Guide to Giving and Getting Involved

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Guide to GiViNG + GettiNG iNVoLVed

Message from the Advancement Office

At Sea Crest, we believe that a meaningful homeschool partnership is the foundation of our students’ educational experience and success. It is important that we build positive connections with each other and that every member of our community contributes to enhancing our school as a whole.

Our culture of giving is strong, and we’d like for every family, board member, and faculty/staff member to support our Annual Fund and other fundraisers (Raise the Paddle, Coastside Gives, and Ginger Girvin Run) as well as community events (Halloween Carnival, Pumpkin Festival, Night of Lights, Grandparents Celebration, Beach Clean Up, Musical, etc.). We appreciate your support last year, when 97% of our families, 100% of our board of trustees, and 100% of our faculty/staff supported our school. Without your help, we would not have accomplished our goals.

In the following pages, you will find ways to become a partner and get involved at our school. Please read carefully and let me know if you have any questions. My door is always open.

Thank you for supporting our school and being an essential part of our community. I’m looking forward to working with you and strengthening our partnership for a successful school year.

Best regards,

W e L come t o S ea c re S t

GiViNG + GettiNG iNVoLVed

Why We Ask for both Tuition and Donations

My family is already paying tuition. Why does the school need more funds?

Our school tuition does not cover the full cost of a Sea Crest education, but keeping tuition as low as possible enables more students to attend our school. Fundraising helps us fulfill our mission, balance our budget, and continuously enhance all of our programs. Your tax-deductible gifts are put towards strong academic and co-curricular programs, competitive compensation for teachers, professional development, technology upgrades, and facilities improvements.

We don’t have the capacity to make a large donation. What difference can my gift actually make?

All gifts, no matter the size, are valued and deeply appreciated. Your meaningful gift will show your support for the school and inspire others in their own giving. When we pool our community resources, we have the ability to fund educational projects that simply could not happen otherwise. Sea Crest School is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with fewer supporters than a university or a large charity, but because the need is large, every gift counts more. This reasoning leads many families to make their children’s school their philanthropic priority. They know their gifts truly matter.

G ift S t hat K eep o N G i V i NG

Are there other reasons to give?

Yes, most people take pride in being active stakeholders, helping shape the school and advance its mission. By choosing an independent school, families have the opportunity to directly influence their child’s education. And finally, unlike tuition payments, gifts to Sea Crest School are tax-deductible.

How will my gift benefit my child?

Every gift benefits everyone at Sea Crest: every student, every teacher, every program. Think of it this way: Previous generations of families (now alumni) invested in the school your child enjoys today. This is how your family can give back. Your support today will advance our mission and invest in the future.

Sea Crest School is dedicated to providing the best in innovative education to inspire and empower our learners to engage curiosity, express creativity, act with compassion and lead with courage.

Annual Fund

As our most critical and important fundraiser of the year, the Annual Fund goes into an unrestricted account to support the people, program, and campus that make Sea Crest thrive.

People Our

The Annual Fund supports our teachers through ongoing professional development and curriculum training. Funds provide an opportunity for the school to offer health and wellness stipends and educational grants.

We greatly appreciate any level of giving your family can afford. Every dollar makes a difference.

Giving to our mission. Investing in the future. Connecting with the moment.
f u N drai S i NG

Your Gift At Work

Our Our

Program Campus

The Annual Fund continues to provide engaging academics and enrichment opportunities on and off campus for all of our students.

The Annual Fund allows our school to continually invest in our campus to be an inspiring, studentscentered, and safe space for students to learn and grow.

Your meaningful gift to the Annual Fund is 100% tax-deductible


Raise the Paddle

Ginger Girvin Run

Each year, students come together and run to raise funds for Flexible Tuition at Sea Crest School. This program makes our school more accessible to families on the coast. This fundraising run honors one of our founding teachers, Ginger Girvin. The theme of the Run is “All for One, Run for All!”

Since 2000
JK-8 Library +Tree House JK-8 Art Studio In 2021 In 2022 In 2023 f u N drai S i NG

Student-centered projects to enhance your child’s educational experience

Interested in joining the Dream Team or the Ginger Girvin Run Committee? Email development@

In Spring 2024 The Raise The Paddle will take
at The DREAM Event Friday,
Save The Date
March 15th, 2024
magical evening when dreams can come true

Since 2021

We know that our future leaders come from a broad range of backgrounds and cultures and that they should be provided with the outstanding foundation an independent school can provide.

Our full-ride scholarships provide talented but economically disadvantaged and culturally underrepresented upper school students (grades 5-8) from our Half Moon Bay community with access to an outstanding education while enriching our classrooms and broader community.

We could not be prouder of the support we have received for this program over the last two years. This school year, we are welcoming 5 Sea Crest Scholars!

o ther W ay S to S upport


Sea Crest School is thrilled to debut the Seal League. This opportunity gives our beloved local community the opportunity to market their business to our 280 plus Coastside Families starting in March 2023 and during the school year 2023-2024.


Business Highlight in Quarterly Special Seal League E-Newsletter

Presenting Sponsor of Sea Crest’s Spring Musical or Summer Camp Scholarships

Quarterly Social Media Shout Outs Via Facebook and Instagram

Logo Inclusion in Two (2) Sunday Wave E-Newsletters

Social Media Shout Outs via Instagram/ Facebook on Ginger Girvin Day Run


Logo Inclusion on Prominent Sea Crest’s Spring Musical Coastal Rep Sign

Logo Inclusion on Prominent Signs on Campus

Logo Inclusion on 2023 Ginger Girvin Run T-Shirt and Promotional Emails

1/2 Page Ad in Spring Musical Program


Two (2) Tickets to the Sea Crest’s Spring Musical

Four (4) Tickets to Sea Crest’s Spring Parent Social Invitation to End of The Year

Family Carnival

Opportunity to Pass Out Marketing Materials at September Welcome Fair

Opportunity for a Special Business Day in Partnership with Sea Crest School

$10,000 Presenter $5,000 Patron $3,000 Supporter $1,500 Giver $500 Friend
join the Seal League, contact

Why We Give

My son was lucky to spend 9 amazing years at Sea Crest. We recently made the leap to high school and it has been bittersweet. While I will miss my 5-minute commute and the sweet days of childhood, I am so grateful to Sea Crest for preparing my child for the next step.

I was on campus recently and in many ways, it is practically a new school compared to when we started. Major transformations have happened over the years. This year, students will have the opportunity to explore their creative side in the newly built art studio. Marine Science, the Library, the Reef, Outdoor Spaces…. All these areas are the direct result of our generous community giving. They are the direct result of YOU. Some giving is harder to articulate. Teacher development, updated curriculum, new learning tools, and more. Not everything is a shiny new area. I can assure you that every dollar benefits our students.

Thank you for your continued support of Sea Crest. This community makes this school great. Have a wonderful year!

c u L ture of G i V i NG

We give to Sea Crest because we want to leave this magical place that our whole family has grown up in better than when we first arrived. When we first started at the school there was no Marine Science room, no Reef, and no Library. All of this is now a part of the school because of our community’s giving.

We love the Social Emotional Learning celebrated each month: Kindness, Respect, Responsibility, Gratitude, Empathy, Perseverance, Honesty, Courage, Cooperation, Creativity, and Joy. All of these qualities are so important to us and our family and we love that our support helps all of us learn these skills.

Please join us in giving the support (time, talent, or treasure) you can to make this place better than when you arrived… so that 27 years from now families can continue to enjoy the supportive, inclusive community that we are all a part of now.

Best wishes for an amazing start to the school year. We look forward to seeing you on campus soon.

(4th Grade) and Thatcher (Junior Kindergarten)

Parent Association Board (PAB)

PAB serves as a vital link between parents, the Sea Crest School Board and the Sea Crest School Administration. The Association exists to support the institution and its operational goals. The Association strives to facilitate cooperation between home and school so that administrators, parents and teachers can provide the best education for our children. Lastly, the Association exists to promote an active interest in Sea Crest School by encouraging participation in its educational and social activities to support the development of community goodwill.

Who is part of PAB? All parents and/or guardians of students at Sea Crest School are members of the association. Additionally, PAB consists of an Executive Committee (2-year terms) that organizes and executes the activities:

Executive Committee:

Kristina Keates, Co-President

Emily Murtha, Co-President

Jackie Zarker, Treasurer

Angela Garvic, Event Coordinator

Karen Wang, Room Parent & Teacher Appreciation Coordinator

Lori Newkirk, Volunteer Coordinator

Nichole Sherebernikoff, Volunteer Coordinator

Rhonda Figone, Booster

Lauren Rossman, Booster

Molly Vandemoer, DEB (Diversity, Equity and Belonging) Liaison

Sarah Hamirani, DEB (Diversity, Equity and Belonging) Liaison

Matt Jones, Dad’s Club

Are you interested in joining PAB?

There are many ways to support PAB and the school through various roles and a number of events throughout the year. Please reach out to if you’re interested in staying in touch. Participation in PAB is a fun way to fulfill your required annual “Honorable Hours”!

What are Honorable Hours?

Sea Crest has thrived due to the thousands of hours that our volunteers give to all of our programs and events each year. Although there are 20 required volunteer hours from each family every year, most families easily exceed that requirement for these “Honorable Hours.” Volunteer opportunities come in many forms (e.g., field trips, school events, professional skills, community events). Although we understand the natural inclination to volunteer only for your own child’s programs, we are very grateful for those who also give to the general needs of the School (crossing guard, hot lunch, yearbook, library, etc.). Thank you for your support.

G etti NG i NV o LV ed

Gift of Time + Talent

Joining the Sea Crest community seven years ago was one of the best decisions our family has made. We moved to the coastside a little over 10 years ago and didn’t have much of a network but joining the Coastside Mothers Club and Sea Crest School helped our family feel a sense of belonging within the Coastside. I am so grateful for these communities and what they’ve given to me and my family; so what better way to show my appreciation than by volunteering and giving back my time? Since joining Sea Crest, I have volunteered as a room parent, attended many field trips, helped plan a Sea Crest Golf Tournament and last year took the role along with Emily to be the Parent Association Board (PAB) Co-Presidents.

I’m excited for this upcoming year, as all three of my children will be attending Sea Crest. I will have a child in each level: Primary, Secondary and Upper. Looking forward to the upcoming school year and continuing to help Sea Crest grow and evolve as a school and community. I hope to meet many of you throughout the year and would love to see more families involved in the variety of programs we offer throughout the year.

Parent of Aiden (6th Grade), Liam (3rd Grade) and Peyton (Junior Kindergarten)

G etti NG i NV o LV ed

As a parent with two children attending Sea Crest, I have been actively involved in the school community in various capacities since my eldest began Kindergarten several years ago. I have enjoyed serving as a class agent and room parent, as well as volunteering in their classrooms and chaperoning field trips. Last year, I was able to concentrate my efforts on the Parent Association Board and working with all the wonderful families that help make Sea Crest the special place that it is.

Growing up on the Coastside, I have witnessed firsthand the positive impact that volunteering has on our close-knit community. By contributing our time and talents, we can all thrive together. I prioritize volunteering at Sea Crest, where my children spend their days learning and growing. This allows me to feel even more connected to their educational experience and witness the direct impact of my contributions.

I look forward to another wonderful school year and collaborating with many of you in the future. If you are interested in volunteering with the PAB, please be on the lookout for more information on the numerous volunteer opportunities that will need your support this year.

Save The Dates

Friday, September 8th, 2023

Family Spaghetti Dinner (pm)

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Parent Coffee #1 (am)

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Back-to-School Night (pm)

Annual Fund Launch*

Saturday, September 23rd, 2023

Strategic Plan Community Day (9am-3pm)

Wednesday, October 11th, 2023

Parent Coffee #2 (am)

Saturday, October 14th, 2023

Pumpkin Festival (am)

Tuesday, October 31st, 2023

Halloween Carnival (am)

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

Parent Coffee #3 (am)

Friday, December 1st, 2023 Night of Lights Parade (pm)

Wednesday, December 13th, 2023

Parent Coffee #4 (am)

Thursday, December 21st, 2023

Winter Concert & Grandparents Celebration (am)

*Fundraising Event

Wednesday, January 10th, 2024

Parent Coffee #5 (am)

Wednesday, February 8th, 2024

State of the School (pm)

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024

Parent Coffee #6 (am)

Monday, March 4th-Friday, March 8th, 2024

Book Fair (am)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2024

Parent Coffee #7 (am)

Friday, March 15th, 2024

The Dream Event* (pm)

Raise The Paddle

Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Parent Coffee #8 (am)

Friday, May 3rd, 2024

Ginger Girvin Run* (am)

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Parent Coffee #9 (am)

Tuesday, May 20thFriday, May 24th, 2024

All-school Musical (pm)

Friday, June 7th, 2024

8th Grade Graduation (pm)

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

Last Day of School

End of Year Carnival (pm)

New Family Welcome Event (pm)

For more information, visit:

S choo L e V e N t S

Ways to Give

Cash, Check, or Credit Card

Gifts may be delivered to the Development Office at Sea Crest School, 901 Arnold Way, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019.

Online Giving

(One-time or Monthly Donations)

Sea Crest accepts online gifts. The process is quick, easy and secure.

Gifts of Securities

Giving a gift of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds can be to your financial advantage. In most cases you may claim a charitable-income tax deduction for the full fair-market value on the shares and avoid capital gains tax. Please consult your financial advisor to clarify the advantages.

Matching Gifts

Many employers offer programs that will match or multiply an employee’s gift to Sea Crest. Does your employer have a matching gift program? Double your impact through matching funds. Check with your company’s Matching Gift Coordinator (usually in the Human Resources or Community Relations Department) for more information.


Our school has two major fundraising events every year: the auction and the Ginger Girvin run for flexible tuition. These events show your support for the school and the great work we do while providing financial stability. These fundraisers also offer many ways for parents to get involved and connect.

Major Gifts

If you are in a position to make a large donation, contact to discuss the direction of your gift and potential naming opportunities.

Planned Giving

Planned gifts put your assets to work now and into the future. Contact to discuss bequests, charitable trusts and other legacy gifts.

Additional Information

Please contact Director of Advancement, Ambar Pina, at 650.712.9892 x239, or via email at

you for SupportiNG our SchooL

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