Thursday, february 17, 2022 •
The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
LOCAL NEWS/COMMUNITY Students and Teachers Celebrate Black History Month with
Flag Ceremony
Voice & Viewpoint Newswire Following the recent Board of E du c at i on re s olut i on recognizing Black History Month, San Diego Unified hosted a ceremony to raise the Black Lives Matter flag at district headquarters. The event was led by student members of the San Diego
Photos: SDUSD
Un i f i e d B l a c k Stu d e nt Union Coalition, with chapters from several district schools represented. Students were joined by the Youth Advocacy team, school staff, and district leaders including Board President Dr. Sharon Whitehurst-Payne for the flag raising.
Board of Supervisors Update Voice & Viewpoint Newswire
$3.875M for micro biz grants approved
$3.875 million in funds have been approved to help 1,550 microbusinesses with fewer than 5 full time employees. The microbusinesses that receive the grants can use the money to purchase equipment, invest in work-
ing capital, apply for new permits, and for debts and costs accrued because of COVID-19. The funds will be prioritized for those in r ural are as, low-income communities, low wealth areas, or businesses majority -owned and operated by veterans, women, minorities, or persons of color. Details about applying for the grants
will be made available in the near future.
New working families ordinance passed
A Working Families Ordinance has passed with a vote of 3-2. The action passed requires the use of a skilled and trained workforce and the payment of prevailing wage on construction pro-
j e c t s over $1 mi l lion on C ou nt y l an d. T h e ord i nance also outlines sick leave requirements in line with State standards for any employees working on County-owned leased land. While County staff provided the option for enacting a wage floor to set minimum standards for wages for any employees on Countyowned land, the Board decided that such a measure would be premature as stakeholder input must first be gathered specifically on this issue. T h e Wo r k i n g F a m i l i e s Ordinance will require a second reading on March 1, 2022, and will go into effect 30 days after the second reading. It will be effective as contracts or projects come up for renewal.
Action taken to build housing and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
A vote of 3-2 has passed a measure to accelerate new housing development in key growth areas, and permanently exempt affordable housing development from Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) costs throughout the unincorporated region, and bring the county into compliance with state environmental and land use laws.
East County to receive emergency shelters in the next year
The Board of Supervisors approved actions related to, compassionate emergency solutions and pathways to housing for people experiencing homelessness. The estimated completion of the Plans is early to mid-2022. The program that County staff created addressed three categories of solutions, including emergency shelters, specialized funding for the imminent needs of unhoused people, and enhanced street outreach, case management, and data collections and analysis of the County’s homelessness efforts. The Plan for emergency shelters identified three options applicable to the San Diego region, which include non-congregate sleeping cabins, safe parking facilities, and safe camping facilities (RVs). These shelters will include additional on-site services that have been identified by stakeholders’ input and research.
Action to balance housing and climate action taken
A two-phased approach to implement the state’s Vehicle Miles Traveled law has been approved to balance the need
for housing with the need to address climate change. The first phase will be to firm up within six months the current definitions of “infill” areas in unincorporated communities where housing developments could be built without triggering Vehicle Miles Traveled study and mitigation. Phase two will be to begin longer-term work to explore “unlocking” vast portions of the unincorporated areas where development could be stymied by Vehicle Miles Traveled requirements. The Board members voted 3-2 to finish identifying infill areas in unincorporated communities that could potentially allow interested developers to build as many as 5,441 homes without Vehicle Miles Traveled study and mitigation. The Board also voted 3-2 to the longer-range phase, which would start with staff coming back to the Board in four months with a “sustainable land use framework” that could ultimately lead to an update of the County general plan.
Chairman Nathan Fletcher Featured on “From the Desk of the Editor”
San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher (right) sat down on Wednesday, February 9, with GODRadio1.com to speak with Dr. John Warren (far left), publisher of the Voice & Viewpoint; Latanya West (middle), managing editor of the Voice & Viewpoint, and Dr. Leonard Thompson (bottom left). The popular “From the Desk of the Editor” segment features interviews with local elected officials and leaders to speak on their work and what they are doing for San Diego. Have a question for your elected official? Call in and join the discussion every Wednesday at 7PM at GODRadio1.com, (858) 251-6111. Photo: VV via Facebook.