wellness WISDOM
2014 March
23 炫逸养生
4 奇幻吴哥 高棉水疗
23 上海外高桥喜来登酒店婚礼秀
10 中医减压
24 “花开芳春”蔓达梦 25 金枝玉叶 悦椿春意
26 I SPA推优惠套餐
12 国粹养生
27 春暖樱花季 活力美肌时
12 南中国海滨奢华宫 水疗
28 聚自然之灵性 集SPA之精粹
13 春意盎然
29 舒缓身心氧滋旅
13 浪漫之旅 盛情邀约
30 苏州阳澄湖澜廷度假酒店让你春意荡漾
14 西安喜来登大酒店Shine Spa 炫亮你自己
31 沪上顶尖养生品牌首次特惠
14 春意盎然
32 心怡索菲特
15 暖身之旅
33 于都市中徜徉自然
15 “道”水疗春季美丽定制
34 西·藏艺SPA——藏医学的深厚底蕴
16 绿洲桃园
35 净享佳莉雅
16 放松、恢复、体现 17
完美新娘 爱上自己
17 王府水疗养生 18 完善美丽 18 来自瑞士的水疗呵护 19 三月女人月 19 沉醉于香薰之魅 20 悦享禧水疗 20 惠享迪卡拉 21 居善地 心善渊 21
川 水疗4合1舒缓恢复护理套餐
22 天梦之旅 22 在龙城丽宫享受“东方桃园养生SPA” 2
2014 March
Wellness Knowledge 7
The Magic of Angkor Wat
Dealing With Your Stress
Wellness Journey 12
Healthcare by Martial Arts
Pamper YourSelf on The Beach of South China Sea
Spring Vitality
Spring Promotion
Warm Your Body at “Song”
Spring Revive at the Balneum Spa
Sanctuary within a Sanctuary
Calm, Rejuvenation and Relaxation
Romantic Get-away in The Spa
Pamper Yourself at the Palace Oasis
Perfect Your Beauty
Indulge in the Charm of Aromatherapy
Regain Youth at Hei Spa
Special Offer at Dikara Spa
Chuan Spa 4 in 1 Rejuvenation Package
22 Escape to Heaven 22 Enjoy “Oriental Spa” in Loong Palace 25
Angsana Spa Launches Exclusive Golden Bloom Spa Package for Spring
26 I SPA Promotion Package 27
Time for Revival
29 Moisturize Your Body and Mind with O. Spa Journey 32
A Relaxing Paradise
An Urban Oasis Escape
A Pure Spa Experience
SPA Partners 3
专家论坛 | Wellness Knowledge
奇幻吴哥 高棉水疗 如果来到位于中南半岛的魅力柬埔寨,却与吴哥窟和高棉水疗擦肩而过,那绝对算不上一次完美的旅行
片《战火屠城》(The Killing Fields)就是以此为
以悠闲的从飞机上高空俯瞰吴哥窟的基本构 造。但,如果真想亲身感受它的神奇,最好 还是踏上那片土地,近距离膜拜神像。
毁坏了寺庙,令修复工作都付之东流,现状 进退两难。
管理下变得混乱骚动。公元802年,正当 耶
也从混乱中分离了出来并且建立了自己的政 权。
入了东南亚并且最终取代了印度教和大乘佛 教,成为了最受百姓敬仰的宗教。
享受水疗 轻松旅游
Park Hyatt Siem Reap
Hotel de la Paix in Siem Reap现在隶属凯悦酒
Raffles Amrita Spa
2013年年初改名为Park Hyatt Siem Reap且重新
搬迁至暹粒省的Preah Song Reach Tep Vong大
疗中心Raffles Amrita Spa,是亚洲最受敬重的
东南亚健康放松的按摩一直名声在外, 柬埔寨在这方面更有其独到之处。首都金边
Bodia Spa
Bodia Spas绝对是不同寻常的,并在暹粒省、
专家论坛 | Wellness Knowledge
私密且铺满鲜花,并配备极可意浴缸和蒸汽 的房间里为客人提供至尊服务。这一定是个 终身难忘的水疗经历。
Sawadee Massage and Spa 金边的Sawadee按摩和水疗在价格方面可 能会更容易让你接受。它附加于宾馆之中, 并提供一整套按摩和水疗服务。这里的价格 表很有趣。一次一小时无油传统泰式按摩只 收8美元。即使你做两小时的精油泰式按摩, 也只收18美元。 除了上述选择以外,我们在后文专页还 会详细介绍3个别有风格的度假村与水疗。它 们分别是原为皇室居所的Amansara及其风格高 贵的Aman水疗;由老式邮局改造的时尚精品 酒店Shinta Mani暹粒和它小而精屡获殊荣的水 疗中心,还有位于情人岛的SongSaa 私人度假 村与ayuvada概念的传统理疗。
Kampong Som 柬埔寨最新的旅游热点是西哈努克城。它以 刚刚去世、享年89岁的前国王西哈努克的名 字命名。只有极少部分的外国人才有机会参 观这里,所以,想一睹它的“容颜”并不那 么容易。西哈努克城自称是柬埔寨最大的海 滨城市,但它确实是柬埔寨最大的港口。 西哈努克城位于柬埔寨的海岸线上,坐 落在泰国湾上,介于泰国和越南之间。本地 人称Kampong Som,在外国游客和当地人心目 中都很受追捧。热带沙滩和各岛屿在小镇的 三面玲珑交错。由于缺少合理的规划布局, 城市略显杂乱。有些地方游人如织,有些地 方荒凉冷落。去西哈努克城需坐上一阵飞机 再加上四个小时的车程。除了交通不便外, 这里还经常停电。所以在你的旅游计划中要 慎重选择。 相比金边,这里能说英文的还是比较少 的。另一方面,物价很低。按摩服务随处可 见,即使躺在沙滩上,你也可以享受一次物 美价廉的按摩。 绞尽脑汁要在亚洲找一个能提供最好按 摩服务的国家是毫无意义的,因为这里几乎 每个国家的按摩都很出色。而柬埔寨的被选 择频率应该是很高的。列出所有的按摩会所 和水疗馆会占据大量篇幅,所以,最好的方 法,还是自己亲身去体验这个异域情调的水 疗和按摩吧!
The Magic of Angkor Wat No trip to the magic land of Cambodia in Indochina would be complete without a visit to Angkor Wat, and to a special Khmer spa
a trip to see the most amazing man-
largest empire during the 12th century. The
this terrible period in its history. Cambodia has
made miracle of Angkor Wat. You can,
empire’s center of power was Angkor, where
had one of the best economic records in Asia,
of course, see this miracle of construction from
a series of capitals were constructed during
with economic growth averaging 6% for the
the comfort of a seat in a light plane. But to
the empire’s zenith. Around the 13th century,
last decade. Strong textiles, agriculture, con-
really enjoy Angkor Wat you need to explore it
monks from Sri Lanka introduced Theravada
struction, garments, and tourism have led to
on foot and climb some of the amazing statues.
Buddhism to Southeast Asia which eventually
foreign investment and booming international
displaced Hinduism and Mahayana Buddhism
trade. Oil and natural gas deposits have been
as the popular religion of Angkor.
discovered which could further positively affect
holiday in Cambodia always includes
Cambodia in Histroy The country, officially the Kingdom of Cambo-
The Khmer Empire was Southeast Asia’s
Satellite photographs suggest Angkor was
chy in 1993 and is now recovering rapidly from
the growth of the country.
dia, was known for a fortunately short period
the largest pre-industrial city in the world with
as Kampuchea and, long before that, Kambu.
an urban sprawl of 1,150 square miles and
second-greatest source of hard currency after
It is bordered by Thailand to the northwest,
possibly a population of about one million.
the textile industry and tourism keeps growing.
Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east,
Angkor Wat, the most well-known and best-
One official was quoted as saying that Cam-
and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. The
preserved religious temple at the site, suggests
bodia had three million foreign tourist arrivals
official religion is Theravada Buddhism, which
to the visitor how populated and striking the
in 2010. Angkor Wat, the beaches of Siha-
is practiced by approximately 95% of the Cam-
area was in its prime.
noukville and the capital city Phnom Penh are
bodian population. For more than 2,000 years, Cambodia
Cambodia became a protectorate of France in 1863 and this continued for ninety years.
The tourism industry is the country’s
the main attractions for foreign tourists. You will probably arrive through Siem Reap-
absorbed strong influences from India. Chroni-
Under the reign of King Norodom Sihanouk,
Angkor International Airport which is the largest
cles suggest that from around 690 AD, amid
Cambodia gained independence from France
in the country and serves the most international
turmoil, the land was loosely ruled by weak
on November 9, 1953. In the 1960, the Vietnam
flights in and out of Cambodia. Second largest
princes under the dominion of Java. The
War extended into Cambodia which gave rise to
is Phnom Penh International Airport.
Khmer Empire grew out of these remnants and
the Khmer Rouge, which took Phnom Penh in
became established in 802 AD when Jayavar-
1975 and from it came the Killing Fields.
man II declared independence from Java.
The nation was reunited under the monar-
To Worship Angkor Wat The attraction you simply must see is the
专家论坛 | Wellness Knowledge temples of Angkor Wat. There are no words to
who are allowed to visit. If you are going there
describe this collection of temples that go as
– and you should – go soon before the restric-
far as the eye can see – and then further. It is
tions are put into place.
an image that will remain with you for the rest of your life. It is important to get clear in your head
Enjoy Spa in Cambodia Some may find the steps on the temples,
that Angkor Wat is not directly connected with
which cover the area, too steep. As an outing
Buddhism. It is, in fact, the largest Hindu tem-
it can be sweaty and tiring. And it is well worth
ple complex in the world which is why some
the effort to see one of the wonders of the
of the restoration work – there have been criti-
world. After a long day of climbing around tem-
cisms of this – has been under the auspices
ple ruins – average temperature 27°C – 35°C
of the Indian government. The main temple is
– a relaxing massage and a session at the spa
now dedicated to Buddhism but, in its original
are almost an essential.
growth, it was Hindu and was also the capital
Spas and massage parlours in the area
of the Khmer Empire. Angkor Wat is dedicated
are abundant. Every hotel in Cambodia seems
to Vishnu. So that although it is in a Buddhist
to have one. There are many independent
country and appears on the countries flag,
establishments-all serving slightly different
Angkor Wat, was built as a Hindu monument.
assortments of steam and massage.
The name Angkor Wat means “Temple
A few words of warning at this point.
Raffles Amrita Spa
City” or “City of Temples” in Khmer, the lan-
You might be approached by a tout offer-
Possibly the oldest – dating back to the 1930s
guage spoken in Cambodia. Angkor simply
ing massages at spas at low prices. Avoid
– and certainly the most respected is the Raf-
means city and wat is the Khmer word for
them for you will, beyond doubt, be ripped
fles Amrita Spa which is in the Raffles Grand
“temple grounds”. Whatever the origin of the
off. Stay with those we list in this article or
Hotel d’Angkor in Seam Reap.
name, the complex Angor Wat is stunning.
those attached to a well-known hotel and all
The Raffles hotel is only 8 km away from
Viewing it is an experience that lasts through-
will be fine. Note this is not a cheap option.
the ruins of Angkor Wat which you can explore
out your life.
Although prices are relatively low in Cam-
from the hotel on elephant back as well as by
bodia, the price of a massage with all the
more modern methods. Please note that in
was restoration work done by the Archaeo-
trimmings can be quite high. Secondly, some
common with other major hotel spas in the
logical Survey of India on the temple between
of the spas are for men only. This is normally
country a spa costs around US$100 when
1986 and 1992 and this work has not met with
made very plain on the signage outside but
eveythig is taken into consideration.
universal approval. Since the 1990s, Angkor
one needs to be aware.
In a sense, Angkor Wat cannot last. There
Spa facilities and services include 5 private
Wat has seen continued conservation efforts
Massage for health and relaxation is a
but this has been connected with a massive
time-honored tradition throughout Southeast
nasium, saunas, steam rooms, Jacuzzi, and
increase in tourism which, in a sense, nullifies
Asia and Cambodia also has its own distinctive
separate men’s and women’s changing areas
the preservation work. It is a dilemma.
traditions in massage therapy. Phnom Penh
with lockers, shower facilities. For example the
The temple is part of the Angkor Work
has several massage parlors catering to visi-
unique Four-Hand Massage which lasts for
Heritage Site established in 1992, which has
tors, many concentrated in tourist areas such
75 minutes is US$110. But as someone once
provided some funding and has encouraged
as Sisowath Quay Blvd along the riverfront and
wrote, the quality is remembered long after the
the Cambodian government to protect the site
the Boeung Keng Kang 1 area. Reflexology,
price is forgotten.
although how it is to do this is not clear.
Khmer, Thai, and Japanese massage styles,
massage rooms, retail spa products, gym-
medicinal and herbal massage are all available.
Park Hyatt Siem Reap
is working to protect the devatas and other
In recent years, boutique spas have become
What was Hôtel de la Paix in Siem Reap is
bas-reliefs which decorate the temple from
quite popular, aimed primarily at ladies and
now under the management of Hyatt Hotels
damage. The organisation’s survey found that
couples and offering massage, spa and salon
and Resorts and is currently undergoing a
around 20% of the devatas were in very poor
services in a refined, tranquil, indulgent atmos-
complete renovation. On completion, the hotel
condition, mainly because of natural erosion
phere. Most spas offer a full range of services
will re-open in early 2013 as Park Hyatt Siem
and deterioration of the stone but in part also
including sauna, steam, Jacuzzi, massage,
due to earlier restoration efforts. Other work
aromatherapy, beauty treatments, wraps,
involves the repair of collapsed sections of the
scrubs, packages and a generally pampered
Paix of the former Hôtel de la Paix, have been
structure, and prevention of further collapse:
experience in a gracious environment. Several
relocated and are currently reopened at Preah
the west facade of the upper level, for exam-
spas are located in the Boeung Keng Kang
Song Reach Tep Vong Street (near ANZ Royal
ple, has been buttressed by scaffolding since
1 area and many of the major hotels have
Bank), Siem Reap, Cambodia. AHA also oper-
in-house luxury spas. Some spas also offer
ates in The Passage, Old Market, Siem Reap.
hair salons, manicure, pedicure, make-up and
The address has changed but the quality of the
other salon services.
spa has remained the same.
The German Apsara Conservation Project
What the end result will be no one knows. Possibly a restriction on the number of tourists
In the interim, Café de la Paix and Spa de la
change their form at will and to bestow luck on those they favoured. • Shinta Mani Siem Reap is an experience, not just a place to stay. The hotel features the essence of a bygone age where contemporary Asian and colonial influences blend seamlessly. It is located in the heart of Siem Reap's old French quarter, close to the river and a short stroll to the hub of Siem Reap. • SongSaa Private Island in the Koh Rong archipelago, opened in November 2011, is the country’s first private island resort. Its luxury villas are incredibly well designed, some on the beach, some in the rainforest and others on stilts above the sea. The Spa features the ayuvada concept with guidance from an Indian yoga master.
Kampong Som The new contender for tourists is Sihanoukville. Named after King Sihanouk, who recently died, age 89. It is the slight outsider in the Cambodian visiting range as it is not that easy to get to. But it claims to be the largest seaside town in Cambodia. It certainly has the biggest port. Sinhaoukville is on the coast of Cambodia, halfway between Thailand and Vietnam, on the Bay of Thailand. It is locally know as Kampong Som. This is a spread-out tourist town for both foreigners and local people. Three sides of the town are bordered by tropical beaches and islands. It is a bit ramshackle in that it grew with no planning, no careful scenic layout. This is made up for by the beaches. Some are packed full of visitors and some, a little further out, are pretty much deserted. Getting there means flying plus a four-hour taxi ride. And, at the moment, there are serious problems with
Bodia Spa
which is attached to a guest house complex
electricity, so check carefully before including it
Bodia Spas are unusual in that they are in each
and offers a complete range of massages and
in your travel plans.
of the three main centres, Siem Reap, Phnom
spas. The price list is interesting. A traditional
Penh and Angkor Wat. They are at the top end
Thai massage – that is, without oil – lasts an
than in Phnom Penh. On the other hand prices
of the market and are not inexpensive. At the
hour and costs $8, which is a bargain. Even if
are low. Massage is offered pretty much eve-
top of their range there is offered a package
you take a Thai massage for two hours with oil
rywhere – even on the beach. And prices are
called “in the mood for love”, which is for two
it is still only $18.
comparatively low.
English is spoken, but to a far lesser extent
Trying to decide which country offers the
people and lasts up to 220 minutes. It costs
SpaChina also features more information
$250. This is in thee private Bodia Harmony
on three excellent spa resorts in the pages fol-
best massage in Asia is a pretty pointless
room with a thousand petals of flower, jacuzzi
lowing this article. They are:
task as they are all so excellent. But certainly
and steam, and offers total and luxurious pam-
• Amansara and Aman spa, which was a
Cambodia would be very high on anyone's
pering. No doubt it would be an experience
guest villa for King Norodom Sihanouk, The
list. Listing all the massage parlors and spas
you would never easily forget.
name amansara is derived from the twinning
would take up many pages of this magazine.
of the word ‘aman’ – Sanskrit for peace – and
The best way to find out more is to go to
Sawadee Massage and Spa
‘Apsara’ – the heavenly nymphs of ancient
Cambodia yourself. It is a destination which is
Possibly more in your price range is the
Hindu texts who emerged from the primordial
exotic, exciting – and full of spas and massage
Sawadee Massage and Spa in Phnom Penh,
churning of the oceans with the power to
专家论坛 | Wellness Knowledge
中医减压 压
力,人们常挂在嘴边,却又难 以描绘、触及或详述,它仅存 在于我们对周围世界的感知
和反应中。我们有这样那样的反应都是正常 的,只是有的时候,现代社会带来的压力超 出了我们日常所能够承受的范围。 压力一词来源于物理学,是“紧张性刺 激”的简写。紧张性刺激,是指“能够对身 心造成损耗的任何因素”。 其实压力本身不是问题,关键是外部要 求我们的身体机能做出怎样的反应,以及我 们自己是否具备应对潜在威胁的能力。当压 力出现时,良好的人体能马上自动调节成应 付危急的状态,当危机过去后,身体又会恢 复原状。 但若对压力的反应过于频繁,就会出现 心跳加速,免疫系统异常和大脑活动加剧的 症状,这是身体在为维持其正常运转而做出 的自我调整。像人体的消化和生殖机能,本 身就不是身体的主要机能,在此情况下便会
Dealing With Your Stress
tress. It’s a word people like to use, yet it is difficult to describe, touch,
more often than we should. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pro-
branches of TCM. Mostly acupuncture is known for treating physical pain, but acu-
vides a solid framework to prevent, manage,
puncture’s ability to effectively treat emotional
of our reactions to the world around us. It is
and recover from stress. The five branches of
conditions such as stress-related syndromes
normal for us to have such reactions, but it’s
TCM include exercise, nutrition, acupuncture,
is unparalleled. Those little tiny needles mys-
certainly true the modern world does sling a
herbology, and massage. These interdepend-
teriously vibrate in your body, unwinding your
lot at us.
ent branches are an instant guide for how TCM
nervous system, so that your mind, body, and
can help you with your own health and stress.
spirit can restore balance. More than ever, I
The first branch of TCM is exercise and it
am impressed with acupuncture’s ability to
and taste. Stress only exists because
Stress is a word that comes from the science of physics. Simply, a shorter term for the word “stressor”. A stressor is defined as “any-
is the first branch for the obvious reason of
help people overcome and manage stress.
thing that causes wear and tear on the body’s
its importance. Of course, there were no air
Being pinned down (no joke here) helps peo-
physical or mental resources”.
conditioned health clubs or hot yoga classes
ple get on an expressway to personal medita-
in ancient China, but exercise was viewed as
tion, the release of stressful static energy, and
pathetic overdrive is the nervous system’s
critical to keeping personal balance. Exercise
the restoration of overall health.
response that our bodies continually engage
serve a number of functions in the TCM view.
when we are confronted with stress.
From reflective meditation to pulse-pounding
Medicine is herbology, the use of plants and
Stress is not the problem, but the
Running from a bear in the woods, sym-
The fourth branch of Traditional Chinese
cardiovascular workouts, all exercise is valid.
natural substances for healing. The range of
demands of the outside world and the body’s
Knowing when to sit still and when to move
herbal formulas for stress-related syndromes
capacity to manage potential threats. Your
is the key to managing stress. Sometimes it
is vast, but should only be taken according
body’s stress response is designed to meet
is better to simply be still and organize the
to a professional diagnosis. Tea and coffee
short-term physical emergencies and restore
stress in your head in order to let go of it.
should be mentioned here as they were once
Likewise, vigorous exercise is a great way
considered herbal medicines and have often
of shaking stuck stressful energy out of your
been overused as their caffeine content is
the body amps up its capacity for survival
body to restore balance. The ongoing proc-
thought to boost energy and combat stress.
with increased heart rate, immune system
ess of breathing is integral for any good rest,
Unfortunately, overusing caffeine as a way to
response and brain activity. The non-essential
mediation and exercise, which means it is
get more energy drains your batteries over
functions of the body take a back seat – like
integral to overall health. Breathing techniques
the long term. Think twice about your caffeine
digestion and reproduction. In essence, the
are right there for you to use anytime you are
intake. Don’t burn your river dry. Charge your
stress-response starts a rapid mobilization of
stressed, not just in the gym or on the medi-
batteries with good exercise, food, and rest.
energy from storage sites and the inhibition of
tation mat.
When the stress response kicks into gear,
further storage.
Nutrition is the second most important
The last branch of TCM is massage, often called structural medicine. Regular massage
branch of TCM and should not be overlooked
has great potential to reduce stress in our
stress, it is important to remember that it is
when thinking about stress. Often we either
lives. Like acupuncture, through massage we
a protective measure for the body. It’s great
overeat to dampen stress or forget to eat
can achieve deep relaxation for both the body
to be able to have the power to run from a
because we are so stressed. Choosing the
and mind to help reset the whole being. Step
bear in the woods. Without some stress,
right types and amounts of food is critical.
out of your stress and have regular massag-
there would be no ability to cope, protect,
The usual story of choosing whole foods,
es. A massage can uncoil your sympathetic
and survive in life. Terror levels, bleeping cell
fresh foods, and plenty of vegetables can
nervous system (fight or flight) and let your
phones, e-mail, and grinding traffic as daily
keep us healthy. The other usual story of
parasympathetic nervous system (rest and
stimuli over-burden the protective mechanism
choosing too much processed food, fast
digest) function optimally.
of the stress-response and set off a cascade
food, and consuming too many animal prod-
of health problems over the long term.
ucts can make you sick. If your diet is more
research is the same. The longer the stress
With all the negative connotations of
The overall message from all the stress
healthy, your stress can be more easily kept in
persists, the greater the risk of illness. So,
response surfaces on a daily basis. We get
check. If your diet is weighted towards more
if you feel you are becoming over-stressed,
ready for the bear before we see the bear.
toward junk foods, your body can more easily
take time to charge your batteries with all that
We anticipate problems before they appear.
get worn down by stress. Know your balance,
TCM has to offer. If you charge ahead of time,
In fact, modern humans anticipate challenges
and enjoy your food. It’s that simple.
you keep the protective mechanism of the
Anticipation is another way the stress
and therefore turn on their stress-response
Acupuncture is one of the best-known
stress response in check.
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 南中国海滨奢华宫 水疗 亚龙湾最具特色的水疗中心,中国古典江南庭 院式风格建筑,碧瓦雕栏,亭台楼阁,静谧的 中央荷塘内荷花点缀摇曳,锦鲤欢快游动。移 步于此,静心休憩,在专业理疗师精心调配的 香薰按摩油的呵护下宠爱自己。
Pamper YourSelf on The Beach of South China Sea Nestled in the aromatic greenery and waterfalls, Huayu Resort & Spa Yalong Bay Sanya Spa Center is a refreshing sanctuary from the stresses of life. Natural architecture materials combines with the very traditional Chinese designs in blissful decorations such as peony gates, traditional hand-carved wooden balusters and chairs, and hand-loomed Chinese silk furniture coverings. Immersing yourself in the relaxing elegance of this place, our rejuvenating secrets celebrate the healing power of nature and Chinese tradition, featuring essences of plants, aromas of healing
国粹养生 身处繁华都市的我们,或许已经渐渐忘记中华传 统文化的博大精深,其实,在传统文化中蕴含着 许多宝贵而对人体有益的元素。西安香格里拉大
flowers, elements from the ocean, and Chinese traditional treatments. 华宇水疗中心/Hua Yu Spa 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区
Huayu Resort & Spa, National Tourism Resort,
Yalong Bay, Sanya, 572000, China
Tel: +86 898 8855 5888*8352
您的宁静以及真实的自我,还有我们发自内心的 对您的呵护。
Healthcare by Martial Arts In the busy city, we may have gradually forgotten the extensive and profound Chinese traditional culture, which contains many precious and beneficial elements to human body. CHI ,The Spa at Shangrila Hotel Xi’an launched “body massage in martial arts”, which adopts healthcare quintessence of martial arts to massage the body, making body and mind at ease and leading to perfect inner peace. At CHI, The Spa, you will find tranquility, sincerity and something a great deal rarer –our special kind of care delivered from the heart. 西安香格里拉大酒店【气】水疗 CHI, The Spa at Shangri-La Hotel Xi’an 西安市科技路38号乙 38B Keji Road, Xi’an, 710075, China Tel: +86 29 8835 5555
春意盎然 春风送暖,喜来登水疗为您精心准备泰式美颜套餐,仅需1180元即 可享受时长135分钟的花瓣足浴、身体裹敷以及泰式草药球按摩,是 您消除疲劳、焕发容颜的完美伴侣。泰式芳香草药球富含泰姜、柠 檬草、罗望子等天然醒肤成分,热敷于人体经络,配合按摩;可持 续滋润补水,改善血液循环,令肌肤如花瓣般光洁柔嫩。 以上疗程不能与任何其它推广或折扣同时使用。
Spring Vitality Only RMB1180 net, you can enjoy the most moisturizing body wrap, floral foot bath, body wrap and Thai herbal compress massage that last for 135mins.A Stove-heated Thai herbal compress with essential oils is utilized to do the light massage to warm the body, stimulate circulation and promote cell regeneration. This promotion can’t be used in conjunction with other promotions and discount. 营业时间 / Hours of Operation: 11:00 – 23:00 详情或预定电话/ More or reservation: +86 571 8500 2222 ext. 8282
浪漫之旅 盛情邀约 惠州洲际度假酒店,阳光在这里恣意流淌,鸟语花香在这里徜徉,喧 嚣浮华的都市就那样遥远了。在雅致的洲际水疗中心享受悠闲时光, 挑选美好的护理疗程,给身心灵放一次假,攸乐在即。洲际水疗为您
Shine SPA for Sheraton Hangzhou 杭州紫金港路西溪天堂国际旅游综合体1号 1 Westbrook Resort, Zijingang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310030, China Tel: +86 571 8500 2222*8281
订制两款买一赠一尊享礼惠,重拾个人青春活力。 纯美体验护理 体验价值1,080RMB;75分钟保湿修复面部护理 赠送价值680RMB;60分钟活力再生香薰按摩 能量再现护理 体验价值880RMB;70分钟冥思放松精油按摩 赠送价值480RMB;40分钟全身滋润去角质 或者价值480RMB;30分钟全身排毒裹肤护理
洲际水疗 Spa InterContinental at InterContinental Huizhou Resort 广东省惠州市横沥镇温泉大道1号 No.1 Wenquan Dadao, Hengli Town, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China Tel: +86 752 3208888*8705/8706
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 春意盎然 护理:90分钟青春活力面部护理+ 30分钟头面部刮痧+ 15分钟五子包护理 价格:860RMB 优惠价:680RMB 有效期:2014年5月31 青春活力面部护理: 有效唤醒沉睡的细胞,有效刺激皮肤细胞更生紧实,支 撑肌肤,给皮肤注入能量,有效改善疲劳及压力皮肤, 促进微循环,补充皮肤水分,使皮肤幼滑细致。 头面部刮痧: 通过刮拭面部及头部的经络和穴位,促进气血通畅,从 而改善晦暗肤色,淡化色斑,减退细纹,促进新陈代 谢,排除多余毒素,净化毛孔,令肌肤通透紧致。
Spring Promotion Treatment: 90`Energizing Formula Facial+30`Head & Face Scraping+15`Chinese Herbal Poultice Original Price: 860 RMB Promotion Price: 680 RMB Valid: May, 31st, 2014 Energizing Formula Facial: Through the use of the active ingredient, green coffee bean from the African Ivory Coast, this facial reduces fluid deposits and combats the sign of fatigue skin, getting the skin toned, firmed and retains its youthful
西安喜来登大酒店Shine Spa 亮你自己
appearance, resulting in the perfect anti-aging preven-
Head Face Scraping:
Scraping the meridians on your face and head, improve
色,使您的肌肤更加丝滑莹白,同时为您的肌肤 深层补水,增加其柔嫩度,全面抗衰老,恢复您 婴孩般均匀美好肤色。 洁肤去角质
tion system for generation star bucks.
blood circulations, detoxify, clarify, smooth out wrinkles and lines. Let your skin become brighter and more radiant. 外滩浦华大酒店涟水疗 L Spa at Sunrise On the Bund Hotel Shanghai 上海虹口区高阳路168号外滩浦华大酒店6楼
6/F, 168 Gao Yang Road, Shanghai, China
Tel: +86 21 5558 9999*6008
西安喜来登大酒店 逸水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Xi’an Hotel 西安市沣镐东路262号 262 Fenghao Road East, Xi’an, China Tel: +86 29 8426 1888*1388
Warm Your Body at “Song”
“Song” Signature Massage
Our signature massage blends deep, firm pressure to unblock the
pathways of energy and introduces a hot compress of traditional
Chinese medicine material, a traditional Chinese tonic healing work-
ing directly on the skin to restore overall balance, relax stiff or pained muscles, and alleviate fatigue. Supported by the nourishing energy of Song Shan Lake, Song Spa at Hyatt Regency Dongguan offers natural wellness experiences to cultivate the vital life energy, Qi. 560RMB/60min 760RMB/90min
松池水疗中心/Song Spa
Qinyuan Road, Song Shan Lake Industrial Development Zone,
Dongguan, Guangdong, 523808, China
Tel: +86 769 2289 1234*85710
、“平衡滋养” 、“循环畅通”,仙草浴、矽盐浴等特色浴疗,深层 洁净、养分修补等面部护理,矿物、冷冻、草药美体敷裹等多个疗程 系列,充分借助“水”的能量,全面体贴宾客的身心需求。
Spring Revive at the Balneum Spa From now on, indulge in any treatment that lasts for 60minutes or above with spring revive discount with 25%. The Balneum offers a complete program in spa wellness focusing on the therapeutic properties of these naturally healing waters. Its wide variety of spa treatments serves to take care of guests’ body, mind and spirit.
“道”水疗中心/The Balneum Spa 天津宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号 8 Zhujiang Road, Zhouliang Village, Baodi District, Tianjin, 301811, China Tel: +86 22 5921 1234
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 放松、恢复、体现 东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店 旗峰山康体会员卡 - 会员年费为13,800RMB。 室外游泳池可以饱览旗峰山美景,您可以在这 里享受晨光浴,也可以于室内恒温泳池中畅 游。健身中心配备最新的健身设施,室外网球 场和羽毛球场依傍在旗峰山边,自然清新的环 境犹如置身于森林之中。
Calm, Rejuvenation and Relaxation Pullman Dongguan Forum 13,800 RMB for annual membership of Recreational Membership Card Infinity Edge, the outdoor swimming pool, is set against the breathtaking backdrop of beautiful Qifeng Mountain. A large sundeck invites morning sunbathing, and the adjacent indoor swimming pool beckons guests with the soothing comfort of perfectly heated water. The Fitness Centre is fully
绿洲桃园 如果说传奇般的和平饭店是繁华大上海的一片绿 洲,蔚柳溪水疗中心则是这片绿洲上的世外桃源。 水疗的每处设计都以客人放松和享受为宗旨,让您 重拾生命活力。每一种疗法和护理项目都经过特别 设计,使您在繁忙之余偷得浮生半日闲。
– equipped with the latest fitness facilities. The outdoor tennis court and badminton court can enjoy a close and magnificent mountain – view that brings a feeling of playing within nature. 云涧水疗/Athena Spa
Pullman Dongguan Forum, 32 Dongcheng Road
Central, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, Guang-
Sanctuary within a Sanctuary The Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Peace Hotel is designed to relax and soothe you, giving you room to rediscover your vitality. Every treatment and experience is designed to help you pause; take a moment and find your energy. Special Promotion: Willow Stream Classic Massage60’+Basic Facial 30’= 1180RMB net. Book now and enjoy an additional free hand paraffin mask. Valid until 30th June 2014
和平饭店蔚柳溪水疗 Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Peace Hotel 中国上海市南京东路20号和平饭店 Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nan Jing Road East, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6138 6818
dong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2336 8888*6699 Email: hotel@pullman-dongguan-forum.com
完美新娘 爱上自己 为最完美的自己。石梅湾艾美度假酒店The Spa水疗中心专门针对即 将踏入婚礼殿堂的您打造“完美新娘”护理套餐,包含浪漫理疗室 布置、深度睡眠Spa 音乐播放、甜蜜茶点等,为您的幸福时刻更添温 馨浪漫。
Romantic Get-away at The Spa Each of us is in the pursuit of perfect themselves, a worthy of love, a worthy of pamper yourself. If you love yourself, then please take steps - The Spa at Lémeridien Shimeibay Beach Resort & Spa offers you a complete set of perfect bride spa experience.
王府水疗养生 面部护理: 2014年4月至6月 半岛水疗中心原液之谜面部护理借助高端生物微电流美容设施原液之 谜美容仪,可使眼周皮肤更加紧致、减淡细纹和皱纹、提升面部轮廓。
RMB1,800+ 15% 服务费/90分钟
The Spa at Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa
RMB2,200+15% 服务费/110分钟
活“气”中式按摩: 4月至6月
Shimei Bay, Wanning, Hainan, 571533, China
Tel: +86 898 6252 8888*7262
身心及精神重拾活力。随后,客人可选择30 分钟的拔罐或刮痧理疗。 RMB1,280+ 15%服务费/110分钟
Pamper Yourself at the Palace Oasis Defining Facial April to June, 2014 The Biologique Recherche Facial and Remodeling Face treatment employs state-of-the-art electrotherapy with a personalized cocktail of quintessential serums to leave you with wider looking eyes, more pronounced cheekbones, fewer wrinkles and a more clearly defined facial contour. RMB1, 800/90mins plus 15% service charge RMB2, 200/110mins plus 15% service charge Restorative Chinese Chi Therapy April to June The “Vital Chi” package can help restore vitality and vigor to the body, mind and spirit. It begins with a ginger foot buff and is followed by a massage. Afterwards, guests can enjoy a 30-minute complimentary “cupping” or “scrapping”. RMB1,280/110mins plus 15% service charge 王府半岛酒店水疗中心/The Peninsula Beijing 中国北京王府井,金鱼胡同8号,半岛水疗中心(三层) The Peninsula Spa, 3/F., 8 Goldfish Lane, Wangfujing, Beijing 100006 Tel: +86 10 8516 2888
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey
来自瑞士的水疗呵护 瑞斯丽温泉水疗中心是西安唯一一家拥有地下 矿泉水的五星级酒店Spa水疗中心,采用来自 地下近2,800余米的天然温泉水,富含多种矿物 质,对人体健康及皮肤保产养极为有益。水疗 中心使用的美容产品是来自瑞士本土的全球顶 级美容产品——La Prairie。瑞斯丽Spa中心独有 的欧式风格,温泉水池上空的零星灯光设计绝 对让您仿如走进瑞士国度。瑞斯丽温泉Spa中心 有丰富矿物质的天然温泉及瑞斯丽特色按摩, 两者合一,让您达到身心放松的体验。 来自瑞士的瑞斯丽特色按摩(RMB880/60分 钟;RMB1,018/90分钟),融合多种按摩手 法,配合不同功效的水精油,可以加速血液循 环,促进新陈代谢,缓解肌肉紧张,有助于调 节身体免疫力。
Swisstouches Spa (Swisstouches Hotel Xi’an)
风情和精湛卓越的西方水疗精髓于一身,让您在繁 忙之余忘却尘世喧嚣,倾听来自心灵深处的召唤。 面部微雕护理1,280RMB/70分钟 三五折优惠净价448元 这一非手术拉皮疗法,可以提升改善面部肌肉, 并通过高速按摩促进脂肪的分解。去除表皮角质 层,促进皮肤血液循环,改善眼部油脂粒,黑眼 圈及眼袋细纹,改善淋巴循环及排毒功能。
Perfect Your Beauty Facial Weidiao Care Original Price: 1,280 RMB/70mins Discounted Price: 448RMB This non-surgical lift therapy can improve facial muscles, activate muscle, promote fat-dissolving via intense massage, remove epidermis cuticle, improve skin, promote skin blood circulation, remove eye grease grain, black rim of the eye and pouch of fine lines, and elevate lymph circulation and detoxification function.
太原万达文华酒店水水疗 Shui Spa at Wanda Vista Hotel Taiyuan 中国山西省太原市杏花岭区解放路169号太原万 达文华酒店3楼 3F Wanda Vista, 169 Jiefang Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Tel: +86 351 777 6666 ext. 6760/6766
中国西安市高新区沣惠南路22号西安瑞斯丽大 酒店3层 3/F Swisstouches Hotel, 22 Feng Hui South Road, High-tech District, Xi’an, China Tel: +86 29 6858 8888
三月女人月 感性生活 释放真我 紫玉度假酒店·长白山池北的净宇水疗始终坚持推崇亲近自然和享 受自然的服务理念。在三月女人月特为广大顾客提供最为人性化的 服务,也为了创造放松、优雅和自由的水疗方式,特别为大家倾情 推出了5大特价护理项目,护理产品均选自意大利舒适地带(Comfort Zone)产品。同时净宇汤田也会让您身临其境的体会“醉枕天池 下,宛在水中央”这种畅快淋漓的感受,让您的身心惬意的沐浴、放 松的享受。
沉醉于香薰之魅 香薰按摩 香薰按摩如柔和的细雨亲吻大地母亲的翠绿山谷,放松身心和同时, 平复紧张神经,让您慢慢进入一个香薰的宁静世界。理疗使用品质极 佳的精油,平衡您的身体与精神,重建您的完美健康。 香薰按摩面部疗程 在芳香精油中放松肌肤,让肌肤重新焕发光彩。温和的面部滋润为肌
紫玉度假酒店·长白山池北净宇水疗 吉林省长白山池北区滨河路1号 Tel: +86 433 593 8888
Indulge in the Charm of Aromatherapy Aromatherapy Massage This calming massage will shower your body with a relaxing sensation that not only eases your tension but lulls you into an aromatic repose, which is enhanced with divine essential oils to restore a feeling of well-being. Aromatherapy Facial Bask in the bouquet of fragrant essential oils to relax and refresh devitalized skin. A gentle and nourishing facial to replenish and rejuvenate skin with natural aromatic oils to leave your skin nourished and refreshed.
上海瑞金洲际酒店水疗中心 Spa Intercontinental 中国上海瑞金二路118号贵宾楼B1 B1 Vip Building, 118 Ruijin 2 Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6472 5222 ext.2016
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey
惠享迪卡拉 一次性购买价值RMB3,000水疗套餐,可享受 两次抗氧化面护,两次东方古国按摩,两次中 医推拿,且每次疗程均可享受免费游泳健身一 次,总价值 RMB 4,500。
Special Offer at Dikara Spa Big Bonus SPA Package worth RMB4,500, but in this march we can grant you RMB3,000 if you buy the whole SPA treatment at one price. Treatments you can include in this package : Two Deep Tissue Massage(60mins); Two Chinese Traditional massage(60mins); Two Anti-Oxidant Facial(75mins) 天津滨海皇冠假日酒店迪卡拉水疗健身中心 Crowne Plaza Hotel Binhai, Dikara Spa & Fitness Center
悦享禧水疗 鱼子珍珠特效活力护理
护理采用创新的Escutox技术处理深海鱼子精华和 珍珠粉,可达到最大的滋养功效,改善皮肤弹性, 提升皮肤的含氧量和柔软度,促进细胞再生,减少 细纹和皱纹。比较适合衰老成熟的皮肤。
Regain Youth at Hei Spa Caviar and Pearl Age-Defying Mask RMB1,280/90mins Indulge your skin with an exotic blend of luscious treasures from the sea. Enjoy the most advanced defence against aging while this opulent treatment lavishes your skin with pure Caviar extracts and Pearl powder within the revolutionary process of Escutox™, a topical alternative to Botox®. This luxurious mask improves skin elasticity, increases skin oxygenation and suppleness, promoting cell renewal and visibly reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
广粤会禧水疗 Hei SPA, The Canton Club 中国广州市天河区珠江新城广粤天地广粤会6楼 6/F The Canton Club, Zhujiang New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 3821 2072
天津空港经济开发区中心大道55号,滨海皇冠 假日酒店1楼 1F Crowne Plaza Hotel,Tianjin Binhai, 55 Zhongxin Avenue Airport Economic Area Tianjin, China Tel: +86 22 5867 8888 ext.2400
居善地 心善渊 逸泉荟是广东首家多样化的奢华SPA休闲中心。在这里你感受到的不 是单纯的理疗,更能体验到天然淳美、渗透心灵的呵护。SPA的每一 位外籍理疗师和中国理疗师都经过严格的手法培训和考核。 走进逸泉荟,沁人的芬芳若有若无,一切极致奢华在这里以更轻 松,更自然的方式绽放魅力。不经间流淌着平衡与和谐,奢华而自 然。所有的理疗间都极具私密性,部分房间还拥有私人更衣室、休 息间、淋浴间和自然泉水浴。 逸泉荟所有产品都选用全球五星级酒店使用的高端专业品牌,包括 英国的Aromatherapy Associate,意大利的Pevonia。男女不同身理状态 制定的理疗项目,使你真正达到上善若水,居善地,心善渊,动善 时,宁静致远的境界。
「川」水疗4合1舒缓恢复护理套餐 120分钟套餐可任意组合以下四种各30分钟的特殊护理项目: 「川」肩,颈及头部按摩 热敷 「川」足部护理 奢华面部护理 「川」手部护理 身体磨砂 推广价格:净价598RMB/位 原价:净价1,920RMB/位 条款及细则: 此推广有效期从3月15日至8月31日。 此推广不可与其它优惠或折扣共同使用 理疗需提前预订,并需根据水疗的预订情况而定。 如遇争议,深圳东海朗廷酒店「川」水疗中心保留最终解释权。
逸泉荟 Espring Spa 广东省江门市新会圭阳北路78号 78 Guiyang Road North, Xinhui District, Jiangmen, Guangdong, 529199, China Tel: +86 750 619 7777
Chuan Spa 4 in 1 Rejuvenation Package
Please select 4 treatments from below (30-minute for each treatment): Head, Neck & shoulder Massage Hot compress Foot Massage Deluxe Facial Hand Massage Body Salt Glow Promotional Price: RMB598 net / person Original Price: RMB1,920 net / person Terms & Conditions: • This promotion is valid from 15 March to 31 Aug 2014 • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with discount voucher or other promotions • Advanced reservation is required and subject to availability • Chuan Spa at The Langham, Shenzhen reserves the right to final decision in case of disputes 深圳东海朗廷酒店「川」水疗 Chuan Spa at The Langham, Shenzhen 中国广东省深圳市深南大道7888号深圳东海朗廷酒店5楼 5F, The Langham Shenzhen, 7888 Shennan Avenue, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8828 8093 Email: tlszx.info@chuanspa.com
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey 在龙城丽宫享受“东方桃园养生SPA” 一走进位于龙城丽宫国际酒店南楼9层的“东方桃园养 生SPA”,立刻感受到一种全新的生活品位。“东方桃 园养生SPA”拥有18套风格迥异的理疗间及理疗套间, 独立私密的理疗室则以不同的花名来命名。而且在这里 还可以享受热石按摩、阴阳按摩、鱼子精华美容和摩尔 泥裹敷护理等多种身体及面部护理,是真正的一站式服 务水疗中心。
Enjoy “Oriental Spa” in Loong Palace When you entered the place where “Oriental Spa” Service is offered on the 9th floor in the south building of the Loong Palace, you could feel a brand-new life style immediately. There are 18 therapy rooms /suites of
天梦之旅 威斯汀天梦水疗之特荐产品 - 雅容玛香薰之家 产品将唤醒感观,为您开启活力焕发之旅。购买 或预订以下水疗产品及护理,即可获赠超值护理 体验。 威斯汀天梦水疗 - 雅容玛香薰之家产品 * 身体护理系列: 人民币2,024(包含五种产品) 购买两套身体护理系列产品,即可获赠价值人民 币750玫瑰保湿身体护理一次和价值人民币700酣 眠香疗护理一次。 有效期至2014年5月15日。
Escape to Heaven Awaken your senses with Heavenly Spa featuring Aromatherapy Associates at The Westin Beijing Financial Street for the ultimate spa experience. Purchase new product sets or book the following treatments to enjoy special offers. Heavenly Spa by Westin - Aromatherapy Associates Products * Body Care Set: RMB2,024 (5 items), purchase two sets to get the following two treatments for free: A Rose Hydrator Treatment (valued at RMB750) A Sleep Deeply Aromatherapy Massage (valued at RMB700) Validity until 15 May 2014 预约电话/Reservation: +86 10 6629 7878 北京金融街威斯汀大酒店威斯汀天梦水疗 Heavenly Spa by WestinTM 北京西城区金融大街乙9号 9B Financial Street, XiCheng District, Beijing, 100140, China Tel: +86 10 6629 7878
different styles. The individual and private therapy rooms are named after different flower names. Besides water therapy, you can also enjoy body cares and facial-cares of many kinds, including Hot Stone Massage, Yin Yang Massage, Essence of Caviar Facial and Moore Mud Therapy, and so on. It is a true one-stop water therapy center. 东方桃园水疗俱乐部/Oriental Spa 北京市昌平区昌平路317号龙城丽宫国际酒店 Loong Palace Hotel & Resort, 317 Changping Road, Changping District, Beijing, 102208, China Tel: +86 10 8077 8515
炫逸养生 长春净月潭益田喜来登酒店炫逸水疗中心拥有11间豪华理疗房,选 用全系列“蓓丽雅(Pevonia)”产品,精选技术精湛理疗师,只为 给您一个真正的心灵净化之旅。 现金付款宾客购买任意680RMB项目即可升级为980RMB项目。 Choose any treatment above 680RMB and get upgrade to 980RMB. (Cash payment only) Expire Day: 31st Oct, 2014
上海外高桥喜来登酒店婚礼秀 中国,上海,2014年3月23日,上海外高桥喜来登酒店婚礼秀华美登
长春净月潭益田喜来登酒店炫逸水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Changchun
B1, 1777 Yongshun Road, Jingyue District, Changchun, Jilin, China
Tel: +86 431 8181 1686
超大空间也被布置成豪华影院,为前来观看的200多位观众们上演了 一场唯美的爱情。当爱情的余味还未褪去,扣人心弦的抽奖紧随其 后,更有喜来登甜梦之床,国内最佳蜜月目的地,婚宴减免10%服务 费,SPG俱乐部丰厚积分奖励等礼包惊喜不断,让在场的所有来宾心 动不已。 活动当天,温馨的婚礼进行曲,浪漫的誓言,甜蜜的婚礼蛋糕, 幸福满溢的香槟塔,穿梭于水晶灯的幸福光芒,续写着微电影中的浪 漫,爱的气息弥漫在整个活动现场。
上海外高桥喜来登酒店 Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel 中国上海自由贸易试验区基隆路28号上海外高桥喜来登酒店 Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel, 28 Jilong Road, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 3121 9999*6166
遥之旅 | Wellness 遥之旅 | Wellness Journey
“花开芳春”蔓达梦 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店的蔓达梦水疗于历史文 化古镇——束河为宾客提供真正独一无二的 水疗体验。原汁原味的文化传统与原生态的 自然景观相互交融,为蔓达梦营造出田园般 的惬意氛围。 今季“花开芳春”的旅程以一款放松解 压的头部舒缓按摩开始,帮助消除紧张感, 让大脑得以休息,并可帮助缓解头痛。随 后,来自云南本土的喜马拉雅山粉红细盐与 云南薰衣草缔造出一款真正的绝美灵方,云 南薰衣草山盐身体去角质在温和去除角质的 同时帮助肌肤抗菌清洁,打造出润泽闪亮的 美肌。最后以香薰按摩和瑞典按摩原理为基 础的芳香按摩帮助调节和平衡身心。 护理完成后,客人可以在幽静闲适的休 息室中品尝一杯温热的薰衣草茶,细细品味 的同时回味这次盛放的旅程。 花开芳春 120分钟 头部舒缓按摩 云南薰衣草山盐身体去角质 芳香按摩 清新春日价: 1, 380* RMB 推广期:2014年3月1日至2014年5月31日 (不得与其他优惠活动或折扣同时使用)
蔓达梦水疗 @ 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店 中国云南省丽江市束河古镇入口丽江铂尔曼 度假酒店 ShuHe Old Town Entrance Road, Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa, Lijiang, Yunnan, China Tel: + 86 888 5300 111 *7151/7152
金枝玉叶 悦椿春意
Angsana Spa Launches Exclusive Golden Bloom Spa Package for Spring
Angsana Spa, sister brand of the world-renowned Banyan Tree Spa, Angsana Spa welcomes
this spring with Golden Bloom – a 120 minutes pampering and rejuvenating spa package
combining the indulgent gold conditioning massage with a choice of facials or body treats that is
available from 1 March to 31 May 2014
The package starts with an invigorating 60-minute massage and is followed by a choice of revital-
izing facial treatments, leaving the skin refreshed and radiant. Alternatively, guests can choose
to pamper their body with pure gold body treats - comprising a 30-minute pure gold body polish
接着是60分钟的任选美颜护理,令您的 容颜焕发靓丽光泽。您亦可以选择60分钟的 纯金身体护理 — 包含30分钟的纯金身体磨砂 和30分钟的纯金美体裹身。 在每一项自选疗程或Spa配套疗程均包含 三十分钟的茶点及静心时间。 悦椿Spa使用的原料全部取自于天然花卉 和鲜果,结合东西方精妙手法及古老芳香疗
and 30-minute pure gold body wrap. All Angsana Spa treatments come with a complimentary 30-minute Calm Time of refreshments and relaxation. Drawing expertise from Banyan Tree, Angsana Spa’s refreshing blend of treatments places special emphasis on the use of natural ingredients such as native flowers and fruits.
For reservations and enquiries, log on www.angsanaspa.com
法,全面激活疲惫的身心。 成立于1999年,悦椿Spa品牌在中国,爱
Greater China
Angsana Spa Caesar Park Kenting, Taiwan
Angsana Spa Fuxian Lake, Yunnan
Angsana Spa Gyalthang Dzong, Yunnan
Angsana Spa Hotel ICON, Hong Kong
Angsana Spa Hotel Nikko Shanghai
Angsana Spa Park Island, Hong Kong
Angsana Spa Seaview Xiamen
Angsana Spa Tengchong·Hot Spring Village
Angsana Spa The Garden Hotel Guangzhou
For reservations and enquiries, please contact your preferred Angsana Spa or log on angsanaspa.com
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey
I SPA推优惠套餐 I SPA是北京第一家专业泰国SPA,泰国SPA协会特别会 员,大众点评网最佳SPA,于2012年荣获中国酒店星光 奖最佳服务SPA,亦是希尔顿集团在中国的首选SPA合 作伙伴。目前全国有20多加店面。 I SPA王府井店地处闻名遐迩的王府井希尔顿酒店 6层,有9个理疗间,占地380平米,尽享绝佳位置,曾 获“国际五星钻石奖”,传承着I SPA一贯的芬芳和亲 切,以及渗透心灵的呵护。做SPA还可以免费游泳,让 运动和放松完美结合。 套餐内容 当时光完成最后一朵花的开落,当所有的季节只退剩一 种颜色。我们如约相聚在这里,深层的面部滋养,全身 心的放松,曼妙的音乐...这一刻的享受都化作了悠然与 永久!淡淡的回味着... 男士:男士面部深层护理+雨露活力按摩 120分钟 原价:RMB1,978/人 优惠价:RMB1,780/人 女士:水果物语面部护理+雨露活力按摩 150分钟 原价:RMB2,078/人 优惠价:RMB1,870/人 会员优惠价:享受折上折
I SPA Promotion Package The Best Spa Operator of China by Starlight
The Best Spa by Dianping.com
The Best Spa of IHG Great China for Q1, 2013
Located on 6th floor of the famous Hilton Beijing Wangfujin 6, I SPA Wangfujing has 9 treatment rooms, covering an area of 380 square meters. I SPA Wangfujing upholds the professionalism of the brand, providing you more meticulous care and excellent service. Spa guests can swim for free to achieve the perfect combination of exercise and relaxation. Package Details
I SPA王府井店 I SPA Wangfujing 北京东城区王府井东大街8号王府井希尔顿酒店6层 6F, Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, No.8 Wangfujing East
Seasons bloom and fade like flowers as the paint on everything will merge into one color. In this very season, we share the blessing with each other. The essence facial care for all skins and the aromatherapy massage will surprise you with exclusive seasonal treat!
Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
Members can enjoy double discount
预约电话/Booking Hotline: +86 10 5812 8930
Original Price: RMB1,978/Single; Current Price: RMB1,780/Single
营业时间/Opening Time: 11:00am-23:00pm
Fruit Facials Story + Invigorating Massage 150mins
Original Price: RMB2,078/Single; Current Price: RMB1,870/Single
Valid Date: March 31st , 2014
Men’s Deep Cleaning Facial + Invigorating Massage 120mins
春暖樱花季 活力美肌时 SPA by MTM为身、心、灵注满 复苏能量 春季特别推荐 活力肌身体按摩系列(90分钟) 樱花能量指压 瑞典式按摩 淋巴引流按摩 特别介绍 SPA by MTM皇牌水疗按摩「樱花能量指压」, 透过富有和风色彩的日式美容食材——清酒 及樱花,配合独创的日式按摩手法,疏通穴 位,减轻肌肉酸痛的同时,更能为你塑造优 美体态及白滑肌肤,焕发悠然神采。针对你 肌肤及个人的需要,将专属你的精华配方 加入在按摩油内,让你体验最贴心贴身的呵 护。 醉人的水疗序幕 - 和风清酒足浴
Time for Revival Spring Rejuvenation to Your Body, Mind and Soul at SPA by MTM
深层舒缓的治疗 - 樱花能量指压
Special Recommendation for Spring
为疗程划上完美的句号 - “一点茶点 一点宁
Spring Reviving Massage Series (90mins)
Energizing Shiatsu Massage Swedish Massage Lymphatic Massage Recommendation Energizing Shiatsu Massage, signature program of SPA by MTM, is an ultimate infusion of two au-
SPA by MTM 北京朝阳区东三环中路7号北京千禧大酒店 Grand Millennium Hotel Beijing, 7 DongSanHuan Middle Road, Chaoyang
thentic Japanese beauty secrets - sake and sakura, together with unique Japanese-style massage techniques. Energizing Shiatsu Massage rectifies internal flows and pacifies muscles tension while leaving your body in perfect contour and gleaming.
District, Beijing
With the MTM Custom-blended philosophy, different essences are blended into the body wrap and
Tel: +86 10 6533 0751
massage oil to cater to your skin and personal needs.
上海南京西路288号创兴金融中心4楼 4/F, Chong Hing Finance Center, 288 West
Welcoming Ritual – Relaxing Sake Foot Soak
Nanjing Road, Shanghai
Holistic Healing Elixir i Energizing Shiatsu Massage
Tel: +86 21 3366 3099
Tranquil Bliss – Refreshment and Relaxation
遥之旅 | Wellness 遥之旅 | Wellness Journey
聚自然之灵性 集SPA之精粹
供全面保养指导。女王对自己近乎苛刻的要 求,使女王在塑造美的过程中,将一切专
高贵与棕的低调完美融合,正是我喜欢的感 觉。这里的光线不炫目也不灰暗,月下美人
静可以一直延伸⋯⋯流水、花草、山石,宛 若置身大自然的秘境,自己也染上了一层自
简单的理念,力求带给您怦然心动的艺术氛 围。在这里,所有的布置和装饰均经过专业 人士的悉心挑选,采用纯天然材质如花朵、 藤条、竹子等,打造原汁原味的自然风情。 女王SPA的所有项目都是根据医学和养生原
理,为平衡和恢复客人的精神、体力及心灵 而设计。女王不断追求外在与内在美的和谐 统一,为您打造美丽的传奇。
舒缓身心氧滋旅 氧滋旅中文名字意喻:滋润身心,汲取养分的生 命之旅。自成立以来,水疗中心始终致力于为客 人提供追求完美、注重细节的高品质水疗服务。 O.Spa最擅长的是自创的氧滋旅经典按摩 (780RMB/90分钟),手法融合了瑞典式、巴 厘岛式、泰式、夏威夷式等芳疗师,使用手掌、 小臂、指压为客人做全身按摩,还用特制的草药 包配合苹果油压与脊柱两侧,在秋冬季还会对男 性腰部,女性腹部加以艾灸。疗程深度放松了肩 颈,加速血液循环并促进自身造血功能,疗程过 后客人面色红润并透着光泽。90%的客人会在疗程 中睡着,非常适合久坐或者睡眠质量不好的客人。 上海氧滋旅健康管理有限公司 O.Spa Journey 上海市马当路588弄8号201室 201, 8 Lane 588 Madang Road, Shanghai, 200021, China Tel: +86 21 3307 0571 氧滋旅(上海新天地店) O.Spa Journey (Shanghai Xintiandi) 上海黄浦区顺昌路168弄翠湖天地御园10号楼会所 Building 10 Lakeville Regency, Lane 168 Shunchang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, 200021, China Tel: +86 21 5036 0798 氧滋旅(上海东郊宾馆店) O.Spa Journey (Dongjiao State Guest Hotel) 上海浦东新区金科路1800号上海东郊宾馆健身中心 Dongjiao State Guest Hotel, 1,800 Jinke Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, 201203, China Tel: +86 21 5895 8888*505 氧滋旅(杭州玫瑰园店) O.Spa Journey (Hangzhou Rose Garden) 杭州西湖区之江路128号杭州玫瑰园度假酒店B1楼 B1/F Hangzhou Rose Garden Resort & Spa, 128 Zhijiang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, 310007, China Tel: +86 571 8766 7068*8060
Moisturize Your Body and Mind with O. Spa Journey O.Spa Journey in Chinese is Yangzilv (a journey with oxygen to moisturize your body and soul). Since its birth, O.Spa Journey is dedicated to offer high-end spa services to guests with strong attention to details. O.Spa’s signature treatment is Feature Massage (RMB780/90mins), integrating Swedish, Balinese, Thai and Hawaiian massages. The therapists use palms, forearms and shiatsu to massage the guests’ whole body. Highlight of this treatment is using flower and herb pack and warm apple oil to press both sides of the backbone, and additionally in spring and autumn applying Moxibustion to male guests’ waist or kidney and on female guests’ abdomen or womb. The treatment profoundly relaxes the guests’ shoulder and neck and helps promote blood circulation in the body. 90% of the guests fall asleep during the treatment.
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey
苏州阳澄湖澜廷度假酒店让你春意荡漾 滟滟春日是一幅又近又远的画卷,来到美
化、渔文化、蟹文化,加上时尚的养身生 态文化和近在咫尺的重元寺的佛教文化,
Traffic Guide
From Shanghai,Nanjing,Hangzho
Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway---Yangcheng Lake Exit---(Turn
Right)Yangcheng Lake Avenue--
(Turn Left)Yangcheng Circle Road---(Turn Right)Ciyun Road-
--The Hotel
Yangcheng Lake Tourism Resort,
From Suzhou
Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu,
Modern Avenue--Yangcheng Lake Avenue--Yangcheng
Circle Rood--(Turn Left)Ciyun Road--The Hotel
Tel: +86 512 6289 8888*5526
青 养身
上海商城店/Shanghai Centre Branch
Green Massage
油+30分钟牛奶沐足,原价每人 745RMB,现
上海K11店/K11 Art Mall Branch
202 West Retail Plaza, Shanghai Centre,
淮海中路300号 K11购物艺术中心3楼305室
1376 West Nanjing Rd., Jing’an District,
305, 3/F, K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Road
Central, Huangpu District, Shanghai
运营时间/Operation Time
运营时间/Operation Time
10:30 am-00:00 am
10:30 am-00:30 am
Tel: +86 21 6289 7776
Tel: +86 21 6385 8800
陆家嘴店/ Lujiazui Branch
新天地店/Xintiandi Branch
Only 598 RMB to enjoy the 90min Aromatic Oil
304, 3F, Shanghai World Financial Center,
Massage + 30min Aroma Foot Therapy, plus
58 Taicang Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai
No.100, Century Ave., Pudong District,
200RMB Green Massage coupon as a gift.
运营时间/Operation Time
Couple specials only cost 1,118RMB, invite
10:30 am-02:00 am
运营时间/Operation Time
your love to share a romance!
Tel: +86 21 5386 0222
10:30 am-00:00 am
Single and couple package all can receive
新天地Ⅱ店/Xintiandi Branch II
Tel: +86 21 6877 8188
RMB100 coupon*2
太仓路68号/68 Taicang Road
徐家汇店/Xujiahui Branch
Validity Date: February, 14th,-March, 31st, 2014
运营时间/Operation Time
10:30 am-02:00 am
88 Xingeng Rd., Xuhui District, Shanghai,
Tel: +86 21 6384 1356
运营时间/Operation Time
客服/Customer Service: +86 21 3308 0088
11:30 am-01:00 am
Email: service@greenspa.cn
Tel: +86 21 6468 7076
心怡索菲特 索菲特东莞御景湾酒店及索菲特东莞峰景高 尔夫酒店距离东莞市中心仅10分钟车程,临 近36洞峰景高尔夫球场,坐拥虎英郊野公园 宽阔的湖景。依山伴水的落址,完美融合了 中国传统文化与法式风情的浪漫情怀,是商 务、休闲、旅游度假的心怡之地。两间索菲 特酒店之间提供穿梭巴士来回,仅5分钟车 程。
皇家水疗春季特色面部护理 金鱼子尊贵温泉面部护理 550RMB/90分钟
A Relaxing Paradise Sofitel Dongguan Royal Lagoon and Sofitel Dongguan Golf Resort lies ideally near the 36-hole Hill
View Golf Club, and adjacent to the picturesque Hu Ying Park with 10-minute drive to the down-
town. Surrounded by lush forest and refreshing lagoons, the two resorts perfectly combine Chinese traditional touches and romantic French elegance to present you a relaxing paradise for both leisure
热能再生焕颜面部护理 490RMB/70分钟
and business. Shuttle bus is available between these two resorts with 5-minute drive.
此款面部护理可增强肌肤再生能力,促进新 陈代谢和淋巴循环。紧接着呈上面部舒缓按
Royal SPA Spring Facial Collection
Caviar Deluxe SPA Treatment 550RMB/90 minutes
Luxuriate in the caviar deluxe SPA treatment to make your skin nourished and glowing. Caviar’s
有效期/Validity: 1/3/2014 – 31/05/2014
广东省东莞市东城区迎宾路 Ying Bin Road, Dong Cheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2269 8888/+86 769 2269 9999
unique effects could promote your skin’s resilience, smoothen wrinkles, restore and replenish youth vitality. Rejuvenating Thermo Lifting Facial 490RMB /70 minutes A real rejuvenation starts from a fantastic facial to enhance skin regeneration, metabolism and lymph circulation followed by a relaxing massage and a heated mineral mask to create an exclusive experience to make your skin firm and soft.
于都市中徜徉自然 极乐东方之旅 980RMB/100min 集东西方养生理论之大成,温热的草药球, 配以多味中药配方,有效地促进血液循环, 缓解压力和肌肉紧张。我们精选了资深理疗 师,沿着经络与穴位,让您由心而身地放松 下来,恢复平缓状态,享受这仿若浮游般自 由。 芳香足浴—全身草药球按摩—全身淋巴排 毒—轻食套餐 关于青籁水疗 截然不同于凡俗或匠气的设计,青籁所有的设 计灵感植根于传统理念,更集东西方养生理论 之大成,由资深理疗专家选取世界各地的经典 理论与疗法,糅合中国传统养生理论和欧洲最 新科技,开创出与别不同的护理技艺。
Urban Retreat
An Urban Oasis Escape Oriental Bliss RMB980/100mins
上海静安区南京西路1376号 波特曼丽思卡尔
This warming journey begins with a heated warm herbal pouch, filled with traditional Chinese herbs
顿酒店6-7楼 &上海商城东峰8楼
to improve your blood circulation, alleviating stress and tense muscles, and continues with a sooth-
6F&7F, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai &
ing East meets West lymphatic oil massage to soothe away your tensions, balances your body,
8/F East Residence Tower, Shanghai Centre,
mind and soul.
1376 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District,
Floral footbath – Body Herbal Pouch Massage – Body Lymphatic Massage – Refreshments and
Shanghai, China
预订电话/Reservations: +86 21 6289 7007, 6289 7778
About Urban Retreat
营业时间/Business Hours: 10:00-24:00
An urban oasis escape to nature’s tranquil environment, infused with natural elements in designs
and iconic therapies that work on your beauty, health and wellness. We select our products from
官方微博Weibo: UrbanRetreat青籁水疗
traditional herbs, plant extracts, aromatic oils, nourishing marine elements and most up to date
官方微信Wechat: UrbanRetreat
scientific research.
遥之旅 | Wellness Journey
西禅·藏艺SPA——藏医学的深厚底蕴 西藏医学有着非常古老而悠久的历史,它同时也 具有令人惊异的效果。记录显示,西藏医疗体系医师能 治疗不治之症。许多绝望的人翻山越岭前去求诊,以求 获治病的珍贵药方。然而西藏传统养生法却总是提醒人 们,神秘的或无与伦比的都不及简单的好。琉璃时光 SPA国际连锁机构,引进西藏医学圣典《蓝琉璃》中的 藏医学养生理论与养生技法,并将之应用于美容疗程 中,具有令人惊异的理疗效果。 “琉璃时光,除了你家和办公室,这是你第三个地 方”。在这里,聚集着美丽、自然、优雅、高贵;在这 里,你会体验到品质高贵的VIP服务,她是您个人专属的 私密空间。 琉璃时光如是说:如果您是琉璃时光的一员,只要 有她的地方,就有您心灵最美的那一刻。就让我们一起 加入琉璃时光,感受西禅·藏艺SPA的魅力。 官方微信/Wechat: UrbanRetreat
净享佳莉雅 洁净祛湿按摩疗程优惠套餐 1,1170RMB/120分钟 全身柔滑去角质 30分钟 经典五行按摩
先利用火山矿物盐进行全身轻柔的按摩,不仅可以使您的全身肌肤清 洁净白,最主要可以排出毛孔内的废物,帮助去除体内的寒湿气,再 经行专业的通经活络手法,运用中国古代的养生理论,利用阴阳五行 达到自然平衡和谐。使您神清气爽!
A Pure Spa Experience Cleansing & Eliminating Dampness Massage Treatment 1,1170RMB/120mins Smooth Exfoliation for Body 30mins The Five Elements Massage
The special treatment uses the ingredients, mineral salt from volcano, in order to exfoliate and neutralize the negative energy and toxin within our body system, without caring any skin irritation. It also adopts ancient Chinese health-care theory, professional technique, Yin-Yang and the Five Elements to refresh and rebalance the body. 无锡君来湖滨饭店佳莉雅水疗中心 RE Wellness SPA, Juna Hubin Hotel 中国无锡君来湖滨饭店三楼环湖路1号 1 Huanhu Road, 3F Juna Hubin Hotel, Wuxi, China 营业时间:1:00pm – 2:00am Tel: +86 510 8510 1888*2588
加盟商户 | Partners Spa 水疗·上海 悦椿Spa(上海日航饭店) Angsana Spa (Hotel Nikko Shanghai) 上海延安西路488号4楼 4/F, 488 Yan'an Road West, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 www.angsana.com 上海悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Shanghai 上海市黄浦区河南中路88号威斯汀 大饭店3楼 3/F Westin Hotel & Resort, 88 Middle Henan Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6335 1888 www.banyantreespa.com 青籁养身 Green Massage 1) 上海K11店 Shanghai K11 Branch 上海市淮海中路300号 K11购物艺术 中心3楼305室 305, 3rd FL, K11 Art Mall, 300 Huaihai Road Central, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6385 8800 2) 新天地店 Xintiandi Branch 上海市太仓路58号 58 Taicang Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 5386 0222 3) 上海商城店 Shanghai Centre Branch 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城 西峰202室 202 West Retail Plaza, Shanghai Centre, 1376 West Nanjing Rd., Jing'an District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6289 7776 4) 陆家嘴店 Lujiazui Branch 上海市世纪大道100号上海环球金融 中心3楼304室 304, 3F, Shanghai World Financial Center, 100 Century Ave., Pudong District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6877 8188 5) 徐家汇店 Xujiahui Branch 上海市辛耕路88号 88 Xingeng Rd., Xuhui District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6468 7076 6) 新天地Ⅱ店 Xintiandi Branch II 上海市太仓路68号 68 Taicang Rd., Huangpu District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6384 1356 www.greenmassage.com.cn 青籁水疗 Urban Retreat 1) 上海商城店 Shanghai Centre Branch 上海市静安区南京西路1376号上海 商城东峰8楼 8/F East Residence Tower, Shanghai Centre, 1376 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6289 7007 2) 波特曼店 Portman Branch 上海市静安区南京西路1376号波特 曼丽思卡尔顿酒店6-7楼 6-7/F The Portman Ritz-Carlton, 1376 West Nanjing Road., Jing'an District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6289 7778 www.urbanretreat.cn 外滩浦华大酒店涟水疗 L Spa at Sunrise On the Bund Hotel Shanghai 上海市虹口区高阳路168号外滩浦 华大酒店6楼 6/F Sunrise On the Bund Hotel Shanghai, 168 Gao Yang Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 5558 9999*6008
www.sunrisesha.com 蔓达梦水疗(上海明天广场JW万 豪酒店) Mandara Spa, JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square 上海市南京西路399号上海明天广场 JW万豪酒店6楼 6/F JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai, 399 Nanjing West Road, JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 5359 4969*6798/6799 www.mspa-international.com 蔓达梦水疗(上海明捷万丽酒店) Mandara Spa, Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel 上海市普陀区铜川路50号上海明捷 万丽酒店3楼 3F Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel, 50 Tongchuan Road, Renaissance Shanghai Putuo Hotel, Putuo District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 2219 5888*6130/6131 www.mspa-international.com 上海安达仕酒店Optime水疗中心 Optime Spa, Andaz Shanghai 上海市嵩山路88号B1层 B1, 88 Songshan Road, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 2310 1500 www.andaz.hyatt.com 氧滋旅(上海新天地店) O. Spa Journey (Shanghai Xintiandi) 上海黄浦区顺昌路168弄翠湖天地御 园10号楼会所 Building 10 Lakeville Regency, Lane 168 Shunchang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, 200021, China Tel: +86 21 5036 0798 氧滋旅(上海东郊宾馆店) O. Spa Journey (Dongjiao State Guest Hotel) 上海浦东新区金科路1800号上海东 郊宾馆健身中心 Dongjiao State Guest Hotel, 1800 Jinke Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, 201203, China Tel: +86 21 5895 8888*505 上海外高桥喜来登酒店喜来登水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton, Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel 上海自由贸易试验区基隆路28号上 海外高桥喜来登酒店 Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel, 28 Jilong Road, Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 3121 9999*6166 www.sheratonwgqhotel.com SPA by MTM上海 SPA by MTM Shanghai 上海南京西路288号创兴金融中 心4楼 4/F Chong Hing Finance Center, 288 Nanjing Road West, Shanghai, 200003, China Tel: +86 21 3366 3099 www.spabymtm.com 上海瑞金洲际酒店水疗中心 Spa Intercontinental 上海卢湾区瑞金二路118号 118, No.2 Ruijin Road, Luwan District, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6472 5222*2016 www.ruijinihotel.com 蔚柳溪水疗(和平饭店) Willow Stream Spa (Fairmont Peace Hotel) 上海市南京东路20号和平饭店 Fairmont Peace Hotel, 20 Nanjing Road East, Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 6138 6810 www.peaceshotel.com
Spa 水疗·北京 北京金融街威斯汀大酒店天梦水
疗中心 Heavenly Spa by WestinTM at The Westin Beijing Financial Street 北京市西城区金融大街乙9号 B9 Financial Street, XiCheng District, Beijing, 100140, China Tel: +86 10 6629 7878 www.starwoodhotels.com/westin 泰美好(鼓楼店) I SPA (Gulou) 北京朝阳区鼓楼外大街19号歌华开 元大酒店1层 1/F Gehua New Century Hotel Beijing, 19 Gulouwai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100120, China Tel: +86 10 6202 6708 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(华贸店) I SPA (China Central) 北京朝阳区建国路83号北京JW万 豪酒店2层 2/F JW Marriott Hotel Beijing, 83 Jianguo Road, China Central Place, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100025, China Tel: +86 10 5908 8380 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(机场店) I SPA(Airport) 北京首都机场3号航站楼北京首都机 场希尔顿酒店6层 6/F Hilton Beijing Capital Airport, Terminal 3, Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing, 100621, China Tel: +86 10 6450 4777 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(王府井店) I SPA (Wangfujing) 北京东城区王府井东大街8号北京王 府井希尔顿酒店6层 6/F Hilton Beijing Wangfujing, 8 Wangfujing Avenue East, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100006, China Tel: +86 10 5812 8930 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(宣武店) I SPA (Xuanwu) 北京西城区菜市口大街1号院2号楼 北京开元名都大酒店6层 6/F New Century Grand Hotel Beijing, Building 2 Yard 1 Caishikou Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100052, China Tel: +86 10 6352 7157 www.ispa.cn Lea Spa(北京瑞廷会所) Lea Spa (Beijing Radegast Club) 北京朝阳区潘家园南里19号北京康 源瑞廷酒店B1层 B1/F Radegast Lake View Hotel, 19 Panjiayuan Nanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100021, China Tel: +86 10 5909 7558 www.leaspa.com Lea Spa(北京万豪会所) Lea Spa (Beijing Marriott Club) 北京朝阳区霄云路甲26号北京海航 大厦万豪酒店6层 6/F Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, A26 Xiaoyun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100125, China Tel: +86 10 5927 8060 www.leaspa.com 龙城丽宫国际酒店东方桃园水疗 俱乐部 Oriental Spa at Loong Palace Hotel & Resort 北京市昌平区昌平路317号 317 Changping Road, Changping District, Beijing, 102208, China Tel: +86 10 8077 8515 www.loongpalace.com SPA by MTM北京
深圳市福田中心区福华一路深圳马 哥孛罗好日子酒店4楼 4F, Marco Polo Shenzhen Hotel, 28 Fuhua 1st Road, Futian CBD, Marco Polo Shenzhen Hotel, Shenzhen, China Tel: +86 755 8298 9888*8589/8590 www.mspa-international.com
SPA by MTM Beijing 北京朝阳区东三环中路7号北京千 禧大酒店2层 2/F Grand Millennium Beijing, 7 Dongsanhuan Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100020, China Tel: +86 10 6533 0751 www.spabymtm.com
深圳东海朗廷酒店川水疗 Chuan Spa at The Langham Shenzhen 广东省深圳市深南大道7888号深圳 东海朗廷酒店5楼 5F, The Langham Shenzhen, 7888 Shennan Avenue, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8828 8093 www.langhamhotels.com.cn
王府半岛酒店水疗中心 The Peninsula Spa Beijing 北京王府井金鱼胡同8号 8 Goldfish Lane, Wangfujing, Beijing, China Tel: +86 10 6510 6321 www.peninsula.com 北京华彬费尔蒙酒店蔚柳溪水 疗中心 Willow Stream Spa, Fairmont Beijing 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街永安东 里8号北京华彬费尔蒙酒店 8 Yong An Dong Li, Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Beijing, China Tel: +86 10 8507 3737 www.fairmont.cn/beijing
琉璃时光(深圳大梅沙京基喜来登 度假酒店) Spa Moment (Sheraton Dameisha Resort Hotel Shenzhen) 广东省深圳市盐田区盐葵路大梅沙 京基喜来登度假大酒店M层 M/F Sheraton Dameisha Resort Hotel Shenzhen, Yankui Road, Yantian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8888 6688 www.spamoment.net
Spa 水疗·广州&深圳 悦椿Spa(方圆大厦) Angsana Spa (Fineland Tower) 广州市体育东路28号方圆奥克伍 德豪景5楼 5/F Oakwood Premier Hotel Guangzhou, 28 Tiyu Road East, Tianhe, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 3883 2328 www.angsana.com
琉璃时光(大中华喜来登) Spa Moment (Sheraton Shenzhen Futian) 广东省深圳市福华路大中华喜来登 酒店西翼4F 4F, West Sheraton Shenzhen Futian, Fuhua Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8253 8864 www.spamoment.net
悦椿Spa(广州花园饭店) Angsana Spa (The Garden Hotel Guangzhou) 广东省广州市环市东路368号4楼 4/F, 368 East Huanshi Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 20 8333 8989 www.angsana.com
琉璃时光(福朋喜来登) Spa Moment (Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen) 广东省深圳市福田保税区桂花路5号 喜来登酒店6楼 6F Four Points By Sheraton Shenzhen 5 Guahua Road, Futian Bonded, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 755 8358 8751 www.spamoment.net
广粤会禧水疗 Hei Spa, The Canton Club 广州市天河区珠江新城广粤天地 广粤会6楼 6/F The Canton Club, Zhujiang New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 3821 2072
Spa 水疗·安徽 铂spa(合肥喜来登酒店) Platinum SPA (Sheraton Hefei) 中国安徽省合肥市铜陵北路1666号 喜来登酒店3层 3/F Sheraton, 1666 North Tongling Road, Hefei, Anhui, China Tel: +86 551 6296 9999*6333/6336 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton
广州四季酒店花水疗 Hua Spa, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路5号 广州四季酒店69楼 69F, Four Seasons Hotel Guangzhou, 5 Zhujiang West Road, Pearl River New City, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China Tel: +86 20 8883 3000 www.fourseasons.com
泉道尊贵会(老报馆店) Royal Spring (Old newspaper) 中国安徽省合肥市环城南路72号 72 South Huancheng Road, HeFei, Anhui, China Tel: +86 551 6284 6622 www.eaeb.cn
泰美好(广州店) I SPA (Guangzhou) 广州市白云区云城东路515-517号 广州白云万达希尔顿酒店3层 3/F Hilton Guangzhou Baiyun, 515517 Yuncheng Road East, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, 510400, China Tel: +86 20 6667 8050 www.ispa.cn
泉道尊贵会(合肥CEO) Royal Spring (HeFei CEO) 中国安徽省合肥市政务文化新区怀 宁路安德大厦1-3楼 1-3/F Ande Building, Huaining Road, Hefei, Anhui, China Tel: +86 551 6563 0333 www.eaeb.cn
泰美好(深圳店) I SPA (Shenzhen) 深圳市南山区望海路1177号深圳蛇 口希尔顿南海酒店3楼 3/F Hilton Shenzhen Shekou, 1177 Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518067, China Tel: +86 755 2162 3118 www.ispa.cn
Spa 水疗·重庆
蔓达梦水疗(深圳马哥孛罗好日 子酒店) Mandara Spa, Marco Polo Shenzhen Hotel
重庆北碚悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Chongqing Beibei 重庆市北碚区澄江镇温泉路101号 101 Wenquan Road, Chengjiang, Beibei District, Chongqing, China Tel: +86 23 6030 8888 www.banyantreespa.com 泰美好(重庆店) I SPA (Chongqing)
重庆市南岸区南滨路78号重庆喜来 登大酒店8层 8/F Sheraton Chongqing Hotel, 78 Nanbin Road, Nan'an District, Chongqing, 400060, China Tel: +86 23 6253 7009 www.ispa.cn
Spa 水疗·广东 东莞旗峰山铂尔曼酒店云涧水疗 Athena Spa at Pullman Dongguan Forum 广东省东莞市东城区东城中路32号 32 Dongcheng Road Central, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2336 8888*6699 www.pullmanhotels.com.cn 江门市逸泉荟水疗酒店 Jiangmen Espring Spa Hotel 广东省江门市新会区会城镇圭阳 北路78号 78 Guiyang Road North, Huicheng Town, Xinhui, Jiangmen, Guangdong, 529199, China Tel: +86 750 619 7777*888 www.jmespa.com 索菲特东莞御景湾酒店皇家水疗 Royal Spa at Sofitel Dongguan Royal Lagoon 广东省东莞市东城区迎宾路8号 8 Yingbin Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2269 8888*3801 www.sofitel.com 索菲特东莞峰景高尔夫酒店皇 家水疗 Royal Spa at Sofitel Dongguan Golf Resort 广东省东莞市东城区迎宾路 Yingbin Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523129, China Tel: +86 769 2269 9999*3801 www.sofitel.com 东莞松山湖凯悦酒店松池水疗中心 Song Spa at Hyatt Regency Dongguan 广东省东莞市松山湖高新技术产业 开发区沁园路 Qinyuan Road, Song Shan Lake Industrial Development Zone, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523808, China Tel: +86 769 2289 1234*85710 www.hyatt.com 惠州洲际度假酒店洲际水疗 Spa InterContinental at InterContinental Huizhou Resort 广东省惠州市横沥镇温泉大道1号 No.1 Wenquan Dadao, Hengli Town, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, China Tel: +86 752 3208 888*8705/8706 www.intercontinental.com 汕头龙光喜来登酒店水疗康体中心 Shine Spa for Sheraton Shantou 广东省汕头市11街区龙光世纪大 厦5楼 5F, Block 11, Logan Century Mansion, Shantou, Guangdong, China Tel: +86 754 8999 8888
Spa 水疗·福建 悦椿Spa(厦门海悦山庄) Angsana Spa (Seaview Xiamen) 福建省厦门市环岛南路3999号海悦 山庄二期1楼 1/F No. 2 Seaview Resort, 3999 Huandao Road South, Xiamen, Fujian, China Tel: +86 592 502 3333 www.angsana.com
Spa 水疗·海南 三亚亚龙湾华宇度假酒店华宇水 疗中心 Hua Yu Spa at Huayu Resort & Spa Yalong Bay Sanya 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游 度假区 National Tourism Resort, Yalong Bay, Sanya, Hainan, 572000, China Tel: +86 898 8855 5888*8352 www.cpsanya.com 蔓达梦水疗(三亚喜来登度假酒店) Mandara Spa, Sheraton Sanya Resort 海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假 区三亚喜来登度假酒店1楼 1/F Sheraton Sanya Resort, Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan, China Tel: +86 898 8855 8855*8497/8498 www.mspa-international.com 石梅湾艾美度假酒店水疗中心 The Spa at Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa 海南省万宁市石梅湾旅游度假区 Shimei Bay, Wanning, Hainan, 571533, China Tel: +86 898 6252 8888*7262 www.starwoodhotels.com/lemeridien
Spa 水疗·河北 泰美好(石家庄店) I SPA (Shijiazhuang) 河北省石家庄市长安区东大街5号石 家庄希尔顿酒店29层 29/F Hilton Shijiazhuang, 5 East Avenue, Chang'an District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050011, China Tel: +86 311 6796 6531 www.ispa.cn 泰美好(唐山店) I SPA (Tangshan) 河北省唐山市路南区文化路11号唐 山万达洲际酒店6层 6/F InterContinental Tangshan, 11 Wenhua Road, Lunan District, Tangshan, Hebei, 063000, China Tel: +86 315 510 9677 www.ispa.cn
Spa 水疗·黑龙江 Lea Spa(哈尔滨万达会所) Lea Spa (Harbin Wanda Club) 黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区赣水路68 号哈尔滨万达索菲特大酒店3楼 3/F Sofitel Wanda Harbin, 68 Ganshui Road, Xiangfang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150090, China Tel: +86 451 8771 7906 www.leaspa.com
Spa 水疗·江苏 佳莉雅水疗中心(常熟中江皇冠假 日酒店) RE Wellness SPA, Crowne Plaza Changshu 江苏省常熟开元大道6号中江皇冠 假日酒店3楼 3F Crowne Plaza Changshu, 6 Kaiyuan Avenue, Changshu, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 5272 9999*8877 www.wellnessspa.com.cn
RE Wellness SPA, Scholars Hotel Pingjiangfu 江苏省苏州白塔东路60号书香世家 平江府10号楼 Building 10, Scholars Hotel Pingjiangfu, 60 Bai Ta Dong Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6770 6688*6511 www.wellnessspa.com.cn
Club) 辽宁省沈阳市和平区同泽北街35号 沈阳北约客维景国际大酒店 Grand Metropark North Yoker Hotel Shenyang, 35 Tongze Street North, Heping District, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110001, China Tel: +86 24 2341 1222 www.leaspa.com
苏州托尼洛兰博基尼书苑酒店佳莉 雅水疗中心 RE Wellness SPA, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel 江苏省苏州工业园区168号兰博基尼 书苑酒店星港街B1 B1, Tonino Lamborghini Hotel, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6285 9999*68 www.wellnessspa.com.cn
省泰美好(西安店) I SPA (Xi’an) 陕西省西安市新城区东新街199号西 安万达希尔顿酒店3层 3/F Hilton Xi'an, 199 Dongxin Street, Xincheng District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710005, China Tel: +86 29 8865 0565 www.ispa.cn
“漾”Spa(苏州金鸡湖大酒店) Yang SPA , Jin Ji Lake Grand Hotel Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区国宾路168号 8号楼2楼 2/F Building 8, 168 Guobin Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6288 7878*7515 “漾”Spa(苏州凯宾斯基大酒店) Yang SPA , Kempinski Hotel Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区国宾路1号 1 Guobin Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China. Tel: +86 512 6289 7824 “漾”Spa(苏州阳澄湖澜廷度假 酒店) Yang SPA , Palace Lan Resort & Spa Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区阳澄湖旅游度 假区慈云路 Yangcheng Lake Tourism Resort, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6289 8888*5526 佳莉雅水疗中心(无锡君来世尊 酒店) RE Wellness SPA, Worldhotel Grand Juna 江苏省无锡市太湖新城和风路 111号B1 B1 Worldhotel Grand Juna, 111 Hefeng Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 510 8528 5778 www.wellnessspa.com.cn 佳莉雅水疗中心(无锡君来湖滨 饭店) RE Wellness SPA, Juna Hubin Hotel 江苏省无锡市环湖路1号君来湖滨 饭店3楼 3/F Juna Hubin Hotel, 1 Huanhu Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 510 8510 1888*2588 www.wellnessspa.com.cn
Spa 水疗·吉林
Spa 水疗·陕西
西安喜来登大酒店炫逸水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Xi’an 陕西省西安市沣镐东路262号 262 Fenghao Road East, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China Tel: +86 29 8426 1888*13888 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton 瑞斯丽温泉水疗中心 (西安瑞斯丽大酒店) Swisstouches Spa (Swisstouches Hotel Xi’an) 陕西省西安市高新区沣惠南路22号 西安瑞斯丽大酒店3层 3/F Swisstouches Hotel,22 Feng Hui South Road, High-Tech District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China Tel: +86 29 6858 8888 www.swisstouchesxian.com 西安香格里拉大酒店『 』水疗 The CHI SPA At Shangri-La Xi’an 陕西省西安市高新区科技路38号乙 38B Keji Road, Hi-Tech. District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710075, China Tel: +86 29 8835 5555 www.shangri-la.com
Spa 水疗·山西 太原万达文华酒店水水疗 Shui Spa, Taiyuan Wanda Vista Hotel 山西省太原市杏花岭区解放路169号 楼太原万达文华酒店3楼 3/F Wanda Vista, 169 Jiefang Road, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Tel: +86 351 777 6666*6760 www.wandahotels.com
Spa 水疗·天津 天津海河悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Tianjing Riverside 天津市河北区海河东路34号 34 East Haihe Road, Hebei District, Tianjin, China Tel: +86 22 5861 9999 www.banyantreespa.com
紫玉度假酒店·长白山池北 Purple Jade Riverside Resort · Changbaishan Chibei 吉林省长白山池北区滨河路1号 1 Binhe Road, Changbaishan Chibei, Jilin, China Tel: +86 433 593 8888 www.purplejaderesorts.com
迪卡拉水疗健身中心(天津滨海圣光 皇冠假日酒店) Dikara Spa, Crowne Plaza Hotel Tianjin Binhai 天津空港经济开发区中心大道55号 55 Zhongxin Avenue, Airport Economic Area, Tianjin, China Tel: +86 22 5867 8888*2400
佳莉雅水疗中心(苏州中茵皇冠假 日酒店) RE Wellness SPA, Crowne Plaza Suzhou 江苏省苏州工业园区星港街168号 苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店G1 G1, Crowne Plaza Suzhou, 168 Xing Gang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, China Tel: +86 512 6761 6688*8068 www.wellnessspa.com.cn
长春净月潭益田喜来登酒店炫 逸水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Changchun 吉林省长春市净月经济开发区永 顺路1777号 1777 Yongshun Road, Jingyue District, Changchun, Jilin, China Tel: +86 431 8181 1686 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton
泰美好(日航店) I SPA (Nikko) 天津市和平区南京路189号天津日 航酒店6层 6/F Hotel Nikko Tianjin, 189 Nanjing Road, Heping District, Tianjin, 300051, China Tel: +86 22 8319 8888 www.ispa.cn
佳莉雅水疗中心(苏州书香世家 平江府)
Lea Spa(沈阳维景会所) Lea Spa (Shenyang Grand Metropark
Spa 水疗·辽宁
泰美好(唐拉雅秀店) I SPA (Tangla) 天津市和平区南京路219号天津中心 唐拉雅秀酒店7层
7/F Tangla Hotel Tianjin, 219 Nanjing Road, Heping District, Tianjin, 300052, China Tel: +86 22 2317 5263 www.ispa.cn 京津新城凯悦酒店“道”水疗中心 The Balneum Spa at Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & Spa 天津市宝坻区周良庄珠江大道8号 8 Zhujiang Road, Zhouliang Village, Baodi District, Tianjin, 301811, China Tel: +86 22 5921 1234 www.hyatt.com
Spa 水疗·云南 抚仙湖悦椿Spa Angsana Spa at Fuxian Lake 云南澄江环湖北路8号 8 North Huanhu Road, Chengjiang, Yunnan, China Tel: +86 877 681 8888 www.angsana.com 丽江悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Lijiang 云南省丽江玉龙纳西族自治县束 河悦榕路 Yuerong Road, Shuhe Village, Yulong, Lijiang, China Tel: +86 888 533 1111 www.banyantreespa.com 仁安悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Ringha 云南省香格里拉建塘镇红坡村 Hong Po Village, Jian Tang Town Shangri-la, Diqing, Yunnan, China Tel: +86 887 828 8822 www.banyantreespa.com 蔓达梦水疗(丽江铂尔曼度假酒店) Mandara Spa, Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa 云南省丽江市束河古镇入口丽江铂 尔曼度假酒店 ShuHe Old Town Entrance Road, Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa, Lijiang, Yunnan, China Tel: + 86 888 530 0111*7151/7152 www.mspa-international.com
Spa 水疗·浙江 杭州悦榕Spa Banyan Tree Spa Hangzhou 浙江省杭州市紫金港路21号西溪天 堂国际旅游综合体 2 Westbrook Resort, Zijingang Road, Hangzhou, China Tel: +86 571 8586 0000 www.banyantreespa.com 氧滋旅(杭州玫瑰园店) O. Spa Journey (Hangzhou Rose Garden) 浙江省杭州市西湖区之江路128号杭 州玫瑰园度假酒店B1楼 B1/F Hangzhou Rose Garden Resort & Spa, 128 Zhijiang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310007, China Tel: +86 571 8766 7068*8060 杭州西溪喜来登度假酒店喜来 登水疗 Shine Spa for Sheraton Hangzhou 浙江省杭州市紫金港路西溪天堂国 际旅游综合体1号 1 Westbrook Resort, Zijingang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310030, China Tel: +86 571 8500 2222*8281 www.starwoodhotels.com/sheraton
Spa 水疗·台湾 悦椿Spa(垦丁凯撒) Angsana Spa (Caesar Park Kenting) 台湾东屏东县恒春镇垦丁路6号 6 Kending Road, Hengchun Town, Pingdong, Taiwan Tel: +886 8886 1888 www.angsana.com