Inner Wheel Club of Seaford On a wild and windy Sunday morning (the weather forecast had predicted better) two intrepid members of Inner Wheel, and one husband, arrived to set up tables at the Rotary Boot Fair to raise money for our International Charities (photo right). The usual mix of bric-a-brac, plants, books, homemade jams and preserves proved to be popular, all provided by members of the Club. The Rain held off and over £160 was raised. In addition, saving boxes were distributed amongst our members to pop all that loose change in for Sightsavers. Just 35p can treat trachoma, a painful blinding eye condition and £5.60 can protect 16 families from river blindness for a year. Covid 19 has prevented our International Rally SKIN CLINIC from taking place. It is here that clubs are updated with charity works from around the world and from which they decide on their own priorities as to which
charities they will help. In keeping with current trends, there will be a Zoom meeting for clubs to link in with, but it is not the same as the fellowship of meeting and the informal chats that normally occur. However, it is good that we were at least to do something S K I N Cwithin L I N our I C own community to support international projects along side other members of our Club, who look after the charities closer to home.
Inner Wheel of Seaford supporting Sightsavers and WaterAid
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