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SDCA Health and WellbeingTeam
(SCDA) Sussex Community Development Association Health an d Wellbeing Team Denton Island Community Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven
The SCDA health & wellbeing team has gone through some changes! We will no longer be running the same courses and activities that we were before, but we are still here and will be back out in the community very soon! We are still sending out our community wellbeing newsletter, if you would like to receive this please email us on healthylifestyles@sussexcommunity.org.uk or call us on 01273 519149 to let us know. Budget Bites Budget Bites returns! A 6-week course starting on 26th February 2020 which will support people in learning how to cook nutritious food on a budget. For more information or to book your place: 01273 517250 or DICCreception@sussexcommunity.org.uk Family Activities Family courses for parents, carers and grandparents to learn new skills and ideas to better support their child’s learning and development through play. For Under 5s with a free crèche in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Numbers & Play: 10am-12 noon, 24th February-30th March.
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Language & Play: 10am-12 noon, 20th April-8th May. Denton Island Community Centre (DICC), Newhaven. Contact families@sussexcommunity.org.uk or 01273 517250 to book your place. Peacehaven Plodders A friendly walking group that will meet every other week on a Thursday evening for the spring and summer. A free, social and accessible walk on and around the South Downs, alternating between easy and short, and off road and longer at different locations. Please contact our Health Champion Volunteer Leader Dawn Paul on 07966 842232 or email: dawn.paul99@btopenworld. com for further details. GOSH in the Havens Green & Open Spaces for Health. This walking group meets every Wednesday morning. All walks are around 90 minutes. A free programme of outdoor group activities – fresh air, friendly people, gentle exercise, nature and a cuppa! Please contact our Health Champion Volunteer Leader Dawn Paul on 07966 842232 or email: dawn.paul99@btopenworld.com.
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