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What We Can Do About Ocean Plastics Over the course of our two weeks we discussed potential solutions and heard from a range of guest speakers and experts. In the end, after a final vote, we arrived at the following as our seminar’s top priorities in order to solve this plastic crisis, a problem which requires both the reduction in the production of plastic and the better management of waste plastic, on land and at sea.

As individuals we can… *Purchase sustainable products whenever we can, researching the companies and what we’re buying, especially regarding packaging (with less plastic and types that are genuinely recyclable) and regarding clothing (wearing secondhand garments or buying new ones made from natural fibers). *Read and support journalism that investigates local and global waste management and the effectiveness of policies, treaties, and potential fixes.

We want companies to… *Operate in an environmentally-conscious way that will lessen their impact. This means in part making sustainable plastic alternatives more affordable, and using less or no plastic packaging. We want companies to allow customers who can afford it to have the choice to pay more for recycled or biodegradable packaging.

We want our governments to… *Ensure the proper enforcement of existing laws and regulations. *Continue to invest in city trash processing centers with the technology to properly separate different plastics and process waste safely with less loss into waterways. *Expand marine protected areas.

If we had money to donate, we would first consider giving to… *The Ocean Conservancy: Fighting For Trash Free Seas

We want to support further research especially on… *The production of plastics made of plant materials, which will reduce the use of fossil fuel products and increase their biodegradability. *Where in the world are the worst vectors for plastic pollution arriving into the ocean. *The toxicity of plastics and their impact on humans and marine life Icons from, introduced to us by guest speaker Skye Moret

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