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The Garden Show at Firle Place
The Garden Show in Spring at Firle Place from 17th – 19th April is now in its 13th year, proving that it’s the perfect time and place to plot and plan for the garden year and be inspired to enhance the home and your lifestyle: specialist growers guiding one to the right plant for the garden and the right place in the garden for that plant. There will be plenty of garden-related goods, artisan designs, homeware products, garden furniture, sundries, fashion accessories and the most delicious country foods. The show specifically encourages the smaller businesses and the majority of stands are from the local area. New for 2020 ‘The Studio Shops’ in the beautiful Old Georgian Riding School showcasing and demonstrating unique artisan and design work and Weald Craft Tent will be full with a variety of craft wares.
Apart from the extensive selection of retail companies at the show there are many other attractions. Expert advice daily from ‘The Gardening Doctors’, Val and Steve Bradley, along with knowledgeable key speakers including on the Friday Dr Ian Bedford, entomologist, discussing Companion Planting for Wildlife Friendly Gardens as well as running a Pest Clinic for The Good, The Bad & The Lovely. The show welcomes back, on the Sunday, Ben Cross from Crosslands Nursery who will be extolling the British Cut Flower Industry… British Flowers Rock!
Visitors have the opportunity to wander up to the beautiful St Peter’s Church and into Firle Place Herb Garden and arounds to the park where Spring lambs will be frisking about!
There are plenty of activities on site to keep all the family occupied including The ‘Giant Tombola’, a chance to win amazing prizes donated by The Garden Show exhibitors in aid of Hands of Hope, the show’s chosen charity (www.hohcharity. co.uk). There will be all ‘The Fun of the Fair’ keeping younger visitors busy and happy whilst anyone from 5 years to any age can try their hand at archery! Ongoing Artisan workshops and demonstrations and The Jazz Trio will be wandering the gardens delighting all with their evocative music whilst Huxley Birds of Prey thrill the crowds as they soar to the skies. We will be joined by Lewes Vox Choir on Friday, Mish Mash Morris Dancers on Saturday, and The South Downs Folk Singers on Sunday.
The children’s entertainment on the Saturday and Sunday will bring smiles as they have faces painted, learn to juggle with the jester and join in Fantastical Pirate Treasure Hunt for younger visitors.
20 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers All this and much more. (If you can’t make this show – the next is at Stansted Park, Hants 5th-7th June and moves on to Loseley Park 24th-26th July.) A great day out for the whole family. Life is good in your garden! Adults £8, Seniors £6, Child £3 (4 years and under FOC), Family £20 (2A & 4C), Groups £5 (advance booking 20+), Firle House Free FlowTours £5. No dogs allowed in the Showground and Firle Gardens (except those needed to assist). Tel: 01243 538456 www.thegardenshowonline.com www.firle.com Photos from top: Face painting; shopping at the Garden Show; The Jazz Trio. Win Tickets to the Show! Win a family ticket or a pair of tickets to The Garden Show at Firle Place! What is the name of the show’s chosen charity? Answers by email to: fran@seafordscene.co.uk or by post to Seaford Scene, 4th Floor, 60 Lansdowne Place, Hove BN3 1FG. Please include you name, telephone number and your preferred tickets – family or pair. One entry per person, closing date 29th March 2020.
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