Kiki Maurey's Motivational Map

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Motivational Maps


an introduction Kiki Maurey, Executive Coach-Speaker Kiki Maurey Consultancy Limited trading as KMC

www.kikimaurey-­‐ and Companies House Registration No. 06415617 Registered Office: c/o GFM Accounting Ltd, Heywood, Southampton Road, Lyndhurst, Hampshire SO43 7BU


What is the Motivational Maps Indicator?

The Motivational Maps Indicator (MMI) is one of the few tools that can metrically measure and monitor motivation, enabling you to work on improving your own motivation (and in a team intervention, offers a sound metric to measure and improve the performance of your team members, all of whom will have a different MM profile). This means you can also re-measure motivation over time and demonstrate tangible benefits. You could say it starts where most diagnostic tools stop. The MMI validity is based on 3 well-established theories: • Schein who invented the term ‘corporate culture’ and who identified five possible career anchor constructs • Ichazo who designed the traditional Enneagram in the 1960's (based on the philosophies from mystical Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and ancient Greece), and • Maslow, the American psychologist best known for creating his hierarchy, a theory of human self-actualization Maslow's model, based on eons of human evolution, helps explain our deepest needs and motivations, seen below introducing the 9 motivations of the MMI:

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The Motivational Maps Indicator is a self-perception inventory and consists of a series of 38 multiple-choice questions that take less than 20 minutes to answer. With the MM web-based motivational scoring system, results are available instantaneously, producing your detailed 10 page report with a built in motivational percentage score, insightful descriptions, combined with clear and easy to interpret graphics. To date, around 8,500 people have completed a MM and research has found 99.9% accuracy. The developers of Motivational MapsTM have devised easy to understand names or labels for motivational ‘types’, which actually enables you, probably for the first time ever, to have a language that deals with ‘motivation’. The beauty of this is that it enables you not only to describe motivation, but to measure motivation too. If you can do this, it follows that you can therefore monitor it as well as maximise it. Unlike personality, motivation shifts and changes as your circumstances do. 2.

What are the Nine Motivations of Work?

People go to work for one of nine reasons. In fact, these nine reasons are grouped into three groups of three categories. Some people go to work for relationship reasons, some for achievement reasons, and some for self-development reasons:

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Why is motivation critical to performance?

Motivation is one part of the ‘Performance Triangle’: 1. 2. 3.

Direction set by business or organisational strategy: direction cannot of itself, deliver business success. Skills in the workforce, recruited to deliver on the strategy: skills and talent alone cannot deliver business success. Motivation drives individual and team performance, encapsulating individuals’ self-esteem, expectations and personality make-up. Levels of motivation, engagement and satisfaction can absolutely make or break operational performance and thus, business success.

So alongside Direction and Skills, is Motivation, the driver for success. With this in mind, Motivational Maps® Ltd has devised a helpful but simple formulae: Performance = Skills x Motivation (P=SM) A useful test is to ask yourself out of 10, where you rate your key skill sets, and then ask yourself how motivated you are in your current role. Like most of us, you probably have a learning and development plan focusing on building or honing your skills, but rarely do we have a plan for improving our own and maybe our team’s, motivation levels. The diagram over the page demonstrates a little of what the Motivational Map Indicator can achieve, ie the ability to deliver targeted and tangible improvements in your own, and / or your team’s motivational levels. It also enables you to target training and support for yourself, or for highly motivated individuals in your team, efforts that would deliver a rapid return on investment:

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Top Left Quadrant: highly motivated but low skilled individual (often new-starts) means taking steps to increase skill levels via training, learning and development – once you have identified what will really make them tick and perform at their best over time. Bottom Left Quadrant: low levels of motivation, low skill levels – basically this individual or team is going nowhere fast. A training needs analysis would be a wasted investment here without a serious examination of what comprises their motivational needs, without which performance improvement is unlikely. Top Right Quadrant: highly motivated and highly skilled, this type of person is up to 16x more productive than other folks. Coaching, mentoring, and sponsoring is a must to keep this person on board… and remember, any retention / career advancement strategy might not just be about giving them more money, advancement and recognition! Bottom Right Quadrant: low levels of motivation but highly skilled individual who can be extremely costly or damaging in certain circumstances, or whose health may be at risk. Again it’s really important to use their MMI to design a programme that can re-energise their level of motivation and hence improve their performance. As can be seen from the next diagram, ignoring what really makes most of us tick at work can lead to serious levels of staff disengagement, especially in challenging times when businesses are under pressure to contain costs and improve output. However research shows that staff or employee engagement can be hugely supported by the sensitive use of the Motivational Map Indicator: 5 and


How does the Motivational Map Indicator work?

The online questionnaire asks you which of the 9 motivations are most/least important to you, by a series of challenging multiple-choice questions. Discovering your motivation has never been easier. Once the Motivational Maps Indicator questionnaire is completed I will receive your report and debrief with you at a time of our choosing. The report ranks all your motivators, but more importantly, identifies your top three motivators and also your lowest motivator. It contains brief and clear descriptions of what you are looking for in your work or your career, the way you like to be managed and rewarded, and what will demotivate you or just leave you cold. Whether you are working with your own motivations, or those of your team, it will flush out some key issues and offer insights into your ‘driving forces’ and what needs to happen to achieve performance improvement and higher personal and professional satisfaction. So to reiterate, this powerful report will give you key tips and indicators into your motivation; whether your current role is satisfying your work related ‘inner needs’. But this is just the start, I can train team leaders and managers to understand and interpret the Motivational Maps Insight and how to use the information to manage, coach and motivate. 6 and


Levels of Motivation – the scoring system

The overall Motivation Audit score is an integral part of your Motivational Map, and is calculated by looking at your responses to the final 9 questions. Your report will give you an average score, as well as a score for how well each of your top 3 motivators are being satisfied. Your Motivational Audit score will fall into one of 4 quadrants (see the diagram below) and will help you to identify the type of action that is needed and possibly the speed of that action:

Action Zone: Scores between 0 - 35% means action is required to help you (or your team) improve your levels of motivation rapidly. If this low level of motivation continues for any significant length of time, it will have knock on effects on health, performance, and relationships etc. Risk Zone: Scores between 36 - 60% would indicate that you are at risk of losing focus and energy… fast! Some fairly quick thinking and planning is required to identify what would get you moving in the right direction. Boost Zone: If you or your team, have audit scores over 60%, I can support in identifying the action and strategies that will help you to improve on your levels of motivation over time. Optimal Zone: Audit scores over 80% shows you are highly motivated, however you can still develop an action plan to maintain these and / or even improve still further your motivation, dynamism and effectiveness in your current role. 6.

Where can the Motivational Map Indicator (MMI) be applied in my business or organisation?

v PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (self-image, self-awareness) The MMI offers a comprehensive understanding of how individuals should have their motivations met or maintained, and thus enhance performance. v MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT (appraisal rewards) The MMI can support a management team to better understand their our own motivators and those of other partners / directors. This then results in improved 7 and

communication, conflict resolution, smoother decision making, improves strategy policy and planning, and provides a sound basis for succession planning. v TEAM BUILDING (is your team fit for purpose?) The MMI can help with pinpointing exactly when and how to motivate key individuals, supporting improved communications and mitigating conflict and poor performance. v RECRUITMENT & TRAINING (improve value for money in selection and retention) The MMI can help you identify the right person for the right job. Job skills and experience are relatively easy to determine, but if their motivations are not met by the new role, you will have a demotivated and unhappy employee. Research shows that around 60% of new employees leave within six months at great cost to employers. The Motivational Maps Indicator will help you make the right decision for yourself, and/or for the business. v SALES (managing and improving performance) The MMI is the basis of the motivational selling process that addresses the psychology of buyer and seller behaviour as well as their skill set. Once you know the primary motivators of your sales force, you can tailor coaching and training and incentives precisely to their needs, making sure that you addressed their key motivational drivers. v PERFORMANCE (awareness, appropriate reward systems) The MMI can tell you the main motivators for your whole team and the primary motivators for the individuals. Most incentive programmes and bonus schemes do not achieve the desired objective - higher performance! Almost all of them are based on the assumption that money motivates. This is not necessarily the case, research proves that money is not the top of the motivational list for most of us, even salespeople, so what is? The answer of course is that we all differ. By utilising the information provided by the Motivational Maps, it is possible to design ‘low cost’ rewards strategies and the incentive schemes for staff that really work. v CAREER DEVELOPMENT (mapping, career choices) The MMI offers a robust insight into candidates for promotion, checking whether they have compatible motivators with the rest of team, the business, and their new role. Also, it may be time to make a new career choice and the Motivational Maps Indicator will help you and or your team member(s) make the right choice. Responsible outplacement employers can also use the tool as they release staff – helping them determine their next steps/direction. Do contact me, Kiki Maurey, if you’d like to discuss the Motivational Map Indicator and what it might mean for you, your team, and your business performance: 8 and


Where can I find out more?

You can contact me below to arrange for a confidential no-cost discussion about how your Motivational Map might: a. Explain what really motivates you, and how this might support your ambitions, or even explain why things might not be working for you right now. b. Improve the performance of your team(s) and your business. c. Better understand the motivational drivers of new hires / recruits. Kiki Maurey, MBA (Warwick), EMCC Qualified, Professional, Insured v v v v v

Motivational MapsTM Licensed Practitioner MBTI Step 1 Licensed Practitioner Thomas Kilman (TKI) Indicator Licensed Practitioner CareerLeader Licensee Approved to use the Warwick Business School Personal / Leader Competences

Mobile: 07760 270 392, and Skype: kikimaurey Email:, or

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