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Refill Seaford and Newhaven
Refi ll Seaf ord an d Newha ven
This has been a very encouraging start to the year as I was able to attend the Seaford Young Mayor’s Quiz Night at the View and see residents raise over £700 towards getting more water fountains in Seaford. He will be having another one of these on 13th March, so do add it to your diary. Book your team by contacting mayors.secretary@seafordtowncouncil.gov.uk
I gave a talk on Refill and the 50 Fountains Challenge to Seaford Afternoon Trefoil Guild. I was also able to answer all sorts of recycling and reusable questions from these very enquiring minds and they will now be taking their plastic milk bottle tops (only washed ones with a 2 or 4 in them please) to M&Co for Anne Taylor’s fundraising collection for the Eastbourne District General Hospital. They also made a generous donation to the Young Mayor’s Fountains Fund.
The South Downs National Park held a drop-in session at the Seven Sisters centre in February and I was able
to speak to them about getting water fountains rather than the taps on outside toilet wall at Seven Sisters and Birling Gap. I think some believe these are just for washing off boots, so I am sure fountains will encourage visitors to Refill and dump fewer plastic bottles in the toilets there, which I saw far too many of when I was there litter picking with Wayne and Koda in the autumn.
In 2020 Refill is planning world domination…or something close to at least! We want to make Refill the go-to app for finding free drinking water on the go so everyone, everywhere can say goodbye to single-use plastic and join the Refill Revolution.
We already have Refill schemes in Japan, Italy, Chile, Ecuador and Australia, and will be launching across Europe in 2020. Meanwhile our Rise of the Reusables pilot scheme in Bristol and Oxford is going well and we will keep you updated about the National rollout.
Craftstone of Sussex
Gas, Electric & Solid Fuel Fireplaces & Stoves
Using the free Refill app, you’ll soon be able to find out where to refill not just your water bottle, but also your coffee cup, lunch-box, groceries, and even your cleaning products and toiletries, so you’ll soon be able to use the Refill app to find everything you need to say goodbye to single-use plastic.
Please don’t forget you can download the Refill app to get the location maps to find Refill points at https:// www.refill.org.uk/get-the-refill-app/ and also register your business and others if you have their permission.
Shop 3-4 l
31 High Street

Telephone: 01323 895666
If you want a Chilly’s bottle, you can buy one of these yourself which keep your drink hot or cold from refill.org.uk/buy-a-bottle/ and Chilly’s make a £10 donation to the Refill campaign. Find us on Facebook Refill Seaford and Newhaven, as there is a group and a page to follow. Twitter @RefillSN, Instagram @ refillsn. General enquiries for talks and information to RefillSeafordandNewhaven@gmail.com.