3 minute read
Workshops for Ukuele with the Seaford
Worksh ops for Ukulele With th e Seaf ord Sunshin e Strumm ers
The Seaford Sunshine Strummers (Ukulele Group) formed 5 years ago, many as total beginners looking for a way to play music without any musical knowledge complications! The group offered a way to discover something new and challenging in retirement and act disgracefully as budding pop stars!
Since those early days the group has grown and has been able to repay the community by playing at various events in and around Seaford, raising money for local charities.
Playing the ukulele is just a small part of the experience. Members enjoy singing and meeting new people, and striking new found, friendships – all fundamental in the success ofmthe group. On these travels around the Seaford District the inquiries to join us/learn to play the ukulele have significantly grown. This of course is not just a Seaford phenomenon, many towns up and down the country and beyond have ukulele groups. Ukulele playing has grown. Is this down to George Harrison or Joe Brown? Perhaps not totally.
The group is preparing to put together beginners workshops for those people who are keen to learn the ukulele, spread over six weeks.
The initial cost to you is only to purchase a ukulele and a donation to cover the hire of the venue. This will lead to the setting up of a new group within Seaford.
If you are already able to play and want to assist in creating this enjoyable experience of playing with like-minded people or if you’d like to take part, please email Trevor: trevorjones332@btinternet.com to log your initial interest.
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Ukulele Workshops 6 *1 hour courses to get you Started. Afternoons / Evenings Learn how to play the ukulele. No musical knowledge required. Initially you just need a ukulele but a tuner and music stand would also be beneficial plus a willingness to practise, enjoy singing and be open to making new friends. There will be a donation of £12 for the course, to pay for the venue. Minimum number required 8, Maximum 12 people per course. To log your interest and for more information please contact in the 1st instance Trevor Jones by email
trevorjones332@btinternet.com Ukulele Workshops 6 x 1-hour courses to get you Started. Afternoons/Evenings Learn how to play the ukulele. No musical knowledge required. Initially you just need a ukulele but a tuner and music stand would also be beneficial, plus a willingness to practise, enjoy singing and be open to making new friends. There will be a donation of £12 for the course, to pay for the venue. Minimum number required 8, maximum 12 people per course.
To log your interest and for more information please contact Trevor Jones by email: trevorjones332@btinternet.com
The Sound of Music 31 March – 4 April
The Croft 7 - 11 April

Bang Bang! 20 – 25 April
The Kite Runner 28 April – 2 May
Box Office 01323 412000 | eastbournetheatres.co.uk EBTheatres
Malory Towers 19 – 23 May
What’s on at Seaford Museum Experience history from the stone age to the present day
6,000 sq ft of Local and Domestic History in peace and war. Now with lift and step-free access. The Martello Tower, Seaford Esplanade Open Saturdays and Sundays 11am - 4pm, Wednesdays 2 - 4 pm.

Spring/Summer Opening Times In the Winter the Museum is open at the weekends, but from 4th March until November we also open from 2-4 pm on Wednesdays. Calling all (new) Volunteers! On Saturday 28th March 10 am - 12 noon in the Tower. If you are interested in helping at the museum, please come and meet us. We need more volunteers with a variety of skills and interests to help take us forward into the next 50 years! See the Past, Design the Future In collaboration with SCIP (Seaford Contemporary Illustrators and Printmakers) we present ‘See the Past, Design the Future’ workshops on 6th and 17th April for young people. Details can be found at www.wearescip.co.uk where you can book for this amazing event! Full details- www.seafordmuseum.co.uk