IT’S ALL IN THE MIND(SET) By Joseph Autera
The following is a chapter excerpt from Mr. Autera’s upcoming book titled "The Professional's Guide to Planing, Managing, Providing Secure Transportation" While each of the three components of the Security Driver’s Triangle is critical to the outcome of behind-the-wheel emergencies as well as the overall success of the secure transportation operation, the driver is the most critical of the three. While this has always been the case, with the rapid advancements in automotive technology, particularly when it comes to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), the paradigm is starting to shift. We will take a closer look at this shift in Part II, The Vehicle, but it is safe to say that for the foreseeable future the driver will likely remain the most critical component. This is because the driver is the only one of those three components who is capable of taking in information, determining what that information means, and making decisions based on what that information tells them. Which explains why the driver is the deciding factor in determining the outcome of behind-the-wheel emergencies; he or she is the decision-making component of the Security Driving Triangle. But while avoiding potential crashes and possible security threats is certainly the Security Driver’s most important responsibility, the vast majority of the work it takes to accom-