July/August 2014
中国水疗产业类医美 Semi-Medical Spas in China
清新瑞士行 Natural Switzerland
高效水疗护理 Picture by Brilliant Resort and Spa
Advanced Effects
科技与未来 Technology and Future
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柏联SPA温泉 温润养生之旅 柏联SPA温泉崇尚顺应自然和生命规律的疗法,以自然之道养自然之身。在亚洲一流的露天 园林温泉里浸浴,体验完美SPA。天然温泉吸纳了天地灵气,融合火山石矿物滋养,按阴阳 五行之理布局建造。清晨蒸腾出的氤氲水汽中飘动着森林草木的气息,火山石呼出大地深处 万年的精华,沐浴其中,让人忘记世事,天然火山石地热熏蒸,特别适合温泉后的排毒休 憩。来到柏联SPA温泉,不只是一次度假经历,更是对身心的一次疗养,寻找到一条通往心 灵深处的栈道。
昆明中医SPA 昆明柏联精品酒店沿湖依山而建,是一个浑然天成的热带花园。在这 里可以体验到纯正的中医SPA。最新推出的玉陶灸以腾越五彩玉石和 云南稀有的千年紫砂黑陶等材料手工烧制,再配以傣家野生陈艾,保 存延续了自然能量,集精油热石疗法、黑陶除湿拔毒,艾灸补泄等中 西SPA疗程为一体,以中医经络和推拿原理为基础,养生效果显著。 昆明柏联精品酒店的中医养生之旅,以准确而科学的经络检测,根据 个人身体状况量身定制的温泉、食疗相互配合的中医康复疗程,让身 心获得有效调理并恢复平衡,同时传递中医传统养生所推崇的健康生 活方式和行为习惯。
柏联茶SPA 景迈山柏联精品酒店坐落在千年古茶园里,清新的空气犹如天然氧 吧。极具拉祜族特色的柏联景迈SPA亭,星布于生态有机茶园之中, 以栈道相连。茶SPA秉承柏联中医SPA的养身概念,融汇了普洱茶产 品的精华,配合茶园太极、瑜伽和健康的有机茶美食,在云雾缭绕 的茶园之中,带给客人最舒心的健康水疗体验。景迈茶山朝圣之旅 是景迈山柏联精品酒店奉献给客人的非凡茶庄园文化度假体验,引 导客人探寻茶树发源地,观赏柏联茶道,品尝有机养生美食,还能 亲手根据传承了百年的制茶工艺制作古树茶饼,体验普洱茶文化。
014年中国水疗行业峰会将于2014年8月21日、22日、23 日(周四、周五、周六)在成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店举 办,活动包括两个项目:2014年中国水疗行业峰会和2014 年中国水疗颁奖礼。 第七届年度中国水疗行业峰会由SpaChina杂志主办。 届时,中国酒店和康乐行业人士、水疗专业人士、水疗经 营者、水疗投资商、水疗培训师及知名水疗品牌产品、器 材供应商等行业精英将齐聚成都,为期三天的活动将为他 们提供独特而有效的交流和互动平台。每天6小时会议,峰 会全程配备中英文同声传译。 第五届中国水疗颁奖礼旨在认可中国水疗行业的杰 出领袖和行业先锋,帮助确立水疗行业标准,表彰行业优 秀,推动行业专业化和成熟化。
he SpaChina Summit and the SpaChina Awards 2014 will be held at the The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu, from August 21-23 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday), 2014. It will combine two major events – SpaChina Summit and SpaChina Awards Ceremony. The 7th annual Spa Industry Summit in Chengdu will feature spa professionals, spa owners and investors, and spa product and spa equipment brands. The three-day event provides a unique and effective communication platform for top people relevant to or interested in China’s spa industry. The 5th Spa Industry Awards ceremony will recognize the leaders and innovators in China’s spa industry, and help to reward and promote industry quality standards. The three-day event, scheduled to include a weekend, will involve around six hours meetings per day and will leave plenty of time in the schedule each day for attendees to relax, take time off and enjoy the natural environment of Chengdu.
活动详情简介: ·清晨运动:瑜珈 ·早餐:入住会议酒店之宾客享用免费自助餐,其余客人 可付费用餐 ·水疗峰会:平均每天6小时(演讲、小组讨论、专题研讨) ·午餐:健康午餐,共3天(不同菜单) ·茶歇:每天2次茶歇,共3天 ·鸡尾酒会:2次不同主题豪华鸡尾酒会 ·晚宴:1次中国水疗颁奖礼盛大晚宴 ·自由活动时间:与会者参观赞助商展台,自由沟通交流 ·余兴节目:暂时保密,以备惊喜 ·水疗体验之旅:成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店将提供折扣水 疗体验。此外,与会者持SpaChina体验券,可走访成都 地区部分水疗中心,并可以折扣价格体验指定疗程。 与会客人可享受成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店之优惠住宿价格。 如有需要,可在报名时向SpaChina有关负责人索取酒店住宿 预定表。优惠价:RMB1,280–2,080/晚,多种房型可选,价 格各异,详情请咨询SpaChina。(从5月1日起接受预定)
Event Details • Morning Activities: Yoga • Breakfast: included in the special room rate for SpaChina summit attendees who stay in the The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu. • Summit: 6 hours average / day (speeches, panels, inspiration and workshops) • Lunch: healthy cuisine lunch x 3 days (different set menu) • Tea break: 2 tea breaks x 3 days • Cocktail party: 2 cocktail parties • Gala dinner: 1 gala dinner for SpaChina Awards • Free time: for attendees to check out sponsors booth and network • Shows: provided by SpaChina • Spa Tours: attendees to visit different spas in Chengdu area at discount rates Summit attendees staying in the The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu will be eligible for a special room rate, inclusive of breakfast. Please contact SpaChina staff for details. Special room rate for standard room at the The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu: from RMB1,280-2,080/night (including service charge). Booking starts May 1.
峰会价格: RMB4,500, 含:
Price: RMB4,500, includes:
• 颁奖礼庆典晚宴和鸡尾酒会 • 3天会议午餐 • 每天2次茶歇
• Gala dinner and cocktail networking parties • Lunch for all 3 days • Tea breaks twice per day
都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店 位于摩登现代的城市中
心 天 府 广 场 侧 面 , 拥 有 353间 设 计独特的舒适客房。房间设计灵 感源自成都传统老街院巷,将东 方韵味巧妙融入摩登奢华当中。 细节中,无不透出对古典文化的 敬意;同时又满足现代旅客的需 求。在这里,客人不仅能感受到丽思卡尔传奇式的个性化服务;亦能体会用摩 登现代方式演绎的独具成都茶文化的体验。前台的欢迎茶;水疗护理开始前的 欢迎仪式;客房内精致茶具搭配的七种不同茶叶;以及FLAIR空中酒吧独具特色 的茶香鸡尾酒。游走酒店中,随处都可感受扑面而来的成都生活气息。 丽思卡尔顿水疗由美国著名室内设计事务所HBA倾力打造,拥有十间理疗 室,包括两间套房以及豪华恒温玉石床。设计师将当地文化巧妙融入立体线条 当中,融合古代丝绸之路的元素与摩登时尚。装饰材料特选具有历史沉淀的材 质如木制结构、金属、大理石、古时丝绸之路贸易中同名的绸缎,让人仿佛置 身丝绸之路。配备最新健身器材Technogym的健身中心,美发沙龙,以及拥有水 下音乐系统的25米室内游泳池,让您在城市中央享受活力焕发体验。
The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu
owering above Tianfu Square in the city’s cosmopolitan heart, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu with 353 rooms is the ninth in China for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. and the 19th in Asia Pacific. With interior design inspired by traditional Chinese courtyard homes, oriental motifs have been skillfully blended into a contemporary luxury hotel. The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu pays homage to the past, while also catering to the modern needs of its guests. The hotel provides an ideal base from which to explore the city’s cultural and culinary wealth. Chengdu sits astride the 2,000-year-old Silk Road and enjoys a reputation as the birthplace of a unique Kung Fu Chinese tea culture. Designed by Hirsch Bedner Associates, The Ritz-Carlton Spa draws inspiration from Chengdu’s position along the historic Silk Road with a contemporary twist. Utilizing historicallyappropriate materials that include indigenous woods, metals, marble and the trade route’s namesake-silk, the designers have created spaces which combine modern luxury with local culture. The spa has ten treatment rooms including two couples’ suites and luxurious heated jade stone beds.
SpaChina杂志 请联系夏晓初(Summer Xia)或 王红霞(Alice Wang)预定 summer.xia@spachina.com
Early Bird
alice.wang@spachina.com 电话: +86 21 5385 8951 Ext 823/882
峰会价格: RMB4,500, 含:
Price: RMB4,500, includes
• 颁奖礼庆典晚宴和鸡尾酒会
• One gala dinner and one cocktail party
Please Contact
• 三天会议午餐
• Lunch on 3 days
• 每天两次的茶歇/三天
• Tea breaks twice per day for 3 days
传真: +86 21 5385 8953
alice.wang@spachina.com Tel: +86 21 5385 8951 Ext 823/882
CSA Normal Member
10% discount
Fax: +86 21 5385 8953
CSA VIP Member
20% discount
* Discount can not be used together
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*此表格复印有效。 如有多人报名,可复印填写 请选择支付价格 / Please select the payment option below Please make a copy of this form for extra registrations. □ RMB4,500 (USD750 or HK$5,750) 全额支付 / Full price □ RMB4,275 (USD715 or HK$5,470) 5月31日之前5%折扣 / Early Bird 5% discount □ RMB4,050 (USD675 or HK$5,200) CSA普通会员10%折扣 / CSA Normal Member 10% discount □ RMB3,600 (USD600 or HK$4,050) CSA VIP会员(只限本人)20%折扣 / CSA VIP Member (1 person only)20% discount
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*此表格复印有效,如有多人报名,可复印填写。此报名表也可于www. spachina.com网站下载。 请填写完毕后传真至+86 21 5385 8953夏晓初或王红霞收;或邮件至:summer.xia@spachina.com, alice.wang@spachina.com 注意:请致电+86 21 53858951分机823/882,确认传真或者邮件报名已经收到。 Please make a copy of this form to make extra registrations. The Registration Form can be downloaded via www.spachina.com. Please fill in the form and fax to Summer Xia, or Alice Wang on +86 21 5385 8953 or Email to: summer.xia@spachina.com, alice.wang@spachina.com. Please call +86 21 53858951 ext. 823/882 to confirm that the form has been received.
日程安排 AGENDA 到达/签到日:2014年8月20日 Arrival: August 20th 2014 时间/Time 13:30-18:00
峰会签到(根据酒店指示牌),并办理入住手续/Guest Arrival, Summit Registration
紫焰之魅:ESPA盛大欢迎鸡尾酒会 Purple Flair: Grand Cocktail by ESPA
地点:酒店酒吧 FLAIR/Venue: FLAIR 着装要求:鸡尾酒礼服及紫色元素 Dress Code: Cocktail dress of purple or with purple accessories
第一天,2014年8月21日:自然与健康,中国水疗行业新动态 Day 1, August 21st 2014: Trends – Nature Concept and Anti-Aging 时间/Time 9:00-9:40
演讲内容/ Topic
高菲 Fifi Kao(中国/China)
2014-2015 Wellness and spa trends in China
SpaChina杂志总监/主编/Director & Chief Editor, SpaChina Magazine
国际养生与水疗行业新趋势 Global wellness and spa trends
莎曼 Samantha Foster(澳大利亚/Australia) 目的地水疗管理公司,事业发展总监 Development Director, Destination Spa Management Ltd Jacky L. Chanon(美国/USA) 美国路易安娜州州立大学医学中心,医学医师
自然理念与领先科技 Leading high technologies in natural concepts
美国布朗大学认知医学系,博士导师 德国VitOrgan实验室与日本自然世界研究员 MD Physician of Lousiana State University Medical Center PhD Prof. of Brown University, Department of Cognitive Medicine Research Fellow of VitOrgan Laboratory German and Nature World Japan 茶歇 / Tea Break
11:00-11:30 温泉度假,中国自然派养生的发展与挑战 11:30-12:10
Development and challenges of hot spring resorts and spas in China
付溟 Michael Fu(中国/China) 中国温泉旅游协会专家委员,云南泉来泉往度假营销有限公司董事长 Expert Committee, China Hot Springs Tourism Association Chairman, Yunnan YSPA Consultant. Ltd Ann Marie French-Cushing (美国/USA)
Chanting: the voice of vibrational healing
Behavioral Health Science Therapeutic Consultant, Contemplative Practices Vita Longa Asia and BioSky Clinics of Bangkok, Thailand 午餐 / Lunch Break
12:50-14:00 14:10-14:20 14:20-15:00
Dr. John Brazier(英国/UK) 国际科雷疗法创始人/Founder, KORE Therapy International
Mark Wuttke(澳大利亚/Australia)
Spas and organic anti-aging
Wuttke集团创始人兼首席代表/Principal, Wuttke Group 主持人 / Moderator 晏格文 Graham Earnshaw(英国/UK)
小组讨论 / Panel Discussion 15:00-15:40
中外对决I / China VS. International I 水疗的意义,是否真是好的健康选择?水疗的未来 Is spa a real wellness solution? The future of China spas
嘉宾 / Panel Guests Sunai Wachirawarakarn (泰国/Thailand) Spanovator常务董事/Managing Director of Spanovator Tracey Chappell (英国/UK) ESPA全球水疗运营总监/Global Director of Spa Operations, ESPA 莎曼 Samantha Foster(澳大利亚/Australia) 目的地水疗管理公司事业发展总监 Development Director, Destination Spa Management Ltd 付溟 Michael Fu(中国/China) 中国温泉旅游协会专家委员,云南泉来泉往度假营销有限公司董事长 Expert Committee, China Hot Springs Tourism Association 任佐治 Georgie Yam(新加坡/Singapore) 蔚渡咨询管理有限公司CEO/CEO, V2 Concept 夏芳 Summer Xia(中国/China) 卿芳堂国际学院、卿芳源水疗中心创始人 Founder, Summa Spa Institute International and Summa Spa
日程安排 AGENDA 时间/Time 15:40-15:50
演讲内容/ Topic
张晨铃 Chengling Zhang(中国/China)
Stylish detoxing
维果清的联合创始人、首席执行官/Co-Founder and Co-CEO, VCLEANSE
营养排毒VCLEANSE+茶歇/Tea break with VCLEANSE
与赞助商自由交流时间/Discussion time with sponsors
自由时间/Free Time 逸品随香:雅容玛浪漫之夜
Aroma Exotic: A Hot Latino Summer Night in Chengdu by Aromatherapy Associate (18:20酒店前台大巴接送)
地点:成都钓鱼台精品酒店/Venue: The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu (TBC) 着装要求:性感浪漫 Dress Code: Sexy and romantic
第二天,2014年8月22日:医疗水疗与水疗管理 Day 2, August 22nd 2014: Business – Medical Trends and Profitable Spa Operation 时间/Time
演讲内容/ Topic
现场轻松调研与分享——关于水疗 Research for fun and for China’s spa industry
演讲人/Speaker Lisa Starr(美国/USA) Wynne Business水疗事业顾问兼资深培训师 Wynne Business, Spa and Salon Business Consultant, Trainer and Educator 高菲 Fifi Kao(中国/China) SpaChina 杂志总监/主编/Director & Chief Editor, SpaChina Magazine
美丽专家 全球非水疗医美趋势 Beauty Guru Global medical beauty trends
吴志良 Dr Woffles Wu(新加坡/Singapore) 新加坡吴志良美容外科和激光中心医疗总监、美容顾问和整形医师 Medical Director, Consultant Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon, Woffles Wu Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Centre, Singapore
医疗水疗的标准化与国际化 Global medical spa standards
Manon Pilon(加拿大/Canada) 作家、演讲家、国际教育家、医疗水疗运营顾问 Renowned Author, Speaker, International Educator and Spa / Med Spa Consultant 茶歇 / Tea Break
10:40-11:00 11:00-11:40
中国城市/美容院水疗向医疗水疗的转型与发展趋势 Beauty spas and day spas turn to medical, the business model and key trend of China day spas today
余一尘 Luke Yu(中国/China) 东方美美容集团董事长 President, Oriental Beauty Group
中国二线、三线城市的水疗事业发展 The spa business in second and third tier cities in China
刘佟 Liu Tong (中国/China) 美联集团总裁/President, Mege Union
水疗收益新创意 Creative ideas for profitable spa operation
Lisa Starr(美国/USA) Wynne Business水疗事业顾问兼资深培训师 Wynne Business, Spa And Salon Business Consultant, Trainer and Educator 午餐 / Lunch Break
现场演示 / Demonstration 科雷疗法提高水疗专业度 Effective KORE therapy for spa business
Dr. John Brazier (TCM) MSc.(英国/UK) 国际科雷疗法创始人 Founder of the KORE Therapy system Vice President of the Federation of Holistic Therapists 主持人 / Moderator 晏格文 Graham Earnshaw(英国/UK)
小组讨论 / Panel Discussion 中外对决II / China VS. International II 水疗中心可持续盈利的业务模式; 医美是否是业务趋势? A profitable spa business; is the medical trend a solution?
嘉宾 / Panel Guests Lucia Cunha(葡萄牙/Portugal) 上海浦东丽思卡尔顿水疗与康体总监 Director of Spa & Fitness, The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong Shanghai ifc Manon Pilon(加拿大/Canada) 作家、演讲家、国际教育家、医疗水疗运营顾问 Renowned Author, International Educator and SPA/MED SPA Consultant Matt Sevens(美国/USA) University Medical Pharmaceuticals销售和市场营销副总裁 Vice President, Sales and Marketing, University Medical Pharmaceuticals Rupert Schmid(法国/France) 原液之谜董事长/Chaiman, Biologique Recherche 刘佟 Liu Tong(中国/China) 美联集团总裁/President, Mege Union 余一尘 Luke Yu(中国/China) 东方美美容集团董事长/President, Oriental Beauty Group
日程安排 AGENDA 时间/Time
演讲内容/ Topic
茶歇 / Tea Break
与赞助商自由交流时间/Discussion time with sponsors
自由时间 / Free Time
中国水疗颁奖礼盛大晚宴 SpaChina Awards 2014 Gala Dinner
大宴会厅/Grand Ballroom 着装要求:正装礼服,金与红(可为饰品) Dress Code: Formal dress, with something gold and red (including accessories)
第三天,2014年8月23日:学习、探讨和赏析 Day 3, August 23rd 2014: Knowledge - To Explore and Appreciate 时间/Time
演讲内容/ Topic
案例分享 / Case Study 运动健身和水疗的关系 Wellness movements for spa
Tomoka Nguyen (日本/Japan) 圣淘沙世界度假村水疗总监 Spa Director, Resorts World Sentosa
现场演示 / Demonstration 中国水疗与灵性能量疗法 Energy healing for spas in China
Jacqueline Graham(英国/UK) 卿芳堂自然疗法学院水晶高频能量疗法、灵气大师 Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Holistic Therapist, Reflexologist, Summa Spa Institute international
现场演示 / Demonstration 颂钵脉轮瑜伽疗愈 Singing Bowls Chakra Yoga Treatment
郭健/Guo Jian(中国/China) 瑜伽身心灵成长培训导师/Yoga Training and Education Master 杨有华/Yang Youhua(中国/China) 瑜伽身心灵师/Yoga Trainer and Singing Bowls Therapist 广州郭健瑜伽/Guo Jian Yoga Center Guangzhou
主持人 / Moderator 晏格文 Graham Earnshaw(英国/UK)
小组讨论 / Panel Discussion 中外对决III / China VS. International III 在中国展开业务和寻找合作伙伴 Doing Business in China, Looking for Right Partners
嘉宾 / Panel Guests 王文标/Andy Wong(中国/China) 香港嘉悦国际集团董事长 President, HK Joyplus International Group 陈睿德/Christopher R. Clark (美国/USA) 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理 General Manager, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu Grace Wu(台湾/Taiwan) Venus Concept中国子公司CEO/CEO, Venus Concept China Ingo Schweder(德国/Germany) GOCO集团创始人及总裁首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer, GOCO Hospitality 张冠敏 Tony Cheung(香港/Hong Kong) 保安水利工程有限公司及保安水疗顾问有限公司创始人 Founder, P&A Engineering Ltd. and PA Wellness Consultancy Ltd. 茶歇 / Tea Break
11:25-11:45 专家专场 Break session
创造有盈利的酒店水疗业务 Creating a profitable hotel spa
Trent Munday(澳大利亚/Australia) Steiner水疗顾问公司副总裁、蔓达梦水疗的区域副总裁 Vice President, Steiner Spa Consulting, Regional Vice President, Mandara Spa
翡翠厅1 Jade Ballroom 1
选择适宜的合作伙伴经营水疗 Selecting the right partner to work with for your spa business
Alfredo A. Carvajal(美国/USA) WTS International, Inc. 全球运营总监 Chief Operating Officer, WTS International, Inc.
专家专场 Break session
营建医疗或养生度假村的要素 The key concepts for developing a medical or wellness spa resort
麦柯伦/Clive McNish(英国/UK) GOCO河北牛驼度假村总经理 General Manger, GOCO Retreat Niutuo
翡翠厅2 Jade Ballroom 2
中国传统医学在水疗与养生度假村 中的应用 China's traditions for wellness retreats and spas
Gerard Bodeker (英国/UK) 英国牛津全球传统健康体系(GIFTS)主席 Chairman, Oxford-based Global Initiative for Traditional Systems (GIFTS) of Health
当精油遇上素食主义 Aroma meets vegetarian
20桌主题午餐,20位领坐嘉宾 20 lunch tables with 20 industry experts for discussion on different topics
VIP Speakers 特邀讲师
高菲 SpaChina杂志主编兼总监 上海出生,在东京就读心理学专业和平面设计。 英 语 、 日 语 流 利 。 99年 到 04年 在 SinoMedia任 职 设 计总监,并曾为喜达屋酒店和度假村集团创办中文 刊物。2004年作为创办人之一启动中英文双语杂志 SpaChina,目前任主编兼总监。2005年出版自绘儿童 故事画册。作为中国水疗颁奖礼创始人、SpaChina中 国水疗峰会主办人、中国水疗促进会会长、中国SPA协会名誉会长,高 菲致力于推进中国水疗行业的发展与进步。2008年和2009年分别获得香 港国际武术节杨式太极拳青年组铜牌和太极剑银牌。她还是IARI国际注 册高级营养师,中医爱好者,并于2009年获中国杰出女性创意总监奖。
目的地水疗管理公司事业发展总监 莎曼对健康养生的热情引领她在过去的20多年里深入 了解水疗业的方方面面。作为一名职业经理人、培 训师、理疗师、零售商、亚太地区最富经验的水疗顾 问,她一直与众多顶级品牌商合作。莎曼秉持“让世 界更快乐、更健康”的使命,将水疗产业看作是完成 这一使命的理想媒介。她的专长是建立并管理目的地 水疗和健康中心。同时,莎曼还开设了有关水疗开发管理的国际课程, 她不仅是一名出版作家,还是一位广受欢迎的演说家。因其在水疗行业 的优秀领导力,莎曼两次被授予相关奖项,现在她还是国际卫生与健康 联盟的创始主席。
Jacky L. Chanon
美国路易安娜州州立大学医学中心医学医师 美国布朗大学认知医学系博士导师 德国VitOrgan实验室与日本自然世界研究员 早在80年代,Jacky博士就在布朗大学跟随哈佛大学 的霍华德教授领导的一个研究小组,发现了潜在“认 知”是一个从童年深刻植入记忆影响心理和行为的因 素,应视为医疗问题,自此开始发现和建立了医学的 新领域“认知医学”。1991年来,基于对细胞分子机制的发现,一直专 注于细胞分子的研究,解析“细胞语言”。2008年起,Jacky博士接受日 本自然世界邀请作为研究员主攻提取免疫细胞分子,也就是生长因子, 以全方位的免疫细胞来提高细胞培养与正常化,以供免疫重建。免疫功 能正常化在免疫重建中发挥着重要作用,大多用于抗衰老与疾病控制与 预防。Jacky博士被认为是此领域研究课题上的全球第一人。
中国温泉旅游协会专家委员 云南泉来泉往度假营销有限公司董事长 80年代北京工商大学毕业后,公派留学瑞士,研修旅 游与酒店管理,90年代回国后曾在多家四、五星级酒 店做总经理。现担任中国温泉旅游协会专家委员、全 国服务标准化技术委员会温泉SC委员、云南省SPA与 温泉等级评定委员会副主任、云南省温泉旅游协会 副会长兼秘书长。作为主要起草人先后编制了《旅游温泉标识使用规 范》DB53/T256-2008等四个云南省温泉SPA的地方标准及《温泉企业服 务质量等级划分与评定》LB/T016-2011首个中国温泉行业标准。付溟先 生还出任云南泉来泉往度假营销有限公司的董事长,专注温泉SPA行业 的项目科研、市场营销及标准化管理等业务,还是持证的国家高级芳 香保健师。
Ann Marie French-Cushing 行为健康科学治疗专家 思惟实践理疗专家
Ann Marie是精神领域健康研究方面的专家。在哥伦比 亚大学医疗中心、Continuum Health Partners的住院/ 门诊临床、研究系担任业务管理主任一职已有十多年 的时间,管理着36家诊所、9个住院设施中心、72个研 究分部,领导着600多名员工,共掌管8千万至1亿美元 的预算,用于精神病学系的研究、临床和教育课程。同时,她还制作教 育视频、撰写文本内容、设计教学媒体,又参与指导和制作与健康相关 的网络广播“饱受病痛的人”。另外,Ann Marie在其公司开发了社会 化媒体营销、绘制和传播模式。
SpaChina Summit
成都 中国水疗行业峰会2014 Chengdu
Day 1
Fifi Kao
Director & Editor in Chief, SpaChina Magazine Fifi was born in Shanghai and joined SinoMedia in 1999 after studying psychology and graphic design in Tokyo. She rose from designer to become Editor-in-Chief of SpaChina Magazine, which this year celebrates its 10th anniversary. As the opinion leader of China's spa industry, she established the China Spa Association, hosts the annual SpaChina Summit and Awards and publishes industry reports. She is currently working on an online training platform for China's spa industry. In 2009, Fifi won the most creative woman director award from China Sorority. In her spare time, she practices Tai Chi and studies Traditional Chinese Medicine. She won silver medals at the Hong Kong International Wushu Festival in 2008 and 2009. Fifi is an international nutrition consultant with IARI (International Accreditation and Registration Institute) and is fluent in English and Japanese. In 2005, she wrote and illustrated a children’s book.
Samantha Foster
Development Director Destination Spa Management Ltd For over 20 years, Sam’s passion for wellness has led her on a journey through every aspect of today’s Spa industry. A proven manager, trainer, therapist, retailer, and one of Asia-Pacific’s most experienced spa consultants, Sam has been blessed to work with many of the region’s top brands. Sam’s mission is to “make the world happier and healthier”, and she sees the spa industry as an ideal vehicle to achieve this. Her specialty is setting up and managing destination spas and wellness centers. Sam runs international courses in spa development and management, is a published author and popular speaker. Twice awarded for her leadership in the spa industry, Sam is currently founding President of the International Health & Wellness Alliance.
Jacky L. Chanon
MD Physician of Lousiana State University Medical Center PhD Prof. of Brown University, Department of Cognitive Medicine Research Fellow of VitOrgan Laboratory German, and Nature World Japan With a passion for wellness since the early days of his medical career, Dr. Jacky L. Chanon long led a research team on the topic of “cognition” at Brown University. Dr. Chanon discovered that “cognition” is an implant-memory from childhood affecting mentality and behavior, and should be considered as a medical issue. He later founded a new field of medicine called “Cognitive Medicine”. He became very interested in “Cell Molecules” which can be described as “ Cell Language” playing a vital role in cell-to-cell communication. Dr. Chaon was invited to contribute to Nature World about 5 years ago, his major role was to extract immune cell molecules (Growth Factors) from a full range of immune blast cells to enhance cell culture as well as normalizing immunity after “Immune Reconstruction”.
Michael Fu
Expert Committee, China Hot Springs Tourism Association Chairman, Yunnan YSPA Consultant. Ltd After graduation from Beijing Technology and Business University in 1980s, Michael studied tourism and hotel management in Switzerland with financial aid by the government. He now holds positions such as expert commissioner of China Hot Spring Tourism Association, commissioner of Hot Spring SC of SAC/TC264, deputy director of the general office of Yunnan Hot Spring Rating Committee and vice president and secretary general of Yunnan Hot Spring Tourism Association. As the major drafter, he designed four provincial standards concerning Yunnan hot spring and the first Chinese hot spring industry standard. Mr Fu also serves as president of Yunnan YSPA Consultant.Ltd, focusing on project feasibility studies, marketing and standardized management of hot spring and spa industry. Meanwhile, he is a certified national senior aroma therapist.
Ann Marie French-Cushing
Behavioral Health Science Therapeutic Consultant, Contemplative Practices Vita Longa Asia and BioSky Clinics of Bangkok, Thailand Ann Marie was a Managerial Director of Business Administration for in-patient/out-patient clinical and research departments for more than a decade at Columbia University Medical Center and Continuum Health Partners, directing 36 Clinics, and 9 inpatient facilities and 72 research divisions, and managing more than 600 staff and budgets of $80-100M across a wide-range of functions for research, clinical and educational programs for the Department of Psychiatry. Concurrently, she produced educational video and text-based content and instructional media and co-directed and co-produced health related web casts, "Someone You Know is Suffering". Ann Marie has also developed social media marketing, mapping and communication models under her company, Indigo Initiatives Inc. for Executive Companies.
Mark Wuttke Wuttke集团创始人、首席代表 Mark Wuttke创立了以“可持续性奢侈、水疗、精品 零售以及生态时尚”的商业发展团队,并在全球范围 拥有知名认可度。25年美容健康行业从业经验,从美 国到澳大利亚,从策略管理、运营到市场销售,公司 在豪华水疗、精品零售,特别是生物有机护肤产品和 天然医药方面取得不斐成绩。目前业务投向中国、英 国、法国、德国、意大利、新西兰、加拿大、墨西哥、美国、澳大利亚 和阿联酋的市场,为国际顾客服务。自2006年起参与管理国际品牌Primavera Life,为自然有机护肤品牌的质量检测树立了新标准。
维果清联合创始人、首席执行官 张晨玲是维果清联合创始人兼首席执行官。她先后就 职于Audax Group的私募股权投资公司、纽约摩根士丹 利的投资银行部,是一名出色的中间市场投资人。她 想创办一家既能做好事又能做好的企业,于是便同她 的业务伙伴马天天一起辞去工作,于2012年在上海创 办了维果清,一家以健康生活方式为主题的企业。该 公司在上海和北京都有业务。晨玲毕业于哈佛大学应用数学系。
Mark Wuttke
Principal, Wuttke Group Mark Wuttke heads the Wuttke Group, LLC, a business development team with a focus on sustainable luxury, spa, boutique retail, organic luxury and eco-chic. Globally-recognized, Wuttke has more than 25 years of experience in the wellness industry in the United States and Australia including strategic and tactical management, operations, marketing, and sales. Wuttke has been associated with luxury spas and high-end boutique retail, specializing in biodynamic/organic skin care and natural medicines and has served clients in China, the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Canada, U.A.E., Mexico, United States and Australia. Since 2006, Wuttke has stewarded international development for Primavera Life, International, whose PRIMAVERA and Amala brands, have set the standard for quality in certified natural and organic skincare.
Chengling Zhang
Co-Founder and Co-CEO, VCLEANSE Chenling Zhang is Co-Founder and Co-CEO of VCLEANSE. She previously was a private equity investor with Audax Group, a leading middle market investor in the U.S. and an investment banker with Morgan Stanley in New York. She wanted to start a venture that could do good and do well at the same time. She and her business partner Tian Mayimin quit their jobs and started VCLEANSE, a healthy lifestyle business in Shanghai in 2012. It has now operations in Shanghai and Beijing. Chenling is a graduate of Harvard University with a degree in Applied Math.
Day 2 Lisa Starr
Wynne Business水疗事业顾问兼资深培训师 Lisa Starr涉足美容和水疗行业近三十年,是美国首屈 一指的水疗咨询公司Wynne商务的资深商务咨询顾 问,监管着美国和亚洲的多个酒店、医院、疗养中 心、健身中心、都市水疗和美容中心项目。Lisa拥有 丰富的美容及水疗方面的业务经验,为客户提供行业 各个领域的建议和实际有效的解决方法:如商业化经 营、成本和赢利计算、市场销售、库存管理、人力资源开发以及商务程 序优化。Lisa是ISPA、IECSC以及中国水疗行业峰会最受欢迎的讲师之 一,目前任职GramercyOne社区大使,并管理着公司的企业博客Twitter @StarrTalk。
Manon Pilon
作家、演讲家、国际教育家 医疗水疗运营顾问 Manon Pilon女士来自加拿大,她涉足美容教育行业 超过25年,在世界各地举办过研讨会,并作为主讲嘉 宾,对医疗专家、美容师、皮肤科医生、护士以及整 形外科医生和其他一些医疗专业人员进行指导。多年 来,Manon女士撰写发表过多篇文章,并受到多档广 播电视节目的邀请。2002年,Manon女士得到“纽约名人录”的提名。 2006年,她的第一本美容著作热销。2013年,她来到中国大陆,与中国 女性分享了有关高端水疗会所的运营管理、营销策略方面的经验,以及 当今最流行的医学美容SPA的先进技术和国际趋势。
新加坡吴志良美容外科和激光中心 医疗总监、美容顾问和整形医师 吴医生担任过200多场国际会议和座谈会的受邀主讲 人、专题讨论组成员和主持人,在会上他积极分享自 己在专业领域的职业经验与心得。他出版了许多有关 整形外科技术的临床报告和书刊篇章,并刊登在《美 容整形外科》杂志上。1996年吴医生首创隐形切口隆 胸法。同时,他在使用肉毒素进行额部除皱、面部嫩肤、极速瘦脸方面 享有盛誉。2002年,他发明了“吴氏埋线”和“吴氏提升术”的非手术 面部年轻化疗法。因其在整形外科上的突出成就,吴医生一直是电视节 目的常客,有250多家书籍、报纸、杂志刊登过有关他的报导,被誉为 国际最著名20位整形医生之一。
东方美美容集团董事长 毕业于瑞典哥德堡大学工商管理硕士,就读期间,身 为留学生联谊会主席的他因成绩优秀获得留学生奖学 金而受到哥德堡市长的接见。2000年回国,就任东方美 总经理,凭借良好的信誉度和卓越的人才储备方案, 在短短几年间即带领东方美走上了“跨区域”的发展 战略。2002年当选为厦门市美容美发行业协会的副会 长。2007被中国美容美发协会联盟评为“中国美容美发化妆品行业中最具 影响力的人物”。同年,其管理的东方美美容美体连锁机构也同时被评 为“中国优秀美容企业”的荣誉称号。2011年,当选影响厦门美业领袖人 物,同年参与“抗衰老与医疗美容技术与管理”获全球培训证书。
Lisa Starr
Spa and Salon Business Consultant, Trainer and Educator Wynne Business Spa and salon business consultant for Wynne Business, spa management trainer & educator on five continents, highly rated speaker at industry events, and regular contributor to global spa trade publications including Dayspa, Spa China, Spa Business and American Spa, Lisa has been helping companies maximize spa operations performance in both front and back of house for 30 years. Her knowledge and experience provide turnkey solutions in areas such as spa business operations, finances & compensation, marketing, inventory management, human resource development, and business process improvement. She blogs on spa management issues at spa-booker.com/blog, tweets @StarrTalk and can be reached at lstarr@wynnebusiness.com.
Manon Pilon
Renowned Author, Speaker International Educator and Spa/Med Spa Consultant Manon Pilon has conducted seminars throughout the world, educating medical specialists, estheticians, dermatologists, nurses as well as plastic surgeons and other medical professionals. She specializes in skin disorders how to prevent them. She has led skin care conferences worldwide notably in Paris, the USA, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Geneva, Singapore and Sydney. Furthermore, Manon Pilon has been Master of Ceremonies at the Las Vegas International Esthetics Conference (2003) and a guest speaker at all the largest esthetic, dermatology, esthetic medicine and anti-aging shows in North America. In 2002, Manon Pilon was also nominated on the list of Who's Who in New York.
Dr Woffles Wu
Medical Director Consultant Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeon Woffles Wu Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Centre, Singapore Dr Wu has shared his experience in over 200 international conferences and symposia where he has been an invited keynote speaker, panelist or moderator. He has published many clinical papers and book chapters on plastic surgery techniques and is on the editorial board of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Dr Wu pioneered the Stealth Incision Technique for breast augmentation in 1996. He is credited for the Asian Botox Chemical Browlift, Microbotox and Facialsculpting techniques, and developed the WOFFLES THREAD and WOFFLES LIFT nonsurgical facelifting procedure in 2002. Dr Wu has been featured on TV and in over 250 books, newspaper and magazine articles for his outstanding career in cosmetic surgery.
Luke Yu
President, Oriental Beauty Group Luke Yu obtained MBA from University of Gothenburg. During his study, he not only served as president of the association of Overseas Students, but also gained an overseas student scholarship because of his outstanding performance. Thus, he was received by the mayor of Gothenburg. After returning to his homeland in 2000, he became the general manager of Oriental Beauty Group and led the company to implement a “cross-regional” development strategy in just a few years by virtue of well-deserved reputation and an excellent talent reserve program. In 2007, he was awarded as “the most influential figure in China’s hairdressing & beauty cosmetics industry” by China Hairdressing & Beauty Association. Mr. Yu was praised as influential leader of the Xiamen hairdressing and beauty industry in 2011 and acquired global training certificate of “anti-aging and medical beauty technology and management”.
刘佟 美联集团总裁 美联国际集团总裁,涉足美容水疗行业22年,精于经 营策略和资源整合。他于1992年开创“女王美容”, 到2006年“美联集团”建立,事业版图不断扩大,集 团旗下现有女王美容、女王传奇SPA、Lea Spa、唯瑜 珈、女王美容美发教育机构、AIR美发等6大品牌。时 至今日,刘佟先生已在全国各大城市拥有46家会所, 以高端的品牌定位、完善的服务体系、优越的管理系统成为全国水疗 行业的典范!此外,刘佟先生还担任全国工商联美容化妆品业商会副会 长,全国工商联美容化妆品业商会美容SPA交流中心主任,全国工商联 美容化妆品业商会常务理事,中华美业联盟主席。
Dr. John Brazier
科雷疗法创始人 整全疗法理疗师协会副主席 The Corporate Dr.总监及英国高尔夫协会专业医生 John Brazier博士是科雷治疗系统创始人、西方肌肉 骨骼系统专家,传统与东方医药学理念实践者,尤其 是对泰国及日本相关的医药学研究。25年间,师从于 许多世界著名大师,并坚信真正的疗法能够诊断和医 治人体的各种疾病,无论是身体、精神还是心灵,并以一系列如Paul McKenna的心理培训,夯实丰富其医药理念。在慢性疾病及身体疼痛方 面,其科雷治疗系统所研发的治疗手段极为成功。同时,因丰富的临床 诊断经验,他被誉为世界理疗专家、培训师以及健康顾问。
Liu Tong
President, Mege Union As president of Mege Union Group, Mr. Liu is a 22-year-veteran of spa and beauty industry with strong specialty in setting operational strategy and resource integration. He founded Queen’s Beauty in 1992 and worked it up to the large-scale group, Mege Union in 2006 with six excellent brands including Queen’s Beauty, Queen’s Legend Spa, Lea Spa, Yoga Wave, Queen’s hairdressing educational institution and Air Salon. Up to now, Mr. Liu has owned 46 facilities around the country with high-end brand positioning, thorough service and management system, setting a fine model for China’s spa industry. In addition, Mr. Liu is also the Vice Chairman, Director of Beauty and Spa Exchange Center, and Executive Member of Chamber of Beauty Culture and Cosmetics, ACFIC as well as Chairman of China Beauty Industry Association.
Dr. John Brazier
Founder of the KORE Therapy system and its award-winning academy Vice President of the Federation of Holistic Therapists Director of The Corporate Dr. & specialist to the English golf union Dr. John is a highly valued visiting consultant who founded KORE Therapy after extensive education over 25 years in Oriental and Western musculo-skeletal and internal medicine intervention.KORE has managed to combine deep traditional Oriental understandings with modern researched Western techniques to produce a system of therapy that is proven to bridge all three Spa, Corporate and Fitness markets. Leading to award winning courses delivered around the world.
Day 3 Tomoka Nguyen
圣淘沙世界度假村,水疗总监 2014年1月,Tomoka加盟圣淘沙名胜世界,担任ESPA 水疗中心总监一职。她主要负责为新加坡大型豪华 水疗中心和该品牌旗下的各亚洲旗舰店管理日常业务 并制定业务发展战略。Tomoka在全球水疗和健康行 业有着超过15年的从业经验,主持众多酒店品牌的水 疗和度假村业务,如亚太蔓达梦水疗、酒店管理公司 (GHM)和曼谷半岛酒店。在加盟圣淘沙名胜世界前,Tomoka成立了自 己的水疗、美容和健康咨询公司。同时,她也是CIBTAC和ITEC认证的 水疗专业人士、芳香理疗师和健康辅导师。
Jacqueline Graham
水晶高频能量疗法、灵气大师 1990年到2004年期间,Jacqueline Graham最初在苏格兰 接受的是护理培训,之后才学习芳香按摩,帮助人们治 疗身体疾病。同时,她也学习了其他非传统疗法,包括 水晶疗法、灵气疗法。如今,她已是一名受到专业认可 的临床芳香疗法、反射疗法专家,灵气导师、水晶治疗 师和能量治疗师,从情感和精神层面为客人提供有效 的疗程。Jacqueline分别在香港和北京教授灵气一级、二级和大师级,以 及水晶疗法课程。她也会为客人进行疗愈,帮助他们处理日常遇到的问 题和决策。Jacqueline对于能量疗法,特别是灵气和水晶疗法尤为精通。
瑜伽身心灵成长培训导师 上世纪五十年代出生于军人家庭;六十年代入伍广州军 区陆军总医院,圆了成为军人的梦想;七十年代,毕业 于广州第一军医大学,成为广州陆军总医院的眼科军 医;八十年代从事眼科临床、医学整形专业,是闻名的 广州第一人民医院“一把刀”;九十年代进入健康、保 健、养生行业,开始了对东方古老的瑜伽文化的探索和 传播,并推动了瑜伽文化在中国的健康发展;2003年,遭遇乳腺癌洗礼, 重获二次生命后,开始致力于生命关怀教育、粉红丝带传播和瑜伽身心灵 成长培训事业,现担任北京驻颜美容学院教授、全国工商联美容化妆品商 会瑜伽专业委员会主任、中华美业联盟全联SPA交流中心名誉主席、中国 SPA协会(香港)名誉会长、亚洲(中国)健康美容联盟名誉主席、香港美发 美容业商会名誉会长。
Tomoka Nguyen
Spa Director Resorts World Sentosa Resorts World Sentosa (RWS), Asia’s ultimate destination resort, is located on Singapore’s resort island of Sentosa. Tomoka joined RWS in January 2014 as Director, ESPA. She is responsible for daily operations and business development strategy for Singapore’s largest luxury spa and the brand’s Asian flagship. Tomoka has over 15 years of experience in the global spa and wellness industry, heading spa and resort operations with various hospitality brands such as Mandara Spa Asia Pacific, General Hotel Management and The Peninsula Bangkok. Before joining RWS, Tomoka founded her own spa, beauty and wellness consultancy firm. Tomoka is a CIBTAC and ITEC certified spa professional, a certified aroma therapist and wellness coach.
Jacqueline Graham
Reiki Master, Crystal Healer Holistic Therapist, Reflexologist Jacqueline Graham originally trained as a nurse in Scotland from 1990 to 2004 and then studied Aromatherapy massage to help people with physical ailments. She studied other alternative therapies, as well as crystal healing and Reiki. She is now a qualified clinical Aromatherapist, Reflexologist, Reiki Master, Crystal Healer and Energy healer, and helps people on both an emotional and spiritual level. Jacqueline also teaches Reiki in Reiki I, II and Master Level, as well as Crystal Healing in Hong Kong and Beijing. She carries out healing sessions for clients, helping people with everyday problems and decisions. Jacqueline’s special interest has always been working with energy, especially Reiki and Crystals.
Guo Jian
Yoga Training and Education Master Born into an orthodox military family in the 1950s, Guo Jian enrolled in the army in her youth. Before touching Yoga, she was a well-known Ophthalmologist in Guangzhou. In the 1990s, Guo Jian entered the health and wellness industry and started to explore the ancient Yoga and its profound culture. Although suffering from breast cancer at an early age, she pulled through with help from her family and friends as well as Yoga. Guo Jian decided to devote the rest of her life to the dissemination of Yoga. Now Guo Jian dedicates herself to lifecare education, China Breast Cancer Awareness Activities and Yogo holistic training. She has won many awards and plays the roles of Yoga Consultant at China Beauty & Life Magazine, Director of the Yoga Experts Council in CBC, Honorary Chairwoman of China Spa Association (Hong Kong), and Honorary President of Asia (China) Union of Health and Beauty.
如需要报名,请填写日程表之前页的SpaChina水疗行业峰会2014报名表, 电子版本也可于www.spachina.com网站下载。 请填写完毕后传真至+86 21 5385 8953夏晓初或王红霞收; 或邮件至:summer.xia@spachina.com, alice.wang@spachina.com 注意:请致电+86 21 5385 8951分机823/882,确认传真或者邮件报名已经 收到。
The Registration Form can be downloaded via www.spachina.com, or be found in the magazine, please make a copy of the registration form to make extra registrations. Please fill in the form and fax to Summer Xia, or Alice Wang on +86 21 5385 8953, or Email to: summer.xia@spachina.com, alice.wang@spachina.com. Please call +86 21 53858951 ext. 823/882 to confirm that the form has been received.
专家专场 Vip Speakers for Break sessions Trent Munday
Steiner水疗顾问公司副总裁 蔓达梦水疗的区域副总裁 2005年1月,Trent正式加盟Steiner Leisure。在这之前, 他从事酒店业已有14年时间。在第六感酒店和度假村 集团,他在泰国华欣开设了集团的第一家Evason并担 任驻店经理;在COMO酒店和度假村集团,他是巴 里岛乌玛乌布酒店的开业经理。先后在澳大利亚、美 国、泰国、马尔代夫、印度尼西亚、马来西亚工作过的他在多元化的文 化环境中积攒了相当丰富的酒店业从业经验。同时,Trent在悉尼奥组委 做过两年的高管,在此期间,他主要负责一些投资项目,包括管理奥运 村17,000多名运动员和官员的住宿及相关服务。
Alfredo A. Carvaja
WTS International全球运营总监 作为WTS International的首席运营官,Alfredo在国内 外酒店水疗运营、品牌发展、市场营销和战略规划方 面有着20多年的从业经验。在他最近担任的全国最大 水疗供应和设备分销公司——Universal Companies的执 行副总裁一职中,他主要负责监管业务部和品牌推广 部,同时也负责开发度假村、医疗和城市水疗市场。 从游艇起航到豪华酒店和水疗中心在全球多家场所的开业,Alfredo在国 际化管理、全球最佳实践和创造性战略定位方面经验丰富、见识广博。 之前,他曾出任过皇家加勒比邮轮公司、迪斯尼公司、丽思卡尔顿酒店 和峡谷牧场健康度假村的管理职位。
麦柯伦 GOCO河北牛驼度假村总经理 凭借超过18年的度假村、健身和水疗管理经验,麦柯 伦先生最近加入GOCO集团,并担任其在中国的第一 个GOCO品牌项目——GOCO河北牛驼度假村。麦柯伦 曾在泰国首选度假胜地,著名的卡马拉雅健康水疗度 假村任职健康主管和总经理。他还曾经任职于维埃拉 玛雅文华东方酒店水疗中心,并在四季酒店集团四年 担任了不同酒店的水疗总监,包括普罗旺斯,汉普郡和巴厘岛。此前, 麦柯伦在被誉为“英国最佳酒店水疗中心”的CHEWTON幽谷酒店及水 疗中心担任康体中心与水疗中心经理。
Prof. Gerard Bodeker
Prof.英国牛津全球传统健康体系(GIFTS)主席 GerryBodeker在国际健康及辅助医药学领域有长达25 年的工作经验,是牛津大学医学院公共健康领域的资 深教授,美国哥伦比亚大学的流行病学副教授,同时 供职于牛津大学的国际发展部门。曾担任过政府和国 际公司的咨询师,并于2008年参与编著《了解全球水 疗行业》。此外,他还是“传统卫生系统”(www.giftsofhealth.org)的全球主席。Bodeker教授担任主编,并出版过多本医学专 业书籍。他的团队也在其领导下,率先开始研究传统医药在发展中国家 的使用政策和在公共卫生方面的运用。
Trent Munday
Vice President, Steiner Spa Consulting Regional Vice President, Mandara Spa Trent joined Steiner Leisure in January 2005 after 14 years in the hotel business, with Six Senses Hotels & Resorts, where he opened the company’s first Evason property in Hua Hin, Thailand as Resident Manager and COMO Hotels & Resorts where he was the opening General Manager of Uma Ubud, Bali. Having worked in Australia, USA, Thailand, Maldives, Indonesia and Malaysia, he has gained considerable experience in the hospitality industry across numerous, diverse cultural environments. Trent also spent two years at a senior management level with the Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games where he was responsible for a number of portfolios including the accommodation and related services for over 17,000 athletes and officials in The Village.
Alfredo A. Carvaja
Chief Operating Officer, WTS International As WTS International‘s Chief Operating Officer, Alfredo brings over 20 years of experience in domestic, international hotel and spa operations, brand development, sales and marketing and strategic planning. In his most recent post as Executive Vice President for Universal Companies, the America’s largest spa supply and equipment distribution company, he oversaw operations and branding departments as well as developing resort, medical and day spa market segments. From cruise ship launchings to luxury hotel and spa openings at multiple locations worldwide, Alfredo has extensive experience in international management, global best practices and creative strategic positioning. Previously, he held management positions with Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, The Walt Disney Company, Ritz‐Carlton Hotels and Canyon Ranch Health Resorts.
Clive McNish
General Manger, GOCO Retreat Niutuo With over 18 years of resort, wellness and spa management experience, Clive recently joined GOCO as the General Manager of the first GOCO-branded property, GOCO Retreat | Niutuo. Prior to joining GOCO, Clive started as Wellness Director and later as General Manager at the Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary & Holistic Spa. Before his experience with the leading destination resort in Thailand, Clive spent two years at the helm of The Spa at Mandarin Oriental Riviera Maya. In addition and during his four years with Four Seasons, Clive served as Spa Director in different locations including Provence, Hampshire and Bali. Previously, Clive was the Health Club and Spa Manager at Chewton Glen Hotel & Spa, which was recognized as “Best British Hotel Spa.”
Prof. Gerard Bodeker
Professor and Chairman, Oxford-based Global Initiative For Traditional Systems (GIFTS) of Health Professor Gerry Bodeker chairs the Oxford-based Global Initiative For Traditional Systems (GIFTS) of Health. Harvard-trained, he holds faculty appointments in public health at Columbia University, New York and at Oxford University in England. He has been published widely on integrative medicine and worked on traditional medicine with several UN agencies. Prof Bodeker is editor of the WHO Global Atlas of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine; a founding editor of the Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine; and an editor of the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine. In recognition of his research he was appointed a Fellow of the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry. He co-authored a leading text on the global spa industry and advises the industry on cultural and scientific bases for new directions in wellness.
小组讨论嘉宾 Panel GUESTS 晏格文
作家、SinoMedia公司行政总裁、 SpaChina杂志出版人 晏格文先生是一名作家,在中国传媒界拥有多年从业 经验,现任《中经评论》经济杂志和Earnshaw Books 出版人以及SinoMedia文化传播有限公司CEO。1990 年至1995年期间,晏格文曾担任英国路透社驻北京总 编和伦敦日报总编,以及路透社亚太地区总编。他著 有大量书籍,其中包括中国旅游指导《中国自由行》,2010年3月出版 的《徒步中国》和2008年出版的《老上海记》。晏格文先生精通中国经 济、社会和历史,并多次在各类大型会议发表演讲。
Tracey Chappell
ESPA全球水疗运营总监 作为全球认可的健康、美容、美学和香薰按摩专 家,Tracey已有24年的从业经验,过去16年一直就职 于ESPA。早年,她曾任培训和业务顾问,后又升任 文华东方酒店的水疗总监,后凭借其过人的咨询能力 分别在伦敦、迈阿密、夏威夷、纽约、华盛顿开业了 ESPA。2003年,Tracey筹备开业并经营着除迈阿密之 外的美国ESPA,2005年又重返英国ESPA,监管全球开业筹备、业务开 发经营工作,同时管理着55个国家的105家水疗中心,包括设立亚洲迪 拜卫星办公室、组建客户服务专员团队。定期的全球出行,与ESPA创始 人兼总裁Susan Harmsworth MBE的亲密合作使得Tracey成为全球水疗业 受人尊崇的专家,时刻掌握着水疗发展的趋势。
Graham Earnshaw
Author, Publisher of SpaChina Magazine CEO, SinoMedia Ltd. Graham Earnshaw is a businessman and writer with many years of experience in the China media world. He is Publisher of SpaChina Magazine, China Economic Review, CEO of SinoMedia Ltd and Publisher of Earnshaw Books. He has been a director and executive of a number of companies in the China media space. He was previously a journalist and was Reuters editor for Asia for five years 1990-1995. He has written a number of books, including Tales of Old Shanghai (2008) and an account of his continuing walk across China, The Great Walk of China. He speaks regularly at meetings and conferences on a wide range of topics relating to China’s economy, society and history.
Tracey Chappell
Global Director of Spa Operations, ESPA Internationally qualified in Health, Beauty, Aesthetics and Aromatherapy, Tracey has been 24 years in the industry; the last 16 years have been with ESPA. Her early roles included Training and Operations consultancy, progressing to Spa Director positions with Mandarin Oriental, and launching ESPA in London, Miami and Hawaii, then New York and Washington DC in an ESPA consultancy capacity. In 2003, Tracey launched and managed ESPA USA out of Miami, Florida, returning to ESPA UK in 2005 to oversee Global Pre-opening, Business Development and Operations, managing 105 Spas in 55 countries, including the set-up of Asia and Dubai satellite offices and a team of Operations Associates. With regular worldwide travel and working closely alongside ESPA Founder and CEO, Susan Harmsworth MBE, Tracey has become a respected authority on the global Spa industry with her finger on the pulse of spa trends.
莎曼/Samantha Foster
目的地水疗管理公司事业发展总监/Development Director, Destination Spa Management Ltd
付溟/Samantha Foster
中国温泉旅游协会专家委员、云南泉来泉往度假营销有限公司董事长 China Hot Springs Tourism Association Expert Committee, Chairman, Yunnan YSPA Consultant. Ltd
蔚渡咨询管理有限公司首席执行官 任佐治先生从伦敦沙宣开始了他的职业生涯,他是当时 极少数的华人首席美发师,被誉为业界的一个传奇。6 年后他在新加坡开设了沙龙,在那里,他遇到了他的搭 档珍妮,与之携手在凯悦和万豪酒店里开设了第一个悠 庭保健会所。2002年,任佐治先生进军中国市场,与合 作伙伴一起在中国开设了目前已拥有23个分店的悠庭保 健。2012年,佐治移居到澳大利亚,并为此离开悠庭。今年初回到上海, 创办了他的新公司V2概念——蔚渡咨询管理有限公司。
卿芳堂国际学院、卿芳源水疗中心创始人 作为中国水疗界知名的专业人士之一,专栏作家、英 国CIBTAC及澳洲IAAMA国际专业认证机构的导师, 夏芳女士也是一位与水疗相关的教育培训以及水疗现 场运营管理、服务流程及细节、水疗产品研发等领域 的专家。她于2003年创立了北京布吉田园香薰美颜顾 问咨询管理有限公司,十余年来,为香薰治疗、酒店 水疗等提供专业的教育培训及顾问咨询管理服务,在国内率先将充满人 文关怀的身、心、灵自然疗愈的智慧与理念与现代水疗相融合,为中国 水疗行业培养和输出优秀人才。
Lucia Cunha
上海浦东丽思卡尔顿水疗与康体总监 Lúcia Cunha在水疗业务领域有着丰富的经验。在上海 浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店作为水疗总监近3年。丽思卡尔 顿酒店还任命Lúcia协助集团亚太地区酒店开业前的所 有筹备工作。2003年Lúcia Cunha在四季酒店开始接触 到了ESPA,她还曾从业于蓝绿酒店和度假村水疗、持 有泰国奇瓦颂学院授予的酒店管理高级学位证书并且 精通水疗管理。Lúcia是法罗大学的第一位科学协调员和顾问,并教授 水疗中心经营管理及其开业筹备方面的知识。她经常获邀开展水疗行业 的讲座。
Sunai Wachirawarakarn Spanovator常务董事
Sunai先生在水疗管理和开发领域拥有10余年工作经 验,运营过位于全球各地的50余家水疗中心,包括大 型的都市水疗以及获奖豪华度假村水疗,如蔓达梦水 疗、安纳塔拉水疗等。如今,Sunai先生经营着自己 的水疗管理公司Spanovator。公司管理着众多世界知 名水疗品牌,业务遍及泰国、越南、韩国、中国和中 东。他的策略管理以结果为导向,灵活敏捷而又富有创意。Sunai先生早 年曾研习过抗衰老科学,并持有MBA学位,这使得他在业界声誉颇佳。 目前,他还任职泰国水疗协会市场营销部主席。
Georgie Yam
CEO, V2 Concepts Georgie started his career with Vidal Sassoon in London, being one of the very few Chinese to have worked with the legend. After 6 years in UK, Georgie decided to open his salon in Singapore, where he met his partner Jeannie Sim and joined hands to open up The Retreat at Hyatt and Marriott Hotel. In 2002, Georgie ventured into the China market and opened Dragonfly Retreat, now with 23 locations in China. In 2012, Georgie migrated to Australia and therefor relinquished his CEO position. Early this year, Georgie returned to Shanghai and founded his new company V2 Concepts, in which, he will operate this brand in hotels and premium malls.
Summer Xia
Founder, Summa Spa Institute International and Summa Spa Well known as one of the most prominent and experienced leaders in the spa industry in China. Summer is also a sought-after columnist, lecturer and consultant; and she is an expert on spa-relevant education and training, on-site management, products and spa services. Summer established Summa Spa Associates in 2003, is a specialized service and training provider aromatherapy and spa area. The company has since its birth been dedicated to integrating the natural and holistic healing traditions on body, mind and spirit into spa and skincare practices. She has a professional team, to offer sophisticated spa treatment training, culture and philosophy recommendations and management consulting services to spas of 5-stars hotels and 5-star spa clubs throughout China.
Lucia Cunha
Director of Spa & Fitness, The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong Shanghai ifc Lúcia Cunha is a hospitality executive with deep knowledge of Spa business. In Shanghai she oversees Ritz-Carlton Spa Pudong for nearly three years now. Appointed by Ritz-Carlton, she has played a key role in supporting Ritz-Carlton’s properties pre-opening across Asia-Pacific Region. Within Six Senses Spas, Lúcia also oversaw Ritz-Carlton flagship properties: Penha Longa Resort – Portugal and Hotel Arts – Barcelona. She started her career in 2003 with ESPA at Four Seasons Hotel. Priory oversaw the Spa Division for Blue & Green Hotels and Resorts. Lucia holds a High-Degree in Hospitality Management and is also a specialist in spa management by renowned Chiva-Som Academy in Thailand. Mrs. Cunha was the first Scientific Coordinator and advisor at Faro University lecturing Spa Operations Management and Spa Openings. She is also frequently invited to give lectures on spa industry.
Sunai Wachirawarakarn
Managing Director, Spanovator For more than 10 years of Mr. Sunai’s expertise in managing and developing spabusinesses, he has operated more than 50 different spa projects around the world. His projects widely range from large scale day spa to awarded luxuryresort spas, for instances Mandara Spa and Anantara spa. Currently Mr.Sunai has operated his spa management company entitled “Spanovator”. His company has managed many world famous spa brands in Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, China and Middle East. His strategic management style is result-oriented, flexible and highly innovative. With a strong background of his knowledge in Master of Science in Anti-Aging and Master of Business Administration, these keys have ensured his reputation in the industry together with his role as the current Marketing Committee Chair of Thai Spa Association.
Manon Pilon
作家、演讲家、国际教育家、医疗水疗运营顾问/Renowned Author, Speaker,International Educator and Spa / Med Spa Consultant
Matt Sevens
University Medical Pharmaceuticals 销售和市场营销副总裁 Matt Stevens和医学制药大学通过研发专业的国产抗衰 老产品为美容与健康行业带来了“创新与功效”。Matt 曾在Élan Pharmaceuticals从事神经药物的销售与市场营 销。此外,他还曾销售过AcneFree™,这种产品在美国 药店销量第一。Matt毕业于科罗拉多大学博尔德分校, 持有学士学位证书,而博尔德被誉为是美国最健康、最具幸福感的城 市。Matt目前住在阳光明媚的南加州。
Rupert Schmid 原液之谜董事长
Rupert Schmid先生现年53岁,已任职于法国护肤品全 球生产商原液之谜董事长一职7年。从奥地利维也纳大 学毕业后,Rupert Schmid先生继续深造于位于巴黎的 世界顶尖商学院——欧洲工商管理学院,学习国际商 务,市场营销和传播。在担任多家传媒公司的高管之 后,Rupert Schmid先生曾任职于威立雅环境公司和威 立雅运输公司并担任传媒总监,建立并监管了首个对南极洲和罗斯海的 世界保护计划。Schmid先生一直对自然和环境有着很大的热忱,并采取 强力手段来保护它们。他对水上运动和空气动力学有着极大的兴趣,在 法国阿尔比斯山历经多年滑翔伞运动后,Rupert Schmid先生在获取他的 个人飞行执照前,于1994年参加了世界滑翔伞锦标赛。
Matt Sevens
Vice President, Sales and Marketing, University Medical Pharmaceuticals Matt Stevens and University Medical Pharmaceuticals bring “Innovation and Efficacy” to the Beauty & Wellness industry in the form of professional and at-home anti-aging products. Matt’s background includes sales and marketing of Neurological drugs at Élan Pharmaceuticals and sales of AcneFree™, the no.1 selling acne system sold in stores in the USA. In 2012, after 7 years of Research and Development, Matt oversaw the successful launch of wrinkleMD™, a Hyaluronic and Peptide delivery system, to spas and salons in the USA. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder (voted healthiest & happiest city in the United States). Matt is married and lives in sunny Southern California.
Rupert Schmid
Chaiman, Biologique Recherche Rupert has been the Chairman of Biologique Recherche, the manufacturer of French skin care products worldwide, for 7 years now. After graduating from the University of Vienna, Austria, Rupert Schmid continued his studies of International Business, Marketing and Communication at INSEAD in Paris, one of the world's leading graduate business schools. Following top-level positions at several media and communication agencies, Rupert Schmid worked as the Head of Communications and Media at Veolia Environment and Veolia Transport. Rupertbuilt and supervised the first worldwide protection plan for Antarctica and the Ross Sea during his work at Veolia Environnement. Rupert Schmid has always been passionate about Nature and the Environment and has taken great acts to preserve it. He took part in the 1994 Worldwide Glider Championship before he obtained his own private pilot’s license.
刘佟/Liu Tong
美联集团总裁/President, Mege Union
余一尘/Luke Yu
东方美美容集团董事长/President, Oriental Beauty Group
香港嘉悦国际集团董事长 王文标先生是香港嘉悦国际集团的创始人及董 事长,他在2000年创立了嘉悦,将Natura Bissé悦碧 施、[comfort zone] 舒适地带等国际顶级护肤品牌引 入中国,用专业系统植入,通过国际化的品牌营销推 广,将国际顶级护肤品牌中抗衰老效果最好的护肤 品,整合为抗衰老体验更好的解决方案,服务于中国 有抗衰老需求的客户,现拥有800余家五星级会所及钻石级加盟商,成 为“国际护肤品抗衰.中国专业运营商”。
成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理 陈睿德先生来自美国康涅狄格州,他的职业生涯始于 1997年,出任美国亚特兰大巴克海特丽思卡尔顿酒店 前厅总监。随后,他一直在房务部担任管理要职,其 足迹包括印度尼西亚巴厘岛、美国圣托马斯、三亚以 及东京的丽思卡尔顿酒店。加入成都富力丽思卡尔顿 酒店之前,陈睿德先生在韩国首尔丽思卡尔顿酒店任 总经理一职。在此之前,陈睿德先生曾任日本东京丽思卡尔顿酒店驻店 经理。此外,陈睿德先生还是一位资深的丽思卡尔顿开业筹备人士,曾 协助多家丽思卡尔顿酒店的开业,在华的就有北京丽思卡尔顿酒店、广 州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店、深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店、上海浦东丽思卡尔 顿酒店和香港丽思卡尔顿酒店。
吴宜燕 Venus Concept中国子公司CEO 生于台湾,定居于上海,毕业于台湾苏州大学英国文 学系,精通中文、英文。曾是行业培训师,服务于 外商公司,来中国后服务于美容连锁集团多年,现为 Venus Concept中国分公司——维锶(上海)生物科技有 限公司CEO与创办人之一,Grace热爱健康医疗美容事 业,并执着要求工作品质,对每一个需要推广的产品 仔细筛选和测试,坚持谨慎挑选合作伙伴,以稳健步伐带领团队逐渐开 拓Venus Concept的中国市场,进行全球资源调派,导入国际市场行销和 支持,提供仪器制造商才能拥有的弹性金融方案,全力协助合作伙伴以 与国际接轨的产品打开市场。
施维德 GOCO集团创始人及总裁首席执行官 做为GOCO集团创始人及总裁,Ingo拥有20多年酒店及 水疗行业从业经验。他曾任职多个蜚声国际的酒店集 团,负责过多个全球知名酒店和水疗中心的管理、设 计、品牌开发及全球运营。他带领团队打造了享誉全球 的目的地水疗“喜马拉雅山阿南达温泉度假村”。在文 华东方酒店集团任职期间,Ingo为集团开创了15家度假 村水疗,分布于全球四大洲,为文华东方集团水疗部的发展奠定了坚实 的基础。Ingo早年还曾任职奥拜瑞酒店及度假村集团酒店运营总监,以及 拉斐尔酒店集团东南亚区常务总监。Ingo多年来还始终致力于将自己的行 业知识和经验积累分享给业界同仁。
张冠敏 保安水利工程有限公司创始人 张先生在国内发展高级康乐场所及健身项目超过30 年,他把欧洲及美国的最新科技及产品引入中国,是 行业翘楚。在他的领导下,保安集团以及其附属公司 保安水疗顾问有限公司已经成为顶级酒店、度假村和 最新项目最为认可的技术顾问公司。主要客户包括: 香格里拉酒店、丽思卡尔顿酒店、四季酒店、文华东 方酒店、半岛酒店等。
Andy Wong
President, HK Joyplus International Group Andy Wong is the founder and president of HK Joyplus international Group. He founded Joyplus in 2000 and introduce atura Bissé, [comfort zone] and other international top skin care brands into China through a professional system. He goal is, through international brand marketing, to turn the best anti-aging skincare product among top international skincare brand into a better anti-aging experience solutions to best those clients with anti-aging demands. Now he has over 800 five-star clubhouse and diamond grade franchisees, having become “international skincare anti-aging, China professional operators”.
Christopher R. Clark
General Manager, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu Originally from Connecticut, United States, Mr. Clark ’s Ritz-Carlton career began in 1997, when he was appointed Director of the Front Office at The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead in Atlanta Georgia. Subsequently, he rose through the ranks in various positions in Ritz-Carlton properties including The Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur, The Ritz-Carlton, BaliResort and Spa, The Ritz-Carlton, St. Thomas, The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya, The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo and The RitzCarlton, Seoul. Mr. Clark joined The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu from his role as the General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Seoul in South Korea. Prior to this, he held the position of hotel manager for The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo in Japan. Mr. Clark also has assisted in the opening of many sister hotels in different countries, and different regions of China.
Grace Wu
CEO, Venus Concept China Born in Taiwan and now living in Shanghai, Grace graduated from SooChow University, majoring in English Literature. She has been a trainer and manager in the wellness industry for 15 years. Venus Concept China is the sole distributor for Italian premier skin care brand Dermo 28. With a strong passion for the medical aesthetic industry and insistent on quality, Grace selects and tests products, leads the team stably but at a fast pace to develop the China market, offering partners international resources and marketing tools with a flexible financial package that is only affordable by real device suppliers. The team is committed to the highest standards of client satisfaction in the business and offers a unique low-risk subscription model to maximize market penetration.
Ingo Schweder
Chief Executive Officer, GOCO Hospitality As CEO and founder of GOCO, Ingo brings more than 20 years of experience from the fields of spa and hospitality. Working with and managing some of the world’s most prestigious hotel groups, Ingo has been involved with the design, development, and worldwide operation of iconic properties and spas. Under his guidance, Ananda in the Himalayas, the globallyrecognized destination spa, was established. During his tenure at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, he established from the ground up 15 resort spas on four continents – whose strong holistic roots are credited to him. He earlier was Group Director of Hotel Operations for Oberoi Hotels & Resorts and Managing Director of Rafael Group Hoteliers, Southeast Asia.
Tony Cheung
Founder, P&A Engineering Ltd. and PA Wellness Consultancy Ltd. A Hong Kong Chinese, Mr. Cheung has been a the pioneer in developing high-quality health club facilities in China for more than 30 years. He has been endeavoring to bring to China the latest technologies and products from Europe and America. Under his leader ship, PA Group and its subsidiary PA Wellness now form the most recognized technical spa consulting company for facilities in luxury hotels, resorts and other latest properties. e.g., Shangri-la hotels, Ritz-Carlton hotels, Four Seasons hotels, Mandarin Oriental hotels, and Peninsula hotels.
瑜珈指导 Yoga Activity leader Kasia Wilkos
上海半岛酒店水疗中心总监 Kasia Wilkos出生于波兰,在健身锻炼、水中 健身、瑜伽和普拉提方面经验丰富。多年来, 她在一些国际知名的水疗中心和娱乐中心担任 瑜伽老师和健身教练,积累了丰富的水疗中心 管理经验。Kasia擅长将健康和水疗方案结合 做出对身心有益的健康方案。她写了许多关于 健康生活方式的文章,并且曾为家乡波兰设计了两档关于健康的电视节 目。Kasia有着扎实的教学背景,其中包括艾扬格瑜伽、哈达瑜伽和阿 奴萨拉瑜伽。此外,她还专门为孕妇、儿童和高尔夫球手研发了特殊的 瑜伽课程。
Kasia Wilkos
Spa Director, The Peninsula Shanghai Polish born Kasia Wilkos is a pioneer of new fitness lifestyles focusing on combining gym training, aqua fitness, yoga and Pilates. She has a wealth of spa managerial experience and has worked extensively for many years as a yoga teacher and wellness trainer in some internationally renowned Spa’s and recreation centres. Kasia is an expert in combining wellness and spa programs to achieve optimal benefits for the body and mind. She has written numerous articles on healthy lifestyle practices and was instrumental in the conception of two television programmes on wellness in her native Poland. With a solid teaching background in Iyengar, Hatha and Anusara Yoga, Kasia has also developed special yoga classes for the needs of pregnant women, children and golfers.
break session companies
水疗咨询公司(SCC)/Spa Consulting (SSC)
Steiner水疗咨询公司,是由Steiner Leisure设立的子咨询公司。由于相当一部分的水疗公司无法
Steiner Spa Consulting is the consulting division created by Steiner Leisure to address the evergrowing need for well-built spas that produce a good return on investment – something many spas do not achieve. With access to Steiner’s extensive brand portfolio for franchising and licensing, general best practices, and its global training network, Steiner Spa Consulting is the leading spa consultancy in the industry today.
的安宁和彻底的放松。这两种疗法使用方便、治愈功效强 大,既可以单独运用,也可以结合起来,实现精神、身体、 情感的康复。
Energy Work – Crystal Healing and Reiki Energy work is a relatively new concept in Spas. Crystal Healing Therapy makes use of the energy from Crystals and Stones in the Earth’s crust. Crystal co-exists with the Earth’s natural magnetic field harmoniously; thus it can receive, store and transfer the Earth’s energy perfectly. Placing the Crystal at proper locations around the body helps to recover the body’s energy and stimulate the body’s natural healing function. Reiki Therapy is a time-honored natural healing therapy, which depends on the living energy of other creatures in the universe to remove negative energy of the body and mind, leading to a quiet and calm soul; and to enhance deep relaxation. Both of these systems are very easy to use, yet they are very powerful healing tools. Both modalities may be used either on their own, or may be combined to offer a deep spiritual, physical and emotional healing session.
GOCO Hospitality GOCO集团是一家咨询管理公司,着眼于一系列同健康、养生、度假相关的项目,并提供独一 无二且能带来利润的解决方案。GOCO集团内部的资深专家各有强项,擅长的领域从财政、建 筑与内部设计到项目管理、酒店水疗运行、概念管理及市场营销等。来自14个国家的公司成员 以及分布于柏林、曼谷以及上海(即将成立)的子公司将真正意义上的多元文化贯彻于工作之 中。同时,公司在酒店和理疗健康行业架起桥梁,反映了其“将健康融于旅游”的宗旨。
A consulting and management company focusing on wellness hospitality projects. Delivering unique and profitable business solutions, GOCO’s multi-disciplinary team of highly qualified professionals is specialized in the realms of Finance, Architecture & Interior Design, Project Management, Concept Development & Marketing and Spa & Hotel Operations. With members hailing from 14 countries, and offices in Berlin, Bangkok and soon Shanghai, GOCO brings a truly multi-cultural perspective to its work. GOCO bridges the divide between wellness and hospitality represented by our tagline “where wellness meets wanderlust”.
WTS International WTS International是世界领先的水疗、健身和休闲设施咨询和管理公司。40多年来,WTS致力于
WTS International is the world’s leading consulting and management firm for spas, fitness and leisure facilities. For over 40 years, WTS has provided feasibility studies, design, pre-opening and daily management services for spas and leisure facilities worldwide. Our portfolio of clients include: numerous hotels and resorts, residential developments, private clubs and real estate developments.
一种自然疗法,其理疗的原理是量子波动力学,疗愈的效果 通过听觉和触觉体验来产生。 古老的喜马拉雅颂钵跟宇宙行星能量和谐同频共振 时,人体能量便有了随之同频共振的可能,身心能量随之改 变,带来深层迅速的放松,七个脉轮里淤塞的能量可以被 疏通,减少紧张和压力,平衡脉轮,开启直觉力,消除负面
Singing Bowls Chakra SPA Singing bowls, also known as Tibetan Singing Bowls, rin gongs, Himalayan bowls or suzu gongs, are a type of bell, specifically classified as a standing bell. Rather than hanging inverted or attached to a handle, singing bowls sit with the bottom surface resting. The sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound characterized by a fundamental frequency (first harmonic) and usually two audible harmonic overtones (second and third harmonic). Singing bowls were traditionally used in Asia and the tradition of making sound with bronze bowls goes back 3,000 or more years to the Bronze Age. Singing bowls are used worldwide for meditation, music, relaxation and personal well-being. They are used by a wide range of professionals, including health professionals, school teachers, musicians and spiritual teachers. Singing bowls are also used in health care by sound healers, psychotherapists, massage therapists, cancer specialists, and stress and meditation specialists. They are used to help treat cancer patients and also for post traumatic stress disorder. They are popular in classrooms to help facilitate group activities and focus students’ attention.
VCLEANSE A healthy lifestyle business with operations in Shanghai and Beijing. It aims to provide food and drinks that are beautiful, delicious, nutritious, effective, convenient and affordable. Its first products are cold-press juices and juice detox programs. It also will start to offer clean food that is no-dairy, no-added-sugar, no-flour yet still delicious. Since its inception in 2012 and official launch in June 2013, VCLEANSE has become a leading healthy lifestyle brand in China and well recognized by residents in Shanghai and Beijing and beyond.
SpaChina Awards 2014 Nominee List 2014年中国水疗行业颁奖礼 参选水疗及单位 1
Altira Spa at Altira Macau
澳门新濠锋酒店 澄 水疗中心
Anantara Spa at Anantara Sanya Resort
三亚半山半岛安纳塔拉度假酒店 安纳塔拉水疗
Qin The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai
Qing Spa at Grand Hyatt Shenyang
西双版纳安纳塔拉度假酒店安纳 塔拉水疗
52 53
Quan Spa at The Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa
Rubis Spa
Sheenjoy Spa Anning
Sheenjoy Spa Jinyun
Shine Spa at Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort
Shui Xiang Spa at Grand Hyatt Shenzhen
So Spa with L’occitane at Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich
广州圣丰索菲特大酒店So Spa
Spa Village
Spa By MTM
Spa by Clarins, The Residence Maldives
瑞僖敦马尔代夫酒店Clarins娇韵 诗水疗中心
3 4
Anantara Spa at Anantara Xishuangbanna Anantara Spa at The Puli Hotel and Spa
Angsana Spa Angsana Fuxian Lake
Angsana Spa Hotel ICON
Angsana Spa Hotel Nikko Shanghai
Angsana Spa Seaview Xiamen
Angsana Spa Tengchong Hot Spring Village
Aromatheorapy Associates
Auriga at Capella Singapore
新加坡嘉佩乐Auriga水疗及保 健中心
Banyan Tree Gallery
Banyan Tree Spa
Banyan Tree Spa Lijiang
Summa Spa
Banyan Tree Spa Macau
Summa Spa Institute International
Biologique Recherche
The Mandarin Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
Biologique Recherche Flagship
The Oriental Spa at Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
香港置地文华东方酒店东方水 疗中心
Bliss Spa at W Hong Kong
香港W酒店Bliss Spa
The Peninsula Spa Beijing
The Peninsula Spa Hong Kong
Bodhi Spa at Conrad Macao
Brilliant Resort & Spa Chongqing
The Peninsula Spa by ESPA at The Peninsula Shanghai
22 23
Brilliant Resort & Spa Heshun
The Sanctuary Spa at The Residence Mauritius
瑞僖敦毛里求斯酒店The Sanctuary水疗中心
Brilliant Resort & Spa Kunming
Brilliant Resort & Spa Jingmai
The Ritz-Carlton Spa at The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店水 疗中心
Cool Spa, Sri panwa
The Ritz-Carlton Spa at The Ritz-Carlton Chengdu
27 28
Dragonfly Therapeatic Retreat
The Ritz-Carlton Spa by ESPA, Hong Kong
The Ritz-Carlton Spa by ESPA,Shanghai,Pudong
ESPA at The Ritz-Carlton Sanya
The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Shenzhen
ESPA International
The Ritz-Carlton Spa at The Ritz-Carlton Tianjin
Flare Spa at Pudong Four Seasons Hotel, Shanghai
The Six Senses Spa at MGM Macau
澳门美高梅Six Senses水疗中心
上海浦东四季酒店Flare Spa
The Spa at Encore
The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Beijing
The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Hongkong
The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Macau
The Spa at Hilton Shanghai
Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts (Four Seasons Spa)
Fuchun Spa at Fuchun Resort Hangzhou
Hai Shang Hui
Heavenly Spa at The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort
三亚海棠湾民生威斯丁酒店 天梦水疗
The Spa at Mandarin Oriental Sanya
The Spa at Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou
The Spa at Mandarin Oriental Macau
Heng Spa at Hyatt Regency Chongqing
Hua Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou
Infinite Spa at Ocean Rrsort Sanya
The Spa at Park Hyatt Changbaishan
The Spa at Wynn
Jing Spa at Purple Jade Rasorts
Langham Hospitality Group (Chuan Spa)
朗廷酒店集团( 川 水疗)
URSpa at The Puyu Hotel and Spa
武汉璞瑜酒店URSpa 上海华尔道夫酒店华尔道夫水疗
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group(The Spas at Mandarin Oriental)
文华东方酒店集团(文华东方水 疗中心)
Waldorf Astoria Spa at Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund
Mulia Spa at Mulia Resort & Village
Water’s Edge at Park Hyatt Shanghai
Nelly De Vuyst
Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Nanjing
南京金奥费尔蒙酒店蔚柳溪水疗 上海和平饭店蔚柳溪水疗
O Spa at Grand Hyatt Guangzhou
广州富力君悦大酒店[清]水疗 中心
Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Peace Hotel, Shanghai
Opium Spa by Sodashi, The Siam
Yuan Spa at Hyatt on the Bund Shanghai
Optime Spa at Shanghai Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai
上海新天地安达仕酒店optime水 疗中心
Organic life
Pedi: Mani: Cure Studio by Bastien Gonzalez
出版:《商品与质量》周刊社 国内统一刊号:CN11-3669/T 国际标准刊号:ISSN1006-656X 社 主
长:刘 丰 编:林贤金
出版人: 晏格文 Publisher: Graham Earnshaw 执行总监兼主编: 高菲 Director & Editor in Chief: Fifi Kao 执行主编: 匡 Managing Editor: Karen Kuang 执行编辑: 朱波,王红霞,何坤蓉,戚嘉懿 Editors: Andrew Chubb, Alice Wang, Rita He, Jane Qi 贡献者: 加雷斯,鲍威尔,朱红兵,宋李冬,戴炯捷 Contributors: Gareth Powell, Andrew Chubb, Johnny Chang, Anton Graham, Lisa Starr, Ken Rosen, Murray Owen 高级设计: 王悦 Designer: Magic Wang 照片摄影或提供: Mofo,istock,shutter stock Photographers: Mofo, istock, shutter stock 广告代理: 上海云善文化传播有限公司 Local Advertising Agent: SpaChina Culture Development Co., Ltd 销售及市场总监: 胡雅文 Director of Sales and Marketing: Jasmine Hu 客户助理: 刘海娜 Accounts Assistant: Seana Liu 公关及活动经理: 匡 ,胡雅文 PR & Events Managers: Karen Kuang, Jasmine Hu 发行经理: 郭雅文 Distribution Manager: Aiko Guo 发行助理: 夏晓初 Distribution Assistant: Summer Xia 随商品与质量周刊发行赠阅
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Letter from the editor
番风情。22晚为科勒全力赞助主办的颁奖晚宴,届 时各地嘉宾将会聚集一堂,是不容错过的中国水疗
需要报名我们研讨会的读者朋友们,请翻看前页 报名表,我期待与您们在成都重逢!
行业年度盛典。 今年有100家水疗中心报名参加了中国水疗颁奖 礼的评选活动,目前活动报名已经完全结束,进入 到了评委评选的阶段。今年的竞争非常激烈,澳门的 水疗中心表现尤其不俗,令很多评委都甚为惊叹。
高菲 Fifi Kao
执行总监兼主编 Director & Editor in Chief
contents目录 2014 七月/八月
Spa新闻和盛事 34
特别报道 46
人物专访 52
contents目录 2014 七月/八月
专家论坛 62
spa之旅 68
Spa美食 79
养生与美容 84
74 86
酒店新闻与盛事 品牌故事
顺四时 颐养生
海洋活性成分 留住美丽容颜
contents目录 2014 七月/八月
酒店故事 91
水疗故事 105
110 spachina加盟商户 115
文艺诗歌 幸运之星
32 | SpaChina • 2014
China spa news | spa中国新闻
王红霞 编译
SPA by MTM进驻杭州千禧度假酒店 杭州SPA by MTM坐落于杭州千禧度假酒店,位处西湖以南,钱塘 江以北,在宁静的九溪风景区内,被大片龙井茶园及古树丛林环 抱,坐拥逾200平方米的专属空间,共有5间独立面部及身体护理套 房。SPA by MTM糅合中、西、日式水疗精萃,定制一系列多元化服 务,包括针对个人体质回复能量的五行调和疗法、追求宁静舒压身 心平衡的 禅之幸福 体验、舒缓肌肉疲劳塑造优美体态的樱花能量 指压,以及最受女性欢迎的唤醒沉睡排毒机能的淋巴引流按摩等。 除水疗服务外,杭州SPA by MTM也提供面部专业护理及护肤产品服 务,令客人们得到一站式的护理体验。
New SPA by MTM at Millennium Resort Hangzhou
凯宾斯基水疗重庆盛大开业 重庆凯宾斯基酒店和欧洲奢华水疗品牌Resense在中国的首家以 欧式奢华为主题的专业水疗中心——凯宾斯基水疗盛大开业。 位于酒店四楼和五楼的凯宾斯基水疗是全国第一家纯正欧式奢 华水疗中心,2,100平方米水疗中心及健身房拥有宽敞的4个单人 理疗室和5个双人理疗室、湿区和休息区域,以及先进的水疗设 施。9间理疗室中还包括1个双人水疗套房。理疗室里自然的光 线以及温暖平静的氛围让宾客全身心的放松。独特的水疗疗程 受欧洲四季循环理念的启发,利用大自然的主要元素回复身心
SPA by MTM Hangzhou is situated at Millennium Resort Hangzhou in Jiuxi Scenic Area, to the south of West Lake and north of the Qiantang River. The spa spanning over 200 square meters has 5 treatment suites. SPA by MTM blends the best of Chinese, Western and Japanese spas, and offers a series of diversified spa services, including reviving Five Elements Vitality Retreat, Signature Program “Zen Happiness Experience”, relieving and body contouring Energizing Shiatsu Massage, and the most popular Lymphatic Massage that enhances detoxification and balances your internal energy. Intimate, personalized spa services, facial treatments and skincare products are also offered in order to let guests enjoy a one-stop treatment experience.
的自然平衡。理疗师会根据客人的需求提供相应的季节理疗套 餐,其中包括放松,排毒,平衡身心,恢复活力等。
Kempinski The Spa Chongqing Opens Kempinski The Spa Chongqing has opened in Kempinski Hotel Chongqing. It is the first spa in China with the European Luxury Spa concept created by Kempinski Hotel Chongqing and Resense Spa S.A. Located on the fourth and fifth levels of the hotel, the 2,100-square-metre Spa and Fitness centre has four spacious single treatment rooms and five double treatment rooms, a wet area, a rest area and advanced spa facilities. The spa enjoys plenty of natural light and radiates a warm, calming ambience. The spa’s nine treatment rooms include a double spa suite, allowing couples or friends to enjoy a massage together. Under the Kempinski The Spa brand, unique treatments are inspired by the cycle of seasons.
南京金奥费尔 蒙酒店蔚柳溪 水疗开业 南京蔚柳溪水疗中心 位于南京金奥费尔蒙 酒店的三十三层,在 这个高度上客人可尽 情俯瞰迷人的奥体中 心及河西CBD地区。 中 心 拥 有 7间 宁 静 和 谐的单人和双人护理 套房,舒适宜人的 修甲和修脚休闲区、俯瞰都市美景的男女分用湿区以及蒸汽室、桑拿房、矿物理 疗池、体验淋浴室、热力放松椅和冰镇喷泉等多种先进设施设备,同时也为渴望 体验更多健身挑战的客人提供世界一流的健身器械和激发活力的精美泳池。蔚柳 溪水疗的每种疗法都经过精心的设计,反映所在的酒店及当地的特色与格调。同 时,中心将中国文化、古典医学养生和现代高科技的设备完美结合。
34 | SpaChina • 2014
Fairmont Nanjing Willow Stream Spa Opens Located on the 33rd floor of Fairmont Nanjing, Willow Stream Spa enjoys stunning views overlooking the Olympic Stadium and Hexi CBD Area. The spa features seven relaxing single & double treatment suites, a manicure & pedicure area, two wet facility areas (one for men and one for women) which include a steam room, sauna, mineral therapy pool, rainforest experience shower, ice fountain, thermal relaxation chairs and the latest facilities and equipment. On the same floor stands a world-class fitness center with free weights, workout machines and a world-class swimming pool. In-line with the Willow Stream Spa brand, found in many Fairmont Hotels around the world, Fairmont Nanjing’s location combines the ancient Chinese culture, and classic medical wellness science with modern high-tech equipment.
China spa news | spa中国新闻 拉萨香格里拉大酒店『气』水疗中心 拉萨香格里拉大酒店 气 水疗中心位于酒店一层,内设10间宽敞舒适 的私人理疗室,包括3间双人及7间单人房,每间理疗室均以藏族吉 祥物之一命名。拉萨雄踞在青藏高原上,海拔3,650米。为此,拉萨 香格里拉大酒店独创了一系列特色理疗,突出西藏与中国传统文化 和养生之道,结合高效成分并采用独特的按摩技巧,来帮助宾客适 应高原环境。特色理疗“赞巴按摩”是使用西藏传统技术和健康成 分来打开能量流的身体疗程,始于香薰精油的温和经络按摩,接着 是“赞巴”粉末按摩。精油按摩唤醒我们的神经末梢;赞巴按摩以 充分的节奏运动摩擦肌肤,来促进肌肤再生。此外, 气 水疗中心还 提供多种特色按摩、面部美容和养生疗法,是宾客探秘拉萨后恢复 充沛精力的绝佳之所。
台北文华东方水疗中心开业 静谧舒适的台北文华东方水疗中心系由国际着名设计公司Yabu Pushelberg公司设计,占地两个楼层,面积超过3,500平方米,其 内设有芳疗中心与健身中心。芳疗中心囊括水疗设施以及12间 芳疗室,其中包含6间个人芳疗室、4间双人芳疗室和2间豪华贵 宾双人芳疗室;另有美容沙龙区、休憩室及芳疗精品区。完善 的健身中心则有多功能健身室和室外恒温游泳池。疗程自然地 结合东方古老传统疗法与西方现代科技技术,演绎融合东西精 粹的最佳护理疗法。除文华东方经典疗程外,台北文华东方水 疗中心还提供一系列恢复活力、宁神舒压的创新疗程。如 福尔 摩沙 疗程,其设计灵感来自宝岛台湾、以宛如蝴蝶飞舞般的按 摩手法融合温暖的精油,进行全身芳疗。
The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Taipei Opens
CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel, Lhasa Situated on level one of Shangri-La Hotel, Lhasa, CHI, The Spa offers guests 10 comfortable private rooms, which include three couple’s rooms and seven single rooms. Keeping with the original CHI spa concept, the private rooms are all named after 10 Tibetan auspicious symbols. Lhasa sits on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at an altitude of 3,650 metres above sea level. In order to assist guests to adapt to the special environment, the spa creates treatments that highlight unique Tibetan and Chinese culture combining the effective ingredients and unique treatment techniques. One of its signature treatments is Tsampa Massage, a body treatment using Tibetan techniques and wholesome ingredients to open up energy flow. It begins with a gentle Meridian Massage with aromatic oil, followed by a “Tsampa” rub.
The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Taipei features a tranquil interior design by internationally-renowned design firm Yabu Pushelberg. Located over two floors, The Spa spans over 3,500 square meters and is comprised of two wellness oases: The Spa itself, showcasing arrange of Heat & Water Experiences and 12 treatment suites, including six Single Suites, two VIP Double Suites, four Couple’s Suites, a Beauty Salon, Spa Tea Lounge and Spa Boutique; and the urban Fitness and Wellness Centre, featuring a multi-function fitness studio and outdoor heated swimming pool. Calling upon the ancient traditions and techniques of the East, coupled with the scientific research and results-driven approaches of the West, each treatment offers guests the best of both worlds.
青岛涵碧楼Spa温泉会馆 青岛涵碧楼位于青岛黄岛区,是台湾涵碧 楼集团进军大陆的第一个作品,和日月潭 涵碧楼相同之处是它同样蕴藏着深厚的历 史人文底蕴。青岛涵碧楼所在地凤凰山 离八大关不远,在春秋战国时便是诸侯封 地,拥有千年的历史光环。青岛涵碧楼度 假酒店的Spa温泉会馆,同时可以容纳300 人洗浴。在整体规划上空间开阔,室内占 地5,332平方米,室外汤区也有2,837平方 米。室内区包括大堂接待区、三温暖温泉 池、美容沙龙中心、足疗室、芳疗室、舒 压室、健身房、瑜珈中庭、生态观赏池; 室外汤泉区则有户外泳池、男、女露天泡 汤区各一、火山泥涂抹美肤区、日晒区、 岩盘冲激区,在泡温泉的同时就可以赏海 景、观星象。
36 | SpaChina • 2014
Qingdao Lalu SPA at The Lalu Hotels & Resorts Opens The Lalu Qingdao is the first hotel on the mainland launched by the Lalu Hotels & Resorts in Taiwan. Located at Huangdao District of Qingdao, the Lalu Qingdao has in-depth history and culture, same as The Lalu Sun Moon Lake. It is near the Mountain Phoenix, which is not far from Badaguan. Badaguan is the territory have belonged to the aristocrats 1,000 years ago. Qingdao Lalu SPA can accommodate 300 people bathing at the same time. It is spacious with indoor area spanning 5,332 square meters and outdoor hot spring area occupying 2,837 square meters. The former includes lobby, hot spring pool, beauty salon, foot reflexology, aromatherapy room, relaxation room, fitness center, Yoga room and ornamental pond.
International spa news | spa国际新闻
王红霞 编译
温尼珀索基湖的水疗扩建后重新开业 位于美国新罕布什尔州梅瑞狄斯的Cascade Spa在重新装修后开业。 坐落于温尼珀索基湖米尔瀑布度假村,Cascade Spa最初在2004年7月 开业,但没过几年,水疗因占地面积太小,无法满足需求。“我们 扩建水疗的想法已经酝酿4年了”该度假村市场总监Michelle Brown 说道。扩建后的水疗设有一系列蒸汽设施、2间双人理疗室、4间单 人理疗室、4个修脚位、3个修甲台、3个美发店、3个休闲区、1个果 汁吧。Cascade Spa的主要客户来自度假村的4个客栈,客栈名分别为 Mill Falls, Bay Point, Chase House及Church Landing。
凯宾斯基水疗赤道几内亚热带雨林 凯宾斯基水疗将在中非的赤道几内亚会务和高尔夫酒店开设一 家新水疗。这个占地750平方米的水疗中心设有4间单人理疗套 房、1个有桑拿、蒸汽室及体验式淋浴的湿区、设施齐全的健 身房、有休息区和漩涡池的大型室内游泳池,而且还有高尔夫 球场和网球场。水疗中心将提供一系列和高尔夫相关的疗程, 可以缓解客人在绿色草地中挥杆一天后的肌肉疼痛。遵循凯宾 斯基水疗理念,新水疗理疗项目的设计灵感源自欧洲的季节周 期。理疗师在进行每个疗程前都会咨询客人的需求和目标,从 而定制专属的用于放松、排毒、平衡或活力的疗程。
Kempinski The Spa Branches out into Equatorial Guinean Rainforest
Lake Winnipesaukee Spa Reopens after Expansion The Cascade Spa, set within the Mill Falls at the Lake Resort in Meredith, New Hampshire has reopened following renovations. Situated on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee, the Cascade Spa originally opened its doors in July 2004, but within a couple of years the space was not large enough to meet demand. “The idea for an expanded spa has been on the radar for about four years,” said Michelle Brown, marketing director for Mill Falls at the Lake. The spa now features a range of steam facilities, two couples’ treatment rooms, four single treatment rooms, four pedicure seats, three manicure stations, three hair studios and three relaxation lounges, in addition to a juice bar. The Cascade Spa will serve guests from all of the four inns at Mill Falls at the Lake: Mill Falls, Bay Point, Chase House and Church Landing.
Kempinski The Spa will branch out into Central Africa with the launch of a new location at the Equatorial Guinea Conference and Golf Hotel. The 750sq m (8,073sq ft) spa will feature four single treatment suites, a wet area with sauna, steam and experience showers, fully equipped fitness studio and large indoor swimming pool with relaxation area and whirlpools. A championship golf course and tennis courts will also feature, with the spa providing a range of golf-inspired treatments to help guests soothe away aches and pains from a day on the green. The new facility will emulate the Kempinski The Spa philosophy, whereby spa treatments are inspired by the European cycle of the seasons. Therapists begin each treatment with a consultation to identify needs and objectives before creating a personalized treatment geared towards relaxation, detox, balancing or energizing.
Outrigger斥资千万 美金打造毛里求斯 水疗度假村 作为全球扩张计划的一部 分,Outrigger品牌斥资1,000 万美金打造的毛里求斯水疗 度假村开始营业。距离非洲 东南海岸1,200英里,占地 1,800平方米的Navasana Spa 有 7间 常 规 理 疗 室 、 6间 水 疗理疗室。设施还包括1个水力按摩走廊、桑拿、土耳其浴室、水疗 池、有扶手椅的休息室及配有隐密的游泳池的屋顶日光浴室。特色水 疗疗程包括一些祖传的和传统的“世界各地按摩”,可以增强体质并 帮助放松。疗程中使用的护理产品为法国品牌Terraké,它在全世界 的130家五星级度假村水疗中心使用,其中很多酒店位于中国,提供 放松仪式、塑形仪式及脸部护理等疗程。Terraké的身体和面部护理 产品蕴含纯天然成分,拥有精致的质地及香味。
38 | SpaChina • 2014
Outrigger's US$10m Mauritius Resort and Spa Opens for Business As part of its plans to expand globally, Outrigger's Mauritius Resort and Spa, at estimated cost of US$10m has officially launched. Situated 1,200 miles (1,931km) off the southeast coast of Africa, the 1,800sq m (19,375sq ft) Navasana Spa features seven regular treatment rooms and six rooms for water treatments. Facilities also include a hydro massaging corridor, sauna, hammam, spa pool and rest rooms with relaxing armchairs, plus a rooftop Solarium with a secluded pool. Navasana treatments include some ancestral and traditional “Around the world Massages” with signature treatments specially concocted to enhance their wellbeing and relaxation. The spa uses Terraké products – a French brand developed and distributed for exclusive use in 130 five-star resort spas throughout the world, mainly in China – and includes relaxing rituals, world massages, body shape rituals and facial treatments. Terraké offers body and face products with natural ingredients, refined textures and scents.
International spa news | spa国际新闻 禅水疗中心在阿曼山脉开业 禅水疗正式在新开业的塞拉莱罗塔娜度假村开业。该度假村坐落 在沙漠岩石经年累月形成的佐法尔山脉,位于阿曼南部的省会佐法 尔。罗塔娜品牌的禅水疗设有8间理疗室,男女各4间,另外还有1间 情侣间、2间休息室。中心提供个人咨询服务,帮助客人从水疗菜单 中选择合适的按摩、身体磨砂、裹肤及面部仪式。身体磨砂和裹肤 从全身去角质开始,然后使用将橄榄或咖啡或香草豆荚压碎后提取 的精华和天然油涂抹身体,继而将身体裹在富含大马士革蔷薇、月 见草、橙花油的保湿面膜里,或裹在香草、巴西木乳油和月见草的 滋润面膜里。最后理疗师会进行头皮指压按摩。
大堡礁温泉近期开业 新喀里多尼亚德瓦喜来登度假酒店近期在南太平洋西部开业,
Zen Spa Launches in Omani Mountain Range
The Zen spa has officially launched at the recently-opened Salalah Rotana Resort – carved from desert rock into the Dhofar mountain range – in the southern Omani province capital of Dhofar. The Rotana-branded Zen spa features eight treatment rooms – four for each gender. There is also a separate couples’ room in addition to two relaxation rooms. The spa offers guests an initial personal consultation, to help them choose from the spa menu’s six massages, body scrubs, wraps and three facial rituals. The body scrubs and wraps begin with an all-over body exfoliation, followed by the application of serums and natural oils from crushed olives or coffee and vanilla pods. The body is then wrapped in either a hydrating mask of damask rose, evening primrose and neroli or an enriching mask of vanilla, murumuru butter and evening primrose. The therapist then performs a pressure-point scalp massage.
环保的水疗中心悬空而建,设有5间露天理疗室,可以眺望海 滩。其中,3间为单人房,1间为双人房,每间都由郁郁葱葱 的树木环绕,还有1间身体磨砂室。疗程中使用的护理产品由 化妆品公司Algotherm提供。Algotherm是来自法国的海洋类产 品,它使用海藻提取物和其它海洋成分来焕活和滋养肌肤。著 名的法国生物技术研究室主任菲利普贝内奇博士已确定4种藻 类能增强肌肤的遗传组成。它们存在于海藻和海水中,可以有 效的帮助肌肤抗老化、抗氧化,维持细胞的重要功能。
Great Barrier Reef Spa is Expected to Opens Recently The Sheraton New Caledonia Deva Resort & Spa opens in the south-western Pacific Ocean, facing the UNESCO World Heritage Great Barrier Reef. Built on stilts, the resort’s eco-friendly 700sq m (7,534sq ft) spa features five open-air treatment rooms which look out onto the beach. There are three single rooms and a double room – each surrounded by trees – plus a body scrub room. Products used in treatments will be provided by skincare company Algotherm. Algotherm is a marine-based line from France that utilizes seaweed extracts and other marine ingredients to help revitalize and nourish the skin. Dr. Philippe Benech, the renowned French biotechnology research director, has identified four species of algae proven to enhance the skin’s genetic composition. Their presence in seaweed and seawater has potent anti-ageing and antioxidant benefits that help maintain cells’ vital functions.
圣胡安的 YeloSpa推出 DryBlo吧 已于波多黎各首都圣 胡安开业的YeloSpa设 有DryBlo吧台,提供吹 发和美甲服务,这是 同类水疗中心中的首 例。DryBlo吧台安装有 时髦的吊挂式镜子及 吹风机,以供客人蒸 完桑拿或蒸汽之后使 用。10面镜子和吹风 机在使用完之后可以弹回到原位。圣胡安的YeloSpa位于占地6,038平方米的画廊广场零 售中心的5楼,由开发商Swiss Chalet创建。占地420平方米的水疗中心拥有8个理疗间、1 个情侣间以及1个休息室。YeloSpa在波多黎各地区的门店都使用Spa护肤品牌Kerstin Florian和Naturopathica提供的专属面部护理产品。
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YeloSpa Launches DryBlo Bar at New San Juan Location The YeloSpa San Juan, which opened recently in Puerto Rico, is the first of its kind to offer a hairdrying and manicure service called YeloSpa DryBlo bar. The DryBlo bar involves suspended mirrors and hair drying facilities in order to allow guests to dry off after their use of sauna and steamroom facilities. The 10 mirrors and dryers bounce back to their suspended positions after use. On the fifth floor of 6,038sqm Gallery Plaza retail centre, YeloSpa San Juan was created by developers Swiss Chalet. The 4,525sq ft (420sq m) facility features eight treatment rooms, a couples' room plus a lounge. Exclusive to the YeloSpa’s Puerto Rican location, Kerstin Florian and Naturopathica are the skincare suppliers for the spa’s facial therapies.
International spa news | spa国际新闻 中东和非洲养生旅游业将激增 虽然中东、非洲地区占据全球养生旅游市场份额最小,但根据全球 养生旅游峰会(GWTC)最新发布的数据,他们将在2017年之前成为这 个行业经济增长的最大推动力。据预测,撒哈拉以南的非洲地区养 生旅游市场将每年增长12.6%,从12年的20亿美金增长到17年的51亿 美金。这个增长主要由南非带动,其完善的水疗和养生目的地以及 稳健发展的旅游业使其成为泛地区领头羊,尤其在行程和开支两方 面。中东、北非旅游业激增最为显著的是阿联酋,预计在12年到17年 间阿联酋将增加100万个养生旅游行程,年增长率为17.9%,排名世界 第六。
芝加哥奥黑尔机场航站楼水疗 芝加哥斥资2,600万美金重建的奥黑尔机场国际航站楼在上周投 入使用,重建后的航站楼新加了许多新设施,其中包括1个水 疗中心。这是机场5号航站楼在1993年建好之后的第一次翻新, 升级后的内部设计井然有序,有舒适的休息室或高端夜总会的 感觉。航站楼的XpresSpa为游客量身定制,提供各种各样的疗 程以及独特的旅行护肤系列及特色按摩躺椅,让旅行者随时随 地进行保健养生。XpresSpa品牌的第一家店由创始人Marisol和 Moreton Binn于2003年在纽约肯尼迪机场创建。它主要进驻各大 机场,目前已经在20多个主要机场开设了46家门店,另外10家 即将开业,还有一些在开发当中。
New Spa unveiled in Chicago's O’Hare Airport Terminal
Middle East and Africa Primed for Wellness Tourism Surge In spite of the smallest global wellness travel market, the Middle East/ African region will lead the industry charge as the largest driver of growth until 2017, according to newly-released data from the Global Wellness Tourism Congress (GWTC). The Sub-Saharan African wellness tourism market is forecast to grow by 12.6 per cent annually, from US$2bn (1.4bn, £1.2bn) in 2012 to US$5.1bn (€3.7bn, £3bn) by 2017. This will be largely driven by South Africa, whose well-established spa and wellness destinations and robust travel sector make it the panregional leader in terms of both trips and expenditures. The Middle East/North African surge will be led by UAE, which is expected to add one million wellness trips from 2012 to 2017, with a 17.9 percent annual growth rate that ranks it sixth in the world.
Chicago’s US$26m overhaul of O’Hare Airport’s international terminal, unveiled last week, now features a number of new facilities, including a spa. It’s the first redevelopment of the airport’s Terminal 5 since its construction in 1993 and features a sleek interior-design upgrade that aims to give the terminal the feel of a comfy lounge or high-end nightclub. The Terminal’s XpresSpa is tailored towards the traveler and offers an extensive treatment menu, special travel skincare line and signature massage loungers to provide travelers with wellness on the go. Launched in 2003 by founders Marisol and Moreton Binn at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport, XpresSpa specializes in air spa offerings and has expanded to 46 locations in more than 20 major airports, with 10 new locations on the horizon as well as others in development.
按摩疗法具有 临床价值
Study Underlines Clinical Benefits of Massage Therapy
The clinical value of massage therapy and its circulatory benefits have been established by a study published in the journal Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago studied the impact of Swedish massage received by 15 out of a test group of 25 healthy adults – all of whom exercised their legs with a leg press until their limbs became sore. The 15 who received massages reported no more pain an hour and a half after the therapy took place – but those who did not receive a massage said they still felt sore a day after the exercise session. Participants also had their blood flow measured at different points after the exercise was carried out. Those who were massaged had improved blood flow at all the time points and the improvement in blood flow only appeared to taper off three days after the exercise. Those who were not massaged had reduced blood flow just an hour and a half after exercise.
康复档案期刊的研究 显示,按摩疗法的临 床应用价值及对循环 系统的益处已正式确 立。伊利诺伊州芝加 哥大学的研究人员研 究了瑞士按摩对健康 的影响。参加测试者为25个健康成人,他们同时进行了腿部推举运动, 直到双腿酸痛无比。之后,15个受试者接受了瑞士按摩疗程。这15个人 在疗程开始后的1个半小时之内报告说酸痛消失,但那些未接受按摩的 受试者说运动后1天内仍然感到酸痛。调研还对参与者在不同时间点进 行了血流量测试,那些接受按摩的人在每个时间点都有血流量的改善, 血流量只在运动后第四天才变缓,而那些没接受按摩的人在锻炼后1个 半小时内血流量就降低。
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spa Products news | spa产品新闻
雅容玛香薰之家夏日呵护 春夏之际,水油容易失衡而造成肌肤干燥粗糙。来自英国雅容玛香 薰之家的明焕身体紧致凝胶和明焕晨晓沐浴油,不仅为身体肌肤带 来夏日的清新养护,还可紧致身形。明焕身体紧致凝胶是一款具有 修身塑形功效的凝胶,其中的粉红葡萄柚、杜松子、迷迭香成份, 有效促进肾脏、肝脏和消化功能,并促进血液循环、缓解水肿情 况,改善循环、肤色和肤质,嫩滑细腻肌肤,并帮助肌肤重现紧致 健康的体态。适合用于臀部、大腿、脚踝等脂肪团囤积和水肿的部
SABON的香薰护肤 在希伯来文中,SABON解作香皂,这个来自土耳其的品牌也正 是由香皂制作开始。两位创办人Sigal Kotler-Levi与Avi Piatok自南 半球寻获70年前制作纯正天然香皂的古老秘方,于是开始着手生 产,再按重量出售新鲜制成品。如今,SABON将对天然材料与 馥郁香气的喜爱延续到了其所推出的个人护肤用品中。SABON 沐浴香油以含有丰富Omega 3、6、7、9和维生素A+D的纯橄榄 油、鳄梨油、荷荷巴油及小麦胚芽油精心制造。细致丰富的泡沫 为身体带来清新感觉,天然润肤油润泽肌肤。备有多种香气供选 择:金鸢尾花、茉莉、熏衣草苹果、柠檬罗勒、芒果奇异果、麝 香、PLV广藿香熏衣草香草及玫瑰花茶等。品牌也推出了一系列 的个人香熏,广藿香熏衣草香草组合最受欢迎。撩人的广藿香、 新鲜熏衣草与甜美香草,带领思绪穿梭于法国王室宫殿的迷人院 舍,熏衣草田的怡人景色尽收眼底,展开走进古代回忆世界的旅 程;神秘醉人感觉与清新田园气息合二为一。
The Secret of SABON SABON, the Turkish brand, has expanded upon its soap line to include delightful and dreamy products for the body, the home and the soul with the blended various herbs and flowers. Delicate Jasmine Shower Oil, based on Natural Oils. Pure Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Jojoba Oil and Wheat Germ Oil all rich in Omega 3,6,7,9 and in Vitamin A+D. This combination of shower oil leaves the skin feeling luxuriously silky and soft. Its light, non-greasy formula will thoroughly nourish and moisturize the skin without a trace of oiliness or residue. SABON also launched a line of Fragrance EDT as daily perfume. Patchouli, Vanilla is the most popular perfume. The sensual blend of vanilla and patchouli is a beautiful balance of sweet and spice that will give anybody the feeling of pure bliss.
位。明焕晨晓沐浴油以清新的粉红葡萄柚、迷迭香及杜松果成分, 彻底排毒、平衡身心,最适宜于疲惫乏力、熬夜派对或长途旅程后 使用。将一瓶盖的油加入浴缸浸浴或淋浴前以之按摩上身,以于早 上唤醒身心,亦可有助于排毒或纤体疗程。
Revive Collection for Summer Revive Collection from Aromatherapy Associates is ideally designed for people who are concerned about cellulite or simply feeling tired, sluggish and in need of a general detox in Summer. The collection contains Revive body gel and Revive morning bath & shower oil. Revive Body Gel is a refreshing formulation designed to awaken the circulation and promote the elimination of toxins. This invigorating blend contains the essential oils of pink grapefruit, juniper berry and rosemary with cleansing and skin toning properties and a purifying, stimulating effect to give rapid results to help leave skin smooth, toned and radiantly healthy. Revive Morning Bath & Shower Oil can wake your up for the day ahead with its fresh, invigorating blend of pink grapefruit, rosemary and juniper berry. This detoxifying, balancing blend is perfect after a little over-indulging, after a long flight or when generally feeling sluggish. Use it in the bath or shower and feel your body come back to life.
Clay Based Products by Cattier
Cattier于 1968年 由 Pierre Cattier创 办 , 旗
The organic product brand Cattier was founded in 1968. At the origin of the creation of Cattier is an extraordinary natural ingredient with multiple virtues: Clay. Cattier has recently developed three masks and one scrub based on clay. Each skin type has its own particular clay. Organic White Clay Scrub is a gentle exfoliating treatment suitable for all skin types, leaving the skin soft, smooth and free of all impurities. It contains white clay, organic lavender flower water, aloe vera and jojoba oil. Organic Pink Clay Mask is good for sensitive skin. Enriched with Shea Butter, known for its restorative, anti-drying and protective properties, and with Peppermint, for its refreshing and stimulating action, it softens and nourishes the epidermis and clarifying the skin. With a perfect blend of yellow and white clays, Organic Yellow Clay Mask is for dry, fragile skins, bring Soothing and re-mineralizing treatment. With a perfect blend of Green and White Clays, Organic Green Clay Mask is a gentle treatment most suited to the purification and remineralization of combination to oily skins. It can help skin to purify and mineralize.
下系列有机认证天然温和的护理产品以富 含多种微量元素的矿物泥为主要成分。最 近 , Cattiery依 旧 以 矿 物 泥 为 基 础 , 研 发 了三款面膜及一款磨砂膏。适用于所有肌 肤的有机白泥磨砂膏,能帮助洁净、软化 肌肤,并去除过多累积的角质。这款磨砂 膏蕴含白泥、有机熏衣草萃取液、芦荟、 薄荷精油等天然成分,清爽肌肤的同时清 除老化死皮。特意为敏感肌肤研发的有机 粉红泥面膜含粉红泥、丰富乳木果油、有 机乳木果油、有机薄荷萃取,为肌肤提供 丰富的微量营养素,修护受损部分。有机 黄泥面膜的荷荷芭油具保湿及修护作用, 配以使人清新振奋的薄荷及天竺葵精油, 有助软化、舒缓及滋养表皮,同时洁净肌 肤。绿泥面膜性质温和,最适合混合性至 油性肌肤的净化及矿化面部护理。
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戚嘉懿 编译
spa equipment news | spa器材新闻 Horizontal Shower新体验 世界顶级卫浴品牌当代Dornbracht最新推出垂直型淋雨系统。该系统由当代 自主研发的整体氛围协调技术操作,打破站立淋浴的概念,让用户以平躺的 方式,享受淋浴的过程。垂直型淋浴系统结合六组位于卧台高处的嵌入式水 平花洒喷头,与同一操作模式下的其他产品相同,不同的水流大小可与水温 相协调,营造出人们所追求的舒心、爽快的沐浴效果。淋浴的中央控制装置 被设于卧台头部位置,以便于用户在平躺过程中操作使用。卧台自身配有加 热器,用户无论是仰卧或是俯卧,都会是一番别样享受。垂直型淋浴系统可 被用于私人或公共水疗中心。
Horizontal Shower Expands the Showering Experience
矿物注入蒸汽浴室 奥地利水疗设备生产商Inviion推出一款全新的矿物注 入蒸汽浴室,现已安装于Aqua桑拿水疗中心内。浴室 通过蒸汽的热度使毛孔张开,让丰富的矿物质进入肌 肤内,来帮助人们获得深层次地放松。浴室一次可入 座8人并配有基于人体工学设计的休闲座椅,室内恒温 45°,且将蒸汽力度设为最大值,每隔8分钟,大量有 益健康的矿物质与微量元素便轮番注入蒸汽浴室。所 注入的矿物质中,镁有助于镇静肌肤,修复毛发及改
World famous kitchen and bathroom fittings manufacturer Dornbracht launches the Horizontal Shower with the Ambiance Tuning Technique can be enjoyed lying down.The Horizontal Shower combines six WaterBars recessed in a wide-area shower field located above a recliner. Just like the other applications in the Ambiance Tuning Technique, various flow types can be combined using preprogrammed choreographies of water temperature and quantity-to create just the balanced, invigorating or relaxing shower experience the user seeks. The shower is controlled using the central eTool controls integrated in the head area of the recliner-making it convenient to operate while lying down. The user can enjoy the Horizontal Shower lying on his or her stomach or back. The recliner surface itself is heatable. The Horizontal Shower can be used both in private and public spas.
善呼吸系统;碘硒能够增强免疫力;锂可舒缓压力, 恢复机体活力。与此相伴的还有灯光及芳香疗法,带 给人无限的温馨享受。
Mineral Magic at Aqua Sana Spa Austrian spa equipment manufacturer Inviion has launched a new steam bath cabin with a mineral infusion system which has been installed at the Aqua Sana spa. The cabin works on the principle that the steam opens the pores of the skin, with the mineral salts then entering them gently to create a recharging and relaxing experience. Eight people can be seated in the Mineral Cabin at one time, at intervals of eight minutes, a range of health-enhancing minerals and trace elements are alternately infused into the health bath cabin. Among the minerals, magnesium supports the recovery and stabilisation of skin, hair and respiratory organs, iodine selenium helps strengthen the immune system, and lithium helps relieve stress and recovers vitality.
肌肤再生理疗法 新加坡水疗专家AW Lake携手德国MedDrop 技术与瑞士Arivine制药公司,推出无创肌 肤再生技术疗法。纯TDA疗法通过在肌肤 深处合成丰富蛋白质,刺激细胞分裂, 修复被损坏的肌肤结构。随着时间推 移,可抚平肌肤皱纹并减少纹路产生。 理疗仪由电脑控制的应用平台及涂药器 组成,在目标肌肤上方区域进行治疗, 避免与肌肤直接接触,达到轻柔且清凉 的按摩效果。理疗仪同时拥有定制模 式,可显示治疗进度,当切换至脸部不 同区域时会给予指示。
Regenerative Skin Treatment Launched Singapore-based spa specialist AW Lake is partnering with Germany's MedDrop Technology and Switzerland's Arivine Pharma in bringing a non-invasive therapy system for regenerative skin treatment to the spa market. ‘Pure TDA’ treatments are designed to create protein-rich deposits in the skin’s deepest layers, in order to stimulate cell division and provide the necessary building blocks to repair damaged structures of the skin. Over time, this smooths the skin and reduces deep and fine wrinkles, according to AW Lake. The treatment system consists of a computer-guided application station and applicator, which is moved at a certain distance over the targeted skin areas during treatment, without direct skin contact. The effect achieved is a light, cool massaging pressure. SpaChina • 2014 | 45
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中国水疗产业“类医美” “类医美”水疗的兴起不仅是行业发展的新契机,更是爱美人士的福音。高菲 文
Adrian Heini先生如是说。
现在几乎各大医院都有整形美容分部, 它们和私人整形医院一起以“创造美”为宣
截 止 本 刊 出 稿 日 , SpaChina杂 志 数 据
增加。”Adrian Heini先生补充道。
NATURA BISSÉ集团首席执行官Verónica Fisas
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成本有关。因此,好的产品必然是价格不菲的, 也可能在某种程度上不一定能满足水疗经营者想 要的利润空间,但这不代表高价就不能被客人们 所接受。” 现今的客人们明察秋毫,见多识广,在一个 水疗中心内选择疗程时也会依据对产品的需求度 和辨识度,来决定是否最终购买这个疗程。 “以我的经验来看,大多数客人渴望的是效 果显著的疗程和产品。他们希望看到疗效的同 时,也希望产品有针对性,有私人定制的感觉, 可以对应不同的肌肤状况和身体状况。”广州四 季酒店水疗总监Sophia Patel认为,“好的产品与 器材供应商是和水疗的发展紧密相关的。他们所 能提供的产品、疗程、以及培训等支持,都应该 是专业的,售后服务也必须完善。”在她看来, 好的产品,也必定要好的疗程来让产品效果发挥 到最好。 “我08年初入中国,当时怀有一部分市场考 察的心态进入北京的高级美容会所施行私人定 制。在筹备期间投入了大量精力了解市场,做了 大量准备工作,例如对中国员工的专业培训,了 解中国客户的皮肤状况和特性以及他们真正的需 求。”法国产品原液之谜主席Rupert Schmid如是 说。2012年,BR正式进入中国酒店水疗行业,目 前与香港四季、上海半岛、北京半岛都有合作。 在进入酒店业的时候,BR已能迅速满足高级酒 店水疗需求的培训、促销、团队提升、物流等各 个方面的支持,所有支持服务都是针对酒店最想 俘获的本地消费者,进一步挖掘其消费能力。 引入BR产品后,“水疗中心的产品零售 收益也提高至了50%,有些甚至占据 了水疗中心所有收入的70%”。BR 产品线仅面部就100多种,类医美 效果让很多客人欲罢不能,消费 越多,对产品就越有信心,于是 客人的消费潜力也充分被挖掘 出来了。 具备医疗功能的水疗必定是 水疗发展的未来,因为这符合国 际水疗发展趋势,同时也满足了消 费者对于功效性的需求。不论在美 SpaChina • 2014 | 47
| 特别报道
国、欧洲、澳大利亚都有许多的成功案例。上海施诺菲 医疗科技发展有限公司总经理王颖女士告诉我们:“在 中国,除了选用有明显效果的护肤品以外,普通水疗中 心也可以通过引进安全型的功效性仪器与项目,逐步整 合护理疗程,结合医学项目完成有功效性的项目开发, 来完成水疗中心的升级。”上海施诺菲医疗科技发展有 限公司的业务遍布全国,主要从事医疗美容器械、材料 和产品的销售,拥有数家激光美肤中心。 对于城市水疗中心来说,进入类医美也是一个不小 的挑战。“我们通常会建议引进功效性仪器的门店的 装修和设施尽量要符合医疗水疗的标准。水疗中心的 员工需要具备一定的医疗基础,对于皮肤或者身体能够 有专业的认知。这一点通常是比较欠缺的。”王颖女士 说,“门店也必须拥有一定的有效会员数量,才能够在 将这些新疗程推出的时候,吸引到足够的客人来体验, 以最终的效果来说服他们达成二次消费或延续会籍”。 一些本身拥有会员,选址较好,但业务发展泛泛的店 铺,在引进功能性类医美项目后平均业绩会有30%-50% 的提升,而对功能性仪器的投资费用也能在2-6个月内 回本。 “无论选择产品还是器材,都要从该水疗中心目前 的客户层的实际需求来分析。中国很大,每个地区的喜 好都不同,以我的酒店为例,男性客户人数就比较多, 因此身体疗程就销售得很好,我也不会因为一味的追 求面部类医美的即时效果而放弃目前业绩很好的身体疗 程。”Sophia Patel女士说,“而好的产品,如护肤品, 也能让我们说服对身体疗程已经建立起信任的男性客户 群体做进一步的尝试——因为我们知道效果会令他们非 常满意。于是,我们也能进一步开拓男性的面部疗程业 务,这就是我们所期望的锦上添花的效果。” “一个水疗中心的成功,是建立在服务、设施、疗 程和产品品质之上的,这一切通过水疗专业人士之手传 递。我们产品商能提供的是这一系列中的核心环节, 我们在做产品销售的同时,其实也为水疗中心创造出 了与其品牌相匹配的、一个传递美丽与健康的精彩体 验。”Verónica Fisas Vergés女士如是说。 “作为一个医生,我不认为医疗水疗能取代主流医 疗,但相对来说,医疗水疗可以提供更好更体贴的服 务。”瑞士苏黎世青草地疗养院医疗总监Adrian Heini 先生认为,“但我可以看到在未来,医疗知识与科技发 展的趋势应该是为了更好地做好疾患预防,并试图让人 获得身心双重完全健康。” 因此,医疗也好,水疗也好,在对健康的追求上, 殊途同归。 48 | SpaChina • 2014
Semi-Medical Beauty-care Spas in China The rise of the medical beauty-care spa has not only triggered new development momentum for the spa industry, but also brings good news for dedicated pursuers of beauty. By Fifi Kao
hy are medical beau-
Today, in China, most of the medical beau-
ty-care spas and med-
ty-care organizations focus on expanding busi-
“When something becomes popular, the
ical spas growing so
ness in the second and third-tier cities. Nor-
imitations also increase,” remarked Mr. Adrian
strongly worldwide?
mally, their major customer groups are well-off
Heini, Medical Director of Clinique La Prairie
in China.
The love of beauty is
people over 45 years old. But in recent years we
in Switzerland. “We have noticed that a lot of
a natural instinct for all human beings, particu-
have seein younger people join the ranks; some
spas are using the term “medical” as a market-
larly in a modern society where a wide range
of them are the second generation of China’s
ing tool, without having the medical expertise
of beauty-care products and equipments are
rich people and seek a perfect small “camera
or the infrastructures to provide correct medi-
friendly” face. Chinese customers are still look-
cal services. This can lead to high health risks.
First, improvements in science and technol-
ing for the most expensive option and tend to
Consumers must be well informed in their
ogy have improved the beauty-care effects of
equate “expensive” with “good”. China still
choice of medical spas, ensure that the staff is
macro-invasive face-lifting along with the rel-
lacks the relevant regulations and rules to price
highly trained and that the establishment is
evant equipment and products. More impor-
medical beauty-care services according to the
subject to frequent inspections by the medical
tantly, quite like their counterparts in devel-
qualifications and experience of doctors as is
authorities. Security should be the number one
oped countries, people in China over 45 years
done in developed nations like Singapore.
old underwent hardships while establishing
“We don’t want the guests to be satisfied
According to a market survey conducted by
their own businesses in the past and are now
after a single surgery,” said a Chinese-Ameri-
SpaChina magazine, the number one reason
still active in their careers. Today, most of them
can doctor with 15 years working experience
for spa goers to visit a spa is still “releasing
are well-off people wishing to look younger
in the industry in an interview by SpaChina.
pressure and relaxation”. Relaxation in a luxu-
and more energetic.
“There is an interesting trend: medical beauty-
rious and comfortable environment, wrapping
Another factor leading to the rise of the
care organizations want guests to visit them
yourself in a soft bathrobe, enjoying the tran-
medical beauty-care industry is the role of doc-
repeatedly for quite a long time, which can
quility fostered by water, aromatherapy and
tors. The income of doctors in the medical
enable them to gain income from the guests
music, and letting the therapist remove the
beauty-care industry is far above that of other
in all possible aspects. This is actually quite
tension in your tightened muscles…, this is still
medical-relevant staff. The key reasons are the
the ideal image of a spa in consumers’ minds.
value created by their work, the balance of
“As long as their spending power allows it,
81% of spa goers still visit spas for the purpose
market supply and demand, and the personal
most guests will try to improve other parts of
of “releasing pressure and easing discomforts
choice of the doctor. We will leave this topic
their body,” the doctor added.
and sub-par health conditions”.
No matter how much the margin is and no
However, in a world of fast development
Today, almost all large-scale hospitals have
matter how sought-after it is, medical beauty-
and changes, spas cannot ignore consumers’
plastic surgery divisions. Similar to private
care still belongs within the scope of the medi-
pursuit of “immediate results”. It is certain
plastic surgery clinics, they proclaim to “manu-
cal sector, which is hard for China’s spas to be
that the market of medical spas has grown over
facture beauty”; and they have incorporated
involved in. Even in cooperation with medical
the years. More people invest in prevention
medical beauty-care into the beauty-care sec-
beauty-care organizations, spas can only tem-
through short spa breaks. The idea of ‘preven-
tor. Nowadays, common medical beauty-care
porarily target a small section of customers,
tion is better than cure’ is gaining ground.
measures are often a part of special or high-end
which is far from being enough to seduce spa
And people are more willing to seek health and
products, such as reducing wrinkles by inject-
owners with large numbers of stable member
beauty in spas.
ing clostridium botulinum, and creating pret-
guests to step into the medical beauty-care
“As the world population is ageing, we will
tier noses, lips and even breasts by injecting
industry. There are only a handful of cases of
certainly see an increase in the field,” added
hyaluronic acids.
spas successfully transforming to medical spa
Doctor Adrian Heini.
for discussion in the future.
SpaChina • 2014 | 49
| 特别报道
In the face of competition with the medical beauty-care centers, though not direct competition, some spas are losing market share. Since consumers tend to place priority on relaxing spa treatments and that on “plastic surgery” in the same category: investment on beauty and health-care. Although medical beauty-care services can improve one’s external appearance immediately, there are always consumers who are scared of the possible problems of using anesthetic, bleeding, scars, etc. “In fact, any surgery bears risks. Once an operation fails, the harm is irreversible,” said the doctor. Also once these chemical substances like hyaluronic acid are absorbed by the body and take effect, many consumers will choose to take medical beauty-care treatments again and again in order to maintain their beauty and the feeling of being beautiful. However, even if the external appearance is becoming younger, nothing can change the body’s natural functions and aging still continues. Therefore, a lot of guests turn to medical beauty-care products that bear no risk, have reasonable prices and outstanding skincare effects. Such is reckoned to be the most feasible and safe anti-aging measure. With more and more cosmetic brands coming to recognize this truth, more funds are being invested into product research, with the expectation that skincare products can generate similar skincare effects as that of medical beauty-care treatments. Thus, there are currently a lot of researchers worldwide dedicated to finding methods that use skincare products to inject vitality and youth to the body’s cell in order to maintain the skin’s youthful condition and resist aging. Spas will inevitably follow the market demand to adjust their business scope reasonably. And some have stepped into the “semi medical beauty-care sector” to serve their consumers’ demands. Such is a necessary trend in the development of the spa industry. At the time of the article’s completion, SpaChina’s database had collected the treatments and service scope of 35,893 spas, showing that 74.6% of day spas already boast “semi medical beauty-care care” functions; 38.3% 50 | SpaChina • 2014
of hotel spas and 8.4% of resort spas offer
Biologique Recherche. In 2012, BR entered
of most spas,” commented Ellen Wang. “Spas
“semi medical beauty-care care” treatments.
China’s hotel spa industry, and its current
shall boast a certain amount of valid members,
Since 2014, China’s spa industry is starting to
partners include Four Seasons Hotel Hong
so that when new treatments are introduced,
step into a “semi medical beauty-care” era,
Kong, The Peninsula Hotel Shanghai, and
there are enough potential guests to experi-
particularly regarding services targeted at local
The Peninsula Hotel Beijing, etc. When they
ence it. And the treatment effect will convince
Chinese guests.
officially entered China’s hospitality industry,
them to make repeated visit and renew their
“A high-tech brand should offer innova-
BR was already meeting high-end hotel spas’
membership”. On an average standard, spas
tive and highly effective products with a high
requirements for support training, promo-
that already boast a considerable amount of
degree of safety and quality,” said Verónica
tion, team improvement, logistics and more.
members and a favorable location will have
Fisas Vergés, Chief Executive Officer of NATU-
All the supporting services are targeting local
their revenue increase 30-50%. And the invest-
RA BISSÉ Group. “In China, more consumers
consumers who the hotels are eager to cap-
ment in functional equipment can be recov-
are looking for premium cosmetic products
ture and to further explore the consuming
ered within two to six months.”
due to rising disposable income. High level
capability. “After importing the products, the
“Regarding selection of products and equip-
cosmetics need to meet the requirements in
spa’s product retail revenue is elevated to 50%
ments, spas shall take into consideration con-
quality, innovation and excellence, which are
of the hotel’s total revenue, and some even
sumers’ actual requirements. China is large and
reflected directly in the cost of the final prod-
accounts for 70% of the total revenue”. BR
consumer preferences vary according to differ-
uct. These requirements are clearly appreciated
has around 100 facial product collections and
ent regions. Take my hotel for example, male
by the consumer who perceives the quality and
their medical aesthetic effect is quite appeal-
guests constitute the majority and our body
efficacy of the product, but it is more diffi-
ing. As they consume more of the products,
treatments are quite popular. So I won’t give
cult to understand the scientific and technical
their confidence increases and guests’ con-
up our sought-after body treatments to simply
investment that guarantees these advances. ”
suming potential can be fully explored.
pursue instant effect of facial treatment with
Moreover, clients today are more discern-
Spa with medical functionality is cer-
medical beauty-care function,” Sophia Patel
ing, savvy, well-traveled, and can definitely
tainly the future trend of the spa industry.
told us. “And we can also sell good products,
choose whether or not to have a treatment in a
It coincides with the international spa trend
like skincare products, to male guests that favor
spa depending on the products they carry and
and meets consumers’ demands and require-
our body treatments, because they are satis-
the brand recognition it has.
ments perfectly. There are numerous success-
fied with the treatment results. Therefore, we
“My experience tells me that most of the
fully cases in USA, Europe, Australia, etc. Ellen
also strive to further expand business on men’s
guests are looking for result-oriented spa prod-
Wang, CEO of Florisa Medical Science Devel-
facials, which we hope will complement our
ucts and treatments. As soon as they can see
opment Co., Ltd. shared her opinion on this
existing business.”
the visible result and also there must be differ-
point: “In China, apart from selecting effec-
“A spa’s success is built based on its excel-
ent product ranges to take care of different type
tive skincare products, ordinary spas can also
lence in service, facilities and quality, all con-
of skins' needs,” remarked Sophia Patel, direc-
try to optimize their treatment by adopting
sistently delivered by expert hands. An essential
tor of Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou:
safe functional beauty-care equipments and to
part of this excellence is the resources we work
“Product and equipment play a key role in
develop functional beauty-care treatments by
with, an excellent product choice matches the
the development of spas. Good suppliers must
partially incorporating medical programs; thus
targeted quality and excellence that a successful
offer professional products, treatment, train-
to upgrade the spa.” With a business cover-
five star spa wants to deliver to their clientele,”
ing, operation support and perfect after-sale
ing the whole nation, Florisa Medical Science
said Verónica Fisas Vergés.
service.” From her point of view, good prod-
Development Co., Ltd is mainly involved in the
“As a doctor, I do not believe that medical
ucts should be supported by excellent treat-
distribution of medical beauty-care equipment,
spas will ever replace mainstream hospitals.
ments in order to maximize the product effect.
materials and products; and it boasts many
On the contrary they should work alongside
laser skincare centers in China.
in order to provide better service to patients,”
“We came to China in 2008 to offer personalized products for high-end beauty-care
For ordinary day spas, engagement in the
said Mr. Adrian Heini. “What I see for the
clubs in Beijing while conducting market
semi-medical beauty-care sector is a consider-
future is a change in the way we use our medi-
research at the same time. During the prepa-
able challenge. “We often suggest that spas
cal knowledge and technology available: more
ration period, we spent a lot time and ener-
that have imported functional equipments
towards developing preventative medicine and
gy to learn about the market and do other
shall have their interior decoration and rel-
disciplines that help us maintain good health,
preparation works, such as training Chinese
evant facilities meet the standards of medical
physical and mental.”
employees, learning about Chinese custom-
spas. Also, spa staff shall boast certain medical
It is safe to say that medical beauty-care and
ers’ skin condition and traits and their real
knowledge, particularly professional knowl-
spa treatments are just two different ways to
needs,” says Rupert Schmid, co-owner of
edge about skin or the body. This is a weakness
pursue health. SpaChina • 2014 | 51
People Interview
| 人物专访
Age-Defying Face Intense
Diamond Life Infusion Ritual
Bubble Pure Air
魅力高科技 访NATURA BISSÉ集团首席执行官Verónica Fisas Vergés女士
Fisas Vergés女士自2008年起开始担任集团的
NATURA BISSÉ所秉承的理念是什么?
毫无疑问,中国是我们公司的核心市场 之一。在过去三年里,我们一直致力于开辟 高端美容院和豪华酒店水疗这一销售渠道,
消费者消费理念的日趋成熟和对高科技护肤 成分的愈发了解,他们对蕴含了最新科技成
52 | SpaChina • 2014
何坤蓉 编译
The Charm of High-Tech Interview with Ms. Verónica Fisas Vergés, Chief Executive Officer of NATURA BISSÉ Group
s one of the most global Spanish companies, NATURA BISSÉ Group is now recognized in the cosmetics sector as one of the brands with the most select, luxurious beauty products at the international level. Its best-kept secret is exceptionally high concentrations of the most advanced active ingredients obtained through cutting-edge cosmetic technology. Verónica Fisas Vergés, second generation leader of the family and chief executive officer of the NATURA BISSÉ Group since 2008, has participated from an early age in the family business dedicated to beauty and skin care. A law graduate with a Master degree in Business Administration, Verónica worked her way up through all of the departments of the business. SpaChina invited her to share her insight on high-tech ingredients in the beautycare product market.
Verónica Fisas Vergés
What is NATURA BISSÉ’s philosophy? Since its inception, we have brought our family passion to develop an independent, dynamic and agile business model. We don’t just use science, we develop it. As a vast contributor to the advancement of skincare technology, and through extensive RD+i, NATURA BISSÉ has become a recognized leader in developing high-end skincare products and techniques. Our mission is simple – to use our intrinsic, forward thinking creativity to develop effective skincare through the use of avant-garde technologies and superior quality ingredients.
How do you value the role of spa products in the success of a spa? A spa’s success is based on its excellence in services, facilities and treatments, all consistently delivered by expert hands. An essential part of this excellence is that the product choice matches with targeted quality and service. Moreover, clients today are more discerning, savvy, well-traveled, and can definitely choose whether or not to have a treatment in a spa depending on the products they carry. For spas that carry our product, we build the relationship, going beyond the supplier-client format to work in a partnership, where our retail expertise can help them build a much stronger retail business. Some of our clients have increased their retail sales by 25% after adding our product line.
What are the advantages of high-tech ingredient beauty-care products? Our high-tech ingredients in high concentrations and outstanding emulsions in skincare products are precise and effective; they are specifically formulated to achieve targeted results for the skin. High-Tech formulations have been an essential part of NATURA BISSÉ´s savoir faire since 1979. Also, cosmetic treatments via high-tech ingredients products are not painful, leave no scars, require no recovery time and the cost is lower. Cosmetic treatments can also be used to prolong the effects of medi-aesthetic treatments.
How do you view the global high-tech ingredients beauty-care product market? I think that the global market for products with high-tech ingredients is in high demand and strong. There are hundreds of brands available in the market, and not all of them have the same quality, of course. A reliable high-tech brand should offer innovative and highly effective products with a high degree of safety and quality. For us, quality relies not only on using high-tech ingredients, and having all the studies that back up their effectiveness and safety. Going further is having high-tech ingredients in maximum concentrations and masterfully creating high-tech formulations, which can
make a difference. Last but not least, it needs to comply with all major global regulations in cosmetics worldwide as we are a global brand. What are your predictions for China’s future high-tech ingredient beauty-care product market? In China, more consumers are looking for premium cosmetic products due to rising disposable income. I believe that Chinese skincare clients are selective, discerning and knowledgeable, and the market is demanding more and more hightech formulations to suit their needs. China is definitely in our company’s DNA and during the past 3 years we have been preparing ourselves to become a key player in the industry through selective distribution in high-end beauty salons and most prestigious hotel spas. We foresee China becoming one of the most important markets for NATURA BISSÉ within the next five years, ranking in the top 3 of the company’s sales. What is the most troublesome problem hindering development of high-tech ingredient beauty-care product in China? Premium cosmetics are characterized by the use of high-tech active ingredients. But it is important to take into account that, in order to comply with Chinese cosmetic regulations, all ingredients used have to be previously approved by the CFDA. Therefore, it is not always possible to incorporate the latest discoveries in active ingredients in the cosmetic products sold in China. SpaChina • 2014 | 53
People Interview
| 人物专访
Ellen Wang
目需结合相关医学项目的功效有针对性地、 您认为中国的城市水疗目前面临怎样的业务
常 见 的 进 口 设 备 价 格 大 概 在 USD5-10万 左
所以投资回报率大于国际平均水平。国内市 请推荐一些适合具有医美功能的水疗中心的
我 觉 得 Syneron的 Elase无 痛 脱 毛 仪
54 | SpaChina • 2014
何坤蓉 编译
Functional Beauty-care Interview with Ms. Ellen Wang, CEO of Florisa Medical Science Development Co., Ltd
lorisa Medical Science Development
care functions?
Co., Ltd mainly engages in the distri-
First and foremost, interior decoration and facili-
bution of medical beauty-care equip-
ties must meet requirements of a medical spa.
ment, materials and products and boasts many
Secondly, spa staff must have the necessary medi-
laser skincare centers. The company’s lifestyle
cal care knowledge and experience, particularly
beauty-care brand Joy ESPA is a leading func-
professional knowledge on human body and the
tional skin-care spa in China, featuring the lat-
skin. Thirdly, the spa must have accumulated a
est photoelectric technology skincare concepts
certain number of members. As far as I know,
and offers safe, effective, trendy and convenient
after successfully upgrading to have some medical
beauty-care services.
beauty-care functions, a spa’s revenue can increase
As CEO of the company, Ellen Wang also
30% to 50%. And with new medical beauty-care
heads Joy ESPA as global CEO. During her
treatments being constantly introduced to the spa,
years of engagement in the spa and beauty-care
the revenue will continue to rise.
industry, she has broken through the confinement of traditional spas and created a novel
What are the issues in need of attention while
concept that combines photoelectric skincare
a spa is positioning or transforming to be a
technology with lifestyle spas. She is one of
structure, and to lift the skin, eye surroundings,
spa with medical beauty-care functions?
the advocates striving to endow China’s life-
cheek and lower jaw. Thus, minimizing fine
Staff training must be conducted by or under
style spas with medical beauty-care functions.
lines and rejuvenating the skin.
the guidance of professional medical doctors, and key staff must pass rigid assessment before
SpaChina talked with Ellen on the topic of What is the bottleneck problem hindering
offering medical beauty-care service to guests.
development of China’s day spas?
All treatments must be developed scientifically
What functional beauty-care services are
As China’s economy develops, property rental
with explicit beauty-care purposes in accord-
offered at Joy ESPA?
fees and the cost of human resources are both
ance with relevant medical treatments available
Unlike traditional spa treatments, functional
increasing constantly. As a result, a lot of day
at medical spas or hospitals.
beauty-care services focus on offering safe and
spas fail to make ends meet. This is probably
efficient solutions for different kinds of skin
one of the biggest issues for some spas.
functional beauty-care.
What is the price range of medical beauty-care equipment currently available in the market?
problems to improve skin condition in a short time. Normally, a special functional beauty-
Could you recommend some spa equipment
Price of imported equipment ranges from
care solution shall be tailored according to each
for spas with medical beauty-care functions?
USD50,000 to 100,000. In China, most spas
consumer’s skin texture and skin problems as
From my point of view, Syneron’s Elase
boast a large number of member guests. So
well as other relevant factors.
(RMB500,000), a pain-free hair removal, and
normally, their ROI is higher than the aver-
Velasmoothpro (RMB500,000), a high-tech
age international level. In China, the quality
Please introduce some of Joy ESPA’s signa-
slimming machine, are nice choices for day spas
of spa equipment varies greatly and it can be
ture functional beauty-care treatments.
that want to have medical beauty-care functions.
divided into three levels in general. Level one
We have many different treatments serving to meet
These two pieces of equipment are quite safe
is lower-end domestic equipment, treatment
different guests’ requirements. Among them are:
for operating at day spas and can generate fast
prices of which are RMB100 to 500 per time;
Gentle Hair Removal, optical wave in partic-
skincare results. Average spas while importing
level two is intermediary level equipment from
ular frequency absorbed by the hair and trans-
new equipment should take into consideration
Italy, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, treatment price
formed into heat to decompose hair of the body,
whether the equipment can increase the spa’s
of which is RMB400-1,000 per time; level three
causing hair roots to shrink, separate from the
consumer volume and their expenditure on spa
is high-end equipment made in Israel and the
hair follicle, and exfoliate naturally. Indeed, it
services, and also whether they can elevate the
USA, treatment price of which ranges from
is an effective way to remove hair permanently.
spa’s overall image and positioning.
RMB1,500-5,000 per time. Of course, there is also equipment with special treatment func-
Shaping Facial Lift: the world’s leading Elos electrooptical technology is adopted to stimu-
What kinds of spas are qualified for trans-
tions that cost much more, such as the cur-
late regeneration of collagen, consolidate skin
formation into ones with medical beauty-
rently sought-after Thermage. SpaChina • 2014 | 55
People Interview
| 人物专访
Grace Wu
是日新月异不断更新的。因此除了效果之 外,美容仪器是否具备在技术上的领先性是 很重要的。Venus Concept拥有领先的MP²专
访Venus Concept中国子公司首席执行官吴宜燕女士
利技术,是唯一获得美国FDA认证及CE认证 的抗衰老科技技术。该技术结合多极射频和
色列Venus Concept高科技美容
仪 器 结 合 意 大 利 Dermo28专 业
丽的新概念。Venus Concept提供的是一站
间,Venus Concept已逐渐立足世界舞台,跻
Venus Concept中 国 子 公 司 首 席 执 行 官
Grace Wu女士拥有丰富的美容行业专案执行
渐开拓Venus Concept的中国市场。SpaChina
Venus Concept在客户培训、器材维护和售后
Venus Concept公司的严格考核,才能操作仪
器。Venus Concept的美容仪器最长可享有三
56 | SpaChina • 2014
何坤蓉 编译
An Easy Way to Beauty Interview with Ms. Grace Wu, CEO of Venus Concept China
visionary company defying conven-
quite important for medical beauty-care equip-
tions and delivering on its promises,
ment to adopt cutting-edge and sophisticated
Venus Concept, a high-tech beauty-
technology. Venus Concept boasts the leading
care equipment supplier from Israel, brings
proprietary MP² technology, which combines
forward the concept of “becoming beauti-
multi-polar radio frequency and proven mag-
ful with no pain”. It offers clients “one-stop”
netic pulse therapy to weaken the body’s natu-
services, including equipment distribution,
ral recovery mechanism, and stimulate collagen
marketing strategies and training, and a win-
reproduction. It’s the only anti-aging technol-
win cooperation model. In just a few years
ogy that is certified by both FDA in USA and
after its inception, Venus Concept is becoming
SFDA in China.
one of the internationally acclaimed beautycare equipment suppliers. And recently, it has
How to select reliable medical beauty-care
gained heavy investment from Longitude Capi-
equipment with good value for money?
tal in USA, which certainly lays a strong foun-
The future trend is to use equipment that
dation for its global expansion in the future.
adopts sophisticated beauty-care technology and those meet relevant international stand-
As CEO of Venus Concept China, Ms Grace Wu boasts abundant working experience
help satisfy clients’ credibility and professional-
ards. It’s also quite necessary to review the clin-
in the beauty-care industry, particularly in man-
ism among their target customers.
ical report and consumers’ feedback. Regarding value for money, it mainly depends on con-
agement of a team with multi-national cultural backgrounds. She has introduced a sophisticated
What are the considerations when selecting
suming power of the guests. Worth mentioning
international business model to her team in
a partner product brand?
is that though high-end medical beauty-care
China. And with her strong passion for health-
Product concept, effect, cost and market
equipment costs a lot, the treatment results
care and the medical beauty-care sector, Grace
demand are all among our top considerations.
seldom disappoint you.
insists on selecting and testing all of the com-
My colleagues in Hong Kong and I are always
pany’s equipment on her self. She is currently
exploring the converging points of beauty-care
How do you compare medical spas with
working to expand China’s market for Venus
products and medical beauty-care equipment,
ordinary spas?
Concept. SpaChina talked with Grace on the
in the hope that the combination of the two
The two boast different target markets. Ordi-
medical beauty-care market in China.
will generate a better beauty-care effect.
nary spas are often on the end of relaxation,
The premium Italian spa product brand
and their beauty-care effect is not obvious.
What are the highlights of after-sales serv-
Dermo28, which we are currently cooperating
Medical spas use professional equipment to
ice offered by Venus Concept?
with, highlights personalized skincare treatment
generate fast beauty-care effects. Its treatment
We offer client training on both equipment
experience and uses natural active ingredients to
time is short but requires highly professional
operation and beauty-care philosophy on a
resist skin aging and restore the skin to a natu-
technology and skills, and heavy investment.
regular basis. Prior to operating the equipment,
ral healthy condition. I myself have tried most
Incorporating safe and reliable high technology
therapists must be trained by us and pass per-
of the Dermo28 products. Its skincare effect is
into ordinary spas will help deliver fast treat-
formance evaluation by Venus Concept. Some
quite outstanding and the pleasant surprise is
ment effects, reduce treatment time and man-
of Venus Concept’s beauty-care equipment can
that its founder’s brand concept, which insists
power, and increase revenue.
enjoy free after-sale service and a quality war-
on manufacturing all the product in Italy to
ranty period of up to three years.
ensure product quality, targeting only the high-
In China, who are the target buyers of medi-
end market, coincides with ours perfectly.
cal beauty-care equipment?
We also offer clients flexible financial coop-
In China, major buyers of medical beauty-
eration solutions and many supporting services for them to cover their cost as soon as possi-
What are the basic qualifications and traits
care equipment are beauty-care hospitals and
ble. We assist clients to hold guest experience
of effective medical beauty-care equipment?
beauty salons with medical functions. Suppliers
events, in which experts and trainers from our
Only equipment that boasts certified technol-
need to tailor their equipment as well as train-
headquarter will introduce strengths of the
ogies will be well-accepted by the majority.
ing programs and after-sale service according
equipment and offer treatments for guests to
Since technologies are evolving constantly, it is
to specific needs of different clients. SpaChina • 2014 | 57
People Interview
| 人物专访
细胞激活之道 访青草地疗养院医疗总监Adrian Heini
Medical Centre, Clinique La Prairie
出生于瑞士苏黎世,Adrian Heini于2010
在疗养院成立之初,创始人Paul Niehans医
障诊所的病患关怀和医疗服务的品质,并监 管着医疗中心的日常运营和未来发展方向。
独特疗法,能改善荷尔蒙分泌和人体代谢功 青草地疗养院为何会设立医护水疗中心?
在青草地疗养院,我们会继续专注于研 发新型专利活性因子,并运用于不同的治
58 | SpaChina • 2014
何坤蓉 编译
Scientific Revitalization Interview with Dr. Adrian Heini, Medical Director of Clinique La Prairie
ince its foundation in 1931, Clinique La Prairie has established a reputation as a world-renowned medical clinic and wellness destination in Switzerland. Over the years, the clinic has developed a large spectrum of medical services, including radiology, internal medicine, cardiology, gynaecology, neurology, nutrition, orthopaedics, surgery, and more. In addition, Clinique La Prairie has created a state-of-the-art Medical Spa as well as specialised centres in aesthetic medicine& plastic surgery, menopause, weight management & sleeping disorders. Swiss born and a native of Zurich, Dr. Adrian Heini was appointed Medical Director of Clinique La Prairie in April 2010, ensuring that the key objectives of the Medical Centre are met and that the clinic maintains its excellent level of patient care and medical services. Furthermore, he oversees the running of dayto-day operations of the centre and its future development. As a member of the CLP Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Heini coordinates the research activities of this international expert panel and supervises patent status and IP aspects. SpaChina interviewed Dr. Heini to explore more about Clinique La Prairie. Why did Clinique La Prairie set up a medical spa? Clinique La Prairie believes that both medical and beauty disciplines are essential for patients’ total revitalisation and wellbeing. We were one of the very first medical establishments in the world to introduce a medical spa in the early 90’s. A new modern Spa building was created in 2006 to include an indoor swimming pool, a gastronomic dietetic restaurant, and luxurious accommodation. In 2014, following a complete renovation, the Medical Spa was awarded “Best destination Spa in Europe”, it’s fourteenth international accolade. The new Clinique La Prairie Spa merges Swiss medical excellence with highly trained staff, ultra modern technology and exceptional levels of service, and benefits from our experience in dermatology, nutrition, sports medicine, and age prevention. All our treatments are designed in close collaboration between our
“CLP Extract”. Since 2007, the “CLP Extract” has been administered orally to patients practicing the Revitalisation programme, under full medical supervision over a weekly stay. Most patients experience better sleep, ameliorated mental performance, increased intellectual and physical endurance, improved overall wellbeing, and stronger resistance to acute and chronic infection. However, the “CLP Extract” is not a miracle product that returns individuals in their 40s back to their 20s. The benefits are internal and long lasting.
Adrian Heini
doctors & the spa therapists to offer maximum & long-lasting results. What are the differences between your Medical Centre and the Medical Spa? The Medical Centre is a hospital that provides medical services in over 25 different medical specialities. The Spa offers non-invasive results-oriented treatments created under medical supervision. Both Medical Centre and Spa work in tandem to provide the best results to our guests. All Clinique La Prairie weekly medical programmes include specific Spa treatments that complement each programme’s goal. How does cellular therapy help cure diseases? Our cellular therapy Revitalisation is a unique treatment, exclusively available in Clinique La Prairie that has a beneficial effect on hormonal and metabolic functions, and is stimulating to the immune system, helping to slow the ageing process. Our International Scientific Advisory Board, composed of experienced researchers and clinicians, has successfully developed a standardized and lyophilized liver extract called
Are there any possible side effects? Clinique La Prairie’s philosophy is for “zero” risk. The Revitalisation is a medical treatment that begins with a complete, in-depth medical check-up as well as a series of biological laboratory tests and standard examinations. Unless an acute illness is diagnosed, “CLP Extract” is administered orally over two consecutive days. Throughout our long history, Clinique La Prairie has remained in control of the entire “CLP Extract” production process: from breeding our own sheep on our fully-owned farm, to the preparation of the Extract in our state-of-the-art laboratory, and finally to its administration, exclusively to patients, staying at the clinic. What are your comments on the future market potential of CLP extract? Historically, humans have always been in search of the “fountain of youth”. Over the past few years, we have noted that a number of cellular therapies have become available promising to “stop” the biological clock. I am very skeptical about therapies that involve injections of unknown and non-scientifically validated substances. In the future, we will have new patented substances that can be synthesized and used in different solutions. The so-called cell therapy will shift towards a sophisticated, modern medicine with preventative and anti-ageing properties. Of course, these therapies always have to be combined with a healthy lifestyle. SpaChina • 2014 | 59
People Interview
| 人物专访
精气神之真美 仲
访山东菏泽的中医世家中医主治医师 仲明林先生
至今50年,但现在后继无人,因为中医不是 5年医科大学、5年临床经验就能出师的。
脉,要是他把脉看舌苔后告诉你的症状和你 自体感受基本一致的话,就是可以的。
宝成。SpaChina杂志在选题“医美”之时, 特意采访了这位相当传统的老中医,来看
中医认为什么是美? 您怎么看医美?
现,“精气神足”就是美。 我看到上海等大
农药超标,有些重金属超标。我家里开设药 铺,亲自去采购、炮制药材,以确保药性良
60 | SpaChina • 2014
何坤蓉 编译
Beauty of Vigor Interview with Dr. Zhong Minglin, physician from a family of TCM masters in Heze, Shandong province
orn into a family that has been offering
requires persistent concentration and a simple
TCM treatments for patients for gen-
mind, which is quite a rare virtue in the mod-
erations, Dr. Zhong Minglin inherited
ern world. Also TCM requires achievement of
his family’s medical business and has raised it
mastery through a comprehensive study of the
to a great height of development by treating
subject. TCM cannot be mastered during five
diseases and selling medicines over the past 50
years’ in a medical university, or via five years
years. He knows clearly that “as society and
of clinical experience. I have been impercepti-
market demands change, TCM is no long the
bly influenced by my family for 50 years, but
top choice for treating acute diseases, yet TCM
now there is no one left in my family who can
and Western medicine follow the same belief
pass down this family business.
and principle of “treating ailments and saving lives”. Dr. Zhong is also a good artist of Chinese
How can one select the right TCM doctors for
painting and once studied painting under the
TCM health-care?
guidance of Song Baocheng, who was apprentice
It’s quite simple, just let the doctor feel your
to China’s painting master Qi Baishi. SpaChina
pulse and view the coating of your tongue.
interviewed Dr. Zhong on changes in the TCM
If the disease symptoms the doctor recounts coincide with what you feel, then that doctor is
sector in recent years and the meaning of real “beauty” in a TCM doctor’s mind.
Dr. Zhong Minglin and his wife
What do you think are the most outstanding
stomach problems, most of which result from
How does TCM define beauty? What is your
changes that have occurred in traditional
fast-paced work, irregular work-rest habits and
comment on medical beauty-care?
Chinese medicine in the past 20 years?
pressure. Indigestion leads to bad absorption
The character “beauty” in Chinese consists of
Most of my patients and guests are middle-aged
and supply of nutrition, following which are
the characters for “sheep” and “big”, because
people who are looking for TCM treatment and
various discomforts and health issues.
in ancient times, a “big sheep” was seen as beautiful and healthy. TCM believes that
health-care. Among my guests, there are fathers who are looking for ways to improve their sons’
What are the advantages and disadvan-
outer appearance is the embodiment of one’s
health and also many middle-aged people who
tages of TCM and Western medicine?
inner health. Beauty means “full of vigor”.
hope to improve their sub-par health condition.
In my childhood, quite a considerable percent-
I see that there are many externally beauti-
I found that most of those who consistently take
age of infants were dying young. This problem
ful males and females. But I have to say they
TCM as the way for health-care in daily life are
was gradually solved with the popularization of
are just well-packaged with excellent cosmetic
well-educated people with good taste and those
Western medicine. In an economically back-
skills and matching attire. If they are suffering
who know more about traditional Chinese cul-
ward era, Western medicine’s quick results
from a poor appetite, lack of energy, are easily
ture than average people. However, nowadays,
cured many pressing and serious diseases in
fatigued, they are not really beautiful. Beauty
TCM is seen as the last choice for treating many
a short time. This is indeed a great virtue of
should be an inside-out and long-lasting thing
difficult diseases. One problem in today’s TCM
Western medicine. TCM fits better for prevent-
based on health.
sector is the irregular quality of TCM medicines.
ing diseases or health problems from occur-
I myself am a doctor, so in my mind,
Some contain excessive amounts of pesticides,
ring, which in modern terminology is nursing
medical beauty-care is plastic surgery for the
and some excessive heavy metals. The proper-
wellness and health-care. However, I do not
purpose of correcting defects of the body or
ties of the same medicine may vary according to
completely agree with the saying “TCM focuses
face. Of course, modern medical beauty-care
place of origin and manufacturing methods. But
on the root cause, Western medicine aims at
may also refer to cosmetic surgeries that aim
today, it seems nobody pays attention to this.
eliminating the symptoms”. TCM can also
to make people more beautiful and younger.
treat both symptoms and root causes.
But if the body is not healthy enough, it’s quite
In the past three to five years, what have
difficult to recover from the surgery which will
been the major diseases and health prob-
How do veteran TCM doctors and experts
further reduce the body’s vigor. Therefore, I
lems troubling your patients?
view the future of TCM?
strongly suggest that you first achieve a healthy
A lot of patients are suffering from spleen and
Not really optimistic. TCM is a sector that
body before pursuing beauty. SpaChina • 2014 | 61
spa knowledge
| 专家论坛
矛盾相通 如同阴阳之存在一般,中西医结合已是中国医疗界的趋势, 中西结合也会是很多水疗中心的新概念。仲明林 文
中西结合在水疗中心里也很常见了。舒 缓放松的精油按摩、配合有通经活络作用的
62 | SpaChina • 2014
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何坤蓉 编译
Differences and Similarities The confluence of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine is an inevitable trend in China’s medical sector; along with it are being born many new spa concepts
CM stresses not only a healthy body, but also the well-being of both mentality and physical body. That means optimal health requires unity and integration of body and soul. According to the TCM healing philosophy, tangible physical activity must work together with intangible mental care. That’s what distinguishes Chinese culture from Western culture regarding health-care and sports science. At spas, you may have already noticed that the Western spa therapies attach considerable importance to balance between body and mind. However, holistic treatments that cover body, mind and spirit often originate from traditional Oriental culture, or from artful combinations of TCM and Western culture. Among the Oriental health-care culture, the most reliable and extensive one is undoubtedly Traditional Chinese Medicine. I was born into a TCM family and I witnessed how my grandparents and parents treated all kinds of diseases in an era when Western medicine was not easily accessible in China. At that time, almost all diseases were cured by TCM skills and medicines; and Western medicines were viewed quite like luxury products. In those years, antibiotics met no drug resistance, and Western medicines worked quite well on the body; yet traditional Chinese medicine lay at the heart of Chinese life due to the medical environment, social environment and education environment. TCM health-care philosophy, though not mentioned in the old days, could find embodiments in most people’s daily lives. Times changed. With fast economic development, the Western medical system, which features quick results and which better fits modern people’s lifestyles, has become the mainstream medical system of today. Western medicine highlights a confrontation healing philosophy and its powerful intervening methods and medicine can kill the pathogenic microorganism and remove the root cause of the disease quickly. Development of modern medical systems cannot happen without modern science and technology. The constantly improved diagnosis equipment has constantly improved the Western medical system’s accuracy regarding disease diagnosis and treatment. However, compared with that of half a century ago, fundamental changes have occurred to
modern diseases. Various infectious diseases and acute diseases, which prevailed in the past, have been replaced by chronic ailments like diabetes, coronary heart disease, apoplexy, cancer, and bone and joint relevant diseases. These chronic ailments always undergo a lengthy evolving process before being detected. Normally, Western medicine cannot be applied properly during the evolving process and when the disease is detected, it is often too late to cure it. We already found that: advanced equipments are often quite expensive and the diagnosis fee is quite high. And some diseases, such as sub-health, cervical spondylosis, burnout syndrome and age-related diseases can hardly been detected by even the most advanced equipments, which often cost a lot, but offer you a conclusion that says “you are all right”. This is quite common in today’s hospitals. Also some doctors completely rely on equipment to do disease examination and adopt the simple method of “diagnosis by exclusion”, which is not responsible towards the patients. Ever since ancient times, TCM has never been a single discipline that merely focuses on treating disease. TCM combines health-care and disease treatment together and attaches more importance to daily health-care and ailment prevention than on treating ailments. It boasts extensive experience in healthcare, cultivating longevity, preventing ailments and treating ailments, which have been accumulated over several thousands of years. Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic, China’s earliest medical book, categorizes medicines into three levels, with the top level for extending longevity, the middle level for health-care and the lower level for treating diseases. Huangdi’s Classics on Internal Health, another of China’s ancient medical works, advocates a healthy lifestyle and stresses “prevent the disease”. TCM does not treat diseases according to test reports of diagnosis equipments, but by looking, listening to, questioning and feeling the pulse of the patients to get information about the body. You can always find a treatment method for any pain and discomfort. The most precious virtue of TCM lies in its thousands years of hands-on disease treating experience and its constant improvement and exploration on treatment methods according to actual situation of a specific disease.
These traits endow TCM with strengths in treating all kinds of chronic diseases, agingrelevant diseases, sub-health problems that are unavailable with Western medicines. Therefore, “TCM Health-care” has been the most frequently-used phrase in China’s health-care industry. I believe there are similarities and differences between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. There is always a reason for anything to be accepted or eliminated and there are always highs and lows in the development process of anything. Like the harmonious existence of yin and yang, the combination of TCM and Western medicine is an inevitable trend in China’s medical sector. First to remove the root cause of a disease with western medicine, then modulate and improve overall health of the body with TCM, this the best way to kill diseases fundamentally. Today, the combination of TCM and Western medicine has been frequently applied in spas. For instance, the relaxing essential oil massage is paired with Chinese Tui Na skills which are good at clearing and activating the channels and collaterals; Western lymphatic drainage treatment is often followed by nourishing Chinese food-therapy soup; and herbal bathing is combined with Dead Sea mud wrap and exfoliation treatment, etc. Such are obvious embodiments of perfect combination of TCM and western medicine. 仲明林医师 出生于中医世家,祖籍山 东菏泽。主治中医内科, 其家传行医语录为:“天 不生无禄之人,地不长无 根之草,人生百病,地长 百草,世无不治之症,但 不得其方耳”。爱好书画 二胡,行医之余自行炮制药材。 A doctor born into a TCM family in Heze, Shandong province, Mr. Zhong is a TCM physician. His family has a motto for the practice of medicine: “Each person has their own talent and each herb has its functions. Human beings may suffer from many different diseases, but there are also numerous herbs that can cure any disease as long as you can find the right herb.” In his spare time, Mr. Zhong loves calligraphy and painting and often makes medicines on his own. SpaChina • 2014 | 63
spa knowledge
| 专家论坛
高效水疗护理 随着科技的进步,如今的水疗中心也可以提供有效的非医疗抗衰老护理
重修护液中就包含了抗糖化因子、维他命C 和维他命E,以及三磷酸腺苷。
式有:真皮层胶原蛋白流失,弹性丧失,从而 导致肌肤紧致度和光泽度降低,并逐渐在糖化 和纹络交错的过程中形成皱纹。引起衰老的原 因众多,有内在的,也有外在的,包括过度日 晒、缺乏水分、过量摄入咖啡因或者酒精以及 基因因素等。过去,解决这些问题必须要拜访 保健专家或者医疗水疗中心,但是如今,新兴 科技的出现,让水疗中心也可以很好地缓解面 部和身体衰老症状。
仪器 就在不久之前,激光和手术治疗还是仅有的 可以有效缓解衰老的方法。但是如今,市面 上出现了很多紧致肌肤的仪器。即使是非医 疗专家也可以操作这些仪器。 LED美容仪——仪器借助光能来激活肌肤 细胞再生。据说,红光LED在治疗和修复肌肤 方面,疗效特别显著。理疗过程不会产生疼 痛感,且美学家或美容师半小时内即可完成 理疗。结合不同的疗程,效果会更为明显。 微电波——使用低能级电能作用于身体的 三磷酸腺苷(ATP),激活身体的天然修复系 统。理疗师使用双尖探针和导电膏来向肌肤 传输电波,可以促进血液循环,改善肤色。 射频技术——通过发射电磁波来加热肌 肤真皮层,刺激胶原蛋白再生。一些射频 仪器还结合了其它美容科技,如LED美容科 技,来强化美容效果。
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64 | SpaChina • 2014
Advanced Effects Advancement and development in technologies have enabled spas to battle aging via non-medical methods. By Lisa Starr
he International Spa Association
skin repair. These treatments are painless and
non-medical methods, with no pain or down-
defines the word ‘spa’ as “places
can be administered by estheticians or beauty
time, there is still no magic in skincare prod-
devoted to overall well-being through
therapists in half-hour segments.
ucts or equipment. In order for clients to
a variety of professional services that encour-
Microcurrent – This technology employs
remain youthful beyond their years, they will
age the renewal of mind, body and spirit.” We
low level electrical energy on the adenosine
have to do their part outside of the spa. Avoid-
know how rejuvenated our minds and spirits
triphosphate (ATP) in the body to stimulate
ing sun exposure, one of the biggest contribu-
can feel after a relaxing full body massage or
the body’s natural repair system. The therapist
tors to premature skin aging, is an excellent
body treatment, but the reference to the body,
uses dual-tipped probes and a conductive gel to
start. Be sure to have plenty of sunscreen on
our physical selves, can be harder to judge.
deliver the current to the skin, where it is said
hand to retail to your customers, especially
After all, massages don’t make us look differ-
to improve circulation and skin tone.
during the summer months and travel seasons.
ent. While they don’t necessarily want to look
Radio Frequency – RF devices work by
Also, train your entire staff to instruct clients,
younger, most of your female clients would be
emitting electromagnetic waves which heat
as appropriate, on the importance of their per-
very happy with the ability to halt the forward
the dermis and stimulate collagen produc-
sonal care outside of the spa. A regular routine
march of time, and stop aging in its tracks.
tion. Some RF devices combine the technology
that includes getting enough sleep, following a
with other modalities, such as LED, to increase
proper diet and drinking plenty of water on a
regular basis will also provide a good founda-
There have been so many advancements and developments in technologies of both products and equipment that this is almost
In some countries, personal devices have
becoming a reality, meaning that you don’t
been created which can safely be used at home.
have to be a medical spa to provide anti-aging
Whether for deep cleansing and exfoliating,
or rejuvenation treatments to your clients. A
such as the Clarisonic skin brush, or anti-aging
typical manifestation of the aging process is the
effects like LED masks or the Tria personal
appearance of your skin. Aging skin loses col-
laser, clients are sure to desire the newest take-
lagen and elastin from the dermis, causing skin
home devices to augment their spa treatments.
tion so that anti-aging spa treatments are even more effective.
Lisa Starr 涉足美容和水疗行业
to become less firm and radiant, and gradually
司 Wynne商 务 的 资 深
to form wrinkles through the processes of gly-
cation and cross-linking. Causes of aging are
Numerous advances in cosmetic chemis-
both extrinsic and intrinsic, and include too
try have resulted in product formulations
much sun exposure, lack of hydration, exces-
and delivery systems that produce excellent
sive intake of caffeine or alcohol, and genetic
results, both in the spa during treatments,
predisposition. Battling these symptoms used
and continuing at home through follow-up
to require a visit to a healthcare professional or
home care. Espa’s new Lifestage line consists
medical spa. But today’s new advancements in
of 3 products designed to rejuvenate aging
technologies mean that spas can offer progress
skin through Natural Encapsulation and Stage
in delaying the appearance of these symptoms
Release Technology; these products are not
on both the face and body.
recommended for those under the age of 40. Thalgo offers several anti-aging ranges,
including products utilizing hyaluronic acid,
There are now numerous skin-tightening
collagen, marine silicium extract and caffeine.
devices available for non-medical professionals:
Anti-glycation agents, vitamins C & E, and
Light-emitting diodes (LED) – These devic-
ATP are utilized in Age Logic Cellulaire crème
es work by using light energy to trigger the
from Rene Guinot.
regeneration of skin cells. Red light LED is
While it is now possible for clients to get
said to be particularly effective at healing and
desirable beauty-care results through these
Spa and salon business consultant for Wynne Business, Lisa Starr is a spa management trainer & educator on five continents, and a highly rated speaker at industry events. Her knowledge and experience provide turnkey solutions in areas such as spa business operations, finances & compensation, marketing, inventory management, human resource development, and business process improvement. SpaChina • 2014 | 65
spa knowledge
| 专家论坛
科技与未来 借助高科技来打造完美的未来水疗体验是行 业的必然选择
均需要借助科技之力,而不是远离它。 在不久的未来,典型的水疗体验应具备 以下特征:
播放从水疗中心精选的音乐曲目。这些曲目 是在你享受理疗时自动下载的。
所有这些,都得归功于现代高科技,而 且已经距离我们并不遥远。
谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)查看产品,了解产
iPhone/Samsung Galaxy Gear/Google Glass。你
的谷歌钱包(Google Wallet)自动从你的账户
66 | SpaChina • 2014
注:在此特别感谢Rachel Mander为本文 提供的调研和观点支持。
敬请关注SpaChina杂志官方微信, 查看更多行业资讯和专家论坛文章
Technology and Future To offer perfect experiences for guests with the help of technology is now necessary for all spas. By Trent Munday here is no part of our lives that has
During the consultation, Stephanie reviews
not been impacted by technology.
the data from your FitBit and reconfirms the
Even though we see spas as a place
best treatment for you. The room temperature,
Some of the technologies referred to here
to relax and rejuvenate, to escape the stresses
lighting and music have all been automatically
are new, some more establish and some yet to
of the modern world, to shun technology and
adjusted to suit your preferences because the
be fully developed. Nonetheless, most, if not
recharge our mind, body and soul, technol-
spa has installed the Nest environment control
all, of this future spa experience can be created
ogy still has its place. Indeed, for any spa to be
system. After your treatment, you head off to
today. You may not want to incorporate all
successful into the future, it needs to embrace
the chill zone where your personalised iPad
of these ideas but at the very least you should
technology, not hide from it.
awaits, complete with audio and video content
explore how technology can help create a better
created and customised just for you.
spa experience for your guests.
Here are a few thoughts on how a typical spa experience may look in the not-too-distant future. Your FitBit (or similar wearable diagnostic
A refreshing juice is served to give you a boost of Vitamin D and help lower cholesterol
deep, restful sleep. All this, thanks to technology.
Note: Special thanks to Rachel Mander for her research and insights in the writing on this story.
device) alerts you that your circulation is poor,
– because your FitBit diagnostic data high-
your neck and leg muscle tension has raised
lighted these areas of concerns during your
and you stress levels are high. Luckily, your
consultation and sent an order to the juice bar.
favourite spa created its own custom made App
On departure, a selection of retail products,
that has FitBit integration. Based on your cur-
based on your preferences and Stephanie’s lat-
rent diagnostic data, your spa’s App is able to
est recommendations, is waiting for you. You
recommend the ideal treatment for your cur-
scan the products with your Google Glass to
rent state of health. Of course, your spa’s App
confirm the contents, benefits and application
裁 。 Trent早 年 曾 在
is also integrated with the book4time, your
of each item and make your final selection.
Trent Munday Trent Munday于2005 年加入Steiner Leisure
spa’s online booking platform, which incor-
The NFC chip in your smart phone receives
porates a Customer Relationship Management
the amount owing from your treatment and
(CRM) system so it knows that Stephanie is
retail purchase. Thanks to Google Wallet inte-
your favourite therapist and that you prefer to
gration, the correct amount is automatically
schedule your treatments for Saturday morn-
charged to your account and you’re on the way
ings. The booking confirmation is sent to your
home, without ever having to take out your
iPhone/Samsung Galaxy Gear/Google Glass.
wallet, phone or credit card.
酒店水疗行业的工作经验。同时,Trent还 曾担任悉尼奥组委高级管理职位,期间带领 团队为奥运村中逾17,000名运动员和政府官 员提供住宿及相关服务。 As Vice President of Steiner Spa Consulting and Regional Vice President of Mandara
All you need to do is say ‘confirm’ and the
Driving home, your car music system auto-
voice recognition software in your device will
matically plays some specially selected tracks
Leisure in January 2005. Having worked
do the rest.
from your spa that was seamlessly uploaded
in Australia, USA, Thailand, Maldives,
while you had your treatment.
Indonesia and Malaysia, he has gained
So there you go. Your stress and tension has
Spa, Trent Munday joined Steiner
been acknowledged, your treatment program
Back at home on the sofa, you update all
designed and your booking made at that spa.
your social networks via your mobile devices
industry across numerous, diverse cul-
All you had to do was say ‘confirm’. All thanks
to share with your family and friends. As your
tural environments. Trent also spent two
to technology.
spa uses Social Twist for their referral market-
years at a senior management level with
Now, time to head to the spa for your treat-
ing program, anytime a friend follows one of
the Sydney Organising Committee for the
ment. As you approach the spa your GPS-
your posts to make a booking, you’ll even earn
enabled smart phone alerts the spa that you’re
loyalty reward points.
in the car park so Stephanie is there to meet at
Bed time. You activate the sleep mode on
the door and escort you directly to your treat-
your spa App that launches the latest delta
ment room.
waves sleep tracks, designed to send you into a
considerable experience in the hospitality
Olympic Games where he was responsible for a number of portfolios including the accommodation and related services for over 17,000 Athletes and officials in The Village. SpaChina • 2014 | 67
spa journey
68 | SpaChina • 2014
瑞士,疗养和短途 旅行相结合的方式 令人愉快,很多温 泉附近就是适宜徒 步旅行的美丽地
带。除此之外,不妨享受滑雪及其他运动的 快乐,瑞士的城市拥有浓郁的历史和文化气 息,还有奶酪和其他美食相伴——这一切都 会让瑞士之行生动起来。
享受纯净SPA 瑞士的温泉历史悠久。大约3000年前起,人 们就开始利用温泉治疗疾病。瑞士约有250 种温泉,有的在雪山脚下,有的在洞穴里, 有的在开阔山间,适合一边享受风景,一边 享受温泉。 洛伊克巴德是瑞士最大温泉疗养旅游胜 地,这里有室外温泉,四周环绕着雪山。每 天,温泉水流入22个公共和私人浴池。独有 的“滑雪和温泉通道”连接了所有Torrent和 Gemmi滑雪区的电梯。待在室外温泉中,欣 赏周遭的雪景是一个难得体验;而跟着理疗 泉水的走向,从村庄边缘走到泉水来源,将 领略Dala峡谷——那里是洛伊克巴德地区最 美丽的徒步路径之一。 从通往阿尔卑斯山的门户——苏黎世乘 火车出发,仅需15分钟就可以到达巴登的温 泉区。巴登是瑞士全国最富矿物的温泉,对 治疗风湿症很有好处。那里的Novum SPA酒 店提供多种高品质的设施和疗程;游客也可 在Schweizerhof温泉酒店享受欢快时光。 瑞士的蒙特勒是羊胎素的发源地。以“抗 衰老科学研究的世界权威机构”而闻名遐迩的 瑞士青草地疗养院(Clinique La Prairie)就坐落 在蒙特勒市的日内瓦湖畔,被誉为欧洲最佳医
在很多人眼中,瑞士是一个美 丽富饶的王国。而随着2008年 12月瑞士加入申根协定,这个 国度越来越多的出现在中国人 的旅行计划中
学温泉疗养地,配有各种不同功效的专业温泉 设施、桑拿、医学美容系列。 瑞士的温泉还有很多。恩嘎丁山的斯库 尔温泉、日内瓦湖区的拉韦温泉在瑞士都十 分出名。其中,拉韦的泉水泉脉温度约62-70 摄氏度,有瑞士最高温疗效泉脉之称。
与大自然亲密接触 在瑞士可以进行多种健康的室外活动,和大 自然亲密接触。 瑞士拥有200多个滑雪场,每年冬季,瑞 士都会成为滑雪“圣地”。在阿尔卑斯山上 滑雪,通常是在树木生长区以上约1500-1800 米的斜坡进行。米尔特阿拉林、马特宏峰冰 川天堂、英格堡/铁力士等有可供游客夏季
The Snow-capped JungFrau
玩乐的滑雪场,全年开放。 SpaChina • 2014 | 69
spa journey
瑞 士 约 有 150个 火 车 站 , 放 置 了 3,500余 台
目 的 地 Villars-sur-Ollon位 于 隆 河 河 谷 阳
光 灿 烂 的 阶 地 。 沿 途 可 以 领 略 Chavonnes
湖 、 Bretaye湖 和 Noir湖 的 自 然 风 光 。 在
阿尔卑斯山小径是从Zmutt山谷缓缓向 上,穿越瑞士石松林和阿尔卑斯草原到达小
声音组成的田园美景。 瑞士有90多个位置极佳的高尔夫球场,
瑞士人崇尚着简单、自然的生活,时间观念 十分强,愿意把钱花在旅游、健身、看戏和 参观博物馆上。 许多富豪和名人都居住在瑞士,当人们 在街上认出他们时,人们只是微笑地走过。 在瑞士人眼里,他们不会冒犯未经介绍的 人。瑞士有则名言:“管好各自的事情,牛 群自然就不会乱跑了。”人们通常认为,如 果你有麻烦那一定是你做错什么事了,如果 你没做错,你就不会有麻烦。 每年,瑞士举行数百场音乐节庆,包括 摇滚乐、古典乐和合唱;在瑞士各地购物使 人愉悦;瑞士宾馆和餐馆供应传统美食,当 然,最传统的食品之一是奶酪。 爱蒙塔尔、阿彭策尔等是知名的奶酪品 牌。爱蒙塔尔奶酪被瑞士人认为“和面包 一样,百食不厌”。它味如干果,充满大气 孔。山区清新凉爽的空气利于奶酪的制作,
即使山下非常热——山顶却总是凉爽怡人, 令人神往。 日内瓦湖区是美食的天堂。日内瓦湖畔 的美食餐馆密度是瑞士最高的,还有许多保 持传统饮食风格的乡村旅馆和酒店。风味佳 肴包括产自日内瓦湖的嘉鱼、沃州红肠、沃 州Papet韭菜砂锅等。 瑞士的有机花草茶也比较著名,原料是 生长在阿尔卑斯山脉无污染植物的花冠和叶 片,不同的花草茶像中国草药一样具有治疗 不同疾病的神奇功效。花草混合的不同比例 赋予了花草茶的独特口味,而茶叶价格正是 基于口味的微妙差别。 在瑞士居住十分方便。瑞士有6,200多 间旅馆、宾馆和汽车旅馆,根据旅馆协会确 定不同的标准,旅馆等级依次分为豪华级、 一级、旅游级、标准级和基本级。瑞士山区 有不少农舍风格的旅馆,浪漫、简朴而收费 合理。瑞士许多青年旅馆设施都达到相当水
The Lush Greens at Soglio
70 | SpaChina • 2014
Natural Switzerland
Switzerland, a country famous for its beauty, is now an ideal place to visit since it signed an agreement relaxing border controls. By Gareth Powell
Waldhaus in Flims, Canton Graubuenden
eisure and outdoor sports go
Leukerbad is the largest spa resort in Switzer-
The Scuol spa in Engadin and Lavey-les-
hand-in-hand in Switzerland.
land. Every day hot spring water flows into 22
Bains in the Lake Geneva region are two more
Hot springs amid beautiful
public and private pools. Ingeniously, the hot
hot-spring havens well known to the Swiss.
settings are plentiful, but the
springs link up with the chairlifts of the Tor-
Lavey-les-Bains has the highest water tempera-
country is also a haven for
rent and Gemmi skiing areas, allowing travel-
ture in Switzerland at approximately 62 to 70°C,
skiing, hiking and many other sports. Its cities
ers the exciting and therapeutic combination of
along with excellent healing properties.
boast an historical atmosphere and profound
hot springs and snow. And unsurprisingly, the
If you are looking for something closer to
culture. Accompanied by tasty cheese and other
snowy scenes surrounding you are spectacu-
Zurich, just 15 minutes by train from the city
local delicacies, a trip to Switzerland becomes a
lar. Following a path to the source of the hot
which is known as the “Gateway to the Alps”
truly remarkable journey.
springs, visitors pass quaint villages on the way
lies the Baden hot spring area. The spas here are
to the Dala Valley, widely accepted as the most
abundant in minerals and effective at treating
beautiful in the Leukerbad area.
rheumatism. The Novum Spa hotel provides
Discover natural spas Hot springs in Switzerland have a long history.
Clinique La Prairie, famous for anti-aging
high-quality facilities and treatments, and hap-
They are known to have been used for medical
scientific research, is located beside Lake Ge-
py hour at the Hotel Schweizerhof is popular
treatment as far back as 3,000 years ago. They
neva at Montreux, the birthplace of Active Pla-
with visitors.
are found at the foot of snowy mountains, in
centin, made from lamb placenta. Lauded as the
caves and in broad valleys, and offer visitors a
best medical spa in Europe, Clinique La Prairie
Intimate contact with nature
unique chance to enjoy spa treatments and gor-
is equipped with comprehensive professional
Switzerland’s many healthy outdoor activities
geous scenery at the same time.
spa facilities, a sauna, medical equipment and a
offer visitors a good opportunity to get closer
range of top-quality cosmetic products.
to Nature.
Surrounded by snow-capped mountains,
SpaChina • 2014 | 71
spa journey
With more than 200 ski grounds, Switzer-
most part of Switzerland. Vehicles are banned
over 3,500 bicycles for rent at 150 train stations.
land becomes a skiing Mecca every winter. Visi-
here, and, since the air is fresh, walking on foot
You can rent a bike in bustling cities, peaceful
tors take to the slopes of the woodsy 1,500 to
becomes an even more appealing outdoor ac-
towns and tiny villages. If the bike has a prob-
1,800-meter Alps. Skiers can even enjoy their
tivity. It boasts 400 km of hiking trails, wind-
lem, you can always rent another one nearby.
sport in summer at such ski grounds as Milt
ing through forests to towering mountains and
The Villars cycle route is 21.5 km long.
Alalin, Engelberg-Titlis and the Matterhorn
beautiful lakes. The way is dotted with the al-
Cyclists can enjoy the natural beauty of three
Glacier Paradise.
pine roses that grow on these mountains and
lakes on the way, namely Lake Chavonnes,
There are hiking routes in every part of
the breathtaking sight of a tranquil lake reflect-
Lake Bretaye and Lake Noir. The route finishes
Switzerland. Hikers traverse grassland, follow
ing the iconic figure of the Matterhorn awaits
at Villars-sur-Ollon on the edge of the Phone
wooded streams, explore elegant parks in city
those who follow the trail.
Valley. Wandering about the village in different
suburbs or climb gorgeous mountains.
The Alps Trail traverses forests and crosses
seasons, travelers see entirely different scenes:
Yellow marker signs are found on hiking
the Alps Plain via the Zmutt Valley. After climb-
the silent winter wonderland becomes a charm-
routes all over the country; the direction to ev-
ing steadily, travelers will finally reach the tiny
ing pastoral valley with alpine rhododendrons,
ery hike’s destination is clearly marked. The yel-
village of Zmutt. It takes about two-and-a-half
blueberries, frogs and cows – a place brimming
low signs also display other helpful information
hours in all. The trail to Sion was once an ex-
with natural sounds.
such as the time that each route will take and
tremely busy and prosperous trade route, and
There are more than 90 golf courses in Swit-
the altitude of the mountain. Where there is no
many hikers take a midday rest at the historic
zerland, all in ideal natural settings. Some are
yellow sign, local people will often make mark-
Jaegerstube’s Inn. The combination of beautiful
nestled in the pastures at the foot of the Alps,
ers on rocks or tree trunks to help travelers find
scenery and delicious delicacies lingers long in
others stretch along lake shores, and some even
their way.
the memory of those who visit.
lie next to snow-capped glaciers. In addition to
Zermatt is a health resort in the southern72 | SpaChina • 2014
Cycling is popular in Switzerland. There are
an illustrated book on Swiss golf courses, the
Rustic Landscape in St. Moritz
Switzerland Tourism Authority has compiled a
Many successful entrepreneurs and celebri-
tional food. Signature cuisines include fish from
travel guidebook that introduces 40 hotels with
ties live in Switzerland. When Swiss people rec-
the crystalline lake, Vaud Sausage and Vaud
golf courses in Switzerland.
ognize someone famous in the street they tend
The more adventurous may try paragliding,
to smile and just pass by. As a famous saying
The country is also famous for its organic
and no experience is necessary. As a mountain-
goes, ‘If every herdsman takes care of his own
tea. The ingredients come from plants grown in
ous country, Switzerland has great discrepan-
business, then the cattle won’t run away.’
the clear, pollution-free air of the Alps. Just like
cies in topography so it is one of the best places in the world for paragliding.
Every year, Switzerland holds hundreds of
Chinese herbal teas, Swiss organic teas have var-
music festivals in forms ranging from rock and
ious healing properties. Flavors and prices are
Water sports are also popular in Switzerland,
roll to classical and choral music. Shopping in
dependent on the proportion of mixed flowers
including boating, rafting, sailing and surf-
the country is leisurely and pleasant. Most Swiss
and leaves.
boarding. These kinds of sports are known to
hotels and restaurants serve traditional delica-
help people feel relaxed and forget worries and
cies, one of which, most famously, is cheese.
Staying in Switzerland is a breeze. There are over 6,200 hotels and motels across the country.
anxieties in daily life, and for those who appre-
Emmentaler and Appenzell are well-known
According to the Swiss Hotel Association, hotels
ciate peaceful solitude Switzerland offers excel-
types of local cheese. The fresh air of the moun-
are classed as De Luxe, First Class, Tourist Class,
lent angling.
tains is good for cheese making, along with the
Standard and Economy.
cool climate: even as the weather gets warm in
Many hotels in the pastoral style can be
Life in Switzerland
the valleys, the peak districts remain comfort-
found in the mountain areas. They offer ro-
Swiss people tend to prefer a simple, natural
mance, excellent service and reasonable prices.
lifestyle. They are time-conscious people, and
The Lake Geneva region is heaven for gour-
Many youth hostels are equipped with high-
are willing to spend money on traveling, sports,
mets. Restaurants, country-style inns and hotels
quality facilities, but often require guests to be
theaters and museums.
line the lake shore, and specialize in local tradi-
under the age of 26. SpaChina • 2014 | 73
spa journey
瑞士度假酒店精选 A Selection of Swiss Hotels and Resorts 瑞士是全球最富裕、经济最发达和生活水准最高 的国家之一,人均国民生产总值居世界前列,旅 游资源丰富,有世界公园的美誉。瑞士是一个自 然资源非常丰富的国家,是户外运动爱好者的天 堂,无论是登山,滑雪还是徒步山野,这里都是 不二之选。本期SpaChina带您走进瑞士,感受不 一样的瑞士度假。
Switzerland is one of the world's richest and most developed countries. It has one of the highest standards of living with per capita GNP ranked among the top of the world. It is rich in tourism resources with the reputation as the world's park. It is also rich in natural resources. Switzerland is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. Whether climbing, skiing or hiking the mountains, this is the best choice. SpaChina brings you to Switzerland to explore an unusual holiday.
Beau Rivage Palace
Located on the shores of Lake Geneva, the Beau Rivage Palace luxury
hotel and spa in Lausanne offers its guests accommodation fit for a
king. The hotel’s fabulous location overlooking the Swiss Alps and the
lake provides an ideal setting for a romantic break. The hotel offers easy
access to the centre of Lausanne, while remaining a haven of peace-
ful luxury set on the lakeside. This grand five-star hotel has 168 rooms
and 34 suites, all of which are tastefully decorated in a rather opulent
fashion that gives them a sense of old-world luxury. Having undergone
a recent refurbishment by the world-famous designer, Pierre-Yves
Rochon, these rooms now boast the most sumptuous style complete
世界著名设计师Pierre-Yves Rochon设计装
with ultra-fine materials and amenities and environmentally conscious
details. The hotel’s facilities include thoroughly excellent cuisine from
Michelin-quality haute gastronomie to more relaxed bistro dining and
a sushi restaurant. 1,500 square meters Cinq Mondes spa and 10 acres
private garden facing Geneva Lake will relax your body and mind.
诱人的日式料理。1,500平方米的五境界水 疗中心和占地10英亩面朝日内瓦湖的私家
Place du Port 17-19, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel: +41 21 613 3333 www.brp.ch
瑞士圣莫里兹拜德鲁特斯皇宫酒店 瑞士圣莫里兹拜德鲁特斯皇宫酒店是浮华魅力的代名词,这里的娱乐,美食与时尚, 周到细致的服务,一如既往的优雅,无处不弥漫着奢华气息。地处世界著名的滑雪 胜地,使得酒店成为冬季的最佳目的地,而其提供丰富的高山活动,在夏季也广受 追捧。酒店提供157间豪华客房和37间拥有壮丽的阿尔卑斯山景色的豪华套房。其 Palace Wellness健康中心是一个独享隐谧的绝佳场所,由历史悠久的拜得鲁斯特皇宫 酒店独家专营。在1,600平方米宽敞气派的健康中心,水疗中心位于其核心区域,有 室内泳池,热水浴缸,多功能桑拿,蒸汽室和一个室外温水游泳池,纵览独一无二的 恩加丁阿尔卑斯山区壮丽景色。充沛的自然光线,清新的纯净空气,营造出一个温馨 舒适的自然氛围。
Badrutt's Palace Hotel Badrutt's Palace Hotel is a celebration of style, sports, cuisine and fashion, with discreet service and traditional elegance evoking an atmosphere of pampered luxury for all. An ideal destination in both winter and summer, the hotel is located in one of the most challenging ski areas in the world and offers a host of summer alpine activities. Badrutt’s Palace Hotel boasts 157 guestrooms and 37 suites with stunning views of the Swiss Alps. The Palace Wellness is a haven, completely committed to exclusivity, tradition and the history of Badrutt’s Palace Hotel. At the heart of the 1,600 sq-m spacious wellness area stands the Palace Spa with indoor pool, hot tub, multiple saunas, steam rooms and a heated outdoor pool, offering spectacular views of the Engadin Alps. Natural daylight and fresh air flood in to create a welcoming ambience. Via Serlas 27, 7500 St. Moritz, Switzerland Tel: +41 81 837 1000 www.badruttspalace.com 74 | SpaChina • 2014
王红霞 编译
Gstaad Palace
Gstaad Palace酒店位于瑞士滑雪胜地格斯塔德
Gstaad Palace is located in the Swiss ski resort Gstaad. The
mountains, forests, grasslands, rivers and lakes make up a
wonderful scene. The hotel's guests can enjoy a variety of
outdoor activities nearby such as mountain biking, river
rafting, hiking and mountain climbing. Nearby also stands
an 18-hole golf course, a romantic hot air balloon launch site
and 250-km of ski grounds. There's even helicopter skiing,
dog sledding and Glacier3,000. When the tired travelers who
have had fun outside all day come back to the hotel, they can
relax in the Jacuzzi or one of the 8 private treatment rooms
in the 1,800 square meters spa. They can also have delicious
Italian food in one of its 5 renowned restaurants. Then you
can visit the nightclub or one of the two bars before going
to bed. The hotel also features indoor or outdoor heated
Palacestrasse 28, Gstaad 3780, Switzerland
swimming pools with mountain views, a fitness center,
Tel: +41 0 3374 85000 www.palace.ch
squash courts and four outdoor tennis courts.
Mandarin Oriental, Geneva Situated on the right bank of the River Rhone, Mandarin Oriental, Geneva enjoys a peaceful, yet central city-center setting. The hotel overlooks the river and is within walking distance of attractions such as the Jet D’eau, St. Peter’s Cathedral and the United Nations building. You can easily reach the Geneva’s chic boutiques and restaurants or take a short walk to the financial district. With views over its garden
or the river, its 190 elegantly designed rooms and suites enjoy
a stylish mix of comfort and luxury. You can enjoy Michelin
starred contemporary Indian cuisine at Rasoi by Vineet or
Modern French-style dining and riverside views at Café Calla
or Modern tapas and cocktails at the atmospheric MO Bar.
流的旖旎风光和花园美景让人心旷神怡。游客可在Rasoi by Vineet品尝米其林星
You can also relax with a sauna or treat yourself to a soothing
级现代印度菜,也可在Café Calla享用现代法式餐饮,欣赏河畔美景,还可在极
massage or pampering beauty treatment.
富情调的MO Bar享用现代小食和鸡尾酒。累了,可到桑拿房放松身心,还可好
Quai Turrettini 1, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel:+41 22 909 0000 www.mandarinoriental.com.cn/geneva
维多利亚少女峰温泉大酒店 维多利亚少女峰温泉大酒店地理位置优越,位于瑞士度假胜地茵特拉肯(Interlaken)。茵特拉肯 又名湖间镇,位于两个美丽的湖泊之间,处于常年白雪皑皑的少女峰(Jungfrau)山脚下,依山傍 水,风光无限。酒店所有客房均具有别具一格的古典和现代化设计风格。雅致的内饰和宽敞的大 理石浴室让设计更臻完美。酒店还设有可俯瞰少女峰美景的日光露台,各处均装有免费无线网络 连接。独有的占地5,500平方米的维多利亚少女峰温泉拥有游泳池,桑拿和蒸汽室,精选水疗馆 (Sensai Select Spa)和ESPA水疗。提供面部和身体护理以及健身、运动和健康指导。值得一提的 是,ESPA还包括1个奢华的、私密的双人水疗以及1个供应健康水疗菜肴的温馨酒吧。
Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa The Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa enjoys a privileged and picturesque location in Interlaken, between 2 beautiful lakes at the foot of the eternally snow-capped Jungfrau. All rooms have distinctive design and décor, ranging from classic to contemporary. Elegant interiors and spacious marble bathrooms complement the designs. The Victoria Jungfrau also features a sun terrace overlooking the Jungfrau Massif and provides free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel. The exclusive 5,500 m² Victoria Jungfrau Spa is equipped with a pool, a sauna and a steam room. It provides body and facial treatments and features a Sensai Select Spa. Fitness, sports and health coaching are also offered. Additionally, the ESPA comprises a luxurious private spa for 2 persons and a cozy spa bar serving healthy spa cuisine. Hoheweg 41, Interlaken 3800, Switzerland Tel: +41 33 828 2828 www.lhw.com/hotel/Victoria-Jungfrau-Grand-Hotel-Spa-Interlaken-Switzerland
spa journey
西为中用新体验 丽妍雅集Rubis SPA瑞士店为喜欢舒缓放松生活的瑞士人带来全新的水疗、美容体验
丽妍雅集Rubis SPA瑞士店
品牌丽妍雅集Rubis SPA于今年4月正式入驻
理疗师也已分批前往瑞士,与当地美容师进 行手法技术的深入交流与学习。
美容体验。 丽妍雅集在瑞士水疗市场有何优势?
丽妍雅集Rubis SPA至今已开设了15家国内
趣 , 这 正 是 丽 妍 雅 集 Rubis SPA的 优 势 所
士 , 丽 妍 雅 集 的 创 办 人 Ruby是 这 样 认 为
的:丽妍雅集Rubis SPA在成立于上海,但
拥有统一的操作标准。丽妍雅集Rubis SPA从
2008年起,加入英国劳氏质量认证体系—— 全球第一家获得英国皇家认可委员会的认
洛桑的量身定制护肤品牌Mined’Or。瑞士 也是被国际公认为“美肤SPA圣地”,有着
76 | SpaChina • 2014
Adopt Western Spa Skills in Chinese Treatments Rubis SPA brings a new spa and beauty experience for people in Switzerland who care about skin and enjoy relaxation
wiss medical cosmetology stands at the top of world with Alpine fresh air, pure water, natural plants and advanced biochemical technology. The Chinese Spa brand Rubis SPA opened in Switzerland in April this year and combines Chinese massage skills with high-technology beauty concepts in order to bring a new spa and beauty experience for people who care about skin and enjoy relaxation. Rubis SPA in located in an independent villa overlooking Lake Geneva and the Alps. Rubis possesses 5 private treatment rooms. Through the windows, marvelous lake scenery and snow mountain scenery can be seen while you are in treatment. The reason for choosing Switzerland for its first overseas establishment is that the founder, Ruby of Rubis SPA, considered that while Rubis SPA was born in Shanghai, it has countless connections with Switzerland. Most skincare products of Rubis SPA are Swiss in origin like the anti-aging brand Illyssia and Swiss Lausanne customized skincare brand Mined’Or. Switzerland is also internationally recognized as the holy land of SPA for it owns great geographical conditions and global anti-aging technology. Therefore, Rubis hopes to learn more about Swiss high technology through the new store and coordinate with independent research and development departments to create new beauty treatment and services and let Chinese women
How does Rubis satisfy the needs of local people? Rubis adjusts the original treatments to meet the relaxation treatment needs of Swiss local customers through solving the problem of skin dryness and expanding the massage part in the whole treatment.
experience the latest skincare methods and skills. Rubis has its mature spa marketing, while it still accepts new concepts of spa. Ruby share us the experience of the new opening of the Swiss store. What is advantage of Rubis Spa marketing in Switzerland? Swiss local spas are always based on high quality skincare products and few of them touch on Asian marketing to develop multiple treatments, while Switzerland and other European countries have strong interest in Oriental spa concepts which own unique features. It was the advantage of Rubis spa with a special concept and perfect spa experience combined with Swiss high technology and Chinese and Western treatments all with Chinese characteristics. Thus, Swiss local residents can experience Chinese spa treatments without leaving home.
How to maintain consistency between treatment and therapist? During three years of preparation for the Swiss store, we have arranged Swiss therapists to undergo a uniform massage manipulation training course over a half year in China. Meanwhile, when the Swiss store opens, Chinese trainers and therapists will be in Switzerland for further study and communication with local therapists. For a spa center which owns local and overseas stores, what are the key factors for success and what are the difficulties? Up to now, Rubis SPA has opened 15 local stores and 1 overseas store. The reasons for the successful management are several but the key is insisting on the pattern of direct sale, ensuring unified service and high quality, maintaining innovation and development and constantly improving management ideas. In the ISO certification system used in the manufacturing industry, food processing, etc, as a beauty SPA brand, Rubis SPA set has to have ISO quality certification. In order to obtain a certificate, we must implement all operations in a more rationalized, standardized way, and meet the requirements of higher quality. Thus, it is difficult to keep a uniform management standard in every store. Since 2008, Rubis SPA has participated in Lloyds register quality assurance which is the only organization recognized by the UKAS. Rubis SPA as a beauty and spa brand was firstly recognized by ISO certification system which is mainly used in the manufacturing industry and food processing, etc. What Rubis received is not only an authentication certificate, but also acknowledgment that the rationalization and standardization meets the requirements of higher quality. SpaChina • 2014 | 77
spa cuisine
塑颜珍馐 Skincare Delicacy 您
是否还坚信着“鱼和熊掌不可兼 得”的教条,认为娇颜美肌与味蕾
的享受难以同时兼顾。可是,就有那么一 些饕餮美食,它们滋味馥郁,口感醇美, 更难能可贵的是其所巧妙选用搭配的食材 兼具养娇颜、美肌肤之功效。本期美食小 编为您精心推荐的餐厅就供应有这类塑颜 珍馐,赶紧去品味一番吧!
Callops, Grilled, Ice Plant, Black Garlic, Brown Butter
78 | SpaChina • 2014
o you still hold the belief that one cannot indulge in good food and still boast charming skin? Now is the time to discard that concept. Because there are some great delicacies with mellow and marvelous tastes; more importantly, they are made of cooking materials that are highly nourishing for the skin. These fantastic skincare delicacies are available at the restaurants recommended in this issue. Go and explore them!
Cantonese flavors hide in an old building T
Tao Guojian
老建筑里的 粤菜美味 原
址为英国领事馆的上海半岛酒店,古 典的外观与周围万国建筑群一起,
构筑起了一道高贵独特的外滩风景线。逸龙 阁坐落于酒店二楼,以20年代华商巨贾府第 为灵感,桃花木地板、壁炉、丝绒沙发、特 高楼底及大玻璃窗营造显赫居停的气派,装 饰艺术韵致令人动容,处处可见老上海的雍 容岁月。窗外,悠悠黄浦江水、两岸新颜旧 貌,与室内的历史沉淀相互辉映,见证着上 海的昨天与今日。餐厅设有七间高雅厢房以 传统中国茶命名,如龙井、大红袍、毛峰, 古韵悠然。
he Shanghai Peninsula Hotel occupies the site of the old British Consulate, and is designed in classic style, surrounded by important buildings, which create a noble vista. The Yi Long Court restaurant, located on the second floor of the hotel, is inspired by the richest Shanghai merchant home of the 1920s, decorated in vintage style, with warm mahogany floors, fireplaces, velvet sofas, lofty ceilings and large windows giving dinner a grand yet welcoming, residential feeling. The hotel reflects on history as the site was a witness to the development of Shanghai. Yi Long Court has seven elegant private rooms all named after traditional Chinese teas, like Dragon Well, Da Hong Pao Tea and Mao Feng Tea. Yi Long Court is loyal to the traditions espoused by chef Tao Guojian, who is well known in Hong Kong and serves classic Cantonese cuisine, Chinese dim sum, Guangdong cuisine and soup. Chef Tao focuses on heat control and uses high quality fresh
ingredients in order to maintain original flavors. White pepper soup with Shredded Fish Maw and Nameko Mushrooms (RMB128/ person) is rich in collagen, which is favored by female diners. The soup contains a daily stewing stock which is good for the stomach, and fish maw which is cut into strips in order give the soup a strong collagen flavor, pepper carrying a little spicy taste which also warms you up, plus celery to provide balance with its crispy texture. Chef Tao pays much attention to balance, which means not only the combination of vegetables and meat but also refers to changing the menu with the season in order to tone the body and keep it in its best condition. Steamed Crystal Dumpling with Cod and Preserved Vegetable Filling and Deep-fried Spring Roll Filled with Red King Crab Meat and Coconut Milk served as an appetizer on the lunch menu is suitable for summer. The crab meat spring roll features a fresh and crispy flavor.
忠于传统的逸龙阁,由香港名厨陶国检 师傅主理,主营各色经典的粤菜及中式点 心,以广东小炒及汤水为特色,采用纯正 粤菜烹调手法,配合上乘的新鲜食料,注 重烹饪的火候,及食物原味的保留,呈现出 的传统美食滋味无穷。滑子蘑花胶胡椒羹 (RMB128/位)富含胶原蛋白,深受女性食客 的喜欢,每日新鲜熬制猪骨煲到浓白的高 汤具有养胃暖身的功效,配上切成条状的顶 级花胶,口感稠厚富有胶质,胡椒粉的加入 不但给这款汤羹增添了辣味,丰富了口感层 次,还能暖身。汤中芹菜脆和滑子蘑,有着 爽脆口感,很好平衡了汤品的粘稠感,入口 味美鲜醇,还能美容养颜,驱寒温补。 陶师傅非常重视食客的平衡感,这不单 单指的是食材的荤素搭配,口味协调,更会 顺应时令推出每日不同的午餐餐单,由内而 外的调理身体各器官,从而让人体回复到一 个最为舒适的状态。鳕鱼娥媚饺拼椰汁阿拉 斯加蟹肉春卷是午餐餐单中的一道前菜, 蟹肉春卷里脆脆的“外衣”里是清爽鲜滑的 “内衬”,非常适合夏季食用。 半岛酒店逸龙阁中餐厅
Yi Long Court at The Peninsula Hotel Yi Long Court 中山东一路32号半岛酒店2楼 (近北京东路)
32 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, Shanghai (near East Beijing Road) Tel: +86 21 2327 6742
Yi Long Court PDR Mao Feng
What is your concept of cooking?
陶国检师傅: 我个人的烹饪理念是对每
Tao Guojian: My personal idea of cooking is that you should consider carefully every ingredient used and preserve the fundamentals of the dish.
What factors do you consider about a dish?
Tao Guojian: First of all, it must have a good flavor. Then it should be healthy. A dish not only needs a delicious flavor but must also be healthy and cannot be a burden on health. What is also important for me and makes me feel satisfied is that the flavor ought to be unusual.
次手中要运用的食材都有认真的思考, 从而作出判断, 尽全力制作出与自己预
陶国检师傅: 首先当然是菜品的味道一 定是美味的。其次是健康。一道菜肴不 但要味美,更要符合健康饮食的标准, 不会给身体带来任何负担。营养和口味 的多元化,对我来说也很重要,这样会 让我吃的很满足和很放心。
SpaChina • 2014 | 79
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烹饪时,如何确保食物美味? 酒店行政总厨安杰符:要确保菜肴的美味, 选择本地产的应季食材最为重要。其次, 主厨对于烹饪知识的把握以及对食材的巧 妙应用,也对菜品的口味起着关键作用。 您自己喜欢怎样的饮食理念? 酒店行政总厨安杰符:我平时坚持简单的 烹饪方式,并且尽可能多地摄入不同品 种的食物。作为一名厨师,每天我总是 能接触到不同种类的美食,我也尽可能 不让自己仅仅局限于自己喜欢的口味和 食物。再加上适当的运动,健康和快乐 就是如此简单。
What are the essentials for making a tasty dish?
Boston Lobster Tomatoes Avocado Roasted Capsicum Lemon Olive Oil
Hotel Executive Chef Andreas Fuchs: the
most important element for a tasty dish is to cook with seasonal products sourced locally. Secondly, is the experience and knowledge of the chef, as he knows best how to feature and highlight the flavor of the products, and how to mix different flavors. Can you share with us your dining philosophy? Hotel Executive Chef Andreas Fuchs: My
personal diet philosophy is to have a very balanced and wide spread variety of food without eating too much of one kind. As a chef this is quite easy, as you always have access to a lot of different products. And at home I always try not to get used to any of my favorite flavors.
餐厅供应的是欧陆地方菜式,精细却不 拘泥的烹饪方式让每一道菜品美味可口,在
80 | SpaChina • 2014
Delicacies at High Altitude
Hotel Executive Chef Andreas Fuchs
lthough there are numerous restaurants located in high skyscrapers along the Bund and in Lujiazui in Shanghai, only a few can enable you to experience the feeling of “reaching the top and taking in all skyscrapers in a single glance”. The Dining Room located on the 87th floor of Park Hyatt Shanghai offers just this kind of rare and stylish dining experience featuring healthy cuisine and fantastically enchanting views at high altitude. The restaurant highlights a European style interior decoration. The spacious dining area and high ceiling foster a kind of uniquely elegant atmosphere. Tables and seats displayed along the windows, from which the panoramic view by Shanghai’s iconic Huangpu River can be easily secured, are divided by Chinese-style mirror partitions, adding intimacy to the dining setting. Refined European provincial cuisine is served at the restaurant. Each dish is cooked in an exquisite and novel way and special atten-
tion is given to the health and beauty care functions of the cooking materials. A must try is the Boston Lobster Salad, Confit Fennel, Buffalo Mozzarella, Spinach (RMB300). Featuring a lingering mellow taste, the lobster is rich in astaxanthin, a powerful anti-aging antioxidant whose skin nourishing power is 500 times that of vitamin E, while the Mozzarella contains a lot of water-soluble vitamins, which can satisfy the skin’s immediate nutritional need. Another nice choice is the Scallops, Grilled, Ice Plant, Black Garlic, Brown Butter (RMB160), which accentuates scallops rich in proteins and omega-3 fatty acids and is quite effective for reducing skin inflammation. 大堂餐厅/Dining Room 上海市浦东新区世纪大道100号 上海柏悦酒店87楼
87F, Park Hyatt Shanghai, No.100 Century Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 6888 1234
spa cuisine
粉色的春天 A Toast to Spring with Perrier Jouet
errier Jouet Champagne House recently launched Belle Époque Edition Première 2007 which is the very first
seasonal cuvée of champagne, capturing the essence of Spring, so dear to Perrier-Jouët. A blend built around a preponderance of Grand Cru chardonnays, and the rest of pinot noir coming from Vertus, this champagne is made from the bleeding method, which lends it suppleness and body while adding a light cheerful color. Belle Époque Edition Première 2007 has a unique aromatic complexity. The nose is marked with a spring bouquet dominated by white elderflower, complemented with the fragrance of citrus, a touch of Yuzu and fruity scents such as cherry, Morello cherry and juicy yellow fruit; then followed by a slightly aniseed edge and the metallic aromas of powdered chalk and flint, with an iodized humidity. The cuvée is regarded as the Muse of garden
parties and the best accompaniment to elegant
delicacy, with its marriage of charming color
and a delicate taste. On the palate, the lightness
and tremendous freshness of chardonnays and
丽来呈现优雅、清新和活力;而另外的10%黑 皮诺产自白丘地区生产红葡萄酒的Vertus村,
the gentle acidity in the mouth gives the cuvée
a crisp attack then a nicely rounded note on
the finish making it an ideal accompaniment to
spring dishes. With the fresh and lively attack
on the palate, the champagne once again fully
displays the distinctive inherent style of the
house of Perrier-Jouët.
Hervé Deschamps, the Cellar Master of Per-
rier Jouet Champagne House, explains “This
spring cuvee was conceived around a prepon-
derance of Grand Crus chardonnay grapes –
此款佳酿不仅绝佳地融合了诱人的色泽 和细腻的口感,亦是雅致餐品的理想伴侣。
the House’s signature – selected for their freshness, finesse and liveliness. A subtle hint of
巴黎之花首席酿酒师Hervé Deschamps
pinot noir macerated in the press lends the
wine suppleness and body while adding a light,
cheerful color. Freshness and sophistication are
the essence of this Belle Epoque limited edition
and the 2007 vintage reflects this nascent beau-
ty of spring, as it was a year when the chardon-
nay vines flowered early.”
82 | SpaChina • 2014
Back By Popular Demand Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2014年8月20日星期三
The St. Regis Chengdu 成都瑞吉酒店
课程价格 Price US$295
关于讲师 Lisa Starr涉足美容和水疗行 业近三十年,是美国首屈一 指的水疗咨询公司Wynne商 务的资深商务咨询顾问, 监管着美国和亚洲的多个酒 店,医院,疗养中心,健身 中心,都市水疗和美容中心 项目。Lisa拥有丰富的美容及 水疗方面的业务经验,为客户提供行业各个领域的 建议和实际有效的解决方法:如商业化经营、成本 和赢利计算、市场销售领域,库存管理、人力资源 开发以及商务程序优化。Lisa是ISPA,IECSC以及中 国水疗人士研讨会最受欢迎的讲师之一,目前任职 GramercyOne的社区大使,并管理着公司的企业博 客spa-booker.com/blog。
成功之路:先进水疗管理技巧 The Path to Profits: Spa Management Training 与来自美国Wynne Business 水疗顾问公司的Lisa M. Starr于 成都瑞吉酒店共度有价值的一日课程 水疗业竞争日趋激烈,面对如此挑战, 你准备好了吗? 在国内,水疗业发展迅猛,由此为立足市 场,就要求水疗经理们在这场“角逐”中不 断充实自己。华美的设计,仅是水疗中心通 往成功的第一步。在水疗中心的运营上,确 保每个细节才是成功的关键。而如何保证你 的水疗中心能吸引广大客源,持续盈利,及 稳固运营才是挑战的真正所在。 如果你是一位水疗总监,水疗经理或水疗 业主,那就不可错过此课程。该课程强调 实践,详解了改进水疗中心业绩的方法。 国际水疗资深顾问,并曾在多家水疗连锁 店任总经理一职的Lisa Starr女士将在课上 与你分享业内先进技术,让你掌握令水疗 中心壮大及成功的四要素。
• 先进的财政管理技巧 • 水疗市场战略 • 如何选择及培训优秀人才 • 如何保证顺利的运营 该专业课程将在成都瑞吉酒店举办。与 课人员均可拿到讲义,并可享用由成都 瑞吉酒店提供的午餐、及茶点。与课人 员还将获得结业证书。
A one-day investment in this management training workshop will pay for itself many times over. Competition is increasing! Are you ready? The rapid growth of the spa industry in China requires managers to be at the top of their game. A beautifully designed spa is just the beginning. Attention to detail in every aspect of the spa operation is essential to its success. This class will supply the tools you need to ensure that your spa can attract customers, operate smoothly, and be profitable. If you are a spa director, manager or owner, you can’t afford to miss this outstanding program, which emphasizes practical and proven methods for improving spa performance. International spa consultant Lisa Starr, a former GM of a group of spas herself, will share advanced techniques for mastering the four pillars of spa growth and success: • • • •
Advanced Financial Management Spa Marketing Strategies & Tactics Hiring and Training Top Employees Ensuring Smooth Operations
This outstanding professional education will be presented at The St. Regis Chengdu. Admission includes lunch and tea breaks as well as your course text. Attendees will receive a certificate of completion.
课程于晨间9点半开始,晚5点结束,为英 文授课,配翻译助理作部分讲解。 地址:中成都市青羊区提督街99号
The class begins at 9:30 a.m., ending at 5 p.m., will be conducted in English. Address: 99 Tidu Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu
参与SpaChina研讨会或中国水疗促进会VIP 会员,可享受折扣价230美元。中国水疗促 进会普通会员,可享受折扣价250美元。
US$230 for the SpaChina Summit attendees, and VIP members of the China Spa Association. US$250 for regular members of the China Spa Association.
* 1 day before SpaChina Summit 2014
Wynne Business Senior Consultant Lisa M. Starr has over 30 years of experience in the spa and beauty industry. An accomplished instructor, Lisa leads Wynne Business educational seminars for spa owners and managers across the globe. Starr consults for both existing new spas, is a top-rated speaker at industry events, is a regular contributor to spa trade publications and writes a businessblogs on the industry at spa-booker. com/blog.To learn more about Wynne Business Spa Consulting and Education, and to subscribe to our free Spa Business Update, please visit wynnebusiness.com.
去年听讲客人反馈 Quotes from previous classes “让我更好的理解了应如何管理和扩大水疗服务” “This class helped me to better understand how to manage my spa and how to grow.” — Marisa R., Suzhou “这一培训教会了我如何专注于水疗运营” “This training helped me to focus on how to operate my spa in the future.” — Linda. W., Xiamen “能了解水疗管理的全貌,实在是太好了” “It’s great to understand the whole picture of how to run a spa.” — Kelly W., Beijing “课程具有启发性,条理清楚,且易于理解” “Very informative class, clear and understandable.” — Opi P., Tianjin “Lisa真的知道问题出在哪,解释得非常清楚” “Very clear and organized. Lisa knew the subject matter and was well versed.” — Annie J., Macau
报名参加该课程,有关付费及银行汇款事项,请电 邮至:seminars@wynnebusiness.com 也可通过info@spachina.com,或者拨打+86 21 5385 8951转882联系我们 To Complete Registration by purchasing a ticket through bank transfer payment, please contact us at seminars@wynnebusiness.com You could also book through info@spachina.com or call +86 21 5385 8951 ext 882
health & Beauty
| 养生与美容
美丽源于细节 Beauty by The Details 补充胶原蛋白、淡化皱纹、提升脸部轮廓, 这些让“时间停摆”的高科技方式效果明 显,但生活、饮食习惯及人体循环代谢中的 一些为人所不熟知的细节,其实对辛辛苦苦 建树起来的抗衰老工程,破坏力强大 By Karen Kuang
感。当干性肌肤频繁使用水杨酸等过于刺激的成分,肌 肤也会由于无法抵御过强的外界刺激,就会出现炎症。
84 | SpaChina • 2014
外界的侵害更加剧了下降的速度,从而减缓修复受 1
此很多时候,我们会发现无论睡多久都无法改变肌 肤状态。所以,除了保证足够的睡眠之外,当务之 急,就是需要提升细胞修护力,特别是夜间的睡眠 修护力,让美容觉真正的起到美容养生的作用。 拥有高效修复和能量补充多重作用的精华产品 在这方面也有着不错的效果,特别适合在晚间使 用,透过高科技手段,将修护和补充能量送达真皮 层的细胞中,给其以滋养和修复,即可通过加速细 胞再生,修复受损部分,来提升肌肤的修护力,又 能帮助提高肌肤的抵抗力、加快代谢,从多方面来 保护肌肤。以最新推出的雅诗兰黛全新修护肌透精 华露为例,它从修复DNA中的细胞睡眠修护力入 手,通过高科技的修护科技,提升肌肤的天然夜间 修护功效,减轻细胞受损程度。Q10、维E、花青 素等成分拥有强大的抗氧化性,可帮助激发细胞的 再生能量,优化细胞能力,从而提升修护力。
虽然自然衰老无可避免,但我们若能健康快乐的 生活,衰老也是可以延缓的。 1. 知足常乐:曾有美国研究人员将几千张表情各异 的照片让参试者看图猜年龄。结果发现,人们 4
对“无表情”人的年龄猜测最准确,恐惧表情 的人看上去更老,而充满微笑的面孔让人觉得 更年轻。没有压力的生活与知足常乐的个性, 能从根本上令人具备更年轻的心态与外表。 2. 清晨一杯温开水:当人体处于睡眠状态时,肌 肤就会开始进行自我修复和更新,与此同时体 内也会堆积各种代谢物。早晨起来空腹喝一杯 与体温差不多温度的白开水能够帮助清理肠 道,达到排毒的效果。不喜欢喝白开水的人可 以在里面加点蜂蜜,能够达到同等的功效。 3. 葡萄易多食:葡萄、李子和梨中都含有山梨 糖,它是一种保湿剂,有助于肌肤吸收水分和 保持湿润。 4. 绿茶长饮:绿茶中含有丰富的茶多酚,这是一 种具有强抗氧化功效的成分,进入体内后能够
1 SUPREMŸA希思黎致臻夜间修复精华露
缓肌肤衰老。此外,绿茶还是一种有效的防辐 射食物,特别适合长时间端坐于电脑前办公的
雅漾活泉恒润隔离保湿乳SPF20 RMB218/40ml 集保湿、舒缓、抗氧化于一体,生育酚葡糖苷可有效抗氧化,激活并强化皮肤天然屏
5. 两天一张面膜:面膜具有密集修复的功效,它 能够全面快速地修复肌肤,让每一寸肌肤都得
黛珂保湿美容液 RMB800/40ml
6. 切记护手:应经常使用具有防晒功效的护手
4 Origins悦木之源复合矿物维他命滋养(清爽)夜间修护面霜
霜,定期去除死皮可使双手更美丽。 7. 多吃红色食品:富含番茄红素的西红柿等红色
食物可帮助肌肤防御紫外线伤害。 8. 常吃肥鱼:三文鱼等深海肥鱼富含乙酰胆碱 (DMAE),对于提升肌肤光泽度和减少皱纹起
的营养滋润。 5
效果。 肉萎缩、保持体形和改善睡眠。
娇韵诗双萃赋活修护精华露 RMB680/15ml*2 富20款高效植物组合,水油分离技术,缔造出的修护精华露源源释放保湿、滋养、有
着重要的作用。每周吃两次就可达到护肤美容 9. 定期锻炼:每周至少锻炼4次,有助于防止肌
HR赫莲娜悦活新生肌源修护精华露 RMB1,180/30ml 精选并萃取的海洋堇植物原生细胞的强大新生原动能,能从源头促进肌肤细胞新 生,修复重建健康表皮层,可全面抵御25种肌肤日常侵害,重现年轻质感与状态。 SpaChina • 2014 | 85
hotel news & events | 酒店新闻与盛事 台北文华东方酒店于台北市开幕 台北文华东方酒店坐落于台北市商业中心 敦化北路上,酒店以古典雅致融合当代 风格的设计理念,提供宽敞舒适的居住环 境。内设有47间套房与256间55平方米的 客房,400平方米的气派豪华总统套房及 文华套房。酒店内还拥有三间风格迥异 的餐厅,多间独立的多功能宴会场地,以 及可俯瞰中庭花园的户外阳台等,给予宾 客多样的入住和餐饮体验。台北文华东方 酒店的芳疗中心还可体验全方位的舒压芳 疗及水疗,另有芳疗精品区、健身中心、 美容沙龙、多功能健身室和户外恒温游泳 池,让宾客全方面放松身心,洗涤疲惫。
戚嘉懿 编译
Mandarin Oriental Launches New Hotel in Taipei Mandarin Oriental, Taipei is located in the heart of the city on Dunhua North Road, and is designed with classic inspiration and contemporary touches, providing a spacious and comfortable living environment. It has 45 suits, 256 guest rooms covering 55 sqm, a 400 sqm Presidential Suite and a Mandarin Suite. The hotel also possesses 3 restaurants in different styles, various formal rooms and outdoor terraces. At the Spa of Mandarin Oriental, Taipei, you can experience a range of holistic treatments and therapies and you can also find the urban Fitness and Wellness Centre, featuring a multi-function fitness studio and outdoor heated swimming pool.
成都瑞吉酒店亮相成都 酒店坐落于成都商务区的黄金地段,距天府广场和春熙路高 端购物区仅数步之遥。酒店将提供279间精心打造的客房和套 房,最小的客房面积达65平方米,而最大套房面积将达到325 平方米,为城中之冠。为了向这座城市的美食传统致敬,酒店 内开设六家风格独特的餐厅和酒廊:餐厅“秀”(Social)全天候 提供便利的餐饮服务;特色中餐馆宴庭主打粤菜和川菜佳肴; 云府餐厅在大楼27层设有四间私人包厢;成都唯一的葡萄酒酒 吧品酒阁藏有众多美酒佳酿和陈年雪茄;在户外空中酒吧云端 27可欣赏城市天际线的壮观美景。成都瑞吉酒店还将为所有宾 客提供久负盛名的瑞吉管家服务。
The St. Regis Chengdu Set to Debut in Chengdu With an exclusive address in the heart of Chengdu’s business district, the hotel is located just steps away from Tianfu Square and the Chun Xi Road high-end retail area. The St. Regis Chengdu will offer 279 sumptuously-appointed guestrooms and suites ranging from 65sqm to 325sqm – among the largest available in the city. In a nod to the city’s epicurean pedigree, the hotel will feature six distinct restaurants and lounges. These include: Social – signature all-day dining restaurant; Yan Ting –St. Regis’ specialty Chinese restaurant featuring Cantonese and Sichuan cuisine; Yun Fu – four distinct private dining rooms on Level 27; Decanter – Chengdu’s only dedicated wine bar offering an extensive selection of fine wine labels, liquors and aged cigars; Vantage XXVII – an outdoor sky bar with views of the spectacular city skyline. The St. Regis Chengdu will also offer the signature St. Regis Butler Service for all guests, the first for any hotel in Chengdu.
青岛涵碧楼于八月开业 青岛涵碧楼坐落于青岛黄岛区,背倚凤凰山,三面环海,拥有得天独 厚的自然美景。占地14.5万平方公尺,拥有330间客房、Sea Villa(海景 独栋别墅)41栋、Cliff Villa(海景复层别墅)30栋。酒店还设有户外无边 际游泳池、源自地下1,500米处的深海温泉、SPA会馆、中西多国美食 餐厅、俱乐部,使宾客在工作之余享受一份轻松惬意。除此之外,酒 店还提供诸多商务与宴会用地,设有可容纳80桌以上的大型国际会议 厅、海上婚礼教堂与宴会厅、名店廊等。
The New Sparkle of the Lalu Qingdao The Lalu Qingdao is situated in the economic development zone of Qingdao with a total area of 14.5 million sqm. It utilizes the unique terrain of the peninsula, integrated with the natural environment. The Lalu Qingdao offers 330 guest rooms, including 161 ocean-view suites, 41 sea villas and 30 cliff villas with butler service. The Lalu Qingdao also features an infinity swimming pool with ocean views, hot-spring originated from 1,500 meters depth, SPA facilities and boutique malls. The Lalu Qingdao also includes a magnificent banquet lobby like overwater wedding chapel and several restaurants featuring French, Japanese, Chinese seafood and international buffet cuisines. 86 | SpaChina • 2014
brand review
抹去岁月痕迹 科
丽妍La Colline是融汇先进生物 科技与珍贵天然精粹的瑞士高 端护肤品牌。最初以独创的细
打造宛若初雪的纯净美肌,只需 三步:
| 品牌故事
By Alice Wang
抗衰老配方美白骨胶原面膜带你见证逆时而 生的肌肤之美,迎向青春的无限可能!优质
第一步:亮白去角质焕肤液White Starter
科丽妍在瑞士最精确严密的科学标准 下,接受多项严格的细菌检验,已证明安全
第二步:亮白妍采密集精华White Activator
春、夏是美白和肌肤护养的大好时机, 科丽妍如下几款殿堂级护肤系列极为值得推 荐:
第 三 步 : 亮 白 妍 采 密 集 淡 斑 霜 White Intensifier统一肤色。抗色斑美白修护霜,丝
White Flash White Intensive Treatment
Factor(Lightening Ultimate X-Factor),针对
电话:+86 20 8348 7388
电话:+86 10 5876 6633
电话:+86 21 5496 2866
White Regenerating Collagen Mask
更在《时尚》杂志 “Best of the Best”美容大
电话:+86 571 8694 2278
电话:+86 28 8555 8466
美白骨胶原面膜 White Regenerating Collagen Mask 亮白妍采美白密集治疗 White Flash White Intensive Treatment
SpaChina • 2014 | 87
hotel news & events | 酒店新闻与盛事 香格里拉大酒店与法拉利强强联手 2014法拉利赛道日嘉年华活动在上海国际赛 车场举行。活动期间,香格里拉酒店集团和 法拉利宣布双方将在法拉利倍耐力杯挑战赛 上开展首次合作。香格里拉酒店集团自此成 为意大利传奇跑车赛事在亚太区和欧洲区的 官方合作酒店。该品牌标识也将出现在所有 与法拉利挑战赛相关的形象宣传和现场活动 中,包括赛车车身、颁奖台及赛事官网等。 法拉利还将在香格里拉中国酒店所在城市上 演慈善拉力赛。总部设在香港的香格里拉酒 店集团目前拥有和管理着香格里拉、嘉里和 盛贸三个品牌的酒店,数量已逾80家,客房 量超过34,000间。
Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts and Ferrari Team Up for High Octane Partnership 2014 Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts and Ferrari announced their partnership for the Ferrari Challenge Series at the Ferrari Racing Days in Shanghai on 8 June. The collaboration, a first for both brands, will see the Hong Kong-based luxury hotel group as the official hotel partner in Asia-Pacific and Europe for the legendary Italian supercar’s season of racing events. As part of the branding execution, Shangri-La’s logo will be featured on all imagery and activities – including racing cars, podium and the official website – in conjunction with the Ferrari Challenge Championship. In the near future, Ferrari Rally will stage charitable drives in the cities where Shangri-La’s China hotels are located. Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, one of the world’s premier hotel companies, currently owns and/or manages more than 80 hotels under the Shangri-La brand with a room inventory of over 34,000.
澳门喜来登金沙城中心酒店活力连动@澳 门喜来登 全球以及澳门最大的喜来登酒店成功推出健体旅程 计划,酒店特邀多位来自香港及美国的星级健身导 师为宾客提供健身工作坊,同时推出多种适合成人 及儿童参与的健身活动。另有健康食谱使健康与营 养相结合,为宾客的身体注入健康能量。澳门喜来 登金沙城中心酒店拥有3,896间风格时尚的客房及套 房,并且拥有配备341间会员专属客房和套房的喜 来登行政俱乐部,还包括大型会议室、水疗中心及 健身中心。
Sheraton Macao Hotel Fitness Connection@ Sheraton Macao Launches The largest Sheraton Hotel in the world has launched a fitness journey plan. Many fitness instructors invited from Hong Kong and the United States provide fitness workshops for guests. Meanwhile, various fitness activities suitable for adults and children are also included. Additionally, the hotel provides healthy food for guests. Sheraton Macao Hotel possesses 3,896 modern style guest rooms and suites, a Sheraton administration club with 341 VIP guest rooms and suites, vast conference rooms, a spa and fitness center.
钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团三度绽放国际奢华旅游展 上海第八届全球领先的豪华旅游展览盛会期间,钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团与劳斯莱 斯、法拉利等顶级品牌进行跨界活动,并将开启新一季“勇敢小狮子”夏令营活 动和亲子度假套餐。同时展示了旗下其它项目,包括新签约的北京宝丽嘉和深圳 美高梅酒店、大连钓鱼台酒店,以及位于上海、重庆、杭州、三亚等地的豪华酒 店及公寓项目。钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团由钓鱼台国宾馆携手美国美高梅国际度假 集团合资成立,是中国最高规格的外事接待处所与世界顶级的豪华酒店集团共同 打造的高端酒店管理平台。
Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality Participates in ILTM Asia 2014 At the International Luxury Travel Market Asia, DMH found that this is the tradeshow where DMH could best meet with quality buyers and open up business possibilities which DMH intends to explore in the coming years. This year, DMH offers the MGM Grand Sanya Summer Camp program which was launched in Beijing, Guangzhou & Shanghal. DMH will also have more members joining the family, including the newly signed Bellagio by MGM in Beijing and MGM Grand in Shenzhen, The Diaoyutai Dalian, as well as other projects in Shanghai, Chongqing, and Hangzhou. DMH is committed to combining the brand advantages of its parent companies to develop and operate luxury hotels and resorts around the world. 88 | SpaChina • 2014
brand review
| 品牌故事
顺四时 颐养生 可
Designed Wellness Programs for Different Seasons
饮可浴的天然温泉、大面积制造 鲜氧的森林、明媚的阳光、水 景、古刹鸣钟、小桥流水、鸟
语花香,心景SPA就坐落在这样的自然美景 中, 仿佛与大自然融为了一体。 心景SPA为心景集团旗下自持高端养生 水疗品牌,伴随心景集团旗下品牌酒店进行 连锁发展,每一个Spa店在保留了心景Spa 自身特色的同时又融入当地传统地域文化精 髓,完美诠释了“心景”品牌独有的格调精 致、休闲浪漫的养生度假生活。它深度融合 了中华民族医学的智慧结晶《黄帝内经》的 精髓要义,强调遵循“顺四时,颐养生”的 东方养生之道,并将这种东方传统养生概念 与西方芳香疗法相结合,研制出独有的一年 四个不同季节适合不同季节特性的养生保健 方法。它是全球首家以时节变化为养生主题 的水疗品牌。它以“基于经典、臻于精致” 之心,辅以“天然温泉水”的神奇功效,配 以国外进口的天然药用植物精油以及专业的 经络按摩手法,为不同人士量身定制专属的 养生套餐,全方位颐养身心。 春为四时之首,万象更新之始,在这启 陈发新的季节,春季养生应保肝养气,使阳 气升发舒畅,不断充沛、旺盛,为夏天提供 生长的基础。春季强身SPA具有补肝明目、 养血调气、补血通脉、调养肝脏的作用。夏 之时,天地之气相交,万物华实,夏季应调 息养心,保养好生长的气机,为秋天积累收 敛的基础。夏季清身SPA具有宁心安神、和 胃降逆、降心火、理气止痛、调养心气的作 用。秋之时,天高风急,地气清明,万物成 熟,秋季应保持肺气清萧,润燥除湿,保养 好收敛的气机,为冬天提供收藏的基础。秋 季养身SPA具有润燥除湿、保养肺脾、改善 肌肤的作用。冬之时,水冰地拆,万物休养 生息,冬季应养好肾精,使阳气潜藏于体 内,为春天的生发之机提供基础。冬季暖身 SPA具有养肾藏元、舒经活血、滋阴壮阳作 用、并能缓解肾精不足引起的腰痛腰酸、下 肢无力等症状。 值得一提的是今年8月心景SPA又一旗舰 店将伴随重庆缙云心景酒店的盛大开业,在 缙云山拉开SPA的神秘面纱,成为品牌的新 旗舰。
hat a beautiful scene, with natural hot springs, green forests, sunshine, waterscapes, ancient temples, tolling bells, a bridge and flowing river! Sheenjoy Spa is located amid just such natural scenery as if it was a part of it. Sheenjoy Spa is the high-end spa brand under SheenJoy Hotel Group. In chain store form, it develops in the hotel brands under SheenJoy Hotel Group. Each spa not only retains the characteristics of Sheenjoy spa but also integrates the local traditional culture, which perfectly reflects the brand’s exclusive stylish, carefree and romantic living concept. It integrates the quintessence of Huang Di’s Canon of Internal Medicine (one of the classics of Chinese traditional medicine) and follows the Oriental wellness approach. Meanwhile, it combines with Western aromatherapy to develop its exclusive wellness programs fit for different seasons. It is the first global spa brand that designs its treatment programs as per the season changes. With the tenet “to attain exquisiteness based on classics ” in mind, it offers bespoke wellness packages and helps you reach optimal wellbeing by its natural hot spring, imported natural essence oils and professional massage skills. Spring is the start of the four seasons, where
By Alice Wang
everything takes on a new look. It is also the beginning of renewal. In spring, we should nourish our liver, replenish Qi and lift Yangqi so as to prepare for the growth in summer. Its spring-featured spa programs will nourish the liver, improve the eyesight, regulate Qi and enrich blood. In summer, everything thrives and grows fast. We should regulate the respiration, nourish the heart and release the Yangqi. Its summer-featured spa programs will nourish the heart, harmonize the stomach and calm the nerves. In autumn, everything is ripe and it’s time to harvest. We should astringe the Yang Qi lifted and released in spring and summer. The day is clear, bright and windy in autumn. So in autumn, we should take good care of the lungs. Sheenjoy Spa’s autumn-featured spa programs will moisturize the dryness, dehumidify, nourish the lungs and spleen and improve the skin. In winter, the weather is cold and everything rehabilitates. Kidneys should be nourished in winter so that Yang Qi can hide inside your body and be ready to lift in spring. Its winter-featured spa programs will nourish the kidneys, activate blood circulation, nourish Yin and Yang and relieve lower back pain, leg limpness and other symptoms caused by kidney essence deficiency. One thing worthy of note is that another flagship Sheenjoy Spa will be unveiled this August on Jinyun Mountain with the opening of Chongqing Sheenjoy Jinyun Hotel. It will be the new flagship store of the brand. 心景·SPA昆明滇池路店 昆明市滇池路1288号滇池度假区管委会 No.1288, Dianchi Road, Dianchi Holiday Resort, Kunming, Yunnan Tel: +86 871 646 6800 心景·SPA昆明安宁店 安宁市温泉旅游度假区升庵南路 Shen’an Road (south), Hot Spring Town, Anning, Yunnan Tel: +86 871 6863 3008 心景·SPA重庆缙云店 重庆缙云山十里温泉城 Jinyun Mountain Hot Spring Town, Beibei district, Chongqing Tel: +86 23 6322 1142 SpaChina • 2014 | 89
hotel news & events | 酒店新闻与盛事 四季酒店同时亮相约翰内斯堡与 Four Seasons Hotel Opens in Johannesburg and Orlando Disney 奥兰多迪士尼 南非约翰内斯堡四季酒店设有117间客房 及套房,分布于九座低层建筑中,可饱览 由花园、大阶梯与喷泉交相编织的惬意美 景,还另有5个餐厅、休闲酒廊,以及所 有人都可便捷造访的水疗中心、婚礼与社 交聚会场所,给宾客带来健康与极致放松 的身心体验。位于美国奥兰多迪士尼的四 季酒店,最激动人心的便是其绝佳的地理 位置。酒店与迪士尼合作,宾客们将在四 季酒店中享受到迪士尼的贴心服务,特色 早餐及娱乐活动等。四季将独具一格的高 品质服务与设施融入迪士尼奇幻之旅,并 奉上绝无仅有的旅行体验。
The Four Seasons Hotel in South Africa’s Johannesburg has 117 guest rooms and suites scattered through nine low-rise buildings amid beautifully landscaped gardens, terraces and fountains. The mood is almost residential. The Westcliff is destined to become a social centre with its five restaurants and lounges and day access to the Spa, as well as its gorgeous venues for weddings and other social functions. Meanwhile, there is the Four Seasons Hotel situated in Orlando Disney. Thanks to the collaboration with Disney, guests enjoy personalized service, special breakfasts and activities. Four Seasons luxury service meets Disney Magic to provide a wonderful trip for all guests.
马尔代夫式度假酒店之至尊度假别墅即将揭幕 LVMH酒店管理集团下的至尊度假别墅,坐落于令人舒服 的绿松石湖面上,是绝佳的私人修心之处。这座内设四件 卧室的别墅,是由著名建筑师Jean-Michel Gathy精心构思和 设计,酒店主建筑围着一个25米长的超大游泳池而建,包 揽周遭的壮丽景致。其中包括三间光线和谐的客厅,以及 能够享用美酒美食的酒吧与私人餐厅,用餐时更有度假酒 店的厨师和管家提供体贴服务。度假别墅另设有两间宽敞 且设备完善的卧室套房,配有室内浴室及淋雨空间,以及 可俯瞰全岛美景的宽敞露台。酒店还提供24小时监督和管 理,及度身定制的娱乐活动。
Cheval Blanc Randheli Opens the Owner’s Villa Cheval Blanc Randeli, the highly acclaimed Maldivian Maison from LVMH Hotel Management, has announced the opening of The Owner’s Villa which is located on a private island. This one-of-a-kind four-bedroom villa was designed by renowned architect Jean-Michel Gathy. The main house runs alongside a stunning 25-meter-long swimming pool that frames magnificent views over the surrounding seascape. The villa possesses three light-filled successive living rooms, a bar and dining room overseen by the Villa’s dedicated Chefs and Majordomes. On the ground floor are two spacious bedrooms, both equipped with their own indoor bathroom, outdoor shower and generous terraces, ideal for children or friends. The villa is also overseen by a dedicated team, available 24/7 and housed on the premises and providing activities to meet every individual’s wishes.
Sireeampan精品水疗度假酒店推出豪华体验惊喜 Sireeampan精品水疗度假酒店坐落在泰国北部文化要地清迈的市中心,内 设11间私密套房,酒店距离清迈国际机场只有15分钟路程。Sireeampan清 迈精品水疗度假酒店最近宣布推出最新“豪华体验惊喜重重”活动,为旅 行者带来远远超过其期望和一般酒店住宿的体验。酒店丰盛的“随时随地 早餐”根据客人需求量身定制,客房中配备了先进的Apple电视与iPad娱 乐系统,600支线的床上用品豪华又舒适。这一切都令Sireeampan精品水疗 度假酒店成为清迈一流的假日居所,让宾客纵享极致轻松、舒畅的时光。
Sireeampan Boutique Resort & Spa Announces Luxury is All a-ROUND Sireeampan Boutique Resort & Spa is ideally located in Chiang Mai City, the heart of northern Thailand’s most culturally significant city. Just 15 minutes away from Chiang Mai International Airport, the intimate 11-suite luxury resort opened in January of this year, has unveiled its newest package which customized guest offerings, reaching far beyond the typical hotel accommodations many travelers expect. From its lavish, bespoke Anytime, Anywhere breakfast experience, guestrooms outfitted with state-of-the-art Apple TV/ iPad entertainment systems and plush beds with 600 thread count linen, Sireeampan is Chang Mai’s secluded sanctuary where guests feel relaxed and pampered in the comfort of their “home away from home.” 90 | SpaChina • 2014
Hotel review
| 酒店故事
时尚悦体验 Modern Experience
身闹市中心商业圈,直通豪华购 物中心“华润万象城”,与周边 影院、冰场、餐饮等完备的休闲
娱乐设施完美融为一体,但当你步入沈阳君 悦酒店时,柔和温馨的灯光和优雅舒适的环 境,即刻带来的是无限的惬意与宁静之感。 酒店大堂上方一层一层的钢铁脚架让酒店充 满新意,往来客人犹如行为艺术,罗列其间 的还有栩栩如生且颇具艺术感的人像:老者 遛鸟,围坐下棋,街边剃头等,营造出浓郁 的东北本土怀旧感,但又不失现代风情。 酒店装饰的豪华时尚,设计人性便捷,服 务堪称体贴入微;针对住店客人特设的通往餐 厅和水疗健身区域的直达电梯,和外来用餐、 会议的客人采用不同路线,尽享私密尊贵之 感。宽敞的客房空间饱览迷人景致,舒适自 在,能透过开阔的全景式落地窗采纳充沛的自 然光,节能环保。时尚的大理石浴室内配备的 奢华浴缸和热带雨林淋浴房,June Jacobs一流 沐浴与护肤产品的使用更显其与众不同。 如果想看壮丽的沈阳城市天际线,来这里 的餐厅可谓是一举多得了,既可以欣赏美景, 又能大快朵颐。25层的大堂酒廊提供丰盛的茶 歇及多样的高级葡萄酒;26楼的乐厨自助餐厅 则能品味资深大厨在互动的开放式厨房内,为 客人所准备的多款国际和本地美食;27层的时 尚火锅餐厅“爨”(cuàn,意烧火做饭)是风格 独特的酒店式火锅餐厅。菜单汇集了亚洲各地 的火锅汤底,上等肉类、新鲜海鲜和有机蔬菜 种类丰富,并可由主厨为您度身配制调料并甄 选菜式搭配,既有着东北人的热情和爽朗劲, 也不失酒店的精致与优雅。双重满足客人的味 蕾与视觉。酒店29层“范儿”则是一家“城市 之巅”的绚烂夜店,是体验美妙夜景与夜生 活的的绝佳之地,已然成为目前沈阳的最新最 high最in的休闲去处! 一定不要忘记到酒店5楼的“清”水疗, 去体验放松惬意时光。训练有素的理疗师在 询问过身体状况后按照季节为宾客推荐理 疗疗程:“清”水疗特色套餐,包含柔棉抗 敏、芳香油压、头部放松,整个疗程3小时 (价格:RMB2,790)。循着暖暖的光线和幽 幽的微香,推开房门的瞬间,90平米的大空 间给人以豁然开阔之感,同样以全景落地 窗采光,让人沐浴在浴池里也可以俯瞰到活 力街景,若隐若现的竹子形成的天然屏风, 同时确保私密性。理疗师缓慢而富节奏感的 动作,恰似一场跌宕有致的钢琴经典名曲演 奏,一曲结束,因旅途劳顿而滋生的疲乏感 早已消失的无隐无踪。
Lobby Lounge Bar
rand Hyatt Shenyang enjoys a prestigious downtown location on Qingnian Street, the main commercial thoroughfare of Shenyang. The hotel has direct access to the world-class MixC luxury retail mall, and is conveniently situated near cinemas, ice rinks, restaurants and other entertainment centers. Stepping into the hotel, the elegant environment with warm lamplight brings you a calming moment of silence with endless pleasure to come. A feature of steel horses above the lobby fills the hotel with novelty. Through the lobby, guests pass by as if part of a performance art piece, while various vivid men are arranged: old man with birds, playing chess, shaving hair on the street and so on, which create a modern style with an atmosphere of recalling Dongbei. The hotel design is luxurious and fashionable, focusing on guest convenience and considerate service. According to the type of guest, the hotel provides specific lines, such as direct lift to restaurant and spa, for guests who live in the hotel and different lines for guests just seeking a meal or participating in a conference, the result of which is a private space for all guests. All guest rooms enjoy spectacular city views and abundant natural light through floor-to-ceiling windows. The marble bathrooms enjoys a luxury bathtub and shower room reminicent of a rainforest. Meanwhile, the first-class skin care products of June Jacobs are available. At the restaurant of Grand Hyatt Shenyang , you can enjoy both the magnificent skyline of Shenyang and the food. The lounge on level 25 serves freshly brewed tea, coffee and fine wines; level 26 serves various international
and local delicacies, and guests can also interact with the chef in the open kitchen; Cuan on level 27 is a fun, casual hotpot restaurant with a twist. The menu features soup stocks from different regions in Asia, accompanied by premium meats, live seafood and farm-fresh vegetables. The chef will also make a combination for different guests. The restaurant features passion like that of Dongbei, as well as elegance, allowing guests to enjoy a memorable experience of vision and taste. The ‘Top of the City’ lounge on level 29 is a glamorous place to enjoy Champagne, and has become Shenyang’s hippest new nightlife venue. Qing Spa on level 5 should never be missed by guests seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. After knowing the health condition of each individual guest, the therapist will recommend the JÌ JIÉ (seasons) set: “Qing” spa features package, including soft anti-allergenic cotton, aromatic oil and head relaxation, which takes three hours (price: RMB2,790). Qing occupies 90 square meters with warm light and sweet fragrance, enjoying the sunshine through floorto-ceiling windows which like a natural screen allow guest to overlook the street scene from the shower room. Here at Qing, therapists strive to provide you with the most relaxing and soothing spa experience. 沈阳君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Shenyang 中国沈阳市和平区青年大街288号甲 No. 288A, Qingnian Street, Heping District, Shenyang 110004 Tel: +86 24 2512 1234 SpaChina • 2014 | 91
brand review
| 品牌故事
Pevonia私人定制美国游 独家揭秘SPA灵魂物语
全球最大的Outlet Mall购物天堂里,各类名
惠成誉美私人定制Pevonia梦幻美国游 活动系全球独一无二美业家人的专享尊崇之
92 | SpaChina • 2014
更多活动详情可拨打深圳惠成誉美报名 热线:0755-25904410 李先生:13390912662 公众微信号:szhcym
Pevonia Personalized USA Tour During the cool short autumn, why not spread your wings and follow Pevonia on a trip! By Karen Kuang
usic is the soul of Spa, immersing yourself in a dream of romance and pleasure, refreshing your mind and body and making your heart feel the warmth of sweet life. Spa journey allows you to shed the burden and relax your body and mind, restore life balance in a paradise within the city. Why not spread your wings and join in the Pevonia trip during the cool short autumn! Wisdom Personalized Fancy USA Tour is a unique high-end journey tailored for people who are involved or interested in the beauty and spa industry. As a high-end spa brand operator, Wisdom is the first to introduce the international top luxury Spa skincare brand Pevonia to China and put forward the concept of the soul of Spa that commits to let people enjoy a spa experience with the charm of Pevonia through the personalized tour. This time, the spa tour chose the world’s most beautiful city, Orlando, where the streets are clean, residents are friendly and climate is extremely pleasant, to present the spa feast; and where time seems to slow down with the leisure moments of the spa feast.
The soul story of Pevonia-Spa – Relax Indulge yourself in the fancy Disney Land,
escaping the stress of life and work pressure, enjoy fun, and play like carefree children; take a trip to the Kennedy Space Center, one of USA’s space shuttle launching centers, where the mysterious outer space is revealed gradually in front of your eyes in a wave of fascination. Movie lovers will feel thrilled at Universal Studios, Hollywood, where they can access all kinds of movie scenes, taste a wide variety of special drinks and choice food. Such relaxing and surprising journeys fit best Wisdom’s mission: guest pampering in the pure world of Pevonia-SPA, enjoying pleasure and fun brought by video and audio facilities, and indulging in total relaxation and balance of the body, mind and spirit: the best and most mysterious gift of nature.
The soul story of Pevonia-Spa – Harvest Pevonia originated in the United States with a medical background. After many years of research, Pevonia is committed to providing beauty so pure. At the headquarters of Pevonia, a miracle has been witnessed: the brand has achieved a 70% Spa market share, possesses hundreds of private skincare products from Hollywood superstars, is a strategic partner of the Cannes Film Festival, with special products
for 110 five-star hotel around the world, and assigned products for global high-end medical cosmetology organizations. Pevonia shows its ambition and desire of being the producer of beauty. Also, its international spa professionals will share with you creative spa concepts and new developments in the industry, introduce diversified operational models and standardized service systems, to demonstrate international first-class spa brand business models that integrate whole-spa outsourcing, training and education, marketing, after-sales service and more.
The soul story of Pevonia-Spa – Enjoy If you want to elevate your spa’s service and revenue, visit other’s spas as a guest to feel their service, and then, learn and summarize. You will be guided to visit five-star hotel spas and top spa clubs. Once you step into those spas, you will be impressed by the splendid, magnificent and luxurious interior. And experience their considerate and pampering service will stimulate new thoughts and creations for your spa operation.
The soul story of Pevonia-Spa – Satisfaction The world’s largest Outlet Mall assembling all top luxury brands and a wide variety of antiques await your exploration. High-quality brand commodities, magnificent store decoration, and beautiful holiday music work together to satisfy your eyes, ears and ultimately your heart. Trust that this journey will bear abundant fruit. The soul story of Pevonia runs through the personalized tour. Join us to discover the unique charm of Pevonia-Spa now! You are sincerely welcome to experience the wonderful tour. For more details; please call Wisdom for inquiry: 0755-25904410, or consult Sam Li at: +86 13390912662. You may also pay attention to our public Weixin: “szhcym” for timely updates. SpaChina • 2014 | 93
brand review
| 品牌故事
来自海洋的力量 海洋护肤先锋菲迪曼采撷海洋中的有益成分,借助海洋生物仿真技术研发出活性成分和产品, 能被肌肤充分吸收,为您带来健康和美丽
国布列塔尼海滩拥有独特的岩 石山峰地貌和高达14米的潮水 现象。这片海域中生长着种类
丰富的海洋生物,几乎所有的海洋生物都含 有可以帮助我们恢复肌肤及身体健康的有益 成分。海洋护肤先锋菲迪曼便诞生于这片广 袤的海域之畔,采撷海洋中的有益成分制成 天然美容产品,是海洋护肤领域的先驱之 一。 菲迪曼所有原材料均取材于布列塔尼深 海,在品牌独家的海洋研发工厂中进行提 炼。海洋中蕴藏着几乎所有有益于肌肤和身 体健康的元素——目前已发现的约有104种微 量元素、矿物质和维他命,另有约35,000种 海藻。菲迪曼认为:人类的肌肤和海洋生物 有着惊人的相似性。人类的起源可以追溯到 海洋生物,第一批生命细胞也诞生于海洋之 中。海藻的保护膜与人类肌肤的保护层具有 相似的防御、保护和再生机制。借此,品牌 利用海洋生物仿真技术研发出的活性成分和 产品,能被肌肤充分吸收,达到理想的美容 效果。 菲迪曼拥有世界上唯一能够运用整全纯 天然提取和储存工艺的实验室,研发人员运 用天然的提炼方法提取出海洋活性成分,并 且完好的保存海水和海洋生物的天然结构, 无任何添加成分。其实验室拥有全球鲜有的
以海洋的神奇力量缔造护肤奇迹,这就 是菲迪曼。
Tel: +86 10 5779 9127 +86 20 8438 5765
94 | SpaChina • 2014
The Power of the Ocean Phytomer as the pioneer producer of marine skin care products, extracts beneficial ingredients from the ocean and conducts R&D on active ingredients and creates products with the help of marine biological simulation technology in order to let skin absorb more nutrition and bring you beauty and health
he beaches of Brittany, France, have
erate the human skin. Phytomer achieves the
their own unique rock landscape
effect of providing beauty with the help of
When the patented ingredient is being
and the stunning phenomenon of
marine biological simulation technology in
developed, Phytomer ensures every process
order to let the skin absorb more nutrition.
of production from filtering materials to the
14-meter tides. This ocean area is home to var-
most nutrition possible.
ious marine organisms and many of them can
Phytomer possesses the only laboratory in
development of product. In order to guaran-
help in our skin restoration and health. Phy-
the world that can operate in a total natural
tee the high quality of the product, only the
tomer is one of the pioneers and was born by
environment. Researchers extract the active
purest essence will be picked in the process of
this vast sea and launched its natural skincare
marine ingredients with pure methods and
extraction. Actually, there are 20 oceanogra-
products by extracting the beneficial ingredi-
preserve the original structure of marine
phers who study in different fields, continu-
ents from it.
organisms and sea water without any addi-
ously researching and developing new marine
The materials of Phytomer are all from Brit-
tives. The laboratory owns the globally unique
ingredients and applying them to the product.
tany, and are then refined at the Phytomer
sea water freeze-drying technology which is
Phytomer also insists on experimenting on skin
Research and Development Center. The ocean
a special method of preservation sea water.
cells in order to make sure the safety and cura-
contains many elements that are good for the
Freeze-drying the pure sea water, then remov-
tive effect of the product.
skin and for health. Nowadays, there are about
ing the extra sodium and potassium, extracting
Currently, Phytomer has 7 facial products
104 kinds of trace elements, minerals and vita-
OLIGOMER®, which is water-soluble, that is
that are applied on different types of skin,
mins identified and about 35,000 species of
to say, put it into water and it will reconsti-
5 body care series, 1 sunblock series and 1
algae that have been found. Phytomer believes
tute into seawater. The beneficial substance
care series for men. The products meet the
that the human skin has a striking similarity
of OLIGOMER® which includes magnesium
diversified demands of modern people in dif-
with marine organisms. The origin of human
and calcium will seep into the epidermis layer
ferent age groups and different styles of life.
beings can be traced back to the sea creatures,
through osmosis that will help moisturize skin,
On the basis of satisfying female’s demands,
for the first cell was born in the ocean. The
enhance resistance and help to reinforce the
Phytomer also launched facial and body care
protective layer of seaweed has similar func-
skin. All the products from Phytomer contain
products for men. In order to give the best
tions that allow it to defend, protect and regen-
OLIGOMER® in order to let skin absorb the
play to products, Phytomer also has many nursing treatments with natural active marine ingredients and sole therapy techniques, to brings guests beauty and health. Phytomer’s training center is located on the beach of Saint-Malo, immersed in the culture of the ocean. Here is passed on the concept of skin care, the knowledge of products and the latest professional information. Up to now, 10,000 beauty specialists have been educated in the Phytomer training center and now spread their passion for and interest in marine skincare to the world. Nowadays, Phytomer has been used in almost all spa centers around world and is sold in cosmetics shops and department stores. Its pure marine ingredients and excellent effects are highly praised. Phytomer, creating skin miracles with the power of the ocean. SpaChina • 2014 | 95
brand review
| 品牌故事 肤;富含微量元素的海藻精华能被用来深层 补充肌肤水份,使肌肤更饱满更紧实。同时 有效修复及保护肌肤免受环境损害。 如此高性能的成分配合超浓缩的剂量, 使得至臻莲花紧颜精华液在抗衰老方面有着 突出的效果,涂抹几周后,能感觉到肌肤细 腻柔滑了许多,肤色均匀了,且弹性大大增 强,肌肤变得饱满了,皱纹和细纹也减少 了。值得一提的是,这款精华液还能加强肌 肤本身的抵御力,在抗老的同时为肌肤提 供有效的保护,阻碍有害物质进一步损害肌 肤,提升了产品延缓岁月侵袭脚步的能力。 当然一款高效能的精华液,若想将其效 用最大化的发挥,其搭配使用清洁用品,霜 类产品等也非常关键,前者能深入清洁和调 理肌肤,后者则起到“城墙”的作用,强力 锁住精华液成分,“加固”有效成分在肌肤 中的渗透,加强效果。
至臻莲花保湿清爽乳(建议零售价RMB2,180/30ml) 这款产品中除了使用了莲花萃取物和小麦蛋 白外,还能提高胶原蛋白再生的细胞基质强 效物,能深层补充水份,增加肌肤保护力的 绿海藻,可加强肌肤锁水能力,含大量水分 的超级透明质酸都一并收入为肌肤提供“额 外”水分及深层锁水护理。
至臻莲花紧颜日霜(建议零售价RMB2,480/50ml) 蕴含莲花萃取物、乳酸菌溶解物、酪梨油、葡 萄籽精华、桃仁油都成分,白天保护肌肤免受
紫外线及环境伤害,改善肌肤弹性,使肌肤洁 净无暇、亮白通透,溢发美丽平衡。
至臻莲花紧颜晚霜(建议零售价RMB2,580/50ml) 一款为夜间提供呵护的产品,在乳酸菌溶解
宝迪佳至臻莲花系列以莲花萃取物为主要天然成分,洁净 通透肌肤,并改善各类肌肤衰老问题
物、糙伏毛燕麦籽提取物、酪梨油、葡萄籽 精华等成分的共同作用下,一觉醒来,肌肤 散发容光焕发的美。
至臻莲花紧颜眼霜(建议零售价RMB1,580/15ml) 泥而不染、濯清涟而不妖”
DKSH (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
3/F Tomson International Commercial Building,
710 Dong Fang Road, Pudong, Shanghai
Tel: +86 21 5081 8379
Fax: +86 21 6876 2221
E-mail: claudia.zhu@dksh.com
96 | SpaChina • 2014
Anti-aging Lotus Lotus extract is the main natural ingredient in the Biodroga Lotus & Science series, and helps to solve problems for mature and aged skin
he lotus plant not only possesses puri-
wrinkles and fine lines. Cellular matrix injec-
Moisturizing Fluid (suggested retail price
ty and elegance, but was also applied
tine possesses a similar effect which boosts
RMB2,180/30ml) not only contains lotus
to medicine for health treatments as
collagen production, increases the synthesis of
extract and wheat protein, but also has a pow-
early as 1,500 years ago. The Compendium of
mucopolysacchride and smoothes wrinkles.
erful cellular matrix which boots collagen pro-
Materia Medica recorded that the lotus could
Cellular matrix injectine and wheat protein can
duction, and green algae which has magical
help calm moods and refresh the skin. Lotus
improve the active cells and make skin visibly
powers of moisturizing and boosting the radi-
extract also has the effect of anti-aging, whiten-
intense. Algae extract rich in microelement
ance of complexion, and hyaluronic acid, pro-
ing and moisturizing.
is good for moisturizing and protecting skin
viding further moisturizing ability.
Lotus extract is the main natural ingredi-
from external stress factors like pollution.
Day Care (suggested retail price RMB2,480/50ml)
ent in the Biodroga Lotus & Science series,
This high-power ingredient with super con-
is rich in lotus extract, lactic acid bacteria sol-
and helps to solve problems for mature and
centrated dosage makes Smart Rescue Ant sig-
utes, avocado oil, proflavanol, peach kernel
aged skin which may be caused by environ-
nificant in anti-aging. After a couple of weeks,
oil and other ingredients that protect the skin
mental pollution. The series applies apple
the skin is visibly more toned, supple and soft-
from external stress like environmental pollu-
extract and other plant compounds to relieve
er, the wrinkles and fine lines are also reduced.
tion, whitening while improving elasticity.
and clean skin.
Most noteworthy is that the Serum will
Night Care (suggested retail price RMB2,580/50ml)
In the Biodroga Lotus & Science series, only
strengthen the resistance of the skin itself and
is a skincare product for evening. Achieve skin
30ml of serum is used, but it commands a
provide protection to the skin while achieving
beauty through combination of lactic acid bac-
high price for it contains highly concentrated
the anti-aging effect and preventing skin from
teria solutes, strigose oat extract, avocado oil
ingredients. Dermatologists in the brand lab
harmful substances which further enhance the
and proflavanol.
always prefer to put the latest technology and
effect of anti-aging.
ingredients in the Serum so it can provide skin nutrition and care to the greatest extent.
Eye Care (suggested retail price
It is key that a super power Serum should
RMB1,580/15ml) focuses on helping
be combined with a cleanser or cream in
reinforce skin elasticity and texture,
The Serum of Biodroga Lotus & Science
order to gain maximum utility. The latter
improving circulation of eye sur-
series named Smart Rescue Ant contains lotus
can deeply cleanse and tone the skin, while
roundings depending on halon-
and other active ingredients, such as apple
the former has an effect just like a “wall” that
ereid with biotechnology, Perfe-
peel extract which helps increase the elastic-
keeps the nutrition of the Serum locked and
line® and other ingredients to reju-
ity of the skin and reduces the appearance of
infiltrated into the skin.
venate the eye skin.
SpaChina • 2014 | 97
brand review
| 品牌故事
海洋活性成分 留住美丽容颜 海之韵诞生于浩瀚的法国圣玛洛海湾,每一款产品都添加了珍贵的叉珊藻, 与其他海洋生物及海岸植物活性成分一起,组成了一款款卓越的美容产品
海之韵在海洋的中心位置发现了功效显 著的护肤成分——被誉为“海上黄金”的叉 珊藻。它有强大的补水及锁水功能,能为肌
功 效 。 在 法 国 , 已 有 500个 专 业 美 容 机 构
98 | SpaChina • 2014
Stay Beautiful with Active Marine Ingredients Born on the French Saint-Malo, Phytoceane as a remarkable beauty product rich in marine active ingredients and active ingredient Jania Rubens, containing extraordinary moisturizing, By Karen Kuang remineralizing and protective powers
rench professional Spa brand Phyoceane was born at Saint-Male, the national marine conservation area and preserves the original ecological environment, rich in local maritime heritage that abundant resources of and for beauty. Various natural marine ingredients are the strength behind the success of Phyoceane. Its researchers, with the aid of frontier science and technology, extract natural marine organisms and minerals with research of cellular elements and marine simulation technology, and finally create natural skin care products made from the oceans. At the heart of sea, Phyoceane discovered an active ingredient which has significant effect for skin care – Jania Rubens, known as the “gold of the sea”. Jania Rubens, which has extraordinary moisturizing, remineralizing and protective power, can provide a variety of minerals and microelements for skin and protects it from the harmful effect of the external environment in order to give skin a natural nourishing and protective barrier. All formulas use Jania Rubens Phyoceane in combination with other marine active ingredients to make remarkable beauty products. Its stunning effect covers anti-aging, whitening or moisturization. Lifting Radiance Serum (30ml) is one of the Phytoceane products offering powerful anti-aging effect. Jania Rubens, as its main indigent, has the powerful effect of moisturizing and supplying rich mineral substances, thus allowing the skin to absorb nutrients while preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Foraha Oil as one of the ingredients of Lifting Radiance Serum, working deep to stimulate synthesis of collagen and slowing the appearance of deep wrinkles, while firming and softening. The
other indigent, French Lavender Oil, reinforces cohesion and intercellular bonding, preventing the appearance of wrinkles by limiting muscle contractions, moisturizing and unifying, and boosting the radiance of complexion. Chlorella Vulgaris is also rich in this Serum and it is applied to the squamous cells on the skin, which makes it better in terms of the refraction of light, blocking of UV rays, whitening and reducing production of melanin from the beginning. Apply morning and/or evening to face and neck, before your usual skin care to frame the face, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and restore radiance of complexion. Youth Smoothing Cream (50ml) is rich in marine ingredients, including Pistacia Resin Oil, Marine Samphire Oil, Gorse Oil, Phormidium and other rare and precious ingredients. Pistacia Resin Oil is extracted from the crystal tears of Pistacia. Capable of restoring the “Klotho” youth protein, it also boosts the collagen production. The dermis is densified, the skin firmness is improved. Marine Samphire Oil can smooth wrinkles, stimulate cellular renewal, and densify. Gorse Oil, extracted from Gorse, has the effect of boosting cellular cohesion and renewal and helps effectively combat tissue slackening. Phormidium has the powerful function of protecting skin from free radicals produced by external stresses. This cream also includes Marine Spring Water which can boost collagen production and elastin production. It also gives the cream
a unique refreshing texture which can be used with Lifting Radiance Serum Phytocenae. Apply morning and/or evening to the entire face and neck to help smooth wrinkles and get back youth-like skin. The research and development team of Phytoceane adopts all formulas from 100% natural ingredients which are derived from marine organisms and other active marine ingredients. The composition of marine fauna and flora will be pinked and extracted according to the season in order to ensure its best effect. At the same time, with the aid of marine biological simulation technology to reproduce the marine ingredients, the marine environment can be protected and marine resources can always be used. Every products of Phytoceane do not contain any chemical preservatives, release formaldehyde compound or harmful ingredients. Meanwhile, the laboratory still insists on repeated testing of artificial cell in order to ensure the safety and efficacy of each product. In France, there are 500 professional beauty institutions and high-end spas using the products of Phytoceane and the products are also popular in America, Italy, Korea, Japan and dozens of other countries. Now in China, Phytoceane also presents its remarkable products with efficient marine ingredients that make the skin more toned and fresh. 龙
ChinaShow Limited ChinaShow Trading (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. 深圳市福田区CBD民田路178号 华融大厦423室
Rm 423, Huarong building,178 Mintian Road, CBD Futian Distrit, Shenzhen 518048 China Tel: +86 0755 8383 4533 +852 2116 4521 Email: chinashow.china@ymail.com chinashow0109@yahoo.com.hk www.phytoceane.com 微信/QQ: 2473010597 SpaChina • 2014 | 99
brand review
| 品牌故事
完美塑造S曲线 Velasmooth Pro仪器带你一起享受高科技带来的与 众不同的惊喜 《
自星星的你》大结局中,千颂伊风情万种地出现在颁奖典 礼的红毯上,一袭CarolinaHerrera白色露背长裙让她的迷 人曲线,尽收观众眼底!拥有完美曲线、曼妙身姿是每
个女性的梦想。但现代人由于平时工作压力繁重、作息不规律且经常熬 夜、饮食不注意,缺乏运动导致全身循环代谢差,从而造成毒素、脂肪 堆积,不知不觉就有了恼人的小肚腩、难看的双下巴、甩都甩不掉的“ 拜拜臂”、无法减去的“水桶腰”⋯⋯诸多爱美人士肯定尝试过多种 方法来对抗这些烦扰难题。好在如今美悦荟引进了Syneron(史诺伦)的 Velasmooth Pro仪器,能带你一起享受高科技带来的与众不同的惊喜。 美悦荟是国内领先的功效性护肤Spa,隶属于施诺菲医疗科技, 而施诺菲医疗科技是全球最大的激光医疗美容设备商Syneron公司中 国区域的代表机构。区别于国内现有传统的Spa以人工为主耗时长、 见效慢的特点,美悦荟以专业的史诺伦创新医疗设备作为技术依托, 通过将人性化的服务、国际前沿科技医学美容治疗方法、优雅舒适的 Spa环境完美结合,致力于打造安全、有效、便捷的美容治疗,让爱美 人士尊享全球领先医美科技带来的时尚美容体验。 此次美悦荟引进的Velasmooth Pro仪器是由Syneron研发的。Syneron旗
下所有产品全都已通过美国FDA(食品及药物管理局)、欧洲CE(欧洲理事 会)和中国SFDA(国家食品药品监督管理局)认证,且其产品与服务遍及世界 100多个国家和地区,引领着世界光电美容技术发展的潮流。Velasmooth
是Syneron重磅推出的一款非常有代表性的纤体塑身仪。它是公司研发的所有 纤体类仪器的第四代产品,经过临床研究被肯定为市面上最先进、最安全、最 快捷的可改善橘皮脂肪及减少脂肪积聚的塑身紧肤仪器,是第一个非侵入性医 学“减围”方案。此外,它也是首个II级脂肪团减少平台,并荣获FDA认证。自推 出至今,在全球已销售超过5,000台。不仅得到普通大众消费者的喜爱,更是得到了众 多名媛佳丽的青睐,香港TVB当家花旦佘诗曼也是其狂热的追随者之一。 Velasmooth Pro摒弃了传统仪器单纯射频的塑身方式,集合了双极射频、红外光能、 真空负压以及滚轮按摩的协同效应,从脂肪型肥胖产生的根源——脂肪团入手,加速脂肪代 谢,促进合成代谢和皮肤胶原新生,使脂肪细胞和细胞间隙变小,让使用者在安全、有效、 舒适中获得美感。 Velasmooth Pro经过临床治疗验证,是非常安全的治疗手段,几乎不会出现任何损伤肌肤的 情况。光电协同技术对肌肤表皮层有上佳的保护作用。治疗过程中会及时用测温枪来测试治疗区 域的肌肤温度。治疗部位会有非常舒适的温热感觉,对于体寒的女性朋友可谓事半功倍,在极舒适 的治疗过程中成就身形的完美蜕变。同时,VelasmoothPro双极射频只在治疗面积产生回路,也大大 提高了仪器在治疗过程中的安全性。通过“elõs”技术产生的热能和真空负压的滚轮式按摩令治疗者 在整个治疗过程中都有非常舒适的感受。 经临床验证,Velasmooth Pro适用于消除蝴蝶袖、360度完美腰腹塑型,同时可针对大腿、小 腿、臀部、后背等几乎全身各个部位进行纤体塑形治疗,也可适用于改善局部血液循环、减轻 轻度肌肉疼痛和痉挛,或配合吸脂术后的减围治疗,且对于改善妊娠纹及产后修身塑形也有很 好的效果。 治疗完成后,顾客可以立即回复到正常工作生活,没有修复期。无论敏感肌肤或者是深 色肤色的顾客,均可选择该款纤体仪做治疗。治疗之后维持时间较长,4-5次治疗后效果 明显可见,一个疗程后效果更佳。一般局部治疗的时间只需30分钟左右即可,非常适合 工作繁忙的白领人士。 100 | SpaChina • 2014
Enjoy a Perfect S-Curve Shape The Syneron-branded Velasmooth Pro introduced by Joy ESPA will bring you an extraordinary and surprising experience through use of high technology By Alice Wang
hen Cheon Song-Y marched
equipment developed by Syneron. It is in
The electro-optical synergic technology can
down the red carpet of the award
the 4th generation and is affirmed as the lat-
protect the skin’s empidermal layer very well.
ceremony in the famous Caro-
est, safest and most efficient sliming equip-
During the treatment, the therapist will con-
lina Herrera-branded white halter dress in the
ment that can improve cellulite and reduce
stantly use the temperature-measuring device
finale of the popular soap opera My Love from
fat accumulation after clinical study. It is the
to test the related skin’s temperature. The user
the Star, her charming S-curve shape won the
first non-invasive medical girth-reducing pro-
will feel warm and comfortable. It is especially
attention of everyone in the audience. Every
gram. Besides, it is also the first II-class cellu-
suitable for females who are afraid of cold.
woman dreams of having a perfect body shape
lite decrease platform certified by FDA. Since
Meanwhile, the bipolar RF of Velasmooth Pro
and graceful posture. However, due to high
its launch, more than 5,000 units have been
will only generate a circuit on the treatment
work pressure, irregular rest, staying up late
sold worldwide. It is not only favored by the
area, which greatly improves safety. The ther-
frequently, paying little attention to diet and a
general public but also by famous people.
mal energy generated by the elõs technology
lack of exercise, many people suffer from poor
Hong Kong TVB rising star She Shiman is one
and the roller massage will bring you the most
metabolism and suffer toxin and fat accumula-
of its fanatical followers.
comfortable treatment experience.
tion. Without the right awareness, they end
Velasmooth Pro abandons the method
It is clinically proven that Velasmooth Pro
up with an annoying belly, onsightly double
of simple radio frequency used by tradition-
can eliminate fat on the arms, waist and stom-
chin, floppy arms and bucket-like waist. Many
al slimming equipment. It combines bipolar
ach. Meanwhile it can shape and slim almost
beauty pursuers have tried countless methods
radio frequency, infrared light, vacuum nega-
all body parts such as the thighs, legs, hip and
to resolve these annoying problems, but to
tive pressure and roller massage in order to
back. It can also improve blood circulation,
no avail. Luckily, the Syneron-branded Velas-
reach the synergic effect. Because the root-
alleviate minor muscle aches and cramps or
mooth Pro introduced by Joy ESPA will bring
cause of lard-type obesity is cellulite, it acceler-
reduce girth after liposuction surgery. What’s
you a surprisingly extraordinary experience
ates fat metabolism, anabolism and skin col-
more, it can reduce stretch marks and improve
and results through use of high technology.
lagen regeneration, diminishes fat cells and
the shape of the body after pregnancy.
As the leading functional skincare spa in China, Joy ESPA operates under Florisa Medi-
narrows cell gap. Users obtain a perfect body shape safely and comfortably.
After the treatment, the user can immediately get back to normal work and life without
cal, known as the reprehensive body of Syn-
Velasmooth Pro validated its safety through
a recovery period. Users no matter with sensi-
eron in China. Syneron is the global leader in
clinical treatment and does not harm the skin.
tive skin or dark complexion can choose this
the aesthetic medical device marketplace. Dif-
slimming equipment. The effects are obvious
ferent from the traditional spa, which is labor-
after 4-5 therapies. The optimal effects will be
oriented, time-consuming and has only a slow
reached after one session. One treatment takes
effect, Joy ESPA integrates humanized service
only 30 minutes, making it fit for white-collar
and international cutting-edge medical aes-
staff with busy schedules.
thetic treatment methods into an elegant and comfortable spa environment. Technically sup-
ported by Syneron’s innovative medical aes-
thetic devices, it is committed to offering safe,
effective and convenient beauty treatments and
Room 1002-1012, 10F, Zhongyou Plaza,
bringing the fashionable aesthetic experience to
969 Dongfang Road, Pudong, Shanghai
guests through world-leading medical aesthetic
Tel: +86 21 5892 0766
The Velasmooth Pro introduced by Joy
ESPA is developed by Syneron. All Syneron’s
Joy ESPA Store at Jing An Kerry Center
products are certified by U.S.FDA, Europe CE
and China SFDA. Its products and services
cover more than 100 countries and regions in
Room B2-01, South Area of Shopping Mall,
the world, leading the trend of global electro-
Jing An Kerry Center, No.1218, Yan An
optical aesthetic technology development.
Road(middle), Jing An District, Shanghai
Velasmooth Pro is the signature slimming
Tel: +86 21 6241 8060 SpaChina • 2014 | 101
hotel review
| 酒店故事
旅途中的专属空间 成都丽思卡尔顿酒店让客人在“酒店中的酒店”尽享舒适与便捷,感受如家人般呵护备至
成都丽思卡尔顿酒店拥有113间行政楼 层客房,包括78间行政房,7间行政商务套
尔顿服务精髓的最佳体现 -倾听并满足客人
102 | SpaChina • 2014
Hotel within A Hotel The Ritz-Carlton Club® at the Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu redefines the luxury hospitality experience By Karen Kuang in the form of an exceptional “hotel within a hotel ”
he hotel is undoubtedly the most
closets, paired wash basins, separate showers
important “partner” when you
and bathtubs and more. Ritz-Carlton Club®
ly-trained Ritz-Carlton ladies and gentlemen. Guests staying in Club Rooms and Suites
have travels out of town. The qual-
Suites furthermore incorporate unforgetta-
are furthermore entitled to a variety of remark-
ity of hotel service and the check-in experience
ble 800-thread-count bedding, state-of-the-art
able services, including in-room check-in and
impact the quality of the entire journey and
amenities and personal touches for the ulti-
check-out; complimentary limousine service to
mood directly. In order to give guests exclu-
mate Ritz-Carlton experience.
a collection of nearby destinations; personal-
sive service, the Ritz-Carlton hotel group has
“We are looking forward to introducing
ized stationery with calling cards and a com-
launched the Ritz-Carlton Club®, redefining
Chengdu to the Ritz-Carlton mystique,” says
plimentary afternoon tea service with five tea
the luxury hospitality experience in the form of
Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu General Manager Chris
varieties, scones and sandwiches presented on a
an exceptional “hotel within a hotel.”
Clark. “We will be the first hotel in Southwest
classic three-layer frame.
Spanning 113 Club rooms of which 55 are
China to offer the private Butler service, and
Butlers first came to prominence as chiefs of
suites. 78 Club Rooms, 7 Club Executive Suites,
fully intend to remain on the cutting-edge of
European aristocrats’ households in the mid-
14 Executive Premier Suites, 13 Ritz-Carlton
luxury in the region.”
18th century in France. Today’s rich and famous
Suites and the palatial, 323-square-meter Presi-
Located on Levels 38 to 41, The Ritz-Carl-
value butlers for the same administrative skill,
dential Suite, Ritz-Carlton Club® accommoda-
ton Club® provides discerning travelers with
discretion and comprehensive personal atten-
tions feature impressive views of Chengdu’s
the city’s finest accommodations and the undi-
tion which made these skilled service profes-
Tianfu Square in addition to spacious walk-in
vided personal attention of a regiment of high-
sionals indispensable to the royalty of years past; similarly, traditional butler service remains a mark of distinction for the world’s finest hotels. The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu is the first hotel to offer the private Butler service in Southwest China. The guests can have the 24 hours service to enjoy the comfortable hotel experience. Located on Level 38, the Club Lounge offers Ritz-Carlton Club® guests an exclusive venue for relaxation and entertainment with five food and beverage presentations daily: breakfast, a mid-day light meal, afternoon tea, evening cocktails and chocolates and cordials. A convenient Business Center assists guests with sec-
Club Lounge Live Cooking Station
retarial services, facsimiles, photocopies and courier pickup and deliveries. Each guest is furthermore entitled to the complimentary use of a meeting room for an hour per stay. Dedicated concierge services, high-speed wireless and wired internet access and complimentary airport transportation complete the experience. 成都富力丽思卡尔顿 The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu 中国成都市青羊区顺城大街269号 R&F Centre No.269, Shuncheng Avenue,
Swimming Pool
Qingyang District, Chengdu, 610000 Tel: +86 28 8358 8888 SpaChina • 2014 | 103
brand review
| 品牌故事
人文关怀水疗咨商 Humanistic Aromatherapy Consultation “生命物语-香诊疗愈”
Life’s Whispers – Aroma Diagnosis Healing By Alice Wang
Product culture
“Life’s Whispers” is a series of products under the brand Summa Healing by Summa Spa Associates. It is developed to conform with the “natural, aromatic and holistic” body-mindsoul healing concept of Summa Healing. Both its ingredients and technology are introduced from the UK. From diagnosis to prescription, the products include five aromatherapy healing bottles and compound healing massage oils corresponding to the human body’s nine systems. All these professional aromatherapy healing products are specifically designed for spas. Aromatherapy is an ancient healing art for body, mind and soul. Like other naturopathies, it regards Nature and Life with reverence. Just as human beings, essential oils are a part of life and nature. They bear not only the personalities of plants but also the humanistic temperament and historical memories transmitted from the environment where they grow. Therefore, the movement of essential oils on the human body is like a conversation between two kinds of natural living things which pursue the balance between body, mind and soul. This is the concept of “Life’s Whispers” products. “Life’s Whispers” also includes the compound healing oils regarding the nine systems of human body, based on an understanding of the operations of the human body’s nine systems and their correlations. Each system is like a small universe and its operation is not only to maintain the status of being “alive” but also to interpret the wisdoms of “life”, such as the balance of breathing, the operation of the immune system and the release of secretions. The discomfort of one system is the lack of related life wisdom, reminding us to make relevant changes instead of temporarily controlling the symptoms of the body. The “Life’s Whispers” is actually introduced to convey a life attitude. We can live wisely and completely only if we regard illness with peace and reverence and carefully listen to the information of our bodies.
有限公司Summa Healing品牌旗下的一个产 品系列。“生命物语”系列的研发延续了 Summa Healing品牌一贯的“自然、芳香、整 全”的身心灵疗愈理念,原料和技术均由英 国全套引进,产品从诊断到处方,囊括了5 支香诊疗愈瓶和对应人体九大系统的复方疗 愈按摩油,是专为Spa院线打造的专业芳疗 级的身心疗愈产品。 芳香疗法是一门古老的身心灵治疗艺 术,和其他自然疗法一样,敬畏自然和生 命的价值。精油如人,也是自然界的一种生 命,不但承载了植物的性格,还承载了生长 环境所赋予的人文气质和历史记忆。因此, 精油作用于人体,如同两种自然生命间的对 话,达至身心灵的平衡。这便是“生命物 语”系列的理念所在。 在此基础上,“生命物语”还对应人体 九大系统,分别研发了适用的疗愈复方油, 从生命哲学的高度理解人体九大系统的运作 和关联。各系统仿佛一个个小宇宙,其运作 不仅是在维持“活”的状态,更向我们诠释 着“生活”的智慧,如呼吸的平衡之道,免 疫的攻守之道,分泌的解脱之道。如果哪个 系统出现不适,是因为我们生活中缺乏了某 种生活智慧,提醒我们做出相应的改变,而 非只是暂时的控制身体的病症。 “生命物语”系列要传达一种生命态 度。那就是:我们若能以平和敬畏的心态看 待疾病,用心聆听身体的信息,便有可能活 得智慧而完整。
产品风格 概括为“专业·生命·平衡”。专业指专为 Spa院线打造的专业级芳疗产品;生命指从生 命哲学的理念看待身体病痛,以芳疗产品的 价值阐述生命智慧;平衡指身心灵的平衡。
“香诊疗愈瓶”的诞生 “生命物语”创始人夏芳女士结合多年的芳 疗临床经验以及教学经验,融合了中国阴阳 理念和印度脉轮疗愈系统,研发出一套独有 的香气咨商模式,推出以自然界风、火、 水、土及“第五元素”为特色的“香诊疗愈
fessional aromatherapy-level healing products particularly designed for spas. “Life” means to treat physical ailments from the concept of life philosophy and explain life wisdom with the value of aromatherapy products. “Balance” means the balance of body, mind and soul.
Birth of five aromatherapy healing bottles Ms. Xia Fang, the founder of “Life’s Whispers”, has developed an exclusive aromatherapy consultation model and launched the aromatherapy healing bottles featuring the wind, fire, water, earth and the fifth element in Nature after years of clinical and teaching experience and integrating the Chinese ‘Yin and Yang’ concept and the Indian chakra healing system. Guests will be asked to choose the aroma of their choice will in a relaxing and interactive way. After that, the therapist will interpret the guest’s mental and physical status as per the aroma they choose. Summa Spa 布吉田园 北京总部:崇文区崇文门外大街11号新城 文化大厦b座5层 BJ HQ: 5th F, Block B, Xincheng Commercial Bldg, Chongwenmenwai Street No.11, Chongwen District, Beijing Tel: +86 10 6709 2118 广州分校:广州天河区正佳广场广晟大厦 905室
瓶”。通过轻松互动的方式让客户随意“抓 周”香气,再由芳疗师根据每一瓶抓周精油
Product style
GZ Branch: Room 905, GuangshengBldg,
It is briefed as “Professional, Life, Balance”. “Professional” means that the products are pro-
Zhengjia Plaza, Tianhe, Guangzhou
以及对应的身心病症。 104 | SpaChina • 2014
spa review
| 水疗故事
悠庭新貌于新乐 A New Face for Dragonfly’s Flagship Xinle Retreat By Karen Kuang
一年前,第一家悠庭在上海新乐 路(近东湖路)开门营业。开业之 初便获得了热烈反响,随着时
间推移,客人们开始不满足于店内的单一按 摩服务,要求扩充服务内容,即把美容护理 也纳入店内的项目,因此一个兼具美容、美 甲、按摩及其他美容服务的有特色的悠庭保 健会所便应运而生了。 10年后,为了给客人们提供更为良好的 环境及优质的服务,悠庭新乐店被装饰一 新,在今年初夏时分,以崭新的姿态呈现在 大家的眼前。新悠庭新乐店仍然延续了亚洲 韵味的风格,又在细节上略有不同。前台装 饰着具有现代感的吊灯,色泽与装饰更具格 调。推开玻璃门沿着蜿蜒的楼梯上去,就是 扩大了规模的、原先极具人气的美甲室,午 后的阳光透着玻璃洋洋洒洒的照进来,光与 影错落地交织着,有着些许浪漫情调,很悠 闲,很舒服。 翻新后的新乐路店在区域的功能区分上 也更为明确,总共包括有8个宽敞舒适的足 部按摩沙发、10个豪华的美甲位、提供面部 护理、脱毛及睫毛嫁接的2间美容护理房、2 间双人按摩房、2间日式榻榻米按摩房、4间 单人按摩房以及2间多功能房。宾客可享受 任意按摩或其他美容服务。同时,还有温馨 小阁和水晶天室这2间豪华VIP包间,为客人 提供更私密、奢华的服务。 温馨小阁是店内最具特色的,这里也被 重新布置过。从门口拾级而上便可看到那两 扇极具韵味的中式大门。推开门,一台落地 仿古灯,两张宽敞的沙发座椅以及屋内的古 色古香的摆件让您踏入这一空间就瞬时忘却 屋外的都市尘嚣。从头到脚是我个人非常喜 欢的一个疗程,被安排在温馨小阁内来体验 这个疗程,对我来说无疑是求之不得的。整 个疗程由2位经验丰富的技师在一个小时的 时间里同时提供特色足疗、头、肩、臂部按 摩。疗程主要是根据传统的中式按摩技术, 以指压、轻拍和拉伸来刺激头部、肩部和脚 部穴位,激活体内滞留的气息,松弛紧张的 肩背肌肉,缓解头痛及压力,让身体的每一 个细胞都在这个过程中,从上而下一一绽 放,身心顿感舒畅松弛。 正如悠庭的主题:无论您正身在何处, 此刻,请跟随悠庭开始您的旅程。
leven years ago, the Dragonfly brand was launched in Shanghai with its first cozy Retreat on Donghu Road. This location was an instant success - so much so that customers asked the company to broaden its range of services to include beauty treatments. The company listened to its loyal clients and 16 months later launched a much larger retreat, with an expanded service menu, as the brand’s Flagship shop which includes beauty treatment, nail spa, massage and other treatments. Over the past decade, Dragonfly has redecorated in order to provide clients with a great environment and high quality service. In the summer of 2014, the new Dragonfly still follows its own Asian style but maintains a difference in detail. The pendant lamp above the reception desk reflects the modern style. Upstairs, there is the most popular area-nail spa room full of sunshine and romance which is the best place for relaxation. After redecoration, Dragonfly @ Xinle was divided between 8 spacious foot massage sofas, 10 luxurious nail spa stations, 2 private rooms for beauty treatments including facial care and eyelash extensions, 2 double massage rooms, 2 tatami rooms, 4 single massage rooms and 2 multifunction rooms where guests can enjoy
massage and other beauty treatments. As well as 2 luxurious VIP suites for added privacy and luxury, and for special occasions when you want deluxe treatment. The Love Nest is the most special part of Dragonfly and it has also been redecorated. At the entrance, the style is Chinese. Step inside, and you will be transported far away from the hubbub by antique floor lamp, two spacious sofas and antique decorations. A full range of massage services is available. The whole treatment is served by 2 experienced therapists who offer special massage of the head, shoulders, arms and feet. The treatment is based on traditional Chinese massage skills that stimulate acupoints on the head, shoulders and feet. It lets you relax your body, ease tense shoulder muscles and relieve headaches and pressure. Dragonfly says, “Give us an hour or two – and we’ll soothe your soul!” Come and see for yourself. 悠庭保健会所新乐路店 Dragonfly @ Xinle 上海市新乐路206号(近东湖路) No.206 Xinle Road, Shanghai (near Donghu Road) Tel: +86 21 5403 9982 SpaChina • 2014 | 105
SPECIAL Promotions 马尔代夫The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi伊露岛度假村 位于马尔代夫的The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi伊露岛度假村于年初重新开幕,并邀请到 马尔代夫总统阁下Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom亲临开幕仪式,成为全新揭幕 Sun Siyam Resorts品牌旗下的首家旗舰度假村。 马尔代夫The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi伊露岛度假村的The Spa水疗中心环境优美、 绿树成荫,提供多款由中医师和当地马尔代夫治疗师世代相传的的独特精选疗 程。源于5,000多年前古代道家理论的传统中医疗程结合了多种不同的疗法,包 括针灸、拔罐、草药及食疗。The Spa水疗中心邀请宾客感受中医医术的奥秘, 展开焕然一新的旅程。除了针灸、拔罐及推拿疗程外,宾客亦可选用四款原生 燕窝产品。燕窝专有的皮肤生长因子(EGF)成份,有助肌肤回归年轻、纾缓敏感 不适及促进细胞修复。 此外,宾客亦可参加由马来西亚藉林中医师指导的免费太极班,练习宁神养 气的太极运动,达到强身健体的作用。透过身体内在能量─ 气 结合肢体动作, 令身、心、灵进入和谐的境界。太极运动老幼皆宜,无须依赖体力、强度或速 度,有别于其他体能练习和运动。 另一方面,The Spa水疗中心提供传统的马尔代夫疗程让宾客体验地道的迪维 希医术(称为‘Dhivehi beys verikan’)。这是由当地岛民一直沿用的传统草药及流 传数百年的健体技巧,令宾客能够深入体会当地居民的传统习俗。度假村将每个 传统马尔代夫疗程的部份收入拨捐慈善用途,协助支持岛上的社区活动。 马尔代夫The Sun Siyam Iru Fushi伊露岛度假村 Noonu Atoll - Republic of Maldives. 320 km (199 Miles) North of Male. 6 degree 59’50.35’’ N, 72 degree 56’24.86’’E. Tel: +960 656 0591 Fax: +960 656 0044 Email: reservations@thesunsiyam.com
Browhaus大悦城店开幕 提供完整的一站式眉毛和睫毛修饰服务的Browhaus,结合了现代艺
SPA ESPRIT集团创办人兼常务董事蔡玲玲亦现身开幕活动现场,与 大家分享了她对品牌的理解和最新的发展信息。
请您介绍一下SPA ESPRIT 集团。
TIONG BAHRU BAKERY面包房等等。集团首家男士专门美容店WE
NEED A HERO也开张了。我希望将来可以把SPA ESPRIT集团带来
蔡 玲 玲 : 这 是 一 个 多 元 化 的 集 团 , 最 初 我 们 只 有 STRIP和
中国,分享给广大的中国朋友。 请问您在中国今后有何发展规划? 蔡玲玲:当然,我们非常希望能把STRIP和BROWHAUS介绍给更多
Tel: +86 21 3639 7368
106 | SpaChina • 2014
SPECIAL Promotions 咖啡去角质全身磨砂套餐 当您手捧咖啡,沉浸于咖啡丝滑的口感和浓 郁的芳香中,享受美妙生活时光的时候,您 可否知道,咖啡中还蕴藏有许多美容秘密, 它不仅能帮您从内在提神醒脑,还能魔术般 使您的外在“从头到脚”都焕然一新! 根据咖啡的独特成分及美容功效,沁水疗中 心为您精心设计了咖啡去角质全身磨砂套 餐。即日起,在沁水疗中心任选以下按摩, 都可以免费获赠30分钟的咖啡去角质护理。 该套餐将首先用咖啡为肌肤去除代谢废物, 然后配以价值200元的湿蒸,通过蒸汽与皮 肤的接触,扩张毛孔,排出毒素,从而促进 血液循环和新陈代谢,再以专业的手法为您 带来有机芳香精油按摩,滋养肌肤的同时感
2014亚太区美容展隆重推出全新展区 SPOT ON BEAUTY及BOUTIQUE慈善义卖精品廊
受深层放松,使您为即将到来的夏天焕发最 美状态!
2014亚太区美容展将于11月12-14日在香港会议展览中心举行。全新的Spot On Beauty展区 专为期望开辟亚洲市场的新晋品牌而设,涵盖专业美容、水疗及健康、美甲、美发、彩
Spot On Beauty展区除了展示特色美容产品外,更首度推出崭新购物概念 “BOUTIQUE”
时间:即日起,每日早10:00-晚11:00,最后 预约至晚10:00
Cosmoprof Asia 2014 launches new initiatives – Spot On Beauty and Boutique
地点:威海路500号,上海四季酒店六楼沁水 疗中心
Cosmoprof Asia 2014 will be held in Hong Kong from November 12-14 at the Hong Kong
预订热线: +86 21 6256 8888*1880
Convention & Exhibition Centre. A new zone, “Spot On Beauty”, is a dedicated platform for
或专线+86 21 6287 0933
innovative finished products from professional beauty, spa and wellness, nail care, hair, cosmetics
电子邮件: spa.shg@fourseasons.com
and personal care segments. Many of the new companies at the show will be exhibiting in this zone, which promises to unveil many brand new, exciting and innovative products. More than 150
brands are expected to take part covering 1,200 sqm of exhibition space.
Qin The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai
The zone will be complemented by a conceptual project called “BOUTIQUE”. This ‘beauty shop’
will feature deluxe travel-sized samples from selected exhibitors. All attendees of Cosmoprof Asia
will be invited to choose from a mix of beauty samples in a personalised gift package, the proceeds
6/F Qin The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel
of which will go to a local charity, the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation.
Shanghai, 500 Weihai Road, Shanghai, China
For more information, please visit the fair website www.cosmoprof-asia.com
Tel: +86 21 6256 8888*1880
纯正巴厘岛古式按摩@85楼水境 水境专业理疗师带您感受来自巴厘岛的古式按摩技巧。通过肘部和前臂的按 压,让身体摆脱疲惫,焕发活力。这种起源于印度尼西亚的传统理疗在加速 人体新陈代谢的同时也舒缓了紧张的肌肉。辅以纯天然芳香精油按摩渗入, 为您快速补充身体能量的同时,亦起到排除毒素的效果。90分钟理疗人民币 980元起。
Authentic Balinese Massage @ Water’s Edge Experience rhythmic, vigorous strokes from our therapist’s elbows and forearms work to release tension and enhance flexibility. Originating from the island of Bali, the 水境 水疗健身中心/Water’s Edge
traditional Indonesian massage jump-starts the metabolism while bringing a release to
your deeply tense and knotted muscles. By incorporating the aromatic oils you will feel
85/F, 100 Century Avenue, Pudong Shanghai, China, 200120
a surge in energy and benefit from the elimination of toxins that is a natural byproduct
Tel: +86 21 6888 1234
of this therapy. The 90-minute massage at the price of CNY 980 per person. SpaChina • 2014 | 107
SPECIAL Promotions 知心同行 悦然一生 常言十二年一轮回,世间极致,以时间臻其完 美。创立于2001年的Green Massage青籁养身将迎 来十三周年的生日,完成一个十二年的圆满之 后,青籁以梦为马开启新的旅程。品牌十三周年 庆期间,青籁将进行一系列的庆祝与回馈活动, 百万级神秘大礼赠予将信赖交付给青籁的所有品 味之士。
Enjoy your spa journey happily into the future In the Chinese zodiac, we have a 12-year animal life cycle and 2014 is the year of the horse. Green Massage is celebrating our 13rd year Anniversary this year after a completing a successful 12-year cycle in the spa industry. Come and celebrate with us with various membership programs, mega mystery gifts and lucky draws to suit all our members and guests. 活动期TIME: 2014年7月15日-8月31 门店信息 / Branch Info 1) K11 Art Mall Branch上海K11店:
4) Lujiazui Branch 陆家嘴店
305, 3rd FL, K11 Art Mall,
304, 3F, Shanghai World Financial Center,
300 Huaihai Middle Road
No.100, Century Ave
淮海中路300号 K11购物艺术中心3楼305室
10:30 am-00:30 am
10:30 am-00:00 am
Tel: +86 21 6385 8800
Tel: +86 21 6877 8188
2) Xintiandi Branch新天地店
5) Xujiahui Branch 徐家汇店
58 Taicang Road/太仓路58号
88 Xingeng Road/辛耕路88号
10:30 am-02:00 am
11:30 am-01:00 am
Tel: +86 21 5386 0222
Tel: +86 21 6468 7076
3) Shanghai Centre Branch上海商城店
6) Xintiandi Branch II 新天地II店
202 West Retail Plaza, Shanghai Centre,1376
68 Taicang Road/太仓路68号
West Nanjing Road
10:30 am-02:00 am
Tel: +86 21 6384 1356
10:30 am-00:00 am
网址Website: www.greenmassage.com.cn
Tel: +86 21 6289 7776
客服Customer Service: 3308 0088 邮箱Mail: service@greenspa.cn
体验专属于你的素颜之旅——MTM[量肤定制]素颜BB 这个夏季,让MTM为你寻回属于自己的<素颜美> 6月12日,MTM[量肤定制]素颜BB新品发布媒体见面会在Maison Pourcel雅克红房子盛大举行。精 心布置的发布会现场,弥漫着着典雅清新的气息,更别具匠心地将MTM[量肤定制]品牌理念融 入每一处细节。现场嘉宾享用的专属餐点,均是根据提前进行的肌肤小测试,而特别定制的。 一段话剧演绎为发布会拉开帷幕,MTM联合创始人及行政总裁Alice女士上台致辞,以一位女 SPA by MTM 上海南京西路288号创兴金融中心4楼 4/F Chuangxing Financial Center, 288 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 3366 3099
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MTM Custom-blended Skincare: www.mtmskincare.com.cn 现自然无暇纯净。 SPA by MTM: www.spabymtm.com 108 | SpaChina • 2014
全线MTM护肤专门店及SPA by MTM护肤水疗有售
movie book & CD review
王红霞 编译
spachina movie
| 电影好书与好碟推荐
spachina BOOK review 活在当下 Real Moments: Discover the Secret for True Happiness By Barbara De Angelis 《活在当下》是一本文笔优美、充满诗意的身心灵散文集,爱的能量 与发人深省的力量洋溢在字里行间。读起来,对我们的心、我们的灵 魂都是一种很好的滋养。安吉丽思努力在每一个生命的片刻,每一桩 人生中都带着爱、带着欣赏、带着觉察去全身心地品味。保持这样的 生活态度,必然会在生活中体会到许许多多别人未曾发现的美妙滋味和人生领悟。安吉丽思 在书中给予我们的重要建议,就是从我们日以继夜运转不息的头脑中跳出来,回归到我们的 身心。把注意力聚焦在我们的感官,聚焦在我们的心灵,当下的味道自然呈现,生命的喜悦
冰雪奇缘 / Frozen By Chris Buck & Jennifer Lee 都说一部电影最重要的就是要讲一个 好故事,这点《冰雪奇缘》做到了极 致。这个精心打磨了数年的故事,不 仅温情满载、欢乐无敌,而且情节流 畅自然,还有几位性格鲜明、各有特 色的主角来拉动剧情发展,带出影片 的欢乐爆笑点与感动泪点。而深究
This book is a well-written and poetic prose work. The love energy and thought-provoking power is filled in between the lines. Our hearts and souls will be nourished by reading it. Angelis makes every effort to taste the real moments with love, appreciation and consciousness. With such a life approach, she discovers lots of life philosophies and flavors that have not been found by others. Angelis suggests we rest our worried minds and return to our body and heart. Let’s pay attention to our senses and look deeply into our hearts. Thus, the flavor of the real moment and life joy will emerge naturally. RMB95.00
spachina CD review
《冰雪奇缘》的故事,其实还大有可 供挖掘之处。也许小朋友只能看出 “冒险”、“欢乐”、“拯救”、“真 爱”等主题,但其实影片中处处体现 的“追寻自我”、“做回自己”、“真 情消融冻结的心”等元素,同样可以令 成年观众心有触动,是一部全家老小都 能找到情感共鸣、值得一看再看的,主 题曲Let It Go也是获得了格莱美音乐大
Xcape By Michael Jackson
Crimson/Red By Prefab Sprout
t is said that a good film relies on its
good story. In this regard, Frozen
does very well. This well-polished story
is not only filled with warmth and joy
but also features a smooth and natural
When Michael died, he left a number of hard drives containing unfinished tracks in various stages of completion. His estate has employed producers to rework this material, and this is the second album that has resulted. The first, three years ago, was pretty awful, but this one is a pleasant surprise. Love Never Felt So Good is the first track on the album and probably the best, and it dates from and reflects the happy Michael of the Off The Wall / Thriller era. Other tunes here come from later in his life when he was clearly becoming more bitter and tense. It all feels a bit like grave-robbing, but he was an amazing talent and this album is really worth listening to.
This was one of the best of the amazing rash of pop bands that Britain produced in the 1980s and 1990s. Their music was infectious and melodic, and also had both musical and lyrical depth. I must have listened to their album “Jordan: The Comeback” hundreds of times back in those days when that was the way we consumed music (it is now amazing if I listen to anything more than once). This new album has much the same feel and is a pop joy, although it feels dated. It’s only a touch from feeling retro-cool, though.
plot. What’s more, several protagonists with distinctive characters push the plot forward, making the viewers laugh or sometimes cry again and again. But when digging deeper into this story, there is much more to say. Maybe children can only see the themes such as adventure, joy, rescue and true love etc., but in fact the film reflects other themes such as “pursuit of self”, “be yourself” and “true love can thaw the frozen heart”, which will touch the heart of adult viewers. This is one classic film with which the whole family can find emotional resonance. It is worth watching several times.
SpaChina • 2014 | 109
SpaChina PartnerS 亲爱的读者, SpaChina杂志为读者们网罗了一系列健康娱乐场 所并诚邀您共享。目前杂志列出的所有加盟店均 能为SpaChina会员提供折扣消费或精美礼品。
Dear SpaChina Reader,
Our directory editor lists up-to-date information specially selected by SpaChina magazine for its relevance and helpfulness. Currently, all the listed content is from SpaChina Partner Shops, where SpaChina members can enjoy a variety of preferential treatments, gifts and great discounts. *前往SpaChina加盟店消费,请随身携带
会员卡,以此作为折扣凭证。 * Please take your SpaChina member card with you when visit SpaChina Partner Shops.
* Please complete the form and fax it to +86 21 5385 8953. Ms. Yvonne Lu will contact you for future details. Tel: + 86 21 5187 9633*805 E-mail: yvonne.lu@spachina.com 请填写资料后传真至+86 21 5385 8953,负责人 卢佳会尽快联系您们,告知优惠细则和签订加 盟合同。
Spa 水疗 • 上海 RE Wellness SPA 佳莉雅水疗中心 1) 锦沧文华佳莉雅水疗中心 4F, Shanghai JC Mandarin Hotel Limited, 1225 West Nan Jing Road 上海锦沧文华大酒店有限公司 4楼南京西路1225号 T: 021 6279 1888*5407/5408 2) 华亭佳莉雅美容美发中心 3F, Hua Ting Hotel & Towers, 1200 North Cao Xi Road 上海华亭宾馆三楼漕溪北路 1200号 T: 021 6439 1000*2620 3) 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店佳莉 雅水疗中心 G1, Crowne Plaza Suzhou, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店 苏州工业园区星港街168号G1 T: 0512 6761 6688*8068 4) 华美达新园酒店佳莉雅健康 养生中心 2F, Building B, Ramada Plaza Shanghai Caohejing, 509 Caobao Road 上海华美达新园酒店B楼2层 漕宝路509号 T: 021 5464 9999*5751/5752 5) 无锡湖滨饭店佳莉雅水 疗中心 3rd Floor of JUNA HUBIN HOTEL 1Huanhu Road 无锡君来·湖滨饭店3楼 环湖路1号 T: 0510 8510 1888*2588 6) 苏州书香世家平江府佳莉雅 健康养生会所 Building 10 of Scholars Hotel·Pingjiangfu No.60 Bai Ta Dong Road, Shuzhou 苏州白塔东路60号 书香世家平江府10号楼 T: 0512 6770 6688*6511/
110 | SpaChina • 2014
6512/6513 7) 常熟中江皇冠假日酒店佳莉 雅水疗中心 3rd Floor of CROWNE PLAZA, No.6 Kai Yuan Avenue, Changshu 常熟开元大道6号 中江皇冠假日酒店3楼 T: 0512 5272 9999*8877 8) 苏州涵园国际商务会展中心 佳莉雅水疗中心 1F, HanYuan International Club, No.99 Shigong Road, Jinting Town, Suzhou Taihu National Tourism& Vacation Zone 苏州太湖国家旅游度假区金庭 镇(西山岛)石公路99号1楼 T: 0512 6658 8068 9) 苏州托尼洛·兰博基尼书苑 酒店海洋水疗中心 B1, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park 苏州工业园区星港街168号 T: 0512 6285 9999*68 10) 无锡君来世尊酒店佳莉雅 水疗中心 B1, 111 Hefeng Road Wuxi 无锡市太湖新城和风路111号 T: 0510 8528 5778
10% discount for SpaChina members; this preferential treatment cannot be used in conjunction with CARITA member card or promotional items. Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat 悠庭保健会所 1) 南昌店 Nanchang Branch 南昌路559号2楼
| 加盟商户
2F, 559 Nanchang Road T: 021 54561318 2) 新乐店 Xinle Branch 上海新乐路206号 206 Xinle Road, Shanghai T: 021 5403 9982 3) 红枫店 Hongfeng Branch 上海浦东金桥红枫路386号 386 Hongfeng Road, Jinqiao,Pudong, Shanghai T: 021 3872 6996 4) 虹梅店 Hongmei Branch 上海虹梅路3911号5号别墅 Villa 5,3911 Hongmei Road, Shanghai T: 021 6242 4328 5) 富民店 Fumin Branch 上海新乐路218号2楼 2F,218 Xinle Road, Shanghai T: 021 5403 6133 6) 花木店 Kerry Parkside Branch 上海花木路1378号浦东嘉里城 商场L119 Shop L119, Kerry Parkside 1378 Huamu Road, Pudong, Shanghai T: 021 2025 2308 7) 保乐店 Jinfeng Village Branch 上海保乐路646号 646 Baole Road, Shanghai T: 021 6221 9770 8) 安福店 Anfu Branch 上海安福路322号202室 Room 202,322 Anfu Road, Shanghai T: 021 5406 0680 9) 胶州店 Jiaozhou Branch 上海胶州路193号 193Jiaozhou Road, Shanghai T: 021 5213 5778 www.dragonfly.net.cn
6F, WH Ming Hotel, 777 Jiamusi Road Yangpu, Shanghai 上海市杨浦区佳木斯路777号 上海小南国花园酒店6楼 T: 021 2525 8800 www.whminghotel.com 10% discount on all treatments and services for SpaChina members Le Spa Le Royal Méridien Shanghai, 789 Nanjing Road East 南京东路789号 上海世茂皇家艾美酒Le Spa T: 021 3318 9999*7900 www.lemeridien.com/ royalshanghai SpaChina members are entitled to enjoy 30% discount on a la carte treatments and complimentary access to health club facilities before and after the treatment on the same day; Advance reservation is required. L SPA at Sunrise On The Bund 上海外滩浦华大酒店涟水疗 6F Shanghai Sunrise On The Bund 168 Gaoyang Road, Hongkou District 虹口区高阳路168号6楼 上海外滩浦华大酒店 T: 021 5558 9999*6008 www.sunrisesha.com
20% discount on all treatments
20% Discount on Double Trouble Massage Service and Give it to me one more time Massage Service, 10% Discount on Deluxe Manicure Nail Service and Deluxe Pedicure Nail Service, 8% Discount on All Facial treatments for SpaChina members (Cannot be used in conjunction with Dragonfly member card or other promotion offers) Clarins Skin Spa 上海娇韵诗美妍中心 Rm.418, 4/F, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Road 南京西路1266号 恒隆广场4楼418 T: 021 6288 9615/9625 www.clarins.com.cn 10% discount on Single Treatment for SpaChina members (excluding promotional items); Advance reservation is required; Enjoy a Clarins Facial or Body Treatment at privileged price on your first visit. FAYE SPA 飞SPA
MSPA Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Limited 蔓达梦水疗企业管理(上海) 有限公司 Mandara Spa 1) 上海明捷万丽酒店 Mandara Spa @ Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel 3F, Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel, 50 Tongchuan Road, Putuo, Shanghai 上海市普陀区铜川路50号上海 明捷万丽酒店3楼 T: 021 2219 5888 ext. 6130, 6131 2) 三亚喜来登度假酒店 Mandara Spa @ Sheraton Sanya Resort 1F, Sheraton Sanya Resort, Yalong Bay National Resort, Sanya, Hainan Island 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游 度假区三亚喜来登度假酒店1楼 T: 0898 8855 8855 ext.8497, 8498 3) 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店 Mandara Spa @ Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa ShuHe Old Town Entrance Road, Lijiang 674100, Yunnan 云南省丽江市束河古镇入口丽 江铂尔曼度假酒店 T: 0888 5300 111 ext. 7151, 7152 Anantara Spa 璞丽酒店 Anantara Spa @ The PuLi Hotel and Spa 3F, 1 ChangDe Road, JingAn
District, Shanghai 上海市静安区常德路1号璞丽 酒店3楼 T: 021 3203 9999 ext. 6899 15% discount on all spa treatments and regular spa packages Oasis Spa at Shibei Peninsula Business Club 市北半岛商务会所绿韵SPA 258 Jiangchang san road, Shanghai 上海市闸北区江场三路258号 Tel: 56775320, 56653333*805 www.shibei-cub.com SpaChina members can enjoy preferential price RMB168 for Rose Bathing + Back Massage; RMB288 for Rose Bathing + Relaxing Massage. PALAISPA Beauty World 贝黎诗美容世界 1) 5F, Times Square, 500 Zhangyang Road, Pudong New Area 浦东新区张扬路500号 时代广场5楼508-509室 T: 021 5836 7699 2) 3F, K. WAH Center Club, 1010 Huaihai Road Central 淮海中路1010号嘉华中心会 所三楼 T: 021 6103 2630 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). Pranaya Spa & Nail 逸之园美容(上海)有限公司 No. 290 Jin Yan Rd, Pu Dong, Shanghai 上海浦东锦延路290号 T: 021 5059 0301 www.pranayaspa.com
10% discount on all treatments with SpaChina member card SPA by MTM 1) 4/F, Chong Hing Finance Center, 288 Nanjing Road West 上海创兴金融中心南京西路 288号创兴金融中心4楼 T: 021 3366 3099 2) 北京千禧大酒店 Grand Millennium Hotel Beijing 7 DongSanHuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号 北京千禧大酒店 T: 010 6533 0751/6533 0752 www.spabymtm.com
PING Leisure Club & SPA at Guoman Hotel Shanghai 上海国丰大酒店平水疗中心 3F Block 1, No. 388 Daduhe Road, Guoson Centre Putuo,
Shanghai 上海市普陀区大渡河路388号 国盛中心1号楼三楼 T: 021 60958888*4003 www.guoman.com Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 太阳广场 1st Floor,South Gate,No.88, Xianxia Road. 上海市仙霞路88号太阳广场 南门一层 T: 021 6270 4488 2) 时代广场 Suite 317, Time Square, No.500, Zhangyang Road 上海市浦东张扬路500号 时代广场317室 T: 021 5836 7155 3) 锦江迪生 3rd Floor, Disheng Store, No.400,Changle Road 上海市长乐路400号 锦江迪生商厦3楼 T: 021 6472 1155 4) 欣安 1st Floor, No.200, Zhengning Road 上海市镇宁路200号欣安大 厦1楼 T: 021 6289 2722 5) 金汇 4th Floor, Bldg.A, No.148, Songhong Road 上海市闵行红松路148号A 座4楼 T: 021 5476 0048 www.siyanli.net.cn 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Spa InterContinental & Balance Fitness 洲际水疗馆&健身中心 4F, InterContinental Shanghai Expo, 1188 Xueye Road, Pudong, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区雪野路1188号 世博洲际酒店4楼 T: 021 3858 1188 www.intercontinental.com 10% discount on all treatments and the fitness membership Spa by MTM, Shanghai 4/F Chong Hing Finance Center,288 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai 上海市南京西路288号创兴金 融中心4楼 T: 021 3366 3099 www.spabymtm.com Year-round first time 50% discount on spa and treatments; Free skin analysis and consultation (for new customers only) The Spa 上海希尔顿酒店水疗中心 4th floor, No.250 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 上海市华山路250号4层 T: 021 6248 7777 2600 shanghai.hilton.com Touch Spa Wellness Club 颐尊水疗·康体·会所 1) 3F,Sheraton Shanghai Hotel&Residences, No.38 PujianRoad,Shanghai 上海市浦东新区浦建路38号
SpaChina Partners 上海由由喜来登酒店3楼 T: 021 5089 9999*2901 2) 5F,Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel, No.5 Zunyi Road South, Shanghai 上海市遵义南路5号 上海虹桥喜来登酒店5楼 T: 021 5257 4500*4567 3) 26F, The Longemont Shanghai Hotel, No.1666 Yan’an Road West,Changning District, Shanghai 上海市长宁区延安西路1116号 上海龙之梦大酒店26楼 T: 021 6225 9605*8910 4) 5F Swissotel Grand Shanghai, No.1 Yuyuan Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 上海市静安区愚园路1号 宏安瑞士大酒店5楼 T: 021 5355 9898 5) B1 Sheraton Shanghai Hongkou Sanya Hotel, No.59 Siping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai 上海市虹口区四平路59号 虹口三至喜来登酒店B1 T: 021 2601 0088 6) 6F Shanghai Marriott Hotel City Centre, No.555 Xizang Road Middle, Huangpu District, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区西藏中路555号 雅居乐万豪酒店6楼 T: 021 2312 9888 7) 5F Yidonghua Hotel, No.628 Xinqiao Mingxing Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 上海市松江区新桥明兴路628号 逸东华酒店5楼 T: 021 2309 8888*5008 15% off discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Vizcaya Spa 维诗凯亚Spa 1988 Yunshan Road, Pudong, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区云山路1988号 T: 021 5030 7370 021 5030 4519 ext.130 www.vizcayaclub.com 20% discount for SpaChina members, excluding kids treatments, promotional activites and packages Yuan Spa 源Spa B1, Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 上海黄浦路199号 上海外滩茂悦大酒店地下一层 T: 021 6393 1234 Ext: 6527 www.shanghai.bund.hyatt. com/hyatt/pure/spas/ Receive a complimentary 30-min Aroma Head & Scalp Massage with purchase of any 60-min or above facial/ body treatment (Offer valued at RMB480)
Spa 水疗 • 北京 Beijing XUEDAN Lady’s Club 北京雪丹女子世界健身俱乐部 1) CHANG FU GONG Branch 长富宫饭店分店 No.26 Jianwai street , South of New Otani ChangFuGong Hotel, Dongcheng, Beijing 北京东城区建外大街26号长富
宫饭店南门 T: 010 6513 0816/17/18 2) HUA MAO Branch/华贸分店 Building No.14,No.89 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京朝阳区建国路89号院 14号楼 T: 010 6591 8619/20 3) ASIAN GAMES VILLAGE Branch/鸿华高尔夫分店 Honghua Golf Estates A03, No. 108 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京朝阳区北苑路108号鸿华高 尔夫庄园A03座 T: 010 6486 5866/6486 5966 4) ZHONG GUAN CUN Branch/中关村分店 No.38 Zhongguancun street, Haidian, Beijing 北京海淀区中关村大街38号独 楼(当代商城北五十米) T: 010 6261 1903/6261 1963 5) WAN LIU Branch/万柳分店 Unit 802, 8th Floor, Tower A, Wanliuxingui Building, 28 Wanquanzhuang Road, Haidian, Beijing 北京海淀区万泉庄28号新贵 大厦八层 T: 010 5872 0537/38/39 10% discount on single treatment for SpaChina members, and also enjoy a Biologique Recherche customised Skin analysing for free Beauty Farm 美丽田园 1) B-202A, Times Square, 88 Chang’an Street West, Xicheng District 西城区西长安街88号 时代广场B-202A T: 010 8391 4260 2) B-3 Chang’an Club, 10 Chang’an Street East 东长安街10号长安俱乐部B-3 T: 010 6513 5336 www.beautyfarm.com.cn 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members (cannot be used in conjunction with Beauty Farm member card or other promotional offers) BIODROGA Spa Salon 宝迪佳 2/F, Landmark Towers, No.8 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路8号 亮马河大厦裙楼2层 T: 010 6590 6688*22003, 010 6590 7130
20% discount on all Biodroga treatments; SpaChina members receive a free product sample on first visit. Clarins Skin Spa(BJ) 北京娇韵诗美妍中心 2nd Floor, Shin Kong Center, No.87 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路87号华贸中心 商贸广场新光天地商场2层高 档女装区 T: 010 6533 1190/92/93 www.clarins.com.cn
10% discount on Single Treatment for SpaChina members (excluding promotional items) Advance reservation is required Enjoy a Clarins Facial/Body Treatment at special low price on your first visit. Heavenly Spa by Westin ™ 威斯汀天梦水疗 B9 Financial Street, Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号 T: 010 6629 7878 www.westin.com/ beijingfinancial/ www.starwoodspacollection. com 10% discount and one free Westin fitness plan (valued at RMB260) for SpaChina members. i spa 泰美好 1) I SPA鼓楼店 1st Floor, Gehua New Century Hotel, NO.19 Gulouwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区鼓楼外大街19 号,歌华开元大酒店1层 T: 010 6202 6708 2) I SPA上东店 B1, Trader’s Upper East Hotel, NO.2 NW 4th Ring Road, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区东四环北路 霄云桥阳光上东,上东盛贸 饭店B1 T: 010 5307 8877 3) I SPA机场店 6F, Hilton Beijing Capital Airport, Terminal 3, Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing 北京市首都机场3号航站楼,北 京首都机场希尔顿酒店6层 T: 010 6540 4777 4) I SPA华贸店 2F,JW Marriott Hotel Beijing, 83 Jian Guo Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区华贸中心建国路 83号,北京JW万豪酒店2层 T: 010 5908 8380 5) I SPA颐和园店 Xiang Hongqi Lu, Qinglong Qiao, MAJESTIC CLUB Haidian District, Beijing 北京海淀区青龙桥厢红旗路御 园汇会所 T: 010 6286 6666 Ext ispa 6) I SPA天津店 6th Floor,Hotel Nikko Tianjin, NO.186 Nanjing Road,Heping District, Tianjin 天津市和平区南京路186号, 天津日航酒店6层 T: 022 8319 8888 Ext3399 www.ispa.cn
8% discount for SpaChina members Lea Spa 1) 北京Lea Spa瑞廷会所 Beijing Lea Spa Ruiting Club
B1st Floor, Kangyuan Ruiting Hotel, NO.19, Panjiayuan South Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京市朝阳区潘家园南里19号 康源瑞廷酒店B1层 T: 010 5909 7558, 010 5909 7559 2) 北京Lea Spa万豪会所 Beijing Lea Spa Wanhao Club 北京市朝阳区霄云路甲26号海 航大厦万豪酒店6F 6/F Wanhao Hotel Haihang Building, 26A Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing T: 010 5927 8060 3) 北京Lea Spa望京会所 Beijing Lea Spa Wangjing Club 北京市朝阳区望京西路北小河 公园实友会会所1F 1F Shiyouhui Club, North River Park, West Wangjing Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing T: 010 5301 7181 4) 哈尔滨Lea Spa万达会所 Harbin Lea Spa Wanda Club No.68, Ganshui Road, Development Zone, Harbin 哈尔滨市开发区赣水路68号 T: 0451 8771 7906 5) 沈阳Lea Spa维景会所 Shenyang Lea Spa Weijing Club 沈阳市和平区同泽北街35号 35 Tongze North Street, Heping District, Shenyang www.leaspa.com
20% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members on you first visit PJ Spa 北京紫玉乡村俱乐部水疗中心 No.1 Purple Jade Road East, Chaoyang District 朝阳区紫玉东路1号 T: 010 6492 5551*6503 www.purplejade.com.cn 10% discount on treatments PALAISPA Beauty World 贝黎诗美容世界 1) 3001, You Town,2 Sanfeng Beili Chaowai Street,Chaoyang,Beijing 北京市朝阳区朝外大街三丰北 里2号悠唐生活广场3001 T: 010 5977 5675 2) V-0107, Jianwai SOHO Villa 8, 4 Jianwai Street, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建外大街4号, 建外 SOHO 8号别墅,V-0107 T: 010 5869 0690 3) C104, Lido Country-club, Jichang Road, Jiangtai Road 首都机场路将台路丽都广场 丽都乡村俱乐部C104室 T: 010 6430 1150 4) 2/F, Parkson Department Store, 101 Fuxingmennei Dajie 复兴门内大街101号, 百盛购物中心夹层二层 T: 010 6606 7877, 010 6606 7887 5) Sunshine Plaza, 68 Anli Road, Chaoyang District
朝阳区安立路68号 阳光广场首层东侧 T: 010 6481 2080 6) Willow Yicheng Plaza, Block B, 11 Changchunqiao Road, Haidian District 海淀区长春桥路11号 万柳亿城中心B座 T: 010 5881 6576, 010 5881 6577 7) B2, 206-207, Shopping Center in Zhongguancun Plaza 中关村广场购物中心, 地下二层206-207 T: 010 5172 1199 8) No.BB01, Oriental Plaza, 1 East Chang’an Avenue, Dongcheng District 东城区东长安街1号 东方广场BB01晨曦百货内 T: 010 8518 6257 9) Shop P-C3-01, Oriental Plaza, Dongcheng District 东城区东方广场P-C3-01号 T: 010 8515 0520 10) China World Trade Center B1, 1 Jianwai Street 建外大街1号国贸商城 地下一层晨曦百货内 T: 010 6505 0552, 010 6505 0553 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). Platinum SPA 铂SPA 中信金陵店 B1, CITIC Jinling Hotel Beijing, No.1 Xiyujia, Dahuashan Town, Pinggu District, Beijing 北京市平谷区大华山镇西峪甲1 号中信金陵酒店B1 T: 010 6196 8888 ext.7021/7022 Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 百盛美容院Parkson Salon Suite 9103, Bldg.A, No.101, Fuxingmennei Avenue 复兴门内大街101号 百盛大厦写字楼9103A T: 010 6653 5599 2) 中国大饭店China Hotel B1, No.1, Jianguomenwai Avenue 建国门外大街1号 中国大饭店地下一层 T: 010 6505 0909 3) 丰联FengLian Branch Suite 408, No 18, Chaowai Avenue, Chaoyang District 朝阳区朝外大街18号丰联广 场408 T: 010 6588 3688 4) 万柳WanLiu Branch 1st Floor Annex, Unit C, No.11, Changchunqiao Road, Haidian District 海淀区长春桥路11号万柳亿城 中心C座裙房一层 T: 010 5881 6322 5) 棕榈泉Kitool Spring Suite H2, No.8, South Park Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区公园南路8号棕榈泉生 活广场H2 T: 010 6539 7887 www.siyanli.net.cn
| 加盟商户 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members SPA by MTM, Beijing 2/F, 7 DongSanHuan Middle Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号北 京千禧大酒店二层 T: 010 8587 6888 Ext. 5131 www.spabymtm.com Year-round first time 50% discount on spa and treatments; Free skin analysis and consultation (for new customers only) The Ritz-Carlton Spa 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店水疗中心 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing 83A Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区建国路甲83号 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店 T: 010 5908 8888 http://www.ritzcarlton.com/ en/Properties/Beijing/Spa/ Default.htm 10% discount on any treatment from The RitzCarlton Spa menu T.SPA at TANGLA BEIJING 北京唐拉雅秀酒店T. SPA 6/F of TANGLA BEIJING, 19 Fuxingmenwai Street, Chang’an Avenue West, BeIjing 北京市复兴门外大街19号 唐拉雅秀酒店6层 T: 010 5857 6561 www.anglahotels.com/spa.asp
Spa 水疗 • 广州&深圳 CHUAN SPA at The Langham, Shenzhen 深圳朗廷酒店「川」水疗中心 7888 Shennan Boulevard, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区深南大道7888号 (农轩路与香林路交叉口) T: 0755 8828 9888 http://shenzhen. langhamhotels.com
The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Shenzhen 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店水 疗中心 5/F, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区福华三路116号深 圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店5楼 T: 0755 2222 2222 www.ritzcarlton.cn/shenzhen 10% discount on any 90 minutes individual spa treatment for SpaChina members. Not including other promotions Lifestyles Health & Fitness Sdn Bhb 时式康体有限公司 1) SHUI Spa & Fitness Club at Wanda Vista Hotel 太原万达文华酒店SHUI水疗及
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SpaChina PartnerS 康体中心 Jiefang Rode 169 Taiyuan Shanxi 太原市解放路169号 太原万达文华酒店3楼 T: 0351 777 6666 ext 6760/6766 2) Dikara Spa at Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai 天津圣光滨海皇冠假日酒店迪 卡拉水疗中心 55 Zhongxin Avenue Airport Economic Area Tianjin 天津市空港经济区中心大 道55号 T: 022 5867 8888 ext 2400, 2401 3) Dikara Spa at Ridisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin 天津丽笙世嘉酒店迪卡拉水 疗中心 4/F, 66 Xinkai Road, Hedong District, Tianjin 天津市河东区新开路66号 天津丽笙世嘉酒店4楼 T: 022 24578888 ext 3910 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Hua SPA 花水疗 69 Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou, 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西 路5号广州四季酒店69层 T: 020 8883 3000 10% discount on any 90 minutes spa treatment for SpaChina members, not including other promotion Heavenly Spa by Westin Shenzhen 深圳益田威斯汀酒店天梦水疗 4/F, The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan 9028-2 Shennan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区深南大道9028 号-2深圳益田威斯汀酒店4楼威 斯汀天梦水疗 T: 0755 8634 8860 www.westin.com/shenzhen 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Interlaken SPA 茵特拉根温泉 Interlaken SPA, Tea Stream Valley, OCT East, Dameisha Yantian District, Shenzhen
深圳盐田区大梅沙东部华侨城 茶溪谷茵特拉根温泉 T: 0755 2888 6666 www.octeasthotels.com The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Guangzhou 广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店水 疗中心 4/F, 3 Xing An Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城兴安 路3号4楼 T: 020 3813 6668 www.ritzcarlton.cn/guangzhou 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 金域蓝湾店 Room102-106, N0.6-9, The Paradiso, Furong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区福荣路金域蓝湾 6-9号裙楼102-106 T: 0755 8347 7832 2) 万科店 2nd Floor, Bldg. Vanke Jinsejiayuan, No.2018, Lianhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区莲花路2018号 万科金色家园一期二楼 T: 0755 8319 3072 3) 粤海店 2nd Floor, No.3033, East Shennan Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen 深圳市罗湖区深南东路3033号 粤海酒店二楼 T: 0755 8225 8682 4) 卓越店 Room 307-308, Excellence Century Intown Center, Junction of Fuhua 3rd road & Jintian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区卓越世纪Intown 3楼307-308室 T: 0755 8253 3529 5) 上河坊 RoomW50-W55,1nd Floor, Homestead Of Scholars, Minzhi Road,Baoan District, Shenzhen 深圳市宝安区民治街道书香 门第上河坊广场1栋1楼W50W55号 T: 0755 2943 5859 www.siyanli.net.cn 10% discount on all treatments
| 加盟商户
for SpaChina members Spa at Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen 深圳福田香格里拉大酒店水 疗中心 Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, 4088 Yi Tian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区益田路4088号深 圳福田香格里拉大酒店 T: 0755 8828 4088 Ext: 6668 www.shangri-la.com 10% discount on Spa treatments and food and beverage excluding Fook Lam Moon and Banquet Services (cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions)
Spa 水疗 • 海南 Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa (Spa Retreat) 水疗体验中心 Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya 三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 T: 0898 8858 8888 www.hilton.com/ worldwideresorts Receive 15% discount on Spa package taken at The Spa Retreat only, excluding purchase of spa products (prior reservation is required; not valid on individual treatments; cannot be used with promotional package) Mandara Spa at Sheraton Sanya 三亚喜来登度假酒店Mandara Spa Sheraton Sanya Resort, Yalong Bay National Resort, Sanya 三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 三亚喜来登度假酒店 T: 0898 8855 8855 *8497/8498 www.mspa-international.com 15% discount on all treatments Mangrove Tree SPA 红树林水疗中心 Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya 三亚市亚龙湾国际旅游度假区 T: 0898 8855 8888 6676 www.mangrovetreeresort.com
QUAN SPA 泉Spa Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan 三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 三亚万豪度假酒店 T: 0898 8856 8888 www.quanspa.com 10% discount on all spa treatments (excluding Hair & Scalp, Hands & Feet Therapy) SPA InterContinental 三亚半山半岛洲际度假酒店 水疗会所 InterContinental Sanya Resort, No.1 Zhouji Lu, Sanya, Hainan 海南省三亚市洲际路1号 三亚半山半岛洲际度假酒店 T: 0898 8861 8888 www.intercontinental.com/sanya V·Spa at Grand Metropark Resort Sanya 三亚维景国际度假酒店V·Spa Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan 海南三亚亚龙湾 国家旅游度假区 T: 0898 8859 8888 www.hkctshotels.com 25% discount on all a la carte spa treatments inclusive of service charge
Spa 水疗 • 江苏 The Spa at Regalia Resort & Spa Hotel (Suzhou Li Gong Di) 苏州御庭精品酒店水疗中心 (李公堤) 2 Li Glng Di, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, P.R,. of China 苏州工业园区李公堤2号 T: 0512 6295 0888 www.regalia.com.cn O.Spa 氧滋旅 2/F, No.88 Wenyuan Road, Wujiang, Jiangsu 江苏省吴江市文苑路88号 吴江东恒盛国家大酒店2楼 T: 0512 6392 8888 400 820 4848 www.ospajourney.com Buy any body or facial treatment, and receive a free hand or head massage on your first visit PALAISPA Beauty WorldBranch in Nanjing Deji Plaza 贝黎诗美容世界-德基店 4F Deji Plaza, No.18 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 江苏省南京市中山路18号 德基广场购物中心4楼418 T: 025 8476 3446, 025 8476 3447 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500).
Spa 水疗 • 安徽 Royal Spring 泉道尊贵会
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1) 泉道尊贵会合肥CEO Royal Spring(Hefei CEO) 1-3fl. Ande Building, Huaining Road, Hefei 安徽合肥市政务新区休宁路安 德大厦1~3层 T: 0551 6563 0333 2) 泉道尊贵会老报馆店 Royal Spring(Old newspaper) No.72 Huancheng Road, Hefei 安徽合肥市环城南路72号 T: 0551 6284 6622 www.royal-spring.net Platinum SPA 铂SPA 1) 喜来登店 3fl.Sheraton, No.1666 North Tongling Road, Hefei, Anhui Province 安徽省合肥市铜陵北路1666号 喜来登酒店3层 T: 0551 6296 9999 ext.6333, 6336 2) 半汤店 Holiday Inn Resort Chaohu Hot Spring, No.128 Tangshan Road, Chaohu Economic Development Zone, Hefei, Anhui Province 安徽省合肥巢湖经济开发区汤 山路128号巢湖深业温泉假日 度假酒店 T: 0551 8218 8077/8218 8888 ext.6055
Spa 水疗 • 云南 Shin SPA at Spring Soul Garden Spa & Resort 心景安宁温泉酒店心景SPA 1) 昆明一店 Kunming No.1 Branch 安宁市温泉旅游度假区升 庵南路 South Sheng’an Road, Anning T: 0871 863 3008 2) 昆明二店 Kunming No.2 Branch 昆明市滇池路1288号滇池度假 区管委会内游泳池旁 1288 Dianchi Road, Kunming T: 0871 466 4800 wwww.wqxjspahotel.com
Tianyi Resort YunNan.MiLe 天邑水疗.云南弥勒 HuQuan Ecological park.MiLe. YunNan 云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州 弥勒县湖泉生态园 Tel: 0873 6169 999 Fax: 0873 6182 222
MU SPA Phoenix town No.63.Beichen housing estate, Kunming 云南省昆明市北辰凤凰城63-65 号商网 T: 0871 6573 9910 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Spa 水疗 • 黑龙江 Queen Legend SPA 女王传奇SPA 1) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA秋 林会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Qiulin Club 哈尔滨市南岗区东大直街320 号秋林国际购物中心八层 8F Qiulin International Mall, No.320 East Dazhi Street, Nangang, Harbin T: 0451 8715 7668 2) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA中 央会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Zhongyang Club 哈尔滨市道里区西八道街12号 No.12, West 8th Street, Daoli, Harbin T: 0451 8770 2255 3) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA宣 化会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Xuanhua Club 哈尔滨市南岗区宣化街380号 No.380 Xuanhua Street, Nangang District, Harbin T: 0451 8203 3336 4) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA汉 水会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Hanshui Club 哈尔滨市开发区汉水路391号 No.391 Hanshui Road, Development Zone, Harbin T: 0451 82283637 5) 哈尔滨女王美容南岗会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Nangang Club 哈尔滨市果戈里大街161号 No. 161 Guogeli Street, Nangang District, Harbin T: 0451 8280 0222 6) 哈尔滨女王美容道里会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Daoli Club 哈尔滨市道里区西十道街24号 No.24 West 10th Street, Daoli District, Harbin T: 0451 8465 1000 7) 哈尔滨女王美容长江会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Changjiang Club 哈尔滨市开发区玉山路7号 No.7 Yushan Road, Development Zone, Harbin T: 0451 8700 9911 8) 哈尔滨女王美容馨阳会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Xinyang Club 哈尔滨市道里区新阳路330号 No.330 Xinyang Road, Daoli, Harbin T: 0451 8735 0216 9) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA爱 建会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Aijian Club 哈尔滨市爱建区上海路89号2层 2/F, No.89 Shanghai Road, Aijian District, Harbin T: 0451 8420 9292 10) 哈尔滨女王医疗美容道 外中心 Harbin Queen Beauty Medical Spa Daowai Club 哈尔滨市道外区景阳街107号 No.107 Jingyang Street, Daowai District, Harbin T: 0451 8838 0666 11) 沈阳女王传奇SPA中华 会所 Shenyang Queen Beauty
SpaChina Partners Legend SPA Zhonghua Club 沈阳市和平区中华路96号8 层-9层 8-9 F, No.96, Zhonghua Road, Heping, Shenyang T: 024 8383 2111 12) 沈阳女王传奇SPA奉天 会所 Shenyang Queen Beauty Legend SPA Fengtian Club 沈阳市沈河区奉天街339号 No.339 Fengtian Street, Shenhe, Shenyang T: 024 8825 4000 13) 沈阳女王传奇SPA三好 会所 Shenyang Queen Beauty Legend SPA Sanhao Club 沈阳市和平区文萃路8号 No.8 Wencui Road, Heping District, Shenyang T: 024 2281 3111 14) 大连女王传奇SPA民主 会所 Dalian Queen Legend Spa Minzhu Club 大连市中山区民主广场修竹街 10号3层 3/F, No.10 Xiuzhu Street, Minzhu Plaza, Zhongshan District, Dalian T: 0411 8411 6999 15) 大连女王美容北良会所 Dalian Queen Beauty Beiliang Club 大连市中山区鲁迅路50号北 良大厦5楼 5F, Beiliang Masion, No.50, Luxun Road, Zhongshan, Dalian T: 0411 8272 7897 16) 杭州女王传奇SPA湖滨 会所 Hangzhou Queen Beauty Legend SPA Lakeside Club 杭州市定安路1号四层 4 F, No.1, Anding Road, Hangzhou Tel: 0571 8791 8875 17) 杭州女王传奇SPA红石 会所 Hangzhou Queen Beauty Legend SPA Redstone Club 杭州市湖墅南路242号 No.242, Hushunan Road, Hangzhou T: 0571 8716 3348 18) 杭州女王传奇SPA蓝天 会所 Hangzhou Queen Beauty Legend SPA Liantian Club 杭州市拱墅区莫干山路24号 No.24, Moganshan Road, Gongshu, Hangzhou T: 0571 8526 6088 www.queenbeauty.cn
50% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members on your first visit
Spa 水疗 • 吉林 Changchun Yijing Toga & Spa Club 长春逸静瑜伽水疗会馆 Unit1, 6th Building, No.777 NanJunShuiYunTian HuXi Road, ChangChun, JiLin 吉林省长春市湖西路777号 南郡水云6栋1号
T: 0431 8962 8855 0431 8962 8866 0431 8962 8877 www.yijingspaclub.com 50% discount on all treatments on your first visit; All services for ladies only Jing Spa at Purple Jade Riverside Resort, ChangBaiShan ChiBei 紫玉度假酒店长白山池北净 宇水疗 No.1 Binhe Road, Changbaishan Chibei, Jilin 吉林省长白山池北区滨河路1号 T: 0433 593 8888 www.purplejaderesorts.com 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members (except for packages)
Spa 水疗 • 大连 Oasis Spa at Kempinski Hotel Dalian 大连凯宾斯基饭店欧意希斯 水疗中心 6F, Kempinski Hotel Dalian 92 Jiefang Road, Zhongshan District 大连市中山区解放路92号,凯 宾斯基饭店6楼 T: 0411 8259 8888*8616 /8610 www.kempinski.com/dalian 10% discount on all spa treatments, includes free use of gym facilities and swimming pool.
Spa 水疗 • 香港&澳门 Melo Spa at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin 香港沙田凯悦酒店MELO SPA 水疗中心 18 Chak Cheung Street, Sha Tin, Hong Kong 香港沙田泽祥街18号 T: +852 3723 7684 www.melospa.com Altira Spa 「澄」水疗 Altira Macau 15/F, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau 澳门凼仔广东大马路, 澳门新 濠锋15楼 T: 853 2886 8886 www.altiramacau.com/spahealth/#/altira-spa
SPA by MTM 1) Shop A, G/F, 3 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay 铜锣湾恩平道3号地下A店 T: 852 2923 7888 2) Shop 118, Citygate, Tung Chung, Lantau Island 大屿山东涌东荟城118店 T: 852 2923 6060 www.spabymtm.com Year-round first time 50% discount on spa and treatments; Free skin analysis and consultation (for new customers only)
Spa 水疗 • 湖北 慕丽莎健康美容会所 1) 香港路店 湖北省武汉市汉口解放大道 香港15号 15 Hong Kong Street Jiefang Road HanKou, Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8556 1855 2) 金色华府店 湖北省武汉市汉口解放大道解 放公园路83号商铺3-4 83-3-4 Jiefang Park Street Jiefang Road Hankou,Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8264 3075 3) 新华路店 湖北省武汉市汉口建设大道新 华小路新世界百货旁 Xinhua Street Jianshe Road, Hankou,Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8578 7856 4) 水果湖店 湖北省武汉市武昌水果湖 188-1号 188-1 Shui Guo Hu Road, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8736 0531 5) 襄阳店 湖北省襄阳市大庆西路永 安广场 Yongan Plaza,Da Qing Xi Road, Xiangyang, Hubei Tel: 0710 3459 155 35% discount on all treatments Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 武汉广场店 7F,Wuhan plaza 688 Jiefang Road, Wuhan 武汉广场7楼 Tel: 027 8571 4026 2) 国际广场店 406, Wuhan International Plaza Shopping Center Tower B 690 Jiefang Road, Wuhan 武汉国际购物广场B座406 Tel: 027 8551 7717 3) 徐东店 4F, Xudong Shoppingmall No.18 Xudong Street Wuchang Distirct, Wuhan 徐东销品茂四楼南街4160 Tel: 027 6889 8068 4) 武汉天地店 1616 Zhongshan Avenue Wuhan (Wuhan Tiandi) 汉口中山大道1616号 Tel: 027 8273 7716 5) 同成店 1F, Tongcheng Square No.538 Jianshe Avenue, Wuhan 建设大道538号同成广场一楼 Tel: 027 8556 4066 www.siyanli.net.cn 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Spa 水疗 • 山西 PALAISPA Beauty WorldTaiyuan World Trade Hotel 贝黎诗美容世界-太原国贸店 World Trade Hotel, 15/F, No.69 Fuxi Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi 山西省太原市府西街69号 国贸大饭店15层 T: 0351 8687 070, 0351 8687 072 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit;
Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). Kempinski Spa at Kempinski Hotel Taiyuan 太原凯宾斯基饭店凯宾斯 基水疗 No. 115-1 Changfeng Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China 中国山西省太原市长风街 115-1号 T: 0351 866 0131
重庆新天地商业主楼4楼 Tel: 023 6326 3900 2) 英利国际 Yingli International 4/F, 26 Minquan Road, Chongqing 重庆市民权路26号4楼商铺 Tel: 023 6362 9388 www.ispace-spa.com
12% on all treatments for SpaChina members.
Spa 水疗 • 湖南
Spa 水疗 • 浙江
The Spa at Sheraton Changsha Hotel 长沙运达喜来登酒店水疗中心 Yunda International Plaza, 478 Furong Zhong Lu, Section 1, Changsha, Hunan 湖南省长沙市芙蓉中路一段 478号运达国际广场 T: 0731 8488 8848 www.starwoodhotels.com
Spa Village 润Spa The Dragon Hotel Tower 5 Level2, 120 Shuguang Road, Hangzhou 杭州市曙光路120号 黄龙饭店5号楼2楼 T: 400 838 5599 www.roonspavillage.com
Spa 水疗 • 陕西 Oasis Spa at Tang Dynasty West Market Hotel 西安大唐西市酒店逸静SPA 118 Laodong Nan Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi 陕西省西安市莲湖区劳动南路 118号大唐西市五坊 T: 029 8411 7777 ext 6901/6902 www.westmarkethotel.com 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Spa 水疗 • 四川 PALAISPA Beauty WorldBranch in Chengdu 贝黎诗美容世界-成都店 Level 5, Top City, No.1 Xiao Kejia Alley, Chengdu, Sichuan 成都市小科甲巷1号 第一商业广场5楼 T: 028 8672 6888, 028 8671 2222 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Chengdu 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店水 疗中心 269 Shuncheng Avenue, Qingyang, Chengdu, Sichuan 中国四川省成都市青羊区顺城 大街269号 T: 028 8358 8888
Spa 水疗 • 重庆 ISPACE 1) 重庆天地 Chongqingtiandi Store 4/F, Chongqing Xintiandi Business building, 128 Ruitian Road, Chongqing 重庆市瑞天路128号
O.Spa 氧滋旅 1) No.128 Zhijiang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou 杭州市西湖区之江路128号 杭州玫瑰园度假酒店O.Spa T: 0571 8766 7068 0571 8766 7188*8060 T: 400 820 4848 2) No.19 Lingyin Road, Jiulisong Chief Club, Hangzhou 杭州市灵隐路19号 九里松首席会馆O.Spa T: 0571 8521 6666 400 820 4848 www.ospajourney.com Buy any body or facial treatment and receive a free hand or head massage on your first visit PALAISPA Beauty World-ZHEJIANG YIWU-Shimin Square 贝黎诗美容世界浙江义乌市民广场店 No.39 Ying En Men, Yiwu, Zhejiang 浙江省义乌市迎恩门39号 T: 0579 526 9269 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500).
Spa 水疗 • 河南 PALAISPA Beauty World- Branch in Zhengzhou 贝黎诗美容世界-郑州店 Tower C, Run Hua Business Park, No.24 Jinshui Road, Zhengzhou, He'nan 河南省郑州市金水路24号 润华商务花园C座 T: 0371-6393-2777 www.palaispa.com
| 加盟商户 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500).
Massage 按摩 • 上海 Green Massage 1) K11 Art Mall Branch 上海K11店 305, 3rd FL, K11 Art Mall,300 Huaihai Road Central 淮海中路300号 K11购物艺术中心3楼305室 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 00:30 am Tel: 021 6385 8800 2) Xintiandi Branch 新天地店 58 Taicang Road 太仓路58号 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 02:00 am Tel: 021 5386 0222 3) Shanghai Centre Branch 上海商城店 202 West Retail Plaza, Shanghai Centre,1376 West Nanjing Road 南京西路1376号上海商城西 峰202室 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 00:00 am Tel: 021 6289 7776 4) Lujiazui Branch 陆家嘴店 304, 3F, Shanghai World Financial Center, No.100, Century Ave 世纪大道100号上海环球金融中 心3楼304室 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 00:00 am Tel: 021 6877 8188 5) Xujiahui Branch 徐家汇店 88 Xingeng Road 辛耕路88号 Business Hour: 11:30 am – 01:00 am Tel: 021 6468 7076 6) Xintiandi Branch II 新天地II店 68 Taicang Road 太仓路68号 Business Hour:10:30 am – 02:00 am Tel: 021 6384 1356 www.greenmassage .com.cn
8% discount for for SpaChina Members
Beauty Salon & Hair 美容美发 • 上海 Amani Spa 上海阿玛尼护肤造型中心 1)徐汇区田林路15号 15 Tianlin Road, Xuhui District 2)长宁区定西路1100号 1100 Dingxi Road, Changning District 3)普陀区武宁路221号 221Wuning Road, Putuo District 4)普陀区中潭路67号 67 Zhongtan Road, Putuo District 5)静安区武定路1129号 1129 Wuding Road,JingAn
SpaChina • 2014 | 113
SpaChina PartnerS District 6)闵行区虹梅路3204号 3204 Hongmei Road, Minhang District 7)浦东区昌里路267号 267 Changli Road, Pudong District 8)徐汇区天钥桥路123号2F 123 2F Tianyaoqiao Road,Xuhui District 9)闵行区七莘路3019号 3019 Qixin Road, Minhang District 10)杨浦区鞍山路20号 20 Anshan Road, Yangpu District 11)闵行区莘朱路27号 27 Xinzhu Road, Minhang District 12)长宁区古经店古北路497号 497 Gubei Road Gujindian,Changning District 13)普陀区真光路1479号 1479 Zhenguang Road,Putuo District 14)普陀区中潭路67号 67 Zhongtan Road,Putuo District 15)普陀区金沙江路588号 588 Jinshajiang Road,Putuo District 16)宝山区牡丹江路1593号 1593 Mudanjiang Road,Baoshan District 17)浦东区芳甸路300号 300Fangdian Road, Pudong District 18)闸北区延长中路300号 300 Yanchangzhong Road,Zhabei District 19)松江区九亭大街560-564号 560-564 Jiuting Street,Songjiang District 20)浦东区梅花路819号 819 Meihua Road,Pudong District 21)静安区吴江路15号 15 Wujiang Road, JingAn District 22)浦东区梅花路1099号一 层118室 1F Room 118,1099 Meihua Road, Pudong District www.sh-amani.com 20% discount on all single items for SpaChina members Delicious! Food for your Skin Delicious! caters direct to your home in Shanghai with fresh, hand-blended and seasonally inspired skin nutrition rituals rich in essential oils and up to 20 more all-natural ingredients. 提供贴心便捷的上门服务。纯 手工调配天然的精油及20多种 全天然原材料, 在不同季节给予肌肤一次营养 深呼吸。 Suite 101, Building 38, TianAn Huayuan, Lane 800 Jinxiu Road, Pudong 浦东新区锦绣路800弄天安花 园38号101室 上海预约专用appointments: 13818120392 fresh@delicious-skin.com delicious-skin.com 50% discount your first Delicious! skin nutrition session; 10% discount subsequent skin nutrition sessions.
114 | SpaChina • 2014
Strip / Browhaus 1) No.158 Xin Le Road (close to Xiang Yang Bei Road) 新乐路158号(近襄阳北路) T: 021 5403 0011 2) Basement Level, Ferguson Lane 376 Wukang Lu (Between Hunan Lu and Tai’an Lu) 武康路376号武康庭B1 (湖南路 与泰安路之间) T: 021 5466 6155 3) No. 84 Wulumuqi Road (close by An Fu Road) 乌鲁木齐中路84号(近安福路) T: 021 6415 1613 4) No.418 room, Joy City (Shanghai) 上海大悦城4楼418商铺(8号线 曲阜路站) T: 021 3639 7366 www.strip-shanghai.cn www.browhaus.cn 20% discount for first time spachina members on: • Any alacarte waxing treatment at Strip • Any brow treatment at Browhaus • Discount does not apply to credit packages and IPL packages • Cannot be combined with other discounts and promotions • Must present SpaChina Membership Card and valid ID to enjoy discount.
| 加盟商户
T: 852 3189 7008 espaskincare.com FCCH (Shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd 上海菲史贸易有限公司 1F-19, Building 28, No.140 TianLin Road, Shanghai 上海徐汇区田林路140号28号 楼1F-19 Tel: 400 878 0052
Guangzhou FBT Co., Ltd 广州新欧记元贸易有限公司 2112/21F Choice Plaza 448 South Guangzhou Avenue Haizhu District Guangzhou China 广东省广州市海珠区广州大道 南448号财智大厦2112室 Tel: 020 8420 0780 www.mbr-cosmetics.com.cn Pevonia Asia Limited 蓓丽雅亚洲有限公司 12A02-03 Jazz Building, 20 Jiabin Road, Luohu, Shenzhen, Guangdong 广东省深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路20 号爵士大厦12A02-03 T: 0755 2515 9236 www.pevonia.com.cn
Products & Equipment 产品/仪器 • 上海 Aromatherapy Associates Asia Regional Office Suite 22L, 151 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 852 3711 3232 www.aromatherapyassociates. com
Biologique Recherche 原液之谜 Beijing Sanshu Trade and Commerce Co., Ltd. 中国总代理:北京三树商贸股 份有限公司 410-3 ,huaxin building, Huizhongbeili, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区慧忠北里华馨公寓 410-3底商 T: 010 6496 0318/19/20 E-mail: market@xuedan.cn Life Balance Limited 香港总代理:生命平衡有 限公司 Suites 908-909, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龙尖沙咀广东道5号海港 城海洋中心908-909室 T: 852 2111 9998 E-mail: info@lifebalance.com.hk www.biologiquerecherche.com ESPA 20/A, 9 Queens Road Central, Central, Hong Kong 香港中环皇后大道中9号20A
Phytoceane 大中国区总代理:龙仿有限公 司/龙仿贸易(深圳)有限公司 ChinaShow Limited / ChinaShow Trading (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Rm2101, Remington Centre, 23 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, KLN, Hong Kong 国内:深圳市福田区CBD民田 路178号华融大厦423室 T: +86 755 8383 4533 / 8383 2737 +852 2116 4521 / 2116 4522 www.phytoceane.com www.worldofbeauty.hk
Phytomer 中国总代理:北京法中互利国 际商贸有限公司 Fazhonghuli International Trade Co. The Great Mall, 6 Xiaozhuang, Chaoyangmenwai, Chaoyang 北京市朝阳区朝阳门外小庄6号 中国第一商城B座2701室 Tel: 010 5779 9127 www.phytomer.com
Profex Inc. 百互润贸易(上海)有限公司 22/F,Orient Cable, 699 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai 上海市静安区南京西路699号 东方有线大厦22楼 Tel: 021 6288 0088*621/605
Kohler Showroom 科勒展厅 1) 456 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 上海市南京西路456号 T: 021 5375 5058 2) Ground Floor Store of Huateng New Horizon, 195 East 4th Ring Road Middle Section, Beijing 北京市东四环中路195号华腾 新天地底层 T: 010 8795 1684 3) Ouyada Home Furniture, 18 South Road, Tianjin 天津市南马路18号 欧亚达家居 T: 022 5828 1355 4) 282 Northern Park Street, Ji’nan 济南市北园大街282号 T: 0531 8860 3645 5) 15-20,195 Middle Huangpu Street, Guangzhou 广州市黄埔大道中195号15-20 T: 020 8567 7646 6) 1/F New Sun Building, Fourth Bagua Road, Shenzhen 深圳市八卦四路新阳大厦首层 T: 0755 8245 0491 7) No.1, Fourth District of Landscape Skyline, North Yuechuan Alley, Yingbin Road, Sanya 三亚市迎宾路月川北巷山水天 域4区1号 T: 0898 8866 2886 8) 18, Ximian Bridge Street, Chengdu 成都市洗面桥街18号 T: 028 6631 9350 9) 1/F, Tiangong Sun Island, Xingai Avenue, Chongqing 重庆市新溉大道天工太阳岛1层 T: 023 6768 8235 10) 317 Zhongshan Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan 武汉市武昌区中山路317号 T: 027 8670 4540 www.KOHLER.com.cn
Thalissi 大中国区总代理:龙仿有限公 司/龙仿贸易(深圳)有限公司 ChinaShow Limited / ChinaShow Trading (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Rm2101, Remington Centre, 23 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, KLN, Hong Kong 国内:深圳市福田区CBD民田 路178号华融大厦423室 T: +86 755 8383 4533 / 8383 2737 +852 2116 4521 / 2116 4522 www.thalissi.hk www.worldofbeauty.hk
Venus Concept Shanghai offoce Venus Concept (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 维锶(上海)生物科技有限公司 Room 901, No. 6088 Humin
Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 上海市闵行区沪闵路6088号 901室 T: 021 6406 6126 Hong Kong Office Venus Concept(HK) Limited 维斯概念(香港)有限公司 Units 2608-9, 26/F, Prosperity Place, 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 九龙观塘成业街6号 泓富厂场26楼2608-9室 T: 852 3152 2330
World Health Store 康美然健康馆 1) CBD Store CBD零售店 R 2152, North Tower, SOHO Shangdu,No.8 Dongdaqiao Rd, Beijing 北京朝阳区东大桥路尚都国际 北塔2152室 T: 010 5900 2209 2) Shunyi Store顺义零售店 R 09A, LB1, Euro Plaza, No.99 Yuxianglu, Tianzhuzhen, Shunyi District, Beijing 北京市顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99 号欧陆广场地下一层09A T: 010 8046 2524 www.worldhealthstore.com.cn SpaChina members will receive free World Health Store VIP cards valued at RMB125 which gives them monthly special promos and 10-20% discount on WHS products Kung Sheung International Group 工商国际集团 1) Suit 3201,No.3 Building, Jianwai SOHO, 39 East 3rdRing Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号 建外SOHO 3号楼32层3201室 T: 010 5869 6938 2) Unit 603, Hong Qiao Rong Guang Building, 11 Chang Shun Road, Shanghai 上海市长顺路11号虹桥荣广大 厦603室 T: 021 6375 6609 3) 3812 Business Centre, Guangdong Riverside New City, 298 Yanjiang Road, Guangzhou 广州市沿江中路298号江湾新 城商务中心3812室 T: 020 8331 3288 www.kung-sheung.com XIANG SHE 香舍 Shop 1-1, No. 596 Huang Jin Cheng Rd., Gubei, Changning District 古北黄金城道步行街596号1-1区 T: 021 3209 0117 www.ecoya.com.au 15% discount on all XIANG SHE items, excluding promotions; gift sets prepared. Promotional activities available.
Yoga 瑜伽 • 上海 Raja Yoga 珞迦瑜伽会馆
1) No.88 Xingeng Road 辛耕路88号(永新花苑裙楼) T: 021 6427 4318/28/98 2) No.15, Lane 688, South Xizang Road 西藏南路688弄15号 (老西门新苑内) T: 021 6345 7541/42/43 3) Inside Vanke City Garden, No.209, Lane 8888, Zhongchun Road 中春路8888弄209号 (万科城市花园内) T: 021 6461 9323 4) No.23, Lane 88, Dongxin Road 东新路88弄23号(新湖明珠城内) T: 021 6107 2278/68 5) No.19, Lane 1515, Zhangyang Road 张杨路1515弄19号 (陆家嘴国际华城内) T: 021 6855 5751/52/53 6) 7/F, No.93 Caobao Road 漕宝路93号7楼(华尔兹花园内) T: 021 6470 7577 7) No.5-7 South Shaanxi Road 陕西南路5-7号 T: 021 6225 1550 rajayoga.com.cn 10% discount for SpaChina members (cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions) Y+Yoga Center 1) 2/F, 2 Corporate Avenue, 202 Hubin Road 湖滨路202号2楼企业天地二楼 T: 021 6340 6161 2) 299-2 Fuxing Road West 复兴西路299之2 T: 021 6433 4330 www.yplus.com.cn SpaChina members can receive: 5 free classes with purchase of 50 classes; one month classes for free when they buy a 1-year crystal member card; Prior reservation is required.
Yoga 瑜伽 • 北京 YoGi Yoga 悠季瑜伽 1) Tennis center, Chaoyang Park, NO.1, South Road of Chaoyang Park, Chaoyang 朝阳区朝阳公园南路1号 朝阳公园网球中心 T: 010 6592 2791/92 2) North Gate of Ritan Park, Chaoyang 朝阳区日坛公园北门内 T: 010-8561-5506/07 3) 5 F, West building of Eastern Plaza, Wangfujing Street, East City 东城区双府井大街东方广场西 配楼五层 T: 010 6513 2188/6522 7168 www.yogiyoga.cn SpaChina readers coming to the YoGi Yoga centers in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou (direct running) registering membership in a single center or registering VIP membership are given 10% discount based on the original price
spa poems 996年 , 晏 子 书 斋 的 创 始 者 晏
作为评论家及专研中国影坛的史学家, 西蒙福勒将引领你穿梭中国电影的世纪 长廊,从曾经的默片直至当今电影制 片。本书权威性地罗列了中国大陆那些 伟大的电影,涉猎多种影片类型,如劲 爆的功夫片,悲剧左倾情节影片及浓重 商业色彩电影等。细致地为您解说电影 的每个部分并为您进一步观影提供丰富 建议。对于电影爱好者,学生及普通观 影者来说,本书无疑是对众多中国传统 电影最好的诠释。
com,作为一个信息平台不断地推 广中国的历史文化。在网站的关注 度不断提高的同时,也体现出那些 被遗忘的中国历史着实需要一个平台让广大的当代观众去了解。 为解决这种需求,晏子书斋作为香港Sinomedia集团的一部分于 2007年问世,并且作为第一家以重印中国古时的经典作品为主, 其焦点已扩大到中国历史文化的原创作品,时常也会涉及其他更 深层次的领域。发送邮件至orders@earnshwabooks.com可获取副 本或登录www.earnshwa.com在线购买。
n 1996, Graham Earnshaw, founder of Earnshaw books, began developing the website talesofoldchina.com as an ever-expanding information portal about Chinese culture and history. As interest in the site grew, it became clear that these largely forgotten stories of China’s fascinating past deserved a chance to connect with larger contemporary audiences. To address this need, Earnshaw Books was founded in 2007 as part of the SinoMedia Group based out of Hong Kong. First specializing in reprints of old China classics, its focus has expanded to include original works on Chinese history and culture, with occasional forays further afield. Email to orders@earnshawbooks.com to get a copy, or visit www.earnshawbooks.com to buy online.
| 文艺诗歌
101 Essential Chinese Movies Critic and China film historian Simon Fowler guides you through a century of Chinese filmmaking, from the silent era to present. This book is an authoritative list of the greatest Mainland Chinese movies, covering a wide range of genres: explosive kung-fu epics, tragic leftist melodrama, chest-thumping propaganda films and more. With detailed descriptions of each selection and countless recommendations for further viewing, this is the perfect introduction to China’s rich cinematic tradition for film buffs, students and casual viewers alike.
晏格文/Graham Earnshaw
Graham Earnshaw is a businessman and writer with many years of
experience in the China media world. He is Publisher of SpaChina
验,现任《中经评论》经济杂志和Earnshaw Books出
Magazine, China Economic Review, CEO of SinoMedia Ltd and
Publisher of Earnshaw Books. He has been a director and executive of
a number of companies in the China media space. He was previously a
journalist and was Reuters editor for Asia for five years 1990-1995. He
has written a number of books, including Tales of Old Shanghai (2008)
and an account of his continuing walk across China, The Great Walk
of China. He speaks regularly at meetings and conferences on a wide
range of topics relating to China’s economy, society and history.
Snail Horns which is stronger Man or Ch’u locked in endless warfare fighting over empty names squandering their people’s strength
花喜神谱》为南宋末年宋伯仁编,是一部极有艺术 美学价值的专题性梅花画谱,为历代画家、版本收
藏家所珍赏。这部画谱分上、下两卷,按梅花生长期分别从 蓓蕾、小蕊、大蕊、欲开、烂漫、欲谢、就实等八个阶段, 画出不同姿态的梅花一百幅,每幅配有题名和五言诗一首,
则位于蜗之右角,两簇常为争 地而开始无休止的战争。(庄 有其言论。原文是:“有国於蜗
frequently wrote poetry to accompany his pictures. It is a dedicat-
ed plum book full of aesthetic values, and one much sought after
by artists and collectors of different times. The book was divided
into Book I and Book II, both of which are edited according to
Chuang-tzu once used the example of a snail to urge rulers to avoid war. The horns of a snail, he said, were actually two countries named Man and Ch’u that were engaged in an endless cycle of warfare over control of the empty space that stretched between them (Chuangtzu: 43). Another comment on the conflict between the Northern Sung and the Southern Sung.
he Plum Book was compiled by Song Boren, a Song-dynasty poet and skilled painter, especially of plum blossom, who
the eight different growing periods of the plum, from bud to fruit. Each page shares an accompanied five-character poem and penetrating title. This outstanding work has both fine brushwork and neat carvings and also a sense of the soul of the plum.
SpaChina • 2014 | 115
spa horoscope and cartoon of the month
| 幸运之星与每月漫画
十二星座开运减压水疗 SpaChina Horoscopes 白羊座(3月21日—4月19日) Aries (March 21–April 19)
本月主打星 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 巨蟹座(6月22日—7月22日) Cancer (June 22–July 22) As you are emotional and sensitive, fear of unfair criticism can drive you crazy. A warm hug from your family and loved ones is the best way to a good night’s sleep.
天蝎座(10月24日—11月21日) Scorpio (October 24–November 21)
Talk through your worries, your friends will never disappoint you. Try karaoke to de-stress.
Compliments make you a pleasant workmate.
金牛座(4月20日—5月20日) Taurus (April 20–May 20)
射手座(11月22日—12月21日) Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
You quickly fit into new environments, but acupuncture therapy can improve your digestion.
The archer makes and loses friends easily. Train your concentration through meditation.
双子座(5月21日—6月21日) Gemini (May 21–June 21)
得更加小心翼翼。试着放松心情,不要 把紧张情绪带回家里,向爱人索要一个 暖暖的拥抱,会提升你的睡眠质量,是 最有效的减压方法。
狮子座(7月23日—8月22日) Leo (July 23–August 22) You are full of passion and energy, so mountain climbing can burn a lot of calories and keep your fitness routine fresh. If you are single, you could meet your Mr/Ms Right at any minute.
摩羯座(12月22日—1月19日) Capricorn (December 22–January 19)
Everything has worked out according to plan, but don’t get overworked.
Don’t let your hectic social life affect your family. Try aromatherapy to release stress.
处女座(8月23日—9月22日) Virgo (August 23–September 22)
水瓶座(1月20日—2月18日) Aquarius (January 20–February 18)
You are too hard on everyone. Take it easy and you will be more popular.
Stay bold and open-minded to invest and make a fortune.
天秤座(9月23日—10月23日) Libra (September 23–October 23)
时期,工作上没有你不能完成的任务。 单身的狮子,准备好外出邂逅心仪的
双鱼座(2月19日—3月20日) Pisces (February 19–March 20)
Occasionally buying your friends a meal can strengthen your friendships.
Think twice before causing a scene. Yoga can help you become calm.
By Kirwan Ward & Paul Rigby
| Willow Pattern Walkabout
孔子时期直至今日,似乎没有任何一种中国特色的东 东能比京剧存活得长久。我们与一位语言学家从英国
领事馆前往歌剧院,同行的还有一个挂羊头卖狗肉的自称是 销售自由活塞机的工程师,一名路透社职员以及伯顿夫人。 富丽堂皇的剧院由几根高大的圆柱支撑,迎客的台阶皆以石 块铺砌,十分的雄伟的样子。然而看似华丽的外观却在进门 后令我们大失所望,就像是到了杂乱的火车站,到处张贴着 让我觉得十分眼熟的五颜六色的糖果口香糖广告。但仔细一 看,就发现每个广告上打出的是一个与原版广告很类似的盗 版产品名。由此推断,现在全球盗版第一的日本,很快就要 为中国的出现而退位让贤了。 译者注:1957年作者看到的盗版现象,似乎预计了之后 的中国盗版趋势。 116 | SpaChina • 2014
The Peking Opera
robably no feature of the Chinese pattern, from Confucius to comrades, is more permanent than the Peking Opera. We went there with a linguist from the British Embassy, the engineer who’s trying to sell free-piston engines, a Reuters’ man, and Lady Burton. The Opera House is an imposing building with the tall columns and flights of broad stone stairs that opera seems to call for, but the moment you step inside the tone drops sharply. You are confronted with a railway-station type display of all the familiar candy and gum. At least you think you are until you move a little closer and discover that every label is a copy of some widely advertised western one with only the name altered. The notion that the Japanese are the world’s foremost copyists may have to be revised when Chinese production hits its peak. www.earnshawbooks.com
spa People
spa 人士
廖照 Coco Liao
吴宝松 Jason Wu
Spa Manager
Spa Manger
Song Spa, Hyatt Regency Dongguan
Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Nanjing
Coco Liao is spa manager in charge of spa operations and management
Jason Wu started his career from Le Meridien Spa & Resort Cyprus in
at Hyatt Regency Dongguan. She has been in the spa industry for almost
2000, and has 14 years experience in the Spa industry throughout Cyprus,
twelve years, and has previously worked for Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou
England, Dubai and Greece, and has worked for Starwood, Jumeirah,
as Spa Supervisor, Sheraton Jinan as Director of Spa, Sofitel Royal
Six Senses and Fairmont etc. Jason developed from a Spa therapist, and
Lagoon Dongguan as Spa Assistant Manager and Sheraton Zhoushan
he was reported by the Western media to be the “First Watsu therapist
as Spa Manager. Coco has rich experience and unique opinions on
in the Middle East”, “The best Spa therapist in Europe” etc. Synthesis
the operations and management of the spa, and enjoys developing
of Eastern and Western spa concepts gave him original insights on Spa
employees’ knowledge as well. With her consistent passion and
management, training and industry development. At present, Jason and
investigative spirit, she devotes herself to providing authentic, relaxing
his team are trying their best to make Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont
hospitality treatments to guests on behalf of this industry.
Nanjing become a real international brand.
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