2 minute read
Bishopstone Spring Show for Horticultural
labour and money towards the upkeep of our fine building. In the current day we face our own challenge: our congregation is not staying in line with our parish’s ever-increasing population, and wear and tear on the historic structure is continuing to reveal itself. It should not however be up to the worshipping congregation alone to provide resources for this magnificent building, but rather the greater parish as a whole. Our faithful congregation has always stepped up to the mark when appeals for funding have been made, and for that we are eternally grateful, but the Friends scheme offers another path, one along which the greater parish can feel part of a true belonging and ownership.
Would you consider helping out in some way towards the upkeep of this fine building by becoming a friend of the church? If so, details of the Friend’s scheme can be found on the parish website (www.seafordparish. org.uk/friends-of-st-leonards), or by visiting the church and talking to one of the vergers or church sitters. As a parish we may all then rest a little easier, in the knowledge that we are upholding our duty as custodians of this fine building for the next 900 years!
Tony Willer, Friends of St Leonard’s member.
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We are pleased to announce the revival of the Spring Show at Bishopstone Parish Hall, Bishopstone Village on Saturday 21st March, 2020.
All the proceeds from the show will go to St Andrew’s Church, Bishopstone, for the continued upkeep of this beautiful ancient building.
The show is open to everyone of all age groups. Classes include flowers, plants, flower arranging, vegetables, cookery, preserves, wine, beer, squash, eggs, handicrafts, photography and art, also two children’s sections (ages up to 10 years or 11-16 years).
It is a fun show, you don’t have to be an expert, it’s the taking part that matters. You can pick up the schedules from St Andrew’s Church, St Peter’s Church or Angie’s Newsagent, Claremont Road. Entries must be in by Wednesday 18th March. Staging your items is from 9am11am, judging will commence at 11.15am and presentations at 4pm.
The show will be open for viewing from 2pm (entrance £1). There will be a raffle, coffee, teas and homemade cakes. The church will also be open. We look forward to seeing you with your exhibits.
For more information tel: 01323 492246 / 872098 or email: lindawallraven@gmail.com.