2 minute read
Friends of Blatchington Green – The Start of a New Adventure
Over the summer Seaford residents set up a new voluntary community group – The Friends of Blatchington Green. Blatchington Green is a small area of green space (about 45 x 21 metres) in the corner of the North Way estate, where North Way meets Firle Road. The Friends will take over site management to improve it for the benefit of wildlife and the local community.
When the North Way estate was built in the 1980s, the developer was obliged by Lewes District Council to hand over Blatchington Green, plus cash, for the benefit of those who would live in the new houses. Seaford Town Council became responsible in 2000. In the Middle Ages drovers brought sheep from the South Downs, using ancient paths, to export through Seaford to the continent. The public footpath that crosses Blatchington Green is probably a remnant from this time. Blatchington Green was part of the First World War training area for training troops stationed at North Camp.
Today Blatchington Green abuts the South Downs National Park. The Green provides a wildlife corridor from open country into the centre of Seaford. Badgers, foxes, toad,s hedgehogs, woodpeckers, owls, slow worms, Brimstone butterflies and iridescent rose chafers are just a few of the interesting creatures that live in and around this area.
The Friends of Blatchington Green initially met to fight plans from Seaford Town Council to sell the site for high density housing. The group was successful in 2018
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and the council shelved plans. Residents nevertheless continued to canvass local councillors and, in June 2021, the council voted to offer this site to local resident management. The council wanted to save costs, but also contribute to the greening of Seaford. Over 60 people have joined the Friends of Blatchington Green, half of whom are working volunteers. For some weeks now the Friends have been seeking to conclude an agreement with the council, allowing us to manage the site in accordance with local wishes over a sensible period so our energy and plans have a chance to show results. The Friends must balance the needs of wildlife with community use. We have held small concerts and games on the Green. More activities are planned, hopefully including this year a Christmas carol concert, to raise funds for more planting of wildflowers, shrubs and trees. A bench may also be installed for the use of residents, including those in an adjacent nursing home. There may be complaints about the UK planning system. But here it did attempt to take account of the physical and mental health of residents. Medical science has increasingly reinforced this view that it is important to have green spaces close to where people live and work. Many would say that COVID has underlined just this. Seaford has a number of these jewels. They need to be preserved from developers, and councils with depressingly few options to generate cash. Several people around Seaford are trying to form groups to manage their sites. They need support. To its credit, Seaford Town Council is now offering encouragement, but the development threat never really disappears. Get in touch: info@Blatchingtongreen.co.uk.