January/February 2015
健康设计 设计健康
Designing for Wellness 健身水疗 殊途同归 The Fitness-Spa Connection
天堂近在咫尺 Picture by Bolian Hotels and Spa, Heshun
Close to Paradise
plus: luxury living | Spa Cuisine | Spachina review | spachina wellness | spa news | Hotel news | lifestyle
出版:《商品与质量》周刊社 国内统一刊号:CN11-3669/T 国际标准刊号:ISSN1006-656X 社 主
长:刘 丰 编:林贤金
出版人: 晏格文 Publisher: Graham Earnshaw 执行总监兼主编: 高菲 Director & Editor in Chief: Fifi Kao 执行主编: 匡 Managing Editor: Karen Kuang 执行编辑: 张雪,孙开艳,冠安东 Editors: Lilian Zhang, Skye Sun, Anton Graham 贡献者: 加雷斯,鲍威尔,朱红兵,张轶 Contributors: Gareth Powell, Andrew Chubb, Johnny Chang, Lisa Starr, Murray Owen, John Brazier 高级设计: 王悦 Designer: Magic Wang 照片摄影或提供: Mofo,istock,shutter stock Photographers: Mofo, istock, shutter stock 广告代理: 上海云善文化传播有限公司 Local Advertising Agent: SpaChina Culture Development Co., Ltd 销售及市场总监: 胡雅文 Director of Sales and Marketing: Jasmine Hu 客户助理: 刘海娜 Accounts Assistant: Seana Liu 公关及活动经理: 匡 ,胡雅文 PR & Events Managers: Karen Kuang, Jasmine Hu 发行经理: 郭雅文 Distribution Manager: Aiko Guo 发行助理: 夏晓初 Distribution Assistant: Summer Xia 随商品与质量周刊发行赠阅
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Letter from the editor
亲爱的SpaChina读者,您们好, paChina杂志在2014年一年里,对中国水疗市
岁的Gareth Powell带我们兜转列岛,获悉最本色的
在本期2015年的SpaChina杂志封面故事里,谈 的是水疗养生度假村如何来设计自己的产品,分享
就的一年。 祝阅读愉快~~
了三家顶级国际水准的度假村的产品设计实例。 此外,我们还访谈了安缦的三位客座国际健康专 家、Fivelements的两位创始人夫妇,以及A.W. LAKE 的两位核心灵魂人物,他们各自的见解,无论是在
高菲 Fifi Kao
执行总监兼主编 Director & Editor in Chief
contents目录 2015 一月/二月
Spa新闻和盛事 20
特别报道 32
健康设计 设计健康
人物专访 38
contents目录 2015 一月/二月
专家论坛 50
健身水疗 殊途同归
spa之旅 62
68 74
Spa美食 73
62 78
酒店新闻与盛事 品牌故事
顺四时 颐养生
肤如凝脂 臻美倾城
胶原再生 至美容颜
水疗故事 86
美是一门艺术 我们使其成为科学
珈溪国际总部 北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号 电话:400 875 6877, 13301325613 传真:+86 10 5900 9834 www.jiessie.com
contents目录 2015 一月/二月
88 酒店故事 84
98 spachina加盟商户 103
文艺诗歌 幸运之星
Venus Concept维锶公司是医疗美容界的生产商也是 国际领导品牌。目前全球共有12个直属办公室, 维锶(上海)生物科技有限公司于去年在中国上海 成立,成为以色列总部之中国直属办公室。全球 超过3,000,000次体验,全球热销3,000台,超过 350,000,000次全球媒体报导,提供无痛、安全、 有效的医疗美容享受。 领先群伦的MP 2专利技术、全球优质团队阵 容、以客为本的服务的三大亮点,Venus Concept 维锶中国子公司,提供覆盖全球的产品销售和 客户服务网络、市场营销、培训教育、售後服 务,包含嫩肤、紧肤、肌肤年轻化等医疗美容 仪器,经多项医学文献证实,MP2专利技术可 带来击退脂肪、紧肤祛皱、修身美体、改善橘 皮组织等多重效果。同时间,维锶(上海)生物 科技有限公司也是意大利顶级保养品Dermo28 黛肌儿(http://www.dermo28.com/)的独家代理公 司,该品牌获得世界顶级SPA认同使用。拥有明确效 果的抗衰老和个性化肌肤护理,将肌肤恢复正常原 生状态,使客人的肌肤重获新生。
China Office 维锶(上海)生物科技有限公司 Venus Concept (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 上海市闵行区沪闵路6088号901室 Room 901, No. 6088 Humin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 6406 6126 Hong Kong Office 维斯概念(香港)有限公司 Venus Concept(HK) Limited 九龙观塘成业街6号,泓富厂场26楼2608-9室 Units 2608-9, 26/F, Prosperity Place, 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon Tel: +852 3152 2330
China spa news | spa中国新闻
张雪 编译
成都瑞吉酒店铱瑞水疗中心开业 成都瑞吉酒店引入世界闻名水疗理念,推出中国西南地区第一家招 牌铱瑞水疗中心。水疗中心由澳大利亚的Schletterer设计公司打造,9 间宽敞的双层理疗室,配套蒸汽房、桑拿房等设施,灯光与色彩的 力量被充分挖掘,精心布置的光线让客人随时随地接受着色彩光线 疗法。五种特色水疗套房包括两间全盘护理套房、两间阁楼双人套 房、水疗沙龙阁楼、双人套房和三间单人洗浴套房。水疗中心提供 的特色服务包括铱瑞特色川茶沐浴、铱瑞特色按摩、铱瑞按摩、伊 人焕彩美容护理、海藻排毒以及桑葚排毒敷泥。
Iridium Spa Opens at The St. Regis Chengdu
青岛威斯汀酒店天梦水疗焕新启幕 青岛威斯汀酒店天梦水疗中心修饰一新后全新启程。坐拥738平 米的静谧空间,天梦水疗设有6间私人水疗室,4间含私人淋浴 间的情侣水疗套房,其中有5间水疗室配有大型豪华浴缸,配 备以符合人体工程学设计以及定制面部支架闻名的天梦水疗按 摩床。天梦水疗意在通过七种感官给客人一种全新体验,除了 传统意义上的视觉、触觉、味觉以及嗅觉,还有能最大限度地 激发出客人内在的心理及情感的元素。香薰精油在水疗菜单中 被广泛使用,标志性的护理包含倍受欢迎的天梦按摩、渴望按
The St. Regis Chengdu has introduced Southwest China’s first signature Iridium Spa, a five-star urban oasis that exudes tranquility and refined elegance. Designed by acclaimed Austrian-based Schletterer, Iridium Spa offers nine spacious, bi-level treatment rooms along with steam and sauna rooms. The powers of light and color are harnessed to deliver unique color light therapies throughout the spa’s spaces. Signature suites include two holistic cocoon suites, two loft couples suites, spa salon loft, couple suites and three single bathing ritual suites. Signature services include the Iridium Signature Sichuan Tea Bathing Ritual, Iridium Signature Massage, Indium Massage, Yi Ren Illuminating Facial, Detox MMA – Micronized Marine Algae, and the Mulberry Detox Mud.
The Westin Qingdao Heavenly Spa Celebrates its Renewal Opening The Westin Qingdao Heavenly Spa covers 738 sq m of tranquil space, including six private single spa treatment rooms and four couple’s suite rooms with bath. Five of them are equipped with deluxe bathtub, private shower, dressing area, and signature Heavenly Spa massage bed which is famous for its ergonomic design. Throughout the Spa experience, therapists try to touch people across seven senses; the five physical senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and scent, as well as the psychological senses of emotion and meaning. Aromatic Essential Oil is wildly used across the of spa menu. Signature treatments include the well-known Heavenly Spa Signature massage, Aspire massage, Energize Scrub, Revival Facial and Renewal Ritual, touching the seven senses.
上海新天地 Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai Partners 安达仕酒店携 with V2 Day Spa 手V2城市水疗 Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai has announced its partnership 上海新天地安达仕 酒 店 日 前 宣 布 与 V2 城市水疗合作,酒 店 的 V2水 疗 中 心 定 于2015年1月1日开业 迎 宾 。 与 V2的 合 作 意味着安达仕酒店 将提供更专业且多 样的水疗服务,使 入住的客户在休息的同时满足自身的美容和美体需要,并通过提供一个奢华宁 静的养生氛围使心灵得到释放。V2的特色按摩疗程身心合一借鉴了西藏的颂钵 振动疗法,将瑜伽的拉伸元素和V2独特的指压肘压穴位按摩结合,改善脊柱和 骨骼的协调性,帮助身体获得更多能量。在V2融合了中国传统和欧洲创新疗法 的水疗之旅中,客人将唤醒感官恢复旺盛活力。
20 | SpaChina • 2015
with V2 Day Spa. The V2 Day Spa is scheduled to open on 1st January, 2015. The partnership means the hotel will now provide more professional and diversified spa services, thus giving our guests a break to take care of their beauty and body needs – and to pamper their souls – by offering a few moments of luxurious peace and wellness. V2’s Signature Massage Treatment “When Soul Meets Body” (with Tibetan Singing Bowls Vibration Therapy) combines the opening, stretching elements of yoga with our very own finger-and-elbow pressure-point massage, which improves spinal and skeletal alignment and increases energy. With its ultimate contemporary spa journey with Chinese traditions and innovative European therapies, guests can awaken the senses and feel revitalized.
China spa news | spa中国新闻 天津香格里拉CHI水疗开业 天津香格里拉大酒店全新开业的香格里拉CHI水疗位于酒店3层,在 室内恒温泳池和24小时开放的健身房旁,为放松身心、焕发活力提供 各式理疗项目。香格里拉CHI水疗配有五间独立护理室,其中包括四 间单人护理室和一间双人套间。其灵感源自香格里拉的美丽传说, 并从中找到属于自己的宁静、陶醉和舒适享受。CHI水疗于喧嚣的城 市中开辟出一方静谧的休憩之所,经验丰富的理疗师通过亚洲养生 古方护理手法为客人驱逐疲惫,缓解工作压力。宾客在进行正式身 体或面部护理前,均会尊享免费的足疗体验。
CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel, Tianjin Opens 北京长安街W酒店Away水疗中心开业 新开业的北京长安街W酒店,Away®水疗中心为来自世界各地 的游客及当地时尚达人悉心准备了内容丰富的水疗护理疗程, 充分放松、重拾活力。水疗中心的设计返璞归真,九个理疗室 包括两间套房呈蜂巢状分布,为宾客呈现一处和谐的避世之 所。除了滋补复元的养生之道外,一系列以蜂蜜为主要成分 的护理项目将为宾客提供独特的水疗体验。独特多样的护理疗 程使宾客在身心灵养生之旅中释放压力,缓解紧张和焦虑的心 情,并重获身心平衡和能量。男女水疗区皆设有储物锁柜,恢 复活力区可供客人在护理前后舒缓情绪,放松身心。
CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La is located on Level 3 of the newly-opened Shangri-La Hotel, Tianjin. An entire wellness retreat dedicated to relaxation and rejuvenation, CHI, The Spa is located next to an indoor temperature-controlled infinity swimming pool and a 24-hour gymnasium. With 5 private treatment rooms (4 single and 1 double suite), CHI, The Spa draws inspiration from the origins of the Shangri-La legend, a place of personal peace, enchantment and well-being. Offering a calming respite from the city, the well-trained therapists will knead away the stress of work with Asian-inspired treatments using pressure points along the meridian lines. Guests who visit CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel, Tianjin will first receive a complimentary foot scrub, followed by body or facial treatment of their choice.
City Escape at Away Spa In the newly-opened W Beijing Chang’an, with an extensive menu of treatments, Away Spa is set to become a destination for world travelers and Beijingers wanting to detox, relax and re-energize. Incorporating Mother Nature’s own design features of a honeycombed beehive, the Away Spa comprises 9 treatment rooms including 2 suites, and presents a harmonious escape for guests to enjoy exceptional spa experiences featuring honey-based treatments, among other restorative regimens. Guests are guided through a journey of physical and spiritual wellness with a variety of unique treatments to release tension, stress and anxiety while restoring energy and balance. The Male and Female Wet Zone with lockers and Refuel Zone create areas for guests to chill out before and after treatments, inspiring W style relaxation.
昆明迦南水疗会所SPA新体验 新开业的昆明迦南会所是一家拥有高档美 甲、美容、美体服务,以技术精湛、卫生 安全、环境舒适而形成自己独特个性的专 业SPA会所。在旧约圣经中,迦南是人们 历经40年沙漠游荡和流浪后的人间福地, 是一个流淌着牛奶与蜜的圣地。会所意在 为客人创造这种迦南感觉,其高品质的护 理项目采用纯进口品牌,如来自法国的 Terrake天芮和意大利的Beauty SPA,高端 美甲服务使用LCN、OPI、Nailtek、CND’ Shellac、Harmony、Ibd等品牌,它们为迦 南会所的服务带来了全新层面的体验。会 所采用进口的清洁消毒设备,坚持美国国 家医院的卫生标准,把一个全新的卫生标 准理念带入了中国水疗行业。
22 | SpaChina • 2015
Canaan Club Brings out a New Spa Experience Canaan is a professional spa club in Kunming, with high-end manicure, beauty and body care service, which draws its uniqueness from exquisite technology, safe sanitation, and a comfortable environment. In The Old Testament, Canaan is the destination for the Israelites who were exiled in the desert for 40 years, a holy land flowing with milk and honey. Canaan Club aims to give every guest the feeling of Canaan. All of its highquality treatments employ imported brands such as French Terrake and Italian Beauty SPA. Its manicure treatments make use of brands like LCN, OPI, Nailtek, CND’Shellac, Harmony and Ibd. Canaan also imports sterilizing equipment from America, and adheres to American national hospital sanitary standards, bringing a new hygienic standard into the spa business.
International spa news | spa国际新闻
张雪 编译
One&Only接手管理沃尔根山谷度假村及水疗 One&Only Resorts将接手管理阿联酋航空集团于澳洲大蓝山世界遗 产区一家享负盛名的奢华度假村──阿联酋航空沃尔根山谷度假村 及水疗中心。水疗中心于2015年初改名为Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley,并带来One&Only一贯的星级服务与体验。沃尔根山谷坐落 于大蓝山世界遗产区,基于环保理念,在广达7,000英亩的自然保 护区中,该度假村的面积仅占据百分之一,度假村营业五年间皆达 到零碳排放量。作为度假村的历史焦点,原有的农舍1832 Heritage Homestead将继续为其重要部分及各种活动的中心。One&Only鼓励 宾客探索附近的自然风貌,并提供多项独一无二的体验,为充满浓 厚地方感的度假村注入新活力。
东京安缦优雅开幕 安缦旗下第一家城市度假村东京安缦,于2014年12月开幕。占 据着最新建成的大手町大厦顶部六层,东京安缦不仅是东京传 统与现代融合的缩影,更是一个凌空于都会的避世圣地。大手 町大厦的33至38层全为东京安缦所有,设有客房及套房共计84 间,每一间皆可俯瞰东京全景。宁静的内部花园,安逸的安缦 水疗和游泳池,无不为这个凌空度假圣地注入画龙点睛之笔。 健身设施占据两层楼,覆盖超过2,500平方米,包括拥有八个理 疗室的安缦水疗、装备最新器械的健身中心、瑜伽馆、普拉提 会所,和一个30米泳道的天幕游泳池,其中更包括桑拿房和传 统日本热汤在内的洗浴设施。
Aman Tokyo Opens to Visitors The first city property of Aman, Aman Tokyo, opened its doors in December, 2014. Occupying the top six floors of the recently-built Otemachi Tower, Aman Tokyo is an urban sanctuary high above the atmospheric whirl of tradition and modernity that epitomises Tokyo. It has 84 rooms and suites each with panoramic city views. A peaceful inner garden, and a serene Aman Spa and swimming pool complete the elevated sanctuary. Extending over two floors, the wellness facilities cover 2,500 square meters and includes an Aman Spa with eight treatment rooms, a state-of-the-art Fitness Centre, Yoga studio and Pilates Studio equipped with the latest apparatus, and a 30-metre swimming pool stretching across the skyscape. Facilities include steam rooms and traditional Japanese hot baths.
One&Only Resorts to Manage Emirates Wolgan Valley Emirates has appointed One&Only Resorts to manage the highly acclaimed luxury resort Emirates Wolgan Valley Resort & Spa in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area in Australia. Wolgan Valley is nestled in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, occupying just one per cent of a 7,000-acre conservancy reserve. The resort offers incredible experiences through an environmental ethos and has been carbon neutral for five years running. The 1832 Heritage Homestead will continue to be the heart of the resort and centre of activity. Guests will be encouraged to discover and explore the incredible natural surrounds and One&Only will introduce a number of unique guest experiences, bringing a renewed sense of vitality to the resort underpinned by the strong sense of place.
2015英国泳池 水疗博览会开幕
UK Pool & Spa Expo 2015 will Open in January
UK Pool & Spa Expo 2015 will take place from 22-24 January in Hall 10 at The NEC, Birmingham. The 2015 event will see many more exhibition stands and the usual networking opportunities. Networking parties, seminar programs, training programs, a new product zone and the Pool and Spa Scene Awards bring high value to visitors, making it an event that cannot be missed for designers, builders, architects, leisure operators, health club owners, directors, hoteliers and all those in the wet leisure industry. For visitors to the expo, a number of high-profile exhibitors will be offering exclusive discounts, making it the perfect opportunity to get the best savings for your company. Free parking and WiFi throughout the event make it even easier to justify time out of the office.
会 将 于 1月 22日 至 24日 在 英国伯明翰国家展览中心 10号厅拉开帷幕。较之往 年,今年的博览会将会有 更多的展台,参展商可得 到更多相互交流的机会。 博览会的内容包括交际 会、研讨项目和培训项 目,并开设新产品专区, 与会者还将参与水疗现场 颁奖,届时水中休闲产业的设计师、建筑商、休闲产业的经营者、健身俱乐部业 主、主管和决策者都将参与其中。除此之外,博览会的许多参展商将提供独家折 扣,使参会者以最低价格购入所需产品和器材。展会期间主办方提供免费停车场 和无线网络,以便参展商和与会者节省时间提高效率。
24 | SpaChina • 2015
International spa news | spa国际新闻 瑞士高山地产水疗揭幕 滑雪运营商豪特蒙塔尼于2014年12月推出其在瑞士的高山地产,除 配备家庭员工和保镖的膳宿外,庄园内还设有豪华水疗区。高山地 产位于瑞士村庄韦尔比耶境内,属私人地产,在水疗区内可以清晰 地看到韦尔比耶山全景。水疗中心设有两个室内泳池,两个室内室 外漩涡按摩泳池,此外还包括两间土耳其浴室,桑拿房,休闲区, 两个水疗吧和健身房。水疗护理项目包括面部,美甲和身体按摩, 所用护肤产品皆来自帕尔玛之水品牌,理疗师来自运营商之一的合 作伙伴机构。庄园内还提供包括木屋私人瑜伽课程和木屋美发服务 在内的其它养生设施。
Alpine Estate and Spa Debuted in December, 2014
巴林瑞享酒店开设Rimal Spa 屡获殊荣的巴林瑞享酒店宣布推出最新设施Rimal Spa。该现代 欧洲风格水疗中心共设12间护理室,包括单人护理套房、一间 双人女士套房,以及两间配备独立蒸汽室和恒温水疗床的传统 土耳其浴套房。所有护理室均按照最高标准设计,并附设私人 淋浴间。Rimal Spa亦分设男女宾翼楼,于休憩等候区为宾客提 供有机草本饮品。为了打造更优质的养生保健之旅,Rimal Spa 也将提供独家设计的整全护理,全部采用伦敦Harley Street护肤 产品及CACI美颜纤体仪器以无创非手术方式进行。Voya海洋 产品及以贝壳进行的星级护理不仅为水疗体验添上特色,同时 亦为环境保育出一分力。
Rimal Spa Opens at Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain The award-winning Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain has announced the opening of its newest facility, Rimal Spa. The modern Europeanstyle spa features 12 treatment rooms, including single treatment suites, one double female suite and two traditional Turkish hammam suites with their own steam rooms and heated wet tables. The spa offers separate male and female wings complete with relaxation waiting areas where organic herbal infusions are served. To enhance the wellness journey, Rimal Spa also offers exclusively designed, holistic and non-invasive treatments using London’s Harley Street Skincare products and CACI non-surgical face and body lift machines. Voya marine products and signature treatments using seashells add a unique dimension to the spa, which also does its part to support green practices.
Ski operator Haute Montagne debuted its Alpine Estate in Switzerland in December, 2014, complete with accommodation for guests’ household staff and bodyguards, in addition to an extravagant spa offering. Situated within the Swiss village of Verbier in the Alps, the exclusive address is privately owned. The spa facility on-site – with panoramic views of Verbier’s mountains – features two indoor pools, one indoor whirlpool, an outdoor whirlpool, two hammams, two saunas, two relaxation areas, two spa bars and a fitness suite. There are three treatment rooms for facials, manicures, pedicures and massages. Skincare products used in the spa are by Aqua di Parma. Therapists will be sourced from one of the operator’s partner facilities. Other wellbeing facilities offered at the property include in-chalet private yoga sessions and in-chalet hairdressing services.
布莱娜公园 大酒店斯蒂芬妮 温泉水疗中心 欧特克系列的旗舰产 业,德国巴登巴登市的 布莱娜花园大酒店宣布 旗下目的地温泉水疗 中心斯蒂芬妮将于2015 年1月15日开张营业。 水疗中心配备15间能够 俯瞰酒店花园的理疗 室,一间500平米的桑 拿室,此外还设有疗愈跌水潭,土耳其浴室,女士水疗桑拿,以及有理疗和脊 柱治疗设施的健身中心。水疗中心一应产品来自主要合作方希思黎、修丽可和 阿妮卡有机奢侈品。水疗中心的管理遵循布莱纳公园酒店30年来总结出的养生 四大支柱——美容、排毒养颜、医疗护理和情绪疗法。水疗中心的设计师Bergit Countess Douglas更是在过去的25年中一手负责了布莱娜的所有翻修工作。
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Brenners Park Hotel's Health Spa Villa Stéphanie to Open in the New Year The Brenners Park Hotel in Baden Baden, Germany – the flagship property of the Oetker Collection will launch its destination health spa Villa Stéphanie on 15 January 2015. The spa will feature 15 treatment rooms overlooking the Park’s gardens, a 500sq m sauna, kneipping baths, a plunge pool for recovery, a hammam, a ladies spa and sauna, a fitness centre plus physio and spinal treatment facilities. The spa uses products by its main partner Sisley, in addition to Anika Organic Luxury and SkinCeuticals. The new Bergit Countess Douglas-designed spa will be managed in-house according to Brenners Park’s 30-year-old four pillars of wellbeing – beauty, detox and nutrition, medical care and emotional therapy. Bergit Countess Douglas has been responsible for the continuous refurbishment of Brenners for the past 25 years.
International spa news | spa国际新闻 蒙特卡洛深海海水水疗中心再营业 经过几个月的翻新整修,蒙特卡洛深海海水水疗中心新设两间冷冻 治疗室,再次开门迎客。翻新后的水疗中心包含30个理疗室,7个更 衣室,并雇请了包括运动医生、营养学家、物理治疗师、松弛疗法 专家、私人教练等在内的28位健康养生专家。两间冷冻治疗室主要 用于提供结冰温度,以便运动员复健或提高身体性能。据水疗中心 的负责人称,温度维持在零下110度到零下60度之间三分钟,可治疗 肌肉损伤、炎症性疾病、睡眠紊乱,并有消除时差反应的效果。除 此之外,水疗中心设有冰泉、男女澡堂,还有装备水下加长喷头、 有全身按摩功能的海水热池。
万豪酒店穆苏里胡桃林水疗度假村 迎来欧舒丹雪松水疗 万豪酒店穆苏里胡桃林水疗度假村坐落在喜马拉雅山印度一侧 的高原上,是一处山中避暑圣地。近日欧舒丹雪松水疗作为度 假村的一部分正式迎客。穆苏里胡桃林水疗度假村是万豪在印 度的第一家度假村,以其奢华高端的设施和服务成为婚宴佳 地。雪松水疗中心包括5间理疗室,护理项目的灵感源自当地的 雪松树,其中包括招牌项目雪松木身体按摩。度假村内有健身 中心和室内暖水泳池,沃伦特里克米的一家沙龙。此外,12,000 平方英尺的娱乐中心The Den内含一个儿童俱乐部、双道保龄球 馆、桌球设施和游戏机,以及图书馆、睡眠区和购物场所。
The Cedar Spa by L'Occitane Opens at the Newly Launched JW Marriott Mussoorie Walnut Grove Resort & Spa The Cedar Spa by L’Occitane has launched as part of the JW Mussoorie Walnut Grove Resort & Spa opening in the hill stations – high-altitude settlements in the Indian Himalayas. The 115-key project marks the first JW Marriott resort in India and is being touted as a destination wedding venue due to its high-end facilities. The property’s Cedar Spa by L’Occitane features five treatment rooms and offers therapies inspired by the indigenous cedar trees – including one called the signature cedarwood body massage. There is also a fitness centre and indoor heated swimming pool on-site, in addition to a Salon by Warren Tricomi. Additionally, there is a 12,000sq ft entertainment centre called The Den, which hosts a kids’ club, a two-lane bowling alley, billiard and pool tables, gaming consoles, a library, sleep zones and a market.
Thermes de Marins Spa Monte-Carlo Reopens Following Renovation ThermesMarins Monte-Carlo has relaunched after several months of renovation, offering two new cryotherapy rooms. It now comprises 30 treatment rooms, seven private cabanas and employs 28 health specialists including sports doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists, relaxation therapists, hydro-therapists, personal trainers, and quality specialist. The two cryotherapy rooms could offer icy temperatures and are widely used by athletes for recovery and improved performance. Within 180 seconds, temperatures between -60ºC and -110ºC treat muscle and inflammatory disease, sleep disorders, and relieve jet lag, according to the spa’s representatives. Other facilities include an ice fountain, hammam for men and women, and a heated seawater pool which has been fitted out with extended nozzles on the underwater jet faucets to provide a full body massage.
俄罗斯首家 Clarins Opens its First 娇韵诗水疗护肤 Skin Spa in Russia Clarins has opened its first day spa in St Petersburg, 中心开业 俄罗斯圣彼得堡首家 娇韵诗水疗护肤中心 开业,水疗中心占地 55平米,配备两间理 疗室,提供品牌所有 男女面部和身体护理 疗程,以及应用化妆 课程。俄罗斯水疗行 业专家深入了解了本 地区的商业机遇和挑战,同时联合国世界旅游组织的数据也显示,俄罗斯的水疗 市场由其国内旅游业起主导作用,但2012年的入境人数为2,570万人次,同比增长 13.4%,也为俄罗斯的水疗行业带来了不小的增长动力。根据国际水疗与健康委员 会的调查,尽管目前俄罗斯国内有1,500家左右的水疗,却只有三分之一的数量坚持 采用了国际标准。
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Russia. The 55sq m Clarins Skin Spa features two treatment rooms and will offer all of its face and body treatments for women and men, as well as make-up application sessions. Spa industry professionals in Russia give an insight into the region’s opportunities and challenges for business. While the country’s spa market is dominated by domestic tourism, inbound visitor numbers grew by 13.4 per cent in 2012 – with 25.7 million people entering the country – according to figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Although there are an estimated 1,500 spas in the country, only one third are currently believed to adhere to international standards according to Spa and Wellness International Council.
spa Products news | spa产品新闻
belif草本护肤 belif品牌来自韩国,采用苏格兰药草医务所Napiers的护肤配方,推出一系 列安全高效的护肤产品。这家由英国草本植物学专家Duncan Napier开设的 Napiers药草医务所,有着150年的历史,善于利用草本植物的神奇功效,并 将其与医学理念及哲学相融合,针对现代人的肌肤问题,所研发出的护肤配 方有着很好的疗效。belif水润修护套装特意为年底的各大节日准备,包括有 匈牙利女王保湿水精华、斗篷草高效水分炸弹霜、菖蒲温和滋润洗面奶、紫 芹26hr润泽炸弹霜以及天鹅绒水润护手霜。其中匈牙利女王保湿水精华有着 温和清爽的质地,在肌肤表面铺上水凝保护膜,能长时间注入水分,且不黏 腻,令肤质柔滑细致。
旅途中的天然呵护 澳洲自然派品牌eco&more秉持着 草本肌源 的理念,采 集世界优质的植物精萃,以安全的成分来代替一般化学 配方, 不含有毒石化成分、矿物油、人工色素、香精和 有害防腐剂,让肌肤不再吸收毒素、恢复健康状况、减 少引起皮肤过敏或不适的敏感源。最新推出泰国柠檬草 旅行套装,携带轻便,包含了洗发水、护发素、沐浴露 和身体乳在内的4款产品,富含令人精神振奋的泰国柠 檬草精油。同时加入了从世界优质植草中萃取的天然精 油,如荷荷巴籽油,胡萝卜籽油以及冰花萃取物。在旅 行途中给肌肤带来天然呵护,同时在使用过程中也减少 了碳足迹的生成。
Natural Care for Travelling {eco&more} is an Australian brand of 100% plant based, chemical free, home care and personal care products that are made with care and guaranteed natural ingredients. The brand recently launches its travel kit. It includes four head-to-toe favorites that are powered by the invigorating Re-Charge Lemongrass Essential Oil – All free from harmful petrochemical ingredients and are rapidly biodegradable – packed with nothing but the finest essential oils and plant-derived goodness like Jojoba Seed Oil, Carrot Seed Oil and Ice Plant Extract. The kit not only pampers your skin naturally, but also minimizes your carbon footprint.
Herbal Skin Care from belif Korean brand Belif boosts skincare and body products for women, men and even babies. Priding itself on being a truthful cosmetic brand, its products are formulated from the herbal recipes and philosophies of respected botanist and herbalist, Duncan Napier. Napier was the first to open a herbal clinic and shop in Scotland, in 1860, where herbal treatments are considered an important form of traditional natural therapy. Today, Belif has inherited Napier’s 150 years of history and formulates products free of harmful ingredients. Belif Holy Moisture Special Set is launched for festivals. The set includes Hungarian Water Essence, The True Cream - Aqua Bomb, Creamy Cleansing Foam Moist, The True Cream - Moisturizing Bomb and Velvety Coat Hand Cream. Formulated with Napier’s aqua formula containing hydration secrets of the legendary Hungarian Water that enabled Hungarian Queen Elizabeth to maintain her beauty into old age, Hungarian Water Essence will instantly give your dry skin a soothing boost of moisture.
Avene Can Enrich the Skin
As temperatures drop and the wind
whips up, dry air takes away the thin
layer of oil that traps moisture in
the skin, flaring itchy and painful
差而产生皱纹与老化现象。全新上 市的雅漾身体润肤油,富含金盏花 提取物及天然鳄梨油,质地轻盈不 油腻,令肌肤恢复弹性,滋润柔 和。身体润肤油经皮肤吸收后,会
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conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and severe dry skin. The Body Oil, the latest product from Avene, can help to solve the skin problems of winter. Rich
in natural plant-based oils and vitamins
A and E, this nourishing formulation
hydrates to leave parched skin soft,
supple and comfortable. You can apply
daily to clean, towel-dried or slightly
damp skin by gently massaging. It also
can be added to bath water.
spa equipment news | spa器材新闻
张雪 编译
ReFa太阳能铂金按摩滚轮 以专业美容器械闻名世界的MTG株式会社对各种皮肤类型的女性进行了周 密调查和分析,研制出了具有专业美容按摩手法和效果的铂金电子滚轮美容 器ReFa(黎珐)。ReFa产品系列通过光电板,使铂金电子滚轮产生和人体生物 电同样的微电流,恢复皮肤细胞的代谢功能,刺激皮肤胶原蛋白增加。持续 使用一两周后,皱纹和细纹明显淡化,皮肤亮丽有弹性,用在身体上更能 达到瘦身的神奇效果。因为每款ReFa产品模仿了专业美容师的手型和按摩手 法,ReFa 除了在功能上满足了皮肤和身体美容保健的效果之外,还能带给使 用者如同专业美容师一般的按摩享受。
ReFa Solar Powered Platinum Massage Roller Juno:生物界的iPhone 三小时搞定基因检测 利用基因检测来对细胞进行研究要花费很长的时间, 这完全不利于研究进程的跟进,在生物公司Fluidigm 的努力下,Juno就此诞生,它能将测试时间缩短到3 小时。Juno没有传统的基因检测仪那么复杂,它操作 起来和现在常见的电子产品一样简便。省略掉繁琐 的研究步骤和操作过程,Juno能使用显微导管从各种
MTG Corp. is world famous for its professional beauty care equipment. After detailed research and analysis on various kinds of female skin types, MTG has developed the platinum electronic beauty massage roller ReFa. Its wheels can produce micro-current which is the same as human bioelectricity through the photovoltaic panel, recovering skin cells’ metabolism function and stimulating skin collagen to increase. After one to two weeks of continuous use, wrinkles and fine lines are minimized, skin return its glossiness and elasticity, and if you use it on your body, you’ll find its slimming effect. ReFa products imitate the massage techniques and skills of professional beautician, thus it provides a massage experience like a real beautician.
不同的生物组织中提取出DNA,然后自动将其放大 以便分析研究。为了使Juno的操作方式更加简单便 捷,Fluidigm委托了设计工作室设计了外壳和操作界 面。Juno采用触屏操作,约一个小型的电视机那么 大,造型简洁美观,同时也方便生产。
iPhone in Biology: Juno Shortens Gene Detection to 3 Hours Making use of gene detection to study cells usually takes quite a long time, which is absolutely a barrier in the study process. Due to the efforts of biology company Fluidigm, Juno arrives to fix this problem by shortening detection time to 3 hours. Omitting the trivial research and operating processes, the operation of Juno is as simple as that of a common electronic product. Its microscopic catheter can extract DNA of various biological tissues, and automatically amplifies it for analysis. In order to simplify its operation, Fluidigm entrusted a professional design studio to create its shell and its touch screen interface. The size of Juno is about as big as a minitelevision with a concise outlook.
戴尔桑拿供应低成本红外桑拿技术 水疗器材供应商戴尔桑拿研发出了使用红外线新技术的 Rohol桑拿,这项技术使桑拿的耗电量比 传统的桑拿节省超过30%的电量。此项技 术很快将会于伦敦第一健身俱乐部开始使 用。Rohal桑拿利用高6分米宽1.5分米的350 瓦红外线加热器,并将其固定,使用者背 对加热器而坐或倚靠着胶合镶板。红外线 桑拿安全性非常高,由于它不采用传统的 热源,所以排除了可燃物与加热器发生反 应引起火灾的风险。红外桑拿技术的益处 与通过排汗、缓解疼痛和增强免疫系统排 毒运动是相同的。
Dalesauna Supplies Low-cost Infrared Sauna Technology Spa equipment supplier, Dalesauna, has developed the Rohol Sauna which uses new infrared technology that consumes more than 30 per cent less energy than conventional saunas. Dalesauna will soon be trialling the technology in one of Fitness First’s London clubs. The Rohol Sauna uses 350W infrared heaters which measure 600mm high by 150mm wide and are positioned so visitors sit with their back to them or against modern veneered panels. Infrared saunas are extremely safe. There's no traditional heating source, which removes the risk of fire that could otherwise occur when a combustible material comes into contact with the heater. The physiological benefits of this technology are akin to those felt after exercise, such as detoxification through sweat production, pain relief and a strengthened immune system. SpaChina • 2015 | 31
| 特别报道
健康设计 设计健康 好的养生水疗度假村 应该是一个可信任的 平台,自然而然地引 导人以个性化的方 式,找回自己真正想 要的健康生活方式 高菲 文
32 | SpaChina • 2015
好的日常起居饮食生活习惯、具备身心双重 的健康生活。
服务与其他活动等。 自安缦集团1988年在普吉岛开设第一家
Indoor Swimming Pool " Pu Yao", Bolian Hotels and Spa, Heshun 新的养生感受,学到了许多知识, 并从每日
这系列的保健体验在颐和安缦的占地 5,000平米的奢华水疗中心进行,这一绿洲距
外国客人来说,则是无比新鲜、神秘的异国 妙法。
始人Chicco和Lahra Tatriele夫妇说。
每一项饮食计划都会根据客人个人的养生计 划量身定制。
Chicco和 Lahra认 为 , 只 有 致 力 于 度 假 村环境空间生态、和产品项目的设计,才能
安 缦 集 团 全 球 水 疗 总 监 Greg Payne认
Breathtaking view from the riverfront suite at Fivelements’ eco-wellness retreat in Bali
著的保健效果。在中医大师Alex Tan的引导
疗法;运动专家Ivana Daniell,以及结构机
力 合 作 , 并 积 极 与 我 们 的 邻 居 —— 当 地 的
们希望通过这种持续的交流方式,获得与当 SpaChina • 2015 | 33
地社会环境之间的互利,避免任何人文与生 活方式上的冲突,因为象我们这样的异国夫 妇,意大利和美国的教育与人文,势必是会 与当地有所矛盾的,重视社会形态的可持续 性,与环境的可持续性同样重要。”Chicco 和Lahra说。因此,在他们看来,在充满当地 文化与魅力的巴厘岛上,构筑一个国际化的 本土风情与养生概念十足的养生度假村,才 真正具备可持续发展形态。 Fivelements的生态环保与健康意识设计 原则体现在各个细节之中:设计和建材;用 水效率;能源效率;废物管理;耗材采购; 室内环境质量;景观设计;养生套餐设计; 营养饮食设计;健身项目的设计,以及身心 灵项目与人文项目的设计等。 其中最有特色 的可谓是“神圣的艺术疗愈”项目了。这一 结合了多种的物理疗法,并配合支持细胞再 生的健康饮食的项目,帮助整合客人自身的 健康状态,并深层探索和了解自己内在的智 慧 和“生命的印记”。发现与感受人与人, 人与自然之间的自由与信任,从平时早已忽 略的细节之中,体会自身与周边人、与物、 与环境的价值,尊重众生,最终达到自我鼓 舞、身心健康的效果。 “另一个让我们的客人们很有感触的疗 法是冥想。我们夫妇热衷于精神方面的探 索,深信冥想是自我修复和获得喜悦的终极 工具。度假村里传播巴厘教义,有非常有经 验的、甚至可以是说具备神奇能量的巴厘冥 想精神导师。我们的目标是要润物无声地让 我们的客人接受以冥想解决诸多身心疾患, 这就是一个好的养身水疗度假村应该具备的 效果”。 在中国,风景宜人的温泉水疗度假村最 受中国客人的欢迎。温泉文化给中国客人 以熟悉、安心、舒畅的保健养身感;也是他 们可以拖家带口,享受其乐融融的家庭时光 的好场所。柏联酒店集团在2014年10月于云 南腾冲新开业的和顺SPA温泉与和顺柏联酒 店,无论在酒店、温泉设计与设施、以及相 关SPA与养身产品设计上,可谓翘楚。 “腾冲作为温泉之乡,天然温泉的水质 非常好,柏联温泉所在的泉眼位于地下一千 多米,是天然纯净的碳酸温泉,富含微量氡 元素和高岭土在内的三十多种丰富的矿物元 素、多种生物活性的稀土元素,以及多种
The Bar Terrace, Aman at Summer Palace
天然矿物元素,出水温56度。”和顺柏联酒 店副总经理宋体德说。占地面积为50亩的23
34 | SpaChina • 2015
Designing for Wellness A good Wellness Spa Resort should be a trusted platform, naturally guiding people to personalize their way back to the healthy lifestyle they are really looking for. By Fifi Kao
healthy lifestyle requires both people and society to adapt to be in harmony with the environment, to have a correct outlook on life, to have a suitable world view and good dietary habits in terms of both daily and life schedules, along with the physical and mental health that are so central to life. Most wellness and spa resorts have the vision of providing a unique health and well-
ness solution for their guests in order to allow for the recovery of their bodies, release for their minds, and a restoration of their energies, thereby creating and discovering an ideal personal healthy lifestyle, during the few days or even a few months they stay in a property. “Determine a strong concept and objectives for achieving, and integrate or weave it into the design, the programs, the special offerings, etc. that’s the key to running a wellness retreat,” said Lahra Tatriele, co-founder of Fivelements.
“And the concept components, vision, mission, guiding philosophies and core values should all guide the design of the retreat. In addition, they provide a solid framework within which to operate, service standards, creating treatments, services and programs and determining sustainability standards. Most important is the true ‘wellness design’ focusing on the healing and well-being of each individual guest and integrating all of the above in a way that enhances the harmony of the entire site, and all beings in it.” Since the opening of its first property, Amanpuri, in Phuket in 1988, Aman has become well known for its award-winning spa programs and facilities. Linking the elements of some of the world’s most interesting cultural and natural environments to the health and well-being of guests has always been a cornerstone of Aman’ approach. As winter approaches, Aman at Summer Palace launched a wellness retreat program last November, offering personalized programs using an holistic approach during 3-to7 days retreats. The synergy of treatments, such as an indepth blood analysis combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine, provides a deep understanding of what is happening in the body and aims to deliver tangible health benefits in just a few days. Furthermore, structural bodywork and movement sessions, supported by personalized nutrition programs that include local and seasonal cuisine, provide a holistic approach to wellness. There are three, five- and seven-day retreat packages offered, priced at US$5,400, US$7,973 and US$10,157 respectively for a single person and US$8,280, US$12,008 and US$15,169 respectively for two persons. The innovative and leading edge wellness program combines the best of East and West wellness, and includes daily activities for cultural immersion. “It’s ideal for guests seeking an introduction to wellness or wishing to achieve specific health and lifestyle goals, whilst enjoying the historic and calm setting of Aman at Summer Palace,” said Mr. Greg Payne, Global Spa Director at Aman, who has successfully lead the November retreat. “Participants discovered TCM with a contemporary twist under the guidance of Alex Tan, as well as enjoyed sessions with movement specialist Ivana Daniell and structural bodywork with Robert Hyrsky,” Greg introduced. The wellness retreat was held within Aman’s luxurious Spa, a 5,000-square-meter oasis just SpaChina • 2015 | 35
| 特别报道
The Spa Cuisine by Bolian Hotels and Spa, Heshun
15 kilometers from the city center. Aman’s extensive facilities include a 25-meter indoor pool, state of the art gym, sauna, steam room and private cinema. Tai Qi, Yoga and Meditation also offered daily, as well as activities in Aman’s Cultural Pavilion including calligraphy, kite making and mask painting, and the neighboring Summer Palace is a perfect morning jogging paradise. The property’s expert chefs also prepared special wellness meals and daily juices for this special wellness retreat program. And it was tailor-made to suit participants looking for unique wellness plans. “Our clients had visited many of the top spa resorts, and what they experience is extraordinary, but they also know what is value for money,” said Greg. “The benefits of a retreat experience are numerous. First and foremost, 36 | SpaChina • 2015
taking a few days away from a busy schedule allows the body to slow down and provides an opportunity for a shift in well-being. That plus meeting the worldwide famous wellness experts face to face, it’s no surprise that guests return frequently to our Aman Wellness programs across the world. We are really excited to bring these experts to Beijing.” In contrast to Aman, another fabulous wellness and spa resort in Bali - Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa – charms many guests from all of the world with its unique style and remarkable business concept. It is an integrated healing and wellness destination blending the wisdom of traditional cultures with innovative wellness services, combining Balinese healing rituals for purification, balancing and regeneration, Epicurean raw living foods cuisine for health, beauty and longevity, Sacred arts practices for
inner strength, alignment and dedication, and Sustainable living and design. “‘Living well’ is inspired by Balinese culture, which encourages us to nurture harmony with spirit, nature and one another,” Lahra Tatriele, Co-founder of Fivelements, said. “Our holistic integrative approach is designed to tune in on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels, allowing an organic healing process to naturally unfold. Our overall aim is to co-create a trusting connection and gently guide you through a highly personalised programme, while providing you with useful life tools to return home with.” “We are committed to designing spaces and programs that truly deliver a body-mind-spirit integrative experience aimed to generate positive results and real life transformation.” The two Co-founders, husband and wife
Chicco and Lahra Tatriele, both believe that a basic understanding of natural and social systems is integral to a sustainable relationship with the environment. Therefore, they also encourage formal education through different workshops and guided healing programs, as well as spontaneous individual learning through the opportunities that occur throughout the landscape of Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa. The Management Team is committed to continuous cooperation and open dialogue with neighbors in the village of Baturning, throughout the island of Bali and around the world. “It is our intention that, through this ongoing dialogue, mutually beneficial solutions can be found for any challenges or conflicts that may arise,” said Chicco. “Our Design and
Operations teams are committed to minimizing the impact of our activities upon the land we occupy and ensuring that any disturbances will be offset by positive action through tree planting and the support of like-minded sustainability efforts.” The eco-conscious wellness design principles can be found in every detail at Fivelements, including Design and Building Materials, Water Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Waste Management, Indoor Environmental Quality, Landscape, Health, Nourishment, Spiritual harmony, Fitness and Procurement. And mental and inspiration wellness is a focus at Fivelements too. “Sacred Arts healing” is a critical component that brings about new awareness, in combination with the more physical healing therapies and cell-regenerative foods. These sessions enhance the overall journey to greater health and well-being and help integrate a deeper understanding and inner wisdom of one’s state or “life imprint.” Further, the Sacred Arts program supports each guest “through awareness” to newfound freedom and trust, inspiring optimum health, selfcare and respect for all beings. This integrative approach is accepted really well by guests. “One example is meditation,” said Lahra. “We truly believe meditation is the ultimate tool for self-healing and planetary well-being. Our guests have the chance to experience the teachings and guidance of Balinese meditation and spiritual teachers from Bali. Our aim is to gently support guests from medication to meditation.” In China, hot spring spa resorts are most appreciated by Chinese guests because they are familiar with the culture of bath soaking. They consider it to be a most comfortable experience, and also an important and healthy way to achieve a wellness lifestyle. At the same time, they can also enjoy a wonderful time with their family members and friends, and even with work partners, chatting happy while bathing, warming up to each other and building closer relationships. The Brilliant Hotel Group, which has announced their new brand logo to be Bolian Hotel Group, in October 2014 opened the Heshun Bolian Hot Spring SPA, along with the boutique hotel – Heshun Bolian Hotel. It showcases Bolian’s remarkable design and construction skills in terms of both the hotel and hot spring, and features products of the wellness lifestyle that match the Chinese taste. “We are located in one of the best hotspring towns in the southwest part of China, the natural hot spring water quality is incredible, the
springs come from more than one thousand meters deep under the ground, and as the pure natural carbonated springs, they are rich in trace elements and kaolin radon, including 30 kinds of rich minerals in a variety of biological activities, and the water temperature is 56 degrees,” Tiger Song, the Deputy General Manager of Bolian Hotel, said. Covering an area of 50 acres with 23 different hot spring pools, all spring bathtub bricks are composed of local volcanic stones, gracefully hidden between the bamboo stands and the trees, with enough privacy and also with great views of the landscape as in a Chinese ink painting. “The hot spring here is good for heart disease, hypertension, joint disease, a variety of neuropathic pains, respiratory diseases, and with its skin care effects, reaches a peak in terms of the physical and mental relaxation. The local volcanic stones can sterilize, and provide detoxification of the body. For most of the Chinese guests, the hot springs is a easy solution of a wellness lifestyle. ” “Sometimes, Chinese guests wants to enjoy an undisturbed freedom, an escape from their busy schedule. They do not like to be disturbed, and want to own the freedom to make the choice to choose the way that they can relax, and enjoy, rather than have it all arranged,” Tiger said. “So, Bolian designed some unique wellness products, such as spa treatments, culture and sight seeing activities, healthy cuisines, private fitness and yoga tai chi training, promoting less, but they are there, to let the guests decide, to give them the freedom.” With the heartfelt sense of traditional Chinese architecture, the beauty of the landscaped gardens, to give guests a deep artistic healing energy from spiritual level, this is the style that Bolian has always held to. The indoor swimming pool “Pu Yao”, just like its Chinese name means, is as beautiful as a crystal clear green jade, with the octagonal shape of a fine classical oriental mirror. The highest point of the 13.8-meter rooftop, with large teak beams supported by 52 Burmese imported logs, all stitching tenon full use of traditional techniques to hold up the entire roof without any nails. It is just a piece of breathtaking artwork. “Avoiding the bustle in a natural environment, staying at an exquisite luxury villa, enjoying a private or a garden hot spring, and experiencing the ancient Chinese imperial jade spa treatment, I am sure this is the most coveted dreaming wellness lifestyle, for all Chinese,” said Tiger. SpaChina • 2015 | 37
People Interview
| 人物专访
真实的中医智慧 访中医专家Alex Tan Courtyard 1 Suite Bathroom, Aman at Summer Palace
38 | SpaChina • 2015
何坤蓉 编译
The True Treasure of TCM Interview with Alex Tan, TCM Doctor
lex Tan has been studying and practicing TCM since 2002. Alex has also been practicing Qi Gong since 1996. With a keen interest in TCM and preventative health practices, Alex traveled to China where he has been living and working since 2005. He has learned much about modern theory and clinical TCM through his work in hospital systems as well as by immersing himself in ancient traditions embodied in the lifestyles and culture of everyday Chinese people. Alex is well aware of the problems associated with modern TCM in the hospital system in China and aims to provide a more holistic and personal style of healthcare focusing on effective communication and information. SpaChina invited him to talk more about his healthcare methods. What drove you to study and practice TCM? My first degree was in engineering and I was fascinated with modern Western science, and then one-day in a comparative religion course I was introduced to writings on Taoism and the links between what we were discovering at the top of Western science were akin to what the ancient Eastern sages had said thousands of years before. This was the start of my journey in Eastern philosophy and then increasingly Eastern Health. I discovered Qi Gong and Martial Arts and started my own transformation. I left high-rise construction, traveled the world and returned at 28 years old to study a fulltime degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. What do you think is the true treasure of traditional Chinese medicine? The true treasure and power of Chinese medicine lies in prevention. Not acupuncture, not herbal medicine, not the bodywork or the healing exercises; it is the underlying theory and methodology. The central assumption of Chinese Medicine is: if the human body is kept in harmonious balance, then health and wellbeing will naturally be maintained. Chinese Medicine and Taoism have been like a set of glasses through which I now view all of life. It’s given me incredible insight and a sense of ‘stewardship’ – a sense that we are both responsible and accountable for the way in which we handle life.
Alex Tan
What are the problems associated with modern TCM in the hospital system? TCM in the hospital system functions well in some basic areas of treatment and in providing alternatives to biomedical care. I have to say that I am impressed with the basic health care system in providing a satisfactory basic level of biomedical care as well as options in TCM within every hospital in China. The challenges in TCM are deep and complex and go beyond the extent of this discussion. Firstly, we must remember that TCM study and practice today can be considered a branch of the much larger practice of Chinese medicine. Modern TCM was created in the 1950’s to suit an increasingly scientific and academic model. Fit the old ‘round-peg’ into a new ‘square-hole’. Today the hospital system tends to use TCM like Western medicine as a reactive treatment of disease-orientated approach rather than its true strength as a proactive, wellness orientated-approach. This is directing TCM to specialize in certain conditions and the foundation of the health-care system that it is working in and based in the analytical-model, which means TCM is operating in an unfamiliar environment and its innate strengths are limited. Could you please introduce to us your holistic and personal style of healthcare? I prefer modern health care approaches where by the practitioner and client create an ongoing partnership to maintain health, rather than fight illness. I provide ongoing professional assistance
using treatments, information and positive interventions giving each of my clients ample time and space, guiding them to choose the best way forward. I believe the true treasures of Chinese medicine lie in its greater focus on holistic health combined with western natural health concepts, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, body work, counseling and lifestyle practices. What is the key focus of your healing approach? The key focus of my approach is not only to assist the healing process through TCM treatment, but also teach how we can live in accordance with nature to avoid illness and disease. The wisdom of the ancient Chinese can greatly assist this understanding of ourselves and our environment, so that we can use this knowledge in a practical way to adapt our lifestyles to be happier, more fulfilled and more productive. How can we live in accordance with nature to avoid illness and disease? We do this with every choice we make. When to wake up, when to sleep, what to eat, when to focus on work, when to focus on the family. Living in accordance with nature is the number one key to health and there are codes to deepen your understanding about daily, monthly, annual and life rhythms. It starts with understanding how the energy in the day flows and following that. In TCM we are considered a small part of a much larger natural order, we are part of nature and we must submit to nature, that is the first key. SpaChina • 2015 | 39
People Interview
| 人物专访
运动有方 访LIM训练法创始人Ivana Daniell女士
为 创 意 LIM训 练 法 的 创 始 人,Ivana Daniell女士毕业于英国 伦敦拉班舞蹈中心。练舞造成的
长期身体损伤带给她严重的背部疼痛。后来, 她终止了自己的舞蹈生涯,开始了健康探索之 旅。为了缓解疼痛,她尝试了多种训练法和物 理疗法,但是无一奏效。后来,她基于自己多 年的培训和经验,摸索出一套适合自己的LIM 训练法。Ivana Daniell LIM训练法融合了普拉 提、脊柱柔软运动、亚历山大疗法、费尔登 魁斯法和核心收束法等智能运动法,吸纳了运 动、体型和运动矫正领域的最新临床研究成 果,将医疗技法与健身完美结合。Ivana堪称 LIM这一革命性健身训练法的先驱,她通过这 一囊括了生活方式、生理和心理领域的训练法 改变了许多人的生活。SpaChina杂志邀请她为 您深入介绍这一疗法。
LIM训练法秉承一种怎样的理念? LIM训练法是一种革命性的健身训练法,它 指导人们以更有效、更安全的方式运动,在 不造成身体损伤的前提下达到最优健身效
运动大师Ivana Daniell运动姿势矫正
果。人的身体构造决定了人应该经常运动, 缺乏运动就会导致各种健康问题。我曾经多
引导下进一步深化LIM REED训练,并针对具
实地为客人提供最好的定制体验。这就是为 什么在LIM REED和LIM FIT阶段,我们会定
从可以转变观念的LIM REED到具有功能性健
您如何看待水疗的保健功能? 据我所知,如今的水疗中心都越来越具有综 合和整全养生功能了。一些水疗中心已经将 颅骨疗法、正骨疗法、水中舞、运动疗法等 等纳入了服务范畴。我经常在水疗中心开展 工作,也很喜欢做水疗,最喜欢的是手工理 疗和按摩疗程。
身效果的LIM FIT,逐渐深入。在这个过程
您的团队提供哪些基于LIM的健身项目? 我们提供多种健身项目选择,包括衡量体型
和运动的LIM PA项目,通常让客人在开展定
40 | SpaChina • 2015
何坤蓉 编译
Move in the Right Way Interview with Ivana Daniell, founder of LIFE in MOVEMENT (LIM)
vana Daniell, a graduate of the prestig-
ous full body workout.
ious Laban Centre, London, UK, is the
We also offer Individual Re-Assessment.
creator of the innovative LIM method.
We believe that only operating as a Team we
Her career as a dancer ended when she suf-
can offer you the best-tailored experience. This
fered a chronic injury, which led to debilitat-
is why during your LIM REED or LIM FIT we
ing back pain. Ivana began a voyage of dis-
meet regularly and discuss the development of
covery, trying out a variety of exercise and
your program. Furthermore, every five classes
physical therapy approaches, to find a solu-
(on average) we will run a session of Re-Assess-
tion to her pain. Finding none, she founded
ment for you. Also, muscle tension or mis-
her own method based on years of training
alignment can inhibit your LIM progression
and experience. Ivana Daniell LIM methodizes
and be the cause of pain or discomfort. So, we
a fusion of the intelligent movement meth-
suggest guests come in for a Manual Therapy
ods of Pilates, Gyrotonic, Alexander Tech-
Session, in which our therapists will look at
nique, Feldenkrais Method and Core Align.
your body from a structural point of view and
She encapsulates the latest clinical research in exercise, posture and movement re-education
will approach emerging imbalances with genSuite Dining Area, Aman at Summer Palace
tle, effective and safe manual techniques.
in her LIM method, bridging the gap between
How does the LIM method bridge the gap
medical technique and fitness. Ivana is a pio-
between medical technique and fitness?
Currently, where can people learn to
neer in this revolutionary approach to exercise;
The LIM method will guide you to do exercise
practice LIM?
profoundly changing many people’s lives in a
step by step, from LIM Reed (reeducation) to
So far, in my Movement clinic in London or in
holistic approach that encompasses a person’s
LIM Fit (Functional Fitness). You will be fully
the Aman retreats. At the beginning, the meth-
lifestyle, physical and mental arenas. SpaChina
aware of your incorrect movement patterns,
od is practiced only under the directions of a
invites her to introduce more details about this
and be able to transform them into correct and
Lim movement facilitator. Once the person has
wellness method.
fully functional movements. With LIM you
achieved a better movement understanding, I
will gain full posture awareness, strength and
design a personalized and safe home program.
What is the concept of the LIM method?
flexibility. And finally, at the last stage, we will
This program will be composed by a series of
LIM (LIFE in MOVEMENT), is a revolu-
create a suitable fitness program that will best
personalized applications that I will download
tionary method that teaches people to learn
suit your personal needs.
on each person’s iPhone or iPad. People can
to move in a more efficient way, with opti-
practice their personalized LIM exercises while
mum results, and without any risk of injury.
What are the major LIM-based health-care
Our bodies are designed to move and our
programs offered by your team?
lack of physical activity is giving rise to
We offer a variety of programs, including LIM
How do you view the healthcare function
considerable health problems. After years of
PA, an accurate postural and movement eval-
of spas?
observing people getting injured while prac-
uation, is offered at the beginning of every
Spa treatments are becoming more comprehen-
ticing their favourite sport or doing physical
bespoke program. LIM REED, tailor made
sive and holistic, from Cranial Osteopathy, to
activities, I decided to educate them to gain
programs of movement re-education; is indi-
Watsu (Aquatic Bodywork) to Movement Thera-
a better understanding of their body and to
vidually designed to re-educate your body in
py. I work a lot in the spa environment and I love
optimize their physical activities. The LIM
its natural movement patterns. Others are indi-
it, manual therapies, massages are my favorites.
method reconnects people to their innate
vidual Pilates/Gyrotonic and Intelligent Fitness
body intelligence and natural muscle con-
programs (LIM FIT). The natural progression
Do you have any plans to bring LIM to China?
nections that have been lost during years
of the LIM System sees LIM FIT as an organ-
Yes I am planning to start an education pro-
of bad habits and poor life style choices.
ic continuation of the re-educational work.
gram and expand my method in China. My
After a detailed signature posture analysis,
With our LIM Facilitator, you will build on
method is for professionals in the fitness field
a bespoke exercise program is developed
the progress made during LIM REED and will
or therapy field who wish to deepen their
based on the person’s lifestyle, body type,
focus on specific goals such as toning, strength-
knowledge and bring their clients to another
and medical history.
ening and lengthening, resulting in a harmoni-
level of body awareness.
listening to my directions.
SpaChina • 2015 | 41
People Interview
| 人物专访
访结构整合疗法专家Robert Hyrsky Cultural Room, Aman at Summer Palace
obert Hyrsky从事养生行业逾18年,
方式引导。 我们如何养成健康的生活习惯?
压力或紧张。 如今的水疗中心应在哪些方面做出改进?
42 | SpaChina • 2015
何坤蓉 编译
Structural Integration Interview with Robert Hyrsky, Therapist of Structural Integration
ith 18 years of experience in
of course something we are attempting to do in
the wellness industry, including
our retreats, and is, I believe, a growing trend
seven years at Amanpuri as a
for the future.
head therapist and trainer, Robert has developed a multifaceted approach to health and
How do you view the advantages and dis-
wellbeing. His wide range of expertise along
advantages of mainstream medical systems
with his caring, healing presence has given
and integrative healing methods?
him a loyal following internationally both in
Mainstream medical systems as you call them
terms of individual sessions as well as group
are amazing when it comes to acute, traumatic
retreats and as a teacher in the healing field.
injuries and a number of other cases where
SpaChina talked with him about the details of
immediate life saving measures are required.
structural integration.
But when it comes to nagging pains and aches as well as long-term chronic diseases I believe
What is the healing concept behind struc-
complementary medicine has much to offer.
tural integration? The healing concept of structural integration is
Among the many wellness solutions, how
to meet and treat the client on the level where
should people select the right one for
they are the most receptive to release stress,
Robert Hyrsky
healthcare? Good question. If you have a health challenge,
tension and blockages causing their problems. Most clients / guests see me for muskeloskeletal
seated tensions on multiple levels in body and
become informed as to why it's there as best as
problems and I would then start with deep,
mind. It is a therapy that encourages integra-
you can. The internet can be quite useful. Look
strong bodywork to quickly start breaking
tion and the understanding that we are one
into the treatment options suggested, although
down years of stagnation and tension in the
unified whole being.
they are sometimes contradictory.
techniques would be utilised in conjunction
Generally, what do you think are people’s
few different therapists if you have a serious
with trigger point therapy. The next step would
common healthcare needs today?
health issue to get their opinion and try to get
normally involve more specific work on the
Ultimately I think it boils down to stress, stress
a feel for how the suggested treatment routes
structural alignment. To follow up, I often
on a nutritional, environmental, postural, per-
sound to you. Listen to your intuition; it is
switch to gentle but far-reaching techniques
sonal and professional level. Very seldom do
smarter than you think. Also check their track
such as myofascial release and Cranio sacral
we feel completely relaxed on a body-mind
record in similar cases if possible. Ask friends
therapy in order to release more subtle tension
level. Stress leads to excess wear and tear which
for recommendations. Look for a comprehen-
patterns in various layers such as bones and
leads to inflammation which can show up in
sive approach. Just eating a few pills seldom
joints, fascia as well as meridians and other
innumerable ways ranging from lower back
works to achieve true health. If you are liv-
energetic structures.
pain to heart attack. Spas are in a perfect place
ing in China, explore Traditional Chinese
to address these issues by providing holistic
Medicine. Be prepared to do your own work,
Please describe 2-3 specific therapies
analysis, treatments on multiple levels and
healthy eating, healthy thinking and exercise
designed according to the concept of struc-
advice as well as education on holistic exercises
go a long way.
tural integration.
and lifestyle changes.
Ideally, try to get a consultation with a
soft tissues. Swedish, sports and deep tissue
How can we cultivate a healthy lifestyle?
Popular ones are Deep Tissue Massage, which lengthens contracted muscles and tissues free-
In which aspects should spas make further
Simply put, clean healthy food, regular exer-
ing up range of motion and circulation; Trig-
cise, ideally something like yoga, tai chi, posi-
ger Point Therapy, which releases very spe-
To really have a deeper long lasting effect on
tive loving relationship to yourself and others.
cific points of tension using deep pressure,
someone’s health, a comprehensive approach
Many of our problems come from deep sub-
research shows that almost any kind of mus-
as outlined above will be required. For this,
conscious patterns and belief systems; medita-
culoskeletal pain benefits from trigger point
highly qualified practitioners from different
tion is one way of starting to address them.
work; and Craniosacral Therapy, a compre-
modalities would be needed to work on a guest
Finally, if you are deeply truly happy you are
hensive healing modality that can release deep
for some time to affect a deeper change. This is
generally healthy. SpaChina • 2015 | 43
People Interview
| 人物专访
打造独特水疗之旅 访A.W.LAKE Spa Concepts公司总经理Adria W.Lake女士,及创意总监Marc Gerritsen先生
dria W.Lake女 士 于 1999年 创 立 了
A.W. LAKE Spa Concepts公司,现
作为公司的创意总监,Marc Gerritsen先
活的真谛在于简单。Marc与Adria此次受邀 SpaChina,与读者分享他们如何来为客人们
我们正在深入开发古代的水治疗和热疗体 验。目前的很多水治疗和热疗设施都来自西
Adria W.Lake
品牌价值和体验。 水疗理念和设计对于一家水疗中心 有多重要? 非常重要。每一家水疗中心都需要有一个明 确的理念。如果水疗缺乏鲜明的理念,就很
Marc Gerritsen
难将自己的服务和市场定位与其它水疗区别 开来。同时,水疗理念还决定了客人的水疗 体验流程。清晰的理念是完整水疗之旅的基 础,能有效地引导客人完美体验整个水疗。 如何把握好美学创意和功能之间的平衡? Marc:通常外形必须服从功能。这是设计领 域一个很基本的原则,因为你不能创造出一 些没有实际功能的东西。水疗体验流程、家 具的具体功能,这些是设计首要考虑的因 素,然后才是外形。而外形通常取决于客户 期待、客户偏好的风格、项目的具体需求和 品牌的风格和指导方针。 请和我们介绍一些独特而有趣的 传统疗愈法? 这里有很多知识可以和大家分享,因为几乎 所有的传统疗法都很复杂且富含智慧。其中 44 | SpaChina • 2015
Away Spa at the W Bali Marc Gerritsen Photography
何坤蓉 编译
How to Be Unique in Spa Offerings Interview with Ms. Adria W. Lake & Mr. Marc Gerritsen, Managing Director & Creative Director of A.W. LAKE Spa Concepts
s owner, founder and Managing Director of A.W. LAKE Spa Concepts, Adria founded the company in 1999, and has since built it into a multi-national full service Spa Concept and Design firm with offices in Indonesia, Singapore, and China. Adria also writes for leading Spa & Wellness magazines, travels extensively in search of new ingredients for her line of pure and organic products, studies various forms of traditional medicine, and climbs the world's highest peaks. With a background in design and art, Marc Gerritsen is Creative Director of A.W. LAKE Spa Concepts. He is inspired by the simple things, a brief encounter with a stranger or a freshly steamed dumpling, in which he sees the essence of living. SpaChina co-interviewed Adria and Marc to share their creative ideas about spa offerings. What are the basic considerations of designing spa concepts? When we decide on a specific spa concept, we mainly look at three major factors. The first is to make sure the concept applies to the location; the second is that the concept is relevant to the targeted markets; and the third is that the concept is in line the brand philosophy and enhances the Brand’s value and experience. How important is spa concept and design for a spa? It is very important, because each spa needs to have a very strong concept. If you don’t have a strong concept, it is difficult to differentiate your services, and also to position your spa in the market. Also, a clear concept is the basis for a complete spa journey, it will help connect different parts of the spa and guides the guest to move from one section to another. How do you ensure proper balance between esthetic, creation and functionality? Basically, the form always follows function. This is a very basic principle in design, because you cannot create something without any real function. The flow of the spa, the function of
Han Yue Lou- Capella, Nanjing Marc Gerritsen Photography
the furniture always come first, then comes the form. And the form is decided by clients’ expectations, requirements of particular projects, and brand guidelines. Please share with us some of these traditional healing methods. All ancient medicines are complex and rich in wisdom. One example is the Tantric Medicine of South Asia, which is time-honored. In Tantric philosophy, your body is seen as a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Tantric Massage is a combination of loving touch that gently soothes the body and senses while at the same time stimulating the spiritual life force. It is a sensual journey into the emotions, which allows you to discover worlds within ourselves and enables you to get in touch with feelings, memories, desires and zest for life in a deep and healing way. Instead of having a therapist to do the treatment, spas hire Tantrikas to do the treatment for guests, because they know the ritual well. Another is African drumming therapy. Therapeutic rhythm techniques have been used for thousands of years to create and maintain physical, mental, and spiritual health. And recent research indicates drumming accelerates physi-
cal healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being and a release of emotional trauma. Any interesting trends in spa experience that you can share with us? We are developing more of the ancient style hydro-thermal experiences. Most current hydro-thermal facilities are coming from the West, or Europe. But Asia also has a rich tradition in bathing, using water as a treatment. So we are exploring tradition, including different types of bath, water and thermal circuits, where you can enjoy facilities with therapeutic effects and share the experience. This is one trend that is becoming more and more popular. I think you also know that the hot spring is becoming very popular. But what if you don’t have a hot spring, what if you are in a city? How can you create a similar experience using ways that are therapeutic and in line with traditional wisdom? I think this is a good way out. What are your interests in your spare time? I’m learning traditional medicines, and it is a very important part of my life. So I spent a lot of time in remote locations, where I get a lot of inspiration for spa concepts, treatments and products. SpaChina • 2015 | 45
People Interview
| 人物专访
实现生命重塑 访巴厘岛Fivelements疗养中心创始人Lahra和Chicco Tatriele,学习如何热爱与尊重生命 Fivelements Sakti Dining Room
007年 , Fivelements以 倡 导 “ 整 全 养
1. 三界和谐:个人与内心、个人与他人、个
开业。作为提供新概念健康养生服务之所, 这个优美的小型度假村为传统文化精髓和创 新理疗概念搭建了一座联系紧密的桥梁。
人与自然的和谐共处 2. 兴都教三哲理:保持思想、言论、行为的 洁净一致,以达到至善
屈服于食用快餐店过度处理加工的人造不 健康食品。 如今,人们的认知水平和受教育程度都
之 后 , 爱 上 这 种 生 活 方 式 的 Lahra和
知性地希望能传递爱与力量,将传统文化的 智慧、哲理、疗法整合于一体,秉承生态理
1. 通过巴厘岛式理疗仪式以达到净化、平衡
和恢复 2. 提供生鲜食品以确保健康、美丽及长寿 3. 通过圣化艺术实践以升华内在力量、定位 和奉献 4. 可持续的绿色生活理念和设计理念 46 | SpaChina • 2015
现在,越来越多人正在做出正确的选 择,改进他们的生活方式,追求健康生活、
孙开艳 编译 巴厘岛的健康疗养之旅,他们饮用新鲜 食材以摄取营养,参加专门的冥想课程以 舒缓心灵、净化思想,助其恢复和调整, 令他们今后的生活更加积极、充满爱与关 怀。我们也曾接待过患有二型糖尿病的客 人,他们希望可以在我们的引导下体验和 学习如何控制病情、降低血糖。 通常来说,我们接待的大多是具有各方 面压力、精神不振、容易紧张或患有早期退 化性疾病的客人。
您如何看待中国的水疗养生市场?中国人在 这方面的需求如何? 我们曾在中国大陆和香港生活工作过一段时 间,所以对中国人的社会、经济、个人及家 庭价值观略有了解。当然,我们的看法并不 全面,仍有许多方面有待增进。倘若我们研 究任何发达国家对健康养生需求的历史演 Wellness Suite Overlooking the Sacred Ayung River
十年前,这些问题在发达国家都曾普遍出现 过,也势必会导致相同的结果——人类健康
活方式(冥想、健康饮食、瑜伽等)。 通过这
Chicco & Lahra Tatriele, Co-founders, Fivelements
没错。之前提到过“整全养生”在设计理念 上的运用,Fivelements是一家综合性的疗养
爱或自爱是能够治愈任何疾病、维护健 康的关键因素。
的中国人已经意识到健康和自我调理的重要 性了,他们将开始更为关注生活方式和疾病
1. 再三自我审视
2. 明确目标使命
疗养中心所开展运用的“健康生活”疗 法深受巴厘岛传统文化的启发,以促进个人 与内心、与他人、与整个自然的和谐共处。
所以说,水疗养生中心和医院是各司其 职的。
预防,寻求更多健康类资讯,光顾水疗度假 村寻求健康养身方式。
3. 确定目标受众 4. 选定整体理念,确保喜爱并能坚持
6. 构建利润组成及核心
7. 确保理念经受推敲、财政上可行并不断调整
8. 邀请能够提供业务支持的顾问,正式或非
5. 考虑如何帮助他人
正式皆可 9. 预设未来可行的发展道路 SpaChina • 2015 | 47
People Interview
| 人物专访
Creating the Space for Life Transformation Interview with Lahra and Chicco Tatriele, the founders of Fivelements – a wellness destination in Bali, for learning to love and respect life
n 2007, Fivelements was conceived as an integrated wellness lifestyle concept. Fivelements, Bali was launched in late 2010 as the first of a new genre of wellness destinations and services to bridge the wisdom of traditional cultures with innovative transformational healing concepts. Lahra and Chicco Tatriele are inspired to create healing sanctuaries and services around the world that will make a powerful human impact and convey: their vision for love and its power to transform; an aspiration for bridging the wisdom, philosophies and healing practices of traditional cultures with innovative wellness services; and an eco-consciousness linking their mission to inspiring design. SpaChina interviewed Lahra and Chicco, to discover the core concepts of the spa wellness retreat. What is the Fivelements’ holistic integrative wellness concept? Mission: Creating the space for life transformation and love in action. Concept: 1. Balinese healing rituals for purification, balancing and regeneration 2. Epicurean raw living foods cuisine for health, beauty and longevity 3. Sacred arts practices for inner strength, alignment and dedication 4. Sustainable living and design Guiding Philosophies: 1. Tri Hita Karana: Living in harmony among human to spirit, human to human and human to nature 2. Tri Kaya Parisudha: Living in alignment with clean mind (and body) speech and clean action Core Values: Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Right conduct), Prema (Love), Shanti (Peace), Ahimsa (Non-violence) and K’shma (Forgiveness) What is your perception on integrated wellness? The term “integrated wellness” has historically referred to the combination of medical and holistic treatments. However, today, this term could be applied to many different evolving concepts. The industry is continuing to mature, expand and converge (spa with 48 | SpaChina • 2015
Fivelements Exclusive Riverfront Sleeping Suite
medical; wellness with lifestyle, hospitality with residential, work with play, etc.). Thanks to rapidly expanding wellness information, products, services and destinations, made accessible through the internet/social media and Apps technologies, things are changing. As time goes on, we will see that wellness is not a trend but “a global movement” that is gradually hitting a critical mass with more and more consumers taking ownership of their health-to-happiness. No longer are people depending solely upon conventional medical care, driven primarily by treating sickness and fueling the pharmaceutical industries. No longer are people willing to stay ignorant by succumbing to fast food restaurants and highly saturated, processed, artificial unhealthy cuisine or food that has been unnecessarily injected by hormones or exposed to harmful pesticides. Today, more people are getting educated. More people are getting smart. Information is much easier to find and monitoring health is also easier (fitbit, iPhone Health and many new wellness-related apps). People are taking back their personal power, obtaining invaluable information on strengthening their immu-
nity, mental clarity and overall energy levels on a daily basis. We are learning about nutrition, taking healthy cooking classes, juicing fresh fruits and vegetables more and more. We are joining yoga, fitness, martial arts and meditation classes, and retreats, etc. that integrate the teachings of ancient philosophies and techniques with modern day technologies and goals. We are finding new circles of friends in these places as we shift to happiness and integrate better wellness choices into our lives. Today, more of us are making better choices toward well-living, natural beauty, long life and sustainability. Our world is shifting from an impersonal, passive “culture of death society” to a much more engaged, active, and integrative “culture of life family.” A new world of integrated wellness is emerging, and it’s here to stay! Does your Retreat use the concept of integrated wellness? YES. Fivelements is an integrated healing and wellness destination blending the wisdom of traditional cultures with innovative wellness services, combining:
1. Balinese healing rituals for purification, balancing and regeneration 2. Epicurean raw living foods cuisine for health, beauty and longevity 3. Sacred arts practices for inner strength, alignment and dedication 4. Sustainable living and design At Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa, “living well” is inspired by Balinese culture, which encourages us to nurture harmony with spirit, nature and one another. Our holistic integrative approach is designed to tune in on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels, allowing an organic healing process to naturally unfold. Our overall aim is to co-create a trusting connection and gently guide you through a highly personalized program, while providing you with useful life tools to return home with. We are committed to designing spaces and programs that truly deliver a body-mind-spirit integrative experiences aimed to generate positive results and real life transformation. How do you value the role of a wellness retreat in helping people cure diseases and in advocating public health? The role of a wellness retreat is distinct from that of a hospital. People come to a wellness retreat because they wish to feel better and learn new ways to heal themselves; for health maintenance, longevity and illness prevention. Certain wellness retreats, such as Fivelements, also aim to support guests in their authentic healing journey, connect on a deeper level and learn about new ways to support themselves and embrace a new and healthier lifestyle (meditation, healthy food, yoga, etc.). Through these various healing modalities, the aim is to reduce stress, build immunity, reduce degen-
eration and overall health – and most importantly, at Fivelements, it is to support guests’ own will to transform through Love. Love or self-love is a key ingredient for curing any kind of disease and advocating public health. The role of a hospital is to treat illness (vs. prevent illness). It is a more passive experience reliant on doctors and medication (often more invasive as well); however, sometimes much needed. Some advances in medical research and technology can be very helpful to those in need and can also be strategically combined with holistic methods and modalities, when appropriate. Both wellness retreats and hospitals serve their independent roles. At Fivelements, we aim to support our guests with solid healing and wellness programs that will impact positive health (emotional, physical and spiritual) toward prevention of disease and illness. We also serve as a complement to mainstream medical care in certain situations, for example, we have received guests who are in cancer remission seeking to support themselves after traumatic chemotherapy and interested in undergoing a wellness retreat through a Balinese journey, living foods nutrition and cleansing and calming their mind through dedicated meditation teachings. Ultimately, these guests are seeking new strategies and powerful tools to bring home that will help them engage a more positive life path filled with loving kindness. We have also received guests with type-two diabetes wishing to experience and learn more about how to manage their illness and decrease their blood sugar levels. Most often, we receive guests with stress on all levels, low energy, strained adrenals and pre or existing degenerative disease states.
How do you see China’s wellness market and Chinese people’s demands in this wellness aspect? Having lived and worked in China and Hong Kong in the past, I learned a bit about the social, economic and personal/family values of Chinese. Of course, there is much we are still learning. If we study the historic evolution of wellness demand of any developed nation, Chinese today are facing similar challenges from the negative impacts of packaged, processed unhealthy foods, combined with higher pesticides and hormonal injections in animal-based foods, greater pollution, economic pressure and unhealthy lifestyle choices that we saw prevalent in developed nations 20-30 years ago thru the current day. All of these lead to the same problems of human health degeneration: obesity, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, depression and a growing dementia, to name a few. The need for greater awareness, education, new products, services and destinations to support well-living is substantial in China and growing rapidly. At Fivelements, we care for guests from all over the world, including China, facing similar life-threatening, health-compensating challenges. Our Hong Kong guests come for similar reasons mentioned above. Our Chinese (mainland) guests are in the early stages of health and wellness awareness. They are not yet experiencing the full retreats but instead are staying with us and trying more a la carte treatments and day experiences in addition to the cuisine. As more and more Chinese become more aware of health and the importance of self-care, they will begin thinking more about prevention and their lifestyle choices, seek more information about health and engage in supportive wellness retreats.
Fivelements Cuisine for LifeTM
Could you give some suggestions or tips on developing and operating a wellness retreat? 1. Examine carefully who you are and what you stand for. 2. Decide your objective/mission. 3. Determine who your target market is. 4. Determine your concept (and make sure you love it and live it!). 5. Think about how you are going to help others through it. 6. Create the components & profit centers. 7. Ensure your concept is well-researched and financially viable and make adjustments along the way. 8. Identify advisors (formal or informal) who can support you. 9. Envision an evolutionary path into the future. SpaChina • 2015 | 49
spa AND WELLNESS knowledge
| 专家论坛
健身入水疗 水疗和健身的完美结合对客人、水疗中心和健身中心都大有裨益
疗程相结合,从而最大化理疗效果,或者达 到某一具体的理疗效果。反之,我们也会推 荐健身客人去接受特定的水疗护理来强化健 身效果。客人对这种搭配的反馈都颇为积极 乐观。 据我所知,很多水疗中心已经引入了一 些理疗前的热身或准备设施,包括蒸汽、 桑拿和睡眠区。这些都是为了迎合那些处 在快节奏生活工作中的客人的需求,以更 好地帮助他们进入深度放松的状态。更重 要的是,一些水疗专家也开始接触水疗理 疗之外的领域,以开发出更为全面综合性 的健康养生方法,健身就是他们正在探索 的重要领域之一。 在配置了健身器材的水疗中心,客人有 很多机会可以最大化保健养生的效果,其做 水疗和开展健身活动的目标也会更明确。而 使水疗中心的客户群体也可以延伸至健身客 人。在健身房里推销水疗理疗,让接受过理 疗培训的健身教练向客人展示整全养生的理 念,可以让水疗更加深入健身人士的心理。 将水疗理疗和健身活动针对具体的保健目的
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ESPA at Resorts World™ Sentosa 50 | SpaChina • 2015
体验和对水疗健身更深层的理解,反之也能 促进这一行业的长远发展。
Effectively Incorporating Fitness into Spa The combination of spa services with fitness activities will hugely benefit the guest, the spa and the fitness center. By Tomoka Nguyen
or quite some time now, there has been
goals when they visit a spa. Spa experience
ly, men are seeking a variety of wellness products
an increasing trend of offering both
can, therefore, also be regarded by guests as a
with tailored consultations on the appropriate
Spa and fitness services together. In
wellness boosting measure. Having good qual-
skincare regime. The availability of having a fit-
fact, most luxury spas today are designed to
ity fitness equipment can attract a bigger seg-
ness centre within the Spa premise and the link
have both spa and fitness/gym within the same
ment of wellness goers compared to just spa
between exercising and spa therapies have helped
premises. Likewise for many major commercial
goers. Promoting spa treatments in the gym
to further attract more male guests.
fitness clubs, other than the rise in partnerships
and having fitness personnel who are trained in
However, putting these trends aside, personal-
with local spas, additional facilities such as
spa therapies can expose guests to the holistic
ized service will definitely remain as the key driving
steam and sauna rooms have become increas-
concept of wellness. By packaging spa treat-
force of spa and wellness industry. The ultimate
ingly important. However, industrial operators
ments with fitness activities to address a spe-
goal of combining spa with fitness serves to offer
appear to be approaching this trend passively
cific objective, spa can also create a much more
guests a more targeted and personalized service.
and integration between fitness programs and
personalized and targeted overall experience to
This in turn delivers optimal results that also edu-
spa treatments is not always a common sight.
each guest, thereby increasing the chances of
cate and increase the awareness of each individual
But we believe strongly that when designed
them extending their stay at the spa.
which will benefit the guests long-term.
well, combining both fitness activities and spa
To equip your spas with fitness equipment,
treatments will really serve to maximize the
you may start from basic ones like yoga mats,
benefits of each service provided.
treadmills, stretching equipment, etc. I strong-
Currently, at ESPA at Resorts World Sentosa,
ly suggest spas to have a foam roller, which is
we have 11% of day retreat guests participating
useful to introduce fitness guests the benefits
in our fitness activities. We see it as an educa-
of massaging their muscles and release of ten-
tional process to bring a more holistic wellness
sion in the muscle fascia. Others may be cardio
approach. We have guests who initially come for
equipment for endurance and stamina, isotonic
spa treatments but are then introduced to certain
equipment for strength as well as multi-func-
exercises to combine with their favorite treat-
tional equipment, which can be chosen accord-
ments to maximize the benefits or to treat a spe-
ingly to match guests’ usage. But when selecting
cific target, and vice versa. Feedback to this new
fitness equipment, spas shall strive for a very fine
approach has been very positive and promising.
balance in terms of quality, performance and
Tomoka Nguyen
业务发展战略。Tomoka在全球水疗和健康 行业有着超过15年的从业经验,主持过众多 酒店品牌的水疗和度假村业务,如亚太区的 蔓达梦水疗和曼谷半岛酒店。此外,她还成 立了自己的水疗、美容和健康咨询公司,亦
As far as I know, many spas have evolved
aesthetics. Premium quality is good for exceed-
and are beginning to equip themselves with
ing guests’ expectations, but considering the
pre-treatment facilities, be it steam and sauna or
Return on Emotion (ROE) given by the guests
Joined RWS in January, 2014 as Director of
sleep zone. They now cater to people today who
rather than focusing on the classical Return on
ESPA, Ms.Tomoka Nguyen is responsible
lead a busy and demanding life style, for whom
Investment valuation is also imperative.
for daily operations and business develop-
it takes much more effort to prepare the mind
Also, to perfectly combine spa with fitness,
ment strategy for the spa and the brand’s
for deep relaxation. And more importantly, spa
during the initial design phase, spa owners or
Asian flagship. Tomoka has over 15 years
professionals are expected to broaden expertise
operators should evaluate the design concept
of experience in the global spa and well-
beyond spa therapies to a more holistic service
brief based on key marketing issues: the envisaged
ness industry, heading spa and resort
that integrates health and wellness. One of the
guest journey or experience at the spa, location of
operations with various hospitality brands
most important and relevant arenas is fitness.
the spa, ratio of male to female guests, member-
At spas with fitness equipments, guests
ship requirement, type and size of the premise,
have tremendous opportunity to maximize the
industrial competitors and trends in order for
benefits, and be more targeted in their treat-
them to bring the concept to fruition. Another
ments and fitness activities to achieve their
key observation in this business is that increasing-
such as Mandara Spa Asia Pacific. She founded her own spa, beauty and wellness consultancy firm and is also a CIBTAC and ITEC certified spa professional, a certified aroma therapist and a wellness coach. SpaChina • 2015 | 51
spa AND WELLNESS knowledge
| 专家论坛
健身水疗 殊途同归 水疗界不容忽视的商业机遇
康,更轻松,更有活力。因此,两者的目的 可以说是一样的。
但是,如果二者并不是迥然不同,而是 如出一辙的呢?我们能不能将对运动的热情
压——增加能量——减压,这样一个简单的循 环就能帮你获取健康。
水疗中心在接受科雷疗法培训后可以 为客人提供1小时或者20分钟的身体筛查流
52 | SpaChina • 2015
The Fitness-Spa Connection A business opportunity you can’t ignore. By Dr. John Brazier
ost hotel spas come with a fitness
and harder to reach their goals quicker. Every
center where guests and members
spa client sleeps better, feels better and digests
have just one simple goal, “Well-
better to make more energy if they are strong-
ness”, which means stronger, lighter, energized,
er. So by combining a treatment and screening
from their workout. And most spa clients have
system we can simply connect the two depart-
one simple goal “Wellness” which often means
ments and gain from the increased numbers by
stronger, lighter, energized from their relaxa-
education and results.
tion treatment.
After KORE training spas can offer a full
The trouble is that the historic perception
1-hour spa treatment, or a 20-minute screen-
of “fitness wellness” and “spa wellness” are dif-
ing procedure to every fitness member that
ferent in the minds of your clients and often in
will find and treat a number of imbalances
the minds of your spa directors. Spa is where
giving the member instantly more strength and
you relax and fitness is where you work out,
impressing them of the value of such a good
right? That’s why you turn right for the gym
results driven treatment. If we find a number
and left for the spa, because they are different.
of imbalances (normally 90% of clients) these
But what if they aren’t different, what if they
people are referred to the spa for longer more
are the same? Could we access all of that sport-
intense treatment (1-hour), quickly increasing
ing determination & commitment and drive
footfall and revenue into the spa from the usual
it into the spa? What if we delivered a therapy
decide to exercise or join a fitness center
in the spa that is proven to increase sporting
because now I have the strength to exercise.
performance, would you then get more fitness
Less stress – more strength, more strength –
Dr. John Brazier
members in spa?
less stress is the simple cycle that can guarantee
your health.
First we need to understand what wellness is
to the human body to recognize that the fitness
So the goal of a fitness member is more
client and the spa client are actually the same
strength, and the real underlying goal of a spa
person they just don’t know it yet.
client is more wellness which is actually more
医药学理念的实践 者 。 过 去 25年 间 , 他
Wellness is Strength!
始终坚信真正的疗法 能够诊断和医治人体的各种疾病,无论是身
immune system to deal with stress on the
Fitness-Spa Connection, Same People, Same Wellness, Same Day!
mind and body: this includes viruses, weath-
KORE Therapy’s award winning academy
er changes and challenges, bacteria, different
trains both Personal Trainers & Therapists
As Vice President of the Federation of
foods, mental confrontation of different levels
to bridge the gap between fitness and spa. By
Holistic Therapists, Founder of the KORE
from fear to frustration, removal of toxins,
using muscle strength testing to diagnose the
system, Specialist for the English Golf
nerve and blood flood to every cell in the body,
body’s issues and imbalance at the start of
Union, Dr. John Brazier is a doctor of
digestion…The list is endless.
every treatment, and also at the end of the ther-
Traditional Chinese medicine, an Oriental
Strength of your muscles, eyes, brain and
体、精神还是心灵。其发明的科雷治疗系统 所研发的治疗手段在慢性疾病及身体疼痛治
If your system doesn’t have enough strength
apy, we compare the same tests to prove to the
medicine practitioner (Thai & Japanese)
to do this we become fatigued, stressed, heavi-
clients they are stronger and therefore healthier
and a specialist in Western Musculo-
er, frustrated, ill and depressed. We then need
after the treatment. This clearly has an imme-
Skeletal systems. He always believes that
help, such as spa treatment, to relax because
diate psychological & physical effect on the cli-
when we relax we sleep better, our immune
ent because they can see they are stronger and
system works more efficiently, we have more
they can feel they are stronger.
energy and our muscles become stronger, so
Every sporting person wants to be stronger
our mind become more motivated and we
because it means they can train longer, faster
successful medicine is based on being able to diagnose and treat on all levels, mind, body and spirit. His therapy has succeeded with chronic conditions and pain where others failed. SpaChina • 2015 | 53
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亦学亦进步 来自韩国的时尚美容风潮 席卷中国,这股来势汹汹 的“韩流” 是否也同样投射在韩国 水疗行业之上?
一如诸多其他行业,水疗行业在韩国的 发展并非一帆风顺。伴随着国民购买力的提
担。当然,这也是一个行业日趋成熟的必经 之路。
54 | SpaChina • 2015
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Learning and Sharing Korea’s fashion and beauty trends have had a big impact on China, known as the “Korea Wave”. What are the trends in spas today in Korea and is there an effect on China spas too?
efore talking about spa wellness in
on life and are always looking for ways to put
hotels in Korea are the exception. This is differ-
Korea, I would like to clarify some
themselves in less stressful and more relaxing
ent with China, which is more open to interna-
conceptual confusion around the
environments. Recently, more male consumers
tional brands.
terms among members of the public. The
have also been visiting spas for relief from stress.
In Korea, some medical doctors have tried to
term “Spa wellness” as used by industry
There are two seemingly conflicting trends
launch so-called cosmetic medical spas, but only
experts is still unfamiliar to ordinary Korean
in Korea’s spa wellness industry. One is the
a few are successful so far. It might need more
people. But the concept has in any case gradu-
increasing demand for high-tech treatment
experience and efforts to elaborate the business
ally been accepted by Korean people during
devices. The other is a pursuit for truly nat-
models by which the two sectors can coexist.
the last two decades.
ural cosmetic ingredients and traditional
As for the disadvantages of Korean spas,
Spas in Korea, regardless of their types, have
treatment modalities. China is seeing similar
legal obstacles sometimes hinder development.
played an important role as kind of shelter
trends too. According to these trends, the
For instance, body massage is one of the most
from stressful and hectic urban life. They have
spa business in Korea is very similar to that
popular spa treatments globally but has long
also been centers for social get-togethers for
in China. The two countries learn from each
been banned for therapists at beauty salons or
couples, family members, and for friends.
other and share information quickly, espe-
spas. Only medical doctors and visually handi-
cially in the day spa field.
capped people are licensed to practice body
Like many other businesses, the spa industry in Korea is somewhat volatile, but demand
China and Korea are frequently said to
is increasing along with substantial purchasing
share a cultural tradition, but also have devel-
power. On the supply side, a lot of small-sized
oped in different ways. The Chinese seem to
day spas are suffering from excessive competi-
be relatively stronger in utilizing their cul-
tion and an unstable labor force. This is a bur-
tural heritage and the spas are more willing
den on the industry. However, these are issues
to use their rich traditional modalities about
Song Ha-young
that accompany a shift towards maturity.
beauty and health, while those in Korea are
In the 1990s and early 2000s, spas with spa-
less successful in dealing with them. But spas
cious public relaxation areas and hot air sweat-
in Korea stand out in such areas as custom-
ing facilities were popular. Today these busi-
er care, manual skills, and the utilization of
( www.korspa.net )
nesses are being replaced with smaller-sized
high-tech devices.
massage, but the whole spa industry in Korea is expecting the law soon to be revised.
会 长 、 The Wellness Today出版人兼总编。曾出版多部著作,是
spas focusing on more individualized treat-
There are more than two hundred Kore-
ment services. Day spas are rapidly increas-
an colleges and private training institutions
ing in number, while medical spas are still in
that produce skin care specialists. But spa-
development. Also there is a fad for spa-going
specific education resources are still quite lim-
among young people who are interested in
ited. More specialized spa training centers are
Professor of Spa Wellness Management
beauty and preventative health measures.
needed to meet growing market demand for
at Kyonggi University in Seoul, Professor
The spa industry in Korea has big potential
skilled therapists and managers. People want
Song is also President of the Korean Spa
for growth and is well-positioned in terms of
to work at spas for better pay and to improve
Society (www.korspa.net), Publisher &
industrial linkages. Advanced technologies in
their skills. A spa’s philosophy and mission
Managing Editor of Wellness Today, Korea
such areas as cosmetics, IT and medical treat-
statement should be firmly set and published
(www.wellnesstoday.kr) and Senior Project
ments will make a good contribution to the
to influence guests and also staff. Training and
Adviser for the Spa Wellness division of
development of the spa wellness industry.
education is important in this industry.
Shanghai Weina Cosmetics Company. He
In Korea, young female consumers aged
For Korean spas, further action to go inter-
between 25 to early 30s are dominant in the
national is still needed. It is largely because
market. Their lifestyles have changed a lot with
of the business scale, most of which are small
fashion and fads. They have a practical outlook
or mid-sized. Some global brands at five star
《十字路口的济州岛水疗》及《全球经济: 改变与机遇》的合著者。宋河永教授亦在上 海维娜化妆品有限公司水疗养生部担任资深
has published several books, including Jeju Spas at the Crossroad (Co-authored, 2011, Korean) and Global Economy: Changes & Opportunities (Co-authored, 1998, Korean). SpaChina • 2015 | 55
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五音之享 选择一种与健康契合的音乐,慢慢聆听,使之与想要达到的心境相吻合, 并最终疗愈。中医自古以来就对音乐疗法甚有心得
那么生理上呢? 音乐与我们的身体会否发生
且中国传统养生法中一直提到的“气” 字,这个“气”不仅是呼吸和情绪,五脏的
中国音乐追求的“清、静、淡、远”的 意境,与中医学提倡顺应自然“恬
56 | SpaChina • 2015
合属于火的特性。心脏掌控着精神和血液的 循环。 但,现实的生活和工作压力、不断减少 的睡眠、运动不足,思虑过多,无一不在伤
害我们的心,很容易造成心脏系统的不适。 心常见不适:失眠、心慌、心胸憋闷、胸
音(1 do)和属于火的徵音(5 so),一个助长
痛、烦躁、舌尖部溃疡。 属心的音阶:徵音,相当于简谱中的
“5 so”。 徵调式乐曲:热烈欢快,活泼轻松,构成
最佳欣赏时间:15:00-19:00。太阳在这个 时间段里开始西下,归于西方金气最重的
最佳曲目:《紫竹调》里面出现大量 的“5
康。 脾常见不适:腹胀、便稀、肥胖、口唇溃
宫下垂。 属脾的音阶:宫音,相当于简谱中的“1do”。
肝的能量,产生种种不适。 肝常见不适:抑郁、易怒、乳房胀痛、口
有如“土”般宽厚结实,可入脾。 最佳曲目:《十面埋伏》。脾气需要温
so)和宫音(1 do),能够很好地刺激我们的
换,然后再输送到全身各处。也正因为肺 和外界接触频繁,所以污染的空气、各种灰
“3 mi ”。 角调式乐曲:有大地回春,万物萌生,生
行对食物的消化、吸收。 最佳欣赏时间:在进餐时,以及餐后一小
刹那,影响你的呼吸道健康,甚至到肺。 肺常见不适:咽部溃疡疼痛、咳嗽、鼻
最佳曲目:《胡笳十八拍》。肝顺需要木 气练达,这首曲子中属于金的商音(2 re)元
(6 la)的羽音,而水又可以很好地滋养木
具有“金”之特性,可入肺。 最佳曲目:《阳春白雪》。肺气需要滋
气,使之柔软、顺畅。 最佳欣赏时间:19:00-23:00。这是一天中
塞、气喘、容易感冒、易出汗。 属肺的音阶:商音,相当于简谱中的“2 re”。
门德尔松的《仲夏夜之梦》 解抑郁:民乐《喜洋洋》、 《江南好》 除悲怆:海顿的《创世纪》、柴可夫斯基
够的能量时,通常会从肾中抽调。现代人亚 和青黄不接的状态。 肾常见不适:面色暗、尿频、腰酸、性欲 低、黎明时分腹泻。 属肾的音阶:羽音,相当于简谱中的“6 la”。 羽调式乐曲:风格清纯,凄切哀怨,苍凉 柔润,如天垂晶幕,行云流水,具有“ 水”之特性,可入肾。 最佳曲目:《梅花三弄》。肾气需要蕴
去烦燥:民乐《梅花三弄》、 《塞上曲》、《空山鸟语》 降血压:民乐《平湖秋月》、 《雨打芭蕉》、《春江花月夜》、 《姑苏行》 促食欲:民乐《花好月圆》
中。一曲听罢,神清气爽,倍感轻松。 最佳欣赏时间:7:00-11:00。这段时间在一 天里是气温持续走高的一个过程,人和大 自然是相互影响的,在这个时间段,太阳 在逐渐高升,体内的肾气也蠢蠢欲动地受 着外界的感召,如果此时能够用属于金性 质的商音和属于水性质的羽音搭配比较融 洽的曲子来促使肾中精气的隆盛,最终令 能量满盈。
合适的音量和听音环境 最佳听音场所,是与自然相邻或相通的宁静 室内。音量以五米以内清晰为佳。 SpaChina • 2015 | 57
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Health by Music Select a piece of music that tallies with the mind, listen to it and let it do the healing. Traditional Chinese medicine has from time immemorial profited from music therapy
usic such as that played by the
to feelings of pleasure, excitement, joy and
matches among Do, Re, Mi, So, La, five dif-
flute and the koto can accord with
ferent music notes in ancient China’s musical system, form a set a healthcare code.
the resonance of the body’s mag-
Great composers are certainly those mas-
netic field, reach the heart and touch the nerves
ters who can reconcile the five elements in
that control human being’s emotions. As an
the body. In China’s traditional medical sys-
Wellness by Five Notes
artistic healing method, music therapy’s heal-
tem, the body’s five internal organs can be
It is said that in ancient times, great TCM
ing power on human being’s psyche is undis-
aligned with the five notes in China’s tradi-
masters used no acupuncture or medicine, but
putable. But how about its healing power on
tional music system, and the five notes can
music. When a piece of music was finished,
the physical body? Can music interact with our
also regulate the five organs. Government
the patient was cured. Of course, it is just a
officials and scholars in China’s ancient times
legend. But China’s TCM classic “Huangdi’s
The essence of music is rhythm and tone.
often engaged in “music instruments, chess,
Internal Classics” has indeed explained the
When the frequency of music coincides with
calligraphy and painting” for healthcare,
“Five Notes Healing Methods” theory. Anoth-
some of the body’s circadian rhythms, physi-
among which, music instruments were the top
er of China’s ancient classics, Zuo Zhuan, stat-
cal resonance will occur. What follows is a
choice, which proves that music can generate
ed” “All kinds of disease originates from qi,
change of the skin’s temperature, heart rates,
good effects on cultivating the inner mind
and is cured by music”, and it described music
and breathe frequency, which eventually leads
and nourishing the personality. Diversified
as medicine, which can prevent disease and
58 | SpaChina • 2015
foster good health and a long life. Also, the
when played by different instruments in differ-
ancient noble class often had resident musical
ent rhythm, strength and concord, can gener-
Lungs, Chancellor of the Five Organs
groups or singers, not only for entertainment,
ate different healing functions.
The lungs regulate the body’s breathing. Oxy-
but also to help them relax, calm the mind and
Music therapy also includes positive treat-
gen in the body’s blood exchanges with the
ment and negative treatment. Let emotional
external air via the lungs, and then delivers qi
The music of ancient times differs from
patients listen to gentle and sad music is a
to all parts of the body. Due to the lungs’ fre-
today’s music. There were often only five notes:
frequently used method. We can also syn-
quent contact with the external world, polluted
Do, Re, Mi, So, La, which later was endowed
chronize the music and emotions to release
air, all kinds of dust, pathogenic bacteria will
respectively by China’s ancient philosophers
negative emotions, such as letting weeping
affect the respiratory tract and even the lungs
with the nature of the five elements: wood,
and complaining music get rid of sadness,
when the body’s immunity is weakened.
fire, earth, gold, and water. This coincides well
and have fast-paced music to release over-
• Frequent lung discomfort: pharyngeal ana-
with the traditional Chinese medical system.
exacting emotions.
nourish their nature.
brosis and pain, cough, nasal obstruction,
In the psychological branch of China’s TCM
Chinese music often pursues a “pure, quiet,
system, music can touch the deep heart, reg-
light and remote” air, which coincides with
• Music note that matches with the lung:
ulate the emotions and further regulate the
TCM’s emphasis on “a calm mind and a natu-
So, resemblance of “2 re” in the numbered
body system. Let the melody, the emotion, and
ral life”.
visceral-qi interact with each other by listen-
asthma, easy to get cold, sweating.
musical notation. • Traits of music accentuating note “So”:
ing to music, thus activating the blood ves-
Heart, King of the Five Organs
sels, stimulating the spirit and the heart. From
The heart never sleeps on the job; it keeps
a physiological perspective, when musical
throbbing all the time, which accords perfectly
• Optimal piece of music: “the Spring Snow”.
rhythm accords with physiological vibrations
with the nature of the fire element. Heart con-
It features a resounding melody and includes
(heart rate, heart rhythm, breathing, blood
trols the spirit and blood circulation.
note Mi (1 do), which belongs to the earth
resounding, solemn, and stirring, with the traits of gold, and can reach the lung
pressure, pulse etc), physiological resonance
But in modern society, the pressures from
element, and note Re (5 so), which belongs
occurs. Such is the basis for “five notes healing
fast-paced life and work, ever-shrinking sleep
to the fire element. The former can help
times, lack of exercise, and anxiety, keep harm-
cultivate lung-qi; the latter can help balance
ing the heart constantly, leading the heart sys-
the lung qi. Combined with the note So, this
in China’s traditional wellness system, refers
tem into discomfort.
piece of music can help thoroughly clear
not only to breathing and emotion, but to the
• Common heart discomfort: sleepless, nerv-
your lungs.
visceral-qi of the internal organs. People’s body
ous, feeling oppressed, chest pain, agitated,
structure varies greatly, and so do the visceral-
tongue tip anabrosis.
Also, “qi”, which is frequently mentioned
qi, thus different music should be matched to prevent disease and foster wellness. Of course, we are not using a certain music
• Optimal time to appreciate the music: 15:00-19:00. The sun starts to descend
• Music note that matches with the heart:
during this period and return to the west,
Re, resemblance of “5 so” in the numbered
where the gold element is abundant. Lung-
musical notation.
qi is relevantly sufficient and the music
note alone to regulate a certain organ, but by
• Traits of music accentuating note “Re”: pas-
letting the music interact with the organ, and
sionate and merry, lively and relaxed, with
by matching the five notes and accentuate a
multi-rhythm levels, can help foster a joyful
Liver, General of the Five Organs
certain note according to the body’s actual
atmosphere, like the traits of fire, and can
The liver loves bright and clear feelings.
condition, to regulate the body.
reach the heart.
Among all the organs of the body, the liver
works best during this period.
• Optimal piece of music: Purple Bamboo
Music and Medicine, Quite Alike
plays a very important role in detoxifying the
Tune. It includes a lot of “5 so” note, and
body. If troubled by annoying matter for a long
In the standard form of Chinese written char-
combines “Re” note, which belongs to fire
time, the liver will see the flowing qi become
acters, the words for music, medicine and heal-
element, and La note, which belongs to
stagnant, which will gradually consume the liv-
ing are quite alike. The three boast an innate
water element, in a unique way. Water ele-
er’s energy and lead to all kinds of discomfort.
connection. Music can help relax the body and
ment can help modulate the fire element to
• Frequent liver discomfort: depressed, irrita-
mind, promote qi and blood flow, channelize
avoid being over-hot, while fire elements
ble, breast distending pain, bitter taste, pain-
the meridian. Like medicine, it can heal and
modulate the water element to avoid being
ful menstruation, dry eyes, timid, skittish.
regulate the body.
over-cold, which is quite conducive for the
• Music note that matches with the liver: Do,
Also, music can help with channel tropism,
heart’s functioning.
resemblance of “3 mi” in the numbered
energy ascending and descending, regulate
• Optimal time to appreciate the music: 21:00-
chills and fever in the body, which is quite like
23:00. TCM suggests people to sleep between
• Traits of music accentuating note “Do”: live-
the function of China’s herbal medicine. Also,
23:00-01:00 and 11:00-13:00. Therefore, one
ly, can make one feel the spring returns to
music needs to be produced in the same way
needs to calm the mind before 23:00. It is inap-
the earth and all things are back to life, the
of making medicine. The same piece of music,
propriate to listen to music too early, or too late.
melody is warm, bright and clear, with the
musical notation.
SpaChina • 2015 | 59
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Kidneys, Manager of the Five Organs
traits of wood, and can reach the liver. • Optimal piece of music: “Hu Jia Shi Ba Pai”. “So (2 re)” note in this
The kidneys are the saving institu-
piece of music works well to restrain
tion of the body. Energy produced by
the over-sufficient wood element in
other organs, after supplying for daily
the body. Meanwhile, the properly
consumption, will be delivered to the
matched La note, which belongs to
kidneys. And when other organs of the
the water elements, works perfectly
body suffer from insufficient energy,
to nourish the wood qi, making it soft
the body will transfer energy to them
and smooth.
from the kidneys. Modern people’s sub-
• Optimal time to appreciate the music:
health condition is caused by a lack of
19:00-23:00. A period when yin qi
energy in the kidneys.
peaks in the body. At this time, the
• Frequent kidney discomfort: dark
music can help regulate excessive liver
complexion, frequent micturition,
qi, prevent it from evolving into fire.
waist soreness, lack of sexual desire,
Also the abundant yin qi can nourish
dawn diarrhea.
the liver, and keep it in a balanced and
• Music note that matches with the kid-
normal condition.
neys: La, resemblance of “6 la” in the numbered musical notation.
Spleen, Logistics Director of the Five Organs
• Traits of music accentuating note “La”: pure, mournful, plaintive, deso-
The spleen is an important energy
late, can generate the feeling of float-
source of the body. Almost all energy
ing clouds and flowing water, with
needed by the body’s activity is from.
the traits of the “water” element, can
the spleen and stomach, which absorbs
reach the kidney.
energy from food, convert it into energy,
• Optimal piece of music: “Plum-blos-
and supply it to all organs. Eat and drink
Yin-Yang Five Elements System
too much, heavy taste of five flavors, and
Five elements: gold, wood, water, fire, earth
of music properly matches the five
worrying beyond measure, will over-
Five organs: lung, liver, kidney, heart, spleen
notes, which imperceptibly adopts the
charge the spleen and stomach and harm
Five notes: do, re, mi, so, la
five elements theory and continuously
the health.
Five orifices: nose, eye, ear, tongue, mouth
delivers energy to the kidney. Listen-
• Frequent spleen discomfort: abdomi-
som in Three Movements”. The piece
ing to this piece of music can help a
nal distension, obesity, lips anabrosis,
Music Classified by Healing Effect
waken the spirit and relax the body
yellowish complexion, scanty periods,
• Hypnosis: Chinese folk music: Moon Over the Peaceful
and mind.
fatigue, drooping stomach or hyster-
Lake in Autumn, Dream by Schuman, Wiegenlied by
optosis. • Music note that matches with the spleen: Mi, resemblance of “1 do” in the numbered musical notation. • Traits of music accentuating note “Mi”: melodious, calming, pure and solemn, like the solid “earth”, can reach the spleen. • Optimal piece of music: “Ambush
• Optimal time to appreciate the music:
Mozart, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Mendelssohn
7:00-11:00. During this period, the sun
• Release depression: Chinese folk music: Beaming with
ascends gradually and the temperature
Joy, Alluring Southern Land • Release sorrow: Genesis by Haydn, Sixth Symphony in d minor –Pathetique by Tchaikovsky, The Fifth Symphony in c minor –fate by Beethoven • Stimulate the Spirit: Chinese folk music: Dance of the Golden Snake, Rising Higher Step by Step
on All Sides”. “Re (5 so)” and Mi (1
• Release dysthesia: Chinese folk music: Plum-blossom
do) note are frequently used in this
in Three Movements, Beyond the Great Wall, Birds
piece of music, which can stimulate
Singing in a Desolate Mountain • Reduce blood pressure: Chinese folk music: Moon over
rises continuously, kidney-qi inside the body will also be awakened by the exterior environment. At this time, listen to music properly matched with So note, which belongs to the gold element, and La note, which belongs to the water element, can deliver qi to the kidneys and eventually help the kidneys gain abundant energy.
absorb and digest the food rhythmi-
the Peaceful Lake in Autumn, Raindrops Drummed
Optimal Volume and Environment
Rhythmically Against the Banana Leaves, A Night with
The best environment for listening to
Flowers and Moonlight by the Spring River, Tour to
music is a quiet indoor room neighbor-
ing or adjacent to Nature. Optimal vol-
the spleen and stomach, make them
• Optimal time to appreciate the music: during dining, and during the one hour after dining. The most optimal time is 11:00-13:00. 60 | SpaChina • 2015
• Stimulate Appetite: Chinese folk music: Blooming flowers and Full Moon
ume is that which can be heard clearly within five meters.
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spa journey
天堂近在咫尺 夏威夷是这个星球所能容纳的最接近完美的地方。她是太 平洋中部的一个群岛,拥有世界上最优质的沙滩,最迷人 的山径,和最精致的水疗。SpaChina资深养生编辑Gareth Powell带我们兜转列岛,获悉最本色的夏威夷
62 | SpaChina • 2015
起来令人难以置 信,太平洋中部这 个精妙绝伦的列岛 竟是美国的领土, 但岛上猎猎飘扬的
星条旗已经证明了这一点,而岛上超过半数 的人口为亚裔。夏威夷的独特之处还有许 多,这使它成为全球最有吸引力的旅游胜地 之一。当然,不得不提的还有其令人向往的 顶级水疗。 通观夏威夷的水疗和度假村,了解几点 基本的事实很重要。夏威夷有两个形式的身 份,首先它是美国最新也是唯一仅由岛屿组 成的州。其次,太平洋中部的地理位置使它 融合了各种各样的文化力量。夏威夷不仅有 自己的本土文化,它还融汇了很浓烈的亚洲 风情,包括中国、日本和菲律宾。夏威夷的 州府檀香山并不在夏威夷岛上,而是在欧胡 岛上。 夏威夷群岛由8个主岛组成,分别为尼好 岛、考爱岛、摩洛凯岛、拉奈岛、卡胡拉威 岛、毛伊岛、以及夏威夷岛。夏威夷岛并不 等同于夏威夷,我们一般叫它大岛来避免混 淆。最后的一点小疑惑是那个看起来像是引 号的符号,它出现在很多如Hawai’i这样的名 字中,这个符号有个专门的名字叫做声门塞 音(okina),读这类单词时要用一个大吸气把 单词分成几部分读出来。 夏威夷原住民是波利尼西亚人,他们自 公元800年起从西边乘船来到这里,现在看 来很可能是从东南亚的一些国家。而波利尼 西亚人肥胖率高的一个解释便是只有胖人才 能熬过漫长的海上旅途得以到达这块遥远的 未知土地。 西班牙人在16世纪走墨西哥到马尼拉的 航线时可能登上过夏威夷群岛,他们把墨西 哥矿山里的银条运到中国,从中国买东西 运到欧洲贩卖。将夏威夷划入地图的是英国 人詹姆斯库克,1778年他驶入群岛并将它命 名为三明治群岛,然而也就是在他登陆的沙 滩,他最终被害身亡。 同时,在遥远的东部,美利坚合众国刚 刚建立。到了19世纪中期,美国贪婪地涉足 太平洋彼岸并发现了夏威夷群岛,他们在岛 上建立了甘蔗和菠萝种植园,并招了日本人 和波多黎各人来种养。1898年,夏威夷成为 了美国的领土,1959年成为合众国第50个州。 Picture by Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka’upulehu
岛群之间的差异非常大。大岛,也就是 SpaChina • 2015 | 63
spa journey
檀香山的酒店业在争夺亚洲婚庆的竞争 上非常激烈,而最受客人欢迎的包括夏威夷
你 无 法 承 受 一 天 1,000美 元 甚 至 更 高 的 预
各岛总人口在140万左右,但大多数人口 都集中在欧胡岛上。夏威夷的平均人口寿命 是美国各州最长的,男性平均79岁,女性平 均82岁,这也证实了它确实是养生福地。 那么我们该怎么去那里?又有哪些景点
颇具特色。马纳拉尼水疗中心配备了室内理 疗室,一个提供全面服务的沙龙。马纳拉 尼的经典体验收费从基本的229美元起,当 然,这其中不包括住宿。要注意的是,马纳 拉尼水疗和健身中心离酒店并不远,短暂的 步行或乘坐班车都能够回到酒店。 大岛的卡哈拉海岸是一些世界顶级高端 水疗中心的所在地。哈尔尔莱四季度假村的 水疗和健身中心,以亚洲主题为装修风格, 水疗菜单齐全丰富。距离不远的马纳拉尼海 湾酒店坐落在熔岩区,可算是火山伊甸园。 科纳乡村度假村的特色是不允许手机和电视 的使用,且房间都没有门锁。 地处偏僻的考艾岛是个安静悠闲的小 岛,如果不去威基基海滩,这里也是个不 错的选择。考艾岛在夏威夷群岛链的西部边 缘,因此是地表最遥远的人口聚集中心。在 考艾岛,你可以沿着卡拉劳小径散步,欣赏 小径美妙至极的景色,或者去与海龟游泳。 考艾岛上的王子度假村有自己的水疗中心, 也有两个世界最好的高尔夫球场,而至纯考 尤其受单独度假的女士们的喜欢。 毛伊岛在考艾岛东边,有更多令人惊叹 的风景,很多夏威夷迷似乎都把毛伊岛列为 他们最喜欢的岛屿。毛伊岛的哈娜酒店是酒 店业的老牌子,经营历史有60年之久,而占 地广阔的格兰德威立亚度假村的泳池更是有
Picture by Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka'upulehu
64 | SpaChina • 2015
Close to Paradise Hawaii is in many ways as close to perfection as it is possible to get on the face of this planet. It is an island chain in the middle of the Pacific with some of the best beaches, the most stunning mountain trails and the most exquisite spas anywhere. SpaChina’s Wellness Editor Gareth Powell takes us for a spin through the islands
t is entirely unlikely that this wonderful
First, it is the most recent of the United States
island of Hawai’i is NOT Hawai’i itself. So it is
string of islands in the middle of the Pa-
and is the only one consisting only of islands.
often called "the Big Island" to avoid confusion.
cific Ocean would be US territory, but
Situated as it is in the Mid-Pacific, it has all sorts
A final bit of confusion is the mark that looks like
there is the flag to prove it. The popula-
of influences. Not just it owns native culture
an apostrophe which appears in so many names
tion of the islands is also of note because
but very strong Asian influences of many other
such as Hawai’i. This is technically called the oki-
it is more than half Asian in ancestry. Hawaii is
sorts, including Chinese, Japanese and Filipino.
na, which marks a sort of sharp take-in of breath
unique in many other ways too, making it one of
The capital of Hawaii is not on the island of Ha-
to separate the word into component pieces.
the world’s most attractive tourist destinations.
waii. The capital is Honolulu, which is on the
Many of the spas, of course, are sublime.
island of O’ahu.
The original inhabitants, the Polynesians, arrived by boat starting sometime after the year
To get spas and resorts into perspective in
Basically it consists of eight main islands:
800AD, coming from the west, probably from
Hawaii, it is important that you understand
Ni’ihau, Kaua’i, Oahu, Molokai, Lana’i, Ka-
Southeast Asia. One explanation for why so
a few basic facts. Hawaii comes in two forms.
hoolawe, Maui and the Island of Hawai’i. The
many Polynesians are obese is that it was only
Red Sea Diving Big Sea Turtle Sitting on Colorful Coral Reef
SpaChina • 2015 | 65
spa journey
Picture by Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka'upulehu
the fat ones who managed to survive the long voyages into the unknown.
All the major hotel chains are on O’ahu, as
healthy to live in paradise.
is the principal airport and shopping malls ga-
So how to get there and where to go? There
It is possible the Spanish visited the islands
lore. On O’ahu you are in the United States of
are flights to Honolulu from Hong Kong, Bei-
in the 16th century as they travelled the route
America with all of its pluses and minuses with
jing and Shanghai, but not quite daily, so you
between Mexico and Manila, carrying silver
an extra touch of Hawai’i.
need to plan your itinerary carefully, or fly via a
bullion from Mexican mines which was largely
If you are looking for a genuine spa experi-
used to buy stuff from China for sale in Europe.
ence do not confine yourself to O’ahu. Yes, that
You will land on Oahu, at Honolulu In-
But it was an Englishman named Captain James
is where the major airlines land, that is where
ternational Airport, and the Main Island
Cook who put Hawaii on the map. He sailed
you will find the hotel chains establishments,
has more than enough to keep you busy for
into the islands in 1778, named them the Sand-
each like all other American hotel chain estab-
an extended holiday. Waikiki, the beach, is
wich Islands and was then killed on the beach
lishments. It is also true that some if not all will
a must to visit, and the sea front is chain of
where he landed.
have spa or resort as part of the title. But be not
bars, restaurants and tourist places, that has,
third hub, probably Tokyo.
Meanwhile, far away to the east, the United
fooled. These are not spas and resorts as you
in its favor, oodles of good energy. There is,
States of America was being established and by
and I understand them. They are hotel concepts
of course, a Chinatown in Honolulu, and you
the mid-19th century Americans were looking
– and none the better, or worse, for that.
will find the best of every kind of Asian cui-
covetously out across the Pacific, found the
The Hawaiian islands are scenically magnifi-
sine, with a strong emphasis on seafood, only
Hawaiian islands, and set up sugar cane and
cent, with towering volcanoes, many of them
natural given the vast ocean surrounding the
pineapple plantations there, bringing in Japa-
live, wonderful beaches, coral reefs and much,
Hawaiian islands.
nese and Puerto Ricans workers to farm them.
much more. The state has become one of the
Where to stay? Well, the Royal Hawaiian
Hawaii became a territory of the United States
world’s major tourist destinations, and for a
is one of the oldest grand hotel on the strip,
in 1898 and the 50th state of the Union in 1959.
very good reason. It is truly beautiful.
opened in 1927, and yes it is pink and over-
The differences between the islands are re-
The islands have a total population of around
priced and over-the-top, but still worth a visit,
markably large. The Big Island, Hawai’i is about
1.4 million, but most of them are concentrated
grand for afternoon tea on the balcony, and – if
4,000 square miles and has a population of
on the island of Oahu. It is significant to note
money is absolutely no object – a night or two.
under 20,000 while in comparison O’ahu is a
that the average life expectancy of people in Ha-
Next, is the Moana Hotel, which along with
bustling place of about 600 square miles with a
waii is the highest of any state in the US – 79
a number of elements of Hawaiian traditional
population of around a million.
for men and 82 for women, proving that it is
culture has a curiously English feel to it. The
66 | SpaChina • 2015
old and deposed Royal family of Hawaii took to
lands have their specialties. But for over all-spa
both spa and fitness courses. Not too far away is
English affectations in the late 19th century, and
and resort magic Hawai’i is the place.
Mauna Lani Bay Hotel, set amongst lava fields,
jolly good too. The Moana was opened in 1901
Next important point. This is not a holiday
and this described rightly as a “volcanic Eden”.
and is known as the Grand Old Lady of Waikiki.
you can normally do on the cheap – certainly
Then there is the Kona Village Resort, where
Hawaii has become a major destination for
compared to Asian spas. If you are not com-
there are no phones allowed, no TVs, and no
Asian weddings and honeymoons, a trend start-
fortable with paying $1,000 a day and up this
locks on the doors.
ed by the Japanese in the 1970s, and enthusi-
may not be for you. (Do not be fooled by an ad-
Kauai is out-of-the-way, quiet and laid-back,
astically embraced by Taiwanese, Hong Kong,
vertised basic price. It is the extras that get you
a pleasant alternative to the energy of Waikiki.
and later mainland Chinese couples looking for
every time.) There are places where the prices
It is at the western edge of the Hawaiian island
something high-class, tropical and memorable.
are lower, but if you are having the full Hawaii
chain, and is therefore the most remote signifi-
experience, it will not be inexpensive.
cant population center on the face of the Earth.
The hotels of Honolulu compete fiercely for the Asian wedding business, and the top choices
Mauna Lani Spa is a luxury spa (it has been
While on Kauai, try taking a walk along a sec-
include the Royal Hawaiian, the Moana Hotel,
cited as one of the world’s best – set up as a re-
tion of the Kalalau Trail, featuring scenery that
The Halekulani, the Hilton Hawaiian Village,
sort Hawaiian village complete with thatched
is beyond exquisite. Or swim with turtles. Your
and the Trump Waikiki.
huts and natural lava saunas. There are indoor
choice. On Kauai, visit the Princeville Resort,
Having inevitably checked out Waikiki Beach,
treatment rooms, a full-service salon plus all the
which has a spa as well as two of the best golf
I recommend you try a sandy stretch that is just
offering. The Mauna Lani Signature Experience
courses in the world, or Pure Kauai, which is
as beautiful and less crowded, Kailua Beach. In
starts at a base rate of $229 which, of course,
particularly popular with women vacationing
1998, it was named as America’s best beach, and
does not include accommodation. Note that the
on their own.
then removed from the race because no other
Mauna Lani Spa and the Mauna Lani Sports &
Maui is to the east of Kauai, and contains
beach in the whole country can compete with it.
Fitness Club are located a short walk or shuttle
more jaw-dropped scenery. Many Hawaii buffs
ride from the hotel.
seem to name Maui as their number one favor-
But there is far more to Hawaii than this one island. Where can you go for a genuine Hawai’i
The Big Island’s Kohala Coast is home to
ite of the islands. On Maui, try the Hotel Hana,
spa and resort holiday? The answer is simple
some of the most exclusive, expensive and best
a veteran of the trade having opened 60 years
– the big island of Hawai’i. It is resort heaven.
spas in the world. The Four Seasons Hualalai
ago, or the Grand Wailea Resort Hotel & Spa,
Other islands have resorts of delight; other is-
features Asian-themed decor, and a full menu of
which is huge - nine swimming pools!
Anaehoomalu Bay Sunset on Big Island Hawaii
Hula Girls on the Beach with Hands Raised Three Strong Men Juggling Fire in Hawaii Fire Dancers
SpaChina • 2015 | 67
People Interview
| 人物专访
好山好水 好居所 访盛棠水大中华区首席代表干事Perry Chenq
Pcture by The Fairmont Kea Lani, Maui
Tantalus Lookout,在那里你能享受到宏伟壮
阔的全岛景观。 能为初次到夏威夷的游客推荐一下夏威夷的
有令人自豪的独特历史和文化传承,并且集 夏威夷人在日常生活中怎样保持身体健康、
对于初次访客来说,Tantalus Lookout,凯
请介绍一个在夏威夷您最喜欢的水疗,以及 您喜欢它的地方。
住在夏威夷的好处数不胜数,我最欣赏 并且乐在其中的就属当地的人文及其健康的
68 | SpaChina • 2015
The Best Place for Living Interview with Perry Chenq, Chief Rep., Great China, Saratoga
awaii enjoys great popularity in the tourism field across the world. People can instantly sketch an image
in their mind of the golden beaches and azure waters, no matter whether they have ever actually been there. SpaChina interviewed Perry Chenq, the Chief Representative in Greater China for Saratoga, describing lively Hawaii for us. If you use one sentence to describe Hawaii, what would you like to say?
Adam Madkour (right), CEO of Saratoga Spring Water Co. with Perry CHENQ, Chief Representative in Asia-Pacific
“The most pristine paradise on Earth.” Hawaii is an oasis of natural beauty, proud of its
How do local residents stay healthy and
hula massages, lava saunas or kahuna chants.
unique history and cultural heritage as well as a
balanced in their daily life? How do they see
Besides hundreds of independent spas on the
place of diversity.
their hometown as a tourist land?
island, which mainly caters to the local resi-
One of healthy aspects is the laid-back and
dents, almost every hotel/resort offers own
heart-warming life style. Most locals are pretty
spa treatment to its guests. Many social events
other countries in the world, what makes
active. We enjoy the outdoors, surfing, swim-
such as bridal showers, birthday celebrations,
Hawaii stand out? And what makes living in
ming, hiking, or jogging are in our daily activi-
or corporate retreats are often held in the spas.
Hawaii so good?
ties. We don’t see our hometown as a tourist
It's the native culture, the Hawaiian culture.
destination, we simply want to share our island
How do you see Hawaii in terms of the Chi-
It's a culture that is filled with fascinating
with the world. Loving is sharing.
nese market?
Compared to other states of America, or
customs, traditions and values. And of course
The Chinese market is definitely booming.
the year-around tropical weather, clean air
What is the business potential that you see
With the 10-year visa and direct flights from
and pure natural water makes living enjoy-
in Hawaii?
Shanghai and Beijing to Hawaii, I see more and
able. There are many good things about liv-
Real Estate investment is one of good potential
more Chinese visitors everyday.
ing in Hawaii. What I enjoy the most is the
in Hawaii. We see more and more buyers from
healthy life style and local people. The most
China who want to own a piece of Paradise.
Could you recommend some exclusive spots
heart-warming aspect of Hawaiian culture is
The sophisticated buyers realize that Hawaii is
or local flavors for first-time visitors?
simply their inviting, welcoming, and hospi-
not just a tourist destination, it’s a great place
Tantalus Lookout, Kailua beach and Makapuu
table spirit.
for living.
hike are typical tourist spots for first-time visi-
And yes, hotels and resorts are always busy
tors. If you have extra time, take a catamaran
As a famous tourist destination, what are
with high occupancy rates just because every-
ride for a couple hours (highly recommend
the highlights of Hawaii?
one wants to come to Hawaii.
Makani Sunset Cruise, you may be able to
Hawaii is known throughout the world for
find a deal from Groupon). I sometimes spot
its magnificent ecosystems and unique plant
How is the spa industry in Hawaii? Who are
whales, dolphins or sea turtles while enjoying
and animal species. Hawaii has something for
they targeting? Natives or tourists?
the fabulous sunset, which is one of the high-
everyone and there is so much to see and do
With Hawaii's beautifully temperate weath-
lights when you visit the islands.
that you best be well prepared in advance to
er, the Islands are conducive to year-round
make the most of your visit. Hiking up to Dia-
outdoor massages, enabling both locals and
Could you give us one of your favorite spas
mond Head and snorkeling at Hanauma Bay
visitors to enjoy a tropical view while receiv-
in Hawaii?
should be on your must-do list. If you have
ing the latest in luxury spa treatments. Local
Laka Skin Care & Spa in Honolulu. This local
local friends, ask them to take you to Tantalus
Hawaiian traditions and culture have also been
popular spa is an oasis with extreme atten-
Lookout where you will be able to enjoy the
incorporated into many spa treatments, so
tion to detail. The staff, quality of service and
magnificent island views.
that you may achieve bodily balance through
organic product was unmatched on the islands. SpaChina • 2015 | 69
spa journey
夏威夷度假酒店精选 A Selection of Hawaii Hotels and Resorts 夏威夷,这个美国最南端的热带群岛州以它独有的阳光、沙滩和海 浪风靡全球,吸引了日以万计的游客慕名而来。细密柔软的沙滩, 温暖和煦的海风,风光明媚的热带风情,让人沉醉其中流连忘返。 冲浪、潜水、徒步钻石山、欣赏草裙舞表演、享受最具夏威夷风情 的水疗,在凉风习习的椰林中感受宏伟的海滩落日。本期SpaChina 带您深入探索夏威夷,见证名副其实的度假天堂。
Hawaii, the westernmost state of America consists of 132 islands, covered with its exclusive sunshine, beach and waves, attracting thousands of tourists to come each day. Dense and soft beaches, warm sea breezes, and bright tropical customs enthrall people when they come to this breathtaking paradise. You can go hiking, surfing, diving, enjoy local hula-hula dances and also the Hawaiian style spa treatment. SpaChina explores the depths of Hawaii with you, presenting a genuine paradise.
华拉莱四季度假村 卡务普勒胡历史遗迹店
Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka‘upulehu
华拉莱四季度假村卡务普勒胡历史 遗迹店独享着夏威夷大岛可纳卡哈 拉海岸线上的白色沙滩,与周遭的 蔚蓝大海、黑色熔岩、郁郁葱葱 的植被巧妙的融合在一起。243间 客房和套房,每一间都散发着迷人 的夏威夷黄金时代的怀旧感。传统 的原住民艺术收藏品被自然地装饰 在室内和户外的每一个角落,无论 走到哪里,伴随你的都是淡淡的花 香和空气中弥漫的恬淡悠闲的迷人 气 氛 。 华 拉 莱 水 疗 中 心 占 地 2,600 平米,将热带花园和凉爽的室内空 间搭配在一起,有独特的夏威夷风 情,露天的Waiea(生命之水)花园中 静谧的溪流带来轻松舒适的氛围。 水疗中心的豪华温室中设有小型泳 池、漩涡浴缸、桑拿、蒸汽室和冷 水浴。在异域风情的户外私密空间 中,还有各式按摩和身体护理项目 供选择。
With a dramatic natural setting of azure ocean, white sand, black lava and lush green vegetation, Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka‘upulehu is part of the exclusive Hualalai residential community on the North Kona Coast. Housed in intimate two-storey bungalows, Four Seasons Resort Hualalai's 243 expansive guest rooms and suites exude a nostalgic sense of Hawaii’s golden age. An extensive collection of native Hawaiian art can be seen throughout, along with nature-inspired décor and fantastic outdoor living areas. The 2,600-squaremetre Hualalai Spa integrates tropical gardens with cool interior spaces and feels distinctly Hawaiian. Enjoy relaxing by a quiet stream in the open-air Waiea (Water of Life) garden. Or savour the lap pool, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms and cold plunges, all set amidst lush greenery. Your choice of massage and body treatments may be enjoyed outdoors in exotic new hales, secluded for privacy. 72-100 Ka‘upulehu Drive, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740 U.S.A. Tel: +1 808 325 8000 www.fourseasons.com/hualalai/?source=tahualalaiblhotel
The Kahala Hotel & Resort
凯海兰度假村酒店 凯海兰度假村酒店是夏威夷首屈一指的豪华度假村,安静地隐藏在距离购物与娱乐中心威 基基海滩仅十分钟车程的一处静谧海滩旁。这个位于檀香山著名豪华居住区凯海兰的酒店 充满着传奇的色彩,受到游客、各国皇室成员以及名人的热烈追捧。这个豪华海滨度假村 拥有338间客房和套房,5间风格各异的餐厅,以及一间世界顶级的水疗中心。客人们可以 和度假村里的海豚们一起游玩,使用休闲设施、健身中心、葱郁的热带花园,以及度假村 私有咸水湖。Kahala Spa水疗中心提供9间空间宽敞的理疗室,每间水疗房面积550平方英 尺,为突显宁谧感,每间理疗室都设有休闲区、玻璃淋浴间、深水浴缸、私人更衣区和衣 橱,为spa客人保证绝对的隐私。 70 | SpaChina • 2015
The Kahala Hotel & Resort is Hawaii’s reigning luxury resort, set on a white sand beach just ten minutes from the world-class shopping and entertainment of Waikiki, Oahu. This legendary hideaway Hawaii resort in Honolulu's plush Kahala district is a favorite with presidents, international royalty and celebrities. This luxurious oceanfront resort features 338 rooms and suites, five stylish restaurants and a world-class spa. Guests can enjoy its leisure facilities, CHI Health & Energy Fitness Center, lush tropical gardens and the private lagoon with the resident dolphins. The Kahala Spa boasts a suite of nine spacious, treatment rooms taking up to 550 square foot, designed to exude a sense of calm and serenity—each with its own relaxation area, glassenclosed shower, deep soak tub, personal changing area and wardrobe closet to give you the ultimate in privacy during your spa encounter. 5000 Kahala Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816-5498 Tel: +1 808 739 8888 www.kahalaresort.com/
张雪 编译
As one of the first and finest hotels in Hawaii, Halekulani is located by the fresh water springs that give Waikiki its name. With its beachfront location and unobstructed views of Diamond Head, Halekulani is the sought-after destination for those wishing to honeymoon in Hawaii. The hotel features 453 rooms and suites which offer a sense of spaciousness and contemporary conveniences, and most offer memory-making ocean views. The Waikiki spa intertwines authentically crafted Polynesian therapeutic rituals with today's purest products and proven techniques. The awarded La Mer beachfront restaurant opens during the dinnertime, providing elegant French cuisine made from local Hawaiian ingredients. The landmark restaurant Orchids A House Without a Key offers seaside terrace dinner experience and evening entertainments.
蓝海清的威基基海滩,在酒店的任何一 处,周围的沙滩海景和钻石山景都一览 无余,因此尤其受夏威夷度蜜月夫妇的 欢迎。酒店设有453间宽敞明亮的客房 和套间,每间客房提供毛绒浴袍、高档 洗浴用品、独立玻璃淋浴间的豪华连接 浴室等现代舒适便利的设施。水疗中心 Spa
尼西亚仪式的完整理疗、按摩、面部护 理、身体治疗以及美容服务。荣获国际 奖项的La Mer海滨餐厅于每天晚餐时段 开放,供应以新鲜的当地夏威夷原料烹 制的精致法国美食。地标性的A House Without a Key餐厅提供休闲海滨露台用 餐体验以及夜间娱乐活动。
2199 Kalia Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 Tel: +1 844 288 8022 www.halekulani.com/
The Fairmont Orchid, Hawaii
夏 威 夷 费 尔 蒙 特 兰 花 酒 店 是 一 家 面 积 达32 英亩的海滨豪华AAA四星钻石度假酒店,位 于夏威夷岛柯哈拉海滩,拥有白色的沙滩礁 湖。酒店540间客房及套房皆有一间私人阳 台,能够清晰地看到度假村花园、部分海景 和海滨景观。新装修的费尔蒙特黄金楼层占 据 了 北 塔 的 整 个 顶 楼 , 楼 层 的 45间 客 房 套 间都能够享受到壮阔的太平洋海景或夏威夷 瀑布花园景观。值得一提的是酒店的无墙水 疗,颇具特色的瀑布按摩hale可以让人在享 受夏威夷特色养生护理的同时欣赏令人心旷 神怡的自然风光。对于美食爱好者来说,酒 店的海滨餐厅Brown’s Beach House和Norio's 日式牛排馆和寿司吧非常值得一试。
The Fairmont Orchid, Hawaii is a 32-acre oceanfront luxury AAA Four Diamond resort located on the Kohala Coast Hawaii with a white sand lagoon. It features 540 guest rooms and suites which offer a private lanai with a view of the resorts gardens, partial angled ocean view or oceanfront. The recently renovated Fairmont Gold Floor is our exclusive lifestyle offering commanding the entire top (6th) floor of the North Tower with 45 guestrooms and suites each with impressive views of the Pacific Ocean or lush Hawaiian waterfall gardens. The Spa Without Walls features waterfall massage hale (huts) and breathtaking oceanfront massage cabanas that draw from the island's natural healing mana (power). The exquisite oceanfront dining at Brown’s
1 North Kaniku Drive, Kohala Coast, Hawaii Tel: +1 808 885 2000 www.fairmont.com/orchid-hawaii/
Beach House restaurant and delectable steaks and sushi at Norio’s Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi Bar are strongly recommended.
威可洛亚海滩万豪度假酒店 威可洛亚海滩万豪度假酒店位于阳光明媚的科哈拉海滨,有15英亩(6公顷)的美丽风景 带,面向Anaeho'omalu海湾海滩和古老的夏威夷鱼塘。酒店装潢考究,独具波利尼西亚 和亚洲特色,环境舒适温馨。绵延1.6里的海滨浴场和酒店的恒温无边际泳池使“度假” 二字名副其实,你还可以潜入海底去看看新奇美妙的热带鱼和植株,迎着海风在海面驰 骋风浪,又或躺在海滩的细麻布躺椅上夜观星辰,看日升日落。精致的美食餐厅供应地 道的海岛美食,Sunset Luau每周三和周六奉上地道的波利尼西亚表演,宾客可在欣赏舞 蹈和音乐表演的同时,品尝波利尼西亚风味美食。
Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa Located along the sun-splashed Kohala Coast, the luxurious Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa welcomes guests to paradise in true Hawaiian style, on 15 acres and facing the Anaeho'omalu Bay beach and ancient fish ponds. Its Big Island Hawaii resort on the beachfront captures breathtaking style and comfort, providing authentic Polynesian and Asian décor. The bathing beach and warm infinity swimming pool are the highlights of the resort. Guests can dive to the bottom of the sea to enjoy exotic tropical fish and plants, or surf or sail on the surface. Sunset Luau, the restaurant, presents an authentic Polynesian show every Wednesday and Saturday. Guest can also taste Polynesian flavors when experiencing the music and dance. 69-275, Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii 96738 USA Tel: +1 808 886 6789 www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/koamc-waikoloa-beach-marriott-resort-and-spa/ SpaChina • 2015 | 71
spa cuisine
节律养生餐 吉祥开运味 Auspicious Winter Delicacy 东
汉哲学家王充曾在其《论衡》中 写道:“顺乎自然,即是最上养
生之道。”,也就是中医所推崇的“节律 养生”,其在吃这一方面的表现就是根据 季节变换选择饮食,以维持健康和美丽心 情。冬气寒, 人的食欲也比较旺盛,是最 好的进补时节。本期为您精心挑选了几家 供应特色养生冬季美味的餐厅,更有新年 吉祥开运餐!
Whole Boston lobster
72 | SpaChina • 2015
ang Chong, one of China’s ancient philosophers, once stated in his works: optimal wellness solutions shall follow the rules of Nature, which, if applied to the dining area, means eating according to different seasons in order to maintain health and beauty. Cold winter is the best season to nourish the body. So, in this issue, we present restaurants that offer special and nourishing winter delicacies, some of which, if eaten during the Chinese Spring Festival, may bring you good luck. Enjoy!
Pelham’s Modern French food M Artichoke Tortellini
色彩摩登法餐 摩
登法式美食,是指在传统法餐的基础 上加入现代创意,演绎经典与摩登完
美融合的法式餐饮体验。上海外滩华尔道夫 酒店Pelham’s餐厅里的摩登法餐,因为有了 当季的“色彩”更显与众不同。 餐 厅 新 任 的 主 厨 Dupas, 16年 烹 饪 经 验,曾在法国、英国和迪拜的多家顶级餐厅 中任职,他对于摩登法餐有着自己的理解和
odern French food is an approach to cooking and food presentation in French cuisine. In contrast to cuisine classique, Modern French cooking is characterized by lighter, more creative dishes and an greater emphasis on presentation. Pelham’s restaurant, located off the lobby of the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund, offers distinct modern French foods using seasonal ingredients. The new chef Jean-Philippe Dupas has over a decade and half of experience working in some of the best kitchens in France, The United Kingdom, and Dubai. His fresh new culinary vision is characterized by choosing high quality seasonal ingredients to increase the layer of flavor as well as enhance the appearance and the seasonal theme of the meal. Chef Jean-Philippe’s new Menu for Pelham’s puts premium, seasonal ingredients in the spotlight. Fine cuts of meat and fresh sea-
food are presented in innovative and sophisticated ways, yet as ultimately flavorful and comforting, gourmet creations. Foie Gras Terrine Cigar; Wagyu Beef Tartare; Asparagus and Crawfish are some of Chef Jean-Philippe’s inspired appetizers. For the lunch menu, the courses are priced at RMB 218 (two courses), RMB 278 (three courses) and RMB 338 (four courses) per person. All prices are subject to 15 per cent service charge. Asparagus and Crawfish are good. The asparagus and mushroom as well as crawfish are boiled in a soup, bringing out fresh tastes. A slip of toasted bread is served with the soup. After dipping it into the soup, the bread is delicious. Foie Gras Terrine Cigar is also pretty amazing. Foie Gras has been made like a cigar with rich flavor. If you eat foie gras with almond biscuit, the taste will amaze you.
想法:“一份好的菜品不光是要有美轮美奂 的摆盘,唇齿留香的味道,更应看重当季食 材的选用,因为这能提升菜品的味觉,带来 新鲜口感。让菜品中带有当季的味道,是一
件很有风情的事”。 Dupas带给Pelham’s餐厅的菜单,就是以
Chef Dupas:我 喜 欢 运 用 传 统 法 餐 的 烹 饪
商务套餐为RMB218(两道式)、RMB278(三 请推荐一些菜单里,好吃又卡路里不高的
格均另行收取15%的服务费。 芦笋小龙虾汤卖相很好,
Chef Dupas:洋 蓟 意 式 饺 配 裙 带 菜 、 黄 油
汤里的鲜美。 法式鹅肝酱配甜起泡酒也堪称一绝,鹅
Chef Jean-Philippe Dupas
品的食材和制作方法都不会给身体带来任 何负担,味美健康。
The Chef’s Wisdom
垫,鹅肝丰润的口感像极了丰厚口感的冰激 凌,绵滑细腻,让人难忘,杏仁饼干则用来
What’s your cooking style?
Please recommend some nice dishes with low
Chef Dupas: My food is often described as
‘Modern French’: my style is deeply rooted in traditional French cooking. The result is dishes that are exquisitely presented yet accessible and unpretentious. Of course, I prefer to use seasonal ingredients to make the dishes better. Meanwhile, we need to make sure all ingredients we use are of high quality.
Chef Dupas: Artichoke Tortellini, Wakame
Pelham’s餐厅/Pelham’s 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店L楼, 中山东一路2号
Waldorf Astoria Club Lobby Level, Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund, No.2 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200002, P.R.C
Salpicon, Butternut Squash Purée, Barigoule and Parmesan Foam; Whole Boston Lobster, Carrot, Zucchini Purée, Girolles, Kaddafi Vegetables, Medjoul Dates and Bisque; Wagyu Beef Tenderloin, Asparagus, Baby Carrot, Onion Marmalade, Potato Confit, Purée and Truffle Jus are good choices.
Tel: +86 21 6322 9988 SpaChina • 2015 | 73
spa cuisine
主厨智慧 您个人保持一种怎样的烹饪理念? 主厨罗敢华先生:我个人在烹饪选材上比 较注重因地因时制宜,这样可以充分保证 菜肴的新鲜度和原汁原味,做出有特色的 美味。 能否描述一下您心目中完美的美食体验? 主厨罗敢华先生:首先是食材的新鲜地 道,其次是菜品口感要新颖怡人,同时 还有与不同食物和饮料之间相得益彰的 搭配,最后是美食匹配的用餐环境,包
以“金顶”、“太子坪”等命名,用餐其间 仿佛身临仙山秘境,别有一番风味。
The Chef’s Wisdom What do you think is the most key criteria for selecting cooking ingredients? Chef Luo: My kitchen is an extension of myself. I personally think ingredients should be sourced locally and at the right season. This can fully guarantee the freshness and original flavor of the ingredients, which lies at the core heart of any great delicacy. What made you set up the first overseas branch in Hong Kong? Chef Luo: The first and foremost element is fresh and authentic cooking materials; then there is good and novel flavors; also important is the right combination of different food and right pairing with drinks; last but not least, is the interior and exterior of the dining environment. 金逸轩/Jinyi 峨眉山蓝光安纳塔拉度假酒店 中国峨眉山市山湖路南段8号 峨秀湖国际度假区
Anantara Emei Resort & Spa No.8 South Section of Shanhu Road, Emeishan City, China 614200 Tel: +833 2212 888 74 | SpaChina • 2014 2015
除了滋味浓郁的当地美食,餐厅还为新 春来游的客人准备了一系列粤式祥瑞迎新
Health and Auspice by Eating
ocated at the foot of Mountain EMei, one of China’s sacred Buddhist sites, Jinyi restaurant features a warm and elegant air: The golden light helps foster a cozy dining atmosphere; the doors, window frames, floor and chairs all feature the same dark red wood, which manifests an understated luxury that coincides perfectly with the surrounding natural environment. Lively facial make-up which is often used in Sichuan opera adds to the restaurant’s special Sichuan color. The open dining area is elegantly arranged and the five private dining rooms are named after famous scenic spots, such as “Golden Peak” and “Prince Plateau” in the EMei Mountain region, which makes diners feel they are dining in a secret fairy land. Cuisine offered by Jinyi restaurant is no less enchanting than its unique location. Chef Luo uses unique local ingredients, masterfully integrates Sichuan food and Cantonese cuisine cooking skills, and presents guests dishes of mixed style and unforgettable flavors. This winter, Chef Luo is especially prepar-
ing some nourishing and health-beneficial delicacies out of EMei Mountian’s unique seasonal ingredients. Particularly worth mentioning is the Stewed Emei Konjac with Chicken (RMB108). Emei Konjac, a stunning ingredient grows in the winter snow of Emei Mountain, and can fully absorb the flavoring substance, and thus tastes extremely mellow. Also, the high dietary fiber and low calorie bean product is conducive to metabolism and has special wellness functions like reducing fat and beautifying the skin. Apart from the mellow local foods, the restaurant also prepares a special collection of Cantonese cuisine for China’s Spring Festival, such as the Roasted Suckling Pig (RMB888), with a name that means good luck throughout the year, and Roasted Chicken (RMB156), with a name that means “golden chicken announces good news” (RMB156). Thus, it is safe to say that dining here during China’s Spring Festival will bring you joy, delicacy, health and auspiciousness.
Refined Delicacy at Yu L
精美如玉 北
京建国路上的玉餐厅最为人称道的是 她的精致:从餐厅供应的每一品茶、
每一味菜,到风格明朗的布局、典雅中透露 着现代感的装饰风格,无一不是精心雕琢出 的精巧之作。 玉的主用餐区格调明快、典雅,充满现代 风格,选用了本地的木材和石材作内部装饰。 灯光在或柔和,或硬朗等不同材质上折射出多 变的光线,静静地演绎着古典与现代风格的 交替。整个主用餐区覆盖以长毛地毯,柔软 至极,在寒冷的夜晚里更显室内的温暖和舒 适。7间独立包房面积和色调均各有特色,以
ocated on Jianguo Road in Beijing, the Yu restaurant is acclaimed for its refinement, the embodiment of which can be found in not only the tea and the food dishes, but also in its pleasant interior layout and the elegantly modern interior decoration. Yu’s main dining area features a warm and elegant air. The wooden and stone interior decoration works perfectly with the comfortably bright light, creating an intermeshed style of classic and modern. A delightful collection of Buddhas has literally found a home in niches and on pedestals throughout the space. A deep carpet helps soften the room and enhances the restaurant as a warm heaven on cold nights. Seven private dining rooms, varying in size and color scheme, are available to celebrate the Chinese tradition of banqueting. Chef Ku Chi Fai specializes in Cantonese cuisine. But inspired by Japanese cuisine, Chef Ku has incorporated in his dishes Japanese ingredients and dish layout. Menu prepared by him often features a seasonal change. Thus, guests
can always enjoy his constant creations at Yu. For instance, in the long winter, a season when people bid farewell to the old and usher in the new, Chef Ku has meticulously prepared a collection of heart and stomach warming dishes for guests, such as Braised Beef Ribs with Chu Hou Sauce, Mutton Casserole in Broth, Double Boiled Wood Frog in Special Way, Steam Cod Fish with Flour Paste & French Bean, Double Boiled Saussurea with American Ginseng & Red Date and more. Particularly worth a try is the Mutton Casserole in Broth (RMB268/person). The mutton is mixed with different traditional Chinese herbs like bei qi, dangshen, yuanrou, the fruit of Chinese wolfberry, old ginger, dried orange peel, etc., and stewed with gentle heat for 100 minutes. It tastes tender and delicate, mingled with special fragrance of the Chinese herbs. Another musttry is the Steam Cod Fish with Flour Paste & French Bean (RMB188/person), not only for its delicate taste, but also for the auspice of “abundance throughout the year”.
艺术摆设和装潢体现出不同的装饰图案主题, 并通过雕刻落地木窗体现出中国本地特色。 餐厅由主厨古志辉先生坐镇,受日式美 食文化的启发,古师傅在广式菜肴中融合了 日餐的原料和摆盘艺术,并根据不同的时令 季节变化,打造出独一无二,又贴合时宜的 粤式美味。 在这个寒冬漫漫,辞旧迎新的季节, 古师傅精心为客人一系列暖心暖胃的精选 菜式,如柱候生扣牛肋骨、清补汤煲黑草 羊、古方炖雪山林蛙、面酱四季豆蒸银鳕 鱼、花旗参枣皇炖天山雪莲等多种选择。其 中尤为值得一品的是这道清补汤煲黑草羊 (RMB268/例)。以北芪、党参、元肉、枸杞 子、老姜、陈皮等多种具有不同滋补功能的 中药材与羊肉同时入锅,以中火慢煲100分
Fresh Whitel Truffle
Do you have any special insight on cooking?
Chef Gu: I personally believe a great chef injects real
passion into each dish and has a strong dedication to
perfection. Only with elaboration and constant crea-
The Chef’s Wisdom
tion can great flavor be cooked out of simple ingredients to touch diners’ hearts and taste buds.
What are the basic traits of winter delicacy?
Chef Gu: Winter is the season to nourish the body.
2/F The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, No. 83A
So winter delicacy shall be warmly delicate, and fresh,
Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
plus some special nourishing functions. This can be
Tel: +86 10 5908 8111
achieved by adopting some special ingredients.
www.ritzcarlton.com SpaChina • 2015 | 75
beauty Events | 美丽盛事
Andy Creation时尚发型秀
馥绿德雅全新登陆中国 Rene Furterer Comes into China 有着50年头发发质养护经验的馥绿德雅品牌,最近在 上海举办了进驻中国的盛大新闻发布会。发布会现 场,馥绿德雅利用先进的视频动画效果向在场媒体们 展现了品牌形象,并携手Andy
中心在发布会最后为大家带来了一场融合品牌个性的 时尚发型秀。2015年的品牌代言人刘涛小姐亦来到现 场与大家分享她的护发经验。 多年来,馥绿德雅一直将植物精华与精油用于头 发的养护,甄选来自世界各地的珍贵植物精油和植物
精华,找到最自然的提取方法,以确保最大限度保留 植物属性的纯正度及完整性。这些稀有、珍贵的活性 成分,芬芳馥郁,拥有卓越的头皮护理及美发效果。 在净化、舒缓头皮、头发的同时,令秀发宛若新生。 品牌同时秉承独特护发理念“健康的秀发源于健 康的头皮,如同生机勃勃的植物源于肥沃的土壤”, 原创了一套独特的护发方法。通过高清头皮发质测试 仪进行专业的头皮发质诊断,检测头皮的健康,评估 发质状况,从头皮的健康问题入手,度身定制护发三 部曲方案:调理头皮/深层清洁/韵泽养护,呵护头皮 和头发健康,令秀发闪耀动人光泽。 76 | SpaChina • 2015
刘涛&Andy Koh&皮尔法伯总经理 Mr.Canet先生合影
M•A•C魅可K-TRENDS 韩流美妆趋势发布会 M•A•C K-TRENDS Launch Event 彩妆品牌M•A•C魅可于不久前在北京怡亨酒店发布了 韩流美妆流行趋势。发布会特邀M•A•C韩国资深彩妆 师MYEONG SUK BYOUN为现场众多知名时尚杂志媒 模特展示妆容
体、业界专业彩妆师与知名美妆达人现场演绎最新韩 式潮流美妆。 谈 及 现 下 流 行 的 韩 式 美 妆 趋 势 , Myeong Suk Byoun表示:“韩流美妆中唇部将会是流行的焦点。 今年秋冬再辅以柔和随性的烟熏眼妆,成为目前最夯 的韩国潮流妆容。受2015春夏彩妆趋势影响,韩国女 性将依旧聚焦于如何呈现年轻的肌肤质感。精简的底 妆步骤但同时又能还原肌肤真实光泽,可以使用时 尚幻彩霜等霜状产品打造自然光泽感。而唇妆依旧流 行,色彩上无疑是粉色、珊瑚色和橘色,但会在质地 上有更多丰富的选择,自然保湿、亮泽且色彩持久,
韩国知名DJ Pascal
韩国资深彩妆师MYEONG SUK BYOUN现场演示韩式美妆
雅漾焕彩 遮瑕系列上市
Avene Launches Couvrance Line
雅漾邀请各地的多家新闻媒体及来自 Andy Creation的著名造型师Sunny,共同 出席在上海举行的雅漾焕彩遮瑕系列新品 上市发布会。并与现场各位嘉宾一起揭开 敏感肌肤无瑕妆容的秘密!与健康肌肤相 比,敏感肌肤有着更多“肤色暗沉不
均匀、易出现痘印、色斑及黑眼 圈、易干痒泛红、易脱妆”等 瑕疵与问题,但由于肌肤的敏 感与脆弱,不当的化妆有可能 会进一步加剧敏感情况,因此 雅漾与皮肤科专家紧密合作开 发出适合敏感肌肤及耐受性差 肌肤人群的遮瑕产品,雅漾焕 彩遮瑕系列,通过简单步骤配合 巧妙手法,轻松为敏感肌肤打造
完美无瑕妆容! SpaChina • 2015 | 77
hotel news & events | 酒店新闻与盛事
张雪 编译
悦椿温泉酒店邀宾客 共探古都西安
Angsana Xi’an Lintong Invites Guests to Discover the Mystery of Xi’an
Nestled at the foot of evergreen Lishan Mountain, Angsana Xi’an Lintong is the first international luxury resort in the area. The resort offers 400 rooms with wide range of selections from Deluxe, Premier and Executive Room in the surrounding of quiet streams, connecting low-rise buildings, lush gardens, lakes, courtyards and pavilions. The awardwinning Angsana Spa features deluxe Rainmist treatments and a blend of invigorating Oriental spa remedies and European techniques. Comprising both indoor and outdoor areas, 25 outdoor hot spring pools, 6 pavilions, and foot reflexology rooms, the Hot Spring Annex offers complete invigoration that will leave guests feeling refreshed and recharged.
山脚下,融合了中国传统气质与现代风 格,将高低错落的建筑、郁郁葱葱的 花园、湖景、庭院和楼阁自然串起,并 在其中为宾客提供400间不同规格的精 致客房,包括豪华房、至尊房、行政套 房等。酒店还提供屡获殊荣的悦椿Spa 服务,其结合了东方水疗护理和西方技 术的豪华雨露护疗享誉盛名。此外,宾 客还能在酒店享受温泉疗法,酒店提供 室内及室外温泉汤池,25个室外温泉汤 池、6座温泉亭以及足疗室,将给宾客 带来舒爽的放松体验。
北京长安街W酒店闪耀登场 备受瞩目的北京长安街W酒店已正式营业,酒店位于长安街, 与故宫、天安门广场、中国银行总部等古迹和现代建筑临街而 立。349间风格现代的宽敞客房及套房,均配有极具艺术设计 的现代设施,包括可调节房间色彩及气氛的数码遥控灯、高速 WiFi、48寸LED高清电视和蓝牙音响系统等。顶级惊喜套房占 地345平米,提供极度舒适的现代奢华的生活方式体验。1,500 平方米的多功能会议活动空间,包括一个518平方米,高达7米 的大宴会厅,是大型会议和活动的绝佳选择。
W Hotels Worldwide Lands at Beijing W Beijing is situated on Chang’an Avenue, a major thoroughfare lined with many of Beijing’s most important monuments and buildings. The hotel consists of 349 stylish and spacious guestrooms and suites, featuring state-of-the art fittings such as a digital tablet that manipulates the room’s lighting and mood, 48” LED TV, and Bluetooth sound system. In addition, an Extreme WOW Suite, W Hotels’ take on the traditional Presidential Suite, exemplifies unparalleled living, with a total size of 345 square meters. As for high-energy meetings and spectacular events, the hotel offers nearly 1,500 square meters of versatile, well-equipped
space, including The Great Room of 518 square meters with a
ceiling height of 7 meters.
340间客房,分别分布在七层楼高的海洋大楼、珊瑚大楼和棕榈大楼。 康提奇餐厅为宾客提供南太平洋风味美食,还有互动篝火表演、草裙 舞等搭配菜单呈现。1,500平米的无柱式大宴会厅和12,000平米极具震 撼力的海景草坪,可满足各类大型会务及主题活动需求。酒店配备两 个不规则形状泳池、慢跑和骑行小径和沙滩足球场等各类水上项目场 地,久负盛名的香格里拉CHI水疗和8栋双层独栋别墅已开放迎宾。
Shangri-La’s First Resort in China Opens on Hainan Island Shangri-La’s Sanya Resort and Spa is set on 45 acres in Haitang Bay. Its 340 guestrooms locate on the seven-storey Ocean, Coral and Palm wings. Restaurant Kon Tiki offers South Pacific flavours and interactive fire dance performances and grass skirt dancing keep the atmosphere lively and match the menu. For destination weddings, meetings and events, the resort offers a 1,500sq m ballroom and 12,000 sq m ocean view lawn. The resort features two free-form pools, jogging and bike trails, a beach football field and other water sport fields. The well-known CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La and eight two-story villas have been opened to visitors. 78 | SpaChina • 2015
brand review
| 品牌故事
冬日养身精油 Essential Oils for Winter By Lilian Zhang
隆冬日,皑皑雪景,处于室内干燥的空调之下,肌 肤难免会有种种不适。Aromatherapy Associates雅容 玛香薰之家应季而变,推出了四款完美适合冬日气
候的精油产品,最适合寒冬之际,温润肌肤,平添浪漫。 舒和清爽沐浴油 (RMB622/55ml)
n the depth of winter, white as a piece of flawless silk, a big snow fall might be the only scenery that excites people’s mood. However, the overwhelming coldness and dry air can also threaten people’s immune systems with various bacteria and viruses. The English fragrance brand Aromatherapy Associates has introduced four oil products that perfectly suit winter, aiming at relieving various kinds of discomforts caused by the cold and dry weather.
以杀菌及抗病毒的香熏油配方洁净头、鼻及胸腔,能够纾缓感冒 带来的各种痛症,同时优化免疫系统,最适宜于转季性敏感或 伤风感冒初愈时使用。睡前以之浸浴可纾缓不适,一夜甜梦, 或于清早淋浴前以之按摩胸口,徐徐呼吸具有治愈性气息的芬 芳水蒸汽,一整天都心旷神怡。 舒和平衡沐浴油 (RMB622/55ml) 浓缩于一个小瓶子内的无限能量,让低温干燥带来的心情低 落、抑郁或失意一扫而空,为您带来乐观与动力。馥郁细腻的
Support Breathe Bath & Shower Oil (RMB 622/55ml) This blend of antibacterial and antiviral essential oils helps to clear the head, nose and chest, and ease ‘fluey’ aches and pains. Helping to strengthen the immune system, it is wonderfully effective when suffering from seasonal allergies or recuperating from a cold or flu. Use in the bath before going to bed for relief throughout the night and, in the morning, massage the oil onto your chest before stepping into the shower. Once in the shower, it’s like experiencing your own steam inhalation, and the long lasting effects can stay with you all day.
天然花果成分能平衡荷尔蒙及启发正面思想,彻底镇静情绪、 鼓舞人心,缔造一个减压宁神的绿洲。芬香诱人的配方,带来 呵护和洗涤身心的浸浴体验。 舒和薰衣草辣薄荷沐浴油 (RMB622/55ml) 舒和熏衣草辣薄荷沐浴油,能纾缓头痛、晒伤或肚痛,是居家 或旅途上都应常备的小法宝。薰衣草抗炎止痛,薄荷有促进肠 道健康的功用,此款沐浴油中还加入了软化肌肤的椰子油,用
Support Equilibrium Bath & Shower Oil (RMB 622/55ml) For whatever life throws at you, this is TLC in a bottle. Help beat the winter blues, post-natal depression or restore a little balance in your life no matter what time of the year. This beautiful floral blend works to harmonize the emotions by helping to balance out the hormones and infuse positive thinking. Encouraging and uplifting, it is perfect during times of stress and emotional upheaval.
之具有散温镇静及清新作用,可治疗水土不服、头昏脑热、以 及暴晒导致的不适。 舒和呼吸纯香精油 (RMB291/10ml) 轻轻吸入具有抗菌功效的纯香精油,立时有呼吸畅顺、头脑清 醒的效果。精油中的茶树和松木成分能净化情感和心灵,唤醒
Support Lavender & peppermint Bath & Shower Oil (RMB 622/55ml) Perfect to use when suffering from a headache, sunburn or sensitive tummy home or away, this is a bathroom essential. Cooling, calming and refreshing, it provides a great aid when you experience a change in diet, are feeling hot and bothered in a sticky climate, or have skin suffering with too much sun.
昏沉的意识。需要时取2-3滴滴在纸巾上把香气深吸入体内,或 滴在室内香氛座上净化空气,让时而疲乏的旅途馨香愉悦。 雅容玛香薰之家/Aromatherapy Associates Tel: +852 2343 8411 www.aromatherapyassociates.com
Support Lavender Pure Essential Oil (RMB 291/10ml) Renowned for its antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, this handbag-size bottle of pure lavender is a necessity for immediate attention to blemishes, insect bites, cuts, burns and even headaches. This pure essential oil has amazing skin healing properties. SpaChina • 2015 | 79
hotel news & events | 酒店新闻与盛事 希尔顿逸林酒店落户青海
Double Tree by Hilton Enters Qinghai
Sitting in the foothills of the Kunlun Mountain, Double Tree by Hilton Qinghai-Golmud is the first internationally-branded hotel in Golmud, with easy access to attractions such as Chaerhan Salt Lake, Huyang Forest and the snow-covered Geladandong Peak. All 112 rooms feature a broad range of modern furnishings and amenities, including the luxurious Sweet Dreams™ by Double Tree sleep experience and 37-inch LCD TV with satellite channels. Guests can indulge in savoring Western and Chinese-influenced menus all day long in Med Cafe, or enjoy the finest Cantonese, Hunan and Sichuan cuisine - along with Qinghai local gourmet - in My China Restaurant.
于昆仑山脉下,毗邻察尔汗盐湖, 格尔木胡杨林自然风景保护区和白 雪 覆 盖 的 各 拉 丹 冬 峰 。 112间 客 房 均配有现代化家具和设施,包括 希尔顿逸林品牌独有的“好梦常在 TM
" 睡 眠 体 验 、 37寸 平 板 液 晶 电 视
等。1,500平米的会议及宴会场所均 配备最新的音频影像设备,适合举 办各种类型的庆典活动、公司会议 以及社交宴请。宾客可以在地中海 西餐厅品尝西餐菜品;也可前往腾 香居中餐厅品尝精致粤菜、湘菜、 川菜及青海当地菜肴。
大连君悦酒店正式开门纳客 大连君悦酒店位于亚洲最大的城市广场——星海广场,毗邻星 海湾沙滩及高档海滨别墅社区,是凯悦酒店集团进驻大连的首 间酒店。酒店拥有370间典雅舒适的客房及套房,6间风格迥异 的餐厅与酒吧,为宾客提供难以忘怀的招牌创意美食。总面积 达2,568平方米的高端会议与宴会设施,是举办婚宴、会议及 各种聚会的完美之选。同时,酒店还设有先进完善的健身中心 与舒适私密的“谧”水疗,并配备训练有素的专业理疗师,为 宾客提供一系列汉方的奢宠护理。
Experience Modern Luxury on the Dalian Beachfront Grand Hyatt Dalian, the first Hyatt-branded hotel in Dalian, is located on Dalian’s picturesque coastline, just minutes away from Xinghai International Exhibition Centre. Grand Hyatt Dalian features 370 luxurious guestrooms and suites, six restaurants and bars, which showcase the distinctive gourmet concepts for which Hyatt is renowned worldwide. More than 2,568 sq m of diverse outdoor and indoor event venues are perfect for hosting dream
多哈明珠Marsa Malaz凯宾斯基酒店开业
weddings and impressive events. The fitness center enables guests
万众瞩目的旗舰度假酒店:多哈明珠Marsa Malaz凯宾斯基酒店于2014
to work out while enjoying inspirational ocean views and the new
Chinese wellness brand Mi Spa combines the best of traditional
Chinese healing wisdom and deluxe indulgence.
配备完善宴会设施,包括一间1,100平米的大宴会厅,堪称接待贵宾代 表团及举办婚庆典礼的不二之选。此外,多哈明珠Marsa Malaz凯宾斯 基酒店还拥有一座位于私家海湾的专属沙滩,并设有户外泳池、水上 运动设施、一座面积3,000平米的娇韵诗水疗馆、网球场以及游艇码 头。
Marsa Malaz Kempinski, The Pearl-Doha Opens in the Arabian Gulf The much-anticipated flagship resort, MarsaMalaz Kempinski, The Pearl-Doha, was set to soft-open on December 1, 2014, having become the group’s second hotel in Qatar. The city-resort is located on its own secluded island at the iconic The Pearl-Qatar and offers 281 rooms and suites, with meeting-conference facilities including a 1,100 sq m Grand Ballroom, an ideal venue for VIP delegations and weddings. Marsa Malaz Kempinski also features an exclusive beach located in a private bay, along with outdoor swimming pools, water sports facilities, a 3,000 sq m Spa by Clarins, a tennis court and yacht jetties. 80 | SpaChina • 2015
brand review
| 品牌故事
顺四时 颐养生 Wellness Programs for Different Seasons By Seana Liu
heart fire, the treatment will guide your body with choice perfumes to pacify the heart and eliminate the dampness. In addition, it regulates the bladder meridian and massage the Du channel to balance hormonal secretion and achieve a detoxifying effect.
店,位于重庆市北碚区十里温泉 城,拥有丰沛的温泉资源。旗下
的心景SPA,以时节变化为养生主题,巧妙 地将中国传统养生概念与西方芳香疗法相结 合。它强调遵循“顺四时 颐养生”的东方养 生之道,遵循天时,应为人法,在一年四季 采取适合的养生保健方法,量身定制四季养
Autumn SPA – Body Invigorating According to TCM theory, the autumn dryness is likely to do harm to the lungs. Therefore, Sheenjoy combines our therapists' superb massage skills with a series of spleen-invigorating and lung-benefiting nutritional meals in line with the natural characteristics of autumn to pacify your mind, moisten your lungs and comply with the season's course.
生套餐。 心景独创四季养生疗法: 春之强身——心景调肝理气SPA 春天春回大地,万物复苏,人的阳气在升 发,这时候肝火旺盛,各种肝病容易复发, 所以春季养生主要在调养肝脏,疏通理气。 此疗程通过按压、刺激人体足蹶阴肝经的穴 位,配合中药艾灸包做滚动式的按摩和热 敷,为您有效改善肝气郁结。 夏之清身——心景清心除燥养颜SPA 夏季高温多雨,特别是南方地区湿气很重,应 注意健脾除湿,清热消暑,保持愉快而稳定的 情绪。此疗程以清心的香氛引导,清心除湿, 辅以疏通膀胱经及督脉的按摩,有效改善人体 荷尔蒙的分泌,起到排毒养颜的功效。 秋之养身——心景理脾益肺SPA 传统医学认为,燥主秋令,且燥邪易伤肺, 秋季养生要养肺。此疗程通过点按疏通手太 阴肺经,配合传统中医刮痧,再辅以一系列 以补脾益肺为主的营养餐,顺应秋季的自然 特性使志安宁、秋气平、肺气清,气之应。 冬之暖身——心景藏精益肾SPA 冬季养生的基本原则是敛阴护阳。肾为先天
he newly opened Chongqing Sheenjoy Hotel lies in the Ten-mile Hot Spring City in Beibei district, Chongqing. Its own Sheenjoy SPA, following the seasonal rhythms, combines the concepts of traditional Chinese regimen with the Western aromatherapy. Adhering to the oriental regimen of “following the changes of four seasons to enjoy life”, Sheenjoy SPA provides individual with well-tailored and comprehensive regimen packages to achieve long-term physical and mental care.
之本,生命之源,人体能量和热量的总来源 在于肾,肾脏机能正常,则可调节机体适应 严冬的变化。此疗程运用泡浴专用的药汤, 为您驱除身体里的寒气,再使用温灸棒温 经,以便芳疗师更好的疏通经络进行全身按 摩,起到养肾防寒的作用。 心景SPA以天然温泉水为养生之媒介, 配合天然植物精油营养及身体按摩,起到放 松,促进血液循环,改善人体代谢,舒缓心 理压力,以达到全方位颐养身心的目的。 重庆心景酒店精致而意境深远,值得一 提的是它依山而建,整个园区隐于竹林间,
Sheenjoy Four Seasons Regimen Series Spring SPA – Body Strengthening Spring is a time of resurrection with all living things rousing up from sleeping. Yang-qi is ascending and thus the liver tends to be over active. Therefore, spring regimen mainly lies in relieving liver pressure and regulating the flow of qi. Through rolling massage and hot compress with TCM moxibustion, this treatment effectively regulates your liver and relieves body toxin.
有全国罕见的含微量氡的温泉。氡温泉抗 衰老,有助于睡眠,减轻疲倦和疼痛,让游 客在心景温泉体验到:“所谓养生,道法自 然;天人合一之道,尽在自然山水之间”。
Winter SPA – Body Warming The basic principle of winter wellness is balancing yin and yang. Kidneys are the root of congenital constitution and the ultimate source of human energy and body heat. Therefore, Sheenjoy first dissipates the chill in your body with a special decoction of medicinal ingredients and then warms your kidney meridian with a moxa stick so that our aromatherapist can better massage your whole body. Sheenjoy Spa makes use of its natural spring water resource, matching with natural botanical essential oils and body massage, creating treatments that help relax the body, accelerate a blood circulation system, improve body metabolism, relieve mental pressure, and finally reach the goal of physical and mental wellness. Chongqing Sheenjoy is built on the hillside, with its exquisite campus hiding amongst bamboo forest, creating a profound artistic conception. Its precious radon spring is helpful to postponing senility, promoting sleep and relieving fatigue. At Sheenjoy, guests will finally experience that wellness comes from nature and the unification of nature and man are all set in mountains and drips. 心景SPA(重庆北碚店) Sheenjoy Spa (Chongqing Beibei) 重庆缙云山十里温泉城
Cool Summer SPA – Body Lightening Summer is usually hot and rainy, especially in the humid southern areas. Given the excessive
Jinyun Mountain Hot Spring Town, Beibei district, Chongqing Tel: +86 23 8608 8888 SpaChina • 2015 | 81
hotel news & events | 酒店新闻与盛事 费尔蒙酒店集团登陆巴厘岛 费尔蒙酒店集团凭借巴厘岛萨努尔 海滨费尔蒙酒店进驻巴厘岛。这座 120套全套房及别墅度假酒店位于巴 厘 岛 东 南 部 绵 延 200米 的 质 朴 海 滩 上。酒店有丰盛多样的餐饮可供选 择,其中Layang的印尼牛尾汤和巴 厘岛五香猪肋排等传统菜肴令人垂 涎欲滴。宾客可以在风景如画的萨 努尔海滩欣赏日出,在酒店50米长 的无边界泳池中游泳,抑或在宁静 的水疗中心享受巴厘岛式按摩。家 庭客人还可享受活动丰富的儿童会 所,在沿海的5公里步道上漫步,或 在萨努尔骑行游逛。
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts Checks in to Bali The luxury hotel brand enters this Indonesian vacation hotspot with Fairmont Sanur Beach Bali, a 120 all-suite-and-villa resort situated along a 200m stretch of pristine beach. At Fairmont Sanur Beach Bali, understated elegance and Balinese charm await guests, not to mention food and beverage offerings. Layang serves mouth-watering traditional dishes such as Sop Buntutand Iga Babi Panggang. When not indulging in culinary delights, visitors can catch the sunrise on picturesque Sanur beach, take a dip in the resort’s 50m infinity edge lap pool, or opt for a Balinese massage in the serenity of the spa.
万豪旗下印度首家度假酒店隆重登场 座落在喜马拉雅山麓的穆索里沃尔纳特格洛夫JW万豪度假 酒店已隆重开业。酒店的设计灵感来自壮丽的喜马拉雅山 脉,115间客房全部附设私人阳台,让宾客在房间内便能欣 赏醉人的山景,呼吸清新的山间空气。酒店的水疗中心Cedar Spa by L’Occitane,配备五间豪华水疗室,护理疗程灵感源自 当地的土生雪松,包括特色雪松全身按摩、具修复效果的乳 木果极丰润柔肤裹身护理,以及有助紧致的杏仁轮廓重塑护 理。此外,健身中心附设室内恒温泳池,为宾客带来全面的 健身体验。
JW Marriott Debuts First Resort in India JW Marriott Mussoorie Walnut Grove Resort & Spa is located at the foot of the Garhwal Himalayan range, with its design inspired by the stunning Himalayan Mountains. All 115 guestrooms feature private balconies, inviting guests to breathe fresh mountain air. The spa center Cedar Spa by L'Occitane features five lavish treatment rooms and an array of invigorating treatments inspired by local indigenous cedar trees. Treatments include the Signature Cedar wood Body Massage, the repairing Shea Ultra Rich Softening Body Wrap and the Almond Silhouette Reshape to restore firmness. The fitness center boasts an indoor heated swimming pool to complete the well-being experience.
莫斯科四季酒店迎境内外旅客赏俄罗斯首都之韵 关闭多年的原莫斯科酒店,近日华丽重生为莫斯科四季酒店。酒店拥 有180间客房及套房,所有客房都能通过落地窗沐浴自然阳光,部分客 房设有独立露台。40种房间格局使宾客无论身处何处,都能欣赏到俄 国诗意风景。位于酒店七层的波查日斯基皇家套房,总面积达520平方 米,住客可以在宽广的露台上欣赏马涅日广场和亚历山大公园。隐匿 于马涅日广场上方的四季Amnis水疗中心共配备14间水疗室,其中包 括三间双人护理套房,并提供不同疗效的护理项目可供选择。
Four Seasons Hotel Moscow Welcomes Muscovites and International Visitors to the Russian Capital After years of meticulous planning, the old Hotel Moskva is now reborn as Four Seasons Hotel Moscow. The Hotel’s 180 rooms and suites are naturally lit through floor-to-ceiling windows, and many have step-out balconies with 40 distinct floor plans and postcard views from every side of the Hotel. The palatial 7th floor Pozharsky Royal Suite at 520 sq m opens on to an expansive terrace offering views of Manezhnaya Square and Alexandrovsky Garden. The Amnis Spa’s 14 treatment rooms, including three luxurious double suites – will host a menu of results-based therapies, as well as a modern interpretation of the traditional Russian banya experience. 82 | SpaChina • 2015
brand review
| 品牌故事
菲洛嘉革新护颜 The Way Back to Youth
By Seana Liu
生和肌肤老化问题的困扰,而所有人 都逃脱不了肌肤松弛下垂的威胁。保
持青春与皮肤紧实是每个人的梦想与愿望。 为了延缓肌肤衰老的进程,作为活细胞 研究领域的先驱,法国菲洛嘉找到了对策, 运用三大完整抗衰老体系:医学抗衰老解决 方案,SPA和美容院解决方案,大众护肤品 方案,三位一体焕变新生。 而作为抗衰老体系之一的菲洛嘉中胚层疗 法,其灵感来自于医学美容,是为不同肌肤需 求度身定制的修护配方,只为至宠蜕变。
菲洛嘉中胚层疗法: 运用菲洛嘉青春能量素,为肌肤补充透明质酸 及皮肤必需的53种营养物质(维生素、氨基酸、 辅酶、核酸及矿物质),真正为皮肤注入青春 活力,让肌肤由内而外发生改变。 其中,灵魂成分菲洛嘉NCTF®不仅可以 深度滋养肌肤,有效平复细纹,使肌肤重现 光泽凝润;还可以促进人体内分泌平衡,改 善生理机能,令新陈代谢更加旺盛。由于年 龄增长而产生的易倦、易疲劳、记忆力下降 和睡眠质量等问题由此得到极大改善,使 人找回青春的感觉。而生理机能的恢复,又 能使衰老产生的肌肤松弛等现象得到明显提 升,皱纹斑痕也得到极大的改善,良性循环 从此开始。 在接受菲洛嘉中胚层疗法治疗后,用户 反馈的效果满意度达到97%;且经多年临床 验证,5次注射青春素,肌肤即可焕活新生。 1. 减少皱纹及细纹(+72%) 2. 提升皮肤紧致度(+103%) 3. 提升皮肤保湿度(+132%) 4. 提升皮肤光泽度(+144%) 不仅功效卓越,由于法国菲洛嘉研发人 员源自药品开发的背景,使得菲洛嘉系列产 品一直严格按照药品生产工艺进行生产,安 全性也得到充分保障。迄今为止,已有超过 150万人次使用过菲洛嘉NCTF®产品,显示
ll females and 80% of male adults suffer from wrinkles and skin aging, and nobody can ever escape the threat of skin looseness. Perennial youthfulness and tight skin is everyone’s dream. As a pioneer in the field of living cell research, French brand Filorga has found a solution to delay the aging of skin. It combines the three typical anti-aging systems of medical solution, spa and salon solution, and a common skin care product solution with the launch of its mesolift treatment. Mesolift treatment is a part of an anti-aging system, drawing inspiration from medical cosmetology. It is tailor-made for different skin types, for repairing damaged skin and bringing back youth.
出其极强的耐受性。以科技抗衰,让岁月无 痕!菲洛嘉以不变的追求,致力于成为您的 私人抗衰老专家。 中国总代理/General Agent in China 珈溪国际集团有限公司北京分公司 Beijing Office, Jiessie International Co.,Ltd 北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号 建外SOHO东区B座2106室 Suite 2106, Tower B, Jianwai SOHO East, 39 Dongsanhuan Zhong Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: +86 10 5900 9877
Filorga Mesolift Treatment By using NCTF135HA, skin receives hyaluronic acid and 53 essential nutrients including vitamin, amino acid, coenzyme, nucleic acid and mineral substances. These nutrients can instill vitality into our skin and change skin condition from within. The soul component NCTF® deeply nourishes the skin, flattens fine lines, and brings back its luster and moistening. Besides, it also balances the body’s endocrine system, pro-
motes physiological function, and accumulates metabolism. Poor health symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, memory deterioration, and bad sleep quality caused by aging are therefore rolled back, reviving the feeling of youth. The recovery of physiological function is helpful to improving the loose aging of skin, wrinkles and scars. All these contribute to a virtuous cycle. After receiving Filorga Mesolift Treatment, customers give a satisfaction rate of 97%. And clinical applications for many years have proven that five injections of DHEA can realize the skin’s renewal and regeneration. 1. reducing wrinkles and fine lines (+72%) 2. enhancing skin tightness (+103%) 3. promoting skin hydration degree (+132%) 4. boosting skin glossiness (+144%) Despite its remarkable effects, Filorga has a team of research members with a therapeutic background, which ensures that their products are manufactured in strict accordance with drug production processes, and fully secured safety. Up to now, over 1.5 million persontimes of NCTF® have been administered, which proves its strong tolerance. Fighting aging with science and technology and erasing the marks of age, Filorga is dedicated to becoming your private anti-aging expert and regards it as an eternal pursuit. SpaChina • 2015 | 83
hotel review
| 酒店故事
山水之畔的香格里拉 杭州香格里拉饭店,以其厚重的历史感与人文感,带来的不仅仅是昔日的繁华
Garden, Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou
984年 11月 , 浙 江 省 旅 游 局 与 香 格 里
Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou
78 Beishan Road, Hangzhou 310007 China
Tel: +86 571 8797 7951
杭州香格里拉饭店驱车五分钟即可到 达市中心,15分钟至火车站,45分钟抵达机 场。这个位置绝佳的酒店由西楼东楼,一 84 | SpaChina • 2015
An Urban Arcadia in Hangzhou Vibrating with both modernity and tradition, Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou offers guests more than an insight into the good old times By Fifi Kao
n November 1984, Hong Kong based Shangri-La International Hotels and Resorts entered into a joint venture with the Zhejiang Tourism Group. That joint venture resulted in major changes. The Hangzhou Hotel and the Xiling Hotel were amalgamated to become Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou. The previous Xiling Hotel became the East Wing whilst the Hangzhou Hotel became the West Wing. Located in the West Lake Landscape Culture Heritage area, the amalgamation also saw the beautiful gardens combined into their presentday 40 acres, something that even today cannot be matched by any other hotel in Hangzhou. The combining of both properties and management by Shangri-La gave it the distinction and honor of becoming Zhejiang Province's first international hotel. Being the first Shangri-La hotel in China, it also became the birthplace of the group's further expansion in China. The enchanting scenery of Hangzhou is always breathtaking. Therefore, the hotel boasts the picturesque and placid hillside view, encompassed by greenery and hillocks. Standing on the lakeside of the hotel, the beauty and glamour of West Lake emerges before your eyes. Renting a bicycle at the hotel concierge desk and cycling along the meandering paths of this legendary scenic spot is a favorable choice for guests. Within a reachable distance from West Lake and other famous scenery destinations in Hangzhou, the hotel allows guests to explore this emerald treasury at their own pace. Walking through the elegant and graceful scenery, reminiscent of classical Chinese paintings, guests may feel themselves transported back to a bygone era. Located five minutes from downtown, Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou is a 15-minute drive to the railway station and 45 minutes to the city’s international and domestic airports. The hotel now comprises two main wings, a large convention centre and a cluster of three villas. The West Wing, with its very distinctive Chinese-style roofs and stonework, is one of the most photographed buildings in Hangzhou; above the revolving door are the four original brass Chinese characters meaning “Hangzhou Hotel,” and the lobby is decorated with the traditional Chinese painting Dan Feng Chao Yang. Linked by a covered walkway is the East Wing. Although this wing was constructed
West Lake Suite, Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou
a few years later than the West Wing, it still offers spacious guestrooms and public areas with high ceilings. The higher floors of this wing command views of West Lake, which are unparalleled anywhere in Hangzhou. Encompassed by lush green plants, three villas situated on the hillside of Geling Mountain offer guests an elegant and tranquil experience. The Auditorium is linked to the West Wing by a covered walkway. Just a brief look into the auditorium, which verges on a National Heritage site, gives an insight into yesteryear. With 21 meeting and function rooms, the hotel can cater for anything from intimate banquets to international gala events. Equipped with advanced meeting facilities which can be used for simultaneous interpretation, the traditional fixed-seat auditorium can accommodate up to 582 guests. The hotel offers a superbly equipped Fitness Centre including an elegant indoor swimming pool as well as a sauna, steam bath and complete massage facilities. Outdoor tennis courts are also available. The excellent facilities as well as the splendid natural environment lure both international and local guests wishing to enjoy a unique experience. From an intimate conversation to a large banquet, the restaurants at Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou present an array of dining
options ideal for any occasion. Shang Palace is Hangzhou's finest restaurant for authentic Hangzhou and Cantonese dishes. The team of talented local chefs creates aesthetically authentic dishes using the finest ingredients and spices. The unique open buffet at Coffee Garden serves a blend of Asian and international fare during meal periods and à la carte throughout the day. The peaceful patio overlooks the garden and the lake. A constantly varied menu is on display as the talented and friendly chefs take centre stage creating dishes to order. The hotel's Garden Bar is the perfect place to relax over an afternoon tea set, a pre-dinner cocktail or an evening of romance in the bar’s garden. Garden Bar offers live jazz entertainment. It is recognized as one of the hotel's most popular destinations. “Always see things from the guest’s point of view.” This is the philosophy firmly held by Karl Karlsson, General Manager of Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou. Every single staff member at the hotel shares the same goal, to make every guest feel at home. “Beyond dispute, the finest and noblest in the world,” was how, centuries ago, Marco Polo described Hangzhou. Amid sumptuous surroundings and hospitable service, it seems his words perfectly portray the splendor and magnificence of the stay at Shangri-La Hotel, Hangzhou. SpaChina • 2015 | 85
spa review
| 水疗故事
蓉城新水疗 成都铱瑞水疗中心,在繁华都市中开启一片宁静高雅的绿洲 Swimming Pool, Iridium Spa at St. Regis Chengdu
一片宁静高雅的绿洲,令宾客们享受到高规 格、舒适奢华的服务。
成 都 瑞 吉 酒 店 铱 瑞 水 疗 中 心 总 监 Arunika
86 | SpaChina • 2015
The New Spa in Chengdu Iridium Spa at St. Regis Chengdu is a five-star urban oasis that exudes tranquility and refined elegance
Treatment Room, Iridium Spa at St. Regis Chengdu
he St. Regis Chengdu, the city’s newest address, introduces southwest China’s first signature Iridium Spa, a five-star urban oasis that exudes tranquility and refined elegance. The spa is designed by acclaimed Austrianbased Schletterer. Inspired by the mood-setting influences of light and color as well as the energy of crystals, Iridium Spa is designed to deliver a luxurious and revitalizing journey. Crystals, which provide powerful energetic effects while also conveying luxurious flair, are found in all areas of the spa, often working in conjunction with the lighting. A softly-lit spiral staircase encircling a dramatic crystal light sculpture delivers soft, warm feelings. The lighting in the spa is ideally designed to light the space as well as deliver unique color light therapies to help with relaxation. Natural materials such as wood, stone and soft fabrics are used to create fixtures and furnishings with sculpturally curved edges that exude warmth and contemporary elegance. Iridium Spa offers nine spacious, bi-level treatment rooms along with steam and sauna rooms featuring bespoke wellness treatments
Four senses lounger, Iridium Spa at St. Regis Chengdu
and aromatherapies that transport the guest to a complete sensory experience that melds sight, sound, scent, taste and touch. Two holistic cocoon suites, two loft couples suites with senses loungers, a couples suites with aquadry massage tables, three single bathing ritual suites and one spa salon loft with a beauty suite
By Karen Kuang
to meet guests’ diverse requirements. The spa offers the latest in multi-media technology, sound and lighting technology as well as various spa treatment facilities. Four Senses Loungers, the multi-sensory vibration and sound relaxation lounge, are created by Vienna artist sha. The lounger has systems of color, shape and light playing together with sound, vibration and warmth, melding into a holistic perception space. It activates and unites the senses by connecting to deep relaxation with inspiring and energising effects. Guests disengage from everyday routines and plunge into a new quality of perception. Its signature services include the Iridium Signature Sichuan Tea Bathing Ritual, Iridium Signature Massage, Detox MMA – Micronized Marine Algae, and the facial treatments. Iridium also offers a signature menu of customized multi-sensorial experiences. You can choose from Thermarium, bathing rituals, and choices to have full-body exfoliation, massage or facials, your personal therapist will tailor your unforgettable spa experience. Beyond touch (RMB2,800/180mins) starts with 30 mins’ steam room with green clay or seaweed body masque to relax the body. The 90 mins body massage is chosen by guests in terms of your mood and body condition. Four senses lounger can energize the body. Guests of Iridium Spa are also welcome to enjoy and relax at the hotels indoor and outdoor swimming pools boasting breathtaking views of Chengdu. A spa cuisine menu is offered for guests to enjoy healthy snacks poolside. “It is truly an honor to introduce Iridium Spa to Chengdu and to all of our treasured guests at The St. Regis Chengdu,” said Arunika Ekawati, Director of Iridium Spa at The St. Regis Chengdu. “We take great pride in providing unparalleled experiences that take our guests on an extraordinary journey of relaxation.” 铱瑞水疗中心/Iridium Spa 四川成都提督街99号,成都瑞吉酒店6楼 6/F,The St. Regis Chengdu, 99 Tidu Street, Chengdu Tel: +86 28 6287 6666 www.stregis.com/chengdu SpaChina • 2015 | 87
Spa review
| 水疗故事
成都丽思的儿童世界 The Kids Experience at The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu By Karen Kuang
着家庭式旅游的增多,酒店作为 旅行中的重要之所,不再只是大 人们的世界,孩子们也需要从中
获得入住的乐趣与经验。成都富力丽思卡尔顿 酒店的丽思儿童项目,是2013年底丽思卡尔顿 全球同步推出的儿童项目的升级版,从办理入 住、客房体验、儿童菜单到主厨课堂,一系列 丰富多彩的亲子活动,让小小绅士淑女们在丽 思卡尔顿享受欢乐时光的同时,与爸爸妈妈在 大熊猫故乡留下美好童年回忆。 专设的儿童Check-in专区,能为小朋友 们单独登记入住信息,特意准备的专属儿童 入住卡通登记手册、七彩蜡笔及探索地图, 以及奇幻迷宫、酒店探索等多种益智游戏, 让小客人们带着发现的眼睛,开启探索之 旅,任务完成后,更能凭此手册,获得美味 冰淇淋奖励。 客房内,儿童浴袍、牙刷、拖鞋、儿童 床、防撞角、安全插座等一应俱全,贴心实 用。喜欢露营的小朋友,还可以在酒店精心 布置的帐篷里,和丽思卡尔顿小狮子一起度 过温馨夜晚,体验露营乐趣。 酒店更为小朋友打造童趣十足的餐饮体 验。丽轩中餐厅主厨梁师傅用胡萝卜、紫菜、 南瓜、虾肉、草莓、红豆等富含多种维生素的 食材,制作出七款生动形象的卡通套餐,飞翔 的米奇、纯洁的小白兔、可爱的大黄鸭、胖胖 的企鹅、憨厚的熊猫、萌萌的Hello
型应有尽有,吃饭也是一件充满乐趣的事。 “小厨师烹饪课堂”,一直深受小朋友 的喜爱,带上小厨师帽,穿上厨师服,在酒 店厨师手把手的指导下,饼干、蛋糕、寿司 到简单的菜肴都能被轻易搞定,看着一张张 认真的小脸,还真有“大厨”的风范呢。烹 饪课堂结束后,小朋友还可将自制爱心大餐 与爸爸妈妈一同分享美味。 爸爸妈妈可选择丽思卡尔顿“周末亲子 游”入住套餐,让全家度过其乐融融的周末 时光。即日起,人民币1,400+15%服务费每 间夜起,即可入住简约舒适客房,尊享: 舒适简约客房一晚 香荟全天候餐厅双人丰盛自助早餐 一系列缤纷多彩的亲子活动 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu 四川省成都市青羊区顺城大街269号 269 Shuncheng Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Tel: +86 28 8358 8888 88 | SpaChina • 2015
ith the market for family travel services continuing to grow, hotels have started to take care of the kids’ hotel experience to attract families. The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu has recently upgraded the “Ritz-Kids” program that was launched by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company in 2013. The hotel offers a series of entertainment to enhance the experience of children at the hotel from the check-in counter and room facilities to kids menu and cooking class, all to take you and your little one on a memorable Ritz-Carlton journey in the hometown of the Giant Panda. Upon arrival at the Reception Lobby on Level 25, an exclusive Kids Check-in Counter with lion and panda toys is set up to give kids a warm welcome. Every kid receives a colorful check-in folder, including basic information on hotel exploration games for kids. After completing the games, the children get ice cream as a gift. In the guestroom, the hotel prepares a full set of washing supplies for children that include bathrobe, pajamas, crib, slippers, toothbrush, angle collision protectors and sockets with safety covers. An in-house tent is
put up in the room for kids to experience the tent life with Ritz Carlton Lions. The hotel also offers a special dining experience for kids. Executive Chef Michael from Li Xuan Chinese Restaurant selects carrot, pumpkin, seaweed, shrimp meat, strawberry and red beans, which are rich in vitamins ingredients to produce seven cartoon-based dishes on the table, including “ Mickey Mouse, Rabbit, Rubber Duck, Penguin, Panda, and Hello Kitty”. The “Little Chef Cooking Class” program is very popular with kids. During the twohour cooking class, our award-winning chefs teach kids how to cook simple dishes, including cookies, cakes and sushi. Kids can bring their handmade dishes home and share with their parents. Choose our Connect With You package and spend an enjoyable family escape in Chengdu. Start from RMB 1,400 + 15% service charge per night to enjoy: One night’s stay in luxury Chengdu accommodations Sumptuous breakfast buffet at SPICES Allday Dining Restaurant A series of colorful kids’ activities and special welcome amenities
hotel review
| 酒店故事
开启新度假时代 By Seana Liu
落在万达长白山国际度假区的 长白山柏悦酒店与长白山凯悦 酒店,是凯悦酒店集团在美国
以外地区首次推出的高尔夫及滑雪度假酒 店。两家酒店毗邻而居,距长白山机场、长 白山天池西坡及松江河镇火车站仅20分钟车 程,入住酒店还可享受长白山机场至酒店免 费接送机服务。整个度假区配套设施完善先 进,包括亚洲最大的滑雪场、世界顶级高尔 夫球场、一流的电影院、卡拉OK、多元化的 餐饮选择和时尚的购物区等,游客在这里可 以体验到最便利的娱乐休闲活动。 代表柏悦品牌的长白山柏悦酒店,占地 面积逾两万八千平方米,是中国东北地区首 家奢华精品酒店。秉承柏悦品牌一贯低调奢 华、优雅细致的气质,从豪华宽敞的客房, 到精心设计并融合本地特色的餐饮;从中西 合璧的顶级水疗,到考究细腻的宴会设施, 多元化的设置,满足不同类型客人的需求。
“居”在柏悦 长白山柏悦酒店拥有163间舒适宽敞的豪华 客房,包括36间套房,分布于一栋主楼9幢 独立别墅中,雪场全貌及原始森林山景尽收 眼底。客房的使用面积从55平米到484平米大 小不等,拥有宽敞的使用空间,装修精雕细 琢,充满东方风韵且处处体现高贵典雅的风 范。除基础的酒店设施外,每个房间还配备 了超大浴缸、加热地板和空调加湿系统等先 进设施,专属管家式的服务,为客人提供舒 适惬意的入住体验。
Outdoor Mineral Hot Pool 健身中心、桑拿房、蒸汽房、按摩浴缸、室
还可以主动向柏悦酒店厨师提出心仪的菜肴, 而不仅仅是面对一份菜单的被动选择。
无论与家人暮春踏青、仲夏避暑,还是 与朋友金秋登高、凛冬娱雪,都会在柏悦感
长白山柏悦酒店 中国吉林省白山市长白山国际度假区
Tel: +86 439 698 1234
微信公众号:长白山柏悦酒店 SpaChina • 2015 2014 | 89
brand review
| 品牌故事
肤如凝脂 臻美倾城 葆贝尔耀世臻品,阐释生命之源干细胞注氧精华
保湿作用。 橙花水是新鲜橙花蒸馏出的花水,天然 纯正,最大限度地保留了植物精华,比一般 的花水浓度要高,气味浓郁。此款花水能够
Phylderm Vegetal C能够促进血液循环,在滋
Switzerland Beaubelle(葆贝尔) General
Agent in China
7th Floor, 4 Unit, Kaitu, 33 Mongkok
Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: +400 080 6769
90 | SpaChina • 2015
Delicate Skin Wondrous Beauty Beaubelle cutting-edge beauty product--future oxygen foaming aqueous skin concentrate (Fox01)
he beauty of a woman is just like oxygen, it generally gives people a feeling of freshness and naturalness, as the origin of life. Because of her beauty, without any artificial traces of polish, we call her by the name “beauty of oxygen”.
Oxygen and Skin The human body needs energy to product new cells and repair aging cells, and oxygen is the most essential element of producing energy. Oxygen is transmitted through blood capillaries into the cells. However, after the age of 30, the function of the blood capillary network becomes weak and less efficient, and the blood supply to the skin decreases, which leads to the skin’s aging. About 7% of oxygen inhaled by the lungs is directly consumed by the skin. The increase of oxygen inhalation means an increase in the amount of oxygen in the circulatory system. Therefore, the skin relatively obtains only enough oxygen to maintain its daily metabolism. As a person gets older, his or her skin gets less oxygen through the inhalation system due to the decline of vital capacity. The reduction of skin oxygen content could lead to various aging problems such as wrinkles, dark circles, and dullness. According to medical reports, the oxygen content of the skin (25 to 30 years old) only accounts for 35% compared with a newborn baby’s skin. Skins with abundant oxygen usually appears to be smooth and flat. About 21% of the air we breathe everyday is oxygen, depending on which of our organ functions and cells renew themselves. Our skin is no exception. Without oxygen, cells and skin would finally end up in necrosis. The 7% oxygen inhaled into the lungs which is used by the skin serves as the energy for all the activities of the skin. Oxygen helps to repair cells, remove bad bacteria, speed circulation system, relieve toxins, all of which contribute to recovering the firmness and tight condition of our skin. Since the oxygen is also used for other purposes – for the functioning of our body – the reduction of skin oxygen content could be because there are organs with special problems which
By Lilian Zhang have used oxygen prepared for our skin. Thus, besides increasing inhalation content, knowing how our oxygen is distributed in our body system is also necessary. In general, on organ which is starved for oxygen would have priority to use it. That is to say, the ailing organ would be assigned more oxygen. Therefore, skin without major damage would be assigned oxygen last. As a result, any bad conditions of the body could influence our skin oxygen content.
Natural Creation, Excellent Quality Switzerland is famous as "the world’s garden", and is also recognized worldwide as a pure landscape. The Alps are the origin of Beaubelle products, where the world-class SPA brand Beaubelle was created. Its newly-released product Future Oxygen (RMB1,680/50ml) holds to the concept of rejuvenation by providing enough oxygen for the skin. Frothy cream supplies oxygen to the skin cells instantly. It promotes oxygen absorption, re-stimulates the skin cells, and turns on the formation of collagen and elastics fibers in the skin. “The future oxygen” also adds orange flower water elements which can make uniform the skin tone, making the skin full of vitality with a luster both pure and fresh. Meanwhile, it can provide the necessary nutrients for skin regeneration in the short term, increasing the overall cell metabolism, focusing on the future. “The future oxygen" protects the skin comprehensively. This avoids aging skin effects and presents perfect bright skin from inside to the outside of the body.
Natural / Safe / Effective The hydrolysis of soybean protein contributes to the induction of skin to produce hypertonic acid, so as to achieve a high moisturizing effect. And its sodium hyaluronate is of intense hydration. Sodium hyaluronate is the composition of human skin, a kind of acidic proteoglycan which is widely distributed in the human body. It exists in the Stroma of the connective tissue, having the effect of moisturizing. Orange flower water is water distilled from fresh orange flowers. It maximizes the retention
of plant essence, higher than the average water concentration. It has efficacy in whitening skin, fading spots, improving the skin color, refreshing the skin, and reducing oil secretion. Method of Application: Use in both the AM and the PM after cleansing and toning. Pump a generous amount onto the palm and apply an even layer over the whole face and neck. Using two fingers (middle and index), gently massage the neck, muffle and cheeks with light upward tapping movements. Massage around the eye contours (from outside in) and forehead with light tapping movements. For optimal results, follow up with a suitable serum and moisturizer. This revolutionary crafted skin product, Future Oxygen, combines rich natural botanicals and advanced skin care technology. It enhances skin’s oxygen intake by more than 30%. Its Phylderm Vegetal C, a regenerative vegetable active, invigorates blood circulation to nourish and rejuvenate lackluster cells and improves skin’s barrier function for a revived look and texture. From now on, enjoy the flawless skin care of Future Oxygen. SpaChina • 2015 | 91
brand review
| 品牌故事
胶原再生 至美容颜 E·SPA(美悦荟)引进高端美容仪器Endymed,推出全新护理项目驻颜紧致护理,提出肌肤减龄新方案
成 各 种 皱 纹 , Endymed可 以 刺 激 拉 伸 胶 原
细纹和皱纹相继产生,黑色素产生并积聚在 肌肤表层,肌肤黯沉色斑增多,这些都直接 导致了人容颜的衰老。 生物科技的进步为美容行业的推陈出新 和精益求精提供了坚实的平台,在仪器美容 被全球爱美人士普遍接受的今天,美容事业 者得以依靠高端精准的仪器和娴熟的操作延 长人类美丽的保鲜期。知名SPA品牌E·SPA(美 悦荟),结合高端美容仪器Endymed,推出了 全新的护理项目—驻颜紧致护理,志在安全 有效地达到驻颜有术的效果。 皮肤表皮就像床单,而内里的胶原蛋白 和弹性蛋白便是弹簧,只有皮下组织丰盈 饱满,表皮才会平整。在护理过程中,熟龄 肌肤中被破坏的胶原蛋白通过Endymed仪器 使之重组再生,排列整理,瞬间抚平面部纹 路,提升紧致,雕刻轮廓,使皮肤快速年轻 3-5岁。 Endymed运用高科技多级射频技术,为 治疗区域提供精准的能量,促进真皮层胶 原蛋白和弹性纤维的重生,刺激脂肪细胞 代谢,同时收紧表皮,从而起到提升紧致肌 肤、完美轮廓,改善橘皮、减少脂肪、缩小 围度的作用。仪器采用的是双极结构能量的 治疗头,穿透力能够达到皮肤浅层1.5mm, 作用在人体体表的温度在很舒适的40-42度 之间。其作用原理是采用多极电阻的专利 技术,将有效的热能控制在肌肤浅、中、深 层,启动肌肤胶原再生能力,达到有效的祛 皱紧肤治疗。其中独特的iFine治疗手柄,专 为难以触及的,娇嫩的眼周设计,打破了传 统RF不能很好的作用于眼周皮肤的局限。 仪器针对面部出现的多种肌肤问题有 对应的治疗效果:眼睛周围的肌肤柔细薄 92 | SpaChina • 2015
Collagen Regeneration E·SPA presents a brand new skin care project with high-end beauty equipment Endymed By Lilian Zhang
s the largest organ of the human body, the skin like all the others, goes through the process of growing old. But the difference is that the skin directly shows age and health status and even the living condition of individuals. It not only bears functions such as sensation, excretion, and immunity, but also serves as a carrier of personal image. There’s no doubt that beauty and anti-aging fields have made significant progress and attract great attention. How can we keep a youthful look and delay aging which may start to occur in the late 20s has become the focus of many people. Young skin is quite capable of locking moisture and balancing oil secretion, while mature skin, especially skin above 25 years old, suffers slower metabolism, less self-repairing capability and a decrease in collagen and elastic fibers, all of which lead to wrinkles and melanin. The accumulation of melanin results in stains on the surface. Developments of bioscience provide a solid platform for innovation and upgrading of the beauty industry. Today, beauty apparatus are globally accepted. Therapists can easily prolong the freshness of beauty with high-precision equipment and skills. Well-known spa brand E·SPA employs the classic beauty apparatus Endymed and introduces a new skin care treatment – Skin Firming and Rejuvenation which aims at attaining the effect of maintaining a youthful look safely. If the surface of skin is like a sheet on a bed, then collagen and elastin are the springs inside the bed. Only if the subcutaneous tissues are
abundant will the surface be plate-like and smooth. Through the treatment, damaged collagen in mature skin are regenerated, recombined, and lined so that facial lines can be back to being smooth and clear. The skin condition will return to how to was 3-5 years ago within a short time. Endymed makes use of high-end multipole RF technology, offering exact energy for treatment areas. The energy can regenerate collagens and elastics in the dermis, accumulating the metabolism of adipose cells, tightening cuticle tissues, and finally improving cellulite organization, cutting down fat and reducing the circumference of the body. The equipment features a bipolar structure treatment head, penetrating the skin as deep as 1.5 mm with a cozy temperature control on the skin surface of 40-42OC. The action principle of Endymed is a patented technology of multi-pole resistance which can control effective heat in the upper, middle and deep layers of the skin. The unique iFine treatment handle is designed especially for delicate skin around the eyes which its always difficult to approach, breaking the limitations of RF technology towards eye skin. The equipment is capable of curing various skin problems. Skin around the eyes is especially weak and delicate. Water in this area evaporates very fast, which makes it almost the first sign of aging. The treatment effectively relieves droopy eyes, fishtail wrinkles, dark circles and other stubborn eye troubles. The lost of collagen in the forehead, tempora, and apple zone will result in many kinds of wrinkles. Endymed
can alleviate fine lines and delay wrinkles by stimulating the collagen to contract just like an electric iron. On account of dermatolysis caused by loss of collagen, Endymed frames the face and eliminates lip wrinkles by stimulating collagen reproduction. The reproduction of collagen can also help rebuild a v-shape face line. Besides, the treatment also contributes to improving microcirculation, guiding more blood into tissues, transporting nutrients to cells, increasing oxygen and leasing out extra water and enzyme in fat cells. To maximize the safety of treatment, the design of Endymed combines several trustworthy security arrangements. First, the sensor will fire its pulse only when the treatment head stays flat with the skin, or it will automatically stop firing pulses. Second, the sensor will also stop firing pulses if the treatment head stays in one place too long. Lastly, the equipment will do real-time measurement toward every individual’s skin condition, and adjust its treatment parameters according to your skin performance. The treatment is suitable for every season and all normal skin types. During the therapy session, treatment should be 7-10 days per course. The therapeutic effect can last over half a year after 2-3 courses of treatment (about 12-18 times treatments). Over time and with age, youth can only be kept by people who possess the secret of retaining pristine complexions. Skin Firming and Rejuvenation Treatment from E·SPA presents the key to the locked box of long-lasting youth for you. 美悦荟 E·SPA 上海浦东新区东方路969号 中油大厦10楼1002-1012 Room 1002-1012, 10F, Zhongyou Plaza, 969 Dongfang Road, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 5892 0766 www.joy-espa.com 美悦荟静安嘉里中心店 E·SPA Store at Jing An Kerry Center 上海市静安区延安中路1218号 静安嘉里中心商场南区B2-01室 Room B2-01, South Area of Shopping Mall, Jing An Kerry Center, 1218 Yan An Zhong Road, Jingan District, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 6241 8060 SpaChina • 2015 | 93
SPECIAL Promotions 上海新天地朗廷酒店推出 “年终庆祝晚宴” 上海新天地朗廷酒店,即日起至2015年3月 31日为您推出“年终庆祝晚宴”,让您和您 的团队可以欢聚,共享美食美酒,分享一年 的成果。 三款套餐供您甄选: 雀跃 套餐,人民 币6,388元/桌(十人桌); 欢腾 套餐,人民 币7,388元/桌(十人桌); 成就 套餐,人民 币8,388元/桌(十人桌)。 以上套餐均为您呈现以下礼遇: 您可选用中式套餐、西式套餐或国际自助
软饮料。 接待桌及鲜花布置,水晶名片盘,每桌精美
制桌布椅套供选择,免费提供标准舞台。 专业灯光舞美音响操控室,内置音响设
“悦活身心·焕能四季”为宾客提供的健康方案包含多个方面: 水疗护理:无论是期待寻觅奢华的休闲方式,或是恢复式的治愈体验,宾客均可在一系 列当地特色的水疗护理中选择专属于自己的称心体验。坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂四季游猎原 墅酒店的Mbuyu Experience健康体验,融合了异域风情的非洲大草原上闻名遐迩的猴面
备,免费提供一间贵宾休息室,内置投影 仪及屏幕,活动当天早上九点起,可免费 入场布置。 * 所有价格均为人民币,另收取15%服务费
包树果实。马尔代夫库达呼拉岛四季度假酒店则运用月亮的能量,借助月相的阴晴圆缺 来调整身体的自然韵律。而北京四季酒店发挥古老的中医魅力,通过调理内部气理使身
The Langham Xintiandi, Shanghai
上海市新天地马当路99号 99 Madang Road, Xintiandi, Shanghai
Tel: +86 21 2330 2230
Fax: +86 21 2330 2255
群岛四季度假酒店则可通过评估个人体内《易经》所述的主要元素,以此定制出的健康 食谱,使按摩护理的效果发挥至最佳。 服务及设施:深知健身是令人身心均达到最佳状态的重要部分,四季酒店带来全新的健 身体验,帮助宾客更进一步地达到健康目标。从香港四季酒店的传统太极到茂宜岛四季 度假酒店的海边瑜伽,或马尔代夫兰达吉拉瓦鲁岛四季度假酒店的反重力瑜伽等,都将 以别具特色的健身与运动项目,为宾客带来更完美的健康体验。 欲了解更多有关四季酒店的信息,请浏览:www.fourseasons.com/zh
新潮派对趋势,水疗也疯狂 上海华尔道夫水疗在这个寒冷的冬季,为您独家定制创意个性化聚会服务。水疗推荐两款节日 派对体验。享受足部按摩及热竹按摩,每两位人民币2,500元;或享受基础手部美甲、快速脸 部护理和芳香疗法身体按摩,每位人民币1,280元(适用于2-4人),均可免费使用健身房及游泳 池,在奢华水疗套房中享受芳香花瓣泡浴,并获赠一套华尔道夫红丝绒下午茶和一瓶香槟。无 论是闺蜜相聚,主题生日派对,婚前女士单身夜,节日庆祝等等,都可预订水疗场地来完成一 场既创新又难忘的派对。
上海华尔道夫水疗 The Spa at Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund 上海中山东一路2号 No. 2 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road Tel: +86 21 63229988 ext.3620 94 | SpaChina • 2015
SPECIAL Promotions 冬日曦光 璞丽酒店安纳塔拉水疗 即 日 起 至 2015年 2月 28日 期 间 , 璞 麗 酒 店 Anantara
光”疗程,让来自有机圣地的雅蔓兰秘鲁活 肌抗氧化面部护理给予脆弱的面部肌肤以强 韧与光洁,让安纳塔拉运动按摩赋予疲倦肌 体以活力与能量,用纯净的自然力量焕新肌 体,令肌肤穿越寒冷,品尝冬季的凛冽,拥
Dermo28黛肌儿顶级专业护肤品牌,充分发挥各个领域的长处,为顾客带来安全舒适有效 的疗程和产品呵护,也将为中国医学美容掀起一波崭新的美容体验!
冬日曦光 120分钟 花瓣足浴 60分钟安纳塔拉运动按摩 60分钟雅蔓兰秘鲁活肤抗氧面部护理
MP2专利技术 争创美丽奇迹 维锶拥有领先的MP 专利技术。这是一项唯一获得美国FDA认证的(MP) 医学专利技术。
* 需另加收15%服务费;不得与其他优惠活
有效紧致肌肤,塑造紧实手臂;减少眼部浮肿,带来明亮双眼;紧致面部轮廓,塑 造V型线条;收紧腹部及腰部松弛肌肤,平坦小腹及塑造腰部曲线;减淡橙皮纹,紧致及 提升臀部曲线;减少大腿寸数,减淡橙皮纹,紧致肌肤。
动或折扣同时使用;赠送的产品以实物为 准;请提前预约;安纳塔拉水疗保留对此促 销项目的最终解释权。
超模最爱 以色列磁雕 青春定格术 我们每个人都渴望拥有模特般的完美肤质,对于他们的保养秘诀更是充满好奇。就让专
安纳塔拉水疗 璞丽酒店
走知名品牌(Hugo Boss、BIKKEMBERGS、Columbia、Estee Lauder)梯台,来自美国洛杉
Tel: +86 21 3203 9999*6899
在上海时装周期停留的时间,走秀前Jasin都会进行维锶课程,使皮肤深层的每个细胞 获得充分的能量,肌肤变得更健康,达到光泽紧致的状态,每一天都能够以最佳的精神
Fax: +86 21 3251 8950 E-mail: anantaraspa@thepuli.com
状态去迎接每一天的工作和生活。 除此之外,英国时装节模特Cara Delevingne及美容达人大K老师,更是公开推荐疗 程,让他们享受前所未有的无痛、安全且有效的医疗美容享受,也划下医学美容的全新 里程碑。而这些来自于世界的肯定,就是维锶经过多年努力的成就与荣耀! 维锶课程详情可咨询准海西路的芙艾医美和上海安达仕酒店中的V2蔚渡Day Spa。 维锶(上海)生物科技有限公司/Venus Concept (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 上海市闵行区沪闵路6088号901室/Room 901, No.6088 Humin Road Tel: +86 21 6406 6126 www.venus-concept.com
Nelly De Vuyst妮诗,非侵入式抗皱新贵! 妮 诗 1950年 初 成 立 , 研 发 中 心 和 生 产 中 心 均 坐 落 于 比 利 时 。 独 创 的 Diadermic MethodTM透皮吸收技术,使有效成分迅速直达真皮层和皮下组织。特色的活细胞祛 皱精华能有效修复及重建纤维基质网络,10到20分钟即可隐形皱纹。蕴含天然植物 提炼而成的类肉毒杆菌,peptide蛋白复合物,Marine Elastin海洋弹力素及高纯度骨胶 原,效果犹如注射BOTOX(肉毒杆菌)一般,却完全温和安全,肌肤倍感平滑紧致。 Nelly De Vuyst was founded in early 1950. The Nelly De Vuyst products are manufactured in Belgium. Nelly De Vuyst’s innovative approach and cutting-edge scientific knowledge guarantees the effectiveness of the Diadermic Method™. “Cellular-Matrix Serum” could effective上海菲史贸易有限公司(妮诗)
ly rebuild the fiber matrix and cover the wrinkles in 10-20 minutes. It contains Clostridium
FCCH (Shanghai) Ltd. (Nelly De Vuyst)
botulinum type extracted from natural plants , peptide, Marine Elastin and high purity col-
松江区明华路366弄736号/736 Lane 366 Minghua Road, Songjiang
lagen. The effect is similar as the injection of BOTOX, but it is milder and safer and skin will
be smoother and tighter. SpaChina • 2015 | 95
SPECIAL Promotions Diamond Experience at The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou Renowned Spanish beauty brand, Natura Bissé has launched its award-winning Diamond Experience treatment at The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou. Following the success of its treatments in Mandarin Oriental properties in Las Vegas, Washington D.C. and San Francisco, Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou is the fourth hotel within the Group and the first hotel spa in China to exclusively offer this premier product line. Now guests can enjoy a unique experience with the Natura Bissé’s Signature Diamond Facial in a serene atmosphere of The Spa at Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou. A haven for contemplation and discovery in the heart of the bustling metropo-
广州文华东方酒店文华水疗中心呈献钻石体验 来自巴塞罗那的顶级护肤品牌悦碧施携手广州文华东方酒店,推出悦碧施皇 牌护肤疗程“钻石体验”。这是全球范围内第四家文华东方品牌酒店的水疗 中心与悦碧施合作,也是中国首家酒店内的水疗中心推出其护理体验。悦碧 施面部护理疗程源自高科技的肌肤年龄生物标记和特殊按摩技巧,确保肌肤 明亮、紧致、回复青春气息,是好莱坞一众明星永葆青春的密码。钻石体验 面部护理将最新护肤科技和感官按摩技术相结合,抵御岁月的痕迹。
lis, the Spa offers a harmonious environment to soothe mind, body and spirit where experienced therapists engage guests in an in-depth consultation to ascertain the right treatments. The Diamond Experience treatment offers two rejuvenating facials including Diamond Dust to achieve unprecedented results. Life Infusion Ritual: RMB4,900+15% surcharge
Genuine Multisensory Cosmetic Lift: RMB3,800+15% surcharge
肌龄逆转精华系列护理仪式:RMB4,900元+15%服务费/90分钟 多感官提拉按摩:RMB3,800元+15%服务费/90分钟
For reservation, pls call + 86 20 3808 8888 or email to mogzh-
如需预订,请拨打电话:+ 86 20 3808 8888或电邮至:mogzh-spa@mohg.com
博舍-谧寻 谧寻—古色古香的都市绿洲 谧寻位于成都首家极具个性的豪华都会风尚酒店 博舍之中,是让客人放松身心的都市绿洲。谧寻由 一座始建于民国时期的中式庭院精心改建而成, 这里提供给客人效果显著的身体面部护理和舒适的 特色按摩。
助理经理/SPA培训师 SPA助理经理负责管理员工,确保各位员工每天按 时按质完成自己的工作。 职位要求 1. 熟悉SPA的各种知识并有运营SPA的经验 2. 优秀的培训技巧 3. 会使用Microsoft的软件,并熟悉SPA的软件系 统 4. 熟知如何处理客人投诉并妥善解决 5. 良好的英语能力以及沟通技巧 6. 良好的中文书写能力 7. 优秀的管理能力,特别是员工管理技巧,且需 拥有高情商 8. 优秀的销售能力 9. 优秀的组织与行政能力 10. 有酒店行业相关的学历优先 11. 有美容行业的证书优先, 例如:CIBTAC,ITEC,CIDESCO等 12. 有Train the Trainer证书优先 13. 有两年以上协助管理SPA运营的工作经验 14. 有三年以上培训理疗师和客户服务的工作经验
SPA技师 SPA技师负责给予客人想要的护理与服务,并按照 相关的SPA标准执行。 职位要求 1. 美容美体二级证书 2. 熟悉如何进行推拿,瑞典式按摩,香薰按摩和
96 | SpaChina • 2015
面部护理 3. 有美容经验,如修眉,脱毛和化妆。如果有美 容和面部护理的专长优先考虑 4. 高中以上学历或者同等教育背景 5. 两年以上美容美体理疗师的工作经验
Mi Xun – An Oasis Lies In Chinese Courtyard Located in The Temple House, a distinctively different luxury hotel in Chengdu, Mi Xun SPA is an especially peaceful place to unwind and relax. Modernly renovated from a Chinese courtyard which was built about 100 years ago, Mi Xun SPA offers a variety of services from express result driven high performance treatments to signature autograph pampering.
Assistant Manager/spa Trainer The Assistant Spa Manager is accountable for ensuring all spa team members are capable and proficient in all their respective duties and day-to-day operational activities to meet with the spa’s objectives and standards. Minimum Technical Competency / Personal Specifications 1. Good knowledge and experience with Spa operations 2. Excellent training skills 3. Have knowledge in computer system, Microsoft Word and Excel, Powerpoint and be familiar with spa software systems 4. Good knowledge in handling guest complaint and ability to perform service recovery 5. Good English language skill and communication skill 6. Good written Mandarin skills 7. Excellent supervisory skill, with emphasis on “ people management” and high emotional intelligence 8. Excellent sales skills
9. Excellent organizational and administrative skills 10. Hospitality training either certification or degree preferred 11. Certification in Beauty Therapy treatments e.g. CIBTAC, ITEC, CIDESCO preferred 12. Train the trainer certification preferred 13. Min. 2 years working experience in assisting in managing spa operations 14. Min. 3 years working experience in training of treatments and customer service
Spa Therapist The spa therapist is accountable for ensuring that all guests receive requested treatments and service in accordance with the spa’s standards of excellence Minimum Technical Competency / Personal Specifications 1. Grade 2 certificate in Beauty or Body treatment 2. Must have knowledge in Tui Na, Swedish, Aromatherapy massage and/or Facial 3. Experience in beauty treatments such as eyebrow shaping, waxing, makeup an advantage if specializing in facial & beauty treatments 4. Secondary education or equivalent 5. Min. 2 years working experience as a Beauty or Body therapist 博舍-谧寻水疗 The Temple House-Mixun SPA 成都市锦江区笔帖式街81号 No.81 Bitieshi Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu 联系人/Contact person: Kelly Coates-Xu Email: kellycoatesxu@swirehotels.com 手机/Phone number: 18583667653 www.thetemplehousehotel.com
张雪 编译
spachina movie
movie book & CD review
| 电影好书与好碟推荐
spachina BOOK review 营养圣经/The New Optimum Nutrition Bible By Patrick Holford 自1997年第一版《营养圣经》面世就受到了五十多万书迷的肯定, 本书通过对合理搭配营养成分的摄取以达到身体全面康健论点的 阐述在健康界引领起一场改革。英国顶级营养专家在书中展示了他 的最先研究成果,增添了关于兴奋剂、水分、血型与饮食、排毒、 同型半胖氨酸和有毒矿物质的新章节。通读本书,你会学着分析自 己的状态、生活方式和饮食习惯,以便形成个人合理的饮食和维生 素摄取结构。当营养各安其位时,你可以向能量、情绪平衡、机敏 性、健身、传染病康复和长寿等更高的水平行进。不同于现代医学,最佳营养理论将人作为 一个整体来看待,从连通的观点出发去治疗疾病。
雪国列车 / Snowpiercer 2031年,人类试图阻止全球变暖的实验 失败,大多数的人类死于寒冷与恐慌, 只有为数不多的数千人登上了威尔福德 工业开发的列车,成为永不停歇的流浪 者。这列火车有属于自己的独立生态系
Since it was first published in 1997, THE OPTIMUM NUTRITION BIBLE has revolutionized health by showing more than half a million readers how to achieve a profound sense of wellbeing by devising the best possible intake of nutrients for their unique biochemical makeup. The book presents the latest research from Britain’s top nutrition expert Patrick Holford, with new chapters on stimulants, water, eating right for your blood type, detox, homocysteine, and toxic minerals. You’ll learn to analyze your symptoms, lifestyle, and eating habits in order to formulate a personal ideal diet and vitamin regimen. Once optimum nutrition is in place, you can look forward to a consistent high level of energy, emotional balance, alertness, physical fitness, resilience against infectious diseases, and longevity. Unlike modern medicine, which tends to treat diseases not people, the optimum nutrition approach considers a human being as a whole, with an interconnected mind and body. RMB178.00
spachina CD review
统,周而复始旋转在43.8万公里的漫长 旅途中。生活在末尾车厢的底层人民一 直饱受压迫,为了争取自由和权力,他 们在过去发起过多次暴动,但无疑例外 均以失败告终。这一次,拥有领袖气质 的柯蒂斯试图找到被囚禁的安保设计师 南宫民秀,借助他之手打开通往首节车 厢的重重大门,推翻威尔福德的统治。 新年伊始,一场血腥革命正在进行。
My Dream Duets By Barry Manilow
Beautiful Life By Jimmy Greene
Barry Manilow曾经是我不怎么喜欢的音乐
n the year 2031, due to the failure
Jimmy Greene是 非 常 受 敬 重 的 一 位 主 流 萨
of human’s experiment of stopping
global warming, most people have died
of cold and panic, with only hundreds
left on board a train, becoming a group of never-resting vagabonds. The train has got its own ecosystem, running along the railway over and over again. People who live at one end of the train are suppressed. They launched rebellions to fight for their freedom and rights but all end up in failure. Then comes the protagonist Curtis who helps the imprisoned security designer Namgongminsu to open the doors towards the first carriage. The new year is coming and the revolution has just begun.
不得不叹服他超群的音乐才能。其实他的嗓 音并不百分百适合所有的二重唱,但谁让这 是他的专辑呢?若我是他,也不会考虑这么 多合适不合适。值得一听。
Barry is a musician who I used to despise, then ten years ago I heard his tune Brooklyn Blues which convinced me he is actually good. He just released a new and original album taking the vocals from some great tunes of the past century, and adding himself in. His choice of tunes is wonderful, his musicianship is sublime. His voice is not 100% appropriate for all of the duets, but it’s his album, and if I was him, I would say: what the hell. It is a million miles from the appalling Kenny G effort in a similar vein a decade ago. Recommended.
素。这曲子让我忍不住泪流而下,乐曲深 处所传达的信息让人非常心痛,一个正值 花季的孩童,怎能以这样的方式告别对她 来说尚还新奇的世界?
Jimmy Greene is a mainstream sax player, competent and respected. Two years ago, his six-year-old daughter Ana was killed in a shooting in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. This album is his eulogy to her. I cried when I listened to it. The music is beautiful, and includes many of my favorites including Pat Metheny and Christian McBride. But the underlying message is simply heartbreaking. How can a young child be taken away in this fashion? SpaChina • 2015 | 97
SpaChina PartnerS 亲爱的读者, SpaChina杂志为读者们网罗了一系列健康娱乐场 所并诚邀您共享。目前杂志列出的所有加盟店均 能为SpaChina会员提供折扣消费或精美礼品。
Dear SpaChina Reader,
Our directory editor lists up-to-date information specially selected by SpaChina magazine for its relevance and helpfulness. Currently, all the listed content is from SpaChina Partner Shops, where SpaChina members can enjoy a variety of preferential treatments, gifts and great discounts. *前往SpaChina加盟店消费,请随身携带
会员卡,以此作为折扣凭证。 * Please take your SpaChina member card with you when visit SpaChina Partner Shops.
* Please complete the form and fax it to +86 21 5385 8953. Ms. Yvonne Lu will contact you for future details. Tel: + 86 21 5187 9633*850 E-mail: aiko.guo@spachina.com 请填写资料后传真至+86 21 5385 8953,负责人 郭娅文会尽快联系您们,告知优惠细则和签订 加盟合同。
Spa 水疗 • 上海 RE Wellness SPA 佳莉雅水疗中心 1) 锦沧文华佳莉雅水疗中心 4F, Shanghai JC Mandarin Hotel Limited, 1225 West Nan Jing Road 上海锦沧文华大酒店有限公司 4楼南京西路1225号 T: 021 6279 1888*5407/5408 2) 华亭佳莉雅美容美发中心 3F, Hua Ting Hotel & Towers, 1200 North Cao Xi Road 上海华亭宾馆三楼漕溪北路 1200号 T: 021 6439 1000*2620 3) 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店佳莉 雅水疗中心 G1, Crowne Plaza Suzhou, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店 苏州工业园区星港街168号G1 T: 0512 6761 6688*8068 4) 华美达新园酒店佳莉雅健康 养生中心 2F, Building B, Ramada Plaza Shanghai Caohejing, 509 Caobao Road 上海华美达新园酒店B楼2层 漕宝路509号 T: 021 5464 9999*5751/5752 5) 无锡湖滨饭店佳莉雅水 疗中心 3rd Floor of JUNA HUBIN HOTEL 1Huanhu Road 无锡君来·湖滨饭店3楼 环湖路1号 T: 0510 8510 1888*2588 6) 苏州书香世家平江府佳莉雅 健康养生会所 Building 10 of Scholars Hotel·Pingjiangfu No.60 Bai Ta Dong Road, Shuzhou 苏州白塔东路60号 书香世家平江府10号楼 T: 0512 6770 6688*6511/ 6512/6513
98 | SpaChina • 2015
7) 常熟中江皇冠假日酒店佳莉 雅水疗中心 3rd Floor of CROWNE PLAZA, No.6 Kai Yuan Avenue, Changshu 常熟开元大道6号 中江皇冠假日酒店3楼 T: 0512 5272 9999*8877 8) 苏州涵园国际商务会展中心 佳莉雅水疗中心 1F, HanYuan International Club, No.99 Shigong Road, Jinting Town, Suzhou Taihu National Tourism& Vacation Zone 苏州太湖国家旅游度假区金庭 镇(西山岛)石公路99号1楼 T: 0512 6658 8068 9) 苏州托尼洛·兰博基尼书苑 酒店海洋水疗中心 B1, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park 苏州工业园区星港街168号 T: 0512 6285 9999*68 10) 无锡君来世尊酒店佳莉雅 水疗中心 B1, 111 Hefeng Road Wuxi 无锡市太湖新城和风路111号 T: 0510 8528 5778
10% discount for SpaChina members; this preferential treatment cannot be used in conjunction with CARITA member card or promotional items. Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat 悠庭保健会所 1) 南昌店 Nanchang Branch 南昌路559号2楼 2F, 559 Nanchang Road T: 021 54561318
| 加盟商户
2) 新乐店 Xinle Branch 上海新乐路206号 206 Xinle Road, Shanghai T: 021 5403 9982 3) 红枫店 Hongfeng Branch 上海浦东金桥红枫路386号 386 Hongfeng Road, Jinqiao,Pudong, Shanghai T: 021 3872 6996 4) 虹梅店 Hongmei Branch 上海虹梅路3911号5号别墅 Villa 5,3911 Hongmei Road, Shanghai T: 021 6242 4328 5) 富民店 Fumin Branch 上海新乐路218号2楼 2F,218 Xinle Road, Shanghai T: 021 5403 6133 6) 花木店 Kerry Parkside Branch 上海花木路1378号浦东嘉里城 商场L119 Shop L119, Kerry Parkside 1378 Huamu Road, Pudong, Shanghai T: 021 2025 2308 7) 保乐店 Jinfeng Village Branch 上海保乐路646号 646 Baole Road, Shanghai T: 021 6221 9770 8) 安福店 Anfu Branch 上海安福路322号202室 Room 202,322 Anfu Road, Shanghai T: 021 5406 0680 9) 胶州店 Jiaozhou Branch 上海胶州路193号 193Jiaozhou Road, Shanghai T: 021 5213 5778 www.dragonfly.net.cn
20% Discount on Double Trouble Massage Service and Give it to me one more time Massage Service, 10% Discount on Deluxe Manicure Nail Service and Deluxe Pedicure Nail Service, 8% Discount on All Facial treatments for SpaChina members (Cannot be used in conjunction with Dragonfly member card or other promotion offers) Clarins Skin Spa 上海娇韵诗美妍中心 Rm.418, 4/F, Plaza 66, 1266 Nanjing Road 南京西路1266号 恒隆广场4楼418 T: 021 6288 9615/9625 www.clarins.com.cn 10% discount on Single Treatment for SpaChina members (excluding promotional items); Advance reservation is required; Enjoy a Clarins Facial or Body Treatment at privileged price on your first visit. FAYE SPA 飞SPA 6F, WH Ming Hotel, 777 Jiamusi Road Yangpu, Shanghai
上海市杨浦区佳木斯路777号 上海小南国花园酒店6楼 T: 021 2525 8800 www.whminghotel.com 10% discount on all treatments and services for SpaChina members Le Spa Le Royal Méridien Shanghai, 789 Nanjing Road East 南京东路789号 上海世茂皇家艾美酒Le Spa T: 021 3318 9999*7900 www.lemeridien.com/ royalshanghai SpaChina members are entitled to enjoy 30% discount on a la carte treatments and complimentary access to health club facilities before and after the treatment on the same day; Advance reservation is required. L SPA at Sunrise On The Bund 上海外滩浦华大酒店涟水疗 6F Shanghai Sunrise On The Bund 168 Gaoyang Road, Hongkou District 虹口区高阳路168号6楼 上海外滩浦华大酒店 T: 021 5558 9999*6008 www.sunrisesha.com
20% discount on all treatments MSPA Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Limited 蔓达梦水疗企业管理(上海) 有限公司 Mandara Spa 1) 上海明捷万丽酒店 Mandara Spa @ Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel 3F, Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel, 50 Tongchuan Road, Putuo, Shanghai 上海市普陀区铜川路50号上海 明捷万丽酒店3楼 T: 021 2219 5888 ext. 6130, 6131 2) 三亚喜来登度假酒店 Mandara Spa @ Sheraton Sanya Resort 1F, Sheraton Sanya Resort, Yalong Bay National Resort, Sanya, Hainan Island 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游 度假区三亚喜来登度假酒店1楼 T: 0898 8855 8855 ext.8497, 8498 3) 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店 Mandara Spa @ Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa ShuHe Old Town Entrance Road, Lijiang 674100, Yunnan 云南省丽江市束河古镇入口丽 江铂尔曼度假酒店 T: 0888 5300 111 ext. 7151, 7152 Anantara Spa 璞丽酒店 Anantara Spa @ The PuLi Hotel and Spa 3F, 1 ChangDe Road, JingAn District, Shanghai 上海市静安区常德路1号璞丽 酒店3楼 T: 021 3203 9999 ext. 6899
15% discount on all spa treatments and regular spa packages Oasis Spa at Shibei Peninsula Business Club 市北半岛商务会所绿韵SPA 258 Jiangchang san road, Shanghai 上海市闸北区江场三路258号 Tel: 56775320, 56653333*805 www.shibei-cub.com SpaChina members can enjoy preferential price RMB168 for Rose Bathing + Back Massage; RMB288 for Rose Bathing + Relaxing Massage. PALAISPA Beauty World 贝黎诗美容世界 1) 5F, Times Square, 500 Zhangyang Road, Pudong New Area 浦东新区张扬路500号 时代广场5楼508-509室 T: 021 5836 7699 2) 3F, K. WAH Center Club, 1010 Huaihai Road Central 淮海中路1010号嘉华中心会 所三楼 T: 021 6103 2630 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). Pranaya Spa & Nail 逸之园美容(上海)有限公司 No. 290 Jin Yan Rd, Pu Dong, Shanghai 上海浦东锦延路290号 T: 021 5059 0301 www.pranayaspa.com
10% discount on all treatments with SpaChina member card SPA by MTM 1) 4/F, Chong Hing Finance Center, 288 Nanjing Road West 上海创兴金融中心南京西路 288号创兴金融中心4楼 T: 021 3366 3099 2) 北京千禧大酒店 Grand Millennium Hotel Beijing 7 DongSanHuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号 北京千禧大酒店 T: 010 6533 0751/6533 0752 www.spabymtm.com
PING Leisure Club & SPA at Guoman Hotel Shanghai 上海国丰大酒店平水疗中心 3F Block 1, No. 388 Daduhe Road, Guoson Centre Putuo, Shanghai 上海市普陀区大渡河路388号 国盛中心1号楼三楼 T: 021 60958888*4003 www.guoman.com
Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 太阳广场 1st Floor,South Gate,No.88, Xianxia Road. 上海市仙霞路88号太阳广场 南门一层 T: 021 6270 4488 2) 时代广场 Suite 317, Time Square, No.500, Zhangyang Road 上海市浦东张扬路500号 时代广场317室 T: 021 5836 7155 3) 锦江迪生 3rd Floor, Disheng Store, No.400,Changle Road 上海市长乐路400号 锦江迪生商厦3楼 T: 021 6472 1155 4) 欣安 1st Floor, No.200, Zhengning Road 上海市镇宁路200号欣安大 厦1楼 T: 021 6289 2722 5) 金汇 4th Floor, Bldg.A, No.148, Songhong Road 上海市闵行红松路148号A 座4楼 T: 021 5476 0048 www.siyanli.net.cn 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Spa InterContinental & Balance Fitness 洲际水疗馆&健身中心 4F, InterContinental Shanghai Expo, 1188 Xueye Road, Pudong, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区雪野路1188号 世博洲际酒店4楼 T: 021 3858 1188 www.intercontinental.com 10% discount on all treatments and the fitness membership Spa by MTM, Shanghai 4/F Chong Hing Finance Center,288 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai 上海市南京西路288号创兴金 融中心4楼 T: 021 3366 3099 www.spabymtm.com Year-round first time 50% discount on spa and treatments; Free skin analysis and consultation (for new customers only) The Spa 上海希尔顿酒店水疗中心 4th floor, No.250 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 上海市华山路250号4层 T: 021 6248 7777 2600 shanghai.hilton.com Touch Spa Wellness Club 颐尊水疗·康体·会所 1) 3F,Sheraton Shanghai Hotel&Residences, No.38 PujianRoad,Shanghai 上海市浦东新区浦建路38号 上海由由喜来登酒店3楼 T: 021 5089 9999*2901 2) 5F,Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel, No.5 Zunyi Road South, Shanghai 上海市遵义南路5号
SpaChina Partners 上海虹桥喜来登酒店5楼 T: 021 5257 4500*4567 3) 26F, The Longemont Shanghai Hotel, No.1666 Yan’an Road West,Changning District, Shanghai 上海市长宁区延安西路1116号 上海龙之梦大酒店26楼 T: 021 6225 9605*8910 4) 5F Swissotel Grand Shanghai, No.1 Yuyuan Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 上海市静安区愚园路1号 宏安瑞士大酒店5楼 T: 021 5355 9898 5) B1 Sheraton Shanghai Hongkou Sanya Hotel, No.59 Siping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai 上海市虹口区四平路59号 虹口三至喜来登酒店B1 T: 021 2601 0088 6) 6F Shanghai Marriott Hotel City Centre, No.555 Xizang Road Middle, Huangpu District, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区西藏中路555号 雅居乐万豪酒店6楼 T: 021 2312 9888 7) 5F Yidonghua Hotel, No.628 Xinqiao Mingxing Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai 上海市松江区新桥明兴路628号 逸东华酒店5楼 T: 021 2309 8888*5008 15% off discount on all treatments for SpaChina members V2 Day Spa Andaz Xintiandi, Shanghai V2 Day Spa上海新天地安达 仕酒店 No. 88 Songshan Road (near Tai Cang Road),HuangPu District, Shanghai 上海黄浦区嵩山路88号 T: 021 6314 0802 021 23101234 ext.1500
Please find the following offers to Spa China Members 1. 10% discount on any massage treatment above 90 minutes. 2. 10% discount on all facial above 75 minutes ( excluding facials by machine) 3. 10% discount on hand/ foot treatment care at nail spa. Vizcaya Spa 维诗凯亚Spa 1988 Yunshan Road, Pudong, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区云山路1988号 T: 021 5030 7370 021 5030 4519 ext.130 www.vizcayaclub.com 20% discount for SpaChina members, excluding kids treatments, promotional activites and packages Yuan Spa 源Spa B1, Hyatt on the Bund, 199 Huangpu Road, Shanghai 上海黄浦路199号 上海外滩茂悦大酒店地下一层 T: 021 6393 1234 Ext: 6527
www.shanghai.bund.hyatt. com/hyatt/pure/spas/ Receive a complimentary 30-min Aroma Head & Scalp Massage with purchase of any 60-min or above facial/ body treatment (Offer valued at RMB480)
Spa 水疗 • 北京 Beijing XUEDAN Lady’s Club 北京雪丹女子世界健身俱乐部 1) CHANG FU GONG Branch 长富宫饭店分店 No.26 Jianwai street , South of New Otani ChangFuGong Hotel, Dongcheng, Beijing 北京东城区建外大街26号长富 宫饭店南门 T: 010 6513 0816/17/18 2) HUA MAO Branch/华贸分店 Building No.14,No.89 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京朝阳区建国路89号院 14号楼 T: 010 6591 8619/20 3) ASIAN GAMES VILLAGE Branch/鸿华高尔夫分店 Honghua Golf Estates A03, No. 108 Beiyuan Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京朝阳区北苑路108号鸿华高 尔夫庄园A03座 T: 010 6486 5866/6486 5966 4) ZHONG GUAN CUN Branch/中关村分店 No.38 Zhongguancun street, Haidian, Beijing 北京海淀区中关村大街38号独 楼(当代商城北五十米) T: 010 6261 1903/6261 1963 5) WAN LIU Branch/万柳分店 Unit 802, 8th Floor, Tower A, Wanliuxingui Building, 28 Wanquanzhuang Road, Haidian, Beijing 北京海淀区万泉庄28号新贵 大厦八层 T: 010 5872 0537/38/39 10% discount on single treatment for SpaChina members, and also enjoy a Biologique Recherche customised Skin analysing for free Beauty Farm 美丽田园 1) B-202A, Times Square, 88 Chang’an Street West, Xicheng District 西城区西长安街88号 时代广场B-202A T: 010 8391 4260 2) B-3 Chang’an Club, 10 Chang’an Street East 东长安街10号长安俱乐部B-3 T: 010 6513 5336 www.beautyfarm.com.cn 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members (cannot be used in conjunction with Beauty Farm member card or other promotional offers) BIODROGA Spa Salon 宝迪佳 2/F, Landmark Towers, No.8 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区东三环北路8号 亮马河大厦裙楼2层 T: 010 6590 6688*22003, 010 6590 7130
20% discount on all Biodroga treatments; SpaChina members receive a free product sample on first visit. Clarins Skin Spa(BJ) 北京娇韵诗美妍中心 2nd Floor, Shin Kong Center, No.87 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建国路87号华贸中心 商贸广场新光天地商场2层高 档女装区 T: 010 6533 1190/92/93 www.clarins.com.cn 10% discount on Single Treatment for SpaChina members (excluding promotional items) Advance reservation is required Enjoy a Clarins Facial/Body Treatment at special low price on your first visit. Heavenly Spa by Westin ™ 威斯汀天梦水疗 B9 Financial Street, Xicheng District 西城区金融街乙9号 T: 010 6629 7878 www.westin.com/ beijingfinancial/ www.starwoodspacollection. com 10% discount and one free Westin fitness plan (valued at RMB260) for SpaChina members. i spa 泰美好 1) I SPA鼓楼店 1st Floor, Gehua New Century Hotel, NO.19 Gulouwai Dajie, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区鼓楼外大街19 号,歌华开元大酒店1层 T: 010 6202 6708 2) I SPA上东店 B1, Trader’s Upper East Hotel, NO.2 NW 4th Ring Road, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区东四环北路 霄云桥阳光上东,上东盛贸 饭店B1 T: 010 5307 8877 3) I SPA机场店 6F, Hilton Beijing Capital Airport, Terminal 3, Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing 北京市首都机场3号航站楼,北 京首都机场希尔顿酒店6层 T: 010 6540 4777 4) I SPA华贸店 2F,JW Marriott Hotel Beijing, 83 Jian Guo Road,Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区华贸中心建国路 83号,北京JW万豪酒店2层 T: 010 5908 8380 5) I SPA颐和园店 Xiang Hongqi Lu, Qinglong Qiao, MAJESTIC CLUB Haidian District, Beijing 北京海淀区青龙桥厢红旗路御 园汇会所 T: 010 6286 6666 Ext ispa 6) I SPA天津店 6th Floor,Hotel Nikko Tianjin, NO.186 Nanjing Road,Heping District, Tianjin
天津市和平区南京路186号, 天津日航酒店6层 T: 022 8319 8888 Ext3399 www.ispa.cn
8% discount for SpaChina members Lea Spa 1) 北京Lea Spa瑞廷会所 Beijing Lea Spa Ruiting Club B1st Floor, Kangyuan Ruiting Hotel, NO.19, Panjiayuan South Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京市朝阳区潘家园南里19号 康源瑞廷酒店B1层 T: 010 5909 7558, 010 5909 7559 2) 北京Lea Spa万豪会所 Beijing Lea Spa Wanhao Club 北京市朝阳区霄云路甲26号海 航大厦万豪酒店6F 6/F Wanhao Hotel Haihang Building, 26A Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing T: 010 5927 8060 3) 北京Lea Spa望京会所 Beijing Lea Spa Wangjing Club 北京市朝阳区望京西路北小河 公园实友会会所1F 1F Shiyouhui Club, North River Park, West Wangjing Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing T: 010 5301 7181 4) 哈尔滨Lea Spa万达会所 Harbin Lea Spa Wanda Club No.68, Ganshui Road, Development Zone, Harbin 哈尔滨市开发区赣水路68号 T: 0451 8771 7906 5) 沈阳Lea Spa维景会所 Shenyang Lea Spa Weijing Club 沈阳市和平区同泽北街35号 35 Tongze North Street, Heping District, Shenyang www.leaspa.com
20% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members on you first visit PJ Spa 北京紫玉乡村俱乐部水疗中心 No.1 Purple Jade Road East, Chaoyang District 朝阳区紫玉东路1号 T: 010 6492 5551*6503 www.purplejade.com.cn 10% discount on treatments PALAISPA Beauty World 贝黎诗美容世界 1) 3001, You Town,2 Sanfeng Beili Chaowai Street,Chaoyang,Beijing 北京市朝阳区朝外大街三丰北 里2号悠唐生活广场3001 T: 010 5977 5675 2) V-0107, Jianwai SOHO Villa 8, 4 Jianwai Street, Chaoyang District 朝阳区建外大街4号, 建外
SOHO 8号别墅,V-0107 T: 010 5869 0690 3) C104, Lido Country-club, Jichang Road, Jiangtai Road 首都机场路将台路丽都广场 丽都乡村俱乐部C104室 T: 010 6430 1150 4) 2/F, Parkson Department Store, 101 Fuxingmennei Dajie 复兴门内大街101号, 百盛购物中心夹层二层 T: 010 6606 7877, 010 6606 7887 5) Sunshine Plaza, 68 Anli Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区安立路68号 阳光广场首层东侧 T: 010 6481 2080 6) Willow Yicheng Plaza, Block B, 11 Changchunqiao Road, Haidian District 海淀区长春桥路11号 万柳亿城中心B座 T: 010 5881 6576, 010 5881 6577 7) B2, 206-207, Shopping Center in Zhongguancun Plaza 中关村广场购物中心, 地下二层206-207 T: 010 5172 1199 8) No.BB01, Oriental Plaza, 1 East Chang’an Avenue, Dongcheng District 东城区东长安街1号 东方广场BB01晨曦百货内 T: 010 8518 6257 9) Shop P-C3-01, Oriental Plaza, Dongcheng District 东城区东方广场P-C3-01号 T: 010 8515 0520 10) China World Trade Center B1, 1 Jianwai Street 建外大街1号国贸商城 地下一层晨曦百货内 T: 010 6505 0552, 010 6505 0553 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). Platinum SPA 铂SPA 中信金陵店 B1, CITIC Jinling Hotel Beijing, No.1 Xiyujia, Dahuashan Town, Pinggu District, Beijing 北京市平谷区大华山镇西峪甲1 号中信金陵酒店B1 T: 010 6196 8888 ext.7021/7022 Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 百盛美容院Parkson Salon Suite 9103, Bldg.A, No.101, Fuxingmennei Avenue 复兴门内大街101号 百盛大厦写字楼9103A T: 010 6653 5599 2) 中国大饭店China Hotel B1, No.1, Jianguomenwai Avenue 建国门外大街1号 中国大饭店地下一层 T: 010 6505 0909 3) 丰联FengLian Branch Suite 408, No 18, Chaowai Avenue, Chaoyang District 朝阳区朝外大街18号丰联广 场408
| 加盟商户 T: 010 6588 3688 4) 万柳WanLiu Branch 1st Floor Annex, Unit C, No.11, Changchunqiao Road, Haidian District 海淀区长春桥路11号万柳亿城 中心C座裙房一层 T: 010 5881 6322 5) 棕榈泉Kitool Spring Suite H2, No.8, South Park Road, Chaoyang District 朝阳区公园南路8号棕榈泉生 活广场H2 T: 010 6539 7887 www.siyanli.net.cn 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members SPA by MTM, Beijing 2/F, 7 DongSanHuan Middle Road, Chaoyang, Beijing 北京市朝阳区东三环中路7号北 京千禧大酒店二层 T: 010 8587 6888 Ext. 5131 www.spabymtm.com Year-round first time 50% discount on spa and treatments; Free skin analysis and consultation (for new customers only) The Ritz-Carlton Spa 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店水疗中心 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing 83A Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区建国路甲83号 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店 T: 010 5908 8888 http://www.ritzcarlton.com/ en/Properties/Beijing/Spa/ Default.htm 10% discount on any treatment from The RitzCarlton Spa menu T.SPA at TANGLA BEIJING 北京唐拉雅秀酒店T. SPA 6/F of TANGLA BEIJING, 19 Fuxingmenwai Street, Chang’an Avenue West, BeIjing 北京市复兴门外大街19号 唐拉雅秀酒店6层 T: 010 5857 6561 www.anglahotels.com/spa.asp
Spa 水疗 • 广州&深圳 CHUAN SPA at The Langham, Shenzhen 深圳朗廷酒店「川」水疗中心 7888 Shennan Boulevard, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区深南大道7888号 (农轩路与香林路交叉口) T: 0755 8828 9888 http://shenzhen. langhamhotels.com
The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Shenzhen 深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店水 疗中心 5/F, 116 Fuhua San Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区福华三路116号深 圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店5楼
SpaChina • 2015 | 99
SpaChina PartnerS T: 0755 2222 2222 www.ritzcarlton.cn/shenzhen 10% discount on any 90 minutes individual spa treatment for SpaChina members. Not including other promotions
深圳市南山区深南大道9028 号-2深圳益田威斯汀酒店4楼威 斯汀天梦水疗 T: 0755 8634 8860 www.westin.com/shenzhen 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Lifestyles Health & Fitness Sdn Bhb 时式康体有限公司 1) SHUI Spa & Fitness Club at Wanda Vista Hotel 太原万达文华酒店SHUI水疗及 康体中心 Jiefang Rode 169 Taiyuan Shanxi 太原市解放路169号 太原万达文华酒店3楼 T: 0351 777 6666 ext 6760/6766 2) Dikara Spa at Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai 天津圣光滨海皇冠假日酒店迪 卡拉水疗中心 55 Zhongxin Avenue Airport Economic Area Tianjin 天津市空港经济区中心大 道55号 T: 022 5867 8888 ext 2400, 2401 3) Dikara Spa at Ridisson Plaza Hotel Tianjin 天津丽笙世嘉酒店迪卡拉水 疗中心 4/F, 66 Xinkai Road, Hedong District, Tianjin 天津市河东区新开路66号 天津丽笙世嘉酒店4楼 T: 022 24578888 ext 3910 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Interlaken SPA 茵特拉根温泉 Interlaken SPA, Tea Stream Valley, OCT East, Dameisha Yantian District, Shenzhen 深圳盐田区大梅沙东部华侨城 茶溪谷茵特拉根温泉 T: 0755 2888 6666 www.octeasthotels.com
Hua SPA 花水疗 69 Floor, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou, 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西 路5号广州四季酒店69层 T: 020 8883 3000 10% discount on any 90 minutes spa treatment for SpaChina members, not including other promotion Heavenly Spa by Westin Shenzhen 深圳益田威斯汀酒店天梦水疗 4/F, The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan 9028-2 Shennan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Guangzhou 广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店水 疗中心 4/F, 3 Xing An Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城兴安 路3号4楼 T: 020 3813 6668 www.ritzcarlton.cn/guangzhou 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 金域蓝湾店 Room102-106, N0.6-9, The Paradiso, Furong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区福荣路金域蓝湾 6-9号裙楼102-106 T: 0755 8347 7832 2) 万科店 2nd Floor, Bldg. Vanke Jinsejiayuan, No.2018, Lianhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区莲花路2018号 万科金色家园一期二楼 T: 0755 8319 3072 3) 粤海店 2nd Floor, No.3033, East Shennan Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen 深圳市罗湖区深南东路3033号 粤海酒店二楼 T: 0755 8225 8682 4) 卓越店 Room 307-308, Excellence Century Intown Center, Junction of Fuhua 3rd road & Jintian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区卓越世纪Intown 3楼307-308室
| 加盟商户
T: 0755 8253 3529 5) 上河坊 RoomW50-W55,1nd Floor, Homestead Of Scholars, Minzhi Road,Baoan District, Shenzhen 深圳市宝安区民治街道书香 门第上河坊广场1栋1楼W50W55号 T: 0755 2943 5859 www.siyanli.net.cn 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members Spa at Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen 深圳福田香格里拉大酒店水 疗中心 Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, 4088 Yi Tian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳市福田区益田路4088号深 圳福田香格里拉大酒店 T: 0755 8828 4088 Ext: 6668 www.shangri-la.com 10% discount on Spa treatments and food and beverage excluding Fook Lam Moon and Banquet Services (cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions)
Spa 水疗 • 海南 Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa (Spa Retreat) 水疗体验中心 Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya 三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 T: 0898 8858 8888 www.hilton.com/ worldwideresorts Receive 15% discount on Spa package taken at The Spa Retreat only, excluding purchase of spa products (prior reservation is required; not valid on individual treatments; cannot be used with promotional package) Mandara Spa at Sheraton Sanya 三亚喜来登度假酒店Mandara Spa Sheraton Sanya Resort, Yalong Bay National Resort, Sanya 三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 三亚喜来登度假酒店 T: 0898 8855 8855 *8497/8498 www.mspa-international.com
15% discount on all treatments Mangrove Tree SPA 红树林水疗中心 Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya 三亚市亚龙湾国际旅游度假区 T: 0898 8855 8888 6676 www.mangrovetreeresort.com QUAN SPA 泉Spa Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan 三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 三亚万豪度假酒店 T: 0898 8856 8888 www.quanspa.com 10% discount on all spa treatments (excluding Hair & Scalp, Hands & Feet Therapy) SPA InterContinental 三亚半山半岛洲际度假酒店 水疗会所 InterContinental Sanya Resort, No.1 Zhouji Lu, Sanya, Hainan 海南省三亚市洲际路1号 三亚半山半岛洲际度假酒店 T: 0898 8861 8888 www.intercontinental.com/sanya V·Spa at Grand Metropark Resort Sanya 三亚维景国际度假酒店V·Spa Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan 海南三亚亚龙湾 国家旅游度假区 T: 0898 8859 8888 www.hkctshotels.com 25% discount on all a la carte spa treatments inclusive of service charge
Spa 水疗 • 江苏
Spa 水疗 • 江西
The Spa at Regalia Resort & Spa Hotel (Suzhou Li Gong Di) 苏州御庭精品酒店水疗中心 (李公堤) 2 Li Glng Di, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, P.R,. of China 苏州工业园区李公堤2号 T: 0512 6295 0888 www.regalia.com.cn
Dikara Spa Yingtan 鹰潭天裕豪生大酒店迪卡拉 水疗中心 7/F Howard Johnson Tianyu Plaza YingtanNo.12 Zhangjiang Road, Yingtan 鹰潭市站江路12号鹰潭天裕豪 生大酒店7层迪卡拉水疗中心 T: 0701 2166 888
O.Spa 氧滋旅 2/F, No.88 Wenyuan Road, Wujiang, Jiangsu 江苏省吴江市文苑路88号 吴江东恒盛国家大酒店2楼 T: 0512 6392 8888 400 820 4848 www.ospajourney.com Buy any body or facial treatment, and receive a free hand or head massage on your first visit
YunNan 云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州 弥勒县湖泉生态园 Tel: 0873 6169 999 Fax: 0873 6182 222
Spa 水疗 • 安徽 Royal Spring 泉道尊贵会 1) 泉道尊贵会合肥CEO Royal Spring(Hefei CEO) 1-3fl. Ande Building, Huaining Road, Hefei 安徽合肥市政务新区休宁路安 德大厦1~3层 T: 0551 6563 0333 2) 泉道尊贵会老报馆店 Royal Spring(Old newspaper) No.72 Huancheng Road, Hefei 安徽合肥市环城南路72号 T: 0551 6284 6622 www.royal-spring.net Platinum SPA 铂SPA 1) 喜来登店 3fl.Sheraton, No.1666 North Tongling Road, Hefei, Anhui Province 安徽省合肥市铜陵北路1666号 喜来登酒店3层 T: 0551 6296 9999 ext.6333, 6336 2) 半汤店 Holiday Inn Resort Chaohu Hot Spring, No.128 Tangshan Road, Chaohu Economic Development Zone, Hefei, Anhui Province 安徽省合肥巢湖经济开发区汤 山路128号巢湖深业温泉假日 度假酒店 T: 0551 8218 8077/8218 8888 ext.6055
PALAISPA Beauty WorldBranch in Nanjing Deji Plaza 贝黎诗美容世界-德基店 4F Deji Plaza, No.18 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu 江苏省南京市中山路18号 德基广场购物中心4楼418 T: 025 8476 3446, 025 8476 3447 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single
100 | SpaChina • 2015
treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500).
Spa 水疗 • 云南 Shin SPA at Spring Soul Garden Spa & Resort 心景安宁温泉酒店心景SPA 1) 昆明一店 Kunming No.1 Branch 安宁市温泉旅游度假区升 庵南路 South Sheng’an Road, Anning T: 0871 863 3008 2) 昆明二店 Kunming No.2 Branch 昆明市滇池路1288号滇池度假 区管委会内游泳池旁 1288 Dianchi Road, Kunming T: 0871 466 4800 wwww.wqxjspahotel.com
Tianyi Resort YunNan.MiLe 天邑水疗.云南弥勒 HuQuan Ecological park.MiLe.
MU SPA Phoenix town No.63.Beichen housing estate, Kunming 云南省昆明市北辰凤凰城63-65 号商网 T: 0871 6573 9910 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Spa 水疗 • 黑龙江 Queen Legend SPA 女王传奇SPA 1) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA秋 林会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Qiulin Club 哈尔滨市南岗区东大直街320 号秋林国际购物中心八层 8F Qiulin International Mall, No.320 East Dazhi Street, Nangang, Harbin T: 0451 8715 7668 2) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA中 央会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Zhongyang Club 哈尔滨市道里区西八道街12号 No.12, West 8th Street, Daoli, Harbin T: 0451 8770 2255 3) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA宣 化会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Xuanhua Club 哈尔滨市南岗区宣化街380号 No.380 Xuanhua Street, Nangang District, Harbin T: 0451 8203 3336 4) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA汉 水会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Hanshui Club 哈尔滨市开发区汉水路391号 No.391 Hanshui Road, Development Zone, Harbin T: 0451 82283637 5) 哈尔滨女王美容南岗会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Nangang Club 哈尔滨市果戈里大街161号 No. 161 Guogeli Street, Nangang District, Harbin T: 0451 8280 0222 6) 哈尔滨女王美容道里会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Daoli Club 哈尔滨市道里区西十道街24号 No.24 West 10th Street, Daoli District, Harbin T: 0451 8465 1000 7) 哈尔滨女王美容长江会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Changjiang Club 哈尔滨市开发区玉山路7号 No.7 Yushan Road, Development Zone, Harbin T: 0451 8700 9911 8) 哈尔滨女王美容馨阳会所 Harbin Queen Beauty Xinyang Club 哈尔滨市道里区新阳路330号 No.330 Xinyang Road, Daoli, Harbin
SpaChina Partners T: 0451 8735 0216 9) 哈尔滨女王传奇SPA爱 建会所 Harbin Queen Legend Spa Aijian Club 哈尔滨市爱建区上海路89号2层 2/F, No.89 Shanghai Road, Aijian District, Harbin T: 0451 8420 9292 10) 哈尔滨女王医疗美容道 外中心 Harbin Queen Beauty Medical Spa Daowai Club 哈尔滨市道外区景阳街107号 No.107 Jingyang Street, Daowai District, Harbin T: 0451 8838 0666 11) 沈阳女王传奇SPA中华 会所 Shenyang Queen Beauty Legend SPA Zhonghua Club 沈阳市和平区中华路96号8 层-9层 8-9 F, No.96, Zhonghua Road, Heping, Shenyang T: 024 8383 2111 12) 沈阳女王传奇SPA奉天 会所 Shenyang Queen Beauty Legend SPA Fengtian Club 沈阳市沈河区奉天街339号 No.339 Fengtian Street, Shenhe, Shenyang T: 024 8825 4000 13) 沈阳女王传奇SPA三好 会所 Shenyang Queen Beauty Legend SPA Sanhao Club 沈阳市和平区文萃路8号 No.8 Wencui Road, Heping District, Shenyang T: 024 2281 3111 14) 大连女王传奇SPA民主 会所 Dalian Queen Legend Spa Minzhu Club 大连市中山区民主广场修竹街 10号3层 3/F, No.10 Xiuzhu Street, Minzhu Plaza, Zhongshan District, Dalian T: 0411 8411 6999 15) 大连女王美容北良会所 Dalian Queen Beauty Beiliang Club 大连市中山区鲁迅路50号北 良大厦5楼 5F, Beiliang Masion, No.50, Luxun Road, Zhongshan, Dalian T: 0411 8272 7897 16) 杭州女王传奇SPA湖滨 会所 Hangzhou Queen Beauty Legend SPA Lakeside Club 杭州市定安路1号四层 4 F, No.1, Anding Road, Hangzhou Tel: 0571 8791 8875 17) 杭州女王传奇SPA红石 会所 Hangzhou Queen Beauty Legend SPA Redstone Club 杭州市湖墅南路242号 No.242, Hushunan Road, Hangzhou T: 0571 8716 3348 18) 杭州女王传奇SPA蓝天 会所 Hangzhou Queen Beauty Legend SPA Liantian Club 杭州市拱墅区莫干山路24号 No.24, Moganshan Road, Gongshu, Hangzhou T: 0571 8526 6088 www.queenbeauty.cn
50% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members on your first visit CoCo Spa 可可水疗 1) Crowne Plaza Tianjin JinnanLingyu Road Balitai Area, Jinnan 天津市津南区八里台镇津港 公路北侧 域路京基皇冠假日 酒店G层 T: 022 2870 7856 2) 1 South Road,Zhong Huan,Longsha,Qiqihar 齐齐哈尔市龙沙区中环南路1号 君汇国际酒店4层CoCo Spa T: 0452 2222 222 ext.6706
Spa 水疗 • 吉林 Changchun Yijing Toga & Spa Club 长春逸静瑜伽水疗会馆 Unit1, 6th Building, No.777 NanJunShuiYunTian HuXi Road, ChangChun, JiLin 吉林省长春市湖西路777号 南郡水云6栋1号 T: 0431 8962 8855 0431 8962 8866 0431 8962 8877 www.yijingspaclub.com 50% discount on all treatments on your first visit; All services for ladies only Jing Spa at Purple Jade Riverside Resort, ChangBaiShan ChiBei 紫玉度假酒店长白山池北净 宇水疗 No.1 Binhe Road, Changbaishan Chibei, Jilin 吉林省长白山池北区滨河路1号 T: 0433 593 8888 www.purplejaderesorts.com 15% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members (except for packages)
Spa 水疗 • 大连 Oasis Spa at Kempinski Hotel Dalian 大连凯宾斯基饭店欧意希斯 水疗中心 6F, Kempinski Hotel Dalian 92 Jiefang Road, Zhongshan District 大连市中山区解放路92号,凯 宾斯基饭店6楼 T: 0411 8259 8888*8616 /8610 www.kempinski.com/dalian 10% discount on all spa treatments, includes free use of gym facilities and swimming pool.
Spa 水疗 • 香港&澳门 Melo Spa at Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin 香港沙田凯悦酒店MELO SPA 水疗中心 18 Chak Cheung Street, Sha Tin, Hong Kong 香港沙田泽祥街18号 T: +852 3723 7684 www.melospa.com Altira Spa
「澄」水疗 Altira Macau 15/F, Avenida de Kwong Tung, Taipa, Macau 澳门凼仔广东大马路, 澳门新 濠锋15楼 T: 853 2886 8886 www.altiramacau.com/spahealth/#/altira-spa
SPA by MTM 1) Shop A, G/F, 3 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay 铜锣湾恩平道3号地下A店 T: 852 2923 7888 2) Shop 118, Citygate, Tung Chung, Lantau Island 大屿山东涌东荟城118店 T: 852 2923 6060 www.spabymtm.com Year-round first time 50% discount on spa and treatments; Free skin analysis and consultation (for new customers only)
Spa 水疗 • 湖北 慕丽莎健康美容会所 1) 香港路店 湖北省武汉市汉口解放大道 香港15号 15 Hong Kong Street Jiefang Road HanKou, Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8556 1855 2) 金色华府店 湖北省武汉市汉口解放大道解 放公园路83号商铺3-4 83-3-4 Jiefang Park Street Jiefang Road Hankou,Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8264 3075 3) 新华路店 湖北省武汉市汉口建设大道新 华小路新世界百货旁 Xinhua Street Jianshe Road, Hankou,Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8578 7856 4) 水果湖店 湖北省武汉市武昌水果湖 188-1号 188-1 Shui Guo Hu Road, Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei Tel: 027 8736 0531 5) 襄阳店 湖北省襄阳市大庆西路永 安广场 Yongan Plaza,Da Qing Xi Road, Xiangyang, Hubei Tel: 0710 3459 155 35% discount on all treatments Siyanli 思妍丽 1) 武汉广场店 7F,Wuhan plaza 688 Jiefang Road, Wuhan 武汉广场7楼 Tel: 027 8571 4026 2) 国际广场店 406, Wuhan International Plaza Shopping Center Tower B 690 Jiefang Road, Wuhan 武汉国际购物广场B座406 Tel: 027 8551 7717 3) 徐东店 4F, Xudong Shoppingmall No.18 Xudong Street Wuchang Distirct, Wuhan
徐东销品茂四楼南街4160 Tel: 027 6889 8068 4) 武汉天地店 1616 Zhongshan Avenue Wuhan (Wuhan Tiandi) 汉口中山大道1616号 Tel: 027 8273 7716 5) 同成店 1F, Tongcheng Square No.538 Jianshe Avenue, Wuhan 建设大道538号同成广场一楼 Tel: 027 8556 4066 www.siyanli.net.cn 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Spa 水疗 • 山西 PALAISPA Beauty WorldTaiyuan World Trade Hotel 贝黎诗美容世界-太原国贸店 World Trade Hotel, 15/F, No.69 Fuxi Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi 山西省太原市府西街69号 国贸大饭店15层 T: 0351 8687 070, 0351 8687 072 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). Kempinski Spa at Kempinski Hotel Taiyuan 太原凯宾斯基饭店凯宾斯 基水疗 No. 115-1 Changfeng Street, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China 中国山西省太原市长风街 115-1号 T: 0351 866 0131
Spa 水疗 • 湖南 The Spa at Sheraton Changsha Hotel 长沙运达喜来登酒店水疗中心 Yunda International Plaza, 478 Furong Zhong Lu, Section 1, Changsha, Hunan 湖南省长沙市芙蓉中路一段 478号运达国际广场 T: 0731 8488 8848 www.starwoodhotels.com
Spa 水疗 • 陕西 Oasis Spa at Tang Dynasty West Market Hotel 西安大唐西市酒店逸静SPA 118 Laodong Nan Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi 陕西省西安市莲湖区劳动南路 118号大唐西市五坊 T: 029 8411 7777 ext 6901/6902 www.westmarkethotel.com 10% discount on all treatments for SpaChina members
Spa 水疗 • 四川 PALAISPA Beauty WorldBranch in Chengdu 贝黎诗美容世界-成都店 Level 5, Top City, No.1 Xiao Kejia Alley, Chengdu, Sichuan 成都市小科甲巷1号
第一商业广场5楼 T: 028 8672 6888, 028 8671 2222 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500). The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Chengdu 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店水 疗中心 269 Shuncheng Avenue, Qingyang, Chengdu, Sichuan 中国四川省成都市青羊区顺城 大街269号 T: 028 8358 8888
Spa 水疗 • 重庆 ISPACE 1) 重庆天地 Chongqingtiandi Store 4/F, Chongqing Xintiandi Business building, 128 Ruitian Road, Chongqing 重庆市瑞天路128号 重庆新天地商业主楼4楼 Tel: 023 6326 3900 2) 英利国际 Yingli International 4/F, 26 Minquan Road, Chongqing 重庆市民权路26号4楼商铺 Tel: 023 6362 9388 www.ispace-spa.com
12% on all treatments for SpaChina members.
Spa 水疗 • 浙江 Spa Village 润Spa The Dragon Hotel Tower 5 Level2, 120 Shuguang Road, Hangzhou 杭州市曙光路120号 黄龙饭店5号楼2楼 T: 400 838 5599 www.roonspavillage.com
O.Spa 氧滋旅 1) No.128 Zhijiang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou 杭州市西湖区之江路128号 杭州玫瑰园度假酒店O.Spa T: 0571 8766 7068 0571 8766 7188*8060 T: 400 820 4848 2) No.19 Lingyin Road, Jiulisong Chief Club, Hangzhou 杭州市灵隐路19号 九里松首席会馆O.Spa T: 0571 8521 6666 400 820 4848 www.ospajourney.com Buy any body or facial treatment and receive a free hand or head massage on your first visit
| 加盟商户 PALAISPA Beauty World-ZHEJIANG YIWU-Shimin Square 贝黎诗美容世界浙江义乌市民广场店 No.39 Ying En Men, Yiwu, Zhejiang 浙江省义乌市迎恩门39号 T: 0579 526 9269 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500).
Spa 水疗 • 河南 PALAISPA Beauty World- Branch in Zhengzhou 贝黎诗美容世界-郑州店 Tower C, Run Hua Business Park, No.24 Jinshui Road, Zhengzhou, He'nan 河南省郑州市金水路24号 润华商务花园C座 T: 0371-6393-2777 www.palaispa.com 45% discount on single treatment on your first visit; Become a PALAISPA member to enjoy 50% discount on membership fees for the first year (valued at RMB500).
Massage 按摩 • 上海 Green Massage 1) K11 Art Mall Branch 上海K11店 305, 3rd FL, K11 Art Mall,300 Huaihai Road Central 淮海中路300号 K11购物艺术中心3楼305室 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 00:30 am Tel: 021 6385 8800 2) Xintiandi Branch 新天地店 58 Taicang Road 太仓路58号 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 02:00 am Tel: 021 5386 0222 3) Shanghai Centre Branch 上海商城店 202 West Retail Plaza, Shanghai Centre,1376 West Nanjing Road 南京西路1376号上海商城西 峰202室 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 00:00 am Tel: 021 6289 7776 4) Lujiazui Branch 陆家嘴店 304, 3F, Shanghai World Financial Center, No.100, Century Ave 世纪大道100号上海环球金融中 心3楼304室 Business Hours: 10:30 am – 00:00 am Tel: 021 6877 8188 5) Xujiahui Branch 徐家汇店 88 Xingeng Road 辛耕路88号 Business Hour: 11:30 am – 01:00 am Tel: 021 6468 7076 6) Xintiandi Branch II 新天地II店 68 Taicang Road 太仓路68号
SpaChina • 2015 | 101
SpaChina PartnerS Business Hour:10:30 am – 02:00 am Tel: 021 6384 1356 www.greenmassage .com.cn
8% discount for for SpaChina Members
Beauty Salon & Hair 美容美发 • 上海 Amani Spa 上海阿玛尼护肤造型中心 1)徐汇区田林路15号 15 Tianlin Road, Xuhui District 2)长宁区定西路1100号 1100 Dingxi Road, Changning District 3)普陀区武宁路221号 221Wuning Road, Putuo District 4)普陀区中潭路67号 67 Zhongtan Road, Putuo District 5)静安区武定路1129号 1129 Wuding Road,JingAn District 6)闵行区虹梅路3204号 3204 Hongmei Road, Minhang District 7)浦东区昌里路267号 267 Changli Road, Pudong District 8)徐汇区天钥桥路123号2F 123 2F Tianyaoqiao Road,Xuhui District 9)闵行区七莘路3019号 3019 Qixin Road, Minhang District 10)杨浦区鞍山路20号 20 Anshan Road, Yangpu District 11)闵行区莘朱路27号 27 Xinzhu Road, Minhang District 12)长宁区古经店古北路497号 497 Gubei Road Gujindian,Changning District 13)普陀区真光路1479号 1479 Zhenguang Road,Putuo District 14)普陀区中潭路67号 67 Zhongtan Road,Putuo District 15)普陀区金沙江路588号 588 Jinshajiang Road,Putuo District 16)宝山区牡丹江路1593号 1593 Mudanjiang Road,Baoshan District 17)浦东区芳甸路300号 300Fangdian Road, Pudong District 18)闸北区延长中路300号 300 Yanchangzhong Road,Zhabei District 19)松江区九亭大街560-564号 560-564 Jiuting Street,Songjiang District 20)浦东区梅花路819号 819 Meihua Road,Pudong District 21)静安区吴江路15号 15 Wujiang Road, JingAn District 22)浦东区梅花路1099号一 层118室 1F Room 118,1099 Meihua Road, Pudong District www.sh-amani.com 20% discount on all single items for SpaChina members Delicious! Food for your Skin
102 | SpaChina • 2015
Delicious! caters direct to your home in Shanghai with fresh, hand-blended and seasonally inspired skin nutrition rituals rich in essential oils and up to 20 more all-natural ingredients. 提供贴心便捷的上门服务。纯 手工调配天然的精油及20多种 全天然原材料, 在不同季节给予肌肤一次营养 深呼吸。 Suite 101, Building 38, TianAn Huayuan, Lane 800 Jinxiu Road, Pudong 浦东新区锦绣路800弄天安花 园38号101室 上海预约专用appointments: 13818120392 fresh@delicious-skin.com delicious-skin.com 50% discount your first Delicious! skin nutrition session; 10% discount subsequent skin nutrition sessions. Strip / Browhaus 1) No.158 Xin Le Road (close to Xiang Yang Bei Road) 新乐路158号(近襄阳北路) T: 021 5403 0011 2) Basement Level, Ferguson Lane 376 Wukang Lu (Between Hunan Lu and Tai’an Lu) 武康路376号武康庭B1 (湖南路 与泰安路之间) T: 021 5466 6155 3) No. 84 Wulumuqi Road (close by An Fu Road) 乌鲁木齐中路84号 (近安福路) T: 021 6415 1613 4) No.418 room, Joy City (Shanghai) 上海大悦城4楼418商铺(8号线 曲阜路站) T: 021 3639 7366 www.strip-shanghai.cn www.browhaus.cn 20% discount for first time spachina members on: • Any alacarte waxing treatment at Strip • Any brow treatment at Browhaus • Discount does not apply to credit packages and IPL packages • Cannot be combined with other discounts and promotions • Must present SpaChina Membership Card and valid ID to enjoy discount.
Products & Equipment 产品/仪器 Aromatherapy Associates Asia Regional Office Suite 22L, 151 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 852 3711 3232 www.aromatherapyassociates. com
Biologique Recherche 原液之谜 Beijing Sanshu Trade and
| 加盟商户
Commerce Co., Ltd. 中国总代理:北京三树商贸股 份有限公司 410-3 ,huaxin building, Huizhongbeili, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京朝阳区慧忠北里华馨公寓 410-3底商 T: 010 6496 0318/19/20 E-mail: market@xuedan.cn Life Balance Limited 香港总代理:生命平衡有 限公司 Suites 908-909, Ocean Centre, Harbour City, 5 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龙尖沙咀广东道5号海港 城海洋中心908-909室 T: 852 2111 9998 E-mail: info@lifebalance.com.hk www.biologiquerecherche.com ESPA 20/A, 9 Queens Road Central, Central, Hong Kong 香港中环皇后大道中 9号20A T: 852 3189 7008 espaskincare.com
FCCH (Shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd 上海菲史贸易有限公司 1F-19, Building 28, No.140 TianLin Road, Shanghai 上海徐汇区田林路140号28号 楼1F-19 Tel: 400 878 0052
Guangzhou FBT Co., Ltd 广州新欧记元贸易有限公司 2112/21F Choice Plaza 448 South Guangzhou Avenue Haizhu District Guangzhou China 广东省广州市海珠区广州大道 南448号财智大厦2112室 Tel: 020 8420 0780 www.mbr-cosmetics.com.cn JIESSIE (BEIJING) INTERNATIONAL TRADINGS LTD 珈溪(北京)国际贸易有限公司 Suite 2106, Tower B, JianWai SOHO, No. 39 Dongsanhuan Zhonglu Chaoyang District Beijing ,100022 CHINA 北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号 建外SOHO东区B座2106 Tel: 400 875 6877 www.jiessie.com
The Swiss Beaubelle(葆贝尔) China’s general agent 瑞士Beaubelle(葆贝尔)中国 总代理 No.33 Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong KaiTu 7th Floor, 4 Unit 香港九龙旺角街33号
凯途发展大厦4单元7楼 Tel: 400 080 6769
Wisdom Trading Limited Company (Pevonia) 深圳惠成誉美贸易有限公司 (蓓丽雅) 12A 02-03, Jazz Building, Jiabin Road20, Luohu 深圳市罗湖区嘉宾路20号 爵士大厦12A02-03室 T: 0755 2515 9236 www.pevonia.com.cn
Phytoceane 大中国区总代理:龙仿有限公 司/龙仿贸易(深圳)有限公司 ChinaShow Limited / ChinaShow Trading (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Rm2101, Remington Centre, 23 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, KLN, Hong Kong 国内:深圳市福田区CBD民田 路178号华融大厦423室 T: +86 755 8383 4533 / 8383 2737 +852 2116 4521 / 2116 4522 www.phytoceane.com www.worldofbeauty.hk
Ji’nan 济南市北园大街282号 T: 0531 8860 3645 5) 15-20,195 Middle Huangpu Street, Guangzhou 广州市黄埔大道中195号15-20 T: 020 8567 7646 6) 1/F New Sun Building, Fourth Bagua Road, Shenzhen 深圳市八卦四路新阳大厦首层 T: 0755 8245 0491 7) No.1, Fourth District of Landscape Skyline, North Yuechuan Alley, Yingbin Road, Sanya 三亚市迎宾路月川北巷山水天 域4区1号 T: 0898 8866 2886 8) 18, Ximian Bridge Street, Chengdu 成都市洗面桥街18号 T: 028 6631 9350 9) 1/F, Tiangong Sun Island, Xingai Avenue, Chongqing 重庆市新溉大道天工太阳岛1层 T: 023 6768 8235 10) 317 Zhongshan Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan 武汉市武昌区中山路317号 T: 027 8670 4540 www.KOHLER.com.cn
Phytomer 中国总代理:北京法中互利国 际商贸有限公司 Fazhonghuli International Trade Co. The Great Mall, 6 Xiaozhuang, Chaoyangmenwai, Chaoyang 北京市朝阳区朝阳门外小庄6号 中国第一商城B座2701室 Tel: 010 5779 9127 www.phytomer.com
Thalissi 大中国区总代理:龙仿有限公 司/龙仿贸易(深圳)有限公司 ChinaShow Limited / ChinaShow Trading (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. Rm2101, Remington Centre, 23 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, KLN, Hong Kong 国内:深圳市福田区CBD民田 路178号华融大厦423室 T: +86 755 8383 4533 / 8383 2737 +852 2116 4521 / 2116 4522 www.thalissi.hk www.worldofbeauty.hk
Profex Inc. 百互润贸易(上海)有限公司 22/F,Orient Cable, 699 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai 上海市静安区南京西路699号 东方有线大厦22楼 Tel: 021 6288 0088*621/605
Technogym (Shanghai) 泰诺健(上海) 4/F Building 1, 881 Wuding Road 武定路881号1号楼4楼 T: 021 5888 6355 www.technogym.com
Kohler Showroom 科勒展厅 1) 456 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 上海市南京西路456号 T: 021 5375 5058 2) Ground Floor Store of Huateng New Horizon, 195 East 4th Ring Road Middle Section, Beijing 北京市东四环中路195号华腾 新天地底层 T: 010 8795 1684 3) Ouyada Home Furniture, 18 South Road, Tianjin 天津市南马路18号 欧亚达家居 T: 022 5828 1355 4) 282 Northern Park Street,
Venus Concept Shanghai offoce Venus Concept (Shanghai) Co., Ltd 维锶(上海)生物科技有限公司 Room 901, No. 6088 Humin Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 上海市闵行区沪闵路6088号 901室 T: 021 6406 6126 Hong Kong Office Venus Concept(HK) Limited 维斯概念(香港)有限公司 Units 2608-9, 26/F, Prosperity Place, 6 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 九龙观塘成业街6号 泓富厂场26楼2608-9室 T: 852 3152 2330
World Health Store 康美然健康馆 1) CBD Store CBD零售店 R 2152, North Tower, SOHO Shangdu,No.8 Dongdaqiao Rd, Beijing 北京朝阳区东大桥路尚都国际 北塔2152室 T: 010 5900 2209 2) Shunyi Store顺义零售店 R 09A, LB1, Euro Plaza, No.99 Yuxianglu, Tianzhuzhen, Shunyi District, Beijing 北京市顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99 号欧陆广场地下一层09A T: 010 8046 2524 www.worldhealthstore.com.cn SpaChina members will receive free World Health Store VIP cards valued at RMB125 which gives them monthly special promos and 10-20% discount on WHS products Kung Sheung International Group 工商国际集团 1) Suit 3201,No.3 Building, Jianwai SOHO, 39 East 3rdRing Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区东三环中路39号 建外SOHO 3号楼32层3201室 T: 010 5869 6938 2) Unit 603, Hong Qiao Rong Guang Building, 11 Chang Shun Road, Shanghai 上海市长顺路11号 虹桥荣广大厦603室 T: 021 6375 6609 3) 3812 Business Centre, Guangdong Riverside New City, 298 Yanjiang Road, Guangzhou 广州市沿江中路298号江湾新 城商务中心3812室 T: 020 8331 3288 www.kung-sheung.com XIANG SHE 香舍 Shop 1-1, No. 596 Huang Jin Cheng Rd., Gubei, Changning 古北黄金城道步行街596号1-1区 T: 021 3209 0117 www.ecoya.com.au 15% discount on all XIANG SHE items, excluding promotions; gift sets prepared. Promotional activities available.
Yoga 瑜伽 • 上海 Raja Yoga 珞迦瑜伽会馆 1) No.88 Xingeng Road 辛耕路88号(永新花苑裙楼) T: 021 6427 4318/28/98 2) No.15, Lane 688, South Xizang Road 西藏南路688弄15号 (老西门新苑内) T: 021 6345 7541/42/43 3) Inside Vanke City Garden, No.209, Lane 8888, Zhongchun Road 中春路8888弄209号 (万科城市花园内) T: 021 6461 9323
spa poems
996年,晏子书斋的创始者晏格 文建立了网站www.talesfoldchina.
| 文艺诗歌
0世纪70年代的香港是世界扩 展最快的城市,由三个阶层构
场惊险刺激的混乱。他生动地再 现了那时罪恶、娼妓、毒品、黑
n 1996, Graham Earnshaw, founder of Earnshaw books, began developing the website talesofoldchina.com as an ever-expanding information portal about Chinese culture and history. As interest in the site grew, it became clear that these largely forgotten stories of China’s fascinating past deserved a chance to connect with larger contemporary audiences. To address this need, Earnshaw Books was founded in 2007 as part of the SinoMedia Group based out of Hong Kong. First specializing in reprints of old China classics, its focus has expanded to include original works on Chinese history and culture, with occasional forays further afield. Email orders@earnshawbooks.com to get a copy, or visit www.earnshawbooks.com to buy online.
Hong Kong Policeman Hong Kong in 1970 was the fastest expanding city in the world, a city that lived on three levels - the expatriates, British who lived in almost complete isolation; Chinese residents struggling to get by; and the criminal underside which fought among itself and affected the life of everyone else in the Crown Colony. The ones who fight to hold this in check were the Hong Kong police force. Into this heady and dangerous mix steps a young Merseyside policeman, Chris Emmett. His account brings vividly to life the crime, prostitution, drugs, triad street gangs and corruption of Hong Kong of those days.
晏格文/Graham Earnshaw
Graham Earnshaw is a businessman and writer with many years of
experience in the China media world. He is Publisher of SpaChina
验,现任《中经评论》经济杂志和Earnshaw Books出
Magazine, China Economic Review, CEO of SinoMedia Ltd and
Publisher of Earnshaw Books. He has been a director and executive of
a number of companies in the China media space. He was previously a
journalist and was Reuters editor for Asia for five years 1990-1995. He
has written a number of books, including Tales of Old Shanghai (2008)
and an account of his continuing walk across China, The Great Walk
of China. He speaks regularly at meetings and conferences on a wide
range of topics relating to China’s economy, society and history.
Collecting Dew what happened to the Immortal’s Palm
he drinking of dew, the purer the better, was considered efficacious in prolonging life. To
a thousand years of useless shame
this end, in the second century B.C., Emperor Wu
the ancient garden is filled with mums
constructed a tower of cedar beams and bronze
drenched with dew on Double Ninth
pillars more than 200 feet high. And on top of this tower, he placed a bronze basin to collect the
dew of the gods. The basin became known as the
Immortal’s Palm and was most likely buried with
Emperor Wu at Maoling, some 25 miles west of
Sian. This wasn’t the only extravagance indulged in
by Emperor Wu during his search for immortality,
and Sung voices the Confucian disdain for the waste
of public funds on such personal fantasies. The
Chinese words for “chrysanthemum,” “old,” and
“nine” were all once homophones and in some dia-
lects still are. On the ninth day of the ninth month
(nine being the ultimate yang, or male, number, and
combination of two nines being especially auspi-
cious), Chinese men still celebrate their longevity
with spirits infused with chrysanthemums. SpaChina • 2015 | 103
spa horoscope
| 幸运之星
十二星座开运减压水疗 SpaChina Horoscopes 本月主打星 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 水瓶座 (1月20日—2月18日) Aquarius (January 20-February 18) Facing up to all challenges bravely is a great way to improve yourself.
白羊座(3月21日—4月19日) Aries (March 21-April 19) Actively participate in social activities.
It is good to accept the opinions of others.
越是引人注目越是会带来好运,是发展兴趣的好 机会。形体芭蕾、拉丁舞、瑜伽都是不错的选 择。在社交活动中也要活跃起来,可能会认识到 志同道合的朋友,也可能是工作上的贵人。
财运最佳的时期,所有的投资都会有比较不错 的收益。能够按部就班地把之前的计划都付诸 于行动,采纳一些别人的意见会对你有所帮 助。对于充满活力的你,参加一些集体的室外 活动是一个不错的选择哦。
金牛座(4月20日—5月20日) Taurus (April 20–May 20)
意想不到的收获。有默契在彼此心中滋 长,你容易感觉到前所未有的幸福。单 身的你只要行动起来就会有很好的结 果。需要在生活中缓解工作的压力,中 式推拿和按摩指压可以令你身心愉悦。
双鱼座 (2月19日—3月20日) Pisces (February 19-March 20) Open your mind to embrace Nature. 热爱生活、热爱大自然的你,可以把向往
好奇心非常旺盛,渴望尝试新鲜的事物。周围 的每个人都能感受到你身上散发的活力。在工作 中可能会遇到瓶颈,改变一下自己的态度,从别 人的角度考虑问题,所有的困难都将迎刃而解。
双子座(5月21日—6月21日) Gemini (May 21–June 21) The importance of thinking independently – think about it independently. 情感上太过于依赖他人,需要学会独立思考, 不要总被别人的观点动摇自己最初的想法。增 进同事之间关系,在原则性问题上需要坚持。 别把工作中的烦恼带到生活中,可以尝试泰拳 或散打来释放工作上的压力。
巨蟹座(6月22日—7月22日) Cancer (June 22-July 22)
谛。工作中遇到的困扰即将拨云见光。悦 己才能悦人,全身的精油理疗可以让你焕 发光彩。
本月受水星逆行,不要轻易地做出任何承诺。 从容一点面对周围发生的事情,你的情绪会受 影响,会按耐不住性子匆匆行事。不要拒绝朋友 的邀请,多参加集体活动,扩大自己的生活圈。
狮子座(7月23日—8月22日) Leo (July 23–August 22) 事业上有利于洽谈、签约、合作。思路清晰, 判断准确,切忌犹豫不决。周围会出现很多需 要你帮助的人。但建议有时候把别人的事情先 放下,在这个寒冷的冬季为自己做个暖身理疗 舒缓身心。
些人都是陷入中国大跃 进运动中的年轻工人。在
中国,当你想到大跃进,整风和 解放这些时会不自觉地加上运动 二字,就像在英语中所有事件名 称的首字母都要大写一样。他们
天蝎座(10月24日—11月21日) Scorpio (October 24–November 21) Pay attention to your health, design your own wellness program. 要注意身体健康,身体不好事情就容易不顺,建 议这天开始做点饮食或身体的调整计划。把身体 内积压已久的毒素排出,排毒理疗是一个不错的 选择。感情有机会认识新朋友,但欲速则不达。
To solve a problem bothering you for a long time, you need to strengthen your conviction. 需要坚定自己的信念,时常会感觉到孤独无助。 建议可以选择阅读沉淀一下自己浮躁的情绪。神 经过分紧张会让周围的人倍感压力。挑个周末和 朋友们一起去泡个温泉,放松一下身心。
Please be patient, don’t fret over trifles. 摩羯请保持好你的耐心,不要被一些琐碎的事情 所牵绊住。工作中的压力会是你更好的前进动 力。旅行可以增进最近运势,周末可以安排一些 家庭出行,既能增进感情又能化解矛盾。
| Willow Pattern Walkabout
事业运势很好,将会迎来一片大丰收的景象, 受到很多人的关注。近期的你容易和别的人产 生分歧,你需要转变立场,学会让步和妥协。 健康上建议做做足疗和颈椎按摩舒筋活血。
摩羯座(12月22日—1月19日) Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Relax and enjoy a warm spa.
By Kirwan Ward & Paul Rigby
Learning to compromise will be helpful in terms of getting along with others.
射手座(11月22日—12月21日) Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)
Don’t make any promise lightly.
已久的旅行计划提上日程。轻松愉悦的旅 行,可以让你在闲暇之余找到生活的真
天秤座(9月23日—10月23日) Libra (September 23–October 23)
Change your attitude, change your life.
新的一年,对于热爱自由的你又是一个 新挑战。全身心地投入到工作中,会有
处女座(8月23日—9月22日) Virgo (August 23–September 22)
Parade during the Forward Leap
hese are young workers, caught in the glory of China’s Forward Leap (in the new China you automatically learn to think in capitals when
you’re considering matters like the Forward Leap, Rectification, and Liberation) and they are celebrating some new achievement in their work.
We look at their faces, hoping to catch some hint of their great inner
exultation, the magic of Mao that makes this whole amazing country
tick. But every face is blank, expressionless, and we begin to realize what
a hopeless task we have taken on in trying to make sense of China in a
few short weeks, with our minds incurably hitched to Western ideas. The
procession wanders off over the bridge, the banners bob beneath the arch
of the gate and the drumming merges with the noises of the river. www.
104 | SpaChina • 2015
spa People
spa 人士
庞秀聪 Connie Pong
殷俊 Ben Yin
Senior Manager of Crown Spa, Crown Tower,
Sheraton Xian Hotel Spa and Fitness
City of Dreams, Macau
Center Manger
Connie Pong has been in the spa industry for almost ten years with her
With great enthusiasm towards work and rich experience, Ben Yin
consistent passion, and has accumulated a wealth of experience in spa
started his career in hospitality industry in 2007. He joined the
management. She has worked in Summa Spa Institute International as
Westin Xian from 2011 to 2012 as Assistant Spa & Fitness Center
director of education. She was responsible for setting up Institute rules, course
Manager. Ben was the Spa & Fitness Center Manager in Crowne
design and also took charge of course promotions & advertisements. She has
Plaza Ordos, and served for Starwood again from 2013 in Sheraton
also worked for Mandarin Oriental Beijing and Peninsula Shanghai as Spa
Xian as Spa & Fitness Center Manager. With great passion, Ben is
Treatment Manager. Connie has rich experience and unique opinions on the
tactful and sophisticated in inspiring his team members and guiding
operations and management of the spa. Connie currently is the new senior
them to reach their potential. He provides exciting and delicate spa
manager of Crown Spa, at Crown Towers, City of Dreams, Macau.
treatments for guests with a focus on innovation.
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SpaChina • 2015 | 105
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