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Neighbourhood Watch Roundup
Neighb ourhood Watch Roundup
Our efforts, and the correct use of the Operation Blitz hotline, has led to one arrest recently which itself discourages more anti-social behaviour – there are consequences and they are enforced.
Good Neighbourliness is what it’s all about, and here in Seaford & Bishopstone, we do that really well. It is not too many towns that can boast the closeness and care that we demonstrate so regularly to each other and for our community. Testament to that is our very low crime rate compared to other East Sussex towns. You are the Great Neighbours that make Seaford & Bishopstone a special place to live.
Feedback from Sussex Police regarding Seaford is always positive with commendation to us for our use of the Police reporting tools, our swift and considered action when we spot something dodgy, and our cooperation with SusPols efforts to keep us the safe town that we are.
Operation Blitz is used to excellent effect and incidents of Anti-Social Behaviour are decreasing as a result.
Burglaries and break-ins average five reported incidents across the Lewes district per week with Seaford seldom on the statistics. This again is testament to our Great Neighbourliness when it comes to crime prevention. However, scam crime is rife and, on the increase. Scams are by far the most threatening crime that we can fall victim to.
Knowledge is power and shared knowledge is the best prevention against Scam Crime of any nature. Become Scam Savvy and share that knowledge with neighbours and friends.
Typically Scams fall into seven distinct categories: 1. Doorstep Crime: Rogue Traders and Distraction Burglars use your doorknocker as an open invitation for fraud. If you aren’t expecting a visit from a trader or from any service provider, turn the caller away. If the caller will not leave, call the Police on 999. If you feel the caller will prey on neighbours, call 999. Adopt a zero-tolerance policy to doorstep callers. Always ask for ID, always be sceptical and if in doubt, shut your door. Display a No Cold Calling decal at your door.
10 Lindfield Ave, Seaford BN25 4DY
2. Postal Crime: Winning the lottery by post, a lottery that you never entered, is a fraud, plain and simple. If you get a letter that asks for admin fees before the prize can be paid out, it is a fraud. Any letter asking for money, other than bills you expect and recognise, is a fraud. Report the attempted fraud to Trading Standards and do not, under any circumstances, send any money no matter how convincing the letter may seem.
3. Email Crime: By far this is the most vulnerable space for all of us as email crime is tricky, convincing and often downright intimidating. Not only do we fall victim to fraudulent licence renewals, refunds, account closures and false threats of bailiffs, but opening attachments on dodgy mails can open us up to viruses, malware, trojan horses and worms, phishing scams, identity theft and theft of our passwords and banking credentials. Use a rugged and resilient virus protection package – NHW recommends AVAST, which can be found here https:// www.avast.com/. They offer a free package and a premium package and with one licence you can protect
4. Telephone Crime: Nuisance calls and Scam calls are on the rise with number spoofing so convincing that it is easy to be fooled. Trading Standards have an active project with TruCall blocking systems and you can read about their ongoing project here https://www. nationaltradingstandards.uk/news/free-call-blockers-forvictims-of-scam-and-nuisance-phone-calls/. Nobody can see your router over the phone, Microsoft do not call their clients, nor do Amazon. HMRC do not send the bailiffs. If a call sounds dodgy, hang up and block the number. Don’t ever ring a dropped call back again, it is a reverse scam where you are calling a premium number and being billed. Use https://who-called.co.uk/ to check who called you before falling victim to a crime. 5. Text Crime: With mobile phones now so advanced, they act like minicomputers in your pocket, text crime is on the increase with text messages embedded with links to phishing sites and spoof accounts. Do not open any links from a text message unless you know exactly who the text is from. Use a mobile virus package like AVAST to protect your phone and your data. 6. Romance Crime: This is a horrible crime that preys on the lonely and is on the increase. Scammers groom online singles into believing they are in a real relationship and then empty their bank account over time. Never send money to any person you have never met. The pretty blonde or handsome hunk you met online may well be a glib scammer who is sitting in a basement somewhere scamming hundreds more out of a harem of victims. 7. Grooming: This is an insidious and evil crime where lonely and vulnerable people, and the young, are groomed over a period of weeks, months and even years into believing they have a real friend who cares about them. They become victim to the most horrible extortions including pension reinvestments, which is

just theft, lending money, never to be seen again, and in some instances, bequeathing their entire estates. The young fall victim to groomers who use their bank accounts to launder money, giving the youngsters a ‘commission’. These scammers destroy lives and especially so in the young as all financial crimes are prosecuted and young people end up with criminal records as a result.
Learn as much as you can about Scam crime. Visit www. friendsagainstscams.org.uk and do their online courses. If you have the time, organise a workshop where NHW will be happy to come and present the course.
Remember to report every crime or attempted crime to ActionFraud https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ or by phone to 0300 123 2040.
Scam frauds cost the economy between 5 and 10 billion pounds a year with an alarming 5% of crimes ever reported. More alarming is that this vast sum of money is stolen off people who are in the main, elderly and vulnerable. It is a hideous invisible crime that utterly destroys lives and wrecks families. Only by becoming Scam Savvy, and sharing our knowledge, can we put a dent in this booming criminal industry.
Take good care of each other and keep being the glue that holds our community together; the Great Neighbours that make Seaford and Bishopstone the safest town in East Sussex.
*No Cold Calling decals can be collected from our stand in the Police Station lobby or by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to S&BNHW, 37 Church Street, Seaford, BN25 1HG and we will post one back to you.
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