Interview Webinar: My professional career… a reflection of the development of geophysics in Venezuela José Regueiro the difficult decisions that he had to make during his career, and how these were part of his professional and personal learning process. Below the interview to José: - Natalí: What have been the challenges that you have faced through your professional experience? - José: The hardest challenges were make decisions. I consider that I had to take very easy decisions like accept scholarships and after don't have any problems with money. I had very good friends and advisors, so the biggest challenge was to overcome those decisions. - Natalí: In several parts of your presentation, you said that you had to make important decisions. What José Regueiro is a Ph.D. in Geophysics (1984) graduated from the University of Colorado, where he
variables do you consider that have to be taken into account when you make professional decisions?
previously obtained his B.Sc. (1978) and M.Sc.
- José: Every time you make a decision, you have
(1980) in Geophysical Engineering. José is specialist
to think about your near future. You have to define
in Seismic Technologies, AVO (Amplitude vs
your dreams and your goals. Once you make a
Offset), Seismic Inversion, Seismic Attributes,
decision you have to see how your goals are
Multicomponent Seismics and Integrated Seismic
achieved. I did things that I liked to do! Be happy!
Reservoir Characterization. Currently, he is Retired
Many people can't be happy because of circumstances
Full Professor in Applied Seismic Methods of the
but if you can manage your decisions of your career
Department of Earth Sciences of Simón Bolivar
and your future, the goal will make you a better and
University, President of Geociencias Virtuales C.A.
happier person. And whatever you do, do it happy,
that's the main thing.
International Instructor (Seismic Methodologies). The event was held the 29 of April and the talk
- Natalí: What are your best professional qualities and shortcomings?
was focused on motivating young people, students,
José: I would say perseverance even intuition and
and professionals within our profession so that they
creativity. Inventing things. Look for challenges. Do
are encouraged to make the decisions they deem
what you think is right and keep trying.
appropriate, which will lead them toward success in
- Natalí: What have you learned from your
their career and happiness at work. During the
professional/academic mistakes?
webinar, José told us about his past experiences and
- José: A lot of things. In my case it was not easy