er t a Fr a r 19 h te 20 lp p A a r i h te C Ph a in a d W h b lp a t A Lm in r f i o P p m er a I t Zet et e sl h t ALPHA e h T
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Training our youth for manly deeds, scholarship & love for all mankind.
2 | The Alpha IMPRINT: WINTER 2019
Bro. Salim Mayberry, President Much has transpired in the 1st half of this Fraternal year for Zeta Pi Lambda. We were very active in the local community in multiple entities and accomplished several achievements during this time; all in line with our chapter theme for this year: “The Alpha Imprint: Making an Indelible Mark on the Community”. The “Alpha Imprint” is expanding with a reignited and stronger energy here in the Seattle Metropolitan area! These are exciting times! The start and the groundwork for a successful Fraternal year began with the Alpha Advance (since Alphas move forward and never “retreat”), which is our annual planning meeting to structure the upcoming Fraternal year. From there, we headed to the 95th National Convention in strong numbers to handle the business of Alpha and meet other Brothers from around the world as well as face the heat of Las Vegas, Nevada. We represented well and gave Brothers a snippet of what Zeta Pi Lambda is all about. From the National Convention, we hosted our 3rd annual Summer Phreeze Pool Party, where proceeds from this event were used to support our scholarship fund to reward scholarships to local high school seniors pursuing college. This was our most successful Summer Phreeze Pool Party yet, being the most attended pool party we’ve had and raising the money ever in this capacity! We continued being active locally by showing up in significant numbers at events including the Seattle Greek Picnic and our periodic Brotherhood Brunches. Additionally, we showed up in significant numbers at the United Negro College Fund College and Career Fair at Garfield High School where we tabled a booth there in order to share the importance of college, how to prepare for college while in high school, and of course provide information our great Fraternity to high school students. We also attended the Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle’s (ULMS) 19th Annual Breakfast to not only support the great work ULMS is doing, but also to support the honoring of outgoing City of Seattle Council President Bro. Bruce Harrell and his years of service to Seattle. We ended the 1st half of the Fraternally year on a high note in celebrating our 113th Founders’ Day and our beloved Jewels during our Founders’ Celebration Week, which included the Brotherhood Happy Hour, the Brotherhood Smoke, the West Seattle Rotary Club Annual Shopping Spree, the Founders’ Day Brunch Banquet, and the Brotherhood Church Call. In particular, at the West Seattle Rotary Club Annual Shopping Spree, we served the community by providing clothes for local kids for the holidays, keeping in the spirit with our motto. At the Brotherhood Brunch Banquet, we celebrated not only the great founding of our Fraternity, but also celebrated the 80th Anniversary of the Alpha Xi chapter being seated at the University of Washington, honored Brothers that had been doing the work of Alpha in the community, and celebrated Brothers who reached their 50th year in Alpha, including our very own, Bro. Horace Bailey, Jr. Last, but certainly not least, we made 3 major accomplishments in the community and internally within the chapter. Those accomplishments were: 1) Restarting our Club ALPHA (Alpha Leadership Project for Honoring Achievement) Mentoring Program in September; 2) Building a chapter directory and database; and 3) Updating our 501c3 status to active again. With Club ALPHA, we have been able to lead and teach skills for success and personal growth to young men between the ages of 12 -18 years old. The chapter director and database has provided chapter members with useful information such as a list of Brothers contact information as well as a list of committees along with chairs, chapter calendar, chapter leadership, and chapter documents. Having the active 501c3 status again now provides us with the opportunity to receive grants and donations which will, most importantly, significantly increase our education/scholarship fund to reward larger scholarship amounts to local high school students.
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As you can see, we have been busy doing the work of Alpha and serving the local community. In the second half of the fraternal year, we will continue doing so and have already started. We are currently working in collaboration with the ULMS as a part of the Black Caucus for the 2020 Census in order to develop strategies to empower our community and make sure we are counted in this year’s Census. We have also begun conversations with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound in order to develop ways to be a resource in mentoring the young black men in their program and to grow our Club ALPHA mentoring program. Entering this next decade and second half of the Fraternal year, I look forward to further working with you Brothers to continue to grow Zeta Pi Lambda and strengthening our partnerships and programs so that we can grow a stronger...bolder “Imprint”! Please join me in welcoming the following Brothers to the Seattle area: Bro. James Peterkin II
Bro. Daytheon Sturges
Bro. Jay Cunningham
Bro. Frankie Johnson
Bro. Zachary Murphy
Bro. Joe Ratliff
Bro. Corey Wilson
Bro. Stevens Bonhomme
Bro. Robert Cloud
Bro. Will Bryant
Bro. Damikio “Scoob” Loverson
4 | The Alpha IMPRINT: WINTER 2019
Making An Imprint:
As The Zeta Pi Lambda Chapter continue to thrive and grow in the Seattle Metro
This year we were able to rollout the ZPL 2019-2020 App that equips Brothers w
Features also include: Message Board, Chapter Attendance Sign-In, Chapter Monthly Committee reports, Governing Documents, Robert Rules of Order Guide, and ChapterPhotos. Access to the ZPL App is only assesible to Brothers in Good Standing only.
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Introducing The ZPL App
o area it has become critical that we find new ways to keep Brothers connected.
with all of the information necessary to stay informed with chapter happenings.
To have your information included in the Chapter App please scan the QR code to the right.
6 | The Alpha IMPRINT: WINTER 2019
About The Zeta Pi Lambda Chapter Under the leadership of B. E. Squires of Seattle, WA the Alpha Xi Chapter was organized and re-chartered at the University of Washington on December 31, 1939 (originally Marquette University, 1923) and began the Greek Letter movement among college-trained African American men in the Pacific Northwest. This single chapter contained both undergraduates and alumni from Oregon and Washington. In 1950 Epsilon Zeta Lambda alumni chapter in Portland, OR was chartered. Alpha’s presence in Washington continued to grow, prompting the formulation of a second chapter in Washington state. Zeta Pi Lambda chapter was founded on October 12, 1956 in Seattle, Washington. Zeta Pi Lambda has a proud history of implementing the National Programs of the Fraternity at the local level, providing service and advocacy to the Greater Seattle community, promoting leadership of Brothers in vital community institutions including numerous Public and Civic endeavors, and partnering with various community organizations
by advancing their missions and objectives with frontline volunteers, financial support, and intellectual capital.
establish a new, comprehensive mentorship program, Club A.L.P.H.A.
The founding members of Zeta Pi Lambda are: John Browning , George Carroll, Jerry Crowder, Haskel Humes, Charles V. Johnson, Lee Lewis, Odell Lewis, Gordon McHenry, Sr., Cleophus W. Miller, Rolland Patterson, Alfred Petty, Charles Taylor, and Calvin Wallace, Sr. In addition to the fraternity’s National Programs - Project Alpha, Go to High School, Go to College and Voter Registration, Zeta Pi Lambda chapter has been deeply involved in the Seattle community past through other programs such as the Guiding Light mentorship program, Big Brothers, the C.P Johnson scholarship fund, the Herbert Starke Scholarship fund, and the Karl Holifield Scholarship fund, where we have awarded 10’s of thousands of dollars to deserving high school students. Many of the mentees and scholarship recipients have gone on to become Alpha Men and college graduates. The chapter is currently endeavoring to
Are You Looking to Get Active? Chapter Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:45pm except for the month of July and August.
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Making An Imprint...
Service - Scholarship - Fellowship
3rd Annual Summer Phreeze Pool Party
One of ZPL’s premier summer events is the annual Summer Phreeze Pool Party. The pool party was very successful and featured a cash bar, dj, card games, and indoor rooftop pool on the 41st floor.
Seattle NPHC Greek Picnic
Brothers attending the annual Seattle Metro Greek Picnic this past September. The event featured a stroll-off exhibition in which many brothers participated.
Brotherhood Brunches
Every quarter the Brothers of ZPL gather together to fellowship during our what we call our Brotherhood Brunches. This past year we had the honor of dining at “June Baby”, which is owned by Bro. Edouardo Jordan.
UNCF College Fair
The Brothers of ZPL are proud to support the efforts of the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) as they work to promote and introduce young men and women to Historical Black Colleges and Universities.
Upcoming Events African American Legislative Day At The Capitol February 17, 2020 - 9am to 3pm Western Region Conference - March 25-29, 2020 Westin Hotel (Airport) - Los Angeles, CA 30th Annual Youth Law Forum - April 25, 2020 First A.M.E Church - 8:30am to 2:30pm March of Dimes March For Babies - May 2, 2020 Seattle Center - 8am
8 | The Alpha IMPRINT: WINTER 2019
Making An Imprint...
113th Founders’ Week Celebration
Brotherhood Smoke West Seattle Annual Youth Shopping Spree
Brotherhood Church Fellowship
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Ice Cold Happy Hour
Founders’ Day Brunch
10 | The Alpha IMPRINT: WINTER 2019
Making An Imprint...
Club A.L.P.H.A.
The mission of Club ALPHA is to assist young men in our community to learn skills, concepts, and processes from an AfroCentric Prospective to lead, mold, and shape members of our community for the growth, dignity/respect, and survival of our race in the future.
To aid our young men of the path of success by leading, teaching, and sharing with them our successes through life so that they may be the beneficiaries of our knowledge, wisdom, and experiences through life. Also, be a mentor and advisor, when they may face life’s challenges, problems, and opportunities for growth.
1. Provide positive African-American role models and re-define the student’s perception of the Black male image. 2. Build an environment that promotes socially positive behavior in the community. 3. Introduce a self-motivating and goal setting perspective to the students. 4. Develop an entertaining means to engage the students in brotherhood.
Target Demographic
Middle to High School Male Youth of Color (12-18years old) in the Seattle-Metro Area.
Location and Time
Van Asselt Community Center: 2820 S Myrtle St, Seattle WA 98108 at 10:00a.m. to 12 noon.
Bro. John Nelson and Bro. Bobby Alexander
Upcoming Sessions (Meetings are every 2nd Saturday of the month) Financial Literacy Project Alpha Police Interactions and Citizen Rights Voter Education STEM Education
If you would like to serve as a mentor, session facilitator, or session sponsor please contact Bro. John Nelson and Bro. Bobby Alexander for more information.
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Making An Imprint...
Brothers on the Move
Congratulations Bro. Bruce Harrell on 12 Years of Service to the City of Seattle. ZPL Chapter President Bro. Mayberry and Vice President Bro. Ruffin had the opportunity to attend the 19th Annual Seattle Metropolitan Chapter of the Urban League annual Breakfast where they recognized City of Seattle Council President Bro. Bruce Harrell. He was honored at the for his years of service with the city.
Congratulations Bro. Horace Bailey Jr. on 50 Years of Service to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Initiated December 13, 1969 through the Epsilon Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. seated at California State University at Fresno.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Zeta Pi Lambda Chapter PO BOX 21125 Seattle, Washington 98111