to June 7 Crawford High School-Bungalow B19 Hoover High School-800 Bldg JROTC Rm 4474 El Cajon Blvd, Use Highland Ave June 4 to June 7 Registrar of Voters
SAN DIEGO - 92123 5600 Overland Ave, Suite 100
May 28 to June 7
Mira Mesa Rec Ctr-Game Rm
SAN DIEGO - 92126 8575 New Salem St
June 4 to June 7
SAN DIEGO - 92182 SDSU Aztec Student Union-Montezuma Hall 6075 Aztec Circle Dr
June 4 to June 7
SPRING VALLEY - 91977 9400 Campo Rd Faith Chapel-Student Center New Seasons Church - Youth Center 2300 Bancroft Dr Spring Valley Community Ctr-Computer Rm 8735 Jamacha Blvd
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 May 28 to June 7
June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 May 28 to June 7 May 28 to June 7 June 4 to June 7 June 4 to June 7
BALLOT DROP BOX LOCATIONS Convenient locations throughout the county to drop off your voted ballot sealed inside its return envelope. May 9 – June 6, days and hours vary by location | Election Day, June 7 all locations open 7:00 am to 8:00 pm SITE NAME & ADDRESS
CHULA VISTA - 91910 Chula Vista Mon-Thu 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Public Library Fri-Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Civic Center Branch Sun 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. 365 F St Closed May 11 at 5:30 p.m. Closed May 14. Closed May 30 in observance of Memorial Day* First United Mon-Thu 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Methodist Church Closed May 30* 1200 E H St (entrance off of Paseo Ranchero) Norman Park Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Senior Center Sat 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 270 F St Closed May 30* Office of the Assessor/ Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Recorder/County Clerk Closed May 30* 590 3rd Ave CHULA VISTA - 91911 Otay Recreation Center Mon-Thu 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 3554 Main St 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Fri 9 a.m. -12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Sat 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Closed May 30* South Chula Vista Library Mon-Thu 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 389 Orange Ave Fri-Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun 1 p.m. - 5p.m. Closed May 30* LA MESA - 91942 Frazier Farms Mon-Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. 8401 Fletcher Parkway La Mesa Branch Library Mon,Thu 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 8074 Allison Ave Tue-Wed 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. Fri-Sun 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed May 30* Westmont of La Mesa Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 9000 Murray Dr Closed May 30* LEMON GROVE - 91945 Bella Vista Health Center Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7922 Palm St Closed May 30* Lemon Grove Mon,Wed,Thu 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Branch Library Tue 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. 3001 School Ln Fri-Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed May 30* NATIONAL CITY - 91950 Lincoln Acres Tue 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. Branch Library Wed-Thu 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 2725 Granger Ave Fri-Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m National City Mon-Wed 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Public Library Sat 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. 1401 National City Blvd Closed May 30* SAN DIEGO - 92101 Central Library Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 330 Park Blvd Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed May 30* Firehouse Museum Thu-Fri 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 1572 Columbia St Sat-Sun 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. San Diego Unified Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Port District Closed May 13,27,30* 3165 Pacific Hwy
SAN DIEGO - 92101 Continued The Old Globe Mon-Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1363 Old Globe Way Closed May 30* SAN DIEGO - 92105 City Heights/ Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Weingart Library Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 3795 Fairmount Ave Closed May 30* Oak Park Library Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 2802 54th St Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed May 30* SAN DIEGO - 92111 Linda Vista Library Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 2160 Ulric St Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed May 30* SAN DIEGO - 92113 Barrio Station Mon-Fri 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 2175 Newton Ave Closed May 30* Logan Heights Library Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 567 S 28th St Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed May 30* Mountain View/ Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Beckwourth Library Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 721 San Pasqual St Closed May 30* SAN DIEGO - 92114 Valencia Park/ Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Malcolm X Library Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 5148 Market St Closed May 30* SAN DIEGO - 92115 College-Rolando Library Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 6600 Montezuma Rd Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed May 30* San Diego Center for Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. the Blind Closed May 30* 5922 El Cajon Blvd The Salvation Army Mon-Fri 6 a.m. - 8 p.m. Kroc Center Sat 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 6845 University Ave Sun 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Closed May 30* SAN DIEGO - 92123 Registrar of Voters Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5600 Overland Ave, Suite 100 SAN DIEGO - 92139 Paradise Hills Library Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 5922 Rancho Hills Dr Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed May 30* Skyline Hills Library Mon-Tue 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. 7900 Paradise Valley Rd Wed-Sat 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed May 30* SPRING VALLEY - 91977 Casa de Oro Branch Mon,Wed,Thu 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Library Tue 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. 9805 Campo Rd #180 Fri 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed May 30* Spring Valley Branch Mon,Wed,Thu 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Library Tue 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. 836 Kempton St Fri 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed May 30* SPRING VALLEY - 91978 San Miguel Fire Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 12 p.m., Protection District 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. 2850 Via Orange Way Closed May 30*
*Note: Select locations closed on Monday, May 30 in observance of Memorial Day
. . www.sdvoice.info
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, June 2, 2022
The following is a list of endorsements for the June 7, 2022 primary election. These names are only listed as suggestions based on our observations and knowledge of the candidates. You, as the readers, are encouraged to make up your own minds. The important thing is that you vote and that you understand the importance of your vote. You should not vote for people you have no knowledge of. Those who care about our vote should be making efforts to inform you as to why you should vote for them. This list will appear on our website as well.
United States Senate Candidate
United States Senate Candidate
Governor Candidate
Lieutenant Governor Candidate
Secretary of State Candidate
• Serves as one of the two Senators who represent California’s interests in the United States Congress.
• Serves as one of the two Senators who represent California’s interests in the United States Congress.
• Proposes and votes on new national laws.
• Proposes and votes on new national laws.
• Votes on confirming federal judges, U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and many high-level presidential appointments to civilian and military positions.
• Votes on confirming federal judges, U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and many high-level presidential appointments to civilian and military positions.
• Will serve the 6-Year term of office beginning on January 3, 2023.
• Will serve the remainder of the current term ending on January 3, 2023.
• As the state’s chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies, and appoints judges. • Proposes new laws, approves or vetoes legislation, and submits the annual state budget to the Legislature. • Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
• Assumes the office and duties of Governor in the case of impeachment, death, resignation, removal from office, or absence from the state.
• As the state’s chief elections officer, oversees statewide elections and provides public access to campaign and lobbying financial information.
• Serves as president of the State Senate and has a tie-breaking vote.
• Maintains certain business filings, authenticates trademarks, regulates notaries public, and enables secured creditors to protect their financial interests.
• Chairs the Commission for Economic Development; is a member of the State Lands Commission, and the Ocean Protection Council; and sits on the boards of the California university systems.
• Preserves California’s history by acquiring, safeguarding, and sharing the state’s historical treasures.
Controller Candidate
Treasurer Candidate
Attorney General Candidate
• As the state’s banker, manages the state’s investments, and administers the sale of state bonds and notes.
• As the state’s chief law officer, ensures that state laws are enforced and investigates fraudulent or illegal activities.
Insurance Commissioner Candidate
Board of Equalization Candidate
• As the state’s chief fiscal officer, serves as the state’s accountant and bookkeeper of all public funds.
Insurance Commissioner Candidate
• Serves on several commissions, most of which are related to the marketing of bonds.
• Heads the Department of Justice, which provides state government legal services and represents the state in civil and criminal court cases.
• Administers the state payroll system and unclaimed property laws and conducts audits and reviews of state operations. • Serves on the Board of Equalization, the Board of Control, and other boards and commissions.
• Pays out state funds when spent by the Controller and other state agencies.
• Oversees law enforcement agencies, including county district attorneys and sheriffs.
Serves on the Board of Equalization, the state’s elected tax commission, which:
• Heads the Department of Insurance, which enforces California insurance laws and adopts regulations to implement the laws.
• Heads the Department of Insurance, which enforces California insurance laws and adopts regulations to implement the laws.
• Licenses, regulates, and examines insurance companies.
• Licenses, regulates, and examines insurance companies.
• Assesses the property of regulated railroads and specific public utilities, and assesses and collects the private railroad car tax.
• Answers public questions and complaints about the insurance industry.
• Answers public questions and complaints about the insurance industry.
• Oversees the assessment practices of the state’s 58 county assessors. • Assesses and collects the alcoholic beverage tax, and jointly administers the tax on insurers.
Tips for California’s Military and Overseas Voters Dates to remember: • May 23: Last day for military or overseas voters to register to vote and request a ballot. • May 31: Last day for military or overseas voters to update or change how they want to receive their ballot. • June 7: Election Day. Mailed ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by your county elections office no later than June 14. Faxed ballots must be delivered to your county elections office no later than 8:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Election Day.
Board of Equalization Candidate
Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidate
Serves on the Board of Equalization, the state’s elected tax commission, which: • Assesses the property of regulated railroads and specific public utilities, and assesses and collects the private railroad car tax.
• As the state’s chief of public schools, provides education policy direction to local school districts, and works with the education community to improve academic performance.
• Oversees the assessment practices of the state’s 58 county assessors.
• Heads the Department of Education and carries out policies set by the State Board of Education.
• Assesses and collects the alcoholic beverage tax, and jointly administers the tax on insurers.
• Serves as an ex-officio member of governing boards of the state’s higher education system.
Member of the State Assembly 79th District
Judge of the Superior Court Office No. 35
San Diego Unified School District Member,
U.S. Representative 51st District
Board of Education District B
By mail or drop box: Every active, registered voter in California will be mailed a ballot for the June 7, 2022, Primary Election. Voteby-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received no later than 7 days after Election Day. Or, you may personally deliver your ballot to any polling or ballot drop-off location in California by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. In person: Polling locations are established by county elections officials and are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, June 7, 2022. To vote early before Election Day, contact your county elections office or visit caearlyvoting.sos.ca.gov.
Thursday, June 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
Free N95 Masks
Available At San Diego Pharmacies By Voice & Viewpoint Staff
Local participating pharmacies:
The Strategic National Stockpile has distributed N95 respirators to pharmacy distribution centers throughout the country, a feat made possible by the Biden Administration who have promised to give away 400 million masks, free of charge.
Rite Aid #RA105646
To find a pharmacy near you that is giving away masks, visit www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/free-masks. html and enter your zip code. Masks can be found either on tables near the pharmacy or by asking the pharmacist for them.
CVS Pharmacy, Inc. #09138
1735 Euclid Ave, San Diego, CA 92105
Know Your COVID-19 Community Level CDC
COVID-19 Community Levels are a new tool to help communities decide Image: CDC what prevention steps to take based on the latest data. Levels can be low, medium, or high and are determined by looking at hospital beds being used, hospital admissions, and the total number of new COVID-19 cases in an area. Take precautions to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 based on the COVID-19 Community Level in your area.
CVS Pharmacy, Inc. #09193
1380 S 43rd St, San Diego, CA 92113 1201 E Plaza Blvd, National City, CA 91950
CVS Pharmacy, Inc. #08859
16 3rd Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910
• Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines • Get tested if you have symptoms
Photo: Karolina Grabowska
Black/ African American 26%
Hispanic/ Latino 30%
American Indian/ Alaska Native 21%
Asian 48% White 45%
2,162 SOURCE: County of San Diego as of 5/26/22
SOURCE: County of San Diego. Last updated 5/26/2022
• If you are at high risk for severe illness, talk to your healthcare provider about whether you need to wear a mask and take other precautions • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines • Get tested if you have symptoms
• Wear a mask indoors in public • Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines • Get tested if you have symptoms • Additional precautions may be needed for people at high risk for severe illness
People may choose to mask at any time. People with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask. Masks are recommended in indoor public transportation settings and may be required in other places by local or state authorities. If you are immunocompromised or at high risk for severe disease, learn more about how to protect yourself with additional CDC recommendations for each COVID-19 Community Level.
What to Consider When Taking Preventive Measures People who are up to date on vaccines have much lower risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19 compared with unvaccinated people.
When making decisions about individual preventive behaviors in addition to vaccination, people should consider the COVID-19 Community Level in the county. Layered prevention strategies — like staying up to date on vaccines, screening testing, ventilation and wearing masks — can help limit severe disease and reduce the potential for strain on the healthcare system. Some community settings such as schools and some
high-risk congregate settings such as correctional facilities and homeless shelters might include additional layers of prevention (e.g., physical distancing, contact tracing) based on information and data about the characteristics of the setting. High-risk congregate settings may implement added prevention as needed in the event of a facility outbreak even if COVID-19 Community Levels in the surrounding community are low.
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, June 2, 2022
Classified ads can be placed in person, by phone, fax, or email Monday-Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. P:619-266-2233 F:619-266-0533 E:ads@sdvoice.info
San Diego Voice & Viewpoint is looking for a
Newspaper Courier • Thursdays Only • Must have own vehicle & current license (w/ proof of insurance) •Able to lift at least 20 lbs. Send Resumes To/Or Contact: ads@sdvoice.info or Call (619) 266-2233 Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
San Diego Voice & Viewpoint is urgently looking to hire a:
Front Desk Specialist • Part time; Mon.-Thurs. 9:30a-3:30p / Fri. 9a-12p • Knowledge of Microsoft Office and Google applications •Assist w/ Classifieds and Ads procedures (will train) Visit sdvoice.info/jobs For More Information Send Resumes To/Or Contact: latanya@sdvoice.info or Call (619) 266-2233 Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Diego (City) is seeking to receive Electronic Bids for the below named Public Works project. The solicitation, including plans and specifications, may be obtained from the City's website at: https://www.sandiego.gov/cip/ bidopps Contractors intending to submit a Bid must be prequalified. Please refer to the solicitation for instructions. Project Name: Job Order Contract (JOC) Sitework Project Number: K-22-2105JOC-3-A Estimated Value: $5,000,000.00 Bid Open Date: 6/08/2022, at 2:00 P.M. License Requirement: A It is the policy of the City of San Diego to encourage equal opportunity in its Construction and Consultant contracts. Bids or proposals from local firms, small, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned, and womenowned businesses are strongly encouraged. Contractors are encouraged to subcontract with and/or participate in joint ventures with these firms. The City is committed to equal opportunity and will not discriminate with regard to race, religion, color, ancestry, age, gender, disability, medical condition or place of birth; and will not do business with any firm that discriminates on any basis. Bids shall be received no later than the date and time noted above at: City of San Diego's Electronic Biding Site PlanetBids at: https://www.planetbids.com/p ortal/portal.cfm?CompanyID= 17950 Claudia C. Abarca, Director Purchasing & Contracting Department May 24, 2022 6/2/22 CNS-3589081# VOICE & VIEWPOINT NEWS
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9012407 Fictitious business name(s): Walk With Me Curriculum --Walk With Me Impact --Walk With Me Documentary --WWM Impact Located at: 2307 Fenton Pkwy Ste. 107-8 San Diego, CA 92108 County of San Diego --P.O. Box 1352 Spring Valley, CA 91979 County of San Diego
This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 01/01/2021 This business is hereby registered by the following: Ariginal One, LLC 2307 Fenton Pkwy Ste. 107-8 San Diego, CA 92108 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 31, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 31, 2027 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011865 Fictitious business name(s): Jactam Services Located at: 1383 Piedra St. San Diego, CA 92154 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 05/23/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Jumar Cervantes Alcantara 1383 Piedra St. San Diego, CA 92154 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 23, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 23, 2027 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011948 Fictitious business name(s): Shooska Located at: 4737 Marlborough Dr. San Diego, CA 92116 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Stephanie Wells 4737 Marlborough Dr. San Diego, CA 92116 County of San Diego This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 24, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 24, 2027 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010611 Fictitious business name(s): Johnny Dubois Located at: 3085 45th Street San Diego, CA 92105 County of San Diego --554 Biernacki Ct. Chula Vista, CA 91910 County of San Diego This business is conducted by:
Include the following information: • • • •
Full Name Billing address Date(s) you want the ad to appear Contact phone number
All classified ads are prepaid.
Deadline is Tuesdays by NOON to run that week. • Name Change:$85.00 (4 weeks) • Standard Classified: $3.75 a line • Summons: $130.00 (4 weeks) • Fictitious Business Name: $25.00 (4 weeks)
An Individual The first day of business was: 05/23/2012 This business is hereby registered by the following: Jonathan A. Cruz 554 Biernacki Ct. Chula Vista, CA 91910 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 05, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 05, 2027 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011679 Fictitious business name(s): On Her Throne Holistic Herb Shop --On Her Throne V-Steam and Holistic Spa Located at: 3654 Ruffin Rd. Suite E San Diego, CA 92193 County of San Diego --5773 Roswell St. San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Regina Jazzmere 5773 Roswell St. San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 19, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 19, 2027 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011818 Fictitious business name(s): Sweetbee Desserts Located at: 10108 Calle Marinero 42 Spring Valley, CA 91977 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Rosaura J. Rodriguez 10108 Calle Marinero 42 Spring Valley, CA 91977 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 23, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 23, 2027 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9009841 Fictitious business name(s): The Otherness Learning Center of Linguobics Located at: 584 E. Bobier Dr. Vista, CA 92084 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Leighanne Jamie Chen 584 E. Bobier Dr. Vista, CA 92084 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on April 27, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on April 27, 2027 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011817 Fictitious business name(s): Nu Life 2 Jeans Located at: 3212 Webster Ave San Diego, CA 92113 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following:
Eugena C. Evans 3212 Webster Ave San Diego, CA 92113 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 23, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 23, 2027 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011114 Fictitious business name(s): Knight-Mayes Production Located at: 28484 Bauvardia Way Murrieta, CA 92563 County of Riverside This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 01/04/2016 This business is hereby registered by the following: Sandra Knight-Mayes, LLC 28484 Bauvardia Way Murrieta, CA 92563 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 12, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 12, 2027 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011420 Fictitious business name(s): Cafe Crest Located at: 4967 Newport Ave Suite 1 San Diego, CA 92107 County of San Diego --421 Broadway Suite 35 San Diego, CA 92101 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability company Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Crest Capital Management LLC 421 Brodway Suite 35 San Diego, CA 92101 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 17, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 17, 2027 5/26, 6/22, 6/9, 6/16 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010011 Fictitious business name(s): Nilo Essence Collection Located at: 3659 College Ave San Diego, CA 92115 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Nilo Essence Collection 3659 College Ave San Diego, CA 92115 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on April 28, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on April 28, 2027 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010958 Fictitious business name(s): Diamond Palace Restaurant --Diamond Palace Dimsum And Banquet --Diamond Palace --Diamond Palace San Diego --Diamond Palace Chinese Restaurant Located at: 3993 54th Street San Diego, CA 92105 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was:
05/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Diamond Palace USA, LLC 3993 54th Street San Diego, CA 92105 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 10, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 10, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011345 Fictitious business name(s): Cali Wave Watersports LLC Located at: 739 Worthington Street Spring Valley, CA 91977 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 05/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Cali Wave Watersports LLC 739 Worthington Street Spring Valley, CA 91977 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 16, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 16, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010308 Fictitious business name(s): The Total Vibe Located at: 3515 Grove St. #210 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: PDS Consulting LLC 3515 Grove St. #210 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 03, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 03, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011224 Fictitious business name(s): Helpful Hands Located at: 5579 Creston Dr. San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 05/13/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Kelly Bradshaw 5701 Cowles Mountain Blvd. W57 La Mesa, CA 91942 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 13, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 13, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9011184 Fictitious business name(s): The Ice Cream Lady Located at: 6509 Delbarton St. San Diego, CA 92120 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 05/12/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Tami Klotz 6509 Delbarton St. San Diego, CA 92120 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 12, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 12, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010879 Fictitious business name(s): MG Custom Drywall Located at: 4029 43rd St. #515 San Diego, CA 92105 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 04/20/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Jose Manuel Gonzalez Del Toral 4029 43rd St. #515 San Diego, CA 92105 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 10, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 10, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010048 Fictitious business name(s): The Yeti Dessert Cafe Located at: 8270 Mira Mesa Blvd Ste. C San Diego, CA 92126 County of San Diego --6612 Tuxedo Rd. San Diego, CA 92119 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 01/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: SVMM LLC 8270 Mira Mesa Blvd Ste. C San Diego, CA 92126 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on April 28, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on April 28, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010830 Fictitious business name(s): Lettuce Eat Salad Located at: 5282 Zephyr Lane #46 San Diego, CA 92120 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Angela Miller 5282 Zephyr Lane #46 San Diego, CA 92120 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 09, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 09, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010930 Fictitious business name(s): World Class Immersion Experiences --USA Holiday Season Immersion Experience Located at: 1110 Petree Street Apt. 112 El Cajon, CA 92020 County of San Diego --P.O. Box 1779 El Cajon, CA 92022 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 05/10/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Monapoly Enterprises, LLC 1110 Petree Street Apt. 112 El Cajon, CA 92020 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 10, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 10, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010924
Fictitious business name(s): Precious Publishing --Love Wedding Chapel of San Diego --Chaplain Dawn --The Chicago Originals Steppers Group Located at: 6574A Bell Bluff Ave San Diego, CA 92119 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 11/01/2017 This business is hereby registered by the following: Dawn Precious Hendon 6574A Bell Bluff Ave San Diego, CA 92119 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 10, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 10, 2027 5/19, 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9008882 Fictitious business name(s): Remnant International Fellowship Located at: 4920 Imperial Avenue San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego
--8421 Carlisle Dr., #3 San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 03/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Janet S. Rodgers 8421 Carlisle Dr., #3 San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on April 15, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on April 15, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010793 Fictitious business name(s): One Smart Auto Sales. Located at: 2282 Grove View Rd. San Diego, CA 92139 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 05/06/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Dawson Elvie Emerson 2282 Grove View Rd. San Diego, CA 92139 This statement was filed with
LISTA DE ESPERA DE SOLICITANTES CERRADA Todos los solicitantes potenciales son notificados según el Manual 4350.3 Rev.-1, Cambio 4 del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (HUD) y el Plan de marketing de vivienda justa afirmativa aprobado para las propiedades a las que se hace referencia a continuación, que la lista de espera de solicitantes ha alcanzado el número de solicitantes requerido para cerrar la lista de espera. Por lo tanto, a partir del viernes 10 de junio de 2022 a las 5 p.m., ya no aceptaremos solicitudes de residencia para las siguientes propiedades: TELACU Southbay Manor (Sección 202 PRAC) – 650 E. 14th St. National City, CA 91950 – T: 619.477.0711 – Email: southbaymanor@TELACU.com
TELACU Residential Management, Inc. considera la salud y seguridad de nuestros empleados y los residentes a quienes servimos como nuestra prioridad. Teniendo esto en cuenta, la oficina corporativa y todas las comunidades están cerradas al público. Las solicitudes no estarán disponibles en persona debido a COVID-19 y solo estarán disponibles por correo y en el sitio web que se indica a continuación. Las solicitudes de vivienda se pueden enviar por correo electrónico comunicándose directamente con la comunidad o visitando TRM.TELACU.com. Para obtener más información sobre las propiedades administradas o de propiedad de TELACU que actualmente están aceptando solicitudes de residencia, comuníquese con TELACU Residential Management, Inc.at 323.838.8556 o TTY 323.622.0006 1248 Goodrich Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90022
CLOSED APPLICANT WAITING LIST All potential applicants are notified per the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Handbook 4350.3 Rev.-1, Change 4 and the Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan approved for the below referenced properties, that the applicant waiting list has reached the number of applicants required to close the waiting list. Therefore, effective Friday, June 10, 2022 at 5pm we will no longer accept applications for residency for the following properties: TELACU Southbay Manor (Section 202 PRAC) – 650 E. 14th St. National City, CA 91950 – T: 619.477.0711 – Email: southbaymanor@TELACU.com
TELACU Residential Management, Inc. considers the health and safety of our employees and the residents we serve our priority. With that in mind, please be advised that the corporate office and all communities are closed to the public. Applications will not be available in person due to COVID-19 and will only be available by mail and on the website listed below. Housing applications can be mailed to you, sent via email, or you can download directly by going to TRM.TELACU.com. For further information on TELACU owned and/or managed properties that are currently accepting applications for residency, please contact TELACU Residential Management, Inc. at 323.838.8556 or TTY 323.622.0006 1248 Goodrich Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90022.
Thursday, June 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 09, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 09, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010419 Fictitious business name(s): American International Trading Located at: 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd G San Diego, CA 92123 County of San Diego --9187 Clairemont Mesa Blvd #6-741 San Diego, CA 92123 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was: 01/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: AIT DOORS INC 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd G San Diego, CA 92123 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 04, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 04, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010546 Fictitious business name(s): ReKre8 Café Located at: 828 S 47th St. San Diego, CA 92113 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 05/05/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: ReKre8 Apparel LLC 828 S 47th St. San Diego, CA 92113 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 05, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 05, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9009390 Fictitious business name(s): LM Property Management
Located at: 3656 Cactusview Drive San Diego, CA 92105 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 04/21/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Lori Moore 3656 Cactusview Drive San Diego, CA 92105 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on April 21, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on April 21, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010426 Fictitious business name(s): Presense; Presense Theraphy --Presense Mindful Sensing Located at: 6282 Amesbury St. San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego --P.O. Box 740436 San Diego, CA 92174-0436 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Clifford W. Delaney, Sr. 6282 Amesbury St. San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 04, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 04, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010283 Fictitious business name(s): Apoko Estates Located at: 1625 Sweetwater Rd. Suite A National City, CA 91950 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby
registered by the following: Jenny Apoko Peterson 1625 Sweetwater Rd. Suite A National City, CA 91950 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 03, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 03, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010269 Fictitious business name(s): Means Auto Wholesale Located at: 5116 Palin Street San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Minda Mae Means 5116 Palin Street San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 02, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 02, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2022-9010299 Fictitious business name(s): E & J Transportation Located at: 1536 Enfield St. Spring Valley, CA 91977 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Edgar Calixto Benevides Pena 1536 Enfield St. Spring Valley, CA 91977 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on May 03, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on May 03, 2027 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2
Petition will be mailed to the petitioner.
change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court.
if requested, will explain the effect of the granting of the petition, any term or allegation contained therein and the nature of the proceeding, its procedures and possible consequences, and may continue the matter for not more than 30 days for the appointment of counsel or to give counsel time to prepare.
of San Diego, in Department JC-02 at the court location indicated above on May 13, 2022 at 1:30 PM, to show cause, why Teryah Annjoeliah Martinez should not be declared free from parental custody and control (for the purpose of placement for adoption) as requested in the petition.
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
INVITATION FOR BIDS Invitation for Bids Border to Bayshore Bikeway Project IFB SOL899820 CIP 1223056 ATPL-6066(130) The SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS (SANDAG), 401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 921014231, is requesting bids to perform the work as follows. The work consists in general of constructing an approximate 6.7-mile Class II, Class III, and Class IV bikeway through the City of Imperial Beach and the San Ysidro and Otay Mesa-Nestor communities in the City of San Diego. Improvements include buffered bike lanes, sidewalk improvements, roadway improvements, earthwork, drainage improvements, storm water treatment devices, landscaping, fencing, traffic signal modifications, street lighting, signage, striping, and other traffic calming improvements. Work includes, but is not limited to, controlling for water pollution; traffic control; erosion control; clearing and grubbing; curb, gutter, cross gutter, driveway, stamped concrete, and sidewalk work; roadway excavation; imported borrow; asphalt concrete pavement; PCC pavement; landscaping; wayfinding signage; pavement markings and signage; street lighting; trenching and backfill for underground electric conduits; water appurtenances and fire hydrant relocations; storm drain installation; traffic signal modifications; and procurement of all materials and performing all other work necessary to complete the work in accordance with the project plans and specifications. For the SWPPP, this project is a Risk Level 2. The engineer's estimate for this work is $13,848,535.00. The prime contractor must have an A license at time of bid submittal. The Prime contractor must perform with their own organization, at least 35% of the work. The project is funded in whole or in part with Federal Active Transportation Program (ATP) and Local TransNet funding. There is a DBE goal of 23% on this project. A nonmandatory pre-bid meeting will be held virtually on June 2, 2022 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am PDT. All prospective SUMMONS bidders are highly encouraged to attend. It is an opportunity to learn about the project and ask questions. There will be no site walk. At the virtual pre-bid meeting we will share images of the site. The project area is accessible to all. Bidders are reminded to stay in the public right of way. The link to the virtual pre-bid meeting will be shared via SANDAG’s bidding platform and vendor portal. This IFB package can be downloaded at no charge from the SANDAG website at www.sandag.org/contracts. Register in SANDAG’s bidding platform and vendor portal and download the IFB and plans. SANDAG is the only source of accurate information about SANDAG projects. Bids are to be submitted electronically through SANDAG’s bidding platform and vendor portal by June 28, 2022 at 2:00pm PDT, unless otherwise noted in an addendum. Bids submitted later than 2:00 p.m. PDT, or at a location other than SANDAG’s bidding platform and vendor portal, will not be considered. SANDAG is an equal opportunity employer and, as a matter of policy, encourages the participation of small businesses that are owned and controlled by minorities and women. Joint ventures are also encouraged where feasible.
NAME CHANGE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego 330 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 Hall of Justice Courthouse 37-2022-00011962-CU-PTCTL Petitioner or Attorney: Keirra Lewis on behalf of minor child To All Interested Persons: Petitioner Keirra Lewis on behalf of minor child filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: PRESENT NAME: Caleb King Gernard Hemphill PROPOSED NAME: Caleb King Tate Lewis THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: July 13, 2022 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept. C-61 NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the
If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions. A RESPONDENT OBJECTING TO THE NAME CHANGE MUST FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION AT LEAST TWO COURT DAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date. Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. The address of the court is: 330 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23 ----------------------------------SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA County of San Diego 330 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 37-2022-00018491-CU-PTCTL Petitioner or Attorney: Enrique Israel Covarrubias Zepeda To All Interested Persons: Petitioner Enrique Israel Covarrubias Zepeda filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: PRESENT NAME: Enrique Israel Covarrubias Zepeda PROPOSED NAME: Enrique Israel Covarrubias THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: June 29, 2022 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept. C-61 NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner. If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions. A RESPONDENT OBJECTING TO THE NAME CHANGE MUST FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION AT LEAST TWO COURT DAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date. Any Petition for the name
The address of the court is: 330 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 5/26, 6/2, 6/9, 6/16
SUMMONS SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Central Division Juvenile Court 2851 Meadow Lark Dr. San Diego, CA 92123 Attorney or party without attorney: Terry Fields In the Matter of the Petition of: Terry Givens and Jackie Givens PETITION FOR FREEDOM FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY AND CONTROL The petition of Terry Givens and Jackie Givens respectfully represents and alleges that the minor(s) listed below is/are a person(s) under the age of eighteen and that said person(s) is/are within the County of San Diego: Birth Name(s) of Child(ren) King Terrence Lovell Johnson; William Christopher Johnson Date(s) of Birth 07/30/2009; 02/23/2011 City/State of Birth San Diego, CA; San Diego, CA Petitioner(s) request(s) a judgment declaring the child(ren) free from the custody and control of DeOndre Johnson, pursuant to Fam. Code §: 7822 - Abandonment The child has been left by the parent(s) named above in the care and custody of a non-parent for a period of six months without any provision for the child's support, or without communication from the parent(s), with the intent on the part of the parent(s) to abandon the child. Additional facts in support of allegations: 'Drug addicts and homeless haven't seen the dad in awhile' It is in the best interest of the child(ren) to be declared free from the custody and control of the above-named parent(s). WHEREFORE, petitioner(s) request(s) that this court inquire into such matter, and that said child(ren) be declared free from the custody and control of the above-named parent(s) as provided in Fam. Code § 7800 et seq, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem proper. Filed: 03/02/2022 --CITATION FOR FREEDOM FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY AND CONTROL Attorney or Party Without Attorney: Jackie Givens & Terry Givens Case Number: 22AD000151C In the Matter of King Terrence Lovell Johnson; William Christopher Johnson (Date of Birth: 07/30/2009; 02/23/2011) To: DeOndre Johnson You are ordered to appear in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, in Department JC-02 at the court location indicated above on May 13, 2022 at 1:30 PM, to show cause, why King Terrence Lovell Johnson; William Christopher Johnson should not be declared free from parental custody and control (for the purpose of placement for adoption) as requested in the petition. This hearing will be conducted by video or telephone through the 2851 Meadowlark Drive SAN DIEGO, CA 92123. See Attached instructions and call the court to have the video link emailed to you. At the hearing, the judge will read the petition and,
The court may appoint counsel to represent the minor whether or not the minor is able to afford counsel. If any parent appears and is unable to afford counsel, the court shall appoint counsel to represent each parent who appears unless such representation is knowingly and intelligently waived. Someone over the age of 18 not the petitioner - must serve the other party with all the forms and complete a proof of service form, such as Proof of Service (JC Form #FL-330 or JC Form #FL-335), telling when and how the other party was served and file that with the court. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your pleading, if any, may be filed on time. Dated Filed: 03/29/2022 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 ----------------------------------SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO Central Division Juvenile Court 2851 Meadow Lark Dr. San Diego, CA 92123 Attorney or Party without Attorney: Terry Givens PETITION FOR FREEDOM FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY AND CONTROL In the Matter of the Petition of: Terry Givens and Jackie Givens The petition of Terry Givens and Jackie Givens respectfully represents and alleges that the minor(s) listed below is/are a person(s) under the age of eighteen and that said person(s) is/are within the County of San Diego: Birth Name(s) of Child(ren) Teryah Annjoeliah Martinez Date(s) of Birth 08/17/2005 City/State of Birth San Diego, CA Petitioner(s) request(s) a judgment declaring the child(ren) free from the custody and control of Joseph Martinez, pursuant to Fam. Code §: 7822 - Abandonment The child has been left by the parent(s) named above in the care and custody of a non-parent for a period of six months without any provision for the child's support, or without communication from the parent(s), with the intent on the part of the parent(s) to abandon the child. Additional facts in support of allegations: 'Haven't heard from him but I know he is homeless and on drugs' It is in the best interest of the child(ren) to be declared free from the custody and control of the above-named parent(s). WHEREFORE, petitioner(s) request(s) that this court inquire into such matter, and that said child(ren) be declared free from the custody and control of the above-named parent(s) as provided in Fam. Code § 7800 et seq, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem proper. Filed: 03/02/2022 --CITATION FOR FREEDOM FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY AND CONTROL Attorney or Party Without Attorney: Jackie Givens & Terry Givens Case Number: 22AD000150C In the Matter of Teryah Annjoeliah Martinez (Date of Birth: 08/17/2005) To: Joseph Martinez You are ordered to appear in the Superior Court of the State of California, County
This hearing will be conducted by video or telephone through the 2851 Meadowlark Drive SAN DIEGO, CA 92123. See Attached instructions and call the court to have the video link emailed to you. At the hearing, the judge will read the petition and, if requested, will explain the effect of the granting of the petition, any term or allegation contained therein and the nature of the proceeding, its procedures and possible consequences, and may continue the matter for not more than 30 days for the appointment of counsel or to give counsel time to prepare. The court may appoint counsel to represent the minor whether or not the minor is able to afford counsel. If any parent appears and is unable to afford counsel, the court shall appoint counsel to represent each parent who appears unless such representation is knowingly and intelligently waived. Someone over the age of 18 not the petitioner - must serve the other party with all the forms and complete a proof of service form, such as Proof of Service (JC Form #FL-330 or JC Form #FL-335), telling when and how the other party was served and file that with the court. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your pleading, if any, may be filed on time. Dated Filed: 03/29/2022 5/12, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2
PROBATE NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Carlos Ivan Vazquez Rodriguez Case Number: 37-2022-00018141-PR-LACTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Carlos Ivan Vazquez Rodriguez A Petition for Probate has been filed by William Joseph Neill in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego The Petition For Probate requests that William Joseph Neill be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decedent's will and codicils, if any be amitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: on July 14, 2022 at 1:30 PM in Department 503 located at the Superior Court of California County of San Diego 1100 Union Street San Diego, CA 92101 Probate Court
If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE form is available from the court clerk. Petitioner: William Joseph Neil 270 Highland Ave San Diego, CA 92105 (619) 581-3505 5/26, 6/2, 6/9 ----------------------------------NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF Manuel Perez, aka Manuel Perez-Gonzalez and Manuel G. Perez Case Number: 37-2022-00017803-PR-LACTL To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Manuel Perez, aka Manuel Perez-Gonzalez and Manuel G. Perez A Petition for Probate has been filed by Lissette Aide Perez in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego The Petition For Probate requests that Lissette Aide Perez be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: on July 7, 2022 at 1:30 PM in Department 503 located at the Superior Court of California County of San Diego 1100 Union Street San Diego, CA 92101 Central - Probate Division If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Antoinette Middleton, Esq. Law Offices of Antoinette Middleton 1761 Hotel Circle South, Suite 115 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 235-9501 5/19, 5/26, 6/2
Standard Classified: $3.75 [per line] --Fictitious Business Name: $25 [4 weeks] --Name Change: $85 [4 weeks] By Phone: (619) 266-2233 By Email:
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BLACK HISTORY 1854 ANTHONY BURNS CONVICTED OF ESCAPING SLAVERY While considered privileged for a slave (he was allowed to hire out, could read, and supervised others who were hired out), Anthony Burns had a deep-seated belief based on the Bible that all people should be free. While working on a job in Richmond, he used his movement papers to get on a bus headed to Boston. Unfortunately, when he tried to send his brother a letter about how to escape, it was intercepted. Due to the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act, Burns was officially a criminal - a fugitive slave. Slaveholder Charles Suttle traveled to Boston to reclaim Burns, having him arrested on fake burglary charges. Black and White abolition groups held meetings to discuss what to do. Though a crowd of over 2000 stormed the courthouse where Burns was being held, they were unsuccessful at freeing him. President Franklin Pierce, who believed abolition was a national threat, ordered Marines to help guard Burns and ensure he was not freed before being convicted. After Burns’ conviction, over 50,000 unhappy Bostonians watched him being led to the federal ship Pierce sent to return Burns to Virginia. A Black church raised over $1300 (over $44,700 in today’s money) to buy Anthony Burns back his freedom. He was returned to Boston in under a year, legally free.
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By Gig Conaughton County of San Diego The County of San Diego’s free “2022 Summer Movies in the Park” season started Saturday, May 28 and will run through the end of October. The Summer Movies in the Parks events are a great way for families and friends to enjoy the outdoors, great parks, the night sky and great movies. Just bring a blanket or a lawn chair, maybe a picnic basket, settle back and enjoy adventures, comedies, superheroes and animated classics for the kids. Now in its 14th year, The County’s Department of Parks and Recreation has teamed up with eight cities and numer-
ous local sponsors, including presenting sponsor Rose SD Realtor Group, to expand the number of movies and parks over the years. This year’s schedule includes more than 150 movie showings in parks around the county, including 55 at 30 County of San Diego parks and facilities through October 29. Some of the films that will be featured this summer include: the Mel Brooks comedy classic “Young Frankenstein;” the adventure-comedy “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” starring the Rock; “Free
Guy,” the adventure comedy about a video-game character who suddenly comes to life; Marvel’s action-adventure, “Spider-Man: No Way Home;” the animated musical comedy “Sing 2”; and the classic adventure-comedy-romance, “The Princess Bride.” To see the entire list of upcoming movie events at all city and County parks this summer, and to get more information about them, go to www.summermoviesinthepark.com. For more information about all County of San Diego’s parks and events, go to sdparks.org.
HARRIET TUBMAN 1ST WOMAN TO LEAD A MAJOR U.S. MILITARY OPERATION Under the command of Union Colonel James Montgomery, Harriet Tubman led 150 African-American Union soldiers up the Combahee River. Eight scouts under Tubman’s command had spread the word to slaves in the area that boats would rescue them. In a raid meant to both free slaves and undermine Southern resources, they rescued nearly 800 slaves. Key Confederate targets were also destroyed, all without injury to ships or soldiers. Though she later received some recognition for her efforts, Tubman received no pay. The pension she was later granted was as a widow, not a soldier.
Photo of a past movie being shown at Waterfront Park. Photo: County of San Diego.
DC Poet Writes & Donates Poem To Promote Voting Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
1953 Born in Oklahoma, Dr. Cornel West is a well-known university professor, philosopher, author, and activist. He currently works at Union Theological Seminary in New York. He previously worked at both Harvard and Princeton Universities. He has written 20 books, mainly about Black philosophy and politics from a variety of angles.
County’s Summer Movies in the Park Season Starts
You have 30 days from your filing date to publish your fictitious business name with us
• Thursday, June 2, 2022
Elias Otha Bates (later Ellas McDaniel) was born in 1928 in Mississippi and raised in Chicago, Illinois. He studied trombone and violin at Ebenezer Baptist Church, but became enthralled with the guitar after visiting a Pentacostal service. He began playing on street corners in his early 20s to supplement his income. By 1951 he landed regular work at a club. The demo he recorded with friends in 1954 was picked up by Chess Records and hit #1 for R&B. His stage name began as an affectionate insult from friends. Throughout the 1950s and ‘60s, Bo Diddley continued to produce hits. In 2007, he had a stroke following a live concert. This was followed by a heart attack later that same year. He passed at the age of 79 of a second heart attack while at home. He is still credited as one of the greatest guitar legends to this day.
Black Women for Positive Change believes it is important to use different tools to promote Non-Partisan Voting in the 2022 Midterm Elections. One of these creative tools is a poem titled “Voting Matters,” written by CeLillianne Green, a resident of the District of Columbia. Ms. Green is an internationally known poet, as well as a lawyer, teacher, mediator, playwright, and speaker. Her most significant work is the epic poem, “That Word”, published in 2010, and selected in 2015 by the D.C. Black Theatre Festival for a Staged Reading. “We must reach out to our
GenZ and Millennial voters and poetry is a great way to do it. U.S. Citizens over 18 years of age, of all political persuasions, must register to vote and vote in the important 2022 CeLillianne Green, Esq., Author of “Voting Matters.” Midterm Elections,” Photo: Courtesy of Black Women for Positive Change says Dr. Stephanie podcast programs. Contact Myers and Honorable Daun her at www.CelillianneGreen. S. Hester, National Co-Chairs com of Black Women for Positive Change. “We appreciate “Voting Matters” is available CeLillianne Green writing on YouTube on the ‘Black this poem “Voting Matters,” Women for Positive Change because voting does matter. Urgent Issues Channel’ Many of our ancestors sacriat w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / ficed their lives so we could watch?v=_bivMzy_k04 and vote.” Poet CeLillianne Green on the website www.blackis available to recite her poem womenforpositivechange.org. live on radio, television and
The Benefits of Mindfulness Voice & Viewpoint Newswire Incorporating “mindfulness” practices into your life can have a wide range of positive health benefits like improving your memory, sleep and immune system; reducing stress and feelings of loneliness.
How to make mindfulness a routine part of your day: • Find five to ten minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. Take the time to notice where your mind goes and how your body is feeling. • Before you go to bed, take time to focus on the good things that happened that day. Write your thoughts down in a journal. Writing them down can help you deliber-
Photo by Monstera
ately recognize the positive, even on a tough day. • Search for “mindfulness apps” on your smartphone that lead you in a mindfulness exercise. For many, using an app is an easy way to remain consistent with the practice. This article was originally in the New Pittsburgh Courier.
Thursday, June 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
OBITUARIES Mark Anthony Wiley
Sherron Dee Morgan
Bahta Zenebe Yohannes
ARRANGEMENTS BY PREFERRED CREMATION & BURIAL MORTUARY MARK ANTHONY WILEY was born to the union of Louise Wiley Brooks and Joseph Booker on October 23, 1953, in Detroit, Michigan. He was the oldest of four children. Mark spent many of his childhood summers visiting his Aunt Julia and Uncle Thomas in Chicago, Illinois, where he learned to fish and enjoy the outdoors with his uncle. Mark attended St. Phillips Lutheran School for his 7th through 9th grade years of education and was active in many sports. In the 10th grade, he transferred to Southeastern High School where he ran track, played football, and graduated in 1972. Shortly after graduating high school, Mark began working for Chrysler Motor Company in Detroit where he was employed for three years. He then joined the United States Navy in 1976 with his good friend Walter Farris. They went in the Navy on the buddy plan but were soon separated because Mark couldn’t swim. He remained on active duty with the Navy for three years and was in the Naval Reserve for an additional three years. Once discharged from the Navy, Mark settled in San Diego, California. He began employment with Southwest Marine/BAE Systems as an outside machinist for more than forty years and retired in July 2019. In 1985, he met the love of his life Sheree. They were married on July 2, 1989. They had been inseparable ever since. Mark and Sheree enjoyed traveling both in the United States and internationally. He rarely missed his High School reunion in Detroit for the past forty-plus years. They also enjoyed traveling to jazz festivals and concerts. The St. Lucia Jazz Festival was really enjoyable and the Essence Fest in New Orleans was one they enjoyed three years in a row. Their annual trips to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, where they own a timeshare was a highlight of their many trips. Mark loved life and his family. He will be greatly missed. Mark is survived by his wife Sheree (San Diego); sister Joanna Wiley (Detroit, MI); brother Carnel Wiley preceded him in death; brother Sylvester Wiley (Warrenton, GA); daughter LaShonda Wiley (Detroit, MI); grandson Deon Thomas (Detroit, MI); granddaughter Dezyer Powell (Detroit, MI); great-grandson Zayden Massiah (Detroit, MI); sister-in-law Dana Turner (San Diego, CA), sister-in-law Carol Ellis (Los Angeles, CA) and a host of cousins, other family, and friends.
Funeral services were held on 05/24/2022 at Memory Chapel of Anderson-Ragsdale Mortuary with a burial following at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Final arrangements were entrusted to Anderson-Ragsdale Mortuary.
Funeral Services were held on 05/25/2022 at St. Gabriel Ethiopian Church, with the burial following at Mt. Hope Cemetery. Final arrangements were entrusted to Anderson-Ragsdale Mortuary.
SHERRON DEE MORGAN was born on June 21, 1946. She passed away on May 10th, 2022, at the age of 75.
ATO BAHTA ZENEBE YOHANNES was born in 1927 to Ato Zenebe Yohannes and Weyzero Wubnesh Andargachew in former Gondar Province, Semen Awraja, small town Sola. When he reached school age, Ato Bahta attended a traditional Orthodox church school where he received his basic education.
Sherron was born in San Diego, California, to Gervace Evelyn Portlock and Ceilan D. Morgan. Sherron is survived by her beloved son Raymond K. Morgan, sister Marty Hamby, sister LaDean Hatcher, brother Gary Kieth Morgan, niece Marvita Herring and family, niece Rosslynne Ludden and family, and countless of loving cousins, nieces, and nephews. Sherron grew up attending Bethel AME Church until the age of 12. She then became a member of Calvary Baptist Church, where she accepted the Lord as her personal Savior. She then became a member of Mt. Erie Baptist. This is her beloved church where she praised and worshiped God. Sherron sang in the choir and was known as “Songbird Sherron.” Sherron attended local Elementary Schools through her senior year at San Diego High School, where she graduated in 1964. Soon after, she attended Berkeley University where she earned a degree as an English Major. She worked as an educator, then eventually worked for the San Diego County Court system. She then became a Funeral Directress at Anderson-Ragsdale Mortuary until she retired. After retiring, Sherron shared her time at Paradise Valley Hospital’s Volunteer Program where she graciously gave 17-plus years of herself. She loved her position at Paradise Valley Hospital where she mentored hundreds of young students, retirees, and mentally challenged volunteers. She believed that we are all able to give with a loving heart. She was the first to volunteer for Heart Walks, Club Walks and to promote The Center for Health Promotion with Mrs. Jane Campbell. Sherron is predeceased by her Mother, Ms. Gervace Morgan, and Father, Ceilan Morgan, her beloved Aunt Dortheria, also known as Aunt Dot, and her special friend Mrs. Vernie Brooks.
Ato Bahta was married to Mrs. Adisalem Tesfay and both have three daughters and three sons. After a long relationship, Ato Bahta and Weyzero Adisalem were separated. Thereafter, Ato Bahta met Tiberh Gebremichael and soon began a loving marriage which spanned for a long time. In addition to the six children from a previous marriage, Ato Bahta and Woyzero Tiberh together raised four sons and three daughters. Ato Bahta started his career as a border patrol and peace officer in the border town of Hemera. After serving a couple of years as a peace officer, Ato Bahta decided to change careers and started a farming business. During his tenure as a farmer, the situation in Ethiopia drastically changed, and his family emigrated to the Sudan. Ato Bahta, a devoted Orthodox Christian, had a vision and mission to establish a church where Ethiopian Christians could have a worshiping and comforting place while he was in exile in Sudan. He in collaboration was able to fulfill that mission and established an Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the Sudan. After 14 years of enduring life in the Sudan, Ato Bahta with his family emigrated to the United States of America and settled in San Diego for the rest of his life. Ato Bahta, as he did in the Sudan, spearheaded the establishment of San Diego Kidus Gabriel Ethiopian Orthodox Church. He later served the church as a chair-person of the board for a long time. Ato Bahta was instrumental in organizing the community to purchase their own church in San Diego. Ato was widely known as a man of extraordinary capacity and almost saintly values. He touched and enriched many lives in so many ways. He was a devoted father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He is survived by thirteen children, 23 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
Sherron is loved by many. She shines bright. She loved the Lord, she loved her family, and she loved her church.
Love Lives On
T he Lord is close to
Those we love are never really lost to us —
the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
through friends they always cared about and dreams they left
Psalm 34:18
we feel them in so many special ways —
behind, in beauty that they added to our days… in words of
wisdom we still carry with us and memories that never will be gone… Those we love are never really lost to us — For everywhere their special love lives on.
A. Bradley
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, JUNE 2, 2022
CHURCH DIRECTORY Christians’ United in the Word of God Conference Call Worship Service: SUNDAYS 10:30 AM Call: 1-701-802-5400 Access Code 1720379# Bishop / Pastor Adlai E. Mack
Rev. Luis A. Garcia, Sr. Pastor
All are Welcome to Join Us.
Pastor Dennis Hodges First Lady Deborah Hodges
Pastor Donnell and First Lady Sheila Townsend
3085 K Street San Diego, CA 92102
619.232.0510 • www.bethelamesd.com
9:30 A.M. Sunday Service In Person, Live Stream on Facebook - www.facebook.com/stpaulsumcsd
10:00 A.M. Sunday Service In Person, Live Stream on Facebook, Youtube and on bethelamesd.com
Food Distribution Thursday Noon – 3:00 PM Diaper Program Thursday Noon – 2:00 PM
Rev. Harvey L. Vaughn, III
New Hope Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
New Assurance Church Ministries
Mesa View Baptist Church
2205 Harrison Avenue San Diego, CA 92113
7024 Amherst Street San Diego, CA 92115
13230 Pomerado Road Poway, CA 92064
619-234-5506 • Fax 619 234-8732 Email: newhopeadm@gmail.com
619.469.4916 Email: newassurancebaptistchurch@yahoo.com
858.485.6110 • www.mesaview.org Email: mvbcadmin@mesaview.org
10 A.M. Sunday Service Live Stream on Facebook, Youtube, Sunday School Lesson Immediately following service.
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. - In person Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer 6:00 p.m. - In person
We are using YouTube under our website of www.mesaview.org or www.YouTube.com 8:45 A.M. Sunday School Class - Via Zoom Call Contact Office for details 10 A.M. Sunday Service • 7 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study Visit our site for previous sermons: www.mesaview.org
12 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study Live Stream on Facebook, 2P.M. on Youtube
Pastor Dr. Darrow Perkins Jr.
“A new Hope, A new Life, A new Way through Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17 A change is coming”
Lively Stones Missionary Baptist Church
Phillips Temple CME Church
Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church
605 S. 45th Street San Diego, CA 92113-1905
5333 Geneva Ave. San Diego, CA 92114
1728 S. 39th Street San Diego, CA 92113
619.263.3097 • t.obie95@yahoo.com
Sunday School 9 :00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m.
Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 AM Church Service 9:00 AM In-Person and on, Live Stream Facebook.com/PTCSanDiego & YouTube - Zoom Go to ptcmesd@gmail.com Sunday School @ 10:30 Wednesday Bible Study @ 6:00 PM In-Person and On Zoom ID: 81144203904 P: 867104
619.262.6004 • Fax 619.262.6014 www.embcsd.com
Pastor Keith Eric Ellison
Pastor Jared B. Moten
Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 12 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
“A Life Changing Ministry” Romans 12:2
The Church of Yeshua Ha Mashiach Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah”
Bethel Baptist Church
Total Deliverance Worship Center
1819 Englewood Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 91945
1962 Euclid Ave. San Diego, CA 92105
138 28th Street San Diego, CA 92102
619.724.6226 • www.coyhm.org
619.266.2411 • www.bethelbc.com bethel@bethelbc.com
www.totaldeliverance.org Fax: 619.303.2008 Mail: 7373 University Ave. Suite 217, La Mesa, CA 91942
Sunday In the Know Bible Study 8:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Saturday Shabbat Service 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Dr. John W. Ringgold, Sr. Pastor
Sunday Morning Prayer 6:00 & Worship 7:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship Youth & Children’s Church 11:00 a.m. Community Prayer (Hemera) Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 7:30 a.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:30 p.m. Mid Week Prayer Wednesday 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m.
Suffragan Bishop Dr. William A. Benson, Pastor & Dr. Rachelle Y. Benson, First Lady
Sunday Early Morning Worship Service 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
“It Takes Team Work to Make the Dream Work”
Pilgrim Progressive Baptist Church
Church of Christ
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
4995 A Street San Diego, CA 92102
580 69th Street, San Diego, CA 92114
625 Quail Street San Diego, CA 92102
619.264.1454 • warnerdt1@aol.com
Sunday School 9 :00 a.m. Morning Service 10:45 a.m. New Membership Orientation BTU 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Eve Prayer Service 6:00 p.m.
Sunday Bible Study 8:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Bible Class 5:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7:00 p.m. Friday Video Bible Class 7:00 p.m
Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Youth Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
Minister Donald R. Warner Sr.
“To Serve this present age” Matt: 28:19-20
Pastor Rev. Julius R. Bennett
Eagles Nest Christian Center
Calvary Baptist Church
3619 College Ave. San Diego, CA 92115
719 Cesar E. Chavez Pkwy San Diego, CA 92113
619.266.2293 • jwarren@sdvoice.info www.facebook.com/EaglesNestChristianCenter Pastor Dr. John E. Warren
3094 L Street San Diego, CA 92102
“Come Worship With Us”
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” Psalms 122:1
Rev. Dr. Obie Tentman, Jr.
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church of San Diego
Sunday Services: Bible Study: 9 :00 a.m. Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Search: Pastor John E. Warren San Diego
Join Us via Zoom Meeting: Online or Dial: 1(669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 747 601 3471 • Passcode: 626024
— https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7476013471?pwd=O GdGbnVMZ0xORzVGaENMa203QWVNQT09 Meeting ID: 747 601 3471 • Passcode: church
Voice &Viewpoint
We are a non-denominational full fellowship of believers dedicated to reach our community with the gospel and providing a place for believers to workship, learn, fellowship, serve and grow into the fullness of Christ Jesus. This ministry is to build people of Purpose, Prayer, Power, Praise and Prosperity. This mandate is being fulfilled by reaching the reality of the gospel in a simplistic fashion, and a result, learning how to apply it in everyday life.
619.233.6487 • www.calvarybcsd.org calvarybaptist1889@gmail.com
Dr. Emanuel Whipple, Sr. Th.D.
Sundays Bible Discovery Hour 9 :30 a.m. Mid Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study 12:00 noon Wednesday Discipleship Training 7:00 p.m.
“A Church Where Family, Faith & Fellowship Matters”
Greater Woodlawn Park Church of God in Christ 124 Spruce Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 427-8468 • www.gwpcogic.org
Bishop Roy Dixon, D.D., Pastor
“We are waiting for You”
Sunday School, 9:30 am on-site and Zoom Sunday Morning Worship, 11:00 am on-site Noon-Day Prayer, Tuesdays on Zoom Wednesday Midweek Bible Study, 7:00 pm, on Zoom First Friday Prayer, 9:00 pm to Midnight, on-site and Zoom Call the church office at (619) 427-8468 for Zoom links.
Pastor Milton Chambers, Sr. & First Lady Alice Chambers
St. Paul United Methodist Church of San Diego
Thursday, JUNE 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
COMMUNITY By Darrel Wheeler Contributing Writer Mr. Dave Meals, aka “Sonny”, celebrated his 80th year of life with a whole lot of family and a bunch of his fans and closest friends. The birthday celebrants took up a huge chunk of Spring Valley Park’s real estate on the 28th of May to eat, drink and be happy with Mr. “Sonny Boy” Meals. Kinfolk showed up from as far away as Texas, Arizona, New Year, Chicago, LA and Northern Cal to squeeze the hand, embrace and converse with the great-grandfather. The distant travelers, along with
Courtesy of the Meals Family
all the other participants, were treated to a BBQ soul food banquet provided by Elaine of Fargo’s BBQ. “Elaine did a great job. I want to thank her for coming through for us,” Cherry Meals shared. S onny’s grands, great grands, and 11 of his 12 children were able to attend his very special occasion. “This really means a lot to me that they showed up to celebrate with me,” Sonny said. “If I could bottle all this love I received today I would be a rich man. This is so beautiful. I thank everybody for showing up today. I love all of y’all. This year has been a tough one. We lost a lot
Photos by Darrel Wheeler and Mike Norris
1:46 PM
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Photo: Darrel Wheeler
of good friends. We lost Johnnie Blue and Sharon Gibson, to name two. Both of them would be here right now, but they are here in spirit,” he shared. Wife Cherry Meals had this to say about the birthday boy: “I’ve been planning this for a year. It wasn’t easy but I had some outstanding helpers,” she said. “Sonny deserved a big celebration like this. I could tell he had a good time and that’s what counts.” Mr. Sonny Meals, the smooth operator, who was born before Rock & Roll, said, “I still feel good!”
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
• Thursday, june 2, 2022
By Lydia Pope President National Association of Real Estate Brokers
he National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) applauds the Senate confirmation of Sandra Thompson as director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), which supervises the GSE-giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and other mortgage market entities. Thompson, who had been the supervision chief at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, has been the acting Sandra Thompson. Photo: FHFA
Thompson takes over at a critical time for African American families and individuals across the country who want to become homeowners. Black homeownership has plummeted nearly 20% since 2008. Last year, the gap between Black (44.6%) and White (74.2%) homeownership was the largest spread since 1890. There is an urgent need for new policies and practices to address the legacy of housing discrimination that continues to diminish the hopes and dreams of families vying to become homeowners. As acting director, Thompson took some important steps. She negotiated a data sharing
How To Make More Green At Your Next
Yard Sale By Liz Weston NerdWallet A successful yard sale involves hours of preparation and plenty of hard work. If you're ready to take advantage of warmer weather and the opportunity to declutter, consider these tips culled from experts for having a good sale.
DETERMINE YOUR GOALS First, consider whether a yard sale is the right method for your goals. Yard sales can help you get rid of stuff but you can't expect to get top dollar. If money is your priority and you have time to wait for buyers, consider offering valuable items elsewhere. Check out auction sites such as eBay; apps including Letgo and OfferUp; platforms like Craigslist, Nextdoor or Facebook Marketplace; and consignment stores or even pawnshops. If you just want to get stuff out of your house, donating your unwanted goods is usually the fastest and easiest option.
GO BIG Tools, kitchen gadgets, sporting goods and camping gear are often the best draws, says Chris Heiska, who has operated the yardsalequeen.com site since 1996. What usually doesn't sell: anything broken or badly stained. Outdated technology can be hit or miss. Our friends found no takers for their VCR tapes but vinyl records can be hot sellers. Expect to spend several hours collecting, sorting and pricing your items. Pricing is essential — many people won't ask what something costs, so you'll be losing sales if there's no sticker, Heiska says. You can find lists of suggested yard sale prices online or check other sales in your area. When in doubt, Heiska suggests pricing something at one-quarter to one-third of what the item costs new.
GET THE WORD OUT Craigslist is a good place to advertise your sale for free, but it shouldn't be the only site. That's the mistake I made with the yard sale that flopped a few years ago, with few attendees and even fewer sales. One of those attendees explained that veteran shoppers check the sites devoted to yard and garage sales. This time, we advertised on a few of those sites plus Craigslist, Nextdoor and Facebook Marketplace. We
Photo: Artificial Photography
employed old-school signage as well: bright yellow yard sale signs, scored from a dollar store and duct-taped at several local intersections
with the address, date and time drawn large enough for passing drivers to easily see. Our five-hour sale was a blast and netted around $600.
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agreement with HUD, allowed positive rental payment histories to be a part of Fannie Mae’s mortgage evaluation process and set affordability goals for Fannie and Freddie. But more is needed. Thompson must become a strong champion for expanding homeownership and improving the lending environment so more families of color can benefit from the American Dream of homeownership.
loan debt on minorities. • Create a uniformed, consumer-friendly method of calculating student loan debt for mortgage applicants. • End appraisal bias in communities of color. • Address loan level price adjustments (LLPAs) that disproportionately add fees to mortgages and Private Mortgage Insurance premiums after loans have been approved.
Her leadership can help push Congress and the Administration to: • Enact a down payment assistance program, such as the one passed by the House. • Lift the disproportionate burden of student
NAREB looks forward to working with Director Thompson to assure that people of color have fair access to mortgages and can build intergenerational wealth that will boost future generations.
Thursday, JUNE 2, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
CADILLAC C A D IL L AC .CO M / LY R I Q Preproduction vehicle shown. Actual production model will vary. Initial availability first half of 2022.