2 minute read
New Nursery Pre-school Opens at Cradle Hill Community Primary School
Cradle Hill Community Primary School started a new chapter in the school history by opening a new maintained nursery Pre-school this September. The school was built over 50 years ago and has been enlarged to a three-form entry school, benefiting from new extensions whilst still retaining its community spirit as a school.
The school is now able to offer children in Seaford a learning journey starting from the age of 2 to 11 years.
The new provision is contained in a purpose-built classroom and outside area, with all new resources purchased this summer, which was ready to open on 5th September. This additional provision has been a great benefit to local parents and carers, as it is easily located within the school grounds/community and benefits from the highly trained school staff who oversee and ensure a safe and secure environment. Mrs Andrea Keith said: ‘We are incredibly excited that we have opened our own Nursery Pre-school. We hope this will support our local community and families Wutan and we are delighted that we now have children as Kung Fu & Tai Chiyoung as two in our school! Photo l-r: Hermione Parks, Foundation Stage Leader and Andrea Keith Head Teacher with two nursery children.
Tuesdays Tuesdays
6-7pm: Family Kung Fu £6 adults/£4 Children 5.50-7pm Family Kung Fu £6 adults/£4 children 7-8pm: Tai Chi £7 per class or £10.00 for both classes Chyngton Primary School 7-8pm Tai Chi £7 per class or £10 both classes
Millberg Road,Seaford, BN25 3ST Thursdays Senior Instructor: Audra Marshall 12-1pm - Tai Chi £8 drop in, £7 monthly To register: E: audramarshall@icloud.com or T: 07971 296698 Mercread Youth Centre, Mercread Road, Seaford ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP/INSURANCE FEE APPLIES For Acupuncture & Tai Chi enquiries: Instructor Audra Marshall 07971 296698 Email: audramarshall@icloud.com

Booking needed email:
penny@yogaforallherts.com 07944 416572
Vajrasati Yoga with Rosie Waters, Vajrasati Senior Teacher Gentle traditional Yoga suitable for all
The Chapel Rooms, St. Peter’s Church, Belgrave Road, Seaford BN25 2HE Tues 10.30am & Thurs 7pm Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane BN25 1PU Sat 10am Rosie Waters: Tel/Text: 01323 892638 / 07983 622840
E: seahavenyoga@btinternet.com www.seahavenyoga.co.uk

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