We have adjusted to the airport searches and increased security but I don’t believe we can shake our feelings of vulnerability.” I was getting ready to go to my High School teaching job on Sept. 11, 2001. I watched in disbelief when a second plane struck the Twin Towers and said to myself, "This can't be an accident." I didn't use the word terrorism, because as a US citizen, it wasn't within my realm to use that word. On the way to school, I contemplated how I would teach that day. Some kids needed the reassurance of routine, while others needed to talk about what they had viewed. It was a day that we lost our innocence, collectively as a nation. We have adjusted to the airport searches and increased security but I don't believe we can shake our feelings of vulnerability. We all became victims that day, knowing that our unstoppable spirit as a nation could be breached. We also all became survivors of 911. Tina V., 49, Kelso
The biggest change for me personally that day was realizing that ‘Homeland Security’ was now not a notional concept for which my fellow service members and I had trained over the years to handle, but was in fact part of our daily operational rhythm.” I was getting ready to go to work at the Seattle Times -- I worked in New Media Engineering -- that morning. I started out my work day not knowing how it would ultimately end but fully expecting to be called up to deploy with my Coast Guard Reserve unit as the morning unfolded. By nightfall, my unit and I had departed and were on station providing security coverage at a number of Puget Sound locations. The biggest change for me personally that day was realizing that 'Homeland Security' was now not a notional concept for which my fellow service members and I had trained over the years to handle, but was in fact part of our daily operational rhythm. The next biggest change I experienced was placing my life on hold in order to return to the Middle East in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to a region where I had served years before during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Brian W., 46, Seattle
We have adjusted to the airport searches and increased security but I don’t believe we can shake our feelings of vulnerability.” I don't remember what it was like to have loved ones meet me off the jet way, or not to have to take off my shoes. Nor do I remember a lack of military presence with assault rifles in airports. I can only vaguely remember when getting through security didn't take two hours. J. Sinn., 26, Alaska