Vol. 62 No. 35 | Thursday, September 1, 2022

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By Solomon O. Smith California Black Media




www.sdvoice.info Serving San Diego County’s African & African American Communities 62 Years @VoiceViewpointSDVoiceandViewpointwww.facebook.com/ SE R V I NG SAN DIEGO

By TJ Dunnivant Contributing Writer

Black Doctors March Shines Spotlight on Institutionalized Racism KHEA POLLARD: DEMONSTRATING SUCCESS & SERVICE IN SAN DIEGO After decades of failed attempts, Democrats passed legislation that aims to rein in the soaring costs of drugs for some in the United ItStates.will take years for people to realize some of the most significant savings promised in the climate and health care bill that President Joe Biden signed this month. The bill mostly See PRESCRIPTION page 8 Lower Prescription Prices to Take Time in New Law

“We actively support and advocate for Black trainees and physicians fac ing workplace discrimination,” states the website of Black Doc Village, the group organizing the rally. “We aim to expand the Black physician work force to improve health outcomes in the Black community.” September 1, 2022

By Amanda Seitz Associated Press

The #BlackDocsBelong campaign held a rally in Pasadena last Friday calling on Black medical doctors to join their movement dedicated to keeping and growing the ranks of Black physicians.

See DOCTORS page 8 Vol. 62 No. 35 | Thursday,

of Khea Pollard

PUBLIC HEALTH ORDER, COVID-19 & MONKEYPOX UPDATES – SEE PAGE 16 Covid-19 cases in southeast SOURCE: County of San Diego a/o 8/25/2022 92102 92105 92113 92115 92139 13,682 19,527 11,34120,729 23,343 17,096 92114 Happy Happy CAREER & EDUCATION GUIDE – See Page 17-19 Shane harris “Contractors Who Care” Back-to-school event – See Page “DONATE7 LIFE” FLAG PEYTONFORRAISEDNURSE–SeePage9MONKEYPOXHUMAN Number of Confirmed & Probable County Cases 279 SOURCE: County of San Diego Data a/o 8/28/2022 Pasadena, California, Friday August 26, 2022. Robert Rock traveled from the east coast to support the BlackDocsBelong rally. Rock is an award-winning physician who has worked as an advocate for equality for doctors and patients of color. PHOTO: Solomon O. Smith

Khea Pollard is one of those young women who instantly makes an impression.

September 30th, 2022 will end the ordinance for “no fault” evictions signed into law last May by Mayor Todd Gloria. However, according to a member of the San Diego Tenants Union, Canyon Rim Property Management is already handing out three-day notice-to-quit forms at their Rancho Penasquitos apartment homes. The San Diego Tenants Union (SDTU) states that it is committed to fight displacement and gentri fication that happens to tenants throughout San Diego. The San Diego Voice and Viewpoint plans on working with SDTU to bring the stories of displacement, gentrification, racism and unfair

See 19

By Voice & Viewpoint Staff, with Ahliyah S. Chambers Contributing Writer

Courtesy of San Diego Renter’s Union Member Khea Pollard. PHOTO:

Poised and graceful, with a hint of steely strength that belies her calm demeanor, Khea is Director of Economic Mobility and Opportunity with Jewish Family Service of San Diego. She is also a dedicated commu nity advocate and trailblazing local entre preneur - an impressive example of what one can do with grit and determination.

PHOTO: Courtesy

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In a word, the imperialists and occupiers have made Haiti a captive people and state, but the people continue to resist and offer an ongoing and radical refusal to be Ourdefeated.responsibility and that of all the peoples of the world who love freedom and are committed to freedom and justice everywhere in the world is to stand in active sol idarity in struggle with Haiti and the Haitian people as they con tinue their relentless resistance to achieve liberation from imperi alist occupation and interference and the awesome striving to repair and rebuild their lives in their own image and interests.

By Emil Guillermo

All roads lead back to our reclaiming the ballot as Dr. King stated in that May 1957 speech in Washington, D.C. We remind you once again that he said if you give us the ballot, we will elect the right people to judges and legisla tive offices. Well, we have had the ballot and we are about to lose it because we are not fully using it.

www.sdvoice.info The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, s ep T em ber 1, 2022 3 EDITORIAL/COMMENTARY/OPINION

Earthquake Would Say No To Liz Cheney

Emil Guillermo is a veteran jour nalist and commentator. This com mentary originally appeared in Post News Group.

It’s just if she’s serious, she’ll need a lot more BIPOC support than anyone Cheneythinks.lost big recently in Wyoming when her own Republican Party acted as if under a spell cast on them by a man known in Florida search warrants as FPOTUS. That, of course, stands for the defeated “Former President of the United States.” But how can we assure he stays defeated? Perhaps if we answer Cheney’s call.

As we cele brate[d] and c resistanceolutionmonthrate[dommemothe]ofrevandwe

By Dr. Maulana Karenga Professor and Chair of Africana Studies, CSULB Revolution and Continuing plished what no other revolution and people in history have done, including the American revolution, freed enslaved people, outlawed enslavement and thus, expanded the realm of human freedom in the world in a new and most essential way, reaffirming the inalienable and equal dignity and human right to freedom of all human beings.

In the Wyoming primary, Cheney lost to her opponent by 37 points, 66% to 29%. That’s some rebuke for someone from a legacy Republican family. It was a public Butbetrayal.you have to admire Cheney’s willingness to pay the price — the loss of her job, her seat in Congress. And all because of an ua-principled belief in the Constitution and her unwilling ness to join in the zombie chorus of Republican election deniers who stand by their FPOTUS. So I’m open to Cheney when she pitched herself to America during her concession speech. There’s at least one thing we agree on. The defeated FPOTUS must stay out of government. As a single issue that may be enough to join her American pro-democracy move “Freedomment. must not, cannot, and will not die here,” Cheney said in “ThisWyoming.is a fight for all of us together,” she said. “I’m a conser vative Republican.” Then came the pitch. “But I love my country more,” she said. “So I ask you tonight to join me. As we leave here, let us resolve that we will stand together, Republicans, Democrats, and independents, against those who would destroy our Republic.”

See HAYTI page 23

This is the source of the pathology and perversity of racist oppression that is particularly imposed on Haiti by the U.S., France, Canada, and other European imperialist powers, the so-called Core Group. And this radically evil imposition is not only to plunder and rob the Haitian people of their material and human resources, but also to penalize, punish and oppress the Haitian people in the extreme. This is why we say that whatever natu ral disasters Haiti has suffered, and they have been terribly destructive, they have not been as devastating as the unnatural disaster of White supremacist and racist imperialism of the White West.

Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the views of The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@sdvoice.info

Haiti does not need the U.S.’s occu pying, militarizing and privatiz ing the country, and robbing it of its human and natural resources.

By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher

Since Labor Day has become the unofficial kick off of campaigns leading up to the November 8, 2022 General Election, the ads for issues and candidates will increase to the tune of billions of dollars seeking to reach and sway voters across this coun try. THE QUESTION IS: WILL YOU VOTE TO INCREASE OUR POWER TO CHANGE THE PRESENT OPPRESSION, OR NOT VOTE, INCREASING THE STATUS QUO? The Black Press, now in its 195th year, is the most “Trusted Messenger” in the Black commu nity. We must learn to question people, candidates and issues that say they want our support while spending their campaign dol lars and tailoring their issues to gain the support of others - while ONLY paying lip service to our needs and concerns. When we look at a campaign for a person or an issue, we must decide whether they are addressing our DIRECT issues or just asking us to support their cause. If our track record is one of none voting, then why should those who are seeking votes be concerned about what we either think or want? Without our votes being cast, we are not in the game. The campaign dollars being spent to win an election are directed to those who vote. We must once again prepare to demonstrate that Black Votes Matter just as we did in 2020 in electing Joe Biden to the White House and two U.S. Senators from the state of Georgia. If we say Black Lives Matter, then we must be pre pared to only elect those individ uals who understand our issues of Voting Rights, Civil Rights and Protection from illegal and inhumane Police Conduct.

call Black August, we of necessity pay rightful and special homage to the people of Haiti who mark[ed] on August 14th their 231st anni versary of the Bwa Kayiman Liberation Gathering of men and women to plan their world histor ical struggle which would result in a victorious revolution that has deep and enduring meaning for the quest, concept and practice of free dom throughout world. Indeed, they dared to achieve in history what no other enslaved people had done, defeated their enslavers and the enslavers’ allies in battle, liberated themselves and built a republic, lifting the light and possibility of liberation for all oppressed and struggling people. Not willing to be satisfied with their own achievement, they reached out to expand the realm of freedom in the Western Hemisphere and the world, aiding the peoples of Latin America in their freedom struggle, offering arms, monies, materials and soldiers. Indeed, they accom

The list of vicious and savage impo sitions placed on the Haitian peo ple, children, women and men in collective punishment are first and foremost a brutal occupation; the denial of human rights on every level; a succession of imposed criminal dictatorships with fake elections posing as democracies; pervasive gang violence used as a tool of terrorism and suppres sion against the people; privat ization and plundering of the land and resources of the people; and imposing extreme poverty, mis ery and dependency on the peo ple, undermining their agency and thwarting their rightful aspi rations.

Moreover, as I’ve also maintained, a rightful rebuilding is not achieved by donations, loans and invest ments that increase others’ domi nance and Haiti’s dependence, but by educating, mobilizing and orga nizing a whole people and putting them to work in building the just, good and sustainable society they all want and deserve.

BIPOC members who have an independent, even a slightly con servative streak, may find her mes sage attractive. But I’m not so sure. Cheney didn’t vote for the Inflation Reduction Act which includes more than $750 billion for climate change, Obamacare extensions, prescrip tion cost limits in Medicare, plus a 15% automatic tax on wealthy Duringcorporations.theFPOTUS administra tion, Cheney’s votes favored rich, white, and corporate special inter ests 100% of the time. She voted against restoring the Voting Rights Act, LGBTQ issues, and all but the most obvious civil rights issues. For example, she voted for the Juneteenth holiday. Was it because rich whites got the day off too? Newsweek reported Cheney voted with Trump 93% of the time. That puts her at 7% soul. Not enough to get me to switch parties and vote Republican to help Cheney defeat Trump in 2024. Better idea: just make sure you vote and support the party that got us this far. That would be quite enough to beat Trump. It was the last time. As for Cheney? Support in spirit, but she’s not for us. And I think Mr. Quake would concur.

If you live can’tinattelevisionandCalifornia,inwatchanypointtime,onehelp but notice the number of political ads you have seen for a particular set of propositions.

Resistance in Hayti

Media IssuesCampaigns,andBlack Folks

If media campaigns can spend billions across this country sup porting conservative candidates and issues that rollback our dem ocratic gains of the past 150 years, then we as Black folks need to see how much of their dollars are being spent with Black media and organi zations to get our political support.

But as I’ve said before, there can be no rightful rebuilding of Haiti with out respect for the people’s capacity to govern themselves, rebuild their economy, draw effectively upon the rich resources of their culture, nur ture and care for their children in their own way, and restore democ racy for which they have struggled so hard and long.

We must prepare to out vote their dollars. Even if they are not spending dollars with our media to seek our support, we must question the promises being placed before us. Without such examination, we might be pur chased by the highest bidder, just as we were on the auction block during slavery.

The presence of candidates and people seeking support for their issues at our churches the LAST Sunday before election day, should be ignored.

Something to think about as you prepare for this Labor Day hol iday before the real politics get started.

What’s up with Liz Cheney and her onewoman cru sade to save d speakingIsemocracy?shereallytous in the BIPOC community? I got some guidance from a legend ary Black comedian. Earthquake is not a California peril, but the name of one of Dave Chappelle’s favor ite comic mentors. Earthquake or Mr. Quake, as the New York Times might call him on second refer ence, gets political in his current Netflix special. “You can’t say no, you can’t tell a Trump supporter nothing about Trump; they love Trump,” says Earthquake in the appropriate key of urban Southeast DC. Of course, Earthquake says it with more flair in a live setting where the crowd howls, but you get the point. We all know how belief in Trump is cult-like, and a threat to our Whichdemocracy.brings us back to Liz Cheney. She’s like a new Uncle Sam pointing her finger at us. But not like a “Karen” wagging her fin ger saying she wants to speak to the manager. She wants to make sure Trump is never the manager of us again.

4 Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info COMMUNITY NEWS

Freedom Riders Exhibit Galvanizes Black Vote

PHOTOS: Voice & Viewpoint

Some of the Freedom Riders admit ted that they were somewhat naive about the danger they were headed into. And some, like the late con gressman, John Lewis were more than willing to sacrifice whatever it took to ensure that Black people were treated the same as any other citizen in this nation. Seeing the footage of the chaos and dan ger, one couldn’t help but applaud the courage of those who got on the bus. It makes one wonder if they would have had what it took to face those same dangers. And, as the San Diego CORE member Harald K. Brown charged, “The fight is not over and the action comes in the form of getting out to vote!”

The Collaborative was organized in 2013 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. According to Mr. Pollard, the organizer of the Collaborative, its purpose is to form Action Teams to address specific problems identi fied in the communities of Southeastern San Diego. Increasing healthier foods at Food 4 Less has been one of its suc cesses.

Question and answer session with SD CORE member, Harold K. Brown (left). The audience listened carefully as Mr. Brown reminded everyone that the fight is not over.

By TJ Dunnivant

This time it was the Urban Collaborative, under the leadership of Mr. Pollard, who hosted the gathering. About 75 to 80 people stopped by from 9 am until 12 noon, including City Councilmember Monica Montgomery Steppe who spent about an hour on location talking with people.

The San Diego Library audience awaiting discussion after the video presentation.

“The Buses Are Coming” exhibit at the Quartyard Downtown. The exhibit included an interactive display of some of the Freedom Riders speaking or being interviewed. The exhibit also had QR codes that would display important parts of the film. SDAAMFA exhibit at the Quartyard. Outside view of “The Buses are Coming!” exhibit TJ Dunnivant

Mr. Brown stressed that we must con tinue fighting for equity and equality more than ever. History, he reminded, has a way of repeating itself, especially when it comes in the form of oppres sion and discrimination against Black Americans. The SDAAMFA film and exhibit gives local San Diegans plenty of opportunities to explore Black History and might reasons to get out and vote, vote, vote!

Contributing Writer On Monday, August 15, 2022, in conjunction with the San Diego African American Museum of Fine Art (SDAAMFA), the San Diego Public Library showed the documentary “Freedom Riders”, a film by Stanley Nelson and an official selection of the Sundance Film Festival. The showing of the film commemorated the 60th anniversary of the 1961 free dom bus rides and was also shown in conjunction with the SDAAMFA’s “The Buses are Coming” downtown exhibit that runs until September 7, 2022. The cover graphics for the documen tary have words begging the question, “Could you get on the bus?” As the story unfolds, that very question continues to play in the back of one’s mind, as it shows more than 400 courageous men and women, Black and white, putting their lives on the line to challenge the segregation laws of the Deep South. According to one of the film’s histori ans, Irene Morgan refused to give up her seat on the bus in Virginia in July 1944. Morgan took her case to the Supreme Court and in June 1946, inter state segregation on public transpor tation was struck down. However, over the years the Deep South refused to enact the new decision and the Congress of Racial Equality (C.O.R.E) decided to use non-violent sit-ins and demonstrations to see if the Federal Government would protect their rights. In May 1961, C.O.R.E. orchestrated the bus rides on public transporta tion and sent Freedom Riders from Washington DC down to Anniston, Montgomery, and Birmingham to challenge their segregation laws. The bus to Anniston was stopped, van dalized, and was eventually set on fire, almost killing all the passengers. The bus to Montgomery was also met with an angry KKK mob that inflicted horrific violence on the passengers and journal ists. The Freedom Riders that made it to Jackson, Mississippi were arrested and placed in Parchman Prison, formally known as the Mississippi State Penitentiary.

By Voice & Viewpoint Staff

Urban Collaborative Coffee at Four Corners of Life


Last Saturday morning was a great time to be at the Euclid and Imperial Avenue inter section, where one could find live smooth jazz music and join a friend at one of the nicely decorated standing bar tables for a cup of coffee. This location is still signifi cant because it is now known as the Four Corners of Life when it used to be known as the Four Corners of Death because of the numerous homicide. In recent years, community organizations have gathered at the Four Corners of Life for peaceful celebrations reflecting the change in community attitudes about the location.

• Always be aware of your surroundings • Take your headphones off when walking near tracks or bus stops, and always look both way before crossing train tracks or intersec tions. • Keep small and valuable items securely hidden when possible • D on’t talk to strangers

For more information call or email Timothy Vertino by phone at (619) 5102542 or email timothy.vertino@sdc, or visit the County website at www. sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/pds/longrangeplanning/cba.html. www.sdvoice.info


Mayor Gloria is appointing Laurie Black, Marlyn Carrillo, Dr. Lakeya Cherry, Wendy Urushima-Conn, Gail Friedt, Joy Utomi Hartmann, Solange Jacobs, Sophie Tarazi, Dana Toppel and Natasha Wong to the Commission on the Status of Women.

Dr. Lakeya Cherry. Photo: Via LinkedIn Photo: MTS

Under The Youth Opportunity Pass is available throughout the 20222023 School Year Joy

• Be courteous with fellow passen gers by giving up your seat if you see a senior or rider with disabil Toities.register for a Youth PRONTO account for free , download the PRONTO app, or get a free card through participating school cam puses or the MTS Transit Store. Visit the Youth Opportunity Pass pilot program, at youth-opportunity-pass-program.www.sdmts.com/ Interested stakeholders in San Diego County have another opportunity to have their voices heard at the upcom ing Community Benefits Agreements Planning hearing. According to the County website, on February 10, 2021 (2), the Board of Supervisors (Board) heard Options to Streamline Renewable Energy Projects in the unincorporated areas of the county.

Hearing Information Date: S eptember 9, 2022 Time: 9:00 a.m. Location: C ounty Operations Center (COC) 5520 O verland Avenue, San Diego, CA 92123

The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, s ep T em b er 1, 2022 5 LOCAL NEWS PUBLIC HEARING SEPT. 9: Community Benefits Agreements Voice & Viewpoint Newswire Voice & Viewpoint Newswire Voice & Viewpoint Newswire

Women’s Issues Joy Utomi Hartmann, Dr.

In commemoration of Women’s Equality Day (August 25), Mayor Todd Gloria announced his appointments to the newly-revived City’s Commission on the Status of Women. In doing so, the Mayor also nominated former U.S. Congresswoman Susan Davis to serve as the Commission’s “DespiteChair.

Last week, San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) joined the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to share important transit information and safety tips for parents and students. Photo: MTS Transit for Youth Ages 18 and Utomi Prioritizes Lakeya

To make YOP possible, SANDAG, along with the County of San Diego, secured funding for a short-term pilot through June 2023. The first month it went into effect, Youth ridership increased by 34% when compared to the previous month. Even with schools no longer in ses sion, Youth ridership spiked 60% during weekends in the recent summer months, when compared to April 2022 (the month prior to YOP “SANDAGlaunch). is proud to be partnering with MTS, NCTD, and the County of San Diego to expand equita ble access to transit, so that all San Diegans – especially our young people – can conveniently get to where they need to go and explore places across the region like they never have before,” said SANDAG Second Vice Chair and National City Mayor Alejandra Sotelo-Solis.

Dr. Lakeya Cherry is an executive leadership coach who has dedicat ed her career to the growth and development of individuals and the organizations they serve. Dr. Cherry is a Partner at Evolution, Silicon Valley’s premier coaching, consulting, and investment firm for start-ups & highgrowth companies to drive longterm, holistic success, and CEO of Lakeya Cherry LLC, an execu tive coaching and consulting busi ness. Previously, she was the Chief Executive Officer of The Network for Social Work Management – an international organization dedicated to strengthening and mobilizing diverse social impact leaders through education, leadership development, networking, and com munity building – for nine years. Dr. Cherry earned a Doctorate in Social Work from the University of Southern California, an M.S. in Social Work from Columbia University, and a B.A. in Psychology and Legal Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz. Dr. Cherry is a resident of North Park. She will be serving a two-year term ending April 5, Solange2023.Jacobs is a seasoned mar keting executive with more than two decades of experience leading technology companies’ product marketing, corporate communica tions, and brand marketing initia tives. As Chief Marketing Officer for Arena Analytics, she oversees all aspects of marketing, including product marketing, sales enable ment and corporate communica tions. Prior to Arena Analytics, Ms. Jacobs held a series of marketing leadership roles in companies delivering data and analytics, video streaming, consumer electronics and video software solutions, including VizExplorer, NeuLion (now Endeavor Streaming), Rovi Corp (now TiVo) and DivX. She holds an undergraduate degree from Stanford University and an Executive MBA from Quantic School of Business and Technology. Ms. Jacobs is a resident of El Cerrito. She will be serving a two-year term ending April 5, 2024. All appointments are subject to City Council approval. Once appointed, the commissioners will help address the needs of women in the San Diego area and recommend programs designed to alleviate any inequities that may confront women in social, economic and vocation al Thepursuits.Commission on the Status of Women was first established in 1973 as the “Advisory Board on the Status of Women” to advise the Mayor, City Council and other agencies of City government. To learn more about the commission, visit pastsionGloriasandiego.gov/board/4383.onboard.MayorrevivedtheCity’sCommis-ontheStatusofWomenthisspring.

“This helps level the playing field for so many young people.,” said San Diego Unified Board of Education President Dr. Sharon WhiteMTS’hurst-Payne.transit safety tips for parents and students include:

Hartmann. Photo: UCSDSolange Jacobs. Photo: Via LinkedIn Newly Revived Mayoral Commission

tremendous progress toward gender equality, there’s still a lot of work to be done to ensure women have equal access to oppor tunity throughout their lives, and cities can play a role in leveling the playing field on that front,” said Mayor Todd Gloria. “With their diverse experiences, expertise and passions, these commissioners will advise City leaders to ensure women are supported in City policies and Indecision-making.”additiontoDavis,


On September 9, the public is invited to an informational presentation on Community Benefits Agreements. Such items to be presented include guidelines for the County to facilitate mandatory Community Benefits Agreements (CBA) between developers and community members, includ ing prevailing wage, local hire, job outreach to disadvantaged communi ties,, a focus on the nexus between the negative impact on the community and the project being proposed, and more.

With the new school year begin ning for tens of thousands of San Diego students, getting to class is easier than ever before thanks to the Youth Opportunity Pass (YOP) pilot program that makes transit free for all people 18 and under. Last week, San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) joined the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) and San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) to announce the YOP pilot program and to share transit information and safety tips for parents and stu YOPdents.will provide a large benefit to working families by making transit free for youth throughout the entire 2022-2023 school year. Since the pilot launched on May 1, Youth ridership has increased significant “Freely. transit for youth already pro vides a great benefit for so many families, and we are excited for even more students to take advantage of this program,” said Nathan Fletcher, MTS Board Chair, and Chair, San Diego County Board of Supervisors. “The estimated number of youth using transit has more than doubled in recent months, and that is a testament to the need for the Youth Opportunity Pass, and the doors of opportunity it opens for students in our region.”

Joy Utomi Hartmann is a Deputy Attorney General in the Criminal Appeals, Writs, and Trials section of the California Attorney General’s Office. As a criminal prosecutor for the State of California, she handles felony appeals and habeas corpus petitions in state and federal courts. She recently completed her service as a board member of the Earl B. Gilliam Bar Foundation and is also involved in the Lawyers Club, and San Diego County Bar Association. Ms. Utomi Hartmann serves on the University of San Diego School of Law Alumni Association Board of Directors, where she is co-chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Committee and co-founder of the Advancing Black Leadership and Scholarship in the Law fund. Ms. Utomi Hartmann is a resident of Linda Vista. She will be serving a two-year term ending April 5, 2023.

Cherry and Solange Jacobs are among the recent appointees

Mr. Orned Gabriel has a 100% suc cess rate with his karate students and stays in contact with everyone from the 1970s to the present.

Mr. Gabriel’s sisters, Sharlet Piernas and Gina Seunarine; niece Misha Piernas; and neph ews Andre Piernas and Marcell Seunarine, along with his great niece and nephew were all there to join in the celebration.

It was a great honor to have Steve “Nasty” Anderson’s family present, all the way from Canada. A warm-hearted thank you is extended to Dr. John Warren for his adver tisement of this event. Also to Mr. Darrel Wheeler, the photographer of this event, Lisa Wahl, who was catering, and all who helped with sponsorship, such as the San Diego Black Police Officers’ Association, along with everyone who came out to help celebrate this event.

The United Karate Federation Celebration was held at Bethel Baptist Church in San Diego, Ca last Saturday. People came from cities on the West Coast and the East Coast, including Mr. Eric King, who came from as far away as New Jersey to enjoy this 50th Anniversary banquet celebration. The Who’s Who were in attendance, including Eric Lee, the King of Kata’s; Grandmasters Rey Leal, Curtis Brown, Donnie Williams of the Black Karate Foundation (BKF); Byron Mantack; Robert Sumler; and Pete Salas along with Master Dr. Brenton Wynn and Mr. Fugate to name a few. Also present were City of San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, 4th District Councilmember Monica Montgomery Steppe, 79th District Assemblymember Dr. Akilah Weber, and other members of the Black Karate Federation. Awards were presented to the children for their recognition and advancement in the ranks of Black Belts, from 1st Degree Black Belt to 10th Grandmaster level, which were given to Rey Leal, and Curtis Brown.

PHOTOS: Darrel Wheeler

Mr. Gabriel’s immediate family was present to help celebrate their loved one’s milestone.

The evening’s special honoree was Mr. Orned Chicken Gabriel. Mr. Orned “Chicken Gabriel has been teaching martial arts for 50 years, creating a safe place to keep our chil dren, teens, and young adults from becoming a part of gangs, drugs, or locked up in the prison system. His motto is “Reach One Teach One. All is attainable when you put your mind and heart into it. Turning your back on all things negative. I am of this world, but not of it”.

By Pamela Jones

We also want to thank Mrs. Billie Starke and Mr. Larry Price for their many contributions from the beginning. Without their contribu tions and their belief in our dreams of a United Karate Federation, there would not have been a 50th Anniversary.

6 Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info When you switch off, California stays on. When you get a Flex Alert, reduce your power use to help ease the grid and avoid statewide outages. The more people that save their energy for later, the more likely we keep the lights on. Learn more at PowerSaverRewards.org The Power is Ours 100 100 25 19 19 100 1025507590100 UKF’s 50 th Anniversary Celebration

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By Darrel Wheeler Contributing Writer

BCA President /CEO Rahim Hameed had this to say about the free giveaway experience: “We came together with some of our arch enemies, who had been fighting against us in the past, to form an alliance under the auspices of the National Black Contractors pack with the con “Andtractors.when Shane Harries came aboard,” Hameed continued, “We put together The Equity Construction Council and together we are fortunate to have alli ances with outside contractors that want to help underserved communities like Southeast. Collectively, we were able to make this happen and I think today went well. Serving the commu nity is what we do and we definitely plan on making this an annual event. Our community involvement doesn’t stop with this event. There is much more to come.”

The Equity Construction Council of San Diego, the Black Contractors Association (BCA), and their host of collaborators positioned resource booths around the parking lot of the BCA headquarters on Imperial Avenue to treat local families to a back-toschool drive and construction jobs fair. Those families with children who showed up at the “Contractors Who Care” event were given free-of-charge back-to-school supplies, backpacks, tablets and free haircuts to get them ready for the new school year. According to its website, the ECCSD is “the first and only open shop coun cil dedicated to advancing equity within San Diego’s construction workforce by fighting discrimina tory practices that exclude the access to construction careers for all San Diegans.”

PHOTOS: Darrel Wheeler

She is well-known for a viral thread on Twitter relating her story of how she was removed from Kaiser Medical School.

A look at how some might benefit from the drug savings provisions in the ``Inflation Reduction Act’’ and how drugmakers might push back on those efforts. DRUG NEGOTIATIONS

The following year, out-of-pocket drug costs will be capped at $2,000 for Medicare Part D, which typi cally covers at-home prescription medications.

Continued from cover helps the roughly 49 million people who sign up for Medicare’s drug coverage. But many will be left out from direct savings after lawmak ers stripped cost-savings measures for a majority of those covered by private health insurance.

Continued from cover housing practices into the spotlight in hopes of helping others win the fight for justice against housing

mission is to imple ment knowledge of tenant rights in underrepresented communi ties by training members in plan ning, organizing, and mobilizing through popular education to cre ate change in housing policy. The San Diego Voice and Viewpoint will work with them in solidarity to bring the unfair housing practice to the attention of the public eye. If you are anyone that you know is experience unfair housing dis crimination and/or eviction, please contact of The San Diego’s Tenants Union at org/en/contact/.https://sdtenantsunion.

Medicaid has experience running this program, said Rachel Sachs, a professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis.

Medicare recipients at a yearly cost of nearly $10 billion, would likely be at the top of that list. That might spur pharmaceutical companies to launch new drugs at a higher price, knowing that the product’s cost will be negotiated down for Medicare, cautioned Arthur Wong, an analyst for S&P Global, a finan cial research firm.

Scores of studies show that health outcomes for African Americans have historically been among the lowest, according to various met rics. The Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) recently reported African Americans have the highest rate of infant mortality of any ethnic group. The number of Black doctors is also dispropor tionately low, at just 5 %, according to a 2019 survey by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Some health policy experts hope this provision, along with the oth ers in the package, will help insur ance companies negotiate the price of drugs for its customers, poten tially extending cost-savings to millions of people.

But others are waiting to see if the bill has the opposite effect. Medicare makes up about onethird of the pharmaceutical indus try’s market, meaning companies could try to draw more profits from “Thatelsewhere.couldbe


Khoury and Grubbs say that issues with Kaiser are a small part of a bigger problem in the medical community and are hoping that their stories can be the jumping-off point for action.

Onediscrimination.member at SDTU will be working closely with us to bring the stories of tenants that are vic tims of these unfair housing prac tices. As of now, that member is working with the tenant at Canyon Rim and can attest to the neighbor upstairs making false allegations against one of the few Black rent ers at the complex. Canyon Rim Management, in turn, has decided to give the tenant a three-day notice-to-quit without asking the renter for their side of the story or investigating to find evidence that the allegations are false. Canyon Rim is taking the word of one tenant as all the proof they need to dish out the unlawful “Notice-toTheQuit.”SDTU is taking every step to keep the tenant from losing her home. Just from reviewing current policies in place to help tenants, Canyon Rim Property Management is breaking the law and hoping to get away with it. I will continue to follow this story and update the readers as it unfolds. Earlier this month Dr. Warren wrote an edito rial on how evictions like this and many others will affect the Black vote this upcoming election sea SDTU’sson.

Jessica Isom is a Boston-based psy chiatrist and an advocate for equity and justice for BIPOC patients. She has been an outspoken resource and advisor in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs through her company Vision for Equality, which has worked with several major brands and medical institu tions. She sees part of the issue as a flaw in the culture of medicine which makes changing it difficult.

“They’ve been helpful at control ling the rate of increase,’’ she said of the rebates.


The savings are expected to be huge. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates costs could fall by as much as $100 bil lion over the next decade. Which drugs Medicare and patients will save on, however, remains a bit of a Inmystery.thefirst year, Medicare will be allowed to negotiate the cost of 10 drugs it spends the most money on, as long as those drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for at least nine years and don’t have any rival generics on the market. Right now, for example, the blood thin ner Eliquis, used by 2.6 million

Starting next year, drug companies will also have to pay a rebate to Medicare if they raise the cost of a drug higher than the rate of infla tion. The industry regularly raises the price of drugs above inflation

The bill limits how much money Medicare recipients must use for medications but, again, it will take some time for those rules to take Inhold.2024, Medicare will get rid of a 5% coinsurance required of

biggest lift is definitely going to be negotiations because the sec retary is establishing a whole new program, and they’re going to do a lot of hiring,’’ Purvis added.

It will take some time because the Health and Human Services Department will need to develop a plan for selecting which drugs will be negotiated. The complicated rule-making process will take years to devise and face intense lobbying and scrutiny from the pharma ceutical industry, which is eager to carve out loopholes in the new “Therules.

Dr. Robert Rock, who practices on the East Coast, says he was inspired to go into medicine by his grandmother and the strength she exhibited when she “refused to be disrespected” by medical professionals during her care. He witnessed a racist act aimed at a patient which he described as “Weshocking.were deterred from talking about it,” said Rock. “It was then that I lost my faith (in the system).”


Doctors were not the only ones who want more Black physicians and medical professionals in the industry. Robert Phillips was look ing for a Black nephrologist, a doctor specializing in diseases and functions of the kidneys and found Dr. Grubbs. He felt ignored and unheard by White doctors.

U.S., “we’ve never had any entity that was negotiating on behalf of such a large group of people before,’’ said Leigh Purvis, the director of AARP’s health care costs and access. That new bargaining power won’t kick in until 2025, when Medicare is able to haggle over the price of 10 drugs covered by its prescrip tion plan. By 2029, Medicare will be able to negotiate the cost of as many as 60 drugs.

PhRMA, the trade organization that represents pharmaceuti cal companies, acknowledged it intends to push back against the “Welaw. are exploring every oppor tunity - including legislative, reg ulatory and legal _ to make sure patients have access to the medi cines they need and our industry can continue to develop lifesaving cures and treatments,” PhRMA spokesperson Brian Newell said in an emailed statement to The Associated Press.


rule exists in Medicaid, so the Centers for Medicare and

Only Medicare patients will ben efit directly from this. A move to include people on private insur ance who are sold overpriced drugs in the calculation was scrubbed from the legislation.

“Students who choose to partici pate in the demonstration tomor row will not be penalized or retaliated against for doing so,” reads an email by senior associate dean for student affairs Dr. Anne M. Eacker, “and absence from class or clinical sites tomorrow morn ing will be considered an excused Theabsence.”Kaiser School of Medicine was named the 6th Most Diverse Medical School in the nation and ranked 2nd in California by U.S. News & World Report after the School of Medicine at the University of California Davis. With handmade signs and white lab coats the rally set off for a two-block march to the medical school. Walking in a single file line the doctors raised their voices in a shouted call-and-response chant. “Stop pushing,” they shouted fol lowed by the comeback, “Black docs Blackout.”medical professionals from across the country came to support the Black Doc Village rally.

8 Thursday, s ep T ember 1, 2022 The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info

A student who chose to remain anonymous shared the contents of a message about the protest from the Kaiser School of Medicine.

Continued from cover The national kickoff for the notfor-profit organization Black Doc Village, began with a breakfast at the Pasadena Hilton hosted by two Black Doc Village cofounders: nephrologist Vanessa Grubbs and educator and physician Aysha H. AboutKhoury.100 young medical students and staff gathered to march to the Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine. A wide range of ethnicities came to pro vide support.

patients who have met the cat astrophic threshold, which is currently set at $7,050 for out-ofpocket costs for drugs. Nearly 3 million Medicare patients met that threshold at some point from 2015 to 2019, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Some at the rally are in litigation against Kaiser, including Khoury.

Aysha Khoury gets emotional as she speaks in front of her former workplace the Kaiser Medical School in Pasadena.

a threat that non -Medicare payers may end up having to pay more or at least face harder negotiations with the pharma industry,’’ said analyst Wong.

“Kaiser is where we are today, but this is everywhere, not just there,” said Khoury. “This is why we need the whole village.”


Kaiser has released a statement dis puting Khoury’s claim.

For the first time, Medicare can negotiate the price of its costliest Indrugs.the

“Regarding Dr. Aysha Khoury, one of the founders of the Black Doc Village organization, the school has been clear that Dr. Khoury was not placed on leave because she brought content related to anti-ra cism to the classroom or because she shared her experiences as a Black woman in medicine,” the Kaiser statement says.


The Inflation Reduction Act has a series of controls aimed at imme diately blunting the rising cost of drugs for Medicare. The bill caps copayments for insulin at $35 per month beginning in January, but for Medicare beneficiaries only. A $35-per-month limit on out-ofpocket costs for those on private health insurance was cut.


Isom says resistance to change is “perpetuated through training” and that people may not be con scious that change is needed. She referred to an article written by Rhea W. Boyd, a pediatrician who has spoken before Congress about racism in the medical profession.

“People see it. The person who serves you your food looks like me. The person who provides you your medical care often does not, and that is an intentional process of segregation,” says Isom.

A founder of Black Doc Village, she is suing the school for racist practices. Pasadena, California, Friday August 26, 2022 (by Solomon O. Smith)

“Donate Life” Flag-raising Ceremony for Peyton Pablo Manning Nurse

PHOTO: Mike Norris

COMMUNITY www.sdvoice.info The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 9

Courtesy of Latisa S. Carson, MD Peyton Pablo Manning Nurse, son of Capt. Nigel Nurse (ret.) and Dr. Lesley A. Nurse, could not recover from his injuries during a car accident on 8/17/22 at the age of 21. At the age of 18, he made the decision to become an organ donor. Lifesharing is the feder ally funded procurement organization for San Diego County and Imperial County. Life sharing has saved thou sands of lives through organ donation and healed thousands more with the gift of tissue. They honor the donor and support the family of the donor. On 8/23/22, family and friends gath ered at Sharp Memorial hospital to witness a Donate Life flag raising cer emony as a display of unity, remem brance, and hope. It was a symbol to honor Peyton Pablo Manning Nurse, as his life was going to save several lives with his final gifts to mankind. Prior to the surgical procedures, these words were written by Peyton’s par ents to address his surgeons and the surgical team in the operating room just prior to surgery, a final blessing for their son: ‘Our son spent his life giving to oth ers less fortunate than him. With his last act of kindness, he is giving more than any human can without making the ultimate sacrifice. He became an angel in heaven several days ago, so we know he is smiling down on lives he is about to touch. “What was intended to harm me,but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. “So then do not be afraid.”, Genesis 50:20-21. “For I know the plans for you, Peyton”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”, Jeremiah This29:11.is God’s good and perfect will that through you many will be saved, as you have worked to do all of your life Peyton, and are yet doing. God welcomed you and said “Well done my good and faithful servant! Well done, LovePeyton!”Like Jesus, Love Like Peyton.’ There is a shortage of donated organs. Patients many times die while lan guishing on a national waiting list that adds a new name every 10 min utes. Visit the website of Lifesharing at www.lifesharing.org and consider the gift of life or contact info@lifesharing. org.


“The world cannot continue as it was. With all its wealth and assets, Africa cannot watch its people live through poverty,” he said.

Photo: Courtesy

of GIN


The discussion comes at a time when Tunisia confronts a political and economic crisis, a Covid epidemic and a wheat shortage created by the war in ChairUkraine.of the African Union, President Macky Sall of Senegal, cited the success of the Tokyo conference in the areas of education, agriculture, health and water. The conference emerged in 1993 after the end of the Cold War in an era of ‘aid fatigue’ among donor countries, and was critical in regenerating strong donor interest in Africa. On the agenda are measures aimed at countering China’s influence on Africa.

China has been steadily increasing its influence in the region in recent years, notably through its ambitious “Silk Roads” project.

Now she’s making the new author circuit, talking about “A Bigger Picture: My Fight to Bring a New African Voice to the Climate Crisis”, her first book in which she points to how the climate crisis is impact ing Africa and the discrimination she’s faced in speaking up. “A Bigger Picture is part rousing manifesto and part poignant mem oir,” writes Rachel Conrad on the website Social Justice Books. “It presents a new vision for the cli mate movement based on resil ience, sustainability, and genuine equity.”

African heads of state and a Japanese delegation are meeting to discuss “African-led” development at a meeting in Tunisia. Financial aid was discussed.

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida addressed the need for reforms at the United Nations to address the “historical injustice against Africa.” It’s a ‘moment of truth’ for the UN, he said while making a push for an African seat at the “JapanUN. reiterates its determination to redress the historical injustice against Africa of not being represented through a permanent membership on the Security Council,” Prime Minister Kishida told the conference.

Tunisian President Kais Saied wel comed the participants to the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development - or TICAD - where Japan promised $30 billion in investment in African aid to be delivered over three years, with smaller amounts also avail able for African food security.

“In order for the UN to work effectively for peace and stability, there is an urgent need to strengthen the UN as a whole through Security Council reInform.”.his opening speech at the confer ence, Saied urged delegates to “search together for ways for African peoples to achieve the hopes and dreams of the first generation after independence”. He praised Japan’s success in “achieving development at the same time as pre serve its culture and social traditions”.

Experts believe that four pri mary factors contribute to Sierra Leone’s overwhelming levels of poverty: government corruption, a lack of an established education system, absence of civil rights and poor Additionally,infrastructure.an absence of funding for educational pro grams leaves Sierra Leone behind in terms of gaining knowledge about civil rights or responsibilities. This con tributes to gender inequality and the marginalization of women. The effects of gender inequality include women’s inability to join the work force and a cultural view of women as servants for men. Despite the pain of expand ing poverty, President Julius Maada Bio dismissed the economic reasons for the unrest, blaming anti-govern ment protests which led to the deaths of six police offi cers and at least 21 civilians in an attempt to overthrow the “Thisgovernment.wasnotaprotest against the high cost of living occa sioned by the ongoing glob al economic crisis,” Maada Bio said in an address to the “Thenation.chant of the insurrec tionists was for a violent overthrow of the democratically elected government,” he said, adding that the government would investigate all the Meanwhile,deaths. at a market in the Western Area Rural District, traders who asked not to be named lamented how the prices of rice, onions, toma toes and beef had all risen by about 50% over the last year, with the price of fuel and palm oil roughly doubling. Marcella Samba-Sesay, the director of Campaign for Good Governance, said that the government had not clearly explained to the people why their economic challenges had worsened. “There is an information gap in the country where the government’s message doesn’t reach many people. They have not effectively commu nicated to people why things are getting bad and that is making people angrier,” she said.

The march was led by the country’s largest unions who called for a “total shutdown” of the economy in protest against high unemployment and rising fuel and electricity costs. They blame the ruling party, the ANC, for the poor state of the country’s econ Membersomy. of the unions marched across all nine provinces, singing songs from the country’s liberation strug gle. The largest rallies were reported in Cape Town and LikePretoria.inthe U.S., inflation has accelerated to its highest level in 13 years in July, pushed mainly by surging prices for food, transport and electric Foodstuffsity. that many peo ple rely on have gone up by 10 percent in the last year Pricesalone. for bread and cereals were up by 13.7 percent in July from 11.2 percent in June. It means a loaf of white bread now costs $1.05 com pared with $0.91 one year ago, StatsSA said. The price of fuel increased by 56.2 percent from last year and the jobless rate hovers near 34 Meanwhile,percent.thesocial archi tecture formed over more than three centuries of white rule has maintained South Africa’s position as the world’s most unequal society, according to the Thomas Piketty-backed World Inequality AttemptsLab. by the now-dem ocratic government to wipe away the legacy of apartheid and colonialism have failed to narrow the imbalance between rich and poor, with 3,500 adults owning more than the poorest 32 million people in the country of 60 million, it said in a report. “There is no evidence that wealth inequality has decreased since the end of apartheid,” the group said. “Asset allocations before 1993 still continue to shape wealth in“Itequality.”istime to abolish human exploitation once and for all,” said Audrey Azoulay, director general of Unesco, speaking on Aug. 23, the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolution. “Today, let us remem ber the victims and freedom fighters of the past so that they may inspire future gen erations to build just societ ies.” Courtesy

“W e cannot breathe comrades. We can not breathe when today it costs more than $277 to buy food for a family of just four people. No!” That was Moalusi Tumane, a school teacher in Palm Ridge, east of Johannesburg, speak ing to some 1,000 workers who marched last week to the seat of government in South Africa’s capital Pretoria to protest the country’s soaring cost of living including record-high fuel prices and more expensive basic foods. “We cannot stay at the same salary when everything has doubled up,” complained Linda Gumede, also a school teacher told a reporter. “Cooking oil has tripled-up. How can I buy everything when I have nothing?”

A young climate activist from Uganda about to address the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, faced one final indignity from western media when they staged a photo op of her with her white climate colleagues and then clipped her out of the final shot. Vanessa Nakate said she was heart broken to see websites using the photo featuring four white activists but not her. In an emotional video Nakate said: “This is the first time in my life that I understood the definition of the word racism.” The Associated Press later apologized to Nakate, saying: “We regret publishing a photo this morning that cropped out Ugandan climate activist Vanessa Nakate.” But the bizarre scandal was not to end Nakatethere.gained a wide platform from the incident that included her picture on the cover of Time magazine, appearances with Trevor Noah, Amy Goodman of DemocracyNow and many others. In the days since, Nakate has gained over 100,000 followers across her (nowverified) Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. Someone even set up a Wikipedia page for her. Being cropped out of a photo featuring Greta Thunberg and three other white climate activists was heart breaking for Vanessa Nakate, but it has now become a huge source of

10 T hursday, s ep T ember 1, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint w ww.sdvoice.info Global Information Network Global Information Network Global Information Network Global Information Network SOUTH AFRICA PROTEST HIGHLIGHTS GROWING ANGER OVER SOARING PRICES Union-supported march to Pretoria . Photo:


is short and to the point. Africa is responsible for only 3% of global emissions, she says, and yet Africans are already suffering some of the most brutal impacts fueled by the climate cri sis. Many Africans are losing their “Countrieslives.

Tunisia hopes to take advantage of the summit to attract investors for about 80 projects worth 2.7 billion dollars in the health, automotive, space and renew able energy sectors, which are expected to create 35,700 jobs. The crisis of inflation taking a toll on the poor and mid dle class has spread to Sierra Leone where rare protests shook the capital of FreeWorkerstown. have been clearing broken glass from down town restaurants. “It was an explosion of violence,” said Mohamed Sillah of the dam age inflicted on his and other buildings. “We don’t usually see this in Sierra Leone but we are in tough times.”

in the global South are among the least responsible for causing climate change compared to the global North but are among the ones suffering the most from its Aneffects.”activist since 2018, Nakate was inspired by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg to start her own climate movement in Uganda and began a solitary strike against inaction on the climate crisis in January 2019.

Businesses, government offices and buses across eastern Freetown were charred or destroyed completely in the violence as police and secu rity officials brutally cracked down on demonstrators. At least 21 protesters and six officers were killed. A video verified by Reuters shows police firing live ammuni tion into the crowds. Protests are usually restrict ed in the tiny West African country, where 56.8% of the country’s 8 million people live below the poverty line. Like in many other African countries Sierra Leone has been badly affected by rapid inflation caused in part by the war in Ukraine. The dire economic situation brought people out onto the streets.

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“It was good seeing people I hadn’t seen in a real long time. It’s been some years,” Ed Friendsshared. and relatives came all the way from North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Hawaii, Long Beach, Menifee and Inglewood.

“We’ve been planning this celebration for two years. It took some time but I think anybody that makes it to 65 should be cel ebrated. We started to cancel it when he got sick in January. It’s a blessing that he’s still here, but 65 is a big number. So we had to make it work,” wife and co-planner Debra Childs shared.

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Mr Childs arrived at the Marina Villages in Mission Beach in a stretch Hummer Limousine and stepped to his party where a room full of well-wishers, huggers, and con gratulations awaited him. Family and friends were ready and willing to help him celebrate his momentous occasion.


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Edward Childs, aka “The Godfather”, cele brated his 65th year of existence on the sec ond Saturday (13th) of big August 2022.

COMMUNITY The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 11

seniors live

By Darrel Wheeler Contributing Writer

Award w inning

PHOTOS: Darrel Wheeler

Thanks to DJ Zoe from LA The Godfather and his guests were able to boogie down to some George Clinton. P-Funk, Roger and much more.

Thanks to TNT Explosives Decorating Service, the party boy was able to enjoy the cool décor, dine on some good and tasty grub compliments of Chef Big Moe Stephens.

“You can’t ask for more love than that,” Ed Thesaid. Village bungalow dance floor might need some extra maintenance after Ed and his representatives scorched up the floor with their fancy dance moves.

Twitter and other social media users are again gushing over the impact Beyoncé and her husband Jay Z’s commitment to students in select high schools and historically Black colleges and universities. Two years ago, they announced a new scholarship program that will award 10 scholarships worth $100,000 each to “exceptional” high school seniors who demonstrate financial needs

The power couple have had a long history of helping students with The Shawn Carter Foundation spearheading college tours to historically Black colleges and universities and providing scholarships to college bound students throughout the country.Photo: Maegan Tintari [www.flickr.com/photos/lovemaegan/4323252926], Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic | Flickr.

“The energy-filled production put the spot light on art and culture, mixing the ancient and the modern, which resonated masterful ly through the marching band, performance art, choir, and dance. It was the impetus to mark her second scholarship program.”

12 T hursday, s ep T ember 1, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint w ww.sdvoice.info IN MORE NEWS

By The Associated Press won her last major title but said she couldn’t be expect ant and playing again.

Homecoming Scholars was inspired by Beyoncé’s performance at the 2018 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Beyoncé, the first Black woman in the festival’s 19-year history to be its headline performer, refer enced HBCUs throughout her performance that incorporated a 100-piece all-Black marching band and song selection.

Jay Z and Beyoncé Continue Adding to Their Legacy of Giving Back

The power couple have had a long history of helping students with The Shawn Carter Foundation spearheading college tours to historically Black colleges and universities and providing scholarships to college bound students throughout the country.

Popular music’s most powerful couple con tinues to make power moves. And, even when their good deeds are a year old, the significance never fades. Twitter and other social media users are again gushing over the impact Beyoncé and her husband Jay Z’s commitment to students in select high schools and historically Black colleges and Twouniversities.yearsago, they announced a new schol arship program that will award 10 scholar ships worth $100,000 each to “exceptional” high school seniors who demonstrate finan cial needs. The duo said the award will serve as a dedi cated university-based fund for each select ed student throughout the duration of the student’s enrollment. In 2021, Beyoncé’s “BeyGOOD Initiative” and Jay Z’s “The Shawn Carter Foundation,” partnered with Tiffany & Co. to donate $2 million to HBCUs. As a new school semester dawns, fans and others are anticipating another major power move by the Meanwhile,couple.the “About Love” Scholarship is distributed among students who pursue the arts and creative fields at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania; Norfolk State University in Virginia; Bennett College in North Carolina; the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff, and Central State University in Ohio.

T he talk of tennis - and beyond - for most of the past three weeks has been about Serena Williams and her announcement that she is planning to stop playing professional tennis. That all leads up to the U.S. Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tournament, which began Monday, with Williams scheduled to play her firstround match in Arthur Ashe Stadium at night. The leadup to her departure in words and photos since her revelation earlier this month that she is preparing to “evolve’’ away from her career as a professional athlete. This guide offers a look at Williams the player and Williams the person, her accomplishments and her influence, as the 40year-old American gets ready to shift her focus from serves and forehands to expanding her family and pursuing busi ness interests.

THE ANNOUNCEMENT Williams revealed her plans in an essay in Vogue maga zine that was published Aug. 9. She didn’t give a timeline and didn’t even say she was retiring, but that she was “evolving away from tennis, toward other things that are important to me.’’ Along with her business interests, Williams said she wanted to expand her family. She and her husband, Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, have a daughter, Olympia, who turns 5 on Thursday. “Believe me, I never wanted to have to choose between ten nis and a family. I don’t think it’s fair,’’ said Williams, who was pregnant when she won the 2017 Australian Open for her last Grand Slam trophy. “If I were a guy, I wouldn’t be writing this because I’d be out there playing and winning while my wife was doing the physical labor of expanding our family.’’

Through her BeyGOOD initiative, Beyoncé created the Formation Scholars Award, a merit program to help female students start or further their college education, and this year they announced the Homecoming Scholars Award, a second merit program, opened to qualified students, regardless of gender, to enter or continue their studies at one of eight JordanHBCUs.Davis decided to apply for the BeyGood scholarship but said doubted he would receive the award. About a month later though, the Plano, Texas, native learned he was one of the eight finalists who had won the inau gural scholarship sponsored by Beyoncé and “IGoogle.wasso ecstatic,” Davis told the Houston Chronicle. “It was a dream come true. It almost felt like Beyoncé had chosen me.”


Serena Williams practices at Arthur Ashe Stadium before the start of the U.S. Open tennis tournament in New York, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2022. Photo: AP/Seth Wenig

“The show, with its homage to excellence in education, was a celebration of the homecom ing weekend experience, the highest display of college pride,” according to a news release.

Williams has been working with Rennae Stubbs, who won four Slam titles in women’s doubles, alongside coach Eric Hechtman, since last week. She practiced for about an hour inside Ashe on Saturday. Later that day came news that even if she lost on Monday, Williams’ U.S. Open career wouldn’t be over quite yet. She and Venus accepted a wild card into the women’s doubles tournament. At press time, the Williams sisters were scheduled to play the Czech pair of Lucie Hradecka and Linda Noskova in the first round. They have won the U.S. Open twice and it is their first tourna ment together since the 2018 French Open. THE FIRST OPPONENT In her first match at what is expected to be the last U.S. Open — and last tournament — of her remarkable playing career, even if she insists that she won’t quite say so, Williams overcame a shaky start to overpower Danka Kovinic 6-3, 6-3 amid an atmosphere more akin to a festival than a farewell.

By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent

THE ON-COURT ACHIEVEMENTS Williams’ 23 Grand Slam singles titles are the most in the professional era of ten nis, which began in 1968. She won 73 tour-level singles titles and was ranked No. 1 for more than six years’ worth of Herweeks.greatest success came at the U.S. Open, where her 106 victories were a tournament record. She has reached at least the semifinals in her last 11 Williamsappearances.alsocombined with older sister Venus for 14 Grand Slam women’s dou bles titles and has won four Olympic gold medals.

THE OFF-COURT INSPIRATION Williams’ impact on the Black community is indelible. Raised in Compton, California, she learned tennis on the public courts that are far from the privileged private clubs that nurtured most U.S. players. She was outspoken on issues such as gun violence. Williams is also a fashion icon. She has appeared everywhere from magazine covers to red carpets, and “What’s Serena wearing?’’ was sometimes as big a question as “Who’s Serena playing?’’ at a tennis tourShenament.launched a fashion col lection in 2018 after collab orations with HSN and Nike. Many women thought of their own choices they faced in balancing family and career when Williams made her announcement. She was two months pregnant when she

Williams earned her only singles victory of the year on the day before her announcement, beating Nuria Parrizas-Diaz 6-3, 6-4 at the women’s National Bank Open in Toronto. She hadn’t won a singles match since the 2021 French WilliamsOpen.then was beat 6-2, 6-4 by Olympic gold med alist Belinda Bencic in her next Williamsmatch.had been off the tour since an injury in the first round of Wimbledon in 2021 and didn’t return until this year’s tournament, where she fell 7-5, 1-6, 7-6 (10-7) to Harmony Tan in the first Afterround.the Toronto tourna ment, Williams went on to lose 6-4, 6-0 to U.S. Open champion Emma Raducanu in the Western & Southern Open.

Serena’s Farewell: Stories From the Leadup to the US Open


For example, if you make a sale in January and receive the $200 payment in February, an accrual method would allow you to record that on January’s books, while the cash method would require that payment to land on February’s books.

Rapper Lil Baby showed up to the preview to place an order from the fully plant-based menu that also features burgers, salads, fries, ice teas, and a limeade. The restaurant’s milkshakes are made from an oatand-soy blend. “I say this all the time: `Live, love, laugh,’’’ Hart continued. “Here, we say ‘Eat your heart out.’ People have a curiosity about plant-based food. It’s something I eat. It’s really good. When you look at other restaurants, Hart House is just as good and maybe even better in some respects.’’ Hart felt the need to create a healthy space within the fast-food spectrum that’s affordable for customers. There are several other plant-based, fastfood options located throughout Los Angeles, but Hart House’s approach is to serve quality food with sandwiches and burgers that are within the $5-$7 price range - less than competitors. “It’s a major priority for us,’’ Hart said. “We want to make an environment where people feel good.’’ In creating Hart House, the comedian-actor teamed up with restaura teur Andy Hooper, chef Mike Salem, and businessman Michael Rubin, who was an investor. Salem, who developed Hart House’s menu options, was the head of culinary innovation at Burger King where he helped launch the Impossible “OneWhopper.ofthe cool things about our leadership is that the majority of us are carnivores,’’ he said. “But we wanted to create this plant-based concept and bring Kevin’s vision to light. We wanted to keep this simple. This is straightforward classic American comfort food.’’ Along with his flagship location, Hart wants to open six more Hart House restaurants by the end of the year. He already has two locations under con struction in Los Angeles including one in the Hollywood area.

By Jonathan Landrum Jr.

Kevin Hart poses for a portrait at the opening of his new vegan fast-food restaurant “Hart House” on Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2022 in Los Angeles. Photo: Willy Sanjuan/Invision/AP. Kimberly Bryant, Black Girls Code @ SXSW 2016. Photo: WikiMedia Commons Kimberly Bryant Fired from Role of CEO for Black Girls Code By Voice & Viewpoint Staff U.S. Small AdministrationBusiness Your Guide to Business Finances Photo: CBM

Pick a method of accounting

Looking closely at money-in and money-out helps maintain a sustainable balance between profit and loss. From development and operations to recurring and nonrecur ring costs, it’s important to categorize expenses in your balance sheet. Then, you can use a cost-benefit analysis, or a process that helps weigh the strengths and weaknesses of a business decision, and put potential recurring ben efits and cost reductions in Acontext.CBAis a technique for making non-critical choices in a relatively quick and easy way. It simply involves adding money in benefits and money in costs over a specified time period, before subtracting costs from benefits to determine success in terms of dollars. This can come in handy with hiring another employee or an independent contractor. Learn more about hiring employees at www.sba.gov/busi-

The balance sheet is the foundation of managing your finances. It operates as a snap shot of your business financ es. Download a free balance sheet template at guide/manage-your-busiatto-faceparingoftingcanliabilities,alsoloyeesaccountAtemplate.org/resource/balance-sheet-www.score.balancesheetwillhelpyouforcostslikeemp-andsupplies.Itwillhelpyoutrackassets,andequity.Yougetinsightsbysepara-andanalyzingsegmentsyourbusiness,likecomonlinesalestoface-sales.Learnmorewww.sba.gov/business-

“Our business is in the business of feeling good. That’s what Kevin Hart is about,’’ he said in an interview before the restaurant’s official opening, which got off to a strong start with long lines of customers throughout the day. While sitting alongside his wife, Eniko Hart, the actor scarfed down a plant-based crispy chick’n sandwich, chick’n nuggets and tots.

TechCrunch has reported that founder of Black Girls Code, Kimberly Bryant, has been officially fired from the com pany. In December 2021, Bryant discovered she could no longer log into her company email due to being indefinite ly suspended from her role by the board of directors, according to a TechCrunch Allegedly,article.


Accounting for revenue and expenses can help keep your business running smoothly. Make sure you maintain proper bookkeeping and have a basic knowledge of business finances.

“We’re being open-minded,’’ he said. “This is a new generation and new way of thinking when it comes to food consumption. This is the beginning stages for us. We will continue to get better over time.’’

Now, 8 months later, she is officially ousted from Black Girls Code. According to TechCrunch, this comes after Bryant filed a federal lawsuit in the beginning of August where she alleged that she was wrongfully suspended and that there was a conflict of interest regarding another Board Member, Heather Hiles. A day after filing this lawsuit, Bryant was terminated from her job as chief executive, as well as from her role as a board member.

Businesses often use either the accrual or cash methods of recording purchases. The accrual method puts transactions on the books immedi ately upon completing the sale. The cash method only records this once payment has been received.

Start with a balance sheet

www.sdvoice.info The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, s ep T ember 1, 2022 13 “If it Isn’t Flowing Right, We Didn’t Do It!” Service & Repairs • Commercial & Residential Ask About Water Heaters Rinnai Tankless Certified Your Neighborhood Plumber Serving San Diego Since 1998 FLOW-RITE PLUMBING (619) 266-2208(619) FLOW-RITEFLOW-RITE266-2208PLUMBINGPLUMBINGFLOW-RITEPLUMBING License #658730 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 7227 Broadway, Ste 404, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 619-644-1040  619-644-1015 Fax We Also Provide:  Notoray Services  Electronic Filing  IRS Audits  OFFER IN COMPROMISES Mae C. Tucker Enrolled Agent BS Degree - SDSU Financial Telesis Network See FINANCES page 23 BUSINESS NEWS Kevin Hart Opens New Plant-Based, Fast Food Restaurant in LA

K evin Hart already has a thriving comedy and acting career, and now he’s aiming for people’s stomachs. The prolific actor-comedian opened his first plant-based, fast-food restaurant called Hart House on Thursday in the Westchester neighbor hood of Los Angeles near the city’s airport. He wants this new venture to attract regular plant-based eaters along with those who haven’t yet been introduced to that world of healthy eating.

ness/buy-assets-equipment. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)

the board said she was suspended due to a review of Bryant and com plaints that said the ex-CEO had creat ed a “toxic” workplace.

A Black Girls Code spokesperson said in a statement to TechCrunch that they “believe the decision to remove Ms. Bryant as CEO and as a board member is in the best interests of the organization, the girls it serves, its employees, and its donors. BGC has been focusing its efforts on moving forward and expanding on the success of the organization since its inBryantception.”has responded to TechCrunch as well, saying her termination is “an unfor tunate culmination of a hostile takeover initiated by Board Member Heather Hiles of the nonprofit that Ms. Bryant created from the ground up, with Hiles’ ultimate desire to gain control of over $30 million in donated philanthropic funds.” In December, TechCrunch spoke to five ex-employees of Black Girl Code, who said that the reason that employee turn over was so prevalent in the company was due to Bryant and her way of lead ership, describing her method as “root ed in fear.” Another employee describes Bryant as being unafraid to publicly berate employees and often called workers “To“incompetent.”workforanorganization that is try ing to change how you are treated, val ued, and appreciated — and when that doesn’t happen again — it’s really a par ticular kind of betrayal,” said the anon ymous ex-employee to TechCrunch. Bryant has denied all allegations. Still, others have come to defend the ex-CEO and the way that Black Girls Code han dled her firing. “Her former and current employees deserve to be heard,” said Martine Pierre, the founder of edtech cannabis compa ny Cannalution, in a statement to TechCrunch. “Their allegations, if true, should not be brushed aside; however, Kimberly deserved a fair review process that could have alleviated any previous or current issues within the company. How they terminated her was gross. There was no warning at all. There was no internal investigation.”

KENNETH EARL BOOKER SR., affectionately known as “Kenny,” was born on May 4, 1955, in Los Angeles, California, to the union of Edward Booker & Georgia N. Booker-Edwards. Kenny spent his childhood in the community of Los Angeles, California, and was an accomplished Trombonist. He accepted Christ at a very early age and later relocated with his family to San Diego, California, becoming a member of the Southeast Church of the Nazarene. After Kenny graduated from Abraham Lincoln high school in 1973, he enlisted in the United States Navy. He earned a National Defense Service Medal and was honorably discharged. Kenny received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from San Diego State University and a Master’s in Business from the Cal State University of San Bernardino. In February 1976, Kenny married Carol Wells-Booker-Bussey. This union was blessed with one son, Kenneth “Kenny” Booker Jr. Kenny was a very loving and devoted husband, father, and family man. Kenny loved technology and was a government employee and computer analyst over the years.

Kenny had many hobbies, including playing his trombone, chess, dominoes, fixing cars, rebuilding computers, barbecuing, bowling, golfing, fashion, music, and investing in real estate. In the 1990’s Kenny married Anita Booker, and in his later years married Dalita McFadden-Booker in 2009. His family will always remember him as ambitious, thoughtful, and the life of the party. On August 1, 2022, Kenneth Earl Booker Sr. departed this life after battling failing health for the past ten years. He was preceded in death by both his parents and sister Jeweline Thomas. Left to treasure his memory are his son Kenny Booker Jr.; his granddaughter Kaliysah Booker; his brother Ronald Edwards; his nephews: Lee Wells II, Donald Atchison, and Tony Curtis; his niece Rozlynn Curtis; his great-nephews Isaiah Phillips, Joshua “Hercules” West, and Adonijah Holden; his great- nieces ShaNay Curtis and Dondi Atchinson; his cousins Braetta Niles-Brown, NeEviest Niles-Woods, Helena Niles, Trina Niles; along with a host of other relatives and friends who will deeply miss his laugh ter and his love. Jayme M Howell jaymemhowell@readingchangeslivesinc.org.at


SUNRISE 05/04/1955


Beloved husband, father, grandfather, and brother James Albert Williams, affectionately known as ‘Cowboy,’ peacefully passed away at his home with his wife of 41 beautiful years at his side. Left to cherish his memories are his wife, Carolyn McKinney Williams; 8 children; 12 grand children; and 11 great-grandchildren. Along with a brother, two sisters, a host of nieces, nephews, great-nephews, and extended family and friends. We invite you to join us for the final resting of Cowboy, which will take place in Yuma, Arizona, on September 10, 2022, as we honor his request to be laid to rest at the place he loved to fish.

SUNSET 08/13/2022

JILL MARLENE CARROLL was born on June 18, 1948, in San Diego, California. She was the third child of four, born to the late William Otis and Jean Jeanette Carroll. Being the only girl, Jill was truly adored by her parents and siblings. After completing her formal education locally at Kearney High School, she received her Associate’s degree from Mesa Junior College. Jill was an indepen dent person who entered the workforce at the tender age of 18. She retired as a City of San Diego employee after 37 years. Towards the end of 1965, Jill met Coleman F. Meshack and became his wife in 1971. To this marriage, two children were born: Coleman Aaron Meshack and Marques Demond Meshack. In later years, their union was dissolved. Jill was a loving, kind, and devoted mother who provided for her two sons. She enjoyed entertaining family and friends and listening and dancing to her favorite songs.

Funeral services were held on 08/26/2022 at Memory Chapel at Anderson Ragsdale Mortuary, with a burial following at Miramar National Cemetery. Final arrange ments were entrusted to Anderson Ragsdale Mortuary.

SUNSET 08/01/2022


for further information

Funeral services were held on 08/15/2022 at Anderson Ragsdale Memory Chapel, with a burial following at Cypress View Mausoleum. Final arrangements were entrusted to Anderson Ragsdale Mortuary. On Wednesday, December 25, 1929, GERALDINE CLARK PIPKINS became the fifth of nine children born to the late Willie James and Geneva Clark in San Diego, California. Born on Christmas Day and often referred to as a “Christmas Angel” by those who knew her well, at 92 years of life, she was called home on July 25, 2022. Ms. Geraldine Pipkins was born and raised in San Diego, California. She attended Logan Elementary and Memorial Junior High School, graduating from San Diego High School. Her musical talent was recognized at an early age. She was musically known at her local church, Logan Temple A.M.E. Zion, and San Diego High School and was a member of the well-known San Diego High School Concert Choir. A few of her music accompanist achievements are with the San Diego Civic Youth Ballet, the California Ballet Company with special appearances in The San Diego Starlight Opera, Stage 7, San Diego Junior Theater, and a guest on the ABC television show, The New Love American Style. She also taught music to the young minds of elementary students. For over thirty years, she served as accompanist and/or choir director for St. Paul United Methodist Church, Logan Temple A.C.E. Zion Church, Prince Chapel by The Sea A.M.E. CHURCH, St. Matthews Episcopal Church, and oth ers in various San Diego Counties. Her words were that her relationship with God was through her music and her fingers were her voice. She was a member of IONE Chapter #58 order of the Eastern Star. Ms. Pipkins also participated in and held membership in the National Associate of Negro Musicians and the National Associate of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Club. Many hearts are left heavy with the loss of this beautiful mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, cousin, and friend. She is survived by her three children, John Arthur Pipkins Jr., James Aaron Pipkins, and Pamela Azmi-Andrew. Three sisters, Virginia Jean McDonald, Essie Bowers, and Fannie C. Scott (Cornelius). Three grandchildren, Mañe Rich Andrew, Collette Pipkins, and Melissa Lee Neofotis (Christopher). Six great-grandchildren and many other relatives and friends.

James D. Henderson joined the United States Navy. James Retired from U. S. Navy. James was awarded the Vietnam Service Medal and Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (Taiwan). When James Henderson retired, he became a Reserve San Diego County Police Officer until he went to work as a Civil Service Employee in Point Loma, California.

James Carroll SUNRISE 06/18/1948 SUNSET 07/29/2022

Geraldine Clark Henderson SUNRISE 05/07/1935

JAMES D. HENDERSON was born on May 07, 1935, in Geneva, Alabama, to the late Rosa Lee Thomas and T.Y. Henderson. He was the middle son and was preceded in death by sister Liddie Mae Henderson-Bouie, and survived by brother Ronnie Jasper Henderson.

James D. Henderson was called home on August 13th, 2022. James is survived by his brother Ronnie Jasper Henderson Rochester, New York. His children are David Lover (Sherretta) of Goodyear, Arizona; James D. Henderson Jr. (Janet) of San Diego; Cheryl Wilson of San Diego; and Toni Henderson of San Diego. James also has 3 sisters in law; Aldean Ford of Sacramento, CA; Exetta Lemons of Utah; Wilhelmina Jones of Las Vegas, Nevada; and a host of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.

ARRANGEMENTS BY PREFERRED CREMATION & BURIAL MORTUARY SUNRISE 01/19/1942 SUNSET 07/09/2022 James “Cowboy” AlbertWilliams If you wish to send monetary gifts or condolences, please contact grandson

James D. Henderson met his wife Margie Betty Jean Jones-Henderson and mar ried in Winterhaven, California. Margie preceded him in death. Their union was blessed with four children.

James D. Henderson was a faithful member of Mount Erie Baptist Church. James Henderson was also the head cook at Mount Erie Christian Academy. James Henderson was a Past Master raised a Master Mason in Gustavus A. Thompson #79. He served as the Worshipful Master and earned the title of Past Master. He was a faithful member of Gustavus A. Thompson #79. In addition, James Henderson was also a member of Ada B Cleveland Chapter #71 Order of Eastern Stars, where he served as a past Associate Patron. James was also a Worthy Patron. James Henderson joined San Diego Consistory #91 and later was elevated to 33 Degree. Noble Henderson became a noble of the Mystic Shrine. He achieved the title of Past Potentate after successfully completing the requirement of being a Rabban and actual Potentate Temple Number #102 A.E.A.O.N.M.S.

OBITUARIES 14 T hursday, s ep T ember 1, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint w ww.sdvoice.info Pipkins SUNRISE 12/25/1929 SUNSET 07/25/2022

On July 29, 2022, at 8:05 pm, the Lord called His precious child Jill Marlene Carroll home. Left to honor her memory are: her two sons Coleman A. Meshack and Marques D. Meshack; eight grandsons: Dajon Meshack, Amarion Meshack, Marquale Meshack, Enoch Meshack, Elijah Meshack, Eyzeah Meshack, Yabari Meshack, and Artemas Perine Jr.; four granddaughters: Marie Perine, Makayla Perine, Dejanae Johnson, and Trinity Perine; three brothers: William (Carol) Carroll Jr., Rodney (Ann) Carroll and Alan Carroll; three nieces: Celinta Marable, Meahmen Broussard, and Wynahn Carroll; one nephew William Carroll III; along with a multitude of close family and friends.

Jill Marlene

Kenneth Earl Booker Sr.

www.sdvoice.info The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 15 CHURCH DIRECTORY 3619 College Ave. San Diego, CA 92115 619.266.2293 • www.facebook.com/EaglesNestChristianCenterjwarren@sdvoice.info Sunday Services: Bible Study: 9 :00 a.m. • Worship: 11:00 a.m. Join Us via Zoom Meeting: Online or Dial: 1(669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 747 601 3471 • Passcode: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7476013471?pwd=O626024GdGbnVMZ0xORzVGaENMa203QWVNQT09MeetingID:7476013471•Passcode:church YOU CAN NOW EXPERIENCE EAGLE’S NEST TEACHINGS ON YOUTUBE! Search: Pastor John E. Warren San Diego We are a non-denominational full fellowship of believers dedicated to reach our community with the gospel and providing a place for believers to workship, learn, fellowship, serve and grow into the fullness of Christ Jesus. This ministry is to build people of Purpose, Prayer, Power, Praise and Prosperity. This mandate is being fulfilled by reaching the reality of the gospel in a simplistic fashion, and a result, learning how to apply it in everyday life. 124 Spruce Road Chula Vista, CA 91911 Phone: (619) 427-8468 • www.gwpcogic.org Sunday School, 9:30 am on-site and Zoom Sunday Morning Worship, 11:00 am on-site Noon-Day Prayer, Tuesdays on Zoom Wednesday Midweek Bible Study, 7:00 pm, on Zoom First Friday Prayer, 9:00 pm to Midnight, on-site and Zoom Call the church office at (619) 427-8468 for Zoom links. 4995 A Street San Diego, CA 92102 619.264.3369 Sunday School 9 :00 a.m. Morning Service 10:45 a.m. New Membership Orientation BTU 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Eve Prayer Service 6:00 p.m. 625 Quail Street San Diego, CA 92102 619.263.4544 Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Youth Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Eagles ChristianNestCenter Greater Woodlawn Park Church of God in Christ CHURCH DIRECTORY ADS Pilgrim Progressive Baptist BaptistMacedoniaChurchMissionaryChurch $99 MONTHLY “We are waiting for You” “To Serve this present age” Matt: 28:19-20 Pastor Dr. John E. Warren 1553 Altadena Ave  San Diego, CA 92102 www.tlkcsd.org Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study - 6:00 p.m. Transforming Life Kingdom Church Healing Lives, Empowering People, Leading Change, & Proclaiming Truth Pastor Rodney RobinsonBishop Roy Dixon, D.D., Pastor Pastor Donnell and First Lady Sheila Townsend Pastor Rev. Julius R. Bennett Voice &Viewpoint 580 69th Street, San Diego, CA 92114 619.264.1454 • warnerdt1@aol.com Sunday Bible Study 8:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday Bible Class 5:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Class 7:00 p.m. Friday Video Bible Class 7:00 p.m 719 Cesar E. Chavez Pkwy San Diego, CA 92113 619.233.6487 • calvarybaptist1889@gmail.comwww.calvarybcsd.org Sundays Bible Discovery Hour 9 :30 a.m. Mid Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Noon Day Bible Study 12:00 noon Wednesday Discipleship Training 7:00 p.m. Church of Christ “A Church Where Family, Faith & Fellowship Matters” Minister Donald R. Warner Sr. Calvary Baptist Church 7024 Amherst Street San Diego, CA 92115 619.469.4916 Email: newassurancebaptistchurch@yahoo.com Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.- In person & Live Stream Sunday Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.- In person & Live Stream Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer: 6:30 p.m.- In person & Live Stream P.O. Box 651 Lemon Grove, CA 91946 Conference Call Worship Service: SUNDAYS 10:30 AM Call: Access1-701-802-5400Code1720379# 2205 Harrison Avenue San Diego, CA 92113 619-234-5506 • Fax 619 234-8732 Email: newhopeadm@gmail.com 10 A.M. Sunday Service Live Stream on Facebook, Youtube, Sunday School Lesson Immediately following service. 12 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study Live Stream on Facebook, 2P.M. on Youtube 605 S. 45th Street San Diego, CA 92113-1905 619.263.3097 • t.obie95@yahoo.com Sunday School 9 :00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Prayer 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. 1819 Englewood Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 91945 619.724.6226 • www.coyhm.org Sunday In the Know Bible Study 8:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Saturday Shabbat Service 1:00-2:30 p.m. 3094 L Street San Diego, CA 92102 619.232.5683 9:30 A.M. Sunday Service In Person, Live Stream on Facebook - www.facebook.com/stpaulsumcsd Food Distribution Thursday Noon – 3:00 PM Diaper Program Thursday Noon – 2:00 PM 5333 Geneva Ave. San Diego, CA 92114 619.262.2505 Sunday Breakfast @ 8:00 AM Church Service 9:00 AM In-Person and on, Live Stream Facebook.com/PTCSanDiego & YouTube - Zoom Go to ptcmesd@gmail.com Sunday School @ 10:30 Wednesday Bible Study @ 6:00 PM In-Person and On Zoom ID: 81144203904 P: 867104 1962 Euclid Ave. San Diego, CA 92105 619.266.2411 • bethel@bethelbc.comwww.bethelbc.com Sunday Morning Prayer 6:00 & Worship 7:30 a.m. Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Morning Worship Youth & Children’s Church 11:00 a.m. Community Prayer (Hemera) Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 7:30 a.m. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:30 p.m. Mid Week Prayer Wednesday 12:00 noon and 7:00 p.m. 3085 K Street San Diego, CA 92102 619.232.0510 • www.bethelamesd.com 10:00 A.M. Sunday Service In Person, Live Stream on Facebook, Youtube and on bethelamesd.com 13230 Pomerado Road Poway, CA 92064 858.485.6110 • www.mesaview.org Email: mvbcadmin@mesaview.org We are using YouTube under our website of www.mesaview.org or www.YouTube.com 8:45 A.M. Sunday School Class - Via Zoom Call Contact Office for details 10 A.M. Sunday Service • 7 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study Visit our site for previous sermons: www.mesaview.org 1728 S. 39th Street San Diego, CA 92113 619.262.6004 • Fax 619.262.6014 www.embcsd.com Sunday School 9 :30 a.m. Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 12 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. 138 28th Street San Diego, CA 92102 Mail:Fax:www.totaldeliverance.org619.303.20087373UniversityAve.Suite 217, La Mesa, CA 91942 Sunday Early Morning Worship Service 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Christians’ United in the Word of God New FriendshipHope Missionary Baptist Church Lively forHaTheBaptistMissionaryStonesChurchChurchofYeshuaMashiachHebrew“JesustheMessiah” St. Paul BethelCMEPhillipsBaptistNewofMethodistUnitedChurchSanDiegoAssuranceChurchTempleChurchBaptistChurch Mesa WorshipTotalBaptistEbenezerBaptistViewChurchMissionaryChurchDeliveranceCenter All are Welcome to Join Us. was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!” Psalms 122:1 “A new Hope, A new Life, A new Way through Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 5:17 A change is coming” “Come Worship With Us” “A Life Changing Ministry” Romans 12:2 “It Takes Team Work to Make the Dream Work” Bishop / Pastor Adlai E. Mack Pastor PastorLadyChambers,MiltonSr.&FirstAliceChambersRev.Dr.ObieTentman,Jr.DennisHodgesFirstLadyDeborahHodges Rev. Jeffery L. Grant, Sr. Pastor Rev. Jared B. Moten, Senior Dr.KeithPastorPastorEricEllisonJohnW.Ringgold,Sr.Pastor Rev. Harvey L. Vaughn, III Pastor Dr. PastorSuffraganJaredPerkinsDarrowJr.PastorB.MotenBishopDr.WilliamA.Benson,&Dr.RachelleY.Benson,FirstLady Bethel ChurchMethodistAfricanEpiscopalofSanDiego

• Avoid close contact (including intimate physical con tact) with others until you see a healthcare provider.

Step 3 Adult and/or child complete online survey(s) and finger-prick blood sample(s). Step 4 Return completed test kit(s) with blood sam ple(s) by mail.

• Remain isolated if you have a fever, sore throat, nasal congestion, or cough. Only go out to see a healthcare provider or for an emergency. Avoid public transportation.

There are two types of monkeypox virus: Clade I and Clade II. Infections in the current outbreak are from Clade II, or more specifically, Clade IIb. Is monkeypox deadly? Infections with the type of monkeypox virus identi fied in this outbreak—the Clade IIb —are rarely fatal. Over 99% of people who get this form of the disease are likely to survive. However, people with weakened immune systems, children under 8 years of age, people with a history of eczema, and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding may be more likely to get seriously ill or Thedie.Clade I type of monkeypox virus has a fatality rate around 10%.

Step 1 CDPH mails invitation letters to randomly selected households in your county.

There are no treatments specifically for monkeypox virus infections. However, because of genetic similarities in the viruses, antiviral drugs used to treat smallpox may be used to treat monkeypox infections.

How can monkeypox be prevented?

• Fe ver • Headache • Muscle aches and backache • Swollen lymph nodes • Ch ills • Respiratory symptoms (e.g. sore throat, nasal con gestion, or cough)

Sometimes, people get a rash first, followed by other symptoms. Others only experience a rash. What should I do if I have symptoms?

Monkeypox signs and symptoms. Photo: CDC

Whereas , monkeypox is an unusual disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. It is spread though prolonged skin-toskin contact and symptoms of monkeypox include rash, fever, muscle aches, and respi ra-tory symptoms. Although most cases of monkeypox resolve within a few weeks, mon keypox can cause serious symptoms, includ ing severe pain, hospitalization and, in rare cases, death; and

Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, there are 27 confirmed and 19 probable cases of monkeypox in San Diego County; and Whereas, on August 1, 2022, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California to respond to monkeypox; and

• If your test result is positive, stay isolated and observe other prevention practices until your rash has healed, all scabs have fallen off, and a fresh layer of intact skin has formed.

This declaration shall remain in effect for no longer than seven days unless ratified by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and continued for an additional time Date:period.August 2, 2022

2) A local health emergency is declared in San Diego County.

• A ra sh that can look like pimples or blisters that appears on the face, inside the mouth, and on other parts of the body, like the hands, feet, chest, genitals, or anus. ■ The rash goes through different stages before heal ing completely. The illness typically lasts 2-4 weeks.

Whereas , in May 2022, clusters of mon keypox cases were identified in multiple c ountries with the first case of monkey pox in the United States (U.S.) confirmed in Massachusetts on May 20, 2022; and Whereas , on May 27, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was confirmed in California; and Whereas , on June 15, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was reported in San Diego County; and Whereas , on July 23, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the multi-country spread of monkeypox to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, which constitutes its highest alert level; and Whereas, the global outbreak of mon-keypox is rapidly changing day-to-day; and

Whereas , there is a limited supply of the JYNNEOS® vaccine, which is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox disease; and Whereas , due to the limited supply of vac cine, the large population and geograph ic location of San Diego County, combined with the world-wide spread of monkeypox and confirmed or probable local cases, there is an imminent threat from the intro-duction of monkeypox in San Diego County commu nity at-large.

Step 5 Receive your results by mail in 6-8 weeks. Get a $20 gift card for each completed survey and each kit. Up to $80 per household! For more information, email CalScope@cdph.ca.gov or visit www. CalScope.org Photos: CDPH Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Date: August 2, 2022

Monkeypox: FAQ’s

Whereas, the global outbreak of mon keypox is rapidly changing day-today; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, glob ally, there have been over 21,148 cases associated with monkeypox and nationwide, there have been 4,907 confirmed or probable cases in the U.S., including 799 confirmed or probable cases in California across 27 local public health jurisdictions; and

COVID-19 / MONKEYPOX UPDATES 16 T hursday, s ep T ember 1, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint w ww.sdvoice.info Have you been invited to join CalScope? By California Dept. of Public Health (CDPH) By

• Avoid close contact with pets or other animals until you see a healthcare provider.

Step 2 Up to 1 adult and 1 child per household register online or over the phone and order at-home antibody test kit(s).

Now, therefore, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 101080, the San Diego County OfficerHealth declares:

Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, there are 27 con firmed and 19 probable cases of monkeypox in San Diego County; and Whereas , on August 1, 2022, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California to respond to monkeypox; and

• S ee a healthcare provider if you notice a new or unexplained rash or other monkeypox symptoms.

BASICS What is monkeypox?

Now, therefore, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 101080, the San Diego County Health Officer declares: 1) The introduction of monkeypox in San Diego County is a threat to the public’s health, within the mean ing of Health and Safety Code sec tion 101080.

SYMPTOMS What are the symptoms of monkeypox? Symptoms of monkeypox can include:

People can get monkeypox if they have close, skin-toskin contact with someone who has monkeypox. Early indications are that events with activities in which peo ple engage in close, sustained skin-to-skin contact have resulted in cases of monkeypox. If you plan to attend an event, consider how much close, personal, skin-toskin contact is likely to occur there.

Whereas, monkeypox is an unusual disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. It is spread though prolonged skin-to-skin contact and symptoms of monkeypox include rash, fever, muscle aches, and respira tory symptoms. Although most cases of monkeypox resolve within a few weeks, monkeypox can cause serious symptoms, including severe pain, hospitalization and, in rare cases, death; and Whereas, in May 2022, clusters of monkeypox cases were identified in multiple countries with the first case of monkeypox in the United States (U.S.) confirmed in Massachusetts on May 20, 2022; and Whereas, on May 27, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was confirmed in California; and Whereas, on June 15, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was reported in San Diego County; and Whereas, on July 23, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the multi-country spread of monkeypox to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, which constitutes its highest alert level; and Whereas, the global outbreak of mon keypox is rapidly changing day-today; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, glob ally, there have been over 21,148 cases associated with monkeypox and nationwide, there have been 4,907 confirmed or probable cases in the U.S., including 799 confirmed or probable cases in California across 27 local public health jurisdictions; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, there are 27 confirmed and 19 probable cases of monkeypox in San Diego County; and Whereas, on August 1, 2022, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California to respond to monkeypox; and Whereas, there is a limited supply of the JYNNEOS® vaccine, which is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox disease; and Whereas, due to the limited supply of vaccine, the large population and geographic location of San Diego County, combined with the world wide spread of monkeypox and con firmed or probable local cases, there is an imminent threat from the intro duction of monkeypox in San Diego County community at-large. Now, therefore, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 101080, the San Diego County Health Officer declares: 1) The introduction of monkeypox in San Diego County is a threat to the public’s health, within the mean ing of Health and Safety Code sec tion 101080. 2) A local health emergency is declared in San Diego County. This declaration shall remain in effect for no longer than seven days unless ratified by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and continued for an additional time Date:period.August 2, 2022

The contact does not have to be exclusively intimate or sexual.

What treatments are available for monkeypox?

2) A local health emergency is declared in San Diego County. This declaration shall remain in effect for no longer than seven days unless ratified by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and continued for an additional time Date:period.August 2, 2022

Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, glob-ally, there have been over 21,148 cases associated with monkeypox and nationwide, there have been 4,907 confirmed or probable cases in the U.S., including 799 confirmed or proba ble cases in California across 27 local public health jurisdictions; and

When should someone get tested for mon keypox?


This declaration shall remain in effect for no longer than seven days unless ratified by the San CountyDiegoBoard of Supervisors and continued for an additional time period.

People who think they have monkeypox or have had close personal contact with someone who has mon keypox should visit a healthcare provider to help them decide if they need to be tested for monkeypox. If they decide that you should be tested, they will work with you to collect the specimens and send them to a labo ratory for testing,

1) The introduction of monkeypox in San Diego County is a threat to the public’s health, within the mean-ing of Health and Safety Code sec-tion 101080.

Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus is part of the same family of viruses as variola virus, the virus that causes smallpox. Monkeypox symptoms are similar to smallpox symptoms, but milder, and monkeypox is rarely fatal. Are there different types of monkeypox?

• If you’re waiting for test results, follow the same pre cautions.


• If you must leave isolation, cover the rash and wear a well-fitting mask.

• Remind the healthcare provider that monkeypox is present in the United States.

Whereas, there is a limited supply of the JYNNEOS® vaccine, which is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox disease; and Whereas, due to the limited supply of vaccine, the large population and geographic location of San Diego County, combined with the world wide spread of monkeypox and con firmed or probable local cases, there is an imminent threat from the intro duction of monkeypox in San Diego County community at-large.


Is monkeypox a sexually transmitted infection (STI)? Monkeypox can more accurately be described as “sexu ally transmissible.” In other words, sex is just one of the ways that monkeypox can be spread. In the past, mon keypox outbreaks have been linked to direct exposure to infected animals and animal products, with limited person-to-person spread. In the current monkeypox outbreak, the virus is spreading primarily through close personal contact. This may include contact with infec tious lesions or respiratory secretions via close, sus tained skin-to-skin contact that occurs during sex. However, any close, sustained skin-to-skin contact with someone who has monkeypox can spread the virus.

Whereas, monkeypox is an unusual disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. It is spread though prolonged skin-to-skin contact and symptoms of monkeypox include rash, fever, muscle aches, and respira tory symptoms. Although most cases of monkeypox resolve within a few weeks, monkeypox can cause serious symptoms, including severe pain, hospitalization and, in rare cases, death; and Whereas, in May 2022, clusters of monkeypox cases were identified in multiple countries with the first case of monkeypox in the United States (U.S.) confirmed in Massachusetts on May 20, 2022; and Whereas, on May 27, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was confirmed in California; and Whereas, on June 15, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was reported in San Diego County; and Whereas, on July 23, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the multi-country spread of monkeypox to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, which constitutes its highest alert level; and Whereas, the global outbreak of mon keypox is rapidly changing day-today; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, glob ally, there have been over 21,148 cases associated with monkeypox and nationwide, there have been 4,907 confirmed or probable cases in the U.S., including 799 confirmed or probable cases in California across 27 local public health jurisdictions; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, there are 27 confirmed and 19 probable cases of monkeypox in San Diego County; and Whereas, on August 1, 2022, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California to respond to monkeypox; and Whereas, there is a limited supply of the JYNNEOS® vaccine, which is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox disease; and Whereas, due to the limited supply of vaccine, the large population and geographic location of San Diego County, combined with the world wide spread of monkeypox and con firmed or probable local cases, there is an imminent threat from the intro duction of monkeypox in San Diego County community at-large. Now, therefore, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 101080, the San Diego County Health Officer declares: 1) The introduction of monkeypox in San Diego County is a threat to the public’s health, within the mean ing of Health and Safety Code sec tion 101080.


Whereas, monkeypox is an unusual disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. It is spread though prolonged skin-to-skin contact and Whereas, the global outbreak of mon keypox is rapidly changing day-today; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, glob firmed or probable local cases, there is an imminent threat from the intro duction of monkeypox in San Diego County community at-large.


Now, therefore, pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 101080, the San Diego County Health Officer declares: 1) The introduction of monkeypox in San Diego County is a threat to the public’s health, within the mean ing of Health and Safety Code sec tion 101080. 2) A local health emergency is declared in San Diego County. This declaration shall remain in effect for no longer than seven days unless ratified by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and continued for an additional time Date:period.August 2, 2022

• Avoid contact with objects and materials that a per son with monkeypox has used. • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially before eating or touching your face and after you use the bathroom. Should people be concerned about going to crowded events?


DECLARATION OF LOCAL HEALTH EMERGENCY san diego county COVID-19 STATUS HOSPITALIZED 33,777 ICU 2,275 REPORTED TESTS 12,151,236 TOTAL CONFIRMED CASES 908,654 SOURCE: County of San Diego Last updated 8/25/2022

SPREAD How does monkeypox spread? Monkeypox can spread from person to person through direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids. It also can be spread by respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during inti mate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or Monkeypoxsex. can spread from the time symptoms start until the rash has fully healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed. Anyone in close personal contact with a person with monkeypox can get it and should take steps to protect themselves.

CalScope is a study from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) that will help us learn how many Californians have antibodies (from a past infection or vaccination) to the virus that causes COVID19. Your participation can help prevent and stop the spread of COVID19.

• Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with people who have a rash that looks like monkeypox.


Whereas, monkeypox is an unusual disease caused by infection with the monkeypox virus. It is spread though prolonged skin-to-skin contact and symptoms of monkeypox include rash, fever, muscle aches, and respira tory symptoms. Although most cases of monkeypox resolve within a few weeks, monkeypox can cause serious symptoms, including severe pain, hospitalization and, in rare cases, death; and Whereas, in May 2022, clusters of monkeypox cases were identified in multiple countries with the first case of monkeypox in the United States (U.S.) confirmed in Massachusetts on May 20, 2022; and Whereas, on May 27, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was confirmed in California; and Whereas, on June 15, 2022, the first case of monkeypox was reported in San Diego County; and Whereas, on July 23, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the multi-country spread of monkeypox to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, which constitutes its highest alert level; and Whereas, the global outbreak of mon keypox is rapidly changing day-today; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, glob ally, there have been over 21,148 cases associated with monkeypox and nationwide, there have been 4,907 confirmed or probable cases in the U.S., including 799 confirmed or probable cases in California across 27 local public health jurisdictions; and Whereas, as of July 29, 2022, there are 27 confirmed and 19 probable cases of monkeypox in San Diego County; and Whereas, on August 1, 2022, Governor Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency in California to respond to monkeypox; and Whereas, there is a limited supply of the JYNNEOS® vaccine, which is approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox disease; and Whereas, due to the limited supply of vaccine, the large population and geographic location of San Diego County, combined with the world wide spread of monkeypox and con firmed or probable local cases, there is an imminent threat from the intro duction of monkeypox in San Diego County community at-large.

2) A local health emergency is declared in San Diego County.

PAST 1980sXennials & Millennials are born & start school • Agriculture accounts for only around 4% of jobs • Nearly 30% of Americans not in the agriculture sec tors employed in “goods pro ducing industries” (mining, construction, factory & man ufacturing) • HUGE drop in Coal Mining jobs, and the mining industry generally • Decline in factory jobs pro ducing metal goods • Railroad transit jobs drop nearly 50% across the decade • There is a 42% increase in food stores & related jobs • Security, commodity brokers, & related jobs more than dou bled • A surge in automobile man ufacturing jobs also led to a surge in auto garages & ser vices The top 5 companies of the decade were: • General Motors • Exxon Mobil • Ford Motor • Intl. Business Machines • Mobil 1990s Millennials- & Zennials are born & start school, Early Gen Z is born • A more than 30% increase in forestry, fishing, & farming jobs • Mining jobs decrease again by an estimated 20% • Factory & manufacturing jobs continue to decline, though at a slower rate • Highest paying jobs were insurance & real estate spe cialists • Equipment & Technology specialists were also top earners and IT jobs begin to increase • Administrative & Clerical jobs were the most common, with pay depending on the affiliated industry Top 5 companies of the decade were: • General Motors • Ford Motor • Exxon Mobil • Wal-Mart Stores • General Electric 2000sGen Z (aka The Tech Generation) is born & start school • Over 20% of Americans (1 in every 5 people!) were employed as retail salespeople • Administrative and clerical jobs began to decline • Fastest growing careers of the decade: • Computer software engineers • Computer/device Application Designers • IT support specialists • Network analysis Specialists • Database administrators • Personal health & home care aides • Toy & novelty manufacturing jobs declined by nearly 40% • Metal goods manufacturing jobs dropped by over 40% • Clothing manufacturing jobs dropped by nearly 50% • More than 1/3 of retail florists (flower shops) disappeared • Over 70% of music store jobs vanished • Video rental related jobs dropped by 90%

• According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top 5 fastest growing careers over the next decade will be: • Motion picture projectionists (current avg. $29,350/year),

Two ‘Out of the Box’ Careers to Explore

Dried, frozen, pickled, salted - any food preservation method changes the flavor of what we eat. Mixing ingredients weakens some flavors too much to taste. So what do we Flavoristsdo? like Ibrahima Faye of Cerritos, CA fix that problem. A Senegalese immigrant, Faye began flavor creation as a temporary employee after the U.S. refused to recognize his Ph.D. The company hired him, and he used the stable income to get an associate’s degree in chemical technology, and later a bachelor’s degree in chemistry.


It’s been a while since The Voice & Viewpoint put out a Career Guide. While many things have changed, some have remained the same. Black Lives Matter rose up as a movement after the devastating loss of George Floyd to police brutality. Disney has made baby steps towards inclusivity. We have had a Black American in the White House as president. There are still gaps in standardized testing outcomes and inequities still plague our African American students and families. Yet, the community continues to rise and Black entrepreneurs make headway in industries that have never seen a Black-led company before. We have known for some time that examples are important for our youth. Being able to point to someone and say, “They did it, so you can, too”, is far more powerful than simply speaking about hopes for the future.

• Micro

The fastest growing fields are currently: • Home health aide • Nursing assistant • Skilled Construction work ers/contractors • Physical therapy aide • Medical technologist Top companies in the decade so far: • Apple • Microsoft • Saudi Aramco • Amazon • Alphabet (aka Google)

• Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers (current avg. $24,440/year) Nurse practitioners (current avg. $120,680/year) Solar photovoltaic installers (current avg. $47,670/year) in demand fields will be: Wooden model makers (current avg. $60,780/year) Makeup artists for theatre, film, & other performances (current avg. $134,750/year) Statisticians (current avg. $95,570/year) Information security analysts (current avg. $102,600/year) Film and video editors (current avg. $62,680/year) predictions for jobs in the 2030s and beyond include: Robot Sherpas (systems support for robots) Controller Gig Agents (employment agents for Gig workers) healthcare health issues at the levels)

Jobs: Present,Past,Future


Nikki Helms, Midwife, Lactation Educator & Birth / Postpartum Doula. Photo Courtesy Birth Education Center.

As we bring back The Voice & Viewpoint Career Guide this year, our focus is on the expanding horizons available for our young adults. Unique jobs, burgeoning entrepreneurship, and the future of work are featured here. There are also discussions on how best to create opportunities to attend college, and differences in the job market that parents and students alike can gain knowledge from. We hope this small guide will inspire and inform those in our community.

www.sdvoice.info The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 17

By Voice & Viewpoint Staff


V&V’s Career & Education Guide

Most flavorists have studied chem istry, but it is not a requirement. On-the-job training at flavor devel opment companies is the standard way of entering the profession. For those studying French, Institut Supérieur International du Parfum offers the world’s only formal train ing program, and graduates of the 2-year program are nearly guaran teed a job at any flavor company.

Ibrahima Faye, senior flavorist at T. Hasegawa. Photo Courtesy T. Hasegawa via Perfume & Flavorist

specialists (correcting

Midwives are considered a way to ensure better health and survival rates among Black women and infants, as the care is personalized, focused, and community-based.

For many, the term “midwife” is something from a European-based historical drama that brings ideas and images of poor sanitation and pain. Fortunately, this is far from Midwivesreality. are licensed and certified medical professionals who special ize in prenatal, natal, and postnatal care. This includes nutrition, exercise, and risk-assessment. In the state of California, it is consid ered a nursing specialty. Until the passing of Senate Bill No. 1237 in September 2020, California mid wives were required to be under the supervision of a doctor, but can now handle low-risk births alone.


Top 5 companies of the decade were: • Wal-Mart Stores • Exxon Mobil • General Motors • Chevron • ConocoPhillips 2010s Generation-Alpha is born & start school • Knitting mill (basic clothing factory) employment drops under 20,000 nationally (a 90% drop from the 1980s)

Nikki Helms of the San Diego Community Birth Center is one of the growing number of trained Black midwives in San Diego. To find a Black midwife, there are a growing number of online resources, including Sista Midwife, a growing directory of midwives and doulas by city and state.

• Fastest growing fields of the decade: • Social Media Management • Data Scientist (collecting and interpreting large data sets) • Mobile App Developer • Podcast Producer • Brand Management • Cloud Architect (oversee cloud computing e.g. adop tion plans, application design, management & monitoring)

• Wind turbine service technicians (current avg. $56,260/year)


• Drone Traffic

genetic & cellular

Top 5 companies of the decade were: • Apple • Alphabet (aka Google) • Microsoft • Amazon • Berkshire Hathaway PRESENT 2020sWhere we are now. Generation Beta will begin around 2025 & could grow up in a home without a hardline phone, media player, or desk top computer. • Currently, the most com mon jobs in the USA all average under $40,000/year: • Cashier • Food preparation worker • Stocking associate • General Construction Laborer • Janitor

• Augmented Reality Designers • Neurostimulation professionals • Programmable


Latanya West Managing Editor

Several San Diego teens expressed their worries at XQ’s 2018-2019 roundtables. “Destiny” noted that information about SAT and ACT prep courses and college applications didn’t come until half-way through Senior year. That was when she discovered the processes all needed to have been started in Junior year. Another student, “Brooke”, worried about the lack of practical topics, “like how to apply for college, how to do taxes, that kind of Academicsthing”. are also an issue.

1. Utilize the San Diego County Office of Education Website! Visit the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) website where you can find resources to support both students and par ents. In the parents/family engage ment section, there are additional resources listed to assist with the college search, financial aid, and the scholarship search.

Being able to identify key words in readings and instructions is essential to correct task com pletion on either exam. Practice tests are essential to becoming accustomed to how the test will phrase instructions. The College Board, who administers the SAT has downloadable practice tests

Parents and students should also get acquainted with the FAFSA website (studentaid.gov) as they explore funding college expenses. This site describes how financial aid works, the different types of financial aid, eligibility require ments, and how to apply for financial aid. Those who utilize this resource can further under stand the process of applying for grants, scholarships, work-study jobs, loans, and aid for special ized groups, such as military fam ilies.■

They Know, They Don’t Know: Are Students Prepared for the Real World?

“I barely understand credit and they expect me to be perfectly fine living alone a year from now. We need to learn about real life, things that can actually benefit us,” then-high school student Eliana D. told The New York Times in 2019.

The 2021 Future of Learning Research Survey conducted by Global Strategy Group on behalf of the Kauffman Foundation revealed that 78% of employ ers found soft-skill (problem-solving, communication, people skills, persever ance, emotional intelligence) proficiency as or more important than subject-matter knowledge. The survey also found that only 2 out of 10 students felt high school had prepared them to enter the workforce immediately. Parents in the survey felt that high school students would strongly benefit from classes focused on practical realities, “such as personal finance, bud geting, and taxes”. Unfortunately, the cur rent K-12 education system is focused on easier to teach subject-matter, with only experimental or limited forays into softskills and real-life applications.

There are three main things that can give students a leg up when it comes to standardized college admissions tests. The books they read Reading and writing take up more than 2/3 of the SAT and at least half of the ACT. While it is important that students are well read, there is also an expectation of what they have read. With col lege-level literature in the U.S. still largely white-centered, it benefits students to spend both middle and high school reading towards those expectations. Schools do what they can, but the breadth of liter ature they can cover is limited to the books available and the impor tance communities place on them. Books that may be subtly ref erenced or whose style may be imitated on standardized tests include:

• The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka (German, 1915)

By Ahliyah S. Chambers Contributing Writer

College Prep for Parents & Students!

Contributing Writer Jump on any social media platform, turn on any talk show, or chat with anyone over 50 in a public space - criticisms of Millennials and Gen Z will eventually rise up. Many employers also complain about poor performance, skills, and dedication from these generations. While these accu sations may seem true on the surface, is it really that simple?

Contributing Writer

The test-taking strategies students can apply can make a huge differ ence to their scores. Basic pro cess of elimination on multiple choice answers is great, but is not enough on its own. Broader strat egies such as surveying the test to decide how long to spend on each question and how much time to leave to review answers is essen tial on timed exams. Skipping questions is also a strategy, espe cially as they do not count against the SAT score. For the ACT, it is better to answer incorrectly, but keep guessing to a minimum!

BIPOC authors are not featured heavily, and are often used to showcase dialects. The novels that do reflect other-than-White char acters often show Black and Brown people in uncomfortable or sub servient roles. To get the scores, however, expectations must be met. Concerns about the lack of voice & distorted perception can be put into historical context for students’ mental health.


• To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (USA, 1960)

18 Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info CAREER & EDUCATION GUIDE

• Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (USA, 1961)

• Lord of the Flies by William Golding (England, 1954)

3. Plan Ahead & Make Note of Important Deadlines! ■ On this journey, it will be helpful for both students and parents to get organized. There will be several key fac tors and deadlines that should be noted including taking college admission tests, com pleting the FAFSA applica tion, and submitting college applications on time.

• The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (USA, 1850)

A Computer Science major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Raymond Pang started university during the height of the ongoing CoVid19 pandemic in 2020. He has expressed that financial literacy, first-aid, & CPR are skills students need to have before gradu ating high school and considering college. Technological skills are also needed for modern campuses and workplaces alike. Peng has also criticized U.S. K-12 educa tion for inconsistent opportunities based on local financial resources, and cites “teaching to tests” as a major detriment he and other university students currently Manyface. students note that standardized testing is hurting them because scores do not measure learning, only knowledge, but are often used to determine teacher employment. Many teachers focus on maximizing student test scores, foregoing building basic skills such as literacy and numeracy. This means life-skills, such as professional language and financial liter acy, are completely excluded from curric ulums. Many students (as well as teachers) want alternative learning assessments such as portfolios or projects, which teach real-life skills and focus on how knowl edge is applied.

A 2016 study by the Adecco Group showed 74 percent of college students & graduates aged 18-24 felt schools failed to prepare them for the workplace, with their greatest struggles being “critical thinking, communication and other interpersonal skills.” While technology can be a boon, it has also caused a general deteriora tion in communication skills overall for young adults. Many employers expect new employees to have literacy levels more common nearly half a century ago, and fail to give young adults time to develop the professional skills that are no longer taught in school. So what would help students be prepared for adulthood?

A number of recent surveys have provided a variety of answers, centered largely on financial literacy, practical college prepa ration, and standardized testing.

However, there was also a pattern in the classes taken by top scorers of all races. Students who took at least one year of Chemistry, 3 or more years of Foreign language, and one or more AP exams all did well on the SAT (1300 or more), regardless of race.

Studies dating back to the early 2000s, when the oldest Millennials were in col lege, show that students have felt unpre pared for real life and the workplace for the better of two generations.

4. Financial Aid - Explore Your Options & Plan!

• Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (England, 1847)

A.L. Haynes

The classes they take

While more and more colleges and universities are creating admit tance criteria that do not require SAT or ACT scores, the tests are not gone yet. Many well-re puted and rigorous schools still require them, and a good score can give a boost to students seek ing admission anywhere. Analyses by The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education have shown that Black students as a group score below every other large racial group in both math and reading. While socio-economics can come into play, it is also up to students, guardians, and educators to ensure the racial bias still present in the tests is overcome.

• Beloved by Toni Morrison (USA, 1987)

2. Become Familiar with CollegeBoard! One important resource listed in CollegeBoard. On College-board, parents can find tangible action plans to support their children on getting to college beginning in middle school through 12th grade. Additionally, CollegeBoard provides parents and students with tools to assess and plan their finances as costs can deter fam ilies who may not be as aware of these resources. Finally, on CollegeBoard, students and fam ilies are able to input personalized information and determine which college could be the right fit for them.

5. California College Application Deadlines! California students and families should also make note of impor tant dates and deadlines from California Community Colleges, California State Universities (CSU), and University of California (UC) institutions. Each year, the application for CSUs opens on October 1st and must be submitted by November 30th. Similarly, UC Admissions applica tions close on November 30th but students may begin working on the application as early as August 1st. Finally, high school students who are interested in California Community Colleges should visit cccapply.org for access to impor tant dates from community col leges state-wide.

A.L. Haynes .

• The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane (USA, 1895)


• Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin (England, 1813)

• The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (USA, 1925)


A U.S. Department of Education study released in 2020 found that as much as 65% of community college students had to take remedial coursework before they could actually work on a 2-year degree, helping to explain the 82% of college stu dents overall who wish their high school had had more rigorous expectations. According to The Public School Review, the National Governors Association found 65% of current high school students also want classes that are both more demand ing & more interesting.

The seminal study by the Educational Testing Service, Characteristics of Minority Students Who Excel on the SAT and in the Classroom , shows that the biggest predictor of doing well on the SAT and other standardized tests was having at least one parent that graduated college. The next was the desire to attend college.

Are you thinking about college but are not sure where to start? Here is a quick guide on things to consider as parents and students are preparing for the next chapter beyond high school.

• I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou (USA, 1969)

Play The Testing Game & Win

The test-taking strate gies they know

Important to know - FAFSA opens October 1st! To be con sidered for federal student aid for the upcoming aca demic year, you can complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form between October 1st and June 30th. For instance, those who are considering college dur ing the 2023-24 award year will be able to complete the FAFSA beginning October 1st, 2022. The FAFSA form for the 2022-23 award year is currently open and must be submitted on June 30, 2023.

Many of our youth know about adulthood, but then again, they don’t know. Perhaps it is time to re-think how youth are being prepared to take on the world of opportu nity that awaits them.


**Pre-registration is closed, free to walk-in as space allows October 25, 2022 from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM PDT

**Register online at Eventbrite November 4, 2022 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM PDT

PHOTO: Sierra Stallworth/Voice & Viewpoint

Dates and times: Thu., December 1, 2022 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm **Register @ fair-december-1-2022tary.com/events/san-diego-veterans-job-https://success.recruitmili

Location: Scottish Rite Event Center 1895 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego San Diego County of Ed’s 6th Annual San Diego Black College Expo Free. Focused on College Transfers & High School Juniors & Seniors to meet with, apply, get accepted, and get schol arships on the spot. For more details visit www.blackcollegeexpo.com Dates and times: Thu., January 26, 2023 from 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm **Register online at Eventbrite

**Register online at Eventbrite Location: Courtyard by Marriott San Diego Mission Valley/Hotel Circle 595 Hotel Circle South, San Diego San Diego Committee on Employment for People with disABILITIES 23rd Annual Jobtoberfest Free. A San Diego Committee on Employment for People with disABILI TIES (SDCEPD) in-person job fair with workshops focused on people with dis abilities who are seeking employment.

Dates and times: Mon., October 12, 2022 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm **No Registration Required Location: Balboa Park Club 2144 Pan American Rd W., San Diego Best of U - San Diego Free. An information event and college fair for parents & students interested in attending a university overseas & finish ing their degree early.

Article continuation from Cover www.sdvoice.info The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 19 CAREER & EDUCATION GUIDE INTERVIEW

Location: MLK Center at Bayview Baptist Church 6134 Pastor Timothy J Winter St., San Diego

She learned some valuable lessons about leadership back in 2015 as a fellow with RISE San Diego, a local leadership program that serves people of color, and rigorously challenges them to redefine what commu nity leadership looks like.

Students gathered around college booths last year at the 5th Annual Black College Expo hosted by Bayview Baptist Church on February 17, 2022. 20+ HBCUs and other colleges helped high schoolers learn about their educational options. The next Black College Expo will be held in San Diego on January 26, 2023.

Dates and times: Wed., October 19 2022 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm **Register online at Eventbrite Location: La Jolla Country Day School 9490 Genesee Avenue, La Jolla Veterans Employment Committee Job & Resource Fair Free. This annual event supports Veteran employment and career development. Dates and times: Thu., November 10, 2022 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm **Register @ https://www.sdvec.org/jobre sourcefair/

We recently had the great pleasure of inter viewing Ms. Pollard. She and our contrib uting writer, Ahliyah, briefly discussed her Southeast San Diego roots, her career path and lessons learned along the way, and the core values that inform her daily work in the Kheacommunity.knew at a young age that she wanted to make a difference within the Black com munity. With five generations of family from Southeast San Diego, Khea, like many others, noticed differences and dispari ties between communities throughout San Diego. Southeast, she noticed as a youth, is not the same as places like Kearny Mesa.

“The RISE fellowship pro gram helped me look beyond leadership at a sur face level,” Khea said. “I had to ask myself questions like, ‘What makes me tick?’ and ‘Who am I?’ ‘What are the wounds and weaknesses that are going to challenge me?’” She said that, “when I could wrap my mind around those ques tions”, she knew that she would be equipped to go far, be it as an entre preneur or within an organization. Mentors were key to her success. Her mentors include her mother, former professors, and community leaders that have continuously poured into her along the way. Her mother, Cynthia Ajani, is a community force in her own right, and is also Khea’s business part ner at Cafe X. The pair also have worked collaboratively on the Black Women’s Resiliency Project, an intentional effort to address equity gaps for Black women. “It’s so important to have the right people and right energy around you. My mom is amazing because she is not perfect. She has had my back and seen me in so many differ ent states. I appreciate her teaching me and allowing me to [learn from both] my wins and losses,” Khea Ifshared.theabove accom plishments weren’t enough, Khea recently spear headed, through SDEC, the County’s guaranteed income project. The project provides low-income families with addi tional funds to sup port their expenses. Khea shared how SDEC families have expressed how bene ficial the Guaranteed Income Project is to them as inflation continues to rise. One other lesson Khea has learned: the need to support and trust oneself. Pollard’s core values of integrity, honesty, freedom and independence are incorpo rated into her vision of Cafe X and through out her work in the community. Her ability to be vulnerable when sharing her story shows resilience, passion, self-awareness, and wisdom beyond her years. We look for ward to witnessing even great successes in Khea’s future. Khea Pollard.

By Voice & Viewpoint Staff, with Ahliyah S. Chambers Contributing Writer Khea Pollard: Demonstrating Success & Service in San Diego


It was from that enriching experience that Khea was inspired to become an entre preneur. After completing the fellowship, she launched her cooperative business and community-based cof fee shop, Cafe X: By Any Beans Necessary, which has become a popular spot on Imperial Avenue.

In her current role, Pollard oversees San Diego for Every Child (SDEC), a nonprofit coalition of community members and orga nizations dedicated to ending poverty. The coalition is housed under Jewish Family Service of San Diego, a revered fixture in the social services space in San Diego County that supports tens of thousands.

PHOTO: Courtesy of Khea Pollard Khea, second from left, at a recent Young Echelon Holiday Lunch.The nonprofit uses STEAM programs to empower, engage, and elevate the next generation of local Black Leaders.

A graduate of the University of San Diego, Pollard earned her Bachelor’s in English and Ethnic Studies, and her Masters in Nonprofit Leadership and Management. In the profes sional world, she has several years of expe rience bringing people and organizations together to serve the needs of San Diego. Her work has touched on criminal justice reform, behavioral health, racial equity, and child poverty, to name a few. Her contribu tions to San Diego encompass governmen tal affairs and public policy work and she served six years as the Health and Human Services Policy Advisor and Community Representative to Supervisor Greg Cox at the County San Diego.

San Diego Career Fair by Nationwide Career Fairs Free. Meet face to face with recruit ers and HR managers from local and Fortune 500 companies to learn about open career opportunities. Dates and times: Fri., September 2, 2022 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Location: San Diego City College - Downtown Campus 1313 Park Boulevard, San Diego San Diego Veterans Job Fair Free. A Job Fair and Hiring Event to con nect military veterans and spouses with employers.

PHOTO: Courtesy of Khea PollardKhea Pollard and her mother (far right and center) at the Cafe X grand opening.

PHOTO: Courtesy of Khea Pollard.

50% off Your event announcements $49.95$100$99.95$200Single Card: 6.375” in width 3.75” in 7.625”6.375”DoubleheightCard:inwidthinheight (619) 266-2233 or ads@sdvoice.info VVoice iewpoint The San Diego

Running every weekend in October, Fridays & Saturdays at 8pm., and Sundays at 3pm. $20.00 General, $17.00 for Seniors, Students, Military, Disabled, and Groups of 10 or more attending the same performance. *Your Tickets will be ready for pick up at Community Actors Theatre Box Office half an hour before each performance. Community Actors Theatre - 2957 54th St., San Diego, CA 92105 www.communityactorstheatre.com 619-581-2634, also thru ARTSTix, Goldstar, Cash app., pass word: $CATheatre. At CAT’s Box Office with cash, check or money order.

Running October 7-30, 2022. “Chasing Shakespeare”, world Premiere play by Paola Hornbuckle, directed by Jennie Hamilton. Dr. Robert Bellamy, an academic heavy-weight, but mediocre playwright is hired to take over as head of the Sojourner Truth University Drama Department, located in Atlanta, GA. It is a traditionally black, all-girls college that has recently become coeducational. He believes that contemporary drama is besieged by the literary genre “Irony’ and wants to create a theatrical renaissance and plays with Shakespearean traits and values.

20 T hursday, s ep T ember 1, 2022 • The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint w ww.sdvoice.info AROUND TOWN




Fictitious business name(s):

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NOTICE TO PROPOSERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Diego (City) is seeking to receive Electronic Proposals for the below named Request for Proposal (RFP). Contract Number: H2226043 RFP Title: Design of Storm Water Pump Station D Component Upgrade The solicitation may be obtained from the City's website contracts.ConstructionequalSanItbidoppshttps://www.sandiego.gov/cip/at:isthepolicyoftheCityofDiegotoencourageopportunityinitsandConsultantBidsorproposals

Fictitious business name(s): CaliforniaBakeryCreamin Located at: 1519 Watwood Rd. Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/12/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Jusimi Otero 1519 Watwood Rd. San Diego, CA 91945 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 15, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 15, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Fictitious business name(s): ImmaculateJounte'MystiqueProductionsJounte'MystiqueImmaculateentertainment




Fictitious business name(s): Ready Cab Located at: 7110 Westview Pl Apt. B Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego


Fictitious business name(s): Parsa Transport Located at: 2056 Via Las Cumbres #4 San Diego, CA 92111 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 09/11/2013 This business is hereby registered by the following: Shahram Faramarzi 2056 Via Las Cumbres #4 San Diego, CA 92111 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on July 27, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on July 27, 2027 8/25, 9/01, 9/08, 9/15



All classified ads are prepaid. Deadline is Tuesdays by NOON to run that week.

City of San Diego, California Community Engagement Coordinator of the Commission on Police Salary:Practices$93,000 to $103,000 DOQ Application deadline: Thursday, September 22, 2022.

Fictitious business name(s): Destiny Roots HiFi Destiny Roots Located at: 1621 Hotel Circle South #E116 San Diego, CA 92108 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/11/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Michael Claude Jackson 1621 Hotel Circle South #E116 San Diego, CA 92108 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 11, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 11, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME2022-9018122STATEMENT Fictitious business name(s): Sky Cab Located at: 10111 Challenger Cir. Spring Valley, CA 91978 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Shueib Hussein 10111 Challenger Cir. Spring Valley, CA 91978 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 11, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 11, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Fictitious business name(s): ConsultateServicesBusiness Located at: 8697 La Mesa Blvd. C-167 La Mesa, CA 91942 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 10/01/2016 This business is hereby registered by the following: Norman A. Tate 1234 N. 1st St. #7 El Cajon, CA 92021 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 22, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 22, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

Fictitious business name(s): Paradise Care Homes INC Located at: 2043 Alberque Ct. San Diego, CA 92139 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was: 10/10/2013 This business is hereby registered by the following: Paradise Care Homes INC 2043 Alberque Ct. San Diego, CA 92139 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on July 28, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on July 28, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Fictitious business name(s): TransportationReady LLC Located at: 3774 Grove St. Unit L-2 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 08/22/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Ready Transportation LLC 3774 Grove St. Unit L-2 Lemon Grove, CA 91945 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 22, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 22, 2027 8/25, 9/01, 9/08, 9/15



Monday-Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. E:ads@sdvoice.infoF:619-266-0533P:619-266-2233


Fictitious business name(s): Goody's Donuts Located at: 3244 Greyling Dr. San Diego, CA 92123 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: Married Couple Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Soyeka Than 941 Kelton Rd. San Diego, CA 92114 Ulises Jaime Mendoza 4620 Wilson Ave. Apt. 12 San Diego, CA 92116 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 12, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 12, 2027 8/25, 9/01, 9/08, 9/15

Fictitious business name(s): MiddlebrooksDetailingAuto Located at: 4728 Andalusia Ave. San Diego, CA 92117 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 01/01/2018 This business is hereby registered by the following: Larry theThisSan4728MiddlebrooksDuaneJr.AndalusiaAve.Diego,CA92117statementwasfiledwithRecorder/CountyClerkofSanDiegoCountyonAugust24,2022ThisfictitiousbusinessnamewillexpireonAugust24,20279/01,9/08,9/15,9/22

BUSINESSFICTITIOUSNAME San Diego Voice & Viewpoint is looking for a Newspaper Courier • Thursdays Only • Must have own vehicle & current license (w/ proof of insurance) •Able to lift at least 20 lbs. Send Resumes To/Or Contact: ads@sdvoice.info or Call (619) 266-2233 Office hours: Monday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Classified ads can be placed in person, by phone, fax, or email

Fictitious business name(s): OvercomeServicesTherapeutic Located at: 7170 Colony Rd. La Mesa, CA 91942 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A RegistrantCorporationhasnotyet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Whitney theThisClinicalProfessionalCarterCounselor7170ColonyRd.LaMesa,CA91942statementwasfiledwithRecorder/CountyClerkofSanDiegoCountyonAugust23,2022ThisfictitiousbusinessnamewillexpireonAugust23,20279/01,9/08,9/15,9/22

Fictitious business name(s): The Office Brows and Beauty Suggar Daddy Cosmetics Located at: 7757 Bloomfield Rd. San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Doris Melina Hernandez 7757 Bloomfield Rd. San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on July 28, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on July 28, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/10/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Abdallah Adde 7110 Westview Pl Apt. C Lemon Grove, CA 91945 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 10, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 10, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Fictitious business name(s): Destiny Roots DJ HiFi Destiny Roots Sound Destiny Roots Sound System Located at: 1621 Hotel Circle South Unit #E116 San Diego, CA 92108 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 04/12/2012 This business is hereby registered by the following: Michael Claude Jackson 1621 Hotel Circle South Unit #E116 San Diego, CA 92108 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 09, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 09, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Fictitious business name(s): Angeles Del Desierto San Diego Fundation Located at: 1265 Buenos Ave. San Diego, CA 92110 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A RegistrantCorporationhasnotyet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Angeles Del Desierto 1265 Buenos Ave. San Diego, CA 92110 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 17, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 17, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22



Fictitious business name(s): J3 Auto Connect Located at: 8916 Switzer Dr. Spring Valley, CA 91977 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was: 06/26/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: J3 Ventures INC 8916 Switzer Dr. Spring Valley, CA 91977 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 26, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 26, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

Fictitious business name(s): Karen's Cups Located at: 4424 44th St. Apt. 233 San Diego, CA 92115 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Karen Yvonne Trudelle 4424 44th St. Apt. 233 San Diego, CA 92115 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 15, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 15, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Fictitious business name(s): Sana Styles Studio Located at: 1555 Camino Del Mar Del Mar, CA 92014 County of San Diego 931 22nd St. #2 San Diego, CA 92102 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 04/25/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Hossana Paida 931 22nd St. #2 San Diego, CA 91902 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 29, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 29, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022


Fictitious business name(s): Legendary Construction DBAStuccoLegendaryCo Located at: 2748 Casey St. San Diego, CA 92139 County of San Diego P.O. Box 1682 Bonita, CA 91908 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A RegistrantCorporationhasnotyet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Legendary Stucco Co 3400 Cottage Way Ste. G2 theThisSacramento,#10417CA95825statementwasfiledwithRecorder/CountyClerkofSanDiegoCountyonAugust03,2022ThisfictitiousbusinessnamewillexpireonAugust03,20278/18,8/25,9/01,9/08

• Standard Classified: $3.75 a line • Summons: $130.00 (4 weeks)


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME2022-9018262STATEMENT Fictitious business name(s): StudioArthaus5Arthaus

Open Door Family Worship Center Located at: 2618 Angela Way Alpine, CA 91901 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was: 04/15/2002 This business is hereby registered by the following: Open Door Family Worship Center 2618 Angela Way Alpine, CA 91901 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 24, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 24, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

Fictitious business name(s): V&F Legacy Located at: 4921 Westover Place San Diego, CA 92102 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 06/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: V&F Legacy LLC 4921 Westover Place San Diego, CA 92102 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 16, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 16, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

Located at: 428 S 36th St. San Diego, CA 92113 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Junius Hawkins Jr. 428 S 36th St. San Diego, CA 92113 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 3, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 3, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08




FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME2022-9018188STATEMENT Fictitious business name(s): La Mesa Tire Pros Located at: 3824 Massachusetts Ave. La Mesa, CA 91941 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A RegistrantCorporationhasnotyet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Texas Street Shell Services INC 3810 Massachusetts Ave. La Mesa, CA 91941 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 12, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 12, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

from local firms, small, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned, and womenowned businesses are strongly encouraged. Consultants are encouraged to subcontract with and/or participate in joint ventures with these firms. The City is committed to equal opportunity and will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, gender expression, gender identity, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, or disability; and will not do business with any firm that discriminates on any basis. Proposals shall be received no later than the date and time noted in the solicitation which can be found at the following site: City of San Diego's Electronic Proposal Site – PlanetBids 7950.ortal/portal.cfm?companyID=1https://www.planetbids.com/pat:

The candidate needs to have three years progressively responsible related experience in a community outreach, community education, social service, social justice, or other advocacy work (may include health facilities, government agencies, community centers, or non-profit organizations). Any equivalent combination of education, training, and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the essential functions of the job.

Candidates are required to have a bachelor’s degree from a four-year accredited college or university.



Fictitious business name(s): TaylormadeDesignInterior Located at: 6290 Akins Ave. Apt. 214 San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 07/28/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Danisha Taylor 6290 Akins Ave. Apt. 214 San Diego, CA 92114 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 22, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 22, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

Fictitious business name(s): Zerom Soaps Located at: 6348 Malcolm Dr. San Diego, CA 92115 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Elda Betzabeth Fragoso 6348 Malcolm Dr. San Diego, CA 92115 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 15, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 15, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08


• Contact phone number






Located at: 12265 World Trade Dr. STE I Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A RegistrantCorporationhasnotyet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Arthous Creatives INC 12265 World Trade Dr. STE I Rancho Bernardo, CA 92128 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 12, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 12, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

To view additional qualifications and submit your resume (reflecting years and months of employment including beginning/ending dates), cover letter, and a list of six work-related references (two supervisors, two direct reports, and two colleagues) please go to: Forhttps://www.cpshr.us/recruitment/2077informationaboutthisposition,please contact: David Niemeyer CPS HR Consulting (916) Online471-3366Brochure: http://online.flipbuilder.com/kper/prs y City of San Diego website: https://www.sandiego.gov EOE Read Free www.sdvoice.infoOnline! Follow Us On Twitter: @VoiceViewpoint Publish your FBN with us

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Fictitious business name(s): LolaXHeals

• Name Change:$85.00 (4 weeks)

• Fictitious Business Name: $25.00 (4 weeks) www.sdvoice.info

Fictitious business name(s): Paradise Care Homes INC Located at: 3088 Manos Dr. San Diego, CA 92139 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Corporation The first day of business was: 02/15/2019 This business is hereby registered by the following: Located at: 9045 Judicial Dr. Unit 1312 San Diego, CA 92122 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the following: Paola Pujols 9045 Judicial Dr. Unit 1312 San Diego, CA 92122 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 10, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 10, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08


Fictitious business name(s): La MesaBookstoreChristianLMCB Located at: 4695 Date Ave. La Mesa, CA 91941 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 08/24/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Storehouse LMCB LLC 4695 Date Ave. La Mesa, CA 91941 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 24, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 24, 2027 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22

Claudia Abarca, Director Purchasing & Contracting Department Thursday, August 18, 2022 9/1/22 VOICECNS-3616716#&VIEWPOINT NEWS

NAMEOBJECTINGRESPONDENTTOTHECHANGEMUSTFILEAWRITTENOBJECTIONATLEASTTWOCOURTDAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. The address of the court is: 330 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 8/18, 8/25, 09/01, 09/08

will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner.

A NAMEOBJECTINGRESPONDENTTOTHECHANGEMUSTFILEAWRITTENOBJECTIONATLEASTTWOCOURTDAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future remote hearing date Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. The address of the court is: 325 S. Melrose Dr. Vista, CA 92081 09/01, 09/08, 09/15, 09/22 SUPERIOR COURT OF 37-2022-00034532-CU-PT-SanCountyCALIFORNIAofSanDiego330W.BroadwayDiego,CA92101CentralDivision,HallofJusticeCTL

Fictitious business name(s): Sistas Helping Sistas Weather the Storms Located at: 1828 49th St. San Diego, CA 92102 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 05/10/2010 This business is hereby registered by the following: Peaches Turner 1828 49th St. San Diego, CA 92102 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 10, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 10, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Petitioner or Attorney: Saif Nassory and Shahad Nassory on behalf of minor children To All InterestedPetitionerPersons: Saif Nassory and Shahad Nassory on behalf of minor children filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:

To All Interested

If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions.

SUPERIOR COURT OF 37-2022-00030295-CU-PT-SanCountyCALIFORNIAofSanDiego330WestBroadwayDiego,CA92101CTL

If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions.

NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 27, 2022 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept. 61 NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner. If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions. A

If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions.

This fictitious business name will expire on August 08, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01

Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. The address of the court is: 330 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 8/25, 09/01, 09/08, 09/15 SUPERIOR COURT OF 37-2022-00031703-CU-PT-SanCountyCALIFORNIAofSanDiego330WestBroadwayDiego,CA92101HallofJusticeCTL



The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120).

Fictitious business name(s): LTS CleaningMultiServices

Petitioner or Attorney: Nimr Alshahhoud; Raouaa Hammadi on behalf of minor children

If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions.

The address of the court is: 330 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 09/01, 09/08, 09/15, 09/22 SUPERIOR COURT OF 37-2022-00033228-CU-PT-HallSanCountyCALIFORNIAofSanDiego330WestBroadwayDiego,CA92101ofJusticeCourthouseCTL

If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100)

Fictitious business name(s): DIR.LOGISTICS Located at: 435 S. 66th St. San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego P.O. Box 740269 San Diego, CA 92114 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company Registrant has not yet begun to transact business under the name(s) above This business is hereby registered by the theThisDIR.LOGISTICSfollowing:LLC435S.66thSt.SanDiego,CA92114statementwasfiledwithRecorder/CountyClerkofSanDiegoCountyonAugust02,2022ThisfictitiousbusinessnamewillexpireonAugust02,20278/11,8/18,8/25,9/01

This fictitious business name will expire on August 05, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08



If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions.

Fictitious business name(s): Ben FinanceEntertainmentManagement Located at: 3986 Ardmore Dr. San Diego, CA 92111 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Chun Yee Lin 3986 Ardmore Dr. San Diego, CA 92111 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 01, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 01, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01

Fictitious business name(s): Crest Coffee Located at: 4967 Newport Ave. Suite 1 San Diego, CA 92107 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 07/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Crest theThis421ManagementCapitalLLCBroadwaySuite35SanDiego,CA92101statementwasfiledwithRecorder/CountyClerkofSanDiegoCountyonAugust01,2022ThisfictitiousbusinessnamewillexpireonAugust01,20278/11,8/18,8/25,9/01

If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions. A NAMEOBJECTINGRESPONDENTTOTHECHANGEMUSTFILEAWRITTENOBJECTIONATLEASTTWOCOURTDAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. The address of the court is: 330 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 8/25, 09/01, 09/08, 09/15


NOTICE OF HEARING Date: October 17, 2022 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept. 61 NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner.

The address of the court is: 330 W. Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 09/01, 09/08, 09/15, 09/22 SUPERIOR COURT OF 37-2022-00033383-CU-PT-SanCountyCALIFORNIAofSanDiego330W.BroadwayDiego,CA92101CentralDivision,HallofJusticeCTL

A NAMEOBJECTINGRESPONDENTTOTHECHANGEMUSTFILEAWRITTENOBJECTIONATLEASTTWOCOURTDAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court.



Petitioner or Attorney: Siubhan Lynagh-Shannon Paradise Care Homes INC 2043 Alberque Ct. San Diego, CA 92139 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on July 28, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on July 28, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08



NOTICE OF HEARING Date: October 18, 2022 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept. 25 NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner. If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a remote hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions.

This fictitious business name will expire on July 28, 2027 8/18, 8/25, 9/01, 9/08

Fictitious business name(s): CreativeSuperFantasticDesigns

If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner.

Fictitious business name(s): Chef Lucio Located at: 4870 Lee Ave. La Mesa, CA 91942 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/02/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Lucio Matias Caceres 4870 Lee Ave. La Mesa, CA 91942 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 02, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 02, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01

Fictitious business name(s): THE CONTRERAS Report Located at: 320 Pomelo Dr. Vista, CA 92081 County of San Diego P.O. Box 83426 San Diego, CA 92138 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 07/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: R aoul Lowery Contreras 320 Pomelo Dr. #90 Vista, CA 92081 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 05, 2022


Fictitious business name(s): Pink DancePolishStudio Located at: 6445 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92115 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 11/01/2021 This business is hereby registered by the following: LaChanae Alexis McaFee 5441 Connecticut Ave. be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.

Fictitious business name(s) to be abandoned: Feed Baby Located at: 2925 Cowley Way Unit C San Diego, CA 92117 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The Fictitious business name referred to above was filed in San Diego County on: 05/27/2022 and assigned File no. 2022-9012378 The fictitious business name is being abandoned by: McGregor Services & Products LLC 2925 Cowley Way, Unit C San Diego, CA 92117 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County August 26, 2022 9/01, 9/08, 9/15, 9/22 SUPERIOR COURT OF 37-2022-00034513-CU-PT-NorthCountyCALIFORNIAofSanDiego325S.MelroseDr.Vista,CA92081CountyDivisionNC

NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 29, 2022 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept. 61 NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120).

Fictitious business name(s): Epiphany Psychological Located at: 3023 Bunker Hill St. #102 San Diego, CA 91942 County of San Diego 9431 Hilmer Dr. La Mesa, CA 91942 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/22/2017 This business is hereby registered by the following: Joseph Slimowicz 9431 Hilmer Dr. La Mesa, CA 91942 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on July 28, 2022

Fictitious business name(s): Avery's Home Located at: 1965 Caminito de la Cruz Chula Vista, CA 91913 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 07/21/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Marliss Jo Galindo 1965 Caminito de la Cruz Chula Vista, CA 91913 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on July 21, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on July 21, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01

If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner.



Located at: 825 College Blvd. #162 Oceanside, CA 92057 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Sandra M. Stevens Hunt 1081 Bells Dr. Oceanside, CA 92057 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 08, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 08, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01


A NAMEOBJECTINGRESPONDENTTOTHECHANGEMUSTFILEAWRITTENOBJECTIONATLEASTTWOCOURTDAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court.



To All Interested whyfiledSiubhanPetitionerPersons:Lynagh-Shannonapetitionwiththiscourtforadecreechangingnamesasfollows:PRESENTNAME:SiubhanLynagh-ShannonPROPOSEDNAME:SiubhanShannonKleinTHECOURTORDERSthatallpersonsinterestedinthismatterappearbeforethiscourtatthehearingindicatedbelowtoshowcause,ifany,thepetitionforchangeofnameshouldnotbegranted.Anypersonobjectingtothenamechangesdescribedabovemustfileawrittenobjectionthatincludesthereasonsfortheobjectionatleasttwocourtdaysbeforethematterisscheduledtobeheardandmustappearatthehearingtoshowcausewhythepetitionshouldnotbegranted.Ifnowrittenobjectionistimelyfiled,thecourtmaygrantthepetitionwithoutahearing.

Petitioner or Attorney: Ernest David Bartocci To All Interested


If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions.


Petitioner or Attorney: Christopher Kyle Farrell Fluty To All Interested ChristopherPetitionerPersons:KyleFarrellFlutyfiledapetitionwiththiscourtforadecreechangingnames


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME2022-9017333STATEMENT Fictitious business name(s): Serrano's Street Tacos Mariano's Street Tacos Located at: 1816 Blueheaven Ct. San Diego, CA 92154 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: An Individual The first day of business was: 08/01/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: Mariano Serrano 1816 Blueheaven Ct. San Diego, CA 92154 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 01, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 01, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01

Petitioner or Attorney: Raneeza Rose Cano To All Interested RaneezaPetitionerPersons:RoseCano filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as whycourtTHERaneezaPROPOSEDRaneezaPRESENTfollows:NAME:RoseCanoNAME:RoseCanoAlvarezCOURTORDERSthatallpersonsinterestedinthismatterappearbeforethisatthehearingindicatedbelowtoshowcause,ifany,thepetitionforchangeofnameshouldnotbegranted.Anypersonobjectingtothenamechangesdescribedabovemustfileawrittenobjectionthatincludesthereasonsfortheobjectionatleasttwocourtdaysbeforethematterisscheduledtobeheardandmustappearatthehearingtoshowcausewhythepetitionshouldnotbegranted.Ifnowrittenobjectionistimelyfiled,thecourtmaygrantthepetitionwithoutahearing.

A NAMEOBJECTINGRESPONDENTTOTHECHANGEMUSTFILEAWRITTENOBJECTIONATLEASTTWOCOURTDAYS (excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date

The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120).

NAME CHANGE Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICESLEGAL NOTICESLEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES 22 Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint www.sdvoice.info


Fictitious business name(s): VS1Collections Located at: 3426 College Ave. Unit 152735 San Diego, CA 92195 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 01/26/2022 This business is hereby registered by the following: VS1Collections 3426 College Ave. Unit 152735 San Diego, CA 92195 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 05, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 05, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01


SUPERIOR COURT OF 37-2022-00031954-CU-PT-HallSanCountyCALIFORNIAofSanDiego330W.BroadwayDiego,CA92101ofJusticeCourthouseCTL

Located at: 6545 Montezuma Rd. Apt. 11 San Diego, CA 92115 County of San Diego This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company The first day of business was: 06/10/2021 This business is hereby registered by the following: LTSIMAOCompanyCleaningLLC 6545 Montezuma Rd. Apt. 11 San Diego, CA 92115 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 08, 2022

Petitioner or Attorney: Roberto Ruben Ramirez To All Interested whyfiledRobertoPetitionerPersons:RubenRamirezapetitionwiththiscourtforadecreechangingnamesasfollows:PRESENTNAME:RobertoRubenRamirezPROPOSEDNAME:RobertRubenRamirezTHECOURTORDERSthatallpersonsinterestedinthismatterappearbeforethiscourtatthehearingindicatedbelowtoshowcause,ifany,thepetitionforchangeofnameshouldnotbegranted.Anypersonobjectingtothenamechangesdescribedabovemustfileawrittenobjectionthatincludesthereasonsfortheobjectionatleasttwocourtdaysbeforethematterisscheduledtobeheardandmustappearatthehearingtoshowcausewhythepetitionshouldnot La Mesa, CA 91942 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on August 03, 2022 This fictitious business name will expire on August 03, 2027 8/11, 8/18, 8/25, 9/01


NEW YORK, Aug. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -HarperCollins Children’s Books/Balzer + Bray announced the highly anticipated middle-grade debut from Angie Thomas, the #1 New York Times best selling author of The Hate U Give, On the Come Up, and Concrete Rose. Publishing April 4, 2023, Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy is the first in a contemporary fantasy trilogy inspired by African American history and folklore.


A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: on September 8, 2022 at 1:30 PM in Department 503 Room Judge Julia C. Kelety located at the Superior Court of CentralSanCountyCaliforniaofSanDiego1100UnionStreetDiego,CA92101-ProbateDivisionIfyouobject to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE form is available from the court AyshiaPetitioner:clerk.Aycox293519thSt.

ACCRUAL • Creates immediate snapshot. • More complex to manage.

If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A REQUEST FOR SPECIAL NOTICE form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: Antoinette Middleton, Esq. Law Offices of Antoinette Middleton 1761 Hotel Circle South, Suite 115 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 235-9501 8/18, 8/25, 9/01 NOTICE OF PETITION TO 37-2022-00020699-PR-LA-EdwardESTATEADMINISTEROFAycoxCaseNumber:CTL

Donna Bray bought USCPOM rights from Molly Ker Hawn at the Bent WithAgency.aliteral Underground Railroad, haints, vampires, ghosts, a dragon, and tons of magic, Nic Blake and the Remarkables takes readers on a wild ride through a world that looks like, but isn’t quite, our own, making for an inventive, suspenseful (and funny!) ride in this new Angietrilogy.Thomas said: “I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say that over the past two years, I’ve desperately needed an escape. While I’m known for writing young adult fiction that hits on hard topics, whenever I want to read for enjoyment, I usually turn to middle grade fan tasy novels. It only felt right to finally give the genre and category a go myself. Nic Blake is a character younger Angie longed for—a young Black girl with magical pow ers who gets to go on adventures, not as a sidekick, but as the center of the story.”

San Pablo, CA 94806 (619) 746-5700 8/18. 8/25, 9/01 (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The administrationindependentauthority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: on November 1, 2022 at 11:00 AM in504Department located at the Superior Court of CentralSanCountyCaliforniaofSanDiego1100UnionStreetDiego,CA92101-ProbateDivisionIfyouobject to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.

HAYTI Continued from page 3



Continued from page 13

• C an reduce tax burden. • Potentially deceiving figures. CASH • Shows cash flow clearly. • Limits predictive value. Easier to understand. • Less long-term clarity.


(excluding weekends and holidays) BEFORE THE DATE SPECIFIED. Do not come to court on the specified date. The court will notify the parties by mail of a future hearing date Any Petition for the name change of a minor that is signed by only one parent must have this Attachment served along with the Petition and Order to Show Cause, on the other nonsigning parent, and proof of service must be filed with the court. The address of the court is: 330 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 8/18, 8/25, 09/01, 09/08

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Ed Aycox, Edward Aycox, Eddie Aycox, Edward Eugene Aycox, Eugene Aycox

Fluty PROPOSED NAME: Christopher Kyle Farrell THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.

The first Black American and second American woman to publish a book of poetry, Phillis Wheatley’s first book, Phillis Wheatley’s Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, was published in England. Considered a prodigy, Phillis was nominally a slave of the Wheatley family, but was given their name and treated as a daughter. They allowed her to be tutored in Reading, Writing, English Literature, Latin, and Bible. Her poetry was lauded across America and Europe. The Wheatleys encouraged Phillis to stay in Europe, but she wanted to return to the U.S. Even after being freed, she continued to live with the Wheatleys until 1778. She married shortly after moving into her own household, but her husband was unable to keep a job. She gave her hus band the rights to her works in an effort to keep the family afloat, but he abandoned her and their child. She and the child died in a boarding house, destitute, in 1784.

Photo: HarperCollins Children’s Books

NOTICE OF PETITION TO 37-2022-00029453-PR-PW-WalterESTATEADMINISTEROFHorne,akaWalterHorne,Jr.CTL

PROBATE Get 24/7 access TO the latest V&V VIEWPOINT?WantUseOURDOWNLOADWHENNewsYOUFREEAPPyourCellphonecamaratoscantheQRcodeaboveMOREVOICE& FilingRemembertoCheckyourDate You have 30 days from your filing date to publish your businessfictitiousnamewithusE-MailUsAT: ads@sdvoice.info or Call: (619) 266-2233 LEGAL NOTICESLEGAL NOTICESLEGAL NOTICES ARTICLE CONTINUATION www.sdvoice.info The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint • Thursday, sep T ember 1, 2022 23

The Petition for Probate requests that Shirley Ann Cooper, aka Shirley Cooper be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.

Dr. Maulana Karenga, is Executive Director of the African American Cultural Center (Us); Creator of Kwanzaa; and author of Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture and Essays on Struggle: Position and Analysis. This commentary originally appeared in the L.A. Sentinel. Read the full text online at www.sdvoice.info. A CPA will typ ically cost more than online services, but can normally offer more tailored service for your specific business needs. A book keeper can provide basic day-to-day functions at a lower cost, but won’t possess the formal accounting education of a CPA.

The Petition for Probate requests that Ayshia Aycox be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The administrationindependentauthority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. as

Donna Bray, Vice President, Co-Publisher, Balzer + Bray, said: “It’s no surprise that Angie Thomas’s prodigious storytelling gifts—rich world-building, sharp plotting, nuanced characterization, crackling dialogue, complex family dynamics—translate perfectly to middle grade fantasy. But we’ve never seen Angie in the fantasy realm, weaving her own original magic systems with African American history and legend. The result is truly daz zling. We’re thrilled to be publishing Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy and can’t wait to introduce Angie to a whole new readership.”

The petition requests the decedent's will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court.

Indeed, as Nana Frantz Fanon contends, it is key to realize that “the masses are equal to the problems which confront them,” that it is not enough even for a few hundred to discuss and decide upon a plan, “but that the whole people plan and decide, even if it takes twice or three times as long.” For it is not just about building things, but also and espe cially, about building the people and about right fully respecting them.

Method Pros Cons

If all the requirements have not been met as of the date specified, the court will mail the petitioner a written order with further directions. If a timely objection is filed, the court will set a hearing date and contact the parties by mail with further directions.

Since her debut in 2017, Angie has established herself as a global literary star. All her novels have debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list: The Hate U Give (249 weeks and counting in both hardcover and paper back), On the Come Up, and Concrete Rose. The Hate U Give hit theaters in 2018, in an adaptation starring Amandla Stenberg, Issa Rae, and Regina Hall. The film adaptation of On the Come Up will release on Paramount+ on September 23 star ring Jamila C. Gray, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, Lil Yachty, Method Man, and more. Angie has earned a total of twenty starred reviews for her three nov els and has garnered numerous awards and honors, including a 2022 Printz Honor for Concrete Rose.

To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Walter Horne, aka Walter Horne, Jr. A Petition for Probate has been filed by Shirley Ann Cooper, aka Shirley Cooper in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego

IN MORE NEWS The Hate U Give Author Makes Her Middle Grade Debut Voice & Viewpoint Newswire

A Petition for Probate has been filed by Ayshia Aycox in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego

NOTICE OF HEARING Date: September 28, 2022 Time: 8:30 A.M. Dept. 61 NO HEARING WILL OCCUR ON THE DATE SPECIFIED IN THE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. The court will review the documents filed as of the date specified on the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-120). If all requirements for a name change have been met as of the date specified, and no timely written objection has been received (required at least two court days before the date specified), the Petition for Change of Name (JC Form #NC-100) will be granted without a hearing. One certified copy of the Order Granting the Petition will be mailed to the petitioner.

Get accounting help You might want to get help with your accounting. Consider hir ing a certified public accountant (CPA), bookkeeper, or using an online service. A CPA will typically cost more than online services, but can normally offer more tailored service for your specific business needs. A bookkeeper can provide basic day-to-day functions at a lower cost, but won’t possess the formal accounting education of a CPA.

The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act.

Photo: HarperCollins Children’s Books

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