Looking back on the past year at Havørred Fyn (Sea Trout Fyn), we've experienced an exciting year with fine catches. 2023 was the year we launched our huge marking experiment, which has become a core task at Sea Trout Fyn Project while continuing our work in stock-releases, water restorations, and marketing. In 2023, we witnessed a very decent distribution of visiting fishing tourists who arrived in both the spring and fall, otherwise known as the "shoulder seasons", which is the period we market.
What does the future hold for the Sea Trout Fyn Project?
At Sea Trout Fyn, we will continue working with and for the sea trout. We will continue the support of the 10 municipalities on Fyn, who are all part of the project, with providing support for water restorations that are benefiting sea trout through waterway improvements. Restoration is crucial in order to achieve the ultimate goal of having a strong self-sustaining trout stock in the streams of Fyn. The financial grants from Sea Trout Fyn reach far within the municipalities, but we also have high expectations for the revived "Gravel Gang”. They are very active, undertaking various projects in the rivers and streams, participating as “smolt guardians”, and engaging in electrofishing for broodstock (mature fish for breeding) for upcoming releases. Even in regard to fishing tourists, the “Gravel
Gang of Fyn” has lent its support.
In the past year, Sea Trout Fyn has attempted to combine some of our focus areas. The project has always had a fascinatingly strong local and voluntary support, which we continue to value greatly. However, we tried to combine the fishing tourism and water restorations in a collaboration with some of our partners. This was a big success that garnered both national and international attention, and the concept of "regenerative tourism" is something we will incorporate into various small projects in the future.
There is still room for more sea trout fishermen along the coasts of Fyn, Langeland, and Ærø, and we appreciate all the tourists who visit and support our project, ensuring our continued raison d’être with a focus on sustainable sportfishing.
Tourists contribute to the local economy and, much like the local sports fishermen, treat the sea trout with great respect. In fact, it’s our experience that fishing tourists release the majority of the fish they catch.
For Sea Trout Fyn, it's an important task to advocate for responsible and sustainable fishing, where there's room for everyone, especially the sea trout. This remains a core task, as reflected in this magazine.
We wish you “tight lines” and look forward to more years of exceptional sea trout fishing in Fyn and the Archipelago!
Publisher: Sea Trout Fyn www.seatrout.dk
Editor: Christian Thomsen
Print run: 15.000 in Danish, German and English versions
Print: Johnsen Graphic Solutions A/S
Layout: www.anglingconsulting.one Omar Gade.
Photos: Christian Thomsen, Claus Eriksen, Jahr Media/ F. Pippardt, Jan Nachtigal, Johannes Arlt, Johannes Radtke, Mikkel Jézéquel, Omar B. Gade, Sven R. Hougaard, Terkel B. Christensen, Thomas Søbirk, Troels H. Kaa, VisitFyn
Cover: Johannes Arlt
The Havørred Fyn Project
Summer on Fyn - Never Boring!
The Volunteer Effort!
Capture the moment
Know your adipose fin!
One day’s fishing is never enough!
Help Us
Fyn - in a sea of opportunities
Sea trout, possibly in shallower waters than you think
Tackle Shops
Guide book: 117 coastal spots on Fyn
Enjoy the Best Fishing guides on Fyn, Langeland and Ærø
Havørred Fyn (Sea Trout Fyn) has helped to create top-class conditions for sea trout fishing by European standards. The project’s unique link between tourism development and environmental regeneration has helped pitch Fyn as a green island and an attractive tourist destination – especially outside of high season!
The original idea behind the Havørred Fyn project was to develop sea trout fishing tourism on Fyn and the Islands through nature conservation in the form of stream restoration and the release of smolt. The idea was that, by
putting effort into restoring steams and brooks to good condition, and by releasing smolt, we could bolster the foundations needed for solid fishing tourism. Sound fishing tourism generates a sound economy – and a
It all began for Havørred Fyn back in 1990. The former Fyn County undertook a range of initiatives aimed at promoting business on Fyn and the Islands. The idea was to create more jobs, especially on the smaller islands. One of the initiatives was “Havørredeldorado Fyns Amt” [Sea Trout El Dorado, Fyn County]. In the 1990s, the watercourses on Fyn were by no means something to brag about. Blockages from water
sound economy is a strong motivating factor to invest even more in efforts that will improve our streams and water courses.
mills and meadow irrigation systems had become a ‘natural’ occurrence, and there was no shortage of piped sections and drops. Moreover, water was often underappreciated and sewage discharge directly into our watercourses had unfortunately become par for the course. Back then, most anglers fished for cod, flatfish and garfish. Finding a sea trout was a special but seldom occurrence. And so Fyn
HAVØRRED FYNCounty saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone through their El Dorado project. The project has since changed its name to the much simpler Havørred Fyn that we know today, bringing all ten municipalities on Fyn together to make a unified and concerted green effort across administrative boundaries.
Today, more than thirty years later, those early ambitions of the project have succeeded beyond all expectations. Fish living conditions have improved considerably in many of our waterways. This was the result of a huge effort to remove the blockages that prevented sea trout from reaching their spawning grounds, and of laying out spawning gravel and hiding stones in places where the water had removed them over time. Alongside the release of hundreds of thousands of smolt each year, this huge effort has helped to make Fyn, Langeland and Ærø into top-class fishing destinations. Angling along the coasts of Fyn is something that experts are discussing and writing about both locally and internationally, and not without good reason. The Havørred Fyn model has spread, and that is fantastic.
However, there is still plenty of scope for us to roll up our sleeves and keep on doing the good work that all our volunteers, associations and others have been helping with. Streams run through our region like nature’s veins, and there are still plenty of ‘blood clots’ that could be removed. Without the tremendous support of its volunteers, Havørred Fyn would never be able to run. But so long as it is here, we can continue to enjoy the excellent sea trout fishing that Fyn and the Islands have to offer.
In the 1960s, when the “Danish Fisheries Investigations” (the DFU) monitored the trout population on Fyn, the results were unfortunately discouraging, earning Fyn the reputation of “the islands with the beautiful but troutless streams". This catchy phrase reflected how the natural conditions in the streams were good but heavily challenged by pollution and influences from industry and agriculture.
The original trout populations on Fyn had nearly disappeared, and Fyn was far from a "sea trout eldorado". However, the streams were not entirely drained of fish, as local sports anglers introduced new trout in the 1960s. Despite the difficulties, they gradually succeeded in establishing local trout populations.
The sea trout and the local trout populations, preserved through the efforts of Fyn's sports anglers, formed the basis for a tourism
project called "Sea Trout Eldorado Fyn County". This project aimed to promote tourism, business, and the preservation of crucial streams essential for trout reproduction. Despite the influx of visitors from different countries coming to fish in Fyn's waters, the anglers embraced the project positively. Havørred Fyn, as it is known today, has enjoyed a continuously strong support from local volunteers. Over the years, the voluntary contributions to the Havørred Fyn project have been consistently crucial and indispensable, even if not always recognized. From the beginning of the project, Fyn's anglers have played a critical role acting as "egg suppliers" to aid the breeding of release smolts, a significant part of Havørred Fyn's success. Without the sustained efforts of volunteers over time, there would be no project today.
As volunteers, the local anglers from Fyn and the Islands have always played a significant role for Havørred Fyn. Today, volunteers contribute by electrofishing, fin-clipping on smolts, serving as “smolt guards” and “key anglers”, and distributing spawning gravel as members of the “Gravel Gang”.
Today, volunteers play a more significant role than ever before. Through “Vandpleje Fyn”, the association of angling clubs on Fyn, the voluntary part of the electrofishing is managed. In collaboration with “Fyns Laksefisk”, all the eggs needed for Havørred Fyn's release smolts, as well as eggs for stock-enhancing releases of trout fry, are collected. Gathering broodstock for breeding is a substantial and time-consuming task that lasts all throughout November. Volunteers electrofish with up to 6 electrofishing teams every weekend throughout the month.
During the winter, one can encounter "fin clippers" at Fyns Laksefisk. Since Havørred Fyn initiated Denmark's largest tagging experiment of trout in collaboration with Fyns Laksefisk and DTU Aqua, hundreds of thousands of fins have been clipped by volunteering "fin clippers". Fish tagging involves clipping their adipose fin, and each year, 350.000 small, sedated trout need to be tagged by hand - a massive undertaking where volunteers assist the staff at Fyns Laksefisk.
For the tagging experiment, vast amounts of data need to be collected from the angling community. The "Catch Journal" app is a tool designed for this purpose, but there is no data without users. To validate the data from the public, a team of key anglers has been assembled. These key anglers are specially chosen anglers who carefully report all their fishing trips and catches, allowing later data comparison and verification. The volunteer key anglers are a crucial part of the project.
Want to Join?
Even during smolt stocking, volunteers are crucial. They serve as "smolt guards" at selected streams and river mouths to protect the released fish in their first days, since this is when they are most vulnerable to threats, such as hungry cormorants. These "smolt guards," as the volunteers are called during this period, have shifts of 3 hours each for 3 days after the release of the fish. To illustrate the extent of the effort, in 2023 alone, 144 shifts were carried out at 18 streams in Fyn, Langeland, and Ærø. Results have shown that up to 40% more fish survive when smolt guards are present.
Would you like to volunteer?
Then follow Havørred Fyn on Facebook, Instagram, and the website seatrout.dk!
Last but not least, volunteers are involved in the "Gravel Gang", an initiative supporting the voluntary restoration efforts of Fyn's sports anglers. The Gravel Gang of Fyn is the country's oldest and is now jointly operated by “Vandpleje Fyn” and Havørred Fyn. Its task is to support and assist all water care groups performing voluntary stream restoration on Fyn and the islands. The Gravel Gang has around 225 members and carries out 5-7 restoration initiatives each year. You can follow the Gravel Gang of Fyn on the Facebook page "Den Fynske Grusbande!"
1Various tagged fishnotice how different the adipose fins look.
Fact box:
In 2023, Havørred Fyn started Denmark's largest tagging experiment of trout in collaboration with FGU Fyns Laksefisk and DTU Aqua. The purpose of the experiment is to examine the impact of releases.
Help us achieve more sustainable sportfishing:
Know your adipose fin –report your fishing trips – and release the wild sea trout (those with intact adipose fins).
All approximately 1.2 million smolts released on Fyn and the Archipelago during the period 2023-2025 have had their adipose fin clipped. This is done manually, which can result in significant variation in the appearance of the adipose fin after the procedure. Some fish may have a completely missing fin, while others
may carry scar tissue in the form of a small 'stump'. As a sea trout fisherman, it is important to be able to differentiate whether the fish is marked or not when reporting your catch in the app 'Fangstjournalen'. However, it’s not always easy to spot the difference, so here are some examples:
A tagged fin that has developed scar tissue.
A whole, beautiful, and intact adipose fin. This fish has NOT been tagged.
Each year, hundreds of volunteers and different organisations work to improve the conditions for fish in our watercourses. Fangstjournalen is an important tool for documenting the effect of the extensive work carried out.
So join many of your fellow anglers in Denmark and start recording your fishing trips in Fangstjournalen. That way, you can help generate important data about angling and fish stock conditions. From 2023, it will be possible to record whether caught sea trout have their adipose fins or not, and thus help us acquire crucial information about the value of release efforts.
This is how you can share your knowledge:
1: Download and install the Fangstjournalen app. You will find it on Google Play or the App Store.
2: Create your own personal user profile.
3: Record all your fishing trips and catches in
Fangstjournalen – including trips when you don’t catch anything, that is also important information for us to know.
4: Record any sea trout you catch. Remember to specify whether it was clipped or not. It is very important that all sea trout – both WITH and WITHOUT their adipose fins – are recorded.
5: You can also record the size, location and time. It is then up to you whether you want to share all this information with your fishing buddies, or let it be known only to science!
Register your catches with ease! – It’s the best!
Fangstjournalen is also available via the FishingInDenmark app.
Fyn isn't just one island. Fyn is the island among islands, in a sea of opportunities. Here, you'll find more than 1,100 kilometres of charming coastline, and on every meter, there could be a sea trout hiding. Of course, some places are better than others, and it might seem overwhelming if you've never fished here before. But fear not, it might not be as complicated as you think - because no matter your preferences as an angler, your ideal fishing spot exists on Fyn. Are you into the open coast with expansive views, cliffs, and deep waters? Or perhaps you prefer to fish in a sheltered bay along a winding coastline where surprises await around every corner? Whatever you prefer, you'll find it all right here. If the wind doesn't favour one
“For me, it's often the surroundings that determine the size of the fishing experiences”
Christian Thomsen
spot, it's likely blowing just perfect at another. This is especially true for the small, charming islands in the southern Fyn archipelago. Here, there are plenty of opportunities to embark on adventures and explore the unknown. Grab your bag and start your fishing expedition to a "deserted" island where you can experience having the entire island to yourself. A true fishing adventure that will create lasting memories you won't forget. Fyn and the islands are bursting with all sorts of opportunities waiting to be discovered!
The wonders of Fyn come in many forms - we've gathered a small selection here so you can get some inspiration for your next fishing adventure. But remember – places like these are to be found all over Fyn and the nearby islands!
The sea trout paradise in the middle of the world: When autumn sets the stage for the sea trout's euphoria, they suddenly seem to be found everywhere and nowhere. Drejø - an enchanting island in the South Funen Archipelago, surrounded by majestic cliffs. Here, the doors open to a world of diverse coastal experiences for sea trout enthusiasts. The island is so strategically positioned that it stands out as a refreshing destination away from the more common fishing spots, and a trip to Drejø feels like a small expedition to the very heart of the sea trout's realm. Drejø is known as the "Island in the Middle of the World".
For any passionate sea trout fisherman, this nickname represents not only a geographic center but also a location in the heart of the sea trout's world. Early autumn on Drejø is particularly magical as the island lies directly on the migration routes of the sea trout, presenting them in vast numbers along the coast. If you gather your fishing buddies, there's no need to take the car. The island's old smithy “Den Gamle Smedie” offers tourist transportation directly to the fishing spots by an old tractor. So, put on your waders, pack your fishing gear, and prepare for an unforgettable trip to Drejø - a different experience in a different place.
Arel: 4,3 km2
Length: 5 km / width: 2 km.
Coastline: 16 km
Population: about 70
Accommodation: Several options via Drejø Resident Association at www.drejo.dk or at the primitive campsite a few hundred meters from the ferry berth.
Ferry: M/S Højestene from Svendborg Harbor. The route passes via Skarø and takes about 75 minutes.
Tip: There's only 3 km between Drejø and the more northerly located island of Skarø. Once the ferry ticket is purchased, it's easy to visit both islands. With a fishing day on each island, there's grounds for a small sea trout expedition to new (and often deserted) coasts.
Be aware: Avoid access to “Digerne” and “Mejlhovedsodde” from March 1st to July 15th. This is a vulnerable natural area. See map on www.seatrout.dk.
Bjørnø, a unique nature gem in a timeless universe. Here, time stands completely still, and your sea trout fishing transforms into an epic experience in an ice age landscape. Undulating hills, majestic cliff slopes, and a rocky coastline are just some of the characteristic features of Bjørnø. Bjørnø is also the place where anglers can embrace a primitive adventure, free from noise and car transportation. Arrival is by the charming passenger boat "Lillebjørn" from Faaborg, and your journey begins by strolling through the idyllic village: Bjørnø by. Continue along the path towards South Beach and decide from there which direction your
fishing should start. At Bjørnø, a unique fishing experience awaits, especially along the 2.5 kilometer long coastline on the southern side where chances are rich. However, you should be aware that when the wind blows from the west/southwest, the coast can be challenging as the waves crash against the clay cliffs and the water becomes murky. Bjørnø is a unique fishing paradise; it is a destination that in many ways resembles a tropical island - not something you'd think would exist in Denmark. But it does. Fish actively and explore, remembering that the fish often reside in the very shallow waters; Bjørnø is no exception.
Area: 1,5 km2
Length: : 1,8 km / width: 2,7 km
Coastline: 8 km
Population: about 35
Accommodation: Various forms of accommodation are available on Bjørnø. For instance, book a trailer at Bjørnøgård.
Ferry: The Bjørnø ferry "Lillebjørn" sails between Faaborg and Bjørnø. Sailing time: approx. 17 min
Tip: Pack your hiking backpack and leave the car behind. On Bjørnø, there's no need to bring your car. You can easily fish around the island by foot.
Be aware: Avoid access to the southeastern reef from March 1st to July 15th. This area is a bird reserve/vulnerable natural area. See www.seatrout.dk.
A pearl in the Archipelago: Just as ancient Rome was centered by all roads, Lyø town sits at the center of all gravel roads and paths, right in the middle of Lyø island. Despite its modest population of around 90 inhabitants, Lyø offers a unique local community that has everything: a grocery store, restaurant, cozy cafes, campsite, several bed & breakfasts, and even a hairdresser.Lyø is an island that has preserved its authenticity and charm, and for the sportfisherman, Lyø is more than just an idyllic destination – it's a true paradise with plenty of fantastic sea trout spots. Fishing on Lyø is excellent year-round, but it's especially at
its best in spring and autumn. The winding roads among the fields lead not only to local shops and eateries but also to secluded and hidden spots along the coast, where you can experience the ultimate fishing experience with your fishing buddy. Upon arriving at Lyø, you have two options. You can either drive across the island to the south coast, which is long and diverse with small mussel reefs and rip channels. Alternatively, heading west takes you to a rocky cliff coast. In winter, there is also a third option: the fantastic Lyø Trille.
Arel: 6 km2
Length: 2 km / width: 3,5 km.
Coastline: 13 km
Population: about 90
Accommodation: On Lyø, there are several different and cozy bed & breakfasts available.
Ferry: Ø-Færgen (Faaborg - Avernakø - Lyø / Faaborg - Lyø - Avernakø). Sailing time: approx. 30/60 min.
Tip: It's the same ferry that sails from Faaborg to Avernakø and Lyø. Therefore, it's ideal to combine Lyø and Avernakø on the same fishing trip, as they are merely a short trip apart.
Be aware: The coastline along Vestersjo and Lyø Trille is a breeding bird reserve with restricted access from March 1st to July 15th. Additionally, the area known as "det nye land" is a vulnerable natural area, and access to here should also be avoided during the same period.
Not far from Lyø lies Avernakø. Avernakø offers a symphony of sea trout spots ranging from open, swiftly flowing coasts with deep water to small shallow bays and coves. Avernakø is not just a place; it’s a perfect year-round destination for the passionate sea trout fisherman. Avernakø's long iconic shape ensures that even when the wind picks up, it doesn't have to ruin your fishing day. The island is a true fishing paradise, and with a whopping 19 kilometres of coastline, there are plenty of exciting opportunities for sea trout sportfishermen. Avernakø not only offers outstanding fishing experiences but also makes it easy for visitors to plan
their stay. Accommodation options are easily accessible, and with the possibility of bringing your own car, it becomes even easier to explore the island's hidden treasures and access even the most remote fishing spots fast. So, if you're planning a fishing adventure, Avernakø should be on your list. The tranquil atmosphere on Avernakø and the closeknit community among the residents create a special ambiance, making the island the ideal retreat for those looking to combine their passion for fishing with authentic South Funen culture and hospitality.
Area: 5,9 km2
Length: 7,7 km / width: 1,5 km.
Coastline: 19 km
Population: about 110
Accommodation: Avernakø Landhotel, a Sea Trout Funen certified accommodation, is located on Avernakø. Here, you can enjoy good food, prepare a packed lunch, and stay in a genuine local atmosphere.
Færge: Ø-Færgen (Faaborg - Avernakø - Lyø / Faaborg - Lyø - Avernakø). Sailing time: approx. 30/60 min.
Tip: The ferry to Avernakø is the same as to Lyø, and it shuttles to Faaborg. Therefore, it's ideal to book an extra day and take a day trip to the neighbouring island Lyø (or vice versa) while you're already there. Having the car with you is an advantage here.
Be aware: Both in the north and south ends of Avernakø, there are vulnerable nature reserves. Avoid these areas from March 1st to July 15th.
The sea trout is coastal and prefers to stay in shallow waters. We know that, but how shallow is “shallow water” really? What water depth do sea trout prefer? And do we fish at the depth where most sea trout are found?
When I started my sea trout fishing career, the definition of a good sea trout spot was that it needed deep water; at least a meter's depth, preferably more. This was considered the right depth to find sea trout. If one couldn't reach a proper depth directly from the shore, then wading out to navel depth was the starting point for fishing. That's how it was described in the old textbooks, and rarely was there any questioning of that information. Even today, I see many sea trout fishermen following this old-fashioned teaching. However, as I gained more experience, I sensed that the old books were wrong. I discovered that sea trout were, and still are, much more inclined towards shallow waters than the books described and what I
believed. Consequently, my coastal fishing has completely changed, and I rarely fish over deep waters anymore.
During winter, there's a shift inward, resulting in almost 100% of the fish being found in zones 1 and 2. In the warmest summer months, however, the distribution shifts outward, meaning roughly around 60/40 are in zones 2 and 3.
Of course, there are plenty of exceptions, but the rule holds on most days, at most spots, and in all seasons.
Initially, this started as a theory based on personal experiences, but over the last 10 years, during which I've spent a lot of time with various underwater cameras, the theory has turned into fact. I've filmed hundreds of sea trout of all sizes, almost all of
From zero to kneedeep waters - about 30% of the fish are found here
From knee to navel-deep waters - around 50% of sea trout inhabit this zone
From navel to deeper waters - the remaining 20% can be found here
them in shallow waters, and actually, quite often, the biggest fish in the very shallow areas too.
Year-round, the majority of the coastal sea trout can be found in zone 2, in water depths ranging from
knee to navel. Hence, this is the most crucial zone of the three mentioned, and therefore, most of our efforts should be concentrated here.
Nevertheless, a sea trout fisherman wading in zone 2 and exclusively
fishing outward into zone 3 is not an uncommon sight.
Or, put another way, a sea trout fisherman wading deep entirely misses 70-80% of the fish and only fishes for the remaining 20-30%.
...and the biggest fish in the very shallow areas too."
It is, of course, a strategic mistake. However, it is also difficult and very time-consuming to effectively fish all three zones.
Hence, I choose to prioritize the
entirety of zone 2 and the areas of zones 1 and 3 adjacent to zone 2. I wade along the coast in water depths just below knee level and cast outward, often covering the entire zone 2 and maybe a bit of zone 3.
Before wading, though, I make sure to first cover the water I´ll be wading into. That means approximately every tenth cast is placed forward in the knee-deep water where I'll be wading subsequently. Thus, every
tenth cast only fishes in zone 1 - the following nine cover the entire zone 2 and a bit of zones 1 and 3.
By fishing in this way, I cover 70-80% of the potentially existing fish on the
coastline - much better than the mere 20-30% that would have seen my bait if I had waded deep, as was done in the “old days”.
Therefore: Become a shallow-water
fisherman. It's comfortable, intense, exciting, and far more efficient.
See you in knee deep water!
Claus EriksenThe most underrated season for sea trout fishing on Fyn is possibly the summer. No other season offers as many diverse opportunities as the warmest and most beautiful time of the year.v
Conditions alone can vary from anything between 18 degrees with wind and rain to 30 degrees, sunshine, and calm winds. Therefore, summer fishing includes
everything from actively seeking hunting sea trout in high waves with large, eye-catching and aggressive flies to catching sea trout that, on calm days, gather food directly from
the surface with tiny natural flies.
The hours around sunrise and sunset are also very interesting. With a calm surface, rising and hunting sea trout
can often be seen during these times of day, and they can be caught with properly presented flies. During the long days of summer in Denmark, there's plenty of time to experiment and thus adapt as best as possible
to the conditions you are put in.
As previously mentioned, approaches can vary significantly. Sea trout adapt their feeding strategy to the given conditions, so we must do the
same in order to succeed. A good example of this is a fishing day from the summer of 2023; in the morning, there was supposed to be a fresh westerly wind, just enough to fish in the onshore wind in perfectly
The sensation that courses through the body when holding a good catch is hard to let go of, often sparking the desire to take the fish home. Especially when dealing with large and colourful fish, it´s crucial to release them back on their journey towards their homestream, a practice I personally hold dear. I carry the experience with me and release the coloured fish. As a dedicated fly fisher and photographer, I've developed a passion for capturing the mood and moments of the fishing trip through my camera. In many ways, this allows me to take the fish home despite releasing it again. Capturing the great experiences from the coast holds significant value for me. If one wishes to pursue this, I have some tips and tricks on how to spare the fish while still achieving the perfect shot.
... I have found that the experience can be at least as great, if not greater, if I return home with a good picture rather than a fish for the pot."
1 2 3
If the fish is to be released, it's important not to stress it for too long. Keep it in the water until you take the photo and then return it to the water as quickly as possible. Especially with large fish, it's crucial to support them with a flat hand under the belly to avoid damage to their organs.
To minimize the amount of time I hold the fish in my hands, I prepare everything while it rests in the rubber net. If I'm alone on the trip, I always have a tripod ready for use. The camera is pre-set with a timer from home, so it's just a matter of placing it on the tripod and pressing the button.
If you intend to fish for sea trout over several days, then we’ve got good news for you and your buddy – you can stay at an angler’s cottage certified by Havørred Fyn and enjoy yet even more time by the water.
Along the coasts of Fyn, Ærø and Langeland, you will find more than forty certified lodgings which have all gone that extra mile to make anglers and sportfishermen feel welcome. This means they have spared a thought to all those things that fishing folk value. The hosts have local knowledge about fishing, they can arrange certified sea trout guides, help with fishing licenses, and you can even dry and store your gear! You can find these certified lodgings at www.en.seatrout.dk and you can also recognize them by their signs: Havørred Fyn Partner.
Fyn, Ærø and Langeland offer kilometre upon kilometre of coast just made for sea trout and sea trout anglers.
More than 1,100 kilometres of coastline await, with scarcely a single metre where, at some point, a sea trout cannot be caught. But where do you start? Which are the best fishing spots for different seasons? And what about the wind and the current? How do they affect various locations? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in our guide book to guide you to 117 brilliant fishing spots around Fyn, Langeland and Ærø. Several of the islands’ most experienced saltwater anglers have contributed to the book and share the benefit of their fishing experience. The guide book is full of inspiration for the seasoned trout angler and the novice alike. Good maps and accurate descriptions make it easy to find just the right fishing spot – depending on the season, fishing method and wind direction.
When you come to Fyn, or Denmark in general for fishing, you need to remember to purchase a fishing license. This can be done online at www.fisketegn.dk. The fishing license is valid for an entire year. The proceeds contribute to initiatives aimed at improving fishing conditions, ultimately benefiting your fishing experience.
Fishing guides on Fyn, Langeland and Ærø
Turbocharge your sea trout fishing: The fishing paradise on Fyn consists of more than 1,100 kilometers of coast spread across ninety different islands. The key to a successful fishing trip is knowing precisely where, when and how to fish for sea trout.
The secret is FISHING GUIDES! Havørred Fyn offers fishing guides who are all professionals and certified within none other than sea trout fishing. They have local and up-to-date knowledge on our coastlines and can make a world of difference to your fishing experience.
Prices from:
½ day (4 hours) DKK 2499
Full day (8 hours) DKK 3499
Get to know them at www.en.seatrout.dk
Jan Nachtigal
Tlf.: +45 28 41 02 90
Email: info@denmarkfishinglodge.com
René Gerken
Tlf: +45 51 89 05 22
Email: info@renegerken.com
Claus Eklundh Christensen
Tlf.: +45 27 28 95 41
Email: info@fishnship.dk
Niklas Albrechtsen
Tlf.: +45 53 57 60 06
Email: niklas@seatroutguidefyn.dk
Omar Bo Gade
Tlf.: +45 28 41 02 90
Email: info@denmarkfishinglodge.com
Kenneth Birler
Tlf: +45 40 47 41 67
E-mail: mail@fishinglodgefyn.dk
Michael Johannes Nielsen
Tlf.:+45 24 84 44 22
Email: michael@fwo.dk
Your platform for chasing sea trout on Fyn, Ærø and Langeland Here, you can find everything you need in your quest for sea trout – apart from the salt water!
Check out the interactive map of the 1,100 kilometres of sea trout coastline. EVERYTHING you need has been brought together on one sea trout map. There are 117 fishing spots with satellite photos, topographical maps, descriptions of fishing spots, seasonal recommendations, conservation zones, special rules, etc. – all right at your fingertips whenever you need it!
You can also::
Find accommodation at a certified anglers’ establishment
Book the island’s best sea trout angler as your own guide.
Watch a video about fishing for sea trout.
Follow our work to promote Fyn’s sea-trout stocks.
Read news from the coasts, the fishing guides and partners.
Gain new knowledge about sea trout and practical fishing.
See conservation zone information and fishing rules for Fyn’s coastlines.