SEA Quest provides students with a unique opportunity to understand the process of marine research at sea and to apply those to their own unique ecosystems in their neighborhoods In this program, students will virtually participate, through SEA logbooks and interactive video sessions, in our scientific voyages focused on near-shore and offshore ecosystems. The waters that we sail are important habitats for rare and endangered species –whales, turtles, seabirds – along with countless other marine organisms. Data analyzed by SEA Quest explorers is part of a cumulative data set of SEA voyages compiled over nearly 50 years, and it provides critical annual monitoring of these marine protected areas for key stakeholders. These data include biodiversity information, sea temperature and salinity, chemical nutrient measurements, sediment samples, visual and acoustic recording of whales and vessel traffic, and more Scientific studies are given human background context with discussions of the development of policies behind the marine protected areas we visit Students return home with a broader sense of the ocean’s importance to our planet and the need to preserve this precious resource for future generations
SEA is a global teaching, learning and research community dedicated to the exploration, understanding and stewardship of marine and maritime environments. SEA empowers students with life-changing sea voyages of scientific and cultural discovery, academic rigor and personal growth. Our SEA programs feature an interdisciplinary curriculum and dynamic leadershipdevelopment experience –at sea aboard tall ships and on shore.
By Nina Cupaníková
Coral reefs are very important ecosystems with more than 25% of all marine species being reliant on them at some point in their lives Furthermore, over 500 million people worldwide depend on coral reefs for food, jobs and coastal defence.
However, coral reefs are threatened by climate change, ocean acidification, ocean warming, mass bleaching events and local water-quality degradation. Local water-quality degradation is overlooked when studying coral reef resilience in the future climate, though Yet almost 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 km of the coast and coastal development is a significant contributing factor in declining water quality in near-shore reef systems and therefore endangers coral reef resilience That is why when predicting how resilient coral reefs will be in the future, we need to jointly investigate the effects of declining water quality and climate change in order to protect them effectively
Especially after what the study done by Brunner et al. shows us. When the temperature will continue to rise and will rise to 2˚C compared to the preindustrial times the coral recruits according to this study will be twice as sensitive to sediment deposition than are corals currently And even corals under current climate conditions have problems with sediment depositions typically found near river runoff or dredging operations For instance, only half of the 5-week-old corals was able to survive this deposition amount normally found near river runoffs. This emphasizes the need of efficient water-quality guidelines for managing sediment concentrations in order to protect future coral recruits and by that coral reef replenishment and conservation of these precious ecosystems.
But let dive into the study conducted by Brunner et al step by step So, first question is why the sediment deposition and coral recruits?
Declining water quality is mostly caused by sediment from human activities. And when investigating the coral reef resilience and how the decline in water quality affects them, we should mainly take a look at coral recruits, since post-settlement survival in coral life cycle is critical for the replenishment of coral reefs. This is due to the fact that coral recruits are particularly sensitive to being smothered by sediments, because of their small size. So, looking ahead and seeing what effects will climate change have together with the decline in water quality, especially on coral recruits, is a key step in coral reef replenishment, protection and conservation. And that is exactly what Brunner et al. did in their study
To test how the recruits reacted to the deposited sediment, the researchers picked 6 sedimentation intensities that represented the values observed at calm inshore reefs, wetseason river runoff and near dredging operations (ranging from 0 to 80 mg cm-2) To test how corals react to sediment under different climate conditions, they implemented 3 climate scenarios – current, medium and high In the current climate scenario, the temperatures ranged from 26 2 to 28 7˚C and the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) was 410 ± 50 ppm. The medium climate scenario was represented by a temperature of current climate scenario + 0 6˚C and the pCO2 was 680 ppm ± 50 The high climate scenario had a temperature of current climate scenario + 1.2 ˚C and the pCO2 was 940 ± 50 ppm. And given the fact that the temperature of the water around the Great Barrier Reef has already risen by 0 9˚C since the preindustrial times, the temperatures of medium and high climate scenarios roughly corresponded with 1 5˚C and 2˚C targets of the Paris Agreement Furthermore, diurnal cycle was used - 12 hours day, 12 hours night To simulate the deposition of sediment, coarse silt sediment was used, due to the fact that it is of the most common particle size (Table 1)
Two experiments were carried out In Experiment 1 the recruits of Acropora millepora were exposed to the sediment twice – during week 5 and 10, the response was photographically captured 4 weeks later - during week 9 and 14 In Experiment 2 the corals were exposed to sediment only during week 10, response was captured again during week 14 The corals’ ability to remove sediment was recorded one hour after the sediment was deposited (Image 1a)
Regarding the sediment deposition, the discs where the coral recruits grew were enclosed with a transparent PVC tube and then the sediment was deposited into the PVC tubes
After 12 hours, the upper part of the PVC tube was removed in order to allow water to circulate, but a PVC rim was left around the discs just in case so that the sediment would not be totally carried away by the water flow Three days after the deposition this was stopped by removing the PVC rims and the remaining sediment was then collected (Image 1b)
And what does the study show us then? And why is it even important?
By Lillian Mach
When you think of coral reefs, the first image that comes to mind is likely a vast underwater structure constructed of beautiful, intricate, and colorful animals. While there still are places like this on Earth, it’s unfortunately not the case for every coral reef in the world anymore Due largely to the activities of people throughout the last century, coral reefs have lost a large portion of their corals via coral bleaching and higher ocean temperatures which lead to ocean acidification Other factors such as the overfishing crisis, anthropogenic pollutants and a rise in coral diseases also contribute to the global decline in healthy coral reefs.
While most people have an appreciation for the beauty corals have to offer, many people don’t have a strong understanding of the importance of corals to other marine life, as well as to us. Nearly 30% of all marine biodiversity relies on coral reefs, which make up only 0 1% of the Earth’s surface A decline in coral populations would lead to a catastrophic chain of events that would affect marine life and the livelihoods of people living in coastal regions Coral reefs provide protection for ~100,000,000 people living in coastal regions As global temperatures continue to rise, it’s likely that we will see a rising number of extreme bleaching events It’s estimated that Pacific reefs have lost around half of their corals in the past four decades This kind of disaster is only predicted to grow more severe in the future as climate change progresses on our current trajectory While the Pacific reef issue seems dire, the current situation in the Atlantic is far more severe Since the 1970s, coral reefs in the western Atlantic have lost ~80% of their corals due to extreme bleaching events
The news surrounding coral reefs may seem hopeless and morbid, there is still hope within the scientific community to restore the natural balance within coral reefs In an article titled, “Harnessing ecological processes to facilitate coral restoration,” conducted by Mark C Ladd, Margaret W. Miller, John H. Hunt, William C. Sharp, and Deron E. Burkepile, new methods of restoration have been proposed In recent years, scientists have begun to grow corals in underwater nurseries to learn more about the potential ways to create more resistant corals. One method of coral restoration called ‘outplanting’ is essentially the act of planting certain coral species among others to build up the previously broken or weakened foundation This works similarly to reforestation in terrestrial ecosystems. The act of planting more species of trees allows the whole ecosystem to thrive due to the higher levels of biodiversity and resources Different species of trees and other terrestrial plants allow a wider variety of animals to inhabit a once damaged habitat Outplantic acts as a similar approach to mending broken coral reefs ecosystems By outplanting corals, a more diverse range of animals can rebuild coral reefs on their own. Herbivorous fishes, for example, can limit the growth of algae on corals
These seemingly small ecological systems actually play a huge role in maintaining the long term health of a reef By focusing not only on the coral reef itself, and taking into consideration the importance of the habitat as a whole, the reef may have a greater likelihood of surviving new global climate issues. Allowing an ecosystem to correct itself with a little help from scientists is a relatively new approach It is predicted that by using outplanting as a method of restoration, coral reefs will begin to mend ecological processes that have been hurt by climate change
There’s currently not enough knowledge to determine if this method is viable in the future, but it seems likely that outplanting corals could help repopulate reefs and prevent the spread of disease. One major limitation with this study was that each coral reef is very different. Different corals in different reefs possess a variety of different traits, meaning that such a broad estimate is unlikely to demonstrate positive results in each unique reef. One trait that would be beneficial to each reef would be a resistance to higher water temperatures Due to rising sea temperatures, outplanting corals with a higher tolerance for the conditions we are seeing could greatly impact the crisis occurring in coral reefs. Although there is hope for coral reefs in the future, restoration on its own is not enough to impact the marine ecosystem as a whole The sources of global and local pollutants still play a crucial role in the health of coral reefs It’s important to remember that while scientists are working on solutions to past mistakes, everyone plays a part in preventing the loss of these incredible pieces of our world, and preserving them for future generations
Bycatch is the world's largest contributor to the loss of biodiversity in our marine environments. Although often overlooked by many consumers, bycatch is an important part of the fishing industry and its regulation is crucial to maintaining healthy oceans According to Eric L Gilman in “Bycatch governance and best practice mitigation technology in global tuna fisheries'', bycatch is separated into three different categories: non-targeted catch that still has market value, unsellable catch that is discarded due to economic or regulatory laws, and finally unobserved mortalities. An example of an unobserved mortality is a dolphin that died but wasn’t pulled up onto deck with the other deceased organisms Species that are particularly vulnerable to rapid decline as bycatch are those with k- selected life history These animals have long life spans, slow growth and delayed reproduction. Although there has been progress in identifying gear and strategies to reduce the large numbers of bycatch, more can be done This study focuses on three commercial fishing methods: purse seine, pelagic longline and pole-and-line fisheries for different species of tuna The study also discusses innovative techniques to decrease bycatch as well as difficulties with effective governance
By Colette Sawyer
With the increased demand for tuna, many populations of bycatch have been impacted Bycatch from tuna fisheries include sea turtles, sea birds, marine mammals, sharks, and juvenile/unmarketable fin fish Some of these marine species are more vulnerable to certain fishing strategies than others making it important to understand how fishing techniques impact each species individually For example, sea birds can drown with long lines while purse seine gear do not cause problems for them. Sea turtles on the other hand have difficulties with both approaches: they can die from the baited hooks of the pelagic long lines and get caught in the nets for the purse seine fishing approaches Researchers therefore need to consider each species and fishing technique individually. Some of these strategies include altering the time of day, changing the bait from squid to fish, using wider hooks, using sound as a deterrent, using restricted settings on the FADs or avoiding hotspots. Surveillance strategies are also helpful for large mammals such as sea turtles, where people check the lines for any stuck animals
Although much progress has been made in developing best practice gear technology solutions, these advancements need to be tested by the specific fisheries where they will be utilized. What may work in one fishery might not in another. It is also important to get the perspective of the fisherman themselves and to develop methods that are efficacious, practical, safe, and economically viable.
A mitigation technique may work with one species but not with another or may even harm them For example, using an FAD setting to protect dolphins can have a negative consequence and increase the bycatch of tuna, sharks, marine mammals and sea turtles Research has resulted in best practice gear technology that have helped bycatch species survive
However, despite this advancement in gear, implementation and governance has been challenging. Regional Fisheries Management Organizations, established to manage global tuna fisheries, face challenges in effective governance. There are differences between adoption of measures between the five organizations, and implementation of effective best practice gear technology Compliance with recommendations from these organizations are difficult to enforce due to inadequate resources for surveillance Gilman suggests improved data collection of bycatch across time, fisheries, region and vessels, a standardization of data monitoring and recording methods to make comparisons easier, sharing access to datasets for research and integration This data can help with ecological risk assessments too which can be classified on 3 levels
Level 1 qualitatively assesses quantity through human observation, level 2 quantifies a population’s productivity or growth and their susceptibility, and level 3 is a quantitative measure looking at data directly from the fishery Ecological risk assessments however are challenging as they need to consider the effects broadly In addition there is illegal, unreported and unregulated tuna fishing further complicating governance
In summary, bycatch is an unfortunate outcome of the fishing industry and although there have been many advancements to better regulate and decrease it, there is still more that can be done There needs to be more investment in better governance to enforce consistency and regulations These efforts will help not only increase awareness of problems in the fishing industry but will in the process save marine biodiversity and support ecological stability.
Coral reefs are in danger as we all know; the reefs become bleached and often afterwards they die There are hundreds of research papers about this but very few address the whole coral ecosystem, they are too narrowly focused The ways that coral can be saved along with the ecosystem it makes that will be described in this are the following: coral density, disease, competition, and predators.
By Ben Burnside
The density coral is grown at has a as of yet relatively untested effect on conservation efforts, but using knowledge of other species and natural processes we can infer. If coral is grown more densely together it can serve as a small habitat much like the original reef giving the previous shelter that was given If something happens to a few coral such as disease or algal bloom, then the entire colony dies With a larger less dense colony it is more resistant to these dangers though doesn’t have the benefits of a denser reef
Disease is very bad for coral especially when it already has so many pressures. Now disease mainly strikes when carrier species usually some kind of mollusk crawls into the coral which transmits the disease The ways we can counter disease include: introducing predators for said snails, spreading out the coral and most importantly having a diverse amount of species of coral as some are more resistant than others.
There are only a few predators of coral but they are very dangerous to the reef environment They can eat massive amounts of coral Thankfully these predators are easily countered By using the technique used for the competitive species predators can be negated, all that must be done is the addition of known symbiotes to coral carnivores to the reef environment
Competition is a misleading term as it can also be parasitic but generally it is applicable The main competitor to coral is turf algae. Turf algae will completely cover bleached or weakened coral and use its surface as a growing location This causes the coral to starve to death underneath the layer of algae There are many ways algae can end up covering the coral but one of the most aggressive is damselfish farms Damsel fish will grow patches of algae over areas and fight off or kill anything that gets in the way. Due to the aggressive nature of these colonies the coral can not hope to survive Of course the algae also grows by itself at a startlingly rapid rate These things together make algae able to choke entire coral reefs to death causing a localized extinction event The ways we can avoid this via a plethora of ways but one of the best ways, is the addition of symbiotic species that protect against algae. The ideal candidate for this defense is sea urchins, which constantly eat any algae they are near while leaving coral untouched Damselfish also have numerous predators that can be introduced to the reef environment Overall the fight is not lost, there are hundreds of things that can be done to protect coral from competition.
Coral has many problems facing it but via symbiotic relationships with other organisms not only can the coral be saved but the entire reef ecosystems Many of the reefs that are seen as already gone or soon to be destroyed are an ideal ground for new and stronger reefs to form. There is never true destruction, only the opportunity for rebirth, and no place holds more opportunities for life and rebirth than the world’s magnificent coral reefs
By Arianna Philip
Some countries claim whaling is the solution to the overexploitation of fish stocks While it is true that whales consume an excellent quality of fish, eating from around 4,000 to 5,000 pounds daily. There is not enough evidence to conclude that whales are a leading cause of the decrease in fish Fisheries alone catch over 170 billion pounds of sea life each year Overfishing is one of the leading factors contributing to the decline in fish populations. Overfishing is when the number of fish caught is greater than the number of fish that can reproduce to repopulate
Yet, countries such as Japan advocate that whales are a driving factor The methodology Japanese researchers used to support these claims has been criticized on numerous accounts. Other countries support the “Whales-eat-fish” claim, yet it has become clear that it is only to benefit themselves economically and politically by aligning with Japan There was a study done that even stated the removal of whales from the ecosystem could result in fewer fish accessible to fisheries Instead, energy should be focused on a more significant issue, overfishing Many different causes lead to overfishing.
First, only 1 5% of the ocean has been declared a protected area, so abundant areas are available to fishermen. Secondly, there aren’t regulations regarding fishing activities when fishermen cross into international waters An analysis was presented to the IWC Scientific Committee of an analysis of the interaction in northwest Africa between fisheries and whales.
It was found that there was no competition between the two Whales migrate toward colder water in the summer and tropical waters in the winter. Because they migrate seasonally, they never stay in an area for too long, so they are not eating all the fish in one area Whales also consume a variety of different organisms, from zooplankton to more giant marine mammals, unlike commercial fisheries, which usually catch specific marine species
Lastly, scientists have concluded that there are errors in a majority of the science countries such as Japan and Norway have used to support their “Whales-eat-fish” claim The World Wildlife Fund stated, “Where good data is available, there is no evidence to support the contention that whale predation presents an ecological issue for fisheries ” To summarize, whaling is not the solution to the overexploitation of fish stocks; rather, the issue lies within the commercial fishing industry. Only when the issue of overfishing can be solved will there no longer be overexploitation of fish
By Ash Graziano
The fishing industry makes over 253 billion dollars each year according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) When fish are overfished, the size and amount of valuable fish goes down, hurting the industry’s profits. However, a 2009 study led by Boris Worm and Dr Ray Hilborn found different ways to prevent and restore collapsed fisheries Some of these methods include Creating more protected areas, using ecosystem and multispecies models, and using fishing gear that only targets one species
Overfishing happens when a population is fished more than its maximum sustainable yield The maximum sustainable yield is how much a fish population can be fished without damaging it Instead of fishing at, or above the maximum sustainable yield, fish populations should be fished below the maximum sustainable yield By fishing below the maximum sustainable yield, there will be enough fish to reproduce so the population will recover from the harvest.
The other ways to restore fish populations are to create more protected areas Protected areas allow for fish to rest and create a population that will never collapse. Fish populations collapse when the amount that hasn't been fished is below 10% In recent years this has been happening at higher rates Using fishing gear that targets specific species is also a way to restore fish populations By only targeting one population the risk of hurting an overfished population is reduced
When Boris Worm and Dr Ray Hilborn's team set out to unify our understanding of overfishing; they had two questions. How do changes in harvesting affect fish populations, and which solutions are possible for rebuilding damaged marine ecosystems? To examine these questions the team analyzed catch data from around the world by looking at 10 large marine ecosystems where both ecosystem models and stock assessment models are used An ecosystem model is a modal that takes into account all creatures in an ecosystem and how they interact Stock assessment models are models that take into account the populations of targeted species These were investigated to see trends in how much overfishing was occurring. What they found was that fishing below the maximum sustainable yield prevented fish populations from collapsing and prevented the further collapse of already depleted populations
The study also looked at research trawl surveys These surveys are good because they look at the health of target species and non target species, taking into account the whole community What the surveys showed was a rapid decline of fish over 20 years and a 22% decrease in size The only exceptions were in the Bering Sea, where the size and number of fish was relatively constant Other exceptions include Eastern Canada and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, where the decrease in size was sharper than 22% The trawl surveys also showed that there was a 32% decline in total fish biomass Large fish that lived near the seabed showed a 56% decline in biomass, Medium ones showed 8% decrease in biomass, and small ones showed a 1% decrease. Invertebrates had an increase in biomass by 23% Fish that live away from land increased by 143% because overfishing killed their predators While this may be good for some species. The increases in size are signs of a disturbed ecosystem.
Overall, in pursuit of short term profit industrial fishing has destroyed Earth's fish populations Since trawl surveys can only go back so far it cannot be determined exactly how much has been destroyed. However, it is well known that industrial fishing has had a devastating impact on marine ecosystems Even though in the current economy short term gain is promoted It is imperative that governments and companies scale back industrial fishing, to rebuild global fisheries and save the future of the fishing industry
By May Johnson
Coral makes up less than 1% of the earth's surface, it still manages to support more than 30% of the total marine species on the planet, be a key source for fishing companies, and provide safety for over 100 million people living in areas near the shore
Unfortunately, the population of coral is rapidly falling due to multiple issues related to climate change as well as local stressors. Coral reefs in the pacific ocean have nearly lost half of their population over the past 40 years, some lost an additional 30% to 50%
This rapid decline in the coral population is even more pronounced in waters near the Caribbean where reefs have lost 80% of their corals since the mid-1970s. Although there are a lot of causes for coral decline, most of them are small local disturbances, making restoring coral a possibility by reestablishing coral in many areas
The main form of coral restoration currently is transplanting coral that were raised in nurseries with the goal of restoring key foundational species on degraded reefs. These efforts have become more successful at restoring certain corals that are threatened by these issues
In the Caribbean alone there are more than 150 coral breeding operations in over 20 countries containing tens of thousands of corals raised in nurseries for the purpose of restoration The new field of coral restoration is close to starting important restoration programs. Restoration efforts typically involve restoring coral species that act as shelter for marine life that help the rest of the reef In history this method has also been used with trees to restore different ecosystems on land. Some restoration efforts even go beyond restoring key species, sometimes they incorporate important ecological processes like competition, succession, and herbivory to restore habitats 116 scientific papers on coral restoration were surveyed and only 19% of the papers incorporated ecological processes
This is because by 21 coral restoration practitioners that were surveyed the community seems to agree that ecological processes ranked fairly low in importance compared to other more important factors such as existing coral coverage, available clean substrate, and water depth However, when transplanting coral, practitioners did give ecological processes more consideration. This is because there are two separate rankings for selecting reefs and locations in the selected reef For locations in the selected reef avoidance of potential algae growth that could compete with coral coverage is ranked number 2. How they would counteract algal growth competing with coral is recruiting fish for eating the algae Additionally, the most studied process in the context of coral restoration is the recruitment of fish and coral. Using positive interactions in the ecosystem to make efforts to restore aquatic habitats is being used more and more to restore unhealthy aquatic ecosystems Another way they keep coral alive after they plant it in a reef is planting it near herbivores (such as fish or urchins) so they can eat the algae off of the coral Although urchins can eat a lot of algae in one spot they could also damage the structural stability of the coral so they ended up being bad for the reefs So what happens is they plant coral so it has a lot of coverage so herbivorous fish would focus more on algal growths on coral
Humans aren’t the only creatures that are killing coral though, there are plenty of animals labeled as corallivorous where their diets are based off of eating coral like the crown of thorns sea urchin that led to 40% of coral coverage being lost in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Sometimes fish aren’t corallivorous but still harm coral like the damselfish that uses the coral as farmland to grow algae on Despite all this decreasing corallivores is ranked fairly low in concern for areas to plant coral. This is because a shocking pattern for corallivorous animals is when there is a decline in coral coverage they actively start to eat more coral, devastating the ecosystem more, so to counteract this they just start transplanting coral into areas where there already is coral so that the animals don’t start to eat even more coral The clever workaround for making sure transplanted coral isn’t eaten right at the start is using different coral that is deemed less palatable to the corallivores in the area An example of this is in the Caribbean when the coral species Porites and Acropora were planted they were almost immediately eaten, but when the less palatable branching corals were planted around the palatable coral they were eaten considerably less Corallivores can also spread disease to coral which can cause a lot of death with colonies of coral, so recruiting species of fish that eat them so little disease actually reaches the coral could make a benefit in the survivability of coral colonies
Using ecological practices in restoration in coral reefs is challenging but also effective If we can counter most of the ecological threats to the recovery of coral, like recruiting fish and urchins that eat the turf algae that kill coral or recruit fish that eat other corallivores, it could end up making all the difference for the future of coral and the whole ocean
By Avery Dickens
Images from Wikipedia
Fishing is a big deal. That's a fact. Although, you might not know how the fish you see on your dinner table got there, or it was fished illegally Currently, fish is a product in very high demand About 3 billion people around the world depend on the fishing industry to supply them their basic source of protein However, with high demand comes high interest in supplying that product While some abide by all the rules and regulations of the fishing industry, many take to the seas intending to illegally fish. “IUU fishing” stands for “illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing”, and it might happen more often than you think
Most of the world's legal fishing occurs within water of the coastal States, or countries that border the oceans of the world. However, much IUU fishing occurs in the high seas, which is 200 nautical miles beyond the exclusive economic zone of any given country While it is difficult to evaluate the total volume of IUU fishing that takes place, experts estimate unreported fishing costs the global economy up to $23 billion annually This represents about 20% of the global seafood industry Not only that, but in developing countries, many small scale fishers are suffering the consequences. Illegal fishing activities are taking place near their nearshore waters which not only cost them a great amount of fish they could be catching themselves, but can have harsh consequences on the marine ecosystems in their area With illegal fishing taking place, legitimate fishers are losing out on their take of the product as well as keeping inaccurate measurements of fish caught In order to keep the ecosystem in check, marine organizations work hard to calculate how much fish should be caught to keep up a sustainable business However if illegal fishers are tampering with the numbers, it could lead to very harmful effects for the fish populations as well as other species who interact with such fish populations Not only that, but illegal fishers lack the proper equipment that it takes to be able fish at such large quantities safely They might use large nets to catch as many fish as possible, not realizing or caring what kinds of other animals may get caught or harmed in the process Without the proper equipment, reefs and the critters they are home to, may be left injured or unbalanced
Due to the many effects that IUU fishing causes around the world, action needs to be taken to help prevent and prohibit such activity. However, no single body is responsible for setting and enforcing fishery management policies This makes it hard to enforce rules which regulate IUU fishing actions. On the high seas, legal fishing actions are hard to enforce due to the fact that no one country technically “owns” or has jurisdiction over the high seas With the high seas covering about 45% of our planet's oceans, you can imagine how hard it must be to supervise all the fishing that goes on around the world Countries that have registered vessels to individuals are responsible for their actions in all areas of the ocean Furthermore, each coastal State is responsponsible for their EEZ (exclusive economic zone), however, some countries are more lax with their rules than others Many have well patrolled and regulated coastal waters, while some others have very little resources or funding for such efforts.
While IUU fishing alone is already a big deal, other illegal endeavors are constantly linked to the activity. IUU fishing compromises transnational security due to the fact that many illegal fishers are involved with other criminal activities Such activities include human rights abuses, such as unfair crew labor and human trafficking. Other offenses include drug smuggling, tax evasion, and money laundering Due to the fact that many illegal activities occur on the world’s oceans Measures need to be taken to have a better awareness to combat such illegal pursuits. Currently, the most paramount gap that is missing within the tracking of vessels is the lack of required, internationally recognized unique vessel identification numbers, the lack of a uniform system for tracking vessels, and poor sharing of information regarding suspected illegal activity on all bodies of water
Although much of this topic is doom and gloom, there is always something to be done. Organizations such as Pew Research Center are taking steps to close the critical gaps in IUU fishing and other illegal activities on our world's oceans They are advocating for a requirement that all vessels over 24 meters in length have a unique IMO tracking number for vessel identification They are spreading the word regarding the concept of IUU fishing to facilitate a greater understanding regarding the topic and to help encourage enforcement of all maritime laws and regulations Lastly, they are advocating for strong controls in the markets of countries such as the United States and countries within the European Union so that illegally caught fish does not make it to their shelves Just like Pew and other organizations, you can make a difference by sharing the information that you learned while reading this piece to better educate the masses and draw attention to IUU fishing to help facilitate a better fishing experience for everyone
By Olivia Clark
The extreme heat wave bleaching hundreds of corals in Florida makes it clear that global warming is a big issue. Most threatened are the creatures living in Earth’s oceans, including corals Corals are very particular about the conditions of the water they live in The temperature, salinity, pH, sunlight, and amount of food must be just right. If not, corals could release their symbiotic algae buddies and lose their largest source of energy This process is called coral bleaching and can quickly lead to coral death. Although there are replanting efforts underway, they are not always effective Coral planting practitioners work very hard to study different sites that they could plant coral However, there is one thing most practitioners don’t always put the most focus on: ecology. By looking at the way corals interact with the creatures around them, practitioners can improve their replanting efforts
So why should we put more effort into researching ecology when replanting corals? More importantly, why do we care about corals at all? Because they are complex ecosystems and home to a bunch of different species. They also help coastal populations of people Coral reefs act as a buffer from large waves and other kinds of marine natural disasters They can serve as a boost to the economy through tourism. If corals die off, not only do we lose the habitat of countless aquatic species, we also lose our protection from natural disasters Studying the interactions between corals and other species can help make planting efforts more effective and rebuild the barrier
Coral reefs are a home to many species of fish and invertebrates. In return, these creatures help the reef grow and protect it from competitors like algae and bacteria Algae can easily outcompete corals for space and bacteria eat corals and cause many coral diseases Some fishes and sea urchins graze on algae. Sea urchins are especially good at keeping one small area algae-free. Fishes swim around, trimming down the algae as they go Finding a planting area with some herbivores can make it easier to plant more coral As the reef grows, it recruits more coral and fishes, but this may not always be good for the corals.
Some fishes and invertebrates can be harmful to coral reefs Corallivores are predators that eat corals Some of them, such as bacteria, can also spread coral diseases. One of the biggest examples of corallivores is the Crown-of-thorns sea star On its own, it was responsible for more than 40% of coral loss on the Great Barrier Reef Decreasing the threat of corallivores to replanted corals is quite simple: avoid them. Practitioners should look for places with already established coral cover and few predators Replanting in a spot with no corals will make any corallivores quickly destroy their efforts. There can be a benefit to planting near a few corallivores, as it forces practitioners to vary species of corals Most corallivores prefer a specific kind of coral, so surrounding that coral with less palatable species can prevent predators from getting close.
Damselfishes are another threat to coral reefs through their practice of algal farming They can quickly clear out large ranges of coral to make way for their farms and aggressively defend them from fishes and other algae-eaters. Although avoiding areas with large damselfish populations seems like the most logical route, there can also be benefits to some coral species when damselfishes are around In the Indo-Pacific, the dusky farmerfish provides branching corals in the area with much-needed protection from corallivores
By putting more research into the ecological factors of coral reefs, we can make replanting more successful More research on different species of corals can help practitioners select the best corals for each location This means that fishes and invertebrates can regain their habitats Humans can regain their barrier against natural disasters Cities can regain a large source of income through tourism. With even more studying, we could reverse global climate change to prevent coral bleaching in the future.
By Sughan Sriganesh
Climate change poses a significant threat to biodiversity across all biomes, including coastal and marine ecosystems It is crucial to develop and implement solutions that mitigate the effects of climate change on ocean ecosystems in order to preserve biodiversity and protect ecosystem health Coral reefs are some of the main victims of climate change and warming oceans They play a critical role in the wellbeing of the ocean ecosystem and serve as a habitat for numerous marine organisms. Furthermore, they hold cultural
However, due to the effects of climate change, including ocean acidification, bleaching, and thermal stress, coral reefs are essentially being boiled alive. It may be challenging to reduce the effects of climate change, which is already set in motion Instead, it is wiser to focus on other human pressures on reefs, including nearby pollution, fishing and development. In order to protect coral reefs for future generations, it is key to understand the intensity and extent of these anthropogenic pressures
This is where the research conducted by Andrello et al (2021) comes into play The researchers aimed to develop a comprehensive global map of local pressures on coral reefs, utilizing a more detailed scale than ever before. Through their work, they were able to identify and rank pressures for individual reef habitats across the world Although these pressures are detrimental to the wellbeing of reefs, they are also key aspects of local livelihood, especially fishing Such detailed information allows conservationists and reef management organizations to implement targeted strategies to effectively minimize human-caused pressure on specific reef areas while maintaining a balance with local interests and livelihoods
In order to do this, the researchers used tropical reef locations that had already been mapped and documented from Beyer et al (2018), and the Global Distribution of Coral Reefs dataset (UNEPWCMC, WorldFish Centre, WRI, & TNC, 2010), as well as reef updates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Andrello et al (2021) mapped these locations on a digital grid and added data layers to the map The layers were based on six different local pressures: fishing (typically artisanal or small-scale fisheries), sediment and nitrogen pollution, coastal population, industrial development, and tourism
In order to create the pressure analysis information and ranking, the researchers calculated the percent ratio of each pressure affecting a cell to the total global distribution of that pressure The “top” pressure was the one with the greatest ratio. Using this information, they were able to create a cumulative pressure score for each reef pixel
The results of the study showed that water pollution and fishing were the most frequently top-ranked local pressures. Water pollution was the top non-climatic pressure, and was identified as the top pressure in 32 3% of the world’s coral reefs Fishing accounted as the top pressure for 30.8% of the world’s reefs. The researchers also found that reefs closer to shore experienced higher cumulative pressure scores, while unsurprisingly, remote reefs experience lower pressure scores. Furthermore, they found that there was substantial variation between pressures on a region as a whole, and pressure in certain areas of that region
For example, Pacific regions had low median fishing pressures, while certain reefs in these regions had some of the highest fishing pressure percentiles in the world, due to highly concentrated and localized fishing. They also examined eighty-three coral refugia identified by Beyer et al (2018), which are areas expected to maintain a strong coral reef presence and climate change resilience in the coming decades. The researchers found that the top pressure in these areas was water quality (36%), followed by fishing, in 33% of refugia
The study’s significance cannot be overstated The results of Andrello et al. (2021) drastically improved upon previous pressure assessments, and provide new insights into the local stressors placed on coral reefs Their research suggests a shift that identifies water pollution as a top pressure on coral reefs, and highlights the land–sea approaches, such as wastewater management, for coral reef conservation However, it is of paramount importance to recognize that managing these pressures does not mean removing them completely, as the livelihoods of millions must also be taken into account In order to ensure a brighter future, these pressures must be managed sustainably within social, economic and environmental contexts, so that the next generation can also enjoy the beauty and splendor of the world’s coral reefs
Corals are the trees of the ocean and so when talking about them, you don’t often think of the term “larvae”. Coral reproduction involves larvae which we know as the immature state of common insects like bees and wasps The coral in question is the Acropora coral and they actually play a very important role in the efforts to restore the coral reefs but before we get to that, let's take a look at the coral reproduction process
There are two ways for coral to reproduce, the first being asexually. When reproducing asexually, coral will break off from the main colony. The broken off coral will then settle and start a new colony of coral This process is often gate kept by size, where once a coral reaches a certain size, it will go through asexual reproduction. The method of reproduction exhibited by the Acropora coral is sexual reproduction involving an egg and a sperm cell Once a year, the coral will release tiny bags of sperm and eggs The bags are buoyant and so float to the surface where the waves will mix up the eggs and sperm, fertilizing the eggs After roughly 75 hours after the fertilization of the eggs, coral larvae will spawn and after doing so, they will fall onto their land of choice The larvae will sprout into a polyp which will then duplicate until a coral colony is formed
Coral reefs are in danger of going extinct due to their fragility against abnormal conditions. Global warming has increased the temperature of the waters that these coral live in and ocean acidification has lowered the pH of the ocean, meaning that coral that aren’t able to adapt all go through a process called coral bleaching This occurs due to the relationship coral has to zooxanthellae, a photosynthetic algae They live in the coral’s tissue and through photosynthesis, produce the energy that the coral needs. However, when coral are introduced to stressful environments, such as warmer waters, they expel the zooxanthellae, leading to coral that can’t produce nutrients The expulsion of the algae is also why the coral loses all color, hence the term “coral bleaching” If the coral is left alone in a state without zooxanthellae, they are more prone to diseases and are even susceptible to death
By Sora Kobayashi
Acropora coral is an idea that might be able to help with the degradation of our coral reefs. They act as an important building block regarding the coral reefs as they not only attract marine life but act as a base for other coral to attach onto They also inherently also broaden the biodiversity in wherever the coral is introduced which help to make the reef more resilient to changes in the waters Studies have shown that artificially introducing Acropora larvae to a decaying coral reef can induce changes that could very well change a reef from a dying wasteland to one that's on its way to recovery
Now why is this so important? Though Acropora larvae has allowed us to soften the blow that is pollution, the rise in the ocean’s pH, and warming waters, it can only do just that, soften the blow The coral helps repopulate coral reefs and keep them alive for longer but this isn’t a long term solution. Similar to any other environmental problem caused by humans, no matter how we try to alleviate the symptoms, we have to be the ones to save the planet Carbon emissions will continue to damage the ocean and without any intervention to that problem, we cannot protect the waters Reducing your carbon footprint is one way to try and help reduce the harmful changes in our ocean Whether it be trying to lower your electricity usage, using your car less, or just recycling your used plastics, anything can and will help the preservation of the ocean It’s the only way to prevent the coral reefs that belong to our ocean from completely dying out and as unfortunate as it is, we don’t have too much time before it’s too late
By Mia Bramante
Research question:
What are some reef-scale responses of coral assemblages to restoration practices and how do we measure success?
Assessing the potential for reef restoration in order to improve reef resilience will allow conservation and restoration efforts to focus on the benthic community, largely composed of macroinvertebrates such as annelids, mollusks, and crustaceans, rather than only considering coral fragments transplanted to a degraded reef This will lead to improvements in quality of restoration and the sustainability of these reefs after the project is finished.
Basic Research Approach:
Four restoration programs that have been in progress for 8-12 years will be assessed on the long term effectiveness of different restoration approaches These restoration projects include, New Heaven Reef Conservation Program (NHRCP) on the island of Koh Tao, Thailand; Reefscapers program on the island of Landaa Giraavaru, Maldives; Coral Restoration Foundation in Key Largo, Florida Keys, USA; and The Nature Conservancy on the island of St Croix, US Virgin Islands. Each of these reefs have had different disturbances in the past and explore different coral restoration techniques and methods, this will allow the data and resilience to be tested from each project and see most successful techniques
Key findings:
The mean hard coral cover was not statistically different in restored and unrestored treatments. However when it came to structural complexity, those restored had much higher levels of complexity within their reefs In the Florida Keys and St Croix, the tests of genetic richness stayed consistent across the controlled, unrestored and restored treatments However in Landaa Giraavaru, coral generic richness was notably lower in the restored treatments when compared to both unrestored and control treatments. Coral health varied among the different locations. In Landaa Giraavaru, the “unhealthy coral prevalence was consistently over 80% across all treatment plans' ' In the Florida Keys, “the control prevalence of coral disease prevalence was 1 5 times greater than at restored sites and 2 8 times greater than at unrestored treatments' ' In St Croix, “restored treatments had a higher prevalence of diseased colonies than unrestored and control reference treatments”. The composition of the coral assemblages showed differences in all four sites. In Koh Tao coral assemblage composition “at the restored treatments was intermediate between those at the unrestored and control reference treatments” In Landaa Giraavaru, the composition of coral assemblages at the restored treatments were much different than those of the unrestored and control treatments. Restored treatments often showed characteristics such as higher cover of Acroporidae corals as well as lower cover of rubble In the Florida Keys, “only unrestored treatments had a distinct benthic community composition” and the factors that set them apart from one another mostly included the benthic composition of rocks, gorgonians, and Acroporidae In St Croix, the coral assemblages at restored treatments differed significantly from those of both unrestored and control reference treatments. Benthic communities also varied as the cover of corals in the family Acroporidae were “1 9 times greater at restored than at control reference treatments” and “Acroporidae corals were absent at unrestored treatments”
“Coral restoration is rapidly becoming a mainstream strategic reef management response to address dramatic declines in coral cover worldwide” however this work is not always consistent and assessments of the success of treatments are often limited. The information from this research will improve both qualitative and quantitative assessments of coral restoration efforts which can be used to further understanding of the role of restoration within resilience-based reef management. This research supports many others in their field as it is strengthening techniques and reliability as well as sustainability of these projects that are being worked on daily. This information further supports methods of supporting coral restoration and improving the quality of it
The research was based on “snapshots of the responses of coral assemblages to restoration practices” The research may have been limited due to the fact that variable restoration designs, the level of transplant maintenance, and the age of restored plots were not consistent through the experiment but rather differed from each location To add onto this, in three of the sites researched, only one restoration design was used This research included genus samples rather than species samples in order to create less of a negative impact on the reef but limited the amount of in situ available on this data
By Sophia Dorsey
This study, conducted by Margaux Y Hein, Roger Breeden, Alastair Birtles, Naomi M Gardiner, Thomas Le Berre, Jessica Levy, Nadine Marshall, Chad M. Scott, Lisa Terry, and Bette L. Willis was aimed at providing the first look at the effectiveness of various coral restoration methods The researchers noted that other studies of coral health following restoration efforts tended to lack specificity and longevity in monitoring the outcomes of various restoration efforts They found that most monitoring efforts on reefs were limited to specific regions or restoration methods, and that data collection dwindled out after an average of 12 months, thus leaving scientists in the dark on the effectiveness of reef restoration in the long-term
This prompted the researchers to conduct their own investigation that looked into providing data in the areas other studies failed to The group identified four coral restoration sites, all of which had been in operation for a minimum of eight years. This allowed for the first set of data to be collected from reefs that had relied on restoration efforts for long periods of time, thereby giving researchers an idea of how we can best protect reefs to withstand the ever-present threats of climate change and ocean warming The researchers selected four reefs: (1) New Heaven Reef Conservation Program in Koh Tao, Thailand; (2) Reefscapers in Landaa Giraavaru, Maldives; (3) Coral Restoration in Key Largo, Florida Keys, USA; and (4) The Nature Conservancy in St Croix, US Virgin Islands These reefs also utilized a variety of methods for coral restoration, which allowed the researchers to compare various transplant methods against the same standards to determine the best method of coral restoration
In Koh Tao, Thailand the main method of restoration was direct transplantation of healthy coral on to the degraded coral. Koh Tao also utilized artificial reef structures such as concrete balls and steel frames In Landaa Giraavaru, Maldives the main method of restoration was sand coated steel structures called ‘coral frames’. In the Florida Keys, USA the main method of coral restoration was coral tree nurseries These nurseries are ropes suspended in the ocean approximately 8 meters down. The baby corals are attached to this rope and monitored as they grow. Once they reach a large enough size, the corals are transplanted directly onto the reef In St Croix, US Virgin Islands the main method of restoration was coral tree nurseries then direct transplantation, like in the Florida Keys.
Along with the main survey sites described previously, the researchers surveyed two other reefs in each location These other areas included unrestored sites, which were nearby degraded reefs that were not the subject of restoration efforts. This provided a metric to assess the success and effects of the restoration efforts The other site they surveyed were control reference sites, which were nearby sites that had been exposed to the same weather conditions as the degraded reefs and were thus presumed to be an example of the restored and unrestored sites prior to degradation These control reference sites were used as a control to assess how the restored reefs compared to natural reefs The researchers collected data in three 20-meter lines spread out across the reef for a total of 180m of total surveyed space This measurement stayed consistent throughout all of the reefs the researchers measured The researchers then compared data across four categories of reef health These categories were hard coral cover, structural complexity of the reef, diversity of the coral, presence of coral juveniles, and health of the coral within the reef
Following their data collection, the researchers compiled their findings into a table, pictured to the right. The researchers found that in Koh Tao, Thailand all of the indicators of coral health positively increased following reef restoration efforts In Koh Tao the main restoration methods included a mix of direct transplantation and artificial structures. Based on the study, this mix of restoration methods yielded the highest increase in structural complexity, coral diversity, number of juveniles, and improved overall coral health at the restored reef (when compared to the unrestored reef).
In the Maldives, where the main method of restoration was artificial structures, it was found that hard coral cover and structural complexity positively increased at the restoration reef compared to the unrestored reef However, coral diversity notably decreased at this site.
In the Florida Keys and St. Croix, where the main restoration method was direct transplantation, the coral health was the poorest at both sites However, hard coral cover had the highest increase in the Florida Keys then at any other surveyed sites. Conversely, hard coral cover was the lowest in St Croix than any of the other surveyed sites
The researchers noted some limitations or potential causes of skewed results following their results. The researchers noted that coral diversity was lower in the Florida Keys and St Croix This is potentially influenced by the goal of the sites to increase the population of endangered coral species, thus decreasing diversity since restoration efforts are focused on specific species The researchers also noted that the presence of juvenile corals may be underrepresented in their study, due to the fact that the study considered juvenile coral as anything under 5 centimeters in diameter The researchers note that this likely limited their detection of juvenile coral in Koh Tao and Landaa Giraavaru In the Florida Keys and St. Croix, there were no juvenile corals on the reef since they were being grown to maturity in nurseries before they were transplanted The study concludes by stating that restoration efforts of coral to improve the resilience of coral reefs in the long-term is promising, but that restoration efforts should focus on maximizing coral diversity to increase the overall health of reefs
By Robin Kim
People aware of the current crises going on in the ocean are mostly aware that several species of dolphins and whales are being threatened, and most people are also aware of the imminent destruction of corals But while these species get attention - which yes, they do need - from a larger audience, a lot of us may be unaware of another species being cornered into extinction: reef sharks
Despite the cruel, ruthless imagery created by the press and various forms of popular culture, Sharks are one of the most important species in preserving the fragile balance of marine ecosystems As most reef-dwelling shark species are top predators of their neighborhoods’ food webs, their presence is crucial to keeping fish populations in check and thus maintaining a healthy coral reef. However, human activity, namely the endless pursuit of their fins and meat, has been making playing apex predator quite difficult for reef sharks.
In a 2020 study, Professor Aaron MacNeil and his team set out to assess the status of reef shark populations and identify solutions to their dwindling numbers. The team placed more than 15,000 baited video cameras in 371 reef ecosystems from 58 nations to assess the current shark population status The cameras caught 59 reef shark species, 93% of which were species that spent their entire lives on coral reefs or frequently visited and relied on them for food sources
The more concerning part of their observations, however, is that no sharks were observed in 19% of the reefs, 69% of the cameras did not detect a shark at all, and they were functionally extinct in 8 nations, which meant the sharks were absent from the ecosystem, having no function in their habitats Additionally, when the research team scored how well nations were performing based on their regional context, 59% of them couldn’t even meet the half-line of the levels of shark abundance expected for them This indicated to the team that reef shark depletion was a very serious global phenomenon. These results tell us that yes, people should definitely be more worried about this global crisis in reef shark populations
Then what methods could be used to alleviate this dire situation? MacNeil’s team looked into this as well, using a simulation to examine the potential of 4 methods: Banning gillnet and longline fishing, setting a catch limit, setting a closure, and founding a shark sanctuary
The results showed that fishery management actions like the gillnet and longline ban and setting catch limits were the most effective Setting closures, also known as marine protected areas, were as effective as regulating fisheries, but only when the closures covered a very large area, which is probably due to the large activity radiuses sharks have compared to smaller fish And at the national level, shark sanctuaries are expected to be the most effective - though its socioeconomic feasibility is limited in areas where shark hunting is currently going on in high levels
Then what methods could be used to alleviate this dire situation? MacNeil’s team looked into this as well, using a simulation to examine the potential of 4 methods: Banning gillnet and longline fishing, setting a catch limit, setting a closure, and founding a shark sanctuary
The results showed that fishery management actions like the gillnet and longline ban and setting catch limits were the most effective Setting closures, also known as marine protected areas, were as effective as regulating fisheries, but only when the closures covered a very large area, which is probably due to the large activity radiuses sharks have compared to smaller fish And at the national level, shark sanctuaries are expected to be the most effective - though its socioeconomic feasibility is limited in areas where shark hunting is currently going on in high levels
Additionally, however high the conservation potentials are for each method and each nation, it is important to note that manifesting it would require judicial systems, fishery managers and local fishers to be extremely engaged, cooperative and carry out proper enforcement. And even if shark populations recover, the team isn’t entirely sure if it will bring back the whole reef’s ecosystem If their concerns are proven true and sharks returning doesn’t heal the reefs, it would require governments to tackle the bigger socioeconomic and cultural drivers of plundering marine ecosystems
In conclusion, every method has its high and low potentials when applied to different contexts, which makes it even more crucial to assess the region’s background when deciding on how to protect reef shark populations, as the research team states “there is no panacea that will succeed everywhere” If we incorporate the right methods in the right places with strong enough engagement, cooperation and enforcement, these misunderstood predators and their ecosystems just might be able to make a comeback
By Emma Wilbur
Aside from their beauty, coral reefs are an essential element in maintaining a healthy ocean Without their presence, storms would become more dangerous, jobs would be lost, and ecosystems would be destroyed. Climate change is threatening that these scenarios become a reality, as ocean temperatures continue to rise, severely damaging corals
In as little as a 1-degree Celsius rise in ocean temperatures, corals will become what's known as bleached; ejecting algae that live on them naturally, turning them white in color With little chance of survival, ocean warming has deteriorated many reefs through bleaching, and, therefore, countless aquatic ecosystems.
To counteract the implications of climate change, scientists have been attempting to restore these reefs, and in turn, benefit aquatic communities However, differing coral conservation methods have led to little understanding of the restoration's success Therefore, scientists studied 4 restoration sites, to determine “how different restoration designs, influence the response of coral” restoration
Scientists compared data, analyzing “5 coralbased indicators of reef resilience, [characterized as]: coral cover, structural complexity, coral diversity, coral juveniles, and coral health,” allowing them to determine which restoration methods prove to be most effective
Hard and structurally complex coral cover, demonstrated the most restoration within all sites, while all other characteristics of repair varied. However, “coral health, an… indicator of the reef resilience was not considered improved by restoration” efforts at any of the 4 sites examined
The scientists found that restoration methods must be designed to efficiently restore a specific coral ecosystem to have restoration success However, it is crucial for oceanographic health to minimize rising sea temperatures driven by the climate crisis, to restore coral health damage entirely.
Fish in net, photograph by
Coral reefs benefit human security, food supply, and economics, as well as, a quarter of marine species They are an essential part of the world and are in a current state of distress. As a society, it is moral to protect the environment which protects us Therefore, individuals can make a difference by writing letters to environmental conservation organizations, to advocate for environmental justice.
Coral restoration allows for growth while reefs are struggling due to climate change, however, it is important to note, it cannot be a replacement for climate change action To effectively restore reefs, we must slow human impact on climate change, and that can start with you
PRI-Proposed Sanctuary, NOAA/ONMS
℅ Hoku Kaʻaekuahiwi Pousima
76 Kamehameha Ave. Hilo, HI 96720
4 August 2023
Dear U.S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Office of National Marine Sanctuaries,
Currently, Palmyra Atoll and its surrounding water are protected by the Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monument – but those protections stop at 50 nautical miles around Palmyra and around Howland and Baker Islands, rather than the full 200 nautical mile extent of the U.S EEZ as in other units of the monument.
The world is facing significant climate change, which is deeply affecting marine ecosystems throughout the world. Palmyra Atoll has been a vital science location for science and research for over 100 years Because Palmyra Atoll has been protected for 20 years, the location remains in spectacular condition and thus provides scientists with healthy reefs to study Access to healthy and protected reefs is becoming increasingly important as the ocean temperature rises and the health of marine ecosystems around the world begins to decline
We aim to help conserve our ocean as much as possible. Studying history is something many of us feel is unnecessary, but it is in the best interest of our future society as the phrase "Those who do not learn about history are doomed to repeat it" holds a very significant and relevant meaning The environment should be taken into consideration in the same regard as we only have one chance to prevent the destruction of our ocean and through the education programs, classes, acknowledgment, etc., we might just be able to prevent what seems inevitable
The Palmyra Atoll provides a home to more than four hundred species of fish, about one hundred and seventy coral species, and many species of marine mammals; to name a few in particular- Hawksbill Sea turtles, Blacktip reef sharks and Giant clams all are presently decreasing in the wild and depend on The Palmyra Atoll. We need to expand this protection to the full two hundred nautical miles so that all these important species are safe from anthropogenic harm
The Palmyra Atoll is home to several endangered species of marine life that all depend on each other to survive. One of the most crucial aspects of the Palmyra Atoll is that it serves as a breeding ground for 11 different species of seabirds The Palmyra Atoll and the nearby Kingman reef support more coral species than any other reef in the central Pacific
It is also an important habitat for migratory birds, coconut crabs, green sea turtles, and hawksbill sea turtles. Creating a new national marine sanctuary around this atoll would further protect these animals from being hunted to extinction. O c e a n
c e a n A d
Today harmful human activities such as IUU fishing have decreased the size, and number of fish in the ocean Everything in nature is connected in some way so even though IUU fishing happens hundreds of kilometers away. It still hurts us all. Even though these destructive behaviors have taken so much from us, the ocean can heal What little we have left must be protected so that in the future, young people like me can see the wonders of a restored ocean Please expand the Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, and the Pacific Remote Island Marine National Monument for us all.
The Ecosystems in this area are deeply interconnected – the pelagic ecosystems found 50 to 200 nautical miles offshore contribute significantly to the health of the nearshore protected ecosystems There are seamounts providing benefits to pelagic and nearshore fish communities, seabirds eating pelagic fish that help thrive these ecosystems by fertilizing the islands with nutritious guano and therefore the coral reefs in these areas grow faster and support larger communities of fish. Simply, it is not possible to meaningfully protect the inshore coral reef ecosystems without also providing protection to the pelagic ecosystems on which they depend The terrestrial, reef, pelagic and deep-sea ecosystems are deeply interconnected, and it is essential to protect each of these systems, since they are dynamically linked together
However, it is not only essential to protect the biodiversity in the PRI area, but we also have to value the culture deeply interconnected with the nature and the ocean, a culture from which we can learn a lot, for instance, by implementing the traditional ecological knowledge that the indigenous peoples had to help us with conservation efforts nowadays. The land and the ocean of the Pacific Remote Islands both hold a rich history and cultural significance that needs to be honoured together with its breathtaking biodiversity and ecosystems. The expansion of the Pacific Remote Island National Monument would mean that significant historical objects that connect people of the Pacific with their past would be protected as well. The islands in the Pacific have connected nature and culture for centuries, they are an important location for teaching and practicing traditional open-ocean wayfinding and thereby connecting the people of today with their heritage.
The Palmyra Atoll once housed US troops during the Second World War, but now is isolated. Due to these unique circumstances, scientists can study the dramatic modifications such occupation made to the lagoons and terrestrial habitats. Not only that, but the island is home to submerged coral reefs which support the life of local migratory fish and 2 endangered populations of sea turtles. The island is rich in biodiversity and is a great place for scientists to perform research
c e a n A d v o c a c
This region is critical for scientific research due to its abundance of diverse and endangered species, such as the green and hawksbill turtles, manta rays, giant clams, and black-lipped pearl oysters. These species live in this region, among one of the largest coral reefs found worldwide, which supports three times the number of organisms found in the Caribbean and Hawaii. Ultimately, warming water temperatures are altering these ecosystems' health, making scientific research essential in this region, to allow for further understanding of the effects of climate change on oceanic species.
The region Palmyra Atoll provides scientists with an image of what a healthy ecosystem should resemble. This specific area is crucial for the observation of coral as it is among the few marine habitats still unharmed
The Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument is an important asset to understanding the health of the ocean and its inhabitants This is because it provides a necessary baseline for marine health and ecosystems. An example of a baseline it provides is Kingman Reef which is regarded as the most undisturbed coral reef inside of US territory.
For these reasons, we commend NOAA’s decision to initiate the scoping process for a new national marine sanctuary, and we stand in solidarity with the PRI Coalition and their vision to permanently fully protect the Pacific Remote Islands of the U.S EEZ
The Students of Sea Education Association’s SEAQUEST program, August 2023
As individuals, we can…..
Advocate for change
Not support companies that destroy our oceans. Spread positive change.
Vote for green legislation
Changing small habits in daily lives (ex recycling, using reusable materials, alternative energy sources, carpooling, etc )
Talk about it!
Encourage those around us to do the same
Educate ourselves and others around how we better protect and conserve the environment
Volunteer in organizations that protect the oceans
We want companies to…..
Find alternative ways to do what they’re doing but in a way that’s not harming the environment
Reduce carbon emissions and avoid greenwashing their products
Hold awareness of how they may be harming the environment, and as a result change themselves to be more environmentally friendly
We want our Governments to…..
Create policies that protect/prioritize the wellbeing of the environment
Put restraints on companies that are harming the environment
Make policies that indirectly draw people away from overfishing and illegal fishing (provide more financial support, etc )
Spend more money on setting MPAs and enforcing fishing bans
Create general positive awareness when it comes to environmental protection and advocate to the public about climate change and its effects on the general population
Create and stand by legislation protecting the environment, and create incentives for people to begin living a more sustainable lifestyle