Wellness Wisdom Mar. 2015

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wellness WISDOM

2015 March




21 新春特惠

4 神奇马尔代夫

21 春季复苏身体护理特惠



22 春之风吟 23 盛世中华梦亲子巡游主题体验


23 Optime特惠尊享

10 男士洁净面部护理

24 春-春和景明

10 完美四季体验

25 给自己一个平衡身心灵的圣诞水疗享受

11 焕采新年

26 I SPA推优惠套餐

11 浪漫之旅 盛情邀约

27 舒缓身心氧滋旅

12 春天里遇见意大利美食

28 23年华美绽放

12 冬季礼遇

29 粉红三月

13 携手海星宝宝 与家人共度欢乐时光

30 你放假我放价

13 东方热源护理

31 热石之魅

14 新春特惠 双倍尊享

33 自然之道,成就健康

14 明净致美-“松”特色按摩

34 冬日暖阳,比翼双飞

15 净宇水疗特荐护理

35 西禅·藏艺SPA——藏医学的深厚底蕴

15 洲际惠享 16 完善美丽 16 专注吉朗丽理疗,体验极致优雅 17 神秘桃源 17 玉巴厘理疗 18 时光倒退之旅 18 福佑之旅 19 炫逸经典 19 倾心相遇、甜蜜陪伴,完美婚嫁、喜上加喜 20 买一赠一优惠 20 在龙城丽宫享受“东方桃园养生SPA” 2


2015 March

Wellness Knowledge 6

The Mysterious Maldives


The Salty Steam of Life

Wellness Journey 10

A Palace of Personal Peace, Enchantment

26 I SPA Promotion Package 27

Moisturize Your Body and Mind with O. Spa Journey


Healing Secret of the Hot Stone

SPA Partners

and Well-being 10

Four Seasons Luxury


Glow Your New Year


Sheraton Xian Hotel-Ciao! Italia!


Special Winter Offer


Wholesome Family Fun with Starfish


Oriental Thermal Infusion


Natural Spa Enjoyment


Clarity - Song Signature


Special Care to Face and Eye


Perfect Your Beauty


A Mysterious Escape


Balinese Delight


The Way Back to Youth


Buy One Get One Free


Enjoy “Oriental Spa” in Loong Palace


Greeting the New Year with Special Offers


Special Offer at Optime Spa

24 Spring – Banyan Blowing 25

Christmas SPA Retreat to Balance Your Body and Soul


专家论坛 | Wellness Knowledge

神奇马尔代夫 这是一个散落在印度洋上的美丽岛国,拥有数以千计的岛屿。虽地处遥远,但对中国游客来说 却有着极大的吸引力

Picture by One & Only Reethi Rah























至今还有一些人对她的印象,还仅仅停 留在伊恩·弗莱明笔下的007系列小说中 《游艇上的谋杀案》里的马尔代夫。










维多利亚(贝克汉姆之妻)以及他们的4个孩子 送行。此次旅行,贝克汉姆一家入住One & Only Reethi Rah豪华度假村11晚之久,并且称 赞这是一次“最开心的新年旅行”。 马尔代夫一如既往的好天气,也是其最 吸引人的亮点之一。印度洋就像一个热量缓 冲器,将热带高温吸收、存储,然后慢慢释 放,成就了马尔代夫显著的热带雨林气候, 全年平均气温在24°C(75°F)至33°C(91°F) 之间。 马尔代夫最大的魅力,是鲜艳夺目的珊 瑚礁以及美的令人窒息的热带鱼。这里还是 潜水爱好者的天堂。只需一副潜水镜,一套 换气装置以及一对脚蹼,你就能无尽地享受 最美丽的水下乐园。当然,这一乐趣一直倍 受青睐。自从1972年马尔代夫打开国门迎来 第一批国际游客,迄今接待过的人数已超一 千万。其中20%以上的人都有幸在此体验过潜 水或浮潜。 马尔代夫有超过70家度假村散布在岛屿 之间。在马尔代夫,一座岛就是一家酒店, 私密性极强,但同时也产生了酒店之间的距 离与交通问题,而且价格出乎意料的贵。但 你又如何忍心为天堂贴上金钱的标签呢?每 家酒店都提供了一系列的水上运动,钓鱼、 潜水,或者就只是懒懒地躺在沙滩上享受天 堂(被大多数游客所喜欢),都一样惬意。 “ L o n e l y  P l a n e t ” ( h t t p : / / w w w . lonelyplanet.com/maldives)曾经这样评价:这 里有最纯净洁白的海滩,蔚蓝透明的海水以 及温暖适宜的气候。不论是对于蜜月的爱 人,还是阳光浴或潜水爱好者,这里就是天 堂。我想,这是对马尔代夫最棒的描述。 马尔代夫的入境规则要注意:马尔代 利因素使之成为世界海拔最低的国家之一。















来说的确是非常严峻的威胁。 不过,毕竟到预测沉没的期限还有几十 年之久,马尔代夫这个美丽的国度无限地吸










之地。马尔代夫旅游局部长Ahmed Adeeb亲







专家论坛 | Wellness Knowledge

The Mysterious Maldives This country is a unique collection of more than a thousand islands spreading over a huge area of the Indian Ocean, one of the most remote places on Earth, and a place of growing fascination for Chinese tourists


he Maldives is in many ways something

need to think first of Sri Lanka. The Maldive

of a mystery. It is one of the lowest

islands are about 700 kilometers (430 miles)

countries on the planet and its govern-

southwest of Sri Lanka. Or, if you prefer, 400

ment has predicted that if global warming continues, the oceans will rise until the Maldives will

ate from 1887 until 1965 when the country

have predicted that this will happen this century,

became independent and it is now ruled by an

which means if you are planning ever to go to

elected government. There is also a sultanate

the Maldives the time to plan is now.

for ceremonial purposes, which is a pleasant

For some people, their only knowledge of

decorative touch but makes no difference to

the place is that it was the setting of an early

the workings of the Republic of the Maldives. The Maldives population is under 400,000

as that is probably the least read of Ian Flem-

and they live on 192 of its 1,200 islands

ing’s James Bond books that mention makes

around. The capital is Malé, which has a popu-

little difference to the general lack of knowl-

lation of around 100,000. All of which makes

edge about the Maldives.

the Maldives the second smallest country in

Few people, indeed, can place precisely where it is on the map. The Maldive islands (officially the Republic


The Maldives were a British protector-

be submerged and disappear. Maldives officials

James Bond novel, The Hildebrand Rarity. And

Picture by Angsana Velavaru, Maldives

kilometers (250 miles) southwest of India.

Asia both in area and in population. One of the major problems it faces are concerns about rising sea levels from global warm-

of the Maldives) is a double chain of 26 atolls

ing. The country is, on average, 1.5 meters

(note that an atoll is a collection of islands)

(just a little under 5 feet) above sea level which

so the Maldives has more than 1,200 coral

gives it the unfortunate distinction of being the

islands. The atolls are aligned roughly in a

lowest country in the world. If you stand at

north-south direction, and spread over roughly

the highest point in the Maldives you are less

90,000 square kilometers. To locate it, you

than 8 (2.4 meters) above the water. Therefore

to the Maldives, global warming is a serious

resort and Beckham had described his time in

paradise? There is a wide range of water-sports

threat and problem.

Maldives as “the happiest new year holiday”.

offered by the resorts with fishing and skin div-

Part of the great appeal of the Maldives is

ing – or just lying back and enjoying paradise –

But until that happens, and it is almost certainly decades away, the Maldives is a most beautiful

the consistent weather. The Indian Ocean acts

place – the name can be translated as Necklace

as a heat buffer, absorbing, storing, and slowly

among the most popular tourist pleasures.

of Islands – and is immensely attractive to travel-

releasing the tropical heat. As a result, the

com/maldives has this to say: “So superior

ers. Everywhere is a small piece of paradise.

Lonely Planet http://www.lonelyplanet.

temperature of Maldives ranges between 24°C

are its beaches, so cobalt blue its waters and

Tourism is relatively new to the Maldives

(75°F) and 33°C (91°F) all year round with con-

so warm its welcome that the country has

and we can date its beginning with the first

stant cool sea breezes keeping the air moving.

become a byword for paradise whether it be

resort in the Maldives which was Kurumba

The nation's largest attractions are its

for honeymooners, sun worshippers or divers.”

Maldives, which opened in 1972. Since then,

underwater coral gardens, with an amazing

tourism has flourished although it is still a

range of sea life. For skin divers it is a paradise.

somewhat difficult place to get to and the pric-

And all you need is a pair of goggles, a snorkel

There are few entrance formalities. Basically

es, understandably, on the resorts scattered

and flippers and you can see more sea life and

it involves a free 30 days visa upon arrival for all

throughout the islands are relatively high.

forms of coral on a holiday than you can see

visitors, but it helps to have a resort booking.

As this is written, the world famous footballer David Beckham is just ending a holiday

elsewhere in a life-time. This has not gone unnoticed by tourists.

Which is an amazing yet accurate summary of the Maldives.

At the moment you cannot get to the Maldives from Sri Lanka by boat, which might

there. Beckham and his family left the Maldives

From 1972 when the Maldive Islands opened

seem to people who enjoy cruising a logical

vowing to make Maldives their holiday destina-

its doors to international visitors, over 10 million

way to go. Instead you fly into the capital Male,

tion every year.

tourists have visited, out of which 20% of tour-

normally from Singapore or Kuala Lumpur.

Beckham, with his wife Victoria and their four kids, was seen off at Ibrahim Nasir Interna-

ists are regular repeat visitors.

By far the best way to experience the place

There are just over 70 resorts spread about

is through a package holiday which can either

tional Airport by the Maldives Tourism Minister

among the islands and, understandably, given

include cruising between a number of resorts

Ahmed Adeeb. The Beckham family had spent

the problems of distance and isolation, they are

or just staying put in one place and forgetting

11 nights at the luxury One & Only Reethi Rah

not inexpensive. But how do you put a price on

the cares of the world.


专家论坛 | Wellness Knowledge

汗水 在

英语里,排汗(perspire)一词的 词根和心灵(spirit)的词根是一 样的。更有趣的是,从吸气


生命咸动力 热浪滚滚,适度运动,辛辣大餐,桑 拿蒸汽,甚至解决面对的一些困难, 都会有助于出汗。我们发现一些因素 对排汗过程至关重要

排汗和呼吸的词根也是一样的。 即使是在你不感觉到热的状态下,排汗 过程其实也从未停止,尽管我们以为自己没 有出汗。我们的皮肤就像一张细密的网,里 面咕噜冒着气泡。所以,即便我们脸上清清 爽爽,身体里其实却是雾气蒸腾。 在我们的身体里,热量上升至头部。 我们的呼吸,其实也是一种温暖潮湿的细密 薄雾。热量会加剧分子震动和细胞代谢的频 率。发热发汗可以帮助燃烧掉喜湿的微生物 和病菌,如病毒和细菌。所以,适当排汗是





中医认为发汗从肾脏开始,随着肾上腺 肾阳的活跃,开始体内蒸腾气化过程。 人们对三焦知之不多。三焦是中医学






















只有哺乳动物可以排汗,而对大多数哺 乳动物来说,排汗是为了让手垫脚垫更润滑


我们体内堆积着大量的情感、思想还有 食物,等待我们用最原始的方式——排汗,


































辛辣食物:辛辣食物可以刺激皮肤的感 受器。皮肤感受器会对异常温度和剧烈的机































当然,排汗也要适量而行。运动过度 或蒸桑拿时间过长都会导致精气耗伤,精神 疲倦。最后,要保证自己多喝清水,适时放 松,适时休息。



The Salty Steam of Life

rushing heat waves, a good work-

Only mammals sweat and for most mam-

On a broader stroke, looking at sweat

out, working out a problem, a spicy

mals it is a way to lubricate the pads of the

from a holistic health perspective like TCM,

meal, or 15 minutes in a hot sauna

feet and hands for grip. Humans sweat the

you can discover and learn more about overall

most of any animal.

bodily processes.

at a spa. It’s all sweat. There is something primal about the process of sweating. The word root for perspire (another fancy word for sweat) is the same as the word root

The adult body has 2-4 million sweat

when the heart pumps faster, blood moves

There are 200 sweat glands per square cen-

and the body heats up. Blood takes energy

timeter of human body.

from the excess tissue and turns it into heat,

for spirit and breath, as is respire and expire.

We typically steam 1-3 liters of sweat

It is this basic mix of fire with water that

every day, but on a hot day with lots of activ-

creates steam in our bodies. Remember, you are mostly water, and you are warm. When you heat water, it changes from a

Sweat in TCM starts in the kidneys with the spark of adrenal glands (like Kidney Yang),

nervous system, a reaction to the fight or

out through the body, radiating heat and

blood, things heat up in the body.

Even under normal conditions sweating occurs constantly, though the process of perspiration may be imperceptible. Our skin is like a fine screen with bubbling, gurgling steam inside. So even when we are not wiping sweat off our faces, we are steaming a super-fine mist inside. Inside our skin, heat rises right to our heads. Even our breath is a warm, moist, fine mist. Heating results in an increase in molecular vibration and cellular metabolic rate. The ability to generate a fever with sweating helps burn up damp-loving microbes or bugs in your body, like viruses and bacteria. Regular sweating is one of your best defenses against getting sick. The earth’s thermodynamics and bodily thermodynamics both respond to steam fluctuations in relation to pressure (inflammation) from fire within. Like a volcano changes the landscape, self-steaming can change your emotional and physical landscape.

Close Up and Glandular


Sweat is an action of the sympathetic

liquid to a warm steam as it moves up and

beyond bodily form.

and way down the line steams it out of our

ity a person can sweat out almost 15 liters.

flight response. If the heart pumps more

your electro-magnetic field (auric field, wei qi)

The heart relates directly to sweat because

glands spread across the surface of the skin.

When we really heat things up, pores

beginning the steaming process. The triple warmer is a little-understood organ which is responsible for water metabolism. The triple warmer has no form but exists

in our skin open and a salty warm liquid is

in the spaces of the body, lower, middle, and

secreted: sweat.


The TCM View

for good fluid circulation and therefore good

Strictly speaking, sweat as a fluid relates

sweat. Steaming liquids throughout the body

directly to the heart in Traditional Chinese

and even all the way up to the top of the head

Medicine. Likewise, there are many different

is part of a cleansing process.

This triple warmer function is essential

sweating patterns in TCM, such as spontane-

A diet high in calories, damp food, and

ous sweating or night sweating, which are

refined food promotes a clogging of the triple

signs of imbalance and should be corrected.

burner function. Clear thoughts and energy cannot be properly steamed up to the head, or the house of the clear yang as it is called. Lack of water and exercise also contributes to the clogging of the system, with the cauldron steaming a sticky, greasy mess instead of a fine mist. The bodily systems need to be unburdened, flushed, and reopened. Spa programs which include colonics, detox programs, exercise, massage, and of course sauna/steam help to quickly reopen the triple burner for optimal functioning or steaming. Sweating is a primary way to reopen the triple warmer function and steam clear fluids throughout your body. After sweating, you

In modern bio-science, sweating is a system

get a calm and clean feeling in both body and

of heat balance.



遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 完美四季体验 让自己或亲人爱侣沉醉于特别制定的水疗之 旅。疗程可根据个人的喜好、团队、特别的场 合或是纪念日而专门制定,增添额外的意义及 喜悦。 完美四季体验 210 分钟 香薰浸浴(奉上健康饮料及点心) 四季专属身体磨砂 四季香薰晶石按摩 四季极致个人专属面部护理 家居护理产品 - 焕生滋润玫瑰润肤油100ml

Four Seasons Luxury

Pamper yourself or someone special with a day of indulgent spa treatments enhanced with extraordinary services. Customized packages can be designed for special occasions or groups, adding extra enjoyment to memorable events. Four Seasons Luxury 210 minutes Aroma Bath (served with healthy drink & snack) Four Seasons Bespoke Body Polish

男士洁净面部护理 紧张的工作节奏和生活压力,在潜移默化地促使 皮肤衰老,而面部皮肤的“焕然一新”已然是男

Four Seasons Aroma Crystal Massage Four Seasons Prescription Facial Home care product - Nourishing Rose Body Oil 100ml Package for single: RMB 2,980 (subject to 15% service charge) Package for couple: RMB 5,580 (subject to 15% service charge)

士商务洽谈的重要因素。所以,面部皮肤的护 理,对当今男士来说是工作和生活中必不可少的 部分。我们特别为男士设计的面部护理,针对黯 淡、疲倦的肌肤进行深层护理。独特醒神成份, 增强皮肤生命力,促进血液循环,去除毒素同时 更能舒缓及修护受损肌肤,令您容光焕发。 预订电话:029-88355555

Firming Treatment by Bamboo

Nervous working rhythm and life pressure make the skin age quickly, and facial skin "brand-new" already is an important factor in business. So, taking good care of skin is essential in work and life for men. We promote a great facial treatment for men, to care for bleak, tired skin. Unique facial production can enhance skin vitality and promote the blood circulation. To remove toxins can relieve and repair damaged skin at the same time, making your face glow. Reservation No: 029-88355555

西安香格里拉大酒店【气】水疗 CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel Xi’an 西安市科技路38号乙 38B Keji Road, Xi’an, 710075, China Tel: +86 29 8835 5555


广州四季酒店花水疗 Hua Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou 中国广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路5号 广州四季酒店69楼 69/F Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou, 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 8883 3000

遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 焕采新年 到处弥漫着喜气祥和的节日气氛,喜来登水疗特为您甄选新年焕采 体验,让您以崭新的面貌迎接新一年的精彩。 *炫逸按摩75分钟 * 生姜裹敷45分钟 *炫逸面部护理30分钟 惊喜价:1288净价(原价:1818 净价) 每日19:00前享受以上套餐,更有超值大礼包相送(周六和春节假期 期间不适用) 炫逸背部按摩45分钟 价值480(限下次使用) 喜来登健身中心游泳券一张 喜来登水疗,酒店东楼一楼。 预订电话:+86 571 8500 2222-8282 两人同行,第二人再享9折优惠。不可与其他优惠同时使用。

Glow Your New Year

The festivity of New Year fills the air with traditional spirit of prosperity and harmony. This refreshing experience will leave you radiant and deeply relaxed. Greet the New Year in your new look. *Shine signature massage 75minutes *Ginger wrap 45minutes *Shine facial 30minutes Promotional Price: RMB1,288 Net (usual price: RMB1,818 Net) Extra benefits are applicable if your treatment end up before 7:00 pm (except Saturday and spring festival holiday) Shine back massage 45minutes value RMB480 (Next time use only) One swimming time card for Sheraton Fitness Center East Wing 1F, Shine Spa for Sheraton For reservations please call +86 571 8500 2222-8282 One of couple can have 10%discount Not to be combined with other offers or promotions.

浪漫之旅,盛情邀约 阳光在这里恣意流淌,鸟语花香在这里徜徉,喧嚣浮华的都市就那样 遥远了。在雅致的洲际水疗中心享受悠闲时光,挑选美好的护理疗 程,让身心灵放一次假,攸乐在即。洲际水疗为您订制两款买一赠一 尊享礼惠,重拾个人青春活力。

杭州西溪喜来登度假酒店喜来登水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton at Sheraton Hangzhou Wetland Park Resort 杭州紫金港路西溪天堂国际旅游综合体1号 1 Westbrook Resort, Zijingang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310030, China Tel: +86 571 8500 2222 ext.8282

宠爱一身豪华享受 体验价:880元 体验价值880元75分钟高效水润面部护理 赠送价值580元60分钟芳香排毒按摩 巴厘岛奢华体验 体验价:780元 体验价值780元70分钟活力再生香薰按摩 赠送价值480元40分钟香薰牛奶盐身体磨砂 或者价值480元40分钟再生排毒裹肤护理

洲际水疗 Spa InterContinental at InterContinental Huizhou Resort 广东省惠州市横沥镇温泉大道1号 No.1 Wenquan Dadao, Hengli Town, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China Tel: +86 752 3208888*8705/8706


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey

冬季礼遇 印第安头部按摩 & 御用招牌按摩 价格:RMB960/80分钟 优惠价:RMB598 活动日期:即日起至12月31日

Special Winter Offer Indian Head Massage & Imperial Signature Massage List Price: RMB960/80mins Now Only: RMB598 Promotion Date: Valid to 31st Dec 2014

春天里遇见意大利美食 来自欧洲南部的意大利美食在这个春意盎然的三 月带你拥抱美丽的亚平宁半岛。源远流长的罗马

涟水疗 L Spa at Sunrise On the Bund Hotel Shanghai 上海虹口区高阳路168号外滩浦华大酒店6楼


6/F, 168 Gao Yang Road, Shanghai, China


Tel: +86 21 5558 9999*6008

浓浓意大利风情。除了各式传统意大利面,披萨 和火腿外,我们隆重向您推荐:现刨Parma Ham 和经典意大利Risotto。2015唯有美食与爱不可辜 负!Ciao,意大利! 价格: RMB230/人净价 每周四/五/六两人同行一人免单 详情咨询: 86 29 8426 1888-1560

Sheraton Xian Hotel-Ciao! Italia! Indulge your appetite in spring 2015 with Sheraton Xian in Italian Food Festival. We will open your journey to prosperous Roman culture and his gourmet. We present you the classic Italian food of pasta and pizza as well as Parma Ham and Risotto! Ciao, Italia 2015! Price: CNY 230/person Buy one get one free on each Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday For more information: 86 29 8426 1888-1560 西安喜来登大酒店/Sheraton Xi’an Hotel 西安市沣镐东路262号 262 Fenghao Road East, Xi’an, China Tel: +86 29 8426 1888


携手海星宝宝 与家人共度欢乐时光 石梅湾艾美度假酒店是家庭休闲度假的理想之选!陪着您的孩子来 这里结识他们的新朋友 - 海星宝宝,体验为家庭成员量身定制的丰 富亲子活动,品尝特色美食,更多精彩更多欢笑等您与家人一起来 探索! 人民币1,280净价,即可尊享: 1) 入住礁湖池景房一晚; 2) 每日2份成人早餐及1-2份10岁以下的儿童早餐; 3) 500元餐饮消费代金券或在举杯地平线享用家庭晚餐一次(完成海 星宝宝任务卡上的所有任务后方可兑换); 4) 免费为3岁至10岁的儿童提供看护服务(09:00-21:00); 5) 体验海星宝宝任务卡上的精彩活动; 6) 还有更多优惠等您体验。

Wholesome Family Fun with Starfish Parents looking for an ideal place to take your kids may find respite at the Le Meridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa and its new found friend, Starfish! Only RMB1,280 net per room per night including: 1) Accommodation in Lagoon View room for one night; 2) Including daily breakfast for 2 adults and 2 children under 10 years old; 3) Either RMB500 F&B Coupon or a Family Set Dinner at the Cheers Horizon (To be redeemed once all tasks are completed); 4) Designated babysitting service for children between the ages of 3 to 10 years old (09:00 to 21:00); 5) Experience starfish tasks activities; 6) More benefits are waiting for you.

东方热源护理 以独创温热草药暖泥敷面和涂抹身体, 具有排毒功效, 使人精神焕发。 融合人参、生姜、银杏叶和桂皮分与传统中草药混合的独特配方, 压敷抹在人体的气血中枢,


和疲劳的肌肉, 使人精神抖擞,气血顺畅。 姜汁泡脚,温热草药暖泥敷面,按压敷抹

石梅湾艾美度假酒店 Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa 海南省万宁市石梅湾旅游度假区 Shimei Bay, Wanning, Hainan, 571533, China Tel: +86 898 6252 8888

1小时50分钟 人民币1280 加15%服务费

Oriental Thermal Infusion Warm poultices with rich infusion of Ginseng, Ginger, Ginkgo Leaf and Cassia and traditional Chinese herbal mix are pressed and rolled over the body’s energy centres to release trapped energy and soothe aching limbs and tired muscles. An express facial combined with Chinese facial acupressure completes this revitalising treatment. Ginger Foot Buff, Warm Poultice Treatment, Express Facial with Acupressure 1hour 50 minutes RMB 1280+15% surcharge

王府半岛酒店水疗中心 The Peninsula Spa Beijing 中国北京王府井金鱼胡同8号王府半岛酒店3层 3/F The Peninsula Beijing, 8 Goldfish Lane, Wangfujing, Beijing, China Tel: +86 10 6510 6090 Email: spapbj@peninsula.com, www.peninsula.com


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey

「明净致美」- “松”特色按摩 「松池」特色按摩借着深入有力的按压动作, 疏通体内经络,并将行气活血的中医素材热敷 于皮肤上,有效帮助舒缓僵硬或疼痛的肌肉, 消除疲劳,让身体恢复轻松的状态。

Clarity - Song Signature Our signature massage blends deep, firm pressure to unblock the pathways of energy and introduces a hot compress of traditional Chinese medicine material, a traditional Chinese tonic for healing, directly to the skin to effect overall bal-

天然水疗享 我们与大自然元素的联系始于我们的名字:蔚柳 溪,并且贯穿在我们向宾客提供的所有细节中, 譬如我们的理念、疗法、产品和环境。

ance, relax stiff or pained muscles, and alleviate fatigue. 松池水疗中心/Song Spa 东莞市松山湖高新技术产业开发区沁园路


Qinyuan Road, Song Shan Lake Industrial


Development Zone, Dongguan, Guangdong,


523808, China Tel: +86 769 2289 1234*85710

Natural Spa Enjoyment Our connection to nature element’s begins with our name- Willow Stream-and continues through everything we offer our guests such as our philosophy, our treatments, our products and our surroundings. Promotion: Booked any 60mins or above massage can enjoy 50% off on any facial treatment. Valid till May.31.2015

和平饭店蔚柳溪水疗 Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Peace Hotel 中国上海市南京东路20号和平饭店 Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nan Jing Road East, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6138 6818


净宇水疗特荐护理 好奇鸭主题温泉 金黄的身躯、俏皮的表情⋯⋯顿时时光流转回到了儿时的童真,步 入池中,一边是雾气氤氲,一边是俏皮的好奇鸭伴随在身边⋯⋯这 不再单纯的身体休闲,更是精神上的一番享受和放松! 净宇按摩 净宇按摩将筋脉调理、泰式按摩和运动按摩三者结合并进行延伸, 不但能通过肌肉的深层按摩得以消除肌肉紧张,缓解疲劳,更能令 您松弛筋骨,身体更加柔韧,全身上下感觉焕然一新。 特惠价格:300RMB/60分钟 营业时间:10:00 — 22:00,需提前一小时预约

洲际惠享 价值RMB680/75分钟的深层保湿蜂胶面部疗程+价值RMB480/45 分钟的美眸滋养活力护理。共120分钟,原价RMB1,160,折后价为 RMB580。

紫玉度假酒店·长白山池北净宇水疗 吉林省长白山池北区滨河路1号 Tel: +86 433 593 8888

深层面部清洁及蜂胶精华素的结合,达到深层保湿,平滑舒缓肌肤的 效果,修复皮肤,改善细胞新陈代谢和胶原蛋白,弹性蛋白可以平复 细纹和对抗衰老,维他命C和甘菊成分可以放松眼部。

Special Care to Face and Eye Deep Hydration Facial with Propoils (RMB680/75mines) + Bright Eyes (RMB480/45mins) A combination of deep cleaning facial and propolis ampoule to render deep hydration ,soothing and calming effect, skin repairing and improve cells metabolism and Vitamin C, gingko biloba and chamomile relax and puffiness, rejuvenating tired eyes.

上海瑞金洲际酒店水疗中心 Spa Intercontinental 中国上海瑞金二路118号贵宾楼B1 B1 Vip Building, 118 Ruijin 2 Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6472 5222 ext.2016


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 专注吉朗丽理疗,体验极致优雅 吉朗丽水疗,平衡感官之旅,体验极致优雅。 Spa结合地下天然温泉水,运用自然疗法,以 美妙的旋律,精油的芳香,星空闪烁的灯光设 计,摇曳的蜡烛和香薰,加上健康独特的SPA 产品,用舒适与贴心的服务,舒缓您的身心, 滋养皮肤,从而达到身体与心灵的双重平衡功 效。 传统巴厘式理疗手法结合了多种按摩手 法,其中包括反射疗法,手掌按压和深层按摩 手法。将帮助您缓解肌肉紧张,达到放松舒缓 的效果。 仅需888元即可尊享原价1278元的传统巴厘 式按摩及La Pramol面护。 中式与异域相结合的特色按摩,有助于 缓解肌肉疲劳,以淋巴引流促进身体的有效循 环。此按摩为全身按摩,在这里,您将得到充 分的调理与放松。 仅需2500元即可尊享原价3900元的吉朗丽特色 按摩 60分钟套票(含5张按摩券)

完善美丽 充满异域风情的水疗项目集历史悠久的东南亚传统 风情和精湛卓越的西方水疗精髓于一身,让您在繁 忙之余忘却尘世喧嚣,倾听来自心灵深处的召唤。 面部微雕护理1,280RMB/70分钟 三五折优惠净价448元 这一非手术拉皮疗法,可以提升改善面部肌肉, 并通过高速按摩促进脂肪的分解。去除表皮角质 层,促进皮肤血液循环,改善眼部油脂粒,黑眼 圈及眼袋细纹,改善淋巴循环及排毒功能。

Perfect Your Beauty Facial Weidiao Care Original Price: 1,280 RMB/70mins Discounted Price: 448RMB This non-surgical lift therapy can improve facial muscles, activate muscle, promote fat-dissolving via intense massage, remove epidermis cuticle, improve skin, promote skin blood circulation, remove eye grease grain, black rim of the eye and pouch of fine lines, and elevate lymph circulation and detoxification function.

太原万达文华酒店水水疗 Shui Spa at Wanda Vista Hotel Taiyuan 中国山西省太原市杏花岭区解放路169号太原万 达文华酒店3楼 3F Wanda Vista, 169 Jiefang Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Tel: +86 351 777 6666 ext. 6760/6766


有效期:三个月 水疗中心营业时间:10:00-23:00 预订请致电水疗中心:029-6858 8888 万物生发,氤氲之美,吉朗丽水疗与您共享美 好生活。 吉朗丽水疗(吉朗丽大酒店) Branley Spa (Branley Hotel) 中国西安市高新区沣惠南路22号 吉朗丽大酒店3层 3/F Branley Hotel, 22 Feng Hui South Road, High-tech District, Xi’an, China Tel: +86 29 6858 8888


A Mysterious Escape


Located in Guangdong Province, Guifeng National Forest Park AAAA-


class tourist area, Espring Spa Hotel offers you a peaceful and relaxing


sanctuary. Its fresh and natural environment interspersed with a variety


of plants demonstrates an understated luxury. And the oriental aromatherapy massage offers you a mysterious spa journey.

逸泉荟 Espring Spa 广东省江门市新会圭阳北路78号 78 Guiyang Road North, Xinhui District, Jiangmen, Guangdong, 529199, China Tel: +86 750 619 7777

玉巴厘理疗 古老、传统的掌压法深层按摩护理,它可以提高免疫力并改善血液循 环。这种世代传承下来的按摩疗法能消除疼痛,舒缓神经紧张,缓解 紧绷的肌肉。

Balinese Delight The long, firm and kneading strokes using the palm and lower hand pressure offer a deep and therapeutic massage to improve immunity and blood circulation. This traditional massage practice which has been handed down through generations, is a holistic approach to relieve headaches, frayed nerves and muscular strains.

深圳东海朗廷酒店「川」水疗中心 Chuan Spa at The Langham, Shenzhen 中国广东省深圳市深南大道7888号深圳东海朗廷酒店5楼 5F, The Langham Shenzhen, 7888 Shennan Boulevard, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8828 8093 Email: tlszx.info@chuanspa.com


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 福佑之旅 踏上天堂的福佑之旅,它超越奢华⋯⋯ 天津市最具规模及特色的一站式国际水疗中心 及私人健身俱乐部,源自古老的智慧,给予您 人文的呵护与关爱。我们为您开启了一扇平衡 身体、精神和灵魂之门,带您步入一个无比舒 缓的世界 健身区配有世界第一品牌意大利Techno


的健身设备,专业的健身教练为您提供营养 咨询、设计最适合您的健身计划等。 设有一个室内景观恒温游泳池及豪华桑拿区, 让客人在挥汗淋漓之后充分享受放松之乐。 水疗项目集历史悠久的东南亚传统风情和精 湛卓越的西方水疗精髓于一身


1. 购买水疗红宝石卡可获赠一张价值2800元健



即、长久效果。SMAS-X是一个先进的去皱系 统,缓慢地修复表皮组织,使肌肤白净、紧致、

2.肌肤重生按摩春季体验价 60 分钟,RMB688; 3.现金消费480元项目,仅需加98元即可享受原 价188元头部按摩。

年轻! 效果:



Dikara Spa & Fitness Center at Radisson Plaza


Hotel Tianjin

明亮、美白肤色 立即见效,甚至在第一个试验疗程后就能看到效果 效果持久

The Way Back to Youth SMAS-X FACELIFT A breakthrough in face anti-aging therapy with instant, long-lasting result. SMAS-X is an advanced facelift system that works gently to repair skin tissues for a whiter, firmer and younger complexion! BENEFITS Reduce wrinkles and fine lines, lift and firm, improve skin elasticity Increase skin cell metabolism and production of collagen and elastin Brighten and whiten complexion Instant result, even after the first trial! Long-lasting effect

广粤会禧水疗/Hei SPA, The Canton Club 中国广州市天河区珠江新城广粤天地广粤会6楼 6/F The Canton Club, Zhujiang New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 3836 1998


天津市河东区新来路66号天诚丽笙世嘉酒店4楼 4/F Tianjin Radisson Hotel, 66 Xinlai Road, Hedong District, Tianjin, China Tel: +86 22 2457 8888*3910

炫逸经典 长春净月潭益田喜来登酒店——炫逸水疗中心拥有11间豪华理疗 房,选用全系列“蓓丽雅(Pevonia)”产品,精选技术精湛理疗 师,只为给您一个真正的心灵净化之旅。 炫逸经典按摩 980RMB/90分钟 Shine Massage 980RMB/90mins 2014年8月30日前,凭此礼券享受此项目5折净价490元优惠。


长春净月潭益田喜来登酒店炫逸水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Changchun




B1, 1777 Yongshun Road, Jingyue District, Changchun, Jilin, China Tel: +86 431 8181 1686

平方米、8.6米挑高的无线婚宴空间,让您的婚宴场地及形式有更多 的选择,超五星级全新的硬件设施与专业全面的婚宴策划团队全程陪 同,旨在为您打造只属于您的个性化婚礼盛宴,缔造生命中最珍贵的 回忆!

*签约外高桥喜来登价值人民币30万元或以上的婚宴,即可带走“喜 来登甜梦之床”,感受酣眠云端的幸福生活 * 预订2015年4月、7月、8月婚宴,免收取服务费

垂询详情及预订,请致电86 21 3121 9999转婚宴销售

上海外高桥喜来登酒店 Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel 中国(上海)自由贸易试验区基隆路28号 28 Jilong Road, China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 3121 9999


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 在龙城丽宫享受“东方桃园养生SPA” 一走进位于龙城丽宫国际酒店南楼9层的“东方桃园养 生SPA”,立刻感受到一种全新的生活品位。“东方桃 园养生SPA”拥有18套风格迥异的理疗间及理疗套间, 独立私密的理疗室则以不同的花名来命名。而且在这里 还可以享受热石按摩、阴阳按摩、鱼子精华美容和摩尔 泥裹敷护理等多种身体及面部护理,是真正的一站式服 务水疗中心。

Enjoy “Oriental Spa” in Loong Palace When you entered the place where “Oriental Spa” Service is offered on the 9th floor in the south building of the Loong Palace, you could feel a brand-new life style immediately. There are 18 therapy rooms /suites of


different styles. The individual and private therapy rooms

恢复体力,缓解压力。购买下述任意天梦水疗项 目可获赠同款项目护理一次。 酣眠香疗






压力克星 - 纯粹放松 RMB1100/120分钟 * 上述价格以人民币计算并加收15%服务费 * 适用相关条款限制

are named after different flower names. Besides water therapy, you can also enjoy body cares and facial-cares of many kinds, including Hot Stone Massage, Yin Yang Massage, Essence of Caviar Facial and Moore Mud Therapy, and so on. It is a true one-stop water therapy center.


东方桃园水疗俱乐部/Oriental Spa




Loong Palace Hotel & Resort, 317 Changping Road, Changping District, Beijing, 102208, China

Buy One Get One Free

Tel: +86 10 8077 8515

Restore energy and relieve stress. Purchase one spa treatment and enjoy the second one for free. Sleep Deeply Aromatherapy Massage RMB700/60 mins Chinese Massage - NON OIL RMB600/60 mins Moisture Facial RMB800/70 mins Stress Buster - Loosen Up

RMB1100/120 mins Valid till 30 June 2015, Monday to Sunday 10:00 am; last booking at 1:00 pm * All prices are in RMB and subject to 15% service charge * Terms and conditions are applicable For more information and reservation please call +86 10 6629 7878. 北京金融街威斯汀大酒店威斯汀天梦水疗 Heavenly Spa by WestinTM 北京西城区金融大街乙9号 9B Financial Street, XiCheng District, Beijing, 100140, China Tel: +86 10 6629 7878 微信公众号:北京金融街威斯汀


新春特惠 东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店新春房价每间夜RMB 600+15% 起 东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店,位于东莞这座动感、繁华的工业名城市 中心,作为中国第一家雅高集团的铂尔曼品牌酒店,它以园林式 的设计风格及优越的地理位置在城中独领风骚,给每一位远道而 来的宾客提供商务与休闲相结合的独特而难忘的体验。

Greeting the New Year with Special Offers Pullman Dongguan Forum From ¥600+15% per room As the first Pullman hotel in China, Pullman Dongguan Forum is located in the heart of Dongguan shopping and commercial precinct, leaves a unique bleisure experience to guests who come from all over the world with its special garden-style architecture and personalized service.


东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店/Pullman Dongguan Forum




32 Dongcheng Road Central, Dongcheng District,


Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China


Tel: +86 769 2336 8888 Email: hotel@pullman-dongguan-forum.com

- 矿物海盐身体去角质 - 放松身心按摩 90分钟 特惠价 人民币980元(原价为人民币1360元) 预定此护理当日可享受任何额外身体&面部护理以及购买正价产品的 20%折扣优惠。 若要进行预约或咨询相关体验, 请拨打85073737。此优惠截止日期为30/04/2015 不与其它优惠同时享用 有效期至2015.02.28

北京华彬费尔蒙酒店蔚柳溪水疗中心 Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Beijing 朝阳区建国门外大街永安东里8号 21/F Fairmont Hotel Beijing, 8 Yong'andongli, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang Tel: +86 10 8507 3737


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey

春之风吟 北半球已再度回归春风取花之时,酣酣的 日头下,微风款款,肌肤蠢蠢亦欲有破立 之势。上海明捷万丽酒店3楼的蔓达梦水疗 (Mandara Spa)从2015年3月1日至2015年5月31 日推出“春之风吟”套餐,两款90分钟的疗 程分别专属女士与男士。温润而极富营养的 牛奶玫瑰花瓣浸浴配以玫瑰新生抗衰老面部 护理,为女士细腻却脆弱易敏感的肌肤抵御 春季细菌、粉尘、花粉传播对肌肤的侵害, 为肌肤注入新生力量。男士也可选择针对背 部的舒缓芳香按摩和橙花滋润抗氧化面部护 理,蔓达梦水疗特选的按摩精油与普丽马维 拉纯净自然的植物能量,给予经历了一个冬 季的缺水肌肤更多水分补充,恢复肌肤的健 康状态。

春之风吟 女士专享:玫瑰新生 60分钟玫瑰新生抗衰老面部护理 30分钟水润玫瑰花瓣牛奶浴 享礼:价值RMB650普丽马维拉玫瑰红石榴新 生滋养霜30ml 男士专享:橙花滋润 60分钟橙花滋润抗氧化面部护理 30分钟蔓达梦背部芳香按摩 享礼:价值RMB650普丽马维拉橙花黑醋栗滋 养霜30ml 春日暖心价: RMB880*(原价:RMB 1, 870*) 推广期:2015年3月1日至2015年5月31日 * 需另加收15%服务费 (不得与其他优惠活动 或折扣同时使用)

蔓达梦水疗 @ 上海明捷万丽酒店 上海市普陀区铜川路50号 上海明捷万丽酒店3楼 Tel: +86 21 2219 5888 分机6130, 6131 E-mail: ms_resh@minornet.com.cn Website: www.mspa-international.com


盛世中华梦亲子巡游主题体验 诗 、书、 礼 、易、乐 ;儒 、 道、 墨 、法、名 ,穿越千年,古代 场景华丽再现,华夏瑰宝亲历实践! 这个春天,历史不再枯燥 ,国学不再高冷,让孩子远离电玩,在古 堡内外与您一同领略中华传统文化魅力所在! 文化之旅、生态之旅、逐梦之旅,一个周末,三种体验! 免费抽奖与礼品发放 历史穿越主题体验住宿一晚 晚餐套餐 中国传统文化系列儿童营活动 免费享用各项娱乐设施(保龄球除外) “逸”户外温泉免费享用 免费玉佛宫门票2张 晶宝农庄参观及农事体验票2张 (农事体验限每周六日,上午10点或下午2点任选一场) 通票梦幻特卖RMB1088 净价 条款与细则 娱乐项目均可于入住期间无限次使用(保龄球除外) 周五、周六、公共假期亦可选择水晶厨房自助晚餐 套餐所含早餐及晚餐包含两名成人及一名12岁以下儿童 活动日期:2015年3月15日至2015年5月31日 此优惠不能与其他优惠同时使用

Optime特惠尊享 A) 女士尊享 即日起每个礼拜四可享受Optime水疗中心护理项目7.5折优惠,水疗中 心零售产品8折优惠,同时可免费使用健身中心所有器材

京津新城凯悦酒店 Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & Spa 天津宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号 8 Zhujiang Road, Zhouliang Village, Baodi District, Tianjin, 301811, China Tel: +86 22 5921 1234

B) Optime “1小时套餐” 即日起每个礼拜一至礼拜四,上午11点至下午2点享受60分钟足底按 摩搭配可爱甜品店便携午餐仅需RMB180净价 Special Offer at Optime Spa A) Lady’s Day: Offer 25% discount on any spa treatments and 20% discount on any Spa retail products on every Thursday of week and validation is from 1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2014. B) “One Hour Package” During 11am to 2pm of every Monday to Thursday, pay RMB180 net can get 60mins of foot massage and Éclair lunch package and validation is from 1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2014. 上海新天地安达仕酒店Optime水疗中心 Optime Spa, Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai 上海市嵩山路88号上海新天地安达仕酒店B1层 B1 Andaz Xintiandi Shanghai, 88 Songshan Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 2310 1500 www.andaz.hyatt.com



给自己一个平衡身心灵的圣诞水 疗享受 浪漫冬日,给自己一个独一无二的水疗享 受,平衡身、心、灵,看见更美好的自己, 细意感受节庆的美丽。 日本汉方阴阳平衡疗法 融会药草学、芳香疗法及日本经络疗法,首 创个人阴阳体质咨询,将日式阴阳平衡按摩 揉合个人专属的阴阳体质精华油,再配以个 人汉方草球热疗,对于不同体质的局部疼 痛、循环不佳、焦虑紧张,均能针对性地得 到适切调和。 疗程特色 个人阴阳体质咨询 个人配方日式阴阳平衡按摩 个人汉方草球热疗 阴阳调和舒解茶

Christmas SPA Retreat to Balance Your Body and Soul

RMB1,480 / 2小时 (含沐浴及“一点茶点 一点

To celebrate this special festive holiday, pamper yourself with a spa to balance your body and


soul, giving you a glowing complexion during Christmas time.


Japanese Traditional Yin-yang Therapy


The first-ever Personal Yin-yang Physique Consultation and Customized Japanese Yin-yang


Balance Massage utilizing personalized Yin-yang physique essential oils are integrated with


Customized Chinese Herbal Thermotherapy to alleviate body symptoms of different causes; the pains, circulation, as well as chronic abdominal problem and anxiety can all be harmonized appropriately. Treatment features Personal Yin-yang Physique Consultation


Customized Japanese Yin-yang Balance Massage


Customized Chinese Herbal Thermotherapy

Grand Millennium Hotel Beijing,

Yin-yang Harmonizing Physique Drink

7 DongSanHuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

RMB1,480 / 2 hours (including Shower and Refreshment & Relaxation)

Tel: +86 10 6533 0751 上海南京西路288号创兴金融中心4楼

With any spa services purchase at RMB10,000 net for a complimentary Ultimate Anti-aging Col-

4/F, Chong Hing Finance Center,

lection (total valued at RMB1,585). The gifts are of limited quantity and while stock lasts.

288 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 3366 3099


杭州九溪路15号杭州千禧度假酒店 Millennium Resort Hangzhou, No.15 Jiuxi Road, Hangzhou Tel: +86 571 8769 9876


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey

I SPA推优惠套餐 I SPA是北京第一家专业泰国SPA,泰国SPA协会特别会 员,大众点评网最佳SPA,于2012年荣获中国酒店星光 奖最佳服务SPA,亦是希尔顿集团在中国的首选SPA合 作伙伴。目前全国有20多加店面。 I SPA王府井店地处闻名遐迩的王府井希尔顿酒店 6层,有9个理疗间,占地380平米,尽享绝佳位置,曾 获“国际五星钻石奖”,传承着I SPA一贯的芬芳和亲 切,以及渗透心灵的呵护。做SPA还可以免费游泳,让 运动和放松完美结合。 套餐内容 当时光完成最后一朵花的开落,当所有的季节只退剩一 种颜色。我们如约相聚在这里,深层的面部滋养,全身 心的放松,曼妙的音乐...这一刻的享受都化作了悠然与 永久!淡淡的回味着... 男士:男士面部深层护理+雨露活力按摩 120分钟 原价:RMB1,978/人 优惠价:RMB1,780/人 女士:水果物语面部护理+雨露活力按摩 150分钟 原价:RMB2,078/人 优惠价:RMB1,870/人 会员优惠价:享受折上折

I SPA Promotion Package The Best Spa Operator of China by Starlight

The Best Spa by Dianping.com

The Best Spa of IHG Great China for Q1, 2013

Located on 6th floor of the famous Hilton Beijing Wangfujin 6, I SPA Wangfujing has 9 treatment rooms, covering an area of 380 square meters. I SPA Wangfujing upholds the professionalism of the brand, providing you more meticulous care and excellent service. Spa guests can swim for free to achieve the perfect combination of exercise and relaxation.

I SPA王府井店 I SPA Wangfujing 北京东城区王府井东大街8号王府井希尔顿酒店6层 6F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, No.8 Wangfujing East

Package Details Seasons bloom and fade like flowers as the paint on everything will merge into one color. In this very season, we share the blessing with each other. The essence facial care for all skins and the aromatherapy massage will surprise you with exclusive seasonal

Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing


预约电话/Booking Hotline: +86 10 5812 8930

Members can enjoy double discount

营业时间/Opening Time: 11:00am-23:00pm

Original Price: RMB1,978/Single; Current Price: RMB1,780/Single


Fruit Facials Story + Invigorating Massage 150mins

Valid Date: March 31st , 2014

Original Price: RMB2,078/Single; Current Price: RMB1,870/Single


Men’s Deep Cleaning Facial + Invigorating Massage 120mins


舒缓身心氧滋旅 氧滋旅中文名字意喻:滋润身心,汲取养分的生 命之旅。自成立以来,水疗中心始终致力于为客 人提供追求完美、注重细节的高品质水疗服务。 O.Spa最擅长的是自创的氧滋旅经典按摩 (780RMB/90分钟),手法融合了瑞典式、巴 厘岛式、泰式、夏威夷式等芳疗师,使用手掌、 小臂、指压为客人做全身按摩,还用特制的草药 包配合苹果油压与脊柱两侧,在秋冬季还会对男 性腰部,女性腹部加以艾灸。疗程深度放松了肩 颈,加速血液循环并促进自身造血功能,疗程过 后客人面色红润并透着光泽。90%的客人会在疗程 中睡着,非常适合久坐或者睡眠质量不好的客人。 上海氧滋旅健康管理有限公司 O.Spa Journey 上海市马当路588弄8号201室 201, 8 Lane 588 Madang Road, Shanghai, 200021, China Tel: +86 21 3307 0571 氧滋旅(上海新天地店) O.Spa Journey (Shanghai Xintiandi) 上海黄浦区顺昌路168弄翠湖天地御园10号楼会所 Building 10 Lakeville Regency, Lane 168 Shunchang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, 200021, China Tel: +86 21 5036 0798 氧滋旅(上海东郊宾馆店) O.Spa Journey (Dongjiao State Guest Hotel) 上海浦东新区金科路1800号上海东郊宾馆健身中心 Dongjiao State Guest Hotel, 1,800 Jinke Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, 201203, China Tel: +86 21 5895 8888*505 氧滋旅(杭州玫瑰园店) O.Spa Journey (Hangzhou Rose Garden) 杭州西湖区之江路128号杭州玫瑰园度假酒店B1楼 B1/F Hangzhou Rose Garden Resort & Spa, 128 Zhijiang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, 310007, China Tel: +86 571 8766 7068*8060

Moisturize Your Body and Mind with O. Spa Journey O.Spa Journey in Chinese is Yangzilv (a journey with oxygen to moisturize your body and soul). Since its birth, O.Spa Journey is dedicated to offer high-end spa services to guests with strong attention to details. O.Spa’s signature treatment is Feature Massage (RMB780/90mins), integrating Swedish, Balinese, Thai and Hawaiian massages. The therapists use palms, forearms and shiatsu to massage the guests’ whole body. Highlight of this treatment is using flower and herb pack and warm apple oil to press both sides of the backbone, and additionally in spring and autumn applying Moxibustion to male guests’ waist or kidney and on female guests’ abdomen or womb. The treatment profoundly relaxes the guests’ shoulder and neck and helps promote blood circulation in the body. 90% of the guests fall asleep during the treatment.


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey




热石之魅 热石能量按摩 RMB980/100分钟 深度排毒,令身体轻盈润泽!火山矿石的强大 矿物因子,让浸渍其中的精油有节奏地释放能 量,随着热量沿穴位渗透到人体深处;配合特 殊的淋巴排毒手法,有效促进循环,优化身体 机能,肌肤呈现润泽观感。

关于青籁水疗 【于都市中徜徉自然】 寻找青籁,寻找真正的“都市水疗”。截然不 同于凡俗或匠气的设计,青籁所有的设计灵感 植根于传统理念,万物一体,天人亲和。更集 东西方养生理论之大成,由资深理疗专家选取 世界各地的经典理论与疗法,糅合中国传统 养生理论和欧洲最新科技,通过经年累积与摸 索,开创出与别不同的护理技艺。 于此,在青籁水疗,寻一处沉淀,觅一片净 土,回溯本源,回本归真。

青籁水疗 Urban Retreat 上海静安区南京西路1376号 波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店6-7楼 6F&7F, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai,

Healing Secret of the Hot Stone Energizing Hot Stone RMB980/100mins An uplifting treatment with volcanic stones to expels toxins wastes and blockage in the blood circulation. The deep heat from the stones stimulate blood circulation and restores body energy

1376 West Nanjing Rd., Jing’an District, Shanghai, China

About Urban Retreat

预订电话/Reservations: +86 21 6289 7778

An urban oasis escape to nature’s tranquil environment, infused with a calming sense focuses

营业时间/Business Hours: 10:00-24:00

on all natural elements in designs and iconic therapies that work on your beauty, health and well-


ness. We select our products on purity, potency and proven effectiveness from traditional herbs,

官方微博Weibo: UrbanRetreat青籁水疗

plant extracts, aromatic oils, nourishing marine elements and most up to date scientific research

官方微信Wechat: UrbanRetreat

in the development of our exotic therapies.



自然之道,成就健康 伴随着2015的脚步,佳莉雅水疗中心——千 岛湖洲际店已正式试运营啦!!! 欢迎入住酒店的小伙伴们前来体验! 体验地址: 浙江省杭州市千岛湖洲际度假酒店C区G楼 预约电话:86-0571-88818888-ext.6788 RE Wellness SPA以自然之道成就健康为 理念,RE代表着新生命、新起点;代表着生 气蓬勃(RE-fresh)、联合(RE-union)、 重生(RE-born);代表着一种重新开始的 决心,寓意宾客在佳莉雅体验时,能够消除 疲惫、重新振作(RE-fresh),并且再次光 顾(RE-turn)。 SPA到今天已经延续了几百年,它的发 展在各地也有各种不同的传说。SPA一词源 于拉丁文Solus Par Aqua. Solus=健康,Par=透 过,Aqua=水,意思是透过水给人们带来健 康和活力。SPA利用水在不同部位的冲击、按 摩使皮肤光滑并富有弹性,加速新陈代谢, 加强血液循环,活络筋骨,排毒养颜,塑身 美体。SPA更提倡由感官到精神、从身体到心 灵、全方位地释放压力,通过身体各部位的 保养及护理,达到精神上的宁静。 五种元素组成三种主要能量,在英语


Building 10, Scholars Hotel, Pingjiangfu No.60,


Bai Ta Dong Roda, Shuzhou.


+86 512 6770 6688*6511






火” 构成的“ 皮塔” ( Pitta),以及“水”

Room 534, The Far East Mansion,



South Pu Dong Road, Pu Dong District



Tel: +86 21 58360952

3F, JUNA HUBIN HOTEL, No.1 Huanhu Road

Wellness SPA正是通过水疗这一方式平衡并将


Tel: +86 510 8510 1888*2588


上海华亭宾馆三楼 漕溪北路1200号


3F, Hua Ting Hotel & Towers, No1200, North


Cao Xi Road

B1, worldhotel grand juna, No. 111,

Tel: +86 21 6439 1000*2620

Hefeng Road Wuxi

佳莉雅水疗中心为您提供多种选择,包 括放松按摩、面部护理、男士专享及水疗套 餐等。恭候您的光临! 新店开张,即日起,关注佳莉雅水疗中心, 就可获得一张价值300元抵用券。

Tel: +86 510 8528 5778 苏州 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店佳莉雅水疗中心





(11:00am — 2:00am)





+86 512 6761 6688*8068

3F, CROWNE PLAZA, No.6, Kai Yuan Avenue,


G1, Crowne Plaza Suzhou, 168 Xing Gang Street,



Suzhou Industrial Park

Tel:+86 512 5272 9999*8877




心(2:30pm — 11:00pm)





B1, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel,


168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park

千岛湖洲际度假酒店 C区G楼

+86 512 6285 9999*68

Building G, Block C, Onethousand Island Lake


Resort, Xianshan Peninsula, Qiandao Lake Town,


Chun'an County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang


Tel:+86 571 8881 8888*6788

此券有效期至2015年6月 30日。 佳莉雅水疗中心将在法律 允许的范围内保留对此券 的最终解释权。


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey

冬日暖阳,比翼双飞 华宇揭开暖冬恋歌序曲——冬日暖阳,比翼双飞 冬日暖阳 套餐(3天2晚)RMB 2288 2015年1月20日-2015年2月17日 1.入住豪华房,每间房赠送两份中西式自助早餐; 2.三亚凤凰机场免费单程接/送机服务; 3.入住当天赠送欢迎水果; 4.亲子火锅套餐一份; 5.幸运糖果盒一份; 6.绘制及放飞风筝活动(16:00-17:00); 7.儿童俱乐部精彩活动; 8.15岁以下儿童免费加一床含早餐。 比翼双飞套餐(3天2晚)RMB 2988 2015年02月13日-2015年2月16日 1.入住豪华房,每间房赠送两份中西式自助早餐; 2. 三亚凤凰机场免费单程接/送机服务; 3. 入住当日房间浪漫布置,玫瑰花瓣心型摆床,浴缸撒花瓣,5朵插瓶; 4. 情人节当天尊享开夜床礼遇,赠送粉玫瑰1枝和手工巧克力; 5. 2月14日情人节双人浪漫大餐; 6. 双人南田温泉门票; 7.百花谷哈根达斯双人冰淇淋套餐券(RMB79)一张。 以上套餐现可通过酒店官网 www.huayuresortyalongbay.com 或预订热线 400-0961-960咨询预订 亚龙湾华宇度假酒店 Huayu Resort & Spa Yalong Bay Sanya 中国海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区  Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan Island 572000, China Tel: +86 898 8855 5888


遥之旅 | Wellness Journey

西禅·藏艺SPA——藏医学的深厚底蕴 西藏医学有着非常古老而悠久的历史,它同时也 具有令人惊异的效果。记录显示,西藏医疗体系医师能 治疗不治之症。许多绝望的人翻山越岭前去求诊,以求 获治病的珍贵药方。然而西藏传统养生法却总是提醒人 们,神秘的或无与伦比的都不及简单的好。琉璃时光 SPA国际连锁机构,引进西藏医学圣典《蓝琉璃》中的 藏医学养生理论与养生技法,并将之应用于美容疗程 中,具有令人惊异的理疗效果。 “琉璃时光,除了你家和办公室,这是你第三个地 方”。在这里,聚集着美丽、自然、优雅、高贵;在这 里,你会体验到品质高贵的VIP服务,她是您个人专属的 私密空间。 琉璃时光如是说:如果您是琉璃时光的一员,只要 有她的地方,就有您心灵最美的那一刻。就让我们一起 加入琉璃时光,感受西禅·藏艺SPA的魅力。 官方微信/Wechat: UrbanRetreat


加盟商户 | Partners Spa 水疗·上海 悦椿Spa(上海日航饭店) Angsana Spa (Hotel Nikko Shanghai) 上海延安西路488号4楼 4/F, 488 Yan'an Road West, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 www.angsana.com 上海悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Shanghai 上海市黄浦区河南中路88号威斯汀 大饭店3楼 3/F Westin Hotel & Resort, 88 Middle Henan Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6335 1888 www.banyantreespa.com 青籁养身 Green Massage 1) 上海K11店/Shanghai K11 Branch 上海市淮海中路300号 K11购物艺术 中心3楼305室 305, 3rd FL, K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Road Central, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6385 8800 2) 新天地店/Xintiandi Branch 上海市太仓路58号 58 Taicang Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 5386 0222 3) 上海商城店 Shanghai Centre Branch 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城 西峰202室 202 West Retail Plaza, Shanghai Centre, 1376 West Nanjing Rd., Jing'an District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6289 7776 4) 陆家嘴店/Lujiazui Branch 上海市世纪大道100号上海环球金融 中心3楼304室 304, 3F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Ave., Pudong District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6877 8188 5) 徐家汇店/Xujiahui Branch 上海市辛耕路88号 88 Xingeng Rd., Xuhui District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6468 7076 6) 新天地Ⅱ店/Xintiandi Branch II 上海市太仓路68号 68 Taicang Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6384 1356 7) 上海商城Ⅱ店 Shanghai Centre Branch II 南京西路1376号上海商城东峰8楼 8/F, East Residence Tower, Shanghai Centre, 1376 West Nanjing Road Tel: +86 21 6384 1356 www.greenmassage.com.cn 青籁水疗 Urban Retreat 1) 上海商城店 Shanghai Centre Branch 上海市静安区南京西路1376号上海 商城东峰8楼 8/F East Residence Tower, Shanghai Centre, 1376 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6289 7007 2) 波特曼店 Portman Branch 上海市静安区南京西路1376号波特 曼丽思卡尔顿酒店6-7楼 6-7/F The Portman Ritz-Carlton, 1376 West Nanjing Road., Jing'an District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6289 7778 www.urbanretreat.cn 外滩浦华大酒店涟水疗 L Spa at Sunrise On the Bund Hotel Shanghai 上海市虹口区高阳路168号外滩浦 华大酒店6楼 6/F Sunrise On the Bund Hotel Shanghai, 168 Gao Yang Road,


Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 5558 9999*6008 www.sunrisesha.com 蔓达梦水疗(上海明捷万丽酒店) Mandara Spa, Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel 上海市普陀区铜川路50号上海明捷 万丽酒店3楼 3F Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel, 50 Tongchuan Road, Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel, Putuo District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 2219 5888*6130/6131 www.mspa-international.com 上海安达仕酒店Optime水疗中心 Optime Spa, Andaz Shanghai 上海市嵩山路88号B1层 B1, 88 Songshan Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 2310 1500 www.andaz.hyatt.com

泰美好(鼓楼店) I SPA (Gulou) 北京朝阳区鼓楼外大街19号歌华开 元大酒店1层 1/F Gehua New Century Hotel Beijing, 19 Gulouwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100120, China Tel: +86 10 6202 6708 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(华贸店) I SPA (China Central) 北京朝阳区建国路83号北京JW万 豪酒店2层 2/F JW Marriott Hotel Beijing, 83 Jianguo Road, China Central Place, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100025, China Tel: +86 10 5908 8380 www.ispa.cn

氧滋旅(上海新天地店) O. Spa Journey (Shanghai Xintiandi) 上海黄浦区顺昌路168弄翠湖天地御 园10号楼会所 Building 10 Lakeville Regency, Lane 168 Shunchang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, 200021, China Tel: +86 21 5036 0798

泰美好(机场店) I SPA(Airport) 北京首都机场3号航站楼北京首都机 场希尔顿酒店6层 6/F Hilton Beijing Capital Airport, Terminal 3, Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing, 100621, China Tel: +86 10 6450 4777 www.ispa.cn

氧滋旅(上海东郊宾馆店) O. Spa Journey (Dongjiao State Guest Hotel) 上海浦东新区金科路1800号上海东 郊宾馆健身中心 Dongjiao State Guest Hotel, 1800 Jinke Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, 201203, China Tel: +86 21 5895 8888*505

泰美好(王府井店) I SPA (Wangfujing) 北京东城区王府井东大街8号北京王 府井希尔顿酒店6层 6/F Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Avenue East, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100006, China Tel: +86 10 5812 8930 www.ispa.cn

上海外高桥喜来登酒店喜来登水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton, Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel 上海自由贸易试验区基隆路28号上 海外高桥喜来登酒店 Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel, 28 Jilong Road, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 3121 9999*6166 www.sheratonwgqhotel.com

泰美好(宣武店) I SPA (Xuanwu) 北京西城区菜市口大街1号院2号楼 北京开元名都大酒店6层 6/F New Century Grand Hotel Beijing, Building 2 Yard 1 Caishikou Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100052, China Tel: +86 10 6352 7157 www.ispa.cn

SPA by MTM上海 SPA by MTM Shanghai 上海南京西路288号创兴金融中 心4楼 4/F Chong Hing Finance Center, 288 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai, 200003, China Tel: +86 21 3366 3099 www.spabymtm.com

Lea Spa(北京瑞廷会所) Lea Spa (Beijing Radegast Club) 北京朝阳区潘家园南里19号北京康 源瑞廷酒店B1层 B1/F Radegast Lake View Hotel, 19 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100021, China Tel: +86 10 5909 7558 www.leaspa.com

上海瑞金洲际酒店水疗中心 Spa Intercontinental 上海卢湾区瑞金二路118号 118, No.2 Ruijin Road, Luwan District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6472 5222*2016 www.ruijinihotel.com

Lea Spa(北京万豪会所) Lea Spa (Beijing Marriott Club) 北京朝阳区霄云路甲26号北京海航 大厦万豪酒店6层 6/F Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, A26 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100125, China Tel: +86 10 5927 8060 www.leaspa.com

蔚柳溪水疗(和平饭店) Willow Stream Spa (Fairmont Peace Hotel) 上海市南京东路20号和平饭店 Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Road East, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6138 6810 www.peaceshotel.com

Spa 水疗·北京 北京金融街威斯汀大酒店天梦水 疗中心 Heavenly Spa by WestinTM at The Westin Beijing Financial Street 北京市西城区金融大街乙9号 B9 Financial Street, XiCheng District, Beijing, 100140, China Tel: +86 10 6629 7878 www.starwoodhotels.com/westin

龙城丽宫国际酒店东方桃园水疗 俱乐部 Oriental Spa at Loong Palace Hotel & Resort 北京市昌平区昌平路317号 317 Changping Road, Changping District, Beijing, 102208, China Tel: +86 10 8077 8515 www.loongpalace.com SPA by MTM北京 SPA by MTM Beijing 北京朝阳区东三环中路7号北京千 禧大酒店2层 2/F Grand Millennium Beijing, 7 Dongsanhuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100020, China Tel: +86 10 6533 0751

www.spabymtm.com 王府半岛酒店水疗中心 The Peninsula Spa Beijing 北京王府井金鱼胡同8号 8 Goldfish Lane, Wangfujing, Beijing, China Tel: +86 10 6510 6321 www.peninsula.com 北京华彬费尔蒙酒店蔚柳溪水 疗中心 Willow Stream Spa, Fairmont Beijing 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街永安东 里8号北京华彬费尔蒙酒店 8 Yong An Dong Li, Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing, China Tel: +86 10 8507 3737 www.fairmont.cn/beijing

Spa 水疗·广州&深圳 悦椿Spa(方圆大厦) Angsana Spa (Fineland Tower) 广州市体育东路28号方圆奥克伍 德豪景5楼 5/F Oakwood Premier Hotel Guangzhou, 28 Tiyu Road East, Tianhe, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 3883 2328 www.angsana.com 悦椿Spa(广州花园饭店) Angsana Spa (The Garden Hotel Guangzhou) 广东省广州市环市东路368号4楼 4/F, 368 East Huanshi Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 20 8333 8989 www.angsana.com 广粤会禧水疗 Hei Spa, The Canton Club 广州市天河区珠江新城广粤天地 广粤会6楼 6/F The Canton Club, Zhujiang New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 3821 2072 广州四季酒店花水疗 Hua Spa, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路5号 广州四季酒店69楼 69F, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou, 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 8883 3000 www.fourseasons.com 泰美好(广州店) I SPA (Guangzhou) 广州市白云区云城东路515-517号 广州白云万达希尔顿酒店3层 3/F Hilton Guangzhou Baiyun, 515517 Yuncheng Road East, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, 510400, China Tel: +86 20 6667 8050 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(深圳店) I SPA (Shenzhen) 深圳市南山区望海路1177号深圳蛇 口希尔顿南海酒店3楼 3/F Hilton Shenzhen Shekou, 1177 Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518067, China Tel: +86 755 2162 3118 www.ispa.cn 深圳东海朗廷酒店川水疗 Chuan Spa at The Langham Shenzhen 广东省深圳市深南大道7888号深圳 东海朗廷酒店5楼 5F, The Langham Shenzhen, 7888 Shennan Avenue, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8828 8093 www.langhamhotels.com.cn

琉璃时光(深圳大梅沙京基喜来登 度假酒店) Spa Moment (Sheraton Dameisha Resort Hotel Shenzhen) 广东省深圳市盐田区盐葵路大梅沙 京基喜来登度假大酒店M层 M/F Sheraton Dameisha Resort Hotel Shenzhen, Yankui Road, Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8888 6688 www.spamoment.net 琉璃时光(大中华喜来登) Spa Moment (Sheraton Shenzhen Futian) 广东省深圳市福华路大中华喜来登 酒店西翼4F 4F, West Sheraton Shenzhen Futian, Fuhua Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8253 8864 www.spamoment.net 琉璃时光(福朋喜来登) Spa Moment (Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen) 广东省深圳市福田保税区桂花路5号 喜来登酒店6楼 6F Four Points By Sheraton Shenzhen 5 Guahua Road, Futian Bonded, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8358 8751 www.spamoment.net 汕头龙光喜来登酒店 喜来登水疗中心 Shine SPA for Sheraton Shantou 中国广东省汕头市11街区龙光世纪 大厦东座 Block 11, Logan Century Mansion, Shantou, Guangdong, China, 515011 Tel: +86 754 8999 8888*8686

Spa 水疗·安徽 铂spa(合肥喜来登酒店) Platinum SPA (Sheraton Hefei) 中国安徽省合肥市铜陵北路1666号 喜来登酒店3层 3/F Sheraton, 1666 North Tongling Road, Hefei, Anhui, China Tel: +86 551 6296 9999*6333/6336 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton 泉道尊贵会(老报馆店) Royal Spring (Old newspaper) 中国安徽省合肥市环城南路72号 72 South Huancheng Road, HeFei, Anhui, China Tel: +86 551 6284 6622 www.eaeb.cn 泉道尊贵会(合肥CEO) Royal Spring (HeFei CEO) 中国安徽省合肥市政务文化新区怀 宁路安德大厦1-3楼 1-3/F Ande Building, Huaining Road, Hefei, Anhui, China Tel: +86 551 6563 0333 www.eaeb.cn

Spa 水疗·重庆 重庆北碚悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Chongqing Beibei 重庆市北碚区澄江镇温泉路101号 101 Wenquan Road, Chengjiang, Beibei District, Chongqing, China Tel: +86 23 6030 8888 www.banyantreespa.com 泰美好(重庆店) I SPA (Chongqing) 重庆市南岸区南滨路78号重庆喜来 登大酒店8层 8/F Sheraton Chongqing Hotel, 78 Nanbin Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing, 400060, China Tel: +86 23 6253 7009 www.ispa.cn

Spa 水疗·广东

加盟商户 | Partners 东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店云涧水疗 Athena Spa at Pullman Dongguan Forum 广东省东莞市东城区东城中路32号 32 Dongcheng Road Central, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2336 8888*6699 www.pullmanhotels.com.cn 江门市逸泉荟水疗酒店 Jiangmen Espring Spa Hotel 广东省江门市新会区会城镇圭阳 北路78号 78 Guiyang Road North, Huicheng Town, Xinhui, Jiangmen, Guangdong, 529199, China Tel: +86 750 619 7777*888 www.jmespa.com 索菲特东莞御景湾酒店皇家水疗 Royal Spa at Sofitel Dongguan Royal Lagoon 广东省东莞市东城区迎宾路8号 8 Yingbin Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2269 8888*3801 www.sofitel.com 索菲特东莞峰景高尔夫酒店皇 家水疗 Royal Spa at Sofitel Dongguan Golf Resort 广东省东莞市东城区迎宾路 Yingbin Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2269 9999*3801 www.sofitel.com 东莞松山湖凯悦酒店松池水疗中心 Song Spa at Hyatt Regency Dongguan 广东省东莞市松山湖高新技术产业 开发区沁园路 Qinyuan Road, Song Shan Lake Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523808, China Tel: +86 769 2289 1234*85710 www.hyatt.com 惠州洲际度假酒店洲际水疗 Spa InterContinental at InterContinental Huizhou Resort 广东省惠州市横沥镇温泉大道1号 No.1 Wenquan Dadao, Hengli Town, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China Tel: +86 752 3208 888*8705/8706 www.intercontinental.com 汕头龙光喜来登酒店水疗康体中心 Shine Spa for Sheraton Shantou 广东省汕头市11街区龙光世纪大 厦5楼 5F, Block 11, Logan Century Mansion, Shantou, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 754 8999 8888

Spa 水疗·福建 悦椿Spa(厦门海悦山庄) Angsana Spa (Seaview Xiamen) 福建省厦门市环岛南路3999号海悦 山庄二期1楼 1/F No. 2 Seaview Resort, 3999 Huandao Road South, Xiamen, Fujian, China Tel: +86 592 502 3333 www.angsana.com

Spa 水疗·海南 三亚亚龙湾华宇度假酒店华宇水 疗中心 Hua Yu Spa at Huayu Resort & Spa Yalong Bay Sanya 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游 度假区 National Tourism Resort, Yalong Bay, Sanya, Hainan, 572000, China Tel: +86 898 8855 5888*8352

www.cpsanya.com 蔓达梦水疗(三亚喜来登度假酒店) Mandara Spa, Sheraton Sanya Resort 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假 区三亚喜来登度假酒店1楼 1/F Sheraton Sanya Resort, Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan, China Tel: +86 898 8855 8855*8497/8498 www.mspa-international.com 石梅湾艾美度假酒店水疗中心 The Spa at Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa 海南省万宁市石梅湾旅游度假区 Shimei Bay, Wanning, Hainan, 571533, China Tel: +86 898 6252 8888*7262 www.starwoodhotels.com/lemeridien

Spa 水疗·河北 泰美好(石家庄店) I SPA (Shijiazhuang) 河北省石家庄市长安区东大街5号石 家庄希尔顿酒店29层 29/F Hilton Shijiazhuang, 5 East Avenue, Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050011, China Tel: +86 311 6796 6531 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(唐山店) I SPA (Tangshan) 河北省唐山市路南区文化路11号唐 山万达洲际酒店6层 6/F InterContinental Tangshan, 11 Wenhua Road, Lunan District, Tangshan, Hebei, 063000, China Tel: +86 315 510 9677 www.ispa.cn

Spa 水疗·黑龙江 Lea Spa(哈尔滨万达会所) Lea Spa (Harbin Wanda Club) 黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区赣水路68 号哈尔滨万达索菲特大酒店3楼 3/F Sofitel Wanda Harbin, 68 Ganshui Road, Xiangfang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150090, China Tel: +86 451 8771 7906 www.leaspa.com

Spa 水疗·江苏 佳莉雅水疗中心(常熟中江皇冠假 日酒店) RE Wellness SPA, Crowne Plaza Changshu 江苏省常熟开元大道6号中江皇冠 假日酒店3楼 3F Crowne Plaza Changshu, 6 Kaiyuan Avenue, Changshu, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 5272 9999*8877 www.wellnessspa.com.cn 佳莉雅水疗中心(苏州中茵皇冠假 日酒店) RE Wellness SPA, Crowne Plaza Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区星港街168号 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店G1 G1, Crowne Plaza Suzhou, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6761 6688*8068 www.wellnessspa.com.cn 佳莉雅水疗中心(苏州书香世家 平江府) RE Wellness SPA, Scholars Hotel Pingjiangfu 江苏省苏州白塔东路60号书香世家 平江府10号楼 Building 10, Scholars Hotel Pingjiangfu, 60 Bai Ta Dong Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6770 6688*6511 www.wellnessspa.com.cn 苏州托尼洛兰博基尼书苑酒店佳莉

雅水疗中心 RE Wellness SPA, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel 江苏省苏州工业园区168号兰博基尼 书苑酒店星港街B1 B1, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6285 9999*68 www.wellnessspa.com.cn “漾”Spa(苏州金鸡湖大酒店) Yang SPA , Jin Ji Lake Grand Hotel Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区国宾路168号 8号楼2楼 2/F Building 8, 168 Guobin Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6288 7878*7515 “漾”Spa(苏州凯宾斯基大酒店) Yang SPA , Kempinski Hotel Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区国宾路1号 1 Guobin Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China. Tel: +86 512 6289 7824 “漾”Spa(苏州阳澄湖澜廷度假 酒店) Yang SPA , Palace Lan Resort & Spa Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区阳澄湖旅游度 假区慈云路 Yangcheng Lake Tourism Resort, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6289 8888*5526 佳莉雅水疗中心(无锡君来世尊 酒店) RE Wellness SPA, Worldhotel Grand Juna 江苏省无锡市太湖新城和风路 111号B1 B1 Worldhotel Grand Juna, 111 Hefeng Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 510 8528 5778 www.wellnessspa.com.cn 佳莉雅水疗中心(无锡君来湖滨 饭店) RE Wellness SPA, Juna Hubin Hotel 江苏省无锡市环湖路1号君来湖滨 饭店3楼 3/F Juna Hubin Hotel, 1 Huanhu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 510 8510 1888*2588 www.wellnessspa.com.cn

Spa 水疗·吉林

Spa 水疗·陕西 省泰美好(西安店) I SPA (Xi’an) 陕西省西安市新城区东新街199号西 安万达希尔顿酒店3层 3/F Hilton Xi'an, 199 Dongxin Street, Xincheng District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710005, China Tel: +86 29 8865 0565 www.ispa.cn 西安吉朗丽大酒店 Branley Hotel Xi’an 陕西省西安市沣镐东路262号 262 Fenghao Road East, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China Tel: +86 29 8426 1888*13888 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton 吉朗丽水疗 (吉朗丽大酒店) Branley Spa (Branley Hotel) 陕西省西安市高新区沣惠南路22号 吉朗丽大酒店3层 3/F Branley Hotel, 22 Feng Hui South Road, High-tech District, Xi'an, China Tel: +86 29 6858 8888 www.swisstouchesxian.com 西安香格里拉大酒店『 』水疗 The CHI SPA At Shangri-La Xi’an 陕西省西安市高新区科技路38号乙 38B Keji Road, Hi-Tech. District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710075, China Tel: +86 29 8835 5555 www.shangri-la.com

Spa 水疗·山西 太原万达文华酒店水水疗 Shui Spa, Taiyuan Wanda Vista Hotel 山西省太原市杏花岭区解放路169号 楼太原万达文华酒店3楼 3/F Wanda Vista, 169 Jiefang Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Tel: +86 351 777 6666*6760 www.wandahotels.com

Spa 水疗·天津 天津海河悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Tianjing Riverside 天津市河北区海河东路34号 34 East Haihe Road, Hebei District, Tianjin, China Tel: +86 22 5861 9999 www.banyantreespa.com

紫玉度假酒店·长白山池北 Purple Jade Riverside Resort · Changbaishan Chibei 吉林省长白山池北区滨河路1号 1 Binhe Road, Changbaishan Chibei, Jilin, China Tel: +86 433 593 8888 www.purplejaderesorts.com

迪卡拉水疗健身中心(天津滨海圣光 皇冠假日酒店) Dikara Spa, Crowne Plaza Hotel Tianjin Binhai 天津空港经济开发区中心大道55号 55 Zhongxin Avenue, Airport Economic Area, Tianjin, China Tel: +86 22 5867 8888*2400

长春净月潭益田喜来登酒店炫 逸水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Changchun 吉林省长春市净月经济开发区永 顺路1777号 1777 Yongshun Road, Jingyue District, Changchun, Jilin, China Tel: +86 431 8181 1686 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton

泰美好(日航店)/I SPA (Nikko) 天津市和平区南京路189号天津日 航酒店6层 6/F Hotel Nikko Tianjin, 189 Nanjing Road, Heping District, Tianjin, 300051, China Tel: +86 22 8319 8888 www.ispa.cn

Spa 水疗·辽宁 Lea Spa(沈阳维景会所) Lea Spa (Shenyang Grand Metropark Club) 辽宁省沈阳市和平区同泽北街35号 沈阳北约客维景国际大酒店 Grand Metropark North Yoker Hotel Shenyang, 35 Tongze Street North, Heping District, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110001, China Tel: +86 24 2341 1222 www.leaspa.com

泰美好(唐拉雅秀店) I SPA (Tangla) 天津市和平区南京路219号天津中心 唐拉雅秀酒店7层 7/F Tangla Hotel Tianjin, 219 Nanjing Road, Heping District, Tianjin, 300052, China Tel: +86 22 2317 5263 www.ispa.cn 京津新城凯悦酒店“道”水疗中心 The Balneum Spa at Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & Spa 天津市宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号 8 Zhujiang Road, Zhouliang Village,

Baodi District, Tianjin, 301811, China Tel: +86 22 5921 1234 www.hyatt.com

Spa 水疗·云南 抚仙湖悦椿Spa Angsana Spa at Fuxian Lake 云南澄江环湖北路8号 8 North Huanhu Road, Chengjiang, Yunnan, China Tel: +86 877 681 8888 www.angsana.com 丽江悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Lijiang 云南省丽江玉龙纳西族自治县束 河悦榕路 Yuerong Road, Shuhe Village, Yulong, Lijiang, China Tel: +86 888 533 1111 www.banyantreespa.com 仁安悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Ringha 云南省香格里拉建塘镇红坡村 Hong Po Village, Jian Tang Town Shangri-la, Diqing, Yunnan, China Tel: +86 887 828 8822 www.banyantreespa.com 蔓达梦水疗(丽江铂尔曼度假酒店) Mandara Spa, Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa 云南省丽江市束河古镇入口丽江铂 尔曼度假酒店 ShuHe Old Town Entrance Road, Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa, Lijiang, Yunnan, China Tel: + 86 888 530 0111*7151/7152 www.mspa-international.com

Spa 水疗·浙江 杭州悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Hangzhou 浙江省杭州市紫金港路21号西溪天 堂国际旅游综合体 2 Westbrook Resort, Zijingang Road, Hangzhou, China Tel: +86 571 8586 0000 www.banyantreespa.com 氧滋旅(杭州玫瑰园店) O. Spa Journey (Hangzhou Rose Garden) 浙江省杭州市西湖区之江路128号杭 州玫瑰园度假酒店B1楼 B1/F Hangzhou Rose Garden Resort & Spa, 128 Zhijiang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310007, China Tel: +86 571 8766 7068*8060 杭州西溪喜来登度假酒店喜来 登水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Hangzhou 浙江省杭州市紫金港路西溪天堂国 际旅游综合体1号 1 Westbrook Resort, Zijingang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310030, China Tel: +86 571 8500 2222*8281 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton SPA by MTM杭州 SPA by MTM Hangzhou 浙江省杭州市九溪路15号 杭州千禧度假酒店 Millennium Resort Hangzhou, No.15 Jiuxi Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310008, China Tel: +86 571 8769 9876 www.spabymtm.com

Spa 水疗·台湾 悦椿Spa(垦丁凯撒) Angsana Spa (Caesar Park Kenting) 台湾东屏东县恒春镇垦丁路6号 6 Kending Road, Hengchun Town, Pingdong, Taiwan Tel: +886 8886 1888 www.angsana.com


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