SEA Quest provides students with a unique opportunity to understand the process of marine research at sea and to apply those to their own unique ecosystems in their neighborhoods In this program, students will virtually participate, through SEA logbooks and interactive video sessions, in our scientific voyages focused on near-shore and offshore ecosystems. The waters that we sail are important habitats for rare and endangered species –whales, turtles, seabirds – along with countless other marine organisms. Data analyzed by SEA Quest explorers is part of a cumulative data set of SEA voyages compiled over nearly 50 years, and it provides critical annual monitoring of these marine protected areas for key stakeholders These data include biodiversity information, sea temperature and salinity, chemical nutrient measurements, sediment samples, visual and acoustic recording of whales and vessel traffic, and more. Scientific studies are given human background context with discussions of the development of policies behind the marine protected areas we visit. Students return home with a broader sense of the ocean’s importance to our planet and the need to preserve this precious resource for future generations.
SEA is a global teaching, learning and research community dedicated to the exploration, understanding and stewardship of marine and maritime environments. SEA empowers students with life-changing sea voyages of scientific and cultural discovery, academic rigor and personal growth. Our SEA programs feature an interdisciplinary curriculum and dynamic leadershipdevelopment experience –at sea aboard tall ships and on shore.
By: Iliaus
Snapping shrimp, despite their minute scale, play a strong role in maintaining their marine ecosystems Atypical to contrary belief, even sea creatures as tiny as 4cm can make the loudest sounds, at around 183-210 decibels These shrimp snap as a means for communication, navigation, and predation The article “Oh snap! What Tiny Shrimp Can Tell Us About Habitat Health” delves into the ecological significance of these sounds and their utility in aiding to monitor the health of marine habitats
The snapping shrimp produce their snaps through a specialized claw that generates a snap. The claw generates a snap by x. This snap serves a greater purpose than simply being a noise; it makes many functions possible in their daily lives, from stunning prey to signaling other shrimp. Their sounds, however, are important to more than the shrimp Scientists have discovered that they can be utilized to assess the health of marine environments
The SanctSound project is a collaborative effort designed to understand and utilize the acoustic environment of marine environments. Employed by deploying underwater microphones, researchers collect lots of data on the ambient sounds within these habitats, including the loud snaps of shrimp This project reaches over a multitude of marine sanctuaries, providing a comprehensive overview of acoustic activity across different regions
Snapping activity displayed as a 24-hour clock in Gray’s Reef and Hawaiian Islands in spring Sourced from sanctuaries.noaa.gov
One of the significant aspects of this research is the ability to monitor and make correlations through changes in snapping frequency. Healthy habitats are typical to have a vigorous level of snapping frequency, which is an indicator of a thriving shrimp population and, by extension, a balanced and healthy ecosystem. Conversely, a decline of or low snapping frequency can signal environmental stressors, such as pollution, habitat destruction, and environmental fluctuation
The data collected by SanctSound has revealed many key insights. For instance, areas that have been impacted by human activity often read reduced snapping activity, correlating with other indicators of environmental stress. By contrast, regions that have undergone restoration efforts typically tend to show a rebound in snapping sounds, suggesting habitat health recovery
Environmental stressors such as pollution, climate change, and overfishing can all have impacts on the snapping shrimp These stressors can disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem, leading to reduced shrimp populations and altered behaviour. By monitoring the snapping patterns, scientists can detect early signs of stress and take proactive measures to address these issues
The broader implications of this research extend to the field of marine conservation, Using acoustic monitoring as a means to monitor and check environmental health provides a non-invasive way to keep track of marine life and environmental conditions with minimal disturbance to the ecosystem This method can be particularly useful in remote and hard-to-reach areas where typical monitoring techniques are difficult to implement.
In conclusion, the snapping shrimp and their distinct sounds offer a window for us to look into the health of marine ecosystems. Through projects like SanctSound, scientists can harness this natural behavior to monitor and protect our oceans habitats The continuing research holds promise for new future conservation efforts and methods, highlighting the importance of preserving the acoustic landscape of our seas.
By Devin Swanson
The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is a new marine sanctuary off the coast of Cape Cod that stretches up towards Boston This sanctuary was just recently created on May 15, 2024, This marine sanctuary still allows for commercial fishing along with recreational fishing and environmental tourism, such as whale watching
For this marine sanctuary to allow commercial fishing is very important for the local economy of the coastal New England area, allowing one of the US's largest fishing economies to stay sustainable and productive. Not all marine sanctuaries allow for commercial fishing, this can cause damage to the local economy by removing a large industry which supports many families. This sanctuary is meant to sustain the local fish populations while at the same time allowing the natural resources to still be available to the public under the sanctuary's rules. These natural resources make the Stellwagen Bank marine sanctuary a perfect place for tourism to flourish alongside the native species of New England
The Stellwagen Bank marine sanctuary consists of 842 square miles and hosts a variety of marine organisms such as sponges, mussels, clams, scallops, moon snails, sand dollars, and whelks. Fish life includes sculpins, skates, flounders, goosefish, cod, schools of dogfish, herring, and pollock along with these there are also northern right whales, humpback whales, finback whales and Atlantic white-sided dolphins, which are all mammals. These native species are necessary for food and jobs of locals which is why keeping this area a sanctuary is necessary for the next generations to come
The mission of the Stellwagen Bank Marine Sanctuary is to conserve, protect, and enhance the biological diversity, ecological integrity, and cultural legacy of the sanctuary while facilitating compatible use The reason Stellwagen Bank was chosen for this mission is because it’s famous for the fishing ground, and the regularly returning whales make it one of the world's premier whale watching destinations. To keep this ecosystem alive, Congress designated Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary as part of the reauthorization of the National Marine Sanctuaries Act. Along with this area, now being protected by the Sanctuaries Act, marine vessels such as the R/V Auk are constantly monitoring the marine wildlife populations putting trackers on whales and monitoring native fish species to determine if actions must be made to protect them. Without the Stellwagen Bank sanctuary it is predicted that over time certain marine species could become endangered or extinct due to overfishing.
Fortunately the Marine Sanctuaries Act is able to save these areas with its protection from overfishing, preventing species like the sand lance from reaching a critical population decline Since 1972 when this act was created, 15 marine sanctuaries have been made under the Marine Sanctuary Act preventing population decline of at least 27 species near extinction This Act is a good start for conservation efforts to protect the marine environment from population decrease for future generations, but more work is still necessary
by Hirva Parikh
Indirect calculations show that from the years 1989 to 2019, Earth faced the warmest 30-year span it has seen in over 800 years. This has led to the increase of average overall temperature of the planet by 1°C (1.8℉). This phenomenon, known as climate change, is now being observed in rapid consequences from the warming of the atmosphere.
The primary source of heat energy is the Sun. The atmosphere of Earth absorbs some of the sunlight from the Sun while reflecting part of it back into space. Due to the presence of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, there is a balance between the amount of solar energy entering and leaving the planet. However, since the Industrial Revolution, atmospheric conditions of carbon dioxide (76% of greenhouse gas composition) have gone up 40%. The high quantities of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have led to an imbalance in the amount of heat entering and leaving the planet, causing disruption.
Greenhouse gasses that absorb heat emitted from the Earth’s surface trap the heat within the atmosphere. Due to higher concentration of carbon dioxide, more heat stays within Earth instead of being reflected back and this is accompanied by warming of ocean, atmosphere, rise in sea level, rise in temperatures, and a strong decline in Arctic Sea ice.
The imbalance of temperature on Earth is primarily due to human activities. Old growth forests are carbon sinks that have absorbed carbon dioxide for thousands of years. When forests are cleared or degraded, the carbon stored in biomass is released back into the atmosphere increasing the concentration of greenhouse gasses which contributes to global warming. Furthermore, burning fossil fuels in vehicles, machines, and factories, releases carbon dioxide, particulate matter, and sulfur dioxide causes polar amplification; the regions of Arctic and Antarctic warm faster than the rest of the planet. These effects lead to ice sheets and glaciers melting, rising sea levels significantly.
Rising levels have increased coastal flooding, threatening coastal communities and destroying habitats of marine species. Marine ecosystems and the health of the ocean as a whole are important for maintaining a healthy world because they support a diverse biodiversity, supply valuable resources for human use, and produce oxygen through phytoplankton. However, ocean acidification (a process caused by increased absorption of carbon dioxide in seawater) lowers the pH of the ocean and poses a critical threat to marine ecosystems. Laboratory and other experiments show that under high carbon dioxide and in more acidic water due to acidification, some marine species have misshapen shells and lower growth rates. Acidification also alters the cycling of nutrients and many other elements and compounds in the ocean, and it is likely to shift the competitive advantage among species impacting marine ecosystems and the food web.
Even a little amount of global warming is linked to significant variations in local temperatures and some kinds of severe weather. As dry areas become drier and wet areas get wetter, record high temperatures are already, on average, considerably exceeding record low temperatures. The wellbeing of the people who live in low-lying regions, freshwater supplies, agricultural production, and coastal infrastructure are all at risk from these effects, which are predicted to worsen with global warming. The speed at which climate change brought about by humans is changing means that there is less time to implement adaptation strategies that would help ecosystems adjust, which increases total risk.
Science is a continual process of observation, understanding, testing and prediction. The prediction of a long-term trend in global warming from increasing greenhouse gasses is robust and has been confirmed by a growing body of evidence. Even though there are still many unknowns surrounding the climate system, there are ongoing research projects that will eventually help scientists fill in the gaps in their understanding of this urgent problem.
Warm-water coral reefs are crucial for the Earth's biosphere, providing ecosystem goods and services to millions of human coastal communities. Coral reefs ecosystem is the habitat for at least 25% of all marine species, which means that over one million species are living in this environment In addition, 850 million people living within 100 kilometres of reefs and 275 million within 30 kilometres, showing a close relationship between humans and coral reef These ecosystems provide food, recreation, business, and even protection for people living near the ocean For instance, tourism and fishery are a great part of the people’s living
However, the coral reef ecosystems have experienced a rapid decline due to human activities over the past 50 years. The results of unsustainable environmental stress and increasing demands was the loss of about 50% of coral reefs since the early 1980s
Climate change, including human causes, is having devastating impacts on coral reefs through anthropogenic ocean acidification and warming. The ocean is one of the most important component of the Earth’s climate system. Approximately 93% of the heat released into the atmosphere is absorbed by the ocean’s water, causing the ocean water to increase in temperatures. Climate change has also melted glaciers and icebergs, raising the albedo in arctic areas and leading to the increase in sea levels In addition, about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by human activities will be dissolved into the ocean, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, and therefore causing ocean acidification
Corals can be sensitive to various factors, including surface salinity, nutrient availability, ocean currents, and oxygen concentrations. This characteristic causes corals to be greatly harmed by the changes that humans have done to the ocean. For example, the rising of sea temperatures severely threatens corals and their reefs, resulting in mass coral bleaching and mortality in the southern hemisphere and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
By Alina Lu
The decline in coral reef ecosystem have been greatly effecting the human society. Coral reefs are under threat due to environmental stress, leading to a reduction in ecological functions and ecosystem goods and services This can impact economic value, with loss of quality or quantity potentially affecting total revenues, net revenues, or local consumption made by the people living near shore The results of the decline in coral reefs caused made huge harms to both human and nature.
Coral reef fisheries, crucial for Africa and South Asia's 400 million people, provide over half of their protein and mineral intake. However, their cover has declined by 50% since the 1980s, impacting the ecosystem and affecting other organisms Coral fishes are closely linked to coral cover, leading to a 30-50% decline in productivity and fisheries. The relationship between coral cover and productivity is conservatively two-for-one, with a 2% loss potentially causing a 1% loss in small-scale fisheries production
Besides economy, the consequences of the decrease in coral also brought danger to people that live near the ocean. Between 60 million and 200 million people depend on coral reefs for physical protection from storm surge Coral reefs offer shoreline protection for low-elevation coastal communities, but environmental stress can lead to the loss of coral reef ecosystems The bleaching or even death of the corals could result in the decline of protection, causing floods or tsunamis to be more frequent
In this study, published in 2011, 14 scientists, C Ojeda–Martínez, J T Bayle–Sempere, P. Sánchez–Jerez, F. Salas, B. Stobart, R. Goñi, J M Falcón, M Graziano, I Guala, R. Higgins, F. Vandeperre, L. Le Direach, P Martín–Sosa & S Vaselli wanted to explore the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas, or MPAs The study aimed to “(a) provide a synthesis of studies that have been carried out to evaluate the effects of MPAs in terms of their objectives; (b) identify areas concerning the use of study subjects, descriptors and the most commonly used methods of investigation; (c) analyze the different kinds of results on the effects of protection; and (d) reveal areas where our understanding is poor and future research is necessary” (pg 4)
By Molly Volpp
The study compared each research publication's variables selected, sampling designs and study approaches. They also compared the authors' origins from peer-reviewed papers and found that Australian/New Zealand authors ranked highest, followed by papers by North American authors, with European-authored papers scattered among rankings.
With the content of the papers themselves, that was the place where the discrepancies began. The study notes that most peer-reviewed publications they analyzed were positive about the effects of MPAs and there were few papers with negative results or impacts. This is bad because it means that we could be overestimating the positive effects of MPAs Another inconsistency was with which species were studied.
Some papers would only focus on some species, therefore causing us to only know the limited effects of MPAs It means that we only know some of the benefits of MPAs on some of their inhabitants. This issue seems to be because of ease of studying; fish and crustaceans are much easier and cheaper to study, so many of the studies, especially the ones that predate 2000, only focus on those variables There is also the issue of short-term versus long-term effects. Almost every single paper in this study only focused on short-term effects and a short timeline Because of this, there could be long-term effects of MPAs that have yet to be researched.
In conclusion, the study encourages more research on MPAs about forgotten or overlooked subjects, such as adult biomass export and larval spillover, as to truly understand the effects of MPAs Studies on MPAs should focus more on the success, or failure, of protection and the extent of which the MPAs reach their objectives. There should be change to the way research is done and data is collected about MPAs so that the policies continue to be effective MPAs should be treated as one whole ecosystem when studied, rather than just a collection of separate organisms in a specific area.
By Albert Zhou
Jane Lubchenco's article "Entering the Century of the Environment: A New Social Contract for Science,” published in 1998, argues for the necessity of a shift in the social contract between scientists and the public She argues that due to climate change and the growing human impact on Earth's ecological systems, the concept of “the environment” should be redefined within the public consciousness Additionally, she argues that scientists should be more involved in addressing the urgent environmental issues through dedicated research and public communication.
The article addresses the encroaching human influence on the planet's ecological systems, doing irreparable damage to the systems which keep the planet sustainable and human society functioning. Thus, Lubchenco calls for a redefinition of the phrase “the environment”, a phrase previously thought to be separate from various societal issues. Instead, Lubchenco argues that all aspects of human life such as health, the economy, social justice, and national security are heavily affected by the environment. Thus, the idea of “the environment” needs to be broadened to represent its all-encompassing nature
In order to deal with the climate crisis, Lubchenco proposes a new social contract where scientists devote their talents to solving the most pressing problems of the time, proportionate to their importance. This commitment is given in exchange for public funding and support for scientific objectives The goal of this contract is to better coordinate science with society, helping address key environmental issues. In addition, Lubnchenco argues that scientists must enhance their efforts to spread existing and new knowledge more effectively to policymakers as well as the general public, in order to raise awareness for current issues. Scientists are also encouraged to engage more directly in policy decisions to ensure that their insight is properly considered and utilized
The complexity of environmental issues necessitates interdisciplinary and international collaboration Lubchenco calls for breaking down boundaries between different sects of science in order to foster a more holistic approach to problem-solving. In addition, it is argued that university programs need to be overhauled and greater incentive needs to be given to professional scientists in order to lower the barrier of entry for science and to hopefully encourage newer generations to also take an interest in the field
In essence, Lubchenco's article advocates for stronger public awareness about the role that climate change plays in society, as well as a redefined role of science where scientists are more actively involved in addressing critical environmental issues and communicating their findings effectively to drive informed action and policy change, in return being supported and promoted by the rest of society.
By Matt Jacoby
Coral reefs are crucial for the greater ocean ecosystem and the health of our planet. They provide habitats for 35% of species in the ocean. However, ocean acidification, rising water temperatures, and other anthropomorphic threats lead to coral bleaching. Coral reef conservation has become one of the most important environmental issues that we face today.
Coral bleaching occurs when the symbiotic relationship between corals and dinoflagellate algae breaks down in response to stress. This is life-threatening to the coral as it removes a main source of their energy. Therefore, it is more and more necessary to understand and prevent coral bleaching. Some scientists say researching the genetics of the coral could help conservation efforts.
Since the first coral genome was published in 2011, 40 stony, or scleractinian, corals have been sequenced; nearly half of these corals were from a single genus, Acropora. These genomic sequences have provided numerous insights into conservation strategies and our understanding of the coral.
One example of this is found in the protein dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMSP). Enzymes break down DMSP, releasing dimethyl sulfide. Then, the dimethyl sulfide gets dissolved into the ocean and eventually the atmosphere. This creates cloud condensation nuclei which start the process of cloud formation. Essentially, when these corals get too hot they can release chemicals to form clouds and reduce solar radiation over the reef.
Another surprising discovery came when scientists found genes in the Acropora coral that code for photo-protective proteins that shield the coral from the sun’s UV rays. This “coral sunscreen” was previously only thought to be produced by the symbiotic algae. This new discovery shows that Acropora corals are not solely reliant on algae for these compounds, shedding a whole new light on the relationship between corals and algae.
These genetic insights have also made breakthroughs in coral conservation efforts, particularly in our understanding of their genetic diversity. Genetic diversity is an important concept in conservation because the more diverse a species is, the better it can respond to rapid changes. Population genomic studies of Acropora corals off the coast of the Ryukyu Islands and Okinawa in Japan have uncovered complex population structures, suggesting hidden barriers to larval dispersal and gene flow, even though these corals are broadcast spawners. Essentially, these corals should be dispersing more than they actually are; so conservationists need to recognize these and other barriers to effective gene flow and incorporate this knowledge into their efforts.
While these studies are promising and have provided many avenues for conservation, climate change may be progressing too rapidly for research to keep up. Corals are so diverse that the full effects of climate change can be difficult to understand. These discoveries are recent enough that it remains unclear how effective genomic information will be in conservation, but scientists still urge us to support research in coral genetics. From understanding the history of corals to conserving corals for the future, coral genetics is essential.
By Leyla Yilmaz
It has recently been discussed whether whaling should start up again. Evidence has shown that whales are to blame for fisheries bringing in less and less fish. The International Whaling Commission pointed to scientific evidence that whales consume fish in large quantities, reducing the fish population.
However, the opposite perspective has been considered as well. Scientists have debated whether the pros would outweigh the cons. However, data regarding this subject is limited, making it difficult to make a definitive conclusion. After many conversations with other organizations a model was developed in order to look at the effects of removing whales from the ocean. This sparked a debate regarding the accuracy of modeling the interactions between ecosystems and fisheries. Through this model, however, it was found that whales actually had little effect on the fish populations in an area. Among the causes of lowered fish populations, humans were at the top of the list. What did lead to an increase in fish population was changes in the fishing rates in the area, no matter how small.
Additionally, whales play a vital role in the ecosystem of keeping populations stable. Removing whales from the ecosystem would likely ultimately lead to decreased fish populations anyway. If every whale that ate fish was removed from the ecosystem, the fish would have far less predators. They would overpopulate the ecosystem and their food source would end up diminishing. With little food to eat, all the fish would starve to death. The “whales eat fish” notion was ultimately found to be detrimental to the commercial fishing industry, diverting their attention from the true root cause of the depleted supply.
Something that should be considered with regards to this issue is the question of who is eating our fish. This question must be considered in a larger context, looking at human impact first and foremost. Additionally, it is very important that the science and reasoning behind observed patterns be considered. This can be done through ecosystem modeling, as in this study, to assist with furthering the understanding of the ecological effect on changes made to the ecosystem. Finally, it is vital that we move towards the goal of protecting the ecosystem over a long time, and not focus on what will immediately increase fish intake.
By Ege Coskun
The Onna Village Fisheries Cooperative (OVFC) producers of Okinawa Japan have integrated mozuku seaweed farming with coral restoration and preservation. Mozuku farmers have noticed that an unhealthy reef leads to a low yield of mozuku, while a healthy reef leads to a high yield. This has prompted sustainable farming practices, coral reef restoration, and soil runoff prevention to preserve the ocean and its ecosystems and maximize the amount of mozuku farmed. This practice is called restorative aquaculture. So, what quality control methods are needed to ensure that restorative aquaculture remains a viable market-based solution, and what communication tools are available to maintain restorative aquaculture? Japanese consumer cooperatives created the Mozuku Fund to answer these questions. We will learn how the sustainability of marine products including mozuku is consistent through the entire process from planting to being bought and consumed.
In Okinawa, the fishing industry relies mainly on the coral reefs that surround the entire island so it is important that the fishing industry not cause detrimental harm to its main source of income. Mozuku farming alone accounts for half of Okinawan fishery income and Okinawa produces 99% of Japan’s mozuku. Mozuku farming provides livelihood and employment for local farmers. In this case, the goal of restorative aquaculture is not only to provide for Okinawan farmers but to directly benefit them and their yields while simultaneously promoting the health of coral reef ecosystems.
The first step in farming and selling mozuku involves planting, harvesting, salting, and processing. The OVFC sees mozuku farming as a part of coral reef ecosystems. They also know from experience that the health of coral, seagrass beds, and gravel bottoms is essential for mozuku cultivation. So, to promote the health of the ocean and the health of the mozuku, the OVFC has implemented measures to prevent red soil runoff, as well as nurturing coral and controlling the population of crown of thorns starfish which are a predator of coral.
They also collaborate with local companies for quality assurance checks to ensure their efforts are fruitful, and to continue the longevity of restorative aquaculture. Collaboration is key to the success and continuation of restorative aquaculture. The OVFC collaborates with local farmers to ensure restorative and healthy practices. They collaborate with researchers to gather information on the effects of restorative aquaculture on reef health. They collaborate with local industry to ensure the quality of the mozuku and the effectiveness of restorative aquaculture on the mozuku.
The OVFC distributes mozuku through consumer cooperatives. Individual consumers order their mozuku from catalogs. These catalogs describe the conservation and soil runoff preventative measures. Through the consumer cooperatives, the OVFC also highlights locality by selling to individuals rather than in bulk to distributors like supermarkets. This way, local consumers are informed so that they can respect and uphold conservation efforts.
Climate change is significantly affecting marine environments, particularly coral reefs. These ecosystems are subjected to fluctuations in seawater temperature and pH, which can impact how reef organisms survive with changes in ocean conditions. This study has found that the range of seawater temperature and pH in coral reefs can be studied in shallow reefs to determine patterns of this variability. The data collected makes it possible to estimate how environmental changes might influence reef organisms.
Coral reefs are facing growing stress due to global warming, which increases seawater temperature and decreases pH. Among these global stresses, there is considerable variability within coral reefs that can affect how organisms react. To investigate this, arrays of sensors were set up in various shallow coral reef habitats to measure changes in temperature and pH over time. Both temperature and pH were observed and shown to vary inevitably depending on the depth of the water. Deeper areas tend to have different patterns of temperature and pH changes compared to shallower regions. This suggests that water depth can help us understand the range of fluctuations in these boundaries.
By Katja Klavuhn
Sensors were deployed at several different reef locations, during summer months. These sensors recorded temperature and pH over time ranging from 5.6 to 17.5 days, focusing on short-term variability. The sensors were placed at various depths, from 0.7 to 17.1 meters, to determine how environmental conditions changed with depth. The data from the sensors showed that the average daily range of temperature and pH varied a lot from 0.1°C to 5.3°C for temperature and from 0.03 to 0.46 for pH. The spatial variability, or differences in measurements across sensors at the same site, was generally smaller than the daily range observed at individual sensors. This indicates that daily fluctuations are a major factor in temperature and pH variability within coral reefs. Exposure to short-term fluctuations in temperature and pH may actually help corals adapt and become more resilient. Corals living in environments with large temperature variations have shown greater tolerance to heat stress compared to those in more stable conditions. Similarly, corals exposed to varying pH levels have demonstrated better calcification rates and growth compared to those in constant pH environments. This evidence may suggest that measuring the depth related variability of coral reef environments will provide useful information of where resilient populations of corals and other reef organisms can be found.
By incorporating these results into our understanding of the impact of global climate change, we can better enhance the protection and health of coral reefs.
In the United States, 50% of all waste is landfilled. This waste can include plastics, which have become more prevalent in recent years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which required people to use personal protective equipment in public areas. As plastics deteriorate, they break down into smaller pieces over long periods, creating micro and nano plastics. These plastics might seem less problematic on the surface, but they pose a much greater health risk than many realize. By law, landfills must be lined with plastic or clay, both of which can crack and cause leachates. Leachates occur when liquids pass through solids, removing some of their components. Leachates from landfills can pick up decaying material and end up in bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and oceans. If leachates reach reefs or other marine habitats, they can cause nutrient pollution, leading to excessive algae growth or algal blooms. This can create toxins harmful to ecosystems and marine life, and deplete oxygen in bodies of water, creating dead zones where fish cannot survive.
Nutrient pollution isn't the only threat; microplastics have become more prevalent in recent studies, revealing the significant damage they cause. Microplastics have long gone unnoticed due to their tiny size, making them hard to detect with the naked eye. After being discovered in a leachate treatment plant, microplastics have been found everywhere in any body of water, especially in the open ocean. Fish and other marine life often mistake microplastics for food, ingesting them, which harms their health and poses risks to humans. Since fish cannot properly digest microplastics, these particles remain in their digestive tracts, persisting even after the fish is killed. This allows microplastics to transfer to other organisms that consume them, including humans, leading to potential health issues.
By Thang Nguyen
One major challenge in treating leachates is removing microplastics, as there is no clear guideline for their removal. A developed methodology suggests removing organic matter before inorganic matter. However, preventing microplastics from entering the environment in the first place is crucial. Landfilling places plastics underground, below ecosystems, increasing the risk of leakage into natural habitats. Alternatives to landfilling include recycling and incineration. Recycling can be promoted by placing more recycling bins in public areas and requiring residential waste to be separated into litter and recyclables before collection. These simple methods can increase recycling rates, reducing the amount of waste that ends up in the environment. Incineration, which involves heating waste above 800 degrees Celsius, destroys pathogens and reduces most types of waste to ash, which occupies less mass and volume than the original waste product.
These two waste disposal methods are still developing and have untapped potential for improvement. Genetically modified organisms are also being developed to digest and break down high-polymer plastics, offering a new method of disposing of waste already in the environment. Until these technologies are fully developed, improving waste management practices is essential to prevent waste from entering the environment. This improvement can only be achieved through the efforts of communities and waste management organizations. More active community members willing to combat pollution can inspire other communities and organizations to join the fight to protect the Earth and its diverse ecosystems.
Coral reefs are home to about 35% of all marine species. They are diverse, vibrant, and essential for the health of our planet. However, these ecosystems are threatened by coral bleaching, a phenomenon that occurs when the temperatures rise coral will expel algae living inside of them turning the coral white. When this happens the coral become susceptible to infections and diseases.In an article published in Genome Biology and Evolution, Chuya Shinzato from the University of Tokyo and Yuki Yoshioka from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology emphasized the need to understand the genome for conservation purposes. One type of reef building coral are the stony corals, also known as scleractinian corals, they create the skeleton that forms the base of coral reefs.
Researchers have discovered that almost half of the coral species are descendants of Acropora, a species of coral that has a rapid growth rate and significantly contributes to reef development. However, not all coral species have been thoroughly studied, leaving this research field incomplete.
Scientists have discovered a way to conserve coral reefs by utilizing coral genes. The protein dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMS P) lyase breaks down a substance called DMSP, releasing a compound that reduces solar radiation and ocean temperatures. A similar protein has been found in the Acropora species, allowing it to survive warming periods. Likewise, scientists have discovered a gene that shields coral from UV rays. It was previously believed that this protection came from the algae living in the coral.
A key point for coral conservation is understanding the genetic diversity amongst coral populations. Gene studies of the Acopora species have revealed complex population structures. This means that there is a hidden barrier for dispersing the larvae and gene flow. This is necessary information since it is commonly believed that all coral disperse their polyps, the tissue to build new coral, everywhere. With new discoveries like this we can pave the path towards coral conservation.
By Sai Pallapothula
Although coral genomic research has come so far there are still many obstacles in the quest to discover effective conservation techniques. For example it is difficult to understand how climate change affects coral species, since every species is unique from one another. Another obstacle is determining how effective genome analysis is in the conservation of coral and how much information on these species and their symbiotic algae is necessary for conservation efforts. Despite these difficulties, scientists have gotten strong support towards the expansion of coral genomic resources. These efforts are necessary for understanding the history of coral and for creating plans that will enable the preservation of coral for future generations.
Conservation efforts in marine environments are becoming increasingly difficult as ocean ecosystems have become overrun by large-scale fishing organizations. Though there are legal measures currently in place to ensure a baseline level of protection for sea life, more needs to be done to avoid the harmful effects that fishing companies can have on ocean life. Today, rates of global oceanic consumption are spiking which is one of the main reasons why fishing vessels have become so prominent throughout the oceans. While the health of the ocean is profoundly important, markets based on marine resources are key parts of human culture and socio-economics. For years now, environmentalists have preached the solution of having Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), within deteriorating ocean ecosystems. Having strict protected sectors for the environment can be extremely beneficial for its inhabitants, but directly depletes the incomes of local fishing operations. So loss in opportunity cost can be avoided, there is an overwhelming need for balance between our ocean’s stakeholders.
The research team at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain–conducted an experiment along the Catalan coast in which they wanted to see the effects on controlling fishing networks through both static and dynamic methods. The group hypothesized that a more dynamic approach (temporal or seasonal) to the issue might work out better in the fishing companies’ favor because it would allow them more time to occupy certain areas of the protected zones during certain times of the year (opposed to never being able to exist within that area). The big idea with seasonality would be only having a closed-protective area during the critical months in which particular critters are most likely to be in the path of danger. A more temporal closure site would also help limit any conflict with fisheries and hopefully make them more willing to participate in its preservation. Dynamic scenarios did require increased fisheries management compared to static examples, but it would result in a higher capacity of retaining biodiversity conservation!
By Jenna Eagles
One of the main technologies used in the case study for predicting the most optimal closure times was a decision support software called Marxan. Marxan’s role was to prioritize the preservation of high risk species (in this study there were 12 commercially exploited species considered in addition to the valuable Norway lobster). The software would then observe the land deemed most opportune and try to compact the different segments to its best ability. Scientists try to keep these marine zones together because having fragmented segments would detail more management, and that would be more costly to oversee.
The results of Marxan’s analysis suggested that in some regions, the implementation of temporal marine protected areas would allow fisheries a greater level of target catches and reduced bycatch.
It is essential that marinists learn: having a better spatial regulation system wouldn’t stop at conserving the contemporary biomass; it would allow for a healthier habitat where species can further grow. There is no sole “owner” of the ocean. Each ocean contributor needs to take the motives of the other stakeholders into account; whether it may be conservation or economics. Communication amongst planning associates is essential in providing an efficient and effective solution.
Over the years, coral reefs have been dying from a variety of reasons; mainly due to the increase in water temperature, storms, tourism, water pollution, and soil runoff. In an effort to prevent this, various restoration programs have been created to help reverse this trend and save various coral species. Conservation programs either try to restore specific endangered coral species and reefs, in areas that have seen significant reef damage, by transplanting coral or building artificial reef structures. In the short term, both these methods seem to be working based on the presence of new hard coral coverage.
By Kelsey Kaminskyj
However, there are a couple of questions about the effectiveness of these restoration efforts. One is, “Will these restoration programs continue to work over the years or are they just a short-term solution?”
The other question is, “Can these programs be used in other areas where coral is dying and be just as effective?” The reason for these questions is that there has not been any long-term study to see if these restoration efforts are still working and if one method is better than the other.
Recently, several scientists studied four restoration sites to answer these questions and created a set standard to monitor the effectiveness of restoration methods. Koh Tao, Thailand, Landaa Giraavaru, Maldives, Key Largo, Florida Keys, and St. Croix, US Virgin Islands were selected because scientists have been trying to restore the reefs for the last 8 to 12 years. Reefscapers, in Maldives, is mainly using artificial reef structures that they created out of steel frames and concrete to rebuild coral reefs with coral on them; while the Coral Restoration Foundation, in the Florida Keys, and The Nature Conservancy, in the US Virgin Island, were transplanting coral to reef sites in an effort to save endangered coral species. New Heaven Reef Conservation Program, in Koh Tao, has been using both these restoration methods. At each location, two to three restored sites, unrestored sites, and control sites (healthy coral), each being 20 meters long, were studied using five indicators to determine the effectiveness of the reef restoration. They measured the health of all hard coral and determined if they were healthy, diseased, or dead. They also measured the number of different coral, new coral and the coverage amount of coral in the sites. They also measured the benthic (sea bottom) coverage for different organisms. From all of this data, they were able to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the different coral restoration methods.
From their study, they determined that both these methods do work over a long period of time; for all four locations had seen improvements with hard coral doubling and structural complexity increasing in the restored sites. However, only Koh Tao saw improvements with the other four indicators and that is because Koh Tao was using both restoration methods. What this means is that either method will help in restoring coral reefs, but only up to a point. For the overall health of the coral reefs in the long-term, artificial reef structures and transplanting of coral should be used at the same time.
By Irma Rothenbuescher
Mass media presents a critical tool for communicating a wide range of issues, one being marine conservation. However, its effectiveness in stimulating conservation efforts remains unexamined. A recent investigation studies the coverage of information related to marine conservation by mass media in Chile and investigates public interest through newspapers, broadcast television, and Google trends.
The study identifies a clear trend: marine conservation is severely underreported in broadcast television. And this lack of representation matters because the mass media influences public opinion and knowledge. This limited portrayal of marine conservation in the press could be creating an indifference among readers about these global issues. According to Google Trends data, interest in marine conservation topics fell during the last decade. The term sustainability was the only example of a word that showed an increase in search interest over time. The paper argues that this result reflects a move away from specific marine concerns to “public empathy for the broader environmental sustainability”. The study also says marine conservation needs to be strategically communicated in the media if this trend is going to change.
In addition to the lack of searches, the study also found that the increased number of economic and business issues published in newspapers shifted media focus away from environmental issues. As focus is turned away from the environment the public becomes increasingly unaware of conservation initiatives and general marine issues. The study also highlights an absence of strategies to promote marine conservation within media which is necessary to create a larger effort to resolve marine environmental issues.
Effective communication of these marine environmental issues is necessary to inform people of the problems and solutions. The spread of information on this topic can raise awareness and increase public support for marine biodiversity. Additionally, displaying conservation success and issues can allow for the public to be more appreciative of these efforts.
The article focuses on the importance of creating long-term plans to inform and broaden public understanding of marine environmental issues through mass media. A solution mentioned in said article is “strategically integrating marine conservation topics into media narratives”, doing this would increase public awareness at a larger scale and engage new groups of people. Environmental ministries, research institutions, and conservation organizations must collaborate to create compelling narratives that highlight the importance of marine conservation. Through coordinated efforts and strategic communication, mass media can help build a more informed and engaged public, ultimately contributing to the sustainability of marine ecosystems.
By Sawako Hara
Facing severe climate change, the oceans have been warming up year by year causing destructive changes to the marine ecosystem. We are increasingly witnessing extreme weather around the world, and human-caused environmental problems like Red tide and invasive species impact the wildlife around us.
To conserve our environment and biodiversity, effective monitoring methods are demanded, meaning we need to know a lot more than we do today about the biodiversity in our oceans, in both time and space. By tracking species presence, we can monitor local extinctions, keep an eye on invasive species, and check for any shifts in species distribution. This will lead to a better-informed decisionmaking process for environmental conservation.
Up to now, innovative approaches such as the use of GPS and AI have helped to improve biodiversity monitoring. However, scientists still face a shortage of manpower, budget, and vessels – a significant resource limitation - which hinders conservation efforts because there is just not enough data to make decisions. As resource limitations persist, there will be a growing demand of innovative and lowcost monitoring methods that can bridge the data gap. This is where the cooperation of citizens come into place.
In the summer of 2022, 32 volunteers conducted broad water sampling in a large Norwegian fjord (the Oslofjord) collecting 96 samples. By contrasting eDNA findings from the collected samples, with traditional observational surveys (from professionals) such as “national species registration database” and “beach seine net surveys”, the scientists have found that a network of citizen science data collectors could facilitate comprehensive biodiversity tracking across broader coastal marine regions.
eDNA stands for “Environmental DNA”. It is a set of DNA that is collected from a variety of environmental samples such as seawater. This is different from directly sampling DNA from an organism. As organisms (such as algae and fish) interact with the environment, their DNA is released and accumulates in their surroundings. eDNA analyses the content of these DNAs in the sample and determine the species distribution of the local area.
The benefit of eDNA method is that it demonstrates higher detection rates, is costeffective, and reduces sampling efforts. This enables the identification of rare and elusive species and the early detection of invasive species.
The aim of the research is to examine the quality and distribution of the data collected by citizens. Participants who signed up for the project on Facebook received sampling kits with instructions. Participants use a 60 mL syringe to draw surface water, passing it through a filter. They do this 20 times yielding 1200 mL of water per collection point. By doing so, eggs, larvae, and other bits of creatures containing DNA will be captured in the filter. Then the filter will be sent back for analysis. The eDNA dataset is then contrasted with traditional scientific data.
This process of eDNA sampling is less threatening to the ecosystem compared to the large-scaled investigations using vessels that could leave carbon footprints or sound pollution to the living sea creatures.
Detecting newcomers
-eDNA data further informed the fjord’s ecosystem undergoing changes with warm-water species becoming more common
-detected tuna in the inner fjord, seen previously on the outskirts
2. Optimize management practices of highly invasive species
-monitoring the reproductive success of Pink salmon which threatens local salmon population
3. Monitoring data on the recovery and decline of fish species
-explaining the high registration of Atlantic cods compared to observational detection approach by detecting eggs and juveniles
-predicting the population of Goldsinny-wrasse to increase in the near future due to declining top predators
Alina Lu
Ben Nguyen
Devin Swanson
Ege Coskun
Hirva Parikh
Iliaus GonzalesMaiwand Irma Rothenbuescher
Jenna Eagles
Katja Klavuhn
Kelsey Kaminskyj
Leyla Yilmaz
Matt Jacoby
Molly Volpp
Sai Pallapothula
Sawa Hara, Miss
Zane Wintermute Professors: