Letter from the President

Dear SEA Family,
SEA fosters and enhances knowledge of the oceans, coastal communities, and the global environment. Our programs feature an interdisciplinary curriculum and a dynamic experience aboard tall ships and on shore that develop self-awareness and leadership skills.
SEA delivers unparalleled academic and life lessons, and our programs contribute important, highly relevant research. Due to the generosity of the SEA Community and the tireless work of many, we look forward to sharing our mission with a broader and more diverse audience and to strengthening our financial and organizational foundations.
Holding fast to the core value of the seagoing experience, we have begun to add program offerings based on shore and in remote shore locations. We have developed new partnerships, re-branded our message, and moved our diversity initiatives forward.
Joe Scornavacchi
Maddie Hurtgen
The work SEA is doing is more important than ever before. The ocean needs scientists, advocates, educators, and policymakers. In time and with your ongoing commitment to and investments in our mission, we will continue to move toward fully enrolled programs that will yield the next generation of ocean scholars, stewards, and leaders.
In my last conversation with Cory Cramer, before heading out to sea on Westward in the summer of 1983, he said, “Pursue it.” The SEA Community should be inspired by his message and have confidence that we have yet to realize our full potential.
Thanks for all you do, in so many ways and on so many levels.

John Wigglesworth, W-5, President
Message from the Chair
Dear Members of the SEA Community,
I am writing to extend my heartfelt thanks for your generous support over the past year. Your nearly 2,000 donations of all sizes made possible the transformative educational experiences that our students enjoyed on shore and at sea.
Reflecting on the fiscal year that ended in June, SEA realized measurable growth and progress, and we look forward to a future of great promise. The summer began with our expanded high school programs enrolling nearly 200 students in enhanced curricula on shore and aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer. In the Pacific, the SSV Robert C. Seamans completed another successful Stanford at Sea, and a new cohort of undergraduates arrived in Fiji for their shore and ship-based course. Our successful relationship with Proctor Academy will enter its second iteration this fall in Woods Hole and on the Atlantic-based Cramer. The variety and depth of our program offerings continue to expand as a direct result of your unwavering support and belief in our mission and vision.

We are thankful for the extraordinary efforts of our faculty, crew, and shore-based staff that make these programs possible. We also exceeded our Annual Fund goal for the 2024 fiscal year, thanks to your unwavering support. And we thank our trustees and members for their tremendous time, energy, and generosity!
We recently hired Joe Scornavacchi as our Director of Development and are excited to add his experience to the strong senior management team which has been led by John Wigglesworth for the past two years. John has worked tirelessly to guide the organization with authenticity and enthusiasm during a challenging period of transition. And with John fulfilling his commitment to SEA, the trustees recently announced the selection of Dr. Rick Hopper as SEA’s new President. Rick’s extensive experience includes many years of leadership in higher education and study abroad and we look forward to his arrival in Woods Hole.
As we look to the future, SEA leadership is keenly aware of looming headwinds. College enrollment and the study abroad environment continue to be a challenge and, as our ships age, maintenance costs increase. The shortage of licensed mariners across the United States persists. SEA has plans to address these and other issues, always with the goal of facilitating a positive, life-changing student experience. We know that with your help, our strategic priorities are possible.
The continued partnership with alumni, parents, and friends is vital to our success and we are deeply grateful for your loyalty and generosity. Together, we can inspire more young people to become responsible citizens of the ocean and the world.
With sincere thanks,

Jeremy Salesin, W-75 Chair, SEA Board of Trustees
Jeremy Salesin, W-75, Chair
Jessica McWade, Vice-Chair
Caleb McClennen, W-144, Vice-Chair
Beccah Sparkes, C-183, Clerk
Robert Knapp, W-99, Treasurer
Jake Brown
Rick Burnes
Peter Ellis, PR, C-130
Peter Willauer, PR, W-40
Eric Wolman
Jeanne Foussard, W-56
Elizabeth Gryska Rice, S-195
Richard Hawkins
Samuel V. Howe, W-3
Susan Humphris
Morris Kellogg
Robert Knapp, W-99
Stephen Laster, W-83
Beau Lescott, W-132
Ivan Luke
Linda Cox Maguire
Caleb McClennen, W-144
Philip McKnight
Jessica McWade
Sarah Murdock, W-66
Erin Myers Madeira, W-155
Kenneth Potter, W-43
Jeremy Salesin, W-75
Onji Scott Price, C-238
Willis Wang
Jacqueline Webb
Rebeccah Wells Sparkes, C-183
Ted Wolff, W-79

I spent a long weekend on Westward, with a crew that was half students fresh off a semester program. After what I saw, and was taught to do, I thought that this was the best combination of high intellectual standards and love that I had ever seen, and that I wanted to stay involved in it. Since then SEA has been a central focus of my life.
—Eric Wolman
Leadership Donors
Richard Burnes
Lee Campbell, W-60
Sarah Chandler, C-159, and Matthew Theobald
Sarah Clowes, W-145A
Jeanne, W-56, and Phillip Foussard
Morris and Elizabeth Kellogg
Philip and Kathleen McKnight
Lauren Morgens, C-158, and Matthew Sarver
Edwin and Linda Morgens
Diane, W-16, and Christopher, W-6, Penn
Jeremy, W-75, and Dianne Salesin
Manning and Virginia Smith
Brooks, W-36, and Marie-Catherine Wallin
Rowan, S-183, and Thomas Watson
Richard Wilson
Ted, W-79, and Anne Wolff
Eric Wolman
Timothy, W-54, and Sandy Armour
Robert, W-85, and Katherine Beede
Jacob and Barbara* Brown
Carol Cleave
Cort, W-24, and Sherry Delany
Kathleen Joseph, W-58
Robert Knapp, W-99, and Kristin Collins
Monique Liuzzi
Diana McCargo, W-42, and Peter Swift
Scott Miller, W-114, and Lisa Cosimi
Margaret Parker
George and Kathy Putnam
David and Beth Shaw
Darrell Swank and Eleanor Campbell
Steuart Walton, W-158B
Alexander Weld
Michael Blodget and Margaret Murray
Sharon Bonner
David, W-71, and Lynn Butler
John*, W-98, and Rachel Cahill
Drew and Pamela Coughlin
Beth and William Cramer
Paul, S-220, and Colby Dixon
Andrew and Eileen Eder
Samuel, W-3, and Rebecca Howe
Robert and Elizabeth Johnson
Stephen, W-83, and Debra Laster
Kara Lavender Law
Rosalie Loewen, SEASCape 2
Ellie Linen Low and David Low
Mary Madden and Dan Ringeisen
Adrian Mason, C-219
Jeff and Maria Mason
Brittain Mason, C-195
Amy, W-151, and Daniel McMorrow
Jessica McWade and Walter Kuklinski
Erin Myers Madeira, W-155, and Josh Madeira
Susan, W-10, and Robert Nalewajk
Clare Parker, C-138, and Nick Damner
Leroy and Winifred Parker
Mary Pigott
Bonnie Fry Rothman, W-103, and Michael Rothman
G. West and Victoria Saltonstall
Daniel Scheuer
Matthew Scheuer, C-240
Alma Scully
Robert and Stella Mae Seamans
Carolyn Sheild, W-77
Stacey, W-153, and Cutter Smith
Anne Sparks, W-83
Bonnie Wood, W-36, and Janet Wheeler
Jing Zhong, S-224
Barbara Abt
Molly D. Allison
Judith Cook
David Drinkwater, C-113
Lindsay, C-137, and Graham Ernst
Grace, W-45, and Daniel Evans
Andrew, W-137, and Cara Fraley
Samuel and Margaret Gray
Richard Hawkins and Marian Ferguson
David and Ilona Higgins
Cheri and Peter Jaunich
James Lazar, W-78, and Carolyn Leep
Beau, W-132, and Jennifer Lescott
Maggie Merrill, W-30
Christopher Myers, W-68
Marc, W-141, and Emily Porter
Paul and Barbara Ruane
Stephen Ruane, S-178, and Lauren Gilbert, S-190
Arah Schuur, W-122
Christina, W-148, and Eddie Simpson
George Stone and Gay Callan
Eric Swergold, C-102, and Dawn Dobras
Robert Szafranski, W-98, and Nguyet Vo
Stephan, C-142, and Bonnie Tompsett
Joshua Weil, W-79, and Claire Mollard
Mickey Ahearn, W-3
William, W-127, and Katie Aquila
Richard Armstrong, W-13
Christina Bascom
Séan Bercaw
Andrew Black, C-107

Jennifer, W-74, and Brian Black
Earving Blythe
T. William Booth
Emily Bramhall, W-27
Anita Brewer-Siljeholm
Walter and Kiyoko Brown
Seth, W-132, and Kirtley Cameron
Robert, W-58, and Jennifer Campbell
Deborah, W-61, and Gregory Carlson
Peter Cheimets, W-7, and Karen Benedek
Donald Chen
Jocelyn, W-46, and Douglas Childs
Russ, W-34, and Betsy Chinnici
Thomas B. Clark, W-26
Brannon, W-91, and Sarah, W-134A, Claytor
Philip, W-95, and Laura Conner
Ethan and Amy d’Ablemont Burnes
W. Brian and Erika Dade
William, W-10, and Catherine Davies
Sarah Davis and Barbara Neal
Jeffrey and Courtney Dorman
Daniel and Faith Dougherty
Kimberly, W-97, and Christopher Drew
Liam and Pamela Duffy
Neal, W-86, and Liza Durant
Elizabeth Eden, W-173, and Bryan Hilbert
Peter and Cynthia Ellis
Ford and Jean Elsaesser
Dennis, W-45, and Jean FitzPatrick
David, C-174, and Laura Frank
Christopher and Carol Sue Fromboluti
Matthew, S-189, and Elisa Fromboluti
Clayton, C-109, and Jennie Gentry
Marci Glazer, C-103
Michael, W-20, and Cynthia Gold
Douglas, W-48, and Sharon Goldhirsch
Scott Greenbaum and Denise Jacobson
Elizabeth Gryska Rice, S-195, and Michael Rice
Dr. Hermann Gucinski
Jerome and Anne Heller
Emorcia Hill
Taylor Hogan, S-251
Katherine Holland, C-189
Meghann Horner-Smith, C-163, and Andy Smith
I-Ting Huang and Jack Lee
Susan Humphris and George Lohmann
Paul and Marjorie Inderbitzen
Lianna Jarecki, W-89
Tom Jarecki, W-89
Garrett and Barbara Johnson
Brandon, S-209, and Donna Kampschuur
Edward Kane and Martha Wallace
Edmund Kasaitis
Kirk, W-111, and Elana Keil
James, W-64, and Casha Kerney
William and Jaynie Kind
Darrin, W-141, and Sarah, C-167, Ladd
Jill amd Russell Levan
Roger Long and Patsy McDonald
Christopher, W-48, and Margaret Lynch
Linda Cox Maguire and John Maguire
Jaime, W-159, and Geoff Mason
R. Hardin Matthews and Jane Dougan
Caleb McClennen, W-144, and Christy Loper
Alan McIlhenny, W-7, and Elizabeth Ackerson
John, C-158, and Kate McMillan
Elizabeth McPheeters, C-153
Constance McPheeters
Marcia Meyer-Stoner, W-58, and Allan Stoner
Elizabeth, W-67, and Holm Miller
Christina Miller
Sarah Moore
Ryan Mullins, C-204
Sarah, W-66, and Robert Murdock
Patty Murer, W-92, and Raymond McGrath *deceased

We all had a life-changing experience when we were aboard at SEA. Now let’s challenge ourselves as alums to find new inspiration beyond our own experience to give to SEA so we can insure this amazing voyage continues.
—Sam Howe, W-3
Fiscal Year 2024
Michael, W-35, and Michele Nathan
Judith Ogden
Victoria, W-77, and Peter Philip
Virginia Pillsbury, W-79
Jim and Carol Pollock
Bruce Polsky and Catharine Grimes
Denley Poor-Reynolds, W-57, and Matthew Reynolds
Marilyn, W-18, and Gregory Proulx
Daniel, W-57, and Amy Beth Quible
Laura and Mark Ragan
Evan Rapoport, C-146B
Paula Rooney
Hal, W-38, and Lisa Rose
Jennifer, W-2, and Charles Rose
Andrew Rosenberg, W-7, and Marian Zeles
Carl Safina and Patricia Paladines
Marc and Carrie Saint Louis
Onji Scott Price, C-238, and André Price, C-261
Susan Scotto-Dyckman, W-32, and Christopher Dyckman
Scott Seaver, W-31
Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke
Robert Shlachter
Karen Simmonds, W-64
Sally Skimin, C-119
C. Hamilton and Ann Sloan
Holbrook Smith, C-105 and Janet Stafford
Rebeccah Wells Sparkes, C-183, and Bryan, C-183, Sparkes
Matthew, W-61, and Linda Tanzer
Peter and Elizabeth Thomson
Rebecca, C-144, and Jeffrey Trachsel
Stephen, W-12, and Carol Ann Wagner
Willis Wang and Terri Yahia
George* and Katharine Woodwell
James, W-156, and Sarah Yockey
G. Stewart Young
Osmar and Katherine Abib
The Adamczyk Family
Bruce Albala and Bernadette Boden-Albala
J. Douglas, W-50
Todd Baker
Steven Barkan and Barbara Tennent
Jeffrey Blount and Jeanne Meserve
Susan Boehme, W-79
Robert and Kathleen Bonham
Scott Boughton, C-145, and Julia Taylor
John, C-137, and Mayumi Bowen

Mary Bowen
Francis and Margaret Bowles
Gregory Braun, W-92, and Kathryn Buckley
Gary and Sherry Burdorf
Rachel Burdorf, C-273
Van Cantor, W-161, and Johanna Baker
Richard, W-7, and Cynthia Chandler
Ellen and Richard* Cost
Richard, W-38, and Joanne Crispin
David and Julie Crowley
Trudy Crowley, C-225
John Damon
Jamie Deming, W-14
William, W-35, and Deborah Duggan
Maria Ellis, W-61, and Jeffrey Cook
Kurt Erickson, W-1, and Pamela Cain
John and Shirley Farrington
Hugh, W-66, and Katherine Ferguson
Thomas and Kristan First
Jeffrey and Susan Garrison
Matthew Gauthier, S-251
Wendy and Glenn Gellert
Edna Gillespie
Heather, W-137, and Michael Goldberg
Caroline Good, W-136
Jeanne Grasso, W-63
Nancy, W-55, and Thomas Gravina
Deb Greene, W-99, and James Nairus
Judy Gregg-Holden, W-96, and Kevin Holden
Jeffrey, W-68, and Helen Hager
Eric, C-172, and Cathleen Hartge
Hannah Hatfield
James, C-140, and Diana Higgins
Grace Hinkley
Kenway and Jeanne Hoey
Peter and Linda Hutton
Cynthia Hyde, W-7, and James Kinnealey
Melville Ireland
Arne and Gail Isaksen
Ambrose and Anna Jearld
Carolyn, W-36, and Steven Jones
Heather Kaese, W-111, and Brian Lunde
Nicholas, W-45, and Constance LaFond
Terri, C-104, and Gregory Lehman
Robert and Constance Loarie
Kimberly Locke, C-144
Amy, W-93, and Parke, C-100, Logan
Lucy Loomis, W-18, and Thomas Creighton
Andrew Loschert, C-157, and Jennifer Westin
Matthew, C-129, and Heather Luecke
Tom Luxon and Ivy Schweitzer
Patricia Mahoney, W-59, and James Beckley
Catherine Mannix, W-63
Margaret, C-154, and Bradley Martsching
Osamu and Grace Matsutani
Oscar Mayer
Brendan and Elise McCarthy
Jennifer McCrady
Bartlett and Cynthia McGuire
W. Daniel, W-114, and Michelle Mertens
Cynthia Nathanson, W-21
Cliff Nelson, W-71, and Tracy Weidman
Carter Newt, W-153
Pell and Louise Osborn
Stuart and Martha Pattison
Richard Pendleton, W-84, and J. Sage Wheeler
Mary Perkins
Alexander, W-53, and Janet Politis
Kenneth, W-43, and Judy Potter
William and Diane Pulleyblank
David Raible, W-67
Walter, W-81, and Sandi Ricker
W. Dixon and Susan Riley
Ana Romero
Gordon Rowland
Erika, W-141, and Travis Saveraid Drew, W-62, and Catherine Schembre
Lauren, S-212, and Martin Schroedter
John, W-6, and Debra Sculley
G. Crossan, W-6, and Margaret Seybolt
Michiru Shimada, C-148
Janine Shissler, C-110, and David Bae
Paul Slesinger, W-61, and Margaret Bradbury
Veronica Sperling and Timothy Buchanan
Pamela, W-75, and Wallace Stark
Mary Swope
Mark, W-45, and Patricia Tedesco
Peter Thomas, W-22, and Sara Taber
Robert Thomas and Polly Hoppin
Paul, W-11, and Karen Toczydlowski
Chris Tonkin and Sarah Bixler
William, W-90, and Barbara, W-90, Toomey
Frederike, C-131, and Martin van Markus
Deirdre, C-185, and Ryan Wadsworth
Joseph Warren
Robert Watters, C-109
Michael and Alexis Weaver
Jacqueline Webb
Katherine Sawyer White, W-21, and Christopher White
Barbara White
S. James Whitecross and Beatrice Renault
Anne and Hynrich Wieschhoff
John Wigglesworth, W-5, and Priscilla Brooks, W-50
Sylvia Wolf, W-37, and Duane Schuler
Alastair and Yvonne Wolman
Amanda Zoellner, W-177, and Bryan Fink

The opportunities to learn from scientific activities, as well as the many challenges of operating the ship and living shipboard, are something every student could benefit from. Also, it was great fun!
—Stuart Pattison, W-29A

The past week has been so surreal. I’ve been waking up before 0700 every day, trying different fruits and foods, jumping off the boat dock, having seven-hour class days, interacting with the local people, and most of all, bonding with the other students and staff. I’m excited to board the Seamans and I can’t wait to watch the sunrise during dawn watch, but I feel grateful for the time I’ve spent here on Mo’orea and the memories I’ve made.
To mom and dad, thank you for helping me make this adventure happen. I am beyond grateful.
—Caitlin Niiya, Pitzer College

Alumni Donors
Christopher, W-174, and Meghan Acheson
Todd Adelman, W-102, and Sarah Wilcox-Adelman
Mickey Ahearn, W-3
Hans, W-177, and Jennifer Albee
Stuart, W-49, and Holly Allison
Sarah, W-143, and Steve Allpress
Brian Ambrette, W-174, and Greta Gartman
J. Douglas, W-50
Robert, W-111, and Kimberly Anderson
William, W-127, and Katie Aquila
Timothy, W-54, and Sandy Armour
Richard Armstrong, W-13
James Avery, W-6
Barney Balch, W-33, and Patricia Matrai
Alisa Barnard, W-144
Curtis Barry, W-161
Christopher, W-177, and Marie Bartels
Nancy Beall Hendren, W-18, and Doug Hendren
Robert, W-85, and Katherine Beede
Mark Behn, W-137, and Elizabeth Kujawinski-Behn
Robert, W-95, and Elizabeth Bein
Barbara, W-152A, and Frederick Belanger
Kathy, W-169C, and Randall Berstell
Peter, W-140A, and Isabella Bertash
Mimi Bertram, W-73, and Joseph Resing
Allison Binkowski, W-179, and John Broome
Jennifer, W-74, and Brian Black
Barbara Block, W-49
Amy Blumenberg, W-93, and Christopher Potter
Brendan Blumenstiel, W-145
Susan Boehme, W-79
Stephen Bollens, W-51, and Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, W-71
Jack, W-37, and Rosa Linda Boltax
Gary, W-10, and Carmen Borda

Sarah Borgstadt, W-177, and Andrew Smith
Heather Borkowski, W-167, and Bob Hunter
T. Deveren Bowman, W-39, and Nick Browne
Cathy Bozek, W-155, and Bill Glover
Trevor, W-109, and Katherine Braden
Katharine Beal Bradford, W-44
Margaret Brady, W-29
Emily Bramhall, W-27
Margaret Brandon, W-48
Gregory Braun, W-92, and Kathryn Buckley
Frederick, W-73, and Sara Breaux
Kurt Bretsch, W-119
Cornelia Brown, W-51
Mariette Buchman, W-54, and David Altenhofen
Michael Budniak, W-96
Leslie Bulion, W-35, and Rubin Hirsch
Jeremy, W-119, and Rebecca Bumagin
Jonathan Burke, W-113
Winslow Burleson, W-121
Stephen, W-37, and Krysia Burnham
Debbie Burns-Walton, W-30, and Michael Walton
Janet Buskirk, W-70, and Jim Koudelka
David, W-71, and Lynn Butler
Sarah, W-84, and Weld Butler
John*, W-98, and Rachel Cahill
James, W-5, and Barbara Caldwell
Kristina, W-71, and David Caldwell
Zach Caldwell, W-178
Jeremiah Callahan, W-24
Seth, W-132, and Kirtley Cameron
Lee Campbell, W-60
Robert, W-58, and Jennifer Campbell
Van Cantor, W-161, and Johanna Baker
Kenneth, W-62, and Jennifer Carle
Tom Carley, W-3 and Alissa Churchill
Deborah, W-61, and Gregory Carlson
Todd Carlson, W-15, and Kathy Watt
Walter, W-119, and Cassandra Carr
Samuel Chamberlin, W-178
Jean Champion, W-36
Richard, W-7, and Cynthia Chandler
Peter Cheimets, W-7, and Karen Benedek
Jocelyn, W-46, and Douglas Childs
Russ, W-34, and Betsy Chinnici
Thomas B. Clark, W-26
Drusilla, W-113A, and Michael Clarke
Brannon, W-91, and Sarah, W-134A, Claytor
Sarah Clowes, W-145A
Peter, W-127, and Patricia Colby
Peter, W-78, and Tara Cole
Philip, W-95, and Laura Conner
Edward, W-68, and Stacey Conti
Daryl, W-108, and Thomas Cooke
Darik, W-61, and Diana Corzine
Charlie Courtsal, W-78, and Lisa Gwinner
Merril Cousin, W-72, and Julia Byrd
Amy, W-114, and Todd Cowgill
Joseph, W-150, and Alyssa Creney
Richard, W-38, and Joanne Crispin
Becky, W-64, and Tom Darden
William, W-10, and Catherine Davies
Mary Jo, W-42, and Thomas Dedon
Cort, W-24, and Sherry Delany
Claudia, W-26, and Richard DeMayo
Jamie Deming, W-14
Edward, W-55, and Jennifer Denney
Jonathan, W-81, and Laurie Detwiler
David, W-8, and Nancy Devens
Greg DiLisio, W-66, and Miwaka Ohara
Barbara, W-62, and Gerald Dinkins
Dave Donegan, W-35, and Joyce Butler
Christine, W-93, and John Donnelly
Ellen Doris, W-35
Rebecca Dorn, W-17
David, W-97, and Susan Drapeau
Kimberly, W-97, and Christopher Drew
George, W-101, and Kathleen Duane
William, W-35, and Deborah Duggan
Wendelyn, W-48, and Donald Duquette
Neal, W-86, and Liza Durant
Elizabeth Eden, W-173, and Bryan Hilbert
Douglas, W-57, and Patti Eisinger
Danielle, W-127, and Adam Elbirt
Maria Ellis, W-61, and Jeffrey Cook
Elizabeth Ellwood, W-162
Kurt Erickson, W-1, and Pamela Cain
Grace, W-45, and Daniel Evans
Susan Farady, W-83
Mark Farber, W-3
Letty Farros, W-54, and David Swank
Elizabeth, W-62, and John Feighan
Andy Felcher, W-87, and Ariane Wolf
Hugh, W-66, and Katherine Ferguson
Lisa FitzGerald, W-50, and Rich Caramadre
Dennis, W-45, and Jean FitzPatrick
David Ford, W-113
Jeanne, W-56, and Phillip Foussard
Andrew, W-137, and Cara Fraley
Lynn Collins Francis, W-45, and William Francis
Joshua, W-153, and Marion, C-153, Frederickson
Marjorie, W-98, and Carl Friedrichs
Seth, W-23, and Dorothy Garfield
Herbert, W-75, and Anita Gaston
Marla Gearing, W-57
Ingrid Dockersmith, W-90, and Christian Giardina
Adam, W-127, and Margaret Gildner
Patricia, W-61, and Thomas, W-61, Goffinet
Michael, W-20, and Cynthia Gold
Heather, W-137, and Michael Goldberg
Douglas, W-48, and Sharon Goldhirsch
Caroline Good, W-136
Andrew Goode, W-47
Susan, W-80, and Lawrence Gormley
Jeanne Grasso, W-63
Nancy, W-55, and Thomas Gravina
Deb Greene, W-99, and James Nairus
Judy Gregg-Holden, W-96, and Kevin Holden
Edward, W-48, and Katherine Grier
Lizzy Grubin, W-168, and Renee Sharp
Von, W-6, and Catherine Gryska
John, W-7, and Ellen Hacunda
Jeffrey, W-68, and Helen Hager
Benjamin, W-92, and Kelly Hall
Blair, W-6, and Julie Hamilton
Erik Hanberg, W-167, and Mary Holste
Charlotte Hanley-Jacobson, W-126, and Paul Jacobson
Pat Harcourt, W-134A
James Harris, W-97, and Cori Sutherland
Olivia Hauser, W-144
Kyle, W-173, and Courtney Helland
Joseph Hickey, W-128
Nancy, W-80, and Paul Hill
Streeter, W-70 and David Holden
Lynne Holler, W-83, and Craig Piper
Clarice Holm, W-158A
Michael, W-163B, and Elizabeth, C-187D, Horn
Aaron, W-59, and Jennifer Horwitz
James, W-55, and Janet House
Samuel, W-3, and Rebecca Howe
Kimberly Howland, W-126
Erin, W-126, and Richard Hubbard
Steve, W-23, and Hilary Hudson, W-51
Jennifer Huggins, W-123
Jeffrey, W-120, and Sarah Hughes
Cynthia Hyde, W-7, and James Kinnealey
Randal, W-163B, and Patti Hytry
Bart Iaia, W-81
Michael Jacobson, W-72, and Cara Berman
Elizabeth Jakob, W-63, and Adam Porter
Lianna Jarecki, W-89
Tom Jarecki, W-89
Margo, W-59, and David Jay
Meghan Jeans, W-144
David, W-62, and Lisa Jenkins
Bradley Jewett, W-144
Barbara L. Johnson, W-18
David, W-71, and Mary Johnson
David, W-87, and Tracy Johnson
Michael Johnson, W-97, and Carla Martin
Carolyn, W-36, and Steven Jones
David Jones, W-115, and Elizabeth Caronna
Kathleen Joseph, W-58
Heather Kaese, W-111, and Brian Lunde
Larry Kammer, W-5
Heidi Kaplan, W-29 and Peter Christie
Jonathan, W-93, and Jennifer Kapp
Theresa, W-126, and John Kavanagh
Cheryl Kearns, W-141
Janet, W-92, and David Keeler
Kirk, W-111, and Elana Keil
Christopher, W-60, and Valerie Kelley
John, W-66, and Denise Kelley
Patricia Keoughan, W-53
James, W-64, and Casha Kerney
Gail Kineke, W-64
Samuel Kirby, W-60
Benjamin Klompus, W-142, and Janine Hetherington
Robert Knapp, W-99, and Kristin Collins
Erin Koenig, W-132, and Chris Barge
Sarah Kohl, W-59, and Stephen Wawrose
Germaine, W-35, and Thomas Krase
Bradley Kraushaar, W-180
Donald, W-14, and Linda Kyrnitszke
Penny, W-65, and Daniel Lacroix
Darrin, W-141, and Sarah, C-167, Ladd
Nicholas, W-45, and Constance LaFond
Stephen, W-58, and Kathleen Lafrance
Stephen, W-83, and Debra Laster
Cynthia Layport, W-68
James Lazar, W-78, and Carolyn Leep
Jonathan, W-35, and Andrea Leavitt
Sarah, W-59, and Dean LeDoux
P. Randall, W-129, and Sheri Leiser
Beau, W-132, and Jennifer Lescott
Benjamin, W-54, and Cynthia Leslie-Bole
Dody, W-30, and David LeSueur
Kathryn Lewellen, W-127 and Jeff Pollock
Juan Liang, W-123
Gail Lima, W-40, and Michael Ferris
Kathleen Lindner, W-105
Amy, W-93, and Parke, C-100, Logan
Lucy Loomis, W-18, and Thomas Creighton
Aurianne Nappi Lopatka & Geoffrey Lopatka
Clifford, W-22, and Randy Low
Steve, W-43, and Valerie Luce
Christopher, W-48, and Margaret Lynch
Elizabeth, W-80, and Allan MacCurrach
Jessica, W-153, and Michael Macrie
Molly Madden, W-137
Melissa Maddonni-Haims, W-123, and Joshua Haims
Patricia Mahoney, W-59, and James Beckley
Catherine Mannix, W-63
Craig Marin, W-119
Erik Marks, W-99
Philip Marsh, W-78
Jean Marvel, W-14, and John Requardt
Jaime, W-159, and Geoff Mason
Hilary Maybaum, W-61
Marisa Mazzotta, W-39, and John Reposa
Scott , W-153, and Theresa McAuliffe
Joan McBeth, W-101
Heidi, W-130, and Paul McCann
Diana McCargo, W-42, and Peter Swift
Caleb McClennen, W-144, and Christy Loper
Wynn McCloskey, W-50
Alan McIlhenny, W-7, and Elizabeth Ackerson
David, W-63, and Marie-Laure McKee
Cheryl Mckinley, W-1
Janet McMahon, W-39, and Christopher Davis
Jodi, W-162, and Randall Meck
Maggie Merrill, W-30
W. Daniel, W-114, and Michelle Mertens
Marcia Meyer-Stoner, W-58, and Allan Stoner
John Millar, W-3
Elizabeth, W-67, and Holm Miller
John, W-16, and Bobbi Miller
Julie Miller, W-42, and Wayne Iurillo
Scott Miller, W-114, and Lisa Cosimi
Andrew, W-63, and Nancy Milliken
Walter Mitchell, W-16
Jamie Morrill, W-81, and Karen Schmidt
Elisabeth Morris, W-39, and Michael O'Callaghan
Katrina Morris, W-15
Kevin, W-47, and Eileen Muench
Matthew, W-130, and Jen Muldorf
Sarah, W-66, and Robert Murdock
Patty Murer, W-92, and Raymond McGrath
Sandra L. Murphy, W-72
Mark, W-62, and Melanie Murray-Brown
Christopher Myers, W-68
Erin Myers Madeira, W-155, and Josh Madeira
Susan, W-10, and Robert Nalewajk
Michael, W-35, and Michele Nathan
Cynthia Nathanson, W-21
Tammy Nedjar, W-160
Cliff Nelson, W-71, and Tracy Weidman
Mark, W-8, and Hilary Newby
Valerie Newman, W-76, and Lee Rumaner
Carter Newt, W-153
Sarah Enright, W-73
Maureen, W-152A, and John Nolan
Janice Olsen, W-17
Judy O'Neil, W-62, and William Dennison
Marc, W-55, and Wendy Overlock
Jeffrey Packman, W-94
Catherine, W-139, and Rafe* Parker
Sarah Pasia, W-150
Geoff Patton W-62, and Karen Kent
Melinda, W-35, and Don Pearce
Richard Pendleton, W-84, and J. Sage Wheeler
Diane, W-16, and Christopher, W-6, Penn
Stephen Perkins, W-10, and Phyllis Groskin
Molly, W-145, and Jason Peters
Lori Petitti, W-48, and Scott Sakamoto
Philip Petrone, W-150, and Kara Lemma
Victoria, W-77, and Peter Philip
Andrew, W-54, and Brenda Phillips
Virginia Pillsbury, W-79
Roger, W-113A, and Sandra Pinnicks
Anthony, W-76, and Susan Pirruccello-McClellan
Allyn Pistole, W-66, and Matt Oliphant
Jeffrey, W-42, and Catherine Platt
Alexander, W-53, and Janet Politis
Virginia, W-50, and Gregory Pomeroy

James, W-53, and Kathleen Salomon
Susan Savage, W-40, and Robert Blush
Erika, W-141, and Travis Saveraid
Drew, W-62, and Catherine Schembre
Gordon, W-7, and Dale Schimmel
Denley Poor-Reynolds, W-57, and Matthew Reynolds
Marc, W-141, and Emily Porter
Katherine, W-78, and Matthew Porterfield
Kenneth, W-43, and Judy Potter
Albert, W-64, and Sharon Potts
Norm Price, W-72, and Hei-Ja Martin
Christian, W-69, and Ellie Proctor
Marilyn, W-18, and Gregory Proulx
Andrew, W-37, and Suzanne Puffer
Juan Pujol, W-21
Regina Purtell, W-88
Daniel, W-57, and Amy Beth Quible
John Quilty, W-33
Laurie, W-68, and Matthew Radovan
David Raible, W-67
Agnes Rapoli, W-46
Stacy Rappleyea, W-46, and Robert Towne
Allen, W-58, and Lynn Reilly
Luanne Rice, W-25
Walter, W-81, and Sandi Ricker
Rachel Riemann, W-73
Charles, W-57, and Elizabeth Robinson
Cynthia Robinson, W-64
George, W-39, and Jo Ann Rockwood
Deborah Romerein, W-7
Hal, W-38, and Lisa Rose
Jennifer, W-2, and Charles Rose
Andrew Rosenberg, W-7, and Marian Zeles
Bonnie Fry Rothman, W-103, and Michael Rothman
Helen Rozwadowski, W-89 and Daniel Hornstein
Aaron, W-92, and Suzanne Rugh
Jeremy, W-75, and Dianne Salesin
Kim Schulz, W-85, and Bruce Burrell
Arah Schuur, W-122
Susan Scotto-Dyckman, W-32, and Christopher Dyckman
John, W-6, and Debra Sculley
Scott Seaver, W-31
Susan Service, W-64, and John Nelson
G. Crossan, W-6, and Margaret Seybolt
Carolyn Sheild, W-77
Aprille Sherman, W-15
Lisa, W-64, and Thomas Sherman
Karen Simmonds, W-64
Christina, W-148, and Eddie Simpson
Paul Slesinger, W-61, and Margaret Bradbury
Marlin, W-86, and Silvina Slutsky
Dean Smith, W-71
Rich Smith, W-69, and Barbara Dill
Stacey, W-153, and Cutter Smith
Todd Smith, W-81, and Jennifer Sutton
William, W-23, and Stephanie Snedden
James, W-42, and Marie Snyder
Marky Solomon Darlington, W-161, and Andrew Darlington
Charles Soucheray, W-174
Anne Sparks, W-83
Hilary Specht, W-130, and David Coffey
Mid, W-146A, and Carol Squier
Lee Stanish, W-175B
Pamela, W-75, and Wallace Stark
Erica Starr, W-127
Elizabeth, W-172, and David Stefany
Panos, W-75, and Natalie, W-80, Stephens
Nicole, W-128, and Robert Stephenson
Carl, W-84, and Elizabeth, W-84, Stevens
Carolyn Stewart, W-72, and David Tarnas
Heather Stone, W-128
Alton Straub, W-105, and Jennifer DeVoe
Ann Street, W-1, and Tedman Zuse
David Stuhlbarg, W-20
Robert Swarm, W-29, and Sharon Parker
Robert Szafranski, W-98, and Nguyet Vo Matthew, W-61, and Linda Tanzer
Kelly Fuentes, W-88, and Timothy Tash
Mark, W-45, and Patricia Tedesco
Kama, W-118, and Edward Thieler
Peter Thomas, W-22, and Sara Taber
James Thomson, W-162
Daniel, W-42, and Deborah Tierney
Craig, W-61, and Susan Timmins
Gary, W-68, and Melanie Tisdale
Paul, W-11, and Karen Toczydlowski
Elinor Todd, W-137
Edward, W-47, and Christine Tokarski
William, W-90, and Barbara, W-90, Toomey
William Trumbull, W-99 and Alisa Caron
William, W-36, and Martha Umhau
Benjamin Urmston, W-165
Amanda, W-137, and Dirk van Heyst
Katherine, W-77, and Frans van Liere
Marie Vayo-Greenbaum, W-56, and Mark Greenbaum
Rebecca Waegell, W-92, and Ramona Robison
Karin Wagner, W-99
Stephen, W-12, and Carol Ann Wagner
Shane, W-153, and Erica Walden
Sophie Walker, W-175B, and Wolfgang Domke
Jennifer, W-159, and Michael Wallace
Erik Wallenberg, W-180
Brooks, W-36, and Marie-Catherine Wallin
David Walsh, W-159
Karen, W-74, and Kurt Walters
Melissa Walters, W-77, and Robert Black
Edward, W-72, and Sarah Walton
Steuart Walton, W-158B
Christopher, W-108, and Jennifer Watson
Joshua Weil, W-79, and Claire Mollard
Kimberly, W-87, and David Welty
Katherine Sawyer White, W-21, and Christopher White
Melanie White, W-177
David and Lynn Whitney
Elizabeth, W-72, and Chris Whyley
Robert Wiberg, W-21
John Wigglesworth, W-5, and Priscilla Brooks, W-50
Keith, W-99, and Cynthia Wight
Craig Williamson, W-1, and Alice Sterkel
Linda, W-52, and Theodore Witte
Sylvia Wolf, W-37, and Duane Schuler
Ted, W-79, and Anne Wolff
Bonnie Wood, W-36, and Janet Wheeler
Kristina Wood, W-30
Richard, W-26, and Jacqueline Wood
James, W-123, and Kristen Yasord
James, W-156, and Sarah Yockey
Charlie Zechel, W-42, and Mari Snow
Geoff Zentz, W-111, and Emily Nash
Amanda Zoellner, W-177, and Bryan Fink
Steven, W-42, and Sharon Zuckerman
Jon Zwarg, W-145, and Linda Vanderveer
Gabriella, C-165, and David Andrews
Heather, C-131, and David Aronow
Ken Baughman, C-139A
Anne-Marie, C-119, and Jim Beveridge
Nicholas Bianco, C-308E
Alexander Binford-Walsh, C-241
Emma Bishop, C-209
Andrew Black, C-107
Erin Black Kreuter, C-105, and Chris Kreuter
Scott Boughton, C-145, and Julia Taylor
John, C-137, and Mayumi Bowen
Peter Boyd, C-148, and Christine Bohle Boyd
Anna Boyer, C-262
Gordon, C-122, and Banni Bunting
Rachel Burdorf, C-273
Matthew Burnett, C-308F
Craig Butterworth, C-114, and Hina Kato
Nancy Cande, C-152A
Scott Capes, C-187D
Abby Cazeault, C-226, and Mickey Cavacas, C-231
Macol, C-105, and Jose Cerda
Sarah Chandler, C-159, and Matthew Theobald
Nicole Cheatle, C-171
Kaycee Cherashore, C-128
Nicole Chevalier, C-141
Walter, C-139, and Judith Christmas
Warren Claytor, C-114
Vera, C-113, and Steve Clement
Shelby and Randie Collier
Beckett Colson, C-253
Randall Colton, C-193E
Christian, C-129, and Jennifer Cox
Hawk Cramer, C-105, and Maggie Conners
Trudy Crowley, C-225
Elizabeth Dieveney, C-135
Jessica Donohue, C-210
Emily Doren, C-184, and Jesse Doren
Kerry Dorton, C-109
Shannon, C-119, and Thane Doubet
David Drinkwater, C-113
Kea, C-110 and Paul Duckenfield
Christopher Ducko, C-110
Emmett Dunbar, C-127
Elizabeth Eaton, C-228
Anne Elefterakis, C-150, and Aaron Boynton
Jennifer, C-114, and Eric Enos
Fredrik Eriksson, C-259
Lindsay, C-137, and Graham Ernst
Peter, C-120, and Abbey Flink
David, C-174, and Laura Frank
Peter, C-170, and Kate Frantz
M. Graham Furlong, C-171
Michelle Gamache, C-104
Clayton, C-109, and Jennie Gentry
Will Giesey, C-116
Elizabeth Gilgan, C-125, and David Bianco
Stephanie, C-195, and Richard Gilley
Marci Glazer, C-103
N. Craig, C-124 and Heidi Gorton
Lena Goss, C-259
Wendy Goyert, C-140, and Paul Guttridge
Margaret, C-201, and Steven Gregor
C'pher Gresham, C-209, and Morganne Rosenhaus
Nicole Hade, C-137
Kathleen Hallee, C-152
Christopher Halliday, C-223
Stephenne, C-190, and Shaun Harding
Amy, C-116, and Lance Harry
Eric, C-172, and Cathleen Hartge
Bette Hecox-Lea, C-113, and Charles Lea
Blais Hickey, C-231
James, C-140, and Diana Higgins
James, C-164, and Emily Hildebrand
Steven, C-103, and Jennifer Hilger
Malcolm, C-102, and April Hill
Frederik Hoffmann, C-288
Katherine Holland, C-189
Meghann Horner-Smith, C-163, and Andy Smith
Madison Hurtgen, C-282
Terence Hyland, C-141
Nicholas Iannacone, C-219, and Heather McGee, C-219
Marc, C-141, and Heather Jacques
Robert, C-145Am, and Diane Jaye
Matthew, C-123, and Ning Pan Johnson
Randolph Jones, C-195
Lucia Kaempffe, C-134A
Donald, C-143, and Anne Keel
Anne Kenney, C-129
Christopher Knowlton, C-109, and Sarah Weinstein-Knowlton, C-137
Cari, C-160, and Justin LaGrow
David, C-112, and Amy Lamberger
Terri, C-104, and Gregory Lehman
Jennie Leslie, C-131, and Bradley Taylor
Alexis Greenwold Levitt, C-123
Deborah Liptzin, C-165, and Clay Houser
Kimberly Locke, C-144
Krista Longnecker, C-120
Andrew Loschert, C-157, and Jennifer Westin
Katherine, C-211, and Kevin Love
Daniel Lucas, C-270
Matthew, C-129, and Heather Luecke
Katherine, C-121, and David Lund
Elizabeth Lyman, C-130
Maureen Lynch, C-195, and Daniel Fingas
Ryan Mahoney, C-209
Toby Mandel Hedger, C-181, and Stephen Hedger
Danielle Marston, C-253
Justin, C-171, and Jennifer Martinich
Margaret, C-154, and Bradley Martsching
Adrian Mason, C-219
Brittain Mason, C-195
Gary, C-104, and Linda Matusow
Christopher McGuire, C-120, and Virginia Land McGuire
John, C-158, and Kate McMillan
Amy, W-151, and Daniel McMorrow
Elizabeth McPheeters, C-153
Joslyn Meier, C-164
Johanna Mendillo, C-162
Adrienne Miao, C-186
Skye Moret, C-190
Lauren Morgens, C-158, and Matthew Sarver
Skye, C-181, and Geneva Morse
Ryan Mullins, C-204
Lisa Munoz, C-162
David, C-129, and Nicole Nalchajian
Alexander, C-161, and Wendy Nord
John O'Keeffe, C-183
Mark, C-107, and June Olcott
Evan, C-231, and Emily Oleson
Clare Parker, C-138, and Nick Damner
Hannah Parker, C-106, and Heiner Baumann
Marjorie, C-168, and Matthew Parker
Jesse Pasco, C-121
Mary Peters, C-152A
John Petersen, C-211B
Dan Polidoro, C102, and William Capps
Erik Posner, C-108, and Helen Carroll
Scott Putnam, C-106
Leigh, C-222, and Dylan Quenasse
James, C-111, and Kate Ramsdell
Randall Yarrow, C-269
Evan Rapoport, C-146B
Christopher, C-110, and Denise Reich
Karen, C-101, and Michael Rennich
Andrew Rhoades, C-104
William Rich, C-190, and Diana Sciambi
Courtney Richmond, C-107, and Michael Grove
Tony Rindsberg, C-181
Kristin Russell, C-137
Elizabeth Rybka, C-301
Caleb Lub, C-181
Lynn, C-125, and Philippe Schenk
Matthew Scheuer, C-240
Sabrina Schlumberger, C-146
Keil, C-110, and Margarita Schmid
Collin Schmitt, C-231
Carla Scocchi, C-211, and Seth Murray
Onji Scott Price, C-238, and André Price, C-261
Timna, C-150, and Christopher Serino
Eric, C-184, and Anne Shedlosky
Michiru Shimada, C-148
Janine Shissler, C-110, and David Bae
Nicholas Shonka, C-192, and Elizabeth Burakowski, S-179
Clare Simmons, C-214
Morgan Simmons, C-165
Sally Skimin, C-119
Holbrook Smith, C-105 and Janet Stafford
Matthew Smith, C-111
Reid, C-161, and Franki Smith
Charles Sontag, C-107
Jane, C-170, and Trevor Soucy
Rebeccah Wells Sparkes, C-183, and Bryan, C-183, Sparkes
Jana, C-219 and Dylan Spencer
Brian, C-158, and Lesley Sperling
Sarah Spotts, C-171, and Kevin Covey
Fred Stewart, C-109, and Kathryn Silva
Eric, C-137, and Amy Stoddard
Thomas Summers, C-201
Eric Swergold, C-102, and Dawn Dobras
Zoltan Szuts, C-164, and Kathleen Rankin
Jeremy, C-222 and Carolyn, C-222, Tarpey Todd, C-104, and Ulrike Taylor
Nick Testa, C-119, and Mariko Ishimri
Allison, C-196, and Randall Throop
Stephan, C-142, and Bonnie Tompsett Rebecca, C-144, and Jeffrey Trachsel
Dimitris Triantopoulos, C-122
Eleanor Tripp, C-201
Eric, C-141, and Irina Tytell
Frederike, C-131, and Martin van Markus
Adam Vitarello, C-172, and Sophia Newbold
Rachel Wade Brown, C-149, and Warren Brown
Deirdre, C-185, and Ryan Wadsworth
Agathe Wallin, C-266
Robert Watters, C-109
Chava Weitzman, C-210
Riely White, C-231
David Wisniewski, C-122
Peter Wu, C-240
Edward Zalewski, C-168
Courtney, C-144, and Benjamin Zwirn
Scott Allen, S-206, and Iris Ferguson
Jun Ru Anderson, S-299
Kelly Atkins, S-202
Emily, S-179, and Scott Beckett
Jaclyn Bell, S-182
Ashley Bronzan, S-178
Chelsea Carlson Freas, S-242
Adam, S-208, and Marian Carpenter
Cynthia Chadwell, S-230
Emily Chandler, S-216
Noah Citron, S-232
Megan Cook, S-215, and Timothy Dwyer, W-160
Michael DiGiulio, S-195
Paul, S-220, and Colby Dixon
Rachel, S-186, and Rob Dody
John Dow, S-224, and Claire Pattison-Dow
Kaleigh Duggan, S-280
Allison J. Dutton, S-190, and Joseph Boruchow
Lindsey Ekern, S-183
Melissa Enright, S-239
Melanie Finn-Scofield, S-224, and Christopher Scofield
Joshua Friedman, S-248
Matthew, S-189, and Elisa Fromboluti
Declan Frye, S-196
Anna Gaskill, S-275
Matthew Gauthier, S-251
Seth Gelsthorpe, S-79
David, S-180, and Madeline Given
Elizabeth Gryska Rice, S-195, and Michael Rice
Clara Hard, S-195
T. Oliver, S-180, and Sarah Hay
Miriam Hess, S-179, and Benjamin Schlau
Amber Hewett, S-233
Taylor Hogan, S-251
Hayli, S-244, and Ophelia Hu Kinney
Min-Yi Jou, S-198
Brandon, S-209, and Donna Kampschuur
Noah Kaufman, S-202, and Harriet Hoder
Jacob Keaton, S-186
Eula Kozma, S-194, and Joshua Sattely
Michelle Lessard, S-236
Abigail, S-184, and Michael Magni
Thomas, S-183, and Meaghan Martin
Cassondra, S-196, and Fritz Mavencamp
Scott, S-211, and Kate McCracken
Juliette, S-180, and Adrian McCullough
Bridget McElroy, S-264
Mary McGee, S-246
Darcy Elgart McKeon Maric, S-177
Geneva Michaelcheck, S-184
Lorna Mitchison-Field, S-270
Heather Nennig, S-226 and Scott Burtard
Katherine Orchard, S-186
Lindsey, S-192, and James, S-188, Palardy
Jessica Panton, S-281
Destaye Moore, S-190
John Peabody, S-177
Matthew, S-184, and Chelsea Peters
Rachel Philbrick, S-204
Sarah Pilzer, S-204
Timothy Pusack, S-192
Jameson Rogers, S-208
Mindy, S-202, and Mark Ross
Hannah Roth, C-195, and John Mattera
Stephen Ruane, S-178, and Lauren Gilbert, S-190
Lauren, S-212, and Martin Schroedter
Noelle Short, S-191
Rebecca Slattery, S-242, and Lydia Mathewson, S-231
Anna Stevens, S-201
Kevin Sullivan, S-186, and Hannah Griego
Matthew Tantillo, S-236
Robert , S-205, and Julia Thompson
Aladdin Timbayan, S-177
Laura Uridil, S-182
Mara, S-209, and Trip Vaile
Thomas Walters, S-248, and Anna Hart
Rowan, S-183, and Thomas Watson
Flora Weeks, S-232
Adria Wentzel, S-203
Sarah Williams, S-255
Jing Zhong, S-224
Rosalie Loewen, SEASCape 2
Alexandra Rohrbaugh, SEASCape 2
Hannah Zuckerberg, SEASCape 1

Foundations & Corporations
American Foundation Corporation
Anderson Energy Solutions
Ann C. & C. Hamilton Sloan Foundation
Anthony Ford Charitable Foundation
Benevity Community Impact Fund
(AKA American Online Giving)
Beyond Bread, Inc.
Boeing Company
Bonnell Cove Foundation
Boston Foundation
Boswell Family Foundation
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.
California Community Foundation
Cape Cod Foundation
Chubb Charitable Foundation
de Beaumont Foundation
Eder Family Foundation, Inc.
Endurance Foundation
Frank Family Foundation
Give Lively Foundation
Giving Back
Henry L. and Grace Doherty
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Henry M. Rowan Family Foundation, Inc.
Holbrook R. & Sarah M. Davis Foundation, Inc.
James Kerney Foundation
Johnson & Johnson Foundation
Joseph W. and Faith K. Tiberio
Charitable Foundation
Kane Wallace Foundation
Keil Family Foundation
Lawrence-Lynch Corporation
Lockheed Martin Employees' Political Action Committee LMEPA
Loring, Wolcott, & Coolidge Charitable Trust
Los Alamos National Security, LLC
Lumpkin Family Foundation
Mabee Family Foundation
McGraw-Hill Education Helping Hands Program
MHG Foundation, Inc.
National Christian Foundation Carolinas
Network for Good
Nord Family Foundation
PAC Donation (Unknown Company or SC)
Pegasus Foundation
Peter T. Joseph Foundation
Pew Charitable Trusts
Ropes Wealth Advisors LLC
Sandpiper Fund
Speyer Family Foundation
Stop & Shop
TisBest Philanthropy
Trachsel Family Foundation
UK Online Giving Foundation
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
United Way of North Central MA Tocqueville Society
Ward Ferry Management, LTD
WestRock Foundation
Wildwood Foundation
William E. Simon Foundation
YourCause, LLC

Sarah A. Albala, C-217B
Elizabeth S. Appleby, W-150D
Gregory M. Ardini, C-215
Joel T. Barkan, S-196
Harrison E. Blythe, S-201
Robert D. Boehringer, W-50
Meghan P. Bonham, C-223
Courtney Boucher, C-290
Margaret E. Brandon, W-48
Richard T. Brennan
Jeremy S. Bumagin, W-119
Levin H. Campbell, W-60
Casey I. Canfield, S -222
Peter B. Cannell
Colin D'Acquisto, SEAScape 1
Dakota H. Dougherty, C-223D
Larissa G. Galanti, C-146B
Justin W. Gillespie, S-206
William Hallstein
Tyler B. Hampton, S-257
Devin W. Hardy, S-236
Anthony R. Hatala, C-183
Davi Hertz, C-283
Barbara V. Hight, W-161
Giles H. Holt, C-222
Isabelle L. Holt, S-236A
Laura L. Hutton, C-183
Peter D. Lauer, S-222
Kara Lavender Law
Michael Madnick
Cassidy J. Manzonelli, S-274
Marielle A. Matthews, C-193C
Abel McClennen, C-163
Caleb McClennen, W-144
Norris P. Mears, C-240
Lorna M. Mitchison-Field, S-270
Kathleen M. Murphy, C-215
Valerie Newman, W-76
John G. Peabody, S-177
Lindsey Reeves, C-146B
Patrick H. Ressler, C-138
Christ D. Romero, S-281
Jared E. Schroder, C-227
Lydia Shaw, C-297
Carolyn J. Sheild, W-77
David R. Shlachter, C-184
Jenna B. Shlachter, S-207
Courcelle D. Stark, C-251
Pamela A. Stark, W-75
Peter V. Tilney, C-135
Sophie Vallas, S-271
Brian J. Verdi, W-129
Francesca Whitecross, C-289
John C. Wigglesworth, W-5
Donald A. Abt
Bud Bertash
Beatrice Booth
Margaret L. Bradley, C-167
Ann W. Brewer
Frances Tidwell Bronzan
Edmund B. Cabot
John D. Cahill, W-98
Joel L. Cartwright, C-195
Carl Chase
Austin A. Corry
Richard W. Cost
Corwith Cramer
Armin E. Elsaesser
Marilyn O. Galanti
Elizabeth M. Gilkerson, W-58
Deborah Goodwin
Caroline M. Granger, C-134
Julia T. Hall
Gary Jaroslow
Irving M. Johnson
ElectaS. Johnson
Wendy Keith-Hardy
Carol L. Klumpp, W-83 A. Worthington Loomis
Robert C. Madden
James L. Madden
Charles E. McClennen
Ernest Mendeloff
James F. Millinger
Arlene B. Mollo
Mary Carroll S. Morris
George Nichols
Rafe E. Parker
Deborah A. Simank, W-56
Prentice K. Stout
Percival W. Wilson
Kevin Wood
Endowed SEA Funds

Elsaesser Endowment Fund
This fund was established in memory of Armin E. Elsaesser III— sailor, educator, adventurer—by his family and friends. The goal of the Fellowship is to help a member of the SEA community—alumni, crew, faculty or staff—follow a dream that has been elusive because of work or study. Projects involve active investigation in a marine-related subject and reflect a creative and independent approach to the pursuit of knowledge. Income from this fund is used to annually support one Elsaesser Fellow.
Ford and Jean Elsaesser
Susan and Andrew Hess

Exy Johnson Scholarship Fund
Established in celebration of the globe-circumnavigating sailor’s 90th birthday by her family and friends.
Deborah, W-61, and Gregory Carlson
Robert and Elizabeth Johnson
Margaret Parker
Scott Miller and Lisa Cosimi Endowed Scholarship
Scott Miller, W-114, and Lisa Cosimi
John C. Parker Endowed Scholarship
Margaret Parker

Samuel V. Howe High School Access Initiative Scholarship Fund
This fund was created to allow students from diverse backgrounds to attend SEA’s high school summer programs, and reflects SEA’s commitment to increase scholarships for students of color and to deepen our connections to the institutions that serve them.
Mel and Jim Bride
Andrew and Eileen Eder
Beau, W-132, and Jennifer Lescott
Erika, W-141, and Travis Saveraid
Stacey, W-153, and Cutter Smith
Richard Wilson
Hallstein EndowmentFellowship
Established by the family of former SEA captain and current President, John Wigglesworth, W-5, in honor of SEA doctor Bill Hallstein, whose medical expertise and advice help ensure the safety of students and crew at sea. Proper training, funded by this endowment, is vital to maintain safety standards.
Maureen Alves
Nita Avrith
Séan Bercaw
Ira Bigeleisen
Mary Bowen
Margaret Brandon, W-48
Jaime Buerger and Garrett Williams
Linda Cahill
Elizabeth Cahill
Patricia Cahill Fay
Kristen Calleja
Maggie Carberry
Donald Chen
Tara Cox
Stephen Deierlein
Jennifer Fleming
Linda and Andrew Franks
Jesse Gebryel
Chris Geen
George and Angel Germann
Justine Handelman
Clara Hard, S-195
Steve and Gina Hartliep
Alex Helfand and Ellen Fried
Craig Hesselberg
Alan Hickey
William Jacbson and Renee Bushey
Robert and Elizabeth Johnson
Paul Joyce and Jane Tucker
Kevin and Margaret Kelly
Susanah Kelly

Toni Krein
Eric Legome
Karen and Dan Luneau
Mary Lyman
Jennifer McCrady
Laura McPeake
Christian Menard
Roland Merchant
Jolene Nakao
Gregory Orso
Helen Orso
Bruce Polsky and Catharine Grimes
Kathleen and Warren Reilly
Kristin Ruiz
Jordan Ryan
Arthur Salvadore
David and Beth Shaw
Sharon Shaw
Adam Sheffer
Christine Simpson
Sara and George Snider
Neesha Vadera and Justin MacRae
Kristin van Ogtrop
Arthur Watson
Benjamin Wyler and Marisa Bass
Just as our captains do at sea, we depend upon our navigators, SEA’s sustaining donors. Navigators allow us to plot a steady course, providing SEA with reliable funding for students, ships, crew, and faculty through an automated monthly, quarterly or annual gift.
J. Douglas, W-50 and Kim Anderson
Jun Ru Anderson, S-299
Alisa Barnard, W-144
Christopher, W-177, and Marie Bartels
Jennifer, W-74, and Brian Black
Amy Blumenberg, W-93, and Christopher Potter
Susan Boehme, W-79
Sharon Bonner
Katharine Beal Bradford, W-44
Ashley Bronzan, S-178
Cornelia Brown, W-51
Michael Budniak
Kristina, W-71, and David Caldwell
Emily Chandler, S-216
Kaycee Cherashore
Noah Citron, S-232
Peter, W-78, and Tara Cole
Christian, C-129, and Jennifer Cox
Hawk Cramer, C-105, and Maggie Conners
Paul and Ellen DeOrsay
David and Susan Drapeau
Kea and Paul Duckenfield
Neal, W-86, and Liza Durant
Melanie Finn-Scofield, S-224, and Christopher Scofield
Joshua, W-153, and Marion, C-153, Frederickson
Stephanie, C-195, and Richard Gilley
Wendy Goyert, C-140, and Paul Guttridge
Deb Greene, W-99, and James Nairus
Margaret and Steven Gregor
C'pher Gresham, C-209, and Morganne Rosenhaus
Lizzy Grubin, W-168, and Renee Sharp
Elizabeth, S-195, and Michael Rice
Blair, W-6, and Julie Hamilton
Stephenne Harding, C-190, and Shaun Lynch
Emily and Chris Hein
Nancy, W-80, and Paul Hill
Hayli, S-244, and Ophelia Hu Kinney
Nicholas Iannacone, C-219, and Heather McGee, C-219
Brandon, S-209, and Donna Kampschuur
Carolyn Kelson and Jason Janicki
Patricia Keoughan, W-53
Bradley Kraushaar, W-180
Cari, C-160, and Justin LaGrow
Jennie Leslie, C-131, and Bradley Taylor
Kathryn Lewellen, W-127, and Jeff Pollock
Daniel Lucas, C-270
Danielle Marston, C-253
Cassondra, S-196, and Fritz Mavencamp
Caleb McClennen, W-144, and Christy Loper
Juliette, S-180, and Adrian McCullough
David, W-63, and Marie-Laure McKee
Darcy Elgart McKeon Maric, S-177
Jodi, W-162, and Randall Meck
Skye, C-181, and Geneva Morse
Matthew, W-130, and Jen Muldorf
Carter Newt, W-153
Katherine Orchard, S-186
Destaye Moore, S-190
Catherine, W-139, and Rafe* Parker
Marjorie, C-168, and Matthew Parker
Matthew, S-184, and Chelsea Peters
Jeffrey, W-42, and Catherine Platt
Timothy Pusack, S-192
John Quilty, W-33
Karen, C-101, and Michael Rennich
Hannah Roth, C-195, and John Mattera
Thomas Sakmar and Karina Åberg Sakmar
Sabrina Schlumberger, C-146
Collin Schmitt, C-231
Lauren, S-212, and Martin Schroedter
Susan Service, W-64, and John Nelson
Aprille Sherman, W-15
Nicholas Shonka, C-192, and Elizabeth Burakowski, S-179
Holbrook Smith, C-105 and Janet Stafford
William, W-23, and Stephanie Snedden
Sarah Spotts, C-171, and Kevin Covey
Randal and Melissa Stafford
Carl, W-84, and Elizabeth, W-84, Stevens
Anna Stevens, S-201
Eric, C-137, and Amy Stoddard
Kevin Sullivan, S-186, and Hannah Griego
Matthew Tantillo, S-236
Daniel, W-42, and Deborah Tierney
Aladdin Timbayan, S-177
Shane, W-153, and Erica Walden
Erik Wallenberg, W-180
Jacqueline Webb
Chava Weitzman, C-210
Elizabeth, W-72, and Chris Whyley
Sandra Wilson
Charlie Zechel, W-42, and Mari Snow
Jon Zwarg, W-145, and Linda Vanderveer
Anchor Watch
Established in 1991, the Anchor Watch Society honors those who provide gifts to Sea Education Association through their estates or life-income plans. We are pleased to recognize these special donors during their lifetime and to celebrate the importance of the Anchor Watch Society to SEA’s future.
Donald* and Barbara Abt
Peter, W-140A, and Isabella Bertash
Andrew Black, C-107
Sharon Bonner
Margaret Brady, W-29, and David Condino
Emily Bramhall, W-27
Jacob and Barbara* Brown
Richard and Nonnie* Burnes
Edmund* and Elizabeth Cabot
Lee Campbell, W-60
Tony Cave* and Margaret Brandon, W-48
Thomas B. Clark, W-26 and Gigi Gaudet
Norris Claytor*
Margaret Clowes*
Edith Corning
John and Catherine* Damon
John Dow, S-224, and Claire Pattison-Dow
E. Peter and Elizabeth Elsaesser
David Ford, W-113, and Susan Munter
Samuel and Margaret Gray
Virginia Gray*
Richard Hawkins and Marian Ferguson
Grace and Don* Hinkley
Katharine, W-85, and Rodney Jensen
Waldo Johnston*
Patricia Keoughan, W-53
Robert Knapp, W-99
Fred and Ann Larson
Christopher Lovelock*
Katherine, C-121, and David Lund

Mary Madden and Dan Ringeisen
Michael Madden*
Bartlett and Cynthia McGuire
Cheryl, W-1, and Dick* McKinley
Philip and Kathleen McKnight
Don and Barbara McLucas
Scott Miller, W-114, and Lisa Cosimi
Jim Millinger* and Charlotte Hatfield
Sarah, W-66, and Robert Murdock
Margaret and John* Parker
Paul Rosenzweig, W-43, and Kathleen Kunzer
David and Edith Ross
Allison Laurel Schumer, W-25*
Jodi, C-100, Schwarz and Rick Jones
Carolyn Sheild, W-77
Galen and Anne Stone*
Deborah Warner
Richard Wilson
Eric and Sandra* Wolman
Kristina Wood, W-30

Barbara Abt
Alexander Agnew and Lisa Markushewski
Arthur and Renee, W-66, Allen
Robert Allen
Molly D. Allison
Maureen Alves
Stephanie Austin
Nita Avrith
Talbot Baker, Jr.
Christina Bascom
Ronald Baxter
Tracy Baynes
Roger and Masako Bellinger
Richard Belofsky
Thomas Bethea
Ira Bigeleisen
Danielle and Damon Blacklock
Paul Bloom and Claire Russell- Bloom
Sharon Bonner
John and Carrie Bouton
Mary Bowen
Francis and Margaret Bowles
Conant Brewer and Lorrie Anderson
Gale Brewer and Calvin Snyder
Anita Brewer-Siljeholm
Mel and Jim Bride
David Brown and Sheila McCurdy
Jacob and Barbara* Brown
Wendell and Leslie Brown
Ann Bucklin
Jaime Buerger and Garrett Williams
John and Laurie Bullard
Richard Burnes
Robert and Valerie Butcher
Elizabeth Cahill
Patricia Cahill Fay
Kristen Calleja
Maggie Carberry
John and Roberta Carey
Donald Chen
Carol Cleave
Ellen and Richard* Cost
Drew and Pamela Coughlin
Tara Cox
Genevieve and Joseph Coyle
Beth and William Cramer
Michael Cunning
Laurie Curby
W. Brian and Erika Dade
Barry Dame
Sarah Davis and Barbara Neal
Stephen Deierlein
Paul and Ellen DeOrsay
Robertson Dinsmore
Jeffrey and Courtney Dorman
Peter and Cynthia Ellis
Ford and Jean Elsaesser
Diane Eskenasy and Tim Aldrich
Leslie Evans
Martin Farley
John and Shirley Farrington
David and Doris Fausch
Judith Fenwick
Edwin and Angela Fischer
Jennifer Fleming
Linda and Andrew Franks
Robert and Alexena Frazee
Arthur and Jennifer Gaines
Jesse Gebryel
Chris Geen
Wendy and Glenn Gellert
George and Angel Germann
Thomas Greenan
Dr. Hermann Gucinski
Justine Handelman
Steve and Gina Hartliep
Hannah Hatfield
Charlotte P. Hatfield
Emily and Chris Hein
Alex Helfand and Ellen Fried
Jerome and Anne Heller
Susan and Andrew Hess
Craig Hesselberg
Alan Hickey
Emorcia Hill
Grace Hinkley
I-Ting Huang and Jack Lee
Susan Humphris and George Lohmann
Melville Ireland
Arne and Gail Isaksen
William Jacbson and Renee Bushey
Ambrose and Anna Jearld
Jennifer Jenkins
Peter and Joan Johnson
Royal Joslin
Morris and Elizabeth Kellogg
Kevin and Margaret Kelly
Susanah Kelly
Sarah Kingston
William and Deborah Knowlton
Toni Krein
Sam and Woody Lawson
Sidney LeFavour
Eric Legome
Monique Liuzzi
Roger Long and Patsy McDonald
Ellie Linen Low and David Low
Karen and Dan Luneau
Peter and Deborah Luquer
Tom Luxon and Ivy Schweitzer
Mary Lyman
Mary Madden and Dan Ringeisen
Linda Cox Maguire and John Maguire
Gary Manter and Cheryl Elkins
Patrick Martin
Jennifer McCrady
Rebecca McKeever
Philip and Kathleen McKnight
Ryan McManus
Jo Ann McNaughton-Kade and Christopher Kade
Laura McPeake
Jessica McWade and Walter Kuklinski
Christian Menard
Lynne and Tim Menzie
Roland Merchant
Thomas and Lynn Mills
John and Bridget Morton
Jolene Nakao
Richard and Linda Olney
Gregory Orso
Helen Orso
Bruce and Mary Jane Pappas
Philip and Jeannette Parish
Margaret Parker
Joan Partridge
Stuart and Martha Pattison
Patti and Frank Penski
Mary Perkins
Finley and Patricia Perry
Mary Pigott
Bruce Polsky and Catharine Grimes
Phyllis Portier
Thomas and Patricia Powers
Ellen Prager
George and Kathy Putnam
Kathleen and Warren Reilly
W. Dixon and Susan Riley
Paula Rooney
Elizabeth Roosevelt
Wendy Rose
Gordon Rowland
Kristin Ruiz
Jordan Ryan
Philip Sacks
Carl Safina and Patricia Paladines
Richard Sailor and Mary Johnston
G. West and Victoria Saltonstall
Arthur Salvadore
Molly Scheu
John and Sarah Seamans
Robert and Stella Mae Seamans
David and Beth Shaw
Sharon Shaw
Adam Sheffer
Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke
Ron Simank
Christine Simpson
Victoria Smith
Sara and George Snider
Margaret Stark-Roberts
Darrell Swank and Eleanor Campbell
Mary Swope
Judy Thompson
Ashley Tobin and James Watters
Joshua and Connolly Tolkoff
Neesha Vadera and Justin MacRae
Kristin van Ogtrop
Richard and Sandra Wallis
Willis Wang and Terri Yahia
Deborah Warner
Joseph Warren
Arthur Watson
Jacqueline Webb
James and Barbara Wehan
Alexander Weld
Kelly and Paul West
Richard Wilson
Sandra Wilson
John Winchester
Elizabeth Winn
Alastair and Yvonne Wolman
Eric Wolman
Joseph and Laura Wood
George* and Katharine Woodwell
Benjamin Wyler and Marisa Bass
Midori Yoshii
Bradley and Sandra Zlotnick
Osmar and Katherine Abib
Robert Ackert
The Adamczyk Family
Terry Aiken
Bruce Albala and Bernadette Boden-Albala
Thomas and Lori Alosco
Susan Andreatta
Richard and Barbara Angle
Cynthia V. Appleby
Joseph Ardini
Todd Baker
Steven Barkan and Barbara Tennent
David Beard and Jean O'Neil
Robert and Judith Behn
Charles and Barbara Bell
Donald Bell and Elizabeth McNerney
Edgar Bering and Barbara Clark
Bruce and Jamie Blair
Michael Blodget and Margaret Murray
Jeff and Katie Bloomberg
Jeffrey Blount and Jeanne Meserve
Earving Blythe
Robert and Kathleen Bonham
T. William Booth
Tim and Gail Borkowski
David and Suzanne Boyd
Keith and Mary Jo Bradley
Daniel and Antonia Brayton
Richard and Meg Brown
Walter and Kiyoko Brown
William Buckley
John and Marcia Buckman
Gary and Sherry Burdorf
Daniel and Holly Burnes
Richard Byrne
John*, W-98, and Rachel Cahill
Linda Cahill
James and Francesca Calamita
Kip and Caryn Canfield
Michael and Elizabeth Cannell
Craig and Ann Carpenter
Richard and Patricia Cavanagh
David and Sally Cedarholm
Kenn and Ann Christianson
John and Judy Clark
Judith Clark
Katharine Coffin
Roy and Linda Collins
Wendell Colson and Joanne Casper
Judith Cook
Marianne Cook
R. Bruce Cooper
John and Martha Correa
David and Lorie Coulombe
David and Julie Crowley
John Czajka and Margaret McCarthy

Ethan and Amy d’Ablemont Burnes
James Dahlberg and Deirdre Donahue
John Damon
Daniel Denov and Carolyn Rusk
Bridget and John Dickson
John and Anne Dilts
Daniel and Faith Dougherty
John and Roselynn Dow
Ian and Kathryn Duff
Liam and Pamela Duffy
John and Merril Dutton
Donna Eden
Andrew and Eileen Eder
Kathryn Elefterakis
Yasmin Erne
Linda Fashauer
Thomas and Kristan First
Suzanne Fream
Ronald and Dale Freeman
Christopher and Carol Sue Fromboluti
Francis Fruehstorfer
Joseph Galanti
Jeffrey and Susan Garrison
Carole Geddes-Engel
Lawrence and Patricia Gilbert
Edna Gillespie
Nathaniel and Joan Gorton
Joan Granger
Samuel and Margaret Gray
Scott Greenbaum and Denise Jacobson
Peter and Lindsay Hagen
Joy Haggard
Linda Haley
Sally and Arthur Hampton
Thomas and Stephenne Harding
William and Cameron Hardy
Robert and Karolyn Harwood
Sally Hatala
Richard Hawkins and Marian Ferguson
Bruce and Susan Herard
Ralph and Jan Herda
Robert Hess and Grace Hess-Quimbita
David and Ilona Higgins
Kenway and Jeanne Hoey
Christian and Astrid Hoffmann
Guy Holt and Eileen Ryan
Peter and Linda Hutton
Paul and Marjorie Inderbitzen
Eduardo Inigo-Elias and Holly Payne
William and Karen Irving
Cheri and Peter Jaunich
Alexander and Jill Johnson
Garrett and Barbara Johnson
Robert and Elizabeth Johnson
Susan Jones
Philip and Patti Junger
Jack and Cynthia Kadzik
Edward Kane and Martha Wallace
Edmund Kasaitis
Isao and Yukiko Kato
Patricia Kelly
Carolyn Kelson and Jason Janicki
George Kiesewetter
William and Jaynie Kind
Elmer and Marilyn Klumpp
John and Cristine Kolody
J. Kelly and Rebecca Lane
Meredith and Anthony Lang
Eileen Lashinsky
Daniel and Sarah Lauer
Paul and Jane Lawrence
Bill and Suet-Ying Lee
James Lee and Antonia Abbey
Stephen and Elizabeth Leslie
Jill amd Russell Levan
Jeffrey and Ottilie Levine
Robert and Constance Loarie
Stephen and Elizabeth Loutrel
Myles and Cornelia Lund
John and Susan Mackay
Lawrence and Beth Magann
Robert Manlick and Valerie Tratnyek
Martha Manzonelli
Jeff and Maria Mason
Osamu and Grace Matsutani
R. Hardin Matthews and Jane Dougan
Oscar Mayer
Brendan and Elise McCarthy
Donald and Joanne McCarthy
E. Dennis and Sandra McCarthy
Walter and Carol McClennen
Neysa and Kevin McDonald
Michael and Janis McDowell
Bartlett and Cynthia McGuire
Patricia McLaughlin
Constance McPheeters
Bruce Meier and Wendy Fearnside
Robert and Kathleen Millar, Jr.
Christina Miller
Donald and Susan Miller
Lesley Mills
Tim Mitchison and Christine Field
Peter Mollo
Sarah Moore
I still try to live by the SEA motto 'Ship, Shipmate, Self.' With that in mind, I donate to SEA and have done so every year since W-87, not only because of what SEA means to me, but also in hopes of helping to make it possible for others to have this incredible experience. —Andy Felcher, W-87
Edwin and Linda Morgens
Robert and Mary-Margaret Morse
Eric and Annette Mullins
Brian and Susan Murphy
Eric and Margaret Neilsen
Donald Nichols and Valerie Campbell
Devan and Elizabeth Nielsen
Judith Ogden
Pell and Louise Osborn
Maksymilian and Grazyna Ostas
Leroy and Winifred Parker
Eleanor Peavey
Michael and Marianne Petersen
John and Charlotte Phillips
David and Valeria Pietz
Andrea and Devin Plaskiewicz
Bonnie Pohlig
Jim and Carol Pollock
William and Diane Pulleyblank
Lucia Putnam
Michael and Alicia Rafter
Laura and Mark Ragan
Augusto and Helen Recinos
David and Elaine Ressler
Christopher Richardson
David and Sandra Roberts
James and Elizabeth Robinson
Ana Romero
Paul and Barbara Ruane
Joseph and Diana Ruffini
Timothy and Patricia Saburn
Marc and Carrie Saint Louis
Thomas Sakmar and Karina Åberg Sakmar
Jane Sattler
Daniel Scheuer
Daniel and Jennifer Schildge
Michael and Roberta Schroder
Diana Scott
Samuel and Nancy Scott
Alma Scully
Richard and Spain Secrist
Edward and Joan Shankle
John and Jean Sheild
Robert Shlachter
C. Hamilton and Ann Sloan
Roger and Carol Sloboda
Manning and Virginia Smith
Wilson and Mary Jane Smith
Thomas and Barbra Smithgall
Veronica Sperling and Timothy Buchanan
Randal and Melissa Stafford
David and Denise Stillinger
George Stone and Gay Callan
Greg and Joyce Studen
Philip and Joan Swanson
Edith Sweeney
Ian and Jennifer Swope
Allen and Michele Syslo
Kelly Fuentes, W-88, and Timothy Tash
Uri and Marilyn ten Brink
Robert Thomas and Polly Hoppin
Peter and Elizabeth Thomson
Philip Tilney
Chris Tonkin and Sarah Bixler
Roger and Elizabeth Trudeau
Thomas Urmston
Dean Vallas and Debra Pemstein
John Vaughn and Serena Lee
Robert and Sheila Verdi
Thomas and Sarah Wagner
Michael and Alexis Weaver
Mark and Susan Webster
Laurie and Eric Wenger
Paul and Valerie Wentzel
Nathan and Lisa Wesely
Barbara White
John White and Marcia Black
S. James Whitecross and Beatrice Renault
William and Roberta Whiting
Anne and Hynrich Wieschhoff
Raymond and Theresa Williams
Daniel and Jacqueline Wine
Albert and Barbara Wolcott
Edward and Ann Woll
Vanya and Christina Yoors
G. Stewart Young
Michael and Carole Ziegler
William and Elizabeth Zimmermann *deceased
Faculty, Staff & Crew
Séan Bercaw
Laurie Black
Monica Bowman
Erin Bryant
Abby Cazeault, C-226, and Mickey Cavacas, C-231
Mariann and Kevin Connors
Jessica Donohue, C-210
Sally and Arthur Hampton
James Harris, W-97, and Cori Sutherland
Madison Hurtgen, C-282
Randolph Jones, C-195
Paul Joyce and Jane Tucker
Theresa, W-126, and John Kavanagh
Kara Lavender Law
Mark and Cheri Long
Craig Marin, W-119
Rob Moir
Skye Moret, C-190
Douglas Nemeth
Chris Nolan
John O'Keeffe, C-183
Carla Scocchi, C-211, and Seth Murray
Joe Scornavacchi
Rebecca Slattery, S-242, and Lydia Mathewson, S-231
Heather Stone, W-128
Thomas Sullivan and Elizabeth Fisher Sullivan
Jeremy, C-222 and Carolyn, C-222, Tarpey
Laurie Weitzen and Carl Herzog
Jeffrey Wescott
Susan Williams

Annual Report 2024
171 Woods Hole Road
Falmouth, MA 02540

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