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Alfriston and Cuckmere Valley Twinning Association
Fingers crossed, our first event of 2022 should be a traditional Fête des Rois
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Sunday 9th January 2022, 4pm to 6pm in the Old Chapel Centre, Alfriston. Come and join us to try homemade Galette des Rois – Cake of kings – and to crown a king or Queen of the day!
We’re also, of course, hoping 2022 will be the year we can resume exchange visits with our lovely twin village of Veules-les-Roses on the Normandy coast. In the meantime, we are planning a programme of sociable events, some French-themed, around the Cuckmere Valley. With uncertainty around the pandemic, we’re listening to our members and organising events with safety in mind.
New members are always welcome. There’s no need to speak French – our events and visits are planned so everyone can take part if they wish. Our membership secretary is Robert on 01323 843769 or rmorri1847@ aol.com. For queries about this event, you can ask Angela on 01323 843769 or angela@bobmorri16.plus.com
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